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PROPÓSITO DE LA SESIÓN: En esta sesión los estudiantes, elaboran un diálogo sobre las diversas actividades que

realizan durante las fiestas patrias y/o vacaciones de medio año. Reflexionan sobre la riqueza del Perú y su biodiversidad, su cultura y
sus tradiciones. Desarrolla la gramática Future Will and Going To a través de ejemplos y ejercicios.

Complete the following box.

PERU AND ITS CULTURE! Who are you talking What does it tell us about
about? them?
When the Spanish arrived in Peru, they brought products such
as wheat, onion, garlic, lemon, among others. First paragraph
Now, these and other products that are Peruvian are used in our
gastronomy, for example, in wheat soup. Also, with the Spanish Second
came the Africans. They brought dances, such as the stomp, the paragraph
celebration and the word “JARANA”. Currently, the stomp is an
Afro-Peruvian dance that is danced in the patron festivities of Third paragraph
the communities. Then, the Chinese arrived; They received as
payment for the work they did in the cultivation, and the sale of
What is the text about?
cotton and sugar cane, a ration of rice that they fried along with
the food that was left over. This is how the rice that was fried
together with the food that was left was born. This is how the a) The Spanish
chaufa rice was born, which today is part of Chinese-Peruvian b) The Peruvian food.
food. c) Contribution about other cultures.

Answer the following questions. What do you think of the contributions of other cultures
in Peru?
1. What´s the text about?
1. I think
2. Who came to Peru?

2. Do you think Peru receives a lot of tourists? Why?

3. What did the Spanish bring to Peru?
3. What places would you like to visit in Peru?
4. What is your favorite festival in Peru?

4. What did the Africans bring to Peru? ________________________________________________________________

5. Where is it?


Daya: Hello! What is your name? Fill in Will or the correct form of be going to

Bartolome: Hi! My name is

Bartolomé! Where are you from? 1. Next Saturday we ______________ (attend) a parade at the park!
2. I think the parade, ______________ (be) for the National Holidays.
Daya: I´m from Ayacucho, Huamanga. 3. My father. ______________ (buy) my implements Tonight.
4. ______________ the school ______________ (win) the parade?
Bartolome: Ayacucho is so beautiful! 5. The weather ______________ (be) super nice next Saturday but I doubt
How old are you? that it ______________ (snow) in July.
6. We use the word(s) ______________ when we want to talk about
Daya: I’m 16 years old. predictions.
7. I asked me, what ________ (will – going to) the national holidays be like
Bartolome: Tell me about 300 years from now?
your family. What activities do
you do on National Holidays in 8. We use the word(s) ______________ when we offer to help someone.
your community? 9. I ______________ (lift) that heavy box for you.
10. I think that schools ______________ (not/use) ______________ books-
Daya: My family goes to see me at the they ______________ (give) every child a tablet computer.
patriotic parade, we attend a traditional fair
in “San Juan” and we travel on mid – year Circle the correct answer.
vacation to finally return to school on August.
And your family?
1. Oh look! It is going to / will snow soon.
Bartolome: We traveled to my parent’s town, 2. Next vacation I am going to / will backpack around Cuzco.
where the patron saint festivities are celebrated 3. Ring! Ring! I am going to / I'll answer it.
with bullfights and castles, it is a well – know 4. I think our team is going to / will win the parade.
festival in my parent’s town.
5. In 2055 robots are going to / will be our teachers.
6. Tonight, we are going to have / will have a birthday party for
Daya: Does your family speak my brother.
Quechua? 7. We are going to / will go to the movies tonight.
8. My friends are going to / will go to the movies tonight.
Bartolome: Yes, we speak Quechua Very well. 9. I doubt that he is going to / will pass the English test.
10. He is going to / will study for the test tomorrow.
11. Be careful! You are going to / will drop the notebooks.
Daya: Wow! Thak you, Bartolome. You and 12. During summer vacation we are going to / will go swimming
your family have a good time in the mid-year
vacation. every day.
13. I'm sure that you are going to / will find your lost ring.
14. I am going to / will help you carry your books.
What you and your family do during the national
15. Look out! That dog is going to / will bite you if you get near

Adecúa un texto a un diálogo sobre las diversas

actividades que ellos realizan durante las fiestas
patrias y vacaciones de medio.
Utiliza recursos no verbales y paraverbales de
forma estratégica en su diálogo sobre las diversas
actividades que ellos realizan durante las fiestas
patrias y vacaciones de medio año.
Interactúa en roles de hablante y oyente para
preguntar, responder, aclarar, contrastar y
completar ideas sobre las diversas actividades que
ellos realizan durante las fiestas patrias y
vacaciones de medio.
Emplea en su diálogo vocabulario y gramática
adecuado a su nivel.

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