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Total No.

of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 204 M.B.A. 204 : MANUFACTURING & OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - II)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) What is Manufacturing Management? Explain the contribution made by Henry Ford, Deming, Crossby and Taguchi in the development of production management. Q2) Define Production Planning and Control (PPC). Explain objectives, scope and elements of PPC. Q3) What is plant location? Discuss major factors affecting location decision for the following a) Wine Industry. b) IT Industry. Q4) a) b) Explain the importance of maintenance management. Write detail note on preventive maintenance.

Q5) What is work study? What are its objectives? Write detail note on process charts. Q6) Write short notes on (Any Two ) a) Lean production system. b) OC curve. c) Six Sigma.


Q7) Following information gathered for the project Activity Preceding activity Duration (Weeks) A 1 B A 3 C A 4 D A 3 E D 2 F B, C, E 4 G D 9 H D 5 I H 2 J F, G, I 2 a) b) c) Draw the network diagram. Determine critical path and project duration. What is effect on project duration if i) D is changed to 6 weeks. ii) F is changed to 8 weeks.



Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 205 M.B.A. (Sem. - II) 205 : MATERIALS AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) State the needs for supply chain management and its potential benefits. Q2) A diesel engine manufacturers buys an item in lots of 500 units which is a three month requirements. The cost per unit is Rs. 90 and the ordering cost is Rs. 180 per batch order. The inventory carrying cost is estimated at 20% of the average inventory investment. a) b) What is the annual total cost of the existing inventory policy? How much money can be saved by using economic order quantity?

Q3) What is vendor rating? Describe any two of the following vendor rating methods. a) b) c) The categorical plan. The weighted point method. The cost ratio plan.

Q4) Materials handling does not add value to the product but adds to the cost. Comment. Q5) What are the major activities performed by the receiving department from the time materials are inwarded at the security gate until they are accepted and taken into stock? Q6) Profitability of a company depends to a large extent on effectiveness of its purchase function. Discuss.

Q7) Materials requirement planning is both an inventory control and scheduling technique. Discuss. Q8) Write short notes on (any two) following : a) b) c) d) EOQ. Content of purchase order. Cedification. Speculative buying.



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages :1


[3975] - 206 M.B.A. (206) : MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - II)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Q.No. 1 and Q.No. 7 are compulsory. 2) Solve any four questions from remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicates full marks.

Q1) Draw report layouts for the following and elaborate the use of these reports in the process of decision making. [15] a) Bill of material. b) Provident Fund Report (slab wise). c) Goods Received Note. Q2) Differentiate between EIS and DSS. How to integrate DSS with MIS. [10]

Q3) Explain the IT capabilities and their impact on Managerial Activities / Roles. [10] Q4) What is Artificial Intelligence? Differentiate between conventional system and expert system. [10] Q5) What is IPR? Why we need IPR? Explain Copy right with an example.[10] Q6) Explain the prototyping model of Information System Development. Q7) Write short notes on following (Any Three) : a) Network Topologies. b) Data mining. c) Types of Information. d) Herbert Simon model. e) Threats to Information System Security. [10] [15]


Total No. of Questions : 6+1 Case]

[Total No. of Pages : 3

[3975] - 301 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) 301 : BUSINESS POLICY & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (Revised Syllabus 2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Section I carries 42 marks and Section II carries 28 marks. 2) Attempt any 3 questions from Section I and both questions from Section II. 3) Answers to both the sections should be written in the same answer book. 4) Your responses should be specific and to the point.

SECTION - I Q1) What is environmental analysis? How does environmental analysis at the domestic level differ from global analysis? Which factors complicate environmental analysis at the global level? Which factors are making such analysis easier? [14] Q2) How do corporate strategies relate to the other organizational strategies (i.e., business and functional)? What is the difference between single and multibusiness organization? Discuss with suitable Indian and Global examples.[14] Q3) In order to be effective in harnessing the power of technological capabilities it is necessary to understand the characteristics and revise obsolete assumptions about the nature of technology and technological change. Given below are some paradigms that need re-examining. Write down your views on each of these statements : There are high technology and low technology sectors. Technology changes are restricted to products, manufacturing processes and related equipment. Technological changes are useful to increase productivity only. The design and implementation of technological changes is a technical matter and should be left solely to engineers and scientists. Enterprises, particularly small and medium size firms, know what their technological needs are, and are able to satisfy them by themselves.[14]

Q4) What is Value Chain Analysis? Describe the difference between primary and support activities using value chain analysis with respect to a company pursuing a differentiation strategy. [14] Q5) What key concerns must functional strategies address in the functional areas of Marketing, Finance, Production/Operations management, HR & Technology? [14] SECTION - II Q6) Use your insight and critical abilities to analyze the Vision / Mission Statement, given below. What would be the impact of these statements on the functioning of those organizations? And, Why? [14] Hero Honda - Vision The Hero Honda story began with a simple vision - the vision of a mobile and an empowered India, powered by Hero Honda. This vision was driven by Hero Hondas commitment to customer, quality and excellence, and while doing so, maintaining the highest standards of ethics and societal responsibilities. Hero Honda believes that the fastest way to turn that dream into a reality is by remaining focused on that vision. OR NTPC : Vision : To be the worlds largest and best power producer, powering Indias growth. Mission : Develop and provide reliable power, related products and services at competitive prices, integrating multiple energy sources with innovative and eco-friendly technologies and contribute to society. Q7) CASE STUDY : Systematic analysis and logical reasoning will be given due weightage [14] NICHOLAS PIRAMAL In 02 when Indias Homegrown Pharma Majors were making steady gains at fighting the multinational companies on their own turf, one major domestic company stayed away Nicholas Piramal. But today as many Indian companies report a dip in generic revenues, the core team at the Rs. 1,321 crore company is convinced that their strategy is beginning to pay off. The companys stock has appreciated 61% to Rs. 255 since January 04. The company says that by 10 it will earn as much 50% of its estimated $1 billion revenues from international business. So what is the strategy that the


company has followed for this? Says Ajay Piramal Chairman We decided to follow a differentiated strategy. Over the past few years this phrase become a leitmotif for Mr. Piramal. The differentiated strategy according to him that the company went into Custom manufacturing. This essentially means that the company will work with the global pharma companies and manufacture products spanning the entire range-from raw materials to the finished products. This strategy says that company does not want to complete with the global companies. Instead they would like to co-operate with these companies. In the past 15 months the company has announced three custom manufacturing deals. These deals are expected to be worth $ 13 million in FY 06. Earlier this year the company acquired Rhoda Organique for a consideration of $ 14 millions. The companys strategy in acquisition is to buy generic firms overseas. The idea is to use this acquisition to gain entry into the global hospital and critical care business. This business is likely to contribute $ 14 this year. The company is quite convinced about its international strategy and has therefore decided that it will be on the look out for a larger acquisition target in custom manufacturing business especially in Europe. The company is also making investments in R and D facilities. Last year it invested Rs. 100 crores in setting up a research facility in Mumbai. The companys strategy is to minimize risks by working on clinically validated targets, in-licence and work with institutions in India and abroad. One lead oncology molecule is set to go in clinical trials shortly and 2 more in oncology and 1 in inflammation are in pre-clinical stage. It is therefore clear that the company has a long way to go in drug discovery and development. The company is also positioning itself as a partner for MNCs that intend to launch their products in the domestic markets in 05. Swati Piramal says that the company is uniquely positioned for this as it has the largest dedicated field force in the country. However some things may not exactly work in the way that the company wishes. It is already behind its schedule on its first custom manufacturing shipment. Also in the last five months the company has not added any more clients in this space. One industry analyst says that the companys ambitions are a bit too aggressive. According to him to scale up to a target of $ 500 million in revenues from its international business in five years is not going to be a easy task. a) What is a differentiated strategy? b) Will Nicholas Piramal succeed in its strategy? What are the risks in this strategy of the company? Suggest what kind of mitigation strategy needs to be formed by the company?

[3975]-301 3

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages :1


[3975] - 302 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (302) : MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEM (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any four questions from Q.No. 1 to 6. 2) Question No. 7 is compulsory. 3) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain cybernetic paradigm as a control tool and also display the diagram. Q2) Explain the various responsibility centres in detail. Q3) Balance score card system of performance measurement attempts to creat a blend of financial and non financial, internal & external measures in balanced manner Explain. Q4) Explain the concept of goal congruence and discuss the factors which affect the congruence. Give examples. Q5) Write short note on (any three) : a) Just in time. b) ROI & EVA. c) Management control system in manufacturing unit. d) Management Audit. Q6) Explain the formal and informal system in the organisation. Q7) A company has practice of fixing inter-department transfer price for its product on the basis of cost plus return on investment in the division. The budget for division A for the year is as follows Annual Budgeted output 6,00,000 units Variable cost Rs. 10 per unit Fixed cost for Div. A Rs. 10.20 lacs Total Investment in the division Rs. 20 lakhs Expected return on investment at 24%. Calculate transfer price for Div. A.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 303
M.B.A. (Sem. - III)


(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) What is primary data? What is secondary data? List the differences between internal and external secondary data. Explain whether one is better than the other and why? Q2) Draft a questionnaire to study customer perceived brand image of FM Radio channels among car drivers. Q3) What are projective techniques? What are their uses in marketing research? What are the limitations in interpreting responses to projective techniques? Q4) Explain in brief (any two) : a) b) c) Segmentation Research Sales Forecasting Research Viral marketing Research

Q5) An insurance agent has claimed that the average age of policy holders who insure through him is less than the average for all agents, which is 32 years. A random sample of 100 policy holders who had insured through him gave an average age of 30 years. Assuming a standard error of 5 years, do you think that his claim is justifiable? Use a at 5% level of significance to test the claim. (Z = _1.64)


Q6) Explain in brief (any two) a) Conjoint analysis b) c) Multidimensional scaling Shop and retail audits

Q7) What kind of sampling scheme will you select in each of the following situations : a) b) c) d) A survey to find out smoking habits in north India. An all India survey to find out the profile of households who have more than one television. A survey of food habits of working females visiting fitness centers. A survey to estimate the potential users of microwave ovens in Pune. rrr

[3975] - 303


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 306 M.B.A. (Sem. - III)


303 - D : inventory management & material requirements planning
(2008 Pattern) (New)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) What are the objectives of inventory control? Which departments put pressure on inventory managers, what are their objectives? Q2) Explain the importance of the inventory management function in reference to Profitability, Strategy, Customer Satisfaction and Competitive Advantage. Q3) Suppose that an organization uses normal inventory control methods to plan for its dependent demand items. What will its impact on materials planning? Under what conditions will the planning result in satisfactory results? Q4) What is meant by Bill of Material (BOM)? Why do organizations need BOM? Is BOM and product structure one and the same? Explain with an example. Q5) A two wheeler component manufacturing unit uses a large amount of a component made from steel. Although these are production items, the demand is continuous and inventory planning should be done independent of the production plan. The annual demand for the component boxes is 2500. The P.T.O.

company procures the item from a supplier at the rate of Rs. 750 per box. The company estimates the cost of carrying inventory to be 18 percent per unit per annum. The cost of ordering is Rs. 1080 per order. The company works for 250 days in a year. How should the company design an inventory control system for this item? What is the overall cost of the plan? Q6) JIT is a good theoretical idea but cannot work in our company said the production director. We have customers who change their minds, a variety of processes, many products, and real people who cannot always be relied upon. Set out arguments you would make to persuade this director that JIT is a good idea for the company. Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) Vendor Managed Inventory. Outsourcing. Strategies to Increase Inventory Turns.

g g g



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 35
(303 - C) : Software Engineering

(2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours]

[Max. Marks : 70

Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) Q.No.1 and Q.No.7 are compulsory. Attempt any four from the remaing. Numbers to the right indicates full marks.

Q1) Maharashtra sport and recreation department has decided to hold different kinds of national sport competition in Pune. It has decided to computeraize all the activities, events etc. that are going to take place in national sport meet. The requirements are as follows. Maintain data of the participants, representing different states and taking part in different type of sports competitions. There is a team of at the most 7 Players representing every state. To maintain the records of performance of the participants in various league rounds. To maintain the result of the sports events such as who won the Gold, Silver and Bronze Medal. To maintain Umpires data and their specialization in various events. To maintain complaints received by the participants. A ready information base of world records is also to be made available for Comparision purpose. As a system analyst you are required to study the above case and design. i) Entity Relation Ship Diagram. ii) Context level diagram. iii) Report lay out of any major three reports. [15] P.T.O.

Q2) Global computer Institute admits the Students by following the procedure given below. A student having more than or equal to 60% marks in graduation is accepted for special batches. Students having marks between 45% to 60% are accepted for regular batches and remaining students are rejected.

a) b)

20% additional fees are taken from students who opt for prite time batches. 5% discount is given to students if the fees are paid on or before 15thAugust. Draw Decision Tree. Draw Decision Table. [10] [10] [10] [10]

Q3) Discuss Computer Aided Software Engineering in detail. Q4) What are the various roles played by the system analyst? Q5) Explain spiral Model and prototyping model with suitable example.

Q6) Explain various fact finding methods used by analyst. Also explain its advantages and disadvantages. [10] Q7) Write the short notes on (any three) : a) b) c) d) e) Types of Data Processing Techniques. Functional Decomposition Diagram. Software Engineer. Reverse Engineering. Structural Programming. [15]

g g g




[3975] 36

M.B.A. (Semester III) Examination, 2011 Production and Materials Specialization (303 D) LOGISTICS AND SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (New Course)
Time : 3 Hours Note: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 1. Define Logistics. Explain the role of Out Bound Logistics in case of consumer products. 2. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of transportation of goods in India. 3. What is the purpose of Network design ? How does the efficient design makes both the customer and the supplier comfortable ? 4. What are different types of material handling ? What is the basis in selection of material handling facility ? 5. What is meant by unitisation ? What are the different types of containerization ? What are the advantages in containerisation ? 6. Explain the four economic benefits of warehousing. Illustrate your answer by proper sketches. 7. Describe the elements of supply chain management and the effect of their interlinking.

Max. Marks : 70

Total No. of Questions : 5 + 1 Case]

[Total No. of Pages : 4


[3975] - 402 M.B.A. 402 : International Business Management (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - IV) (New)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) Section - II is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from Section - I.

Each question from Section - I carries 15 marks and Section - II (case study) carries 25 marks.

SECTION - I Q1) Discuss the following theories of International trade --a) Ricardos theory of International trade. b) Oblin Heckscher theory of International trade. Q2) Explain in detail advantages and disadvantages of various methods of entry in overseas markets. Q3) What are the objectives of forming Regional Economic grouping? Write a detailed note on anyone such grouping. Q4) Explain the study carried out by Hofstedes for cultural diversity among the various nations which must be considered in International marketing. Q5) Write short note on any three : a) Arguments for protections. b) WTO Ministerial conference. c) TRIMS, TRIPS, GATS. d) European Union . e) Counter trade


Q6) CASE STUDY : Bailing Out Brazil The International Monetary Fund agreed August 7, 2002, to provide Brazil with $30 billion in funds to help the country come to grips with a financial crisis that had driven its currency, the real, down to all - time lows against the U.S. dollar. This was not the first time the IMF had stepped in to help Brazil. The IMF had been actively assisting Brazil since 1998, when it provided $41.5 billion in financial commitments to the country to help it ride out a financial crisis that was driving down the value of the real on foreign exchange markets. Four years later, the country was back at the IMF asking for more money. There were several reasons for the current crisis. First, a global economic slowdown had hurt the economies of South America, slowing exports, reducing foreign direct investment inflows, and leading to an economic recession. Second, earlier in the year, Brazils neighbor and largest trading partner, Argentina, had defaulted on its government debt. In the first half of 2002, Argentinas economy shrank by almost 20 percent and unemployment surged to 22 percent. With financial chaos in Argentina, Brazilian exports to its, neighbor slumped, helping to drive Brazil into a recession. Third, Brazil was scheduled to hold new presidential elections in October 2002, and foreign investors were getting increasingly nervous that a populist left-wing candidate, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (know as Lula) would win, replacing President Fernando Henrique Cardoso. As finance minister in the early 1990s, Cardoso had been the mastermind of Brazils real plan, which succeeded in conquering hyperinflation, a long-term problem in Brazil, and putting the country on a stable growth track. As president, Cardoso had won high marks from the international financial community for adhering rigorously to conditions imposed by the IMF in 1998 in return for its loans. An important part of that plan called for Brazils government to run a budget surplus and use that to pay down government debt. If Cardoso was replaced by Lula, as seemed likely, many foreign investors feared that the Brazilian governments commitment to maintain IMF targets on debt levels would be shattered. Publicly, Lula had stated he favored increasing government spending in times of economic crisis. To many, this seems like a recipe for more government debt-debt that in all probability would be financed by printing money and lead to a resurgence of hyperinflation. Foreign investors feared that this would be unsustainable, and that Brazil would ultimately follow the example of Argentina and default on its government debt. [3975]-402 -2-

History provided little comfort for the foreign investment community because Brazil had defaulted on its government debt in the 1980s. Rather than wait for the outcome of the October 2002 election, foreign investors began to pull out of Brazil in early 2002, while inflow of capital started to dry up. This led to a fall of the real against the dollar on foreign exchange markets. Sensing a currency crisis, traders began to sell Brazilian currency short (effectively betting that it would go down). This put more pressure on the real and its decline against the dollar accelerated falling by 25 percent by early August from its January level. To protect the real from further depreciation the Brazilian central bank started to use its foreign exchange reserves (mainly in the form of U.S. dollars) to buy real on the foreign exchange markets. The central bank also raised the interest rates, but this had the effect of increasing the cost of serving government debt and implied that to meet IMF mandated debt targets, the Brazilian government would have to further reduce government spending, taking money out of an economy that was already on the ropes. It soon became clear that Brazil was in a very difficult position. Its foreign exchange reserves, were limited, and high interest rates could be self-defeating. Without further assistance from the IMF, the currency could collapse, plunging Brazil into a financial crisis. If this happened, it could destabilize the entire region and perhaps throw the global financial system into chaos. With the 10th largest economy, Brazil, was not a bit player on the world economic scene. It was against this background that the IMF decided to extend further loans to Brazil. The $30billion loan package would be spread out over 15 months. In return for the loans, the Brazilian government agreed to maintain a budget surplus of at least 3.75 percent of GDP, using the surplus to continue retiring debt. However, the IMF did not seek agreement from election candidates, such as Lula, to abide by the terms of the agreement. This led to some skepticism on the part of investors, and the real had declined by another 15 percent against the dollar by late September. At this point, Lula stated that if he won the Presidential election in October, he would abide by the IMF mandated debt targets in 2003. This statement helped the currency to stabilize. Lula did win the presidential elections, and his administration was quick to it would continue to pursue the free market policies of the prior administration and grant operational autonomy to the Brazilian central bank, effectively removing politics from decisions about monetary policy. This new government also indicated that it would adhere to terms of the IMF rescue package. [3975]-402 -3-

Case Discussion Questions : a) b) c) Given that Brazil had already received IMF funding in 1998, do you think it should have received funding again in 2002? What would have happened to the Brazilian economy, and the world economy, if the IMF had not stepped in to help Brazil? The terms of the IMF loan call for Brazil to continue to run a budget surplus and use the proceeds to pay down government debt. What are the benefits of this policy perceptions? What are the potential drawbacks? What are the implications for international business of a potential financial crisis in Brazil involving a meltdown in the value of the real and the Brazilian government defaulting on its debt? What do you think will happen if Lula breaks the commitment to the IMF and decides to increase government spending?
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Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 403

(Sem. - IV) (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) What do you understand by Knowledge Management? What are limitations experienced in implementation of Knowledge Management initiative? Q2) What benefits the industry gains by systematic implementation of six sigma Methodology? Q3) How much do you agree with Merger taking the road map of absorption and consolidation. State with suitable example. Q4) IT and ITES has been improving the efficiency and effectiveness of business scenario in general. Elaborate with suitable example. Q5) Entry of MNCs have changed the operating environment in manufacturing Industry. Track the statement with recent trends adopted by Industry in India. Q6) Corporate Governance is to corporates what Democracy is to the nation. Explain Concept and Growth of corporate Governance in free India. Q7) Track the different CSR initiatives taken by different organisations you know in recent past. P.T.O.

Q8) Write short note (any two) : a) b) c) TPM and TQM. BPO and KPO Sector. Birla committee report on CG.

g g g



[Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 404
(404 - A) : SERVICES MARKETING (Marketing Specialization)

(2008 Pattern) (Sem.- IV) (New)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) Q. No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any four questions from remaining. 3) All questions carry equal marks. (14 marks each). [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Explain 7 Ps of Services Marketing with specific reference to marketing of Five-Star Hotel. Make necessary assumptions. Q2) Discuss the significance of physical evidence in the Hospital Marketing with the help of suitable examples. Q3) Pricing of Services is more challenging than that of goods- Comment. Also discuss the various pricing techniques used for marketing of services. Q4) Do you find any differences in the promotional techniques used for marketing of goods and services? Q5) Write Detail Note on : a) Goods-Services Continuum. b) Characteristics of Services. Q6) Discuss a role of Service Employees in achieving customer satisfaction. Q7) Write short notes on : (any two) a) b) c) SERVQUAL Model. Internal Marketing. Self Service Technologies.
g g g

[Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 405

(2008 Pattern) (Sem. - IV) (New)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) Question No.1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any four questions out of remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Write short notes (any two) : a) Excisable Goods. b) c) d) e) Taxable Service. Invoice. Manufacturer. Cascading effect.


Q2) Explain with reference to the provisions of Central Excise Act 1944, Taxability of scrap and waste. [15] Q3) Explain movable, marketable and manufacture with reference to Central Excise Act. [15] Q4) Explain the registration procedure under Service Tax Act. Q5) Explain the procedure for payment of Service Tax. Q6) Explain Value added Tax. Q7) Explain any two taxable services.
g g g

[15] [15] [15] [15]

[Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 406
(404 - C) : Emerging Trends in It

(Sem.- IV) (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) Q. No. 6 is compulsory. Solve any four from remaining. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) A reputed bank is interested in providing internet banking facility to their account holders. It will cover opening of account, Transfering amount, balance enquiry, payment of various bills. Suggest technology to be used, functioning, ethics and risk and disaster recovery management. [15] Q2) Explain knowledge management. Now it is useful in decision making. [15]

Q3) Explain nature of geographic data, spatial objects and data models in 415.[15] Q4) Explain various steps of creating e-commerce site. Q5) Explain securities required in e- Governance. Q6) Write short note on: (any two) a) b) c) Intranet . Warehouse Management. Embedded Systems.
g g g

[15] [15] [10]

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 407
M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)


(Operations & Materials Specialisation) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) From an operations perspective, what are the typical performance measures for quality, speed of delivery and flexibility? What should be the criteria of the management to adopt a particular performance measure? Q2) Discuss the product design philosophy behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly. Which one do you think is more important in a customer focused product development? Q3) What is value from an operations perspective. Explain with examples how inventory, capacity, facilities and workforce can each contribute to value. Q4) What are Porters generic strategies? How do they affect operations decisions? Q5) What is six sigma? Describe the literal implications of six sigma quality. How does it relate to process capability? Q6) Explain the relation between investments and product life cycle. Q7) Explain in brief : (Any Two) a) Operations Management in the organizational chart. b) World of Operations in 2020. c) Operations and Corporate Strategy. rrr

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 408
M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)


(HRM Specialisation) (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Question No. 1 is Compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the remaining. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) a) b)

Define Labour Welfare and discuss the theories of Labour Welfare in brief. [15] Explain the conditions of employment of Labour Welfare officer under Maharashtra Welfare Officer Rule 1966. [10]

Q2) How can the extra-mural welfare help workers in maintaining social and mental health? [15] Q3) Workers Participation in Management has played great role in promoting industrial democracy. Examine the statement critically. [15] Q4) Explain the objectives of ILO and discuss the contributions made by ILO in promoting labour welfare in developing countries like India. [15] Q5) Describe the provisions for health and welfare of industrial workers as per the Factories Act 1948. [15] Q6) Describe the ideals of Corporate Social Responsibility. [15] P.T.O.

Q7) Write short note on any three : a) b) c) d) e) Need for Workers Education. Trade unions and Labour Welfare. Local Self Government and Labour Welfare. Concept of Social Security. Welfare Measures as per Motor Transport Act. rrr


[3975] - 408


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 409 M.B.A

(404 F) : International Business Operations

(2008 New Pattern) (Sem.- IV)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) How does global business operations affects the Research and Development activities of an business organization? Q2) Explain the latest HR practices and trends followed in International Operations. Q3) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of : a) b) Own manufacturing Outsourcing

Q4) International Operations planning is one of the most vital function of global level- Justify. Q5) Explain World Class Manufacturing taking the Toyota Production system as an example. Q6) There are numerous factors that are required to be considered before setting up Business unit at International level. Explain these factors. Q7) Write Notes on : (any two) a) b) c) International Benchmarking. International Technology Transfer. International Logistics.
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Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 44 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) FINANCE SPECIALIZATION (305B) : Merchant Banking and Financial Services (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) What are the important instruments in money market? Explain each in brief. Q2) Explain the functions of Merchant Banking? What are the services rendered by them. Q3) Discuss the regulatory framework for securities market. Q4) What are the problems and prospects associated with Mutual Funds in India? Q5) Explain the procedure and steps involved in credit rating. Q6) What are the motives and benefits of Mergers and Acquisitions? Q7) What is factoring? Critically examine the role of factoring as a source of financing. Q8 Write short notes (any two) : a) Buyback of shares. b) Normal Stock Exchanges. c) E-Trading. d) Book building.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 45 M.B.A. 305C : VISUAL BASIC AND ORACLE (2005 Pattern) (Sem. - III)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Write your assumptions. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 4) For solving queries, use exact column names.

Q1) Consider the following table to solve the following queries (any 5) : [10] Emp (eno, e_name, dob, gender, sal, deptno, designation, address) Dept (deptno, dept_name) a) Add qualification column in the Emp table. b) Delete the record of employees working in Sales dept. c) Display total number of male employees in each dept. d) Display list of employees whose designation is either Manager or Jr. Manager. e) Display the list of employees whose name is having two As at any position. f) Display the list of employees along with dept. name. Q2) Write a trigger which will not allow any user to perform any DML Operation (Insert, Update and Delete) on EMP table after 5 pm. [10] OR Write a cursor which will display top 5 salaried employees. [10] Q3) Write short notes on the following (any 4) : a) Date Functions. b) Joins. c) Sequences. d) Report Writing Commands in SQL. e) Stored Procedures. [16]


Q4) Explain the properties (any 5) : a) Stretch property of Image. b) Caption of command button. c) Interval of timer. d) Style of combo box. e) Auto size of label. f) Value of Checkbox.


Q5) Write an ADO code for performing the following operations on EMP table. [12] a) Add a record. b) Edit a record. c) Delete a record. d) View first record. e) View last record. f) View next record. g) View previous record. Fields of EMP table are Empno, Empname, Deptno, Sal. Q6) Write short notes on the following (any 3) : a) Date Functions in VB. b) Data Types in VB. c) Dialog Boxes inVB. d) Cursor and Lock types in ADO. [12]



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 46 M.B.A. 305D : PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS SPECIALISATION Production Planning and Control (2005 Pattern) (Sem. - III)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) What is production planning and control? What are the major division into which PPC is bifurcated? How does each division contribute to the objective of PPC? Q2) Define and explain the term capacity planning and aggregate planning. Q3) Draw a NEAT sketch of process sheet and explain the details provided from production angle. Q4) Explain PPC function in Job production and Batch production. Q5) a) b) State and explain Johnsons rule of algorithm. Six jobs are to be processed on 2 machines. The processing time for each job on each machine is as given below. Decide the sequence of jobs and decided idle time. A B C D E F M1 4 8 3 6 7 5 M2 6 3 7 2 8 4

Q6) Discuss the factors like volume, nature of process, nature of operations in production planning. Q7) Give short notes : a) Group Technology. b) GANTT Chart. c) CAD / CAM. d) Robotics. e) Loading.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages :1

[3975] - 47 M.B.A. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (305E) : Personnel Administration - Application & Procedure (2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions carry equal marks. 2) Attempt any five. [Max. Marks :70

Q1) Explain the concept of personnel administration. State the objectives & principles of personnel administration. Q2) Differentiate between personnel administration & personnel Management. Explain various areas of Personnel Administration. Q3) Explain various welfare measures as per factories act, 1948. Enumerate nonstatutory welfare measures. Q4) Calculate a) b) Bonus payable to an employee who has earned basic & D.A. = Rs. 30,000/- p.a., calculate minimum & maximum bonus. Calculate gratuity of an employee who has served in a company for 20 years. His last salary drawn is Rs. 20,000/-.

Q5) Draft a promotion letter promoting section supervisor to the post of shift engineer. Q6) Short notes (Any Two) : a) b) c) Retrenchment Compensation. Personnel Audit. Role of security Officer.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages :1


[3975] - 51 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) 401 : ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT (2005 Pattern)

[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Q.1 is compulsory. 2) Solve any three out of the remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) b)

Define the term entrepreneur. Elaborate the characteristics of an entrepreneur. [10] Explain the role of small-scale industries in the Indian History. [15]

Q2) What is a business plan? Why is a business plan important to an entrepreneur? [15] Q3) Elaborate the various schemes put forth by SIDBI. [15]

Q4) Evaluate the role played by Central Government in promoting entrepreneurship development. [15] Q5) Explain the reasons for low women entrepreneurs in Indian context. [15]

Q6) What are the major pitfalls of entrepreneurs according to Peter Drucker? [15] Q7) Write short notes on : (Any three) a) b) c) d) e) DIC. Entrepreneurial venture. IDBI. Environmental factors. Intrapreneur. [15]


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)


404 A : Services Marketing (New)

(2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) a) b) Q2) a) b)

Define Services Marketing.


Discuss the different classifications of services with special emphasis on Christopher Lovelocks classification. [12] Discuss how globalization has triggered the growth of service industry in India. [7] Discuss how Information Technology has helped to enhance Service Quality. Give suitable examples. [7] [14]

Q3) How will you market the following services? a) b) Broadband Services. Intercity Bus-Service.

Make assumptions wherever necessary. Q4) Service Blueprint and Training of Employees for Service Orientation are pillars on which the building of the Service Industry relies upon. Do you agree. Quote examples in support of your answer. [14]

Q5) Discuss the GAP MODEL OF SERVICE QUALITY as developed by Parsuraman, Zeithmaland Berry. [14] Q6) a) b) How does goods marketing differ from Services Marketing? Discuss the contribution of service industry to the economy. [7] [7]


Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) d) Franchising. Electronic Channels as means of distribution. Benchmarking. Pricing Strategies in Services Marketing. rrr


[3975] - 54


[Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


(404 - B) : Indirect Taxation (Sem. - IV) (2005 Pattern) (Old)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) Answer any four questions. 2) Q. 1 is compulsory. [Max. Marks : 70


[3975] - 55

Q1) Write short notes : (any two) a) b) c) d) e) Excisable Goods. Taxable Service. Invoice. Manufacturer. Cascading effect.


Q2) What are Scrap and waste under the provisions of Central Excise Act 1944, explain taxability of scrap and waste? [15] Q3) Explain movable, marketable and manufacture with reference to Central Excise Act. [15] Q4) What is service tax? Explain the registration procedure under Service Tax Act. [15] Q5) How service tax is paid at various occasions and under various circumstances, when such service tax provider is also covered by Works Contract Act?[15] Q6) What is Value added Tax? Explain the set-off procedure under the VAT. [15] Q7) Explain any three taxable services in details.
g g g


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

404 C : OOD Concepts and Basic Java

(2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Solve any five questions from remaining. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Solve the following : a) i) ii) P K


Which of the following does not denote a Primitive data value in Java?

iii) 56.56 F iv) False v) b) c) d) UOP. List and explain Applet Life cycle stages. Differentiate between : Class and Interface. Trace the output of the following Java Code. Class xx { Public static void main (string args[ ]) { system.out.println (1 + 2 + is my age.); } }



What is the output of following Java code? Public Class Mytest { Public static void main (String args[ ]) { int [ ] array = {2, 9, 16}; int i = 1; array [ + + i ] = - - i; System.out.println (array [0] + array [1] + array [2]); } }

Q2) Write a multithreaded program which display moving text World Cup is Our on an Applet. [10] Q3) Define a class employee with class attributes empno, ename and salary. Write any two constructors and display record ( ) method. [10] Q4) Write a program in Java to accept n-integer and print print all prime numbers. [10] Q5) Accept number from command line and print these numbers and throw your own define number - Exception if number is odd. [10] Q6) What is Listener class? Explain functioning of Listener with examples. [10] Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) b) c) d) JVM. Polymorphism. Layout manager. Vector and Hash table. rrr [3975] - 56 -2[10]

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2

P 700

[3975] - 57 PRODUCTION AND MATERIALS SPECIALIZATION (404 - D) : Inventory Management (Sem. - IV) (2005 Pattern) (Old)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) Attempt any four questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks. [Max. Marks : 60


Q1) Define inventory. List and discuss various costs associated with inventory. Q2) Discuss the ways in which the JIT approach to inventory is difference from the traditional approach to inventory management. Do you believe that JIT simply passes the burden of holding stock on to the supplier? Q3) What is finished goods inventory? State its significance in inventory management. Discuss the factors contributing to the existence of finished goods inventories and strategies for control of the finished goods inventory. Q4) An auto industry purchases spark plug at the rate of Rs. 25 per piece. The annual consumption of spark plug is 18,000 numbers. If the ordering cost is Rs. 250 per order and carrying cost is 25% p.a., what would be the EOQ? If the supplier of spark plug offers a discount of 5% for order quantity of 3,000 numbers per order, do you accept the discount offer? Q5) How is inventory planning for independent demand items different from inventory planning for dependent demand items? Q6) Why should organizations adopt selective inventory control? If you were asked to recommend a suitable classification scheme, how would you go about the task? P.T.O.

Q7) Write short notes on any two : a) b) c) Distribution Inventory Planning. Excess Inventory : A Roadblock to World-Class Manufacturing. Integration of Inventory Management with Sales Forecast.
g g g



Total No. of Questions : 9]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 65

M.B.A. (Semester - IV) (408 B) : STRATEGIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) 3) Attempt any five questions from Section - I. Each question from Section - I carries 11marks. Attempt any one question from Section - II and it carries 15 marks. Answers to both the sections are to be written on same answer sheet. [Max. Marks : 70

SECTION - I Q1) What is Brand Valuation? Explain in brief various methods of brand valuation with reference to its business utility in present world. Q2) Explain the concept of strategic wage negotiation and also the perquisites that are useful in such negotiation. Q3) What present share holders expect from business in the present competitive world? What are the Factors which influence Expectations of Shareholders? Q4) Explain the concept of lifecycle costing with the help of examples. Q5) Voluntary retirement scheme is a burden on the business where management is a looser so also employees Explain with suitable examples. Q6) What is supply cost management and what are various approaches? Q7) Explain in detail the NINE REFERENCES for strategic Financial Management. P.T.O.

SECTION - II Q8) From the following particulars, ascertain the value of stock as on 31st march 2011 and also the profit for the year. Stock as on 1.04.20X1 Rs.1,42,500; Purchases Rs.7,62,500; Manufacturing Expenses Rs.1,50,000; Selling Expenses Rs.60,500; Administrative Expenses Rs.30,000; Financial charges Rs.21,500; Sales Rs.12,45,000. At the time of valuing stock as on 31st March 20X1 a sum of Rs. 17,500 was written off on a particular item, which was original purchased for Rs.50,000 and was sold during the year for Rs.45,000. Barring the transaction relating to this item, the gross profit earned during the year is 22 percent on sale. Q9) M/s Venus Mfg. Ltd is engaged in manufacturing of chemical products. Financial data for the firm for the F.Y. 2001-2002 is given as underAmt in laces Equity Capital Reserves Debentures @ 15% Term loan @ 12% Operating Profit 500000 1000000 300000 500000 160000

Cost of Equity 15% (shareholders expectations) Cost of capital 20% (Assumed by Head Quarter for EVA Computation) (Growth Rate of Economy is matching with the cost of equity and cost of capital) Company pays tax @ 35% Company assumes increase in fixed assets by Rs. 500000 on account of market price appreciation during the year. Compute EVA & OVA (Owners Value Added) For the Company. Significance of EVA & OVA. Make necessary assumptions.
g g g

[3975] - 65


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 66

(2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates : 1) 2) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Solve any five from remaining. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Ever cool Engineering company is a dealer of various branded Air conditioners and related products. They want to Implement a sales order processing system having following activities customer make enquiry against which Quotation is for warded. After gelling a confirmed order from the customer, the Marketing Department forwards a dispatch Advice to the store Department and also informs accordingly to Accounts. Department. A delivery challan is prepared based on Dispatch advice by stores along with the ordered material. An Invoice is accordingly generated by Account Department. After the goods dispatch the marketing does payment follow-up. a) b) c) Draw a content level Diagram. Design Normalised file layout. Give any Three periodical report. [5] [10] [5] [10]

Q2) State the factors, which cause the idlemen of equipment in a factory. Q3) a) b)

Explain inventory Management of Non-Perishable Item in a Restaurant of three star Hotel. [5] Explain the Billing process in volved in Hotel Management System. [5]

Q4) Write a short note on Balance sheet and Explain various Ratio Analysis approaches. [10] P.T.O.

Q5) a) b) Q6) a) b)

Explain all statutory deduction in payroll system.


Explain various performance criteria for an Employee Appraisal system.[5] Design normalised file layouts to enter fixed deposit details. Write a note on internet Banking. [5] [5] [10]

Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) b) c) EOQ. Ratio analysis. Trial Balance.
g g g

[3975] - 66


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 38 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) MARKETING SPECIALISATION (304 A) : Integrated Marketing Communication (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define IMC. Discuss the process of integrated marketing communications in detail. Q2) Discuss the organisation structure of an advertising agency. Explain different services provided by advertising agencies. Q3) Develop a media plan for a company to promote their broadband service in Indian market. Make necessary assumptions. Q4) What is sales promotion? Enlist & Explain different sales promotion techniques used by tours & travel companies to promote their domestic & international tours. Q5) What is advertising budget? Discuss various appropriation methods used for advertising budget. Q6) What is event management? Explain different opportunities and challenges in event management. Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) Evaluation of advertising copy. b) Functions of advertising. c) Appeals in advertising. d) Celebrity endorsement.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 2

[3975] - 40 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (304C) : RELATIONAL DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS (RDBMS) (2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question no. 1 and 6 are compulsory. 2) Attempt any 3 from the remaining. 3) Write your assumptions. 4) Figure to right indicate full marks. 5) For solving queries, use exact column names. 6) Draw neat diagrams wherever required. [Max. Marks :70


Q1) a)

Normalize the following Document up to 3NF : Good Receipt Cum Inspection Report


GRN No. [ ] GRN Date : [ / / ]

Supplier Code : [ Supplier Name : [

] ]

DC No. : [ ] DC Date : [--/--/---] PO No. : [ ] PO Date : [--/--/---] Sr. No. Item Desc Code DC Qty Recvd. Accepted Rejected Reason for Qty Qty Qty rejection

Replace the rejected goods by : --/--/--Signature of Receiver : Signature of Inspector : b) Explain Advantages of Normalization.

Date : Date : [5] [10] P.T.O.

Q2) Difference between HDB, NDB and RDB.

Q3) Define DBMS. Explain advantages of DBMS.


Q4) Consider the following table to solve the following queries : [10] Emp (eno, e_name, dob, gender, sal, deptno, designation, address, city) Dept (deptno, dept_name, loc) a) Create the Emp table with constraints. b) Add email column in the Emp table. c) Raise the salary of those employees who are working in deptno 10 by 10%. d) Display the total number of male employees. e) Display list of employees whose designation is clerk. f) Display the list of employees whose name has A as second letter and R as second last letter. Q5) Explain Codds rule in detail. Q6) Write short notes on (any 4) : a) b) c) d) e) Views in SQL. Aggregate Functions in SQL. RDBMS. Entity Relationship Diagram. Set Operators. [10] [20]



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 41 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) QUALITY MANAGEMENT 304 D : (Production & Material SPecialization) (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain the concepts and components of reliability. What are the different methods of achieving higher reliability. Q2) Discuss the role of leadership and organization culture in effective implementation of TQM in an organization. Q3) Outline the steps in implementation of ISO 9000 in an organization. Q4) What is quality management? Explain the quality principles of Deming. Juran and Taguchi. Q5) What is quality control and quality assurance discuss in detail elements of OC curve? Q6) What are control charts? How are they made and used in controlling process. Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) Quality awards. b) Poke-Yoke c) Flow charts in quality management. d) Quality Audit.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 42 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (304 E) : INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS HRM Specialisation (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) What is Industrial Relation? Explain scope, objectives of industrial relations. Q2) Explain the role of judiciary & its impact on industrial relations. Q3) Define collective Bargaining. Explain the reasons for its success and failure. Q4) Explain the machineries to solve industrial disputes in detail. Q5) Explain in detail about the impact of globalisation and information technology on industrial relations. Q6) What is trade union? Explain the problems faced by trade union. Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) Benefits of workers participation in management. b) Impact of industrial relations on socio-economic conditions. c) Adjudication. d) Problems of forming unions in unorganised sector. e) Functions of trade union.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 43 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (305 A) : DISTRIBUTION AND RETAIL MANAGEMENT Marketing Management Specialization (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) Each question carries equal marks.

Q1) Define Retail Management. Elaborate various functions of retailing. Q2) Explain the need and importance of marketing of channels. Explain various channel management issues. Q3) Define channel conflict. Elaborate various conflict resolution techniques. Q4) M/s Gupta and sons are renowned pharmacists in Pune. They decide to modernise their store into a supermarket type retail outlet. a) What kind of layout would you suggest? b) What issues need to be considered for going for such a format? Q5) What is store administration? How can you make it more effective and efficient? Q6) Explain the role, importance and functions of wholesalers. Q7) Write short notes (any 2) : a) Non Store Retailing. b) Wheel of Retailing. c) I.T. in retailing.


Total No. of Questions : 7 + Case : 1]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 308 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (303 F) : INTERNATIONAL MARKETING I.B. Specialization (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) What are the different foreign market entry strategies. Discuss with relevant examples. Q2) An international marketer has to find out a trade-off between standardized and customized product as it is difficult to develop a Global product. Discuss with suitable examples. Q3) What are the driving forces that motivate International Marketing? Explain with suitable examples. Q4) Discuss the major factors that affect international pricing decisions. Q5) Describe various commercial documents required for shipment of export goods. Q6) What is the procedure for registration of exporters? Also explain the steps to be taken to set up export trading business. Q7) Write short notes on any two : a) International marketing research. b) Processing of Export orders. c) Challenges and Opportunities in international marketing.


Q8) Solve the case enclosed 6. Case study: Crispy Chocolates Ltd. Crispy Chocolates Ltd., was a company established in India in the year 1985. After achieving a market share of 40% in Indian market by the year 1992,. it entered in to an agreement with Milk Products Inc. an U.S. based multinational company in the same year. The agreement was to last up to 2002. The critical term of an agreement was that the major production of Crispy Chocolates Ltd., in India is to be exported to United States. Milk Products Inc. would market these chocolates on its brand name in U.S.A. and. other countries. In the year 2002, the agreement expired. During the tenure of the agreement, Crispy Chocolates Ltd., had established brand name and reputation in Indian market. Despite very heavy competition, the company could manage to increase its Indian market share by 5% annually. In these 10 years the company (CCL) had established very sophisticated Research and Development set up of Export Grade Chocolates in consultation with Milk Products Inc. U.S.A. Now that the agreement is over, CCL is free to use same technology for the products to be manufactured and sold not only in India but also worldwide. Mr. Kushal Parekh, CEO of Crispy Chocolates Ltd., is wondering how the chocolates could be marketed in the overseas markets. He is quite comfortable with the Indian Marketing operations. But in the overseas markets, the same chocolates were sold by Milk Products Inc. under their brand name. This according to Mr. Parekh, is going to pose problems. As a Marketing Consultant to Crispy Chocolate Ltd., how are you going to work out overseas marketing plans-marketing mix strategies that would satisfy Mr. Kushal Parekh?



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 309 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) MARKETING SPECIALISATION (304 A) : Integrated Marketing Communications (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) ICC Cricket World Cup-2011 provided big opportunities to various companies for promoting their brands. Enlist various sponsors of this event and elaborate different promotional techniques used by them during the event. Q2) Discuss the factors influencing selection of an advertising agency. Also explain various services provided by advertising agencies to their clients. Q3) Develop a detailed Advertising Plan for a company who wish to launch new range of biscuits in their existing brand. (make necessary assumptions). Q4) Elaborate various pre-testing & post-testing techniques used for evaluation of Advertising copy. Q5) Define sales promotion. Explain various contempory sales promotion techniques used by companies for attracting a youth segment. Q6) Highlight the importance of PR activities in developing an effective IMC Plan. Support your answer with relevant examples. Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) Elements of advertising copy. b) Event management-opportunities & challenges. c) Internet as media vehicle. d) Publicity.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 310 M.B.A. - II (304 B) : DIRECT TAXATION (Finance Specialization) (2005 & 2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain the following terms under the Income Tax Act, 1961. a) Assessment Year. b) Person. c) Assessee. d) Gross Total Income.


Q2) For the previous year 2010 - 11 Mr. A submits following information.[14] Particulars Basic salary Dearness allowance (46% of which is part of salary for retirement benefits) Commission Total Children education allowance for two children Employers contribution to SPF Mr. As contribution to SPF Interest credited in the PF account on 30th June Income from other sources Amt Rs. 1,20,000 40,000 6,000 7,200 20,000 20,000 93,500 86,000

Find out the net income of Mr. A for previous year 2010 - 11 Q3) Give any seven examples of Income chargeable to tax under the head income from other sources. [14] P.T.O.

Q4) From the following information given by Mr. Powar compute the taxable income from house property. [14] House A House B a) Municipal value 1,10,000 1,07,000 b) Fair Rent 1,20,000 1,00,000 c) Standard rent 1,26,000 1,20,000 d) Actual Rent received 1,32,000 1,06,000 e) Municipal tax 18,000(due) 20,000(paid) f) Repairs 6,000 8,000 g) Insurance 3,000 4,000 h) Land revenue paid 4,000 2,000 i) Interest on capital borrowed by mortgaging house A (funds are used for construction of house B) Rs. 30,000 Determine the taxable income from house property of Mr. Powar for A.Y. 2011-2012. Q5) Short notes on (any two) : a) Types of residential status. b) Perquisites. c) Deduction under section 80G. d) Types of return of Income. [2 7 = 14]

Q6) Explain the provisions under the Income Tax Act, 1961 regarding : [14] a) Tax deductible at source on salary income. b) Tax deductible at source on payment to contractor and subcontractor. c) Tax deductible at source on rent. d) Tax deductible at source on fees for professional & technical services. Q7) a) b) What is capital gain? Explain its types. [7] Define salary and explain the permissible deductions from salary income u/s 17 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. [7]

[3975]-310 2

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 311 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) 304C : Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 and 6 are compulsory. 2) Attempt any 3 from the remaining. 3) Write your assumptions. 4) Figures to the right indicate full marks. 5) For solving queries, use exact column names. 6) Draw neat diagrams wherever required.

Q1) a)

Normalize the following Document up to 3NF : Bill


Bill No. [ ] Bill Date : [ / / ] Salesman Code : [ Salesman Name : [

] ]

Customer No. : [ ] Customer Name : [ ] Customer Address : [ Item Code Item Name Qty Rate ] Amount

Total b) Explain Advantages of Normalization. [5] [10] [10] P.T.O.

Q2) Explain architecture of RDBMS. Q3) Define DBMS. Explain advantages of DBMS.

Q4) Consider the following table to solve the following queries : [10] Emp (eno, e_name, dob, gender, sal, deptno, designation, address, city) Dept (deptno, dept_name, loc) a) Create the Emp table with constraints. b) Drop column city from EMP Table. c) Delete the records from EMP table of Employee whose name is Anshu. d) Display the department wise total no. of employees. e) Display list of employees whose salary is between 5000 - 15000. f) Display the list of employees whose name starts with A. Q5) Explain Codds rule in detail. Q6) Write short notes on (any 4) : a) b) c) d) e) Views in SQL. Aggregate Functions in SQL. Compare HDB, NDB, RDB. Entity Relationship Diagram. Sub Queries. [10] [20]



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 312 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (304 D) : MODELING TECHNIQUES AND IT FOR OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT Production and Material Specialisation (2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks :70

Q1) Describe the key features of widely used softwares for following : a) Project planning & scheduling. b) Supply chain management. Q2) Explain the role of IT in designing, production planning, layout & logistical operations. Q3) State the steps involved in modeling process for managerial decision rules. Q4) Explain the concept of ERP? Describe the prerequisites for effective implementation of ERP system in manufacturing organisation. Q5) What is decision trees? Explain various application of decision trees in operation management. Q6) Five jobs J1 to J5 are to be processed on two work centres WC1 & WC2. The processing time in hours for these jobs at two work centres are given below. Job WC 1 WC 2 J1 12 22 J2 4 5 J3 5 3 J4 15 16 J5 10 8

Determine the optimal Job sequence which minimise the cycle time and idle time in two work centres. P.T.O.

Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) Goal programming. b) Design of Experiments. c) Sensitivity Analysis. d) Trans-Shipment model.



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 313 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (304 E) : HR Specialisation (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define Industrial Relations. Explain objectives, scope and determinants of Industrial Relations. Q2) What is Trade Union? Explain objectives, types and structure of Trade Union. Q3) Explain the machineries to solve industrial disputes under Industrial Dispute Act 1947. Q4) What is Collective Bargaining? Explain characteristics, importance and process of collective bargaining. Q5) Explain the concept, pre-requisites and levels of workers participation in management. Q6) What is the role of Human Resource Manager in establishing industrial relations in an organisation. Q7) Write short note (any two) : a) Impact of globalisation on Industrial Relations. b) Causes of industrial dispute. c) Approaches of Industrial Relations. d) Role of Judiciary. e) Employees stock option plans.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 314 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT (304 F) : International Logistics and Supply Chain Management (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain the role, responsibilities and key tasks of logistics and supply chain manager in MNC. Q2) Explain the role of International logistics and supply chain management in global economy. Q3) Which factors should be considered while selection of transportation at international level. Q4) How outsourcing in global supply chain management is efficient? State the meaning of 3PL and 4PL service provider. Q5) What are the effects of lack of co-ordination in global supply chain? What strategies should be used for proper co-ordination in global supply chain? Q6) How network design for global supply chain management is efficient? Explain with suitable examples. Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) Role of It in supply chain management. b) International air transportation. c) Tools of performance measures in global supplychain. d) Inventory models in global supply chain.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 315 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) MARKETING MANAGEMENT SPECIALIZATION (305 A) : Distribution and Retail Management (2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks :70 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt two questions from section - I and three from Section - II. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

SECTION - I Q1) Explain purpose of physical distribution and briefly describe various components of physical distribution. Q2) What are channel conflicts? Explain various reasons for channel conflict and ways to minimise them. Q3) Define Wholesaler. Discuss scope, functions and types of wholesalers. SECTION - II Q4) Bring out clearly the nature & importance of Retailing. What are the various types of retailing. Q5) Explain various components of retail store administration. Give examples. Q6) Discuss various sales promotion strategies adopted by retailers with examples of stores like Shoppers Stop, More, West Side etc. Q7) Describe organised retail supply chain management. Explain electronic data exchange and bar coding.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 316 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) MERCHANT BANKING & FINANCIAL SERVICES (305 B) : Advanced Financial Services (Finance Specialization) (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) The organization of the Indian financial system in the post-91 period has undergone profound transformation. Elaborate. Q2) Define capital market and the role played by it. What are their classifications? Q3) Explain the regulatory framework for securities market. Q4) What are the different types of combination? Can you describe Merger taking two forms-Mergers through absorption and Merger through Consolidation. Q5) What is a bill of exchange? Explain the different types of bill of exchange in India. Q6) What is factoring? Critically analyze the role of factoring as a source of financing. Q7) Define the following terms used in connection with SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Take Overs) Regulations, 1997 : a) Acquirer. b) Control. c) Persons acting in concert. d) Offer period. e) Promoter. f) Target company.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975] - 317 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (305 C) : VISUAL BASIC AND ORACLE (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions are compulsory. 2) Write your assumptions. 3) Figure to right indicate full marks. 4) For solving queries, use exact column names.

Q1) Consider the following table to solve the following queries (any 5) : [10] Book (book_no, book_name, subject, publisher, price, author_id) Author (author_id, author_name) a) Delete the records of all the books whose publisher is TMG. b) Modify the price of book Marketing Mgmt and set it as Rs. 500. c) Display total number of books of HR subject. d) Display list of books whose author is Anshu. e) Display the list of books along with their author name. f) Display the list of books whose name contains Finance word. Q2) Write a procedure which will accept book_no and display its price. OR Write a cursor which will display top 5 costly books. Q3) Write short notes on the following (any 4) : a) Triggers. b) Set Operators. c) Locks in Oracle. d) PL/SQL features. e) Numeric Functions in SQL. [16] [10]


Q4) Explain the properties (any 5) : a) Tool tip of Dir list box. b) Multi Line property of Text box. c) Border Style of Label. d) Style of combo box. e) Max Property of vertical scroll bar. f) Interval property of timer.


Q5) Write an ADO code for performing the following operations on BOOK table. [12] a) Add a record. b) Edit a record. c) Delete a record. d) View first record. e) View last record. f) View next record. g) View previous record. Fields of BOOK table are book_no, book_name, subject, publisher, price, author_id Q6) Write short notes on the following (any 3) : a) String Functions in VB. b) Arrays in VB Control Array. c) Control Statements in VB. d) Data types in VB. [12]



Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 318 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (305 D) : SUPPLY CHAIN & LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT Production & Materials Specialization (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss supply chain revolution and its implications on managing business. Q2) Discuss the factors to be considered for supply chain information system design. Q3) a) b) Q4) a) b) Describe the elements of Inventory. Management policies and practices for supply chain efficiency. Discuss the role of transportation in meeting logistical objectives. Explain meaning and role of ware housing in logistics.

Q5) Describe three types of material handling equipments used at sea port. Q6) Outline an approach for integration of supply chain processes. Q7) Describe the issues involved in development and management of supply chain relationship. Q8) Write notes on any two of the following : a) E-commerce. b) Logistics strategy. c) Customer Accommodation. d) Work of logistics.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 319 M.B.A. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (305 E) : Personnel Administration - Application & Procedure (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions carry equal marks. 2) Attempt any five questions.

Q1) Explain Personnel Administration. State its objectives and principles. Q2) Define Personnel Policy. Explain the importance and process of personnel policy. Q3) Explain various challenges being faced by modern personnel manager. Q4) a) b) Calculate gratuity. Total No. of years of service = 15 years. Basic + D.A. = Rs. 35,000/- p.m. Calculate minimum & maximum bonus. Basic + D.A. = Rs. 30,000/p.a.

Q5) Draft a promotion letter promoting an Engineer to the post of Sr. Engineer. Q6) Short Notes (any two) : a) Contents of personnel file. b) Objectives of Wage & Salary Administration. c) Superannuation.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 320 M.B.A. (Sem. - III) (305 F) : ENVIRONMENT & GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS (2008 New Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss the Adam Smiths absolute Cost Advantage theory of International Trade. Q2) Explain the concept of Borderless World proposed by Konichi Ohmae. Q3) Explain the following in detail : a) G 33. b) OECD. Q4) What do you mean by Commercial Geography? Explain the nature and scope of commercial geography. Q5) Define World Competitiveness. Explain the scope and significance of world competitiveness. Q6) What is social and cultural environment? Analyze the impact of social and cultural factors on global business. Q7) Write notes on (any two) : a) Relative factor endowment theory. b) Porters Competitive Forces. c) Indicators of World Competitiveness. d) WEF.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Solve any 3 out of remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a) b)

Explain the concept of an entrepreneur with its role and responsibilities. [15] Explain forms of financing with respect to project funding. [10]

Q2) Explain and discuss the theory of Frank Knight to promote entrepreneurship. [15] Q3) What qualities and features are to be considered while preparing feasibility report of project? [15] Q4) Explain causes of failure of Women Entrepreneurs in India. [15]

Q5) What are the different traits of entrepreneurs discussed by various management thinkers? [15] Q6) Explain the role played by Central & State Government to promote entrepreneurship? [15] Q7) Write short notes on (any 3) : a) Push & Pull factors of entrepreneur. b) Challenges of substaining competitiveness. c) Elements of Business Plan. d) Entrepreneural Traits. e) NEDB. [15]


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 421 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) (406F) : INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2008 New Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss the Purchasing Power Parity theory of Foreign Exchange. Q2) What do you mean by Hedging? Explain the various external techniques of Hedging. Q3) What is Spot exchange market? Explain the features of Spot exchange market. Q4) Explain the impact and influence of Euro currency on the foreign exchange market. Q5) Explain the difficulties experienced while evaluating the global long term project investments. Q6) Explain the concept of foreign exchange risk. Discuss the different types of foreign exchange risks. Q7) Write notes on (any two) : a) Bid rate & Ask rate. b) Currency Swaps. c) Euro Bonds.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 412 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) COMPUTER SPECIALIZATION 405-C : Software Project Management & I.T. Management (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks :70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 & 7 are compulsory. 2) Solve any four from remaining.

Q1) What is project planning? Explain containts of project plan.


Q2) What is quality? Explain difference between quality control & quality assurance. [10] Q3) Explain software implementation process in detail. Q4) Explain need of software maintenance & how it is done. Q5) What factors are considered while acquiring software? Q6) What factors are considered while setting a computer centre? Q7) Write short note on any three : a) Test plan. b) Function point analysis. c) Version control. d) COCOMO. [10] [10] [10] [10] [15]


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975] - 418 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) (2008 Pattern)


Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 & 6 are compulsory. 2) Attempt any 3 from the remaining. 3) Draw neat diagrams wherever required.

[Max. Marks :70

Q1) Explain the detail process of Railway Reservation system with the help of following : [20] a) Content level diagram. b) ER-Diagram. c) Table layout. d) Reservation Cancelation Report. Q2) Explain material requirement planning (MRP) in detail. [10]

Q3) Explain the need of sales analysis? Draw various reports which help in sales analysis. [10] Q4) Explain various financial ratio with examples. Also explain expenses analysis. [10] Q5) Discuss how to maintain inventory of food and other consumables in a 3 Star Hotel. [10] Q6) Write short notes on the following (any 4) : a) Production Planning Cycle (PPC). b) Employee Appraisal. c) Bill of material (BOM). d) Material procurement. e) Employee training. [20]


Total No. of Questions : 5 + 1 Case]

[Total No. of Pages : 4


[3975]-52 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

(2005 Pattern)


Time : 3 Hours] [Max. Marks : 70 Instructions to the candidates: 1) Section - II is compulsory. 2) Attempt any three questions from Section - I. 3) Each question from Section - I carries 15 marks and Section - II (Case Study) carries 25 marks.

SECTION - I Q1) What is international marketing? Explain the barriers and challenges a firm faces in international marketing. Q2) What is globalisation? Explain various organisational models used in international business, along with their advantages and disadvantages. Q3) What is MNE? What are benefits of MNEs from the point of view of host countries? Why MNEs are criticised in developing countries? Q4) Explain Indias competitive advantages in the field of IT, Textiles and Germ & Jewellery. What are the reasons behind its success in these sectors? Q5) Write short notes (any three) a) Contractual modes of entry. b) Free trade Vs. Protectionism. c) Current A/c. Vs. Capital A/c. transactions. d) WTOs organisation structure. e) GATT Vs. WTO.



Indian Leather Goods Exports Leather and leather goods are one of the largest export categories of India. Although there has been a significant increase in the export of this product group, Indias performance has been poor in comparison with latecomers like China and South Korea. Indias share of world exports of leather and leather goods fell from about 9 per cent in the early 1970s to about 3 per cent in the early 1990s. The Indian leather industry is considered as one with large export potential. Large raw material base, processing facilities and availability of cheap and skilled labour were Indias strengths. According to a study by the Indo-German Export Promotion Project (IGEP), India has the basic strength of material and human resources which it must harness to forge ahead. The Indian leather industry which employs about 15 lakh people is dominated by small family units, many of which have been in this business for generations. The reservation of leather manufacturing for the small scale sector and the licensing policy discouraged the entry of large units in the industry. Leather industry continued under licensing, untouched by the economic liberalisation of 1991. However, of late the market witnessed the entry of big players like Liberty, Phoenix, Lakhani and aero. Large houses like Hindustan Lever, L&T and Tata have also been in the leather business. Most Indian manufacturers import finished leather from abroad to execute export orders. In fact, many of them merely execute contracts using the buyers leather in the buyers colours as per the buyers designs with the buyers trimmings. An interesting development has been that a number of Indian firms who were primarily in the export business have recently turned to the domestic market due to various reasons. In case of Aero it was the collapse of the Soviet Union and the resultant substantial excess capacity with its export oriented unit that provoked it to turn to the booming domestic market and to new markets in Europe. The development of the Indian market, as evinced by the total market expansion and emergence of considerable demand for premium and fashionable products and fierce competition in the international market from China, Malayasia, Thailand and South Korea which combined high labour productivity with low cost inputs have promoted many firms to pay due attention to the domestic market. The list of such firms includes Liberty, Wasan Shoes, Mideast India (which markets the Mescos brand) Hidesign, and R.Y. Gaitonde and Co. 2


Another interesting development is that several foreign firms have manufacturing marketing tie-ups with Indian firms. Some Indian firms have such tie-ups with more than one foreign firm. Phoenix which has its own brands in the market manufactures for Reebok. Reebok has manufacturing contracts with Lotus Bawa and Lakhani which also manufactures shoes for Adidas, which is an arch rival of Reebok. In fact, due to high production costs in the developed countries, firms in those countries have been moving to low cost production bases. Their earlier choices were Korea and Taiwan. Recently they have moved to countries like Vietnam, China and India. One of the major hurdles in increasing Indias exports is the shortage of raw materials. To get a 10 per cent share in the world market, India will need 4.8 million sq. feet of raw leather against the availability of 3.5 million sq.feet. One of the immediate problems to be addressed is to reduce the wastage of hides and skin, the loss on account of which is estimated to be about Rs. 660 crore annually. The leather technology mission, launched in 1995, had an uphill task in this respect. Over 1500 tanneries had to be modernised. Government decided to establish a Leather Industry Development Fund (LIDF) through a development fee to be raised in lieu of the export duty abolished in the 1994-1996 Union Budget. Pollution is a serious problem of the leather industry. Use of certain chemicals/ dyes which are not acceptable in foreign markets will have to be stopped. The LIDF should help ensure compliance with international demand for eco-label for leather and leather products. A new trend in leather manufacture in the developed countries is the use of computers for the simplification of existing machinery in the leather manufacture. Already micro-electronics is being applied to certain process of leather goods manufacture. The scale of operation and resources of the Indian units again pose a problem in respect of such modernisations. Further, if and when these electronic and computer controlled machinery are introduced in the Third World countries, the cost differential will be less because operations will be less labour intensive. Germany emerged as the biggest importer of leather goods in the EC, with over one-third of its sales of footwear being accounted for by goods of Indian origin. Other major markets are UK, France, USA, Italy, Japan and the CIS. Demand in Asia is growing. One of the important problems which Indian exporters encounter is the unfavourable consumer attitude towards Indian products.


According to a former President of the Council for Leather Exports, leather goods exports from India face a highly biased international market. At a Paris fair he had himself exhibited goods that could not be bid for more than $ 85. But, changing the site of exhibition to a German stall, he could market the same for $ 125. Similarly, a jacket that could not be sold for 125 French Francs was accepted for 900 Francs, just because it was carrying a different brand name. Italian goods enjoy a good reputation in the Western markets. Italian leather goods manufacturers enjoy the benefit of easy availability at low price of the chemicals needed for manufacture of leather goods. Compared to the situation in Italy, though Indian labour is cheap, Indian machinery and chemicals are not up to the mark. An interesting fact is that, Italy, which is an important supplier of leather goods in the Western market, is one of the most important importers of leather items from India. Indian leather goods imported to Italy are stamped by Italian firms and re-exported to other countries without any further finish or packing. The re-exported goods fetch a better price. What is worse is that foreign markets buy inferior grade leather from India and finish these for high priced items. Indian manufactures are still unable to utilise such leather to their advantage. This is exactly the opposite in Holland or Italy where inferior grade leather is used in a big way. QUESTIONS a) Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the Indian leather industry visa-vis the international market for leather goods. b) Discuss the role of the Government, Council for Leather Exports (CLE) and the industry in the healthy development of the Indian leather industry. c) Discuss the marketing, including branding, pricing, distribution and promotion, strategies appropriate for Indian leather goods in the international market. d) What can the CLE do to improve the image of the Indian leather goods? e) How will the expansion of the domestic market help the Indian leather goods exporters? f) What are the possible benefits to the Indian firms from the tie-up with the foreign firms?


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-53 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

(2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks (14 each).

Q1) Explain process of knowledge management and what benefits it gives to an organisation. Q2) Define six sigma and explain process of its implementation. Q3) What are different types of Mergers and Acguisitions. Which strategy will be appropriate for expansion at foreign land? Q4) E-business is expanding leaps & bounds. Comment on various benefits customer gets dealing through e-business. Q5) Explain concept of TQM? Explain its features and importance. Q6) Good Corporate governance is a key to investor confidence Comment on above statement and discuss with recent example. Q7) Write short notes (Any Two). a) Theory of Constraint. b) E-Commerce. c) Just in Time.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-58 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

(HRM Specialization) 404 E : LABOUR WELFARE
(2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No.1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any three Questions from the remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) a) b)

Describe the principles of Labour Welfare [15] Explain the conditions of employment of Labour Welfare Officer. [10] [15]

Q2) Critically examine the functions of Labour Welfare Officer.

Q3) Describe the role of Workers Participation in Management of Labour Welfare and Industrial Hygiene. [15] Q4) Non-statutory welfare agencies for Labour Welfare have not been successful as expected. Do you agree with the statement, substantiate your answer.[15] Q5) Elaborate on statutory Welfare measures to be extended to a factory employing more than 1000 Workers. [15] Q6) Bringout the correlation between Social and industrial health. Q7) Write short notes on any three. a) Components of Social Security. b) Mental Health. c) Industrial Pollution and Workers health. d) Labour Productivity. e) Industrial Social Work. [15] [15]

Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-59 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

(2005 Pattern)

(407A) : Marketing Strategy & Relationship Marketing

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Attempt ANY THREE questions from SECTION : I. Attempt ANY TWO questions from SECTION : II. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

SECTION - I (Marketing Strategy) Q1) Why strategic marketing policy is adopted by an enterprise? Also identify the factors that constitute strategic marketing process. Q2) Differentiate between market leader and market follower strategies with relevant examples. Q3) Explain the role of strategic marketing in the business decision process of the products LHP motors and tooth-paste. Q4) What do you understand by Internal analysis relating to Sales and Profitability and loss account. Q5) Write short notes on ANY TWO a) b) c) Strong branding. Strategic positioning. Strategies in mature markets, declining markets and hostile markets. P.T.O.

SECTION - II (Relationship Marketing) Q6) What do you mean by Paradigm shift in marketing? Explain with the help of examples. Q7) What do you understand by Life Time Customer Value? Explain with examples. Q8) Write short notes on ANY TWO. a) b) c) Customer equity. Customer acquisition versus retention. Customer-product-profitability analysis.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-60 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

(2005 Old Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No.1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt ANY FOUR Questions from remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a)

Q2) Q3) Q4) Q5) Q6)

A US Bank gives the following two quotes: [5] i) GBP / USD : 1.6545 / 1.6552 ii) IEP / USD : 1.3655 / 1.3665 Compute Synthetic (GBP / IEP) b) A bank shows the following quotes on the screen [5] USD / CHF Spot : 1.6225 / 30, 182 days Swap : 35 / 20. i) What is outright USD / CHF 182 day rate? ii) Is CHF at discount or premium? iii) How much is the annualized premium or discount on USD? Critically discuss the objectives and functions of World Bank. [15] Explain the functions and management of Export Credit Guarantee Corporation (ECGC) of India. [15] Discuss the following sources of International Finance (Any 2) [15] a) GDRs b) ADRs c) Loan Syndication Differentiate between Spot market and Forward market. Explain the features of Spot market. [15] Write short Notes on: (ANY THREE) [15] a) Asian Development Bank. b) External Commercial Borrowings. c) Objectives of FEMA. d) Buyers & Suppliers Credit. e) Special Drawing Rights (SDRs)

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1



407C : Project Management & IT Management
(2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Q.No. 6 is compulsory. Solve any four from remaining.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Explain Project Management life cycle.


Q2) Explain software testing. Explain different testing methods & their advantages.[15] Q3) Explain acquisition process of hardware & software followed in IT organisation. [15] Q4) Explain Quality compare ISO & CMM standards. Q5) Explain various methods of cost estimation. Q6) Write short note on any two. a) b) c) d) Case tools. Walkthrus. Parallel run. BCP [15] [15] [10]

Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-62 M.B.A.
(Production and Materials Specialization)
(2005 Pattern) (Sem. - IV)


Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Answer any 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Define MRP. Why MRP System is considered to be superior to order point method of inventory control? Explain. Q2) Explain with an example process of determining net requirement of material in MRP system. Q3) Discuss the managerial prerequisites and information prerequisites for effective implementation of MRP system. Q4) a) b) Explain role of MRP system in meeting manufacturing objectives. Describe the effect of frequent changes in MPS on MRP effectiveness.

Q5) List lot sizing techniques and discuss features of any two techniques. Q6) Explain issues involved in developing valid inputs in MRP system. Q7) Explain any three types of bill of material used as input to MRP System. Q8) Write notes on any two of the following; a) b) c) d) Output of MRP. MRP assumptions. Safety stock consideration in MRP. Future of MRP.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-63 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

(2005 Pattern)


Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Attempt any 5 questions. Figures to the right indicate full marks. All questions carry equal marks.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) What is Strategic Human Resource Management? Distinguish between Business and Corporate level strategies. Q2) Elaborate the advantages & disadvantages of the entry level of female employees in an organization. Q3) Explain Strategic Performance Management Systems. Why KRA is important? Q4) Explain the concept of strategic retrenchment. What is VRS and early retirement plan? Q5) What is workforce diversity? Explain the different related strategies concerned with work force diversity. Q6) How is HR working as strategic value adding function? Q7) Short notes (Any Two): a) b) c) d) e) Head hunting. Down-sizing. Employee Stock Option Plan. Profit sharing & Gain sharing. Dual Career Couple.

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-64 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

MARKETING SPECIALIZATION 408A : Product & Brand Management
(2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any 5 questions. All questions carry equal marks.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Explain the process of new Product Development. Q2) Describe brand elements of a) Pears. b) Vodafone. c) Maggi. Q3) What role does consumer analysis play in designing product strategy. Q4) Write short notes on any two: a) Co-branding. b) Trade Marks. c) Retailer & Distributors. Q5) What is brand endorsement? Explain role of celebrities in endorsing the brand. Q6) Measuring of brand equity, is it requirement of the company or the process. Comment.

Total No. of Questions : 3]

[Total No. of Pages : 4


[3975]-67 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)


Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any two cases. All cases carry equal marks.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Case No.1 Renuka Machines Manufacturing Corporation Renuka Thomas, President of Renuka Machines Manufacturing Corporation (RMMC), is concerned about companys choice of suppliers for cleaning brushes, which are used in the companys data processing equipment. Renuka occasionally plays Tennis with Sheela George, President of George Machine Company (GMC), one of the companys suppliers of cleaning brushes. Recently, Sheela complained to Renuka that her company has been having difficulty in getting traditional share of Renukas brush business. On the last buy, Sheelas company failed to get any business, even though Sheela believed she was the low bidder. Renuka tells Sheela that normally she does not get into the details of procurement, but she promises to ask her purchasing manager Dannis Chako to investigate. The next day morning Renuka calls Dannis Chako and tells him of Sheelas complaint. He said, he does not want to influence the companys procurement policies, but he does not feel that Renuka should investigate to make sure that Sheelas firm was treated fairly. Purchasing Manager Dannis discovers that Sheela George Machine Company was indeed low bidder on the last buying. Quotations for an order of 20,000 units were as under: Sheela George Machine Company Rs. 2.22 Data Matics Electronics Company Rs. 2.23 Royal Tools and Machine Company Rs. 2.25


Royal and Data Matics each got orders for 10,000 pieces. Royal has done considerable development work on brushes, while Sheela and data Matics have done very little. The quality and delivery records of the three suppliers on the last ten orders for the brush are shown below. Renuka Machines mfg. quality control department has set an acceptable quality level of 3 percent on the brush: Supplier Quantity Quantity Delivery Ordered Defective Royal 4,000 122 One week early Data Matics 4,000 92 One week late Sheela 3,000 120 On time Sheela 6,000 162 Two weeks late Royal 4,000 38 On time Data Matics 5,000 29 One week early Sheela 2,000 88 1000 pieces on time, 1000 pieces four weeks late. Data Matics 6,000 98 Two weeks late Royal 4,000 45 One week early Sheela 5,000 162 One week late Questions: a) Is Dannic Chaco justified in eliminating Sheela Machine Company as a supplier of brushes? b) In What respect is the complaint from Sheela Machine Company justified? c) Prepare a report for Renuka Thomas explaining the decision to eliminate Sheela Machine Company as a supplier, use quantitative data as much as possible to support your answer. Q2) Case No. 2 Bagwan Computer Company The Bagwan Computer Company (BCC) was established in 1991. It has two engineering graduates of Osmania University. The company has maintained as excellent growth record. Today annual sales of the company is 5 crores.


Companies pricing policy is to skim the marketthat is when it introduces new product, it prices the product to quickly recoup R & D investments. The company gets a sizable profit. When profit goes down, the company is in a position to launch a new product which is more profitable than the item replaces. The overall strategy has two key resources. One is highly competent R & D group and the other is the ability to convert ideas into marketable hardware quickly. The purchasing department of BCC ensures advanced technology and availability of vendors for all items. Jimmy Carter, manager of materials of BCC, just received a memo reminding him that the annual corporate planning retreat is to be held in five weeks at the companys placement centre. This reminding memo with a recent with a important BCCs suppliers caused Jimmy to recall the current shortages of memory chips. Jimmy decided to review the firms present suppliers ability to meet profitable changes in advanced technology which lead to increases in demand over the next five years. Questions: a) What areas should Jimmy investigate? b) What action should Jimmy take, if present suppliers appear to be unable to meet future requirements? c) Should materials management, in the absence of materials management function; be part of the long-range planning activity? Why or why not? Q3) Case No. 3 Decker Television and Radio Corporation Decker Television and Radio Corporation of Mumbai has always specialized in high quality electronic equipment. The company was established in 1956; and its first product of a radio-phonograph combination designed to retail for Rs. 3,000 each. In 1959, the company produced its first TV set. It did not compete with mass producers of TV sets as its design emphasized quality practically all sales went to six distributors in India, namely Delhi, Chennai, Calcutta, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Gwalior. In 1979 the company broadened its line and introduced colour TV. Again the emphasis was on quality not price.


The colour TV product was immediate successful and the company started growing. By 1962 there were six hundred employees, compared to less than hundred just ten years earlier. Bon Decker the companys founder felt that the company grown to the point where it could profit from an integrated materials activity. He promoted his purchasing agent Samual Devid to materials manager. He made him responsible for inventory control, shipping, receiving and traffic and purchasing also. Samual Devid in turn hired Vicky George as a traffic expert. She explained to Vicky George when she hired him that she herself knew very little about traffic management but was certain that more savings could be made as the company spending Rs. five lakh per year on transportation services. Prior to the creation of independent materials department, traffic had been something of step-child in the Decker organization. The sales department was responsible for all outbound shipment. All shipments were made by the shipping and trucking company a well known company in South-east. Inbound shipments were the responsibility of the purchasing department. As Samual Devid puts it, I buy from suppliers within a 600 miles of Mumbai and require all vendors to quote F.O.B/F.O.R. our plant. This makes it easier to compare bids of competing suppliers and makes the vendor responsible for delivery to our plant on the date we request it. It also gives vendor an incentive to combine shipment in one geographical area and therefore keep his costs down. While Samual Devid is convinced that this approach may have been the most economic one while the Decker Company was small, she is open to any suggestion that Vicky George may have for improvement. Questions: a) Prepare a programme of traffic management for Decker Television and Radio Corporation. b) What should Vicky Georges duties and responsibilities as traffic manager be? c) Suggest specific areas of investigation to reduce the companys transportation cost.


Total No. of Questions : 5]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-68 M.B.A.
408 E : LABOUR LAWS & OTHER LAWS (2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Questions No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the rest. Figures to the right indicate maximum marks for that question.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) a) b)

Explain in detail the procedure for registration of employer under contract labour Act. [15] Describe the procedure for certification of standing orders. [10] [15]

Q2) What are the principles of natural justice? Explain any three in detail.

Q3) Enumerate the provisions regarding registration and closing of establishment under Shop Act. [15] Q4) When does the standing Order Act becomes applicable? Whether it cases to apply thereafter? [15] Q5) Write short notes on any three a) Consumer under Consumer Protection Act. b) Habitual misconduct. c) Out worker. d) TDS. [15]

Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-101 M.B.A.
(2008 Pattern)


Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Explain in detail any two models of organisational behaviour. Q2) Explain various determinants of personality. Q3) Explain process of conflict management. Q4) Explain Henry Fayols contribution to management. Q5) Explain importance of Controlling. Elaborate techniques of controlling. Q6) Explain various forms of organisation. Q7) a) b) Explain theory X and theory Y. Decision making process.

Q8) Write short notes on any two. a) Conflict Resolution Techniques. b) Principles of Management. c) Steps in planning. d) Motivational Factors.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 3


[3975]-102 M.B.A.
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any 5 questions. Use of simple calculators is allowed.

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) State and explain the role of cost accountant in managerial decision making. Give suitable examples. Q2) a) b) What do you understand by overhead cost. Explain with example. Calculation of machine hour rate helps in absorption of overheads. Comment.

Q3) Optimum inventory is important to ensure lower cost of material storage. Comment with help of examples. Q4) Write short notes on (any two) a) b) c) Trial Balance. Idle Time. Use of standard costing.


Q5) Following cost information about ABC Ltd. is available. Cost of elements Variable cost Fixed cost (% of sales) (Rs.) Direct materials 32.8% Direct Labour 28.4% Factory Overheads 12.6% 1,89,900 Distribution Expenses 4.1% 58,400 Administrative Expenses 1.1% 66,700 Budgeted sales for the next year are Rs. 18,50,000. You are required to determine a) Break-even Sales volume. b) Profit at the budgeted sales volume. c) Profit, if actual sales. i) drop by 10%. ii) increase by 5% of budgeted sales. Q6) From the following information supplied for Fino Polex Pvt. Ltd., prepare a statement showing the cost of production and goods sold for the period 1.1.2009 to 31.1.2009 Opening stock Raw materials purchased Wages paid Factory overheads W.I.P.(1.1.2009) W.I.P.(31.1.2009) Closing stock of raw material on 31.1.2009 Opening stock of finished goods on 1.1.2009 Closing stock of finished goods on 31.1.2009 Selling & distribution overheads Administrative overheads Sales 70,00,000 10,00,000 25,00,000 10,00,00,000 80,00,000 30,00,000 40,00,000 5,00,00,000 2,50,00,000 80,00,000 10,00,000 20,00,000


Q7) From the following information calculate a) b) c) d) material cost variance. material price variance. material usage variance. material mix variance. Standard Material Qnt. x y z 50 30 20 100 Price 2.00 3.00 4.00 Value 100 90 80 270 Qnt. 40 20 30 90 Actual Price 5.00 3.00 3.00 Value 200 60 90 350

and give your comments on the results


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-32 M.B.A.
(302) MANAGEMENT CONTROL SYSTEMS (Old) (2005 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any five questions.

[Max. Marks : 60

Q1) Explain the characteristics of Management control system in detail and discuss how evaluation of control system takes place in an organization. Q2) What is transfer pricing? Explain different methods of transfer pricing. Q3) Balance score card started as a performance measurement system but has ended up as a full fledged management control system. Explain with suitable examples. Q4) Explain the various types of responsibility center in detail. Q5) A sound audit system strengthens management control. Critically examine the statement in respect of financial and cost audit.

Q6) Write short notes on (Any Two) a) Strategic Planning. b) Management Audit. c) Value Chain. d) Performance Evaluation.


Q7) M/s Maithili fixes the inter divisional transfer prices of its product on the basis of cost plus an estimated returns on Investment in its product on the relevant portion of the budget for Division X for the year 2010-11 is given below. Land & Building Plant & Machinery Stock Bills Receivable Debtors Annual Fixed cost of the division Variable cost per unit Rs. 4,00,000 Rs. 6,00,000 Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 2,00,000 Rs. 3,00,000 Rs. 9,00,000 Rs. 10

Budgeted volume of production per year (Units) 6,00,000. Desire return on investment 25%. You are require to determine transfer price for the division.


Total No. of Questions : 5+1 Case]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-33 M.B.A. (Sem. - III)

303 A : Marketing Research


(2005 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Answer any two questions from Q.1 to Q.4. Q.5 & Q.6 are Compulsory. Marks are indicated to the right of the paper. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Discuss Secondary data collection and its relevance to research. Q2) Discuss the Non-probablity sampling designs at length.

[15] [15]

Q3) Discuss the survey technique and the advantages and disadvantage of using survey technique as a research tool. [15] Q4) Discuss the important steps in a research process. Q5) Write short notes (any 4) a) Hypothesing testing. b) Types of Scales. c) Cluster Analysis. d) Test Marketing. e) Types of Research. f) Media Research. [15] [20]



Placement of MBAs

You are interested in knowing how MBA students are absorbed in employment circles soon after completing their studies. No information of this type is available at present though placement Officers in most institutions have limited information concerning their own students. In order to have a comprehensive view, you would like to know not only what MBA students are getting in terms of salary but also where they are employed and the nature of work they are engaged in. QUESTIONS 1) How would you collect the information sought for-by personal interview, mailor telephone? Why? 2) What type of questions would you use and why?


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain in detail Maslows theory of Motivation. Q2) Explain techniques of Managing Control. Q3) Explain various functions of Management. Q4) Explain various steps in decision making. Q5) Explain stages in Group Formation. Q6) Write in detail controlling techniques. Q7) Write short notes on any two : a) Collegial Model of OB. b) Causes of stress. c) MBO. d) Organisational Structure.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 3


[3975]-12 M.B.A. 102 : MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING (2005 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any 5 questions. Use of simple calculators is allowed.

Q1) State and explain different concepts of accounting. Explain the importance of following them in business. Q2) Write short notes on (any 2) : a) Cash basis & Accrual basis of accounting. b) BEP analysis. c) Difference between Halsey and Rowan premium system. Q3) A company is preparing budget for year 2010-2011. Following estimates were made. Sales 15,000 units Fixed cost Rs. 34,000 Sales value Rs. 1,50,000 Variable cost per unit Rs. 6. You are required to calculate : a) P/V ratio. b) BEP (sales). c) Margin of safety. d) Calculate effect of i) Decrease of 10% in selling price. ii) Increase of 10% in variable cost.


Q4) From the following Trial Balance prepare Trading & Profit & Loss account of Mr. Amar for the year ended 31.12.2009 and the Balance Sheet as on that date. Trial Balance as on 31.12.09 Particulars Office Rent Insurance Machinery Sundry Debtors Interest on loan Wages Furniture Salaries Land & Building Office Expenses Opening Stock Purchases Cash Carriage Inward Printing & stationery Amount (Rs) 650 200 15,000 13,000 3,500 14,000 3,500 2,500 20,000 250 3,500 20,000 350 1,000 1,000 98,450 Adjustment : a) Closing stock was valued at Rs. 10,000. b) Provide for outstanding wages at Rs. 400 and outstanding rent Rs. 200/-. c) Prepaid insurance amounted to Rs. 50/-. d) Provide 10% depreciation on Machinery and Furniture. e) Market value of Land on 31.12.09 was Rs. 80,000/Q5) C.V.P. analysis helps in better profit planning. Comment and explain with suitable examples. Q6) State and explain the essentials of good wage system. Particulars Capital Sundry Creditors Bank O/D Fixed deposit from customer. Sales Bills payable Amount (Rs) 15,000 10,000 3,000 14,000 50,200 6,250



Q7) Following are the factory overheads incurred during a period of one year. Factory Rent Power Storage Time Keeping 90,000 60,000 30,000 6,000 Electricity Canteen Maintenance Depreciation on plant 30,000 45,000 24,000 10%

If number of units produced during the year were 20,000, compute Factory overhead per unit. Additional information is as follows. Particulars Production Production Stores Time Maintenance Dept. I Dept. II keeping Dept. Dept. 2400 100 400 200 3,00,000 4,00,000 42200 120 200 200 5,00,000 5,00,000 600 40 10 600 30 10 900 10 30 -

Space (sq.ft) Electric points Power consumed (watts) No. of Employees Cost of plant (Rs) Cost of material consumed (Rs)


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-13 M.B.A. (Semester - I) 103 : MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (2005 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary.

Q1) Distinguish between Micro Economics and Macro Economics. Explain the application of Micro Economic concepts in Managerial Decision - Making. Q2) Explain the concept of price elasticity of demand w.r.t. types, determinants and practical significance. Q3) State and explain the Law of diminishing marginal returns. Q4) Compare the long term equilibrium of a perfectly competitive firm with that of monopoly firm with the help of MR and MC curves. Q5) What is cost-benefit-analysis? Explain the steps involved and justification for its use. Q6) a) Why Government declares support prices and Administered prices? b) How consumers interest can be protected? Q7) Write notes on any two : a) Determinants of Costs. b) Economic Liberalization. c) Significance of national income accounting. d) Law of supply.

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 3


[3975]-14 M.B.A. (Semester - I) 104: STATISTICAL AND QUANTITATIVE METHODS (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Question No.1 is compulsory and solve any one question out of Q.No.2 and Q.No.3. Question No.4 is compulsory and solve any one out of Q.No.5 and Q.No.6. Figures to the right indicate full marks. Use of electronic calculator is allowed. Graph paper will be supplied on demand.

SECTION - I Q1) a) Find median from the following data : Classes : 1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 Frequency : 8 15 25 10 7 [7]

b) Given the following distribution for overtime draw histogram and estimate mode from it. [7] Overtime in (hours) : 4-8 8-12 12-16 16-20 20-24 24-28 No. of workers : 4 8 16 18 20 18 c) The management of hotel has employed 2 managers, 5 cooks and 8 waiters. The monthly salaries of the manager, the cook and the waiter are Rs. 3,000, Rs. 1,200 and Rs. 1,000 respectively. Find the mean salary of the employees. [6] Q2) a) The advertisement cost and effected sales are given in the following table. Calculate the line of regression of sales on advertisement expenses (cost) and estimate the sales when advertisement cost is Rs. 1,00,000. Advt. Cost (Rs.'000) 39 65 62 90 82 75 25 98 36 78 Sales (Rs. lakhs) 47 53 58 86 62 68 60 91 51 84 Calculate coefficient of correlation between advertisement cost and sales. [9]


b) Find the coefficient of association between the stature of wives and husbands from the following data. [6] Stature Tall wives Short wives Total Tall husbands 56 11 67 Short husbands 13 45 58 Total 69 56 125 [15]

Q3) Write short notes on (any three) of the following : a) Measure of central tendency. b) Mean deviation. c) Utility of graphs and diagrams. d) Probability of distribution. SECTION - II

Q4) a) Following transportation problem gives the unit transportation costs, demand and supply as below : [7] Warehouses Sources A B C Supply 1 5 1 7 10 2 6 4 6 80 3 3 2 5 15 Demand 75 20 50 Find IFS by VAM & test optimality. b) Find the optimal strategies for A and B in the following game. Also obtain the value of the game : [6] b1 a1 A a2 a3 9 3 6 B b2 8 2 7 b3 4 4 3

c) A company is making two products A & B. The cost of providing one unit of product A & B is Rs. 60 and Rs. 80 respectively. As per the agreement, the company has to supply at least 200 units of products B to its regular customers. One unit of product A requires one machine


hour whereas product B doesnt require machine hours. Total machine hour available for product A are 400 hours. One unit of each product A & B requires one labour hour each and total 500 labour hours are available. The company wants to minimise the cost of production by satisfying the given requirements. Formulate the problem as a L.P.P. [7] Q5) a) Solve the assignment problem M1 M2 M3 M4 A 4 7 9 B 6 4 6 3 C 10 9 7 D 5 5 6 2 E 6 4 2 3 [9]

b) In the toy manufacturing company, suppose the product acceptance probability are not known, but the following data is known Determine the optimal decision under each of the following criteria. [6] i) Maximax. ii) Maximin. Product Acceptance Good Fair Poor Anticipated 1st year Profit ('000 Rs.) Full Partial Minimal 8 50 -25 70 45 -10 50 40 0 [15]

Q6) Write short notes on (any three) of the following : a) Degeneracy in transportation. b) Monte Carlo simulation. c) North West corner method. d) Application of linear programming.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-15 M.B.A. - I 105 : LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS (2005 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Answer any five questions. Figures to the right indicate the marks.

Q1) What do you understand by capacity to contract? What is the effect of agreement made by persons of unsound mind? [14] Q2) State the doctrine of caveat emptor and explain the exceptions to it. [14]

Q3) Define the term Negotiable instrument. What are its essential characteristics. [14] Q4) Explain the composition & jurisdiction of District forums. [14]

Q5) Explain the terms e-commerce and e-governance with reference to Information Technology Act 2000. [14] Q6) Define Articles of Association. Describe the important clauses of the same.[14] Q7) State the rules regarding sale by auction. [14]

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-16 M.B.A. 106 : BASICS OF MARKETING (2005 Pattern) (Sem. - I)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss the need & importance of studying buying behaviour. What factors influence consumer buying behaviour? Q2) What is Environment Analysis? Explain the process of PEST Analysis. Q3) Explain the process of Marketing Planning. Also state advantages & disadvantages of marketing planning. Q4) Discuss various approaches to Marketing in detail. Also explain the difference between Marketing & Selling. Q5) Define Marketing Organization and discuss various types of marketing organization. Q6) What is Marketing Mix? Explain the difference between designing marketing mix for products & services? Q7) Write short notes on (Any TWO) : a) Marketing Audit. b) Functions of Marketing. c) Customer Delight.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-21 M.B.A. (Semester - II) 201 : MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Explain the significance of 4 Ps in the competitive environment. Q2) What is pricing? Discuss various strategies of pricing with examples. Q3) Services marketing needs the help of three extended Ps. Discuss. Q4) State the role and importance of physical distribution in modern marketing. Q5) Explain the following promotional tools. a) Personal Selling. b) Public Relations. Q6) Discuss the Product Life Cycle and explain with examples how a product is managed in different stages of PLC. Q7) Write short notes (any two) : a) Test Marketing. b) Portfolio analysis. c) Branding. d) Packaging.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-22 M.B.A. (Semester - II) 202 : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Question No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the rest. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss in detail the various factors for determining the level of working capital requirement in a firm. [10] Q2) What do you understand by Cost of Capital? How will you calculate weighted average cost of capital? Explain with illustration. [15] Q3) Explain the importance of statement showing Sources and Application of funds. How is fund defined? [15] Q4) Distinguish between Under Capitalization and Over Capitalization. [15]

Q5) From the following information make out proprietors fund with as many details as possible :[15] a) Current ratio 2.5 b) Liquid ratio 1.5 c) Proprietary ratio (Fixed assets/proprietors funds) 0.75 d) Working capital Rs. 60,000 e) Reserve and surplus Rs. 40,000 f) Bank overdraft Rs. 10,000 and g) There is no long-term loan or fictitious asset.


Q6) A firms whose cost of capital is 10% is considering a two mutually exclusive projects Project X and Project Y the details are as follows : Year 0 1 2 3 4 5 Project P Cash Flows Rs. (70,000) 10,000 20,000 30,000 45,000 60,000 Project Q Cash Flows Rs (70,000) 50,000 40,000 20,000 10,000 10,000

Calculate a) NPV @ 10% b) Profitability index c) Discounted pay-back period Give your opinion as to what project is to be selected. PV factors @ 10% = 0.909, 0.826, 0.751, 0.683 & 0.621 for the year 1 to 5 respectively. [15] Q7) A proforma cost sheet of a company provides the following data : Costs (per unit) Raw material Direct labour Overheads Total cost (per unit) Profit Selling price Rs. 20 5 15 40 10 50

The following is the additional information available. Average raw material in stock: two months; average work-in process (50% complete) : half a month. Finished goods remain in the warehouse on an average for one month. Credit allowed by suppliers one month; credit allowed to debtors 2 months. Cash balance is expected to be Rs. 25,000. You are required to prepare a statement showing the working capital needed to finance a level of activity of 3,00,000 units of output. You may assume that production is carried on evenly throughout the year. [15]

[3975]-22 2

Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-23 M.B.A. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern) (Semester - II)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define Human Resource Management. Differentiate between Personnel Management & HRM. Q2) Explain the concept of Merit Rating & differentiate between Job Enlargement & Job Enrichment. Q3) Define Training & Development. Explain the needs & objectives of Training. Q4) Define Manpower Planning, state its objectives with the process of Manpower Planning. Q5) Explain the concept of performance appraisal & enumerate on the different methods of Performance Appraisal. Q6) Write short notes on (any two) a) Golden Handshake. b) Quality Circles. c) TQM. d) Promotions.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-24 M.B.A. (Semester - II) 204 : MANUFACTURING AND OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Solve any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define Manufacturing Management? Explain the nature, scope and importance of Manufacturing Management. Q2) Explain various types of production process with examples. Q3) Careful planning is required in deciding plant location as well as type of layout. Comment. Q4) Explain different elements of Production Planning & Control (PPC). Q5) A MSRDC is continuously facing problem of availability of buses duet to frequent breakdown. Suggest the type of maintenance to improve the situation. Q6) What is work measurement? Explain importance and basic procedure of work measurement. Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) Gantt charts. b) PERT and CPM. c) Statistical Quality Control.

Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-25 M.B.A. (Semester - II) 205 : MATERIALS AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define the term Materials Management. Also discuss the scope and importance of materials management. Q2) What is materials requirement planning? What are its objectives? Q3) What is a purchase cycle? What are the activities constituting a typical purchase cycle? Q4) Codification assists in reducing inventory of items in stores. Do you agree? Support your views with reasons. Q5) Explain the term value engineering. Discuss the various steps involved in implementing value engineering. Q6) A well conceived and carefully planned material how pattern will have many advantages. Discuss. Q7) What is selective inventory control? What are the various types of selective inventory control techniques? Briefly discuss the same. Q8) Write short notes on (any two) the following : a) Variety reduction. b) Value analysis. c) Unit load in materials handling. d) Supply chain management.

Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-26 M.B.A. (206) MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM (2005 Pattern) (Semester - II)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Q.No.1 and 7 are compulsory. Solve any four questions from remaining. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Draw report layout for the following and elaborate the use of these reports in the process of decision making. [15] a) Pending sales orders (item wise) b) Goods Rejection Note. c) Supplier wise - item wise quotation. Q2) Explain Herbert Simon Model of decision making in detail. Q3) Define Information. Explain the attributes of good information. [10] [10]

Q4) What is Artificial Intelligence? Differentiate between conventional system and expert system. [10] Q5) Define MIS. Explain its need, purpose and objectives. Q6) Explain the prototyping model of information system development. Q7) Write short notes on following (Any Three) : a) Network Topologies. b) Data Mining. c) Decision Support System. d) EIS and DSS. e) Threats to Information System Security. [10] [10] [15]

Total No. of Questions : 6 + 1 Case]

[Total No. of Pages : 3


[3975]-31 M.B.A. (Semester - III) (301) : BUSINESS POLICY AND STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2)

Attempt ANY FOUR questions from question 1 to 6. Each question carries 13 marks. Question No.7 is COMPULSORY and it carries 18 marks.

Q1) Why has Strategic Management become so important to to-days corporation? Discuss with relevant examples. Q2) How IT enabled services and E-Commerce can create competitive advantages? Q3) Explain GE Nine cell model. What are the advantages of GE Nine cell model over BCG matrix? Q4) The C.E.O of a textile mill is convinced that his loss-making company can be turned around. As a strategist suggest an action plan for a Turnaround to C.E.O. Q5) Explain the various corporate level strategies with special focus on diversification strategies. Q6) Write short notes on ANY TWO : a) Definition and benefits of Vision. b) Personal values and business ethics. c) Define and explain business and business policy. Q7) SOLVE the CASE (Enclosed) CASE STUDY : Systematic Analysis and logical reasoning will be given more weightage. NICHOLAS PIRAMAL In 02 when Indias Homegrown Pharma Majors were making steady gains at fighting the multinational companies on their own turf, one major domestic company stayed away Nicholas Piramal. But today as many Indian companies

report a dip in generic revenues, the core team at the Rs. 1,321 crore company is convinced that their strategy is beginning to pay off. The companys stock has appreciated 61% to Rs. 255 since January 04. The company says that by 10 it will earn as much 50% of its estimated $ 1 billion revenues from international business. So what is the strategy that the company has followed for this? Says Ajay Piramal Chairman We decided to follow a differentiated strategy. Over the past few years this phrase become a leitmotif for Mr. Piramal. The differentiated strategy according to him that the company went into Custom manufacturing. This essentially means that the company will work with the global pharma companies and manufacture products spanning the entire range-from raw materials to the finished products. This strategy says that company does not want to compete with the global companies. Instead they would like to co-operate with these companies. In the past 15 months the company has announced three custom manufacturing deals. These deals are expected to be worth $ 13 million in FY 06. Earlier this year the company acquired Rhoda Organique for a consideration of $ 14 millions. The companys strategy in acquisition is to buy generic firms overseas. The idea is to use this acquisition to gain entry into the global hospital and critical care business. This business is likely to contribute $ 14 this year. The company is quite convinced about its international strategy and has therefore decided that it will be on the look out for a larger acquisition target in custom manufacturing business especially in Europe. The company is also making investments in R and D facilities. Last year it invested Rs.100crores in setting up a research facility in Mumbai. The companys strategy is to minimize risks by working on clinically validated targets, in-licence and work with institutions in India and abroad. One lead oncology molecule is set to go in clinical trials shortly and 2 more in oncology and 1 in inflammation are in pre-clinical stage. It is therefore clear that the company has a long way to go in drug discovery and development. The company is also positioning itself as a partner for MNCs that intend to launch their products in the domestic markets in 05. Swati Piramal says that the company is uniquely positioned for this as it has the largest dedicated field force in the country. However some things may not exactly work in the way that the company wishes. It is already behind its schedule on its first custom manufacturing shipment. Also in the last five months the company


has not added any more clients in this space. One industry analyst says that the companys ambitions are a bit too aggressive. According to him to scale up to a target of $ 500 million in revenues from its international business in five years is not going to be a easy task. 1. What is a differentiated strategy? 2. Will Nicholas Piramal succeed in its strategy? What are the risks in this strategy of the company? Suggest what kind of mitigation strategy needs to be formed by the company?


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 3


[3975]-34 M.B.A. (Semester - III) ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (303 - B) (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Question No.1 is compulsory. Solve any two questions from Section I and two questions from Section II. Figures to the right side indicate full marks. Use of non programmable calculator allowed.

Q1) What are the major types of financial management decisions that business firms make? Describe each. [10] SECTION - I Q2) What are the importance and limitations of fund flow analysis? [15]

Q3) Discuss the different techniques of evaluating capital expenditure proposals during inflation. [15] Q4) Write short notes on (any three) a) Internal rate of return (IRR) b) Walters valuation model. c) Capital rationing. d) Net operating income approach of capital structure. Q5) Write a note on Tandon Committee/Chore Committee recommendation on working capital. [15] [3 5 = 15]


SECTION - II Q6) From the following summarized Balance Sheets prepare Fund Flow Statement, where Fund is defined as working capital. [15] Liabilities BALANCE SHEET 31-3-09 31-3-10 Assets Rs. Rs. 31-3-09 Rs. 31-3-10 Rs.

Equity share capital 1,00,000 1,50,000 General Reserve 50,000 60,000 Profit & loss A/c 10,000 17,000 Share premium 0 5,000 10% Debentures 70,000 50,000 Prov. for depr- plant 50,000 56,000 Prov. for depr- Furn. 5,000 6,000 Sundry Creditors 86,000 95,000 Provision for tax 20,000 30,000 TOTAL 3,91,000 4,69,000

Freehold land 1,00,000 1,00,000 Plant at cost 1,04,000 1,00,000 Furniture at cost 7,000 9,000 Investments at cost 60,000 80,000 Inventories 60,000 65,000 Sundry Debtors 30,000 70,000 Cash and bank 30,000 45,000


3,91,000 4,69,000

A plant purchased for Rs. 4,000 (depreciation Rs. 2,000) was sold for cash Rs. 800 on September 2009. On June 2009 an item of furniture was purchased for Rs. 2,000. These were the only transaction relating to fixed during 2009-10. Depreciation on plant was provided at 8% on cost (the sold out item is not taken into consideration) and on furniture at 12.5% on average cost. A dividend of 22.5% on original shares paid. Q7) A firm is considering a two mutually exclusive projects Project X and Project Y the details are as follows : [15] Project X Project Y Net Cash outlay Net Cash outlay 0 Rs. (1,00,000) Rs. (75,000) Net cash savings in operating expenses before depreciation and taxes 1 25,000 18,000 2 30,000 20,000 3 35,000 22,000 4 25,000 20,000 5 20,000 16,000 Determine the relevant cash flows assuming : SLM depreciation. No salvage value. 50% tax rate.
[3975]-34 2


Q8) A proforma cost sheet of a company provides the following data : Costs (per unit) Raw material Direct labour Overheads Total cost (per unit) Profit Selling price Rs. 40.0 15.0 25.0 80.0 20.0 100.0

The following is the additional information available : Average raw material in stock: one month: average work in process: half a month. Credit allowed by suppliers one month; credit allowed to debtors 2 months. Time lag in payment of wages 1 weeks; overheads one month. One fourth of sales are on cash basis. Cash balance is expected to be Rs. 1,20,000. You are required to prepare a statement showing the working capital needed to finance a level of activity of 52,000 units of output. You may assume that production is carried on evenly throughout the year and wages and overheads accrue. [15]


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-37 M.B.A. (Semester - III) (303 - E) LABOUR LAWS H.R. Specialisation (2005 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Question No.1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions out of remaining questions. Marks are indicated against each question.

Q1) a) Discuss welfare measures under Factories Act 1948.


b) Write any ten authorised deductions under Payment of Wages Act. (only titles) [10] Q2) Define Industry under Industrial Disputes Act 1948. Which parameters are essential to entitle it as an industry under I.D. Act 1948. [15] Q3) Discuss the role and responsibilities of a Medical practitioner (Doctor) who is authorised under E.S.I. Act to issue medical leave or sick leave to an employee. [15] Q4) State the circumstances under which employee becomes disentitled to get gratuity under Payment of Gratuity Act. [15] OR What is forfeiture of gratuity? Discuss the grounds on which forfeiture of gratuity is made applicable. [15] Q5) Define unfair labour practices under M.R.T.U. and P.U.L.P. Act. Mention any five unfair labour practices under M.R.T.U. and P.U.L.P. Act as quoted under its schedules. [15]


Q6) Write short notes on any three : a) Industrial canteen under Factories Act. b) Reasons for declaring Lay-off under I.D. Act. c) Excluded Employee under Employees Provident Fund Act. d) Objectives of Minimum Wages. e) Set-on and set-off under Payment of Bonus Act.



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-103 M.B.A. (103) : MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS (New) (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - I)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks. Draw suitable diagrams wherever necessary.

Q1) Define Managerial Economics. Explain its nature and scope. Q2) State and explain law of demand. Are there any exceptions to it? Q3) Explain law of variable proportions with production schedule and diagram. Q4) How does a monopoly firm reaches an equilibrium in short and long run? Q5) What are the steps involved in Project Evaluation. Q6) Discuss any two pricing strategies used by the business firm. Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) d) Types of price elasticity. Types of costs. Break-even Analysis. Need for Government Intervention.


Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 4


[3975]-104 M.B.A. (Semester - I) 104 : STATISTICALAND QUANTITATIVE METHODS (2008 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Question No. 1 is compulsory. Attempt any three questions from the remaining. Use of electronic calculator and statistical tables are allowed. Graph paper will not be supplied draw rough sketches wherever required.

Q1) a)

Solve the following L.P.P. by the graphical method : Maximize Z = 5x1 + 7x2, x1 + x2 < 4, 3x1 + 8x2 < 24, 10x1 + 7x2 < 35, x1, x2 > 0.



Calculate Karl Pearsons coefficient of correlation for the following data :[7] Fertilizer used (metric tons) 15 18 20 24 30 35 40 50 Productivity (metric tons) 85 93 95 105 120 130 150 160 Find the initial basic feasible solution of the following transportation problem using. [7] i) ii) Vogels approximation method. Matrix minimum method. Distribution Centres Factory A B W 10 7 X 8 9 Y 5 15 Z 4 8 Monthly Production (in quintal) 7000 8000 10000


Also find corresponding cost

C 6 10 14 8 Monthly demand (in quintal) 6000 6000 8000 5000



The following data refer to the divident (%) paid by the two companies A and B over the last seven years. [4] Company A 4 8 8 4 3 15 15 10 6 11 4 9 10 Company B 12

Calculate coefficient of variation and comment. Q2) a) Given below is the distribution of 140 candidates obtaining marks X or higher in a certain examination. [8] X c.f b) 10 20 140 133 30 118 40 100 50 75 60 45 70 25 80 9 90 2 100 0

Calculate the mean, median and mode of the distribution. A company has 4 machines on which 3 jobs are to be processed. Each job can be assigned to one machine only. The cost of each job on each machine is given in the following table. [7] Job A B C W 17 7 9 Machine X 23 12 14 Y 27 16 18 Z 31 18 21 [8] 35 30 33 26 40 29 32 31 34 34 33 38 [7]

Q3) a)

Calculate two regression lines. X Y 28 23 37 32 40 33 Player B Player A A1 A2 B1 11 9 B2 7 10 38 34


Find the value of game.


Q4) a)

The following table gives the analysis of the examination results. Boys No. of candidates appeared Married candidates Married and successful Unmarried an successful 800 150 70 550 Girls 200 50 20 110


Determine whether there is an association between marital status and success. b) The conditional pay offs in crores of rupees for the three models of a car for the various likely sales figures are as follows. [7] Model X Y Z Find strategy using i) ii) iii) Q5) a) Maximax. Maximin. Laplace. Sales (Units) 1 lakh 2 lakh 30 55 15 10 20 35 3 lakh 10 3 65

Given r12 = 0.28, r23 = 0.49, r31 = 0.51, 1 = 2.7, 2 = 2.4, 3 = 2.7. Find the regression equation of X3 on X1 and X2 considering difference of X1, X2 and X3 from their respective means. [8] Write short notes on i) ii) Markow Chain. Multiple Channel queueing system. [7]


Q6) a)

At a bus terminus every bus should leave with driver. At the terminus they keep 2 drivers as reserved, it any one on, scheduled duty is sick and could not come. Following is the probability distribution that driver becomes sick. [8] Number of sick drivers Probability 0 1 2 3 4 5 0.30 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.13 0.12


Simulate for 10 days and find utilisation of reserved drivers. Also find how many days and how many buses cannot run because of non availability of drivers. Use following random numbers. 30, 54, 34, 72, 20, 02, 76, 74, 48, 22 b) In a certain factory it was found that average absentee late is 3 workers per shift. Find the probability that on a given shift. [7] i) ii) Exactly two workers will be absent. More than four workers will be absent. [Given e3 = 0.04979, e0.3 = 0.7408]



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-105 M.B.A. - I 105 : LEGAL ASPECTS OF BUSINESS (2008 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer any three from the remaining. Figures to the right indicates marks.

Q1) a) b) c)

Define unpaid seller. What are his rights under the sale of Goods Act?[15] P, Q and R jointly promise to pay Z Rs.3,000/- and P and Q are not traceable. Can Z compel R to pay him in full? [5] A borrows Rs.3,000/- from B C and D. When the debt becomes due A tenders it to B who accepts it. Is A discharged by the payment?[5]

Q2) State and discuss the circumstances under which contracts need not be performed. [15] Q3) What is meant by the term Crossing a cheque? What are the various types of crossings? [15] Q4) What do you understand by the term Information Technology? Explain the rationale behind the Information Technology Act, 2000. [15] Q5) Define patents and explain various types of patents. Q6) Define Company. Explain fully the characteristics of company. Q7) Write short notes (any three) : a) b) c) d) Promissory note. Contract and Agreement. Digital Signature. Negotiable Instrument. [15] [15] [15]


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-106 M.B.A. (Sem. - I) (106) : BASICS OF MARKETING (2008 Pattern)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Attempt any FIVE questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Discuss the need of market segmentation & also explain the merits & demerits of mass marketing. Q2) Marketing is much broader concept than selling. Do you agree? Also discuss various approaches to marketing. Q3) a) b) Understanding consumers buying behaviour is extremely essential in present consumer - driven market. Comment. What factors will influence buying behavior of consumers for i) ii) Touchscreen Mobile Handset & Family Holiday Package.

Q4) Explain various elements of Micro & Macro Environment & how do they affect business organization with the help of suitable examples. Q5) As a Marketing Manager, you have to design a marketing mix for a new magazine for a metro population. Make necessary assumptions & design the marketing mix. Q6) Explain the process of Marketing Planning & control in detail. Q7) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) Social Responsibility of Marketing Organization. Marketing Myopia. Positioning.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-201 M.B.A. (201) : MARKETING MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - II)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Question 1 is compulsory. Answer any four among the remaining questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) D.K.Industries Ltd., a leading company in Electronic Product manufacturing wants to launch a pen with video camera. How will you conduct the test marketing for this product? Make necessary assumptions and justify your answer. Q2) Firms change their marketing strategies as per change in the stage of product life cycle. Discuss. Q3) Discuss the impact of the technology and internet on promotion. Q4) Describe the different channels available to an entrepreneur for the distribution of products to the consumers. Q5) Explain the extended Ps of marketing with relevant examples. Q6) Price is the only element in the marketing mix that produces revenue. Justify. Q7) Short notes (any two) : a) b) c) d) Franchising. Branding. e - marketing. Personal selling.


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 4


[3975]-202 M.B.A. (202) : FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - II)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4)

Question Number 1 is compulsory. Solve any two questions from section-I and two questions from section-II. Figures to the right side indicate full marks. Use of non programmable calculator allowed.

Q1) a)

The annual report of Matrix Company included the presidents letter to shareholders, which stated : Return on sales this year increased to 9 per cent from 7.5 per cent last year. The companys net income was Rs.1134,000 this year, up 8 per cent over last year. Required : Determine the percentage increase or decrease in sales from last year to the current year. [5] A is 35 years old and wants to have Rs.20 lakhs when he retires at age 65. If he can earn 10 per cent interest on all the money he saves for retirement, how much must A save each year to reach his Rs.20 lakhs. Given the compound value of an annuity of Re.1 @ 10 per cent for 30 years - 164.491. [5] SECTION - I


Q2) How far do you think that the goal of wealth maximization is a better operative criterion over the earlier profit maximization? [15] Q3) Differentiate between (any three) : a) b) c) d) Operating cycle and Cash cycle. Percentage analysis and ratio analysis relating to the interpretation of financial statements. Fund Flow Statement and Cash Flow Statement. Discounting and compounding in relation to Capital Budgeting. [15]


Q4) Write short notes on (any three) : a) b) c) d) e) Trading on Equity.


Disclosure of Current Assets according to Schedule VI of The Companies Act. Cash Budget. Management of Receivables. Constant Dividend Policy. SECTION - II

Q5) The financial statement of Good Luck Ltd for the current year end reveal the following information : [15] Ratio of current assets to current liabilities Liquidity ratio (debtors and bank balances to current liabilities Issued capital in equity shares of Rs.10 each Fixed assets (net block) - percentage of shareholders equity as on the closing date Gross profit percentage on Turnover Annual rate of turnover of stock (based on cost on 31st December) Average age of outstanding debtors for the current year Net profit percentage on issued share capital 1.75 : 1 1.25 : 1 Rs. 120,000 Rs.60,600 60% 5.26 times 2 months 16%

On 31st December, companys current assets consisted of stock, debtors and bank balances. You are required to re-construct, in as much detail as possible. a) b) The Balance Sheet as on 31st December, current year, and The Trading and Profit and Loss Account for the current year ended 31st December.


Q6) From the following summarized Balance Sheets prepare Fund Flow Statement., where Fund is defined as working capital. [15] BALANCE SHEET Liabilities Capital Stock Retained earnings Bonds payable Discount on bonds Current liabilities Jan 1 Rs. 350,000 150,000 220,000 (20,000) 300,000 Dec 31 Rs. 435,000 195,000 220,000 (18,000) 320,000 January 1 December 31 Rs. Rs. Land 40,000 40,000 Business premises 200,000 160,000 Plant & Equip 150,000 170,000 Accum.Depre (50,000) (28,000) Patents & trademarks 10,000 9,000 Inventories 1,50,000 1,50,000 Sundry debtors 100,000 207,000 Cash and bank 400,000 444,000 10,00,000 11,52,000 Assets

Total a) b) c) d) e)



Additional Information : Income for the period Rs.100,000 A building that costs Rs.40,000 and which had a book value of Rs.10,000 was sold for Rs.14,000. The depreciation charge for the period was Rs.8000. There was a Rs.50,000 issue of Capital Stock. Cash dividends of Rs.20,000 and bonus shares of Rs.35,000 were declared.

Q7) B Company is evaluating a proposal to acquire an automated welding machine for its small parts assembly department. The equipment costs Rs.680,000 plus the company would have to pay a 5 per cent sales tax on the purchase and spend Rs.20,000 for freight and installation. The equipment has a useful life of 10 years and is expected to produce cost savings of Rs.1,57,500 per year. There is no salvage value. Company policy is not to fund any capital project whose internal rate of return is below the companys 16 per cent cost of capital. Required : a) Compute the payback on the project. b) Compute the net present value of the project. c) Find the internal rate of return to the nearest per cent. [15]
[3975]-202 3

Q8) The Board of Directors of Nanak Engineering Company Pvt Ltd. requests you to prepare a statement showing the working capital requirements for a level of activity at 156,000 units of production. A proforma cost sheet of a company provides the following data : Costs (per unit) Raw material Direct labour Overheads Total cost (per unit) Profit Selling price Rs. 90.0 40.0 75.0 205. 60 265

The following is the additional information available : Average raw material in stock : one month; average materials in process : 2 weeks finished goods in stock, on average one month. Credit allowed by suppliers - one month; credit allowed to debtors - 2 months. Time lag in payment of wages - 1.5 weeks; overheads - one month. 20% of sales are on cash basis. Cash balance is expected to be Rs.60,000. You may assume that production is carried on evenly throughout the year and wages and overheads accrue similarly. [15]



Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-203 M.B.A. (Sem. - II) 203 : HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) Any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

Q1) Define HRM. Explain the various functions of HRM. Q2) Differentiate between Training & Development. Explain various methods of Training. Q3) Explain the concept of performance appraisal and elaborate on the modern methods of performance appraisal. Q4) Define Human Resource Planning and explain the various sources of recruitment. Q5) Explain the concept of separation and discuss the various forms of employee separation. Q6) Write short notes on (any two) : a) b) c) d) Grievance handling procedure. TQM. Succession Planning. Rating errors.


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 4


[3975]-304 M.B.A. (303 - B) : ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - III)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates:

1) 2) 3) 4)

Question Number 1 is compulsory. Solve any two questions from Section-I and three questions from Section-II. Figures to the right side indicate full marks. Use of non programmable calculator allowed.

Q1) Why is it important to evaluate capital budgeting projects on the basis of incremental, after-tax cash flows? Why not use accounting data instead of cash flow? [10] SECTION - I Q2) How the cost of inventories are to be worked as per Accounting Standards AS 2-Valuation of inventories? Discuss the salient points. [12] Q3) Write short notes on : a) b) c) Capital asset pricing model. Symptoms of poor working capital management. Gordon growth model of dividend. [12]

Q4) Explain the assumptions and implications of the MM (Modiglliani and Miller theory) approach and the NOI Approach of capital structure. [12]


SECTION - II Q5) Examine the partial statement of changes shown below, as taken from the annual report of J. Industries : [12] Statement of changes in financial position for the year ended December 31, 2010. Rs. Sources of funds :From operations Net income Add Depreciation Loss on sale of land Less increase in deferred tax Other sources Issuance of bonds Sale of land Total sources Uses of funds Payment of dividends Acquisition of plant Retirement of preferred stock Changes in funds Required :a) b) c) d) e) f) g) What is the definition of funds? Did fund increase or decrease and by how much? What was the book value of the sold land? What was the change in retained earnings? Was the amount of tax expense more or less than the tax liability and by how much? Was the deferred tax account debited or credited, and by how much? Was the preferred stock account debited or credited and by how much? Rs.

28,000 3,200 1,000 (500)

31,700 10,000 19,000 60,700 15,000 22,400 18,500 4,800 60,700


Q6) A company is considering an investment in a project requiring initial outlay of Rs.1,50,000 with expected cash inflows generated over 3 years as follows : Year 1 Year 2 Cash flow Probability Cash flow Probability Rs. Rs. 80,000 0.1 80,000 0.1 60,000 0.2 70,000 0.3 40,000 0.4 60,000 0.4 20,000 0.3 50,000 0.2 a) Year 3 Cashflow Probability Rs. 1,20,000 0.2 90,000 0.5 60,000 0.2 30,000 0.1

Assuming the probability distribution of cash outflows for future periods are independent, the firms cost of capital is 10% and the firm can invest in 5% treasury bills, determine the expected NPV. Determine the standard deviation about the expected value.

[12] Q7) A company newly commencing business in 2011 has the under mentioned projected Profit and Loss account : [12] Rs. Sales Cost of goods sold Gross Profit Administrative expenses Selling expenses Profit before tax Provision for taxation Profit after tax Materials used Wages and manufacturing Depreciation Less Stock of Finished goods (10% of goods produced not yet sold) 2,80,000 2,60,000 Rs. 42,00,000 30,60,000 11,40,000 5,40,000 6,00,000 2,00,000 4,00,000 Rs.16,80,000 12,50,000 4,70,000 34,00,000 3,40,000 30,60,000


The cost of goods sold has been arrived at as under :


The figures given above relate only to finished goods and not to Work in Progress. Goods equal to 15% of the years production (in terms of physical units) will be in process on the average requiring full materials but only 40% of other expenses. The company believes in keeping material equal to two months consumption in stock. All expenses will be paid one month in arrear; Suppliers of material will extend 1 months credit; Sales will be 20% for cash and the rest at two months credit : 90% of the income tax will be paid in advance in quarterly installments. The company wishes to keep Rs.1,00,000 in cash. Prepare an estimate of the requirement of cash cost of working capital. Q8) The Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account of M Co. Ltd. is given below : [12] Rs. in million Balance Sheet as on 31-3-2010 Liabilities Equity 300 Debt 200 500 Assets Fixed assets 360 Net current assets 140 500 Profit and Loss Statement for the year ending as on 31-3-2010 Net sales Cost of goods sold PBIT Interest PBT Tax (30%) PAT 600 516 84 24 60 18 42

Further information provided : a) b) Cost of equity 18 per cent; interest rate on debt 12 per cent. Marginal tax rate 30 per cent.

Calculate M Co.s EVA in the above by four different yet equivalent ways.



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-305 M.B.A. (303 - C) : SOFTWARE ENGINEERING (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - III)

[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) 4) Question Number 1 and 7 is compulsory. Attempt any four questions from the remaining. Numbers to the right indicate full marks. Write down the assumptions clearly (if any).

Q1) A petrol pump in the city has 10 petrol filling machines. Each petrol filling machine has an underground base tank of different capacity. About 50 employees work on the petrol pump in three shifts. Shift start time, end time, lunch hours, rates are different, customers have to register and pay an initial amount against which a credit card is issued. Subsequently all the transactions are paid through the credit card. When the remaining balance in the card becomes zero the customer is again supposed to pay and recharge the card. The management is interested in computerization. You are asked to draw : a) b) c) E - R diagram. Context level DFD. Report layout (any two).

[15] Q2) Explain the importance of requirement analysis in system development life cycle. [10] Q3) Define prototyping. State its features, also explain advantages and disadvantages of prototyping. [10] Q4) RTO has framed following rules for issuing licence and batch to Auto Rickshaw Drivers. The person should be minimum 8th std. pass. The person should be of age above 20 years and should possess valid LMV driving licence. The person should be resident of the city for more than 10 years. The person should have passed written and driving test conducted by RTO. Draw decision table. [10] P.T.O.

Q5) Differetiate between white box testing and black box testing.


Q6) What is Data Dictionary? Explain the purpose of Data Dictionary with suitable example. [10] Q7) Write short notes on (any three) : a) b) c) d) CASE Tools. Fact finding techniques. Cost-Benefit Analysis. Water fall model. [15]



Total No. of Questions : 6]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-307 M.B.A. (303 - E) : LABOUR LAWS H.R.M. Specialisation (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - III)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question Number 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt any three questions out of remaining questions. 3) Marks are indicated against each question.

Q1) a) b)

Write health measures under the Factories Act 1948. [15] State the provisions under Bombay Shops and Establishment Act 1948 relating to leave with pay. [10]

Q2) Write the provisions regarding the registration of establishment employing contract labour under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970. [15] Q3) a) b) Q4) a) b) Write any five authorised deductions under payment of wages Act 1936. [10] Define wages under payment of wages Act 1936. [5] Discuss the provisions contained in the payment of Bonus Act 1965 relating to minimum bonus and maximum bonus. [10] State under which grounds an employee is disqualified to get bonus under the payment of Bonus Act. [5]

Q5) State the procedure for fixing minimum wages and revising minimum wages under the minimum wages Act. [15] Q6) Write short notes on any three : a) Forefeiture of gratuity under payment gratuity Act. b) Set-on and set-off under payment of Bonus Act. c) Provisions of registration under Factories Act 1948. d) Wages in kind to workers. e) Role of welfare officer under the Factories Act. [15]


Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 2

[3975]-410 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) 405 - A : Marketing Strategy & Relationship Marketing
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Attempt ANY THREE questions from Section - I. Attempt ANY TWO questions from Section - II. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70


(Marketing Strategy)
Q1) Why new products are developed? How would you organize new product development? What are the steps involved? Q2) What do you understand by Offensive and Defensive competitive marketing strategies? Why and when they should be adopted? Q3) Explain the significance of marketing strategy for soft drink manufacturers; say Coca Cola and Pepsi Cola in India. Discuss their strategies. Q4) Explain how IT would help in building up competitive marketing strategy to achieve sustaining growth in the business? Q5) Write short notes on ANY TWO: a) b) c) Identification of attractive markets. Harvesting strategies. Making market and segment choice.



(Relationship Marketing)
Q6) Define customer satisfaction. How do you measure customer satisfaction of a Commercial Bank? Illustrate your answer. Q7) What do you understand by Paradigm shift in marketing? Illustrate with examples of your choice. Q8) Write short notes on ANY TWO: a) b) c) RM in industrial markets and consumer markets. Characteristics of relationships. Customer defections.



Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-411 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) 405 B : International Finance

(2008 New Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 and Question No. 2 are compulsory. 2) Attempt ANY THREE questions from remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a)

A Bank is giving the following quotes: USD/AUD Spot : 1.3045 / 50, 91 days forward : 1.3425 / 35 i) ii) Is the AUD at 91 days premium or discount against the USD.


How much is the annualized percentage premium or discount on AUD? [5] : 47.9710 / 48.0101 : 1.1210 / 1.1280 [5] GBP / USD Spot : 1.4540 / 45 GBP / USD Spot : 1.5010 / 15


Following rates are available. Find out INR / EUR relationship. INR /USD EUR / USD


Following are the two quotes from two different banks: Bank A Bank B

Is there an opportunity to make riskless profit without any investment? If so how? Q2) a) b) Differentiate between Direct quote and Indirect quote. [5]

An Indian Banker gives the following quotes for USD as INR 50.1125 / 50.4560. Calculate percentage spread. [5]

Q3) What is Hedging? Explain the different external techniques of Hedging in Foreign Exchange. [15]

Q4) Write a detailed note on the following: a) b) Loan Syndication. External Commercial Borrowings.


Q5) Discuss the role played by Euro Currency on foreign exchange market. [15] Q6) Explain the objectives and scope of FEMA 1999. How is it different from FERA 1973. [15] Q7) Write Short Notes on (ANY THREE): a) b) c) d) IAS on Foreign Transactions. Special Drawing Rights (SDRs). Use of IT in International Finance. Export Processing Zones (EPZs). [15]



Total No. of Questions : 8]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-413 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) 405 D : TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT (Operations and Materials Management Specialization)
(2008 Pattern)

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (14 each).

[Max. Marks : 70

Q1) a) b)

State the significance of Management of Technology. Explain the impact of Technology on society.

Q2) Discuss the issues involved in effective management of technology. Q3) Discuss the elements of effective management of IPR (intellectual property rights) in context of Technology Management. Q4) Discuss the trends in Research and Development in large business organizations. Q5) What is Innovation? Discuss the process and significance of innovation in technology management. Q6) List common causes of failure of hitech products. Suggest specific measures for organizations to avoid failure of high-tech product after launch. Q7) Explain features of any two technology forecasting techniques. Q8) Write notes on any two of the following: a) Technology diffusion. b) Technology Assessment. c) Environment Impact Analysis.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-414 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV)

405 E : Labour Laws

(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Define term Industry. Explain various terms in definition. What is triple test for Industry? What is Industrial Dispute? Q2) Explain term Unfair Labour Practice. What could be unfair labour practices on part of Employer. Q3) Explain in detail concept of Natural Justice and its principles. Q4) Explain Role of Insurance Court in Employees State Insurance Act 1948. Q5) Explain various conditions for payment of Maternity Benefits under the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961. Q6) Explain following terms under Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952. a) Eligibility for membership. b) Contribution Rates for P.F. and Pension Fund. c) Exempted Employee. d) Nominee. Q7) Write short notes on any two: a) Difference between lay off and retrenchment with legal definitions. b) Powers of Labour Courts. c) Permanent and Temporary Disablement. d) Certification of standing orders. e) Contributions under Provident Fund.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-415 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) 405 F : Foreign Exchange Management

(2008 New Pattern)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Question No. 1 is compulsory. 2) Attempt ANY FOUR questions from remaining. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) a)

Find the inverse quotes of the following: i) ii) iii) USD / CHF : 1.4955 / 1.4962 GBP / USD : 1.5645 / 1.5655 USD / AUD : 1.8885 / 90.



Following quotes are given by two different banks. In Brazil: BRL / GBP : 5.2506 / 5.2600 In Mexico : MXN / BRL : 3.9568 / 3.9698 Find out MXN / GBP.



Calculate the Bid rate and Ask rate if the Mid rate is 7.2597 INR / ZAR and spread is 0.2670 INR [4]

Q2) What is foreign exchange market? State the characteristic features of foreign exchange market. [14] Q3) Explain the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of Letter of Credit. [14] Q4) How is Fixed Exchange rate different from Flexible Exchange rate? Explain the features of Fixed Exchange rate. [14]


Q5) Discuss the various methods of trade settlement in International Trade. [14] Q6) Explain following contract terms for carriage in International Trade. a) b) C.I.P. C.I.F. [14] [14]

Q7) Write Notes on (Any Two): a) b) c) World Bank. Gold Standards. Post Shipment Finance.



Total No. of Questions : 06]

[Total No. of Pages : 2

[3975]-416 M.B.A. (Sem. - IV) 406 A : PRODUCT AND BRAND MANAGEMENT Marketing Specialization
(2008 Pattern)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) 2) 3) Question No. 1 is compulsory. From Question No. 2 to Question No. 6 attempt any four. All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Vaibhav and Rajan are two enterprising youth. They have passed out from a premier management institute. They decided instead of doing a job, they will launch fresh vegetables in Indian Marketing. Having learnt of the future conventional foods, they decided to venture into cultivation of mushrooms. Mushrooms are known to be the best alternative food for vegetarians. For Vaibhav and Rajan fund raising was a serious handicap for Mass Production. However, the first trial batch of mushrooms that they produced was bought by star hotel in Pune. Further the hotel placed orders for supply of 20kgs everyday. Vaibhav and Rajan want to sell mushrooms in a very big way all over India. How will you guide Vaibhav and Rajan in a) b) c) Product strategies. Brand Positioning. Brand Strategies.

Q2) What are the factors that affect product management decision? Q3) Explain managing brand equity with reference to brand revitalization and brand crisis. Q4) What is Co-branding? Explain the meaning of the term reach and awareness Co-branding.

Q5) Write short notes on Any Two of the following: a) b) c) d) Commodities V/s Brands. Competitor Analysis. Factors influencing design of Product. Brand Hierarchy.

Q6) Explain the concept of Brand Equity. Discuss the various techniques of calculating Brand Equity.



Total No. of Questions : 08]

[Total No. of Pages : 2


[3975]-417 M.B.A.

(406 B) : Strategic Financial Management

(2008 Pattern) (Sem. - IV)
Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Attempt any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. [Max. Marks : 70

Q1) Explain STARATEGY and importance of the same in the present financial management. [14] Q2) Discuss ethical aspects of strategic financial management in the light of present corporate scenario in India. [14] Q3) What is the Brand valuation? What are the methods of Brand valuation in the modern financial scenario? [14] Q4) What are the prerequisites of strategic wage negotiation and how these Pre requisites are useful in strategic wage negotiation? Discuss with the help of suitable examples. [14] Q5) Following ate the particulars relating to 3 workers A, B and C: Normal Rate = Re. 0.80 per Hour Piece Rate = Re. 0.60 per Piece Standard Output = 2 Units per Hour. In a 40 Hours week, the production of the worker is as follows: A = 60 Units B = 90 Units C = 120 Units Calculate the earnings of the worker under: a) Taylors Differential Piece Rate System. b) Merricks Multiple Piece Rate System. c) Gantts Task and Bonus Plan System.


Q6) Dirt cleaners Ltd is a detergent manufacturing company and it wanted to launch a new detergent called Nirmal in the market. The product was targeted towards middle income people. There were two similar detergents of two different companies. One of them Greater White was priced at Rs. 75 per kg whereas the other Very White was priced at Rs. 78 per kg. Greater White had almost 78% of the Market share. What should be the pricing strategy of Dirt Cleaners Ltd if it wants to capture the market. [14] Q7) Worst Ltd was purchasing its raw material from only one supplier for the last 10 years who was supplying them at Rs. 452 per kg. Mr. Madhav Joglekar the purchase manager decided to search for other suppliers and prepared a list and then select the one who would offer them the raw material of the right quality, right quantity and reasonable price. Do you think he is right? [14] Q8) Mr. Jitendra is normally paid the following wages. Basic pay - Rs. 5 per hour Dearness Allowance - Re. 2 per hour Overtime wage - Rs. 10 per hour Productivity Bonus - Re. 2 per extra unit produced Weekly Bonus - Rs. 10 He is entitled to one weekly holiday with payment (basic/D.A). He should Work 8 hours per day and six days per week. He is expected to give 1 unit of Product in 2 hours, as per the normal productivity norm. In actual fact he Worked for 56 hours and gave an output of 30 units during the last week. Prepare a statement of wages to be paid to Mr. Raj under overtime wage Policy with the help of following four alternate wage combinations. a) Only normal wage payment (without any overtime wage or Productivity bonus) b) Normal wage with overtime wage c) Normal wage with Productivity bonus and d) Normal wage with overtime wage and productivity bonus wage. e) Suggest the most practical and pragmatic wage combination. [14]

[3975]-417 2

Total No. of Questions : 08]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-419 M.B.A. QUALITY MANAGEMENT (406 D) : Production and Materials Specialization (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - IV)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) Answer any five questions. 2) All questions carry equal marks. (14 each).

Q1) Discuss Malcom Baldridge model of Quality and Leadership in detail. Q2) Explain significance, importance and application of OC curves. Q3) Explain Juran quality triology. How it is relevant to todays process quality. Q4) How will you identify needs of service quality? Explain any design model for measuring customer satisfaction. Q5) What is the difference between product and process quality? Explain the concept of quality control with this perspective. Q6) What is sampling? What are the sampling techniques used in controlling quality? Q7) Explain the principle of Ishikawa diagram. What is the technique used in this tool to reach to the root cause of quality proble. Q8) Write notes on any two of the following: a) Planning for the quality audit. b) Change Management. c) Customer Satisfaction Management. d) Quality and cost.


Total No. of Questions : 7]

[Total No. of Pages : 1


[3975]-420 M.B.A. 406 E : Strategic Human Resource Management (2008 Pattern) (Sem. - IV)
[Max. Marks : 70

Time : 3 Hours] Instructions to the candidates: 1) All questions carry equal marks. 2) Attempt any 5 questions. 3) Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q1) Define strategic Human Resource Mgt. (SHRM) Discuss the process of Strategic Management, in detail. [14] Q2) Explain the strategic leadership styles in Mergers And Acquisitions. [14]

Q3) Explain the correlation between Quality of Work Life Balance and Work Life Balance. [14] Q4) Explain HR as a value added function. [14]

Q5) What is Competency Mapping? Explain different techniques involved in Competency Mapping? [14] Q6) Define compensation strategy. What are the different compensation strategies. [14] Q7) Short Notes (Any Two): a) WTO and Labour standards. b) BroadBanding. c) Employee stock option plan. d) Telecommuting. e) Virtual Organisation. [14]


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