Answser Key A Retrieved Reformation

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ANSWER KEY| A Retrieved Reformation

Pre-reading Activity 1: Crossword Puzzle

2. S A F E - B 3.R E A K I N G
E 4.T O O L
M 5.
6. S A F E
7.P R I S O N N

Pre-reading Activity 2: Picture Predictions

shoe Shoe

cop Policeman
bank money

While-reading Activity 1: What’s Next?

Answers to predictions may vary.

Summary #1: After reading the first two pages, pause and recap what has happened in
the story. Which statement best summarizes what has happened so far?

____ Jimmy goes home directly after he gets out of the prison.
_X_ Jimmy eats a good dinner and takes a train ride to a small town after he gets out
of the prison.

Summary #2: Again pause and recap what happened in the story. Which statement best
summarizes what has happened so far?

____ Jimmy finds a new job working for banks and traveling from one place to another.
_X__ Jimmy breaks into safes in the banks and makes a lot of money.

Summary #3: After finish reading the story, mark the best summary.

_X__ Jimmy Valentine (Ralph Spencer) saves a life and stays out of prison.
____ Jimmy Valentine (Ralph Spencer) goes back to prison.

While-reading Activity 2: Map the Stolen Money

Post-reading Activity 1: Making a Story Structure Map

Title: A Retrieved Reformation

1. Prison 2. Mike Dolan’s restaurant 3. Elmore 4. Bank

1. Mr. James Valentine 2. Mike Dolan 3. Annabel Adams

4. Ralph D. Spencer 5. Mr. Adams 6. Ben Price

7. Annabel’s sister 8. May 9. Agatha

As James Valentine is trying to start a new life, Ben Price is trying to find
and arrest him.

Event 1:
Jimmy Valentine is released from prison.
Event 2:
Jimmy gets his safe-opening tools from his friend.
Event 1:
Event 3:
Bank safes allisover
Jimmy Valentine the from
released country
prison.are opened and money is

Event 4:
Jimmy Valentine goes to Elmore and becomes Ralph D.
Event 5:
Ralph opens a shoe store.

Event 6:
Ralph and Annabel are engaged to be married.

Event 7:
Annabel’s niece gets locked in the safe.

Event 8:
Ralph breaks the safe open with his tools.

Ben Price does not arrest Jimmy (Ralph) because he
saved the little girl.

Post-reading Activity 2: Choose a New Path for the Main Character

Jimmy Valentine (Ralph Spencer)

Jimmy Valentine goes home and finds his tools after he gets out of prison.
Does he get back to his old job of safe-breaking?

No Yes

Jimmy chooses to start a new Jimmy goes back to his old job
job, opening a shoe-shop and of safe-breaking and
changing his name to Ralph remains Jimmy Valentine.
Spencer. Does he go back to Does he go back to prison
prison again? again?

No Yes No Yes

Jimmy meets a nice Jimmy has to break Jimmy continues Jimmy continues
woman and stays in a safe again to save using those tools breaking into safes
the shoe-shop a girl’s life. Then, he to break into safes and taking money
business. They get is sent back to and returns to a life from the banks.
married and live prison. of safe- Finally he gets caught
happily ever after. breaking. and sent to prison


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