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Air Release Valve

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Series 34

Air Release Valve

• Ductile Iron Body
• Stainless Steel Trim and Float
• Easily serviced without removal from pipeline
• Available in 300 and 600 psi options
• Engineered for drip tight seal at low pressures
Figure A
Cla-Val Series 34 Air Release Valves are designed to vent entrained air
that collects at high points in a pipeline. This valve continuously
eliminates air from a system by releasing small quantities of air before
This product meets Federal Mandate
for Lead Content Limit
large air pockets can occur. In many installations, continuing
Figure B accumulations of air in the pipeline (lacking air release valves); cause
flow capacity to slowly decrease; power consumption slowly increases;
Installation un-noticeable at first, until flow drops dramatically, even stopping due to
Series 34 Air Release Valves are typically installed at high- air blocks in the piping. Another problem resulting from excessive air
points in pipelines and at regular intervals, of approximate accumulation is unexplained pipeline rupture. These ruptures are
1/2 mile, along uniform grade line pipe. passed off as the result of ground settling or defective pipe, Where as
in reality its large air pockets that greatly increase pressure surges
Mount the unit in the vertical position on top of the pipeline (normally occurring) when flow stops and starts causing the rupture.
with an isolation valve installed below each valve in the event During normal pipeline operation, air accumulation at the high point will
servicing is required. A vault with adequate air venting and displace the liquid within the air valve and lower the water level in relation
drainage is recommended. to the float. As level of the liquid lowers, where the float is no longer
buoyant, the float drops and opens the valve orifice seat and permitting
Note: accumulated air to be exhausted to atmosphere. After air is released, the
Vacuum check valves can be supplied on the discharge of all liquid level in the air valve rises and closes the valve orifice seat. This
size air release valves to prevent air re-entering the system; during cycle automatically repeats as air accumulates inside the air release valve,
negative pressure conditions thereby preventing the formation of air pockets.

Purchase Specifications Product Specifications

The air release valve shall be of the float operated, simple
Sizes Materials
lever or compound lever design, and capable of
1/2", 3/4", 1" Body and Cover:
automatically releasing accumulated air from a fluid system
while the system is pressurized and operating. Ductile Iron ASTM 536 65-45-12
Pressure Ratings (see note)
An adjustable designed orifice button shall be used to seal 300 psi Float:
the valve discharge port with drip-tight shut-off. The orifice 600 psi Stainless Steel
diameter must be sized for use within a given operating
pressure range to insure maximum air venting capacity. Temperature Range Internal Parts:
Water to 180°F Stainless Steel
The float shall be of all stainless steel construction and guar-
anteed to withstand the designed system surge pressure Note: Specify when operating Seal:
without failure. The body and the cover shall be ductile iron pressure below 10 PSI Viton or Buna-N® (Standard)

and valve internal parts shall be stainless steel and Viton or TM

Buna-N® (standard)for water tight shut-off.

The air release valve shall be manufactured per ANSI/AWWA

C512-04 Series 34 from Cla-Val in Newport Beach, CA, USA. visit www.cla-val.com to see our
complete line of air and check valves.
Series 34
Air Release Valve
Air Release Valve Sizing
Air release valve sizing requires determining the volume of air that must be released from pipeline high points during normal
operation and the diameter of the pipeline. Series 34 Air Release Valves are primarily used to continuously release pockets
of air (as they develop) from high point, hence it is not critical to determine exact volume of air to be released.

See chart on page 3 for sizing based on venting capacity.

Air Release Valve Sizing Chart For Water Pipelines

Figure A Model No. Inlet Size Outlet Size Orifice Size GPM MWP Height Width Wt. (lbs.)

FM Approved
3450-AR116.3 200 -
1/2", 3/4", 1" 1/2" 1/16" 300 5-7/8" 3-3/4" 6
3475-AR116.3 2200

Figure B Model No. Inlet Size Outlet Size Orifice Size GPM MWP Height Width Weight

3410-AR332.3C 2200 -
1", 2" 1/2" 5/32" 600 10" 7" 20

Figure A Figure B
Series 34
Air Release Valve
Venting Capacity Graph for Air Release Valves
Pressure Differential Across Valve is PSI

Venting Capacity in Cubic Feet of Free Air Per Minute

Valve Selection Based on Venting Capacity

Follow these steps to select and size an air release valves when a specific venting capacity is required:

A) Enter graph with required system pressure and venting capacity

B) Read off nearest orifice diameter to intersection of pressure and capacity lines on graph

C) Enter table above with orifice diameter and select valve that can use this orifice diameter with the
corresponding pressure

Figure A Figure B
Series 34 Technical Data

Combination Air Valve

at peaks and sharp change in gradient due to
possibility of column separation and vacuum
Hydraulically Controlled Air/Vacuum Valve
Hydraulically Controlled Air/Vacuum Valve
where secondary surges due to rejoining of
where secondary surges due to rejoining of
previously separated water could occur
previously separated water could occur
Combination Air Valve
at peaks and sharp change in gradient due to
Air Release Valve possibility of column separation and vacuum
on long, ascending stretches
at 1/4 to 1/2 mile intervals

Air/Vacuum Valve
Air Release Valve at peaks and sharp change in gradient due to
on long, ascending stretches possibility of column separation and vacuum
at 1/4 to 1/2 mile intervals

Air/Vacuum Valve

Air Release Valve

Combination Air Valve

Hydraulically Controlled Air/Vacuum Valve

Figure A Figure B

Installation Tips
1. The effectiveness of Series 34 Air Release Valve is dependent upon it being located at appropriate high points in a pipeline and
at uniform intervals of approximately 2500 feet on horizontal pipelines.

2. There are four variables that can cause an air pocket to form slightly downstream of the true high point in a piping system:
1. Severity of the slope adjacent to the high point or change of gradient
2. Velocity of the liquid
3. Texture of the inside surface of the pipe being used
4. Viscosity of the fluid

It is recommended where an air pocket can form slightly downstream of the high point, to install additional Series 34 Air Release
Valve at this point.

3. Cla-Val has available, upon request, a Slide Rule Air Valve Calculator. It will greatly reduce the amount of time to size
valves for pipeline service.

Other typical applications include: When Ordering, Please Specify:

1. Centrifugal pumps 1. Model Number
2. Hydropneumatic tanks 2. Inlet Size (NPT)
3. Enclosed systems 3. Inlet Pressure Rating
4. Sewage lines 4. Orifice Size

1701 Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa CA 92627 • Phone: 949-722-4800 • Fax: 949-548-5441 • E-mail: [email protected] • Website cla-val.com
Copyright Cla-Val 2017 Printed in USA Specifications subject to change without notice. E-34 Fire Series (R-03/2017)

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