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Infrastructure | Buildings | Industrial structures

Expansion joints

mageba expansion joints –

for lasting driving comfort


robust, reliable, quiet
Expansion joints

Product characteristics & benefits

Principle Drainage channel
The mageba TENSA®FINGER RSFD cantile- Beneath the expansion joint, a watertight
ver finger joint has proven itself for use in drainage channel of flexible material or
bridges with heavy traffic loading and for stainless steel is attached. This features
movements between 60 mm and 500 mm. rounded end-pieces at both ends, and a
The joint’s robust steel edge profiles have flexible discharge outlet at its low point
strong anchor loops for concreting to the for connection to the bridge’s drainage
main structure, resulting in excellent fa- system. The channel can be easily flushed
tigue resistance. The cantilevering finger clear of any gathered sediment during pe-
plates are connected to the steel profiles riodic bridge cleaning activities. To facilita-
by pre-tensioned friction-grip bolts. Be- te this, an external hose connection point
neath the finger plates, a watertight drai- can optionally be provided in the non-
nage channel, which is dimensioned to fa- trafficked part of the joint. If desired, the
cilitate all joint movements, is connected channel can also be delivered with a dirt-
to the edge profiles. The TENSA®FINGER repellent surface, reducing cleaning effort 2
expansion joint is suited to both asphalted to an absolute minimum.
and concreted road surfacing. Shuttering plates
For greater movements, together with Steel shuttering plates not only provide
high traffic loading, mageba recommends support to the fresh concrete during pou-
the statically better suited TENSA®FINGER ring, considerably reducing construction
GF sliding finger joint, to minimise the effort, but also serve as a connection sur-
transfer of moment to the supporting face for the drainage channel. They can al-
structures. ternatively be made from stainless steel to
enhance their durability.
Noise-reducing surfacing
The geometry of the cantilevering fingers
avoids a straight transverse gap in the car-
riageway. The wheels of over-rolling vehic-
les thus maintain constant contact with
the expansion joint’s surface, reducing
the noise caused by impacts with the gap
edge. This results in low noise emissions
and high driver comfort. TENSA®FINGER 1 Interlocking of the cantilevering fingers
cantilever finger expansion joints are thus 2 Expansion joint surface featuring
ideal for use on bridges near residential grip-enhancing pattern
areas or in other noise-sensitive zones. 3 Drainage channel with shuttering plates
4 Hose connection point for cleaning of drainage
Surface profiling channel
To improve the ability of vehicle wheels to
grip the surface of the joint’s finger plates,
they can optionally be delivered with a Benefits
2mm-deep surface pattern. This improves • Robust, durable construction with
traffic safety, especially on joints with large well-proven design
movements and thus large surface areas. • Use of high-quality materials en-
sures a long service life
• Optimised life-cycle costs due to
high product quality
• Improved noise protection thanks to
interlocking of cantilever fingers
• 100 %-water tightness thanks to spe-
cially developed drainage channel
• Adapts easily to suit different road
surfacing thicknesses

Expansion joints

Material properties & dimensions

Materials Main dimensions
The following high-quality materials are Type RSFD-A (for asphalt connection)
used in the manufacture of TENSA®FINGER • Expansion joint for asphalted roads
expansion joints: with surfacing thicknesses of between
• Edge profiles of S235 and S355 steel 50 and 250 mm
• Finger plates of S355 steel • Edge profiles feature flanges for connec-
• Drainage channel of EPDM, soft PVC or tion of deck waterproofing membrane
stainless steel, according to customer • Well-proven, fatigue-tested loop ancho-
preference rages

Corrosion protection Cross-section: Type RSFD-A

The steel profiles are treated with cor-
rosion protection systems based on ISO
12944 as standard, or on applicable nati- A

onal standards (e.g. ZTV-ING, ASTRA, RVS,

ACQPA) as required.
B tmin / tmax B

Type RSFD-B (for concrete connection)

• Expansion joint for concreted roads or
• Well-proven, fatigue-tested loop ancho-

Cross-section: Type RSFD-B


B tmin / tmax B

Movement A A Weight Weight

B tmin tmax
Type capacity RSFD-A* RSFD-B RSFD-A* RSFD-B
mm mm mm mm mm mm kg/m kg/m
RSFD 60 60 ≥ 295 ≥ 240 ≥ 270 70 130 112 75
RSFD 80 80 ≥ 295 ≥ 240 ≥ 270 70 150 130 82 1 RSFD joint with asphalt connection
RSFD 100 100 ≥ 295 ≥ 240 ≥ 270 70 170 129 93 2 Waterproofing with membrane connection
RSFD 120 120 ≥ 325 ≥ 242 ≥ 270 84 204 179 102 flange
RSFD 140 140 ≥ 295 ≥ 242 ≥ 270 84 224 154 120 3 RSFD joint with concrete connection
RSFD 160 160 ≥ 295 ≥ 250 ≥ 270 88 248 187 143
RSFD 180 180 ≥ 325 ≥ 284 ≥ 305 108 288 198 176
RSFD 200 200 ≥ 325 ≥ 284 ≥ 305 102 302 213 203
RSFD 250 250 ≥ 330 ≥ 296 ≥ 305 132 382 254 250
RSFD 300 300 ≥ 335 ≥ 306 ≥ 305 142 442 294 290
RSFD 350 350 ≥ 350 ≥ 320 ≥ 305 190 540 375 328
RSFD 400 400 ≥ 360 ≥ 330 ≥ 305 240 640 429 382
RSFD 450 450 ≥ 365 ≥ 335 ≥ 318 174 624 498 443
RSFD 500 500 ≥ 370 ≥ 350 ≥ 368 144 644 583 504
*) For 80mm asphalt layer thickness

Expansion joints

Quality & support

Quality Installation Customer support
For five decades, mageba expansion joints The expansion joint is pre-assembled in Our product specialists will be pleased to
have proven their worth in thousands of the factory and fixed at the desired pre- advise you in the selection of the optimal
structures under the most demanding setting value (gap width) by cross-beams. solution for your project, and to provide
conditions. In addition to the product pro- mageba installation technicians precisely you with a quotation.
perties, the extensive experience of our position the joint on the main structure, On our website,, you
well-qualified manufacturing and installa- and fix its anchorages to the structure’s re- will find further product information, in-
tion staff also contributes to the high qua- inforcement. The concrete is then poured, cluding reference lists and tender docu-
lity and durability of the products. fully securing the joint to the bridge. mentation.
mageba has a process-orientated quality
system that is certified in accordance with Related products
ISO 9001:2008. Quality is also regularly The following mageba products can be
inspected by independent institutes, such used in combination with TENSA®FINGER
as the materials testing body (MPA) of the cantilever finger joints:
University of Stuttgart. mageba factories • ROBO®DUR: Strengthening ribs of spe-
are certified for welding in accordance cial mortar, which reinforce the asphalt
with ISO 3834-2, and according to the cur- adjacent to the joint. These reduce rut-
rent steel construction standard EN 1090. ting while increasing driver comfort and
the durability of the joint
Tests and national approvals
• ROBO®MUTE: Noise-protection system,
TENSA®FINGER cantilever finger joints consisting of mats placed beneath the
have been subjected to extensive testing joint to reduce noise emissions
and analysis to verify their properties and
• ROBO®GRIP: Anti-skid coating with
performance. The anchorage, for examp-
high coefficient of friction, preventing
le, has been thoroughly tested in dynamic
skidding of over-rolling vehicles in wet
fatigue tests, with 2 × 106 load cycles at a
frequency of 2.75 Hz and loads of up to
140 kN. Under this loading, the anchorage • STATIFLEX®: Strengthening strip of
fulfilled the demanding requirements of quick-hardening polymer concrete
the Austrian RVS 15.45 standard. The sys- along the side of an expansion joint,
tem has been awarded national approvals which reduces rutting while increasing
in numerous countries around the world, driver comfort and joint durability
such as Switzerland and Austria.

Reference projects TENSA®FINGER RSFD

Viaducto de Trapagaran (ES) Can Tho Bridge (VN) Andrej Sacharovbruggen (NL) Audubon Bridge (USA) Weyermannshaus (CH) Unterlandautobahn (CH)

mageba expansion joint types

Single gap joints Cantilever finger joint Sliding finger joints Modular expansion joints

2024.03 CH-EN ©mageba [email protected] –

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