Computer Applications in Business 1
Computer Applications in Business 1
Computer Applications
in Business
What is a computer? Or define computer?
In a laymans language, a computer is a fast calculating device that can perform arithmetic operations. Although the
computer was originally invented mainly for doing high speed and accurate calculations, it is not just a calculating
device. The computer can perform any kind of work involving arithmetic and logical operations on data. It gets the data
through an input device, processes it as per the instructions given and gives the information as an output. You can use
a computer to type documents, send email, and browse the Web. You can also use it to handle spreadsheets,
accounting, database management, presentations, games, and more.
1. Speed: Computer is very fast and accurate device. It can process millions of instruction within a few seconds.
2. Accuracy: Computer gives consistently accurate results. Computer results are accurate because it performs
an action according to given instruction.
3. Memory: Computers have enormous amount of memory to hold a very large amount of data. We can store
large amount of date information in the secondary storage device.
4. No intelligence: Computer does not have any intelligence. They perform only those operations, which are
already fed into them by the external sources.
5. Attentiveness: Computer is free from problems like lack of concentration, and confusion etc. It can work
hours and hours without feeling tiredness.
6. Versatility: We can perform much different types of tasks on computer, one movement it might be busy in
calculating the statistical data for annual performance evaluation of a business organization and next movement it
might be working on weather forecast.
7. Power of Remembrance: Unlike humans, computers can store things for unlimited period of time. They
have a great remembering power.
2. Stores large amount of date and information: Business and commercial organizations need to
store and maintain voluminous records and use them for various purposes such as inventory control, sales analysis,
payroll accounting, resources scheduling and generation of management reports. Computers can store and maintain
files and can sort, merge or update as and when necessary.
3. Improves Productivity: With the introduction of word processing software, Computers have recently been
applied to the automation of office tasks and procedures. This is aimed at improving the productivity of both clerical &
managerial staff.
4. Sharing of data and information: Due to networking of computers, where a number of computers are
connected together to share the data and information, use of e-mail and internet has changed the ways of business
5. Competitiveness: Computers offer a reliable and cost-effective means of doing business electronically.
Routine tasks can be automated. The customers can be provided support round the clock, which is 24 hours a day.
With advancement in IT sector, corporates are spreading business around the world thus, increasing their presence
and entering new markets.
6. Security: To provide security to data and important computer programs, almost every organization has some
security programs to avoid the illegal access of the company’s information by unauthorized persons. The three
fundamental attributor of a security program are confidentially, integrity and availability which allow access to only
authorized persons in an organization.
7. Cost Benefits: The extensive availability of internet based information means that companies have a wider
choice of suppliers which leads to a more competitive pricing. Due to the presence of internet the role of the middleman
becomes less important as companies can sell their product or services directly to the customer.
8. Marketing: Corporates engaged in e-business can take help of their respective websites to create brand
awareness of their products, thus, creating new avenues of promotion of their products. In addition, companies’
websites can also provide better services such as after sales service to the customer.
The use of computer has also created some problems in society and for business which are as follows.
1. Unemployment: Different tasks are performed automatically by using computers. It reduces the need of people
and increases unemployment in society.
2. Wastage of time and energy: Many people use computers without positive purpose. They play games and
chat for a long period of time. It causes wastage of time and energy. Young generation is now spending more time on
the social media websites like Facebook, Twitter etc or texting their friends all night through smartphones which is bad
for both studies and their health. And it also has adverse effects on the social life.
3. Data Security: The data stored on a computer can be accessed by unauthorized persons through networks. It
has created serious problems for the data security.
4. Computer Crimes
People use the computer for negative activities. They hack the credit card numbers of the people and misuse them or
they can steal important data from big organizations.
5. Privacy violation: The computers are used to store personal data of the people. The privacy of a person can
be violated if the personal and confidential records are not protected properly.
6. Health risks: The improper and prolonged use of computer can results in injuries or disorders of hands, wrists,
elbows, eyes, necks and back. The users can avoid health risks by using the computer in proper position. They must
also take regular breaks while using the computer for longer period of time. It is recommended to take a couple of
minutes break after 30 minutes of computer usage.
7. Impact on Environment: The computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are polluting the
environment. The wasted parts of computer can release dangerous toxic materials. Green computer is a method to
reduce the electricity consumed and environmental waste generated when using a computer. It includes recycling and
regulating manufacturing processes. The used computers must be donated or disposed off properly.
a. Vacuum tubes were the only electronic component available during those days.
b. Vacuum tubes technology made possible to make electronic digital computers.
c. These computers could calculate data in millisecond.
a. These computers were very large in size
b. They consumed a large amount of energy
c. They heated very soon due to thousand of vacuum tubes
d. They were not very reliable
e. Air conditioning was required
f. Constant maintenance was required
g. Non-portable
h. Costly commercial production
i. Limited commercial use
j. Quite slow speed
k. Limited programming capabilities
l. Used Machine language only
m. Used magnetic drums which provide very less facility of data storage
n. Punch cards for input
o. Not versatile
p. Very faulty
a. Smaller in size as compared to first generation computers
b. More reliable
c. More energy-efficient
d. Used less energy and were not heated
e. Wider commercial use
f. Better portability
g. Better speed, could calculate data in microsecond
h. Used faster peripherals like tape drives, magnetic disks, printer etc
i. Used Assembly language instead of Machine language
j. Accuracy improved
a. Air conditioning was required
b. Constant maintenance was required
c. Commercial production was difficult
d. Only used for specific purposes
e. Costly
f. Not versatile
g. Punch cards were used for input
a. Smaller in size as compared to previous generation
b. More reliable
c. Less energy used.
d. Produced less heat as compared to previous generation computers
e. More good speed, could calculate data in nine seconds.
f. Used fan for heat discharge to prevent damage.
g. Maintenance cost was low because hardware failure is rare.
h. Totally general purpose
i. Could be used for high-level languages
j. Good storage
k. Versatile too an extent
l. Less expensive
m. Better accuracy
n. Commercial production increased
o. Used mouse, Keyboard for input
a. Air conditioning was required
b. High sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC Chips.
a. Very small in size
b. Less power consumption
c. Less heat generated
d. Fan for heat discharging and this to keep cold
e. No air conditioning is required
f. Best speed to read instructions i.e. one billionth per second
g. Reliable and Powerful
h. Totally general purpose
i. Commercial of repairing
j. Cheapest among all generations
k. All types of high-level languages can be used in this type of computers
a. High sophisticated technology required for manufacturing microprocessors
Technology Vacuum Transistor Integrated Very Large Scale Ultra Large Scale
Tube Circuit Integration(VLSI) Integration(ULSI)