Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM)

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Computer Integrated


Learning objectives

• Define computer integrated manufacturing CIM


• Explain the basic elements of CIM system

• Describe the relationship between automation and

CIM by developing a conceptual model of
1. Computer Integrated Manufacturing
1.1 Introduction

• Computer integrated system (CIM) use computers to

coordinate the actions of the stations and material
handling equipment and to collect data on overall
system performance.

• CIM includes several computer-based technologies,

such as computer-aided design CAD, computer-aided
manufacturing CAM, robotics, enterprise management
solutions EMS etc.
1. Cont…

• CIM technology is an enabling technology to meet

the challenges in manufacturing industry

• Its main objectives includes:

– Simplify production processes, product designs, and
factory organization as a vital foundation to automation
and integration
– Automate production processes and the business
functions that support them with computers, machines,
and robots
– Integrate all production and support processes using
computer networks, cross-functional business software,
and other information technologies
1. Cont…

• Aims of CIM includes:

– Lower the cost of production, including both direct
and indirect labor
– Optimize inventory levels
– Shorter time to market with new products
– lower lead time
– Greater flexibility and responsiveness
– Improve competitiveness
– Improve product quality etc.
1. Cont…
1.2 Key Elements of CIM System
1. Cont…

1) Marketing:
 The need for a product is identified by the marketing
 The specifications of the product, the projection of
manufacturing quantities and the strategy for marketing
the product are also decided by the marketing section.

2) Product Design:
 The design department of the company establishes the
initial database for production of a proposed product.
 In a CIM system this is accomplished through activities
such as geometric modeling and computer aided design
while considering the product requirements and
concepts generated by the creativity of the design
1. Cont…

3) Planning:
 The planning department takes the database established
by the design department and enriches it with
production data and information to produce a plan for
the production of the product.
 Planning involves several subsystems dealing with
materials, facility, process, tools, manpower, capacity,
scheduling, outsourcing, assembly, inspection, logistics
 In a CIM system, this planning process should be
constrained by the production costs and by the
production equipment and process capability, in order to
generate an optimized plan.
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4) Purchase:
 The purchase departments is responsible for placing the
purchase orders and follow up
 Ensures quality in the production process of the vendor
 Receives the items produced, arrange for inspection and
supply the items to the stores or arrange timely delivery
depending on the production schedule
1. Cont…

5) Manufacturing Engineering:
 Manufacturing Engineering is the activity of carrying
out the production of the product, involving further
enrichment of the database with performance data and
information about the production equipment and
 In CIM, this requires activities like CNC programming,
simulation and computer aided scheduling of the
production activity.
1. Cont…

6) Warehousing:
 Warehousing is the function involving storage and retrieval
of raw materials, components, finished goods as well as
shipment of items
 In today's complex outsourcing scenario and the need for
just-in-time supply of components and subsystems,
logistics and supply chain management assume great
1. Cont…

7) Finance:
 Finance deals with the resources pertaining to money.
Planning of investment, working capital, and cash flow
control, realization of receipts, accounting and allocation of
funds are the major tasks of the finance departments
1. Cont…

8) Information Management:
 Information Management is perhaps one of the crucial tasks
in CIM.
 In this context, it involves master production scheduling,
database management, communication, manufacturing
systems integration and management information systems.
1.1 Cont…
1.3 Automation

• Automation is a technology concerned with the

application of mechanical, electronic, and
computer based systems to operate and control
• This technology includes:
– Automatic machine tools designed to process parts
– Automatic assembly machines
– Industrial robots
– Automatic material handling and storage systems
– Automatic inspection systems for quality control
1.1 Cont…

Benefits of Automation
• There are several benefits of automation which
– Increased rate of production
– Reduced cost of labor
– Reduces operation time and work handling time
– Bridges the gap towards the trend of labor toward the
service sector
– Enhanced safety
– Improved product quality
– Reduced manufacturing lead time
1.1 Cont…

Disadvantages of Automation
• Despite the several benefits that automation has,
the following are some of its shortfalls:
– Unemployment rate increases
– Technical Limitation
– Security Threats/Vulnerability
– Unpredictable development costs
– High initial cost
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Relationship between automation and CIM

• Relationship between automation and CIM can be

represented through a conceptual model of
manufacturing systen as shown:
o The factory as a processing
pipeline at (a) is where the
physical manufacturing
activities are performed
o the information-processing
activities that support
manufacturing as a ring
that surrounds the factory
at (b) is concerned more
with the information-
processing functions that
are required to support the
production operations
1. Cont…

• The flow chart depicts the general functions in a

manufacturing organization and how computer integrated
manufacturing systems support these functions:
1. Cont…

CIM Vs. Automation

CIMs Automation
o CIM deals with automating the o Automation deals with the physical
information-processing activities that activities related to production
usually occurs in an office environment. o The physical activities include all of the
o These information-processing functions manufacturing processing, assembly,
include material handling, and inspections that are
1) certain business activities (e.g., performed on the product.
marketing and sales, order entry, o These operations come in direct contact
customer billing, etc.), with the product during manufacture.
2) product design, o They touch the product.
3) manufacturing planning, and
4) manufacturing control
o These four functions form a cycle of events
that must accompany the physical
production activities but which do not
directly touch the product.
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1.3.1 Types of Automation

1) Permanent/Fixed Automation
 This control system is designed to perform a
specific task
 Functions of control circuit is fixed and permanent
 It will be complicated if we want to do other task
apart from the existing task
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2) Programmable /Flexible Automation

 Programmable automation
or flexible automation is a
complex control system that
can perform several tasks
 Functions of the control
circuit is programmed by the
user and can be modified.
 When the task to be
performed by machines
changed, changes only need
to be done by making
modifications to the machine
control program
1. Cont…
Comparison Between Fixed And Flexible Automation System
Review Questions

1. Define computer integrated manufacturing.

2. Describe the main components of an integrated

manufacturing system

1. Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing - Materials,

Processes, and Systems 4th ed - M.P. Groover
(Wiley, 2010)

2. Groover,M. P. (2008), Automation, Production Systems,

and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 3rd ed.
Pearson Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

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