PHY690C: Fundamentals of Astrophysics: Academic Year: 2024-2025 Semester I, 3-0-0-0

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PHY690C: Fundamentals of Astrophysics

Academic Year: 2024-2025; Semester I, 3-0-0-0 (9)

Objective: This course is intended to introduce astrophysical concepts to the master’s and
advanced undergraduate students with a background in basic physics. The course will emphasize on
fundamentals of astrophysics starting from basic celestial mechanics to the interaction of radiation
with matter. After introducing our nearest star, the Sun and its interior, the course will also focus on
stellar structure, star formation, stellar evolution. Our solar system planets and recently detected
exoplanets and their atmosphere will also be introduced. The milky way and structure of other
galaxies also will be a significant part of the course. A brief introduction to cosmological principle will
also be covered. Details of course structure is given below.

Pre-requisites: There is no strict pre-requisites for the course but physics one level courses (e.g., classical
mechanics, electrodynamics, quantum mechanics) and basics of thermodynamics would be desirable.

Details of the Course-Content:

S. No. Broad Title Topics No. of

1. Introduction to Typical physical scale/condition in astrophysics, Astrophysics 8
stars and their in different bands of electromagnetic radiation, celestial co-
parameters ordinates.

Measurement of stellar parameters (Mass, Radius,

Temperature) – visual, eclipsing, spectroscopic binaries

Stellar classification, Effective temperature

2. Basic radiative Specific intensity, luminosity/flux, Interaction of radiation 5

transfer in with matter, review of blackbody radiation, Local
astrophysics Thermodynamic Equilibrium, Radiative transfer equations,
Saha ionization equation;
Sun as a star, limb darkening, photosphere, chromosphere,
transition region, corona, Sunspots

3. Stellar structure Basic equation of stellar structure, hydrostatic equilibrium 12

and Stellar and virial theorem, mass continuity.
Energy transport inside stars, convection inside stars

Nuclear energy production, nuclear reaction rates,


Stellar evolution-main sequence, red giants and white

dwarfs, Chandrasekhar mass limit, neutron star, blackhole,
supernova, the Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram

Evolution in binary systems, star clusters and binary stars,

Mass loss from stars, accretion flows, stellar winds

4. Solar system Physical Processes in the Solar System: The physics of 6

planets and atmospheres, Introduction to Terrestrial planets, The realm
exoplanets of Giant planets, Techniques to detect exoplanets, Exoplanet
5. The Milky way, Type of galaxies, structure of Milky way, Galaxy 9
Other Galaxies demographics, active galaxies and quasars, galactic center
and black hole, The Olbers Paradox, Extragalactic distances,
introduction to Hubble’s law, age of the universe from Cosmic clocks,
cosmological Isotropy of the Universe

Total number of lectures: 40

1. Astrophysics in a Nutshell, Dan Maoz, Princeton university press (2007)
2. Astrophysics for Physicists, Arnab Rai Choudhuri, Cambridge University Press (2010)
3. An Introduction to Modern Astrophysics, B. W. Carroll and D. A. Ostlie, Cambridge University Press
4. Exoplanet Atmosphere: Physical Processes, Sara Seager, Princeton Series in Astrophysics

Instructor: Prof. Gopal Hazra, Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, Office: 604, ESB-II Building.
Phone: +91-512-679-2377; Email: [email protected]

Evaluation Scheme: Assignments (10%), 2-Quizzes (15/20%), Mid-Sem Examination (30/35%), End-Sem
Examination (40%). Taking End-Sem examination is mandatory.

Course Policy:
1. Only SUGC sanctioned leaves will be considered as valid reasons for absences during
2. DOAA guidelines on use of unfair means will be strictly followed.

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