Review of Literature

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Review of literature is one of the most important

steps in the research process.
It is an account of what is already known about a
particular phenomenon.
The main purpose of literature review is to convey
to the readers about the work already done & the
knowledge & ideas that have been already
established on a particular topic of research.
Literature review is a laborious task, but it is
essential if the research process is to be
A literature review uses as its database reports of
primary or original scholarship & does not report
new primary scholarship itself. The primary reports
used in the literature may be verbal, but in the vast
majority of cases, report are written documents. The
types of scholarship may be empirical, theoretical,
critical/analytic, or methodological in nature.
Second a literature review seeks to describe,
summarize, evaluate, clarify &/or integrate the
content of primary reports.
…(H.M. Cooper, 1988)
• A literature review is an evaluative report of information
found in the literature related to selected area of study. The
review describes, summarizes, evaluates & clarifies this
literature. It gives a theoretical base for the research & helps
to determine the nature of research.
…(Queensland University, 1999)
• A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the
critical points of knowledge on a particular topic of research.
…(ANM, 2000)
• A literature review is an account of what has been already
established or published on a particular research topic by
accredited scholars & researchers.
…(University of Toronto, 2001)
Identification of a research problem & development or
refinement of research questions.
Generation of useful research questions or
projects/activities for the discipline.
Orientation to what is known & not known about an
area of inquiry to ascertain what research can best
contribute to knowledge.
Determination of any gaps or inconsistencies in a body
of knowledge.
Discovery of unanswered questions about subjects,
concepts or problems.
Determination of a need to replicate a prior study in
different study settings or different samples or size or
Identification of relevant theoretical or conceptual
framework for research problems.
Identification or development of new or refined
clinical interventions to test through empirical
Description of the strengths & weaknesses of
design/methods of inquiry & instruments used in
earlier research work.
Development of hypothesis to be tested in a research
Helps in planning the methodology of the present
research study.
It also helps in the development of research
The purpose of a literature review is to convey to
the reader previous knowledge & facts established
on a topic, & their strength & weakness.
The literature review allows the reader to be
updated with the state of research in a field & any
contradictions that may exist with challenges
findings of other research studies.
It helps to develop research investigative tools & to
improve research methodologies.
It also provide the knowledge about the problems
faced by the previous researchers’ while studying
same topic.
Besides enhancing researchers’ knowledge about
thewwtwo.dprjaiyces,hpwatidrairt.binloggspoat.colmiteraturereview helps to:
Place each in the context of its contribution to the
understanding of subject under review.
Describe the relationship of each study to other
research studies under consideration.
Identify new ways to interpret & shed light on any
gaps in previous research.
Resolve conflicts amongst seemingly contradictory
previous studies.
Identify areas of prior scholarship to prevent
duplication of effort.
Point a way forward for further research.
See what has & has not been investigated.
Develop general explanation for observed variations
in a behavior or phenomenon.
Identify potential relationship between concepts & to
identify researchable hypothesis.
Learn how others have defined & measured key
Identify data sources that other researchers have
Develop alternative research projects.
Discover how a research project is related to the
work of others.
Place one’s original work (in case of thesis or
diswswewr. drtjaayetsihopantid) n te x tof the existing literature.
l og spo m
Literature can be reviewed from
two sources:
1. Primary sources
2. Secondary sources
1. Primary Sources
Literature review mostly relies on primary sources,
i.e. research reports, which are description of studies
written by researchers who conducted them.
A primary sources is written by a person who
developed the theory or conducted the research, or is
the description of an investigation written by the
person who conducted it.
Most primary sources are found in published
For example, a nursing research article.
Example of a primary source: An original qualitative on
A credible literature review reflects the use of mainly
patient experiences in the ICU: Hupcey, J. E. (2000). Feeling
primary sources.
safe the psychosocial needs of ICU patients. Journal of
Nursing Scholarship, 32:361-367.
Secondary Sources
source research documents are
description of studies prepared by someone other
than the original researcher.
They are written by people other than the
individuals who developed the theory or conducted
the research.
The secondary sources may be used when
primary sources are not available or if researchers
patient experiences in the ICU: Stein-Parbury, J. & Mckinley,
(2000)the results
patient of their own
experiences research.
of being in an intensive care
unit: a select literature review. American Journal of critical
care, 9:20-27.
Magazines Electronic
& database

Research Books
Reports of
Encyclopedia review

Theses Conference
1. Electronic Sources:
Computer-assisted literature search has
revolutionized the review of literature.
These searches, however, for a variety of
reasons may not provide the desired
Electronic literature search through web may
be very useful, but sometimes it can be time
consuming & unpredictable because there are
many website & web pages that can lead to
information overload & confusion.
General literature search can be conducted
through search engines like Yahoo
(, Google
(, MSN search, Lycos,
WebCrawler, Alta Vista, or Excite.
The most relevant nursing databases are as
CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing & Allied
Health Literature): Accessible at, it citations of nursing
literature published after 1988. Even full-text
articles are available on CINAHL plus, a paid web
PubMed: PubMed can be used to search research
t idavra
. bloiglsapobc.tloem at
MEDLINE (Medical Literature Analysis &
Count… System Online): It is another electronic
source of literature review commonly used by
nurses. The National Library of Medicine provides
free access to MEDLINE through PubMed, available
at or generally,
abstracts of research articles are provided free of
cost; some of the full-text copies are also freely
available & some others are available for a free.
Cochrane Database of System Reviews: Health
care-related literature can be searched from this
source, available at
ERIC: The ERIC database is the largest source of
eduwcwwa.dtrjiaoyenshpiantidfao.brrlomgspaottc.ioomn.A free search may be carried
Registry of Nursing Research: Sigma Theta Tau
International Honor Society of Nursing makes this
database available through its Virginia Henderson
International Nursing Library. Access to this
database has been redesigned & made easier for
users to obtain evidence & scientific findings from
more than 2,200 research article & conference
abstracts. The research abstracts are searched via
key words, author, & title of the research study.
Free access to this database may be found at
psycINFO: The psycINFO database belongs to American
Psychological Association, & covers literature from
psychological or related disciplinesw. wIwtd.mrjaayeyshpbaetidas.e
r bloagsrpcoht.ceomdat
Online Journals: Following are the website addresses for
journals & magazines that are available online:
Other online databases: Many other online database can be
searched for free by nurses from the following websites: (HIV/AIDS information) (information on hazardous
agents) (combined health information
database) (toxicology database network)
Cancer Lit (Cancer literature)
EMBASE (exerpta Medica Database)
ETOH (Alcohol & alcohol problems science database)
Health STAR (Health services technology administration
& research)
Radix (Nursing managed care databse)
CD-ROM (Compact disc-read only memory) with research
2. Printed Sources:
Printed sources are also used for literature review.
Printed research summary may be located from
published abstracts such as Nursing Research
Abstract, Psychological Abstracts, Dissertation Abstract
International, Masters Abstract International, etc.
References of the other printed sources may be located
through indexes such as cumulative Index to Nursing &
Allied Health Literature, Nursing Studies Index, & Index
Following are the main printed sources that can be
used to review the relevant literature:

Jouwwrwn.darjalyses:hpTatihdaer.brloegspaotr.ceomseveral National & International

journals which can be used to review the research-
Name of national nursingNames of international journals
journals Nursing Research
Nursing & Midwifery Research in Nursing & Health
Research Journal
Nursing Sciences Quarterly
Indian journal of Nursing
Research & Midwifery Western Journal of Nursing
The nursing Journal of
India Applied Nursing Research
Nightingale Nursing Biological Research for Nursing
Times Advances in Nursing Sciences
International Journal of Clinical Nursing Research
Nursing Education Worldviews on Evidence-Based
Indian Journal of Nursing Nursing
Studies Journal of Qualitative Research
American Journal of Nursing

Research reports
Unpublished dissertations & theses
Magazines & newspapers
Conference papers & proceedings
Encyclopedias & dictionaries
Thematic More
Bibliography reading

• A bibliography is a comprehensive list of
sources that an individual has consulted or
cited in their research, academic work, or
written project. It typically appears at the end of
a document and provides information about
each source to allow readers to locate the
referenced materials.
• Common elements in a bibliography entry
include the author's name, title of the work,
publication date, publisher, and, if applicable,
the page numbers or URL
• Creating an annotated bibliography involves summarizing
and evaluating sources you've used for a research
project. Each entry typically includes a citation followed
by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph. Here's
an example of how you might format an annotated
bibliography entry:
• 1. Author, A. (Year). Title of the Article. Journal Name,
Volume(Issue), Page Range. DOI/Publisher.
• In this article, Author A explores [main topic]. The study
examines [specific aspects of the topic] and presents [key
findings]. The author employs [research methods],
providing [strengths and limitations of the study]. The
information from this source is valuable for my research
because [explain how it contributes to your project].
Stage I – Annotated Bibliography
At this stage, researchers read articles,
books & other types of literature related to the
topic of research & write a brief critical
synopsis of each review.
After going through the reading list,
researchers will have an annotation of each
source of related literature.
Later, annotations are likely to include more
references of other work since previous
readings will be available to compare, but at
this point the important goal is to get accurate

• 1. Author, A. (Year). Title of the Article.

Journal Name, Volume(Issue), Page Range.
• In this article, Author A explores [main topic].
The study examines [specific aspects of the
topic] and presents [key findings]. The author
employs [research methods], providing
[strengths and limitations of the study]. The
information from this source is valuable for my
research because [explain how it contributes to
your project].
Stage II – Thematic Organization
At this stage, researchers try to find common
themes of research topic & organize the
literature under these themes, subthemes, or
Here, researchers try to organize literature
under themes, which relate to each other &
are arranged in a chronological manner.
Researchers try to establish coherence
between themes & literature discussed under
theses themes.
Stage III – More Reading
Based on the knowledge gained through primary
reading, researchers have a better understanding about
the research topic & the literature related to it.
At this stage, researchers try to discover specific
literature materials relevant to the field of study or
research methodologies which are more relevant for
their research.
They look for more literature by those authors, on those
methodologies, etc.
Also, the researchers may be able to set aside some
less relevant areas or articles which they pursued
They integrate the new readings into their literature
revwiewww.drjadyersahpfatt,idarreb.ologrsgpoac.tnomizethemes, &
At this stage, researchers start writing the literature
under each thematic section by using previously
collected draft of annotations.
Here they organize the related articles under each
theme by ensuring that every article is related to
each other.
Furthermore, related articles may be grouped
together by ensuring the coherence between
different segments of the literature abstracts.
For each thematic sections, draft annotations are
used (it is a good idea to reread the articles & revise
annotations, especially the ones read initially) to
writwewwa.drjasyeeshcpattiidoarn.blowgsphotic.comhdiscusses the articles relevant
While writing reviews, the researchers focus on
the theme of that section, showing how the
articles relate to each other & to the theme,
rather than focusing on writing each individual
The articles are used as evidence to support the
critique of the theme rather than using the theme
as an angle to discuss each article individually.
Stage V – Integrate Sections
In this section, researchers have a list of
the thematic sections & they tie them
together with an introduction, conclusion, &
some additions & revisions in the sections
to show how they relate to each other & to
the overall theme.

Conclusio ELEMENTS Body

Writing the Introduction…
While writing the introduction, following steps should
be taken care of:
Define or identify the general topic, issue, or area of
concern, thus, providing appropriate context for
reviewing the literature.
Point out overall trends in what has been published
about the topic or conflicts in theory, methodology,
evidence, & conclusion or gaps in research &
scholarship, or a single problem or new perspective
of immediate interest.
Establish the writer’s point of view for reviewing the
literature, explain the criteria to be used in analyzing
& cwowmw.dprjaayesrhipnatgidarlb.itloegsrpaott.cuomre& organization or review
Writing the Body…
Following measures need to be undertaken while writing
the body of the literature.
Group research studies & other types of literature
(reviews, theoretical articles, case studies) according to
common denominators such as qualitative versus
quantitative approaches, conclusions of authors, specific
purposes or objectives, chronology, & so on.
Summarize individual studies or articles with as much as
or as little detail as each merits according to its
comparative importance in the literature, remembering
that space denotes significance.
Assist the reader with strong ‘umbrella' sentences at the
beginning of paragraphs, signpost throughout, & brief
‘so what’ summary sentences at intermediate points in
Writing the Conclusion…
The points to be taken care of in the conclusion are
as follows:
Summarize major contributions of significant
studies & articles to the body of knowledge under
review, maintaining the focus established in the
Evaluate the current ‘state of the art’ for the body of
knowledge reviewed, pointing out major
methodological flaws or gaps in research,
inconsistencies in theory, & finding & areas or
issues pertinent to future study.
Cownwwcd.lrujaydesehpabtidya.brplogrsopovc.tiodmingsome insight into the
relationship between central topic of the literature
Example of a bad

• Sexual harassment has many consequences.

Adams, Kottke, & Padgitt (1983) found that some
women students said that they avoided taking a
class or working with certain professors because
of the risk of harassment. They also found that
men & of
Example women
a betterstudents
reviewreacted differently. Their
The victims of was
sexualconducted through
harassment suffer a rangeaofsurvey of from lowered
1,000 men
self-esteem & loss&ofwomen graduate
self-confidence & undergraduate
to withdrawal from social interaction,
changed career Benson &
goals, & depression (Adams, Kottke, & Padgitt, 1983; Benson &
Thomson, 1982; Dziech & Weiner, 1990). For example, Adams, Kottke, & Padgitt
• Thomson’s
(1983) study
noted that 13% in social
of women Problem
students (1982)
said that lists taking a class or
they avoided
working problems created
certain professors by sexual
because harassment.
of the risk of harassment.
In their excellent book, the Lecherous Professor,
Be specific & be succinct:
Briefly state specific findings listed in an article,
specific methodologies used in a study, or other important points.
Literature reviews are not the place for long quotes or in-depth
analysis of each point.
Be selective:
Researcher should narrow down a lot of information into a
small space for literature review. Just the most important points
(i.e. those most relevant to the review’s focus) must be mentioned
in each work of review.
Focus of current topics:
Researcher needs to analyse points such as if it is a
current article, & if not, how old it is: has its claims, evidence, or
arguments been superseded by more recent work; if it is not
current, then if it is important for historical background ; etc.
Ensure evidence for claims:
Researcher should focus on what support is given for
claims made in literature. What evidence & what type
(experimental, statistical, anecdotal, etc.) of evidences are
offered? Is the evidence relevant & sufficient? What
arguments are given? What assumptions are made, & are they
Focus on sources of evidences:
Researchers should ensure the reliability of the sources
of the evidence or other information – if they are from
author’s own experiments, surveys, historical records,
government documents, etc. He should check how reliable
those sources are.
Account of contrary evidences:
Does the author take into account contrary or conflicting
evidence & arguments? How does the author address disagreements
with other researchers?
Reference citation:
Any references cited in the literature review must be included
in the bibliography. The common practice is that the reviewer does
not list references in the bibliography that are not directly cited in
the literature review or elsewhere in the paper /thesis.
Avoid abbreviations:
Avoid technical terms, jargons & abbreviations.
Simple & accurate sentence structure:
A researcher should use simple sentences & must
avoid errors of grammar & punctuation
Organization of literature review:
Count…A literature review is organized by subtopic, not by individual
references. In a typical literature review, the writers may cite
several references in the same paragraph & may cite the same
reference in more than one paragraph, if that source address more
than one of the subtopics in the literature review. Typically,
discussion of each sources is quite brief. The contribution the
present reviewers make is organizing the ideas from the sources
into a cogent argument or narrative that includes their perspectives.
Referring original source:
The reviewer should focus on citing the material that
originates with each reference. This may require a careful reading
of the reference. If the reference author refers to another source
whose ideas are relevant or interesting, it is better to track & use
that original reference.

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