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Under The Seal of Solomon

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BRONZE A�������� ��� ���
W������ ��� L�����:
Duamn Figueroa Rassol

E������: King Solomon has chosen you to capture

C. A. Berlitz & Clayton Notestine the demons that run rampant around his
All illustrations are art pieces under ��� ��� ������, ��� ��� �����������,
public domain. ��� ��� ���������, ��� ��� �������,
��� ��� ��������. ��� ��� ���������.
S���������� R������:
Facundo Kaper Entrusted with his seal, you bear his
authority over the people of the Kingdom
in the pursuit of your sacred oath to
deliver these demons to the Temple.
This adventure is designed to be played with INTO THE BRONZE by
Guilherme Gontijo, inspired by Dogs in the Vineyard by Vincent
Baker and a healthy dose of Wikipedia occultism.

More games and ����� products at


For simplicity’s sake, we’ll refer to the characters as Exorcists, that
is their duty, that is their purpose. Follow the character creation as
described in into the bronze.
Y O U R Every one of you holds authority over King Solomon’s subjects
while you pursue the hunt. You may seek shelter, succor and even

O A T H equipment as long as you can justify how it helps you fulfill your

King Solomon has graced Capturing these demons is surely a deadly task, and if your player
your people with his presence, group is small, you may do well in considering creating at least two
descending from the clouds E�������� to play.
atop his flying throne to
choose you for his army of

A sacred oath has been

bestowed upon you: to capture
the demons that assail his
kingdom and use the power of
his seal to command them to THE KEY OF SOLOMON
kneel at his Temple.
Are a series of God-given commands that King Solomon has
In your travels you’re joined written on a table for you to enact. Who holds the K���? Write down
by fellow exorcist-warriors, the K��� in your inventory sheet.
banding together to undertake
this sacred task against the
powerful demons that threaten KEYS
your people.
Average Explosion: 5+

Unlike normal items, the table cannot be broken by usage.

Although the K��� never deplete, the implements you use to
write them do. You can use the K��� to damage a demon as
long as you have Tools to write them.
You were entrusted with a ring engraved with his sigil. This signet
is necessary to seal the written K���. Who holds the S���? Write
down the S��� in your inventory sheet.

Average Explosion: 4+

Unlike normal items, the ring cannot be broken by usage. The

S��� can only be used once the K��� have been written.


As you will learn, true demons cannot be killed. If you write down
the commands described in the K���, and S��� them with his signet,
you will defeat the demon’s physical manifestation and compel it to
enter the J��. Once trapped, you can carry them back to the Temple
of Solomon so they confess their corruptions. Who holds the J��?
Write down the J�� in your inventory sheet.
Once you have lured a demon out of hiding or faced it openly in its WHAT ABOUT YOUR BRETHREN IN ARMS?
earthly domain, you will quickly learn that no mere mortal man can Although only the ones who carry the K��� and the S��� can harm
kill it. However, with the power held in the Table and the Ring, the demon, they still need all the help they can get. Fellow
Exorcists can vanquish its manifestation and command it to be E�������� can carry the writing Tools to assist the K��-keeper,
sealed in Solomon’s Jar. corner and hold the physical manifestation of the demon, or fight
its minions while their companions perform the binding ritual.
Common weapons cannot damage a demon; its HP can only be
reduced by the use of the K��� and the S���.

When confronting a demon, one of the Exorcists must write down

the K���—over a vellum or clay tablet—commanding its
surrender. Once the command is written, you must imprint the
words with the S���. When it reaches 0HP, it becomes trapped
in the J��.

There is no tried and true way to defeat a demon. You must use your
wits and any tools at your disposal to bring it down. Writing the
words over a piece of vellum and beating the demon senseless with
the Ring is as good a method as any, and if you can endure the
demon’s attacks, you might find yourself victorious.

Even the lower demons of The Hierarchy are supernaturally strong
and vile, with powers far beyond the realm of human ability. There
is no shame in dying fighting a demon, but an honor to fall while
facing against one.

You will surely lose a fair amount of characters during your

campaign. Don’t fret it. In his wisdom, King Solomon has chosen a
myriad of exorcist-warriors to join his sacred war, cruising the skies
over his Kingdom to bestow the oath upon subjects from all walks
of life.

When your character dies, create a new E������� and ask the GM
to introduce them as soon as possible. You will surely come across
them during your journeys.



72 Assign A���������, HP and D����� according to the

demon's rank in The Hierarchy. Some demons hold
more than one rank; since you would probably want to
start from less to more powerful enemies, I placed them
under their lower hierarchy, but you can easily move

DEMONS them upwards by upgrading their stats.

Each demon has a M������������ that describes how

it presents itself to mortals; a D����� that explains the
power it holds over other demons; and an I���������,
which are the powers it grants to tempt the sorcerers
that consort with them.

A��������� 20 HP 42
D�� E�������� 4+
A��������� distribute 20, 18, 17 HP 30

D�� E�������� 4+
A��������� distribute 18, 18, 17 HP 24
D�� E�������� 4+
A��������� distribute 18, 17, 16 HP 18
D�� E�������� 4+

A��������� distribute 17, 16, 15 HP 18
D�� E�������� 5+

A��������� 15 HP 15 D�� E�������� 6

A��������� 15 HP 12 D�� E�������� 6


M������������: a three-headed, fire-breathing M������������: a regal man.
creature with the head of a bull, a man and a ram, and D�����: 80 legions of demons and 50 legions of
the tail of a serpent, astride a dragon. It holds a spear spirits.
and a banner.
I���������: Distributes senatorships. Grants
D�����: 72 legions of demons. excellent familiars.
I���������: -


M������������: a three-headed amalgamation of a M������������: a crowned man astride a
cat, a toad and a man. dromedary. It is preceded by men playing loud
D�����: 66 legions of demons. music.
I���������: Teaches sciences. Bestows Invisibility. D�����: 200 legions of spirits, some of who are
Grants power over love. Angels and Powers.
I���������: Teaches sciences. Knows secret
BALAM (GREAT KING) knowledge of the Earth, its waters and its winds.
M������������: a three-headed creature with the Reveals hidden treasures. Bestows dignities and
head of a bull, a man and a ram, his eyes are aflame, lordships. Grants familiars. Commands thieves to
and he sports the tail of a serpent. He rides a bear and return. Reanimates the dead. Bestows the power to
carries a hawk on his fist. fly and breath underwater. Makes people and armors
D�����: 40 legions of demons.
I���������: Perfectly answers questions of things PURSON (GREAT KING)
past, present and future. Bestows invisibility and wit. M������������: a man with a lion-head, carrying a
viper, astride a bear. Trumpets blare around him.
BELETH (GREAT KING) D�����: 22 legions of demons.
M������������: rider of a pale horse. A variety of
music is heard before him. I���������: Knows of hidden things. Find
treasures. Speaks of things past and future. Reveals
D�����: 85 legions of demons. secrets of the divine and of the creation of Earth.
I���������: Teaches mathematics. Grants all the Grants familiars.
love of men and women.
M������������: a lion holding a snake, astride a M������������: a man with the head of an unicorn
black horse. and claws instead of hands, holding a trumpet.
D�����: 36 legions of demons. D�����: 29 legions of demons.
I���������: Speaks of things past and future. I���������: Gives concerts with a voice of thunder
Discovers witches and hidden things. Creates storms and invisible instruments. Makes trees bend at will.
and rough waters. Brings down walls. Builds towers.
DUKES M������������: a crowned man with feathered
wings carrying a viper, astride a dragon.
D�����: 29 legions of demons.
M������������: an old man astride a crocodile,
holding a hawk on his fist. I���������: Teaches mathematics and handicrafts.
Bestows invisibility. Leads to hidden treasures.
D�����: 60 legions of demons. Answer questions. Grants power over serpents.
I���������: Teaches languages and immoral
expressions. Retrieves runaways and stops escapees. BARBATOS (DUKE)
Causes earthquakes. Grants nobility. Destroys M������������: a bearded old
dignities. man. Trumpets blare around him.
AIM (GREAT DUKE) D�����: 30 legions of demons and
four kings.
M������������: a handsome three-headed man with
the head of a serpent, a man and a cat. He carries a I���������: Teaches the language
firebrand. of animals. Speaks of things past
and future. Reconciles friends and
D�����: 26 legions of demons. rulers. Leads to hidden treasures
I���������: Sets cities, castles and great places on hid by magicians.
fire. Bestyows wit. Perfectly answer questions of
private concerns.


M������������: a knight of ruddy and leonine
characteristics with eyes aflame, astride a giant horse
with dragon legs.
D�����: 36 legions of demons.
I���������: Teaches immorality, liberal arts and all
mysteries of the sky. Grants familiars.
M������������: a strong man with a serpent tail, M������������: a creature of many appearances,
astride a pale horse. with faces of all men and women, holding a book.
D�����: 30 legions of demons. D�����: 36 legions of demons.
I���������: Teaches the virtues of precious stones I���������: Teaches all arts. Reads and reveals
and herbs. Brings men from across countries. secret thoughts. Incites love. Transports across the
Astrally projects. Transports across countries. world.


M������������: a powerful, crowned soldier M������������: a ghostly knight astride a skeletal
wearing red clothes, astride a red horse. horse, holding a spear, an ensign and a sceptre.
D�����: 26 legions of demons. D�����: 60 legions of demons.
I���������: Speaks of things past and future. Turns I���������: Discovers hidden things. Knows the
metals into gold. Grants dignities. future of wars. Attracts the favor of lords and
M������������: a three-headed dragon, with the FLAUROS (GREAT DUKE)
head of a dog, a griffin and a man. M������������: a terrible and powerful leopard.
D�����: 30 legions of demons. D�����: 36 legions of demons.
I���������: Bestows eloquence. Answers I���������: Perfectly answers things past and
truthfully. Grants richness. Changes the dead from future. Speaks of the divine and of the creation of
their place of rest and turns them to demons. Earth, himself and other fallen angels. Burns
enemies. Protects against temptation. Avenges
CROCELL (DUKE) against other demons.
M������������: an angel who speaks in dark and
mysterious ways. FOCALOR (GREAT DUKE)
D�����: 48 legions of demons, former Power. M������������: a man with griffin wings.
I���������: Teaches geometry and liberal sciences. D�����: 3 legions of demons.
Heats up bodies of water. Creates the illusory sound I���������: Drowns and kills men. Overthrows
of rushing water. Reveals natural baths. warships.
M������������: a beautiful woman with a duchess M������������: a lion with the head of a man.
crown tied around her waist, astride a camel. D�����: 10 legions of demons.
D�����: 26 legions of demons. I���������: Tempts people to steal. Reconciles
I���������: Speaks of things past and future and of thieves.
hidden treasures. Incites the love of women.
GUSION (GREAT DUKE) M������������: a deep-voiced dromedary who can
M������������: a baboon. turn into a man.
D�����: 40 legions of demons. D�����: 37 legions of demons.
I���������: Speaks of things past, present and I���������: Incites love in women and friendship
future. Reconciles friends. Bestows honor and between friends and foes. Speaks of things past,
dignity. present and future.


M������������: a gallant soldier wearing a ducal M������������: a soldier in red clothes and armor.
crown, astride a crocodile. D�����: 26 legions of demons.
D�����: 30 legions of demons. I���������: Incites women to love men and brings
I���������: Incites love among men and women. them together. Makes women barren.


M������������: a lion with griffin wings.
D�����: 36 legions of demons.
I���������: Teaches philosophy, mechanics and
sciences. M������������: a mundane person.
D�����: 66 legions of demons of water.
VEPAR (GREAT DUKE) I���������: Teaches philosophy and liberal
M������������: a mermaid. sciences. Incites love and hate. Bestows insensibility
D�����: 29 legions of demons. and invisibility. Steals familiars. Perfectly answers
questions of things past, present and future.
I���������: Guides warships. Creates storms and Transports across nations. Curses with ignorance.
rough waters, and the illusion of oncoming warships.
Kills men in three days by putrefying their wounds,
but can reverse the process on command.
M������������: a horse who can turn into a man.
D�����: 20 legions of demons.
M������������: fire-breathing wolf with a serpent’s
I���������: Perfectly answers questions of things tail.
past, present and future, of the divine and of the
creation of Earth. Bestows dignities. Grants the favor D�����: 40 legions of demons.
of friends and foes. Protects against temptation. I���������: Speaks of things past and future.
Incites feuds and reconciles friends and foes.
M������������: a beautiful man astride a winged ANDRAS (GREAT MARQUIS)
horse. M������������: a winged angel with the head of an
D�����: 26 legions of demons. owl wielding a bright sword, astride a wolf.
I���������: Grants abundance. Finds hidden or D�����: 30 legions of demons.
stolen treasures. I���������: Incites discord amongst people.
Teaches how to murder enemies, masters and
M������������: a leopard with the wings of a
D�����: 60 legions of demons. M������������: a peacock who can turn into a
I���������: Incites love among men and women.
Makes people bare themselves nude. D�����: 30 legions of demons.
I���������: Teaches astronomy, geometry and
STOLAS (GREAT PRINCE) mensuration. Turns men into birds.
M������������: a crowned, long-legged owl.
D�����: 26 legions of demons.
M������������: a pentagram star who can turn into
I���������: Teaches astronomy, the virtues of a man or any kind of bird.
precious stones, plants and herbs.
D�����: 30 legions of demons.
VASSAGO (PRINCE) I���������: Knows the virtues of precious stones
and herbs.
M������������: an angel.
D�����: 26 legions of demons.
I���������: Speaks of things past and future.
Discovers lost or hidden things.
M������������: a great sea monster. M������������: a lion with a serpent's tail holding
D�����: 29 legions of demons. two vipers in his right hand, astride a great horse.
I���������: Teaches rhetoric and languages. D�����: 30 legions of demons.
Bestows a good name. Incites the love of friends and I���������: Teaches the virtues of the stars and the
foes. mansions of the planets. Bestows dignities and the
favor of friends and foes. Turns men into any shape.
M������������: a warrior astride a great black PHENEX (GREAT MARQUIS)
horse. M������������: a phoenix who sings sweetly with
D�����: 20 legions of demons. the voice of a child.
I���������: Finds lost or hidden treasures. Teaches D�����: 30 legions of demons.
trivium. Turns men into a warrior after his own I���������: Teaches sciences and poetry.
LERAJE (MARQUIS) M������������: an armor-clad warrior with the
M������������: a valiant archer clad in green, head of a lion astride a pale horse.
holding a bow and quiver. D�����: 50 legions of demons.
D�����: 30 legions of demons. I���������: Builds towers, castles and cities.
I���������: Incites great battles and disputes. Grants familiars. Inflicts gangrenous wounds.
Causes arrow wounds to become gangrenous.
MARCHOSIAS (GREAT MARQUIS) M������������: a donkey who can turn into a man.
M������������: a wolf with griffin wings and a D�����: 30 legions of demons.
serpent’s tail.
I���������: Teaches liberal sciences. Reveals the
D�����: 30 legions of demons. souls of those who died in sin or drowned at sea.
I���������: Perfectly answers any question.
NABERIUS (MARQUIS) M������������: a stork speaking in a hoarse voice.
M������������: a three-headed dog. D�����: 30 legions of demons.
D�����: 19 legions of demons. I���������: Inflicts blindness, deafness, and
I���������: Teaches all arts and rhetoric. Restores removes understanding to any person. Steals money
lost dignities and honors. and horses. Discovers hidden things as long as
they’re not protected by evil spirits. Grants familiars.


M������������: a man holding a serpent in his M������������: an angel with the head of a lion, the
hands. tail of a hare and the feet of a goose.
D�����: 36 legions of demons. D�����: 36 legions of demons.
I���������: Commands thieves to return their I���������: Knows of things past, present and
stolen goods. Punishes thieves and other wicked future. Bestows wit and bravery.
people. Discovers hidden treasures, evil, and
dishonest dealings. MURMUR (GREAT DUKE/COUNT)
M������������: a crowned soldier astride a vulture.
BIFRONS (COUNT) He’s preceded by two ministers who play trumpets.
M������������: a monster. D�����: 30 legions of demons.
D�����: 6 legions of demons. I���������: Teaches philosophy. Invokes the souls
I���������: Teaches sciences and arts, the virtues of the dead to answer questions.
of gems, woods and herbs. Changes the dead from
their place of rest and lights magic candles upon their RÄUM (GREAT COUNT)
graves. M������������: a crow who can turn into a man.
FURFUR (GREAT COUNT) D�����: 30 legions of demons.
M������������: a hart with angel wings. I���������: Steals treasure from king’s houses.
Destroys cities and dignities. Speaks of things past,
D�����: 26 legions of demons. present and future. Reconciles friends and foes.
I���������: Perfectly answers any question. Incites Incites love.
love between men and women. Creates storms and
blasts of lightning. Teaches secrets of the divine. RONOVÉ (MARQUIS/GREAT COUNT)
M������������: a monster holding a staff.
D�����: 20 legions of demons.
M������������: a stork.
I���������: Teaches rhetoric and languages.
D�����: 26 legions of demons. Grants servants, and the favor of friends and foes.
I���������: Builds towers.
M������������: a black bird carrying a sword,
FURCAS (KNIGHT) standing over burning coals.
M������������: a strong, white haired and bearded D�����: 30 legions of demons.
man holding a pitchfork, astride a horse.
I���������: Teaches the language of animals and
D�����: 20 legions of demons. water. Answers perfectly about the future.
I���������: Teaches astronomy, chiromancy, logic,
philosophy, pyromancy, and rhetoric. FORAS (PRESIDENT)
M������������: a strong man.
D�����: 29 legions of demons.
AMY (PRESIDENT) I���������: Teaches logic and ethics, and the
M������������: a man shrouded in flames. virtues of precious stones and herbs. Bestows wit,
eloquence, invisibility and longevity. Discovers
D�����: 36 legions of demons, former Power. treasures. Recovers lost things.
I���������: Teaches astrology and all liberal
sciences. Grants excellent familiars. Bestows the GLASYA-LABOLAS (COUNT/
favor of rulers. Reveals hidden treasures.
BOTIS (COUNT/GREAT PRESIDENT) M������������: a dog with the wings of a griffin.
M������������: a creature with big teeth and horns, D�����: 36 legions of demons.
carrying a bright sword. I���������: Murders. Speaks of things past and
D�����: 60 legions of demons. future. Incites love of friends and foes. Bestows
I���������: Speaks of things past and future.
Reconciles friends and foes.
M������������: a creature with the head of a lion M������������: a big bull with the
and five goat legs. wings of a griffin.
D�����: 50 legions of demons. D�����: 33 legions of demons.
I���������: Teaches natural and moral philosophy, I���������: Bestows wisdom. Turns
logic and the virtues of herbs and plants. Grants metal into gold, and water into wine.
familiars. Heals infirmities.
M������������: a crow who can turn into a man. M������������: a leopard who can turn into a man.
D�����: 40 legions of demons. D�����: 3 legions of demons.
I���������: Builds houses, towers and strongholds. I���������: Teaches liberal sciences. Answers
Destroys buildings. Reveals and destroys the perfectly about divine and secret things. Causes
thoughts of enemies. Grants familiars. Transports insanity.
artificers across the world.
MARAX (GREAT COUNT/PRESIDENT) M������������: a poor boy with angel wings,
M������������: a big bull with the face of a man. astride a two-headed dragon.
D�����: 36 legions of demons. D�����: 30 legions of demons.
I���������: Teaches astronomy and liberal I���������: Reveals hidden treasures. Discovers
sciences. Grants wise familiars that know the virtues and brings serpents.
of herbs and precious stones.
MARBAS (GREAT PRESIDENT) M������������: a bull with griffin wings.
M������������: a great lion who can turn into a D�����: 33 legions of demons.
I���������: Bestows wit. Turns water or blood into
D�����: 33 legions of demons. wine or oil, and metal into coins.
I���������: Reveals secret or hidden things.
Inflicts and cures diseases. Teaches mechanical arts.
Turns men into any shape.
YOUR CAMPAIGN Considering how powerful each demon is and the dominion they
may have secured around themselves, confronting one can very
As powerful as demons can be, they are heavenly ordained to be much turn into an adventure onto itself. Now multiply that by 72.
below human beings. This means they have to be clever and tricky, That's way too much, right?
finding positions of power and influence to leverage against
Solomon's subjects. First of all, this is no easy task, King Solomon has recruited
hundreds of exorcist-warriors to fulfill this mission throughout the
▼ A demon can be ������ amongst years. You can place your campaign at any point of this war:
the population, possessing those
who are vulnerable to its influence. ▼ Are the players the first chosen
▼ A demon can be ��������� with a
sorcerer, granting supernatural ▼ Have your group inherited
powers while manipulating them to the Keys and the Seal from a
corrupt the people around them. former Exorcist to continue
the fight?
▼ A demon can be �������� the local
population, posing as a false god to ▼ Is the Kingdom full of
be idolized by a cult or even a whole demons running amok?
▼ Or are we reaching the end of this war,
▼ A demon can be ������� the land, with only a handful of demons left to
assailing travelers and isolated capture?
towns by following its bestial

When running this campaign, have a

demon take hold of a hex. The
E�������� will heed the call to help the
population by excesing its corruption.
Facing a demon counts at least as one
Challenge (if not more) depending on its
power and how many obstacles there are
between it and the characters.
As mentioned before, demons may pose as
false idols to gather followers; hide by ENDING
possessing people and mislead their
community to protect them; or be escorted by This campaign takes place in the
an assortment of lesser demons and spirits. But late period of the Bronze Age, and
those aren't the only enemies that stalk the land. the dawn of the Iron Age.
In their travels, E�������� may encounter: More specifically, between the
years 962 BC and 931 BC.
This is by no means an
▼ Wicked sorcerers who ▼ Common obligation for you to be
would try to steal the dangers of the
road, like historically accurate, but
J�� and bind the an invitation to seek
demons therein. bandits and
beasts. inspiration from that historical

▼ Beguiled followers retaliating

against the E�������� who
took away the gifts the demon
granted them.

▼ Rival exorcist-warriors who

deem the characters unworthy
of carrying the K���, S��� and
J��, and want to claim them
for themselves.

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