Review of Lit

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(Reason/s Objectives in Conducting the Study

The main objective of this study of the present study is:

1. Assessing Comprehension Levels: Measure and compare the comprehension skills of high

school students exposed to varying amounts and types of digital media.

2. Analysing Media Influence: Investigate how different forms of digital media (social media,

video content, online articles) affect reading comprehension, critical thinking, and information


3. Exploring Learning Strategies: Explore effective learning strategies that might enhance

comprehension in the context of digital media consumption among high school students

4.Examining Attention Span and Focus: Analyze how digital media usage affects attention

span, focus, and the ability to concentrate on academic tasks.

5. Examining Attention Span and Focus: Analyze how digital media usage affects attention

span, focus, and the ability to concentrate on academic tasks.

This Chapter also contain the different ideas, generalizations, methodologies about the said

study. In this chapter it also helps us to familiarize the different information that is the same to

the current study.

Foreign Literatures
According to Larry Rosen, “Electronic communication is emotionally gratifying “

wherein it is one of the distractions on academic learning. He also noted that observers have seen

the students that they are technologically present and computer windows open in the learning

environment prior to studying. Then the students are more distracted through their social media,

texting or messaging through messenger or chatting, using video call and their inclinations is


And according to its study that those students who had used facebook had low GPA than those

who didn’t. And those students who had their study habits are likely to stay on task or

responsible for their studies. The implications of the studies had also shown that if we allow our

students to use short tech-nology breaks , they diminish disturbances and teaching the students

to have the metacognitive strategies concerning the interruptions which led to negative influence

in learning.

. There are some students who naturally love studying or reading, they can read

everything that they had grasp on their hands. There are those who don’t need encouragement

since they find enjoyment in reading. But for those students who struggle in interpreting words

may get frustrated needs more implementation of strategies.

Local Literatures

A. Bana ( 2022 )mentioned that the internet ubiquity or the fact of seeming everywhere

or of being very common, the ubiquity of mobile phones earnings, that seems there is no need to

watch" in education has submerged the teaching and learning process with the use of digital
tools and extremely changed many phases of academics in life, which also includes students'

reading habits.

1. Cognitive load theory examines how the design and complexity of digital media

influence information processing and learning. (Digital Device versus print )This theory would

explore the principles and ideas underlying the effects on the research on the decoding of

digital media among high school students in the decrease of reading Comprehension with digital


2. Multiliteracies theory highlights the diverse skills necessary to navigate various forms

of media for Comprehension.

3. Dual coding theory emphasizes how combining visual and verbal information in digital

media. Reading is a complex practice that no one can explain. The present study of the said title

gives about theoretical research of the reading assessment of the Grade 10 students of Poten and

Eliseo M. Quesada Memorial National High School. The researcher will analyze and examine

the reading habits and the comprehension of the learners through the Reading Assessment Test.

A total of 40 learners have answered the Pre-reading Assessment materials. And the data shows

that majority has answered the given test. There are 20 males and 20 females who participated in

the research.

The test was given on Monday and it was also submitted after a week.

This study aimed to determine the relationship on Decoding the influence of Digital media on the

reading comprehension among the selected students of Poten and Eliseo M. Quesada Memorial

National High School.


The main problem of the said research will be able to find out the following.

1. Did the learners have understood what they have read?

2. Does the score that they get during the test was reliable whether they have answered it

alone or did they ask anyone from their home to answer it?

3. Does the learners have enough time to understand the given materials

. :. The researcher will be able to find out the answers to the questions above?


The reading passage always follows a pattern that starts with the hypothesis in which the

suggested idea of how or what happened. Reading assessments also helps the teacher on their

day-to-day source. The teacher must know the student’s specific ability which will help the

teacher to place the students in appropriate reading groups and it will also create the main work

that promotes specific skill development.


Assessment is really an essential part of instruction as it also determines whether

the goals of education are being achieved. Assessment marks results about the grades, placement

curriculum and instructional needs.

Students. The students will be able to read proficiently, the learners must to master the

fluency, enhance vocabulary, and develops comprehension

Teachers. The teachers will immediately get feedback from the result, they will also

assess it individually through the result. And the teachers will also use testing application

techniques and quick-to-set assessments.

Parents A quick operational reading program contains assessments of definite reading

concepts for numerous purposes. The perseverance is to recognize skills that must be reviewed,

and also to monitor their students’ improvement, the parents will served as a guide as per

teacher’s instruction, and also determine the efficiency to deliver the teacher information on how

instruction can be done.

Master Teachers and Department Heads. They will serve as a guide to the teachers to

create powerful tools for teaching and creating effective reading assessment test to decode the

influence of the digital media in the reading comprehension of the students.


The scope of this study involves by asking the student to read a passage of a text that is

levelled properly for the learners, then questions being ask are explicitly detailed questions about

the content of the text. A running record includes reading comprehension, vocabulary, and word

analysis. At changeable levels of the assessment, comprehension is verified in terms of

individual word understanding, use of context clues and comprehension of literal and inferential

interpretations of texts.


(Term 1). Digital Media: Electronic content and information that is spread through digital

platforms, including but not limited to websites, social media, e-books, and online articles.

(Term 2.) Reading Comprehension: The capability to understand, interpret, and extract

meaning from written text, involving various mental processes such as decoding, vocabulary

knowledge, and inferential reasoning.

(Term 3 ) Media-induced Task-switching: The occurrence where individuals shift their

attention within studying and numerical media activities, like checking social media or chatting,

theoretically affecting cognitive processes.

( Term 4 ) Social Media: Online platforms that simplify the creation and sharing of content,

enabling social interaction and communication among users.

( Term 5 ) Online Communication: Interactions and exchanges of information that occur

through digital channels, surrounding email, messaging apps, and social media platforms.

( Term 6 ) Literacy Education: The process of developing and enhancing literacy skills,

including reading and critical thinking, often within an educational context.

( Term 7 ) Affordances of Technology: The advantages or opportunities that digital

technologies provide for users, influencing how individuals interact with and perceive


( Term 8 ) Collaborative Learning: An instructional approach where students engage in joint

efforts to achieve learning goals, often facilitated by digital tools and technologies.

( Term 9 ) Ecologies of Literacy: The interconnected and dynamic systems that influence

literacy practices, encompassing cultural, social, and technological factors.

( Term 10 ) Orthography: The conventional spelling system of a language, examining how the

characteristics of a writing system impact reading and comprehension.

( Term 11 ) Metacognitive Analysis: The process of thinking about and regulating one's own

cognitive processes, including awareness and control of comprehension strategies during

( Term 12 ) Cognitive Processes: Mental operations involved in understanding and processing

information, such as perception, attention, memory, and reasoning.

( Term 13 ) Time Pressure: The constraint of limited time during tasks or assessments,

potentially affecting the cognitive and metacognitive processes involved in reading


(Term 14) Genre Preferences: Individual preferences or choices concerning the types of written

or digital content, such as fiction, non-fiction, news, or educational materials.

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