IT 2nd Model Paper

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section -A

I.answer any four questions each questions carry two marks

1. Why the Internet is often referred to as a "Giant Wide Area Network

The Internet is often referred to as a "Giant Wide Area Network (WAN)"

because it connects millions of computers and networks across the globe,

allowing them to communicate with each other over vast geographical distances.

Like a traditional WAN, it enables the exchange of data, information, and resources between
connected devices.

2. What is Web Server?

A web server is a software application or hardware device that stores, processes,

and delivers web pages to clients upon request.

It uses protocols like HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) to communicate with web browsers and
serves web content,

which may include HTML, CSS, JavaScript, images, videos, and other resources.

3. What is Big Data?

Big data refers to extremely large and complex datasets that cannot be easily managed,

processed, or analyzed using traditional data processing tools and techniques.

It encompasses various types of data, including structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data,

and is characterized by the volume, velocity, and variety of information it contains.

4. What is Server Side Scripting?
Server-side scripting is a type of scripting language that runs on the server side of

a client-server architecture. It enables the dynamic generation of web pages and content in

response to client requests. Common server-side scripting languages include PHP, Python, Ruby, and

NET, among others.

5. What is Node.js?
Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers

to build scalable and high-performance network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking

I/O model, making it well-suited for real-time applications, such as web servers and chat

Node.js enables JavaScript to be executed on the server side, extending its capabilities beyond just

scripting in web browsers.

6. What is Non-Relational Database or NoSQL?

A non-relational database, also known as NoSQL (Not Only SQL), is a type of database

system that does not adhere to the traditional relational database model based on tables and SQL

(Structured Query Language). Instead, it uses a variety of data models, such as key-value pairs,

document-oriented, graph-based, or columnar, to store and manage data. NoSQL databases are

to handle large volumes of unstructured or semi-structured data and are often used in distributed

scalable environments.

II. Answer any Four questions. Each question carries Five marks

7. Write the features of VoIP.

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) offers several distinctive features:

*Cost Efficiency: VoIP leverages existing internet infrastructure for voice communication,

significantly reducing costs compared to traditional phone services. It eliminates the need

for separate voice and data networks, leading to cost savings on hardware, maintenance, and

long-distance calls.

*Scalability: VoIP systems can easily scale to accommodate the changing needs of businesses

or individuals. Adding or removing users and features can be done quickly and without the need

for extensive hardware upgrades, making it adaptable to growth or downsizing.

*Flexibility and Mobility: VoIP allows users to make and receive calls from any internet-connected

device, including smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. This flexibility enables

work, telecommuting, and mobile workforce solutions, enhancing productivity and accessibility.

*Rich Communication Features: VoIP systems offer a wide range of advanced communication

such as call forwarding, voicemail-to-email transcription, video conferencing, virtual receptionists,

and auto-attendants. These features enhance communication efficiency and collaboration within

*Integration Capabilities: VoIP seamlessly integrates with other business applications and systems,

such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) software, email platforms, and productivity

Integration enhances workflow automation, data synchronization, and overall business efficiency,

streamlining communication processes.

8. Explain Request Message Body with examples.

The request message body is a part of an HTTP request that carries data from the
client to the server. It typically contains information such as form data, JSON, or XML
payloads. Here are examples in five marks:

1. Form Data:

Copy code
POST /submit-form HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


2. JSON Payload:

Copy code
POST /api/users HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

"name": "John Doe",
"email": "[email protected]",
"age": 30

3. XML Payload:

Copy code
POST /api/data HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<body>Don't forget me this weekend!</body>

4. Multipart Form Data:

Copy code
POST /upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file"; filename="example.txt"
Content-Type: text/plain

(contents of the file...)


5. Binary Data (e.g., images, files):

Copy code
POST /upload-image HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: image/jpeg

(binary data representing the image...)

Each example demonstrates how data can be included in the body of an HTTP request for
various purposes, such as submitting form data, sending JSON or XML payloads, uploading
files, or transmitting binary data.

9. Explain the Query Process in Web IR with example.

The query process in Web Information Retrieval (IR) involves retrieving relevant
documents from the web in response to a user's query. Here's an explanation with an example
in five marks:

1. User Input:
o User enters a query into a search engine's search box.
o Example: User searches for "best hiking trails in California".
2. Query Parsing:
o The search engine parses the query to understand its structure and intent.
o Example: The search engine identifies key terms like "best", "hiking trails",
and "California".
3. Index Lookup:
o The search engine looks up its index, which contains information about web
pages and their content.
o Example: It searches for web pages containing terms related to hiking trails
and California.
4. Ranking and Relevance:
o The search engine ranks the retrieved documents based on their relevance to
the query.
o Example: Pages mentioning popular hiking trails in California like Yosemite
or Big Sur rank higher.
5. Result Presentation:
o Finally, the search engine presents the ranked list of documents to the user,
typically in the form of search engine results pages (SERPs).
o Example: The user sees a list of web pages featuring the best hiking trails in
California, with relevant titles and snippets.
This process demonstrates how a search engine retrieves and ranks web documents based on
a user's query, providing them with relevant information from the vast expanse of the web.

10. What is CSS? Write the features of CSS.

CSS, or Cascading Style Sheets, is a stylesheet language used to describe the

presentation of a document written in HTML or XML. Here are its key features in five

1. Style Definition: CSS allows web developers to define the appearance and layout of
HTML elements. This includes attributes like colors, fonts, margins, padding, and
2. Separation of Concerns: CSS promotes the separation of content from presentation,
enhancing the maintainability and flexibility of web pages. With CSS, developers can
modify the appearance of a website without altering its underlying content.
3. Cascading Rules: CSS rules cascade, meaning that multiple style declarations can be
applied to the same element. Conflicting styles are resolved based on specificity and
inheritance rules.
4. Selectors and Properties: CSS employs selectors to target specific elements in an
HTML document and apply styles to them. Properties specify the visual
characteristics of the selected elements, such as font-size, background-color, or
5. Responsive Design: CSS facilitates responsive web design, enabling websites to
adapt their layout and appearance based on the device's screen size and orientation.
Techniques like media queries allow developers to create fluid and adaptable layouts
for various devices, from desktops to smartphones.

11. What is AngularJS Framework? Explain its features.

AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework developed by Google for building

dynamic web applications. Here are its key features in five marks:

1. MVC Architecture: AngularJS follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC)

architectural pattern, which helps in organizing and structuring web applications. It
separates the application logic, user interface, and data into distinct components,
enhancing maintainability and scalability.
2. Two-Way Data Binding: One of AngularJS's standout features is its two-way data
binding. This means that changes made to the model (data) in the application are
instantly reflected in the view (UI), and vice versa. It eliminates the need for manual
DOM manipulation, reducing development time and complexity.
3. Directives: AngularJS introduces directives, which are markers on a DOM element
that tell AngularJS's HTML compiler to attach a specified behavior to that DOM
element or transform the DOM element and its children. Directives allow developers
to extend HTML with custom attributes and create reusable components.
4. Dependency Injection: AngularJS has a built-in dependency injection mechanism,
making it easy to manage dependencies between different components of an
application. Dependency injection promotes modularity and facilitates testing by
decoupling components and promoting reusability.
5. Reusable Components: With AngularJS, developers can create reusable components
using directives, controllers, and services. These components encapsulate behavior
and functionality, allowing developers to build complex applications by composing
smaller, manageable pieces. Reusability enhances code maintainability and promotes
a modular development approach.

12. Explain the different approaches in Contextual Information Retrieval.

Contextual Information Retrieval (CIR) involves retrieving information that is

relevant to the context in which a user is operating. Here are different approaches in CIR in
five marks:

1. Context-Aware Query Expansion:

o This approach involves expanding the user's query based on contextual
information such as location, time, device, or user profile.
o For example, if a user searches for "coffee shops," their location can be used
to expand the query to "coffee shops near me," providing more relevant
2. Personalized Recommendations:
o Personalization tailors search results to the preferences and interests of
individual users.
o By analyzing user behavior, past search history, and demographic information,
personalized recommendations suggest content that aligns with the user's
o For instance, a music streaming service may recommend songs based on the
user's listening history and preferences.
3. Temporal Contextualization:
o This approach considers the temporal context of a query, such as time of day,
day of the week, or current events.
o For example, a search for "weather forecast" might yield different results
depending on whether it's morning or evening.
4. Location-Based Retrieval:
o Location-based retrieval leverages the user's geographical location to provide
contextually relevant information.
o For instance, a search for "restaurants" may prioritize results based on
proximity to the user's current location.
5. Semantic Context Analysis:
o This approach analyzes the semantic context of a query to better understand
the user's intent.
o By considering the meaning and context of words and phrases, search engines
can provide more accurate and relevant results.
o For example, understanding the context of the word "apple" in a search query
(e.g., technology company vs. fruit) can significantly impact the relevance of
search results.
These approaches demonstrate how contextual information such as user preferences, location,
time, and semantics can be leveraged to improve the relevance and effectiveness of
information retrieval systems.


III.Answer any four questions. Each question carries eight marks

13. Explain Internet Protocol Stack.

The Internet Protocol Stack, also known as the TCP/IP protocol suite, is a
conceptual framework used to standardize communication protocols for transmitting data
across networks. Here's an explanation in eight marks:

1. Physical Layer:
o The bottom layer of the stack deals with the physical transmission of data over
the network medium.
o It includes specifications for cables, connectors, wireless signals, and other
hardware aspects.
2. Data Link Layer:
o This layer is responsible for node-to-node communication within the same
network segment.
o It handles tasks such as framing, error detection, and flow control.
3. Network Layer (Internet Protocol - IP):
o The network layer enables packet forwarding and routing across
interconnected networks.
o IP addresses are assigned to devices, and routers use IP routing tables to
determine the next hop for data packets.
4. Transport Layer (Transmission Control Protocol - TCP, User Datagram
Protocol - UDP):
o This layer provides end-to-end communication services for applications.
o TCP ensures reliable, connection-oriented communication with features like
error correction, sequencing, and flow control.
o UDP offers connectionless, unreliable communication suitable for real-time
applications like video streaming and online gaming.
5. Session Layer:
o The session layer establishes, maintains, and terminates connections between
o It manages session synchronization, checkpointing, and recovery in case of
6. Presentation Layer:
o This layer deals with data representation and ensures compatibility between
different systems' data formats.
o It handles tasks such as data encryption, compression, and character encoding.
7. Application Layer:
o The top layer of the stack provides network services directly to end-users and
o It includes protocols like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and DNS, enabling various
functionalities such as web browsing, file transfer, email communication, and
domain name resolution.
8. Interoperability and Standardization:
o The TCP/IP protocol stack is standardized by various organizations like the
Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to ensure interoperability between
different network devices and software applications.
o It serves as the foundation of the Internet, facilitating seamless communication
and data exchange across diverse networks worldwide.

14. What is Web Service? Explain how it works?

A web service is a software system designed to support interoperable machine-

to-machine interaction over a network, typically the internet. Here's an explanation of how it
works in eight marks:

1. Definition:
o A web service is a standardized way of integrating web-based applications
using open standards such as HTTP, XML, SOAP, and WSDL.
2. Architecture:
o Web services follow a client-server architecture, where a service provider
hosts the service, and clients interact with it over a network.
3. Service Provider:
o The service provider exposes functionalities through a well-defined interface,
often described using a Web Service Description Language (WSDL) file.
4. Client:
o Clients access the web service by sending requests over the internet, typically
using HTTP or HTTPS protocols.
5. Request-Response Model:
o The communication between clients and the web service follows a request-
response model.
o Clients send requests to the service provider, specifying the desired operation
and any required parameters.
o The service provider processes the request and returns a response containing
the requested data or operation results.
6. Interoperability:
o Web services promote interoperability by using standardized communication
protocols and data formats.
o This allows clients and service providers implemented in different
programming languages and running on different platforms to interact
7. Data Exchange Formats:
o Web services commonly use XML (eXtensible Markup Language) for data
exchange between clients and servers.
o SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is a protocol often used to encapsulate
XML payloads and facilitate communication between distributed systems.
8. Example:
o Consider a weather forecasting web service. Clients can send requests to
retrieve weather information for a specific location and time.
o The client sends a request containing the desired location and time parameters
to the weather service endpoint over HTTP.
o The weather service processes the request, fetches the relevant data, and
returns the weather forecast information in an XML or JSON response to the

In summary, web services enable communication and data exchange between distributed
systems over the internet using standardized protocols and data formats, facilitating
interoperability and integration between diverse applications.

15. Explain the Applications, Tools and Technologies in Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 refers to the second generation of web development and design that focuses
on user-generated content, collaboration, and interaction. Here's an explanation of its
applications, tools, and technologies in eight marks:

1. Social Networking Sites:

o Applications like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are quintessential examples
of Web 2.0 platforms. Users create profiles, connect with others, share
content, and engage in conversations, fostering social interaction and
community building.
2. Blogs and Wikis:
o Blogging platforms such as WordPress and content collaboration tools like
Wikipedia enable users to publish content, share knowledge, and collaborate
on articles. Blogs allow individuals and organizations to express opinions,
share insights, and engage with audiences, while wikis facilitate collaborative
editing and knowledge sharing.
3. Content Sharing Platforms:
o Platforms like YouTube, Flickr, and Instagram enable users to upload, share,
and discover multimedia content such as videos, photos, and audio recordings.
These platforms democratize content creation and distribution, allowing
individuals and communities to showcase their creativity and talents.
4. Social Bookmarking and Tagging:
o Tools like Delicious and Pinterest allow users to bookmark, organize, and
share web content with others. Tagging systems enable users to categorize
content using keywords or tags, making it easier to discover and retrieve
information relevant to their interests.
5. Real-time Communication Tools:
o Technologies like instant messaging, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), and
video conferencing enable real-time communication and collaboration among
users. Applications like Skype, Slack, and Zoom facilitate remote
communication, teamwork, and virtual meetings.
6. Web APIs (Application Programming Interfaces):
o Web 2.0 platforms often expose APIs that enable developers to integrate their
applications with external services and access data and functionality
programmatically. APIs allow developers to build mashups, create new
applications, and enhance existing ones by leveraging the capabilities of other
platforms and services.
7. Rich Internet Applications (RIAs):
o Technologies like AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), HTML5, and
CSS3 enable the development of interactive and responsive web applications
with rich user interfaces. RIAs deliver a desktop-like user experience within
the web browser, offering features such as drag-and-drop, multimedia
playback, and offline access.
8. User-generated Content and Feedback Mechanisms:
o Web 2.0 encourages user participation and feedback through features like
comments, ratings, reviews, and user-generated content. Websites and
applications incorporate mechanisms for users to provide input, share
opinions, and contribute to the collective intelligence of the community.

In summary, Web 2.0 applications, tools, and technologies empower users to create, share,
collaborate, and communicate in ways that were not possible in the early days of the web,
fostering a more dynamic and interactive online ecosystem.

16. Explain Client Side Scripting and Server Side Scripting in detail with

Client-side scripting and server-side scripting are two approaches to executing

scripts in web development, each serving different purposes in the web application

Client-side Scripting:

1. Definition:
o Client-side scripting involves executing scripts on the user's web browser,
typically using languages such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
2. Execution Environment:
o Scripts are downloaded alongside web pages and executed by the user's
3. Responsibilities:
o Client-side scripts primarily handle interactions and behaviors within the user
interface, such as form validation, dynamic content updates, and user
4. Example:
o JavaScript is the most common language for client-side scripting. Below is a
simple example of JavaScript used to display an alert box when a button is

Copy code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Client-side Scripting Example</title>
<button onclick="alert('Hello, world!')">Click Me</button>


Server-side Scripting:

1. Definition:
o Server-side scripting involves executing scripts on the server before sending
the response to the client's browser.
2. Execution Environment:
o Scripts are executed on the server, typically using languages such as PHP,
Python, Ruby, or Node.js.
3. Responsibilities:
o Server-side scripts handle tasks related to server-side logic, data processing,
database interactions, and generating dynamic content.
4. Example:
o PHP is a popular server-side scripting language. Below is a simple example of
a PHP script that generates dynamic content based on user input:

Copy code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Server-side Scripting Example</title>

<form method="post">
Enter your name: <input type="text" name="name">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

// Process form data
$name = $_POST["name"];
echo "Hello, $name!";


In summary, client-side scripting focuses on enhancing user interactivity and experience

within the browser, while server-side scripting handles backend logic, data processing, and
dynamic content generation on the server before delivering the final result to the client. Both
approaches complement each other to create dynamic and interactive web applications.

17. Explain Control Structures in PHP.

Control structures in PHP are constructs that enable developers to control the flow of
execution within a PHP script based on certain conditions or loops. Here's an explanation in
eight marks:
1. Conditional Statements:
o Conditional statements allow the execution of different blocks of code based
on specified conditions.
o The if, else, elseif, and switch statements are used for conditional
2. Example - If Statement:

Copy code
$age = 25;
if ($age >= 18) {
echo "You are an adult.";
} else {
echo "You are a minor.";

3. Looping Structures:
o Looping structures allow executing a block of code repeatedly until a certain
condition is met.
o PHP supports for, while, do-while, and foreach loops.
4. Example - For Loop:

Copy code
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) {
echo $i;

5. Control Statements:
o Control statements alter the flow of execution within loops or switch cases.
o Common control statements include break, continue, and return.
6. Example - Break Statement:

Copy code
$numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
foreach ($numbers as $number) {
if ($number === 3) {
break; // Stop looping when the number is 3
echo $number;

7. Nested Control Structures:

o PHP allows nesting control structures within one another to create more
complex logic.
o This enables developers to handle various scenarios and conditions effectively.
8. Example - Nested If-Else Statement:

Copy code
$age = 25;
if ($age >= 18) {
if ($age <= 30) {
echo "You are a young adult.";
} else {
echo "You are an adult.";
} else {
echo "You are a minor.";

In summary, control structures in PHP provide developers with powerful tools to control the
flow of execution in their scripts, making it possible to create dynamic and responsive
applications that handle various scenarios and conditions effectively.

18. Explain the categories of Non-Relational or NoSQL Databases.

Non-Relational databases, often referred to as NoSQL databases, offer alternatives to

traditional relational databases by providing flexibility, scalability, and performance benefits.
Here are the categories of NoSQL databases explained in eight marks:

1. Document Stores:
o Document-oriented databases store and retrieve data in the form of documents,
typically using JSON or BSON formats.
o Each document contains key-value pairs or key-array pairs, allowing for
flexible schema design and hierarchical data structures.
o Examples include MongoDB, Couchbase, and CouchDB.
2. Key-Value Stores:
o Key-value databases store data as a collection of key-value pairs, where each
unique key is associated with a value.
o These databases offer fast read and write operations and are highly scalable,
making them suitable for caching and session management.
o Examples include Redis, Amazon DynamoDB, and Riak.
3. Column-Family Stores:
o Column-family databases organize data into columns grouped into column
families, resembling a key-value store where the key is a row identifier and the
value is a collection of columns.
o They are optimized for storing and retrieving large amounts of data with high
write throughput and efficient column-oriented storage.
o Examples include Apache Cassandra, HBase, and ScyllaDB.
4. Graph Databases:
o Graph databases model data as nodes, edges, and properties, allowing for the
representation of complex relationships and graph structures.
o They excel at traversing and querying connected data sets, making them
suitable for social networks, recommendation engines, and network analysis.
o Examples include Neo4j, Amazon Neptune, and ArangoDB.
5. Multi-Model Databases:
o Multi-model databases support multiple data models within a single database
engine, allowing developers to use different data models (e.g., document, key-
value, graph) based on their application requirements.
o These databases provide flexibility and agility in data modeling, enabling
developers to choose the most appropriate model for each use case.
o Examples include Couchbase, ArangoDB, and OrientDB.
6. Time-Series Databases:
oTime-series databases specialize in storing and analyzing time-stamped data
points or events, such as sensor data, financial transactions, and log files.
o They optimize data storage and retrieval for time-series data, enabling
efficient querying and analysis of historical data over time intervals.
o Examples include InfluxDB, Prometheus, and TimescaleDB.
7. Object Stores:
o Object stores provide scalable, distributed storage for unstructured data
objects, such as files, images, and multimedia content.
o They offer high availability, durability, and seamless scalability for storing
and accessing large volumes of binary data.
o Examples include Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, and Azure Blob

In summary, NoSQL databases offer a diverse range of categories, each optimized for
specific use cases and data modeling requirements, providing developers with flexibility,
scalability, and performance advantages over traditional relational databases.

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