DLL Enhanced Science 8 - Week 1 July 29-August 2, 2024

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Teaching Dates and Time JULY 29 – AUGUST 2, 2024 Quarter FIRST/WEEK 1
10:50-11:35/STE 8

I. OBJECTIVES Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate understanding of Newton’s three laws of motion.
B. Performance Standard Investigate the relationship between the amount of force applied and the mass of the object to the amount of change in the
object's motion. (S8FE-Ia-15)
C. Learning Competencies /
Write the LC code for each
1. Relate inertia to mass 3. Relate the state of 5. Show effect of force and 6. Utilize Newton's
and to the stopping forces motion of an object mass on acceleration; second law equation
like friction. (especially the direction to algebraically solve
Objectives: 2. Recognize inertia as a of the acceleration) to for an unknown
property of an object the magnitudes of the quantity -
which depends solely individual forces which acceleration, net
upon mass. act upon it. force, or mass.
4. State Newton's 7. Solve problems
Second Law of Motion; involving the Law of
"Law of Acceleration" Acceleration



GAD Integration . Gender equality in group discussions, gender equality in groupings, and gender equality in praising.

A. References Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery Alternative Delivery Mode Alternative Delivery
Module for STE Mode Module for STE Module for STE Mode Module for
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages

3. Textbook pages

4. Additional Materials from Valdoz, Meliza P., et’al .Science Links - Worktext in Science and Technology
Learning Resource (LR) portal

B. Other Learning Resources Inertia - Definition, Laws of inertia, Types, Examples, Video and FAQs (byjus.com)
Newton's second law of motion (video) | Khan Academy


A. Reviewing previous lesson Spin the Wheel: Students Spin the Wheel: Spin the Wheel: Students Spin the Wheel:
or will answer the following Students will answer the will answer the following Students will answer
presenting the new lesson questions. following questions. questions. the following
B. Establishing a purpose for Begin by asking students: Interactive Have students share their Have students share
the lesson “What happens when you Demonstration: "The thoughts on what they their thoughts on
suddenly stop a moving Tablecloth Trick" (5 observed and how it relates what they observed
car?” and “Why do you minutes) to inertia. and how it relates to
feel pushed back when a inertia.
car accelerates?” Materials Needed: Introduce the concept of
Tablecloth, smooth inertia as a property of Introduce the concept
Facilitate a brief table, and several matter. of inertia as a
discussion to elicit lightweight objects (e.g., property of matter.
students' prior knowledge plastic cups, plates).
about inertia and
acceleration. Procedure:
Perform the classic
tablecloth trick, where

the tablecloth is swiftly
pulled from under the
objects without moving
Discuss why the objects
remained in place
(inertia) and relate it to
Newton's First Law.
C. Presenting Define inertia and relate it "Mass Matters" (5 Define Newton's Second Place the toy car on
examples/instances for the to mass and stopping minutes) Law of Motion and present the ramp and release
new lesson forces like friction. Materials Needed: Two the equation F=ma. it with different
Use everyday examples objects of different weights added to it.
(e.g., a moving bus, a masses (e.g., a small Explain how the direction Measure the
hockey puck on ice) to ball and a larger ball). acceleration and
and magnitude of forces discuss the effects of
illustrate how inertia Procedure:
works. Ask students to push affect the acceleration of an force and mass on
both objects with the object. acceleration.
same force and observe
which one is easier to
Discuss how the mass of
an object affects its

D. Discussing new concepts Define inertia and relate it "Mass Matters" (5 Define Newton's Second Place the toy car on
and practicing new skills # 1 to mass and stopping minutes) Law of Motion and present the ramp and release
forces like friction. Materials Needed: Two the equation F=ma. it with different
Use everyday examples objects of different weights added to it.
(e.g., a moving bus, a masses (e.g., a small ball Explain how the direction Measure the
hockey puck on ice) to and a larger ball). acceleration and
and magnitude of forces discuss the effects of
illustrate how inertia Procedure:
works. Ask students to push both affect the acceleration of an force and mass on
objects with the same object. acceleration.
force and observe which
one is easier to move.
Discuss how the mass of
an object affects its
E. Discussing new concepts Divide students into small Divide students into small Divide students into small Worksheet: Provide a
and practicing new skills # 2 groups and assign each groups and assign each groups and assign each set of problems
group a different surface group a different surface group a different surface involving the Law of
(e.g., carpet, wood, tile). (e.g., carpet, wood, tile). (e.g., carpet, wood, tile). Acceleration.
Have each group roll a Have each group roll a Have each group roll a Examples:
ball across their surface ball across their surface ball across their surface
and measure how far it and measure how far it and measure how far it Given mass and
travels. travels. travels. force, calculate
Discuss how friction acts Discuss how friction acts Discuss how friction acts acceleration.
as a stopping force and as a stopping force and as a stopping force and Given force and
relate it to inertia. relate it to inertia. relate it to inertia. acceleration,
calculate mass.

Group Activity: Have

students work in pairs
to solve these
problems and discuss
their solutions.
F. Developing mastery Have students create Have students create Have students create Have students create
(Leads to Formative graphs to represent the graphs to represent the graphs to represent the graphs to represent
Assessment 3) relationship between relationship between relationship between force, the relationship
force, mass, and force, mass, and mass, and acceleration. between force, mass,
acceleration. acceleration. and acceleration.
Discuss how these models
Discuss how these Discuss how these help in understanding the Discuss how these
models help in models help in laws of motion. models help in
understanding the laws of understanding the laws of understanding the
motion. motion. laws of motion.
G. Finding practical Worksheet: Provide a set Worksheet: Provide a set Worksheet: Provide a set of Worksheet: Provide a
applications of concepts and of problems involving the of problems involving the problems involving the Law set of problems
skills in daily living Law of Acceleration. Law of Acceleration. of Acceleration. involving the Law of
Examples: Examples: Examples: Acceleration.
Given mass and force, Given mass and force, Given mass and force,

calculate acceleration. calculate acceleration. calculate acceleration. Given mass and
Given force and Given force and Given force and force, calculate
acceleration, calculate acceleration, calculate acceleration, calculateacceleration.
mass. mass. mass. Given force and
Group Activity: Have Group Activity: Have Group Activity: Have calculate mass.
students work in pairs to students work in pairs to students work in pairs to
solve these problems and solve these problems and solve these problems and Group Activity: Have
discuss their solutions discuss their solutions discuss their solutions students work in pairs
to solve these
problems and discuss
their solutions
H. Making generalizations and Review the key concepts Ask students to write a Summarize the lesson and Summarize the
abstractions about the lesson covered: Law of Inertia, brief reflection on what highlight the relevance of lesson and highlight
Law of Acceleration, and they learned about inertia these laws in real-world the relevance of
the effects of force and and acceleration. applications. these laws in real-
mass. Use a quick quiz or exit Provide a brief overview of world applications.
Discuss how inertia ticket to assess the next topic or upcoming Provide a brief
depends solely on mass understanding of the activities related to overview of the next
and how forces influence competencies (e.g., Newton’s Laws of Motion. topic or upcoming
acceleration. identifying variables, activities related to
differentiating Newton’s Laws of
observations). Motion.
I. Evaluating Learning WEEKLY QUIZ

J. Additional activities for Reflective Journaling: Reflective Journaling: Reflective Journaling: Reflective
application for remediation Have students write a Have students write a Have students write a Journaling: Have
short reflection in their short reflection in their short reflection in their students write a short
journals about one thing journals about one thing journals about one thing reflection in their
they learned during the they learned during the they learned during the journals about one
lesson and one question lesson and one question lesson and one question thing they learned
they still have about the they still have about the they still have about the during the lesson
topic. topic topic. and one question
they still have about
the topic.

K. REMARKS  Re-teaching  Re-teaching  Re-teaching  Re-teaching
 Transfer of lesson  Transfer of lesson  Transfer of lesson  Transfer of
to the following to the following to the following day lesson to the
day day  Lack of time following day
 Lack of time  Lack of time  No class  Lack of time
 No class  No class  Achieved  No class
 Achieved  Achieved  Achieved

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who continue to

require remediation

E. Which of my teaching strategies

worked well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Reviewed: Approved:
Teacher III Head Teacher III/Science Department Principal IV


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