Field Report Amina
Field Report Amina
Field Report Amina
September 2022
First and foremost, I express my sincere thanks to God who enabled me to breathe to date. I have
been able to do everything because of His mercy.
I thank the management of the Institute of accountancy Arusha particularly the whole team of the
Faculty of Accountancy with Information technology for ensuring that I get a deserving
education. I much acknowledge the practical training Coordinator for his effort in ensuring that I
got attached to a practical training Organization and for giving directives on how to accomplish
the whole process of the training.
Special thanks should go to my report supervisor from the Institute of Accountancy Arusha, Ms.
Jane Joseph for supervising and evaluating my performance.
I appreciated the way he was very concerned with my progress at Raha Beverages Company
Limited aiming at ensuring that am getting enriched with things associated with practical
Special thanks go to Madam Beatha (Human resources Manager) of Raha Beverages Company
Limited who has given me this chance to conduct my practical training at Raha Beverages
Company Limited
I feel indebted to the whole management of Raha Beverages Company Limited for allowing me
to conduct my training at their company. Heartfelt thanks should go to my internal supervisors
Mr. Robert Adolf (Information Technology Manager), and Mr. Jackson Swai (IT assistant) for
their corporation during my practical training at Raha Beverages Company Limited their effort
assist me on how to accomplish various duties assigned to me.
There are nameless Raha Beverages Company Limited employees, friends, and colleagues who
in one way or another helped me with various ideas before and during my training. It is difficult
to mention every one of them by name but thanks should go to them and I appreciate and value
much of their support both materially and ideally.
This report is the result of the practical training that was conducted at the Raha Beverages
Company Limited the report is mainly directed to the Institute of Accountancy Arusha
supervisor as part of the course completion in the second-year program. It covers matters
regarding the duties performed during the training and the detailed information on the functions
and duties at Raha Beverages Company Limited, as well as the recommendations on issues
associated with the entire practical training program.
This report is the product of the program regarding practical training in Bachelor degree in
Accountancy with Information Technology the major aim of practical training is to transform
theory or what is taught in class into practice.
Practical training makes students to be exposed to hands on activities and make them exposed
with training and valuable experience in real life situation in the work environment. It also
prompts the closer links between students and their respective instructors as well as students with
potential employers.
This report is divided into three chapters; each chapter covers specific subjects; the first chapter
gives a brief explanation of the company I conducted my practical training. It also explains what
type of company is; the services it provides and products, the level of technology, the number of
employees, and the organizational structure. Moreover, it highlights the activities that are done,
as well as customers.
The second chapter of this report outlines the duties performed during the practical training
period, how the work environment was, interesting activities, problems faced, and how they were
solved, and a description of tasks and duties.
The third chapter of this report is the conclusion, recommendations drawn on how the gap
between theory and practice can be reduced as well as suggestions to improve or handling of the
gaps in the placement procedure.
It has been prepared on research basis and contains facts about the organization and other issues
concerning the field attachment.
Table of Contents
LIST OF FIGURES.....................................................................................................................................v
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1
1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization.............................................................................................................1
Organization mission...............................................................................................................................2
Organization vision.................................................................................................................................2
Organization Core Value.........................................................................................................................2
1.2 Types of Business/ Organization...........................................................................................................3
1.3 Major Product/Service...........................................................................................................................3
1.4 Organizational Structures......................................................................................................................6
1.5 Number of employees............................................................................................................................7
1.6 Activities of the Organization................................................................................................................7
1.7 Customers of the organization...............................................................................................................8
1.8 Organization strategic direction.............................................................................................................9
1.9 Objectives of the field attachment.........................................................................................................9
CHAPTER TWO.......................................................................................................................................11
2.0 EXPERIENCE.....................................................................................................................................11
2.1 Placement in the organization..............................................................................................................11
2.2 Duties and Responsibilities..................................................................................................................11
2.3 New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities assigned.........................15
2.3 Things enjoyed most and why.............................................................................................................15
2.4 Things enjoyed least and why..............................................................................................................16
2.5 Problem experienced and how handled...............................................................................................17
CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................18
3.0 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION...................................................................................18
3.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................18
3.2 Recommendations...............................................................................................................................19
Recommendations to IAA.........................................................................................................................19
Recommendations to the Organization......................................................................................................20
IT - Information Technology
beverages in Tanzania. The brands that the company produces include Raha, Raha Poa, Raha
Gold, and Raha Ginger. Currently, the products are popular in 14 regions namely Arusha,
Kilimanjaro, Tanga, Dar-es-Salaam, Coast, Manyara, Singida, Simiyu, Dodoma, Mwanza,
Shinyanga, Geita, Mara, and Mtwara.
In its journey of progression from a family-run business venture to a more organized and
nationally recognized business. Raha Beverages Co Limited adopted its five-year Strategic Plans
in 2008.
The first Strategic Plan was developed and implemented from 2008 to 2012, while the second
plan was developed and implemented between 2013 and 2017. At present, the company is
implementing its third Strategic Plan that covers the period between 2018 and 2022. The first
plan sort to reorganize the business structure of the company from a family business, to emulate
public companies in order to be more productive. The second plan is geared to enhance the
quality of its product, expand the production line, and introduce new varieties as well as new
products that including Raha Ginger. The second plan also focused on expanding banana markets
locally and abroad, especially in the Eastern, and Central African countries); with the objective
of maximizing revenue and profitability.
Organization mission.
We manufacture, distribute and sell affordable Raha alcoholic beverages that offer our customers
great taste.
Organization vision.
To be a sustainable manufacturer and distributor of Raha alcoholic beverages within East Af
Organization Core Value.
The Banana Investments Limited core values are:
Quality of its products and facilities
Integrity and Accountability
Creativity and Innovation
Customer care
Empowering staff
Consciousness to the environment
In order to contribute to realization of the company’s vision and mission as well as the overall
corporate strategy as shared by all departments at BIL, the Supplies Department herein develops
a long-term departmental strategy.
The following are the products produced by Raha Beverage Company Ltd.
Taste: Semi sweet, Color: Deep brown PH: Alcohol
Content: 10%, Bottle Size: 330 mils
Packaging: Crates of 24 bottles
Raha Gold
Raha Poa
Raha Ginger
1.4 Organizational Structures
The organizational structure of Raha Beverage Company ltd in which I performed my field
attachment is known as functional structure or traditional structure whereby departments are
grouped based on similarity of activities done and resources used.
1.5 Number of employees
Together with all major services, the organization offers national, financing, and investment
functioning’s private and public purposes, it has a good number of professional and experienced
employees under various organizational departments and units who are self-driven with
independence and the spirit of maximum output in whatever they do.
Henceforth different teams under Management, time, and distribution activities constitute a total
number of 63 with different academic and practical knowledge of contemporary business
matters. Where 21 are female and 42 are male for Arusha headquarters offices. The company’s
employees work in an effort to ensure the customers are met with target and effort in required
time and commitment. The employees have expanded a drop-out by the year 2018 due to too
much taxing by the government that led to worker’s redundancy from the firm, thus remaining
with the current number of workers who effort in different departments of ensuring tasks get into
fit more and more.
To carry out, and promote the carrying out of, inquiries, experiments, and research in
usage and demand of their products from its governing philosophy and mission
To maintain, develop, and fund all ongoing or projected ideas in the related umbrella in
the country, by support in tremendous ways and jumps by creating a world of producers
in milestones.
To carry out research and investigation into various aspects of external marketing
strategically for the purpose of establishing, improving, or developing modern methods
or techniques of wine and environmental building for trustworthiness in management,
selection, and distribution of the products.
To advise the Government, public institutions, and other persons or bodies of persons
engaged in the wine industry in United Republic on the practical application of the
findings of inquiries, experiments and research carried out by or on behalf of the
Institutes and universities.
To assume responsibility for the control and management of the business and affairs of
any center established or deemed to have been established by or under the Act.
Prepare accounting financial statements in detail of the cash flows, expenses and
revenues gained in the prior year of productivity.
These are the best customers of the company or the produced products, as for the case of Arusha
a number of hotels are tourists that receive a number of clients and users from different corners
who resides in such vacations. Hotels like Megan Resort, Corridor Spring, and, Four-point
season are the first t to mention as they are shortlisted as prior clients.
These are also one of the big clients of the RABEC products. There are various small shops that
are all around our streets and various streets that sell the products. Also, there are pubs that also
sell these products. All these people we could term retailers.
Whole sellers are those people who take a very large quantity of a product from a producer and
sell them to retailers. RABEC also have whole sellers that buy RABEC products and sell them to
retailer’s example Mr. Raspius Massawe in Rombo is one of RABEC main wholesaler
Shopping malls
These are areas where wine products are demanded most. Areas like AIM mall and Shoppers
require a lot of the products as they seem to receive a number of clients from different corners
both from township councils and those from the peripheral areas.
To enable students to get an opportunity to practice what they are learned in a class so as
to tackle different situations during the fieldwork.
To enhance and sustain students to get enough experience on how to conduct work, to be
effective and efficient in their responsibility, terms of employment, and ethics.
Leads to the opportunity chance to infuse agencies with new and updated concepts for
delivery of services, and to aid in providing for more knowledgeable professionals
To apply the skills and knowledge that they got from college to deal with or solve a
different technical problem in the working site and life in general.
To develop working skills and co-ordinates the system for implementation of learning by
observing, and participating directly in the site which may lead to direct integration of
theoretically learning.
To enhance and strengthen linkages between the Institute of Accountancy Arusha and
various stakeholders.
To provide an opportunity for students and academic staff to interact with the
stakeholders and potential employers and thus appreciate field situations that will also
generate information for curricula review and improvement.
It is the only way/or method for a student to develop working skills. It coordinates the
system for implementation of learning by observing, and participating directly in the site
which may lead to direct integration of theoretically learning.
M-PESA transfer of money to Bank Account.
M-Pesa is a money transfer system. M-Pesa allows users to exchange cash for "e-float" on their
phones, to send e-float to other cellular phone users, and to exchange e-float back into cash. M-
Pesa pay bill number this Pay Bill service is a cash collection service that allows your
organization to collect money on a regular basis from your customers through M-PESA. Through
Pay Bill numbers, you are able to serve your clients much better as your customers are able to
pay for services with ease and timeliness. At the time that I was there at RABEC I was assigned
to transfer money from M-Pesa to bank account for those payment done through M-Pesa pay bill
number. This was the most activities that I was always do at RABEC.
when I was at the REBEC organization, I was assigned to install a window for computers to
improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the is critical to install security updates to
protect your systems from malicious attacks. In the long run, it is also important to install
software updates, not only to access new features but also to be on the safe side in terms of
security loopholes being discovered in outdated programs. And it is in your own best interest to
install all other updates, which may potentially cause your system to become vulnerable to
attack. Also, all other Microsoft office that are most needed by the users I was also assigned to
install them.
Printer fixing.
Also, I was assigned to fix the printer due to; Too many papers jam the obvious paper jam culprit
may be foreign objects loose inside the printer, there are several lesser-known culprits, including
an overfilled paper tray or an improperly inserted paper by fanning the stack of paper to reduce
any static and dust, and re-insert the paper while keeping it flush with the guides. When using
thicker paper, it’s often better to manually feed each sheet into the printer through a bypass tray.
Also, when an MFP no longer scans, corrupted scanner software often plays the role of the
villain. To get your printer scanning again, I reinstalled the printing software package.
Preparation of presentation
When I was there at the rebec organization, I was preparing a presentation to show vehicle
tracking that included the location of the trucks, speed, status, and monitoring location. With its
simplest definition, a vehicle tracking system is a system that allows tracking and controlling of
vehicles via an online computer, smartphone, tablet, etc. on a 24/7 basis thanks to GPS satellites.
The purpose of an IP address is to handle the connection between devices that send and receive
information across a network. And A static IP address is an IP address that was manually
configured for a device instead of one that was assigned by a DHCP server. So, I was assigned to
set static IP addresses so that it can help to avoid network conflicts that could cause certain
devices to stop working correctly. There are many reasons that you may need to change and set a
static IP address for your IP devices, such as manage switch, wireless, router, or outdoor access
Updating Website content regularly is an important part of running any business with an online
presence. When you keep your site’s content updated, visitors will feel your site is more
trustworthy and be more likely to end up making a purchase. Updating content on a website
gives you the chance to remedy these issues and see if it makes a difference with future site
visitors. When it comes to content, this isn’t always just changing the words on a page. it
considers updating everything from the written pages and your images to the videos and other
graphics that are being used across the website. So, I intended to work on this so that to make the
website updated from outdated information, broken links, or simply because of low-quality
content that isn’t engaging. information, broken links, or simply because of low-quality content
that isn’t engaging.
Stock count
When I was there at REBEC, I was assigned to verify all equipment relating to the department of
information technology. The purpose of stock take is the determination of a cutoff point i.e.,
what was the stock position of the company/organization at a specific point in time. For my
department was including all computers, cameras, printers, and so many. However, such stock-
taking tasks are often led to significant warehouse operational downtime, ranging from days to
weeks. This Physical verification of the quantities and condition of items held in inventory or
warehouse are be done to provide an audit of existing stock. It is also the source of stock
discrepancy information.
With the multi-branch feature, you can work across branches on one company database. The
branches may share master data such as users and business partners. According to the working
process in the company, master data, such as warehouses and business partners, can be assigned
to specific branches. If, for example, a vendor supplies equipment to the main branch only, you
can assign this vendor to the main branch and not to the other branches. From a single company
database, you can work across multiple branches and access authorized data. Using the branch
setup, you can automatically assign transactions to a specific branch. You can then run
accounting and financial reports per branch. In summary, you can share information between
branches to avoid duplications while managing and monitoring separated business units.
Email fixing
Some people having problems with email and getting an error message that might be due to the
So, for the first four I was changing the email password and run a full virus scan on all devices
that access the email. And for the last one I was making sure that the devices are connected to the
Training for new branch setup; after the new branch setup I was joining for training
that all the department uses SAP system are to be trained so as to know how to do
transaction and other things for that branch.
2.3 New knowledge and skills gained in each of the duties and responsibilities assigned.
From the tasks given the following are the new things that I learned
During my training I have learned many new things which I have not been taught in class
and some of those things is like how to use SAP SYSTEM.
Creating new branch/ branch setup to SAP system for automatically assigning
transactions to a specific branch and running its Accounting and financial report per
branch and other information related to that branch. Also inserting new features to SAP
system of the new branch created for example bill of material, items and so many.
Online transfer of money from M-PESA to a bank account for payment done through M-
PESA pay bill number.
Also, I learned that in the company you need to be ethical in terms of dressing style,
speaking and how to behave in an office and how to treat everyone in an organization
regardless of their status, gender or age.
I learnt that teamwork is what can be derived from the organization. This shows how
members are working together to achieve their targets in their organization. Due to that it
simplifies the work hence activities go as planned.
I learnt things include normal discipline which is a good conduct while expecting to be
future employee, example how to respect each other, how to performs activities through
Cooperation from the employees at RABEC and their willingness to help us in our field
training. Most of the employees showed great cooperation by showing us how they do
their work and by answering our questions. This made us comfortable around them and
the working relationship between the trainees and employees strengthened each day
though it was only for a short time.
I enjoyed to meeting with different peoples within and outside the organization where by
this made me be able to create a good business relationship with a lot of peoples and this
also enable me to have connection with many peoples who are concerned with all about
the activities of business
Team working. This is because, it shows the important of every worker have creates good
relation among themselves. This involves the whole management and staffs of RABEC in
different department, they all cooperate together to perform their different duties. Also,
team work helped much in improving the organization’s performance as all workers
aimed for achieving organization objectives in a timely and quality manner.
Computer sets were available to the employees only. Most of the activities in RABEC are
done by using computers. So, some of the time we were just learning orally as they
explained and showed us how they do things.
The use of RABEC Navigator system is an SAP system designed specifically for the
organization. The use of this system did not provide trainees with enough room to work
or get familiar with how tasks were done because it was designed only for the employees
who were authorized to use it. So, learning different tasks was only for a short time since
they had so much to do.
The duties that I was assigned was mostly routine due to time limit for practical training.
RABEC staffs were sometimes busy with other duties directed from other branch hence
making limits to my practical training.
No payment to field students. This made it difficult while working, since I had to use my
own money for transport charges, breakfast and lunch.
Communication among the workers not officially, it’s difficult to understand for a new
person enter to the organization for a certain period of time for any purpose.
Scarcity of the time in field period, due to this I didn’t enjoy well because time is not
enough to learn everything in the organization. Due to the time allocated by institute.
the solution of this problem is to make sure that all departments have its own equipment
performing their task.
Data confidentiality, this is a problem which I experience most of the data are so difficult
to obtain.
the solution of this problem is to create trustee, it was through friendship that some
information’s could be extracted easily and in a direct and more accurate way that by any
means facilitated the accomplishment of this paper work.
Limited time, the time available for carrying out field practical training was not enough,
this because RABEC in Arusha has many departments, it is needed at least two weeks to
each department to gain more knowledge and training well.
the solution of this problem can be solved by college to add at least one month to have
three months to be training practical more than to have theory study.
3.1 Conclusion
The overall activities under accounting with information technology department have provided
me with skills and competence in my profession, theoretical learning in lecturers provides the
basis for the conduct of finance but through field training/practical a student becomes aware of
the application of this theoretical knowledge which also gives me experience and exposure my
Expansion of knowledge and Experience, in the training the of field program the trainee
acquires various skills, attitudes, awareness, and abilities in the main scenario since new
tasks assigned provide the trainee with new ideas and experience which would not be
In addition to that, the practical training helps the Business students to get experience
about the working environment, how to accommodate with the changes of different
Professionals, career development, how tasks are performed in the organization, to learn
just a few from the workers who were at the working places. The explanations offered to
issues raised by the students enhance knowledge and clarify matters not well understood
in class.
Time management and creativity, the presence of a field program helps the student to
become more punctual and manage their time quite well. Tasks once given are supposed
to be delivered on time and in accomplishing these tasks trainees develop creativity.
Enhancing skills and working abilities, the field program enhances the student’s skills
and working abilities and attitude towards his or her area of specialization and exposes
the students to creative thinking and managerial skills.
Limited Time. The time set for the field attachment is relatively short and limited. The
duration within which the student is supposed to carry out the field program is not
enough for a student to practice all the skills, and knowledge and gain enough experience.
Generally, I enjoyed working with RABEC Office and I managed to meet some of my
expectations and have provided me with new opportunity of working with Raha Beverages
Company Limited as a potential sector in building the National Economy.
3.2 Recommendations
These are in my opinion the recommendations for the better improvement of the Institute and the
organization. From the finding of this study, if the following recommendations are going to be
implemented, then the highest performance and quality work will be attained.
Recommendations to IAA
As a student of IAA, I really appreciate the efforts of the institute to attach students to
practical training. However, the field attachment could be more successful if the
following could be implemented:
More emphasis on Computer Practical Studies, due to changes in technology and
advancement in Information Technology, the department should put more emphasis on
Computer Studies. This is because at the working place, having computer skills is very
crucial. The courses should be structured in such a way that a student gets more practice
rather than the current emphasis on theory.
Place of field attachment, the Institute should help to find places for students to conduct
their field in the organization within departments. Thus, students should be in the training
department of a particular organization. This is because some students were not accepted
by many organizations in order to conduct their field training. But if the Institute
intervened by asking on their behalf, chances are those students could be accepted.
Extending the Field Attachment Duration, a period of eight-weeks is really not enough to
integrate the class theoretical part and practical knowledge. Gaining experience and
knowledge on how a person actually works demands a considerable time for a student
who is soon expected to be specialized upon qualification. I recommend practical training
time to be extended for a considerable time.
RABEC, (2020). Product and Services. TZ [Online], (Accessed, Wednesday 15th august2022)
Habib & Victor, (1991). Organizational Behavior, Individuals, Groups, and Organization
INSTITUTE OF ACCOUNTANCY ARUSHA (IAA), (August 2010), Guideline for practical
training 2012
• Appendix I. Log books