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The following figure shows the position – time graph of a car.

Draw the
correspon- ding acceleration – time graph. 2
Q12- In tug-of-war, two teams pull each other with same force because force
exerted by one team on other is action and force exerted by second team on first
is reaction. Since these two are equal, how is that one team wins over other? 2
Q13- An object of mass 2 kg is being accelerated upwards by the tension in a
string. The magnitude of the acceleration is 3 ms-2. Calculate the magnitude of
the tension in the string. Take the acceleration due to gravity as 10ms -2. 2 Q14-
A net force acts on a body. Is it necessary that work will be done on it? Justify
with suitable example. 2 Q15- Define the following terms: (a) torque (b)
angular momentum. 2 Q16- Mention the necessary conditions required for the
mechanical equilibrium of a rigid body. 2 Q17- To maintain a rotor at a uniform
angular speed of 100 rad/s, an engine needs to transmit a torque of 75 Nm.
What is the power required by the engine? 2 Q18- What do you mean by
moment of inertia? Calculate the moment of inertia of a thin circular ring of
mass 20 g and radius 10 cm which is rotating about its diameter. 2 OR State
parallel axis theorem and perpendicular axis theorem. 2 Q19- Give reasons for
the following. 3 (a) A sailing boat cannot be propelled by air blown at the sail
attached to the boat. (b) Even though friction is independent of contact area,
brakes of small contact area are not used.Page 3 of 4
(c) Rubber tyres are preferred over steel tyres. Q20- (a) State law of
conservation of linear momentum. (b) A child in a boat throws a packet of mass
5 kg out horizontally with a speed of 10 m/s. Calculate the velocity of the boat
immediately after, assuming initially it was at rest. The mass of the child is 30
kg and mass of boat is 60 kg. Ignore resistance of water. 3 Q21- (a) Sate
Newton’s first law of motion. (b) The passengers standing in a stationary bus
fall backward when the bus suddenly accelerates from rest. Explain. 3 Q22-
Draw the position – time, velocity – time and acceleration – time graphs for a
freely falling body. 3 Q23- A person jumps off a diving board 5 m above the
surface of water into a deep pool. The person’s downward motion stops 2 m
below the surface of the water. Estimate the average deceleration of the person
while under the water. Take g = 10 m/s
2.3 OR A sports car moving at constant speed travels 110 m in 5 s. If it then
brakes and comes to a stop in 4 s, what is its deceleration? 3 Q24- The time
period of a simple pendulum depends on the length of the pendulum and the
acceleration due to gravity. Derive an expression for the time period of the
simple pendulum using the method of dimensions. 3 Q25- (a) State and prove
work – energy theorem. (b) A stone of mass 0.05 kg is dropped from the top of
a 50 m tall building. What will be its kinetic energy when it hits the ground? 3
Q26- (a) What do you mean by relative velocity? (b) A train travels due south at
30 m/s (relative to the ground) in a rain that is blown towards the south by the
wind. The path of each raindrop makes an angle of 70O with the vertical, as
measured by an observer stationary on the ground. An observer in the train,
however, sees the drops fall perfectly vertically. Determine the speed of
raindrops relative to the ground. Given, sin 70O = 0.94, cos 70O = 0.34. 3 Q27-
State law of conservation of angular momentum. A man stands on a rotating
turntable with two equal masses held at arm’s length. If he puts the masses over
his shoulders what will happen to his rotational velocity? Explain. 3 Page 4 of 4
Q28- State Hooke’s law. Show that spring force is conservative. Derive an
expression for the potential energy stored in a compressed spring. 5 OR (a)
State law of conservation of mechanical energy. Show that mechanical energy is
conserved in case of a freely falling body dropped from a height ‘h’. (b) A
bullet of mass 0.01k g and horizontal speed 80 m/s strikes a block of wood of
mass 0.5 kg and instantly comes to rest with respect to the block. The block is
suspended from the ceiling by means of thin wires. Calculate the height to
which the block rises. 5 Q29- (a) Discuss the circular motion of a vehicle on a
banked road and obtain the expression for maximum speed of the vehicle along
the banked road. (b) A circular race track of radius 400 m is banked at an angle
of 22O. What should be the speed of a race car running along the track to avoid
wear and tear on its tyres? Given tan 22O
(a) Differentiate between static friction and kinetic friction? (b) A hockey puck
on a frozen pond is given an initial speed of 20 m/s. If the puck always remains
on the ice and slides 100 m before coming to rest, determine the coefficient of
kinetic friction between the puck and ice. Take the acceleration due to gravity as
10ms-2 5
Q30- (a)A stone is thrown making an angle with ground. Discuss the motion
of the stone and show that it follows a parabolic path. (b)A long jumper leaves
the ground at an angle of 30 O to the horizontal and at 9 m/s. What is the
maximum height that he jumped? 5 OR (a)What is centripetal acceleration?
Derive an expression for centripetal acceleration. (b) A 150 g ball attached to
the end of a string is revolved uniformly along a horizontal circle of radius 50
cm. The ball makes 2 revolutions in a second. Calculate its centripetal
acceleration. 5
***** = 0.4 5 Page 1 of 4
Subject: Physics Date: 12.06.13
Time allowed: 3 hour Maximum Marks: 70
General instructions:
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) Marks are indicated against each question.
(3) Please check this question paper contains 4 printed pages only.

(4) Please check that this question paper contains 29 questions.

(if required take g=10m/s²)
Q1- State the SI unit of the following physical quantities. (1)
(a) Solid angle (b) Luminous intensity
Q2- Round off the given number to 4 significant figures. (1)
(a) 2.3455 J
(b) 2.3465 m
Q3-Why an Athlete runs over a certain distance before taking a long jump? (1)
Q4- How do the errors combine during multiplication of physical quantities? (1)
Q5- What do you understand by non-conservative force? Give one example
also. (1)
Q6- How does rocket propulsion illustrates Newton’s third law of motion. (1)
Q7- Two straight lines drawn on the same velocity-time graph make angles 30º
& 60º with time axis respectively. Which line represents greater acceleration?
Q8-What is the relative direction of force and displacement, when the work
done is negative?(1)
Q9- Give the dimensional formula of: (2)
(a) Frictional force
(b) Work donePage 2 of 4
Q10- For a body moving in one dimensional motion, support the given
statement with proper reason or an example. (a) Instantaneous speed is equal to
the magnitude of instantaneous velocity at any instant. (b) With positive initial
velocity and positive value of acceleration, a body always speeds up.(2)
Q11-An athlete runs on a semicircular track of radius X meter. Calculate the
ratio of distance covered to the displacement by the athlete, when he moves
from one end to the other. (2)
Q12- Parallelogram law of vector addition is equivalent to triangle method.
Justify the given statement by proper graphical representation. (2)
Q13- Two equal vectors have a resultant equal to either vector. Find the angle
between them.(2)
Q14- The length and the breadth of a rectangular sheet are 11.01m and 1.05 m
respectively. Calculate the area of the sheet, to correct significant figures. (2)
Q15-Which of the following graph/s can possibly represent one dimensional
motion of a particle. Mention the reason also. (2)
Q16- Check if the given equation is dimensionally consistent v2= (h ρ g)/ m
where v is velocity, h is height, ρ is density ,m is mass and g is acceleration due
to gravity.
A moving body experiences a retarding force F given by F=khªρg
where, h is height, ρ is the density, g is acceleration due to gravity and k is a
dimensionless constant. Deduce the value of a. (2)
Q17- We measured the thickness of a sheet by the Venire Calipers in successive
measurement. The readings turned out to be 1.2 mm, 1.4 mm, 1.5 mm, 1.8 mm
and 1.6mm. Calculate the absolute error, relative error and percentage error. (3)
Page 3 of 4
Q18-What do you understand by static friction and kinetic friction. How do they
vary with the applied force? On what factors do they depend? (3)
Q19- Name the physical quantity which is equivalent to change of momentum
and write its dimensional formula. If the momentum changes by 50kgm/sec in
25 sec, then calculate the force acting on the body. (3)
Q20- A projectile is projected at an angle ‘θ’ to the horizontal. Prove that its
path is a parabola. (3)
Q21-a) What is centripetal acceleration? b) For a uniform circular motion,
centripetal acceleration is not a constant vector. Why. c) The speed of an object
in circular motion and the radius of the circular path are doubled. What will
happen to the centripetal acceleration acting on the object? (3)
Q22- The position of a particle is given by
r = 2t2 ȋ + 5t ĵ +5k̑ Where t is in second and the coefficients have the proper
units for r to be in metre. Find the v and a of the particle? (3)
Q23- What do you understand by momentum? Two bodies of mass M and 2M
have same kinetic energy. Calculate the ratio of their momentum. (3)
Q24- State and prove Work-Energy theorem for a constant force. (3)
Q25- Justify the two equations given below. (a) ȋ. ȋ = ĵ. ĵ =k̑ .k̑ =1 (b) ȋ. ĵ = ĵ.
k̑ =k̑ . ȋ =0
A force of (2 ȋ +3 ĵ+2k̑ ) unit about the origin act on a particle, resulting in a
displacement given as (3 ȋ +2 ĵ -k̑ ) unit. Calculate the following- a) Work done
by the force. b) The angle between force and displacement.
c) Projection of force on displacement. (3)
Q26-An old man was carrying cotton bales and big metal box both of equal
masses. Two boys Wilson and Francis, on seeing this came to him, for help.
Francis took cotton bales from the old man and kept them on this head. Wilson
took the box, as it was heavy for

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