Bai 3. Metaverse Literature Review Synthesis and Future Research Agenda

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Metaverse: Literature Review, Synthesis and

Future Research Agenda

Hui Gao, Alain Yee Loong Chong & Haijun Bao

To cite this article: Hui Gao, Alain Yee Loong Chong & Haijun Bao (24 Jul 2023): Metaverse:
Literature Review, Synthesis and Future Research Agenda, Journal of Computer Information
Systems, DOI: 10.1080/08874417.2023.2233455

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Metaverse: Literature Review, Synthesis and Future Research Agenda

Hui Gaoa, Alain Yee Loong Chonga, and Haijun Baob
Nottingham University Business School China, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, Ningbo, China; bZhejiang University City College,
Hangzhou, China

Metaverse has been a hot topic of discussion among academics and practitioners with the Metaverse; systematic
advancements of VR, AR, blockchain, 5G, as well as non-face-to-face communications. This paper literature review; research
intends to give a synthesis and systematic review of the current status of metaverse-related agenda
research. The Systematic Literature Review (SLR) has been employed in this study. The review
reveals the importance to (i) enhance the amount of comprehensive academic studies on meta­
verse (ii) have a clear definition of metaverse, (iii) keep up with technologies advancements, (iv) be
more detailed on promotion of the metaverse application, (v) increase studies relating to engage­
ment of metaverse users, (vi) social and personal impacts of metaverse be further explored, (vii) pay
more attention to studies on deviant behaviors resulting from metaverse. This paper offers
a summary of metaverse definitions, what theories and the underlying technologies are needed
for the metaverse, how and where metaverse is employed in specific areas, and challenges faced in
the use of metaverse (e.g., psychological effects metaverse brings about). Based on the findings,
this study demonstrates the dynamics of metaverse research and discusses future research direc­
tions in the six in-depth research agenda relating to technological and social issues.

reflects the company’s view that the metaverse is the
The metaverse has gained attention from scholars and next phase of revolution in social media technology.13
practitioners due to advancements in 5G, blockchain, Gartner predicts that by 2027, about 30% of individuals
VR, AR, and HMD.1,2 The term metaverse firstly appeared will spend two hours per day in the metaverse for their
in novel Snow Crash written by Neal Stephenson in 1992. activities (e.g., work, study and shopping).
The metaverse was defined as a virtual world that parallels Research papers published on the metaverse based
the physical world. Today, metaverse is understood as on our current definition and understanding remain
persistent and immersive digital spaces utilizing numerous relatively new and sparse. Based on the proliferation of
enabling technologies, which allow for the development, the metaverse, more studies and findings will be avail­
distribution, and consumption of digital artifacts.3 able in the coming years. This paper attempts to review
There are mixed views on the potential of the metaverse, existing metaverse research and collect data from pub­
with some arguing that it could disrupt how we conduct lished work so far to understand the current and future
businesses,4,5 while others see it as just hype, similar to opportunities for metaverse studies. The contribution
other ideas such as Second Life.6 However, supporters of of this study rests in its systematic review of metaverse
the metaverse claim that it has revolutionary potential articles, reporting the studies by previous researchers
across different sectors, ranging from entertainment,7,8 and the theories and methods employed in their stu­
healthcare,9,10 education,1 and work environments.11 The dies. Based on these findings, future research agenda is
metaverse provides opportunities to decrease the workload, proposed.
offer a more personalized user experience, and increase The structure of this paper is as follows: The evolu­
learners’ motivation and immersion,12 among others. tion of the metaverse and related work are firstly
The surge of interest in the metaverse is reflected in explored. Then, how to use the method of systematic
the increasing investments in the area. Some of the literature review to conduct this review is presented.
largest tech firms in the world are starting to invest in Next, the main results of the analysis are offered, includ­
the metaverse and hope to gain a head start over their ing the distribution of metaverse papers by year and
competitors. Facebook’s recent name change to Meta country, main research methods, and the distribution

CONTACT Alain Yee Loong Chong [email protected] Department of Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Management System,
Nottingham University Business School China, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China, 199 Taikang East Road, Ningbo 315100, China
© 2023 International Association for Computer Information Systems

of papers by topic. The research gaps are then discussed, Metaverse 2.0
and research agenda for the metaverse is offered. During this period, the metaverse is recognized as an
immersive, persistent, and interoperable internet based
on newly emergent technologies (e.g., VR, AR, digital
Background and related work twin, blockchain). The metaverse offers opportunities to
have a totally immersive experience that blend virtual space
Evolution of metaverse into the physical space. Nowadays, metaverse is used where
The metaverse has undergone significant changes with experience is limited (e.g., mobility restrictions under the
the advancement of technologies. This section compares COVID-19 pandemic, damage to cultural artifacts) or to
the metaverse 1.0 and 2.0 periods in terms of their bring a greater level of experience (e.g., satisfaction, vivid­
driving technology, features, applications, and use ness) to meet a higher level of demand in areas such as
cases (refer to Table 1). education. For example, the metaverse has been used in
museum displays to provide visitors with an immersive
experience to better understand the artifacts on display.15
Metaverse 1.0 Similarly, tourists can have a cultural and historical experi­
In this stage, the metaverse served as a platform for gaming ence they cannot experience where virtual reality acts as an
and socializing based on web technology. The term meta­ alternative.16 Apart from these, the immersive experience
verse firstly appeared in novel Snow Crash written by Neal that the metaverse creates can enhance marketing and
Stephenson in 1992. Metaverse was described as an educational outcomes.1,5 Despite the experimental findings
immersive virtual world based on the Internet. The scope of some scholars that XR significantly increases physical
of metaverse gradually developed then, but in most cases, demand, effort, and workload,11 the majority of scholars
metaverse was regarded as games such as massively multi­ believe that the development of reality-enhancing technol­
player online role-playing games (MMORPGs). Then, it ogies (e.g., AR) has brought the metaverse closer to people’s
gradually developed into alternative realities, where the lives and has brought many benefits.
physical and digital world has been expanded.7 The scope of the metaverse has expanded since meta­
In 1995, Active Worlds and Worlds Chat were verse 1.0. Four types of the metaverse, including aug­
invented, characterized by 3D stereo chat and virtual mented reality, virtual reality, lifelogging, and mirror
reality.14 Social and creative platforms such as Second world, have been investigated, and their implications
Life, Roblox, Minecraft, and other virtual games were vary.17 In earlier years, the metaverse referred to an
gradually developed. Second Life is considered the pro­ immersive 3D platform where people communicate
totype of metaverse because it enables users to engage in with other people as avatars and software agents,
the metaverse with various ways, including exchanging which parallels the real world but without any physical
information, purchasing virtual products, and playing restrictions.18 The lifelogging of the metaverse, however,
games together with other users. However, Second Life clarifies the socialization characteristics of the metaverse
failed to reach the mainstream and its scope and scale (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Apple Watch).
were more restricted than the current metaverse, limited There are conflicting opinions regarding the future of
only to gaming and socializing. the metaverse. The optimistic outlook is that the scope
of metaverse is wide and it will not only exist as virtual
worlds but rather will totally influence people’s life.19
However, the negative perception of the metaverse is
Table 1. Main stages of metaverse development.
that it is a fad and an illusion. For instance, the cost of
Metaverse 1.0 Metaverse 2.0
Driving Web-based Immersive technology(e.g., VR,AR,MR)
VR devices makes their use in daily life challenging.
technology technology
Features Allow users to Create an intelligent environment
play games with 3d objects and avatars that can The state of metaverse scholarship
and interact give people an interactive,
socially immersive experience that can be One of the earliest reviews of the metaverse was conducted
touched, smelled, and other senses
Applications Online More frequently used in the fields of by Tom,20 where he summarized Second Life’s strengths
multiplayer education, healthcare, tourism, etc., and challenges in relation to security, money, community,
games where experience is limited or to
bring a greater level of experience and education. Since then, other studies have reviewed the
Use cases Second Life, HMD, Smart glasses metaverse field, but most have focused on specific domains.
These studies have identified potential opportunities that
Zepeto the metaverse can bring, such as online shopping for mar­
Source: Authors. keting via AR, but also discussed the threats, such as users

escaping from real life. Similar reviews of metaverse Methodology of literature search
research have also been conducted for tourism,16
Following SLR standards, this paper adheres to the
education,17 virtual consumption,18 identity and
literature search process proposed by Wolfswinkel
psychology,21 resulting in the development of several
et al.,25 which includes seven stages (refer to Table 3).
industries or sector-specific research agenda.
Firstly, selected articles are limited to the three data­
However, few studies provide a comprehensive view
bases (Web of Science, ScienceDirect, and Springer
of metaverse scholarship. While we acknowledge that
Link) most relevant for metaverse research. Initial
three previous comprehensive literature reviews on the
analysis shows that adding another database would
metaverse have been conducted,2,14,22 we highlight the
not significantly increase metaverse articles. Then, the
limitations of these studies (refer to Table 2). Alanah
search includes articles with the keyword “metaverse.”
et al.22 created a conceptual model for study in meta­
The subsequent stage specifies article type, excluding
verses, but it was written about 15 years ago, and cap­
all non-peer-reviewed journal articles and those not
abilities of metaverse-related technology have changed
written in English. This process ensures the quality of
significantly since then. John et al.14 proposed four
papers. Repeated themes that emerge in multiple data­
features that are seen as essential components of
bases are also excluded. The keyword “metaverse”
a sustainable metaverse, but they did not use SLRs to
should appear at least once in the entire body of
present the state of the metaverse. Sang and Young2
selected articles in order to obtain highly relevant arti­
proposed three important components and three reali­
cles. After reading the full text, irrelevant journal arti­
zation strategies for metaverse, and their study is rela­
cles are removed, further ensuring that all articles are
tively new. However, they did not identify future
within the scope of this study. This paper includes
research opportunities in the form of a research agenda.
additional articles through forward and backward
Therefore, to address this research gap, this analysis
citations,26 covering journal articles not searched in
contains all relevant studies published in high-quality
journals over a 28-year span, adopting SLRs to compre­
hensively obtain relevant literature on the metaverse,
analyze the evolution of metaverse research over time, Selection sample
and propose a future research agenda.
Following the search steps described above, the addi­
tion and removal of literature from each database are
presented (refer to Figure 1). From literature search
Research methodology
stages one to three, 489 articles were obtained from
Systematic Literature Review(SLR) approach, aiming at three databases. After finding duplicates in multiple
understanding important trends and existing gaps in the databases, 35 repeated articles were removed. Then,
scientific literature related to the metaverse, is adopted in we removed 16 articles without keywords in the full
this paper. Unlike the narrative approach, the systematic text of the papers. After reading these articles and
literature review specifies its criterion-based selection comparing them with the research topic of this paper,
process.23 Following the performed steps, SLR provides 339 irrelevant items were removed. Seven papers from
the opportunity to conduct in-depth, unbiased literature forward and backward citations were included in the
reviews, which contributes to scientific results.24 sample to ensure no further articles were left out.
Systematic and criterion-based literature search and Hence, the remaining selection of sample comprises
selection samples are presented in this section. 104 articles.

Table 2. Comparison of previous comprehensive literature reviews on the metaverse.

Source Literature Research
Comparison Element Purpose Reviews(SLRs) agenda
Davis et al. (2022) Provide a comprehensive description of metaverse technology capabilities No No
John et al. (2013) Describe the current states of metaverse and identify influencing factors No No
Sang and Young (2022) Classify the concepts and essential methodologies required for the realization of the metaverse Yes No
into three components and three strategies
This study Comprehensively obtain the relevant literature of metaverse, analyze the transformation of Yes Yes
metaverse research ,and propose the future research agenda

Table 3. Stages of literature search. Results

Stage Procedures Descriptions
01. Select database Select articles from Web of Science,
Papers distribution by year, subject, and country
ScienceDirect and Springer Link
02. Determine Select articles that contain “metaverse” in Studies on metaverse research began in 2007 with two
keyword title and abstract publications. During most of this period (2007–2021),
03. Specify article type Only include peer-review journals which
are written in English research on metaverse remained relatively low, particu­
04. Remove duplicates Remove repeated articles that emerge in larly in the years 2008, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020
multiple database
05. Require keyword Require keyword appear at least once in
(refer to Figure 2). However, there has been a significant
the entire body of selected articles increase in metaverse-related studies in 2022, indicating
06. Refine based on Remove articles that are not relevant a much greater interest in the field. This surge in pro­
full articles
07. Add forward/ Identify further related articles by forward duction corresponds to a technical or conceptual devel­
backward and backward citations opment in this field, and 2021 was an important year in
the development of the metaverse,10 which led to a lot of

Figure 1. Addition and removal procedure of sample.

Figure 2. Number of publications on metaverse per year: 2007–2022.


Table 4. Distribution of metaverse articles by subject headings. the largest, followed by the United Kingdom and the
Number Percentage Percentage of United States. The number of studies in China and
Subject headings of articles by subject all subjects
Australia is relatively small, as illustrated in Figure 3.
Computer Science
User Interfaces and Human 7 21.88 6.73 The results show that metaverse research raised more
Computer Interaction interest in developed countries, especially Korea.
Multimedia Information 18 56.25 17.31
Computer Communication 5 15.63 4.81
Networks Main research methods
Image Processing and 2 6.25 1.92
Computer Vision The research methods are commonly divided into three
Total 32 100 30.77 categories: quantitative, qualitative, and mixed. In this
Business and Management
Business and Management, 8 36.36 7.69 paper, we analyzed the research methods used in these
general selected articles, 55 studies (52.9%) were qualitative, 36
Marketing 8 36.36 7.69
Business Strategy 3 13.64 2.88 studies (34.6%) used quantitative methods, and the rest
Operation Management 3 13.64 2.88 of 13 studies (12.5%) adopted mixed methods.
Industries 3 13.64 2.88
Total 22 100 21.15
Engineering Data collection methods
Data engineering 5 35.71 4.81
Application of Mathematics 3 21.43 2.88
Most metaverse studies used one (91.3%) data collection
Soft Engineering 4 28.57 3.85 method. Besides, 8.7% of articles (n = 9) used two data
Computer System 2 14.29 1.92 collection methods. Among them, survey were used
Total 14 100 13.46 most frequently (n = 48). It is followed by documenta­
Education tion (n = 31), literature (n = 19), database (n = 6), inter­
Learning and instruction 15 55.56 14.42
Education technology 8 29.63 7.69 view (n = 6), and observation (n = 1) (see Figure 4).
Assessment, Testing and 4 14.81 3.85 When analyzing these data collection methods, we
Total 27 100 25.96 found that 43 out of 104 articles (41.3%) only used
Social Sciences survey method, while 5 out of 104 studies (4.8%)
Sociology 3 33.33 2.88
Psychology 4 44.44 3.85
coupled survey with another form of data collection
Public administration 2 22.22 1.92 method(including literature, interview and database).
Total 9 100 8.65 Apart from these mixed methods to collect data, four
studies combined interviews with other data collection
methods, which include literature, documentation and
related research in 2022. This is consistent with the observation.
results of the summarized metaverse evolution process.
Table 4 displays the distribution of articles across Data analysis methods
metaverse subjects. Computer science had the highest Data analysis methods are also essential(see Figure 5).
number of articles (32 out of 104 or 30.77%), while Five metaverse studies used two or more data analysis
social sciences had the fewest (9 or 8.65%). In computer methods. The rest of these studies only used one kind of
science, most articles were related to multimedia infor­ method, including inferential statistics (34.6%), narra­
mation systems (17.31%), followed by user interfaces tive analysis (21.2%), theme analysis (11.5%), content
and human computer interaction (6.73%), computer analysis (8.7%), descriptive analysis (7.7%), componen­
communication networks (4.81%), and image proces­ tial analysis(5.8%) and taxonomic analysis(4.8%). As
sing and computer vision (1.92%). Of the 27 articles on illustrated in the figure, other qualitative data analysis
education, 14.42% were on learning and instruction, and quantitative methods were also adopted, including
7.69% were on education technology, and 3.85% were grounded theory (2%), texting mining (1%) and simula­
on assessment, testing, and evaluation. social sciences tion (1%).
had a small number of articles, with four on psychology,
three on sociology, and two on public administration. In
Papers distribution by topics
engineering, five articles were related to data engineer­
ing, four were on soft engineering, three were on appli­ To insure the reliable and scientific results of the
cation of mathematics, and two were on computer identification of metaverse research topics, this
systems implementation. Table 4 is a useful resource study adopted two-stage method. The first step
for finding metaverse papers in a specific subject area. was two authors independently identified research
Regarding to countries ranked by research output, we topics discussed in the metaverse studies. And the
find that the number of metaverse studies in Korea was list of research topics was modified after two

Figure 3. Top 5 countries in terms of research output on metaverse.

Survey 48

Documentation 31

Literature 19

Database 6

Interview 6

Observation 1

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Figure 4. Data collection methods in metaverse studies.

Inferential statistics 36
Narrative analysis 22
Theme analysis 12
Content analysis 9
Descriptive statistics 8
Componential Analysis 6
Comparison analysis 6
Taxonomic analysis 5
Grounded theory 2
Texting mining 1
Simulation 1

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 5. Data analysis methods in metaverse studies..

author’s discussion and agreement in the second Most papers focus on determinants and barriers
step. Although one paper may include several to metaverse adoption(19), which shows great
topics, only one main topic was identified for each research interests in metaverse adoption. Other 16
paper. Five categories of metaverse studies and fif­ articles focus on metaverse application in business
teen topics are identified (refer to Table 5 and nowadays, exacerbated by the growth of e-com­
Figure 6). merce. Metaverse application in education (16)

Table 5. Main topics addressed by the selected papers.

number Label of the topic Description Papers
Category 1 – Metaverse definitions
1 Metaverse characteristics Metaverse definitions and components P10,P25,P28,P33,P34,P44,P69,P75,P76,P78,
2 Metaverse taxonomy Classification of metaverse P9,P21,P23,P30, P65
Category 2 – Metaverse technologies
3 Technologies for optimizing Develop a technology to optimize avatars, servers and platforms. P1,P6,P8,P14,P15,P16,P26,P52,P62,P72,P82,
the metaverse P101,P103
Category 3 – Metaverse adoptions
4 Determinants and barriers How to promote metaverse adoption P4,P5,P32,P38,P40,P41,P43,P47,P48,P54,
to metaverse adoption P56,P61,P63,P64,P67,P73, P80,P97,P100
Category 4– Metaverse applications
5 Metaverse application in Benefits of metaverse and how to apply metaverse in education P17,P19,P20,P22,P24,P35,P49,P57,P60,P66,
education scenario P74,P83,P85,P90,P94,P99
6 Metaverse application in Whether metaverse can improve work efficiency P3,P13,P31,P42,P50
7 Metaverse application in Changes and challenges that metaverse brings to business P7,P12,P18,P27,P37,P45,P46,P55,P58,P59,
business P70,P84,P88,P89,P92,P93
8 Metaverse application in Mechanism of action of metaverse in promoting tourism P36,P39,P53,P79,P86,P98
tourism development
9 Metaverse application in How to conduct metaverse museum exhibitions plan P2,P91
10 Metaverse application in Promise of metaverse in healthcare P102
11 Metaverse application in Preparedness for the shift of transportation systems to the P104
transportation metaverse
12 Metaverse application in Use a series of illustrations to speculate on digital planning P81
urban planning
Category 5 – Challenges faced in the metaverse
13 Privacy management Features of metaverse can endanger user privacy and personal P29,P68,P77
14 Virtual game addiction Negative psychological effects that virtual game addiction brings P11,P51
about and its formation mechanism
15 Crime potential With the development and the dissemination of the metaverse P71
open to the public, criminology may face new challenges

Determinants and barriers to metaverse adoption 19

Metaverse application in business 16
Metaverse application in education 16
Metaverse characteristics 13
Technologies for optimizing the metaverse 13
Metaverse application in tourism 6
Metaverse application in work 5
Metaverse taxonomy 5
Privacy management 3
Metaverse application in museum 2
Virtual game addiction 2
Crime potential 1
Metaverse application in healthcare 1
Metaverse application in transportation 1
Metaverse application in urban planning 1

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Figure 6. Number of papers of each topic.

also rank the second, representing a key issue for interesting, emerging topic. Other research topics
scholars in metaverse research. Finally, thirteen that also reveal the important directions of meta­
papers analyzed metaverse characteristics, and thir­ verse development will be thoroughly examined in
teen mainly proposed metaverse technologies as an the following section.

Metaverse definitions time method has been explored that SimuMan can
Two topics fall under the category of metaverse represent the movements and feelings of avatars in
research. We identify them as metaverse characteristics metaverse.8 Regarding to servers, server response time
(Topic 1) and metaverse taxonomy (Topic 2). Studies is an essential issue in the metaverse. Many comparison
related to Topic 1 focus on metaverse definitions and studies have been conducted to analyze different plat­
components. In the early years, some scholars argued forms of the metaverse. For example, Jovanović and
that the metaverse is a virtual world accessed through Milosavljević 36 found that VoRtex provides less infor­
the internet.27 Savvas et al.28 proposed that the meta­ mation than the competing platforms. However, adopt­
verse not only includes game environments but also ing the results of Mannien matrix, the VoRtex platform
encompasses social, economic, and leisure activities. In has security advantages. Apart from these, Web GIS and
recent years, scholars have focused more on defining the metaverse robots were also mentioned in the studies to
metaverse through technologies, with the most impor­ improve virtual 3D environments.37
tant ones being AR and VR. They believe that the
metaverse is a 3D digital environment obtained through Metaverse adoptions
these technologies.15,16 As the metaverse has been applied in many sectors,
Despite growing media, business, and public interest, metaverse adoption has become an essential topic. The
there is no consensus on what the metaverse is, although current metaverse studies that explore the determinants
there is widespread agreement that it will change how of metaverse adoption all focus on the individual level,
people work, interact, and seek leisure.29 Metaverse was and none of them explore metaverse adoption at the
described as a connected online environment, possibly organization level. Despite the fact that the metaverse is
on-screen or in virtual reality.30 Some researchers attach still in its infancy, there are many theories be adopted to
great importance to metaverse development and regard explain its adoption. We summarized the theory used in
metaverse as the next generation of Internet, or as Web metaverse adoption (refer to Table 6).
3.0.2,31 However, others define the metaverse in a more In 16.67% of research, the Technological Acceptance
holistic way. They argued that metaverse is a 3D virtual Model (TAM) was utilized as an explanation for the
worlds, representing interoperable and extremely scale­ adoption of the metaverse. Although this theory is
able, where users can be connected continuously and widely accepted, it is restricted in its ability to predict
synchronously and data will be persistently recorded.32 the acceptance of information systems due to the factors
As a result of rapid developments of reality-enhancing it considers. On the basis of the TAM, the Unified
technologies (e.g., VR, AR), metaverse may be capable Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology
of providing a more immersive experience. Accordingly, (UTAUT/UTAU2) was developed to consider more
we propose that the metaverse is a virtual world inte­ metaverse adoption factors.38 Metaverse-related studies
grated with the real world, where the users can have an have examined experientiality (e.g. enjoyment), which
immersive, persistent, synchronous and interoperable contributes to users engagement in the metaverse.39 In
experience that is supported by reality-enhancing summary, factors influencing metaverse adoption can
technologies. be divided into two categories. The one is emphasis on
Based on the definitions, metaverse characteristics practical values, such as informativeness or whether the
have been identified, including immersive realism, the technology can reach original expectations (e.g. self-
ubiquity of access and identity, interoperability, and efficacy). Another category of factors promoting meta­
scalability.33 Studies related to Topic 2 focus on the verse adoption is user experientiality(e.g., experiencing
classification of the metaverse. Many researchers have value in virtual world).40
categorized the metaverse into four types: augmented In addition, there are also interests from the cog­
reality, lifelogging, mirror world, and virtual reality to nitive perspective when scholars study the metaverse
provide insight into the metaverse.17 Apart from this, (refer to Table 6). The current studies employed
scholars have also proposed a virtual events typology in social cognitive theory to measure relevant variables
tourism,34 and a virtual store atmosphere typology to that have an impact on users’ engagement in the
provide guidelines in specific domains.35 metaverse, including organization support, technical
literacy, and self-efficacy for involvement. Overall,
Metaverse technologies 16.67% of the analyzed research employed cognitive
Studies related to Topic 3 concentrate on developing theories which indicates that current research is pre­
a technology to optimize avatars, servers and platforms. occupied with positive functions and negative effects
Regarding avatars, computer-based systems to design in terms of cognition arising from the phenomenon
expressive avatars were developed. Specifically, a real- of metaverse.

Table 6. A summary of metaverse adoption theories.

Theories Explanation Use in the metaverse adoption literature Studies # %
Technology Acceptance Model TAM explains how technology is This theory has been used by far most Almarzouqi et al., 3 16.67
(TAM) adopted based on the formation of extensively used in the reviewed studies 2022; Akour
attitudes through perceived ease of to explain the influencing factors of et al., 2022; Suh
use and usefulness adoption of metaverse and Ahn, 2022
Unified theory of acceptance and UTAUT/UTAUT2 is a model, which seeks Extended UTAUT model is adopted to Teng et al., 2022; 2 11.11
use of technology (UTAUT) to provide a comprehensive explore the factors affecting users Luse et al., 2013
perspective on the factors influencing adoption of a metaverse platform
technology adoption
Social cognitive theory (SCT) SCT states that learning in people occurs This theory is adopted to measure relevant Kim et al., 2012; 3 16.67
in a social context as a reciprocal and variables that can have an effect on the Luse et al.,
dynamic interaction of the person, intention to participate in the metaverse, 2013; Alvarez-
behavior, and environment such as institutional support, Risco et al.,
technological literacy, and participation 2022
“Uses and Gratifications” (U&G) U&G theory assumes that users are This theory has been adopted to explore the Hassouneh and 1 5.56
theory driven to adopt a specific media to motivation of using metaverse Brengman,2014
satisfy their needs and then users’
actions will be motivated in turn
Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) TPB states that individuals can be This theory has been used to examine the Yeap et al., 2016 1 5.56
influenced by their own attitudes and factors propelling the adoption of m-learning
other people’s opinion
Virtual liminoid theory Social virtual worlds are spheres for This theory is used for explore the Jung and 1 5.56
liminoid activities and virtual influencing mechanism for virtual Pawlowski,
consumption facilitates those consumption and user adoption 2014
activities in these worlds

It is important to note that the theory discussed has and interaction on multiple levels has been encouraged.
only been tested once. Further research on metaverse However, some studies criticized its interface and tech­
adoption may broaden the scope of theory adoption in nology problems, and the economy remained at the
order to investigate the determinants of metaverse forefront of technology, hindering the operation of vir­
adoption. Also, the theory should be empirically tested tual universities.20 The third view is that students learn­
more. ing in Second life environment does not necessarily gain
improved learning outcomes. The instructional design
Metaverse applications in education is much more critical than technology.
Metaverse application in education. The application of With the advancement of technology in recent years,
metaverse has been discussed for a long time and is VR, AR, and other metaverse platforms have been
a relatively old area of application. Five studies (31.3%) adopted in metaverse studies (during the period 2021–
during the period 2008–2016 explored virtual learning 2022). Four studies (25%) conducted experiments to
based on Second Life (Second life), which is a 2D envir­ explore educational effectiveness based on VR, and
onment(refer to Table 7). The most important issue two studies (12.5%) did so based on AR. For example,
was to test the learning effectiveness of Second life as Makransky and Mayer42 experimented to explore the
a tool. Specifically, Second life could act as a simulation immersion of learning in multimedia. They discovered
tool where people could mimic activities in the real that with immersive media, enjoyment and interest play
world, such as brand management. Learning efficacy a different part in the process of learning. Two studies
could be obtained, which filled the gap between theory (12.5%) developed a metaverse platform to illustrate
and practice.41 Researchers created special places for examples of application, such as corporate education,
meeting, laboratory experiments, simulating brand college education, convergence subject, and skills train­
management, and teaching in these studies. To use ing programs.29
these places as research areas, scholars conducted ques­ In addition to the above implementations of the
tionnaires, interviews, and observations to collect data. metaverse, many studies (25%) remain in the concep­
Several academics questioned the viability of utilizing tual design stage. These studies elaborated on new ideas
Second life to imitate the university experience, while or measurement scales of metaverse without applying
others appeared unfazed by the task. any technology or metaverse-based platform. For exam­
Regarding the merits of Second life, some studies ple, Hwang and Kim developed an E-learning satisfac­
demonstrated that Second Life meetings foster a sense tion scale,43 and Li et al. explored opportunities for
of class community that contributes to students’ engage­ metaverse education.44 In a particular study, researchers
ment in their studies.20 In a broader sense, the percep­ explored the effects of metaverse-powered English
tion of social presence has been enhanced in Second Life teaching via scenario simulation.41
10 H. GAO ET AL.

Table 7. Metaverse application in education.

Supported platform
or technology Application status Function Application topic Papers Year
Second Life Actual Serve as a scenario or setting for learning Simulating university experience on Second P20 2008
implementation Life
Provide enriched learning experiences, enhance Merits of adopting Second Life in teaching and P66 2009
social presence and facilitate several levels of learning
Invite conversation outside of formal classroom A virtual laboratory complex constructed in P74 2009
and encourage exploration Second Life
Act as a effective learning tool Establish a brand management course for P17 2011
undergraduates in Second Life to inspire the
branding strategy
Facilitate language teaching and learning; can Factors that influence Second life learning P57 2016
optimize learners’ virtual learning experience
VR Actual Immersion instruction can have good long-term Effects of immersion learning on performance P19 2022
implementation consequences on learning
Provide immersive learning experience Effects of VR experiences on technological P24 2022
preparation of teachers and their digital
citizenship (e.g., collaboration)
Build connections among metaverse users Educational effectiveness of virtual reality and P90 2022
metaverse system
Scenario Create a realistic but virtual football course Methods for enhancing the quality of football P99 2022
simulation instruction in the metaverse
AR Actual Solve the problems encountered in English Effects of AR-based materials on high school P60 2022
implementation writing students producing texts in English and the
views of students about the adoption of AR
Metaverse-based Actual Solve the problem of subject teachers Examples of metaverse application in P85 2021
platform implementation developing online classroom teaching corporate education, college education and
materials and students’ low satisfaction with convergence subject
the classroom
Can effectively enhance the social skills of Use a metaverse-based social skills training P94 2022
children with ASD programme to enhance children’s social
interaction skills
Na Conceptual design Act as a complement to hybrid An innovative pedagogical model P35 2020
and mobile learning
Enhance the e-learning satisfaction E-learning satisfaction scale P49 2022
Many activities can be developed in the Potential for metaverse education P83 2022
metaverse, such as gaining knowledge
Scenario Provide an immersive and interactive teaching Effects of metaverse-powered English- P22 2022
simulation field and meet the teaching and learning Teaching
needs in both physical world and virtual

Metaverse application in business. As in education, For companies, recent studies have detailed how they
there is extensive research on the business applications can utilize the opportunities that the metaverse presents.
of the metaverse (33.3%). The current study has iden­ The research found that companies can utilize metaverse
tified, primarily through the case study, the changes in these five aspects: advertising/communication, virtual
brought forth by the metaverse for consumers and the product sales, marketing research, human resource man­
potential for companies(see Table 8). For consumers, agement, and internal process management.46 Over the
the metaverse provides a service or product and offers years, academics have gradually begun to explore the
an environment for consumer interaction, engage­ potential that new technologies related to virtual reality
ment, and transaction. The increased opportunities offer to companies. An experiment found that compared
for the consumers are different and special in the over­ with traditional 2D video, VR provides a greater sense of
all experience.6 In addition, the metaverse can promote vividness and presence. This plays a significant function in
innovation—multiple case studies investigate creativ­ the context of transformational brand experience appeals.5
ity and entrepreneurship of users in the Second Life- This study further explored that vividness has a positive
based virtual environment. The study indicates that the outcome on brand attitudes, and then purchase intentions
virtual world, such as Second Life, can generate possi­ of users will be stimulated. In addition to VR technology,
bilities that eventually lead to entrepreneurial activities scholars have suggested the development of a new platform
in the real world as well as further potential in Second that combines live streaming and metaverse technologies
Life.45 to overcome the limitations of live streaming as a business

Table 8. Metaverse application in business.

Supported platform
or technology Application status Function Application topic Papers Year
Second Life Actual A platform where entrepreneurs are making Business opportunities and challenges, as well P7 2007
implementation income as the ethical implications in the metaverse
Provide customers with new and unique The way metaverse influences retail evolution P12 2009
shopping experience; provides a platform for
customers’ interaction and experience
Serve as a social media platform Discussing how companies can leverage P45 2009
metaverse potential
Breeds opportunities for entrepreneurial Pathways of user innovations and user P46 2012
activities in both the physical and virtual entrepreneurs
AR Actual Enhance shopping experiences The way AR is used in the shopping P37 2022
implementation environment, the characteristics of AR, and
effect AR bring about
VR Conceptual design Provides a greater sense of vividness and Effect of VR in the context of brand experience P59 2017
presence than a traditional 2-D video by exploring functions of vividness
Actual Have potential for advertising The influence of 3D animated agents on users P55 2022
implementation response and enjoyment
Increase the user’s good attitude toward the How to develop marketing strategies based on P70 2021
overall experience while decreasing their the different roles of telepresence and
capacity to recall specific contents transportation
Digital twin Conceptual design Overcome the limitations of existing online A new business model proposed using P27 2022
technology shopping by combining live commerce a metaverse platform that included live
Na Conceptual design Virtually created for the virtual residents How to measure virtual wealth in virtual P18 2011
Possess a number of technological elements for Numerous ethical and privacy issues in the use P58 2022
entertainment and socialization of smart glasses
Provide a differentiated experience How strategies convert into managerial P84 2022
activities to achieve competitive advantage
in this metaverse-related environment
Significantly affect the connection between the Analysis of business model of Facebook P88 2022
user and the platform
Contribute to branding and marketing Effects of metaverse advancements on brand P89 2022
appeals and product strategies
Provide fandom marketing and customer Analysis of the customer experience in the P92 2022
experience cosmetics market on the metaverse
Provide customers with physical reality How metaverse can give rise to synthetic P93 2022
experience customer experiences

mode.47 Additionally, some studies are more specific. have several good effects, including generating a sense of
Telepresence and transportation, which are frequently identity, teamwork, and a feeling of integration through
identified as enabling an immersive media viewing experi­ reflecting on their conference experience in Second
ence, play different roles in marketing strategies.48 In the Life.49 Some scholars used multiple case studies based
era of the metaverse, customers’ requirements need to be on Second Life to investigate the workings of the meta­
identified and satisfied through metaverse space. This will verse. Each distinct technical capability played a role in
be essential to the organization’s future brand positioning the project’s execution and results, and through this
and marketing efforts.19 interaction, much of the environment’s strength arose.
These interactions can foster cooperation, role clarity,
Metaverse application in work. The following topics and shared understanding.50 In addition, the spillover
have been covered in research on the use of the meta­ effect has also been explored. The metaverse, as a game,
verse in the workplace: the advantages of using the has been studied for its spillover effects on work.
metaverse, how the advantages perform, whether there Hierarchical regression analysis results reveal that active
are spillover effects from using the metaverse, the learning transfers from games to the workplace only
impact of using the metaverse in the workplace on under optimal game performance, whereas poor game
human habitation, and the obstacles of implementing performance decreases this effect.
these technologies(refer to Table 9). Platforms investi­ Researchers have also looked into other effects of
gated have moved from MMORPGs, Second Life to VR, employing metaverse. A study has shown that telework
AR, and metaverse-based platforms as a result of the based on metaverse is more effective than non-
advancement in technology. Some researchers have metaverse telework. But it only demonstrates the results,
reported metaverse advantages using Second Life- and the reason why the metaverse has a more positive
based narrative analysis. Avatar-based conferences can influence is still unclear.51 It is essential to emphasize
12 H. GAO ET AL.

Table 9. Metaverse application in work.

Supported platform or
technology Application status Function Application topic Papers Year
MMORPGs Actual Consequences of gaming on the Spillover effects of gaming on the workplace P50 2012
implementation workplace
Second Life Actual Contribute to virtual project The influence of metaverse capabilities on the outcomes P31 2011
implementation execution and outcomes of virtual project
Building bonds between Report on our experience of avatar-based conferencing P42 2014
conference members in a freely available metaverse
VR and AR Actual Finish dairy work Whether XR increase or decrease the difficulties of P13 2022
implementation performing daily task
Metaverse-based Actual Establish fresh working conditions Whether telework can decrease population pressure P3 2022
platform implementation

that the challenges associated with the use of the meta­ Four alternative metaverse have been examined (e.g.,
verse are also being considered. Some scholars have autonomous driving) to give reference for the transfor­
questioned if the work is made harder by using the mation of transportation systems.57
metaverse(e.g., XR). An experiment study indicates
that XR significantly increases physical demand, effort, Challenges faced in the metaverse
and workload.11 There are three topics in this category related to
metaverse risks: privacy management (Topic 13), vir­
Metaverse application in tourism, museum, healthcare, tual game addiction (Topic 14), and crime potential
transportation and urban planning. In the tourism (Topic 15). In terms of privacy management, the
sector, the metaverse is utilized where experiences are features of the metaverse can be used for malicious
limited due to mobility restrictions, such as those caused purposes, such as internal tracking and surveillance,
by the COVID-19 pandemicor damage to cultural arti­ which can be concerning or even dangerous for users’
facts(see Table 10). Using case studies, the experience of privacy and personal information. Researchers have
metaverse sightseeing has been reported, and VR tech­ recognized this issue and proposed methods and
nologies offer an immersive experience that is well-suited foundations to help users manage their privacy while
to the characteristics of tourism.52 A psychological study immersed in virtual reality.58 Regarding virtual game
has also assessed the psychological state of using the addiction, studies focus on exploring negative psycho­
metaverse in the tourism experience.53 Two other con­ logical effects and their formation mechanisms. Han
ceptual design studies mainly analyzed current opportu­ et al.59 investigated virtual reality consumer experi­
nities and prospects for the metaverse. One study ences and their escape mechanisms. As companies
discusses how cathedrals can benefit from AR, VR, and may have an impact on the development of metaverse,
AI to provide tourists with a rich cultural experience.16 they are supposed to consider technological and social
Another study reported that the metaverse will change effects of metaverse and solve these issues. Zhang
how hospitality and tourism operate.54 et al.8 investigated the connection between reward
In the scenario of museums, presenting content for systems and virtual game addiction, which gives
the new generation and presentation effects distract insight into new solutions and virtual techniques for
researchers. In this regard, the metaverse can be highly industrial applications and sustainable societies.
effective and functional. The researcher believes these Concerning crime potential, Laue60 argued that with
functions can be employed to improve the museum’s the development and widespread use of the metaverse,
content presentation.15,29 In healthcare, the metaverse criminology may face new challenges.
allows people to join through VR, meaning that patients
can virtually meet their physicians to discuss their cases Distribution of topics over time
or even analyze their data.55 In urban planning, It is interesting to see the evolution of metaverse research
researchers use a series of illustrations to speculate on topics throughout time. Therefore, this paper divides the
digital planning. The metaverse function has been pre­ research phase into three sub-intervals: seven years from
sented with the prospect of metaverse application in 2007–2013, seven years from 2014–2020, and two years
virtual and smart urban planning. Coupled with block­ from 2021–2022. Figure 7 displays the number of articles
chain technology, the metaverse provides urban plan­ connected to each topic in each sub-interval.
ners with a new set of tools for its combination of virtual Topics such as “Metaverse application in business,”
world and physical environment planning.56 In the area “Metaverse characteristics,” “Metaverse application in
of transportation, researchers explored the preparedness education,” and “Determinants and barriers to meta­
for the shift of transportation systems to the metaverse. verse adoption” have raised significant interest in all

Table 10. Metaverse application in tourism, museum, healthcare, transportation and urban planning.
platform or
Application sector technology Application status Function Application topic Papers Year
Metaverse VR Actual Provide experience through virtual reality Experience contents of tomb using P86 2019
application in implementation virtual reality
tourism Use virtual reality technologies to get the Examining how the media diversity P36 2022
experience of sightseeing of tourism material of VR evokes
tourists’ diverse responses
Assisting visitors in reducing their anxiety How VR technologies affect visitors’ P53 2022
psychological condition
Get the experience of sightseeing as visitors How VR travel content increases P98 2022
cannot directly go to attractions destination access intentions
Na Conceptual design Provide an intense cultural, historical, and Discussing how cathedrals can P39 2022
religious experience for its visitors benefit from AR, VR, AI to present
visitors with a rich cultural,
Capitalize on the metaverse and provide Metaverse will change the way the P79 2022
customers with virtual hospitality and hospitality and tourism operate
tourism experiences, as well as products,
and services
Metaverse Na Conceptual design A variety of digital technologies to provide Presenting a plan to deploy content P2 2016
application in exhibition content to better comprehend services for visitors’ museum
museum the displayed items experiences by combining
beacons and HMD
One of the most significant alternatives to A proposal of virtual museum P91 2022
museum exhibitions metaverse content for the MZ
Metaverse Na Conceptual design Allow people to join through VR, meaning The promise of the metaverse in P102 2022
application in that patients could virtually meet their cardiology and cardiovascular
healthcare physician to discuss their case or even health
analyse their data
Metaverse Na Conceptual design Radically change the previous transportation Four alternative metaverses to P104 2022
application in systems prepare for the shift of
transportation transportation systems to the
metaverse(e.g., auto-driving
Metaverse Na Conceptual design Coupled with blockchain technology, the Use a series of illustrations to P81 2022
application in metaverse provides urban planners with speculate on digital planning
urban planning a new set of tools for its combination of
virtual world and physical environment

Figure 7. Evolution of metaverse research topics.

14 H. GAO ET AL.

periods analyzed. The emergence and increase of meta­ Metaverse technologies

verse taxonomy studies from 2014–2020 indicate that
Technologies are the fundamental factor in promoting
the understanding of the metaverse has deepened.
metaverse development. Reality-enhancing technologies,
It is also interesting to note that topics such as
such as VR, AR, and MR, lay an essential foundation for
“Metaverse application in urban planning,” “Metaverse
the metaverse moving from the conceptual stage to reality.
application in healthcare,” “Metaverse application in trans­
However, few studies intend to promote improvements in
portation,” and “Virtual game addiction” have shown
such technology, which is surprising. More attention needs
a growing interest since the last period (2021–2022). This
to be paid to researching new and innovative tools and
indicates that the metaverse has been applied to more
techniques in the metaverse context. Future research
domains, and researchers have become more aware of
should explore how to apply technologies in the metaverse
the adverse effects and risks that the metaverse brings, context, for example, combining beacons and HMDs to
such as virtual game addiction. provide immersive museum content deployment.

Future research agenda Promotion of metaverse application

In this part, we analyze the relevant literature to identify Although metaverse applications are increasingly being
research gaps in the field of metaverse and propose used as a major issue in research, much of this research
opportunities for future studies. The research agenda could further expand on how to advance metaverse appli­
for the metaverse is given in Table 11. cation. Future research can identify obstacles to metaverse
application, influencing factors for metaverse application,
and strategies for metaverse application.
Metaverse definitions
The definition of the metaverse is still heavily
Engagement of metaverse users
debated, leading to a lack of clarity in the scope of
metaverse studies. These results are difficult integrat­ The engagement of users and their interactions are essen­
ing the results of metaverse research and providing tial for the metaverse. However, a lack of attention to user
a reference for practice. Future research should engagement is unfavorable for metaverse implementation
explore a clear definition of the metaverse and dis­ in the long term. Future research should explore user
tinguish differences between metaverse-related tech­ engagement, aiming to understand its concepts, mechan­
nologies (e.g., AR, VR) and the metaverse. This will isms, and outcomes. The sociotechnical perspective can
help identify platforms or other objects (e.g., Second also be used to create immersive, authentic, and natural
Life, Facebook) for metaverse research. experiences for users.

Table 11. Future research agenda.

Focus Description Future Research Questions
Metaverse definitions ● There is no agreement on the definitions of ● What is the definition of metaverse?
metaverse ● What are differences between metaverse and AR,VR?
Metaverse technologies ● Research contributions lagging behind meta­ ● How can the researcher keep up with technologies
verse-related technologies advancement advancements?
● How can connect metaverse with other technologies(e.g. VR, AI)?
Promotion of metaverse ● Current studies focus on proposing ideas and ● What are the problems of metaverse promotion in specific areas
application plans of metaverse application in specific (e.g. education)?
domain ● How to develop related tools, methods and technologies to put
metaverse into practice in more places?
Engagement of ● A lack of attention to user engagement is unfa­ ● How do the metaverse ‘s underlying aims (e.g., the enhancement
metaverse users vorable for metaverse implementation in the of learning effectiveness) influence the design aspects for user
long term interfaces?
● What the influences of technical features and social elements on
user’s engagement?
Social and personal ● The social impact of metaverse is relatively ● What are the social and personal impacts with recent develop­
impacts of metaverse neglected in the existing studies ment of metaverse?
● How to avoid the negative effects of metaverse?
Governance of deviant ● Risks metaverse bring about gradually raise the ● What deviant behaviors emerge in the metaverse?
behaviors in the concern of scholars ● What privacy and security risks are associated with the use of the
metaverse metaverse?

Social and personal impacts of the metaverse of metaverse applications, engagement of metaverse
users, social and personal effects of the metaverse,
There is a shortage of research on the impact of the
and metaverse deviant behavior governance.
metaverse on society and people. Future research should
prioritize the social and personal impacts of the meta­
verse, especially in the long term. It is crucial to address
several aspects of social impacts, such as the possibility
for a worsening of social inequalities and ethical issues. This paper is supported by NSFC 72150610503.

Governance of deviant behaviors in the metaverse Disclosure statement

Scholars gradually raise concerns about metaverse risks No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
and deviant behaviors. Reports of harassment, bullying,
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Appendix A: Further Reading

P1. Ng WC, Lim WYB, Ng JS, et al. Unified resource allocation framework for the edge intelligence-enabled metaverse. In: ICC
2022-IEEE International Conference on Communications. IEEE; 2022:5214-5219.doi:10.1109/ICC45855.2022.9838492.
P2. Choi H, Kim S. A content service deployment plan for metaverse museum exhibitions—Centering on the combination of
beacons and HMDs. Int J Inf Manage. 2017;37(1):1519-1527. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.04.017.
P3. Choi HY. Working in the metaverse: Does telework in a metaverse office have the potential to reduce population pressure in
megacities? Evidence from young adults in Seoul, South Korea. Sustainability. 2022;14(6):3629.doi:10.3390/su14063629.
P4. Almarzouqi A, Aburayya A, Salloum SA. Prediction of user’s intention to use metaverse system in medical education:
A hybrid SEM-ML learning approach. IEEE Access. 2022;10:43421-43434. doi:10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3169285.
P5. Suh W, Ahn S. Utilizing the metaverse for learner-centered constructivist education in the post-pandemic era: an analysis of
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P6. Jovanović A, Milosavljević A. VoRtex Metaverse platform for gamified collaborative learning. Electronics. 2022;11(3):317.
P7. Papagiannidis S, Bourlakis M, Li F. Making real money in virtual worlds: MMORPGs and emerging business opportunities,
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P8. Crespo RG, Escobar RF, Aguilar LJ, et al. Use of ARIMA mathematical analysis to model the implementation of expert system
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P9. Yung R, Le TH, Moyle B, et al. Towards a typology of virtual events. Tour Manag. 2022;92:104560. doi:10.1016/j.
P10. Knox J. The metaverse, or the serious business of tech frontiers. Postdigit Sci Educ. 2022;4(2):207-215. doi:10.1007/s42438-
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