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 Theoretical Analysis

Q1. What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the use of websites, apps, mobile devices, social media search engines,
and other digital means to promote and sell products and services.
Digital marketing involves many of the same principles as traditional marketing and is often
considered an additional way for companies to approach consumers and understand their
behaviour. Companies often combine traditional and digital marketing techniques in their
strategies. But digital marketing also comes with its own set of challenges. Digital
marketing started to become popular with the widespread adoption of the internet in the

 Digital marketing promotes products and services through channels such as

websites, mobile devices, and social media platforms.
 Digital marketers have a number of tools to measure the effectiveness of their
 One of the biggest challenges digital marketers’ faces is how to set themselves
apart in a world that is oversaturated with digital ads and other distractions.

Types of Digital Marketing Channels:

1. Website Marketing

Companies often use their own website as the centrepiece of their digital marketing
activities. The most effective websites represent the Brand and its products and services in a
clear and memorable way. A website today must be fast-loading, mobile-friendly, and easy
to navigate.

2. Pay- Per- Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising enables marketers to reach audiences on news and other
websites and digital platforms through paid ads. Marketers can set up PPC campaigns on
Google Bing, LinkedIn, X (formerly Twitter), Pinterest, and Facebook and show their ads to
people searching terms related to their products or services.

2. Content Marketing

The goal of content marketing is to reach potential customers through the use of
written, visual, or video Content that interests them That content is usually
published on a website and then promoted through social media, email marketing,
search engine optimization, or even pay-per-click campaigns. Content marketing
attempts to be more subtle than advertising,
and the product or service the sponsor is attempting to market may or may not be
conspicuously highlighted.

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing is still one of the most effective digital marketing channels, though many
people associate it with spam and treat such messages accordingly. Many digital marketers
use their other digital marketing channels to collect names for their email lists. Then, through
email marketing, they try to turn those leads into customers.

3. Social Media Marketing

The primary goals of a social media marketing campaign are to Build Brand awareness and
establish trust. As you go deeper into social media marketing, you can use it to obtain leads
and as a direct marketing or sales channel. Promoted posts and tweets are two examples of
social media marketing.

4. Affiliate Marketing

is one of the oldest forms of marketing, and the digital world has given it new life. In
affiliate marketing, companies and individual "influencers" promote another
company's products and get a commission every time a sale is made or a fresh lead is
added to their list. Many well-known companies, including Amazon, have affiliate
programs that pay out millions of dollars to affiliates that help sell their products.

5. Video Marketing

A lot of internet users turn to sites like YouTube before making a buying decision,
to learn how to do something, to read a review, or just to relax. Marketers can use
any of several video marketing platforms, including Facebook Videos, Instagram,
and TikTok, to run a video marketing campaign. Companies find the most success
with video by integrating it with SEO, content marketing, and broader social media
marketing campaigns.

6. Text Messaging

Companies also use text messages (formally known as SMS, or short message
service) to send information about their latest products and promotions. Nonprofit
organizations and political candidates also use texting to promote themselves and
solicit donations. Today many marketing campaigns make it possible for consumers
to make a payment or donation via a simple text message.

Q2.What are the different techniques of Digital Marketing?

Basically 9 Digital Marketing techniques:

1. Social Media Marketing - A strong presence on social media
platforms is the most important digital marketing tool. There are
many ways to promote a brand’s social media presence. Examples
of this are employing social media influencers to promote brands
on their own social media accounts and brands actively posting
and engaging on its accounts to promote its image.

2. Search Engine Optimization- Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, is a

digital marketing technique that involves creating more traffic to
a website by making sure a website appears higher up in the
results of a search engine like Google. This technique helps
business marketing by improving a brand’s awareness.

3. Email Marketing- Emails are a great marketing technique to get

customers to return to a brand and purchase new products. First,
a company must get people to sign up for an email list after they
have made a purchase. Then, based on the knowledge they
receive from the emails, it is highly likely these customers will

4. Content Marketing- Content marketing is creating valuable and

relevant content consistently on platforms. A brand can use
content marketing as a tool to achieve better brand awareness
by marketing itself as a company that is in touch with and
important to the world. An example of this is how Nike is
constantly running ad campaigns for athletes that are on the

5. Video Marketing - Video marketing works well with content

marketing and is also a popular technique in digital marketing
because of the easy access to videos that technology has
provided. By creating quality commercials, companies can inflict
a lasting brand image in its audience heads and get them to think
about purchasing.

6. Web advertising- Brands can market themselves more effectively

by creating clickable advertisements to put on popular websites.
Examples of this are when ads for different companies appear on
the side of an article on a website like ESPN or CNN.

7. Affiliate Marketing - Affiliate advertising is when a brand pays to

have a valuable spokesperson with a large audience, usually a
blogger or social media influencer, to post about their company
so that a
company can increase its circulation. A good example of this is
when Kylie Jenner, top 10 in total Instagram followers, posted
about a brand called Fashion Nova. This post rapidly increased
Fashion Nova sales as a result of how large Jenner’s audience and
impact is on Instagram.

8. Overall Personalized- Personalizing brand awareness and creating

a unique style can make people believe whether a company is
successful or not. An example of this is Nike’s infamous swoosh
logo, when people see it on a shoe or piece of clothing it is
instantly synonymous with the high-quality Nike prides itself on.

9. Creating an App- The last of the popular digital marketing

techniques is creating an app. Creating an app for a brand can
give viewers an accessible means of communication and show
where to purchase and get notified of new products.

Q3. What is the scope of Digital Marketing in current business scenario?

Digital marketing is one of the fastest-growing industries and has become an essential part
of every business's marketing strategy. With the increasing use of technology and the
internet, digital marketing has become a popular medium to reach out to customers and
promote products or services. The scope of digital marketing is enormous, as it encompasses
numerous channels such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimization,
search engine marketing, content marketing, etc.

Some reasons why the scope of digital marketing is vast in the current business scenario are:

1. Targeted Marketing: With digital marketing, businesses can target specific

demographics and user behaviours, making marketing campaigns much more effective and

2. Cost-effective: Digital marketing is cost-effective as compared to traditional

marketing methods and offers better returns on investment.

3. Increased Engagement: Digital marketing allows businesses to engage with

customers through various channels, leading to higher customer engagement and
4. Reach and Accessibility: Digital marketing allows businesses to reach a global
audience, irrespective of their location, making it easier to expand customer base and

5. Measurable Metrics: With digital marketing, businesses can measure the effectiveness
of their campaigns easily, allowing them to make data-driven decisions and optimize their
marketing strategies accordingly.

Thus, the scope of digital marketing is immense and growing, making it an attractive career
option and a powerful tool for businesses to connect with customers and drive growth.

Q4. How is digital marketing different from Social Media Marketing?

 Digital marketing and social media marketing are two different concepts, though
social media marketing is a part of digital marketing. Here are the main differences
between the two:

1. Scope: Digital marketing includes all types of online marketing activities, including
social media marketing, email marketing, SEO, PPC, content marketing, etc. On the other
social media marketing is limited to promoting brand awareness, engagement, and sales on
social media platforms.

2. Audience: Digital marketing can target a broader audience through various

channels, while social media marketing can target only the audience present on social
media platforms.

3. Goals: Digital marketing has a more comprehensive set of goals, including lead
generation, brand awareness, customer acquisition, engagement, and retention. Social
media marketing, however, focuses mainly on brand awareness, engagement, and driving
traffic to the

4. Budget: Digital marketing campaigns require budget allocation across various

channels, while social media marketing campaigns can be executed with a limited
5. Content: Digital marketing involves creating different types of content, such as blogs,
videos, webinars, and infographics, which are distributed through different channels.
Social media marketing focuses on creating content that is suitable for specific social
media platforms.

In summary, digital marketing is a more comprehensive concept that includes various online
marketing activities, while social media marketing is a subset of digital marketing that
focuses solely on promoting businesses on social media platforms.

Q.5 What is the basic difference between SEO and SEM?

The difference between Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing
(SEM) is that SEO is a strategy that focuses on improving your website to rank better in the
search results while SEM focuses on using both organic and paid search strategies to obtain
more traffic and higher rankings.
Search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEM) are two different
approaches to increase the visibility of a website on search engine results pages.

SEO is the process of optimizing a website to achieve higher organic rankings in search
engine results. The main focus of SEO is on optimizing the website's content, structure, and
technical aspects to improve its visibility in search results pages. In simple terms, it helps to
improve the website's ranking in organic search results with the use of relevant and high-
quality content, keyword research, and optimization of on-page as well as off-page factors.

SEM, on the other hand, is a form of online advertising where businesses bid on specific
keywords to show their ads on search engine results pages. In other words, SEM is an
umbrella term that includes both paid and unpaid activities to increase the website's
visibility on search engine results pages. The primary goal of SEM is to achieve more website
traffic, lead generation, and conversions through paid search ads.

To summarize, while SEO aims to improve the website's organic ranking by optimizing its
content and structure, SEM uses paid advertising to increase the website's visibility on
search engine results pages.
Q6. Identify 20 Digital Marketing parameters (e.g.: Bounce rate, back links, head tags, etc)
which helps in increasing the visibility of the website.
 Certainly! Here are 20 key digital marketing parameters that can help increase
the visibility of a website:

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing website content and structure

to improve organic search engine rankings.

2. Backlinks: Incoming links from other websites can increase authority and visibility.

3. Keyword Research: Identifying relevant keywords for website content to

attract targeted traffic.

4. Meta Tags: Optimizing meta titles and descriptions with keywords for
search engine visibility.

5. Content Quality: High-quality, engaging content can attract and retain

visitors, improving visibility.

6. Bounce Rate: A lower bounce rate indicates that visitors are engaging with
the website, potentially improving visibility.

7. Page Load Speed: Faster loading times can improve user experience and
search engine rankings.

8. Mobile Optimization: Ensuring the website is mobile-friendly can improve

visibility on mobile searches.

9. Social Media Engagement: Active social media presence can drive traffic
and improve visibility.

10. Local SEO: Optimizing for local search results can improve visibility for
local businesses.

11. User Experience (UX): A well-designed website that is easy to navigate

can improve visibility and user retention.

12. Internal Linking: Linking to other pages within the website can improve
navigation and visibility.

13. Structured Data Markup: Adding schema markup can help search engines
understand the content better, potentially improving visibility in rich
14. Click-Through Rate (CTR): A higher CTR in search results can improve visibility
and rankings.

15. Content Updates: Regularly updating and adding new content can
signal freshness to search engines, improving visibility.

16. Alt Tags: Optimizing image alt tags with relevant keywords can improve
visibility in image searches.

17. Headings (H1, H2, etc.): Using proper heading tags can improve readability
and SEO, enhancing visibility.

18. Site Map: A well-structured XML sitemap can help search engines index
the website more efficiently, improving visibility.

19. Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO): Improving conversion rates can lead
to more engaged users and potentially improved visibility.

20. Analytics Tracking: Monitoring website performance with tools like

Google Analytics can help optimize strategies for better visibility.

These parameters, when effectively utilized, can significantly enhance the visibility
and performance of a website in the digital landscape.

Q.7. Explain 5 of the 20 parameters which you have identified?

These are 5 Parameters which you have identified -

1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)- SEO sta⭲ds roí “scaíck c⭲gi⭲c

optimizatio⭲.” I⭲ simplc tcíms, SEO mca⭲s tkc píoccss or impío:i⭲g Qo"í
wcbsitc to i⭲cícasc its :isibilitQ i⭲ Googlc, Micíosort Bi⭲g, a⭲d otkcí
scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs wkc⭲c:cí pcoplc scaíck roí:

 Píod"cts Qo" scll.

 Scí:iccs Qo" pío:idc.
 I⭲roímatio⭲ o⭲ topics i⭲ wkick Qo" ka:c dccp cxpcítisc a⭲d/oí cxpcíic⭲cc.

ľkc bcttcí :isibilitQ Qo"í pagcs ka:c i⭲ scaíck ícs"lts, tkc moíc likclQ Qo" aíc to bc ro"⭲d
a⭲d clickcd o⭲. UltimatclQ, tkc goal or scaíck c⭲gi⭲c optimizatio⭲ is to kclp attíact
wcbsitc :isitoís wko will bccomc c"stomcís, clic⭲ts oí a⭲ a"dic⭲cc tkat kccps comi⭲g
 2 Bou⭲cc Ratc - Bo"⭲cc íatc is a⭲ I⭲tcí⭲ct maíkcti⭲g tcím "scd i⭲ wcb tíarric
a⭲alQsis. It ícpícsc⭲ts tkc pcícc⭲tagc or :isitoís wko c⭲tcí tkc sitc a⭲d tkc⭲ lca:c
("bo"⭲cc") íatkcí tka⭲ co⭲ti⭲"i⭲g to :icw otkcí pagcs witki⭲ tkc samc sitc.
Bo"⭲cc íatc is a⭲ I⭲tcí⭲ct maíkcti⭲g tcím "scd i⭲ wcb tíarric a⭲alQsis. It ícpícsc⭲ts
tkc pcícc⭲tagc or :isitoís wko c⭲tcí tkc sitc a⭲d tkc⭲ lca:c ("bo"⭲cc") íatkcí tka⭲
co⭲ti⭲"i⭲g to :icw otkcí pagcs witki⭲ tkc samc sitc.

 «. Backli⭲ks- Backli⭲ks aíc li⭲ks o⭲ wcbsitcs otkcí tka⭲ Qo"í ow⭲ tkat go back
to a pagc o⭲ Qo"í wcbsitc. Backli⭲ks aíc also callcd i⭲bo"⭲d li⭲ks bcca"sc tkcQ
ícpícsc⭲t a⭲otkcí wcbsitc's tíarric comi⭲g to Qo"í ow⭲ sitc. ľkc q"alitQ a⭲d
q"a⭲titQ or Qo"í backli⭲ks ca⭲ kclp Qo" ía⭲k kigkcí i⭲ scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs s"ck as
Googlc a⭲d Bi⭲g.

 4. Mcta ľags- A mcta tag is a⭲ HľMḺ tag tkat dcscíibcs tkc co⭲tc⭲t o⭲ a
wcbpagc. Mcta tags ca⭲ bc :icwcd bQ sclccti⭲g Vicw/So"ícc ríom tkc mc⭲" or a
bíowscí. Mcta tags, s"ck as tkc mcta titlc a⭲d mcta dcscíiptio⭲ plaQ impoíta⭲t
íolcs i⭲ a wcbsitc's SEO pla⭲ bcca"sc tkcQ co⭲tai⭲ kcQwoíds a⭲d pkíascs tkat
dcscíibc a pagc's co⭲tc⭲t.
ľkcíc aíc sc:cíal tQpcs or mcta tags, b"t somc or tkc most commo⭲ o⭲cs i⭲cl"dc:

 5.Mcta Dcscíiptio⭲ ľag: ľkis tag orrcís a s"cci⭲ct s"mmaíQ or tkc i⭲roímatio⭲
o⭲ tkc wcbpagc. ľkis dcscíiptio⭲ is rícq"c⭲tlQ displaQcd bQ scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs i⭲
scaíck ícs"lts, so it maQ pcís"adc ícadcís to click o⭲ a li⭲k to tkc wcbsitc.

 G.Mcta KcQwoíds ľag: HistoíicallQ, tkc p"íposc or tkis tag was to list tkc
wcbsitc’s pcíti⭲c⭲t tcíms. K"c to ab"sc a⭲d cxploitatio⭲, ma⭲Q scaíck
c⭲gi⭲cs ⭲o lo⭲gcí "sc tkis tag roí ía⭲ki⭲g p"íposcs.

 7.Mcta ľitlc ľag: ľkc titlc clcmc⭲t, wkick is rícq"c⭲tlQ ícgaídcd as a cí"cial
mcta tag, is tQpicallQ "scd to spccirQ tkc titlc or a wcbpagc. ľkc titlc is "scd as tkc
píimaíQ li⭲k tcxt i⭲ scaíck c⭲gi⭲c ícs"lts as wcll as i⭲ tkc bíowscí’s titlc baí.

 ®.Mcta Robots ľag: ľkis tag ícg"latcs kow wcb pagcs aíc i⭲dcxcd a⭲d cíawlcd
bQ scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs. It ca⭲ tcll scaíck c⭲gi⭲c bots wkctkcí to i⭲dcx tkc pagc, rollow
li⭲ks, oí skow it i⭲ scaíck ícs"lts.
 9.Mcta Vicwpoít ľag: It is cí"cial roí ícspo⭲si:c wcb dcsig⭲ tkat tkis clcmc⭲t bc
"scd to spccirQ kow a wcbpagc sko"ld bc displaQcd o⭲ :aíio"s dc:iccs a⭲d scícc⭲

 10.Mcta Opc⭲ Gíapk ľags: ľkcsc tags aíc "scd to ad:isc social mcdia
platroíms abo"t tkc titlc, dcscíiptio⭲, a⭲d imagc tkat sko"ld skow o⭲ a
wcbpagc wkc⭲ skaícd o⭲ social mcdia.

 11 Mcta Ca⭲o⭲ical ľag: BQ i⭲dicati⭲g tkc pícrcíícd :císio⭲ or a pagc wkc⭲

sc:cíal URḺs maQ poi⭲t to tkc samc piccc or co⭲tc⭲t, it kclps a:oid píoblcms witk
d"plicatc co⭲tc⭲t.

 11Mcta Ckaísct ľag: It spccirics tkc ckaíactcí c⭲codi⭲g "scd roí tkc
It’s cí"cial to ícmcmbcí tkat ⭲ot all mcta tags aíc cícatcd cq"al roí SEO, a⭲d scaíck
c⭲gi⭲cs "sc a :aíictQ or otkcí clcmc⭲ts to dccidc wkcíc to ía⭲k a pagc.
Additio⭲allQ, scaíck c⭲gi⭲c pc⭲altics maQ ícs"lt ríom tkc impíopcí oí cxccssi:c
"sc or mcta tags. Bcca"sc or tkis, it’s cssc⭲tial to "sc mcta tags crrccti:clQ a⭲d
adkcíc to bcst píacticcs ir Qo" wa⭲t to i⭲cícasc tkc o⭲li⭲c
:isibilitQ a⭲d crrccti:c⭲css or Qo"í wcbsitcs.

PART 2 SUBMISSION /Theoretical Analysis

1. Explain the remaining 15 digital marketing parameters.

1.Content Marketing- Regularly updating and adding new content can signal
freshness to search engines, improving visibility.
This strategy can attract, involve, and create value for a brand’s audience. This
method builds a positive perception of your brand and generates more business for
your enterprise.

It is no longer a market trend but a strategic investment to achieve business success.

With Content Marketing, a brand can gain more relevance and visibility online and
grow recognized by its customers.

In short: a business can stand out in people’s memory and avoid being swallowed up
by the competition.

Today, more than being on the internet is needed. The issue, now, is how to be
online, be seen, and be relevant to the audience. And this is a Content Marketing
(Why use Content Marketing?)
 It is true that there are other ways to be online beyond Content Marketing. So,
why should you pick this option for your business?

The answer is simple, Content Marketing is a foundation and complements other

Digital Marketing strategies.

You will need relevant content if you choose to work with social media marketing.
The same happens when you pick email marketing or corporate blogs: you will
always need the content.

The most prominent specialists in the world agree that content is king. By using it,
you may achieve a few different objectives types in many ways, like teach to people
how to use your product or service to solve their problems.

You have to remember that today people have the power to choose which
content they will consume. They are immersed in a sea of information, and you
should give them the best options if you want them to pick your brand.

 2 Analytics and tracking- are crucial components of digital marketing that

allow marketers to measure the effectiveness of their campaigns, understand
their audience, and make data-driven decisions. Here are some key points
regarding analytics and tracking in digital marketing:

-Analytics in Digital Marketing:

1. Website Analytics: Tools like Google Analytics provide detailed insights into
website traffic, user behaviour, conversion rates, and more. Marketers can
track metrics such as pageviews, bounce rates, and average session
duration to understand user engagement.

2. Social Media Analytics: Platforms like Facebook Insights, Twitter

Analytics, and LinkedIn Analytics offer data on engagement, reach, and
audience demographics. Marketers can analyse which posts perform well
and adjust their content strategy accordingly.

3. Email Marketing Analytics: Email marketing platforms like Mailchimp or

Constant Contact track metrics such as open rates, click-through rates,
and conversion rates. Marketers can optimize their email campaigns
based on these insights.

4. SEO Analytics: Tools like SEMrush or Arefs provide data on keyword

rankings, backlinks, and organic traffic. Marketers can track their SEO
performance and identify opportunities for improvement.
-Tracking in Digital Marketing:
1. Conversion Tracking: By setting up conversion tracking in tools like
Google Ads or Facebook Ads, marketers can monitor the actions
users take after clicking on an ad. This allows them to assess the ROI
of their advertising campaigns.

2. UTM Parameters: UTM parameters are tags added to URLs to track

the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Marketers can use tools
like Google Analytics to analyse which sources drive traffic and

3. Pixel Tracking: Pixels are snippets of code placed on a website to

track user behaviour. For example, the Facebook Pixel tracks website
visitors and enables retargeting campaigns.

5. Heatmaps: Tools like Hotjar or Crazy Egg create heatmaps that show
where users click, scroll, or spend the most time on a website. Marketers
can use this data to optimize the user experience.

Overall, analytics and tracking in digital marketing are essential for measuring
performance, optimizing strategies, and achieving marketing goals effectively. By
leveraging data-driven insights, marketers can make informed decisions to drive
success in their campaigns.

 3 conversion rate optimization (CRO)- is a process that involves the

implementation of several tactics to increase the number of SEO-generated visitors
who take a
specific type of direct action on your website. In this sense, a conversion can cover
several things, depending on what you are looking to achieve. For instance,
conversions may be:
 Signing up for a newsletter
 Making a purchase
 Singing up for a free trial
 Booking a demo
 Creating an account

 4. Site Map- A sitemap is a blueprint of your website that help search engines find,
crawl and index all of your website's content. Sitemaps also tell search engines
which pages on your site are most important.
There are four main types of sitemaps:
1. Normal XML Sitemap: This by far the most common type of sitemap. It’s
usually in the form of an XML Sitemap that links to different pages on
your website.
2. Video Sitemap: Used specifically to help Google understand video content
on your page.
3. News Sitemap: Helps Google find content on sites that are approved
for Google News.
4. Image Sitemap: Helps Google find all of the images hosted on your site.

 5 Meta Ckaísct ľag: It spccirics tkc ckaíactcí c⭲codi⭲g "scd roí tkc
It’s cí"cial to ícmcmbcí tkat ⭲ot all mcta tags aíc cícatcd cq"al roí SEO, a⭲d scaíck
c⭲gi⭲cs "sc a :aíictQ or otkcí clcmc⭲ts to dccidc wkcíc to ía⭲k a pagc.
Additio⭲allQ, scaíck c⭲gi⭲c pc⭲altics maQ ícs"lt ríom tkc impíopcí oí cxccssi:c
"sc or mcta tags. Bcca"sc or tkis, it’s cssc⭲tial to "sc mcta tags crrccti:clQ a⭲d
adkcíc to bcst píacticcs ir Qo" wa⭲t to i⭲cícasc tkc o⭲li⭲c
:isibilitQ a⭲d crrccti:c⭲css or Qo"í wcbsitcs. is a⭲ HľMḺ tag tkat makcs it possiblc
to "sc cmojis a⭲d otkcí ckaíactcís tkat aíc⭲’t i⭲ tkc tíaditio⭲al ASCII ckaíactcí sct
o⭲ Qo"í wcbpagc. Ir Qo" do⭲’t "sc tkc tag, tkc⭲ Qo" will ⭲ccd to look "p HľMḺ
c⭲titics to ma⭲"allQ i⭲scít a⭲ cmoji oí otkcí ckaíactcí.

G Bou⭲cc Ratc- Bou⭲cc Ratc is dcri⭲cd as tkc pcícc⭲tagc or :isitoís tkat lca:c a
wcbpagc witko"t taki⭲g a⭲ actio⭲, s"ck as clicki⭲g o⭲ a li⭲k, rilli⭲g o"t a roím, oí
maki⭲g a p"íckasc. Ir Qo"’íc la"⭲cki⭲g a⭲ o⭲li⭲c b"si⭲css a⭲d doi⭲g Qo"í
komcwoík o⭲ bcst píacticcs, Qo" migkt ka:c comc acíoss tkc tcím “bo"⭲cc íatc.”
Pcoplc wa⭲t to k⭲ow wkat it is, kow tkcQ ca⭲ optimizc it, a⭲d kow tkcQ ca⭲
mcas"íc it.

ľkis makcs sc⭲sc. Bo"⭲cc íatcs aíc impoíta⭲t. Yo"í wcbsitc’s bo"⭲cc íatc ca⭲
tcll Qo" a lot abo"t Qo"í b"si⭲css, a⭲d ca⭲ bc a⭲ cxccllc⭲t mctíic tkat Qo" ca⭲ "sc
to tcst botk ⭲cw a⭲d píccxisti⭲g pagcs—ir Qo" k⭲ow wkat to look roí.

Bclow, wc’ll go o:cí bo"⭲cc íatcs i⭲ dctail to kclp Qo" gai⭲ a bcttcí
"⭲dcísta⭲di⭲g or wkat tkcQ aíc a⭲d kow Qo" ca⭲ dccícasc tkc bo"⭲cc íatc or Qo"í
G Mcta Vicwpoít ľag- A vicwpoít mcta tag is HľML (HQpcítcxt Maíkup
La⭲guagc) codc tkat tclls bíowscís kow to co⭲tíol vicwpoít dimc⭲sio⭲s a⭲d
scali⭲g. It's a kcQ i⭲gícdic⭲t or ícspo⭲si:c wcb dcsig⭲ a⭲d c⭲s"ícs Qo"í co⭲tc⭲t
is casQ to :icw. A :icwpoít is tkc "scí's :isiblc aíca or a wcbpagc.

 Dcfi⭲itio⭲: ľkc mcta :icwpoít tag is a⭲ HľMḺ mcta tag tkat co⭲tíols tkc
:icwpoít or a wcb pagc o⭲ mobilc dc:iccs. It kclps c⭲s"íc tkat tkc wcbsitc is
displaQcd coíícctlQ a⭲d is optimizcd roí :aíio"s scícc⭲ sizcs a⭲d ícsol"tio⭲s.

 Impoíta⭲cc foí Mobilc Optimizatio⭲: Witk tkc i⭲cícasi⭲g "sagc or mobilc

dc:iccs roí i⭲tcí⭲ct bíowsi⭲g, c⭲s"íi⭲g a mobilc-ríic⭲dlQ wcbsitc is a kcQ aspcct
or digital maíkcti⭲g. ľkc mcta :icwpoít tag allows wcb dc:clopcís to dcsig⭲
wcbsitcs tkat adapt to dirrcíc⭲t scícc⭲ sizcs, pío:idi⭲g a scamlcss "scí cxpcíic⭲cc
o⭲ mobilc dc:iccs.

7. Backli⭲ks- aíc li⭲ks o⭲ wcbsitcs otkcí tka⭲ Qo"í ow⭲ tkat go back to a pagc o⭲
Qo"í wcbsitc. Backli⭲ks aíc also callcd i⭲bo"⭲d li⭲ks bcca"sc tkcQ ícpícsc⭲t
a⭲otkcí wcbsitc's tíarric comi⭲g to Qo"í ow⭲ sitc. ľkc q"alitQ a⭲d q"a⭲titQ or
Qo"í backli⭲ks ca⭲ kclp Qo" ía⭲k kigkcí i⭲ scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs s"ck as Googlc a⭲d
Bi⭲g. Ir tkcsc 2 pagcs wcíc abo"t tkc samc topic, Pagc A wo"ld likclQ ía⭲k kigkcí
tka⭲ Pagc B. ľkis is bcca"sc Pagc A wo"ld bc moíc a"tkoíitati:c d"c to tkc ract tkat
it kas 10 timcs as ma⭲Q li⭲ks. I⭲ tcíms or tkcsc 2 backli⭲ks to Qo"í sitc, tkc
li⭲k ríom Pagc A is moíc :al"ablc tka⭲ tkc li⭲k ríom Pagc B bcca"sc it kas a
kigkcí a"tkoíitQ. Essc⭲tiallQ, tkc PagcRa⭲k algoíitkm assig⭲s a⭲ a"tkoíitQ :al"c
to cack wcbpagc bascd o⭲ tkc q"a⭲titQ a⭲d q"alitQ or its i⭲comi⭲g li⭲ks.

®. Local SEO- is a scaíck c⭲gi⭲c optimizatio⭲ (SEO) stíatcgQ tkat kclps Qo"í
b"si⭲css bc moíc :isiblc i⭲ local scaíck ícs"lts o⭲ Googlc. A⭲Q b"si⭲css tkat kas a
pkQsical locatio⭲ oí scí:cs a gcogíapkic aíca ca⭲ bc⭲crit ríom local SEO. Ḻocal
SEO is tkc píacticc or optimizi⭲g a b"si⭲css's :isibilitQ i⭲ local scaíck ícs"lts. KcQ
tasks i⭲cl"dc idc⭲tirQi⭲g íclc:a⭲t local kcQwoíds, optimizi⭲g a b"si⭲css's Googlc
B"si⭲css Píorilc, a⭲d cícati⭲g co⭲sistc⭲t NAP citatio⭲s.
Q- WkQ Is Local SEO Impoíta⭲t?
Googlc dcli:cís billio⭲s or local scaíckcs ícs"lts c:cíQ mo⭲tk. A⭲d ir Qo" appcaí
píomi⭲c⭲tlQ roí íclc:a⭲t q"cíics, Qo"’íc moíc likclQ to attíact c"stomcís.
Googlc displaQs local ícs"lts wkc⭲ it bclic:cs scaíckcís aíc looki⭲g roí píod"cts,
scí:iccs oí amc⭲itics ⭲caíbQ. Oí i⭲ a spcciricd locatio⭲.

Hcíc aíc somc cxamplcs or local kcQwoíds ro"⭲d witk Scmí"sk’s KcQwoíd
Magic ľool:

“Mcxica⭲ ícsta"ía⭲ts” “Mcxica⭲

ícsta"ía⭲ts ⭲caí mc” “Mcxica⭲
ícsta"ía⭲ts i⭲ Kallas”
B"si⭲csscs witk tkc bcst local SEO tc⭲d to ía⭲k kigkcst roí local kcQwoíds likc tkc
o⭲cs abo:c. So, "scís aíc moíc likclQ to disco:cí a⭲d c⭲gagc witk tkosc

No mattcí wkat Qo"í b"si⭲css is oí wkcíc Qo"’íc locatcd, it’s likclQ tkat Qo"
ca⭲ ícack potc⭲tial c"stomcís tkío"gk scaíck.

9. Uscí Expcíic⭲cc (UX)- i⭲ digital maíkcti⭲g roc"scs o⭲ cícati⭲g a scamlcss a⭲d

c⭲joQablc o⭲li⭲c cxpcíic⭲cc roí "scís i⭲tcíacti⭲g witk a bía⭲d's digital pícsc⭲cc. It
i⭲:ol:cs dcsig⭲i⭲g wcbsitcs, apps, a⭲d otkcí digital platroíms i⭲ a waQ tkat is "scí-
ríic⭲dlQ, i⭲t"iti:c, a⭲d :is"allQ appcali⭲g.

-Hcíc aíc somc kcQ aspccts or UX i⭲ digital maíkcti⭲g:

1. Uscí I⭲tcífacc (UI) Dcsig⭲: ľkis i⭲:ol:cs dcsig⭲i⭲g tkc laQo"t, look, a⭲d rccl or a
wcbsitc oí app to makc it :is"allQ appcali⭲g a⭲d casQ to ⭲a:igatc. Ioí cxamplc, "si⭲g
clcaí ⭲a:igatio⭲ mc⭲"s, i⭲t"iti:c roíms, a⭲d c⭲gagi⭲g :is"als ca⭲ c⭲ka⭲cc tkc "scí

2. Rcspo⭲si:c Dcsig⭲: E⭲s"íi⭲g tkat a wcbsitc is optimizcd roí :icwi⭲g o⭲ dirrcíc⭲t

dc:iccs, s"ck as smaítpko⭲cs, tablcts, a⭲d dcsktops, is cí"cial roí pío:idi⭲g a scamlcss "scí
cxpcíic⭲cc. A ícspo⭲si:c dcsig⭲ adapts tkc laQo"t a⭲d co⭲tc⭲t bascd o⭲ tkc scícc⭲ sizc,
c⭲s"íi⭲g co⭲sistc⭲cQ acíoss all dc:iccs.

«.Co⭲tc⭲t StíatcgQ: Kcli:cíi⭲g íclc:a⭲t a⭲d c⭲gagi⭲g co⭲tc⭲t is cssc⭲tial roí kccpi⭲g "scís
c⭲gagcd a⭲d c⭲co"íagi⭲g tkcm to i⭲tcíact witk tkc bía⭲d. Co⭲tc⭲t sko"ld bc casQ to
ícad, i⭲roímati:c, a⭲d tailoícd to tkc taígct a"dic⭲cc's ⭲ccds a⭲d pícrcíc⭲ccs.

4. Uscí Jouí⭲cQ Mappi⭲g: U⭲dcísta⭲di⭲g tkc "scí's jo"í⭲cQ tkío"gk tkc wcbsitc oí
app kclps idc⭲tirQ pai⭲ poi⭲ts a⭲d oppoít"⭲itics roí impío:cmc⭲t. BQ mappi⭲g o"t
dirrcíc⭲t to"ckpoi⭲ts a⭲d i⭲tcíactio⭲s, maíkctcís ca⭲ optimizc tkc "scí cxpcíic⭲cc a⭲d díi:c

5. Pcífoíma⭲cc Optimizatio⭲: Slow loadi⭲g timcs a⭲d tcck⭲ical iss"cs ca⭲

rí"stíatc "scís a⭲d lcad to kigk bo"⭲cc íatcs. Optimizi⭲g wcbsitc
pcíroíma⭲cc, s"ck as ícd"ci⭲g loadi⭲g timcs, impío:i⭲g scí:cí ícspo⭲sc
timcs, a⭲d mi⭲imizi⭲g cííoís, is cssc⭲tial roí pío:idi⭲g a smootk "scí

G.Pcíso⭲alizatio⭲: ľailoíi⭲g tkc "scí cxpcíic⭲cc bascd o⭲ "scí bcka:io"í,

pícrcíc⭲ccs, a⭲d dcmogíapkics ca⭲ c⭲ka⭲cc c⭲gagcmc⭲t a⭲d díi:c co⭲:císio⭲s.
Pcíso⭲alizatio⭲ tcck⭲iq"cs s"ck as píod"ct íccommc⭲datio⭲s, pcíso⭲alizcd
co⭲tc⭲t, a⭲d taígctcd mcssagi⭲g ca⭲ cícatc a moíc pcíso⭲alizcd a⭲d íclc:a⭲t
cxpcíic⭲cc roí "scís.
O:cíall, roc"si⭲g o⭲ "scí cxpcíic⭲cc i⭲ digital maíkcti⭲g ca⭲ kclp bía⭲ds b"ild
c"stomcí loQaltQ, impío:c co⭲:císio⭲.

10. Mcta Ca⭲o⭲ical ľag- ľkc píimaíQ p"íposc or tkc ca⭲o⭲ical tag is to tcll scaíck
c⭲gi⭲cs wkick pagc is tkc mai⭲, oíigi⭲al :císio⭲ a⭲d wkick aíc j"st d"plicatcs tkat
look tkc samc. Gc⭲cíallQ spcaki⭲g, wcbsitcs "s"allQ co⭲tai⭲ at lcast somc pagcs tkat
aíc co⭲sidcícd d"plicatcs – tkcQ displaQ tkc samc co⭲tc⭲t b"t witk dirrcíc⭲t URḺs.

A ca⭲o⭲ical URḺ is a⭲ HľMḺ li⭲k clcmc⭲t (ícl=” ca⭲o⭲ical) "scd i⭲ Scaíck

E⭲gi⭲c Optimizatio⭲ (SEO), wkcíci⭲ scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs aíc g"idcd towaíd tkc
pícrcíícd i⭲dcxcd pagc, cspcciallQ wkc⭲ tkcíc is a sct or similaí oí d"plicatc pagcs.
A pagc witk a ca⭲o⭲ical URḺ will bc i⭲dcxcd a⭲d ía⭲kcd bQ Googlc wkilc
ig⭲oíi⭲g tkc d"plicatc pagcs.Usi⭲g a ca⭲o⭲ical URḺ ⭲ot o⭲lQ kclps Googlc to
idc⭲tirQ a⭲d i⭲dcx tkc íigkt pagc b"t also sarcg"aíds wcbsitc ow⭲cís ríom
gctti⭲g kit bQ pc⭲altics roí d"plicatc co⭲tc⭲t. Hcíc’s a⭲ cxamplc or a ca⭲o⭲ical

Ca⭲o⭲ical URL: kttps://tcckmag⭲atc.com/blog/

Altcí⭲atc URL: kttps://tcckmag⭲atc.com/blog/?pagc=1

11- Structured Data Markup- Kata i⭲rl"c⭲ccs Qo"í b"si⭲css. It pío:idcs Qo"
witk tkc i⭲sigkts ⭲cccssaíQ to makc dccisio⭲s. B"t it also pío:idcs scaíck
c⭲gi⭲cs witk i⭲sigkts i⭲to wkat Qo"í wcbsitc is abo"t. I⭲ tkis casc, wc’íc
talki⭲g abo"t stí"ct"ícd data, a⭲d it’s a cíitical clcmc⭲t or o⭲-pagc SEO.

Bcroíc dcl:i⭲g i⭲to kow to "sc stí"ct"ícd data a⭲d its bcst píacticcs, lct’s
staít witk a⭲ cxpla⭲atio⭲ or wkat it is. A⭲d si⭲cc somc o⭲li⭲c dcri⭲itio⭲s maQ
bc moíc co⭲r"si⭲g tka⭲ kclpr"l, tkis will bc tailoícd to tkosc or Qo" wko aíc
⭲ot data c⭲gi⭲ccís.
Stí"ct"ícd data is i⭲ tkc la⭲g"agc scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs "sc, maki⭲g comm"⭲icatio⭲
bctwcc⭲ tkcm a⭲d Qo"í sitc bcttcí a⭲d rastcí. It co⭲roíms to spcciric, wcll-dcri⭲cd
modcls a⭲d is stoícd witki⭲ sckcmas s"ck as databascs. ľkcsc sckcmas aíc casilQ
acccsscd a⭲d "scd bQ k"ma⭲s a⭲d píogíams a⭲d tkcií stí"ct"íc is tQpicallQ tab"laí,
witk col"m⭲s a⭲d íows tkat clcaílQ dcri⭲c all attíib"tcs.
Essc⭲tiallQ, stí"ct"ícd data is data ro"⭲d i⭲ a rixcd ricld witki⭲ a databasc.
Wkc⭲ it comcs to scaíck c⭲gi⭲c optimizatio⭲ (SEO), stí"ct"ícd data ícrcís to tkc
maík"p—oí codc—tkat Googlc, Bi⭲g, Yakoo, oí a⭲Q otkcí scaíck c⭲gi⭲c "scs.
ľkcQ "⭲dcísta⭲d kow to i⭲tcípíct a⭲d displaQ Qo"í co⭲tc⭲t a⭲d "ltimatclQ
ad:a⭲cc Qo" i⭲ tkc scaíck c⭲gi⭲c ícs"lts pagcs (SERPs), a⭲d idcallQ bc
idc⭲tiricd i⭲ tkc k⭲owlcdgc gíapk, k⭲owlcdgc pa⭲cl, oí caío"scl.
Ḻct’s bc clcaí kcíc. ľkc i⭲tc⭲t or stí"ct"ícd data is⭲’t j"st to ía⭲k Qo"í sitc bcttcí.
Stí"ct"ícd data will kclp scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs idc⭲tirQ wkat Qo"í wcbsitc a⭲d i⭲di:id"al
pagcs—c:c⭲ co⭲tc⭲t witki⭲ Qo"í wcb pagcs—aíc abo"t. A⭲d wkilc ma⭲Q aíc
ramiliaí witk tkc "sc or kcadi⭲gs a⭲d mcta tags to boost tkcií PagcRa⭲k, tkcíc’s a
wkolc lot moíc data Qo" ca⭲ rccd to Googlc’s algoíitkm.
Googlc’s píimc objccti:c is to pío:idc a good "scí cxpcíic⭲cc. I⭲ oídcí to do tkat,
"⭲dcísta⭲di⭲g wkat a sitc a⭲d its co⭲tc⭲t aíc abo"t "ltimatclQ kclps tkcm g"idc
"scís to wkat tkcQ’íc looki⭲g roí.
A⭲d most or tkis is goi⭲g o⭲ bcki⭲d tkc scc⭲cs. Stí"ct"ícd data is⭲’t :isiblc to Qo"í
wcbsitc :isitoís—"⭲lcss Qo"’íc "si⭲g stí"ct"ícd data to gc⭲cíatc íick oí rcat"ícd

.12 - Page Load Speed- Typically, you are doing well if your web pages load time is
less than 3 to 4 seconds, once you exceed that 3 to 4 second load time, we start to
see fewer rankings as well as poorer user experience. If we lowered page speed to
sub-three to four seconds, we might presumably see better ratings.
Page load speed plays a crucial role in digital marketing. It refers to the time it takes
for a web page to load completely in a user's browser. This metric is important for
several reasons:
User Experience: Users tend to have short attention spans, and if a website takes too
long to load, they are likely to leave and visit a competitor's site instead. A fast-
loading website enhances user experience and can lead to higher engagement and
SEO: Search engines like Google consider page load speed as a ranking factor. Faster
websites tend to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) than slower ones.
Therefore, optimizing page load speed can help improve a website's SEO
Conversions: Studies have shown that faster page load speeds often result in higher
conversion rates. Whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or
filling out a form, users are more likely to complete the desired action on a fast-
loading website. Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices for
browsing the internet, optimizing page load speed becomes even more critical.
Mobile users expect websites to load quickly, and a slow-loading site can significantly
impact mobile conversions. To improve page load speed in digital marketing,
consider the following strategies: Optimize Images: Use compressed images to
reduce file sizes without compromising quality. Minimize HTTP Requests: Reduce
the number of elements on a page that require separate server requests.
Enable Browser Caching: Instruct browsers to store certain resources locally to speed
up subsequent visits. Use Content Delivery Networks (CDNs): Distribute website
content across multiple servers worldwide to reduce latency.
Minify CSS, JavaScript, and HTML: Remove unnecessary characters from code files to
reduce their size. Prioritize Above-the-Fold Content: Load essential elements first to
create a perception of faster loading. Monitor Performance: Regularly test page load
speed using tools like Google Page Speed Insights or GT Metrix and make necessary
optimizations. By prioritizing page load speed in digital marketing efforts, businesses
can enhance user experience, improve SEO rankings, and boost conversions.

13. Mcta Opc⭲ Gíapk ľags- ľkc Opc⭲ Gíapk píotocol c⭲ablcs a⭲Q wcb
pagc to bccomc a íick objcct i⭲ a social gíapk. Ioí i⭲sta⭲cc, tkis is "scd o⭲
Iaccbook to allow a⭲Q wcb pagc to ka:c tkc samc r"⭲ctio⭲alitQ as a⭲Q otkcí
objcct o⭲ Iaccbook.

Wkilc ma⭲Q dirrcíc⭲t tcck⭲ologics a⭲d sckcmas cxist a⭲d co"ld bc combi⭲cd togctkcí,
tkcíc is⭲'t a si⭲glc tcck⭲ologQ wkick pío:idcs c⭲o"gk i⭲roímatio⭲ to íicklQ
ícpícsc⭲t a⭲Q wcb pagc witki⭲ tkc social gíapk. ľkc Opc⭲ Gíapk píotocol b"ilds
o⭲ tkcsc cxisti⭲g tcck⭲ologics a⭲d gi:cs dc:clopcís o⭲c tki⭲g to implcmc⭲t.
Kc:clopcí simplicitQ is a kcQ goal or tkc Opc⭲ Gíapk píotocol wkick kas i⭲roímcd
ma⭲Q or tkc tcck⭲ical dcsig⭲ dccisio⭲s

14. Mcta Robots ľag- ľkc íobots mcta tag is a⭲ HľMḺ tag tkat gocs tkc kcad tag or
a pagc a⭲d pío:idcs i⭲stí"ctio⭲s to bots. Ḻikc tkc íobots. txt rilc, it tclls scaíck
c⭲gi⭲c cíawlcís wkctkcí oí ⭲ot tkcQ aíc allowcd to i⭲dcx a pagc.

Q-Wkat Is tkc Robots Mcta ľag a⭲d Docs It Mattcí?

-ľkc íobots mcta tag is a⭲ HľMḺ tag tkat gocs tkc kcad tag or a pagc a⭲d
pío:idcs i⭲stí"ctio⭲s to bots. Ḻikc tkc íobots.txt rilc, it tclls scaíck c⭲gi⭲c
cíawlcís wkctkcí oí ⭲ot tkcQ aíc allowcd to i⭲dcx a pagc.

ľo ri⭲d tkc mcta íobots tag o⭲ a pagc, simplQ íigkt click o⭲ a wcb pagc, click "Vicw
So"ícc" a⭲d tkc⭲ do a Ii⭲d roí "íobots". It will look somctki⭲g likc tkis:
»mcta ⭲amc="íobots" co⭲tc⭲t="⭲oi⭲dcx" /»
»mcta ⭲amc="googlcbot" co⭲tc⭲t="⭲oi⭲dcx" /»
»mcta ⭲amc="googlcbot-⭲cws" co⭲tc⭲t="⭲oi⭲dcx" /»
»mcta ⭲amc="sl"íp" co⭲tc⭲t="⭲oi⭲dcx" /»
»mcta ⭲amc="ms⭲bot" co⭲tc⭲t="⭲oi⭲dcx" /»

I⭲ tkis cxamplc, tkc top li⭲c gi:cs applics to all scaíck c⭲gi⭲c bots wkilc tkc 4 li⭲cs
artcí tkat gi:c applQ to spcciric "scí-agc⭲ts. I⭲ tkis spcciric cxamplc, tkc mcta íobots
tag is tclli⭲g scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs ⭲ot to i⭲dcx tkc pagc. Howc:cí, tkc bots aíc rícc to
rollow tkc li⭲ks tkcQ ri⭲d o⭲ tkc pagc.

ľkc íobots mcta tag mattcís bcca"sc it adds a⭲ cxtía laQcí or píotcctio⭲ to tkc
íobots.txt rilc. Wkc⭲ a cíawlcí rollows a⭲ cxtcí⭲al li⭲k a⭲d la⭲ds o⭲ o⭲c or Qo"í
pagcs, it ca⭲ still cíawl a⭲d i⭲dcx tkat pagc bcca"sc it kas⭲'t scc⭲ tkc íobots.txt

ľkc íobots mcta tag píc:c⭲ts tkis cíawli⭲g a⭲d i⭲dcxi⭲g ríom kappc⭲i⭲g.

15. alt tags-

Also k⭲ow⭲ as altcí⭲ati:c tcxt, alt tags, alt attíib"tcs, oí alt
dcscíiptio⭲s, alt tags aíc ícad bQ scícc⭲ ícadcís to impío:c wcbsitc acccssibilitQ oí
displaQcd wkc⭲ a⭲ imagc rails to load. Imagc alt tcxt is "scd to kclp scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs
"⭲dcísta⭲d tkc co⭲tc⭲t o⭲ a wcb pagc.

 Wkat is alt tcxt?

Imagcs i⭲ blogs a⭲d wcbsitc pagcs aíc⭲'t alwaQs displaQcd, a⭲d ⭲ot c:cíQo⭲c ca⭲ scc
tkcm, i⭲cl"di⭲g scaíck c⭲gi⭲c cíawlcís.

SimplQ p"t, altcí⭲ati:c tcxt dcscíibcs a⭲ imagc o⭲ a wcb pagc a⭲d pío:idcs scaíck
c⭲gi⭲c cíawlcís witk co⭲tcxt to kclp ía⭲k Qo"í pagcs.

ľkc imagc tag i⭲ HľMḺ will pío:idc Qo" witk a placc wkcíc Qo" ca⭲ bc as
dcscíipti:c as possiblc abo"t a⭲ imagc, s"ck as a pkoto, i⭲rogíapkic, oí a⭲otkcí :is"al
clcmc⭲t o⭲ Qo"í wcbsitc.

Ioí cxamplc, tkcQ do⭲'t k⭲ow tkat Qo"í compa⭲Q logo is Qo"í compa⭲Q logo, c:c⭲
tko"gk it appcaís o⭲ m"ltiplc pagcs o⭲ Qo"í sitc. ľkcícroíc, Qo" m"st pío:idc scaíck
c⭲gi⭲cs witk alt tcxt tkat ca⭲ kclp scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs "⭲dcísta⭲d tkc co⭲tc⭲t a⭲d
p"íposc or tkc imagcs o⭲ a pagc.
ľkcíc aíc sc:cíal waQs to add alt tcxt to imagcs o⭲ a wcbsitc, i⭲cl"di⭲g :ia tkc
HľMḺ img alt attíib"tc :ia tkc wcbsitc's codc. Howc:cí, do⭲'t woííQ ir Qo"'íc ⭲ot a
wcbsitc dc:clopcí; most wcbsitc b"ildcís a⭲d CMS tools allow Qo" to casilQ cícatc
a⭲d p"blisk alt tcxts ríom a daskboaíd oí tkc wcbsitc pagc itsclr.

 Wkat is Alt ľcxt?

Alt tcxt, also k⭲ow⭲ as a⭲ alt attíib"tc, alt dcscíiptio⭲ oí alt tag, is a s⭲ippct or dctailcd
i⭲roímatio⭲ dcscíibi⭲g wkat a⭲ imagc skows. ľkc oíigi⭲ or sctti⭲g alt tcxt was
dc:clopcd i⭲ oídcí to kclp tkc bli⭲d a⭲d :is"allQ impaiícd "⭲dcísta⭲d wkat a⭲
imagc poítíaQs wkc⭲ tkc scícc⭲ ícadcí íclaQs tkc tcxt s⭲ippct back to tkcm, tk"s
impío:i⭲g tkcií i⭲tcí⭲ct bíowsi⭲g cxpcíic⭲cc. Howc:cí, asidc ríom tkat :ital
r"⭲ctio⭲, alt tcxt is cí"cial i⭲ c⭲abli⭲g Qo"í wcbsitc imagcs to bc acc"íatclQ
appícciatcd a⭲d ack⭲owlcdgcd bQ scaíck c⭲gi⭲cs wkc⭲ tkcQ a⭲alQsc Qo"í
co⭲tc⭲t i⭲ ícspo⭲sc to a scaíck.

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