Preliminary Questions 16th Henry Dunant Moot Court Competition 2024

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16th Henry Dunant IHL Moot Court

Competition, Pakistan National Round, 24-26

September 2024

Please find below Preliminary IHL questions, background information, and

instructions for submitting your response. The answers to these questions will be
used to select twelve teams from Pakistan's universities and other tertiary
educational institutions to compete in the Pakistan National Round of the 16th Henry
Dunant Moot Court Competition, 24 –26 September 2024. The selection will be final
and not open to appeal.

Following the submission of your answers on 02 August 2024 -

1. Teams that have not been selected for the Pakistan National Round, 2024 will be
informed via email by 22nd August 2024. These teams will still be eligible to register
for the competition next year (2025).

2. Teams that have been selected for the Pakistan National Round (total of 12 teams)
will be informed via email before 1700hrs, on 22nd August 2024. These teams will
also be sent the following documents:

a) The Moot Court Problem for the Pakistan National Round, and;

b) Instructions for the submission of memorials. In the weeks that follow (before 12th
September 2024), teams that have been selected for the Pakistan National Round will
also be sent travel and accommodation details, and other relevant information for the

Please note that these teams will not be eligible to register for the competition next
year (2025).


1. Each team must submit their answers to the following questions by 1700hrs on 2 nd
August 2024.

2. Answers must be sent as a Word or PDF attachment to an email.

3. Answers must be sent to [email protected] and [email protected]

4. In total, answers to all the questions should not exceed 6 pages including citations
and references (typed, single line spacing, Arial font, size 12, page size A4).
5. The Word or PDF attachment (the answers) should not mention the university
/ educational institution's name, name of the Coach / team members or any other
information that would enable the Judges to identify the authors. Instead, the
answers must include the 'Team Code', which has been provided to you in the
email to which this document is attached. If you have any doubt about your “Team
Code”, please contact Aamena Gilani at [email protected] or Usman Khan at
[email protected].


Each of the set of questions will be marked out of 10 (50 total) based on the
following criteria:

 Clarity: 2 marks. Teams are expected to answer the question clearly.

 Reasoning: 4 marks. Teams are expected to explain their answer.
 References: 2 marks. Teams are expected to refer to and cite the relevant
provisions of international law.
 Coherence: 2 marks. Teams are expected to write in clear, coherent English.

IMPORTANT: Please ensure that all work submitted is original. Plagiarism,

including copying from other sources is strictly prohibited and may result in


Many teams may not have studied international humanitarian law prior to this
competition. To help you get started, here are some useful resources:

1. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols are available


2. Basic Rules of the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols can be
downloaded here:

3. Interpretive Guidance on the notion of direct participation in hostilities under IHL

is available on link:

4. Customary International Humanitarian Law :

5. ICRC Advisory Service:

ihl/advisory- service/
Please answer the following questions, giving legal support in IHL treaty and/or
customary IHL, as well as case law for your answers:

Situation 1:
A liberation army from Gamma State, based in the neighboring country of Borderland,
seeks to overthrow the government of Gamma. To carry out this coup, they recruit a
group of mercenaries from various countries to carry out operations against Gamma.

The mercenaries, now organized as an armed group, plan their actions in Borderland
with the knowledge of local authorities. They successfully infiltrate Gamma's territory
and execute operations.

i. How will this armed conflict be classified? Give a detailed analysis of the
ii. Is IHL applicable to mercenaries? When captured can they be prisoners of
iii. Analyse the actions taken by the mercenaries in light of your knowledge of

Situation 2:
During a conflict between the states of Alpha and Beta – both signatories to the
Geneva Conventions – a fighter jet from Alpha makes an emergency landing within the
borders of Beta’s territory, while still armed. Before the armed forces of Beta State can
apprehend the pilot, he is killed by local residents.

In a widely broadcasted press conference, the Defence Minister of the State of Alpha
said: "The execution of our pilot was a gross violation of International Law. The state
of Beta will have to face repercussions for these actions."

i. Was it lawful for the civilians to kill the enemy pilot? Would your answer be
different if it is concluded in the investigation that he refused to surrender?
ii. In a situation like this, what legal recourse for counterattacks should the
state of Alpha pursue? Furthermore, what actions would be considered

Situation 3:
Ten soldiers of the occupying forces are killed by a bomb explosion, during curfew in
an occupied territory. Those responsible for the explosion manage to flee. In
retaliation, the occupying forces transfer several detained resistance fighters to a
neighboring country (not party to the conflict) and proceed to burn and seize civilian
i. Can the actions of both the resistance fighters and the occupying forces be
justified under IHL?
ii. Will the military commander(s) responsible for the actions against the
detainees and civilians/civilian objects face punishment?
iii. What role can the judiciary play in the implementation of IHL in the given

Situation 4:
Betterlands and Chenofyl are involved in an international armed conflict. As hostilities
escalate and more soldiers are wounded, Betterlands is enlisting doctors within its
medical services, including those who are citizens of Chenofyl, and threatening them
with detention if they refuse to assist wounded Betterlands soldiers on the battlefield.

Additionally, the armed forces of Betterlands plans to display the red cross emblem on
the building housing the medical services.
i. Can doctors be compelled to work in such a manner? Is it lawful to threaten
them with detention if they refuse?
ii. Is it permissible for the medical services building to display the emblem?

Situation 5:
Riverton, a state party to the Geneva Conventions, has not declared a state of war with
a neighbouring country, Highland, asserting that it is only conducting law enforcement
operations. After continued hostilities, commanders on both sides agree to a ceasefire
to assist and care for the wounded. An ICRC unit arrives in the border area of
Highland, escorted by a [Highland] armed soldier for protection. The medical unit is to
assist both the wounded from Highland and Riverton, without distinction.

The ICRC team provides aid to an enemy soldier. However, while treating other
injured individuals, the enemy soldier suddenly fires at the escorting soldier but
misses. The soldier prepares to return fire, but the attacker then raises his hands in


i. What is the importance of not recognizing a state of war?

ii. Where can the legal framework for such a ceasefire be found?
iii. How should the conduct of the wounded soldier and the response of the
escorting soldier be assessed? Discuss in light of sources of IHL.

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