4a 1-Model

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S-4 Write down the term which represents the quantity of heat release by natural

convection in the equation for determination of heat loss from the surface of a
furnace body

S-5 Between a thermal power plant and a cogeneration plant with a back
pressure turbine, which will have a higher heat rate ? Why ?

A cogeneration plant will have a higher heat rate.

1 Mark
Becau Because the steam exits the turbine at higher pressure whereas in a
power plant it exits at vacuum.

S-6 Give two examples for constant torque load and variable torque loads?

constant torque: Punch, presses conveyors

variable torque loads :Centrifugal pump, centrifugal fan

S-7 What condition is to be maintained to create sonic flow at the nozzle throat in
the test set up for compressor capacity determination by nozzle method ?

It should be ensured that the pressure drop through the throttle valve
should be equal to or twice the pressure beyond the throttle.

S-8 In a heat exchanger the hot fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are 120 °C and
70 °C. The cold fluid inlet and outlet temperatures are 30 °C and 42 °C.
Calculate the effectiveness.

= 12/90 =0.13

S-9 If the EER of a Refrigeration Unit is 9.3. determine the kW/Ton rating of the

KW/Ton = 12/EER = 12/9.3 = 1.3

S-10 How is the Overall Heat transfer Coefficient related to surface area ?

Inversely proportional.

-------- End of Section - I ---------

Section - II: LONG DESCRIPTIVE QUESTIONS Marks: 2 x 5 = 10

(i) Answer all Two questions

_________________________ 1
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
(ii) Each question carries Five marks

L-1 In a heat exchanger, the hot stream enters at 80°C and leaves at 50°C. On the
other hand, the cold streams enters at 20°C and leaves the heat exchanger at
50°C. Determine whether the heat exchanger is counter-current type or co-
current type.

For co-current heat exchanger, terminal temperature differences are

60°C and 0°C, respectively. Since one of the terminal temperature
differences is 0°C, it is not possible.

On the other hand, for counter-current heat exchanger, terminal

temperature differences are 30°C and 30°C, respectively. Since both the
terminal temperature differences are positive, it is a possible

L-2 A retail store has 100 numbers of 40 W fluorescent tube lights (FTL). The
length and width of a retail store is 15 m and 10 m respectively. The ballast of
the FTLs were measured to be 13 W per ballast on an average. The mounting
height is 2.4 m from the working plane and the average maintained illuminance
is 900 lux. Determine the room index, Target lux/W/m2 and annual energy
wastage in kWh if the FTLs operate for 5000 hours in a year.

Room Index RI

10x 15 /2.4(10 +15)

RI 2.5

Area 150
Circuit watts 5300 W
W/m2 35.3
Lux 900
Lux/W/m2 25.47

Target Lux/W/m2 48
ILER 0.531
Saving potential (1-0.531) x 5300 x 5000
(1 – ILER) x watts x no of hours of
12,429 kWh

-------- End of Section - II ---------

_________________________ 2
Bureau of Energy Efficiency

NPV for project 1 = – 10000 + 5000/1.09 + 5000/(1.09) 2 + 5000/(1.09)3 +

5000/(1.09)4 + 5000/(1.09)5 = + 9448.3

NPV for project 2 = – 12000 + 5000/1.09 + 5000/(1.09) 2 + 6000/(1.09)3 +

6000/(1.09)4 + 6000/(1.09)5 + 1000/(1.09)5 = + 10228.7

(ii) Profitability index for project 1 = 9448.3 / 10000 = 0.945

Profitability index for project 2 = 10228.7 / 12000 = 0.852

(iii) NPV for project 1 with 40% discount rate = 175.8

NPV for project 1 with 42% discount rate = –157.2
IRR for project 1 = 41.05%

NPV for project 2 with 35% discount rate = 253.3

NPV for project 2 with 37% discount rate = –199.4
IRR for project 2 = 36.11%

N -3 During energy audit following data were obtained on a 3 phase induction


Rated capacity: 37 kW
Rated voltage: 415 V
Rated current: 65 A
Rated power factor: 0.89
Operating voltage: 420 V
Operating current: 46 A
Operating power factor: 0.75

Note: Motor efficiency does not change between 50 –100 % loading.

The plant operates for 7000 hours per year with the electricity cost of Rs. 4 per

It is proposed to replace the original motor by a 30 kW energy efficient motor

with 92% efficiency.

a) Determine the rated efficiency and the loading of the original motor.
b) Calculate the loading of the replaced motors.
c) If replacing the existing motor with energy efficient motor costs Rs.75,000,
determine the pay back period for the investment required for the energy
efficient motor over the ordinary motor.

Rated input power 1.732 × 0.415 × 65× 0.89

41.6 kW
Rated efficiency of the 37/ 41.6

_________________________ 3
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Actual input power drawn 1.732 × 0.420 × 46 × 0.75
25 kW

Loading of the motor 25/41.6 = 0.601 or 60.1%

Shaft power or motor 22.25 kW

Energy efficient motor 30 kW
Actual output required 22.25 kW
% loading of the motor 22.25/30
74 %

Annual energy savings 22.25(1/0.89 – 1/0.92) x 7000 x Rs.4

22.25 x 0.037 x 7000 x 4

Payback period 75,000/23,082

3.28 years or 39 months

N-4 A cogeneration system in a paper plant is operated by a coal fired boiler. The
steam from the boiler drives a back pressure turbine. The cogeneration plant
parameters are given below.

Rated output 3000kW

Live steam pressure 3.4 Mpa
Live steam temperature 435OC
Steam pressure at turbine outlet 1.45 Mpa
Steam temperature at turbine outlet 335OC
Steam flow rate 80.9 TPH
Inlet Enthalpy at 3.4 MPa 3305.24 kJ/kg
Outlet Enthalpy at 1.45 MPa 3116.44 kJ/kg
Boiler feed water temperature 80OC
Operation 8000 hrs/annum
Cost of coal Rs.2000/tonne

a. Find out the efficiency of the turbine

b. Find out the efficiency of the boiler if coal at 18 TPH is fired at a calorific value
of 4000 kCal/kg

c. The turbine efficiency can be increased to 73% at cost of Rs. 2 crores and the
boiler efficiency can be increased to 83 % at a cost of Rs.1 crore which of
these investments will have a shorter payback?


Enthalpy drop across the turbine 188.8 kJ/kg

_________________________ 4
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
Total enthalpy drop 188.8 x 80,900
1, 52,73,920 kJ/hr
4243 kJ/s or kW
Turbine output 3000kW
Turbine efficiency 3000/4243

Boiler output 80,900 x {[(3305.24/4.12)]-80}

58429436 kCals/hr
Boiler input 18,000 x 4000
720,00,000 kCals/hr
Boiler efficiency 81 %


Steam flow required 80.9 x(0.707 /0.73) = 78.35TPH

Steam savings 80.9-78.35=2.55 TPH
Coal savings 2550 x {[(3305.24/4.12)]-80}
0.81 x 4000
Annual savings in coal 0.568 x 8000 x Rs2000
Rs.0.91 Crores
Investment Rs.2 Crores
Payback period 2. / 0.91=2.2 years

If boiler efficiency is increased to 83 58429436 kCals/hr

% then the fuel consumption will be (0.83 x 4000)
17.6 TPH
Annual savings in coal (18-17.6) x 8000 x 2000
Rs.64 lacs
Investment Rs.100Lacs
Payback period 1.56 years
Improving boiler efficiency will have a
shorter payback

-------- End of Section - III ---------

_________________________ 5
Bureau of Energy Efficiency

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