Grade 1-7 ICT Tests

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Match the computer parts

1. monitor

2. Keyboard

3. Mouse

4. cpu

5. Tablet

6. We draw shapes in ______________________.

( paint , mouse , Microsoft word )
7. We type using a
( monitor, keyboard , robot )

8. At home I use a
to draw shapes. ( laptop , tv , dvd )

9. At school I do my Ruzivo using a

( printer , radio , tablet )

10. At school we use a computer

( learn , fight , clean )

This is a ______________________
( soap , phone , mouse )
We use a mouse for
( typing , printing , clicking )



( enter , space , capslock )

Safety and security

17. Do not step on the___________________________
( door , pencil , plugs )
18. No making
( noise , shapes , words )
19. Do not bring _____________________ in the lab.
( keyboard , mouse , water )
20. When typing you space ______________
( once , twice , thrice )
21. We put the mouse on the
( floor , air , table )


A ___________________

( radio , monitor , robot )

A ______________________

24. I can play games using the

( computer , plugs , printer )


I use a ________________________ to play games.

( cpu , plugs , joystick )


1. At school we learn ICT in the computer

(yard , lab , school)

2. Do not use ________________ near the computer.

( liquids , usb flash , chairs)

3. No use of computers when there is

( an exam , lightning , wind )

4. Do not step on the _______________________________.

( floor , table , plugs )
5. X ________________ your work when you have
( print , close , type )

Match pictures with correct names







( television, projector , joystick , laptop , camera)

11. We open ______________ program for us to draw.

12. We take our colours from the ____________ box.

13. We take our shapes and pencil from the ______ box

14. handwriting is also called


15. We click using the ________________________.

(mouse , font , toolbox , colourbox , Paint)
16. A smart phone can be used to play

17. A projector is used to watch

______________ as a class.
___________________ are for
listening to music on the phone.

This is a __________________
(movies , earphones , games , printer)

Application Software
Match words with the correct key
20. space bar

21. enter

22. rubbing

23. shift
24. caps lock

25. At school we use tablets to learn

(animals , Ruzivo , sing)


1. A computer is a machine which
uses ________

A. electricity B. water C. oil

2. At school computers are found in the _______.
A. tuckshop B. orchard C. lab
3. Desktop, laptop, tablet and notebook are all ___
A. information B. input devices C. computers

4. The cpu is the ______ of the


A. device B. data C. brain

5. A _______ is a software appliance.

A. keyboard B. microwave C. mouse

6. The picture or text that moves around the screen

when you haven’t touched it is a ___________
A. desktop B. screensaver C. software
7. Pictures that covers the whole screen when you
switch on the computer is called the ____________
A. background B. desktop C. taskbar

8. A printer is used to get information

to be on the______
A. paper B. computerC. tablet
9. Do not put ______ near the computer.
A. air B. projector C. liquids

10. When protecting our work we put a ________

A. key blocker B. password C. window
11. Two types of computers are d______________ and
l____________________ (2)
12. To put pictures we first click on_____________
13. List 3 things that we use a computer for.

14. List 3 keys found on the keyboard

15. Handwriting is also called_________________

This is a ___________________________

List the parts labelled
D_____________________________________ (4)

Grade Six Term 3 ICT

Section A (10 marks)

1. _______________ is a programme designed to destroy data files by spreading in
a computer.
A. McAfee B. Antivirus C. Computer virus D. Avast
2. Dust covers are used to protect our ___________________________.
A. laboratory B. ICT tools C. games D. software
3. CCTV means ________________________________________.
A. Computer Compact Television B. Closed Circuit Television
C. Computer Cable Transfer View D. Closed Computer Trial Virus
4. We use __________________________ application to design a Christmas card.
A. Ms Publisher B. Spreadsheet C. Paint D. Database
5. A keyboard is a _______________________ device.
A. delicate B. software C. output D. input
6. CPU is the ______________________ of the computer.
A. brain B. input C. device D. desktop
7. We _____________________ the internet to find information.
A. maximise B. format C. surf D. process
8. We use ____________________ application to send information from one device
to another.
A. Share it B. Share view C. Share eat D. Zuma
9. Printing is producing information from __________________________.
A. Hardcopy to softcopy B. Softcopy to softcopy
C. Softcopy to hardcopy D. Hardcopy to hardcopy
10. We can use the __________________________ to download files.
A. computer B. internet C. smartphone D. Hard drive

Section B (20 marks)

1. Define a computer
2. Define a virus
3. Write in full
(a) ICT
(b) LAN
(c) CPU
(d) DVD
4. List two advantages of using the internet.
5. List two advantages of using a computer
6. List two types of hackers
7. Identify any four computer software maintenance tools

8. Identify two effects of hacking



Section C (20 marks)

1. Produce three slides about yourself (2)
2. Change design to all slides (2)
3. Change Transitions of slides to “shape” and apply to All (2)
4. Change Animations to “split” (2)
5. Insert pictures on all slides (2)
6. Shape fill on all titles in each slide (2)
7. Change font, colour, and size (3)
8. Presentation (5)

Save your work as name ICT, grade eg Rudo ICT 6AS on desktop

Grade Four ICT

Section A (25marks)
1. A computer is an ________________ device.
A. big B. google C. electronic D. gadget
2. A mouse is an ______________device.
A. Input B. output C. storage D. processing
3. We store our files in a _____________________.
A. monitor B. USB flash C. mouse D. projector
4. No____________ near the computer.
A. liquids B. phones C. charger D. printer
5. ____________is the brain of the computer.
A. screen B. laptop C. CPU D. keyboard
6. Close all ______________ before shutting down the computer
A. Microsoft Word B. programs C. pictures D. paint
7. Protect computers from ______________
A. dust B. games C. students D. power point
8. We design a card using _______________
A. Microsoft Publisher B. paint C. Internet D. desktop
9. We type on card in a _____________
A. text box B. cursor C. page D. border
10. We first click on _______________ to put a picture on the card.
A. Home B. Insert C. View D. file
11. A _____________ crashes the whole system.
A. software B. antivirus C. computer virus D. file

12. Do not download ______________ files.

A. copied B. programme C. internet D. illegal
13. No use of own _______________ in the computer lab.
A. files B. projector C. memory sticks D. tablet
14. We download games on the _____________.
A. phone B. internet C. laptop D. google
This is a _______________.

A. Desktop B. projector C. laptop D. printer

This is a ____________________

A. wifi router B. usb flash C. projector D. keyboard

17. A _____________ is used to play games on the television.
A. USB flash B. T-flash C. hardware D. joystick
18. We send messages on our laptops through an ________________
A. phone B. e-mail C. cloud D. radio
19. CD means ______________
A. Computer Download B. Computer Direct
C. Computer Disc D. Compact Disc
20. ICT means ____________
A. Information Communication Technology
B. Information Computer Technology
C. Information and Communication Technology
D. Internet Computer Technology
21. ____________ is also called handwritting.
A. Word Art B. Font C. Cursor D. Ms Word
22. A decoration right round our page is called ______________.
A. background B. page border C. Text box D. page colour
23. The blinking line which appears when typing is called_________
A. font B. cursor C. case D. click
24. We chat with our friends on our smart phones using_____.
A. shareit B. google C. Microsoft word D. wattsapp
25. When taking games, videos and pictures from the internet it’s called_
A. downloading B. information C. drownloading D. printing
SECTION B (25 marks )
1. Picture or words that appear when you don’t use the computer for a
certain period of time is called the
_____________________________________________________. (2)

2. _______________________________________ is the picture that

covers the whole screen on the desktop when the computer is on. (2)

3. CPU means Central __________________________________. (2)

4. Small pictures on the desktop are called i__________________ (2)
5. We transfer games from one smart phone to another using which

6. Fill in the relevant key and its use.

Key Use
(a) Delete __________________.

(b)______________________ spacing words.

(c) ________________________ typing in capital letters

(d) Back space _____________________.

(e) _________________________ locking and unlocking numbers

6. We use the computer for:

(c) _____________________________________________________
(d) _____________________________________________________(4)

7. When saving our work we first click on ______________________ (1)

8. List two storage devices
_______________________________________________________ (3)
9. To protect your computer from crashing the whole system we install
an ___________________________________________________ (1)


Type the following story: ICT

Open Microsoft Word

ICT means Information and Communication Technology. We are
privileged at Thomas Coulter to learn this subject. It has really opened
our minds. We have researched and downloaded a lot of information.

1. Underline the heading (1)

2. Insert bullets on all sentences (2)
3. Change text to Tahoma (2)
4. Change size to 16 and colour to green(2)
5. Insert a page border (2)
6. Insert page colour yellow (1)
7. Insert a picture , crop it , change shape to heart and border picture (4)
8. Presentation (4)
9. Save your work on desktop as ICT class (2)
Section A (25marks)
1. A computer is an electronic device used to accept______, process it
then outputs as information.
A. information B. data C. programs D. files

2. A ___________ has four main parts connected together.

A. laptop B. projector C. desktop D. printer

3. Always ____________ your work.

A. type B. download C. save D. update

4. GUI means_____
A. Graphic User Interface B. Graphic User Internet
C. Grading Unit Internet D. Grading Unit Interface

5. WAN means _____

A. World Area Network B. Wide Area Network
C. Wide Advanced Network D. World Area Net

6. YOUTUBE can be a disadvantage to students because_____

A. one can download many videos
B. one can concentrate on videos instead of school work
C. one can download illegal documents
D. it is mainly for adults

7. A projector is an ____________________ device.

A. input B. output C. storage D. processing
8. A joystick is an ______________ device
A. input B. storage C. output D. processing

9. The computer virus ______________

A. corrupts data B. is downloaded C. spreads in all computer
parts D. affects the whole computer lab

10. _____________ is an antivirus

A. Defender B. data C. McAfley D. malware

11. Online collaboration is _____________________

A. Interacting with different people
B. working together through the internet
C. collaborating of students in the lab
D. using ICT tools

12. Printing is producing documents from _______________

A. hardcopy to hardcopy B. softcopy to hardcopy
C. softcopy to softcopy D. hardcopy to softcopy

13. Reproducing of documents from hardcopy to hardcopy is called____

A. printing B. photocopying C. typing D. scanning

14. A Visual Display Unit can be called a _________________

A. monitor B. mouse C. camera D. CPU

15. Key for spacing is called ________________

A. backspace B. shift C. space bar D. delete

16. Key for allowing to type symbols is called _____________

A. shift B. ctrl C. Alt D. escape

17. Key for even spacing is called ____________

A. space bar B. backspace C. home D. Tab

18. No use of own ______________ in the lab.

A. usb flash B. chair C. folders D. files

19. Make sure your computer is secured with an ___________

A. dust covers B. antivirus C. antiviral D. illegal files

20. ___________ safely, educational work only.

A. surf B. type C. download D. process

21. A computer allows ____________

A. easy typing B. processing C. cyber D. confidentiality

22. Computer only ____________

A. depends on a user B. allows a printer C. depends on electricity

23. CPU is the _________ of the computer.

A. brain B. screen C. data D. device

24. CPU processes______________

A. information B. keys C. system D. data


A ___________ beams pictures on a screen by means of reflected light.

A. printer B. camera C. router D. projector

SECTION B (25 marks)

1. Explain in full the acronyms below:

(a) CCTV________________________________________________
(b) DVD _________________________________________________
(c) Internet _______________________________________________
(d) LAN __________________________________________________
(e) PAN ________________________________________________(5
2. List 3 benefits of using the internet:
(a) _______________________________________________________
(b) _______________________________________________________
(c) ____________________________________________________ (3)
3. What is cyber bullying?__________________________________
______________________________________________________ (2)

4. A four in one printer can:

(a) ____________________________________________________
(b) ____________________________________________________

5. List 3 input devices

(a) ____________________________________________________
(c) ____________________________________________________ (3)

6. Three Benefits of using the computer at school:__________________


7. (a) Microsoft Word is for: _________________________________

(b) Excel __________________________________________________
(c) Powerpoint______________________________________________
(d) email programme_________________________________________

8. We use a computer for___________________________________ (1)

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