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Acta Mechanica Slovaca 15 (3): 14 - 21, 2011

Outline of FEM Simulation and

* Corresponding author
Phone + 421 55 602 3513
E-mail address: [email protected] (Ildiko
Maňková, prof., Ing., CSc.)

Article information
Article history: AMS-Volume15-No.3-00113-11
Modelling of Hard Turning Process
Received 05 April 2011
Accepted 18 May 2011

Ildiko Maňková a*, Pavel Kovac b, János Kundrak c, Jozef Beňo d

Full professor at TU Košice, KTaM SjF TU, Masiarska 74 04001 Košice, Slovakia
Full professor at University Novi Sad, Serbia
Full professor at University Miskolc, Hungary
Associate professor at TU Košice, Slovakia

Ildiko Maňková, prof. Ing. CSc., since 2005 works as a full professor at the Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering TU Košice, Department of Materials and Technology. She is
graduated as MSc. and received PhD degree in Production Engineering at TU Kosice,
Research orientation is in the area of metal cutting, tool condition monitoring and ma-
chined surface quality assessment. She has been a principal investigator and contrac-
tor of national and international projects (VEGA, Ceepus Tempus, Socrates) and she
is a member of consortium of 7th FP-ACCENT oriented to the problems of machined
surface integrity in aero engine components. She has a wide cooperation with univer-
sities of technology abroad such as Vienna, Brescia, Coventry, Magdeburg, Budapest,
Miskolc, Opole and Cracow. She was awarded as professor honoris causa Facultatis
Mechanicae Universitas Miskolciensis. She is author and co-author of two books and
over 75 papers published in national and international journals and proceeding from
Pavel Kovac, prof. Dr. full professor at the Faculty of Technical Science Univeristy of
Novi Sad Serbia, he is chief of Laboratory for metal cutting at of Production Engineer-
ing faculty of technical Science, University of Novi Sad. He is graduated as MSc. and
received PhD degree in Production Engineering at University of Novi Sad. Area of re-
search orientation is metal cutting phenomena such as surface roughness, tool wear,
cutting temperature and cutting forces, significant contribution he has in the area of
process monitoring and sensor development. He has been principal investigator in
more than 15 research projects. He was visiting professor on Prince of Sonkla Univer-
sity in Hatyai Thailand. He is author and co-author of three books, four text books and
more than 120 papers published in national and international journals and proceed-
ing from conference.
Janos Kundrak, prof. DrSc. professor and doctor of science at the Faculty of Mechani-
cal Engineering and Informatics Miskolc University, Hungary, he is Head of Depart-
ment of Production Engineering. He is graduated as MSc. at Miskolc University and
received PhD degree in Production Engineering at Charkov University, Ukraina. Area
of research orientation is hard machining phenomena such as surface roughness, tool
wear and cutting forces, significant contribution he has in the area superhard tool ma-
terial application. He has been principal investigator in more than 10 research projects
(OTKA). He has a wide cooperation with universities of technology abroad such as
Vienna, Magdeburg, Athens and Cracow as well as with industrial companies in Hun-
gary. He is author and co-author of more than 150 papers published in national and
international journals and proceeding from conference.
Jozef Beňo, MSc. PhD. (born 1952) works at Department of Technology and Materi-

14 VOLUME 15, No. 3, 2011

Acta Mechanica Slovaca
Journal published by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Technical University of Košice

als, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TU Košice. small feed and depth of cut. A thorough analysis
The first degree obtained in 1977 and followed by of this innovative technology will improve the
PhD graduation in 1984. Since 1994 he has been process capability greatly. Most research on hard
a senior lecturer in mechanical technology at TU turning in the literature is limited to experimental
Košice. In 2002 - 2010, he has been Member of Slo- work, while practical theoretical models includ-
vak commission for graduation in technology and ing FEA (finite element analysis) of this promising
materials. Scientific activity: machinability of ad- machining process are scarce, due to the inherent
vanced materials, tool performance, coordinator of complexity of a hard turning process. In order to
national projects in advanced technology research. improve the fundamental understanding of hard
International cooperation in research of innovative turning and process optimization for producing fa-
technology: research programme between Ger- vourable surface integrity, theoretical modelling of
many and Slovakia since 2001. He is head of inter- a hard turning process has economic as well as sci-
national research projects with universities in Hun- entific importance [3,7]. The finite element method
gary (Budapest) and Poland (Krakow) in the field of seems to be the right tool to predict cutting per-
tool testing, surface roughness research, free form formance including chip flow and morphology,
milling, etc. Author of three books devoted to the cutting forces, and complex residual stress and
metal cutting principles and about 40 journal pa- cutting temperature fields which are often beyond
pers on the same subject. the capability of current measurement methods.
A 2D FEA modelling of temperature and forces in
KEY WORDS orthogonal cutting of hardened steel was reported
Hard Turning, Cutting Force, Temperature, Advant more times [1,2,5,9]. Nowadays variety of applica-
Edge Modelling ble FEM modelling software is available. The choice
of finite element software for machining analysis is
ABSTRACT an important factor in determining the quality and
Hard machining, as attractive replacement for scope of analysis that can be performed.
many rough and finish grinding operation, gener- One of this software ThirdWave System’s Advant-
ates high cutting forces and temperature that en- Edge is a machining specific FEM package. It has
hance tool wear when act together. Therefore, the pre-programmed modules for both 2D and 3D ma-
tool geometry and machining parameters have to chining operations including turning and milling.
be carefully optimized for a given material. Because AdvantEdge also comes with a workpiece mod-
of high cost and time consuming experimental eller as well as a material property library.
work up-to-date advanced software for modeling As AdvantEdge has been explicitly written with
and simulation brings quick and adequate solu- machining operations in mind, its solvers have
tion. The aim of this contribution is to study the been optimized specifically for metal-cutting pro-
influence of cutting parameters and material hard- cesses. Also, the software has a very user friendly
ness on accompanying phenomena when hard interface with simple input screens to supply the
turning process with mixed oxide ceramic inserts. tool and workpiece geometries as well as the pro-
Hardened steel with different hardness level of cess parameters, Fig. 1. AdvantEdge has a built-in
HRC 46, HRC 55 and HRC 60, respectively, has been editor for simple tool and workpiece geometries
employed in modeling and trials. In order to better and allows for the import of more complex geom-
understand dynamics of cutting hardened steel, etries. AdvantEdge also has a very extensive mate-
investigation has been performed making use fi- rial library with models of many engineering met-
nite element simulation in two dimension, and ex- als and alloys, including several aerospace alloys
perimental analysis of cutting force. The potential- [2]. Specifying new materials is relatively simple
ity of the model as well as the experimental results and the user has the capability to enter the prop-
are compared and discussed. erties of the material using different models. The
program also uses adaptive meshing to handle in-
1. Introduction crease the accuracy of the solution in the areas of
Hard turning is a complex process with chip for- high deformation and allows a reasonable degree
mation occurring at tool nose radius and relative of flexibility in the meshing controls [4,6,13].

2. HARD TURNING - Definition of input
parameters FOR Modelling
Machining conditions in hard turning are differ-
ent from conventional turning. Depth of cut, feed
rate, and cutting tool nose radius are typical finish-
ing conditions in hard turning. Because of the low
depth of cut and the large cutting tool nose radius,
chip formation usually takes place in the nose radi-
us or on the chamfer of a cutting tool. Thrust force
appears to be the largest force component, while
Fig. 1: Input tool and wokpiece geometry to the orthogonal the feed force component is the smallest one us-
cutting model. ing a worn tool. By increasing the tool flank wear, a
significant rise of the thrust force component can
On the other hand AdvantEdge does not give be observed. Considering a very small contact area
the user much flexibility in configuring the con- on the tool-chip interface, extremely high stresses
trols of the solver. While this may be preferable in and temperatures develop on the area. A numeri-
some cases, this means that the user is restricted to cal simulation may provide a powerful tool to ana-
the preset controls of the software. If a quick, easy lyze the contact mechanics on the tool/chip and
to setup machining simulation is needed, then the tool/workpiece interfaces [3,8].
preferable software packages would be Advant- Cutting temperature is of fundamentals impor-
Edge. This package allows quick setup of simula- tance in hard turning. Cutting temperature may
tions and has built in modules to specify mate- cause thermal damage and even white layer when
rial properties, tool and workpiece geometries and machining hardened steels. The influence of cut-
process parameters, Fig. 2. ting temperature on the surface integrity may be
more important than the tool life. However, the
fact that temperature is most difficult to measure
explains the numbers of different methods used
over the years [7,14].
In this study a 2-dimensional version of software
AdvantEdge has been used for simulation. The fi-
nite element model is composed of workpiece and
a tool. Workpiece is defined as a deformable body
while the tool is considered as a rigid. A user defined
geometry and cutting edge radius parameterizes
the cutting tool. The tool penetrates through the
workpiece at constant speed and constant feed
rate. Material properties are essential inputs for any
Fig. 2: Example of one of the input set up window. FEM simulation and other analytical modelling of a
machining process. The applied software employs
In this study a general practical 2D model has well-known Johnson-Cook material model to de-
been applied to analyze hard turning steel with scribe material behaviour. Friction on the tool-chip
three different types of hardness HRC 46, HRC 55 interface is a major input determining the depen-
and HRC 60, using mixed oxide ceramic cutting dent variables such as chip morphology, cutting
tool. The goal of this study is to investigate the in- forces, residual stresses, and temperatures. There-
fluence of cutting parameters and material hard- fore, an accurate determination of the friction con-
ness on the accompanying phenomena of hard dition is of considerable importance for finite ele-
turning process - cutting force and temperature. ment analysis of metal cutting. Friction conditions
Experimental evidence and simulation results are at the tool/chip interaction was modelled by using
compared. an average friction coefficient only determined by
Coulomb’s friction law as a value of 0,5. It limits ap-

16 VOLUME 15, No. 3, 2011

Acta Mechanica Slovaca
Journal published by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Technical University of Košice

plication of the model and reduces FEA model ef- lows: cutting speed vc = 90, 120, and 150, 240 and
ficiency significantly [7,10]. 350 m/min, feed rate: f = 0,047, 0,1, 0,15 and 0,2
mm, depth of cut: ap = 0,5 mm.
In this study, external longitudinal turning of
hardened steel of hardness 55HRC had been em-
ployed for measurement of cutting force compo-
nents Fc, Ff, Fp by triaxial dynamometer. The dif-
ference between the simulated values and the
experimental ones did not exceed 10% [11]. These
differences could be caused by different way of
cutting 2D in simulation and 3D in measurement.
2D simulation is unable to make punctual estima-
tion of thermo mechanical stress induced on the
material/tool interface therefore modeled and
simulated outputs from software has only informa-
Fig. 3: Example of graphical output from temperature simulation. tive character [6]. Comparisons of measured and
simulated data are illustrated graphically in Fig. 4.
A Lagrangian finite element-based machining
model is applied in the simulation of cutting force
components and temperature in two-dimension-
al turning of hardened steel. The cutting force Fc
force in X direction (FX) and transverse force in Y
direction (FY) on the tool are displayed as func-
tions of time. In simulation with AdvantEdge, there
is no separation criteria defined since chip forma-
tion is assumed to be due to plastic flow; there-
fore the chip is formed by continuously remeshing
the workpiece. Adaptive remeshing of the model
is used to avoid extreme element distortions due
to the strong deformations. It remeshes the work-
piece periodically to refine large elements, re-mesh
distorted elements, and coarsen small elements.
Heat transfer to the tool is allowed, Fig. 3, but heat
transfer by radiation, convection or conduction
was considered as negligible. The model is discred-
ited by triangular elements and uses maximum
12000 elements, depending on the chip configu-
ration [11]. The length of cut was set to 5mm. The
simulation was conducted with coolant off and ini-
tial temperature was fixed at 20°C. The simulation
was conducted in rapid mode.
Fig. 4: Comparison of experimental and simulated cutting force
3. Experimental Conditions and Model Validation values FC, Ff, for vc = 120 m/min, workpiece hardness 55 HRc.
For simulation, workpiece material AISI 1045
hardened at hardness 46, 55 and 60 HRC, respec- Figure 4 illustrates the cutting force behaviour
tively, have been employed. Turning process was in function of the feed rate, while the other pa-
conducted with mixed oxide ceramics insert D310 rameters remain constant. It is interesting to note
(70% Al2O3+30% TiC) with a SN geometry, nose ra- the linearity of the cutting force within the feed
dius rf = 0,8 mm, and chamfered edge 0,2 x 20˚, rate range considered. Simulation results have
c = -6˚, a = 6. Set of cutting conditions are fol- been processed graphically. AdvantEdge software

shows simulation results in different way such as a cutting tool.
table or graph or color area, Fig. 5.

Fig. 6: Numerical results of cutting force component for different

Fig. 5: Example of graphical output from cutting force simulation. cutting speed, HRC 55, ap=0,5 mm, f= 0,15mm.

4. Simulation results and Discusion 4.2 Effect of Cutting Parameters and Material Hardness on
4.1 Effect of Cutting Parameters and Material Hardness on chip Deformation
Cutting Forces Besides the cutting and transverse force it is
Ceramic cutting tools have an advantage in the possible to extract from the proposed model
machining of hard work piece materials at high predictions for values that it would be very work-
speed. The variation of main cutting force with intensive or even impossible to obtain otherwise.
cutting speed has been modelled. It can be noted Examples for such cases are: plastic strain rate, chip
that the cutting forces of the ceramic cutting tool deformation, von Misses stresses, and temperature
slightly decreases with cutting speed, Fig 6. The distribution and heat rate.
decrease of cutting force with respect to cutting
speed when using mixed alumina ceramic cutting
tool shows that this type of ceramic cutting tool
can machine the work piece material with high
speed and at low cutting forces. The lower cutting
forces result in a lower distortion of work piece,
which improves the surface finish while machin-
ing with the ceramic cutting tools and particularly
by using mixed oxide ceramic cutting tools. The
influence of hardness of the workpiece on surface Fig. 7: Example of graphical output from plastic strain rate HRC55.
roughness was studied [12], on machining with
ceramic cutting tools. It can be noted that the In Fig. 7 plastic strain rate in shear zone for cut-
surface roughness slightly increases as the hard- ting speed 120 m/min, is shown. This figure dem-
ness of the work piece material increases. Due to onstrates the model at a step analysis, for length
the increase in hardness of the material, greater of cut l = 1,2 mm, where cutting is well into the
cutting force is needed to machine the work ma- steady-state region.
terial. The ceramic cutting tool materials machine Effect of material hardness and cutting condition
the harder work piece material with higher cutting on chip deformation and chip thickness have been
forces than work piece materials with lower hard- modelled, Fig. 8 and Fig. 9.
ness. This may contribute to the increase in surface As illustrate pictures the higher is the hardness of
roughness in addition to the other factors such as material the lower is chip thickness. The feed more
the increase in cutting temperature, deformation influences the chip thickness than the cutting
of the nose region of the cutting tool and the ser- speed.
rated chips caught in between the work piece and

18 VOLUME 15, No. 3, 2011

Acta Mechanica Slovaca
Journal published by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Technical University of Košice

Fig. 8: Effect of material hardness and cutting speed on chip deformation.

suitable cutting condition in order to optimise the

process [6].
Considering of low thermal activity of ceramics
it is assumed that the temperature distribution
on the rake face of the cutting tool is mainly de-
termined by sources of plastic deformation of the
metal on the shear plane and by the friction on
the tool-chip interface. Heat generation rate due
to plastic strain is illustrates on Fig. 10 for material
hardness of 55 HRC. Simulation of cutting temper-
ature for different workpiece hardness and cutting
speed has been done. Depth of cut ap=0,5 mm
and feed per revolution f=0,15 mm were fixed.
Fig. 9: Effect of material hardness and feed rate on chip thickness. Simulation results are processed in Figs. 11 and 12,
respectively. Graphs show variation of temperature
4.3 Effect of Cutting Parameters and Material Hardness on for three values of cutting speed. Figure 12 rep-
Cutting Temperature and Heat Flow resents the temperature distribution on rake face
The knowledge of maximum temperature and of cutting inserts. As it can be shown on Fig. 12
of the distribution of the temperature field in the temperature differences among different cutting
rake face of the tool is of great interest because of speed employed are clearer for hardness of 55HRC
high temperature in ceramics tool are connected and 60HRC than for hardness of 45HRC and have
to wear mechanics that reduces the tool life. With the highest value in certain distance from cutting
the simulated results provided by model it is pos- edge. Rake face temperature is growing with in-
sible to minimize unwanted effects and to choose creasing of cutting speed and hardness.

Figure 13 illustrates influence of cutting speed
and work piece hardness on temperature appear-
ing on tool rake face. It can be shown; there is a
strong correlation between temperature and work
piece hardness due to chip formation. Conse-
quently, temperature rice accounts quite different
progress at chip tool contact due to cutting speed
as shown in Fig. 13. Because of low thermal con-
duction of ceramics, temperature in chip-tool con-
Fig. 10: Graphical output from heat rate in shear area; material tact assumes peak-like non-uniform distribution
hardness HRC55. when cutting speed varies from 240 to 360 m/min,
a case that is not affected by work piece hardness.
Reason is, that non-uniform chip strain rate dissi-
pates temperature at chip-tool contact reducing
quickly as chip leaves tool rake.

5. Conclusion
Summarizing the results reported above it can be
concluded that hard turning has many advantages
in comparison to other processes in machining of
hardened steels. The finite element methods have
been extensively used for modelling machining
operations. This method is also used in the present
Fig. 11: Temperature distribution on tool rake face. paper and the software AdvantEdge is employed.
Simulation of 2D orthogonal cutting model is pro-
vided. The modelled results for cutting and trans-
verse force components have been compared with
experimentally achieved values. However, other re-
sults such as temperature distribution, chip thick-
ness and chip deformation as well as plastic strain
rate had been only predicted; because of measur-
ing these data is more time consuming and very
work intensive.
From the analysis provided in this contribution
Fig. 12: Temperature vs distance along the tool rake face for differ- can be concluded that the proposed model fits
ent material hardness. quite well and is suitable for practical application
mainly in industry. Therefore FEM simulation soft-
ware provide very important role in research work
because of a minimum amount of experimental
work is needed and produce reliable results, allow-
ing for industrial use of optimal production.

6. Acknowledgement
Presented results were carried out within Research
Grant Projects VEGA No. 1/0378/08 supported by
Scientific Grant Agency of the Ministry of Educa-
tion of Slovak Republic and the Slovak Academy of
Fig. 13: Influence of cutting speed and workpiece hardness on
temperature distribution in ceramic insert rake face area.

20 VOLUME 15, No. 3, 2011

Acta Mechanica Slovaca
Journal published by Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - Technical University of Košice

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