EPISTEMIA (CASE) Delegate Handbook 2024

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Beyond Theses. Beyond

7th and 8th August 2024
Motion to Commence Session
Roll Call - Present/Present and Voting
Open Representative Proposals List (60s)
Informal/Formal Deliberation
Back to Representative Proposals List
Adjourn for Day I

Motion to Commence session
Conundrum Session
Continue with Day 1 flow
Questions by Press
Presenting final working dissertation
Motion for Chai pe Charcha (CPC)
Adjourn for day 2
- Any delegate who misuses their liberties and engages
in unruly or unwelcome behaviour can be suspended by
the Executive Board till further notice.
- Disturbing or intruding in the midst of some other
delegate speaking, or disturbing the proceedings is not
welcome and can be met with severe consequences.
- Cross talk amongst delegates is not encouraged.
- Use of unparliamentary, informal, or harsh and curt
language is prohibited during the proceedings.
- Delegates must stick to the verbatim and must raise
motions only when the floor is opened for the same.
- Respect for one’s opinion, even if it contradicts another
member’s interests, is encouraged by the Executive Board,
and marked as well.
The Rules of Procedure (ROP) are adhered to diligently to
uphold decorum and order throughout the conference.
These rules and procedures are implemented to foster an
environment conducive to effective and structured
debate. It is of paramount importance for every delegate
to comprehend these rules and procedures thoroughly, as
this understanding is crucial for maximising their
conference experience. By following the ROP, participants
contribute to a well-organised and productive discourse,
ensuring the success and positive outcomes of the
-Commencement Verbatim
- The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to commence the formal session for the day.

- Roll call (present/ present and voting)*

- Representative Proposals List Verbatim:

The delegate of would like to raise a motion to
establish the Representative Proposals List.

RPL (Representative proposals list):

List of speakers that shall be allotted on the
commencement of the first session, with the order being
decided by the Scientific Officer based on the order of
raised placards. The delegates would speak about the
committees main agenda or any general point (related to
the agenda) they want to raise.
The Exhaustion of Representative Proposals List would
lead to dissolution and disqualification of the
committee , hence upon nearing the end of the list,
either more speakers are to be added to the list or a
motion is to be raised on the adjournment of
Representative Proposals List to move into Formal
- The internet shall not be used.


Delegates would be speaking about the sub-agenda that
they voted for.

- The internet shall not be used

Verbatim to begin the Formal Deliberation:

The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to start the Formal deliberation on the topic
with the total duration of mins
and seconds allotted to each speaker.
- Voting
- Delegates add their name to the FD list
- The FD continues till the time decided has elapsed
- The committee moves to RPL after the FD has
concluded unless the delegates have any motions.
Verbatim for extension of time for Formal deliberation:

Verbatim to begin Informal Deliberation:

The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to start the Informal deliberation with a total time of
- The communication will no longer be directed
towards the Executive Board, and the executive
board while keeping a check on active participants
but will not be actively involved in the proceedings.
- The internet may be used.
- ID can be raised for a maximum of 7-10 minutes

Points that can be raised:

1. Point of personal concession: Can be raised any
time during the proceedings (as specified by the EB).

- Used when you experience some discomfort which

hinders you from participating fully in the committee
proceedings (e.g. it is too cold in the room, you can't
hear the speaker, etc.)

 This point may interrupt a speaker if the purpose is

to get him to speak more loudly. V
 The delegate is to raise the placard and the
Executive Board will then grant the request if
deemed valid.

2. Point of Parliamentary enquiry : This can be raised at

any point of time during the committee proceedings
(as specified by the EB)
- Used to ask any questions about procedure that you
may have. Questions can be directed at Executive
Board once again through a chit.
- All the chits be it those directed toward the Executive
Board, will go through the Executive Board which
shall maintain a note of the number and content of the
chits sent.

3. Point of Clarification:
It is the right to ask a question to another delegate. It is
used only when the rules permit it, namely only during
formal debate when a delegate yields their remaining time
to questions (these questions are named points of
information). Or the time yielded to the Executive Board is
decided by the Executive Board to have the floor open for
questions. (Logical Fallacy and Factual Inaccuracy)

 The delegate in question can choose to answer via a

chit as well.
 Both the request to raise a question and the answer
will be directed towards the Executive Board
4. Point of uncertainty:
Used when you believe a mistake of procedure has been
made, e.g. where someone was skipped on the Speaker's
list, or the wrong voting procedure was used for a matter.

 You can also ask for the source to a delegate (But

only when the Executive Board asks for any points on
the floor) (shown only to Executive Board)
 The delegate must raise the placard and the EB will
then grant the request if deemed valid.
From Representative (XYZ)
To Executive Board
[(only to get it recognized) (for informal, no need)]
Addressed to Representative (ABC)


If in the formal deliberation, any speaker has some
time left unused from the allocated time they can:

● Yield to the Executive Board –

That is the remaining time will be yielded to the

executive board which will decide how to utilise
this time (by either raising questions to the
delegate or you by passing it to PoC)

● Yield to another delegate –

The delegate can mention the name of the other

delegate to whom they wish to yield their time.
Based on their communication, via chits or in
Informal Deliberation.

● Yield to Points (Clarification/Uncertainty) –

With this the delegate would be opening up the

floor for questions from other delegates. The order
of the questions will be decided by the Executive
Board, and Scientific Officer based on a first come ,
first serve policy.

If a delegate’s practising licence is suspended, they will
not be allowed in the committee for 2-10 minutes. This
can occur:

● as a consequence of unparliamentary language,

● because of the usage of the internet in the formal
● if there is observed disrespect towards the
proceedings of the committee, the Executive Board
or the other delegates.

Ultimately, it is the decision of the Executive Board on

how to approach such situations.

In EPISTEMIA, a "conundrum" refers to a hypothetical
situation deliberately designed to challenge and test
the problem-solving abilities, diplomacy, and crisis
management skills of the committee participants. It
serves as a dynamic element introduced into the
proceedings, injecting a sense of urgency and
unpredictability that mirrors real-world crisis scenarios.
Successfully navigating a conundrum not only
showcases the diplomatic skills of the delegates but
also enhances the overall learning experience of the
conference.(announced by IP/ EB on day 2)

1. Announcement 1 (A1) by IP
2. Delegates raise motion for ID and form allies and
defenses/attacks (duration only 5
minutes max)
3. Delegates raise motion to establish the Conundrum
Directive’s List (CDL). All speaking,
fighting takes place here.
4. A2 by IP which will basically be a plot twist in the
conundrum situation
5. Delegates use ID again (7 minutes max)
6. Delegates raise a motion to revert back to CDL. more
debating and fighting but solutions
are also presented
7. Delegates enter ID of 15 minutes max to make the
Conundrum Resolution. Must submit
to EB in time for checking.
8. The conundrum resolution(s) are read out and
elaborated on by the authors, and then
voted upon.
9. The conundrum resolution is passed and conundrum
session is closed
10. Delegates revert back to RPL and continue with
presenting solutions and all for the
11. Conundrum Format: title “Conundrum resolution 1”;
description of the conundrum,
authors and advisors, proposed solutions in bullet po


Announcement 1 (about the conundrum)

Informal Deliberation (5 minutes max)

Conundrum Directive List 1 (Assertions)

Announcement 2 (updates and chaos)

Informal Deliberation (7 minutes max)

Conundrum Directive List 2

Informal Deliberation (15 minutes)


At any point of time, at the discretion of the EB, it may
raise a motion for Chai pe Charcha for a defined
duration where delegates can relax, and connect with
each other.

There can be a maximum of 3 Working Dissertations in
the committee, with a maximum of 2 authors and 10
co-authors working on the same.

ALTERATIONS/AMENDMENTS: This is with relation to

the Working Dissertation, when the Working
Dissertation is passed and if a delegate feels like there
can be something amended in the dissertation, they
can raise an alteration/amendment via a chit to the
Executive Board. There can be three types of

- Add: If the Delegate feels the dissertation missed a

point and he/she would like to get it added (the
point is later added once the Executive Board
approves of it)

- Remove: If the Delegate feels the dissertation has

made redundant points or made a mistake, he/she
would like to get it removed (the point is later
removed once the Executive Board approves of it)

Modify: If the Delegate feels the dissertation has made a

mistake in the points and he/she would like to modify the
point (the point is later modified once the Executive Board
approves of it)
Working dissertation- guide

The working dissertation is a culmination of the outcomes

of the discussion that preceded it in the council with peer
groups with regards to the agenda and sub-agenda given. It
is the official publication that goes out to the International
press and into the records of the Secretariat based on
which the concerned parties will be sent official guidelines
as directed by the respective councils in their
It shall contain a brief of the arguments and various
standpoints that ensue the agenda and the common
grounds that the delegates have been able to reach via
their discussions in a pre-specified format only.
If the delegates are unable to reach consensus in the
making of the dissertation BLOCs may be formed.
The Authors of the dissertation who must take
responsibility of the drafting and mailing of the dissertation
to the concerned authorities upon voting anf finalisation
are called - AUTHORS, while the delegates who have also
majorly contributed to the dissertation via discussions,
conclusions and summaries of the argument shall also be
actively involved in the drafting and will be referred to as -
Dissertation Advisors..
The working dissertation will also be graded along with
additional marking points for the delegates who actively
contribute to the making of the dissertation- the criteria is
given later on in this document.
Important Points to keep in Mind:
 The language of the dissertation is ordinarily English,
but quotations and citing from other languages can be
included if deemed necessary by the Authors whose
translation must also be included.
 The references and bibliography must always be
maintained while drafting the dissertation which will
be included in the footnote of every page.
 The dissertation will be referred toas the working
dissertation before vote and dissertation after.
 The dissertation must be a minimum of 1000 words
and a maximum of 2000 words, given the time
constraint and reviewing.
 The executive Board shall in no way interact with the
delegates during the informal deliberation in which
the basic ideas pertaining to the dissertation are to be
discussed but shall maintain a note of the active
 Any information/suggestion which is to be sent to the
delegates shall be done via the rapporteur.
 After day -1 the delegates any unofficially get working
on the basics of the working dissertation for easier
summarisation in the final dissertation on day-2.
 The dissertation must be SINGLE SPACED, 11 pt -
georgia/arial/garamond or a 12pt-Times New Roman
only. Anything else disqualifies the dissertation.
 1 inch margin on all sides

 Recommend the usage of Tables and diagrams. No
images shall be used.
 All pages must contain a header in the following
format - (Committe name-dissertaion (½ based on the
 Page numbers must be included
 Any references must be included as the footnote in the
 Pages shall use the arabic (1,2,3..) system of
numbering but all other illustrations and tables must
use the roman numerals.
 Right before the motion of dissertation 1 or 2
delegates must volunteer to summarise the day’s
proceedings. (contains positive marking) . The
executive board can nudge the delegates to reach an
end for the discussions and move towards a summary
by reaffirming the time to the delegates and
suggesting in formal tone a summarization of the day’s

For easier understanding the dissertation shall be
divided into two parts-
1. The main thesis and what the discussions have led
2. Supplemental information - (containing the
technical terms and their explanations and any

alterations made to the original meanings/terms.
And the definitions of any new terms coined)

 Title Page: The dissertation begins with the title page;

the title should be as concise as possible and should
provide an accurate description of the
dissertation.Must contain the name of the event, the
committee, The authors’ names and the dissertation
advisors’ names, date on the DAC(a document with
the director general) and title page should be the
Donot print a page number on the title’s page it will be
marked “i” for counting purposes only.

 Copyright’s page: Copyright notice must appear

separately immediately after the title page. And must
© [year] [epiSTEMia- committee name- Authors’
names] All rights reserved.


Each page must have [Committee Name - Working
Dissertation – Bloc Number] as a header on the right, with
the page number as a footer.

Options for those who selected Present and Voting in
the roll call –


Options for those who selected Present in the roll call

YES/NO/PASS (Refrain)


For passing any vote, 50%+1 normal majority vote.


66% or 2/3rds the committee as a majority vote.


- The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to commence the formal session for the day.

- Representative Proposals List:

The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to establish the Representative Proposals List.

- Informal Deliberation:
The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to start the Informal deliberation with a total
time of mins.

- Formal Deliberation:
The delegate of would like to raise a
motion to start the Formal deliberation on the topic
with the total duration of mins
and individual speaker’s time being 60 secs.


- The delegate of would like to raise a

point of uncertainty.
- The delegate of would like to raise a
point of clarification.
- The delegate of would like to raise a
point of parliamentary inquiry.
- The delegate of would like to raise a
point of personal concession.


- The delegate of would like to exercise

their right to reply.
- The delegate of would like to demand
a formal apology from the delegate of .


- The delegate of would like to yield the

remaining time to the Executive Board.
- The delegate of would like to yield the
remaining time to any points on the floor.
- The delegate of would like to yield the
remaining time to the delegate of .


- The delegate of would like to raise

a motion to establish the Conundrum Directive List.


- The delegate of would like to
present their Conundrum Directive List draft.


- The delegate of would like to
present their working dissertation.

- The delegate of would like to
raise a motion to adjourn the council.


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