Hiv Management Assignement.

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Lecturer:Mr Collins Chilima

Student’s Name:mukanzu medrick


Due Date:26/04/23

Question 2:Describe and discuss in details the four major

theories about the origins of the human

immunodeficiency virus (HIV) discuss how each of the

theories can promote stigma and discrimination among

some groups.

Q2: Critically discussed the link between HIV and AIDS

and poverty. In your discussion propose strategies of

how health education can reduce the HIV and AIDS on

Ans 1:

HIV is a germ or virus which was discovered by a French man called luc montagnier in 1981.

However this paper seeks to discuss the four major theories about HIV and AIDS origin .We’ll

also discuss how each of the theories can promote stigma and discrimination among some

groups. Further more we are going to critically discuss the link between HIV and AIDS and

poverty and propose some strategies on how health education can reduce the HIV and AIDS on

being and mental health of a person for a stop people living with HIV often internalize the

stigma they experience and begin to develop a negative self-image about themselves. It also

There are four major theories that talk about the origin of the HIV the first one is the hunter

theory the second one is the polio vaccine theory the third one is the laboratory theory and last

but not the least is the Colonialism theory.

The hunter theory Is also Known as the chimpanzee theory. In the chimpanzee theory we

discover that HIV was thought to have occurred after people at chimps that were carrying the

simians immune deficiency virus which was known as SI V. Hunters would hunt animals in the

bushmen especially the chimpanzees but they did not know that those chimpanzees were

carrying a virus in them and when they ate that bushmeat the virus Invaded their bloodstreams

and became part of it which is now called human deficiency syndrome HIV.HIV is a virus that

attacks the immune system of a human being it is the same as SIV in the Monkeys.

However some philosophers claim that some missionaries who were travelling from one
country to another to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ would also spread the virus because it is

believed that there was a white woman who slept with an Ape and further on went to sleep

with the human being which resulted to the man being infected and spreading it over to other

women whom he slept with as well.

The oral polio vaccine theory. Explains that the virus was transmitted via various medical

experiments especially through the polio vaccines. The oral polio vaccine which is also known as

the chat was given to millions of people in Belgium call mom Congo, Rhonda in Burundi in the

late 1950s.It is also believed that some cells were taken or cultivated from the kidneys of the

chimps meaning the chimpanzees that were infected with the SIV in order to reproduce the

vaccine. this was the main source of contamination, which letter affected a large number of

people with HIV.

The laboratory theory Is also known as the conspiracy theory. Under this theory with a towards

that HIV was manufactured in a lab as part of a biological warfare program designed to wipe

out a large number of black people and homosexual people. It explains that the whites went

into a lab and actually designed or developed the virus which was infected in black people with

the intention of getting rid of the black and African race.

The colonialism theory for stop this theory tells us that the colonial rule in Africa was forced

into labo camps where sanitation was poor and food was Scarcely found. The IV could easily

have infiltrated the labors force and taken advantage of their weakened immune system. When
laborers were sick they were injected with unsterile needles against diseases such as smallpox

and other diseases in order to keep them working and alive. It also says that many of the camps

actively employed prostitutes to keep their workers happy these prostitutes did not know if

they were carrying the virus or not but they could make different men happy which also

resulted to the spread of the virus.

However this virus has got a lot of effects on people living with it. It affects the emotional well-

However there are some strategies that can be used to reduce The effect of HIV on poverty.

One of the strategies being a health education.When people accurately educated on the use of

has a negative impact on the social economic status of individuals by constraining the ability to

work and earn an income for themselves. The effect of HIV physical and mental functioning can

make maintaining irregular employment difficult because if one keeps on missing work due to

not feeling well or going to the clinic their employers also begin to talk about their statuses with

other employers which makes them to fail to go back to work because they begin to feel

ashamed of themselves and that everybody is looking down on them because they are living an

HIV positive life.

People living with HIV are often lead stigmatized at home in society at church in schools and

also in their workplaces they are mostly viewed as cast and mostly people do not want to

associate themselves with such people, some end up not looking after themselves very well

because of the mental torture they end up deciding to infect more people because they feel it
is not fair that they have such a virus. some also or end up avoiding to go to places where

others go because they fear that people are going to talk about them or look at them

differently hence their productivity is affected because they fail to work and also fail to look for

employment because they feel they cannot be accepted.

This theory is however contribute to stigmatization and discrimination because of how they

describe the origin of the virus HIV. The theories make it look like people who are positive are

people who are reckless with their lives and they sleep around that’s why they contract such a


From one of the theories which is the laboratory theory it brings about a lot of discrimination

against the black or African race. Well the chimpanzee theory also brings about a lot of

discrimination against women as they are viewed as the ones that spread the virus more

because it is believed that they slept with a chimpanzee and Contracted the virus and then later

on spread it to men .

In conclusion it is important but people our educated about the dangers of discrimination and

stigmatization against people living with HIV in the community.

Ans 2 :HIV and poverty are closely linked because HIV has taken away a lot of people lives who

were bread winners in our society. This has left most kids to be orphans and Street kids .These

kids end up going into the streets to look for food and just to survive.Most of the girls become

prostitutes they end up sleeping with different men just to earn a living. if they catch the virus it
is not so common that these girls go for testing but they continue sleeping around with

different men which is another contributor of the spread. of the HIV.

Because of HIV most homes have become single headed homes because it has taken away

expires oh was supporting the other spouse but now the remaining spouse has to fend for their

children so they end up doing prostitution just for them to end a living..

condoms it can reduce the spread of HIV and AIDS and also related deaths.If most children on

the street could be educated On the importance of having one sexual partner this would

greatly help them to reduce the high levels of the spread and poverty because less people

would be dying from this virus which will bring about a healthy nation. people should also be

educated on the dangers of sexual transmitted diseases.

The government can also come up with a campaign to give free condoms in public places. And

also create subjects in schools that talk about sexual health. Health dogs can also be done in

markets,malls, supermarkets ,Barber shops, salons or anywhere where people meet to do


In conclusion it is important to understand that the government plays an important role in the

reduction of poverty by creating more health materials. and distributing condoms in places that

are public such as bars restaurants and lodges. The access to A RV's must also be easy. ARVs

must be given for free to people found positive with HIV.The government must also employ a

lot of teachers to teach the nation about health and HIV because the more people are aware
about HIV and its dangers and they also learn about living a healthy life the more they will be

able to know how to protect themselves against the HIV this teacher should also teach about

the importance of practicing self sex and having one sexual partners this will help in the

reduction of .the transmission of HIV which will reduce the levels of poverty in our country.

The last not the least poverty can cause main people to transmit HIV and AIDS especially

to women and young girls the reason

is that you may find that you are a parent but you can`t afford to look for your entire family

at the end young girls they will end up engaged in prostitution.

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