Scapy Readthedocs Io en Latest
Scapy Readthedocs Io en Latest
Scapy Readthedocs Io en Latest
Release 2.6.0
1 Introduction 3
1.1 About Scapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 What makes Scapy so special . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Quick demo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Learning Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
3 Usage 17
3.1 Starting Scapy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2 Interactive tutorial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.3 Simple one-liners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.4 Recipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
4 Advanced usage 63
4.1 ASN.1 and SNMP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
4.2 Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4.3 PipeTools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
7.2 Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7.3 Dissecting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
7.4 Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
7.5 Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
7.6 Design patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
9 Layers 125
9.1 Automotive-specific Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
9.2 Bluetooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165
9.3 DCE/RPC & [MS-RPCE] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
9.4 GSSAPI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
9.5 HTTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
9.6 Kerberos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
9.7 LDAP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
9.8 Netflow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
9.9 PROFINET IO RTC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
9.10 SCTP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
9.11 SMB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
9.12 TCP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
9.13 TUN / TAP Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
10 Troubleshooting 235
10.1 FAQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
10.2 Getting help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
12 Credits 249
Index 255
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Jul 25, 2024
Scapy’s documentation is under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 2.5
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Scapy is a Python program that enables the user to send, sniff, dissect and forge network packets. This
capability allows construction of tools that can probe, scan or attack networks.
In other words, Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program. It is able to forge or decode
packets of a wide number of protocols, send them on the wire, capture them, match requests and replies,
and much more. Scapy can easily handle most classical tasks like scanning, tracerouting, probing, unit
tests, attacks or network discovery. It can replace hping, arpspoof, arp-sk, arping, p0f and even some
parts of Nmap, tcpdump, and tshark.
Scapy also performs very well on a lot of other specific tasks that most other tools can’t handle, like
sending invalid frames, injecting your own 802.11 frames, combining techniques (VLAN hopping+ARP
cache poisoning, VOIP decoding on WEP encrypted channel, . . . ), etc.
The idea is simple. Scapy mainly does two things: sending packets and receiving answers. You define a
set of packets, it sends them, receives answers, matches requests with answers and returns a list of packet
couples (request, answer) and a list of unmatched packets. This has the big advantage over tools like
Nmap or hping that an answer is not reduced to open, closed, or filtered, but is the whole packet.
On top of this can be built more high level functions. For example, one that does traceroutes and give as
a result only the start TTL of the request and the source IP of the answer. One that pings a whole network
and gives the list of machines answering. One that does a portscan and returns a LaTeX report.
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
First, with most other networking tools, you won’t build something the author didn’t imagine. These tools
have been built for a specific goal and can’t deviate much from it. For example, an ARP cache poisoning
program won’t let you use double 802.1q encapsulation. Or try to find a program that can send, say, an
ICMP packet with padding (I said padding, not payload, see?). In fact, each time you have a new need,
you have to build a new tool.
Second, they usually confuse decoding and interpreting. Machines are good at decoding and can help
human beings with that. Interpretation is reserved for human beings. Some programs try to mimic this
behavior. For instance they say “this port is open” instead of “I received a SYN-ACK”. Sometimes they
are right. Sometimes not. It’s easier for beginners, but when you know what you’re doing, you keep on
trying to deduce what really happened from the program’s interpretation to make your own, which is
hard because you lost a big amount of information. And you often end up using tcpdump -xX to decode
and interpret what the tool missed.
Third, even programs which only decode do not give you all the information they received. The vision
of the network they give you is the one their author thought was sufficient. But it is not complete, and
you have a bias. For instance, do you know a tool that reports the Ethernet padding?
Scapy tries to overcome those problems. It enables you to build exactly the packets you want. Even if I
think stacking an 802.1q layer on top of TCP has no sense, it may have some for somebody else working
on some product I don’t know. Scapy has a flexible model that tries to avoid such arbitrary limits. You’re
free to put any value you want in any field you want and stack them like you want. You’re an adult after
In fact, it’s like building a new tool each time, but instead of dealing with a hundred line C program, you
only write 2 lines of Scapy.
After a probe (scan, traceroute, etc.) Scapy always gives you the full decoded packets from the probe,
before any interpretation. That means that you can probe once and interpret many times. Ask for a
traceroute and look at the padding, for instance.
Other tools stick to the program-that-you-run-from-a-shell paradigm. The result is an awful syntax to
describe a packet. For these tools, the solution adopted uses a higher but less powerful description, in
the form of scenarios imagined by the tool’s author. As an example, only the IP address must be given to
a port scanner to trigger the port scanning scenario. Even if the scenario is tweaked a bit, you still are
stuck to a port scan.
Scapy’s paradigm is to propose a Domain Specific Language (DSL) that enables a powerful and fast
description of any kind of packet. Using the Python syntax and a Python interpreter as the DSL syntax
and interpreter has many advantages: there is no need to write a separate interpreter, users don’t need to
learn yet another language, and they benefit from a complete, concise, and very powerful language.
Scapy enables the user to describe a packet or set of packets as layers that are stacked one upon another.
Fields of each layer have useful default values that can be overloaded. Scapy does not oblige the user to
use predetermined methods or templates. This alleviates the requirement of writing a new tool each time
a different scenario is required. In C, it may take an average of 60 lines to describe a packet. With Scapy,
the packets to be sent may be described in only a single line, with another line to print the result. 90% of
network probing tools can be rewritten in 2 lines of Scapy.
4 Chapter 1. Introduction
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Network discovery is blackbox testing. When probing a network, many stimuli are sent, while only a few
of them are answered. If the right stimuli are chosen, the desired information may be obtained by the
responses or the lack of responses. Unlike many tools, Scapy gives all the information, i.e. all the stimuli
sent and all the responses received. Examination of this data will give the user the desired information.
When the dataset is small, the user can just dig for it. In other cases, the interpretation of the data will
depend on the point of view taken. Most tools choose the viewpoint and discard all the data not related
to that point of view. Because Scapy gives the complete raw data, that data may be used many times
allowing the viewpoint to evolve during analysis. For example, a TCP port scan may be probed and the
data visualized as the result of the port scan. The data could then also be visualized with respect to the
TTL of the response packet. A new probe need not be initiated to adjust the viewpoint of the data.
Implicit packet set
Unanswered packets
A common problem with network probing tools is they try to interpret the answers received instead of
only decoding and giving facts. Reporting something like Received a TCP Reset on port 80 is not
subject to interpretation errors. Reporting Port 80 is closed is an interpretation that may be right most
of the time but wrong in some specific contexts the tool’s author did not imagine. For instance, some
scanners tend to report a filtered TCP port when they receive an ICMP destination unreachable packet.
This may be right, but in some cases, it means the packet was not filtered by the firewall, but rather there
was no host to forward the packet to.
Interpreting results can help users that don’t know what a port scan is, but it can also make more harm
than good, as it injects bias into the results. What can tend to happen is that knowledgeable users will try
to reverse engineer the tool’s interpretation to derive the facts that triggered that interpretation, so that
they can do the interpretation themselves. Unfortunately, much information is lost in this operation.
First, we play a bit and create four IP packets at once. Let’s see how it works. We first instantiate the IP
class. Then, we instantiate it again and we provide a destination that is worth four IP addresses (/30 gives
the netmask). Using a Python idiom, we develop this implicit packet in a set of explicit packets. Then,
we quit the interpreter. As we provided a session file, the variables we were working on are saved, then
# ./run_scapy -s mysession
New session [mysession]
(continues on next page)
# ./run_scapy -s mysession
Using session [mysession]
Welcome to Scapy (2.4.0)
>>> ip
<IP dst=<Net> |>
>>> IP()
<IP |>
>>> a=IP(dst="")
>>> a
<IP dst= |>
>>> a.dst
>>> a.ttl
Let’s say I want a broadcast MAC address, and IP payload to and to, TTL value
from 1 to 9, and an UDP payload:
>>> Ether(dst="ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff")
Scapy tries to use sensible default values for all packet fields. If not overridden,
• IP source is chosen according to destination and routing table
• Checksum is computed
• Source MAC is chosen according to the output interface
• Ethernet type and IP protocol are determined by the upper layer
6 Chapter 1. Introduction
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Other fields’ default values are chosen to be the most useful ones:
• TCP source port is 20, destination port is 80.
• UDP source and destination ports are 53.
• ICMP type is echo request.
Scapy uses the Python interpreter as a command board. That means that you can directly use the Python
language (assign variables, use loops, define functions, etc.)
If you are new to Python and you really don’t understand a word because of that, or if you want to learn
this language, take an hour to read the very good Python tutorial by Guido Van Rossum. After that, you’ll
know Python :) (really!). For a more in-depth tutorial Dive Into Python is a very good start too.
8 Chapter 1. Introduction
2.1 Overview
ò Note
Scapy 2.5.0 was the last version to support Python 2.7 !
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
The following steps describe how to install (or update) Scapy itself. Dependent on your platform, some
additional libraries might have to be installed to make it actually work. So please also have a look at the
platform specific chapters on how to install those requirements.
ò Note
The following steps apply to Unix-like operating systems (Linux, BSD, Mac OS X). For Windows,
see the special chapter below.
ò Note
To get the latest versions, with bugfixes and new features, but maybe not as stable, see the development
Use pip:
If you always want the latest version of Scapy with all new the features and bugfixes (but slightly less
stable), you can install Scapy from its Git repository.
ò Note
If you don’t want to clone Scapy, you can install the development version in one line using:
$ pip install
$ pip install .
3. If you used Git, you can always update to the latest version afterwards:
$ git pull
$ pip install .
ò Note
You can run scapy without installing it using the run_scapy (unix) or run_scapy.bat (Windows)
For some special features, Scapy will need some dependencies to be installed. Most of those software
are installable via pip. Here are the topics involved and some examples that you can use to try if your
installation was successful.
• Plotting. plot() needs Matplotlib.
Matplotlib is installable via pip install matplotlib
>>> p=sniff(count=50)
>>> p.plot(lambda x:len(x))
• 2D graphics. psdump() and pdfdump() need PyX which in turn needs a LaTeX distribution:
texlive (Unix) or MikTex (Windows).
You can install pyx using pip install pyx
>>> p=IP()/ICMP()
>>> p.pdfdump("test.pdf")
>>> p=rdpcap("myfile.pcap")
>>> p.conversations(type="jpg", target="> test.jpg")
ò Note
Graphviz and ImageMagick need to be installed separately, using your platform-specific pack-
age manager.
• WEP decryption. unwep() needs cryptography. Example using a Weplap test file:
Cryptography is installable via pip install cryptography
>>> enc=rdpcap("weplab-64bit-AA-managed.pcap")
>>> enc[0]
>>> conf.wepkey="AA\x00\x00\x00"
(continues on next page)
>>> load_module("nmap")
>>> nmap_fp("")
Begin emission:
Finished to send 8 packets.
Received 19 packets, got 4 answers, remaining 4 packets
(0.88749999999999996, ['Draytek Vigor 2000 ISDN router'])
As a general rule, you can toggle the libpcap integration on or off at any time, using:
2.5.2 Debian/Ubuntu/Fedora
• Fedora:
Then install Scapy via pip or apt (bundled under python3-scapy) All dependencies may be installed
either via the platform-specific installer, or via PyPI. See Optional Dependencies for more information.
2.5.3 Mac OS X
On Mac OS X, Scapy DOES work natively since the recent versions. However, you may want to make
Scapy use libpcap. You can choose to install it using either Homebrew or MacPorts. They both work
fine, yet Homebrew is used to run unit tests with Travis CI.
ò Note
Libpcap might already be installed on your platform (for instance, if you have tcpdump). This is the
case of OSX
1. Update Homebrew:
$ brew update
2. Install libpcap:
Enable it In Scapy:
conf.use_pcap = True
1. Update MacPorts:
2. Install libpcap:
Enable it In Scapy:
conf.use_pcap = True
2.5.4 OpenBSD
In a similar manner, to install Scapy on OpenBSD 5.9+, you may want to install libpcap, if you do not
want to use the native extension:
Then install Scapy via pip or pkg_add (bundled under python-scapy) All dependencies may be in-
stalled either via the platform-specific installer, or via PyPI. See Optional Dependencies for more infor-
ò Note
In fact, Solaris doesn’t support AF_PACKET, which Scapy uses on Linux, but rather uses its own sys-
tem DLPI. See this page. We prefer using the very universal libpcap that spending time implementing
support for DLPI.
2.5.6 Windows
You need to install Npcap in order to install Scapy on Windows (should also work with Winpcap, but
unsupported nowadays):
• Download link: Npcap: the latest version
• During installation:
– we advise to turn off the Winpcap compatibility mode
– if you want to use your wifi card in monitor mode (if supported), make sure you enable
the 802.11 option
Once that is done, you can continue with Scapy’s installation.
You should then be able to open a cmd.exe and just call scapy. If not, you probably haven’t enabled
the “Add Python to PATH” option when installing Python. You can follow the instructions over here to
change that (or add it manually).
The Scapy project’s documentation is written using reStructuredText (files *.rst) and can be built using
the Sphinx python library. The official online version is available on readthedocs.
(activate a virtualenv)
pip install sphinx
cd doc/scapy
make html
You can now open the resulting HTML file _build/html/index.html in your favorite web browser.
To use the ReadTheDocs’ template, you will have to install the corresponding theme with:
Using pyreverse you can build a UML representation of the Scapy source code’s object hierarchy. Here
is an example of how to build the inheritance graph for the Fields objects :
(activate a virtualenv)
pip install pylint
cd scapy/
pyreverse -o png -p fields scapy/
This will generate a classes_fields.png picture containing the inheritance hierarchy. Note that you
can provide as many modules or packages as you want, but the result will quickly get unreadable.
To see the dependencies between the DHCP layer and the ansmachine module, you can run:
In this case, Pyreverse will also generate a packages_dhcp_ans.png showing the link between the
different python modules provided.
Scapy’s interactive shell is run in a terminal session. Root privileges are needed to send the packets, so
we’re using sudo here:
$ sudo scapy -H
Welcome to Scapy (2.4.0)
On Windows, please open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and make sure that you have administrator
Welcome to Scapy (2.4.0)
If you do not have all optional packages installed, Scapy will inform you that some features will not be
The basic features of sending and receiving packets should still work, though.
This section will show you several of Scapy’s features with Python 2. Just open a Scapy session as shown
above and try the examples yourself.
ò Note
You can configure the Scapy terminal by modifying the ~/.config/scapy/ file.
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
>>> a=IP(ttl=10)
>>> a
< IP ttl=10 |>
>>> a.src
>>> a.dst=""
>>> a
< IP ttl=10 dst= |>
>>> a.src
>>> del(a.ttl)
>>> a
< IP dst= |>
>>> a.ttl
The / operator has been used as a composition operator between two layers. When doing so, the lower
layer can have one or more of its defaults fields overloaded according to the upper layer. (You still can
give the value you want). A string can be used as a raw layer.
>>> IP()
<IP |>
>>> IP()/TCP()
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |>>
>>> Ether()/IP()/TCP()
<Ether type=0x800 |<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |>>>
>>> IP()/TCP()/"GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n"
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |<Raw load='GET / HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n' |>>>
>>> Ether()/IP()/IP()/UDP()
<Ether type=0x800 |<IP frag=0 proto=IP |<IP frag=0 proto=UDP |<UDP |>>>>
>>> IP(proto=55)/TCP()
<IP frag=0 proto=55 |<TCP |>>
Each packet can be built or dissected (note: in Python _ (underscore) is the latest result):
18 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
>>> raw(IP())
>>> IP(_)
<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=20 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=IP
chksum=0x7ce7 src= dst= |>
>>> a=Ether()/IP(dst="")/TCP()/"GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 \n\n
>>> hexdump(a)
00 02 15 37 A2 44 00 AE F3 52 AA D1 08 00 45 00 ...7.D...R....E.
00 43 00 01 00 00 40 06 78 3C C0 A8 05 15 42 23 [email protected]<....B#
FA 97 00 14 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 02 .....P........P.
20 00 BB 39 00 00 47 45 54 20 2F 69 6E 64 65 78 ..9..GET /index
2E 68 74 6D 6C 20 48 54 54 50 2F 31 2E 30 20 0A .html HTTP/1.0 .
0A .
>>> b=raw(a)
>>> b
\xa8\x05\x15B#\xfa\x97\x00\x14\x00P\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00P\x02 \x00
\xbb9\x00\x00GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 \n\n'
>>> c=Ether(b)
>>> c
<Ether dst=00:02:15:37:a2:44 src=00:ae:f3:52:aa:d1 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L
ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=67 id=1 flags= frag=0L ttl=64 proto=TCP chksum=0x783c
src= dst= options='' |<TCP sport=20 dport=80 seq=0L
ack=0L dataofs=5L reserved=0L flags=S window=8192 chksum=0xbb39 urgptr=0
options=[] |<Raw load='GET /index.html HTTP/1.0 \n\n' |>>>>
We see that a dissected packet has all its fields filled. That’s because I consider that each field has its
value imposed by the original string. If this is too verbose, the method hide_defaults() will delete every
field that has the same value as the default:
>>> c.hide_defaults()
>>> c
<Ether dst=00:0f:66:56:fa:d2 src=00:ae:f3:52:aa:d1 type=0x800 |<IP ihl=5L␣
You can read packets from a pcap file and write them to a pcap file.
>>> a=rdpcap("/spare/captures/isakmp.cap")
>>> a
<isakmp.cap: UDP:721 TCP:0 ICMP:0 Other:0>
If you have PyX installed, you can make a graphical PostScript/PDF dump of a packet or a list of packets
(see the ugly PNG image below. PostScript/PDF are far better quality. . . ):
>>> a[423].pdfdump(layer_shift=1)
>>> a[423].psdump("/tmp/isakmp_pkt.eps",layer_shift=1)
20 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Command Effect
raw(pkt) assemble the packet
hexdump(pkt) have a hexadecimal dump
ls(pkt) have the list of fields values
pkt.summary() for a one-line summary for a developed view of the packet
pkt.show2() same as show but on the assembled packet (checksum is calculated, for in-
pkt.sprintf() fills a format string with fields values of the packet
pkt.decode_payload_as() changes the way the payload is decoded
pkt.psdump() draws a PostScript diagram with explained dissection
pkt.pdfdump() draws a PDF with explained dissection
pkt.command() return a Scapy command that can generate the packet
pkt.json() return a JSON string representing the packet
For the moment, we have only generated one packet. Let see how to specify sets of packets as easily.
Each field of the whole packet (ever layers) can be a set. This implicitly defines a set of packets, generated
using a kind of cartesian product between all the fields.
>>> a=IP(dst="")
>>> a
<IP dst=Net('') |>
>>> [p for p in a]
[<IP dst= |>, <IP dst= |>,
<IP dst= |>, <IP dst= |>]
>>> b=IP(ttl=[1,2,(5,9)])
>>> b
<IP ttl=[1, 2, (5, 9)] |>
>>> [p for p in b]
[<IP ttl=1 |>, <IP ttl=2 |>, <IP ttl=5 |>, <IP ttl=6 |>,
<IP ttl=7 |>, <IP ttl=8 |>, <IP ttl=9 |>]
>>> c=TCP(dport=[80,443])
>>> [p for p in a/c]
[<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=80 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=443 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=80 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=443 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=80 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=443 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=80 |>>,
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP dst= |<TCP dport=443 |>>]
Some operations (like building the string from a packet) can’t work on a set of packets. In these cases,
if you forgot to unroll your set of packets, only the first element of the list you forgot to generate will be
used to assemble the packet.
On the other hand, it is possible to move sets of packets into a PacketList object, which provides some
>>> p = PacketList(a)
>>> p
<PacketList: TCP:0 UDP:0 ICMP:0 Other:4>
>>> p = PacketList([p for p in a/c])
>>> p
<PacketList: TCP:8 UDP:0 ICMP:0 Other:0>
Command Effect
summary() displays a list of summaries of each packet
nsummary() same as previous, with the packet number
conversations() displays a graph of conversations
show() displays the preferred representation (usually nsummary())
filter() returns a packet list filtered with a lambda function
hexdump() returns a hexdump of all packets
hexraw() returns a hexdump of the Raw layer of all packets
padding() returns a hexdump of packets with padding
nzpadding() returns a hexdump of packets with non-zero padding
plot() plots a lambda function applied to the packet list
make_table() displays a table according to a lambda function
Now that we know how to manipulate packets. Let’s see how to send them. The send() function will
send packets at layer 3. That is to say, it will handle routing and layer 2 for you. The sendp() function
will work at layer 2. It’s up to you to choose the right interface and the right link layer protocol. send()
and sendp() will also return sent packet list if return_packets=True is passed as parameter.
>>> send(IP(dst="")/ICMP())
Sent 1 packets.
>>> sendp(Ether()/IP(dst="",ttl=(1,4)), iface="eth1")
Sent 4 packets.
>>> sendp("I'm travelling on Ethernet", iface="eth1", loop=1, inter=0.2)
Sent 16 packets.
>>> sendp(rdpcap("/tmp/pcapfile")) # tcpreplay
Sent 11 packets.
22 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
3.2.7 Fuzzing
The function fuzz() is able to change any default value that is not to be calculated (like checksums) by
an object whose value is random and whose type is adapted to the field. This enables quickly building
fuzzing templates and sending them in a loop. In the following example, the IP layer is normal, and the
UDP and NTP layers are fuzzed. The UDP checksum will be correct, the UDP destination port will be
overloaded by NTP to be 123 and the NTP version will be forced to be 4. All the other ports will be
randomized. Note: If you use fuzz() in IP layer, src and dst parameter won’t be random so in order to do
that use RandIP().:
>>> send(IP(dst="target")/fuzz(UDP()/NTP(version=4)),loop=1)
Sent 16 packets.
In a packet, each field has a specific type. For instance, the length field of the IP packet len expects an
integer. More on that later. If you’re developing a PoC, there are times where you’ll want to inject some
value that doesn’t fit that type. This is possible using RawVal
Now, let’s try to do some fun things. The sr() function is for sending packets and receiving answers. The
function returns a couple of packet and answers, and the unanswered packets. The function sr1() is a
variant that only returns one packet that answered the packet (or the packet set) sent. The packets must
be layer 3 packets (IP, ARP, etc.). The function srp() do the same for layer 2 packets (Ethernet, 802.3,
etc.). If there is no response, a None value will be assigned instead when the timeout is reached.
>>> p = sr1(IP(dst="")/ICMP()/"XXXXXXXXXXX")
Begin emission:
...Finished to send 1 packets.
Received 5 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
>>> p
<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=39 id=15489 flags= frag=0L ttl=42 proto=ICMP
chksum=0x51dd src= dst= options='' |<ICMP type=echo-
A DNS query (rd = recursion desired). The host is my DNS server. Note the non-null
padding coming from my Linksys having the Etherleak flaw:
>>> sr1(IP(dst="")/UDP()/DNS(rd=1,qd=DNSQR(qname="
Begin emission:
Finished to send 1 packets.
Received 3 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=78 id=0 flags=DF frag=0L ttl=64 proto=UDP␣
|<DNS id=0 qr=1L opcode=QUERY aa=0L tc=0L rd=1L ra=1L z=0L rcode=ok␣
˓→qdcount=1 ancount=1
The “send’n’receive” functions family is the heart of Scapy. They return a couple of two lists. The first
element is a list of couples (packet sent, answer), and the second element is the list of unanswered packets.
These two elements are lists, but they are wrapped by an object to present them better, and to provide
them with some methods that do most frequently needed actions:
>>> sr(IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=[21,22,23]))
Received 6 packets, got 3 answers, remaining 0 packets
(<Results: UDP:0 TCP:3 ICMP:0 Other:0>, <Unanswered: UDP:0 TCP:0 ICMP:0␣
24 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
If there is a limited rate of answers, you can specify a time interval (in seconds) to wait between two
packets with the inter parameter. If some packets are lost or if specifying an interval is not enough, you
can resend all the unanswered packets, either by calling the function again, directly with the unanswered
list, or by specifying a retry parameter. If retry is 3, Scapy will try to resend unanswered packets 3 times.
If retry is -3, Scapy will resend unanswered packets until no more answer is given for the same set of
unanswered packets 3 times in a row. The timeout parameter specify the time to wait after the last packet
has been sent:
>>> sr(IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=[21,22,23]),inter=0.5,retry=-2,
Begin emission:
Finished to send 12 packets.
Begin emission:
Finished to send 9 packets.
Begin emission:
Finished to send 9 packets.
Classic SYN Scan can be initialized by executing the following command from Scapy’s prompt:
>>> sr1(IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=80,flags="S"))
The above will send a single SYN packet to Google’s port 80 and will quit after receiving a single re-
Begin emission:
.Finished to send 1 packets.
Received 2 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x20 len=44 id=33529 flags= frag=0L ttl=244
proto=TCP chksum=0x6a34 src= dst= options=// |
<TCP sport=www dport=ftp-data seq=2487238601L ack=1 dataofs=6L reserved=0L
flags=SA window=8190 chksum=0xcdc7 urgptr=0 options=[('MSS', 536)] |
<Padding load='V\xf7' |>>>
From the above output, we can see Google returned “SA” or SYN-ACK flags indicating an open port.
Use either notations to scan ports 440 through 443 on the system:
>>> sr(IP(dst="")/TCP(sport=666,dport=(440,443),flags="S"))
>>> sr(IP(dst="")/TCP(sport=RandShort(),dport=[440,441,442,443],
The above will display stimulus/response pairs for answered probes. We can display only the information
we are interested in by using a simple loop:
Even better, a table can be built using the make_table() function to display information about multiple
Begin emission:
.......*.**.......Finished to send 9 packets.
Received 362 packets, got 8 answers, remaining 1 packets
>>> ans.make_table(
... lambda s,r: (s.dst, s.dport,
... r.sprintf("{TCP:%TCP.flags%}{ICMP:%IP.src% - % ICMP.type%}")))
22 - dest-unreach RA -
443 SA SA SA
The above example will even print the ICMP error type if the ICMP packet was received as a response
instead of expected TCP.
For larger scans, we could be interested in displaying only certain responses. The example below will
only display packets with the “SA” flag set:
26 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
In case we want to do some expert analysis of responses, we can use the following command to indicate
which ports are open:
https is open
If all of the above methods were not enough, Scapy includes a report_ports() function which not only
automates the SYN scan, but also produces a LaTeX output with collected results:
>>> report_ports("",(440,443))
Begin emission:
...*.**Finished to send 4 packets.
Received 8 packets, got 4 answers, remaining 0 packets
'\\begin{tabular}{|r|l|l|}\n\\hline\nhttps & open & SA \\\\\n\\hline\n440
& closed & TCP RA \\\\\n441 & closed & TCP RA \\\\\n442 & closed &
TCP RA \\\\\n\\hline\n\\hline\n\\end{tabular}\n'
A TCP traceroute:
Note that the TCP traceroute and some other high-level functions are already coded:
>>> lsc()
sr : Send and receive packets at layer 3
sr1 : Send packets at layer 3 and return only the first answer
srp : Send and receive packets at layer 2
srp1 : Send and receive packets at layer 2 and return only the␣
˓→first answer
srloop : Send a packet at layer 3 in loop and print the answer each␣
srploop : Send a packet at layer 2 in loop and print the answer each␣
Scapy may also use the GeoIP2 module, in combination with matplotlib and cartopy to generate fancy
graphics such as below:
28 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
In this example, we used the traceroute_map() function to print the graphic. This method is a shortcut
which uses the world_trace of the TracerouteResult objects. It could have been done differently:
or such as above:
To use those functions, it is required to have installed the geoip2 module, its database (direct download)
but also the cartopy module.
Different super sockets are available in Scapy: the native ones, and the ones that use libpcap (to
send/receive packets).
By default, Scapy will try to use the native ones (except on Windows, where the winpcap/npcap ones are
preferred). To manually use the libpcap ones, you must:
• On Unix/OSX: be sure to have libpcap installed.
• On Windows: have Npcap/Winpcap installed. (default)
Then use:
This will automatically update the sockets pointing to conf.L2socket and conf.L3socket.
If you want to manually set them, you have a bunch of sockets available, depending on your platform.
For instance, you might want to use:
3.2.13 Sniffing
We can easily capture some packets or even clone tcpdump or tshark. Either one interface or a list of
interfaces to sniff on can be provided. If no interface is given, sniffing will happen on conf.iface:
802.11 / LLC / SNAP / ARP who has says / Padding
802.11 / LLC / SNAP / ARP is at 00:0a:b7:4b:9c:dd says / Padding
802.11 / LLC / SNAP / IP / ICMP echo-request 0 / Raw
802.11 / LLC / SNAP / IP / ICMP echo-reply 0 / Raw
>>> sniff(iface="eth1", prn=lambda x:
---[ Ethernet ]---
dst = 00:ae:f3:52:aa:d1
src = 00:02:15:37:a2:44
type = 0x800
---[ IP ]---
(continues on next page)
30 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
For even more control over displayed information we can use the sprintf() function:
>>> p
<Ether dst=00:10:4b:b3:7d:4e src=00:40:33:96:7b:60 type=0x800 |<IP version=4L
ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=60 id=61681 flags=DF frag=0L ttl=64 proto=TCP␣
32 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
ò Note
When sniffing on several interfaces (e.g. iface=["eth0", ...]), you can check what interface a
packet was sniffed on by using the sniffed_on attribute, as shown in one of the examples above.
ò Note
Asynchronous sniffing is only available since Scapy 2.4.3
. Warning
Asynchronous sniffing does not necessarily improves performance (it’s rather the opposite). If you
want to sniff on multiple interfaces / socket, remember you can pass them all to a single sniff() call
It is possible to sniff asynchronously. This allows to stop the sniffer programmatically, rather than with
ctrl^C. It provides start(), stop() and join() utils.
The basic usage would be:
>>> t = AsyncSniffer()
>>> t.start()
>>> print("hey")
>>> results = t.stop()
The AsyncSniffer class has a few useful keys, such as results (the packets collected) or running,
that can be used. It accepts the same arguments than sniff() (in fact, their implementations are merged).
For instance:
ò Note
Sessions are only available since Scapy 2.4.3
sniff() also provides Sessions, that allows to dissect a flow of packets seamlessly. For instance, you
may want your sniff(prn=...) function to automatically defragment IP packets, before executing the
Scapy includes some basic Sessions, but it is possible to implement your own. Available by default:
• IPSession -> defragment IP packets on-the-fly, to make a stream usable by prn.
• TCPSession -> defragment certain TCP protocols. Currently supports:
– HTTP 1.0
– Kerberos
• TLSSession -> matches TLS sessions on the flow.
• NetflowSession -> resolve Netflow V9 packets from their NetflowFlowset information objects
Those sessions can be used using the session= parameter of sniff(). Examples:
ò Note
To implement your own Session class, in order to support another flow-based protocol, start by
copying a sample from scapy/ Your custom Session class only needs to extend the
DefaultSession class, and implement a process or a recv function, such as in the examples.
. Warning
The inner workings of Session is currently UNSTABLE: custom Sessions may break in the future.
34 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
The layer on which the decompression is applied must be immediately following the TCP layer. You
need to implement a class function called tcp_reassemble that accepts the binary data, a metadata
dictionary as argument and returns, when full, a packet. Let’s study the (pseudo) example of TLS:
class TLS(Packet):
def tcp_reassemble(cls, data, metadata, session):
length = struct.unpack("!H", data[3:5])[0] + 5
if len(data) == length:
return TLS(data)
In this example, we first get the total length of the TLS payload announced by the TLS header, and we
compare it to the length of the data. When the data reaches this length, the packet is complete and can be
returned. When implementing tcp_reassemble, it’s usually a matter of detecting when a packet isn’t
missing anything else.
The data argument is bytes and the metadata argument is a dictionary which keys are as follow:
• metadata["pay_class"]: the TCP payload class (here TLS)
• metadata.get("tcp_psh", False): will be present if the PUSH flag is set
• metadata.get("tcp_end", False): will be present if the END or RESET flag is set
3.2.16 Filters
Here is an example of a (h)ping-like functionality : you always send the same set of packets to see if
something change:
>>> srloop(IP(dst="")/TCP())
RECV 1: Ether / IP / TCP > SA / Padding
fail 3: IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
RECV 1: Ether / IP / TCP > SA / Padding
fail 3: IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
RECV 1: Ether / IP / TCP > SA / Padding
fail 3: IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
RECV 1: Ether / IP / TCP > SA / Padding
fail 3: IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
IP / TCP > S
It is often useful to save capture packets to pcap file for use at later time or with different applications:
>>> wrpcap("temp.cap",pkts)
36 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
>>> hexdump(pkt)
0000 00 50 56 FC CE 50 00 0C 29 2B 53 19 08 00 45 00 .PV..P..)+S...E.
0010 00 54 00 00 40 00 40 01 5A 7C C0 A8 19 82 04 02 .T..@[email protected]|......
0020 02 01 08 00 9C 90 5A 61 00 01 E6 DA 70 49 B6 E5 ......Za....pI..
0030 08 00 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 14 15 ................
0040 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F 20 21 22 23 24 25 .......... !"#$%
0050 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F 30 31 32 33 34 35 &'()*+,-./012345
0060 36 37 67
\x1f !"#$%&\'()*+,-./01234567' |>>>>
Binary string
You can also convert entire packet into a binary string using the raw() function:
\x1f !"#$%&\'()*+,-./01234567' |>>>>
>>> pkt_raw = raw(pkt)
(continues on next page)
We can reimport the produced binary string by selecting the appropriate first layer (e.g. Ether()).
\x1f !"#$%&\'()*+,-./01234567' |>>>>
Using the export_object() function, Scapy can export a base64 encoded Python data structure repre-
senting a packet:
>>> pkt
<Ether dst=00:50:56:fc:ce:50 src=00:0c:29:2b:53:19 type=0x800 |<IP ␣
!"#$%&\'()*+,-./01234567' |>>>>
>>> export_object(pkt)
The output above can be reimported back into Scapy using import_object():
38 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
!"#$%&\'()*+,-./01234567' |>>>>
At last Scapy is capable of saving all session variables using the save_session() function:
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', 'conf', 'new_pkt', 'pkt', 'pkt_export', 'pkt_hex', 'pkt_raw',
˓→ 'pkts']
>>> save_session("session.scapy")
Next time you start Scapy you can load the previous saved session using the load_session() command:
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', 'conf']
>>> load_session("session.scapy")
>>> dir()
['__builtins__', 'conf', 'new_pkt', 'pkt', 'pkt_export', 'pkt_hex', 'pkt_raw',
˓→ 'pkts']
Now we have a demonstration of the make_table() presentation function. It takes a list as parameter,
and a function who returns a 3-uple. The first element is the value on the x axis from an element of the
list, the second is about the y value and the third is the value that we want to see at coordinates (x,y).
The result is a table. This function has 2 variants, make_lined_table() and make_tex_table() to
copy/paste into your LaTeX pentest report. Those functions are available as methods of a result object :
Here we can see a multi-parallel traceroute (Scapy already has a multi TCP traceroute function. See
Here is a more complex example to distinguish machines or their IP stacks from their IPID field. We can
see that is answered by the same IP stack as and that
is not answered by the same IP stack as other ports on the same IP.
It can help identify network topologies very easily when playing with TTL, displaying received TTL, etc.
3.2.20 Routing
Now Scapy has its own routing table, so that you can have your packets routed differently than the system:
>>> conf.route
Network Netmask Gateway Iface lo eth0 eth0
>>> conf.route.delt(net="",gw="")
>>> conf.route.add(net="",gw="")
>>> conf.route.add(host="",gw="")
>>> conf.route
Network Netmask Gateway Iface lo eth0 eth0 eth0
>>> conf.route.resync()
>>> conf.route
Network Netmask Gateway Iface lo eth0 eth0
40 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
3.2.21 Matplotlib
We can easily plot some harvested values using Matplotlib. (Make sure that you have matplotlib in-
stalled.) For example, we can observe the IP ID patterns to know how many distinct IP stacks are used
behind a load balancer:
>>> a, b = sr(IP(dst="")/TCP(sport=[RandShort()]*1000))
>>> a.plot(lambda x:x[1].id)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2367b80d6a0>]
Scapy also has a powerful TCP traceroute function. Unlike other traceroute programs that wait for each
node to reply before going to the next, Scapy sends all the packets at the same time. This has the disad-
vantage that it can’t know when to stop (thus the maxttl parameter) but the great advantage that it took
less than 3 seconds to get this multi-target traceroute result:
>>> traceroute(["","","","www.
The last line is in fact the result of the function : a traceroute result object and a packet list of unanswered
packets. The traceroute result is a more specialised version (a subclass, in fact) of a classic result object.
We can save it to consult the traceroute result again a bit later, or to deeply inspect one of the answers,
for example to check padding.
42 Chapter 3. Usage
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Traceroute result object also have a very neat feature: they can make a directed graph from all the routes
they got, and cluster them by AS (Autonomous System). You will need graphviz. By default, ImageMag-
ick is used to display the graph.
44 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
If you have VPython installed, you also can have a 3D representation of the traceroute. With the right
button, you can rotate the scene, with the middle button, you can zoom, with the left button, you can
move the scene. If you click on a ball, it’s IP will appear/disappear. If you Ctrl-click on a ball, ports 21,
22, 23, 25, 80 and 443 will be scanned and the result displayed:
>>> res.trace3D()
46 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
ò Note
See the TroubleShooting section for more information on the usage of Monitor mode among Scapy.
Provided that your wireless card and driver are correctly configured for frame injection, you can have a
kind of FakeAP:
>>> sendp(RadioTap()/
(continues on next page)
Depending on the driver, the commands needed to get a working frame injection interface may vary. You
may also have to replace the first pseudo-layer (in the example RadioTap()) by PrismHeader(), or by
a proprietary pseudo-layer, or even to remove it.
Using Scapy’s powerful packet crafting facilities we can quick replicate classic TCP Scans. For example,
the following string will be sent to simulate an ACK Scan:
48 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
3.3.3 IP Scan
The fastest way to discover hosts on a local ethernet network is to use the ARP Ping method:
Scapy also includes a built-in arping() function which performs similar to the above two commands:
>>> arping("")
In cases where ICMP echo requests are blocked, we can still use various TCP Pings such as TCP SYN
Ping below:
Any response to our probes will indicate a live host. We can collect results with the following command:
If all else fails there is always UDP Ping which will produce ICMP Port unreachable errors from live
hosts. Here you can pick any port which is most likely to be closed, such as port 0:
SOA request:
MX request:
50 Chapter 3. Usage
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Malformed packets:
Nestea attack:
>>> send(IP(src=target,dst=target)/TCP(sport=135,dport=135))
This attack prevents a client from joining the gateway by poisoning its ARP cache through a VLAN
hopping attack.
Classic ARP cache poisoning:
This poisons the cache of 2 machines, then answers all following ARP requests to put the host between.
Calling ctrl^C will restore the connection.
Send a TCP SYN on each port. Wait for a SYN-ACK or a RST or an ICMP error:
We try to identify VPN concentrators by sending ISAKMP Security Association proposals and receiving
the answers:
By default, dnsd uses a joker (IPv4 only): it answers to all unknown servers with the joker. See DNS_am:
You can also use relay=True to replace the joker behavior with a forward to a server included in conf.
See mDNS_am:
52 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
See LLMNR_am:
See NBNS_am:
>>> sr1(IP(dst="")/UDP()/NBNSHeader()/NBNSNodeStatusRequest())
>>> sr1(IP(dst="")/UDP()/NBNSHeader()/NBNSQueryRequest(QUESTION_
˓→NAME="DC1")) time-exceeded time-exceeded time-exceeded time-exceeded time-exceeded time-exceeded SA
UDP traceroute
Tracerouting an UDP application like we do with TCP is not reliable, because there’s no handshake. We
need to give an applicative payload (DNS, ISAKMP, NTP, etc.) to deserve an answer:
DNS traceroute
Begin emission:
..*....******...******.***...****Finished to send 30 packets.
Received 75 packets, got 28 answers, remaining 2 packets
1 11
4 11
5 11
6 11
7 11
8 11
3.3.21 Etherleaking
>>> sr1(IP(dst="")/ICMP())
<IP src= proto=1 [...] |<ICMP code=0 type=0 [...]|
<Padding load=’0O\x02\x01\x00\x04\x06public\xa2B\x02\x02\x1e’ |>>>
54 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
In very specific conditions, a double 802.1q encapsulation will make a packet jump to another VLAN:
>>> sendp(Ether()/Dot1Q(vlan=2)/Dot1Q(vlan=7)/IP(dst=target)/ICMP())
The following command will display information similar to most wireless sniffers:
ò Note
On Windows and OSX, you will need to also use monitor=True, which only works on scapy>2.4.0
(2.4.0dev+). This might require you to manually toggle monitor mode.
The above command will produce output similar to the one below:
3.4 Recipes
This program uses the sniff() callback (parameter prn). The store parameter is set to 0 so that the
sniff() function will not store anything (as it would do otherwise) and thus can run forever. The filter
parameter is used for better performances on high load : the filter is applied inside the kernel and Scapy
will only see ARP traffic.
#! /usr/bin/env python
from scapy.all import *
def arp_monitor_callback(pkt):
if ARP in pkt and pkt[ARP].op in (1,2): #who-has or is-at
return pkt.sprintf("%ARP.hwsrc% % ARP.psrc%")
3.4. Recipes 55
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
You suspect that someone has installed an additional, unauthorized DHCP server on your LAN – either
unintentionally or maliciously. Thus you want to check for any active DHCP servers and identify their
IP and MAC addresses.
Use Scapy to send a DHCP discover request and analyze the replies:
Begin emission:
Finished to send 1 packets.
Received 8 packets, got 2 answers, remaining 0 packets
In this case we got 2 replies, so there were two active DHCP servers on the test network:
>>> ans.summary()
Ether / IP / UDP > / BOOTP / DHCP ==>␣
˓→Ether / IP / UDP > / BOOTP / DHCP
We specify multi=True to make Scapy wait for more answer packets after the first response is received.
This is also the reason why we can’t use the more convenient dhcp_request() function and have to
construct the DHCP packet manually: dhcp_request() uses srp1() for sending and receiving and
thus would immediately return after the first answer packet.
Moreover, Scapy normally makes sure that replies come from the same IP address the stimulus was sent
to. But our DHCP packet is sent to the IP broadcast address ( and any answer packet
will have the IP address of the replying DHCP server as its source IP address (e.g. Because
these IP addresses don’t match, we have to disable Scapy’s check with conf.checkIPaddr = False
before sending the stimulus.
56 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
See also
3.4.3 Firewalking
TTL decrementation after a filtering operation only not filtered packets generate an ICMP TTL exceeded
Find subnets on a multi-NIC firewall only his own NIC’s IP are reachable with this TTL:
Many firewalls include a rule to drop TCP packets that do not have TCP Timestamp option set which is
a common occurrence in popular port scanners.
>>> sr1(IP(dst="")/TCP(dport=80,flags="S",options=[('Timestamp',
3.4. Recipes 57
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
wireshark(pktlist, ...)
With a Packet or PacketList, serialises your packets, and streams this into Wireshark via stdin
as if it were a capture device.
Because this uses pcap format to serialise the packets, there are some limitations:
• Packets must be all of the same linktype.
For example, you can’t mix Ether and IP at the top layer.
• Packets must have an assigned (and supported) DLT_* constant for the linktype. An un-
supported linktype is replaced with DLT_EN10MB (Ethernet), and will display incorrectly
in Wireshark.
For example, can’t pass a bare ICMP packet, but you can send it as a payload of an IP or IPv6
With a filename (passed as a string), this loads the given file in Wireshark. This needs to be in a
format that Wireshark supports.
You can tell Scapy where to find the Wireshark executable by changing the conf.prog.
wireshark configuration setting.
This accepts the same extra parameters as tcpdump().
ã See also
A PipeTools sink for live-streaming packets.
Additional description of Wireshark’s functionality, and its command-line arguments.
Wireshark’s website
For up-to-date releases of Wireshark.
Wireshark Protocol Reference
Contains detailed information about Wireshark’s protocol dissectors, and reference documen-
tation for various network protocols.
58 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
ò Note
Please bear in mind that Scapy is not designed to be blazing fast, but rather easily hackable & exten-
sible. The packet model makes it VERY easy to create new layers, compared to pretty much all other
alternatives, but comes with a performance cost. Of course, we still do our best to make Scapy as fast
as possible, but it’s not the absolute main goal.
There are quite a few ways of speeding up scapy’s dissection. You can use all of them
• Using a BPF filter: The OS is faster than Scapy. If you make the OS filter the packets instead
of Scapy, it will only handle a fraction of the load. Use the filter= argument of the sniff()
• By disabling layers you don’t use: If you are not using some layers, why dissect them? You can
let Scapy know which layers to dissect and all the others will simply be parsed as Raw. This comes
with a great performance boost but requires you to know what you’re doing.
Scapy takes ages to start because you have very big routing tables.
conf.route_autoload = False
conf.route6_autoload = False
3.4. Recipes 59
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
At anytime, you can trigger the routes loading using conf.route.resync() or conf.route6.
resync(), or add the routes yourself as shown here.
3.4.8 OS Fingerprinting
Scapy can be used to analyze ISN (Initial Sequence Number) increments to possibly discover vulnerable
systems. First we will collect target responses by sending a number of SYN probes in a loop:
Once we obtain a reasonable number of responses we can start analyzing collected data with something
like this:
>>> temp = 0
>>> for s, r in ans:
... temp = r[TCP].seq - temp
... print("%d\t+%d" % (r[TCP].seq, temp))
4278709328 +4275758673
4279655607 +3896934
4280642461 +4276745527
4281648240 +4902713
4282645099 +4277742386
4283643696 +5901310
Nmap fingerprinting (the old “1st generation” one that was done by Nmap up to v4.20) is supported in
Scapy. In Scapy v2 you have to load an extension module first:
>>> load_module("nmap")
If you have Nmap installed you can use it’s active os fingerprinting database with Scapy. Make sure that
version 1 of signature database is located in the path specified by:
>>> conf.nmap_base
Then you can use the nmap_fp() function which implements same probes as in Nmap’s OS Detection
60 Chapter 3. Usage
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
>>> nmap_fp("",oport=443,cport=1)
Begin emission:
.****..**Finished to send 8 packets.
Received 58 packets, got 7 answers, remaining 1 packets
(1.0, ['Linux 2.4.0 - 2.5.20', 'Linux 2.4.19 w/grsecurity patch',
'Linux 2.4.20 - 2.4.22 w/ patch', 'Linux 2.4.22-ck2 (x86)
w/ and HZ=1000 patches', 'Linux 2.4.7 - 2.6.11'])
If you have p0f installed on your system, you can use it to guess OS name and version right from Scapy
(only SYN database is used). First make sure that p0f database exists in the path specified by:
>>> conf.p0f_base
>>> sniff(prn=prnp0f) - Linux 2.6 (newer, 1) (up: 24 hrs)
-> (distance 0)
<Sniffed: TCP:339 UDP:2 ICMP:0 Other:156>
3.4. Recipes 61
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
62 Chapter 3. Usage
ò Note
This is only my view on ASN.1, explained as simply as possible. For more theoretical or academic
views, I’m sure you’ll find better on the Internet.
ASN.1 is a notation whose goal is to specify formats for data exchange. It is independent of the way data
is encoded. Data encoding is specified in Encoding Rules.
The most used encoding rules are BER (Basic Encoding Rules) and DER (Distinguished Encoding
Rules). Both look the same, but the latter is specified to guarantee uniqueness of encoding. This property
is quite interesting when speaking about cryptography, hashes, and signatures.
ASN.1 provides basic objects: integers, many kinds of strings, floats, booleans, containers, etc. They
are grouped in the so-called Universal class. A given protocol can provide other objects which will be
grouped in the Context class. For example, SNMP defines PDU_GET or PDU_SET objects. There are
also the Application and Private classes.
Each of these objects is given a tag that will be used by the encoding rules. Tags from 1 are used for
Universal class. 1 is boolean, 2 is an integer, 3 is a bit string, 6 is an OID, 48 is for a sequence. Tags
from the Context class begin at 0xa0. When encountering an object tagged by 0xa0, we’ll need to know
the context to be able to decode it. For example, in SNMP context, 0xa0 is a PDU_GET object, while in
X509 context, it is a container for the certificate version.
Other objects are created by assembling all those basic brick objects. The composition is done using
sequences and arrays (sets) of previously defined or existing objects. The final object (an X509 certificate,
a SNMP packet) is a tree whose non-leaf nodes are sequences and sets objects (or derived context objects),
and whose leaf nodes are integers, strings, OID, etc.
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Scapy provides a way to easily encode or decode ASN.1 and also program those encoders/decoders. It
is quite laxer than what an ASN.1 parser should be, and it kind of ignores constraints. It won’t replace
neither an ASN.1 parser nor an ASN.1 compiler. Actually, it has been written to be able to encode and
decode broken ASN.1. It can handle corrupted encoded strings and can also create those.
ASN.1 engine
Note: many of the classes definitions presented here use metaclasses. If you don’t look precisely at the
source code and you only rely on my captures, you may think they sometimes exhibit a kind of magic
behavior. `` Scapy ASN.1 engine provides classes to link objects and their tags. They inherit from the
ASN1_Class. The first one is ASN1_Class_UNIVERSAL, which provide tags for most Universal objects.
Each new context (SNMP, X509) will inherit from it and add its own objects.
class ASN1_Class_UNIVERSAL(ASN1_Class):
name = "UNIVERSAL"
# [...]
# [...]
class ASN1_Class_SNMP(ASN1_Class_UNIVERSAL):
PDU_GET = 0xa0
PDU_NEXT = 0xa1
class ASN1_Class_X509(ASN1_Class_UNIVERSAL):
CONT0 = 0xa0
CONT1 = 0xa1
# [...]
All ASN.1 objects are represented by simple Python instances that act as nutshells for the raw values.
The simple logic is handled by ASN1_Object whose they inherit from. Hence they are quite simple:
class ASN1_INTEGER(ASN1_Object):
class ASN1_STRING(ASN1_Object):
(continues on next page)
Encoding engines
As with the standard, ASN.1 and encoding are independent. We have just seen how to create a com-
pounded ASN.1 object. To encode or decode it, we need to choose an encoding rule. Scapy provides
only BER for the moment (actually, it may be DER. DER looks like BER except only minimal encoding
is authorised which may well be what I did). I call this an ASN.1 codec.
Encoding and decoding are done using class methods provided by the codec. For example the
BERcodec_INTEGER class provides a .enc() and a .dec() class methods that can convert between
an encoded string and a value of their type. They all inherit from BERcodec_Object which is able to
decode objects from any type:
>>> BERcodec_INTEGER.enc(7)
>>> BERcodec_BIT_STRING.enc("egg")
>>> BERcodec_STRING.enc("egg")
>>> BERcodec_STRING.dec('\x04\x03egg')
(<ASN1_STRING['egg']>, '')
>>> BERcodec_STRING.dec('\x03\x03egg')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<console>", line 1, in ?
File "/usr/bin/scapy", line 2099, in dec
return cls.do_dec(s, context, safe)
File "/usr/bin/scapy", line 2178, in do_dec
l,s,t = cls.check_type_check_len(s)
File "/usr/bin/scapy", line 2076, in check_type_check_len
l,s3 = cls.check_type_get_len(s)
File "/usr/bin/scapy", line 2069, in check_type_get_len
s2 = cls.check_type(s)
File "/usr/bin/scapy", line 2065, in check_type
(cls.__name__, ord(s[0]), ord(s[0]),cls.tag), remaining=s)
BER_BadTag_Decoding_Error: BERcodec_STRING: Got tag [3/0x3] while expecting
˓→<ASN1Tag STRING[4]>
ASN.1 objects are encoded using their .enc() method. This method must be called with the codec we
want to use. All codecs are referenced in the ASN1_Codecs object. raw() can also be used. In this case,
the default codec (conf.ASN1_default_codec) will be used.
>>> x.enc(ASN1_Codecs.BER)
>>> raw(x)
>>> xx,remain = BERcodec_Object.dec(_)
>>> remain
By default, decoding is done using the Universal class, which means objects defined in the Context
class will not be decoded. There is a good reason for that: the decoding depends on the context!
>>> cert="""
... ggIBALQ3WggWmRToVbEbJGv8x4vmh6mJ7ouZzU9AhqS2TcnZsdw8TQ2FTBVs
... RotSeJ/4I/1n9SQ6aF3Q92RhQVSji6UI0ilbm2BPJoPRYxJWSXakFsKlnUWs
... i4SVqBax7J/qJBrvuVdcmiQhLE0OcR+mrF1FdAOYxFSMFkpBd4aVdQxHAWZg
... /BXxD+r1FHjHDtdugRxev17nOirYlxcwfACtCJ0zr7iZYYCLqJV+FNwSbKTQ
... 2O9ASQI2+W6p1h2WVgSysy0WVoaP2SBXgM1nEG2wTPDaRrbqJS5Gr42whTg0
... ixQmgiusrpkLjhTXUr2eacOGAgvqdnUxCc4zGSGFQ+aJLZ8lN2fxI2rSAG2X
... +Z/nKcrdH9cG6rjJuQkhn8g/BsXS6RJGAE57COtCPStIbp1n3UsC5ETzkxml
... J85per5n0/xQpCyrw2u544BMzwVhSyvcG7mm0tCq9Stz+86QNZ8MUhy/XCFh
... EVsVS6kkUfykXPcXnbDS+gfpj1bkGoxoigTTfFrjnqKhynFbotSg5ymFXQNo
... Kk/SBtc9+cMDLz9l+WceR0DTYw/j1Y75hauXTLPXJuuWCpTehTacyH+BCQJJ
... Kg71ZDIMgtG6aoIbs0t0EfOMd9afv9w3pKdVBC/UMejTRrkDfNoSTllkt1Ex
... FE9pbQN+nZ8HGEO8txBO1b+pxCAoMA4GA1UdDwEB/wQEAwIBhjANBgkqhkiG
... 9w0BAQUFAAOCAgEAO/Ouyuguh4X7ZVnnrREUpVe8WJ8kEle7+z802u6teio0
... cnAxa8cZmIDJgt43d15Ui47y6mdPyXSEkVYJ1eV6moG2gcKtNuTxVBFT8zRF
(continues on next page)
˓→Authority 20\x1e\x17\r020529060000Z\x17\r370928234300Z0\x81\x831\x0b0\t\x06\
˓→x026\xf9n\xa9\xd6\x1d\x96V\x04\xb2\xb3-\x16V\x86\x8f\xd9 W\x80\xcdg\x10m\
˓→xb7\x10N\xd5\xbf\xa9\xc4 (0\x1f\x06\x03U\x1d#\x04\x180\x16\x80\x14Oim\x03~\
˓→x9d\x9f\x07\x18C\xbc\xb7\x10N\xd5\xbf\xa9\xc4 (0\x0e\x06\x03U\x1d\x0f\x01\
˓→x93 v\xe1\xfd\x07\x85\xd1[?\xd2\x1cs2\xdd\xfa\xb9\xf8\x8c\xcf\x02\x87z\x9a\
<ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING['America Online Inc.']>
<ASN1_PRINTABLE_STRING['AOL Time Warner Root Certification␣
˓→Authority 2']>
(continues on next page)
˓→x96V\x04\xb2\xb3-\x16V\x86\x8f\xd9 W\x80\xcdg\x10m\xb0L\xf0\xdaF\xb6\xea%.F\
# ASN1_X509_CONT3:
˓→xbf\xa9\xc4 (']>
˓→xd5\xbf\xa9\xc4 (']>
˓→x9cp*O*9\x18\x95\x1e~\xfba\x01<Q\x08.(\x18\xa4\x16\x0f1\xfd:l#\x93 v\xe1\
ASN.1 layers
While this may be nice, it’s only an ASN.1 encoder/decoder. Nothing related to Scapy yet.
ASN.1 fields
Scapy provides ASN.1 fields. They will wrap ASN.1 objects and provide the necessary logic to bind a
field name to the value. ASN.1 packets will be described as a tree of ASN.1 fields. Then each field name
will be made available as a normal Packet object, in a flat flavor (ex: to access the version field of a
SNMP packet, you don’t need to know how many containers wrap it).
Each ASN.1 field is linked to an ASN.1 object through its tag.
ASN.1 packets
ASN.1 packets inherit from the Packet class. Instead of a fields_desc list of fields, they define
ASN1_codec and ASN1_root attributes. The first one is a codec (for example: ASN1_Codecs.BER),
the second one is a tree compounded with ASN.1 fields.
class ASN1_Class_SNMP(ASN1_Class_UNIVERSAL):
PDU_GET = 0xa0
PDU_NEXT = 0xa1
PDU_SET = 0xa3
PDU_TRAPv1 = 0xa4
PDU_BULK = 0xa5
PDU_TRAPv2 = 0xa7
These objects are PDU, and are in fact new names for a sequence container (this is generally the case for
context objects: they are old containers with new names). This means creating the corresponding ASN.1
objects and BER codecs is simplistic:
tag = ASN1_Class_SNMP.PDU_GET
tag = ASN1_Class_SNMP.PDU_NEXT
# [...]
tag = ASN1_Class_SNMP.PDU_GET
tag = ASN1_Class_SNMP.PDU_NEXT
# [...]
Metaclasses provide the magic behind the fact that everything is automatically registered and that ASN.1
objects and BER codecs can find each other.
The ASN.1 fields are also trivial:
ASN1_tag = ASN1_Class_SNMP.PDU_GET
(continues on next page)
# [...]
SNMP_error = { 0: "no_error",
1: "too_big",
# [...]
SNMP_trap_types = { 0: "cold_start",
1: "warm_start",
# [...]
class SNMPvarbind(ASN1_Packet):
ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER
ASN1_root = ASN1F_SEQUENCE( ASN1F_OID("oid","1.3"),
class SNMPget(ASN1_Packet):
ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER
ASN1F_enum_INTEGER("error",0, SNMP_error),
ASN1F_SEQUENCE_OF("varbindlist", [],␣
class SNMPnext(ASN1_Packet):
ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER
ASN1F_enum_INTEGER("error",0, SNMP_
ASN1F_SEQUENCE_OF("varbindlist", [],␣
# [...]
class SNMP(ASN1_Packet):
ASN1_codec = ASN1_Codecs.BER
ASN1F_enum_INTEGER("version", 1, {0:"v1", 1:"v2c", 2:"v2", 3:"v3"}),
SNMPget, SNMPnext, SNMPresponse, SNMPset,
SNMPtrapv1, SNMPbulk, SNMPinform, SNMPtrapv2)
(continues on next page)
That wasn’t that much difficult. If you think that can’t be that short to implement SNMP encod-
ing/decoding and that I may have cut too much, just look at the complete source code.
Now, how to use it? As usual:
... SNMPvarbind(oid="3.2.1",value=
###[ SNMP ]###
version= v3
community= 'public'
|###[ SNMPget ]###
| id= 0
| error= no_error
| error_index= 0
| \varbindlist\
| |###[ SNMPvarbind ]###
| | oid= '1.2.3'
| | value= 5
| |###[ SNMPvarbind ]###
| | oid= '3.2.1'
| | value= 'hello'
>>> hexdump(a)
0000 30 2E 02 01 03 04 06 70 75 62 6C 69 63 A0 21 02 0......public.!.
0010 01 00 02 01 00 02 01 00 30 16 30 07 06 02 2A 03 ........0.0...*.
0020 02 01 05 30 0B 06 02 7A 01 04 05 68 65 6C 6C 6F ...0...z...hello
>>> send(IP(dst="")/UDP()/SNMP())
Sent 1 packets.
>>> SNMP(raw(a)).show()
###[ SNMP ]###
version= <ASN1_INTEGER[3L]>
community= <ASN1_STRING['public']>
|###[ SNMPget ]###
| id= <ASN1_INTEGER[0L]>
(continues on next page)
>>> o1=ASN1_OID("")
>>> o2=ASN1_OID("1.2.840.113549.1.1.1")
>>> o1,o2
(<ASN1_OID['.']>, <ASN1_OID['.1.2.840.113549.1.1.1']>)
Loading a MIB
Scapy can parse MIB files and become aware of a mapping between an OID and its name:
>>> load_mib("mib/*")
>>> o1,o2
(<ASN1_OID['basicConstraints']>, <ASN1_OID['rsaEncryption']>)
All MIB information is stored into the conf.mib object. This object can be used to find the OID of a name
>>> conf.mib.sha1_with_rsa_signature
or to resolve an OID:
>>> conf.mib._oidname("")
>>> conf.mib._make_graph()
4.2 Automata
Scapy enables to create easily network automata. Scapy does not stick to a specific model like Moore or
Mealy automata. It provides a flexible way for you to choose your way to go.
An automaton in Scapy is deterministic. It has different states. A start state and some end and error states.
There are transitions from one state to another. Transitions can be transitions on a specific condition,
transitions on the reception of a specific packet or transitions on a timeout. When a transition is taken,
one or more actions can be run. An action can be bound to many transitions. Parameters can be passed
from states to transitions, and from transitions to states and actions.
From a programmer’s point of view, states, transitions and actions are methods from an Automaton
subclass. They are decorated to provide meta-information needed in order for the automaton to work.
Let’s begin with a simple example. I take the convention to write states with capitals, but anything valid
with Python syntax would work as well.
class HelloWorld(Automaton):
def BEGIN(self):
def wait_for_nothing(self):
print("Wait for nothing...")
raise self.END()
def on_nothing(self):
print("Action on 'nothing' condition")
def END(self):
>>> a=HelloWorld()
Wait for nothing...
(continues on next page)
>>> HelloWorld.graph()
ò Note
An Automaton can be reset using restart(). It is then possible to run it again.
. Warning
Remember to call destroy() once you’re done using an Automaton. (especially on PyPy)
The ATMT.state decorator transforms a method into a function that returns an exception. If you raise
that exception, the automaton state will be changed. If the change occurs in a transition, actions bound to
this transition will be called. The parameters given to the function replacing the method will be kept and
finally delivered to the method. The exception has a method action_parameters that can be called before
it is raised so that it will store parameters to be delivered to all actions bound to the current transition.
As an example, let’s consider the following state:
def MY_STATE(self, param1, param2):
print("state=MY_STATE. param1=%r param2=%r" % (param1, param2))
def received_ICMP(self, pkt):
if ICMP in pkt:
raise self.MY_STATE("got icmp", pkt[ICMP].type)
4.2. Automata 77
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Let’s suppose we want to bind an action to this transition, that will also need some parameters:
def on_ICMP(self, icmp_type, icmp_code):
self.retaliate(icmp_type, icmp_code)
def received_ICMP(self, pkt):
if ICMP in pkt:
raise self.MY_STATE("got icmp", pkt[ICMP].type).action_
˓→parameters(pkt[ICMP].type, pkt[ICMP].code)
Here is a real example take from Scapy. It implements a TFTP client that can issue read requests.
class TFTP_read(Automaton):
def parse_args(self, filename, server, sport = None, port=69, **kargs):
Automaton.parse_args(self, **kargs)
self.filename = filename
self.server = server
self.port = port = sport
(continues on next page)
raise self.WAITING()
def WAITING(self):
def receive_data(self, pkt):
if TFTP_DATA in pkt and pkt[TFTP_DATA].block == self.awaiting:
if self.server_tid is None:
self.server_tid = pkt[UDP].sport
self.l3[UDP].dport = self.server_tid
raise self.RECEIVING(pkt)
def send_ack(self):
self.last_packet = self.l3 / TFTP_ACK(block = self.awaiting)
@ATMT.receive_condition(WAITING, prio=1)
def receive_error(self, pkt):
if TFTP_ERROR in pkt:
raise self.ERROR(pkt)
@ATMT.timeout(WAITING, 3)
def timeout_waiting(self):
raise self.WAITING()
def retransmit_last_packet(self):
def RECEIVING(self, pkt):
(continues on next page)
4.2. Automata 79
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
def ERROR(self,pkt):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
return pkt[TFTP_ERROR].summary()
def END(self):
split_bottom_up(UDP, TFTP, dport=self.my_tid)
return self.res
States are methods decorated by the result of the ATMT.state function. It can take 4 optional parameters,
initial, final, stop and error, that, when set to True, indicating that the state is an initial, final,
stop or error state.
ò Note
The initial state is called while starting the automata. The final step will tell the automata has
reached its end. If you call atmt.stop(), the automata will move to the stop step whatever its
current state is. The error state will mark the automata as errored. If no stop state is specified,
calling stop and forcestop will be equivalent.
class Example(Automaton):
def BEGIN(self):
def END(self):
return "Result of the automaton: 42"
def STOP(self):
print("SHUTTING DOWN...")
# e.g. close sockets...
def is_stopping(self):
raise self.END()
def ERROR(self):
return "Partial result, or explanation"
# [...]
The START event is initial=1, the STOP event is stop=1 and the CLOSED event is final=1.
class Example(Automaton):
def WAITING(self):
(continues on next page)
4.2. Automata 81
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
def it_is_raining(self):
if not self.have_umbrella:
raise self.ERROR_WET()
@ATMT.receive_condition(WAITING, prio=1)
def it_is_ICMP(self, pkt):
if ICMP in pkt:
raise self.RECEIVED_ICMP(pkt)
@ATMT.receive_condition(WAITING, prio=2)
def it_is_IP(self, pkt):
if IP in pkt:
raise self.RECEIVED_IP(pkt)
@ATMT.timeout(WAITING, 10.0)
def waiting_timeout(self):
raise self.ERROR_TIMEOUT()
Actions are methods that are decorated by the return of ATMT.action function. This function takes the
transition method it is bound to as first parameter and an optional priority prio as a second parameter.
The default priority is 0. An action method can be decorated many times to be bound to many transitions.
class Example(Automaton):
def BEGIN(self):
def END(self):
@ATMT.condition(BEGIN, prio=1)
def maybe_go_to_end(self):
if random() > 0.5:
raise self.END()
@ATMT.condition(BEGIN, prio=2)
def certainly_go_to_end(self):
raise self.END()
(continues on next page)
def certainly_action(self):
print("We are not lucky...")
@ATMT.action(maybe_go_to_end, prio=1)
@ATMT.action(certainly_go_to_end, prio=1)
def always_action(self):
print("This wasn't luck!...")
>>> a=Example()
We are not lucky...
This wasn't luck!...
We are lucky...
This wasn't luck!...
>>> a.destroy()
ò Note
If you want to pass a parameter to an action, you can use the action_parameters function while
raising the next state.
In the following example, the send_copy action takes a parameter passed by is_fin:
class Example(Automaton):
def WAITING(self):
def FIN_RECEIVED(self):
def is_fin(self, pkt):
if pkt[TCP].flags.F:
raise self.FIN_RECEIVED().action_parameters(pkt)
def send_copy(self, pkt):
4.2. Automata 83
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Methods to overload
Timer configuration
Some protocols allow timer configuration. In order to configure timeout values during class initialization
one may use timer_by_name() method, which returns Timer object associated with the given function
class Example(Automaton):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Example, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
timer = self.timer_by_name("waiting_timeout")
def WAITING(self):
def END(self):
@ATMT.timeout(WAITING, 10.0)
def waiting_timeout(self):
raise self.END()
4.3 PipeTools
Scapy’s pipetool is a smart piping system allowing to perform complex stream data management.
The goal is to create a sequence of steps with one or several inputs and one or several outputs, with a
bunch of blocks in between. PipeTools can handle varied sources of data (and outputs) such as user input,
pcap input, sniffing, wireshark. . . A pipe system is implemented by manually linking all its parts. It is
possible to dynamically add an element while running or set multiple drains for the same source.
ò Note
Pipetool default objects are located inside scapy.pipetool
The following code will sniff packets on the default interface, anonymize the source and destination IP
addresses and pipe it all into Wireshark. Useful when posting online examples, for instance.
source = SniffSource(iface=conf.iface)
wire = WiresharkSink()
def transf(pkt):
if not pkt or IP not in pkt:
return pkt
pkt[IP].src = ""
pkt[IP].dst = ""
return pkt
4.3. PipeTools 85
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
>>> s = CLIFeeder()
>>> s2 = CLIHighFeeder()
>>> d1 = Drain()
>>> d2 = TransformDrain(lambda x: x[::-1])
>>> si1 = ConsoleSink()
>>> si2 = QueueSink()
>>> s > d1
>>> d1 > si1
>>> d1 > si2
>>> s2 >> d1
>>> d1 >> d2
>>> d2 >> si1
>>> p = PipeEngine()
>>> p.add(s)
>>> p.add(s2)
>>> p.graph(target="> the_above_image.png")
>>> p.start()
>>> s.send("foo")
>>> s2.send("bar")
(continues on next page)
>>> help(ConsoleSink)
Help on class ConsoleSink in module scapy.pipetool:
class ConsoleSink(Sink)
| Print messages on low and high entries
| +-------+
| >>-|--. |->>
| | print |
| >-|--' |->
| +-------+
For any of those class, have a look at help([theclass]) to get more information or the required pa-
• CLIFeeder : a source especially used in interactive software. its send(data) generates the event
data on the lower canal
• CLIHighFeeder : same than CLIFeeder, but writes on the higher canal
• PeriodicSource : Generate messages periodically on the low canal.
4.3. PipeTools 87
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
• AutoSource: the default source, that must be extended to create custom sources.
ò Note
Do NOT use the default Source class except if you are really sure of what you are doing: it is only
used internally, and is missing some implementation. The AutoSource is made to be used.
To send data through it, the object must call its self._gen_data(msg) or self.
_gen_high_data(msg) functions, which send the data into the PipeEngine.
The Source should also (if possible), set self.is_exhausted to True when empty, to allow the clean
stop of the PipeEngine. If the source is infinite, it will need a force-stop (see PipeEngine below)
For instance, here is how CLIHighFeeder is implemented:
class CLIFeeder(CLIFeeder):
def send(self, msg):
def close(self):
self.is_exhausted = True
Drains need to be linked on the entry that you are using. It can be either on the lower one (using >) or
the upper one (using >>). See the basic example above.
• Drain : the most basic Drain possible. Will pass on both low and high entry if linked properly.
• TransformDrain : Apply a function to messages on low and high entry
• UpDrain : Repeat messages from low entry to high exit
• DownDrain : Repeat messages from high entry to low exit
class TransformDrain(Drain):
def __init__(self, f, name=None):
Drain.__init__(self, name=name)
self.f = f
def push(self, msg):
def high_push(self, msg):
To create a custom sink, one must extend Sink and implement push() and/or high_push().
This is a simplified version of ConsoleSink:
class ConsoleSink(Sink):
def push(self, msg):
print(">%r" % msg)
def high_push(self, msg):
print(">>%r" % msg)
As shown in the example, most sources can be linked to any drain, on both low and high entry.
The use of > indicates a link on the low entry, and >> on the high entry.
For example, to link a, b and c on the low entries:
>>> a = CLIFeeder()
>>> b = Drain()
>>> c = ConsoleSink()
(continues on next page)
4.3. PipeTools 89
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
This wouldn’t link the high entries, so something like this would do nothing:
>>> a2 = CLIHighFeeder()
>>> a2 >> b
>>> a2.send("hello")
Because b (Drain) and c (scapy.pipetool.ConsoleSink) are not linked on the high entry.
However, using a DownDrain would bring the high messages from CLIHighFeeder to the lower channel:
>>> a2 = CLIHighFeeder()
>>> b2 = DownDrain()
>>> a2 >> b2
>>> b2 > b
>>> a2.send("hello")
The PipeEngine class is the core class of the Pipetool system. It must be initialized and passed the list
of all Sources.
There are two ways of passing sources:
• during initialization: p = PipeEngine(source1, source2, ...)
• using the add(source) method
A PipeEngine class must be started with .start() function. It may be force-stopped with the .stop(),
or cleanly stopped with .wait_and_stop()
A clean stop only works if the Sources is exhausted (has no data to send left).
It can be printed into a graph using .graph() methods. see help(do_graph) for the list of available
keyword arguments.
ò Note
Unlike the previous objects, those are not located in scapy.pipetool but in scapy.scapypipes
Now that you know the default PipeTool objects, here are some more advanced ones, based on packet
• SniffSource : Read packets from an interface and send them to low exit.
• RdpcapSource : Read packets from a PCAP file send them to low exit.
4.3.6 Triggering
>>> a = CLIFeeder()
>>> d = TriggerDrain(lambda msg: True) # Pass messages and trigger when a␣
˓→condition is met
>>> d2 = TriggeredValve()
>>> s = ConsoleSink()
>>> a > d > d2 > s
>>> d ^ d2 # Link the triggers
>>> p = PipeEngine(s)
>>> p.start()
INFO: Pipe engine thread started.
>>> a.send("this will be printed")
>'this will be printed'
>>> a.send("this won't, because the valve was switched")
>>> a.send("this will, because the valve was switched again")
>'this will, because the valve was switched again'
>>> p.stop()
Several triggering Drains exist, they are pretty explicit. It is highly recommended to check the doc using
help([the class])
• TriggeredMessage : Send a preloaded message when triggered and trigger in chain
• TriggerDrain : Pass messages and trigger when a condition is met
• TriggeredValve : Let messages alternatively pass or not, changing on trigger
• TriggeredQueueingValve : Let messages alternatively pass or queued, changing on trigger
• TriggeredSwitch : Let messages alternatively high or low, changing on trigger
4.3. PipeTools 91
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Scapy maintains its own network stack, which is independent from the one of your operating system. It
possesses its own interfaces list, routing table, ARP cache, IPv6 neighbour cache, nameservers config. . .
and so on, all of which is configurable.
Here are a few examples of where this is used:
- When you use ``sr()/send()``, Scapy will use internally its own routing␣
˓→table (``conf.route``) in order to find which interface to use, and␣
- When using ``dns_resolve()``, Scapy uses its own nameservers list (``conf.
˓→nameservers``) to perform the request
- etc.
ò Note
What’s important to note is that Scapy initializes its own tables by querying the OS-specific ones. It
has therefore implemented bindings for Linux/Windows/BSD.. in order to retrieve such data, which
may also be used as a high-level API, documented below.
Scapy stores its interfaces list in the conf.ifaces object. It provides a few utility functions such as
dev_from_networkname(), dev_from_name() or dev_from_index() in order to access those.
>>> conf.ifaces
Source Index Name MAC IPv4 IPv6
sys 1 lo 00:00:00:00:00:00 ::1
sys 2 eth0 Microsof:12:cb:ef fe80::10a:2bef:dc12:afae
>>> conf.ifaces.dev_from_index(2)
<NetworkInterface eth0 [UP+BROADCAST+RUNNING+SLAVE]>
You can also use the older get_if_list() function in order to only get the interface names.
>>> get_if_list()
['lo', 'eth0']
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Scapy supports sniffing on Wireshark’s extcap interfaces. You can simply enable it using
load_extcap() (from scapy.libs.extcap).
>>> load_extcap()
>>> conf.ifaces
Source Index Name Address
ciscodump 100 Cisco remote capture ciscodump
dpauxmon 100 DisplayPort AUX channel monitor capture dpauxmon
randpktdump 100 Random packet generator randpkt
sdjournal 100 systemd Journal Export sdjournal
sshdump 100 SSH remote capture sshdump
udpdump 100 UDP Listener remote capture udpdump
wifidump 100 Wi-Fi remote capture wifidump
Source Index Name MAC IPv4 IPv6
sys 1 lo 00:00:00:00:00:00 ::1
sys 2 eth0 Microsof:12:cb:ef fe80::10a:2bef:dc12:afae
Here’s an example of how to use sshdump. As you can see you can pass arguments that are properly
>>> load_extcap()
>>> sniff(
... iface="sshdump",
... prn=lambda x: x.summary(),
... remote_host="",
... remote_username="root",
... remote_password="SCAPY",
... )
>>> conf.ifaces.dev_from_networkname("sshdump").get_extcap_config()
ò Note
If you want to change or edit the routes, have a look at the “Routing” section in Usage
The routes are stores in conf.route. You can use it to display the routes, or get specific routing
>>> conf.route
Get the route for a specific IP: conf.route.route() will return (interface, outgoing_ip,
>>> conf.route.route("")
('lo', '', '')
>>> gw = conf.route.route("")[2]
>>> gw
Use conf.iface
This basically performs a cached ARP who-has when the IP is on the same local link, returns the MAC
of the gateway when it’s not, and handle special cases like multicast.
You can use Scapy to make your own automated tools. You can also extend Scapy without having to edit
its source file.
If you have built some interesting tools, please contribute back to the github wiki !
You can easily use Scapy in your own tools. Just import what you need and do it.
This first example takes an IP or a name as first parameter, send an ICMP echo request packet and display
the completely dissected return packet:
#! /usr/bin/env python
import sys
from scapy.all import sr1,IP,ICMP
if p:
Scapy configures a logger automatically using Python’s logging module. This logger is custom to
support things like colors and frequency filters. By default, it is set to WARNING (when not in interactive
mode), but you can change that using for instance:
import logging
To disable almost all logs. (Scapy simply won’t work properly if a CRITICAL failure occurs)
ò Note
On interactive mode, the default log level is INFO
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
This is a more complex example which does an ARP ping and reports what it found with LaTeX format-
#! /usr/bin/env python
# arping2tex : arpings a network and outputs a LaTeX table as a result
import sys
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
print("Usage: arping2tex <net>\n eg: arping2tex")
print(r"MAC & IP\\")
for snd,rcv in ans:
print(rcv.sprintf(r"%Ether.src% & %ARP.psrc%\\"))
Here is another tool that will constantly monitor all interfaces on a machine and print all ARP request it
sees, even on 802.11 frames from a Wi-Fi card in monitor mode. Note the store=0 parameter to sniff()
to avoid storing all packets in memory for nothing:
#! /usr/bin/env python
from scapy.all import *
def arp_monitor_callback(pkt):
if ARP in pkt and pkt[ARP].op in (1,2): #who-has or is-at
return pkt.sprintf("%ARP.hwsrc% % ARP.psrc%")
For a real life example, you can check Wifitap. Sadly, Wifitap is no longer maintained but nonetheless
demonstrates Scapy’s Wi-Fi capabilities. The code can be retrieved from github.
If you need to add some new protocols, new functions, anything, you can write it directly into Scapy’s
source file. But this is not very convenient. Even if those modifications are to be integrated into Scapy,
it can be more convenient to write them in a separate file.
Once you’ve done that, you can launch Scapy and import your file, but this is still not very convenient.
Another way to do that is to make your file executable and have it call the Scapy function named interact():
#! /usr/bin/env python
class Test(Packet):
name = "Test packet"
fields_desc = [ ShortField("test1", 1),
ShortField("test2", 2) ]
def make_test(x,y):
return Ether()/IP()/Test(test1=x,test2=y)
if __name__ == "__main__":
interact(mydict=globals(), mybanner="Test add-on v3.14")
If you put the above listing in the file and make it executable, you’ll get:
# ./
Welcome to Scapy (
Test add-on v3.14
>>> make_test(42,666)
<Ether type=0x800 |<IP |<Test test1=42 test2=666 |>>>
Adding a new protocol (or more correctly: a new layer) in Scapy is very easy. All the magic is in the
fields. If the fields you need are already there and the protocol is not too brain-damaged, this should be
a matter of minutes.
A layer is a subclass of the Packet class. All the logic behind layer manipulation is held by the Packet
class and will be inherited. A simple layer is compounded by a list of fields that will be either concatenated
when assembling the layer or dissected one by one when disassembling a string. The list of fields is held
in an attribute named fields_desc. Each field is an instance of a field class:
class Disney(Packet):
name = "DisneyPacket "
fields_desc=[ ShortField("mickey",5),
XByteField("minnie",3) ,
IntEnumField("donald" , 1 ,
{ 1: "happy", 2: "cool" , 3: "angry" } ) ]
In this example, our layer has three fields. The first one is a 2-byte integer field named mickey and whose
default value is 5. The second one is a 1-byte integer field named minnie and whose default value is
3. The difference between a vanilla ByteField and an XByteField is only the fact that the preferred
human representation of the field’s value is in hexadecimal. The last field is a 4-byte integer field named
donald. It is different from a vanilla IntField by the fact that some of the possible values of the field
have literate representations. For example, if it is worth 3, the value will be displayed as angry. Moreover,
if the “cool” value is assigned to this field, it will understand that it has to take the value 2.
If your protocol is as simple as this, it is ready to use:
>>> d=Disney(mickey=1)
>>> ls(d)
mickey : ShortField = 1 (5)
minnie : XByteField = 3 (3)
donald : IntEnumField = 1 (1)
###[ Disney Packet ]###
mickey= 1
minnie= 0x3
donald= happy
(continues on next page)
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
This chapter explains how to build a new protocol within Scapy. There are two main objectives:
• Dissecting: this is done when a packet is received (from the network or a file) and should be
converted to Scapy’s internals.
• Building: When one wants to send such a new packet, some stuff needs to be adjusted automatically
in it.
7.2 Layers
Before digging into dissection itself, let us look at how packets are organized.
>>> p = IP()/TCP()/"AAAA"
>>> p
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |<Raw load='AAAA' |>>>
>>> p.summary()
'IP / TCP > S / Raw'
ò Note
There is an optional argument (nb) which returns the nb th layer of required protocol.
Let’s put everything together now, playing with the TCP layer:
>>> tcp=p[TCP]
>>> tcp.underlayer
<IP frag=0 proto=TCP |<TCP |<Raw load='AAAA' |>>>
>>> tcp.payload
<Raw load='AAAA' |>
As expected, tcp.underlayer points to the beginning of our IP packet, and tcp.payload to its pay-
VERY EASY! A layer is mainly a list of fields. Let’s look at UDP definition:
class UDP(Packet):
name = "UDP"
fields_desc = [ ShortEnumField("sport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
ShortEnumField("dport", 53, UDP_SERVICES),
ShortField("len", None),
XShortField("chksum", None), ]
And you are done! There are many fields already defined for convenience, look at the doc``^W`` sources
as Phil would say.
So, defining a layer is simply gathering fields in a list. The goal is here to provide the efficient default
values for each field so the user does not have to give them when he builds a packet.
The main mechanism is based on the Field structure. Always keep in mind that a layer is just a little
more than a list of fields, but not much more.
So, to understand how layers are working, one needs to look quickly at how the fields are handled.
class StrFixedLenField(StrField):
def addfield(self, pkt, s, val):
return s+struct.pack("%is"%self.length,self.i2m(pkt, val))
• getfield(self, pkt, s): extract from the raw packet s the field value belonging to layer pkt.
It returns a list, the 1st element is the raw packet string after having removed the extracted field,
the second one is the extracted field itself in internal representation:
class StrFixedLenField(StrField):
def getfield(self, pkt, s):
return s[self.length:], self.m2i(pkt,s[:self.length])
When defining your own layer, you usually just need to define some *2*() methods, and sometimes also
the addfield() and getfield().
There is a way to represent integers on a variable length quantity often used in protocols, for instance
when dealing with signal processing (e.g. MIDI).
Each byte of the number is coded with the MSB set to 1, except the last byte. For instance, 0x123456
will be coded as 0xC8E856:
def vlenq2str(l):
s = []
s.append(l & 0x7F)
l = l >> 7
while l > 0:
s.append( 0x80 | (l & 0x7F) )
l = l >> 7
return bytes(bytearray(s))
def str2vlenq(s=b""):
i = l = 0
while i < len(s) and ord(s[i:i+1]) & 0x80:
l = l << 7
l = l + (ord(s[i:i+1]) & 0x7F)
i = i + 1
if i == len(s):
warning("Broken vlenq: no ending byte")
l = l << 7
l = l + (ord(s[i:i+1]) & 0x7F)
return s[i+1:], l
We will define a field which computes automatically the length of an associated string, but used that
encoding format:
class VarLenQField(Field):
""" variable length quantities """
__slots__ = ["fld"]
class FOO(Packet):
name = "FOO"
fields_desc = [ VarLenQField("len", None, "data"),
StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.len) ]
>>> f = FOO(data="A"*129)
###[ FOO ]###
len= None
Here, len has yet to be computed and only the default value is displayed. This is the current internal
representation of our layer. Let’s force the computation now:
>>> f.show2()
###[ FOO ]###
len= 129
The method show2() displays the fields with their values as they will be sent to the network, but in a
human readable way, so we see len=129. Last but not least, let us look now at the machine representation:
>>> raw(f)
7.3 Dissecting
Layers only are list of fields, but what is the glue between each field, and after, between each layer. These
are the mysteries explain in this section.
When called, s is a string containing what is going to be dissected. self points to the current layer.
>>> p=IP("A"*20)/TCP("B"*32)
WARNING: bad dataofs (4). Assuming dataofs=5
>>> p
<IP version=4L ihl=1L tos=0x41 len=16705 id=16705 flags=DF frag=321L ttl=65␣
˓→proto=65 chksum=0x4141
At the end, all the layers in the packet are dissected, and glued together with their known types.
The method with all the magic between a layer and its fields is do_dissect(). If you have understood
the different representations of a layer, you should understand that “dissecting” a layer is building each
of its fields from the machine to the internal representation.
Guess what? That is exactly what do_dissect() does:
So, it takes the raw string packet, and feed each field with it, as long as there are data or fields remaining:
>>> FOO("\xff\xff"+"B"*8)
<FOO len=2097090 data='BBBBBBB' |>
>>> vlenq2str(2097090)
Then, the next field is extracted the same way, until 2097090 bytes are put in (or less if 2097090
bytes are not available, as here).
If there are some bytes left after the dissection of the current layer, it is mapped in the same way to the
what the next is expected to be (Raw by default):
>>> FOO("\x05"+"B"*8)
<FOO len=5 data='BBBBB' |<Raw load='BBB' |>>
One of the cool features with Scapy when dissecting layers is that it tries to guess for us what the next
layer is. The official way to link 2 layers is using bind_layers() function.
Available inside the packet module, this function can be used as following:
Each time a packet ProtoA()/ProtoB() will be created, the FieldToBind of ProtoA will be equal to
For instance, if you have a class HTTP, you may expect that all the packets coming from or going to port
80 will be decoded as such. This is simply done that way:
That’s all folks! Now every packet related to port 80 will be associated to the layer HTTP, whether it is
read from a pcap file or received from the network.
Sometimes, guessing the payload class is not as straightforward as defining a single port. For instance,
it can depend on a value of a given byte in the current layer. The 2 needed methods are:
• guess_payload_class() which must return the guessed class for the payload (next layer). By
default, it uses links between classes that have been put in place by bind_layers().
• default_payload_class() which returns the default value. This method defined in the class
Packet returns Raw, but it can be overloaded.
For instance, decoding 802.11 changes depending on whether it is ciphered or not:
class Dot11(Packet):
def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
if self.FCfield & 0x40:
return Dot11WEP
return Packet.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
If you do not like Scapy’s behavior for a given layer, you can either change or disable it through a call
to split_layers(). For instance, if you do not want UDP/53 to be bound with DNS, just add in your
Now every packet with source port 53 will not be handled as DNS, but whatever you specify instead.
In fact, each layer has a field payload_guess. When you use the bind_layers() way, it adds the defined
next layers to that list.
>>> p=TCP()
>>> p.payload_guess
[({'dport': 2000}, <class 'scapy.Skinny'>), ({'sport': 2000}, <class 'scapy.
˓→Skinny'>), ... )]
Then, when it needs to guess the next layer class, it calls the default method Packet.
guess_payload_class(). This method runs through each element of the list payload_guess, each
element being a tuple:
• the 1st value is a field to test ('dport': 2000)
• the 2nd value is the guessed class if it matches (Skinny)
So, the default guess_payload_class() tries all element in the list, until one matches. If no element
are found, it then calls default_payload_class(). If you have redefined this method, then yours is
called, otherwise, the default one is called, and Raw type is returned.
• test what is in field guess_payload
• call overloaded guess_payload_class()
7.4 Building
Building a packet is as simple as building each layer. Then, some magic happens to glue everything.
Let’s do magic then.
The first thing to establish is: what does “build” mean? As we have seen, a layer can be represented in
different ways (human, internal, machine). Building means going to the machine format.
The second thing to understand is ‘’when” a layer is built. The answer is not that obvious, but as soon as
you need the machine representation, the layers are built: when the packet is dropped on the network or
written to a file, or when it is converted as a string, . . . In fact, machine representation should be regarded
as a big string with the layers appended altogether.
>>> p = IP()/TCP()
>>> hexdump(p)
0000 45 00 00 28 00 01 00 00 40 06 7C CD 7F 00 00 01 E..(....@.|.....
0010 7F 00 00 01 00 14 00 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 .......P........
0020 50 02 20 00 91 7C 00 00 P. ..|..
def __str__(self):
return next(iter(self)).build()
What is important also to understand is that usually, you do not care about the machine representation,
that is why the human and internal representations are here.
So, the core method is build() (the code has been shortened to keep only the relevant parts):
def build(self,internal=0):
pkt = self.do_build()
pay = self.build_payload()
p = self.post_build(pkt,pay)
if not internal:
pkt = self
while pkt.haslayer(Padding):
pkt = pkt.getlayer(Padding)
p += pkt.load
pkt = pkt.payload
return p
So, it starts by building the current layer, then the payload, and post_build() is called to update some
late evaluated fields (like checksums). Last, the padding is added to the end of the packet.
Of course, building a layer is the same as building each of its fields, and that is exactly what do_build()
def do_build(self):
for f in self.fields_desc:
p = f.addfield(self, p, self.getfieldval(f))
return p
The core function to build a field is addfield(). It takes the internal view of the field and put it at
the end of p. Usually, this method calls i2m() and returns something like p.self.i2m(val) (where
If val is set, then i2m() is just a matter of formatting the value the way it must be. For instance, if a
byte is expected, struct.pack("B", val) is the right way to convert it.
However, things are more complicated if val is not set, it means no default value was provided earlier,
and thus the field needs to compute some “stuff” right now or later.
“Right now” means thanks to i2m(), if all pieces of information are available. For instance, if you have
to handle a length until a certain delimiter.
Ex: counting the length until a delimiter
class XNumberField(FieldLenField):
In this example, in i2m(), if x has already a value, it is converted to its hexadecimal value. If no value
is given, a length of “0” is returned.
The glue is provided by Packet.do_build() which calls Field.addfield() for each field in the
layer, which in turn calls Field.i2m(): the layer is built IF a value was available.
A default value for a given field is sometimes either not known or impossible to compute when the fields
are put together. For instance, if we used a XNumberField as defined previously in a layer, we expect it
to be set to a given value when the packet is built. However, nothing is returned by i2m() if it is not set.
The answer to this problem is Packet.post_build().
When this method is called, the packet is already built, but some fields still need to be computed. This
is typically what is required to compute checksums or lengths. In fact, this is required each time a field’s
value depends on something which is not in the current
So, let us assume we have a packet with a XNumberField, and have a look to its building process:
class Foo(Packet):
fields_desc = [
ByteField("type", 0),
XNumberField("len", None, "\r\n"),
StrFixedLenField("sep", "\r\n", 2)
When post_build() is called, p is the current layer, pay the payload, that is what has already been built.
We want our length to be the full length of the data put after the separator, so we add its computation in
>>> p = Foo()/("X"*32)
>>> p.show2()
###[ Foo ]###
type= 0
len= 32
sep= '\r\n'
###[ Raw ]###
>>> hexdump(raw(p))
0000 00 32 30 0D 0A 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 .20..XXXXXXXXXXX
0010 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 58 XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
0020 58 58 58 58 58 XXXXX
As we have previously seen, the dissection mechanism is built upon the links between the layers created
by the programmer. However, it can also be used during the building process.
In the layer Foo(), our first byte is the type, which defines what comes next, e.g. if type=0, next layer
is Bar0, if it is 1, next layer is Bar1, and so on. We would like then this field to be set automatically
according to what comes next.
class Bar1(Packet):
fields_desc = [
IntField("val", 0),
class Bar2(Packet):
fields_desc = [
IPField("addr", "")
If we use these classes with nothing else, we will have trouble when dissecting the packets as nothing
binds Foo layer with the multiple Bar* even when we explicitly build the packet through the call to
>>> p = Foo()/Bar1(val=1337)
>>> p
<Foo |<Bar1 val=1337 |>>
>>> p.show2()
###[ Foo ]###
type= 0
len= 4
sep= '\r\n'
###[ Raw ]###
load= '\x00\x00\x059'
1. type is still equal to 0 while we wanted it to be automatically set to 1. We could of course have
built p with p = Foo(type=1)/Bar0(val=1337) but this is not very convenient.
2. the packet is badly dissected as Bar1 is regarded as Raw. This is because no links have been set
between Foo() and Bar*().
In order to understand what we should have done to obtain the proper behavior, we must look at how
the layers are assembled. When two independent packets instances Foo() and Bar1(val=1337) are
compounded with the ‘/’ operator, it results in a new packet where the two previous instances are cloned
(i.e. are now two distinct objects structurally different, but holding the same values):
The right-hand side of the operator becomes the payload of the left-hand side. This is performed through
the call to add_payload(). Finally, the new packet is returned.
Note: we can observe that if other isn’t a Packet but a string, the Raw class is instantiated to form the
payload. Like in this example:
>>> IP()/"AAAA"
<IP |<Raw load='AAAA' |>>
Well, what add_payload() should implement? Just a link between two packets? Not only, in our case,
this method will appropriately set the correct value to type.
Instinctively we feel that the upper layer (the right of ‘/’) can gather the values to set the fields to the lower
layer (the left of ‘/’). Like previously explained, there is a convenient mechanism to specify the bindings
in both directions between two neighboring layers.
Once again, these information must be provided to bind_layers(), which will internally call
bind_top_down() in charge to aggregate the fields to overload. In our case what we need to specify is:
Then, add_payload() iterates over the overload_fields of the upper packet (the payload), get the
fields associated to the lower packet (by its type) and insert them in overloaded_fields.
For now, when the value of this field will be requested, getfieldval() will return the value inserted in
The fields are dispatched between three dictionaries:
• fields: fields whose the value have been explicitly set, like pdst in TCP (pdst='42')
• overloaded_fields: overloaded fields
• default_fields: all the fields with their default value (these fields
are initialized according to fields_desc by the constructor by calling init_fields() ).
In the following code, we can observe how a field is selected and its value returned:
Fields inserted in fields have the higher priority, then overloaded_fields, then finally
default_fields. Hence, if the field type is set in overloaded_fields, its value will be returned
instead of the value contained in default_fields.
We are now able to understand all the magic behind it!
>>> p = Foo()/Bar1(val=0x1337)
>>> p
<Foo type=1 |<Bar1 val=4919 |>>
###[ Foo ]###
type= 1
len= 4
sep= '\r\n'
###[ Bar1 ]###
val= 4919
Our 2 problems have been solved without us doing much: so good to be lazy :)
Last but not least, it is very useful to understand when each function is called when a packet is built:
>>> hexdump(raw(p))
As you can see, it first runs through the list of each field, and then build them starting from the beginning.
Once all layers have been built, it then calls post_build() starting from the end.
7.5 Fields
• X - hexadecimal representation
• LE - little endian (default is big endian = network byte order)
• Signed - signed (default is unsigned)
(continues on next page)
BCDFloatField # binary coded decimal
7.5.2 Enumerations
Possible field values are taken from a given enumeration (list, dictionary, . . . ) e.g.:
ByteEnumField("code", 4, {1:"REQUEST",2:"RESPONSE",3:"SUCCESS",4:"FAILURE"})
7.5.3 Strings
# A list assembled and dissected with many times the same field type
This is about how fields that have a variable length can be handled with Scapy. These fields usually
know their length from another field. Let’s call them varfield and lenfield. The idea is to make each field
reference the other so that when a packet is dissected, varfield can know its length from lenfield when a
packet is assembled, you don’t have to fill lenfield, that will deduce its value directly from varfield value.
Problems arise when you realize that the relation between lenfield and varfield is not always straightfor-
ward. Sometimes, lenfield indicates a length in bytes, sometimes a number of objects. Sometimes the
length includes the header part, so that you must subtract the fixed header length to deduce the varfield
length. Sometimes the length is not counted in bytes but in 16bits words. Sometimes the same lenfield is
used by two different varfields. Sometimes the same varfield is referenced by two lenfields, one in bytes
one in 16bits words.
First, a lenfield is declared using FieldLenField (or a derivate). If its value is None when assembling a
packet, its value will be deduced from the varfield that was referenced. The reference is done using either
the length_of parameter or the count_of parameter. The count_of parameter has a meaning only
when varfield is a field that holds a list (PacketListField or FieldListField). The value will be
the name of the varfield, as a string. According to which parameter is used the i2len() or i2count()
method will be called on the varfield value. The returned value will the be adjusted by the function
provided in the adjust parameter. adjust will be applied to 2 arguments: the packet instance and the value
returned by i2len() or i2count(). By default, adjust does nothing:
adjust=lambda pkt,x: x
For the PacketListField and FieldListField and their derivatives, they work as above when they
need a length. If they need a number of elements, the length_from parameter must be ignored and the
count_from parameter must be used instead. For instance:
class TestSLF(Packet):
fields_desc=[ FieldLenField("len", None, length_of="data"),
StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda pkt:pkt.len) ]
class TestPLF(Packet):
fields_desc=[ FieldLenField("len", None, count_of="plist"),
PacketListField("plist", None, IP, count_from=lambda␣
˓→pkt:pkt.len) ]
class TestFLF(Packet):
FieldLenField("the_lenfield", None, count_of="the_varfield"),
FieldListField("the_varfield", [""], IPField("", ""),
count_from = lambda pkt: pkt.the_lenfield) ]
class TestPkt(Packet):
fields_desc = [ ByteField("f1",65),
ShortField("f2",0x4244) ]
def extract_padding(self, p):
return "", p
class TestPLF2(Packet):
fields_desc = [ FieldLenField("len1", None, count_of="plist",fmt="H",␣
˓→adjust=lambda pkt,x:x+2),
>>> TestFLF("\x00\x02ABCDEFGHIJKL")
<TestFLF the_lenfield=2 the_varfield=['', ''] |<Raw ␣
˓→load='IJKL' |>>
7.5.5 Special
ConditionalField(fld, cond)
# Wrapper to make field 'fld' only appear if
# function 'cond' evals to True, e.g.
# ConditionalField(XShortField("chksum",None),lambda pkt:pkt.
# Field with a variable number of bytes. Each byte is made of:
# - 7 bits of data
# - 1 extension bit:
# * 0 means that it is the last byte of the field ("stopping bit")
# * 1 means that there is another byte after this one ("forwarding␣
7.5.6 TCP/IP
7.5.7 802.11
7.5.8 DNS
7.5.9 ASN.1
Some patterns are similar to a lot of protocols and thus can be described the same way in Scapy.
The following parts will present several models and conventions that can be followed when implementing
a new protocol.
The goal is to keep the writing of packets fluent and intuitive. The basic instructions are the following :
• Do not use any value from the Packet.__slots__` list as a field name (such as name, time or
original), as they are reserved for Scapy internals
• Use inverted camel case and common abbreviations (e.g. len, src, dst, dstPort, srcIp).
• Wherever it is either possible or relevant, prefer using the names from the specifications. This aims
to help newcomers to easily forge packets.
# scapy.contrib.description = [...]
# scapy.contrib.status = [...]
# = [...] (optional)
• If the contrib module does not contain any packets, and should not be indexed in explore(), then
you should instead set:
# scapy.contrib.status = skip
• A layer module must have a docstring, in which the first line shortly describes the module.
This section provides some examples that show how to benefit from Scapy functions in your own code.
The following example explains how to use the checksum() function to compute and UDP checksum
manually. The following steps must be performed:
1. compute the UDP pseudo header as described in RFC768
2. build a UDP packet with Scapy with p[UDP].chksum=0
3. call checksum() with the pseudo header and the UDP packet
assert(checksum_scapy == chksum)
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
ò Note
This document is under a Creative Commons Attribution - Non-Commercial - Share Alike 2.5 license.
9.1.1 Overview
ò Note
All automotive-related features work best on Linux systems. CANSockets and ISOTPSockets are
based on Linux kernel modules. The python-can project is used to support CAN and CANSockets on
a wider range of operating systems and CAN hardware interfaces.
The following table should give a brief overview of all the automotive-related capabilities of Scapy. Most
application layer protocols have many specialized Packet classes. These special-purpose Packets are
not part of this overview. Use the explore() function to get all information about one specific protocol.
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
Physical Protocols
More than 20 different communication protocols exist for the vehicle’s internal wired communication.
Most vehicles make use of five to ten different protocols for their internal communication. The decision
which communication protocol is used from an Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) is usually
made by the trade-off between the costs for communication technology and the final car price. The four
major communication technologies for inter-ECU communication are Controller Area Network (CAN),
FlexRay, Local Interconnect Network (LIN), and Automotive Ethernet. For security considerations, these
are the most relevant protocols for wired communication in vehicles.
LIN is a single wire communication protocol for low data rates. Actuators and sensors of a vehicle
exchange information with an ECU, acting as a LIN master. Software updates over LIN are possible, but
the LIN slaves usually do not need software updates because of their limited functionality.
Nils Weiss. Security Testing in Safety-Critical Networks. PhD Study Report.
CAN is by far the most used communication technology for inter-ECU communication in vehicles. In
older or cheaper vehicles, CAN is still the primary protocol for a vehicle’s backbone communication.
Safety-critical communication during a vehicle’s operation, diagnostic information, and software updates
are transferred between ECUs over CAN. The lack of security features in the protocol itself, combined
with the general use, makes CAN the primary protocol for security investigations.
The FlexRay consortium designed FlexRay as a successor of CAN. Modern vehicles have higher demands
on communication bandwidth. By design, FlexRay is a fast and reliable communication protocol for
inter-ECU communication. FlexRay components are more expensive than CAN components, leading to
a more selective use by OEMs.
Automotive Ethernet
Recent upper-class vehicles implement Automotive Ethernet, the new backbone technology for internal
vehicle communication. The rapidly grown bandwidth demands already replace FlexRay. The primary
reasons for these demands are driver-assistant and autonomous-driving features. Only the physical layer
(layer 1) of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model distinguishes Ethernet (IEEE 802.3) from
Automotive Ethernet (BroadR-Reach). This design decision leads to multiple advantages. For example,
communication stacks of operating systems can be used without modification and routing, filtering, and
firewall systems. Automotive Ethernet components are already cheaper than FlexRay components, which
will lead to vehicle topologies, where CAN and Automotive Ethernet are the most used communication
The first vehicles with CAN bus used a single network with a line-bus topology. Some lower-priced
vehicles still use one or two shared CAN bus networks for their internal communication nowadays. The
downside of this topology is its vulnerability and the lack of network separation. All ECUs of a vehicle
are connected on a shared bus. Since CAN does not support security features from its protocol definition,
any participant on this bus can communicate directly with all other participants, which allows an attacker
to affect all ECUs, even safety-critical ones, by compromising one single ECU. The overall security level
of this network is given from the security level of the weakest participant.
Central Gateway
The central Gateway (GW) topology can be found in higher-priced older cars and medium-priced to
lower-priced recent cars. A centralized GW ECU separates domain-specific sub-networks. This allows an
OEM to encapsulate all ECUs with remote attack surfaces in one sub-network. ECUs with safety-critical
functionalities are located in an individual CAN network. Next to CAN, FlexRay might also be used as
a communication protocol inside a separate network domain. The security of a safety-critical network in
this topology depends mainly on the central GW ECU’s security. This architecture increases the overall
security level of a vehicle through domain separation. After an attacker successfully exploited an ECU
through an arbitrary attack surface, a second exploitable vulnerability or a logical bug is necessary to
compromise a different domain, a safety-critical network, inside a vehicle. This second exploit or logical
bug is necessary to overcome the network separation of the central GW ECU.
A new topology with central GW and Domain Controllers (DCs) can be found in the latest higher-priced
vehicles. The increasing demand for bandwidth in modern vehicles with autonomous driving and driver
assistant features led to this topology. An Automotive Ethernet network is used as a communication
backbone for the entire vehicle. Individual domains, connected through a DC with the central GW, form
the vehicle’s backbone. The individual DCs can control and regulate the data communication between a
domain and the vehicle’s backbone. This topology achieves a very-high security level through a strong
network separation with individual DCs, acting as gateway and firewall, to the vehicle’s backbone net-
work. OEMs have the advantage of dynamic information routing next to this security improvement, an
enabler for Feature on Demand (FoD) services.
This section provides an overview of relevant communication protocols for security evaluations in auto-
motive networks. In contrast to section “Physical Protocols”, this section focuses on properties for data
The CAN communication technology was invented in 1983 as a message-based robust vehicle bus com-
munication system. The Robert Bosch GmbH designed multiple communication features into the CAN
standard to achieve a robust and computation efficient protocol for controller area networks. Remark-
able for the communication behavior of CAN is the internal state machine for transmission errors. This
state machine implements a fail silent behavior to protect a safety-critical network from babbling idiot
nodes. If a specific limit of reception errors (REC) or transmission errors (TEC) occurred, the CAN
driver changes its state from error-active to error-passive and finally to bus-off.
Fig. 4: CAN bus states on transmission errors. Receive Error Counter (REC), Transmit Error Counter
In recent years, this protocol specification was abused for Denial of Service (DoS) attacks and informa-
tion gathering attacks on the CAN network of a vehicle. Cho et al. demonstrated a DoS attack against
CAN networks by abusing the bus-off state of ECUs1 . Injections of communication errors in CAN frames
of one specific node caused a high transmission error count in the node under attack, forcing the attacked
node to enter the bus-off state. In 2019 Kulandaivel et al. combined this attack with statistical analysis to
achieve a fast and inexpensive network mapping in vehicular networks2 . They combined statistical analy-
sis of the CAN network traffic before and after the bus-off attack was applied to a node. All missing CAN
frames in the network traffic after an ECU was attacked could now be mapped to the ECU under attack,
Kyong-Tak Cho and Kang G. Shin. Error handling of in-vehicle networks makes them vulnerable. In Proceedings of the
2016 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security, CCS ’16, page 1044–1055, New York, NY, USA,
2016. Association for Computing Machinery.
Sekar Kulandaivel, Tushar Goyal, Arnav Kumar Agrawal, and Vyas Sekar. Canvas: Fast and inexpensive automotive
network mapping. In 28th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 19), pages 389–405, Santa Clara, CA, August
2019. USENIX Association.
helping researchers identify the origin ECU of a CAN frame. Ken Tindell published a comprehensive
summary of low level attacks on CANs in 20193 .
The above figure shows a CAN frame and its fields as it is transferred over the network. For information
exchange, only the fields arbitration, control, and data are relevant. These are the only fields to which
a usual application software has access. All other fields are evaluated on a hardware-layer and, in most
cases, are not forwarded to an application. The data field has a variable length and can hold up to eight
bytes. The length of the data field is specified by the data length code inside the control field. Impor-
tant variations of this example are CAN-frames with extended arbitration fields and the Controller Area
Network Flexible Data-Rate (CAN FD) protocol. On Linux, every received CAN frame is passed to
SocketCAN. SocketCAN allows the CAN handling via network sockets of the operating system. Socket-
CAN was created by Oliver Hartkopp and added to the Linux Kernel version 2.6.254 . Figure 2.7 shows
the frame structure, how CAN frames are encoded if a user-land application receives data from a CAN
The comparison of above figures clearly shows the loss of information during the CAN frame processing
from a physical layer driver. Almost every CAN driver acts in the same way, whether an application code
runs on a microcontroller or a Linux kernel. This also means that a standard application does not have
access to the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field, the acknowledgment bit, or the end-of-frame field.
Through the CAN communication in a vehicle or a separated domain, ECUs exchange sensor-data and
control inputs; this data is mainly not secured and can be modified by assailants. Attackers can easily
spoof sensor values on a CAN bus to trigger malicious reactions of other ECUs. Miller and Valasek
described this spoofing attack during their studies on automotive networks5 . To prevent attacks on safety-
critical data transferred over CAN, Automotive Open System Architecture (AUTOSAR) released a secure
Ken Tindell. CAN Bus Security - Attacks on CAN bus and their mitigations, 2019.
Pico Technology Ltd. Complete CAN data frame structure, 2020 (accessed February 14, 2020). https://www.picotech.
Oliver Hartkopp. Readme file for the Controller Area Network Protocol Family (aka SocketCAN), 2020 (accessed January
29, 2020).
Dr. Charlie Miller and Chris Valasek. Adventures in Automotive Networks and Control Units. DEF CON 21 Hacking
Conference. Las Vegas, NV: DEF CON, August 2013. (accessed 2020-05-27)
The CAN protocol supports only eight bytes of data. Use-cases like diagnostic operations or ECU pro-
gramming require much higher payloads than the CAN protocol supports. For these purposes, the au-
tomotive industry standardized the Transport Layer (ISO-TP) (ISO 15765-2) protocol7 . ISO-TP is a
transportation layer protocol on top of CAN. Payloads with up to 4095 bytes can be transferred between
ISO-TP endpoints fragmented in CAN frames. The ISO-TP protocol handling requires four special frame
The different types of ISO-TP frames are shown in the following figure. The payload of a CAN frame
gets replaced by one of the four ISO-TP frames. The individual ISO-TP frames have different purposes.
A single frame can transfer between 1 and 7 bytes of ISO-TP message data. The len field of a Single
Frame or a First Frame indicates the ISO-TP message length. Every message with more than 7 bytes
of payload data must be fragmented into a First Frame, followed by multiple Consecutive Frames. This
communication is illustrated in the above figure. After the First Frame is sent from a sender, the receiver
has to communicate its reception capabilities through a Flow Control Frame to the sender. Only after this
Flow Control Frame is received, the sender is allowed to communicate the Consecutive Frames according
to the receiver’s capabilities.
ISO-TP acts as a transport protocol with the support of directed communication through addressing
mechanisms. In vehicles, ISO-TP is mainly used as a transport protocol for diagnostic communication.
In rare cases, ISO-TP is also used to exchange larger data between ECUs of a vehicle. Security measures
have to be applied to the application layer protocol transported through ISO-TP since ISO-TP has no
capabilities to secure its transported data.
AUTOSAR. Specification of Secure Onboard Communication, 2020 (accessed January 31, 2020). https://www.autosar.
ISO Central Secretary. Road vehicles – Diagnostic communication over Controller Area Network (DoCAN) – Part 2:
Transport protocol and network layer services. Standard ISO 15765-2:2016, International Organization for Standardization,
Geneva, CH, 2016.
Diagnostic over IP (DoIP) was first implemented on automotive networks with a centralized gateway
topology. A centralized GW functions as a DoIP endpoint that routes diagnostic messages to the desired
network, allowing manufacturers to program or diagnose multiple ECUs in parallel. Since the Internet
Protocol (IP) communication between a repair-shop tester and the GW is many times faster than the
communication between the GW ECU and a target ECU connected over CAN, the remaining bandwidth
of the IP communication can be used to start further DoIP connections to other ECUs in different CAN
domains. DoIP is specified as part of AUTOSAR and in ISO 13400-2. Similar to ISO-TP, DoIP does
not specify special security measures. The responsibility regarding secured communication is delegated
to the application layer protocol.
Diagnostic Protocols
Two examples of diagnostic protocols are General Motor Local Area Network (GMLAN) and Unified
Diagnostic Service (UDS) (ISO 14229-2). The General Motors Cooperation uses GMLAN. German
OEMs mainly use UDS. Both protocols are very similar from a specification point of view, and both
protocols use either ISO-TP or DoIP messages for a directed communication with a target ECU. Since
different OEMs use UDS, every manufacturer adds its custom additions to the standard. Also, every
manufacturer uses individual ISO-TP addressing for the directed communication with an ECU. GMLAN
includes more precise definitions about ECU addressing and an ECUs internal behavior compared to
UDS and GMLAN follow a tree-like message structure, where the first byte identifies the service. Every
service is answered by a response. Two types of responses are defined in the standard. Negative responses
are indicated through the service 0x7F. Positive responses are identified by the request service identifier
incremented with 0x40.
A clear separation between the transport and the application layer allows creating application layer tools
for both network stacks. The figure above provides an overview of relevant protocols and the corre-
sponding layers. UDS defines a clean separation between application and transport layer. On CAN based
networks, ISO-TP is used for this purpose. The CAN protocol can be treated as the network access
protocol. This allows to replace ISO-TP and CAN with DoIP or HSFZ and Ethernet. The GMLAN pro-
tocol combines transport and application layer specifications very similar to ISO-TP and UDS. Because
of that similarity, identical application layer-specific scan techniques can be applied. To overcome the
bandwidth limitations of CAN, the latest vehicle architectures use an Ethernet-based diagnostic protocol
(DoIP, HSFZ) to communicate with a central gateway ECU. The central gateway ECU routes application
layer packets from an Ethernet-based network to a CAN based vehicle internal network. In general, the
diagnostic functions of all ECUs in a vehicle can be accessed from the OBD connector over UDSonCAN
or UDSonIP.
Scalable service-Oriented MiddlewarE over IP (SOME/IP) defines a new philosophy of data communi-
cation in automotive networks. SOME/IP is used to exchange data between network domain controllers
in the latest vehicle networks. SOME/IP supports subscription and notification mechanisms, allowing
domain controllers to dynamically subscribe to data provided by another domain controller dependent on
the vehicle’s state. SOME/IP transports data between domain controllers and the gateway that a vehicle
needs during its regular operation. The use-cases of SOME/IP are similar to the use-cases of CAN com-
munication. The main purpose is the information exchange of sensor and actuator data between ECUs.
This usage emphasizes SOME/IP communication as a rewarding target for cyber-attacks.
Universal Measurement and Calibration Protocol (XCP), the CAN Calibration Protocol (CCP) successor,
is a calibration protocol for automotive systems, standardized by ASAM e.V. in 2003. The primary usage
of XCP is during the testing and calibration phase of ECU or vehicle development. CCP is designed for
use on CAN. No message in CCP exceeds the 8-byte limitation of CAN. To overcome this restriction,
XCP was designed to aim for compatibility with a wide range of transport protocols. XCP can be used
on top of CAN, CAN FD, Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI), Ethernet, Universal Serial Bus (USB), and
FlexRay. The features of CCP and XCP are very similar; however, XCP has a larger functional scope and
optimizations for data efficiency.
Both protocols have a session-based communication procedure and support authentication through seed
and key mechanisms between a master and multiple slave nodes. A master node is typically an engineer-
ing Personal Computer (PC). In vehicles, slave nodes are ECUs for configuration. XCP also supports
simulation. A vehicle engineer can debug a MATLAB Simulink model through XCP. In this case, the
simulated model acts as the XCP slave node. CCP and XCP can read and write to the memory of an ECU.
Another main feature is data acquisition. Both protocols support a procedure that allows an engineer to
configure a so-called data acquisition list with memory addresses of interest. All memory specified in
such a list will be read periodically and be broadcast in a CCP or XCP Data Acquisition (DAQ) packet on
the chosen communication channel. The following figure gives an overview of all supported communi-
cation and packet types in XCP. In the Command Transfer Object (CTO) area, all communication follows
a request and response procedure always initiated by the XCP master. A Command Packet (CMD) can
receive a Command Response Packet (RES), an Error (ERR) packet, an Event Packet (EV), or a Service
Request Packet (SERV) as a response. After the configuration of a slave through CTO CMDs, a slave can
listen for Stimulation (STIM) packets and periodically send configured DAQ packets. The resources sec-
tion in the following figure indicates the possible attack surfaces of this protocol (Programming (PGM),
Calibration (CAL), DAQ, STIM) which an attacker could abuse. It is crucial for a vehicle’s security and
safety that such protocols, which have their use only during calibration and development of a vehicle, are
disabled or removed before a vehicle is shipped to a customer.
9.1.3 Layers
ò Note
ATTENTION: Animations below might be outdated.
(continues on next page)
Vector Informatik GmbH. XCP – The Standard Protocol for ECU Development. Vector Informatik GmbH, 2020 (accessed
January 30, 2020).
Fig. 10: XCP communication model between XCP Master and XCP Slave. This model shows the com-
munication direction for CTO/Data Transfer Object (DTO) packagesPage 135, 8 .
socket = CANSocket(channel='can0')
packet = CAN(identifier=0x123, data=b'01020304')
rx_packet = socket.recv()
socket.sr1(packet, timeout=1)
conf.contribs['CANSocket'] = {'use-python-can' : True}
rx_packet = socket.recv()
CAN Frame
>>> load_layer("can")
###[ CAN ]###
flags= extended
identifier= 0x10010000
length= 8
reserved= 0
data= '\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08'
x = CAN(identifier=0x7ff,length=8,data=b'\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08')
wrpcap('/tmp/scapyPcapTest.pcap', x, append=False)
y = rdpcap('/tmp/scapyPcapTest.pcap', 1)
Additionally CAN Frames can be imported from candump output and log files. The CandumpReader
class can be used in the same way as a socket object. This allows you to use sniff and other functions
from Scapy:
In order to support the DBC file format, SignalFields and the SignalPacket classes were added to
Scapy. SignalFields should only be used inside a SignalPacket. Multiplexer fields (MUX) can be
created through ConditionalFields. The following example demonstrates the usage:
DBC Example:
class muxTestFrame(SignalPacket):
fields_desc = [
LEUnsignedSignalField("myMuxer", default=0, start=53, size=3),
ConditionalField(LESignedSignalField("muxSig4", default=0, start=25,␣
˓→size=7), lambda p: p.myMuxer == 0),
class testFrameFloat(SignalPacket):
fields_desc = [
LEFloatSignalField("floatSignal2", default=0, start=32),
BEFloatSignalField("floatSignal1", default=0, start=7)
pkt = SignalHeader()/testFrameFloat(floatSignal2=3.4)
This example uses the class SignalHeader as header. The payload is specified by individual
SignalPackets. bind_layers combines the header with the payload dependent on the CAN iden-
tifier. If you want to directly receive SignalPackets from your CANSocket, provide the parameter
basecls to the init function of your CANSocket.
Canmatrix supports the creation of Scapy files from DBC or AUTOSAR XML files
Linux SocketCAN
This subsection summarizes some basics about Linux SocketCAN. An excellent overview
from Oliver Hartkopp can be found here:
Linux SocketCAN supports virtual CAN interfaces. These interfaces are an easy way to do some first
steps on a CAN-Bus without the requirement of special hardware. Besides that, virtual CAN interfaces
are heavily used in Scapy unit tests for automotive-related contributions.
Virtual CAN sockets require a special Linux kernel module. The following shell command loads the
required module:
In order to use a virtual CAN interface some additional commands for setup are required. This snippet
chooses the name vcan0 for the virtual CAN interface. Any name can be chosen here:
bashCommand = "/bin/bash -c 'sudo modprobe vcan; sudo ip link add name vcan0␣
˓→type vcan; sudo ip link set dev vcan0 up'"
If it’s required, a CAN interface can be set into a listen-only or loopback mode with ip link set
Linux can-utils
As part of Linux SocketCAN, some very useful command line tools are provided from Oliver Hartkopp:
The following example shows the basic functions of Linux can-utils. These utilities are very handy for
quick checks, dumping, sending, or logging of CAN messages from the command line.
Scapy CANSocket
In Scapy, two kind of CANSockets are implemented. One implementation is called Native CANSocket,
the other implementation is called Python-can CANSocket.
Since Python 3 supports PF_CAN sockets, Native CANSockets can be used on a Linux based system with
Python 3 or higher. These sockets have a performance advantage because select is callable on them.
This has a big effect in MITM scenarios.
For compatibility reasons, Python-can CANSockets were added to Scapy. On Windows or OSX and
on all systems without Python 3, CAN buses can be accessed through python-can. python-can needs
to be installed on the system: Python-can CANSockets are a
wrapper of python-can interface objects for Scapy. Both CANSockets provide the same API which makes
them exchangeable under most conditions. Nevertheless some unique behaviours of each CANSocket
type has to be respected. Some CAN-interfaces, like Vector hardware is only supported on Windows.
These interfaces can be used through Python-can CANSockets.
Native CANSocket
# Simple Socket
socket = CANSocket(channel="vcan0")
Creating a native CANSocket only listen for messages with Id >= 0x200 and Id <= 0x2ff:
Sniff on a CANSocket:
CANSocket python-can
python-can is required to use various CAN-interfaces on Windows, OSX or Linux. The python-can
library is used through a CANSocket object. To create a python-can CANSocket object, all parameters
of a python-can interface.Bus object has to be used for the initialization of the CANSocket.
Ways of creating a python-can CANSocket:
This example shows how to use bridge and sniff on virtual CAN interfaces. For real world applications,
use real CAN interfaces. Set up two vcans on Linux terminal:
Import modules:
import threading
socket0 = CANSocket(channel='vcan0')
socket1 = CANSocket(channel='vcan1')
def sendPacket():
socket0.send(CAN(flags='extended', identifier=0x10010000, length=8, data=b
def forwarding(pkt):
return pkt
def bridge():
bSocket0 = CANSocket(channel='vcan0')
bSocket1 = CANSocket(channel='vcan1')
bridge_and_sniff(if1=bSocket0, if2=bSocket1, xfrm12=forwarding,␣
˓→xfrm21=forwarding, timeout=1)
threadBridge = threading.Thread(target=bridge)
threadSender = threading.Thread(target=sendMessage)
Sniff packets:
packets = socket1.sniff(timeout=0.3)
CCP is derived from CAN. The CAN-header is part of a CCP frame. CCP has two types of message
objects. One is called Command Receive Object (CRO), the other is called Data Transmission Object
(DTO). Usually CROs are sent to an Ecu, and DTOs are received from an Ecu. The information, if one
DTO answers a CRO is implemented through a counter field (ctr). If both objects have the same counter
value, the payload of a DTO object can be interpreted from the command of the associated CRO object.
Creating a CRO message:
If we aren’t interested in the DTO of an Ecu, we can just send a CRO message like this: Sending a CRO
pkt = CCP(identifier=0x700)/CRO(ctr=1)/CONNECT(station_address=0x02)
sock = CANSocket(bustype='socketcan', channel='vcan0')
If we are interested in the DTO of an Ecu, we need to set the basecls parameter of the CANSocket to
CCP and we need to use sr1: Sending a CRO message:
cro = CCP(identifier=0x700)/CRO(ctr=0x53)/PROGRAM_6(data=b"\x10\x11\x12\x10\
Since sr1 calls the answers function, our payload of the DTO objects gets interpreted with the command
of our CRO object.
XCP is the successor of CCP. It is usable with several protocols. Scapy includes CAN, UDP and TCP.
XCP has two types of message types: Command Transfer Object (CTO) and Data Transmission Object
(DTO). CTOs send to an Ecu are requests (commands) and the Ecu has to reply with a positive response
or an error. Additionally, the Ecu can send a CTO to inform the master about an asynchronous event (EV)
or request a service execution (SERV). DTOs sent by the Ecu are called DAQ (Data AcQuisition) and
include measured values. DTOs received by the Ecu are used for a periodic stimulation and are called
STIM (Stimulation).
Creating a CTO message:
CTORequest() / Connect()
CTORequest() / GetDaqResolutionInfo()
CTORequest() / GetSeed(mode=0x01, resource=0x00)
If we are interested in the response of an Ecu, we need to set the basecls parameter of the CANSocket to
XCPonCAN and we need to use sr1: Sending a CTO message:
Since sr1 calls the answers function, our payload of the XCP-response objects gets interpreted with the
command of our CTO object. Otherwise it could not be interpreted. The first message should always be
the “CONNECT” message, the response of the Ecu determines how the messages are read. E.g.: byte
order. Otherwise, one must set the address granularity, and max size of the DTOs and CTOs per hand in
the contrib config:
conf.contribs['XCP']['Address_Granularity_Byte'] = 1 # Can be 1, 2 or 4
conf.contribs['XCP']['MAX_CTO'] = 8
conf.contribs['XCP']['MAX_DTO'] = 8
If you do not want this to be set after receiving the message you can also disable that feature:
conf.contribs['XCP']['allow_byte_order_change'] = False
conf.contribs['XCP']['allow_ag_change'] = False
conf.contribs['XCP']['allow_cto_and_dto_change'] = False
To send a pkt over TCP or UDP another header must be used. TCP:
The XCPScanner is a utility to find the CAN identifiers of ECUs that support XCP.
Commandline usage example:
python -m -h
Finds XCP slaves using the "GetSlaveId"-message(Broadcast) or the "Connect"-
positional arguments:
channel Linux SocketCAN interface name, e.g.: vcan0
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--start START, -s START
Start identifier CAN (in hex).
The scan will test ids between --start and --end␣
Default: 0x00
--end END, -e END End identifier CAN (in hex).
The scan will test ids between --start and --end␣
Default: 0x7ff
--sniff_time', '-t' Duration in milliseconds a sniff is waiting for a␣
Default: 100
--broadcast, -b Use Broadcast-message GetSlaveId instead of default
--verbose VERBOSE, -v
Display information during scan
python3.6 -m can0
python3.6 -m can0 -b 500
python3.6 -m can0 -s 50 -e 100
python3.6 -m can0 -b 500 -v
The result includes the slave_id (the identifier of the Ecu that receives XCP messages), and the re-
sponse_id (the identifier that the Ecu will send XCP messages to).
ISOTP message
ISOTP(tx_id=0x241, rx_id=0x641, data=b"\x3eabc")
ISOTP Sockets
Scapy provides two kinds of ISOTP-Sockets. One implementation, the ISOTPNativeSocket is using the
Linux kernel module from Hartkopp. The other implementation, the ISOTPSoftSocket is completely
implemented in Python. This implementation can be used on Linux, Windows, and OSX.
An ISOTPSocket will not respect tx_id, rx_id, rx_ext_address, ext_address of an ISOTP
message object.
System compatibilities
• Python3
• Linux
• Hartkopp’s Linux kernel module: (merged
into mainline Linux in 5.10)
During pentests, the ISOTPNativeSockets has a better performance and reliability, usually. If you are
working on Linux, consider this implementation:
Since this implementation is using a standard Linux socket, all Scapy functions like sniff, sr, sr1,
bridge_and_sniff work out of the box.
ISOTPSoftSockets can use any CANSocket. This gives the flexibility to use all python-can interfaces.
Additionally, these sockets work on Python2 and Python3. Usage on Linux with native CANSockets:
Import modules:
import threading
conf.contribs['ISOTP'] = {'use-can-isotp-kernel-module': True}
def sendPacketWithISOTPSocket():
packet = ISOTP('Request')
def forwarding(pkt):
return pkt
def bridge():
bSocket0 = ISOTPSocket('vcan0', tx_id=0x641, rx_id=0x241)
bSocket1 = ISOTPSocket('vcan1', tx_id=0x241, rx_id=0x641)
bridge_and_sniff(if1=bSocket0, if2=bSocket1, xfrm12=forwarding,␣
˓→xfrm21=forwarding, timeout=1)
threadBridge = threading.Thread(target=bridge)
threadSender = threading.Thread(target=sendPacketWithISOTPSocket)
Start threads:
Sniff on vcan1:
receive = isoTpSocketVCan1.sniff(timeout=1)
Close sockets:
python -m -h
usage: isotpscanner [-i interface] [-c channel] [-b bitrate]
[-n NOISE_LISTEN_TIME] [-t SNIFF_TIME] [-x|--extended]
[-C|--piso] [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help] [-s start] [-e end]
required arguments:
-c, --channel python-can channel or Linux SocketCAN interface name
-s, --start Start scan at this identifier (hex)
(continues on next page)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Seconds listening for noise before scan.
-t SNIFF_TIME, --sniff_time SNIFF_TIME
Duration in milliseconds a sniff is waiting for a
flow-control response.
-x, --extended Scan with ISOTP extended addressing.
-C, --piso Print 'Copy&Paste'-ready ISOTPSockets.
-v, --verbose Display information during scan.
Example of use:
Python2 or Windows:
python2 -m --interface=pcan --
˓→channel=PCAN_USBBUS1 --bitrate=250000 --start 0 --end 100
Python3 on Linux:
python3 -m --channel can0 --start 0 --
˓→end 100
>>> socks
[<<ISOTPNativeSocket: read/write packets at a given CAN interface using CAN_
˓→ISOTP socket > at 0x7f98e27c8210>,
The main usage of UDS is flashing and diagnostic of an Ecu. UDS is an application layer protocol and
can be used as a DoIP or HSFZ payload or a UDS packet can directly be sent over an ISOTPSocket.
Every OEM has its own customization of UDS. This increases the difficulty of generic applications and
OEM specific knowledge is required for penetration tests. RoutineControl jobs and ReadDataByIdenti-
fier/WriteDataByIdentifier services are heavily customized.
Use the argument basecls=UDS on the init function of an ISOTPSocket.
Here are two usage examples:
In real-world use-cases, the UDS layer is heavily customized. OEMs define their own substructure of
packets. Especially the packets ReadDataByIdentifier or WriteDataByIdentifier have a very OEM or even
Ecu specific substructure. Therefore a StrField dataRecord is not added to the field_desc. The
intended usage is to create Ecu or OEM specific description files, which extend the general UDS layer of
Scapy with further protocol implementations.
Customization example:
cat scapy/contrib/automotive/OEM-XYZ/
#! /usr/bin/env python
class DBI_IP(Packet):
name = 'DataByIdentifier_IP_Packet'
fields_desc = [
ByteField('ADDRESS_FORMAT_ID', 0),
IPField('IP', ''),
IPField('SUBNETMASK', ''),
(continues on next page)
UDS_RDBI.dataIdentifiers[0x172b] = 'GatewayIP'
If one wants to work with this custom additions, these can be loaded at runtime to the Scapy interpreter:
>>> load_contrib('automotive.uds')
>>> load_contrib('')
###[ UDS ]###
service= WriteDataByIdentifier
###[ WriteDataByIdentifier ]###
dataIdentifier= GatewayIP
dataRecord= 0
###[ DataByIdentifier_IP_Packet ]###
>>> hexdump(pkt)
0000 2E 17 2B 00 C0 A8 02 01 FF FF FF 00 C0 A8 02 01 ..+.............
GMLAN is very similar to UDS. It’s GMs application layer protocol for flashing, calibration and diag-
nostic of their cars. Use the argument basecls=GMLAN on the init function of an ISOTPSocket.
Usage example:
The Ecu utility can be used to analyze the internal states of an Ecu under investigation. This utility
depends heavily on the support of the used protocol. UDS is supported.
This example shows the logging mechanism of an Ecu object. The log of an Ecu is a dictionary of applied
UDS commands. The key for this dictionary is the UDS service name. The value consists of a list of
tuples, containing a timestamp and a log value
Usage example:
This example shows the trace mechanism of an Ecu object. Traces of the current state of the Ecu object
and the received message are printed on stdout. Some messages, depending on the protocol, will change
the internal state of the Ecu.
Usage example:
This example shows a mechanism to clone a real world Ecu by analyzing a list of Packets.
Usage example:
This example shows how to load UDS messages from a .pcap file containing CAN messages. A
PcapReader object is used as socket and an ISOTPSession parses CAN frames to ISOTP frames which
are then casted to UDS objects through the basecls parameter
Usage example:
ecu = Ecu()
assert len(ecu.log["TransferData"]) == 2
This example shows the usage of an EcuSession in sniff. An ISOTPSocket or any socket like object which
returns entire messages of the right protocol can be used. An EcuSession is used as supersession in
an ISOTPSession. To obtain the Ecu object from an EcuSession, the EcuSession has to be created
outside of sniff.
Usage example:
session = EcuSession()
ecu = session.ecu
This example shows a SOME/IP message which requests a service 0x1234 with the method 0x421. Dif-
ferent types of SOME/IP messages follow the same procedure and their specifications can be seen here
Load the contribution:
u = UDP(sport=30509, dport=30509)
Create IP package:
i = IP(src="", dst="")
sip = SOMEIP()
sip.iface_ver = 0
sip.proto_ver = 1
sip.msg_type = "REQUEST"
sip.retcode = "E_OK"
sip.srv_id = 0x1234
sip.method_id = 0x421
sip.add_payload(Raw ("Hello"))
p = i/u/sip
In this example a SOME/IP SD offer service message is shown with an IPv4 endpoint.
Different entries and options basically follow the same procedure as shown here and can
be seen at
Load the contribution:
u = UDP(sport=30490, dport=30490)
The UDP port must be the one which was chosen for the SOME/IP SD transmission.
Create IP package:
i = IP(src="", dst="")
The IP source must be from the service and the destination address needs to be the chosen multicast
Create the entry array input:
ea = SDEntry_Service()
ea.type = 0x01
ea.srv_id = 0x1234
ea.inst_id = 0x5678
ea.major_ver = 0x00
ea.ttl = 3
oa = SDOption_IP4_EndPoint()
oa.addr = ""
oa.l4_proto = 0x11
oa.port = 30509
l4_proto defines the protocol for the communication with the endpoint, UDP in this case.
Create the SD package and put in the inputs:
sd = SD()
p = i/u/sd
OBD is implemented on top of ISOTP. Use an ISOTPSocket for the communication with an Ecu. You
should set the parameters basecls=OBD and padding=True in your ISOTPSocket init call.
OBD is split into different service groups. Here are some example requests:
Request supported PIDs of service 0x01:
req = OBD()/OBD_S01(pid=[0x00])
The response will contain a PacketListField, called data_records. This field contains the actual response:
resp = OBD()/OBD_S01_PR(data_records=[OBD_S01_PR_Record()/OBD_PID00(supported_
###[ On-board diagnostics ]###
service= CurrentPowertrainDiagnosticDataResponse
###[ Parameter IDs ]###
|###[ OBD_S01_PR_Record ]###
| pid= 0x0
|###[ PID_00_PIDsSupported ]###
(continues on next page)
Let’s assume our Ecu under test supports the pid 0x15:
req = OBD()/OBD_S01(pid=[0x15])
resp = sock.sr1(req)
###[ On-board diagnostics ]###
service= CurrentPowertrainDiagnosticDataResponse
###[ Parameter IDs ]###
|###[ OBD_S01_PR_Record ]###
| pid= 0x15
|###[ PID_15_OxygenSensor2 ]###
| outputVoltage= 1.275 V
| trim= 0 %
The different services in OBD support different kinds of data. Service 01 and Service 02 support Param-
eter Identifiers (pid). Service 03, 07 and 0A support Diagnostic Trouble codes (dtc). Service 04 doesn’t
require a payload. Service 05 is not implemented on OBD over CAN. Service 06 supports Monitoring
Identifiers (mid). Service 08 supports Test Identifiers (tid). Service 09 supports Information Identifiers
req = OBD()/OBD_S09(iid=[0x00])
req = OBD()/OBD_S09(iid=0x02)
resp = sock.sr1(req)
###[ On-board diagnostics ]###
service= VehicleInformationResponse
###[ Infotype IDs ]###
|###[ OBD_S09_PR_Record ]###
| iid= 0x2
|###[ IID_02_VehicleIdentificationNumber ]###
| count= 1
| vehicle_identification_numbers= ['W0L000051T2123456']
AutoSAR SecOC is a security architecture protecting communication between ECUs in a vehicle from
• Module: AUTOSAR
• Functions: Provides message integrity and authentication
• Protection: Freshness value to counter replay attacks
• Cryptography: Supports asymmetric and symmetric methods
• Key Distribution: Not specified
• Unique Identifiers: Every PDU has a SecOCDataID - CAN Networks: Uses CAN identifier -
Ethernet Networks: Uses PDU identifier or mappings to SecOCDataIDs
• MAC and freshness value are transferred in truncated format to save bandwidth
AutoSAR specifies three profiles for truncated freshness value and MAC sizes. All use CMAC with
• Profile 1 (24Bit-CMAC-8Bit-FV) - Algorithm: CMAC/AES-128 - Freshness value: 8 bits - MAC:
24 bits
• Profile 2 (24Bit-CMAC-No-FV) - Algorithm: CMAC/AES-128 - Freshness value: 0 bits - MAC:
24 bits - No freshness values used
• Profile 3 (JASPAR) - Algorithm: CMAC/AES-128 - Freshness value: 64 bits - Truncated Fresh-
ness value: 4 bits - MAC: 28 bits
Freshness Value
Protects against replay attacks. AUTOSAR recommends a structure for the freshness value, commonly
distributed via authenticated PDUs.
Sync Message
Synchronizes the ‘Trip Counter’ and ‘Reset Counter’ across all ECUs to maintain a consistent freshness
• Sync message sent when ‘Message Counter’ overflows
• Security recommendation: Use broadcast or multicast to prevent DoS attacks
SecOC in Scapy
Scapy supports the dissection, building, verification, and authentication of SecOC messages sent via
AUTOSAR PDUs or CANFD packets. The implementation is designed to be vendor-independent and
easily customizable, addressing common challenges such as handling freshness values and differentiating
between SecOC and non-SecOC PDUs.
Scapy SecOC Packets provide three stub functions that need to be customized to handle SecOC properly:
class My_SecOC_CANFD(SecOC_CANFD):
freshness_value = trip_count + reset_counter + message_count + self.
return bytes(freshness_value)
To properly dissect SecOC and non-SecOC AUTOSAR PDUs or CANFD frames, SecOC PDUs need
to be registered. This registration informs the dissector whether to use SecOC variants or non-SecOC
variants of the packet for dissection.
The above code registers the PDU with identifier 0x123 as a SecOC_CANFD packet. All other packets
will be interpreted as regular CANFD packets.
Once you have obtained a SecOC packet from a socket or a PCAP file, you can use the SecOC-related
functions to handle authentication and verification.
# A call to secoc_verify will compute the MAC from the payload of the packet␣
˓→and the local freshness value,
Test-Setup Tutorials
A Linux ISO-TP kernel module can be downloaded from this website:
hartkopp/can-isotp.git. The file README.isotp in this repository provides all information and
necessary steps for downloading and building this kernel module. The ISO-TP kernel module should
also be added to the /etc/modules file, to load this module automatically at system boot.
CAN-Interface Setup
As the final step to prepare CAN interfaces for usage, these interfaces have to be set up through some
terminal commands. The bitrate can be chosen to fit the bitrate of a CAN bus under test.
To build a small test environment in which you can send SOME/IP messages to and from server instances
or disguise yourself as a server, one Raspberry Pi, your laptop and the vsomeip library are sufficient.
1. Download image
Download the latest raspbian image (
raspbian/) and install it on the Raspberry.
2. Vsomeip setup
Download the vsomeip library on the Raspberry, apply the git patch so it can work with the newer
boost libraries and then install it.
git apply 0001-Support-boost-v1.66.patch
mkdir build
cd build
make install
3. Make applications
Write some small applications which function as either a service or a client and use the Scapy
SOME/IP implementation to communicate with the client or the server. Examples for vsomeip
applications are available on the vsomeip github wiki page (
Cannelloni Framework
The Cannelloni framework is a small application written in C++ to transfer CAN data over UDP. In this
way, a researcher can map the CAN communication of a remote device to its workstation, or even combine
multiple remote CAN devices on his machine. The framework can be downloaded from this website: The file explains the installation
and usage in detail. Cannelloni needs virtual CAN interfaces on the operator’s machine. The next listing
shows the setup of virtual CAN interfaces.
modprobe vcan
tc qdisc add dev vcan0 root tbf rate 300kbit latency 100ms burst 1000
tc qdisc add dev vcan1 root tbf rate 300kbit latency 100ms burst 1000
9.2 Bluetooth
ò Note
If you’re new to using Scapy, start with the usage documentation, which describes how to use Scapy
with Ethernet and IP.
. Warning
Scapy does not support Bluetooth interfaces on Windows.
Bluetooth is a short range, mostly point-to-point wireless communication protocol that operates on the
2.4GHz ISM band.
Bluetooth standards are publicly available from the Bluetooth Special Interest Group.
Broadly speaking, Bluetooth has three distinct physical-layer protocols:
Bluetooth Basic Rate (BR) and Enhanced Data Rate (EDR)
These are the “classic” Bluetooth physical layers.
BR (Basic Rate) reaches effective speeds of up to 721kbit/s. This was ratified as IEEE 802.15.
1-2002 (v1.1) and -2005 (v1.2).
EDR (Enhanced Data Rate) was introduced as an optional feature of Bluetooth 2.0 (2004). It can
reach effective speeds of 2.1Mbit/s, and has lower power consumption than BR.
In Bluetooth 4.0 and later, this is not supported by Low Energy interfaces, unless they are marked
as dual-mode.
Bluetooth High Speed (HS)
Introduced as an optional feature of Bluetooth 3.0 (2009), this extends Bluetooth by providing
IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) as an alternative, higher-speed data transport. Nodes negotiate switching
with AMP (Alternative MAC/PHY).
This is only supported by Bluetooth interfaces marked as +HS. Not all Bluetooth 3.0 and later
interfaces support it.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
Introduced in Bluetooth 4.0 (2010), this is an alternate physical layer designed for low power, em-
bedded systems. It has shorter setup times, lower data rates and smaller MTU (maximum trans-
mission unit) sizes. It adds broadcast and mesh network topologies, in addition to point-to-point
This is only supported by Bluetooth interface marked as +LE or Low Energy – not all Bluetooth
4.0 and later interfaces support it.
Most Bluetooth interfaces on PCs use USB connectivity (even on laptops), and this is controlled with the
Host-Controller Interface (HCI). This typically doesn’t support promiscuous mode (sniffing), however
there are many other dedicated, non-HCI devices that support it.
There are multiple protocols available for Bluetooth through AF_BLUETOOTH sockets:
Host-controller interface (HCI) BTPROTO_HCI
This is the “base” level interface for communicating with a Bluetooth controller. Everything is
built on top of this, and this represents about as close to the physical layer as one can get with
regular Bluetooth hardware.
Scapy class: BluetoothMonitorSocket
Allows to capture all HCI transactions that are taking place over all HCI interfaces (including in
BlueZ core). It is intended to perform monitoring of transactions, device attachment and removal,
BlueZ logging. . .
Scapy class: BluetoothUserSocket
This socket interacts with a Bluetooth controller with complete and exclusive control of de device.
This means that BlueZ will not try to take control of the interface and will not help you manage
connections via this interface.
Scapy class: BluetoothHCISocket
Using HCI protocol, this socket interacts with a Bluetooth controller but does not have exclusive
control over it, allowing BlueZ and other applications to still use the adapter to communicate with
Logical Link Control and Adaptation Layer Protocol (L2CAP) BTPROTO_L2CAP
Scapy class: BluetoothL2CAPSocket
Sitting above the HCI, it provides connection and connection-less data transport to higher level
protocols. It provides protocol multiplexing, packet segmentation and reassembly operations.
When communicating with a single device, one may use a L2CAP channel.
RFCOMM BluetoothRFCommSocket
Scapy class: BluetoothRFCommSocket
RFCOMM is a serial port emulation protocol which operates over L2CAP.
In addition to regular data transfer, it also supports manipulation of all of RS-232’s non-data control
circuitry (RTS (Request To Send), DTR (Data Terminal Ready), etc.)
Bluetooth on Linux
Linux’s Bluetooth stack is developed by the BlueZ project. The Linux kernel contains drivers to provide
access to Bluetooth interfaces using HCI, which are exposed through sockets with AF_BLUETOOTH.
BlueZ also provides a user-space companion to these kernel interfaces. The key components are:
A daemon that provides access to Bluetooth devices over D-Bus.
An interactive command-line program which interfaces with the bluetoothd over D-Bus.
A command-line program which interfaces directly with kernel interfaces.
Support for Classic Bluetooth in bluez is quite mature, however BLE is under active development.
ò Note
You must run these examples as root. These have only been tested on Linux, and require Scapy
v2.4.3 or later.
Before doing anything else, you’ll want to check that your Bluetooth device has actually been detected
by the operating system:
$ hcitool dev
hci0 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
The first step in Scapy is to open a HCI socket to the underlying Bluetooth device:
This packet contains no operation (ie: it does nothing), but it will test that you can communicate through
the HCI device:
To start capturing all events from the HCI device, use sniff:
Unless your computer is doing something else with Bluetooth, you’ll probably get 0 packets at this point.
This is because sniff doesn’t actually enable any promiscuous mode on the device.
However, this is useful for some other commands that will be explained later on.
Just like with other protocols, you can save packets for future use in libpcap format with wrpcap:
ò Note
This requires a Bluetooth 4.0 or later interface that supports BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy), either as a
dedicated LE (Low Energy) chipset or a dual-mode LE + BR/EDR chipset (such as an RTL8723BU).
These instructions only been tested on Linux, and require Scapy v2.4.3 or later. There are bugs in
earlier versions which decode packets incorrectly.
These examples presume you have already opened a HCI socket (as bt).
In the background, there are already HCI events waiting on the socket. You can grab these events with
>>> # The lfilter will drop anything that's not an advertising report.
>>> adverts = bt.sniff(lfilter=lambda p: HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Reports in p)
(press ^C after a few seconds to stop...)
>>> adverts
<Sniffed: TCP:0 UDP:0 ICMP:0 Other:101>
... HCI_Hdr()/
... HCI_Command_Hdr()/
... HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Scan_Enable(
... enable=False))
Begin emission:
Finished sending 1 packets.
Received 4 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
(<Results: TCP:0 UDP:0 ICMP:0 Other:1>, <Unanswered: TCP:0 UDP:0 ICMP:0␣
# Packet counters
devices_pkts = dict((k, len(v)) for k, v in devices.items())
# {'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx': 408, 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx': 2}
# Get one packet for each device that broadcasted short UUID 0xfe50 (Google).
# Android devices broadcast this pretty much constantly.
google = {}
for mac, reports in devices.items():
for report in reports:
if (EIR_CompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs in report and
0xfe50 in report[EIR_CompleteList16BitServiceUUIDs].svc_uuids):
google[mac] = report
Setting up advertising
ò Note
Changing advertisements may not take effect until advertisements have first been stopped.
AltBeacon is a proximity beacon protocol developed by Radius Networks. This example sets up a virtual
ab = AltBeacon(
Once advertising has been started, the beacon may then be detected with Beacon Locator (Android).
ò Note
Beacon Locator v1.2.2 incorrectly reports the beacon as being an iBeacon, but the values are other-
wise correct.
Eddystone is a proximity beacon protocol developed by Google. This uses an Eddystone-specific service
data field.
This example sets up a virtual Eddystone URL beacon:
Once advertising has been started, the beacon may then be detected with Eddystone Validator or Beacon
Locator (Android):
iBeacon is a proximity beacon protocol developed by Apple, which uses their manufacturer-specific data
field. Apple/iBeacon framing (below) describes this in more detail.
This example sets up a virtual iBeacon:
# Beacon data consists of a UUID, and two 16-bit integers: "major" and
# "minor".
# iBeacon sits on top of Apple's BLE protocol.
p = Apple_BLE_Submessage()/IBeacon_Data(
major=1, minor=2)
Once advertising has been started, the beacon may then be detected with Beacon Locator (Android):
Starting advertising
Stopping advertising
ò Note
This describes the wire format for Apple’s Bluetooth Low Energy advertisements, based on (limited)
publicly available information. It is not specific to using Bluetooth on Apple operating systems.
iBeacon is Apple’s proximity beacon protocol. Scapy includes a contrib module, ibeacon, for working
with Apple’s BLE broadcasts:
>>> load_contrib('ibeacon')
Setting up advertising for iBeacon (above) describes how to broadcast a simple beacon.
While this module is called ibeacon, Apple has other “submessages” which are also advertised within
their manufacturer-specific data field, including:
• AirDrop
• AirPlay
• AirPods
• Handoff
• Nearby
• Overflow area
For compatibility with these other broadcasts, Apple BLE frames in Scapy are layered on top of
Apple_BLE_Submessage and Apple_BLE_Frame:
• HCI_Cmd_LE_Set_Advertising_Data, HCI_LE_Meta_Advertising_Report,
• EIR_Hdr, which may have a payload of one. . .
• EIR_Manufacturer_Specific_Data, which may have a payload of one. . .
• Apple_BLE_Frame, which contains one or more. . .
• Apple_BLE_Submessage, which contains a payload of one. . .
• Raw (if not supported), or IBeacon_Data.
This module only presently supports IBeacon_Data submessages. Other submessages are decoded as
One might sometimes see multiple submessages in a single broadcast, such as Handoff and Nearby. This
is not mandatory – there are also Handoff-only and Nearby-only broadcasts.
Inspecting a raw BTLE advertisement frame from an Apple device:
p = BTLE(hex_bytes(
Since Scapy >2.5.0, Scapy supports Wireshark’s extcap interfaces. You can therefore use your USB
nordic bluetooth dongle, provided that you have installed the Wireshark module properly.
>>> load_contrib("nrf_sniffer")
>>> load_extcap()
>>> conf.ifaces
Source Index Name Address
nrf_sniffer_ble 100 nRF Sniffer for Bluetooth LE /dev/ttyUSB0-None
>>> sniff(iface="/dev/ttyUSB0-None", prn=lambda x: x.summary())
NRFS2_PCAP / NRFS2_Packet / NRF2_Packet_Event / BTLE / BTLE_ADV / BTLE_ADV_IND
NRFS2_PCAP / NRFS2_Packet / NRF2_Packet_Event / BTLE / BTLE_ADV / BTLE_ADV_IND
NRFS2_PCAP / NRFS2_Packet / NRF2_Packet_Event / BTLE / BTLE_ADV / BTLE_ADV_IND
NRFS2_PCAP / NRFS2_Packet / NRF2_Packet_Event / BTLE / BTLE_ADV / BTLE_ADV_
ò Note
DCE/RPC per DCE/RPC 1.1 with the [MS-RPCE] additions
Scapy provides support for dissecting and building Microsoft’s Windows DCE/RPC calls.
• NDR (and NDR64) are the transfer syntax used by DCE/RPC, i.e. how objects are marshalled and
sent over the network
• IDL or Interface Definition Language is “a language for specifying operations (procedures or func-
tions), parameters to these operations, and data types” in context of DCE/RPC
All packets built with NDR extend the NDRPacket class, which adds the arguments ndr64 and
You can therefore specify while dissecting or building packets whether it uses NDR64 or not (by default:
no), or its endian (by default: little)
You can dissect a DCE/RPC packet like any other packet, by calling ThePacketClass(<bytes>). The
only difference is, as mentioned above, that there are extra ndr64 and ndrendian arguments.
ò Note
DCE/RPC is stateful, and requires the dissector to remember which interface is bound, how (negotia-
tion), etc. Scapy therefore provides a DceRpcSession session that remembers the context to properly
dissect requests and responses.
Here’s an example where a pcap (included in the test/pcaps folder) containing a [MS-NRPC] exchange
is dissected using Scapy:
>>> load_layer("msrpce")
>>> bind_layers(TCP, DceRpc, sport=40564) # the DCE/RPC port
>>> bind_layers(TCP, DceRpc, dport=40564)
>>> pkts = sniff(offline='dcerpc_msnrpc.pcapng.gz', session=DceRpcSession)
>>> pkts[6][DceRpc5].show()
(continues on next page)
Scapy has opted to not abstract any of the NDR fields (see Design choices), allowing to keep access to all
lengths, offsets, counts, etc. . . This allows to put wrong length values anywhere to test implementations.
The catch is that accessing the value of a field is a bit tedious:
>>> pkts[6][DceRpc5].ComputerName.value[0].value
Sometimes, you’ll be glad to have access to the size of a ConformantArray. Most times, you won’t. All
NDRPacket therefore include a valueof() function that goes through any array or pointer containers:
>>> pkts[6][NetrServerReqChallenge_Request].valueof("ComputerName")
. Warning
Note that DceRpc5 packets are NOT NDRPacket, so you need to call valueof() on the NDR payload
If you were to re-build the previous packet exactly as it was dissected, it would look something like this:
If you don’t care about specifying max_count, offset or actual_count manually, you can however
also do the following:
And Scapy will automatically add the NDRConformantArray, NDRVaryingArray. . . in the middle.
This applies to NDRPointers too ! Skipping it will add a default one with a referent id of 0x20000.
Take RPC_UNICODE_STRING for instance:
>>> RPC_UNICODE_STRING(Buffer=b"WIN").show2()
Length = 6
MaximumLength= 6
\Buffer \
|###[ NDRPointer ]###
| referent_id= 0x20000
| \value \
| |###[ NDRConformantArray ]###
| | max_count = 3
| | \value \
| | |###[ NDRVaryingArray ]###
(continues on next page)
9.3.2 Client
client = DCERPC_Client(
req = ServerAlive_Request(ndr64=False)
resp = client.sr1_req(req)
Here’s the same example, but this time asking for PKT_PRIVACY (encryption) using NTLMSSP:
ssp = NTLMSSP(
client = DCERPC_Client(
req = ServerAlive_Request(ndr64=False)
resp = client.sr1_req(req)
UPN="[email protected]",
client = DCERPC_Client(
req = ServerAlive_Request(ndr64=False)
resp = client.sr1_req(req)
Here’s a different example, this time connecting over NCACN_NP to [MS-SAMR] to enumerate the do-
mains a server is in:
ssp = NTLMSSP(
client = DCERPC_Client(
client.open_smbpipe("lsass") # open the \pipe\lsass pipe
ò Note
As you can see, we used the NTLMSSP security provider in the above connection.
client = NetlogonClient(
9.3.3 Server
It is also possible to create your own DCE/RPC server. This takes the form of creating a DCERPC_Server
class, then serving it over a transport.
This class contains a answer() function that is used to register a handler for a Request, such as for
class MyRPCServer(DCERPC_Server):
def handle_NetrWkstaGetInfo(self, req):
NetrWkstaGetInfo [MS-SRVS]
"returns information about the configuration of a workstation."
return NetrWkstaGetInfo_Response(
wki100_platform_id=500, # NT
Let’s spawn this server, listening on the 12345 port using the NCACN_IP_TCP transport.
Of course that also works over NCACN_NP, with for instance a NTLMSSP:
To start an endpoint mapper (this should be a separate process from your RPC server), you can use the
default DCERPC_Server as such:
find_dcerpc_interface("wkssvc"): 12345,
ò Note
Currently, a DCERPC_Server will let a client bind on all interfaces that Scapy has registered (im-
ported). Supposedly though, you know which RPCs are going to be queried.
If you’re doing passive sniffing of a DCE/RPC session, you can instruct Scapy to still use its DCE/RPC
session in order to check the INTEGRITY and decrypt (if PRIVACY is used) the packets.
# Sniff
pkts = sniff(offline="dcerpc_exchange.pcapng", session=TCPSession)
. Warning
NTLM, KerberosSSP and SPNEGOSSP are currently supported. NetlogonSSP is still unsupported.
NDR is a rather complex encoding. For instance, there are multiple types of arrays:
• fixed arrays
• conformant arrays
• varying arrays
• conformant varying arrays
All of which have slightly different representations on the network, but generally speaking it can look
like this:
Those lengths are mostly computable, but this raises the question of: what should Scapy report to the
Some implementations (like impacket’s), have chosen to abstract the lengths, offsets, etc. and hide it to
the user. This has the big advantage that it makes packets much easier to build, but has the inconvenience
that it is in fact hiding part of the information contained in the packet, which really is against Scapy’s
The same happens when encoding pointers, which looks something like this:
where it is tempting to hide the referent_id part, which is on Windows in most parts irrelevant.
In Scapy, you will find all the fields. The pros are that it is exhaustive and doesn’t hide any information,
the cons is that you need to use the utils (valueof() on dissection, implicit any2i on build) in order for
it not to be a massive pain.
Scapy provides access to various Security Providers following the GSSAPI model, but aiming at inter-
acting with the Windows world.
ò Note
The GSSAPI interfaces are based off the following documentations:
• GSSAPI: RFC4121 / RFC2743
• GSSAPI C bindings: RFC2744
9.4.1 Usage
ò Note
You can typically use it in SMB_Client, SMB_Server, DCERPC_Client or DCERPC_Server. Have
a look at SMB and DCE/RPC to get examples on how to use it.
Let’s implement our own client that uses one of those SSPs.
First let’s create the SSP. We’ll take NTLMSSP as an example but the others would work just as well.
Let’s get the first token (in this case, the ntlm negotiate):
Send this token to the server, or use it as required, and get back the server’s token. You can then pass that
token as the second parameter of GSS_Init_sec_context(). To give an example, this is what is done
in the LDAP client:
If you want to use SPEGOSSP, you could wrap the SSP as so:
You can override the GSS-API req_flags when calling GSS_Init_sec_context(), using values from
Implementing a server is very similar to a client but you’d use GSS_Accept_sec_context() instead.
The client is properly authenticated when status is GSS_S_COMPLETE.
Let’s use NTLMSSP as an example of server-side SSP.
You’ll find other examples of how to instantiate a SSP in the docstrings of each SSP. See the list
9.5 HTTP
ò Note
Support for HTTP 1.X was added in 2.4.3, whereas HTTP 2.X was already in 2.4.0.
HTTP 1.X is a text protocol. Those are pretty unusual nowadays (HTTP 2.X is binary), therefore its
implementation is very different.
For transmission purposes, HTTP 1.X frames are split in various fragments during the connection, which
may or not have been encoded. This is explain over
To summarize, the frames can be split in 3 different ways:
• chunks: split in fragments called chunks that are preceded by their length. The end of a frame is
marked by an empty chunk
• using Content-Length: the header of the HTTP frame announces the total length of the frame
• None of the above: the HTTP frame ends when the TCP stream ends / when a TCP push happens.
Moreover, each frame may be additionally compressed, depending on the algorithm specified in the HTTP
• compress: compressed using LZW
• deflate: compressed using ZLIB
• br: compressed using Brotli
• gzip
Let’s have a look at what happens when you perform an HTTPRequest using Scapy’s TCP_client (ex-
plained below):
Once the first SYN/ACK is done, the connection is established. Scapy will send the HTTPRequest(),
and the host will answer with HTTP fragments. Scapy will ACK each of those, and recompile them using
TCPSession, like Wireshark does when it displays the answer frame.
>>> explore(scapy.layers.http)
Packets contained in scapy.layers.http:
Class |Name
HTTPRequest |HTTP Request
HTTPResponse|HTTP Response
There are two frames available: HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse. The HTTP is only used during dis-
section, as a util to choose between the two. All common header fields should be supported.
• Default HTTPRequest:
>>> HTTPRequest().show()
###[ HTTP Request ]###
Method= 'GET'
Path= '/'
Http_Version= 'HTTP/1.1'
A_IM= None
Accept= None
Accept_Charset= None
Accept_Datetime= None
Accept_Encoding= None
• Default HTTPResponse:
>>> HTTPResponse().show()
###[ HTTP Response ]###
Http_Version= 'HTTP/1.1'
Status_Code= '200'
Reason_Phrase= 'OK'
Accept_Patch43= None
Accept_Ranges= None
Scapy uses Sessions classes (more specifically the TCPSession class), in order to dissect and reconstruct
HTTP packets. This handles Content-Length, chunks and/or compression.
Here are the main ways of using HTTP 1.X with Scapy:
• HTTP_Client: Automata that send HTTP requests. It supports the SSP() mechanism to support
authorization with NTLM, Kerberos, etc.
• HTTP_Server: Automata to handle incoming HTTP requests. Also supports SSP().
• sniff(session=TCPSession, [...]): Perform decompression / defragmentation on all TCP
streams simultaneously, but only acts passively.
• TCP_client.tcplink(HTTP, host, 80): Acts as a raw TCP client, handles SYN/ACK, and
all TCP actions, but only creates one stream. It however supports some specific features, such as
changing the source IP.
• HTTP_Client:
Let’s perform a very simple GET request to an HTTP server:
You can use the following shorthand to do the same very basic feature: http_request(), usable as so:
http_request("", "/") # first argument is Host, second is Path
Let’s do the same request, but this time to a server that requires NTLM authentication:
• HTTP_Server:
Start an unauthenticated HTTP server automaton:
class Custom_HTTP_Server(HTTP_Server):
def answer(self, pkt):
if pkt.Path == b"/":
return HTTPResponse() / (
"<!doctype html><html><body><h1>OK</h1></body></html>"
return HTTPResponse(
Reason_Phrase=b"Not Found",
) / (
"<!doctype html><html><body><h1>404 - Not Found</h1></body></
server = HTTP_Server.spawn(
We could also have started the same server, but requiring NTLM authorization using:
server = HTTP_Server.spawn(
ssp=NTLMSSP(IDENTITIES={"user": MD4le("password")}),
Or basic auth:
server = HTTP_Server.spawn(
BASIC_IDENTITIES={"user": MD4le("password")},
• TCP_client.tcplink:
Send an HTTPRequest to and write the result in a file:
req = HTTP()/HTTPRequest(
Accept_Encoding=b'gzip, deflate',
(continues on next page)
TCP_client.tcplink makes it feel like it only received one packet, but in reality it was recombined in
TCPSession. If you performed a plain sniff(), you would have seen those packets.
• sniff():
Dissect a pcap which contains a JPEG image that was sent over HTTP using chunks. This is able to
reconstruct all HTTP streams in parallel.
ò Note
The http_chunk.pcap.gz file is available in scapy/test/pcaps
pkts = sniff(offline="http_chunk.pcap.gz", session=TCPSession)
# a[29] is the HTTPResponse
with open("image.jpg", "wb") as file:
The HTTP 2 documentation is available as a Jupyter notebook over here: HTTP 2 Tuto
9.6 Kerberos
ò Note
Kerberos per RFC4120 + RFC6113 (FAST)
9.6.1 High-Level
Kerberos client
Scapy includes a (tiny) kerberos client, that has basic functionalities such as:
ò Note
Full doc at krb_as_req(). krb_as_req actually calls a Scapy automaton that has the following
The result is a named tuple with both the full AP-REP and the decrypted session key:
###[ KRB_AS_REP ]###
pvno = 0x5 <ASN1_INTEGER[5]>
msgType = 'AS-REP' 0xb <ASN1_INTEGER[11]>
\padata \
|###[ PADATA ]###
| padataType= 'PA-ETYPE-INFO2' 0x13 <ASN1_INTEGER[19]>
| \padataValue\
| |###[ ETYPE_INFO2 ]###
| | \seq \
| | |###[ ETYPE_INFO_ENTRY2 ]###
| | | etype = 'AES-256' 0x12 <ASN1_INTEGER[18]>
| | | salt = <ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'DOMAIN.LOCALuser1']>
| | | s2kparams = None
>>> res.sessionkey.toKey()
<Key 18 (32 octets)>
Enforce RC4:
ò Note
Full doc at krb_tgs_req(). krb_tgs_req actually calls a Scapy automaton.
ò Note
There is also a krb_as_and_tgs() function that does an AS-REQ then a TGS-REQ:
>>> krb_as_and_tgs("[email protected]", "host/DC1", password="Password1")
Renew a ST:
ò Note
For some mysterious reason, this is rarely implemented in other tools.
For Kerberos, the Scapy SSP is implemented in KerberosSSP. You can typically use it in SMB_Client,
SMB_Server, DCERPC_Client or DCERPC_Server.
ò Note
Remember that you can wrap it in a SPNEGOSSP
Scapy also implements a “ticketer++” module, named as a tribute to impacket’s, in order to manipulate
Kerberos tickets. Ticketer++ is easy to use programmatically, and allows you to manipulate the tickets
yourself. Scapy’s ticketer++ implements all fields from RFC4120, [MS-KILE] and [MS-PAC], meaning
you can edit ANY field in a ticket to your likings.
It even provides a GUI (not exactly necessary, but quite handy) that edits & rebuilds the Scapy ticket
Here’s a small demo of how this is usable with linux kerberos tools:
ò Note
We first added a realm DOMAIN.LOCAL with a kdc to /etc/krb5.conf
$ kinit [email protected]
Password for [email protected]:
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]
$ scapy
>>> load_module("ticketer")
>>> t = Ticketer()
>>> t.open_file("/tmp/krb5cc_1000")
1. [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
Start time End time Renew until Auth time
31/08/23 12:08:15 31/08/23 22:08:15 01/09/23 12:08:12 31/08/23 12:08:15
>>> t.edit_ticket(0) # The only thing we did in the UI was to add 1 hour to␣
˓→the expiration time
>>> t.resign_ticket(0)
>>> exit()
$ klist
Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_1000
Default principal: [email protected]
• Read/Edit/Write CCaches from other apps: Let’s assume you’ve acquired the KRBTGT of a
KDC, plus you’ve used kinit to get a ticket. This ticket was saved to a .ccache file, that we’ll
know try to open.
ò Note
You can get the demo ccache file using the following
cat <<EOF | base64 -d > krb.ccache
>>> load_module("ticketer")
>>> t = Ticketer()
>>> t.open_file("krb.ccache")
1. [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
>>> t.edit_ticket(0)
Enter the NT hash (AES-256) for this ticket (as hex):␣
>>> t.resign_ticket(0)
>>> # Other stuff you can do
>>> tkt = t.dec_ticket(0)
>>> tkt
<EncTicketPart flags=forwardable, proxiable, renewable, .........>
>>> t.update_ticket(0, tkt)
ò Note
Remember to call resign_ticket to update the Server and KDC checksums in the PAC.
>>> load_module("ticketer")
>>> t = Ticketer()
>>> t.request_tgt("[email protected]")
Enter password: ************
0. [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
>>> t.request_st(0, "host/dc1.domain.local")
0. [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
Start time End time Renew until Auth time
31/08/23 11:38:34 31/08/23 21:38:34 31/08/23 21:38:35 31/08/23 01:38:34
>>> load_module("ticketer")
>>> t = Ticketer()
>>> t.request_tgt("[email protected]")
Enter password: ************
>>> t.request_st(0, "host/dc1.domain.local")
0. [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
Start time End time Renew until Auth time
31/08/23 11:38:34 31/08/23 21:38:34 31/08/23 21:38:35 31/08/23 01:38:34
• Craft tickets: We can start by showing how to craft a golden ticket, in the same way impacket’s
ticketer does:
>>> load_module("ticketer")
>>> t = Ticketer()
>>> t.create_ticket()
User [User]: Administrator
Domain SID [S-1-5-21-1-2-3]: S-1-5-21-4239584752-1119503303-314831486
Group IDs [513, 512, 520, 518, 519]: 512, 520, 513, 519, 518
User ID [500]: 500
Primary Group ID [513]:
Extra SIDs [] :S-1-18-1
Expires in (h) [10]:
What key should we use (AES128-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96/AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96/RC4-
˓→HMAC) ? [AES256-CTS-HMAC-SHA1-96]:
0. [email protected] -> krbtgt/[email protected]
Cheat sheet
Command Description
load_module("ticketer") Load ticketer++
t = Ticketer() Create a Ticketer object
t.open_file("/tmp/krb5cc_1000") Open a ccache file Save a ccache file List the tickets
t.create_ticket() Forge a ticket
dTkt = t.dec_ticket(<index>) Decipher a ticket
t.update_ticket(<index>, dTkt) Re-inject a deciphered ticket
t.edit_ticket(<index>) Edit a ticket (GUI)
t.resign_ticket(<index>) Resign a ticket
t.request_tgt(upn, [...]) Request a TGT
t.request_st(i, spn, [...]) Request a ST using ticket i
t.renew(i, [...]) Renew a TGT/ST
9.6.2 Low-level
Kerberos packets contain encrypted content, let’s take the following packet:
˓→x18 \x14\xb6\xe0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x011j\x82\x01-0\x82\x01)\xa1\x03\x02\x01\
˓→x12\x04\x10WIN1 ")
>>> pkt[TCP]
###[ KerberosTCPHeader ]###
len = 305
###[ Kerberos ]###
\root \
|###[ KRB_AS_REQ ]###
| pvno = 0x5 <ASN1_INTEGER[5]>
| msgType = 'AS-REQ' 0xa <ASN1_INTEGER[10]>
| \padata \
| |###[ PADATA ]###
| | padataType= 'PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP' 0x2 <ASN1_INTEGER[2]>
(continues on next page)
| | \cname \
| | |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | | nameType = 'NT-PRINCIPAL' 0x1 <ASN1_INTEGER[1]>
| | | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'win1$']>]
| | \sname \
| | |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | | nameType = 'NT-SRV-INST' 0x2 <ASN1_INTEGER[2]>
| | | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'krbtgt']>, <ASN1_GENERAL_
| | from = None
| | till = 2037-09-13 02:48:05 UTC <ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME[
| | \addresses \
| | |###[ HostAddress ]###
| | | addrType = 'NetBios' 0x14 <ASN1_INTEGER[20]>
| | | address = <ASN1_STRING[b'WIN1 ']>
| | encAuthorizationData= None
| | additionalTickets= None
The first parameter of the Key constructor is a value from EncryptionType, in this case
EncryptionType.AES256_CTS_HMAC_SHA1_96. This is the same value than enc.etype.val, which
allows to know which key to use.
We can then proceed to perform the decryption:
>>> enc.decrypt(k)
<PA_ENC_TS_ENC patimestamp=2022-07-15 17:18:47 UTC <ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME[
˓→'20220715171847Z']> pausec=0x9a4db <ASN1_INTEGER[632027]> |>
ò Note
Encryption for Kerberos 5 is defined in RFC3961
You may want to compute a Kerberos key from a password + salt. There is an API for that described in
RFC3961 as “string-to-key”. Our implementation is a class method as follow:
Key.string_to_key(etype, string, salt, params=None)
Compute the kerberos key for a certain encryption type.
• etype (int) – The EncryptionType to use. May be any value from
• string (bytes) – The “string” bytes to use. This is the user password in
almost all well-used cases. They must be passed as bytes.
• salt (bytes) – The salt bytes to use. What value to use depends if
you are considering a MACHINE account or a USER account, for the
latter, it’s just the concatenation of the principal's realm and
name components, in order, with no separators. (RFC4120 sect
• params (bytes) – The opaque “parameter” used by string-to-key. The RFC
defines this field in a very general manner but it is basically only used in AES,
in which it is the iteration count as a big-endian int (struct.pack(">L",
4096) by default)
Let’s run a few examples:
>>> print(_.key)
ò Note
The following example is from
>>> # Get the AES128 key for [email protected] with "password", with an␣
˓→iteration count of 1200
>>> print(k.key.hex())
Decrypt FAST
ò Note
Have a look at RFC6113 for Kerberos FAST
>>> pkt[TCP]
###[ KerberosTCPHeader ]###
len = 2154
###[ Kerberos ]###
\root \
|###[ KRB_AS_REQ ]###
| pvno = 0x5 <ASN1_INTEGER[5]>
| msgType = 'AS-REQ' 0xa <ASN1_INTEGER[10]>
| \padata \
| |###[ PADATA ]###
| | padataType= 'PA-FX-FAST' 0x88 <ASN1_INTEGER[136]>
| | \padataValue\
| | |###[ PA_FX_FAST_REQUEST ]###
| | | \armoredData\
| | | |###[ KrbFastArmoredReq ]###
| | | | \armor \
| | | | |###[ KrbFastArmor ]###
| | | | | armorType = 'FX_FAST_ARMOR_AP_REQUEST' 0x1 <ASN1_
| | | | | \armorValue\
| | | | | |###[ KRB_AP_REQ ]###
| | | | | | pvno = 0x5 <ASN1_INTEGER[5]>
| | | | | | msgType = 'AP-REQ' 0xe <ASN1_INTEGER[14]>
| | | | | | apOptions = <ASN1_BIT_STRING[0000000000...
˓→0000000000]=b'\x00\x00\x00\x00' (0 unused bit)>
| | | | | | \ticket \
| | | | | | |###[ KRB_Ticket ]###
| | | | | | | tktVno = 0x5 <ASN1_INTEGER[5]>
| | | | | | | realm = <ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'DOM1.LOCAL
| | | | | | | \sname \
| | | | | | | |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | | | | | | | nameType = 'NT-SRV-INST' 0x2 <ASN1_
| | | | | | | | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'krbtgt
| | | | | | | \encPart \
| | | | | | | |###[ EncryptedData ]###
| | | | | | | | etype = 'AES-256' 0x12 <ASN1_
˓→xd8\x0cN\x830e3\xa9\xd9Z\xa6 |\xbf\xbe\xb0\x97\nA\xc4J\xbaY\x83\x9f\x00y#\
˓→xb0\xae\x83c\xf3\xed\xd8\xcb\x03\xd3\xc9\xc6\x0f\xf5Z\x84\xd8\xa2\x92\xea U_
˓→x93`\xa0\r\xa7\x16\x92\xba [2d\xae\xcc\x9e\xcc\x8b\xca1\xfe\xc4>\xfc\x87\
˓→o\xc7\xea\x17@;\xeb\xe0o(\t1L\xa5\x14`oTf\x80\x826N\xd6u \x19\xf2~\x1d\xf7O\
| | | | | | \authenticator\
| | | | | | |###[ EncryptedData ]###
(continues on next page)
˓→x8a\xe7f8 \x98\'mb\xb4\xbdv\xf3L\xbc\x88\x9e$\xadT\x05\xec\x03|\xebrO\xdbq\
| | | | \encFastReq\
| | | | |###[ EncryptedData ]###
| | | | | etype = 'AES-256' 0x12 <ASN1_INTEGER[18]>
| | | | | kvno = None
| | | | | cipher = <ASN1_STRING[b'<\xaf4\xec\xef\xd8Lxg\x03\
| \reqBody \
| |###[ KRB_KDC_REQ_BODY ]###
| | kdcOptions= forwardable, renewable, canonicalize, renewable-ok
˓→<ASN1_BIT_STRING[0100000010...0000010000]=b'@\x81\x00\x10' (0 unused bit)>
| | \cname \
| | |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | | nameType = 'NT-PRINCIPAL' 0x1 <ASN1_INTEGER[1]>
| | | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'adm-0-fastenb']>]
| | realm = <ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'DOM1']>
| | \sname \
| | |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | | nameType = 'NT-SRV-INST' 0x2 <ASN1_INTEGER[2]>
| | | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'krbtgt']>, <ASN1_GENERAL_
| | from = None
| | till = 2037-09-13 02:48:05 UTC <ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME[
\key \
|###[ EncryptionKey ]###
| keytype = 'AES-256' 0x12 <ASN1_INTEGER[18]>
| keyvalue = <ASN1_STRING[b'\xe3\xa2\x0f\x8e\xb2\xe1*\xe0\x7f\x86\xcc\
\cname \
|###[ PrincipalName ]###
| nameType = 'NT-PRINCIPAL' 0x1 <ASN1_INTEGER[1]>
| nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'SRV$']>]
\transited \
|###[ TransitedEncoding ]###
| trType = 0x0 <ASN1_INTEGER[0]>
| contents = <ASN1_STRING[b'']>
authtime = 2022-07-12 23:02:25 UTC <ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME[
(continues on next page)
addresses = None
We can see the ticket session key in there, let’s retrieve it and build a Key object:
ò Note
We use the .toKey() function in the EncryptedKey type which is a shorthand for Key(<keytype>,
\subkey \
|###[ EncryptionKey ]###
| keytype = 'AES-256' 0x12 <ASN1_INTEGER[18]>
| keyvalue = <ASN1_STRING[b'%\xa4n\xe1\xd0\xf5\x8d\xc4\x8d\xecv\xe8\x9c\
Again, we see inside this the subkey that is used to compute the armor key. We get it:
Following RFC6113 sect, we can now compute the armor key using:
>>> print(armorkey.key)
\padata \
|###[ PADATA ]###
| padataType= 'PA-PAC-REQUEST' 0x80 <ASN1_INTEGER[128]>
| \padataValue\
| |###[ PA_PAC_REQUEST ]###
| | includePac= True <ASN1_BOOLEAN[-1]>
|###[ PADATA ]###
| padataType= 'PA-PAC-OPTIONS' 0xa7 <ASN1_INTEGER[167]>
| \padataValue\
| |###[ PA_PAC_OPTIONS ]###
| | options = Claims <ASN1_BIT_STRING[1000000000...0000000000]=b'\
˓→x80\x00\x00\x00' (0 unused bit)>
\reqBody \
|###[ KRB_KDC_REQ_BODY ]###
| kdcOptions= forwardable, renewable, canonicalize, renewable-ok <ASN1_
˓→BIT_STRING[0100000010...0000010000]=b'@\x81\x00\x10' (0 unused bit)>
| \cname \
| |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | nameType = 'NT-PRINCIPAL' 0x1 <ASN1_INTEGER[1]>
| | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'adm-0-fastenb']>]
| realm = <ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'DOM1']>
| \sname \
| |###[ PrincipalName ]###
| | nameType = 'NT-SRV-INST' 0x2 <ASN1_INTEGER[2]>
| | nameString= [<ASN1_GENERAL_STRING[b'krbtgt']>, <ASN1_GENERAL_
| from = None
| till = 2037-09-13 02:48:05 UTC <ASN1_GENERALIZED_TIME[
(continues on next page)
˓→0x3 <ASN1_INTEGER[3]>]
| \addresses \
| |###[ HostAddress ]###
| | addrType = 'NetBios' 0x14 <ASN1_INTEGER[20]>
| | address = <ASN1_STRING[b'SRV ']>
| encAuthorizationData= None
| additionalTickets= None
A encrypt() function exists in the Key object in order to do the opposite of decrypt().
For instance, during pre-authentication, encode PA-ENC-TIMESTAMP:
>>> # Encrypt
>>> pkt.padataValue.encrypt(key, PA_ENC_TS_ENC(patimestamp=ASN1_GENERALIZED_
###[ PADATA ]###
padataType= 2
|###[ EncryptedData ]###
| etype = 18
| kvno = 0x0 <ASN1_INTEGER[0]>
| cipher = b"\xc1\x9a\xaf\x89V\x16\x82\xb6\x9a\xcb\x15[\xaf\xed\xd9\
9.7 LDAP
Scapy fully implements the LDAPv2 / LDAPv3 messages, in addition to a very basic LDAP_Client
. Warning
The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters (RFC2254) is currently unsupported. This means
that you can’t use the commonly known LDAP search syntax, and instead have to use the binary
format. PRs are welcome !
The general idea when using the LDAP_Client class comes down to:
• instantiating the class
• calling connect() with the IP (this is where to specify whether to use SSL or not)
• calling bind() (this is where to specify a SSP if authentication is desired)
The simplest, unauthenticated demo of the client would be something like:
Let’s first instantiate the LDAP_Client, and connect to a server over the default port (389):
client = LDAP_Client()
client = LDAP_Client()
client.connect("", use_ssl=True)
In that case, the default port is 636. This can be changed using the port attribute.
ò Note
By default, the server certificate is NOT checked when using this mode, because the server certificate
will likely be self-signed. To actually use TLS securely, you should pass a sslcontext as shown
import ssl
client = LDAP_Client()
sslcontext = ssl.SSLContext(ssl.PROTOCOL_TLS_CLIENT)
client.connect("", use_ssl=True, sspcontext=sslcontext)
ò Note
If the client is too verbose, you can pass verb=False when instantiating LDAP_Client.
When binding, you must specify a mechanism type. This type comes from the LDAP_BIND_MECHS enu-
meration, which contains:
• NONE: an unauthenticated bind.
• SIMPLE: the simple bind mechanism. Credentials are sent in plaintext.
• SICILY: a Windows specific authentication mechanism specified in [MS-ADTS] that only supports
• SASL_GSSAPI: the SASL authentication mechanism, as specified by RFC 4422.
SASL_GSSAPI - Kerberos:
NTLMSSP(UPN="Administrator", PASSWORD="Password1!"),
KerberosSSP(UPN="[email protected]", PASSWORD="Password1!",
Signing / Encryption
Additionally, it is possible to enable signing or encryption of the LDAP data, when LDAPS is NOT in
use. This is done by setting sign and encrypt parameters of the bind() function.
There are however a few caveats to note:
• It’s not possible to use those flags in NONE (duh) or SIMPLE mode.
• When using the NTLMSSP (in SICILY or SASL_GSS_SPNEGO mode), it isn’t possible to use sign
without encrypt, because Windows doesn’t implement it.
Once the LDAP connection is bound, it becomes possible to perform requests. For instance, to query all
the values of the root DSE:
Querying more complicated requests is a bit tedious, as it currently requires you to build the
Search request yourself. For instance, this corresponds to querying the DN CN=Users,DC=domain,
DC=local with the filter (objectCategory=person) and asking for the attributes objectClass,
resp = client.sr1(
9.8 Netflow
- ``Netflow V5``
- ``Netflow V7``
- ``Netflow V9 / V10 (IPfix)``
While the two first versions are pretty straightforward, building or dissecting Netflow v9/v10 isn’t easy.
9.8.1 Netflow V1
netflow = NetflowHeader()/NetflowHeaderV1()/NetflowRecordV1()
pkt = Ether()/IP()/UDP()/netflow
9.8.2 Netflow V5
netflow = NetflowHeader()/NetflowHeaderV5(count=1)/NetflowRecordV5(dst="192.
pkt = Ether()/IP()/UDP()/netflow
Netflow v9 and IPfix use a template based system. This means that records that are sent over the wire
require a “Template” to be sent previously in a Flowset packet.
This template is required to understand thr format of the record, therefore needs to be provided when
building or dissecting those.
Fortunately, Scapy knows how to detect the templates and will provide dissecting methods that take care
of that.
ò Note
The following examples apply to Netflow V9. When using IPfix, use the exact same format but replace
the class names with their V10 counterpart (if they exist ! Scapy shares some classes between the
two). Have a look at netflow
• Build
header = Ether()/IP()/UDP()
netflow_header = NetflowHeader()/NetflowHeaderV9()
• Dissection
Scapy provides two methods to parse NetflowV9/IPFix:
• NetflowSession: to use with sniff(session=NetflowV9Session, [...])
• netflowv9_defragment(): to use on a packet or list of packets.
With the previous example:
PROFINET IO is an industrial protocol composed of different layers such as the Real-Time Cyclic (RTC)
layer, used to exchange data. However, this RTC layer is stateful and depends on a configuration sent
through another layer: the DCE/RPC endpoint of PROFINET. This configuration defines where each
exchanged piece of data must be located in the RTC data buffer, as well as the length of this same buffer.
Building such packet is then a bit more complicated than other protocols.
The first thing to do when building the RTC data buffer is to instantiate each Scapy packet which repre-
sents a piece of data. Some of the basic packets are:
• ProfinetIO: the building block for PROFINET packets. Can be layered on top of Ether() or
• PROFIsafe: the PROFIsafe profile to perform functional safety
• PNIORealTime_IOxS: either an IO Consumer or Provider Status byte
Instantiate the packets as follows:
>>> load_contrib('pnio')
>>> raw(ProfinetIO()/b'AAA')
>>> raw(PROFIsafe.build_PROFIsafe_class(PROFIsafeControl, 4)(data = b'AAA',␣
˓→control=0x20, crc=0x424242))
b'AAA\x00 BBB'
>>> hexdump(PNIORealTime_IOxS())
0000 80 .
Now that a data packet can be instantiated, a whole RTC packet may be built. PNIORealTimeCyclicPDU
contains a field data which is a list of all data packets to add in the buffer, however, without the config-
uration, Scapy won’t be able to dissect it:
>>> load_contrib('pnio')
>>> p=PNIORealTimeCyclicPDU(cycleCounter=1024, data=[
... PNIORealTime_IOxS(),
... PNIORealTimeCyclicPDU.build_fixed_len_raw_type(4)(data = b'AAA') /␣
... ])
###[ PROFINET Real-Time ]###
\data \
|###[ PNIO RTC IOxS ]###
| dataState = good
| instance = subslot
(continues on next page)
For Scapy to be able to dissect it correctly, one must also configure the layer for it to know the location
of each data in the buffer. This configuration is saved in the dictionary conf.contribs["PNIO_RTC"]
which can be updated with the conf.contribs["PNIO_RTC"].update method. Each item in the dic-
tionary uses the tuple (Ether.src, Ether.dst, ProfinetIO.frameID) as key, to be able to sepa-
rate the configuration of each communication. Each value is then a list of classes which describes a data
packet. If we continue the previous example, here is the configuration to set:
>>> e.show2()
###[ Ethernet ]###
dst = 06:07:08:09:0a:0b
src = 00:01:02:03:04:05
type = 0x8892
###[ ProfinetIO ]###
frameID = RT_CLASS_1 (8000)
###[ PROFINET Real-Time ]###
\data \
|###[ PROFINET IO Real Time Cyclic Default Raw Data ]###
| data = '\\x80AAA\x00\\x80AAA\x00 BBB\\x80'
padding = ''
cycleCounter= 1024
dataStatus= primary+validData+run+no_problem
transferStatus= 0
>>> conf.contribs["PNIO_RTC"].update({('00:01:02:03:04:05', '06:07:08:09:0a:0b
˓→', 0x8000): [
... PNIORealTime_IOxS,
(continues on next page)
9.10 SCTP
SCTP is a relatively young transport-layer protocol combining both TCP and UDP characteristics. The
RFC 3286 introduces it and its description lays in the RFC 4960.
It is not broadly used, its mainly present in core networks operated by telecommunication companies, to
support VoIP for instance.
If you are trying to discuss with SCTP servers, you may be interested in capabilities added in RFC 4895
which describe how to authenticated some SCTP chunks, and/or RFC 5061 to dynamically reconfigure
the IP address of a SCTP association.
These capabilities are not always enabled by default on Linux. Scapy does not need any modification on
its end, but SCTP servers may need specific activation.
To enable the RFC 4895 about authenticating chunks:
You may also want to use the dynamic address reconfiguration without necessarily enabling the chunk
9.11 SMB
Scapy provides pretty good support for SMB 2/3 and very partial support of SMB1.
You can use the SMB2_Header to dissect or build SMB2/3, or SMB_Header for SMB1.
. Warning
Encryption is currently not supported in neither the client nor server.
High-Level smbclient
ò Note
You can use help or ? in the CLI to get the list of available commands.
As you can see, the previous example used Kerberos to authenticate. By default, the smbclient class
will use a SPNEGOSSP and provide ask for both NTLM and Kerberos. but it is possible to have a greater
control over this by providing your own ssp attribute.
smbclient using a NTLMSSP
You might be wondering if you can pass the HashNT of the password of the user ‘Administrator’ directly.
The answer is yes, you can ‘pass the hash’ directly:
>>> load_module("ticketer")
>>> t = Ticketer()
>>> t.request_tgt("[email protected]")
Enter password: **********
>>> t.request_st(0, "host/server1.domain.local")
>>> smbclient("server1.domain.local", ssp=t.ssp(1))
SMB authentication successful using KerberosSSP !
If you pay very close attention, you’ll notice that in this case we aren’t using the SPNEGOSSP wrapper.
You could have used ssp=SPNEGOSSP([t.ssp(1)]).
ò Note
It is also possible to start the smbclient directly from the OS, using the following:
$ python3 -m scapy.layers.smbclient server1.domain.local␣
˓→[email protected]
A cool feature of the smbclient is that all commands that you can call from the CLI, you can also call
Let’s re-do the initial example programmatically, by turning off the CLI mode. Obviously prompting for
passwords will not work so make sure the client has everything it needs for Session Setup.
If you know what you’re doing, then the High-Level smbclient might not be enough for you. You can go
a level lower using the SMB_SOCKET. You can instantiate the object directly or via the from_tcpsock()
Let’s write a script that connects to a share and list the files in the root folder.
import socket
from scapy.layers.smbclient import SMB_SOCKET
from scapy.layers.spnego import SPNEGOSSP
from scapy.layers.ntlm import NTLMSSP, MD4le
from scapy.layers.kerberos import KerberosSSP
# Build SSP first. In SMB_SOCKET you have to do this yourself
password = "password"
NTLMSSP(UPN="Administrator", PASSWORD=password),
UPN="[email protected]",
# Connect to the server
sock = socket.socket()
sock.connect(("server1.domain.local", 445))
smbsock = SMB_SOCKET.from_tcpsock(sock, ssp=ssp)
# Tree connect
tid = smbsock.tree_connect("C$")
# Open root folder and query files at root
fileid = smbsock.create_request('', type='folder')
files = smbsock.query_directory(fileid)
names = [x[0] for x in files]
# Close the handle
# Close the socket
This has a lot more overhead so make sure you need it.
Something hybrid that might be easier to use, is to access the underlying SMB_SOCKET in a higher-level
>>> cli.use('c$')
>>> smbsock = cli.smbsock
>>> # Open root folder and query files at root
>>> fileid = smbsock.create_request('', type='folder')
>>> files = smbsock.query_directory(fileid)
(continues on next page)
Low-Level SMB_Client
Finally, it’s also possible to call the underlying smblink socket directly. Again, you can instantiate the
object directly or via the from_tcpsock() helper.
It’s also accessible as the ins attribute of a SMB_SOCKET, or the sock attribute of a smbclient.
Once again, Scapy provides high level smbserver class that allows to spawn a SMB server.
High-Level smbserver
The smbserver class allows to spawn a SMB server serving a selection of shares. A share is identified
by a name and a path (+ an optional description called remark).
Start a SMB server with NTLM auth for 2 users:
shares=[SMBShare(name="Scapy", path="/tmp")],
"User1": MD4le("Password1"),
"Administrator": MD4le("Password2"),
shares=[SMBShare(name="Scapy", path="/tmp")],
You can of course combine a NTLM and Kerberos server and provide them both over a SPNEGOSSP:
shares=[SMBShare(name="Scapy", path="/tmp")],
"User1": MD4le("Password1"),
"Administrator": MD4le("Password2"),
(continues on next page)
ò Note
By default, Scapy’s SMB server is read-only. You can set readonly to False to disable it, as follows.
shares=[SMBShare(name="Scapy", path="/tmp")],
"User1": MD4le("Password1"),
"Administrator": MD4le("Password2"),
# Enable Read-Write
ò Note
It is possible to start the smbserver (albeit only in unauthenticated mode) directly from the OS, using
the following:
$ python3 -m scapy.layers.smbserver --port 12345
Low-Level SMB_Server
To change the functionality of the SMB_Server, you shall extend the server class (which is an automaton)
and provide additional custom conditions (or overwrite existing ones).
9.12 TCP
Scapy is based on a stimulus/response model. This model does not work well for a TCP stack. On the
other hand, quite often, the TCP stream is used as a tube to exchange messages that are stimulus/response-
Also, Scapy provides a way to describe network automata that can be used to create a TCP stack automa-
There are many ways to use TCP with Scapy
Scapy provides a StreamSocket object that can transform a simple socket into a Scapy supersocket
suitable for use with sr() command family.
>>> s=socket.socket()
>>> s.connect(("",80))
>>> ss=StreamSocket(s,Raw)
>>> ss.sr1(Raw("GET /\r\n"))
Begin emission:
Finished to send 1 packets.
Received 1 packets, got 1 answers, remaining 0 packets
<Raw load='<html>\r\n<head> ... >
Using kernel’s TCP stack means you’ll depend on your local firewall’s rules and the kernel’s routing
Scapy provides a simple TCP client automaton (no retransmits, no SAck, no timestamps, etc.). Automata
can provide input and output in the shape of a supersocket (see Automata’s documentation).
Here is how to use Scapy’s TCP client automaton (needs at least Scapy v2.1.1).
ò Note
TCP_client.tcplink is a SuperSocket subclass, therefore all its functions (.sniff(), . . . ) are
ò Note
specifically for HTTP, you could pass HTTP instead of Raw. More information over HTTP in Scapy.
• muXTCP - Writing your own flexible Userland TCP/IP Stack - Ninja Style!!!
• Integrating pynids
ò Note
This module only works on BSD, Linux and macOS.
TUN/TAP lets you create virtual network interfaces from userspace. There are two types of devices:
TUN devices
Operates at Layer 3 (IP), and is generally limited to one protocol.
TAP devices
Operates at Layer 2 (Ether), and allows you to use any Layer 3 protocol (IP, IPv6, IPX, etc.)
9.13.1 Requirements
Requires the if_tap and if_tun kernel modules.
See tap(4) and tun(4) manual pages for more information.
Load the tun kernel module:
# modprobe tun
about the tuntaposx kexts not being notarised, but this works because it was built before 2019-
On macOS 10.15 and later, you need to use a notarized build of tuntaposx. Tunnelblick (Open-
VPN client) contains a notarized build of tuntaposx which can be extracted.
ò Note
On macOS 10.13 and later, you need to explicitly approve loading each third-party kext for the
first time.
Using TUN/TAP generally requires running Scapy (and these utilities) as root.
>>> t = TunTapInterface('tun0')
You’ll then need to bring the interface up, and assign an IP address in another terminal.
Because TUN is a layer 3 connection, it acts as a point-to-point link. We’ll assign these parameters:
• local address (for your machine):
• remote address (for Scapy):
On Linux, you would use:
Now, nothing will happen when you ping those addresses – you’ll need to make Scapy respond to that
TunTapInterface works the same as a SuperSocket, so lets setup an AnsweringMachine to respond
to ICMP echo-request:
>>> am =
>>> am()
>>> am()
Replying to
Replying to
Replying to
You might have noticed that didn’t configure Scapy with any IP address. . . and there’s a trick to this:
ICMPEcho_am swaps the source and destination fields of any Ether and IP headers on the ICMP
packet that it receives. As a result, it actually responds to any IP address.
You can stop the ICMPEcho_am AnsweringMachine with ^C.
When you close Scapy, the tun0 interface will automatically disappear.
class TunTapInterface(SimpleSocket)
A socket to act as the remote side of a TUN/TAP interface.
__init__(iface: Text [, mode_tun ][, strip_packet_info = True ][, default_read_size = MTU ])
• iface (Text) – The name of the interface to use, eg: tun0.
On BSD and macOS, this must start with either tun or tap, and have a
corresponding /dev/ node (eg: /dev/tun0).
On Linux, this will be truncated to 16 bytes.
• mode_tun (bool) – If True, create as TUN interface (layer 3). If False,
creates a TAP interface (layer 2).
If not supplied, attempts to detect from the iface parameter.
• strip_packet_info (bool) – If True (default), any TunPacketInfo will
be stripped from the packet (so you get Ether or IP).
Only Linux TUN interfaces have TunPacketInfo available.
This has no effect for interfaces that do not have TunPacketInfo available.
• default_read_size (int) – Sets the default size that is read by
SuperSocket.raw_recv() and SuperSocket.recv(). This defaults to
TunTapInterface always adds overhead for TunPacketInfo headers, if
class TunPacketInfo(Packet)
Abstract class used to stack layer 3 protocols on a platform-specific header.
See LinuxTunPacketInfo for an example.
The default implementation expects the field proto to be declared, with a value from scapy.
Linux-specific structures
class LinuxTunPacketInfo(TunPacketInfo)
Packet header used for Linux TUN packets.
This is struct tun_pi, declared in linux/if_tun.h.
Flags to set on the packet. Only TUN_VNET_HDR is supported.
Layer 3 protocol number, per
Used by TunTapPacketInfo.guess_payload_class().
class LinuxTunIfReq(Packet)
Internal “packet” used for TUNSETIFF requests on Linux.
This is struct ifreq, declared in linux/if.h.
10.1 FAQ
The use monitor mode varies greatly depending on the platform, reasons are explained on the Wireshark
Unfortunately, changing the 802.11 capture modes is very platform/network
adapter/driver/libpcap dependent, and might not be possible at all (Windows is very
limited here).
Here is some guidance on how to properly use monitor mode with Scapy:
• Using Libpcap (or Npcap):
libpcap must be called differently by Scapy in order for it to create the sockets in moni-
tor mode. You will need to pass the monitor=True to any calls that open a socket (send,
sniff. . . ) or to a Scapy socket that you create yourself (conf.L2Socket. . . )
On Windows, you additionally need to turn on monitor mode on the WiFi card, use:
>>> conf.iface.setmonitor(True)
. Warning
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
If you are using Npcap: please note that Npcap npcap-0.9983 broke the 802.11 support until
npcap-1.3.0. Avoid using those versions.
We make our best to make this work, if your adapter works with Wireshark for instance, but not with
Scapy, feel free to report an issue.
The kernel is not aware of what Scapy is doing behind his back. If Scapy sends a SYN, the target replies
with a SYN-ACK and your kernel sees it, it will reply with a RST. To prevent this, use local firewall rules
(e.g. NetFilter for Linux). Scapy does not mind about local firewalls.
10.1.3 I can’t ping (or ::1). Scapy does not work with (or ::1)
on the loopback interface.
The loopback interface is a very special interface. Packets going through it are not really assembled and
disassembled. The kernel routes the packet to its destination while it is still stored an internal structure.
What you see with `tcpdump -i lo` is only a fake to make you think everything is normal. The kernel
is not aware of what Scapy is doing behind his back, so what you see on the loopback interface is also a
fake. Except this one did not come from a local structure. Thus the kernel will never receive it.
ò Note
Starting from Scapy > 2.5.0, Scapy will automatically use L3RawSocket when necessary when using
L3-functions (sr-like) on the loopback interface, when libpcap is not in use.
On Linux, in order to speak to local IPv4 applications, you need to build your packets one layer upper,
using a PF_INET/SOCK_RAW socket instead of a PF_PACKET/SOCK_RAW (or its equivalent on other
systems than Linux):
>>> conf.L3socket
<class __main__.L3PacketSocket at 0xb7bdf5fc>
>>> conf.L3socket = L3RawSocket
>>> sr1(IP() / ICMP())
<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=28 id=40953 flags= frag=0L ttl=64␣
˓→proto=ICMP chksum=0xdce5 src= dst= options='' |<ICMP ␣
# Layer 3
>>> sr1(IPv6() / ICMPv6EchoRequest())
<IPv6 version=6 tc=0 fl=866674 plen=8 nh=ICMPv6 hlim=64 src=::1 dst=::1 |
˓→<ICMPv6EchoReply type=Echo Reply code=0 cksum=0x7ebb id=0x0 seq=0x0 |>>
# Layer 2
>>> srp1(Ether() / IPv6() / ICMPv6EchoRequest(), iface=conf.loopback_name)
<Ether dst=00:00:00:00:00:00 src=00:00:00:00:00:00 type=IPv6 |<IPv6 ␣
(continues on next page)
. Warning
You can disable libpcap using conf.use_pcap = False or bypass it on layer 3 using conf.
L3socket = L3RawSocket.
On Windows, BSD, and macOS, you must deactivate/configure the local firewall prior to using the
following commands:
# Layer 3
>>> sr1(IP() / ICMP())
<IP version=4L ihl=5L tos=0x0 len=28 id=40953 flags= frag=0L ttl=64␣
˓→proto=ICMP chksum=0xdce5 src= dst= options='' |<ICMP ␣
# Layer 2
>>> srp1(Loopback() / IP() / ICMP(), iface=conf.loopback_name)
<Loopback type=IPv4 |<IP version=4 ihl=5 tos=0x0 len=28 id=56066 flags=␣
˓→frag=0 ttl=64 proto=icmp chksum=0x0 src= dst= |<ICMP ␣
conf.sniff_promisc = False
On Windows, as Winpcap is becoming old, it’s recommended to use Npcap instead. Npcap is part of
the Nmap project.
ò Note
This does NOT apply for Windows XP, which isn’t supported by Npcap. On XP, uninstall Npcap and
keep Winpcap.
1. If you get the message 'Winpcap is installed over Npcap.' it means that you have in-
stalled both Winpcap and Npcap versions, which isn’t recommended.
You may first uninstall winpcap from your Program Files, then you will need to remove some files
that are not deleted by the Winpcap uninstaller:
This is a known bug. BPF filters must compiled with different offsets on ppp links. It may work if you use
libpcap (which will be used to compile the BPF filter) instead of using native linux support (PF_PACKET
This is a known bug. See BPF filters do not work. I’m on a ppp link
To work around this, use nofilter=1:
>>> x.graph(format="png")
>>> x.graph(options="-Gdpi=70")
Scapy development uses the Git version control system. Scapy’s reference repository is at https://github.
Project management is done with Github. It provides a freely editable Wiki (please contribute!) that can
reference tickets, changesets, files from the project. It also provides a ticket management service that is
used to avoid forgetting patches or bugs.
The Scapy source code has few explanations of what a function is doing. A docstring, by adding expla-
nation and expected input and output parameters, helps saving time for both the layer developers and the
users looking for advanced features.
An example of docstring from the scapy.fields.FlagsField class:
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
class FlagsField(BitField):
""" Handle Flag type field
>>> from scapy.packet import Packet
>>> class FlagsTest(Packet):
fields_desc = [FlagsField("flags", 0, 8, ["f0", "f1", "f2", "f3
˓→", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7"])]
>>> FlagsTest(flags=9).show2()
###[ FlagsTest ]###
flags = f0+f3
>>> FlagsTest(flags=0).show2().strip()
###[ FlagsTest ]###
flags =
It will contain a short one-line description of the class followed by some indications about its usage. You
can add a usage example if it makes sense using the doctest format. Finally, the classic python signature
can be added following the sphinx documentation.
This task works in pair with writing non regression unit tests.
11.3.2 Documentation
A way to improve the documentation content is by keeping it up to date with the latest version of Scapy.
You can also help by adding usage examples of your own or directly gathered from existing online Scapy
UTScapy is a small Python program that reads a campaign of tests, runs the campaign with Scapy and
generates a report indicating test status. The report may be in one of four formats, text, ansi, HTML or
Three basic test containers exist with UTScapy, a unit test, a test set and a test campaign. A unit test is
a list of Scapy commands that will be run by Scapy or a derived work of Scapy. Evaluation of the last
command in the unit test will determine the end result of the individual unit test. A test set is a group
of unit tests with some association. A test campaign consists of one or more test sets. Test sets and unit
tests can be given keywords to form logical groupings. When running a campaign, tests may be selected
by keyword. This allows the user to run tests within the desired grouping.
For each unit test, test set and campaign, a CRC32 of the test is calculated and displayed as a signature
of that test. This test signature is sufficient to determine that the actual test run was the one expected and
not one that has been modified. In case your dealing with evil people that try to modify or corrupt the
file without changing the CRC32, a global SHA1 is computed on the whole file.
Table 1 shows the syntax indicators that UTScapy is looking for. The syntax specifier must appear as the
first character of each line of the text file that defines the test. Text descriptions that follow the syntax
specifier are arguments interpreted by UTScapy. Lines that appear without a leading syntax specifier
will be treated as Python commands, provided they appear in the context of a unit test. Lines without a
syntax specifier that appear outside the correct context will be rejected by UTScapy and a warning will
be issued.
+ Test Set 1
* comments for test set 1
= Unit Test 1
~ keywords
* Comments for unit test 1
# Python statements follow
a = 1
print a
a == 1
Python statements are identified by the lack of a defined UTScapy syntax specifier. The Python state-
ments are fed directly to the Python interpreter as if one is operating within the interactive Scapy shell
(interact). Looping, iteration and conditionals are permissible but must be terminated by a blank line.
A test set may be comprised of multiple unit tests and multiple test sets may be defined for each cam-
paign. It is even possible to have multiple test campaigns in a particular test definition file. The use of
keywords allows testing of subsets of the entire campaign. For example, during the development of a
test campaign, the user may wish to mark new tests under development with the keyword “debug”. Once
the tests run successfully to their desired conclusion, the keyword “debug” could be removed. Keywords
such as “regression” or “limited” could be used as well.
It is important to note that UTScapy uses the truth value from the last Python statement as the indicator
as to whether a test passed or failed. Multiple logical tests may appear on the last line. If the result is 0
or False, the test fails. Otherwise, the test passes. Use of an assert() statement can force evaluation of
intermediate values if needed.
The syntax for UTScapy is shown in Table 3 - UTScapy command line syntax:
* This comment is associated with the test campaign and will appear
* in the produced output.
+ Test Set 1
= Unit Test 1
~ test_set_1 simple
(continues on next page)
= Unit test 2
~ test_set_1 simple
* this test will fail
b = 2
a == b
= Unit test 3
~ test_set_1 harder
a = 1
b = 2
c = "hello"
assert (a != b)
c == "hello"
+ Test Set 2
= Unit Test 4
~ test_set_2 harder
b = 2
d = b
d is b
= Unit Test 5
~ test_set_2 harder hardest
a = 2
b = 3
d = 4
e = (a * b)**d
# The following statement evaluates to False but is not last; continue
e == 6
# assert evaluates to False; stop test and fail
assert (e == 7)
e == 1296
= Unit Test 6
~ test_set_2 hardest
print e
e == 1296
The tox command simplifies testing Scapy. It will automatically create virtual environments and install
the mandatory Python modules.
For example, on a fresh Debian installation, the following command will start all Scapy unit tests auto-
matically without any external dependency:
ò Note
This will trigger the unit tests on all available Python versions unless you specify a -e option. See
For your convenience, and for package maintainers, we provide a util that run tox on only a single (default
Python) environment, again with no external dependencies:
cp -i -v ftdetect/filetype.vim $HOME/.vim/ftdetect/filetype.vim
cp -i -v ftdetect/uts.vim $HOME/.vim/ftdetect/uts.vim
cp -i -v syntax/uts.vim $HOME/.vim/syntax/uts.vim
Under the hood, a Scapy release is represented as a signed git tag. Prior to signing a commit, the main-
tainer that wishes to create a release must:
• check that the corresponding Travis and AppVeyor tests pass
• run ./run_scapy locally
• run tox
• run unit tests on BSD using the Vagrant setup from scapy/doc/vagrant_ci/
Taking v2.4.3 as an example, the following commands can be used to sign and publish the release:
Release Candidates (RC) could also be done. For example, the first RC will be tagged v2.4.3rc1 and the
message 2.4.3 Release Candidate #1.
ò Note
To add a signing key, configure to use a SSH one, then register it via::
$ git config –global gpg.format ssh $ git config –global user.signingkey ~/.ssh/
Prior to uploading the release to PyPi, the mail address of the maintainer performing the release must be
added next to his name in pyproject.toml. See this for details.
The following commands can then be used:
. Warning
Make sure that you don’t have left-overs in your dist/ folder ! There should only be the source and
the wheel for the package. Also check that the wheel ends in *-py3-none-any.whl !
When packaging Scapy, you should build the source while setting the SCAPY_VERSION variable, in order
to make sure that the version remains consistent.
If you want to test Scapy while packaging it, you are encouraged to use the ./run_tests script with no
arguments. It will run a subset of the tests that don’t use any external dependency, and will be easier to
test. The only dependency is tox
$ ./test/run_tests
• Philippe Biondi is Scapy’s author. He has also written most of the documentation.
• Pierre Lalet, Gabriel Potter, Guillaume Valadon, Nils Weiss are the current most active maintainers
and contributors.
• Fred Raynal wrote the chapter on building and dissecting packets.
• Peter Kacherginsky contributed several tutorial sections, one-liners and recipes.
• Dirk Loss integrated and restructured the existing docs to make this book.
• Nils Weiss contributed automotive specific layers and utilities.
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
scapy, ?? ??
scapy.ansmachine, ??,
scapy.as_resolvers, ?? ??
scapy.asn1, ??,
scapy.asn1.asn1, ?? ??
scapy.asn1.ber, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.kwp, ??
scapy.asn1.mib, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd, ??
scapy.asn1fields, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.iid, ??
scapy.asn1packet, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.iid.iids,
scapy.automaton, ?? ??
scapy.autorun, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.mid, ??
scapy.base_classes, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.mid.mids,
scapy.config, ?? ??
scapy.consts, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.obd, ??
scapy.contrib, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.packet, ??
scapy.contrib.altbeacon, ??, ??
scapy.contrib.aoe, ??,
scapy.contrib.automotive, ?? ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.autosar, ??,
scapy.contrib.automotive.autosar.pdu, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.autosar.secoc, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.autosar.secoc_canfd, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.autosar.secoc_pdu, ??
??,, ?? ??,,
?? ??, scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.scanner,
?? ??, ??,
scapy.contrib.automotive.ccp, ?? ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.doip, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.tid, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.ecu, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.obd.tid.tids,, ?? ??, ?? scapy.contrib.automotive.scanner, ??
?? ??
Scapy Documentation, Release 2.6.0
scapy.contrib.exposure_notification, ??
?? scapy.contrib.geneve, ??
scapy.contrib.gtp, ??
?? scapy.contrib.gtp_v2, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.scanner.graph, scapy.contrib.gxrp, ??
?? scapy.contrib.hicp, ??
scapy.contrib.homeplugav, ??
?? scapy.contrib.homepluggp, ??
scapy.contrib.homeplugsg, ??
?? scapy.contrib.http2, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.someip, ?? scapy.contrib.ibeacon, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.uds, ?? scapy.contrib.icmp_extensions, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.uds_ecu_states, scapy.contrib.ife, ??
?? scapy.contrib.igmp, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.uds_logging, scapy.contrib.igmpv3, ??
?? scapy.contrib.ikev2, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.uds_scan, ?? scapy.contrib.isis, ??, ?? scapy.contrib.isotp, ??
?? ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.xcp, ?? scapy.contrib.isotp.isotp_packet, ??
scapy.contrib.isotp.isotp_scanner, ??
?? scapy.contrib.isotp.isotp_soft_socket,
?? scapy.contrib.isotp.isotp_utils, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.xcp.scanner, scapy.contrib.knx, ??
?? scapy.contrib.lacp, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.xcp.utils, ?? scapy.contrib.ldp, ??
scapy.contrib.automotive.xcp.xcp, ?? scapy.contrib.lldp, ??
scapy.contrib.avs, ?? scapy.contrib.loraphy2wan, ??
scapy.contrib.bfd, ?? scapy.contrib.ltp, ??
scapy.contrib.bgp, ?? scapy.contrib.mac_control, ??
scapy.contrib.bier, ?? scapy.contrib.macsec, ??
scapy.contrib.bp, ?? scapy.contrib.metawatch, ??
scapy.contrib.cansocket, ?? scapy.contrib.modbus, ??
scapy.contrib.cansocket_native, ?? scapy.contrib.mount, ??
scapy.contrib.cansocket_python_can, ?? scapy.contrib.mpls, ??
scapy.contrib.carp, ?? scapy.contrib.mqtt, ??
scapy.contrib.cdp, ?? scapy.contrib.mqttsn, ??
scapy.contrib.chdlc, ?? scapy.contrib.nfs, ??
scapy.contrib.coap, ?? scapy.contrib.nlm, ??
scapy.contrib.concox, ?? scapy.contrib.nrf_sniffer, ??
scapy.contrib.diameter, ?? scapy.contrib.nsh, ??
scapy.contrib.dtp, ?? scapy.contrib.oam, ??
scapy.contrib.eddystone, ?? scapy.contrib.oncrpc, ??
scapy.contrib.eigrp, ?? scapy.contrib.opc_da, ??
scapy.contrib.enipTCP, ?? scapy.contrib.openflow, ??
scapy.contrib.erspan, ?? scapy.contrib.openflow3, ??
scapy.contrib.esmc, ?? scapy.contrib.ospf, ??
scapy.contrib.ethercat, ?? scapy.contrib.pfcp, ??
scapy.contrib.etherip, ?? scapy.contrib.pim, ??
scapy.contrib.pnio, ?? scapy.layers.gprs, ??
scapy.contrib.pnio_dcp, ?? scapy.layers.gssapi, ??
scapy.contrib.pnio_rpc, ?? scapy.layers.hsrp, ??
scapy.contrib.portmap, ?? scapy.layers.http, ??
scapy.contrib.postgres, ?? scapy.layers.inet, ??
scapy.contrib.ppi_cace, ?? scapy.layers.inet6, ??
scapy.contrib.ppi_geotag, ?? scapy.layers.ipsec, ??
scapy.contrib.ripng, ??, ??
scapy.contrib.roce, ?? scapy.layers.isakmp, ??
scapy.contrib.rpl, ?? scapy.layers.kerberos, ??
scapy.contrib.rpl_metrics, ?? scapy.layers.l2, ??, ?? scapy.layers.l2tp, ??
scapy.contrib.rtcp, ?? scapy.layers.ldap, ??
scapy.contrib.rtps, ?? scapy.layers.llmnr, ??
scapy.contrib.rtps.common_types, ?? scapy.layers.lltd, ??
scapy.contrib.rtps.pid_types, ?? scapy.layers.mgcp, ??
scapy.contrib.rtps.rtps, ?? scapy.layers.mobileip, ??
scapy.contrib.rtr, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce, ??
scapy.contrib.rtsp, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce.ept, ??
scapy.contrib.sdnv, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce.msdcom, ??
scapy.contrib.sebek, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce.msnrpc, ??
scapy.contrib.send, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce.mspac, ??
scapy.contrib.skinny, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce.rpcclient, ??
scapy.contrib.slowprot, ?? scapy.layers.msrpce.rpcserver, ??
scapy.contrib.socks, ?? scapy.layers.netbios, ??
scapy.contrib.stamp, ?? scapy.layers.netflow, ??
scapy.contrib.stun, ?? scapy.layers.ntlm, ??
scapy.contrib.tacacs, ?? scapy.layers.ntp, ??
scapy.contrib.tcpao, ?? scapy.layers.pflog, ??
scapy.contrib.tcpros, ?? scapy.layers.ppi, ??
scapy.contrib.tzsp, ?? scapy.layers.ppp, ??
scapy.contrib.vqp, ?? scapy.layers.pptp, ??
scapy.contrib.vtp, ?? scapy.layers.radius, ??
scapy.contrib.wireguard, ??, ??
scapy.dadict, ?? scapy.layers.rtp, ??, ?? scapy.layers.sctp, ??
scapy.error, ?? scapy.layers.sixlowpan, ??
scapy.fields, ?? scapy.layers.skinny, ??
scapy.interfaces, ?? scapy.layers.smb, ??
scapy.layers, ?? scapy.layers.smb2, ??
scapy.layers.bluetooth, ?? scapy.layers.smbclient, ??
scapy.layers.bluetooth4LE, ?? scapy.layers.smbserver, ??
scapy.layers.can, ?? scapy.layers.snmp, ??
scapy.layers.clns, ?? scapy.layers.spnego, ??
scapy.layers.dcerpc, ?? scapy.layers.ssh, ??
scapy.layers.dhcp, ?? scapy.layers.tftp, ??
scapy.layers.dhcp6, ?? scapy.layers.tls, ??
scapy.layers.dns, ?? scapy.layers.tls.all, ??
scapy.layers.dot11, ?? scapy.layers.tls.automaton, ??
scapy.layers.dot15d4, ?? scapy.layers.tls.automaton_cli, ??
scapy.layers.eap, ?? scapy.layers.tls.automaton_srv, ??
scapy.layers.tls.basefields, ?? scapy.volatile, ??
scapy.layers.tls.cert, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.all, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.cipher_aead, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.ciphers, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.common, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.compression, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.groups, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.h_mac, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.hash, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.hkdf, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.kx_algs, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.md4, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.pkcs1, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.prf, ??
scapy.layers.tls.crypto.suites, ??
scapy.layers.tls.extensions, ??
scapy.layers.tls.handshake, ??
scapy.layers.tls.handshake_sslv2, ??
scapy.layers.tls.keyexchange, ??
scapy.layers.tls.keyexchange_tls13, ??
scapy.layers.tls.record, ??
scapy.layers.tls.record_sslv2, ??
scapy.layers.tls.record_tls13, ??
scapy.layers.tls.session, ??, ??
scapy.layers.tuntap, ??
scapy.layers.usb, ??
scapy.layers.vrrp, ??
scapy.layers.vxlan, ??
scapy.layers.x509, ??
scapy.layers.zigbee, ??
scapy.main, ??
scapy.packet, ??
scapy.pipetool, ??
scapy.plist, ??
scapy.pton_ntop, ??
scapy.route, ??
scapy.route6, ??
scapy.scapypipes, ??
scapy.sendrecv, ??
scapy.sessions, ??
scapy.supersocket, ??
scapy.themes, ??
scapy.utils, ??
scapy.utils6, ??
Symbols M
__init__() (TunTapInterface method), 232 m2i(), 103
Matplotlib, plot(), 41
AsyncSniffer(), 33 P
pdfdump(), psdump(), 20
B plot(), 11
built-in function proto (LinuxTunPacketInfo attribute), 233
Key.string_to_key(), 203
wireshark(), 58 R
RawVal, 23
D rdpcap(), 19
DHCP, 56 Routing, conf.route, 40
dissecting, 106
DNS, Etherleak, 24 S
Sending packets, send, 22
F sniff(), 30
FakeAP, Dot11, wireless, WLAN, 47 sr(), 23
fields, 115 srloop(), 36
filter, sprintf(), 35 super socket, 29
flags (LinuxTunPacketInfo attribute), 233 SYN Scan, 25
fuzz(), fuzzing, 23
G tables, make_table(), 39
Git, repository, 10 Traceroute, 27
guess_payload_class() (TunPacketInfo traceroute(), Traceroute, 41
method), 232 TunPacketInfo (built-in class), 232
TunTapInterface (built-in class), 232
i2h(), 103 W
i2m(), 103 WEP, unwep(), 11
wireshark(), 57
K built-in function, 58
built-in function, 203
Layer, 103
LinuxTunIfReq (built-in class), 233
LinuxTunPacketInfo (built-in class), 233