HSCC Alg1 Pe 11

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Data Analysis

11 and Displays
11.1 Measures of Center and Variation
11.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots
11.3 Shapes of Distributions
11.4 Two-Way Tables
11.5 Choosing a Data Display

SEE the Big Idea

Watching Sports on TV (p
(p. 616)

Sh (p.
( 603)

B k ki (p.
( 594)

B li Scores (p.
S ( 591)

Altitudes of Airplanes (p
(p. 589)

hsnb_alg1_pe_11op.indd 582 2/5/15 9:36 AM

Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency
Displaying Data
Example 1 The frequency table shows the numbers of books that
12 people read last month. Display the data in a histogram.

Number of Books Read Last Month

books 7
0–1 6

2–3 4 4
4–5 0 3
6–7 2
0–1 2–3 4–5 6–7
Number of books

Example 2 The table shows the results of a survey. Display the data in a circle graph.

Class trip location Water park Museum Zoo Other

Students 25 11 5 4
Class Trip Locations
A total of 45 students took the survey.
Water park: Museum: Museum

45 ⋅ 360° = 200° 11

45 ⋅ 360° = 88° Zoo

Zoo: Other:

45 ⋅ 360° = 40° 4

45 ⋅ 360° = 32° park

The table shows the results of a survey. Display the data in a histogram.
1. After-school activities Frequency 2. Pets Frequency
0–1 11 0–1 10
2–3 8 2–3 18
4–5 6 4–5 2
6–7 1

The table shows the results of a survey. Display the data in a circle graph.
3. Favorite subject Math Science English History
Students 8 5 7 4

4. ABSTRACT REASONING Twenty people respond “yes” or “no” to a survey question. Let a and
b represent the frequencies of the responses. What must be true about the sum of a and b? What
must be true about the sum when “maybe” is an option for the response?

Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com


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Mathematical Mathematically proficient students use diagrams and graphs to show
Practices relationships between data. They also analyze data to draw conclusions.

Using Data Displays

Core Concept
Displaying Data Graphically
When solving a problem involving data, it is helpful to display the data graphically.
This can be done in a variety of ways.

Data Display What does it do? B

Pictograph shows data using pictures D

Bar Graph shows data in specific categories

Circle Graph shows data as parts of a whole

Line Graph shows how data change over time

Histogram shows frequencies of data values

in intervals of the same size

Stem-and-Leaf Plot orders numerical data and 1 0 2 3 6

2 1 1 5
shows how they are distributed 3 9
4 0 6

Box-and-Whisker Plot shows the variability of

a data set using quartiles

Dot Plot shows the number of times each

value occurs in a data set

Scatter Plot shows the relationship between

two data sets using ordered pairs
in a coordinate plane

Monitoring Progress U.S. Population by Age and Gender

1. The table shows the estimated Ages
populations of males and females by Males Females
age in the United States in 2012. Use
0–14 31,242,542 29,901,556
a spreadsheet, graphing calculator, or
some other form of technology to make 15–29 33,357,203 31,985,028
two different displays for the data.
30–44 30,667,513 30,759,902
2. Explain why you chose each type of
data display in Monitoring Progress 45–59 31,875,279 33,165,976
Question 1. What conclusions can you 60 –74 19,737,347 22,061,730
draw from your data displays?
75–89 6,999,292 10,028,195

584 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.1 Measures of Center and Variation
Essential Question How can you describe the variation of
a data set?

Describing the Variation of Data

Work with a partner. The graphs show the weights of the players on a professional
football team and a professional baseball team.

Weights of Players on a Football Team

Tackles = Quarterbacks =
Guards/Centers = Running backs =
DE/TE = Wide receivers =
Linebackers = Other players =

155 175 195 215 235 255 275 295 315 335

Weights of Players on a Baseball Team

Pitchers =
Catchers =
Infielders =
Outfielders =
Designated hitters =

VIABLE ARGUMENTS 155 175 195 215 235 255 275 295 315 335

To be proficient in math,
you need to reason a. Describe the data in each graph in terms of how much the weights vary from the
inductively about data, mean. Explain your reasoning.
making plausible b. Compare how much the weights of the players on the football team vary from
arguments that take into the mean to how much the weights of the players on the baseball team vary from
account the context from the mean.
which the data arose.
c. Does there appear to be a correlation between the body weights and the positions
of players in professional football? in professional baseball? Explain.

Describing the Variation of Data

Work with a partner. The weights (in pounds) of the players on a professional
basketball team by position are as follows.
Power forwards: 235, 255, 295, 245; small forwards: 235, 235;
centers: 255, 245, 325; point guards: 205, 185, 205; shooting guards: 205, 215, 185
Make a graph that represents the weights and positions of the players. Does there
appear to be a correlation between the body weights and the positions of players in
professional basketball? Explain your reasoning.

Communicate Your Answer

3. How can you describe the variation of a data set?

Section 11.1 Measures of Center and Variation 585

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11.1 Lesson What You Will Learn
Compare the mean, median, and mode of a data set.
Find the range and standard deviation of a data set.
Core Vocabul
larry Identify the effects of transformations on data.
measure of center, p. 586
mean, p. 586
Comparing the Mean, Median, and Mode
median, p. 586
mode, p. 586 A measure of center is a measure that represents the center, or typical value, of a data
set. The mean, median, and mode are measures of center.
outlier, p. 587
measure of variation, p. 587
range, p. 587
standard deviation, p. 588
Core Concept
data transformation, p. 589 Mean
The mean of a numerical data set is the sum of the data divided by the number
of data values. The symbol —
x represents the mean. It is read as “x-bar.”

The median of a numerical data set is the middle number when the values are
written in numerical order. When a data set has an even number of values, the
median is the mean of the two middle values.

The mode of a data set is the value or values that occur most often. There may
be one mode, no mode, or more than one mode.

Comparing Measures of Center

An amusement park hires students for the summer. The students’ hourly wages are
Students’ Hourly Wages
shown in the table.
$16.50 $8.25
a. Find the mean, median, and mode of the hourly wages.
$8.75 $8.45
b. Which measure of center best represents the data? Explain.
$8.65 $8.25
$9.10 $9.25 16.5 + 8.75 + 8.65 + 9.1 + 8.25 + 8.45 + 8.25 + 9.25
a. Mean —x = ————— = 9.65
Median 8.25, 8.25, 8.45, 8.65, 8.75, 9.10, 9.25, 16.50 Order the data.

— = 8.7
Mean of two middle values

Mode is the only measure Mode 8.25, 8.25, 8.45, 8.65, 8.75, 9.10, 9.25, 16.50 8.25 occurs most often.
of center that can
represent a nonnumerical The mean is $9.65, the median is $8.70, and the mode is $8.25.
data set.
b. The median best represents the data. The mode is less than most of the data,
and the mean is greater than most of the data.

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1. WHAT IF? The park hires another student at an hourly wage of $8.45.
(a) How does this additional value affect the mean, median, and mode? Explain.
(b) Which measure of center best represents the data? Explain.

586 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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An outlier is a data value that is much greater than or much less than the other values
in a data set.

Removing an Outlier

Consider the data in Example 1. (a) Identify the outlier. How does the outlier affect the
mean, median, and mode? (b) Describe one possible explanation for the outlier.

a. The value $16.50 is much greater than the other wages. It is the outlier.
Find the mean, median, and mode without the outlier.
8.75 + 8.65 + 9.1 + 8.25 + 8.45 + 8.25 + 9.25
Mean —x = ———— ≈ 8.67
Median 8.25, 8.25, 8.45, 8.65, 8.75, 9.10, 9.25 The middle value is 8.65.
Outliers usually have
the greatest effect on Mode 8.25, 8.25, 8.45, 8.65, 8.75, 9.10, 9.25 The mode is 8.25.
the mean.
When you remove the outlier, the mean decreases $9.65 − $8.67 = $0.98, the
median decreases $8.70 − $8.65 = $0.05, and the mode is the same.
b. The outlier could be a student who is hired to maintain the park’s website, while the
other students could be game attendants.
Annual Salaries
$32,000 $42,000 Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com
$41,000 $38,000
2. The table shows the annual salaries of the employees of an auto repair service.
$38,000 $45,000 (a) Identify the outlier. How does the outlier affect the mean, median, and mode?
$72,000 $35,000 (b) Describe one possible explanation for the outlier.

Finding the Range and Standard Deviation

A measure of variation is a measure that describes the spread, or distribution, of
a data set. One measure of variation is the range. The range of a data set is the
difference of the greatest value and the least value.

Finding a Range

Two reality cooking shows select 12 contestants each. The ages of the contestants are
Show A Show B
shown in the tables. Find the range of the ages for each show. Compare your results.
Ages Ages
20 29 25 19
19 22 20 27 Show A 19, 20, 20, 21, 22, 25, 27, 27, 29, 29, 30, 31 Order the data.
So, the range is 31 − 19, or 12 years.
25 27 22 25
27 29 27 22 Show B 19, 20, 21, 22, 22, 24, 25, 25, 27, 27, 32, 48 Order the data.

30 20 48 21 So, the range is 48 − 19, or 29 years.

21 31 32 24 The range of the ages for Show A is 12 years, and the range of the ages for
Show B is 29 years. So, the ages for Show B are more spread out.

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3. After the first week, the 25-year-old is voted off Show A and the 48-year-old is
voted off Show B. How does this affect the range of the ages of the remaining
contestants on each show in Example 3? Explain.

Section 11.1 Measures of Center and Variation 587

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A disadvantage of using the range to describe the spread of a data set is that it uses
only two data values. A measure of variation that uses all the values of a data set is the
standard deviation.

Core Concept
Standard Deviation
The standard deviation of a numerical data set is a measure of how much a
REMEMBER typical value in the data set differs from the mean. The symbol σ represents the
An ellipsis “ . . . ” indicates standard deviation. It is read as “sigma.” It is given by

that a pattern continues. (x1 − —
x )2 + (x2 − —x )2 + . . . + (xn − —
x )2
σ = ————
where n is the number of values in the data set. The deviation of a data value x is
the difference of the data value and the mean of the data set, x − —
Step 1 Find the mean, — x.
Step 2 Find the deviation of each data value, x − —
Step 3 Square each deviation, (x − —
x )2.
Step 4 Find the mean of the squared deviations. This is called the variance.
Step 5 Take the square root of the variance.

A small standard deviation means that the data are clustered around the mean. A large
standard deviation means that the data are more spread out.

Finding a Standard Deviation

Find the standard deviation of the ages for Show A in Example 3. Use a table to
organize your work. Interpret your result.

x —
x x−—
x (x − —
x )2 Step 1 Find the mean, —

20 25 −5 25 — 300
x = — = 25
Step 2 Find the deviation of each data value, x − —
29 25 4 16
x , as shown.
19 25 −6 36 —
Step 3 Square each deviation, (x − x )2, as shown.
22 25 −3 9
Step 4 Find the mean of the squared deviations, or variance.
25 25 0 0
(x1 − —
x )2 + (x2 − —
x )2 + . . . + (xn − —
x )2 25 + 16 + . . . + 36 212
27 25 2 4 ———— = —— = — ≈ 17.7
n 12 12
27 25 2 4 Step 5 Use a calculator to take the square root of the variance.

√(x − —x ) + (x − —xn) + . . . + (x − —x ) = √212

29 25 4 16 ———— —
2 2 2
30 25 5 25
1 2
————n ≈ 4.2

20 25 −5 25 The standard deviation is about 4.2. This means that the typical age of a
21 25 −4 16 contestant on Show A differs from the mean by about 4.2 years.
31 25 6 36
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4. Find the standard deviation of the ages for Show B in Example 3. Interpret
your result.
5. Compare the standard deviations for Show A and Show B. What can you conclude?

588 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Effects of Data Transformations
A data transformation is a procedure that uses a mathematical operation to change a
data set into a different data set.

Core Concept
Data Transformations Using Addition
The standard deviation
stays the same because When a real number k is added to each value in a numerical data set
the amount by which each • the measures of center of the new data set can be found by adding k to the
data value deviates from original measures of center.
the mean stays the same.
• the measures of variation of the new data set are the same as the original
measures of variation.

Data Transformations Using Multiplication

When each value in a numerical data set is multiplied by a real number k, where
k > 0, the measures of center and variation can be found by multiplying the
original measures by k.

Real-Life Application

Consider the data in Example 1. (a) Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard
deviation when each hourly wage increases by $0.50. (b) Find the mean, median,
mode, range, and standard deviation when each hourly wage increases by 10%.

a. Method 1 Make a new table by adding $0.50 to each hourly wage. Find the mean,
Students’ Hourly Wages
median, mode, range, and standard deviation of the new data set.
$17.00 $8.75
Mean: $10.15 Median: $9.20 Mode: $8.75
$9.25 $8.95
Range: $8.25 Standard deviation: $2.61
$9.15 $8.75
$9.60 $9.75 Method 2 Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation of the
original data set.
Mean: $9.65 Median: $8.70 Mode: $8.25 From Example 1
Range: $8.25 Standard deviation: $2.61
Add $0.50 to the mean, median, and mode. The range and standard deviation are
the same as the original range and standard deviation.

Mean: $10.15 Median: $9.20 Mode: $8.75

Range: $8.25 Standard deviation: $2.61
4 5 mi
b. Increasing by 10% means to multiply by 1.1. So, multiply the original mean,
median, mode, range, and standard deviation from Method 2 of part (a) by 1.1.
Mean: $10.62 Median: $9.57 Mode: $9.08
Range: $9.08 Standard deviation: $2.87
1 10 mi
2 1 2 mi
1 5 mi 1
1 5 mi
Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com
6. Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation of the altitudes of the
airplanes when each altitude increases by 1—12 miles.

Section 11.1 Measures of Center and Variation 589

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11.1 Exercises Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com

Vocabulary and Core Concept Check

1. VOCABULARY In a data set, what does a measure of center represent? What does a measure of
variation describe?

2. WRITING Describe how removing an outlier from a data set affects the mean of the data set.

3. OPEN-ENDED Create a data set that has more than one mode.

4. REASONING What is an advantage of using the range to describe a data set? Why do you think the
standard deviation is considered a more reliable measure of variation than the range?

Monitoring Progress and Modeling with Mathematics

In Exercises 5– 8, (a) find the mean, median, and mode of In Exercises 11–14, find the value of x.
the data set and (b) determine which measure of center
11. 2, 8, 9, 7, 6, x; The mean is 6.
best represents the data. Explain. (See Example 1.)
5. 3, 5, 1, 5, 1, 1, 2, 3, 15 6. 12, 9, 17, 15, 10 12. 12.5, −10, −7.5, x; The mean is 11.5.

7. 13, 30, 16, 19, 20, 22, 25, 31 13. 9, 10, 12, x, 20, 25; The median is 14.

8. 14, 15, 3, 15, 14, 14, 18, 15, 8, 16 14. 30, 45, x, 100; The median is 51.

9. ANALYZING DATA 15. ANALYZING DATA The table shows the masses of
Movie Lengths (hours)
The table shows the eight polar bears. (See Example 2.)
lengths of nine movies. 1—13 1—23 2
Masses (kilograms)
a. Find the mean, 3 2—13 1—23
median, and mode 455 262 471 358
2 2 1—23
of the lengths. 364 553 62 351
b. Which measure of center best represents the data?
Explain. a. Identify the outlier. How does the outlier affect the
mean, median, and mode?
10. ANALYZING DATA The table shows the daily changes b. Describe one possible explanation for the outlier.
in the value of a stock over 12 days.
16. ANALYZING DATA The sizes of emails (in kilobytes)
Changes in Stock Value (dollars) in your inbox are 2, 3, 5, 2, 1, 46, 3, 7, 2, and 1.
1.05 2.03 −13.78 −2.41 a. Identify the outlier. How does the outlier affect the
2.64 0.67 4.02 1.39 mean, median, and mode?
0.66 −0.28 −3.01 2.20 b. Describe one possible explanation for the outlier.

a. Find the mean, median, and mode of the changes 17. ANALYZING DATA The Golfer A Golfer B
in stock value. scores of two golfers
are shown. Find the 83 88 89 87
b. Which measure of center best represents the data?
range of the scores for 84 95 93 95
each golfer. Compare
91 89 92 94
c. On the 13th day, the value of the stock increases your results.
by $4.28. How does this additional value affect the (See Example 3.) 90 87 88 91
mean, median, and mode? Explain. 98 95 89 92

590 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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18. ANALYZING DATA The graph shows a player’s 27. TRANSFORMING DATA Find the values of the
monthly home run totals in two seasons. Find the measures shown when each value in the data set
range of the number of home runs for each season. increases by 14. (See Example 5.)
Compare your results.
Mean: 62 Median: 55 Mode: 49
Home Run Statistics Range: 46 Standard deviation: 15.5
28. TRANSFORMING DATA Find the values of the
Number of home runs
14 Rookie season
measures shown when each value in the data set is
12 This season
multiplied by 0.5.
8 Mean: 320 Median: 300 Mode: none
6 Range: 210 Standard deviation: 70.6
2 29. ERROR ANALYSIS Describe and correct the error in
0 finding the median of the data set.











Se 7, 4, 6, 2, 4, 6, 8, 8, 3
Month The median is 4.

In Exercises 19–22, find (a) the range and (b) the 30. ERROR ANALYSIS Describe and correct the error
standard deviation of the data set. in finding the range of the data set after the given
19. 40, 35, 45, 55, 60

20. 141, 116, 117, 135, 126, 121

21. 0.5, 2.0, 2.5, 1.5, 1.0, 1.5

✗ −13, −12, −7, 2, 10, 13
Add 10 to each value.
The range is 26 + 10 = 36.
22. 8.2, 10.1, 2.6, 4.8, 2.4, 5.6, 7.0, 3.3
31. PROBLEM SOLVING In a bowling match, the team
23. ANALYZING DATA Consider the data in Exercise 17.
with the greater mean score wins. The scores of the
(See Example 4.)
members of two bowling teams are shown.
a. Find the standard deviation of the scores of Golfer
Team A: 172, 130, 173, 212
A. Interpret your result.
Team B: 136, 184, 168, 192
b. Find the standard deviation of the scores of Golfer
a. Which team wins the
B. Interpret your result.
match? If the team with
c. Compare the standard deviations for Golfer A and the greater median score
Golfer B. What can you conclude? wins, is the result the
same? Explain.
24. ANALYZING DATA Consider the data in Exercise 18.
b. Which team is more
a. Find the standard deviation of the monthly home consistent? Explain.
run totals in the player’s rookie season. Interpret
c. In another match
your result.
between the two teams,
b. Find the standard deviation of the monthly home all the members of Team A increase their scores
run totals in this season. Interpret your result. by 15 and all the members of Team B increase
their scores by 12.5%. Which team wins this
c. Compare the standard deviations for the rookie
match? Explain.
season and this season. What can you conclude?
32. MAKING AN ARGUMENT Your friend says that
In Exercises 25 and 26, find the mean, median, and
when two data sets have the same range, you can
mode of the data set after the given transformation.
assume the data sets have the same standard deviation,
25. In Exercise 5, each data value increases by 4. because both range and standard deviation are
measures of variation. Is your friend correct? Explain.
26. In Exercise 6, each data value increases by 20%.

Section 11.1 Measures of Center and Variation 591

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33. ANALYZING DATA The table shows the results of 36. CRITICAL THINKING Can the standard deviation of a
a survey that asked 12 students about their favorite data set be 0? Can it be negative? Explain.
meal. Which measure of center (mean, median, or
mode) can be used to describe the data? Explain. 37. USING TOOLS Measure the heights (in inches) of the
students in your class.
Favorite Meal
a. Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard
spaghetti pizza steak hamburger deviation of the heights.
steak taco pizza chili
b. A new student who is 7 feet tall joins your class.
pizza chicken fish spaghetti How would you expect this student’s height to
affect the measures in part (a)? Verify your answer.

34. HOW DO YOU SEE IT? The dot plots show the ages
38. THOUGHT PROVOKING To find the arithmetic mean
of the members of three different adventure clubs.
of n numbers, divide the sum of the numbers by n. To
Without performing calculations, which data set has
find the geometric mean of n numbers a1, a2, a3 , . . . ,
the greatest standard deviation? Which has the least
an, take the nth root of the product of the numbers.
standard deviation? Explain your reasoning.

geometric mean = √
n ——
⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅
a1 a2 a3 . . . an
○ Compare the arithmetic mean to the geometric mean
of n numbers.

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 39. PROBLEM SOLVING The circle graph shows the
distribution of the ages of 200 students in a college
Psychology I class.

College Student Ages
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 yr:
19 yr:
○ 30% 21 yr:
College Student 20%

18 yr:
37 yr:
12 13 14 15 16 17 18

a. Find the mean, median, and mode of the

students’ ages.
35. REASONING A data set is described by the measures
shown. b. Identify the outliers. How do the outliers affect the
mean, median, and mode?
Mean: 27 Median: 32 Mode: 18
c. Suppose all 200 students take the same
Range: 41 Standard deviation: 9
Psychology II class exactly 1 year later. Draw a
Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard new circle graph that shows the distribution of the
deviation of the data set when each data value is ages of this class and find the mean, median, and
multiplied by 3 and then increased by 8. mode of the students’ ages.

Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency Reviewing what you learned in previous grades and lessons

Solve the inequality. (Section 2.4)

40. 6x + 1 ≤ 4x − 9 41. −3(3y − 2) < 1 − 9y 42. 2(5c − 4) ≥ 5(2c + 8) 43. 4(3 − w) > 3(4w − 4)

Evaluate the function for the given value of x. (Section 6.3)

44. f (x) = 4x; x = 3 45. f (x) = 7x; x = −2 46. f (x) = 5(2)x; x = 6 47. f (x) = −2(3)x; x = 4

592 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots
Essential Question How can you use a box-and-whisker plot to
describe a data set?

Drawing a Box-and-Whisker Plot

Work with a partner. The numbers of first cousins of the students in a ninth-grade
class are shown. A box-and-whisker plot is one way to represent the data visually.
Numbers of First Cousins a. Order the data on a strip of grid paper with 24 equally spaced boxes.
3 10 18 8
9 3 0 32
23 19 13 8
6 3 3 10 Fold the paper in half to find the median.
12 45 1 5
13 24 16 14
b. Fold the paper in half again to divide the data into four groups. Because there are
24 numbers in the data set, each group should have 6 numbers. Find the least value,
the greatest value, the first quartile, and the third quartile.

least first median third greatest

value quartile quartile value

c. Explain how the box-and-whisker plot shown represents the data set.

least first third greatest

value quartile median qquartile value

0 4 10 17 45
of first
MODELING WITH 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 cousins
To be proficient in math,
you need to identify Communicate Your Answer
important quantities in
2. How can you use a box-and-whisker plot to describe a data set?
a practical situation.
3. Interpret each box-and-whisker plot.
a. body mass indices (BMI) of students in a ninth-grade class

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

b. heights of roller coasters at an amusement park

80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260

Section 11.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots 593

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11.2 Lesson What You Will Learn
Use box-and-whisker plots to represent data sets.
Interpret box-and-whisker plots.
Core Vocabul
larry Use box-and-whisker plots to compare data sets.
box-and-whisker plot, p. 594
quartile, p. 594
Using Box-and-Whisker Plots to Represent Data Sets
five-number summary, p. 594
interquartile range, p. 595
Core Concept
Box-and-Whisker Plot
A box-and-whisker plot shows the variability of a data set along a number line
using the least value, the greatest value, and the quartiles of the data. Quartiles
divide the data set into four equal parts. The median (second quartile, Q2) divides
the data set into two halves. The median of the lower half is the first quartile, Q1.
STUDY TIP The median of the upper half is the third quartile, Q3.
Sometimes, the first median, Q2 third quartile, Q3
first quartile, Q1
quartile is called the box
lower quartile and the whisker whisker
least greatest
third quartile is called the value value
upper quartile.

The five numbers that make up a box-and-whisker plot are called the
five-number summary of the data set.

Making a Box-and-Whisker Plot

Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the ages of the members of a

backpacking expedition in the mountains.
24, 30, 30, 22, 25, 22, 18, 25, 28, 30, 25, 27

Step 1 Order the data. Find the median and the quartiles.
lower half upper half
least greatest
value 18 22 22 24 25 25 25 27 28 30 30 30 value

first quartile, 23 median, 25 third quartile, 29

Step 2 Draw a number line that includes the least and greatest values. Graph points
above the number line for the five-number summary.
Step 3 Draw a box using Q1 and Q3. Draw a line through the median. Draw
whiskers from the box to the least and greatest values.

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

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1. A basketball player scores 14, 16, 20, 5, 22, 30, 16, and 28 points during a
tournament. Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the data.

594 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Interpreting Box-and-Whisker Plots
The figure shows how data are distributed in a box-and-whisker plot.
of the data are 1
of the data 1
of the data are
4 2 4
A long whisker or box
in each whisker. are in the box. in each whisker.
indicates that the data
are more spread out.

first median, third

quartile, Q1 Q2 quartile, Q3

Another measure of variation for a data set is the interquartile range (IQR), which
is the difference of the third quartile, Q3, and the first quartile, Q1. It represents the
range of the middle half of the data.

Interpreting a Box-and-Whisker Plot

T box-and-whisker plot represents the lengths (in seconds) of the songs played by a
rrock band at a concert.

140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 320 (seconds)

aa. Find and interpret the range of the data.

b. Describe the distribution of the data.
cc. Find and interpret the interquartile range of the data.
d. Are the data more spread out below Q1 or above Q3? Explain.

a. The least value is 160. The greatest value is 300.
So, the range is 300 − 160 = 140 seconds. This means that the song lengths
vary by no more than 140 seconds.
b. Each whisker represents 25% of the data. The box represents 50% of the data. So,
• 25% of the song lengths are between 160 and 220 seconds.
• 50% of the song lengths are between 220 and 280 seconds.
• 25% of the song lengths are between 280 and 300 seconds.
c. IQR = Q3 − Q1 = 280 − 220 = 60
So, the interquartile range is 60 seconds. This means that the middle half of the
song lengths vary by no more than 60 seconds.
d. The left whisker is longer than the right whisker.
So, the data below Q1 are more spread out than data above Q3.

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Use the box-and-whisker plot in Example 1.

2. Find and interpret the range and interquartile range of the data.
3. Describe the distribution of the data.

Section 11.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots 595

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Using Box-and-Whisker Plots to Compare Data Sets
STUDY TIP A box-and-whisker plot shows the shape of a distribution.
If you can draw a line
through the median of a
box-and-whisker plot, and Core Concept
each side is approximately Shapes of Box-and-Whisker Plots
a mirror image of the
other, then the distribution
is symmetric.
Skewed left Symmetric Skewed right
• The left whisker is • The whiskers are • The right whisker is
longer than the right about the same length. longer than the left
whisker. whisker.
• The median is in the
• Most of the data are middle of the plot. • Most of the data are
on the right side of on the left side of
the plot. the plot.

Comparing Box-and-Whisker Plots

The double box-and-whisker plot represents the test scores for your class and your
friend’s class.

Your class

Friend’s class
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

a. Identify the shape of each distribution.

b. Which test scores are more spread out? Explain.

a. For your class, the left whisker is longer than the right whisker, and most of the
data are on the right side of the plot. For your friend’s class, the whisker lengths
are equal, and the median is in the middle of the plot.
So, the distribution for your class is skewed left, and the distribution for your
friend’s class is symmetric.

b. The range and interquartile range of the test scores in your friend’s class are
greater than the range and interquartile range in your class.
So, the test scores in your friend’s class are more spread out.

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4. The double box-and-whisker plot represents the surfboard prices at Shop A and
Shop B. Identify the shape of each distribution. Which shop’s prices are more
spread out? Explain.

Shop A

Shop B
price (dollars)
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

596 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

hsnb_alg1_pe_1102.indd 596 2/5/15 9:38 AM

11.2 Exercises Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com

Vocabulary and Core Concept Check

1. WRITING Describe how to find the first quartile of a data set.

2. DIFFERENT WORDS, SAME QUESTION Consider the box-and-whisker plot shown. Which is different? Find
“both” answers.

Find the interquartile range of the data. 1 11 15 20 24

Find the range of the middle half of the data. 0 5 10 15 20 25

Find the difference of the greatest value and the least value of the data set.

Find the difference of the third quartile and the first quartile.

Monitoring Progress and Modeling with Mathematics

In Exercises 3– 8, use the box-and-whisker plot to find 14. ANALYZING DATA The stem-and-leaf plot represents
the given measure. the lengths (in inches) of the fish
caught on a fishing trip. Make
a box-and-whisker plot that
represents the data.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 Stem Leaf
0 67889
3. least value 4. greatest value
1 00223447
5. third quartile 6. first quartile 2 12

7. median 8. range Key: 1| 0 = 10 inches

In Exercises 9–12, make a box-and-whisker plot that 15. ANALYZING DATA The box-and-whisker plot
represents the data. (See Example 1.) represents the prices (in dollars) of the entrées at a
restaurant. (See Example 2.)
9. Hours of television watched: 0, 3, 4, 5, 2, 4, 6, 5

10. Cat lengths (in inches): 16, 18, 20, 25, 17, 22, 23, 21
8.75 10.5 13.25 14.75 18.25
11. Elevations (in feet): −2, 0, 5, −4, 1, −3, 2, 0, 2, −3, 6 (dollars)
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

12. MP3 player prices (in dollars): 124, 95, 105, 110, 95,
a. Find and interpret the range of the data.
124, 300, 190, 114
b. Describe the distribution of the data.
13. ANALYZING DATA The dot plot represents the
numbers of hours students spent studying for an c. Find and interpret the interquartile range of
exam. Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the data.
the data. d. Are the data more spread out below Q1 or
above Q3? Explain.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Section 11.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots 597

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16. ANALYZING DATA A baseball player scores 101 runs 20. HOW DO YOU SEE IT? The box-and-whisker plot
in a season. The box-and-whisker plot represents the represents a data set. Determine whether each
numbers of runs the player scores against different statement is always true. Explain your reasoning.
opposing teams.

Runs 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
a. The data set contains the value 11.
a. Find and interpret the range and interquartile range b. The data set contains the value 6.
of the data.
c. The distribution is skewed right.
b. Describe the distribution of the data.
d. The mean of the data is 5.
c. Are the data more spread out between Q1 and Q2
or between Q2 and Q3? Explain.
21. ANALYZING DATA The double box-and-whisker plot
17. ANALYZING DATA The double box-and-whisker plot represents the battery lives (in hours) of two brands of
represents the monthly car sales for a year for two cell phones.
sales representatives. (See Example 3.)
Brand A
Sales Rep A
Brand B
Sales Rep B Battery
Cars 2 3 4 5 6 7 (hours)
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28
a. Identify the shape of each distribution.
a. Identify the shape of each distribution. b. What is the range of the upper 75% of each brand?
b. Which representative’s sales are more spread out? c. Compare the interquartile ranges of the two
Explain. data sets.
c. Which representative had the single worst sales d. Which brand do you think has a greater standard
month during the year? Explain. deviation? Explain.
e. You need a cell phone that has a battery life of
18. ERROR ANALYSIS Describe and correct the error in more than 3.5 hours most of the time. Which
describing the box-and-whisker plot. brand should you buy? Explain.

22. THOUGHT PROVOKING Create a data set that can

Length be represented by the box-and-whisker plot shown.
(cm) Justify your answer.
1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0

✗ The distribution is skewed left. So,

most of the data are on the left side
of the plot. 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

19. WRITING Given the numbers 36 and 12, identify 23. CRITICAL THINKING Two data sets have the same
which number is the range and which number is the median, the same interquartile range, and the same
interquartile range of a data set. Explain. range. Is it possible for the box-and-whisker plots of
the data sets to be different? Justify your answer.

Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency Reviewing what you learned in previous grades and lessons

Use zeros to graph the function. (Section 8.5)

24. f (x) = −2(x + 9)(x − 3) 25. y = 3(x − 5)(x + 5)
26. y = 4x2 − 16x − 48 27. h(x) = −x2 + 5x + 14

598 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.3 Shapes of Distributions
Essential Question How can you use a histogram to
characterize the basic shape of a distribution?

Analyzing a Famous Symmetric Distribution

Work with a partner. A famous Scottish Militiamen
data set was collected in Scotland in
the mid-1800s. It contains the chest Mean = 40 in.
Standard deviation = 2 in.
sizes, measured in inches, of 5738
men in the Scottish Militia. Estimate 1000

the percent of the chest sizes that lie

within (a) 1 standard deviation of
the mean, (b) 2 standard deviations 600
of the mean, and (c) 3 standard
deviations of the mean. Explain 400

your reasoning. 200

33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47
Chest size (inches)

Comparing Two Symmetric Distributions

Work with a partner. The graphs show the distributions of the heights of
250 adult American males and 250 adult American females.

Adult Male Heights Adult Female Heights

48 48
Mean = 70 in. Mean = 64 in.
40 40
Standard deviation = 3 in. Standard deviation = 2.5 in.


32 32
24 24
16 16
8 8
0 0
55 60 65 70 75 80 85 55 60 65 70 75 80 85
Height (inches) Height (inches)

a. Which data set has a smaller standard deviation? Explain what this means in the
context of the problem.
b. Estimate the percent of male heights between 67 inches and 73 inches.
TO PRECISION Communicate Your Answer
To be proficient in math,
you need to express 3. How can you use a histogram to characterize the basic shape of a distribution?
numerical answers with 4. All three distributions in Explorations 1 and 2 are roughly symmetric. The
a level of precision histograms are called “bell-shaped.”
appropriate for the
problem’s context. a. What are the characteristics of a symmetric distribution?
b. Why is a symmetric distribution called “bell-shaped?”
c. Give two other real-life examples of symmetric distributions.

Section 11.3 Shapes of Distributions 599

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11.3 Lesson What You Will Learn
Describe the shapes of data distributions.
Use the shapes of data distributions to choose appropriate measures.
Core Vocabul
larry Compare data distributions.
Describing the Shapes of Data Distributions
frequency table
Recall that a histogram is a bar graph that shows the frequency of data values in
intervals of the same size. A histogram is another useful data display that shows the
shape of a distribution.

Core Concept
Symmetric and Skewed Distributions

If all the bars of a
histogram are about the tail
same height, then the
distribution is a flat, or
uniform, distribution. A
uniform distribution is
Skewed left Symmetric Skewed right
also symmetric.
• The “tail” of the • The data on the right • The “tail” of the
graph extends to of the distribution graph extends to
the left. are approximately a the right.
mirror image of the
• Most of the data • Most of the data
data on the left of
are on the right. are on the left.
the distribution.

Number of Describing the Shape of a Distribution

tickets sold
The frequency table shows the numbers of raffle tickets sold by students in your grade.
1–8 5
Display the data in a histogram. Describe the shape of the distribution.
9–16 9
17–24 16 SOLUTION Raffle Tickets
Step 1 Draw and label the axes. 30
25–32 25

33–40 20 Step 2 Draw a bar to represent the 20

41–48 8 frequency of each interval. 15
The data on the right of the distribution 10
49–56 7
are approximately a mirror image of the 5
data on the left of the distribution. 0
Number of










pounds So, the distribution is symmetric.

Number of tickets sold
1–10 7
11–20 8
21–30 10
Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com
31–40 16
41–50 34 1. The frequency table shows the numbers of pounds of aluminum cans collected
by classes for a fundraiser. Display the data in a histogram. Describe the shape of
51–60 15 the distribution.

600 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Choosing Appropriate Measures
Use the shape of a distribution to choose the most appropriate measure of center and
measure of variation to describe the data set.

STUDY TIP Core Concept

When a distribution is Choosing Appropriate Measures
symmetric, the mean and When a data distribution is symmetric,
median are about the
same. When a distribution • use the mean to describe the center and
is skewed, the mean will • use the standard deviation to describe
be in the direction in the variation.
which the distribution is mean
skewed while the median When a data distribution is skewed,
will be less affected.
• use the median to describe the
center and
• use the five-number summary
to describe the variation.
mean median median mean

Choosing Appropriate Measures

A police officer measures the speeds (in miles per hour) of 30 motorists. The results
Speeds (mi/h)
are shown in the table at the left. (a) Display the data in a histogram using six intervals
32 44 39 beginning with 31–35. (b) Which measures of center and variation best represent the
53 38 48 data? (c) The speed limit is 45 miles per hour. How would you interpret these results?
56 41 42 SOLUTION
50 50 55
a. Make a frequency table using the described intervals. Then use the frequency table
55 45 49 to make a histogram.
51 53 52
Speeds of Motorists
54 60 55 Speed (mi/h) Frequency
52 50 52 31–35 1 10

55 40 60 36– 40 3
45 58 47 41– 45 5 4
46–50 6 0






51–55 11




56–60 4 Speed (miles per hour)

b. Because most of the data are on the right and the tail of the graph extends to the
left, the distribution is skewed left. So, use the median to describe the center and
the five-number summary to describe the variation.

Email Attachments Sent c. Using the frequency table and the histogram, you can see that most of the speeds
are more than 45 miles per hour. So, most of the motorists were speeding.
74 105 98 68 64
85 75 60 48 51
Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com
65 55 58 45 38
2. You record the numbers of email attachments sent by 30 employees of a company
64 52 65 30 70 in 1 week. Your results are shown in the table. (a) Display the data in a histogram
72 5 45 77 83 using six intervals beginning with 1–20. (b) Which measures of center and
42 25 95 16 120 variation best represent the data? Explain.

Section 11.3 Shapes of Distributions 601

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Comparing Data Distributions

Comparing Data Distributions

Emoticons are graphic symbols

that represent facial expressions. Text Messaging
They are used to convey a person’s 16
mood in a text message. The double 14

Female students
histogram shows the distributions of 12
emoticon messages sent by a group of 10
female students and a group of male 8
students during 1 week. Compare the 6
distributions using their shapes and 4

appropriate measures of center 2
and variation. 0

Male students
Because the data on the right of the
distribution for the female students
are approximately a mirror image of
the data on the left of the distribution,
the distribution is symmetric. So, the
mean and standard deviation best






represent the distribution for




female students. Number of emoticon messages

Because most of the data are on the

left of the distribution for the male students and the tail of the graph extends to the
right, the distribution is skewed right. So, the median and five-number summary best
represent the distribution for male students.
The mean of the female data set is probably in the 30–39 interval, while the median of
the male data set is in the 10–19 interval. So, a typical female student is much more
likely to use emoticons than a typical male student.
The data for the female students is more variable than the data for the male students.
This means that the use of emoticons tends to differ more from one female student to
the next.

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3. Compare the distributions using their shapes and appropriate measures of center
and variation.

Professional Football Players Company Employees

25 40


20 32
15 24
10 16
5 8
0 0


15 4
18 7

12 1
15 4
18 7
21 0







Years of experience Years of experience

602 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Many real-life data sets have distributions that are bell-shaped and approximately
symmetric about the mean. In a future course, you will study this type of distribution
in detail. For now, the following rules can help you see how valuable the standard
deviation can be as a measure of variation.
• About 68% of the data lie within 1 standard deviation of the mean.
−2σ −σ x +σ +2σ • About 95% of the data lie within 2 standard deviations of the mean.
• Data values that are more than 2 standard deviations from the mean are
95% considered unusual.
Because the data are symmetric, you can deduce that 34% of the data lie within
1 standard deviation to the left of the mean, and 34% of the data lie within 1 standard
deviation to the right of the mean.

Comparing Data Distributions

T table shows the results of a survey that asked men and women how many pairs of
sshoes they own.
aa. Make a double box-and-whisker Men Women
plot that represents the data.
Survey size 35 40
Describe the shape of each
distribution. Minimum 2 5
b. Compare the number of pairs
b Maximum 17 24
of shoes owned by men to the 1st Quartile 5 12
number of pairs of shoes owned
Median 7 14
by women.
3rd Quartile 10 17
cc. About how many of the women
surveyed would you expect to own Mean 8 14
between 10 and 18 pairs of shoes? Standard deviation 3 4


Pairs of
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

The distribution for men is skewed right, and the distribution for women
is symmetric.
b. The centers and spreads of the two data sets are quite different from each other.
The mean for women is twice the median for men, and there is more variability
in the number of pairs of shoes owned by women.
c. Assuming the symmetric distribution is bell-shaped, you know about 68% of the
data lie within 1 standard deviation of the mean. Because the mean is 14 and the
standard deviation is 4, the interval from 10 to 18 represents about 68% of the data.

So, you would expect about 0.68 40 ≈ 27 of the women surveyed to own between
10 and 18 pairs of shoes.

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4. Why is the mean greater than the median for the men?
5. If 50 more women are surveyed, about how many more would you expect to own
between 10 and 18 pairs of shoes?

Section 11.3 Shapes of Distributions 603

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11.3 Exercises Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com

Vocabulary and Core Concept Check

1. VOCABULARY Describe how data are distributed in a symmetric distribution, a distribution that is
skewed left, and a distribution that is skewed right.

2. WRITING How does the shape of a distribution help you decide which measures of center and
variation best describe the data?

Monitoring Progress and Modeling with Mathematics

3. DESCRIBING DISTRIBUTIONS The frequency table In Exercises 7 and 8, determine which measures of
shows the numbers of hours that students volunteer center and variation best represent the data. Explain
per month. Display the data in a histogram. Describe your reasoning.
the shape of the distribution. (See Example 1.)
7. Summer Camp
Number of 30
volunteer 1–2 3–4 5–6 7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14

hours 18
Frequency 1 5 12 20 15 7 2 6
7–8 9–10 11–12 13–14 15–16 17–18
shows the results of a survey that asked people how
many hours they spend
online per week. Display Hours 8. Fundraiser
the data in a histogram. Frequency
online 30
Describe the shape of the

0–3 5 24
distribution. 18
4–7 7 12
8–11 12 0
1–20 21–40 41–60 61–80 81–100
12–15 14
Amount donated (dollars)
16–19 26
20–23 45
9. ANALYZING DATA The table shows the last 24 ATM
24–27 33
withdrawals at a bank. (See Example 2.)
a. Display the data in a ATM Withdrawals
histogram using seven (dollars)
In Exercises 5 and 6, describe the shape of the
intervals beginning
distribution of the data. Explain your reasoning. 120 100 70
with 26–50.
5. Stem Leaf 6. Stem Leaf 60 40 80
b. Which measures of
1 1 1 3 4 8 5 0 0 1 center and variation 150 80 50
2 2 3 4 7 8 6 3 6 7 9 best represent the
7 1 4 5 8 9 120 60 175
3 1 2 4 9 data? Explain.
4 0 3 2 8 2 4 5 5 7 30 50 50
5 7 9 9 4 6 8 9 c. The bank charges
60 200 30
6 6 10 1 3 4 a fee for any ATM
withdrawal less than 100 150 110
Key: 3  1 = 31 Key: 6  3 = 63 $150. How would you 70 40 100
interpret the data?

604 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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10. ANALYZING DATA Measuring an IQ is an inexact 15. COMPARING DATA SETS The double histogram
science. However, IQ scores have been around for shows the distributions of daily high temperatures
years in an attempt to measure human intelligence. for two towns over a 50-day period. Compare the
The table shows some of the greatest known IQ scores. distributions using their shapes and appropriate
measures of center and variation. (See Example 3.)
a. Display the data in a IQ Scores
histogram using five Daily High Temperatures
intervals beginning 170 190 180
with 151–166. 160 180 210 16
b. Which measures of 154 170 180 12

Town A
center and variation 10
195 230 160
best represent the 8
data? Explain. 170 186 180 6

225 190 170 4
c. The distribution of 2
IQ scores for the 0
human population is symmetric. What happens 16
to the shape of the distribution in part (a) as you

Town B
include more and more IQ scores from the human 10
population in the data set? 8
ERROR ANALYSIS In Exercises 11 and 12, describe 4
and correct the error in the statements about the data
displayed in the histogram.








Test Scores Temperature

12 16. COMPARING DATA SETS The frequency tables
show the numbers of entrées in certain price ranges
0 (in dollars) at two different restaurants. Display the
41–50 51–60 61–70 71–80 81–90 91–100
data in a double histogram. Compare the distributions
Percent correct using their shapes and appropriate measures of center
and variation.

11. Restaurant A Restaurant B
Most of the data are on the right.
So, the distribution is skewed right. Price Price
Frequency Frequency
range range
8–10 5 8–10 0

Because the distribution is skewed, 11–13 9 11–13 2
use the standard deviation to 14–16 12 14–16 5
describe the variation of the data. 17–19 4 17–19 7
20–22 3 20–22 8
13. USING TOOLS For a large data set, would you use 23–25 0 23–25 6
a stem-and-leaf plot or a histogram to show the
distribution of the data? Explain. 17. OPEN-ENDED Describe a real-life data set that has a
distribution that is skewed right.
14. REASONING For a symmetric distribution, why is
the mean used to describe the center and the standard 18. OPEN-ENDED Describe a real-life data set that has a
deviation used to describe the variation? For a skewed distribution that is skewed left.
distribution, why is the median used to describe the
center and the five-number summary used to describe
the variation?

Section 11.3 Shapes of Distributions 605

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19. COMPARING DATA SETS The table shows the results 22. HOW DO YOU SEE IT? Match the distribution with
of a survey that asked freshmen and sophomores how the corresponding box-and-whisker plot.
many songs they have downloaded on their MP3
a. b.
players. (See Example 4.)

Freshmen Sophomores
Survey size 45 54
Minimum 250 360
Maximum 2150 2400 c.
1st Quartile 800 780
Median 1200 2000
3rd Quartile 1600 2200
Mean 1150 1650
Standard deviation 420 480
a. Make a double box-and-whisker plot that
represents the data. Describe the shape of B.
each distribution.
b. Compare the number of songs downloaded by C.
freshmen to the number of songs downloaded
by sophomores.
c. About how many of the freshmen surveyed would
you expect to have between 730 and 1570 songs
downloaded on their MP3 players? 23. REASONING You record the following waiting times
at a restaurant.
d. If you survey 100 more freshmen, about how many
would you expect to have downloaded between Waiting Times (minutes)
310 and 1990 songs on their MP3 players? 26 38 15 8 22 42 25 20 17 18
20. COMPARING DATA SETS You conduct the same 40 35 24 31 42 29 25 0 30 13
survey as in Exercise 19 but use a different group of
a. Display the data in a histogram using five
freshmen. The results are as follows.
intervals beginning with 0–9. Describe the shape
Survey size: 60; minimum: 200; maximum: 2400;
of the distribution.
1st quartile: 640; median: 1670; 3rd quartile: 2150;
mean: 1480; standard deviation: 500 b. Display the data in a histogram using 10 intervals
beginning with 0–4. What happens when the
a. Compare the number of songs downloaded by
number of intervals is increased?
this group of freshmen to the number of songs
downloaded by sophomores. c. Which histogram best represents the data? Explain
your reasoning.
b. Why is the median greater than the mean for this
group of freshmen?
21. REASONING A data set has a symmetric distribution.
The shape of a bimodal
Every value in the data set is doubled. Describe the
distribution is shown.
shape of the new distribution. Are the measures of
Describe a real-life example
center and variation affected? Explain.
of a bimodal distribution.

Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency Reviewing what you learned in previous grades and lessons

Find the domain of the function. (Section 10.1)

— — 1 —
25. f(x) = √ x + 6 26. f(x) = √ 2x 27. f(x) = —4 √ x − 7

606 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.1–11.3 What Did You Learn?

Core Vocabulary
measure of center, p. 586 measure of variation, p. 587 box-and-whisker plot, p. 594
mean, p. 586 range, p. 587 quartile, p. 594
median, p. 586 standard deviation, p. 588 five-number summary, p. 594
mode, p. 586 data transformation, p. 589 interquartile range, p. 595
outlier, p. 587

Core Concepts
Section 11.1
Measures of Center, p. 586 Data Transformations Using Addition, p. 589
Measures of Variation, p. 587 Data Transformations Using Multiplication, p. 589

Section 11.2
Box-and-Whisker Plot, p. 594 Shapes of Box-and-Whisker Plots, p. 596

Section 11.3
Symmetric and Skewed Distributions, p. 600 Choosing Appropriate Measures, p. 601

Mathematical Practices
1. Exercises 15 and 16 on page 590 are similar. For each data set, is the outlier much greater
than or much less than the rest of the data values? Compare how the outliers affect the
means. Explain why this makes sense.
2. In Exercise 18 on page 605, provide a possible reason for why the distribution is skewed left.

Study Skills

Studying for Finals

• Form a study group of three or four students several
weeks before the final exam.
• Find out what material you must know for the final exam,
even if your teacher has not yet covered it.
• Ask for a practice final exam or create one yourself and
have your teacher look at it.
• Have each group member take the practice final exam.
• Decide when the group is going to meet and what you
will cover during each session.
• During the sessions, make sure you stay on track.


hsnb_alg1_pe_11mc.indd 607 2/5/15 9:36 AM

11.1–11.3 Quiz

Find the mean, median, and mode of the data set. Which measure of center best
represents the data? Explain. (Section 11.1)
1. 2. Waterfall Height (feet)
Hours Spent on Project

3—12 5 2—12 1000 1267 1328

1200 1180 1000
3 3—12 1
2568 1191 1100

Find the range and standard deviation of each data set. Then compare your
results. (Section 11.1)
3. Absent students during a week of school 4. Numbers of points scored
Female: 6, 2, 4, 3, 4 Juniors: 19, 15, 20, 10, 14, 21, 18, 15
Male: 5, 3, 6, 6, 9 Seniors: 22, 19, 29, 32, 15, 26, 30, 19

Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the data. (Section 11.2)

5. Ages of family members: 6. Minutes of violin practice:
60, 15, 25, 20, 55, 70, 40, 30 20, 50, 60, 40, 40, 30, 60, 40, 50, 20, 20, 35

7. Display the data in a histogram. Describe the shape of the distribution. (Section 11.3)

Quiz score 0–2 3–5 6–8 9–11 12–14

Frequency 1 3 6 16 4

8. The table shows the prices of eight mountain bikes in a sporting goods store.
(Section 11.1 and Section 11.2)

Price (dollars) 98 119 95 211 130 98 100 125

a. Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation

of the prices.
b. Identify the outlier. How does the outlier affect the mean,
median, and mode?
c. Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the data. Find and
interpret the interquartile range of the data. Identify the shape
of the distribution.
d. Find the mean, median, mode, range, and standard deviation
of the prices when the store offers a 5% discount on all mountain bikes.

9. The table shows the times of 20 presentations. (Section 11.3) Time (minutes)
a. Display the data in a histogram using five intervals beginning with 3–5. 9 7 10 12
b. Which measures of center and variation best represent the data? Explain.
10 11 8 10
c. The presentations are supposed to be 10 minutes long. How would you
interpret these results? 10 17 11 5
9 10 4 12
6 14 8 10

608 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.4 Two-Way Tables
Essential Question How can you read and make a two-way table?

Reading a Two-Way Table

Work with a partner. You are the manager of a sports shop. The two-way tables
show the numbers of soccer T-shirts in stock at your shop at the beginning and end of
the selling season. (a) Complete the totals for the rows and columns in each table.
(b) How would you alter the number of T-shirts you order for next season? Explain
your reasoning.

Beginning T-Shirt Size

of season S M L XL XXL Total
blue/white 5 6 7 6 5
blue/gold 5 6 7 6 5
5 6 7 6 5
black/white 5 6 7 6 5
black/gold 5 6 7 6 5
Total 145

End T-Shirt Size

of season S M L XL XXL Total
blue/white 5 4 1 0 2
blue/gold 3 6 5 2 0

4 2 4 1 3
black/white 3 4 1 2 1
black/gold 5 2 3 0 2
To be proficient in math, Making a Two-Way Table
you need to identify Work with a partner. The Part-Time Jobs of Students at a High School
important quantities and three-dimensional bar graph
map their relationships shows the numbers of hours
using tools such as graphs students work at part-time jobs.
and two-way tables. 160
a. Make a two-way table 140
showing the data. Use 120
estimation to find the 100
entries in your table. 80
b. Write two observations 40
that summarize the data 20 0 hours per week
in your table. 0 1–7 hours per week
Males 8+ hours per week

Communicate Your Answer

3. How can you read and make a two-way table?

Section 11.4 Two-Way Tables 609

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11.4 Lesson What You Will Learn
Find and interpret marginal frequencies.
Make two-way tables.
Core Vocabul
larry Find relative and conditional relative frequencies.
two-way table, p. 610 Use two-way tables to recognize associations in data.
joint frequency, p. 610
marginal frequency, p. 610
joint relative frequency, p. 611 Finding and Interpreting Marginal Frequencies
marginal relative frequency, A two-way table is a frequency table that displays data collected from one source
p. 611 that belong to two different categories. One category of data is represented by rows,
conditional relative frequency, and the other is represented by columns. For instance, the two-way table below shows
p. 612 the results of a survey that asked freshmen and sophomores whether they access the
Internet using a mobile device, such as a smartphone.
The two categories of data are
class and mobile access. Class is categories Mobile Access
further divided into freshman and Yes No
sophomore, and mobile access is
Freshman 55 22

further divided into yes and no.
Each entry in the table is called a joint Sophomore 63 12

REMEMBER frequency. The sums of the rows and

columns in a two-way table are called joint frequency
The frequency of an event
marginal frequencies.
is the number of times the
event occurs.
Finding and Interpreting Marginal Frequencies

Find and interpret the marginal frequencies for the two-way table above.

Create a new column and a new row for the marginal frequencies. Then add the entries
STUDY TIP in each row and column.
The sum of the “total”
row should be equal to Mobile Access
the sum of the “total”
Yes No Total
column. Place this sum of
the marginal frequencies Freshman 55 22 77 77 freshmen responded.

at the bottom right of your

Sophomore 63 12 75 75 sophomores responded.
two-way table.
Total 118 34 152 152 students were surveyed.

118 students access the 34 students do not access the

Internet using a mobile device. Internet using a mobile device.

Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

1. You conduct a technology survey to

Tablet Computer
publish on your school’s website. You
survey students in the school cafeteria Yes No
about the technological devices they

Yes 34 124

own. The results are shown in the

two-way table. Find and interpret the No 18 67
marginal frequencies.

610 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Making Two-Way Tables

Making a Two-Way Table

You conduct a survey that asks 286 students in your freshman class whether they play
a sport or a musical instrument. One hundred eighteen of the students play a sport,
and 64 of those students play an instrument. Ninety-three of the students do not play a
sport or an instrument. Organize the results in a two-way table. Include the
marginal frequencies.

Step 1 Determine the two categories Instrument
for the table: sport and
instrument. Yes No Total
Yes 64 118

Step 2 Use the given joint and
No 93
marginal frequencies to fill
in parts of the table. Total 286

Step 3 Use reasoning to find the

missing joint and marginal
frequencies. For instance, Yes No Total
you can conclude that there
Yes 64 54 118

are 286 − 118 = 168
students who do not play a No 75 93 168
sport, and 118 − 64 = 54
Total 139 147 286
students who play a sport but
do not play an instrument.

Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

2. You survey students about whether they are getting a summer job. Seventy-five
males respond, with 18 of them responding “no.” Fifty-seven females respond,
with 45 of them responding “yes.” Organize the results in a two-way table.
Include the marginal frequencies.

Finding Relative and Conditional Relative Frequencies

You can display entries of a two-way table as frequency counts (as in Examples 1
and 2) or as relative frequencies.

Core Concept
Relative Frequencies
A joint relative frequency is the ratio of a frequency that is not in the “total” row
or the “total” column to the total number of values or observations.
A marginal relative frequency is the sum of the joint relative frequencies in a
row or a column.
When finding relative frequencies in a two-way table, you can use the
corresponding decimals or percents.

Section 11.4 Two-Way Tables 611

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Finding Relative Frequencies

Major in The two-way table shows the results of a survey that asked college-bound high school
Medical Field students whether they plan to major in a medical field. Make a two-way table that
shows the joint and marginal relative frequencies.
Yes No
Junior 124 219 SOLUTION

There are 124 + 219 + 101 + 236 = 680 students in the survey. To find the joint
Senior 101 236
relative frequencies, divide each frequency by 680. Then find the sum of each row and
each column to find the marginal relative frequencies.

STUDY TIP Major in Medical Field

The sum of the marginal Yes No Total
relative frequencies in 124 219 About 50% of the
Junior — ≈ 0.18 — ≈ 0.32 0.50

the “total” row and the 680 680 students are juniors.
“total” column should Senior
— ≈ 0.15 236
— ≈ 0.35 0.50
680 680 About 35% of the students are
each be equal to 1.
Total 0.33 0.67 1 seniors and are not planning to
major in a medical field.

Core Concept
Conditional Relative Frequencies
A conditional relative frequency is the ratio of a joint relative frequency to the
marginal relative frequency. You can find a conditional relative frequency using a
row total or a column total of a two-way table.

Finding Conditional Relative Frequencies

Use the survey results in Example 3 to make a two-way table that shows the
conditional relative frequencies based on the column totals.

Use the marginal relative frequency of each column to calculate the conditional
STUDY TIP relative frequencies.

When you use column

Major in Medical Field
totals, the sum of the
conditional relative Yes No Given that a student is not planning
frequencies for each 0.18 0.32 to major in a medical field, the
column should be Junior — ≈ 0.55 — ≈ 0.48
conditional relative frequency that

0.33 0.67
equal to 1. 0.15 0.35 he or she is a junior is about 48%.
Senior — ≈ 0.45 — ≈ 0.52
0.33 0.67

Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

3. Use the survey results in Monitoring Progress Question 2 to make a two-way table
that shows the joint and marginal relative frequencies. What percent of students
are not getting a summer job?
4. Use the survey results in Example 3 to make a two-way table that shows the
conditional relative frequencies based on the row totals. Given that a student is
a senior, what is the conditional relative frequency that he or she is planning to
major in a medical field?

612 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Recognizing Associations in Data

Recognizing Associations in Data

You survey students and find that 40% exercise regularly, 35% eat fruits and
vegetables each day, and 52% do not exercise and do not eat fruits and vegetables
each day. Is there an association between exercising regularly and eating fruits and
vegetables each day?

Use the given information to make a
Exercise Regularly
two-way table. Use reasoning to find
the missing joint and marginal Yes No Total
relative frequencies.

Eats Fruit/
Yes 27% 8% 35%
Use conditional relative frequencies No 13% 52% 65%
based on the column totals to determine
whether there is an association. Of the Total 40% 60% 100%
students who exercise regularly, 67.5%
eat fruits and vegetables each day. Of the Exercise Regularly
students who do not exercise regularly,
only about 13% eat fruits and vegetables Yes No
each day. It appears that students who 0.27 0.08
Yes — = 0.675 — ≈ 0.133

Eats Fruit/
exercise regularly are more likely to eat 0.4 0.6
more fruits and vegetables than students
0.13 0.52
who do not exercise regularly. No — = 0.325 — ≈ 0.867
0.4 0.6

So, there is an association between exercising regularly and eating fruits and
vegetables each day.

You can also find the conditional relative frequencies by dividing each joint frequency
by its corresponding column total or row total.

Recognizing Associations in Data

The two-way table shows the results of a survey that asked students whether they
Age share a computer at home with other family members. Is there an association
12–13 14–15 16–17 18–19 between age and sharing a computer?

Share a

40 47 42 22 SOLUTION
No 10 25 36 34 Use conditional relative frequencies based on column totals to determine whether
there is an association. Based on this sample, 80% of students ages 12–13 share a
computer and only about 39% of students ages 18–19 share a computer.

The table shows that as age Age

increases, students are less
likely to share a computer 12–13 14–15 16–17 18–19
with other family 40
= 0.8 47
≈ 0.65 42
≈ 0.54 22
≈ 0.39

Yes — — — —
Share a

50 72 78 56
members. So, there
10 25 36 34
is an association. No —
≈ 0.2 —
≈ 0.35 —
≈ 0.46 —
≈ 0.61

Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

5. Using the results of the survey in Monitoring Progress Question 1, is there an

association between owning a tablet computer and owning a cell phone? Explain
your reasoning.

Section 11.4 Two-Way Tables 613

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11.4 Exercises Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com

Vocabulary and Core Concept Check

1. COMPLETE THE SENTENCE Each entry in a two-way table is called a(n) __________.

2. WRITING When is it appropriate to use a two-way table to organize data?

3. VOCABULARY Explain the relationship between joint relative frequencies, marginal relative
frequencies, and conditional relative frequencies.

4. WRITING Describe two ways you can find conditional relative frequencies.

Monitoring Progress and Modeling with Mathematics

You conduct a survey that asks 346 students whether 11. USING TWO-WAY TABLES You conduct a survey
they buy lunch at school. In Exercises 5–8, use the that asks students whether they plan to participate in
results of the survey shown in the two-way table. school spirit week. The results are shown in the
two-way table. Find and interpret the marginal
Buy Lunch at School frequencies.
Yes No
Participate in Spirit Week
Freshman 92 86

Yes No Undecided
Sophomore 116 52
Freshman 112 56 54

5. How many freshmen were surveyed? Sophomore 92 68 32

6. How many sophomores were surveyed?

12. USING TWO-WAY TABLES You conduct a survey that
7. How many students buy lunch at school? asks college-bound high school seniors about the type
of degree they plan to receive. The results are shown
8. How many students do not buy lunch at school? in the two-way table. Find and interpret the marginal
In Exercises 9 and 10, find and interpret the marginal
frequencies. (See Example 1.) Type of Degree

9. Associate’s Bachelor’s Master’s

Set Academic Goals

Male 58 126 42
Yes No
Female 62 118 48

Male 64 168

Female 54 142 USING STRUCTURE In Exercises 13 and 14, complete the

two-way table.
Cat 13. Traveled on
Yes No an Airplane
Yes 104 208 Yes No Total

Freshman 62

No 186 98
Sophomore 184
Total 274 352

614 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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14. Plan to Attend 19. USING TWO-WAY TABLES Refer to Exercise 17.
School Dance What percent of students prefer aerobic exercise?
What percent of students are males who prefer
Yes No Total anaerobic exercise?

Male 38
20. USING TWO-WAY TABLES Refer to Exercise 18. What
Female 24 112 percent of the sandwiches are on wheat bread? What
Total 196 percent of the sandwiches are turkey on white bread?

ERROR ANALYSIS In Exercises 21 and 22, describe and

15. MAKING TWO-WAY TABLES You conduct a survey correct the error in using the two-way table.
that asks 245 students in your school whether they
have taken a Spanish or a French class. One hundred Participate in Fundraiser
nine of the students have taken a Spanish class, and
45 of those students have taken a French class. Yes No
Eighty-two of the students have not taken a Spanish Freshman 187 85

or a French class. Organize the results in a two-way
table. Include the marginal frequencies. Sophomore 123 93
(See Example 2.)

16. MAKING TWO-WAY TABLES A car dealership has One hundred eighty-seven
98 cars on its lot. Fifty-five of the cars are new. Of freshmen responded to the survey.
the new cars, 36 are domestic cars. There are 15 used
foreign cars on the lot. Organize this information in a

two-way table. Include the marginal frequencies. 22. The two-way table shows the joint
relative frequencies.

Participate in Fundraiser
Yes No
187 85
Freshman — ≈ 0.69 — ≈ 0.31

272 272
123 93
216 ≈ 0.57 ≈ 0.43
Sophomore — —

23. USING TWO-WAY TABLES A company is hosting an

In Exercises 17 and 18, make a two-way table that
event for its employees to celebrate the end of the
shows the joint and marginal relative frequencies.
year. It asks the employees whether they prefer a
(See Example 3.)
lunch event or a dinner event. It also asks whether
17. they prefer a catered event or a potluck. The results
Exercise Preference
are shown in the two-way table. Make a two-way
Aerobic Anaerobic table that shows the conditional relative frequencies
based on the row totals. Given that an employee

Male 88 104 prefers a lunch event, what is the conditional relative

Female 96 62 frequency that he or she prefers a catered event?
(See Example 4.)

18. Menu
Potluck Catered
Turkey Ham
Lunch 36 48

White 452 146


Dinner 44 72
Wheat 328 422

Section 11.4 Two-Way Tables 615

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24. USING TWO-WAY TABLES The two-way table shows 28. ANALYZING TWO-WAY TABLES Refer to Exercise 12.
the results of a survey that asked students about their Is there an association between gender and type of
preference for a new school mascot. Make a two-way degree? Explain.
table that shows the conditional relative frequencies
based on the column totals. Given that a student 29. WRITING Compare Venn diagrams and two-way tables.
prefers a hawk as a mascot, what is the conditional
relative frequency that he or she prefers a cartoon
mascot? 30. HOW DO YOU SEE IT? The graph shows the results
of a survey that asked students about their favorite
movie genre.

Tiger Hawk Dragon Favorite Movie Genre

Realistic 67 74 51

Number of students
80 Male
Cartoon 58 18 24 70 Female
college-bound seniors and find that 85% plan to live
on campus, 35% plan to have a car while at college, 10
and 5% plan to live off campus and not have a car. Is 0
Comedy Action Horror
there an association between living on campus and
having a car at college? Explain. (See Example 5.) Genre

26. ANALYZING TWO-WAY TABLES You survey students a. Display the given information in a two-way table.
and find that 70% watch sports on TV, 48% participate
b. Which of the data displays do you prefer? Explain.
in a sport, and 16%
do not watch sports on
TV or participate in a
31. PROBLEM SOLVING A box office sells 1809 tickets to
sport. Is there an
a play, 800 of which are for the main floor. The tickets
association between
consist of 2x + y adult tickets on the main floor,
participating in a sport
x − 40 child tickets on the
and watching sports
main floor, x + 2y adult
on TV? Explain.
tickets in the balcony,
and 3x − y − 80 child
27. ANALYZING TWO-WAY TABLES The two-way table
tickets in the balcony.
shows the results of a survey that asked adults
whether they participate in recreational skiing. Is a. Organize this information
there an association between age and recreational in a two-way table.
skiing? (See Example 6.)
b. Find the values of x and y.
Age c. What percent of tickets are adult tickets?
21–30 31–40 41–50 51–60 61–70 d. What percent of child tickets are balcony tickets?
Yes 87 93 68 37 20

No 165 195 148 117 125 32. THOUGHT PROVOKING Compare “one-way tables”
and “two-way tables.” Is it possible to have a “three-
way table?” If so, give an example of a three-way table.

Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency Reviewing what you learned in previous grades and lessons

Tell whether the table of values represents a linear, an exponential, or a quadratic function.
(Section 8.6)
33. x 34. x
0 1 2 3 4 −1 0 1 2 3
2 1
y 144 24 4 —3 —9 y 3 0 −1 0 3

616 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.5 Choosing a Data Display
Essential Question How can you display data in a way that helps
you make decisions?

Displaying Data
Work with a partner. Analyze the data and then create a display that best represents
the data. Explain your choice of data display.
a. A group of schools in New England participated in a 2-month study and reported
3962 animals found dead along roads.
birds: 307 mammals: 2746 amphibians: 145
reptiles: 75 unknown: 689
b. The data below show the numbers of black bears killed on a state’s roads from 1993
to 2012.
1993: 30 2000: 47 2007: 99
1994: 37 2001: 49 2008: 129
1995: 46 2002: 61 2009: 111
1996: 33 2003: 74 2010: 127
1997: 43 2004: 88 2011: 141
1998: 35 2005: 82 2012: 135
1999: 43 2006: 109
c. A 1-week study along a 4-mile section of road found the following weights
(in pounds) of raccoons that had been killed by vehicles.
13.4 14.8 17.0 12.9 21.3 21.5 16.8 14.8
15.2 18.7 18.6 17.2 18.5 9.4 19.4 15.7
14.5 9.5 25.4 21.5 17.3 19.1 11.0 12.4
20.4 13.6 17.5 18.5 21.5 14.0 13.9 19.0
d. A yearlong study by volunteers in California reported the following numbers of
animals killed by motor vehicles.
raccoons: 1693 gray squirrels: 715
skunks: 1372 cottontail rabbits: 629
ground squirrels: 845 barn owls: 486
opossum: 763 jackrabbits: 466
USING TOOLS deer: 761 gopher snakes: 363
Communicate Your Answer
To be proficient in math,
you need to identify
relevant external
2. How can you display data in a way that helps you make decisions?
mathematical resources.
3. Use the Internet or some other reference to find examples of the following types
of data displays.
bar graph circle graph scatter plot
stem-and-leaf plot pictograph line graph
box-and-whisker plot histogram dot plot

Section 11.5 Choosing a Data Display 617

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11.5 Lesson What You Will Learn
Classify data as quantitative or qualitative.
Choose and create appropriate data displays.
Core Vocabul
larry Analyze misleading graphs.
qualitative (categorical) data,
p. 618
Classifying Data
quantitative data, p. 618
misleading graph, p. 620 Data sets can consist of two types of data: qualitative or quantitative.

Core Concept
Types of Data
Qualitative data, or categorical data, consist of labels or nonnumerical entries
that can be separated into different categories. When using qualitative data,
operations such as adding or finding a mean do not make sense.
Quantitative data consist of numbers that represent counts or measurements.
Just because a frequency
count can be shown for a Classifying Data
data set does not make it
quantitative. A frequency Tell whether the data are qualitative or quantitative.
count can be shown for a. prices of used cars at a dealership b. jersey numbers on a basketball team
both qualitative and
quantitative data. c. lengths of songs played at a concert d. zodiac signs of students in your class

a. Prices are numerical entries. So, the data are quantitative.
b. Jersey numbers are numerical, but they are labels. It does not make sense to
compare them, and you cannot measure them. So, the data are qualitative.
c. Song lengths are numerical measurements. So, the data are quantitative.
d. Zodiac signs are nonnumerical entries that can be separated into different
categories. So, the data are qualitative.

Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

Tell whether the data are qualitative or quantitative. Explain your reasoning.
1. telephone numbers in a directory 2. ages of patients at a hospital
3. lengths of videos on a website 4. types of flowers at a florist

Qualitative and quantitative data can be collected from the same data source, as shown
below. You can use these types of data together to obtain a more accurate description
of a population.

Data Source Quantitative Data Qualitative Data

How much do you earn per What is your
a student
hour at your job? $10.50 occupation? painter
How many square feet of living In what city is the
a house
space is in the house? 2500 ft2 house located? Chicago

618 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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Choosing and Creating Appropriate Data Displays
As shown on page 584, you have learned a variety of ways to display data sets
graphically. Choosing an appropriate data display can depend on whether the data are
qualitative or quantitative.

Choosing and Creating a Data Display

Analyze the data and then create a display that best represents the data. Explain
your reasoning.
a. b. Speeds of Vehicles (mi/h)
Eye Color Survey
Color Number of students Interstate A Interstate B

brown 63 65 67 67 72
68 71 70 78
blue 37 72 70 65 71
hazel 25 68 65 71 80
65 68 84 81
green 10 75 82 77 79
gray 3 68 59 69 70
62 68 66 69
amber 2 75 80 73 75
77 75 84 79
a. A circle graph is one appropriate way to display this qualitative data. It shows data
as parts of a whole.
Step 1 Find the angle measure for each section of the circle graph by multiplying
the fraction of students who have each eye color by 360°. Notice that there
are 63 + 37 + 25 + 10 + 3 + 2 = 140 students in the survey.

Brown: — 360° ≈ 162°

Blue: — 360° ≈ 95°

Hazel: — 360° ≈ 64°

Green: — 360° ≈ 26°

Gray: — 360° ≈ 8°

Amber: — 360° ≈ 5°

Step 2 Use a protractor to draw the Eye Color Survey

angle measures found in Step 1 Green: 10 Gray: 3
on a circle. Then label each Amber: 2
section and title the circle graph,
as shown.
Hazel: 25

b. A double box-and-whisker plot is Brown: 63

one appropriate way to display this Blue: 37
quantitative data. Use the five-number
summary of each data set to create a
double box-and-whisker plot.

Interstate A
59 66 68 75 82
Interstate B
65 69.5 72.5 79 84
55 60 65 70 75 80 85

Section 11.5 Choosing a Data Display 619

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Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

5. Display the data in Example 2(a) in another way.

6. Display the data in Example 2(b) in another way.

Analyzing Misleading Graphs

Just as there are several ways to display data accurately using graphs, there are several
ways to display data that are misleading. A misleading graph is a statistical graph that
is not drawn appropriately. This may occur when the creator of a graph wants to give
viewers the impression that results are better than they actually are. Below are some
questions you can ask yourself when analyzing a statistical graph that will help you
recognize when a graph is trying to deceive or mislead.
• Does the graph have a title? • Does the graph need a key?
• Are the numbers of the scale • Are all the axes or sections of the
evenly spaced? graph labeled?
• Does the scale begin at zero? If not, • Are all the components of the graph,
is there a break? such as the bars, the same size?

Analyzing Misleading Graphs

Describe how each graph is misleading. Then explain how someone might misinterpret
the graph.
a. b.
Tuition, Room, and Board at All Mean Hourly Wage for Employees
Colleges and Universities at a Fast-Food Restaurant
18,500 9.06
Average cost

Wage (dollars per hour)


16,500 9.01
16,000 9.00
15,500 8.98















Academic year 8.90
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
a. The scale on the vertical axis of the graph starts at $15,500 and does not have a break.
This makes it appear that the average cost increased rapidly for the years given.
Someone might believe that the average cost more than doubled from 2007 to 2011,
when actually, it increased by only about $1500.
b. The scale on the vertical axis has very small increments that are not equal.
Someone might believe that the greatest increase in the mean hourly wage occurred
from 2011 to 2012, when the greatest increase actually occurred from 2009 to 2010.

Monitoring Progress Help in English and Spanish at BigIdeasMath.com

7. Redraw the graphs in Example 3 so they are not misleading.

620 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.5 Exercises Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com

Vocabulary and Core Concept Check

1. OPEN-ENDED Describe two ways that a line graph can be misleading.

2. WHICH ONE DOESN’T BELONG? Which data set does not belong with the other three? Explain
your reasoning.

ages of people attending a concert heights of skyscrapers in a city

populations of counties in a state breeds of dogs at a pet store

Monitoring Progress and Modeling with Mathematics

In Exercises 3–8, tell whether the data are qualitative or 14.
Average Precipitation (inches)
quantitative. Explain your reasoning. (See Example 1.)
January 1.1 July 4.0
3. brands of cars in a parking lot
February 1.5 August 4.4
4. weights of bears at a zoo March 2.2 September 4.2
5. budgets of feature films April 3.7 October 3.5
May 5.1 November 2.1
6. file formats of documents on a computer
June 5.5 December 1.8
7. shoe sizes of students in your class
15. Grades (out of 100)
8. street addresses in a phone book on a Test

In Exercises 9–12, choose an appropriate data display 96 74 97 80 62

for the situation. Explain your reasoning. 84 88 53 77 75
89 81 52 85 63
9. the number of students in a marching band each year 87 95 59 83 100
10. a comparison of students’ grades (out of 100) in two
different classes 16. Colors of Cars that Drive by
11. the favorite sports of students in your class Your House
white 25 green 3
12. the distribution of teachers by age
red 12 silver/gray 27
In Exercises 13–16, analyze the data and then create yellow 1 blue 6
a display that best represents the data. Explain your black 21 brown/biege 5
reasoning. (See Example 2.)
13. Ages of World Cup Winners 17. DISPLAYING DATA Display the data in Exercise 13 in
another way.
2010 Men’s World 2011 Women’s World
Cup Winner (Spain) Cup Winner (Japan) 18. DISPLAYING DATA Display the data in Exercise 14 in
another way.
29 24 23 30 32 26 36 27 24 20 27 23
28 30 26 23 32 28 29 26 25 32 27 27 19. DISPLAYING DATA Display the data in Exercise 15 in
22 28 24 21 27 22 22 25 24 23 24 28 another way.
25 21 24 24 27 20 18 24

Section 11.5 Choosing a Data Display 621

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20. DISPLAYING DATA Display the data in Exercise 16 in 27. MAKING AN ARGUMENT A data set gives the ages of
another way. voters for a city election. Classmate A says the data
should be displayed in a bar graph, while Classmate
In Exercises 21–24, describe how the graph is misleading. B says the data would be better displayed in a
Then explain how someone might misinterpret the graph. histogram. Who is correct? Explain.
(See Example 3.)
21. Annual Sales 28. HOW DO YOU SEE IT? The manager of a company
104.5 sees the graph shown and concludes that the
Sales (millions

103.5 company is experiencing a decline. What is missing

of dollars)

102.5 from the graph? Explain why the manager may be

101.5 mistaken.
99.5 Company Growth
2010 2011 2012 2013 0.5
Year 0.4
22. Bicycling 0.1
20 0
January February March April May

29. REASONING A survey asked 100 students about
0–29 30–59 60–119 the sports they play. The results are shown in the
Minutes circle graph.

Sports Played

(°F) 12
−20 −10 0 40 80
Hockey: Basketball:
20 37
24. Decaying Chemical Compound
18 Soccer:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a. Explain why the graph is misleading.
b. What type of data display would be more
appropriate for the data? Explain.
25. DISPLAYING DATA Redraw the graph in Exercise 21
so it is not misleading. 30. THOUGHT PROVOKING Use a spreadsheet program
to create a type of data display that is not used in
26. DISPLAYING DATA Redraw the graph in Exercise 22 this section.
so it is not misleading.
31. REASONING What type of data display shows the
mode of a data set?

Maintaining Mathematical Proficiency Reviewing what you learned in previous grades and lessons

Determine whether the relation is a function. Explain. (Section 3.1)

32. (−5, −1), (−6, 0), (−5, 1), (−2, 2), (3 , 3) 33. (0, 1), (4, 0), (8, 1), (12, 2), (16, 3)

622 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.4–11.5 What Did You Learn?

Core Vocabulary
two-way table, p. 610 conditional relative frequency, p. 612
joint frequency, p. 610 qualitative (categorical) data, p. 618
marginal frequency, p. 610 quantitative data, p. 618
joint relative frequency, p. 611 misleading graph, p. 620
marginal relative frequency, p. 611

Core Concepts
Section 11.4
Joint and Marginal Frequencies, p. 610 Conditional Relative Frequencies, p. 612
Making Two-Way Tables, p. 611 Recognizing Associations in Data, p. 613
Relative Frequencies, p. 611

Section 11.5
Types of Data, p. 618
Choosing and Creating Appropriate Data Displays, p. 619
Analyzing Misleading Graphs, p. 620

Mathematical Practices
1. Consider the data given in the two-way table for Exercises 5–8 on page 614. Your
sophomore friend responded to the survey. Is your friend more likely to have responded
“yes” or “no” to buying a lunch? Explain.
2. Use your answer to Exercise 28 on page 622 to explain why it is important for a co
manager to see accurate graphs.

Performance Task

College Student
Study Time
Data from a small survey at a state university could provide insight into the
amount of study time necessary to be successful in college. Based on the
information you find when you organize the data, what advice should you
give your peers? How will you support your conclusions?

To explore the answers to these questions and more, go to



hsnb_alg1_pe_11ec.indd 623 2/5/15 9:35 AM

11 Chapter Review
Dynamic Solutions available at BigIdeasMath.com

Measures of Center and Variation (pp. 585–592)

The table shows the number of miles you ran each day for
Miles Run
10 days. Find the mean, median, and mode of the distances.
3.5 4.1
3.5 + 4.0 + 4.4 + 3.9 + 4.3 + 4.1 + 4.3 + 4.5 + 2.0 + 5.0
Mean —
x = ————— = 4 4.0 4.3
4.4 4.5
Median 2.0, 3.5, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.3, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.0 Order the data. 3.9 2.0
8.4 4.3 5.0
— = 4.2 Mean of two middle values
Mode 2.0, 3.5, 3.9, 4.0, 4.1, 4.3, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 5.0 4.3 occurs most often.

The mean is 4 miles, the median is 4.2 miles, and the mode is 4.3 miles.

1. Use the data in the example above. You run 4.0 miles on Day 11. How does this additional value
affect the mean, median, and mode? Explain.
2. Use the data in the example above. You run 10.0 miles on Day 11. How does this additional
value affect the mean, median, and mode? Explain.

Find the mean, median, and mode of the data.

3. 4.
Ski Resort Temperatures (°F)
11 3 3 Goals per
0 −9 −2 0 1 2 3 4 5

10 10 10

Find the range and standard deviation of each data set. Then compare your results.
5. 6.
Bowling Scores Tablet Prices
Player A Player B Store A Store B
205 190 228 205 $140 $180 $225 $310
185 200 172 181 $200 $250 $260 $190
210 219 154 240 $150 $190 $190 $285
174 203 235 235 $250 $160 $160 $240
194 230 168 192

Find the values of the measures shown after the given transformation.
Mean: 109 Median: 104 Mode: 96 Range: 45 Standard deviation: 3.6

7. Each value in the data set increases by 25.

8. Each value in the data set is multiplied by 0.6.

624 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots (pp. 593–598)

Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the weights (in pounds) of pumpkins sold at
a market.
16, 20, 11, 15, 10, 8, 8, 19, 11, 9, 16, 9
Step 1 Order the data. Find the median and the quartiles.
lower half upper half

least value 8 8 9 9 10 11 11 15 16 16 19 20 greatest value

first quartile, 9 median, 11 third quartile, 16

Step 2 Draw a number line that includes the least and greatest values. Graph points above the
number line for the five-number summary.
Step 3 Draw a box using Q1 and Q3. Draw a line through the median. Draw whiskers from the box
to the least and greatest values.
first quartile third quartile
least greatest
value value
8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Make a box-and-whisker plot that represents the data. Identify the shape of the distribution.
9. Ages of volunteers at a hospital: 10. Masses (in kilograms) of lions:
14, 17, 20, 16, 17, 14, 21, 18, 22 120, 230, 180, 210, 200, 200, 230, 160

11.3 Shapes of Distributions (pp. 599–606)

The histogram shows the amounts of money a group of Amounts of Money in Pocket
adults have in their pockets. Describe the shape of the 12
distribution. Which measures of center and variation 10

best represent the data?
The distribution is skewed left. So, use the median to 2
describe the center and the five-number summary 0
to describe the variation.















Amount Frequency Amount of money (dollars)

0–0.99 9
11. The frequency table shows the amounts (in dollars) of money
1–1.99 10 the students in a class have in their pockets.
2–2.99 9 a. Display the data in a histogram. Describe the shape of
the distribution.
3–3.99 7
b. Which measures of center and variation best represent the data?
4– 4.99 4 c. Compare this distribution with the distribution shown
5–5.99 1 above using their shapes and appropriate measures of center
and variation.

Chapter 11 Chapter Review 625

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11.4 Two-Way Tables (pp. 609–616)

You conduct a survey that asks 130 students about whether they have an after-school job.
Sixty males respond, 38 of which have a job. Twenty-six females do not have a job. Organize
the results in a two-way table. Find and interpret the marginal frequencies.

After-School Job

Yes No Total

Males 38 22 60 60 males responded.

Females 44 26 70 70 females responded.

Total 82 48 130 130 students were surveyed.

82 students have a job. 48 students do not have a job.

12. The two-way table shows the results of a survey that Food Court
asked shoppers at a mall about whether they like the
new food court. Like Dislike

a. Make a two-way table that shows the joint and Adults 21 79
marginal relative frequencies.
b. Make a two-way table that shows the conditional Teenagers 96 4
relative frequencies based on the column totals.

11.5 Choosing a Data Display (pp. 617–622)

Analyze the data and then create a display that best represents the data.

Ages of U.S. Presidents at Inauguration

57 61 57 57 58 57 61 54 68 51 49
64 50 48 65 52 56 46 54 49 51 47
55 55 54 42 51 56 55 51 54 51 60
62 43 55 56 61 52 69 64 46 54 47

A stem-and-leaf plot is one appropriate way to display this quantitative data. It orders numerical data
and shows how they are distributed.
Ages of U.S. Presidents at Inauguration
4 236677899
5 0111112244444555566677778 Perfect Attendance
6 0111244589 Key: 5 | 0 = 50
Number of
13. Analyze the data in the table at the right and then create a students
display that best represents the data. Explain your reasoning. freshman 84
Tell whether the data are qualitative or quantitative. Explain. sophomore 42
junior 67
14. heights of the members of a basketball team
15. grade level of students in an elementary school senior 31

626 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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11 Chapter Test
Describe the shape of the data distribution. Then determine which measures of center and
variation best represent the data.
1. 2. 3.

4. Determine whether each statement is always, sometimes, or never true. Explain your
a. The sum of the marginal relative frequencies in the “total” row and the “total” column
of a two-way table should each be equal to 1.
b. In a box-and-whisker plot, the length of the box to the left of the median and the
length of the box to the right of the median are equal.
c. Qualitative data are numerical.

5. Find the mean, median, mode, range, Prices of Shirts at a Clothing Store
and standard deviation of the prices.
$15.50 $18.90 $10.60 $12.25
$7.80 $23.50 $9.75 $21.70

6. Repeat Exercise 5 when all the shirts in the clothing store are 20% off.

7. Which data display best represents the data, a histogram or a stem-and-leaf plot? Explain.
15, 21, 18, 10, 12, 11, 17, 18, 16, 12, 20, 12, 17, 16

8. The tables show the battery lives (in hours) of two brands of laptops. Brand A Brand B
a. Make a double box-and-whisker plot that represents the data. 20.75 18.5 10.5 12.5
b. Identify the shape of each distribution. 13.5 16.25 9.5 10.25
c. Which brand’s battery lives are more spread out? Explain. 8.5 13.5 9.0 9.75

d. Compare the distributions using their shapes and 14.5 15.5 8.5 8.5
appropriate measures of center and variation. 11.5 16.75 9.0 7.0

Preferred method Number of 9. The table shows the results of a survey that asked students their preferred
of exercise students method of exercise. Analyze the data and then create a display that best
represents the data. Explain your reasoning.
walking 20
jogging 28 10. You conduct a survey that asks 271 students in your class whether they
biking 17 are attending the class field trip. One hundred twenty-one males respond,
92 of which are attending the field trip. Thirty-one females are not attending
swimming 11 the field trip.
lifting weights 10
a. Organize the results in a two-way table. Find and interpret the marginal
dancing 14 frequencies.
b. What percent of females are attending the class field trip?

Chapter 11 Chapter Test 627

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11 Cumulative Assessment

1. You ask all the students in your grade whether they have a
Cell Phones
cell phone. The results are shown in the two-way table. Your
friend claims that a greater percent of males in your grade have Yes No
cell phones than females. Do you support your friend’s claim?

Justify your answer. Male 27 12

Female 31 17

2. Use the graphs of the functions to answer each question. f 4
a. Are there any values of x greater than 0 where f (x) > h(x)? Explain.
b. Are there any values of x greater than 1 where g(x) > f (x)? Explain.
c. Are there any values of x greater than 0 where g(x) > h(x)? Explain. −2 2 x

3. Classify the shape of each distribution as symmetric, skewed left, or

skewed right.

a. b.

c. d.

4. Complete the equation so that the solutions of the system of equations are (−2, 4)
and (1, −5).
y= x+
y= 2x2 −x−6

5. Pair each function with its inverse.

y = −3x2, x ≥ 0 y = −x + 7 y = 2x − 4 1
y = − —x

1 —
y = —x + 2 y = x2 − 5, x ≥ 0 y = √x + 5 y = −x + 7

628 Chapter 11 Data Analysis and Displays

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6. The box-and-whisker plot represents the lengths (in minutes) of project presentations
at a science fair. Find the interquartile range of the data. What does this represent in the
context of the situation?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (minutes)

A 7; The middle half of the presentation lengths vary by no more than 7 minutes.

B 3; The presentation lengths vary by no more than 3 minutes.

C 3; The middle half of the presentation lengths vary by no more than 3 minutes.

D 7; The presentation lengths vary by no more than 7 minutes.

7. Scores in a video game can be between 0 and 100. Use the data set shown to fill in
a value for x so that each statement is true.
Video Game Scores
a. When x = ____, the mean of the scores is 45.5.
36 28
b. When x = ____, the median of the scores is 47.
48 x
c. When x = ____, the mode of the scores is 63.
42 57
d. When x = ____, the range of the scores is 71.
63 52

8. Select all the numbers that are in the range of the function shown.

y= { x2 + 4x + 7, if x ≤ −1
—2 x + 2, if x > −1

1 1 1 1
0 — 1 1— 2 2— 3 3— 4
2 2 2 2

9. A traveler walks and takes a shuttle bus to get to a terminal of an airport. The function
y = D(x) represents the traveler’s distance (in feet) after x minutes.
a. Estimate and interpret D(2).
(15, 3500)
b. Use the graph to find the solution of the equation D(x) = 3500.
Explain the meaning of the solution. 3000 (13, 3000)

c. How long does the traveler wait for the shuttle bus? 2000 D
d. How far does the traveler ride on the shuttle bus? (4, 1000)
e. What is the total distance that the traveler walks before and (12, 1000)
after riding the shuttle bus? 0
0 4 8 12 16 x

Chapter 11 Cumulative Assessment 629

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