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ED 083 595 CS 200 743

AUTHOR Wilson, Jean A.; And Others
TITLE Books for You: A Reading List for Senior High School
INSTITUTION National Council of Teachers of English, Urbana,
NOTE 343p.
AVAILABLE FROM The National Council of Teachers of English, 1111
Kenyon Road, Urbana, Ill. 61801 (Stock No. 42402,
$0.95 non-member, $0.85 member)

EDRS PRICE MF-$0.65 HC-$13.16

DESCRIPTORS American Literature; *Annotated Bibliographies;
Biographies; Classical Literature; *English
Instruction; English Literature; Fiction; Literary
Genres; *Literature; Literature Guides; Novels;-
Reading; *Reading Materials; *Secondary School
Students; Short Stories; Twentieth Century

Prepared by an expert committee of the National
Council of Teachers of English, this book represents the
recommendations of scholars, teachers, librarians, and informed
students as to what is of prime value to teenage readers. Over 2,000
titles in 45 different categories and subcategories are covered,
together with brief commentaLy and annotation. Also included are two
indexes, by title and by author, and a list of publishers' addresses.
See ED 027 329 for original (1964) edition. (This document previously
announced as ED 057 329.) (Author/DB)
tz) FOR.
A Reading List for Senior High School Students

Editorial Chairman
and the Committee on the Senior High School
Book List of the




WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS edition published May, 1964
New, revised WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS edition published
December, 1971
3rd printing July, 1972

Published by
POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.,
630 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y.
WASHINGTON SQUARE PRESS editions are distributed
in the U.S. by Simon & Schuster, Inc., 630 Fifth Avenue,
New York, N.Y. 13320 and in Canada by Simon & Schu-
ster of Canada, Ltd., Richmond Hill, Ontario, Canada.
Standard Book Number: 671-47840-0.
Copyright, .:), 1964, 1971, by National Council of Teachers of
ENglish. 911 rights reserved. Published on the ,nine day in Canada by
Simon & Schuster of Canada, Ltd., Ki, :mind Hill, Ontario,
Printed in the U.S.A.



National Council o.0

Teachers of English

The editors and publishers wish to thank the following

publishers, agents, artists, and authors for permission to use
drawings and quotations in this book:
Magazine Cartoonists Guild, Inc.
for assistance in tracing rights and ownership of re-
printed materials.
Publishers-Hall Syndicate
for permission to reprint a Reginald Smythe drawing
from Meet Andy Capp, published by Fawcett Publica-
tions, Inc.
Pyramid Publications
and the artist for permission to reprint a drawing by
Joseph Serrano from Teen Power, Phil Hirsch, editor.
Saturday Review, Inc.
and the artists for the drawings by Ed Fisher, Sam
Gross, Dave klufFuae, Burr Shafer, and James Weaver.
Evelyn L. Shafer
for permission to reprint drawings from the Burr Shafer
series, "Through History with J. Wesley Smith."
Teachers College Press
for the quotations from This Is Reading by Frank G.
Jennings. .

Arad all other publishers and agents who helped to trace

rights and ownership to materials considered for reprinting.
Credits appear on the page with the material used.
National Council of Teachers of English
Committee on the Senior High School Book List

Oakland {California) Unified School District, Chairman
Texas A & I University, Associate Chairman
University of Iowa
Pelham (New York) Memorial High School
York College of the City University of New York
Louisiana State University
University of Texas at Austin
Great Neck (New York) North Senior High School
Arlington (Texas) High School
Indianapolis (Indiana) Public Schools
Horton Watkins High School, St. Louis, Missouri
Victory Academy, Lackawanna, New York
Astoria (Oregon) High School
Oakland (California) Public Library, representing the Ameri-
can Library Association
Upper Midwest Regional Educational Laboratory, Minneap-
olis, Minnesota, ex officio
National Council of Teachers of English
Committee on Publications

NCTE Executive Secretary, Chairman 1
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
St. Joseph (Michigan) Senior High School
NCTE Director of Publications, 1960-1969

Book lists are promises. They promise to take the guess-

work out of hunting for a good book. They promise to give
the opinion of other readers about a book. They promise to
steer you to the book you want for the purpose you have
in reading. They promise to cut the waste time when you
get hold of the wrong book. Book lists are promises of
greater excitement and enjoyment in what you read.
Book lists are personal. They represent the judgment of
their compilers about books. They represent the taste of
their compilers. The user has to learn what to expect from
a list and to use it as it fits him. He may discover that the
recommendations about the maturity level of a book are
too high or too low for him. He may find a bias in the list
toward romanticism, or toward realism, or toward existen-
tialism. He may find the list more helpful for nonfiction
than for fiction. It may be a list good for finding plays but
not very good for finding poetry.
Book lists are organized. So are libraries. Libraries are
organized in large, broad categories. A book list is organized
on a more personal and individual scale. Book lists bring
together materials in new patterns. They try to guess the
patterns in which people are apt to read. They make it pos-
sible to find everything on a subject such as religion or the
generation gap whether it is fiction, poetry, drama, or non-
fiction. They cut across the divisions set up by libraries.
Book lists are not reading. Anyone who uses book lists
a great deal becomes familiar with a great number of titles
of books that he has not actually read. If you thumb through
this list over and over, titles become old friends. They be-
come a part of your knowledge of the world of books. It is
easy tv slide into thinking that you have read the books
you have only read about. But the reality of a book is always
different from someone's description of it.
1;ook lists are static. They are frozen at a given point in
publishing history. The world of books is dynamic. It is
constantly moving forward and changing. Tens of thousands
of new books are published year by year. Before a book
list is in print, it is somewhat out of date. Don't confine
your reading to any lict. Make discoveries and explorations
on your own.
Book lists are provocative. The reader always carries on
a silent debate with the compilers of the list. "Why did
they ever put that title on the list? Why didn't they include
this book?" This very process forces the reader to crystallize
his own understandings of what he has formerly read.
Often the appearance of a title in a strange category on a
book list gives the reader a new insight into the book that
he has formerly missed.
Book lists are made to serve the reader. May this one
serve you. Let it become your slave. Don't become a slave
to it.

Iowa City, Iowa



My.slety and Adventure 2
Family Circle . . . . 15
Interesting People 23
Love and Romance 36
The Sea 43
The Sky 51
Sports 55
Under Twenty 63
Humor 73
What Is Important? 8o
Man and Society 93
War 109
Science 116
Space and Time 121
Songs and Singers 126
Theater 143
Short Stories 151
Africa 161
Asia 167
The Polar Regions 180
Canada 183
Latin America 186
Europe 191
Australia and the Islands of the Pacific 204
Continental United States 209
Man's Yesterdays 237
Man's Language 253

The tasks of the Committee on the Senior High School

Book List were the same as those for past committees: to
determine which of the thousands of new books to add and
which of the titles in previous list's to retain; to annotate
and categorize the entries; to identify certain titles as being
for the more mature reader (indicated by an asterisk); and
to classify certain titles as being of marked literary quality
(indicated by a dagger).
Students, teachers, and librarians who are familiar with
previous editions of Books for You will note the many ways
in which this edition parallels the 1964 edition. The Commit-
tee considered suggestions for changes from many sources
in preparing this edition. The major additions are the
sections on poetry and language, included because of marked
student and teacher interest in these two categories of
reading in today's world, and the Afterword, included in
response to requests from teachers. Suggestions for changes
in the titles of sections in the book were carefully con-
sidered and rejected for the most part in order to retain
the values of the direct, uncomplicated titles of the last
The omission of a title from the list should not be
interpreted as the rejection of a book's value; nor should
inclusion of a title be interpreted to mean recommendation
of the book for all students. As Dr. Carlsen has said in
the Foreword, took lists are made to serve the reader,"
and, as with all tools in the school, are to be used to serve
the needs of particular students, teachers, librarians, or
..parents in a particular way at a particular time.
Credit and my deep, sincere appreciation go to:
All students, teachers, and librarians who made sug-
gestions and replied to questions about their use of the book
The publishers who provided review copies to the Com-
Members of the Committee on Reading and Study of
Poetry in the High School (Dorothy Petitt, chairman) for
their suggestions on the poetry section.
Debbie Dettmer who typed the manuscript and checked
endlessly to be sure of correct publisher and date.
James R. Squire and Robert F. Hogan, cast and present
Executive Secretaries of NCTE; and Enid Olson, Director
of Publications (1960-1969), who have provided help in
many ways.
Helen Smith and Rozanne Knudson, who proofread the
completed manuscript as well as provided countless an-
John Conner, who devoted precious vacation time in
making final decisions with the editor, and his charming
wife, who provided a gracious setting and nourishing meals
while the work progressed.

Maxine Delmare, associate chairman, who wrote the

Afterword, annotated the language section, and provided
guidance and counsel to the editor at all times.
Other members of the Committee who read and an-
notated books, made decisions about inclusion, mid re-
sponded to their assignment faithfully and enthusiastically.
G. Robert Carlsen, who wrote the Foreword and gave
constant encouragement to members of the Committee as
well as the editor.
My mother, Mrs. Gladys Wilson, who spent many hours
transferring all entries of the 1964 edition to index cards.
And all the unnamed friends and associates who were
patient with the project and provided support when needed.
Oakland, California
JEAN A. WiLsorr

Aiken, Joan -
Nightbirds on Nantucket Doubleday, 1966 Novel
Three plots are interwoven: a ship's captain found the
pink whale, a young girl overcame her fears of the out-
side world, and criminals were apprehended.
Aibrand, Martha
A Door Fell Shut New American, 1966 P-Signet Novel
Divided Germany, East and West Berlin, provide the
background for this suspense novel revolving around the
defection and rescue of a high communist official. See
also A Call from. Austria Random, 1963 P-Pyramid Novel.
Antoncich, Betty
The Mystery of the Chinatown Pearls McKay, 1965 Novel
Marcey, visiting an aunt in San Francisco, found her
real self in a summertime charm school course and an-
other mysterious self in Chinatown.
Archibald, Joseph
The c' Make Eaters McKay, 1965-Novel
A probationary firefighter in New York City disc ,vered
that technical skill must combine with courage to combat
both the fire and the human firebug.
Armstrong, Chaiiotte
The Gift Shop Coward, 1967 Novel
A note in a vanished piggy bank triggered the chase
in the search for a missing 7-year-old girl. Getting-there
was more than half the fun. See also I See You Coward,
1966 Short. Stories.
Bagley, Desmond
Landslide' Doubleday, 1967 Navel
Amnesic Bob Boyd, a geologist who went to British Co-
lumbia, struggled to find out who he really was in a
novel of mystery and suspense. See also Wyatt's Hurri-
cane Doubleday, 1966 P-Pocket Novel.
Balchen, Bemt
Come North with Me: An Autobiography Dutton, 1958 Bi-
Balchen explored the Arctic by air and piloted Byrd over
Antarctica before returning to Norway fora dangerous
life as an underground agent during the Nazi occupation.
Ball, Zachary
Salvage Diver Holiday, 1961 Novel
Joe Panther and Tiger Tail, hired by a salvage master,
spent an exciting summer under the seafighting sharks,
helping a trapped diver, and finding an undersea cave.
See also Skin Diver Holiday, 1956 Novel..
Baughman, U. E., with Leonard Robinson
Secret Service Chief Harper, 1962 P-Popular Nonfiction
The author recounts his experiences, exciting and some-
times dangerous, in the Secret Service.
Bennett, George, editor
Great Tales of Action and Adventure P-Dell, 1959 Short
Action and adventure are presented by such master story-
tellers as London, Poe, Chesterton, Saki, and Conan
Blair, Clay, Jr.
Diving for Pleasure and Treasure World, 1960 Nonfiction
Skin diving enthusiasts will be interested in. this dra-
matic -account of the search for underwater treasure off
the coasts of America and Mexico.
Boucher, Anthony, editor
Best Detective Stories of the. Year Dutton, 1965 Short Stories
Twentieth annual collection is as good in the field of
mystery and suspense as are the others: writers both
new and established, in a wide scope of stories. See
also 21st annual, 1966; 22nd annual, 1967.
Buchan, John
Adventures of Richard Hannay Houghton, 1939 Novel
Three spy storiesThe 'Thirty-Nine Steps, Greenmantle,
and Mr. Standfasthave been told by a master of in
and the sinister.
Cadet!, Elizabeth
TheFox from His Lair Morrow, 1966 Novel
Anabelle Baird, a young Englishwoman returning home
from a visit to Portugal, suddenly found herself in
charge of a 5-year-old PortUguese boy and unexpectedly
involved in mystery and romance. See also Mrs. West-
erby Changes Course Morrow, 1968 Novel.
f*Cervantes, Miguel de
Adventurers of Don Quixote de la Mancha (1615) Dutton;
Knopf P-6 editions available Novel
A picaresque hero imagined himself a knight-errant,
rode through the world tilting at windmills, ''rescuing"
damsels, fighting "giants."
Christie, Agatha
The Clocks Dodd, 1964 P-Pocket Novel
Pretty Sheila Webb kept her appointment with a blind
woman and found an apartment empty except for a
dead body and five clocks, all set for 4:15. See also
And Then There Were None Edited by Harry Shefter,
et al. P-Washington Novel.
Clark, Ronald W.
The Day the Rope Broke Harcourt, 1965 Nonfiction
The moving drama, tragedy, and aftermath of the first
ascent of the Matterhorn in the Swiss Alps are memo-
rably told.
Clifford, Francis
The Naked Runner Coward, 1966 P-Signet Novel
An English businessman's temperament, love for his
young son, war memories, and even marksmanship were
weighed in a calculated risk taken by British espionage.
See also The Third Side of the Coin Coward, 1965
P-Signet Novel.
Congdon, Michael and Don, editors
Alone by Night Introduction by Richard Tyre P-Ballantine,
1967 Short Stories
"Tales of unlimited horror."
Davies, Leslie
The Paper Dolls Doubleday, 1966 (American edition)
P-Signet Novel
Set in an English school, this is a novel of mysterious
death, four brothers. with sinister powers, man against
the unknown.
tDefoe, Daniel
Robinson Crusoe (1719) Scribner; Dodd P-6 editions avail-
able Novel
For over 200 years, readers have been absorbed by the
account of a man cast ashore on a desert island.
tDoyle, Sir Arthur Conan
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Harper, 1892 P-5 editions
available Short Stories
One of the greatest mystery writers of all times was
master of the classic detective story. He invariably
featured Holmes and his good right band, Doctor Watson.
See also tFamous Tales of Sherlock Holmes Dodd, 1958.
Dumas, Alexandre
The Three Musketeers (1844) Dodd; World P-3 editions
available Novel
In Renaissance France, three friends devoted themselves
to protecting the life and honor of their queen. See
also The Count of Monte Cristo (1844) Grosset
mont; Pyramid Novel.
Eckert, Allan W.
The Crossbreed Little, 1968 Novel
Factual information is smoothly interwoven into this
narrative of the adventures of the offspring of a feral
cat and a bobcat.
Ellsberg, Edward
Hell on Ice Dodd, 1938 Novel
An Arctic expeditioi met disaster in this horrible and
terrifying tale. The remaining" handful of men made
their way back to northern Siberia amid unbelievable
Emery, Anne
Danger in a Smiling Mask Westminster, 1968 Novel
San Francisco provides the setting for a series of threat-
ening and weird events in the eerie plot for this thrill-
ing mystery.
Everts, Hal G.
Tieasure River Scribner, 1964 Novel
With a rubber raft, an old Chinese diary, determination
and ingenuity, two young men combatted danger to
discover and claim the hidden treasure of Thunder
River. See also The Secret of the Himalayas Scribner,
1962 NoveL
Fletcher, Colin
The Man Who Walked Through Time Knopf, 1967 Nonfiction
The author spent two solitary months hiking the entire
length of the Grand Canyon and in words and photo-
graphs shares his keen perceptions and awe.
Forester, C. S.
The African Queen Modern, 1940 P-Bantam Novel
In their only hope of escape from the Germans, two
people took a broken-down boat down an African jungle
Gilman, Dorothy
The Unexpected Mrs. Po llifax Doubleday, 1966 Novel
This novel narrates the adventures of the irrepressible
Mrs. Pollifax, volunteer courier for the CIA.
Graves, John
Goodbye to a River Knopf, 1960 Nonfiction
A solitary canoe trip down the Brazos River in Texas
introduces the folklore of Indians and settlers who
lived on its banks.
Greene, Graham
Our Man in Havana Viking, 1958 P-Bantam Novel
A suspense-filled yarn tells about a secret agent whose
not-so-honest spying techniques led to embarrassing
situations which even he found hard to believe.
Halley, Arthur
Airport Doubleday, 1968 Novel
This story of the events of one night at a large inter-
national airport captures the excitement, frustrations,
and achievements of believable characters.
f Herzog, Maurice
Annapurna: First Conquest of an 8000-Meter Peak. Trans-
lated by Nea Martin and Janet A. Smith Dutton, 1953
P-Popular Nonfiction
This day-by-day account of the French expedition that
first conquered a 26,493-foot peak in the Himalayas
presents the thrills and the dangers of such a 'venture.
Heyerdahl, Thor
Aku-All.u: The Secret of Easter Island Rand, 1958 P-Pocket
"Mr. Kon-Till" attempted to prove that Easter Island's
giant statues were originally set up by a red-haired
race from Chile.
Hollander, John
The Quest of the Gore Atheneum, 1966 Novel
In this allegory, the youngest of three sons unveiled the
mystery in the secret of the Cole and became king of
the land that was once cursed.
Holt, Victoria
Legend of the Seventh Virgin Doubleday, 1965 P-Crest Novel
Kerensa Car lee carefully laid plans that took her from
servant girl to mistress of a great estate. The secret
she hid to protect her son shadowed her own and other
lives. See also Mistress of Me Ilyn Doubleday, 1960
P-Crest; Fawcett Novel.
Hunter, Mollie
The Spanish Letters Funk, 1964 (London); 1967 (U.S.A.)
Scotch "caddies," a ragged brotherhood of Edinburgh
porters and messengers in 1589, helped an English agent
destroy a conspiracy between Sr otch nobles and Spain.
Innes, Hammond
The Strode Venturer Knopf, 1965 1 Signet Novel
Young- Peter Strode, a shipping ompany owner, helped
seafaring natives in the Indian Ocean establish inde-
pendence on a new island had erupted from the
sea. See also Harvest of Journeys Knopf, 1960 Nonfiction.
Jackson, Shirley --
We Have Always Lived in the Castle Viking, 1962 P- Popular
Mary Katherine Blackwood, who would rather have been
a werewolf than a girl, lived in seclusion with her sister
and aging uncle after the rest of her family succumbed
from poisoned sugar.
? *James, Henry
The Turn of the Screw (1898) Dutton; Modern P-4 editions
available Novel
Much of the horror remained unspoken when the ghosts
of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel returned to change Miles
and Flora from innocent children into evil beings.
Johnston, Ronald
The Stowaway Harcourt, 1966 Novel
A Russian scientist, after discovering a sterilizing agent
and its antidote, escaped from Russia and was sought
by the British Secret Service. Intriguing climax
Latham, Jean Lee
The Frightened Hero Chilton, 1965 'iovel
This historical novel centers on the conflict of the Round-
-heads and the Cavaliers and the courage a person must
show to overcome an obstacle of which he is intensely
Levine, David
Outposts of Adventure Doubleday, 1966 Nonfiction
This book is especially interesting for those who antic-
ipate entering the foreign service as a profession. The
information is simply yet comprehensively written_ . See
Peter Lisagor and Marguerite Higgins Overtime in Heav-
en: Adventures in the Foreign Service Doubleday, 1964
Lee, C. y.
The Land of the Golden. Mountain Meredith, 1967 Novel
A beautiful Chinese girl, disguised as a houseboy, romped
through danger and crisis during the California gold
rush and the founding of San Francisco's Chinatown.
L'Engle, Madeleine
The Arm of the Starfish Farrar, 1966 Novel
A young assistant to a brilliant marine biologist became
a pawn between good and. evil forces seeking to control
discoveries about the regeneration of life.
Lefton, Jennette
Cragsmoor Macrae, 1966 Novel
This psychological thriller involves Cathy, a young
bride, in a series of half-truths about a turreted Victo-
rian mansion, Cragsmoor, and its effect on Cathy's
family. See also Hilltop P-Paperback Novel.
London, Jack
The Call of the Wild (1903) Macmillan; Heritage P-5
editions available Novel
The main theme of London's work is that man instinc-
tively reverts to primitive behavior when pitted against
Lunt, Dudley Cammett
The Woods and the Sea Knopf, 1965 Nonfiction
A responsive naturalist gives his deft, nostalgic account
of canoe trips, pungent yarns, wilderness and seacoast
adventure in the state of Maine.
Lyall, Gavin
Shooting Script Scribner, 1966 P-Avon Novel
An ex-RAF pilot got into the exciting adventure of a
real war while flying on location for a movie company.
Macinnes, Helen
The Double Image Harcourt, 1966 P-Crest Novel
John Craig, an American traveling in Europe, helped
intelligence agents track dawn a Soviet spy ring headed by
a supposedly dead Nazi war criminal intent on kidnap-
ping a U.S. electronics expert. See also The Venetian
Affair Harcourt, 1963 P-Creit Novel, and North from
Rome Harcourt, 1958 P-Crest NoveL
McKenna, Richard
The Sand Pebbles Harper, 1963 P-Fawcett Novel
Jake. Holman, American sailor on a Yangtze gunboat,
loved machinery more than people until a young mis-
sionary teacher gave real meaning to his life and death.
MacLean, Alistair
Ice Station Zebra Doubleday, 1963 P-Crest Novel
Unforeseen hazards imperiled a nuclear submarine on a
rescue mission to a secret Arctic weather station, where
agent Neil Carpenter discovered evidence of arson, sabo-
tage, and murder. See also Night Without End Double-
day, 1960 P-Fawcett Novel; When Eight Bells Toll
Doubleday, 1966 P-Crest Novel.
Maxwell, Gavin
Ring of Bright Water Dutton, 1961 P-Crest Nonfiction
Maxwell tells the remarkable story of his pet otters and
their life close to sea and mountain on the northwest
coast of Scotland.
Michaels, Barbara
The Master of Blacktower Meredith, 1966 Novel
Damaris Gordon accepted a position as antiquarian
secretary to Gavin Hamilton and found romance, excite-
ment, and terror.
Miller, Helen Markley
Ski the Mountain Doubleday, 1965 Novel
A family resolved its love and hate of the mountains of
Idaho when two of its members had to ski across the
mountains to file a claim on a rich mine.
Moorehead, Alan
The Fatal Impact: An Account of the Invasion of the South
Pacific Harper, 1966 P-Dell Nonfiction
Here is an exceptionally fine account of Captain James
Cook's voyages to Tahiti, Australia, and the Antarctic.
Mordhoff, Charles B., ind James Norman Hall.
The Bounty Trilogy Little, 1946 Novel
This great trilogy begins with the story of the men who
mutinied against the now famous Captain Bligh Mutiny
on the Bounty (Little, 1932 P-Pocket). In Men Against
the Sea (Little, 1934 P-Pocket), Bligh and his supporters,
set adrift in a small boat, made an incredible journey
to safety. Pitcairn's Island (Little, 1934 P-Pocket) is the
story of the mutineers who found refuge on a remote
Pacific island.
O'Dell, Scott
The Black Pearl Illustrated by Milton Johnson Houghton,
1967 Novel
Striking pen-and-ink sketches enhance this moving nar-
rative about a young pearl diver's struggle with a giant
manta ray for possession of the great Pearl of Heaven.
Peters, Ellis
Black Is the Colour of My True-Love's Heart Morrow, 1967
A folksong festival in rural England went awry when
a thwarted romance erupted into violence and murder.
Pinto, Droste
Spy Catcher: World War II Harper, 1952 P-Berkley Biography
Seven clever spies fell into the net of Pinto, World War
II counterintelligence officer, who outlines the necessary
qualities for good spies as well as detailing. his exciting
Poole, Josephine
Moon Eyes Little, 1967 Novel
Witchcraft, unlikely as it might seem in today's world,
nevertheless forced a brave English girl to battle for the
possession of her little brother.
Roberts, James Hall
The February Plan Morrow, 1967 P-Crest Novel
An American writer sought the truth about his lieutenant
son's death. Fast-paced adventure story. See also The
Q-Document Morrow, 1964 P-Crest Novel.
Robertson, Don
The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread Putnam, 1965
P-Crest Novel
In a story that begins in hilarity and ends in heroism,
young Morris Bird III journeyed across town on the day
the Cleveland gas works blew up.
*Rosten, Leo Calvin . .
A Most PriVate Intrigue Atheneum, 1967 Novel
In this sophisticated, intriguing novel, a former espio-
nage agent attempted to bring three important scientists
out of Russia.
Sayre, Woodrow Wilson
Four Against Everest Prentice, 1964 Nonfiction
This book is the personal account of the near success
of four amateur mountaineers who attempted to eon;.
quer Mt. Everest despite a minimum of supplies and
Schaefer, Jack
Shane Houghton, 1954 P-Bantim Novel
In this tense story, Shane, the mysterious man of power,
drifted into an embattled Wyoming community, took
the side of the homesteaders, and succeeded in breaking
the power of the cattlemen.
Scoggin, Margaret C., editor
The Edge of Danger; True Stories of Adventure Knopf, 1951
Sixteen true stories show men's reactions to moments
when they were suddenly_ exposed to great danger and
possible death. See also The Lure of Danger: True Ad-
venture Stories Knopf, 1947 Nonfiction; Escapes and
Rescues Knopf, 1960 Nonfiction.
Senje, Sigurd
Escape! Translated by Evelyn Ramsden Harcourt, 1964
P-Harcourt Novel
A resourceful Norwegian boy and girl helped a Russian
prisoner of war escape during the Nazi occupation of
Smith, Linell
And Miles to Go: The Biography of a Great Arabian Horse,
Witez II Little, 1967 Nonfiction
This true story of the great Arabian stallion is also a
graphic chronicle of events in Poland during World
War IL
Stern, Philip Van Doren, editor
Great Ghost Stories P-Washington Short Stories
These stories have been chosen for their literary merit
as well as for the chills. Hugh Walpole, Edith Wharton,
Alexander Woollcott, and others here evoke gasps and
tStevenson, Robert Louis
Kidnapped (1886) Scribner; Dodd P-9 editions available
Novel .

Scotland, after the rising for Prince Charlie in 1745,

is the background for Erne of the great adventure stories
of the world.
Stewart Mary
Airs Above the Ground Mill, distributed by Morrow, 1965
P-Crest Novel
Intrigue and adventure in the Austrian highlands involve
a young Englishwoman, her secret agent husband, and
a famous Lipizzaner white stallion. See also Nine
Coaches ,Waiting Mill, 1959 P-Crest Novel; The Ivy
Tree Mill, 1962 P-Crest Novel; The Moon-Spinners Mill,
1963 P-Crest Novel.
Stranger, Joyce
Breed of Giants Viking, 1967 Novel
John Johnson struggled to keep his head above water
and continued to breed Shire horses. This story is espe-
cially for horse lovers and those who have read and
enjoyed the author's The Running Foxes Viking, 1965
Tenzing, Norgay, and James Ramsey Ullman
Tiger of the Snows Putnam, 1955 Biography
The account of the climbing of Everest is told from
. the point of view of the Nepalese who shared command
of the expedition.
Tey, Josephine
The Daughter of Time P-Dell Novel
An intriguing mystery in which Alan Grant searched to
discover if England's Richard in really usurped the
throne by disposing of his two nephews.
Thomas, Lowell
Book of the High Mountains Simon, 1964 Nonfiction
The renowned global traveler provides fascinating
legends and facts about mountains, their magic and
their conquerors.
Thomas, M. Z.
Alexander Von Humboldt: Scientist, Explorer, Adventurer
Pantheon, 1960 Biography
This account follows the fearless eighteenth century
adventurer through the jungles, up the Andes, and to
Thorwald, Jurgen
The Century of the Detective Translated by R. & C. Winston
Harcourt, 1965 Nonfiction
An authentic and dramatic presentation of the origin
and growth of 'scientific detection.
Tollden, J. R. R. -
The Hobbit Houghton, 1938 P-Ballantine Novel
This delightful first book of the "Hobbits" whose fortunes
continue in the Lord of the Rings trilogy is glistinguished
storytelling about a fantastic world. The trilogy includes
The Fellowship of the Ring Houghton, 1954 P-Ballantine,
Ace Novel; The Two Towers Houghton, 1955 P-Ballan-
tine, Ace Novel; The Return of the King Houghton, 1956
P-Ballantine, Ace Novel. In this celebrated trilogy that
has been hailed as the only true epic of our day, a
one-man mythology, Tolkien depicts the desperate strug-
gle between the forces of good and evil -in a fantasy
Tun ley, Roul
Ordeal by Fire World, 1966 P-Dell Nonfiction
Here is the true story of a young American woman's
escape from fiery Dresden, Europe's Hiroshima, and
her 600-mile journey for survival.
Ullman, James Ramsey
Banner in the Sky Lippincott, 1954 P-Archway Novel
Young Rudi Matt defied his mother to become an Alpine
guide after his father plunged to his death. See also
The White Tower Lippincott, reissue, 1959 P-Popular
Verne, Jules
Around the World in Eighty Days Dodd, 1882 P-3 editions
available Novel
Englishman Phi leas Fogg and his French valet Passe-
partout overcame tremendous obstacles to circle the
globe within eighty days and win a bet from Fogg's
fellow club members.
Walter, Elizabeth
Snowfall and Other Chilling Events Stein & Day, 1966
Short Stories
Ghostly vengeance, doomed lovers, and a haunted island
are found in these five strange and inexplicable tales of
the supernatural that will keep readers spellbound.
Walton, Bryce
Cave of Danger Crowell, 1967 P- Archway Novel
Matt and Spotty experienced danger and suspense in
exploring a mysterious cave that Influenced their lives
more than they dreamed.
Whitney, Phyllis
Silverhill Doubleday, 1967 Novel
At Silverhill, the family home, 23-year-old Maine at-
tempted to discover the truth concerning the accident
that scarred her face when she was four. Mystery, sus-
pense, and romance in a typical Whitney Gothic. See
also Black Amber Appleton, 1964 P-Crest Novel; The
Fire and the Gold Crowell, 1956 Novel.
Widder, Arthur
Adventures in Black Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
Case histories illustrate the work of undercover agents.
*Wilkinson, Burke
Night of the Short Knives Scribner, 1964 P-Popular Novel
An absorbing story about treason and espionage involves
the attempted undermining of SHAPE-by the Russians.
Wolff, Ruth
Keturah Day, 1963 Novel
An orphan cared for the neglected child of a mysterious
father in this BrontE-like novel set in rural New York.

Allen, Elizabeth
The Loser Dutton, 1965 Novel
Deirdre became involved with an emotionally' disturbed
Harvard "flunk-out" and discovered that younger sisters
grow up, parents suffer with their children, that "be-
longing" is important after all.
t *Austen, Jane
Pride and 'Prejudice (1813) Dodd; World -P-15 editions
available Novel
In this early nineteenth century comedy of manners,
Mrs. Bennett's ambition was to find husbands, preferably
wealthy, for her five daughters; but there were many
crises before any of the girls reached the altar.
Borland, Hal
The Dog Who Came to Stay Lippincott, 1961 Nonfiction
A dignified hopnd dog became a legend in Connecticut.
His story is told with uncloying warmth and under-
Breck, Vivian
Maggie Doubleday, 1954 P-Tempo Novel
A young bride was pitched suddenly from modern San
Francisco into the primitive living conditions of Meldco,-
where her husband's work took them.
Capron, Jean F.
The Trouble with Lucy Dodd, 1967 Novel
Lucy's 16-year-old or1d was shattered when her father,
a widower, married again. Lucy tried to destroy the
'marriage, then learned to love her stepniother as well
as the boy next door.
Chase, Mary Ellen
Windswept Macmillan, 1941 P-Pyramid Novel
Set on the rugged coast of Maine, this novel is the story
of the Marston family through three generations.
/ V./15
Colman, Hi la
Julie Builds Her Castle Morrow, 1959 P-Dell Novel
Julie came to realize the truth of her nonconformist
fataer's belief in not going along with the gang.
*Do lim, Mary N.
The Bishop Pattern Morrow, 1963 Novel
This appealing, sensitive, sometimes funny, always
moving account is the story of a homeless little girl's
attempt to adjust to the strange Bishop family.
Doss, Helen
The Family Nobody Wanted Little, 1954 P-Scholastic Bi-
A minister and his wife adopted twelve children of
mixed racial parentage. Here Mrs. Doss recounts what
happened to them.
*Dykeman, Wilma
The Tall Woman Holt, 1962 P-Avon Novel
Lydia McQueen, a woman of courage and integrity, was
the source of great strength for her family when they
were faced with physical hardship and danger during
the days of the Civil War. -
Ferber, Edna
So Big (1924) Doubleday, 1951 P-Avon Novel
Selina had to manage all the problems of running a
large truck farm and rearing a family and did so
to her great credit.
Forbes, Kathryn
Mama's Bank Account Harcourt, 1943 P-Harcourt Novel
Resourceful and understanding Mama held her Nor-
wegian family together through hard times in San
Francisco in the first part of this century.
Godden, Rumor
China Court Viking, 1961 Novel
Five generations of Quins had lived at China Court,
and their lives were mingled threads which combine to
form a pattern of fascinating reading.
Gordon, Ethel Edison
Where Does the Summer Go? Cruwe 11, 1967 P-Archway
Fifteen-year-old Freddy learned that perfection exists
only in a child's view of the world as she spent her
vacation on Long Island with her complex family, their
relations, and her older friend David.
Hamner, Earl
You Can't Get There from Here Random, 1965 Novel
The adventures of a 16-year-old boy in search of his
missing father brought a meaning to their relationship.
Head, Ann
Mrs. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones Putnam, 1967 Novel
When July, 16 and pregnant, rushed into marriage with
her high school steady, the two had to cope with parental
interference and personal problems.
*Hobson, Laura Z. i

First Papers Random, 1964 P-Crest Novel

Jewish and Unitarian parents faced a conflict with their
American-born children on the eve of the United States'
entry into the First World War.
Horgan, Paul
Things as They Are Farrar, 1964 P-Noonday, Crest Novel
Although sheltered and loved by his family, Richard's
first meetings with love, sorrow, and death created
unforgettable impressions.
Hudson, Lois P.
Reapers of the Dust: A Prairie Chronicle Little, 1965 Non-
Stories about North Dakota in the 1930's: the people,
their relationships, the powerful force of nature which
shapes prairie life. See also The Bones of Plenty Little,
1962 Novel.
Humphrey, William
The Ordways Knopf, 1965 Novel
Sam Ordway spent a good part of his life looking for
his lost son. The effects of hoping and looking shaped
the lives of the entire Ordway family. See also Home
from the Hill Knopf, 1958 P-Vintage Novel.
Hunter, Rode llo
A House of Many Rooms Knopf, 1965 Nonfiction
Events and anecdotes, sad and humorous, fill this turn-
of-the-century chronicle of a large Mormon family in
rural America.
Johnson, Annabel and. Edgar
Count Me Gone Simon, 1968 P-Archway Novel
This is the story of 18-year-old Rion Fletcher's search
to discover his 'relationship to the adult world,. his prob-
lems with girls, the law, his brother, his parents.
Johnson, Winifred
The Stained Glass House Macrae, 1965 Novel
Lisa, a girl with integrity, and her grandmother, a
woman with wisdom, won happiness for themselves and
for everyone whose lives they touched.
Kyle, Elisabeth
Girl with a Pen, Charlotte Brontë Holt, 1964 Novel
Charlotte Brontë is the heroine of this quiet, authentic
novel about the English sisters who astonished the world
with Jane Eyre ad, Wuthering Heights.
Lee, Mildred
The Rock and the Willow Lothrop, 1963 P-Archway Novel
Enie Singleton dreamt of college while she shared the
hard times, deaths, and internal tensions of her Alabama
farm family in the thirties.
L'Engle, Madeleine
Meet the Austins Vanguard, 1959 Novel
A loving, noisy, normal family found that all had to
adjust when a petulant, spoiled girl joined their close-
knit group. See also The Moon by- Night Ariel, 1963
Marshall, James Vance
A River Ran Out of Eden Morrow, 1963 P- Ballantine Novel
Greed, lust, and cruelty threatened the happiness of a
simple family when a terrible storm brought a rare
golden seal and an unscrupulous poacher to their iso
lated Aleutian Islands.
Mc Cullers, Carson
The Member of the Wedding (Houghton) P-New Directions;
Bantam Play
In this fine play Fran lde Adams, an overly imaginative
13-year-old, was determined to accompany her brother
and his bride on their honeymoon. See also *The Heart
Is a Lonely Hunter Houghton, 1940 P-Bantam NoveL
Mead, Margaret, and Ken Heyman
Family Matmillan, 1965 Nonfiction
Stunningly represented in essay and pictures are the
individual components of the family mothers, fathers,
brothers and sisters, grandparents, and the child alone.
Means, Florence Crams II
Borrowed Brother Houghton, 1958 Novel
When Jan Pratt, an only child, was invited to live a
month among the Averys' sprawling brood, she learned
about life in a large family and also discovered some
things about herself. See also The Moved-Outers Hough-
ton, 1945.
Miller, Helen Markley
Julie Doubleday, 1966 Novel
By train and stagecoach, Julie and her father, daring
to be pioneers, went to Twin Falls, Idaho, to build a
house for the remainder of the family. Together they
struggled with the elements. Julie grew up and found
romance as well.
Moody, Ralph
Little Britches Norton, 1950. P-Bantam Biography
The Moody family moved to Colorado when Ralph was
eight. Hoping that the climate would help the father's
health, the family struggled for three years to run a
ranch. See also Man of the Family Norton, 1951 Biog-
Morton, Frederic
The Rothschilds Atheneum, 1962 P-Crest Biography
This story of the Rothschilds, who have been important
in Europe for the last two centuries, reads like a novel.
tRawiings, Marjorie X.
The Yearling (1938) Scribner, 1961
. P-Scribner Novel
Jody Baxter, living in the Florida backwoods with his
parents and a pet fawn, experienced the joys and pains
of growing up.
Reed, Meredith
Our Year Began in'April Lotbrop, 1963 Novel
Robert Frost appears as a minor character in this af-
fectionate account of a minister's family in the New
England countryside.
Rose, Anna Perrott
Room for One More Houghton, 1950 P-Dell Nonfiction
The author and her husband adopted three children with
physical or personality handicaps and reared them with
their own normal youngsters. See also The Gentle House
Houghton, 1954 Nonfiction.
fRuark, Robert
The Old Man and the Boy Holt, 1957 P-Crest Biography
A southern boy learned from his grandfather bow to
bunt, fish, and participate in other sports. See also The
Old Man's Boy Grows Older Holt, 1961 P-Crest Biography.
Sandberg, Sara
Mama Makes Minks Doubleday, 1964 P-Avon Biography
Autobiography of a Jewish family in Harlem during the
twenties and thirties shows Mama running the shop
and selling fur coats while dispensing folksy advice.
Sandburg, Helga
Blueberry Dial, 1963 Novel
Kristin, the youngest in a highly competitive family,
had to prove that she was responsible enough to buy,
raise, and train the mare Blueberry.
Saroyan, William
The Human Comedy Harcourt, 1944 P-Dell Novel
When Homer Macau ley of the San Joaquin Valley
delivered telegrams, he learned much about his custom-
ers. Through these episodes and the closeness of his
own family, he learned to understand human nature.
Sherburne, Zoe
Stranger in the House Morrow, 1963 Novel
Kathleen's mother suddenly returned home after nine
years in a mental hospital to find her daughter disturbed
and resentful. See also Too Bad about the Haines Girl
Morrow, 1967 Novel.
Sherman, D. R.
Old Mali and the Boy Little, 1964 P-Pocket Novel
A distinguished novel reveals the sacrifice and love
of an old Indian gardener for his eniployer's son, who
had taken the place of the son he never had.
Simenon, Georges
The Confessional Harcourt, 1968 Novel
This is a sensitive, brief story of Andre's struggle to keep
his faith in himself as he struggles to become his own
Singer, Joy Daniels
My Mother, the Doctor Dutton, 1970 Biography
A daughter writes warmly, humorously, admiringly of
her physician mother and her struggles to realize her
*Smith, Ethel S.
A Furrow Deep and True Norton, 1964 Biography
A way of life and vehtes typical in the Middle West
during the 1890's are woven into this warm account of
a Wisconsin childhood.
Smith, Lillian
Memory of a Large Christmas Norton, 1962 Nonfiction
Affectionately and humorously, the novelist recalls the
Christmases she spent with her large family in the South.
Sorensen, Virginia
Kingdom Come Harcourt, 1960 Novel
Set against a background of rural Denmark in 1850, this
powerful story shows Hanne, daughter of a wealthy
fanner, torn between loyalty to her parents and church
and her love for a hired laborer who was a convert to
Stolz, Mary
The Day and the Way We Met Harper, 1956 P-Tempo Novel
Julie Connor (sister of Morgan in Ready or Not Harper,
1953 Novel) faced up to managing the family after
Morgan's marriage, an adjustment which helped her
view herself and others with greater understanding.
Suckow, Ruth
The John Wood Case Viking, 1959 Novel
Seventeen-year-old Philip had to solve his own problems
of growing up when his father's thefts, to help his
mother, were revealed.
Toperoff, Sam
AU the Advantages Little, 1967 Biography
A boy growing up in Brooklyn and Queens humorously
and reverently tells how his father, while busy scratch-
ing out a living, found time to teach his son what every
boy should know.
Townsend, John Rowe
Good-Bye to the Jungle Lippincott, 1967 Novel
Through sad, funny, and dramatic events, four English
children from the slums won a way of life in spite of
shiftless, spendthrift. adults.
Trapp, Maria Augusta, and Ruth T. Murdock
A Family on Wheels Lippincott, 1959 P-Doubleday Bibgra-
The Trapp family, the singers who came to America
from Austria to escape Hitler, had exciting experiences
on their world concert tour. See also Maria A. Trapp
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers Lippincott, 1949
Tyler, Anne
The Tin Can Tree Knopf, 1965 Novel
A boy learned to face life in the wake of his sister's
death. See also If Morning Ever Comes Knopf, 1964
P-Bantam Novel.
Wallace, Mary
Brendan Bruce, 1966 Novel
This story of a son's admiration for his father is set
in the intimate framework of an enchanting American
family. See also A Reason for Gladness Funk, 1965
P-Avon Navel.
tWest, Jessamyn
The Friendly Persuasion (1945) Harcourt, 1958 motion
picture edition P-Harcourt Ncrel
The story of the Birdwell family, nineteenth century
Quakers, provides a series of episodes illustrating their
capacity for happy home life and warm friendship. See
also Cress Delahanty Harcourt, 1954 P-Harcourt NoveL
West, Jessamyn
Except for Me and Thee Harcourt, 1969 Novel
This pleasant look at the characters of The Friendly
Persuasion, Jess and Eliza, will be like meeting old
Mends to those who read the earlier book.
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, with Rose Wilder Lane
On the Way Home Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
The diary of Mrs. Wilder tells of the family's travels
from drought-stricken South Dakota to a new begin-
ning in the Missouri Ozarks.
Williams, IA nnie
Walk Egypt Viking, 1960 Novel
This story, set in the Georgia hills, is about a woman
who tried hard to become a better person but who was
trapped in the web of family and events. See also Green-
bones Viking, 1967 Novel.
Wolff, Ruth
A Crack in the Sidewalk Day, 1965 Novel
A teenager in a warmhearted family of the urban poor,
one generation removed from the rural poor, discovered
that talent opens doors to s. wider life.
tYates, Elizabeth
The Next Fine Day Day, 1962 Novel
After young Kent, half-American, half-English, met
John Rivven, who had settled on the Kentish Downs
to paint, Kent's life moved in a new, bright, unexpected

tAltick, Richard D.
Lives and Letters: A History of Literary Biography in En-
gland and America Knopf, 1965 Nonfiction
This comprehensive book surveys the development of
writing about writers from the early glorifications (books
of inspiration and instruction) to the comparatively re-
cent examples of unsparing frankness.
Angelou, Maya
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Random, 1970 Biography
This is the moving autobiography of a sensitive black
woman with an extraordinary gift for language and an
ability to convey with dignity the pain of her childhood
and the endurance of black people in rural Southern
communities. See also Anne Moody Coming of Age in
Mississippi Dial, 1968 Biography.
Ashton-Wamer, Sylvia
Myself Simon, 1967 Biography
In hauntingly beautiful prose, the author recounts 50
years of trying to be strong enough to be true to herself.
Austing, Ronald
I Went to the Woods: The Autobiography of a Bird Photog-
rapher Coward, 1964 Nonfiction
A forest ranger describes his unusual experiences as a
naturalist and bird photographer and includes his
striking high-speed color photographs
Babel, Isaac
The Lonely Years 1925-1939 Edited by Nathalie Babel
Farrar, 1964 P-Noonday Nonfiction
The wit, charm, and courage of this prominent Russian
author are revealed in his private correspondence,
sketches, and stories.
Baez, Joan
Daybreak Dial, 1968 Biography
This series of reminiscences and revelations succeed in
giving the reader a picture of a woman committed whole-
heartedly to the cause of nonviolence.
Bartlett, Irving H.
Wendell Phillips: Brahmin Radical Beacon, 1962 Biography
One of history's great dissenters is an influence on the
conscience of America even today.
Berri II, Jacquelyn
Albert Schweitzer: Man of Mercy Dodd, 1956 Biography
This biography includes the education and early back-
ground of Schweitzer-and details the life in his mission
at Lambarene.
Bocce, Geoffrey
The. Adventurous Life of Winston Churchill Simon, 1958
This record of Churchill's active and history-making
career is a tribute to England's great prime minister.
Bontemps, Ama
We Have Tomorrow Houghton, 1945 Nonfiction
These brief, inspiring biographies are of young Negroes
who have succeeded in breaking through the color bar-
rier to become successful army officers, lawyers, engi-
tBoswell, James
The Life, of Samuel Johnson (1791) Modern; Oxford P-7
editions available Biography
This is an interesting character analysis of the famous,
colorful Dr. Samuel Johnson by the man whose name
is inextricably linked with his.
Bourke-White, Margaret
Portrait of Myself Simon, 1963 Biography
The author-photographer traces in fascinating detail her
early experimental days, her experiences in combat
zones, other assignments with Life and Fortune, and
her gallant struggle against Parkinson's disease.
Braithwaite, E. R.
To Sir, with Love Prentice, 1960 P-Pyramid Biography
The author, a West Indian, accepted the challenge of
teaching in a London slum area and found a way to
meet the explosiveness and heartbreak. Though he him-
self experienced prejudice and discrimination, he was
able to give dignity to troubled teenagers.
Brooks, Paul
Road less Area Knopf, 1964 Nonfiction
Travels in wilderness regions of America, England, and
Africa are delightfully described.
Brooks, Van Wyck
Helen Keller: Sketch for a Portrait Dutton, 1955 Biography
Brooks bases his brief story of Helen Keller on his 21-
year friendship with the outstanding woman who was
both deaf and blind.
Brown, David, and W. Richard Bruner, editors for Overseas
Press Club
How I Got That Story Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
Members of the Overseas Press Club recount the details
of getting front-page scoops of world news as well as
some "too hot to handle" that didn't get into print.
Busoni, Rafe ello
The Man Who Was Don Quixote: The Story of Miguel
Cervantes Prentice, 1958 Biography 1

The sixteenth century Spanish writer had a highly

adventurous life, reminiscent of his most famous hero,
Don Quixote.
Campion, Nardi, with R. W. Stanton
Look to This Day! Connie Guion, M.D. Little, 1965 Biog- 1

This inspirational biography of a great woman doctor
covers her lively youth in North Carolina and her 1
impressive career at Cornell Medical College and Belle-
vue Hospital.
Cantwell, Robert
Alexander Wilson, Naturalist and Pioneer Lippincott, 1961
The life of the colorful trailblazer for Audubon's bird
studies is entertainingly recorded.
Carr, Albert
Men of Power: A Book of Dictators Viking, 1956 Nonfiction
These nine men who seized power and became dictators
include Napoleon, Mussolini, Stalin, and Hitler.
Collier, Richard
The General Next to God: The Story of William Booth and
the Salvation Army Dutton, 1965 Biography
From the day when he was 15., until his death at 84,
fiery William Booth struggled, prayed, and courageously
battled sin and violence to build the worldwide Salvation
Coolidge, Olivia
Tom Paine, Revolutionary Scribner, 1969 Biography
This is a history of the period as well as a readable,
well-balanced portrait of one of our great defenders of
man's liberties.
Country Beautiful, Editors of
Man of Honor, Man of Peace: The Life and Words of Adlai
Stevenson Putnam, 1965 Biography
With numerous photographs and generous extracts of
his writings, this memorial volume traces Stevenson's
life from his boyhood, through his distinguished political
career, to his outstanding role in the United Nations.
Daugherty, Sonia
Ten Brave Women Lippincott, 1953 Biography
Moments in the lives of American women from Anne
Hutchinson to Eleanor Roosevelt point up their courage
and fortitude in times of crisis. See also Ten Brave Men
Lippincott, 1951 Biography.
Derleth, August
Concord Rebel Chilton, 1962 Biography
This life of Henry David Thoreau gives the reader a bet-
ter understanding of the great literary figure who
marched "to a different drum."
Dooley, Agnes W.
Promises to Keep Farrar,_1962 P-Signet Biography
Dr. Tom Dooley's mother recounts the steps by which
. her son was catapulted into national prominence as a
young Navy doctor.
Douglas, William 0.
Muir of the Mountain Houghton, 1961 Biography
Douglas, himself a lover of the outdoors, tells the story
of the famous naturalist and explorer. See also Of Men
and Mountains Harper, 1950 P-Atheneum Biography.
(Drew, Elizabeth
The Literature of Gossip: Nine English Letter-Writers Nor.
ton, 1964 Nonfiction -
This readable.book discusses the personalities and quotes
generously from the letters of nine diverse literary
figures, such as Lon} Byron and Jane Carlyle.
Durrell, Gerald
The New Noah Viking, 1964 Nonfiction
The problems of feeding and caring for the animals col-
lected for zoos are interestingly recounted by a master
of writing about animals. See also Three Tickets to Ad.
venture Viking, 1955 P-Berkley Nonfiction.
Farmer, Laurence
Master Surgeon: A Biography of Joseph Lister Harper, 1962
The brilliant Joseph Lister developed antiseptic surgery.
This fascinating biography focuses on his career as a
surgeon and researcher.
Franchere, Ruth
Jack London: The Pursuit of a Dream Crowell, 1962 Bi-
As well as describing the rise of an author, the writer
gives a picture of the times in which London lived. See
also Stephen Crane: The Story of an American Writer
Crowell, 1961 Biography.
1.Franklin, Benjamin
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1788) Houghton;
Harper P-11 editions available Biography
This remarkable man was inventor, diplomat, statesman,
writer, and bon vivant.
Freedman, Russell
Scouting with Badeu-Powell Holiday, 1967 Biography
The two lives of Baden-Powellthat of a scout and spy
for the British Army and head of the world's Boy Scouts
are filled with incident, courage, and sturdy British
*Gory, Romain
Promise at Dawn Translated by John Markham Beach,
Harper, 1961 P-Pocket Biography
Romain Garymuch decorated aviator, prizewinning
writer, and now French Consul-General in Los Angeles
pays tribute in his memoirs to the strange and remark-
able woman who was his mother.
Go Bomb, Joseph
Albert Schweitzer: Genius in the Jungle Vanguard, 1949
Schweitzer became successfully and successively profes-
sor,-author, organist, and minister. At 30 he began his
medical training and then went to West Africa to spend
his energies helping the natives to a better life physically
and spiritually.
Graham, Shirley
Booker T. Washington: Educator of Hand, Head and Heart
Messner, 1955 Biography
Booker T. Washington rose front slavery to become a
great teacher and to found Tuskegee Institute. His aim
was to teach individuals to become self-sufficient.
Green, Margaret
Defender of the Constitution: Andrew Johnson Messner,
1962 Biography
This perceptive biography traces this President's .early
life as well as his courageous political career.
Grey, Ian
Catherine the Great: Autocrat and Empress of AU Russia
Lippincott, 1962 Biography
A German princess became one of the most significant
figures in Russian history, a woman important to the
rest of Europe as well.
Grunwald, Henry A., editor
Salinger: A Critical and Personal Portrait Harper, 1962
P-Harper; Pocket Essays
This candid and personal portrait of J. D. Salinger dis-
cusses the development of his extraordinary style and
the creation of his characters.
Guareschl, Giovanni
My Home, Sweet Home Translated by Joseph Green, Farrar,
1966 P-Pocket Biography
The home life of Giovanni Guareschlthe Don Camillo
creatorgives insight into the popularity and humor of
his novels.
Gunther, John
A Fragment of Autobiography Harper, 1962 Biography
The author explains how he gathered material and did
the actual writing of the seven "Insfde" books he has
written about different countries.
Guthrie, A. B., Jr. .

The Blue Hen's Chick: A Life in Context McGraw, 1964 Bi-

This autobiography abounds in vignettes which trace
the author's career from newspaper reporting in Ken-
tucky to his discovery of the West which he dramatized
in The Big Sky.
*Harbaugh, William H.
The Life and Times of Theodore Roosevelt Farrar, 1961 P-
Collier Biography
The life and times of Theodore Rooseveltstatesman,
politician, and patriotare here portrayed.
Harding, Walter
The Days of Henry Thoreau: A Biography Knopf, 1965 Bi-
Here is a rich synthesis of Thoreau as a social critic,
pioneer, conservationist, civil libertarian, and enduring
nature writer; but the complexities of his philosophy are
*Heiser, Victor George
An American Doctor's Odyssey Norton, 1936 Biography
This fascinating account describes a doctor fighting
disease in many countries of the world.
Hickok, Lorena A.
The Road to the White House Chilton, 1962 Biography
The biographer focuses on the life of Franklin D. Roose-
velt in the pre-presidential years.
Hickok, Lorena A.
The Touch of Magic Dodd, 1961 Biography
Anne Sullivan, who found a way to teach Helen Keller,
was an orphan. Unwanted, neglected, threatened with
blindness, and often mistreated, she became one of the
great teachers of the world. See Marion Marsh Brown
and Ruth Crone The Silent Storm Abingdon, 1963 Bi-
Hoehling, Mary
The Real Sherlock Holmes: Arthur Conan Doyle Messner,
1965 Biography
The writer's life story is full of adventures and achieve-
ments almost as interesting as Holmes' escapades in
Holt, Rackham
George Washington Carver: An American Biography Double-
day, 1942 P-Abingdon Biography
Born in slavery, this outstanding Negro won worldwide
acclaim for his experiments in botany, agriculture, and
soil economy.
Hoyt, Edwin P.
Grover Cleveland Reilly, 1962 Biography
A remarkable man and his time are made real and un-
derstandable in this appraisal of the man uho two dif-
ferent times served as President.
Hub ler, Richard
The Cristianis: The Biography of a Circus Family Little,
1966 Biography
The story of the fantastic Cristiani circus clan presents
an inside look at the circus with all its pranks, dangers,
glamour, and fun.
Inouye, Senator Daniel K., and Lawrence Elliot
Journey to Washington Prentice, 1967 Biography
This autobiography of the Senator follows his rise from
a boyhood in the Hawaiian slums to become the first
man of Oriental descent to sit in the U.S. Senate.
James, Will
Lone -Cowbmj Scribner, 1930 Biography
This autobiography of an actual cowboy rivals the movie
versions of cowboy life in excitement, danger, and
Jelinek, Henry, Jr., and Ann Pinchot
On Thin Ice Prentice, 1965 P-Signet Nonfiction .
The story of Otto and Maria Jelinek, world famous skat-
ing champions, tells how they skated their way to free-
dom from Prague to Canada after the communists came
into power.
Keller, Helen
The Story of My Life (1903) Doubleday, 1954 P-Dell; Air-
mont Biography
Young Helen Keller, not,,pnly blind but also deaf, was
helped to live a normal life and become one of Ameri-
ca's great women.
Kessel, Joseph
The Man with the Miraculous Hands Translated by Helen
Weaver and Leo Raditsa, Farrar, 1961 Biography .

The influence of Himmler's private doctor saved the lives

of thousands of victims marked for extermination by the
Kramer, Daniel
Bob Dylan Citadel, 1966 P-Pocket Biography
The author's own photographs illustrate this fine portrait
of the spokesman for many of today's young generation.
Kugelmass, J. Alvin
Ralph J. Bunche: Fighter for Peace, rev. ed. Messner, 1962
Ralph Bunche struggled through poverty and discrimina-
tion to become an outstanding anthropologist, an expert
on colonization, a true diplomat in world affairs, and
winner of the Nobel Peace Prize.
Levine, I. E.
Champion of World Peace: Dag Ilammarskfold Messner,
1962 Biography
While telling the U.N: Secretary-General's life story, the
author also shows an understanding of current world
Levinger, Elma Ehrlich
Albert Einstein Messner, 1949 Biography
This well-written account of the genuis, Albert Einstein,
includes an understandable statement of the theory of
MacArthur, Douglas
Reminiscences McGraw, 1964 Biography
The General proudly and forcefully presents his own
version of how he sees his life, career, and triumphs.
Madison, Frank
A View from the Floor: The Journal of a U.S. Senate Page
Boy Prentice, 1967 Biography
A thoroughly interesting book, this one includes the
writer's intelligent and mature analyses of legislation
and the functioning of the Senate.
Means, Florence Crannell
Sagebrush Surgeon Friendship, 1956 P-Friendship Biography
Dr. Salsbury and his wife intended to make their stay at
an Arizona Indian mission a temporary one, but they
became so interested in the Indians that they remained
23 years.
*Mtge!, Parmenia
Titania: The Biography of leak Dinesen Random, 1967 Bi-
Isak Dinesen (Baronesse Karen Blixen-Frinecke), sub-
ject of this biography by her close friend, was an im-
portant writer and a fascinating literary personality.
Many photographs are included.
Monahan, James, editor
Before I Sleep Farrar, 1961 P-Signet Biography
The last days of Tom Dooley are described by people
who helped him during the final tragic months.
*Nizer, Louis
My Life in Court r-bleday, 1961 P-Pyramid Biography
A lawyer writ hout some of the court cases he has
handled and the problems which result when man strives
against man.
Noble, Iris
Clarence Darrow: Defense Attorney Messner, 1958 Biography
Fabulous figure in America's courtrooms, Darrow was a
great champion of underdogs, a great student of econom-
ics and criminology.
*Payne, Robert
Dostoyevsky: A Human Portrait Knopf, 1961 Biography
The great novelist who feverishly explored the human
mind is placed in the cross currents of nineteenth cen-
tury Russia.
't Plutarch
Ten Famous Lives Edited by Charles Robinson, jr., Dut-
ton, 1962 Biography
This book, by the world's most famous biographer, gives
deep insight into the personal lives of ten Greek and
Roman heroes. See also Lives of the Noble Greeks, abr.
ed. by Edmund Fuller P-Dell; Lives of the Noble Romans,
abr. ed. by Edmund Fuller P-Dell.
Priestley, J. B.
Charles Dickens: A Pictorial Biography Viking; 1962 Biog-
This excellent introduction to the novelist skims reliably
over his tumultuous life and includes reproductions of
old handbills, photographs, and caricatures.
Rama Rau, Santha
Gifts of Palsage Harper, 1961 P-Harper Biography
Dramatic episodes from the author's life include ex-
periences in many places around the globe: India, Af-
ghanistan, Russia, Japan, England, and the United
Ridie, Julia Brown
Mohawk Gamble Harper, 1963 Biography
Boys especially should enjoy this biography of early.ex-
plorer Pierre Radisson, twice captured by the Mohawks.
RoosevAt, Eleanor
The Autobiography of Eleanor Roosevelt Harper, 1961 Biog-
Eleanor Roosevelt's memoirs include the philosophy of
one of the best loved and most admired American citi-
zens. See also This I Remember Harper, 1949 Biography.
Root, Jonathan
Hallikurton: The Magnificent Myth Coward, 1965 Biography
A witty, frank closeup of the flamboyant globetrotter
traces his tireless explorations and voyages, including
his ill-fated Pacific crossing in a Chinese junk.
Russell, Betrand
The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell, 1872-1914 Little,
1967 Biography
The first volume of .a great philosopher's personal nar-
rative manifests an impassioned and deep commitment
to views that have kept him in the headlines.
Samuels, Gertrude
B-G, Fighter of Goliaths Crowell, 1961
Here is a fascinating story of the life of David Ben -
Gurlon, modern Israel's courageous leader. See also
Maurice Edehnan. David: The Story of Ben-Gurion Put-
nam, 1965 Biography.
f*Sandburg, Carl
Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years, 2 vols. Harcourt, 1929
P-Dell Biography
Sandburg has written a monumental work, covering Lin-
coln's early struggles, his liter career -in Illinois, and,
eventually, his departure for Washington. See also Abe
Lincoln Grows Up Harcourt, 1928 P-Dell Biography;
?Abraham Lincoln: The War Years, 4 vols. Harcourt,
1939 P-Dell Biography.
Sanford, Marceiline Hemingway
At the Hemingt vays: A Family Portrait Little, 1962 Biog-
Intimate observations are given of the Hemingway family
by the late author's sister.
Spark, Muriel, and Derek Stanford
Emily Bronte: Her Life and Work Coward, .1966 Biography
This distinguished, critical biography lucidly explains
how a shy, enigmatic spinster came to create such
tempestuous characters as Heathatiff and Catherine in
Wuthering Heights.
Stamen, R. W.
Stephen Crane Braziller, 1968 Biography
This graphic, 'haunting, and skillfully written book is a
meticulous and authoritative biography of Stephen Crane.
Steffens, Lincoln
Boy on Horseback Harcourt, 1935 Biography
Lincoln Steens the "boy on horseback" after he
received his first horse as a child in the 1870's. In-
terested readers will want to read the Autobiography of
Lincoln Steffens, from which this book was excerpted.
Sterne, Emma Gelder
Mary McLeod Bethune Knopf, 1957 Biography
The fifteenth child of hard-working Negro parents
learned to read, founded a college, and by her indestruo-
tible spirit helped others to a brighter day.
Swing, Raymond
"Good EvenrjarwA" Professional Memoir Harcourt, 1964 Bi-
A zestful autobiography of a famous radio news com-
mentator shows bow his colorful life was spent amid a
pageant of famous people and places.
*Tharp, Louise Hall
Mrs. Jack: A Biography of Isabella St'wart Gardner L.ttle,
1965 Biography
'mere is the sparkling, true story of a thoroughly im-
proper Bostonian who kept nineteenth century Back Bay
society agog with her daring whims and exploits as she
gathered one of the finest private art collections in
Tunis, John R.
A Measure of Independence Atheneum, 1964 Biography
A favorite writer for young adults gives us his memoirs.
Turnbull, Andrew
Scott Fitzgerald Scribner, 1962 Biography
A first-rate biography 'recreates the rambling life and
noisy times of the popular novelist of the 1920's. See F.
Scott Fitzgerald Letters Edited by Andrew Turnbull,
Scribner, 1963 F-Dell.
Wagenknecht, Edward C.
Nathaniel Hawthorne: Man and Writer Oxford, 1961 Biog-
This perceptive and criticia biography brings the complex
and puzzling personality of the great writer into new
*Wagenknecht. Edward C.
Washington Irving: Moderation Displayed Oxford, 1962 B1-_.
A major literary figure appears as a charming man of
rare urbanity and good humor.
Webb, Nancy and Jean
Kaiulctni: Crown Princess of Hawaii Viking, 1962 Biography
A colorful picture of a dying monarchy and an emerging
democracy is the background for this story of Hawaii's
beautiful young princess.
Wong, Jade Snow
Fifth Chinese Daughter Harper, 1950 P-Harper Biography
An intelligent and perceptive girl was caught in a cul-
tural conflict between her Chinese-born parents and the
American city where she was growing to maturity.
Wright, Constance
Madame de Lafayette Holt, 1959 Biography
The little-known wife of the famous French patriot
emerges as a real heroine in this fascinating biography.
tYates, Elizabeth
Amos Fortune: Free Man Dutton, 1950 Biography
Amos Fortune, brought in slavery from Africa, was first
owned by a Quaker and later by a tanner who taught
him his trade and allowed him to buy his freedom. He
gave his life to help people, white and black, from. that
point on.
Ziegfeld, Patricia
The Ziegfelds' Girl Little, 1964 Biography
The daughter of Billie Burke and Florenz Ziegfeld tells
of her pampered, unconventional, and happy childhood.

*Bodsworth, 'Fred
The Sparrow's Fall DOubleday, 1967 Novel
Banished from their tribe when they defied society to
marry for love, two young Ojibway Indians struggled to
survive the winter and to resolve their confusion about
their gods and the white man's god.
Brontii, Charlotte
Jane Eyre (1847) Dodd; World P-13 editions available Novel
Jane obtained the position of governess at gloomy Thorn-
field Hall where she fell in love with the mysterious Mr.
Rochester, the owner.
t Brontii, Emily
Wuthering Heights (1847) World; Dodd P-16 editions avail-
able Novel
This strange love affair between two brooding people
who seemed bent on hurting each other continues to
fascinate each new generation of readers.
Byrne, Donn
Messer Marco Polo (Appleton, 1937) P-Washington Novel
The reader finds here a chirming and imaginative tale
of the love affair between Mirco Polo and the daughter
of Kubla Khan.
Cayenne, Betty
A Touch of Magic Westminster,' 1961 Novel
Although the Revolution did not mean gay parties and
dashing beaux to Hannah Trent as it did to Peggy Ship-
pen, it was Hannah whose dreams came true. See also
Paintbox Summer Westminster, 1949 Novel; Country
Cousins Morrow, 1967 Novel.
Cole, William
A Book of Love Poems Viking, 1965 Poetry
This collection of love poems old and new will be popular
with romantic girls.
Du Maurier, Daphne
Rebecca Doubleday, 1948; Modern P-Pocket; Washington
Rebecca, once the mistress of Manderley, was dead; but
she was obviously the center of the mystery in this novel
of suspense.
Ferber, Edna
Show Boat (Doubleday, 1926) Doubleday, 1951; Grosset P-
Pocket Novel
This story glamorizes the romances and everyday life of
the actors who, on a show boat, put on plays for the
people living along the rivers of midwestern America.
*Field, Rachel
All This and Heaven Too Macmillan, 1943 Novel
Henriette De limy found her name coupled with that of
her employer. When his wife was mysteriously murdered,
Henriette fled to America.
Freedman, Benedict and Nancy
Mrs. Mike Coward, 1947 Novel
A 16-year-old Bostonian married a Royal Canadian
Mounted Policeman and shared with her husband the
rugged, often heartbreaking frontier life.
Goudge, Elizabeth
Green Dolphin Street (Coward,.1944) P-Popular; Lancer
Two sisters took different roads in their search 'for hap-
piness. Marianne found love in a new untamed land;
Marguerite found fulfillment in the service of God. See
also The Dean's Watch Coward, 1960 P-Pocket Novel,
and A City of Bells Coward, 1937 Novel.
Griffiths, Helen
The Dark Swallows Knopf, 1967 Novel
Set in the midst of the Spanish Civil War, this Is a
RomeO and Juliet tragedy of the doomed love between
two young people from neighboring but hostile Spanish
f*Hardy, Thomas
Far from the Madding Crowd Harper, 1895 P-8 editions
available Novel
This early novel develops the complex relationship of
Bathsheba to the three men in her life. See also *The
Mayor of Casterbridge P-10 editions available; *The Re-
turn of the Native P-14 editions available; *Jude the 1
Obscure P-8 editions available.
Hawes, Evelyn
A Madras-Type Jacket Harcourt, 1967 Novel
College freshman Margo emerges as a real person in this
novel which is saved from being just another lightweight
story by the lively style. See also The Happy Land Har-
court, 1965 NoveL
t *Hemingway, Ernest
A Farewell to Arms (1929) Scribner, 1953 P-Scribner Novel
One of Hemingway's best-known novels, this tragic love
story is set against the backdrop of World ,War I. See
also For Whom the Bell Tolls Scribner, 1940 P-Scribner
Hill, Pati
One Thing I Know Houghton, 1962 Novel
Written in a style reminiscent of The Catcher in the
Rye, this short novel breathes life and meaning into a
' much-used theme: a young girl's growing up, yet trying
to hold on to a child's clear vision of love.
Hunt, Irene
Up a Road Slowly Follett, 1966 Novel
Julie Trelling matured under the guidance of her Aunt
Cordelia and the influence of her classmates in a small
country school and a city high school.
Jackson,' Helen Hunt
Ramona (1884) Little, 1939 Novel
Racial ,.rejudice in old Mexico almost parted two lovers
an Indian, Allesstmdro, and a Spanish girl, Ramona.
Jackson, Jacqueline
The Taste of Spruce Gum Little, 1966 Novel
A teenaged girl needed to adjust to a new father, the
Vermont woods, and life among lumberjacks in this
rapidly paced story.
Johnson, Annabel and Edgar
Wilderness Bride Harper, 1962 Novel
Carey Tremaine, a Mormon girl of 15, was betrothed to
strange young Ethan Turner when her father went off
to fight in the Mexican War of 1848.
Lawrence, Mildred
Drums in My Heart Harcourt, 1964 Novel
In the unusual setting of a New England drum factory,
two young people found that responsibility may lead to
love. See also Good Morning My Heart Harcourt, 1957 II-
Berkley NoveL
!'Engle, Madeleine
The Love. Letters Farrar, 1966 P-Dell Novel
A mature, sensitive novel of a modern woman's marriage
and the insight gained through her almost mystical
identification with a semilegendary Portuguese nun of
the seventeenth century who forsook her religious vows
for a French soldier of fortune. See also And Both Were
Young Lathrop, 1949 Novel.
MacKenzie, Christine B.
A Year Is Forever Bethany, 1964 Novel
The story of two high school seniors in lovetheir prob-
lems with studies, parental pressures, their feelings, their
desire to go to college, and the decision they make.
Marshall, Catherine W.
A Man Called Peter McGraw, 1951 P-Crest; Revell Biography
Mrs. Marshall writes of a happy and rewarding life with
Peter Marshall, a well-known minister and, until his
death, chaplain of the United States Senate.
Medearis, Mary
Big Doc's Girl Lippincott, 1950 P-Pyramid Novel
Because of family tragedy, Big Doe's girl took over the
responsibilities of running her home. Her life was com-
plicated by having to decide whether she loved Mr. Mac-
Creighton or Dr. Bill.
Nathan, Robert
Portrait of Jennie Knopf, 1940 P-Popular Novel
In this strange, haunting story, the artist Adams fell in
love with Jennie, who appeared at infrequent intervals,
always cloaked in some mystery.
Pilgrim, Anne
The First Time I Saw Parii Abe lard, 1961 Novel
Roberta, after the death of her father, left London to
work in her aunt's small Parisian boarding school. There
she forgot her own problems in helping the students and
in discovering Paris and Philippe.
Remarque, Erich Maria
Three Comrades Little, 1946 P-Popular Novel
This tender, penetrating story describes the first, beauti-
ful, and deep love of two young people.
tRostand, Edmond .

Cyrano de. Bergerac Holt; Modern P-3 editions availabil

Play -

Cyrano, great of nose, outstanding swordsman, loved

Roxane, but stood aside always to help Christian woo,
win, and please her. Ultimately she recognized Cyrano's
love, and he died, happy in that knowledge.
*Swink°, Annemarie
Desiree Morrow, 1953 P-Pocket Novel
Desiree, in love with the pauper general Napoleon, ran
away to Paris, where she found her lover in Josephine's
arms. She turned to another general for solace and later
became the Queen of Norway.
Shakespeare, William
Romeo and Juliet Dutton; Heath P-12 editions available
The poignant story of the star-crossed lives of these two
young lovers, members of feuding families, ends in death
for them both.
Smith, Betty
Joy in the Morning Harper, 1963 P-Bantam Novel
Set in a midwest college town in the late 1920's, this
novel explores the anatomy of a marriage which had
little chance to succeed.
Smith, Deft
The Town in Bloom Little, 1965 Novel
A stagestruck young girl tried lier luck in the world of
the theater. See also I Capture the dm* Little, 1948
Smith, Dorothy Evelyn
The Blue Dress Dutton, 1962 Novel
Instead of joy, problems and unhappiness greeted 17-
year -old Maureen the night she wore her new blue dress
to the village dance.
Sprague, Rosemary
Fife and Fandango Walck, 1981 Novel
Amid the ruins of war sweeping across her Spanish
homeland, Juanita married a dashing British major.
Their struggle to find happiness during the Napoleonic
wars is an absorbing story.
Stewart, Mary
This Rough Magic Mill, 1964 P-Crest Novel
A young English actress becomes involved with romance
and espionage on the Greek island of Corfu.
Stolz, Mary
A Love, or a Season Harper, 1964 P-Tempo Novel
A thoughtful, mature treatment of two young people in
love, facing their own uncertainties and the anxiety
and mistrust of their parents. See also To Tell Your Love
Harper, .1950; Wait for Me, Michael Harper, 1961; Who
Wants Music on Monday? Harper, 1987 P -Deli.
Stone, Irving
The President's Lady (1951) Doubleday, 1959 P-Avon;
Modern Novel
Rachel Jackson had sad memories of her first marriage
to a cruel, immoral man. Looking forward to happy
years with her second husband, Andrew Jackson, she
was horrified to learn that there had been no divorce.
See also Love Is Eternal (Abraham and Mary Todd Lin-
coln) Doubleday, 1954 P-Pocket Novel.
1.110Toistoy, Leo
Anna Karenina (1901) Modern; Harper P-8 editions avail-
able Novel
In loving the fascinating Count Vronski, beautiful Anna
Karenina found a brief happiness that led eventually to
despair and tragedy.
Turnbull, Agnes Sligh
The Gown of Glory Houghton, 1952 P-Avon Novel
Set in a village parish at the turn of the century, the
story reveals how love can triumph over jealousy,
poverty, illness, shame, and death. See also The Bishop's
Mantle Macmillan, 1949 P-Avon; Wedding Bargain
Houghton, 1966.
Turngren, Ellen
Shadows into Mist McKay, 1958 Novel
Lovisa's marriage to stubborn, proud Nils Enberg brought
many problems a whining, invalid mother-in-law, Nils'
domineering manner and ruthless ambition. Gradually,
however, the two were able to build a better marriage.
See also Listen, My Heart McKay, 1956; Hearts Are the
Fields McKay, 1961.
Weber, Lenora Mattingly
Tarry Awhile Crowell, 1962 Novel
Though her fiancé, Carleton, and their parents were in
favor of delaying marriage, Beany Malone saw several
Mends married, apparently happily, and pressed for an
earlier wedding date. See also My True Love Waits
Crowell, 1953 Novel; Don't Call Me Katie Rose Crowell,
1964 P-Berkley Novel.
White, Hilda
Song Without End Dutton, 1959 Novel
Clara Wieck's father thought his young music pupil,
Robert Schumann, would never amount to anything, but
Clara, piano virtuoso at thirteen, !mew differently. This
is a poignant love story of the great composer and the
girl who became his wife.
Wilson, Neill C.
Nine Brides and Granny Hite Morrow, 1952 Novel
While waiting for the preacher's annual visit, each of
the eight engaged girls and one young bride of Cat
Track Hollow revealed how she got her man.
Woolf, Virginia
Flush, A Biography Harcourt, 1933 P-Harcourt Biography
The life of Elizabeth Barrett and her romance with
Robert Browning are seen through the eyes of her
spirited and inquisitk,e dog, Flush.
Anderson, William R., with Clay Blair, Jr.
NAUTILUS 90 North World, 1959 P-Signet Nonfiction
The first atomic submarine's voyage beneath the Arctic
ice pack is recounted by her commander who carried
out top-secret orders.
Beach, Captain Edward L
Around the World Submerged: The Voyage of the TRITON
Holt, 1962 Nonfiction
A famous skipper's spellbinding narrative brings to life
the dramatic 36,000-nautical-mile, top-secret journey on
a nuclear submarine.
Beach, Edward
The Wreck of the MEMPHIS Holt, 1966 Nonfiction
Captain Beach describes in great detail the wreck of his
father's ship, the Memphis, and his subsequent court-
martial by the Navy.
Bonham, Frank
Deepwater Challenge Crowell, 1963 Novel
Young Cam Walker bought a fishing boat to become the
breadwinner of his family. Outwitting the sea, he dis-
covered, was a difficult, often dangerous business. See
also War Beneath the Sea Crowell, 1962 P- Berkley.
Maroon, Rachel L.
The Sea Around Us, rev. ed. Oxford, 1961 P-Signet Nonflo.
Illustrations and an appendix of new discoveries enhance
this edition of the absorbing story of the ocean and the
way it affects people's lives. See also tThe Edge of the Sea
Houghton, 1955 P-Signet Nonfiction.
Chichester, Sir Francis
GYPSY MOTH Circles the World Coward, 1968 P-Pocket
The sustained faith and courage of the 65-year-old man
who sailed alone 226 days on a voyage around the world
on a small sailing yacht are simply told but have the
unmistakable aura of heroism.
Clark, Eugenie
Lady with a Spear Harper, 1953 Biography
This woman became a marine biologist and took up skin
diving in order to pursue her profession. The reader will
find here the whole world of sea life and the thrill of
discovering something new about it.
Clarke, Arthur C., with Mike Wilson
Treasure of the Great Reef Harper, 1964 Nonfiction
The authors describe diving for treasures in a sunken
ship off a dangerous reef on the coast of Ceylon. See
also Indian Ocean Adventure Harper, 1961 Nonfiction.
tConrad, Joseph
Typhoon and Other Tales of the Sea (1902) Dodd, 1963
P4 editions available Novel
This exciting account reveals the struggle men had to
keep a ship afloat as it was engulfed by a typhoon in
the Indian Ocean.
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, and James Dugan, editors
World Without Sun Harper, 1965 Nonfiction
A group of men live, work, and maintain health for 30
days in Continental Shelf Station Two 40 feet below the
surface of the Red Sea. Excellent underwater photo-
graphs. See also The Living Sea Harper, 1963 P-Pocket
Nonfiction; The Silent World Harper, 1953 P-Pocket;
Harper Nonfiction.
Cromie, William J.
The Living World of the Sea Prentice, 1966 Nonfiction .
Drawing on twenty years of experience as a sailor, sci-
entist, and writer, the author traces in a readable, non-
technical way the ancient heritage of ct fantastic
menagerie of sea creatures. See also Exploring the
Secrets of the Sea Prentice,' 1962 Nonfiction.
tDana, Richard Remy
Two Years Before the Mast (e. 1840) Dodd; World P-3 edi-
tions available Nonfiction
In this faithful record of life aboard a sailing ship, the
author describes his adventures on the brig Pilgrim as
she went 'round the Horn and up to California in the
Dodge, Ernest S.
Northwest by Sea Oxford, 1961 Nonfiction
This book chronicles the many 'valiant searches, both
mythical and real, for the shortest sea route from Eu-
rope to the East.
Falcon-Barker, Captain Ted
Roman Galley Beneath the Sea Chilton, 1967 Nonfiction
An underwater archaeological search was carried out in
a scientific manner with competent experts.
Ford, Corey
Where the Sea Breaks Its Back: The Epic Story of a Pioneer
Naturall..t and the Discovery of Alaska Little, 1966 Nonfic-
The intense drama of naturalist Stellar's discoveries and
suffern,gs, as well as that of explorer Bering's tragic
last voyage, provides exciting reading.
Forester, C. S.
Captain Horatio Ilornb lower Little, 1939 Novel
Here is the first of a series covering the career of an
English naval officer during the Napoleonic era.
tHeyerdahl, Thor
ICon-Titii Rand, 1950 P-3 editions available Nonfiction
In one of the greatest adventures of the modern world,
the author and other anthropologiststo prove a the-
orycrossed the Pacific Ocean from South America to
the South Sea Islands on a balsa log raft. See Arnold
Jacoby Senor Kon-Tihi: The Biography of Thor Beyer-
dab( Rand, 1967 Biography.
Hooke, Nina Warner
The Seal Summer Harcourt, 1965 Novel
A sophisticated adult describes her extraordinary friend-
ship with a beguiling wild seal named Sammy ;ho
st:am into a cove on the Dorset coast and stayed all
Hough, Richard
The Great Dreadnought Harper, 1967 Nonfiction
II.M.S. Agincourt with fourteen 12-inch guns was the
largest battleship of her day (1913); this is her story,
told with humor and entertaining discussions of per-
Innes, Hammond
The Wreck of the MARY DEARE Knopf, 1956 P-Pocket Novel
A drifting and deserted ship in the English Channel was
the center of a tense tale of betrayal and heroism.
Kingsley, Charles
Westward Hol (1855) Scribner; Dodd Novel
Great treasures of silver to be found along the Spanish
Main lured a young Devonshire boy to the first of many
adventures on the sea during the time of Elizabeth I
and the Spanish Armada.
Kipling, Rudyard
Captains Courageous Doubleday, 1897 P-4 editions available
Harvey, a wealthy young brat, was washed overboard
from an ocean liner. Picked up by a fishing vessel, he
becanie a hard-working. young man before he finally
reached home.
Larrabee, Harold A.
Decision at the Chesapeake Potter, 1964 Nonfiction
A little-known crucial naval battle which determined the
outcome of the American Revolution is vividly and re-
sponsibly reported by a professional historian.
fiLatham, Jean Lee
Carry On, Mr. Bo:Witch. Houghton, 1955 Biography
Indentured at the age of twelve, Nathaniel Bowditch
went on to become captain of the ship just nine years
later, because of his genius in mathematics, astronomy,
and navigation. See also Trail Blazer of the Seas Hough-
ton, 1958 Biography.
Lockwood, Aeries
Down to the a in Subs: My Life in the U.S. Navy Norton,
1967 Biography
In an entertaining style, the noted American submarine
force commander tells of his life from 1908 to post".
World War II.
London, Jack
The Sea Wolf Macrninau, 1916 P4 editions available Novel
Jack London himself lived the rugged and stark life of
a sailor upon which he based this tale of the passions
of .men at sea.
Manry, Robert
Tinkerbelle Harper, 1966 P-Dell Nonfiction
A copy editor's lone voyage across the Atlantic in his
131/2-foot sloop is recounted with hilmor and suspense.
McKee, Alexander
Ii.M.S. Bounty Marrow, 1961 Nonfiction
Those who love sea stories will be fascinated by this
factual account of what is probably the most famous
and intriguing mutiny in history.
f*Melville, Herman
Billy Budd, Sailor Edited by Harrison Hayford and Merton
W. Sealts, Jr., Chicago, 1962 P-11 editions available Novel
Young Billy, impressed into Her Majesty's service, sym-
bolized the good of life in contrast to Master-at-Arms
Claggart's evil. See tLcruis 0. Coxe and Robert Chap-
man Billy Budd Hill, 1962 Play.
tMeiville, Herman
Fire Tales With illustrations of the author and his environ-
ment together with an introduction by James H. Pickering,
Dodd, 1967 Short Stories
This collection contains a good introduction and Bartle-
by the Scrivener; Benito Cereno; I and My Chimney;
The Lightning-Rod Mart; *Billy Budd, Sailor.
tMelville, Herman
Mohy Dick (1851) Dodd; Harper P-14 editions available
With monomaniac fervor, Captain Ahab pursued relent-
lessly Moby Dick, the great white whale. This novel is
widely hailed in the world as one of America's master-
tMonsarrat, Nicholas
The Cruel Sca Knopf, 1951 P-Pocket; Washington Novel
Considered by many one of the best naval stories of
World War II, this novel portrays with great compassion
the men on two British ships in moments of strength
and of weakness.
Mowat, Farley
Westvihing: The Ancient Norse in Greenland and Myrrh
Amenca Little, 1965 Nonfiction
Here is one modt'rn Viking sailor's lively but controver-
sialreconstruction of the adventurous tenth century
Nurse sagas of exploration and piracy. Sec also The
Scrpent's Coal Little, 1962 Nonfiction.
Piccard, Jacques, and Robert S. Dietz
Set en Miles Doicir 'The Story of the Bathyscaph TRIESTE
Putnam, 1961 Nonfiction
With excitement and humor, this book documents the
perilous descents into the deepest pit of the ocean in a
steel balloon.
Polmar, Norman
Death of the THRESHER Chilton, 1964 Nonfiction
The life and mysterious death of the atomic submarine
that carried 129 men to their death are recalled here.
Pope, Dudley
Ramage Lippincott, 1965 P-American Novel
Authentic and exciting descriptions of sea battles aug-
ment the adventures of a British naval lieutenant during
the Napoleonic wars. For further adventures of Ramage
see Drumbeat Doubleday, 1968 Novel.
Reeman, Douglas
The Deep Silence Putnam, 1968 Novel
British nuclear submarine Temeraire was sent to rescue
an American Polaris submarine held at bay by the Red
Chinese Navy in the waters of the.Japan Sea. See also
H.M.S. Saracen Putnam, 1966 P-Pocket Novel.
Ridgway, John M., and Chay Blyth
A Fighting Chance Lippincott, 1967 Nonfiction
Two young British paratroopers set out on a harrowing
voyage across the Atlantic in a 20-foot rowboat.
Robertson, Robert B.
Of Whales and Men Knopf, 1954 Nonfiction
With dry, quiet humor, a ship's doctor tells the story of
modern-day whaling in the Southern Ocean.
Rush, Charles W., and others
The Complete Book of Submarines, rev. ed. World, 1963
From Alexander the Great's diving bells to nuclear
powered submarines, this story of undersea craft is one
of high courage, triumph, and tragedy.
Sherman, D. R.
Brothers of the Sea Little, 1966 P-Pocket Novel
A simple, moving tale about a fisherman's son tells how
his friendship with a dolphin led to tragedy.
Throckmorton, Peter
The Lost Ships Little, 1964 Nonfiction
This factual narrative and fascinating adventure records
the perils of deep-sea diving, the search for age-old
sunken wrecks, and the intriguing problems of under-
water excavation.
tVeme, Jules
Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (1869) Scribner;
Dodd P-4 editions available Novel
This imaginary story of life undersea devised by a bril-
liant scientistyears before the invention of the sub-
marinehas long enchanted readers.
Warner, Oliver, with Chester W. Himitz
Nelson and the Age of Fighting Sail Harper, 1963 Biography
Illustrations and portraits are combined to give the
reader a picture of one of the greatest figures in En-
gland's naval history.
White, Robb
Up Periscope Doubleday, 1956 P-Scholastic Novel
On a submarine, Ken Braden, fresh from Underwater
Demolition School, worried about how he would react
in actual battle. See also Torpedo Run Doubleday, 1962
Novel; The Survivor Doubleday, 1964 Novel.
Wynne, Barry
The Man Who Refused to Die: reehu Makimare's 2,000-
Mile Drift in an Open Boat across the South Seas Dutton,
1966 P-Paperback Nonfiction
Well-told, true story of man's courage and sense of hope
makes the unbelievable possible as a simple Polynesian
fisherman survived 64 days of drifting over 2,000 miles
of stormy ocean.

Archibald, Joe
Jet Flier McKay, 1960 Novel
Circling Idlewild at the controls of a crippled jet pas-
senger liner, Ham Burnell relived another emergency
in which people had trusted him to bring them in.
Bach, Richard
Stranger to the Ground Harper, 1963 Nonfiction
In this vivid and memorable recreation of a peacetime
Jet flight from England to France, an American fighter
pilot conveys his love for his plane and Job and shares
his challenging and often mystical world of the skies.
Bonney, Walter T.
The Heritage of Kitty Hawk Norton, 1962 NOnfiction
This absorbing story centers in the men and the
machines that have conquered the air.
Briant, Paul L, Jr.
Daughter of the Sky Duel, 1960 Biography
This story of Amelia Earhart, noted American flyer,
includes an explanation of the mystery of her disap-
pearance and death. See Shannon Garst Amelia Earhart,
Heroine of the Skies Messner, 1946 Biography; Fred G.
Goerner The Search for Amelia Earhart Doubleday, 1966
Backlit% Paul
Reach for the Sky: True Story of Douglas Bader, Legendary
Fighter Pilot of World War II Norton, 1954 P-Ballantine
When Douglas Bader was shot down by the Germans,
they were astonished to find he had no legsa fact
that didn't prevent his being one of the most daring,
adventurous aces of the RAF.
Bridgeman, William, and Jacqueline Hazard
The Lonely Sky Holt, 1955 Biography
This account is a tense, exciting, minute-to-minute drama
of test flying.
Caidin, Martin
Rendezvous in Space: The Story of Projects Mercury, Gemini,
Dyna-Soar, and Apollo Dutton, 1962 Nonfiction
The facts about America's space program are presented,
with detailed descriptions of the flights of various astro-
nauts. See also Thunderbirds Dutton, 1961 Nonfiction.
Carpenter, Scott, and others
We Seven Simon, 1962 Nonfiction
The seven astronauts who haveas a teamlaunched
so many successful orbital flights tell their personal
experiences in the strenuous preparations and in the
actual flights and their reactions to a new kind of
Dunlap, Orrin E., Jr.
Communications in Space, rev. ed. Harper, 1964 Nonfiction
This story of space technology relates the Innovations
responsible for the advance of astro-electronics and
astronautics of the Spage Age.
Floherty, John Joseph, and Mike Mc Grady
Whirling Wings Lippincott, 1961 Nonfiction
Each chapter in this book is devoted to a different use
of helicoptersin rescue work, in agriculture, in photog-
raphy, in industry.
Fonck, Rene
Ace of Aces Edited by S. M. Ulanoff, Doubleday, 1967 Biog-
Here is the memoir of the World War I pilot who scored
75 official victories and was never touched by a shot.
Fuller, John G.
Incident at Exeter; Unidentified Fying Objects over America
Now Putnam, 1966 P-Berkley Nonfiction
An inquiry on UFO's reveals what sixty average citizens
heard and saw that so far has not been satisfactorily
explained by experts or amateur". See also Interrupted
Journey Dial, 1966 P-Dell Nonfiction.
tGann, Ernest K.
Fate Is the Hunter Simon, 1961 P-Crest Nonfiction
Gann, in recounting many breathtaking experiences as
a pilot, considers the role fate plays in man's life. See
Guy Murchie Song of the Sky Houghton, 1954 Nonfiction.
Gann, Ernest K.
The High and the Mighty Sloane, 1953 P-Harper Novel
Twenty people aboard a Honolulu-San Francisco flight
were for many tense hours in danger of crashing into
the Pacific.
Gordon, Donald
The Star-Raker Morrow, 1962 Novel
In the middle of the final test flights of a new supersonic
airliner, two of the pilots died. The aircraft designer's
daughter and another test pilot joined forces to solve
the mystery.
Hunter, Mel
Strategic Air Command Doubleday, 1961 Nonfiction
In this well-illustrated, informative book are described
the bombers and missiles of the SAC and the men who
fly and maintain them.
Ley, Willy
Rockets, Missiles, and Men in Space, rev. ed. Viking, 1967
This history extends from man's first attempts to fly
to the launching of "Sputnik" and predicts incredible
speeds in the future.
Lindbergh, Charles A.
The Spirit of St. Louis Scribner, 1957 P-Scribner Nonfiction
In an exciting, moving, hour-by-hour account, Lindbergh
describes his flight to Paris in 1927.
Lovell, Sir Bernard
The Exploration of Outer Space Harper, 1962 Nonfiction.
The author explains the various cosmological theories
and gives a survey of today's developments in space.
Mason, Herbert
The New Tigers McKay, 1967 Nonfiction
What it takes to be a pilot in today's Mr Force is
shown through the preparation and training necessary
to meet the needs of supersonic combat.
Rankin, William H.
The Man Who Rode the Thunder Prentice, 1960 Biography
A Marine pilot tells the astounding real-life tale of being.
forced to bail out nine miles above the earth without
special pressure equipment.
tSalnt-Exupery, Antoine de
Wind, Sand and Stars Translated by Lewis Galantiere, Har-
court, 1940 Nonfiction
In this incredibly beautiful book, Saint-Exupery has
written about not only his flying experiences but also
his philosophical observations about his flights as he
considers what has really been significant in his life.
See also Night Flight Translated by Stuart Gilbert
P-Signet Nonfiction.
Sellick, Bud
Skydiving: The Art and Science of Sport Parachuting Pren-
tice, 1961 Nonfiction
Skydiving what it is, who does it, how to do it &flick
answers these questions and describes, too, the vital
roles of the paratrooper, the smoke-jumper, the para-
medic, and the parachuting frcgman.
Sims, Edward H.
Greatest Fighter Missions Harper, 1962 P-Ballantine Non-
The author, a fighter pilot himself, writes an adventur-
ous, thrilling book about the men who have helped to
keep America free. See also American Aces in Great
Fighter Battles of World War II Harper, 1958 P-Ballan-
tine Nonfiction.
Tregaskis, Richard
X-15 Diary: The Story of America's First Space Ship Dutton,
1961 Nonfiction
This journal gives a thrilling account of the operations
involved in attempting to put a man into a controlled
orbit around the earth.
Waterman, Sherry
From At/other Island: Adventures and Misadventures of an
Air litre Wu artless Chilton, 1962 Nonfiction
With a good sense of humor, the author deserN'S her
training as an airline stewardess and her many cxpe-
rik.neys in the air.
Whitehouse, Arch
Svutiar(w Forty-Fors: Doubleday, 1965 Novel
Fig tional Ittry of Lieutenant Paterson, an American
pilot with the RAF in 1918, gives an authentic picture
of 'milt:11'Y aviation during World War Sec ako Action
err the Sky Meredith, 1962 Short Storks.

Allen, Lee
The National League Story, rev. ed. Hill, 1965 Nonfiction
The history of the National League is recounted in this
informative, entertaining book. See also The American
League Story, rev. ed. Hill, 1965 Nonfiction.
Beard, Gordon
Birds on the Wing Doubleday, 1987 Nonfiction
Amusing anecdotes are interlaced with statistics in this
story of the Baltimore Orioles' triumphant 1966 baseball
Berra, Yogi, and Ed Fitzgerald
Yogi: The Autobiography of a Professional Baseball Player-
Doubleday, 1961 Biography
A catcher for the New York Yankeesone of the most
colorful of recent baseball playerscollaborates with a
sportswriter in telling his life story. See Yogi Berra and
111 Ferdenzi Behind the Plate P-Pratt Nonfiction.
Carson, John F.
The Coach Nobody Liked Ariel, 1960 P-Dell Novel
Between his father, who could not forget he had played
on a former state championship basketball team, and his
coach, who did not believe in "victory at any price,"
Sid Hawkes had many tense and exciting moments both
off and on the basketball court. See also Floorburns
Ariel, 1957 P- Dell. Novel.
Daley, Arthur
Pro Football's Hall of Fame: The Official Book Quadrangle,
1963 Nonfiction
These interesting short biographies of the seventeen
original members of the pro football Hall of Fame also
present a history of the game. See also Kings of the
Home Run Putnam, 1962 Biography.
Daley, Robert
Cars at Speed: The Grand Prix Circuit Lippincott, 1961
P-Collier Nonfiction
In this compelling book about automobile racing, the
author describes the cars, the drivers, and the great
driving arenas in the world.
Day, Dick, and the editors of Kart Magazine
The Complete Book of Rarting Prentice, 1961 Nonfiction
Karting, a sport which first became popular in 1957,
is here detailed with rules, models, building instructions,
and names of drivers and parts suppliers.
Dixon, Peter L
Men and Waves: A Treasury of Surfing Coward, 1966
P-Ballantine Short Stories
From James Michener to Gidget, here is an adventurous
collection of both fiction and fact about one of America's
newest popular sports. See also The Complete Book of
Surfing Coward, 1965 P-Ballantine Nonfiction.
Durant, John
The Heavyweight Champions, 3rd ed. Hastings, 1967 Non-
This collection of stories about the champions of the
ring records fights from the earliest bareknuckle bouts
to the latest heavyweight matches.
Durso, Joseph
Casey: The Life and Legend of Charles Dillon Stengel Pren-
tice, 1967 Biography
Teenage baseball fans will be delighted with this often
humorous account of Casey's dizzying career by sports-
writer Durso.
Edwards, Phil, and Bob Ottum
You Should Have Been Here an :''.our Ago Harper, 1967
This is the life story, in and out of the water, of one of
the best surfers there is.
Felsen, Henry Gregor
Crash Club Random, 1958 P-Bantam Novel
This frightening story of drag racing and reckless
driving by irresponsible high school students echoes the
author's earlier books on the same subjects: Hot Rod
Dutton, 1950 P-Bantam el; Street' Rod Random,
1953 P-Bantam Novel.
Frick, C. H.
The Comeback Guy Harcourt, 1961 P-Harcourt Novel
Jeff Stanley, not reelected cheerleader, turned to practic-
ing pole vaulting in a secret spot in the woods. His
dramatic comeback makes an exciting story. See also
Patch Harcourt, 1957 Novel.
Friendlich, Dick
All-Pro Quarterback Westminster, 1963 Novel
A first-string quarterback is traded and must start his
career all over ag,in. See also Gridiron Crusader West-
ininster, 2958 Novel; Backstop Ace Westminster, 1961
Novel; Full Court Press Westminster, 1962 Novel.
Garagiola, Joe
Baseball Is a Funny Game Lippincott, 1960 P-Bantam Non-
A major league ballplayer for many years, the author
gives the inside story of every aspect of baseball in count-
less anecdotes, amusing and informative.
Gault, William Campbell
The Lonely Mound Dutton," 1967 Novel
Joe struggles to central his pitches and tries to accept
the lonely responsibility of the pitcher's mound with
humor. See also The Long Green Dutton, 1965 Novel;
Dirt Track Summer Dutton, 1961 Novel.
*Gibson, Althea, and Ed Fitzgerald
I Always Wanted to Be Somebody Harer, 1958 Biography
Althea Gibson tells of traveling the rough, tough road
from the back streets of Harlem to the royal courts of
Wimbledon and Forest Hills.
Harkins, Philip
No Head for Soccer Morrow, 1964 Novel
Tony must make many adjustments as be moves to a
new country and to soccer from football. See also
Argentina Road Race Morrow, 1962 P-Berkley Novel;
The Day of the Drag Race Morrow, 1960 P-Berkley
Novel; Road Race Crowell, 1953 P-Scholastic Novel.
Neuman, William
Powerhouse Five Dodd, 1963 Novel
A young college graduate, hired to coach an industrial
basketball team, must win his place in the face of their
Hirshberg, Al
From Sandlots to League President: The Story of Joe Cronin
Messner, 1962 Biography
Member of baseball's Hall of Fame, °net winner of the
Most Valuable Player Award, Cronin capped his 35-year
career in baseball by becoming president of the American
League in 1960.
Holovak, Mike
Violence Every Sunday: The Story of a Professional Football
Coach Coward, 1967 Nonfiction
From the early days of pro football through the 1966
season, the action-filled, bone-crushing story proves Mike
Holovak's assertion that this sport is always violent.
Hough, Richard, editor
Great Auto Races Harper, 1961 Nonfiction
A British journalist describes the great auto races of
the world: the Saucer, Le Mans, Tripoli, and Indianap-
Hutto, Nelson A.
Breakway Bach Harper, 1963 Novel
Scotty transfers to a larger high school for the vocational
courses he wants, and is suspected of having been il-
legally recruited. See also Goal Line Bomber Harper,
1964 Novel.
Kieran, John, and Arthur Daley
The Story of the Olympic Games: 77e B.C. to 1964 A.D.,
rev. ed. Lippincott, 1965 Nonfiction
Two leading sportswriters trace the Olympics from
ancient Greece to the 1964 events in Tokyo, along with
statistics for all categories.
Klein, H. Arthur
S.trfing Lippincott, 1965 Nonfiction
Beautiful photographs and excellent drawings describe
the history of and instruction in surfing.
lipsyte, Robert
The Contender Harper, 1967 Novel
School dropout Alfred decided to train as a boxer and
learned of the need to be a contender in life. The Harlem
setting is well drawn.
Mantle, Mickey
Quality of Courage Doubleday, 1964 P-Bantam Biography
Casey Stengel, Jimmy Pierson, and Roy Campanella are
among those included in this collection of stories of
baseball players viho did not give way to defeat when
adversity struck.
Marichal, Juan, with Charles Einstein
A Pitcher's Story Doubleday, 1967 Nonfiction
The personality of the baseball star emerges as games
and stratagems, locker room plays and feuds are de-
Maris, Roger, and Jim Ogle
Roger Maris at Bat Duell, 1962 Biography
' Maris tells the story of his great season in baseball:
sixty-one home runs.
Mau le, Tex
The Shortstop McKay, 1962 Novel
Forced back to the minors by a batting slump, Jim
Beatty, Yankee rookie, made a determined effort to win
back his coveted Yankee berth. See also The Quarter-
back McKay, 1962 Novel; The Linebacker McKay, 1965
Novel; The Running Back McKay, 1966 Novel.
Mays, Willie, and Charles Einstein
Willie Mays, My Life In and Out of Baseball Dutton, 1966
A frightened kid from Birmingham who became one of
the "super stars" in baseball tells how it's been along
the way. See also Born to Play Ball: Willie Mays' Own
Story Putnam, 1955 Biography.
Mullins, Richard
Swimmer Funk, 1957 Novel
Harry Williams, holder of national records, was good;
and he knew it. He resented being asked by Coach
Barnes to perform not as a star but as a team member.
Nelson, Cordner
The Jim Ryun Story Tafnews, 1967 Biography
Boys will enjoy this account of the efforts of the first
high school four-minute miler.
Olson, Gene
The Tall One Dodd, 1956 Novel
More than seven feet tall and painfully shy, the "tall
one" was the butt of the crowd's jeers; but his coach
helped him to overcome his qualms and to become a
championship player. See also The Ballhawks West-
minster, 1960 Novel; Three Men on Third Westminster,
1965 P-Tempo Novel.
Paige, Satchel, as told to David Lipman
Maybe I'll Pitch Forever Doubleday, 19t2 Biography
This autobiography of a legendary figure in baseball is
spiced with anecdotes and hilarious incidents.
Patterson, Floyd, with Milton Gross
Victcry over Myself Geis, 1962 Biography
Floyd Patterson, who rose from juvenile delinquent to
world's champion, gives credit to these positive forces
in his life: P.S. 614 in New York, the Wiltwyck School
for Boys, his wife, and his religion.
Plimpton, George
Paper Lion Harper, 1965 P- Pocket. Nonfiction
An entertaining inside view of pro football. See also Out
of My League Harper, 1961 P- Pocket Nonfiction; The
Bogey Man Harper, 1968 Nonfiction.
Quigley, Martin
Today's Game Viking, 1965 Novel
A crucial game for the Blue Jays was created when
the manager, Barney Mann, replaced many aging ball
players with younger players.
Robinson, Ray
Ted Williams Putnam, 1962 Biography
Controversial Ted Williams is portrayed here through
accounts of the games he has played and the crises he
has faced. See. also Stan Musial Putnam, 1963 Biography.
Rosenburg, John M.
The Story of Baseball, rev. ed. Random, 1964 Nonfiction
America's national pastime, major league baseball, is
here highlighted with stories and photographs.
Russell, Bill, as told to William Mc Sweeny
Go Up for Glory Coward, 1966 P-Berkley Biography
Superstar Bill Russell of the Boston Celtics fought hard
against prejudice as well as his competitors to hit the
top in tough, exciting pro basketball.
Scholz, Jackson
Halfback on His Own Morrow, 1962 Novel
Was he good enough to play college football? Andy
found the answer to his question in this compelling
story of gridiron action and scuba diving. See also Back-
field Buckaroo Morrow, 1967 Novel.
Schoor, Gene
The Jim Thorpe Story: America's Greatest Athlete Messner,
1951 P-Archway Biography -

Jim Thorpe, who has been called the greatest athlete in

history, excelled in football, baseball, and track. See
also The Story of Ty Cobb: Baseball's Greatest Player
Messner, 1952 P-Archway Biography.
Severson, John, editor
Great Surfing Doubleday, 1967 Miscellany
qurfing as it was yesterday and as it is today is expressed
through quotations from stories, essays, reminiscences,
and poems of great writers.
Shapiro, Milton J.
Jackie Robinson of the Brooklyn Dodgers Messner, 1957,
P-Archway Biography
High-tempered Jackie Robinson, backed up by Branch
Rickey, broke the color line in baseball by answering
taunts with his brilliant, spectacular playing.
Snead, Sam, with Al Stump
The Education of a Golfer Simon, 1962 P-Crest Nonfiction
Sam Snead tells the story of his boyhood and his 25
years as a golfer. Included are many tips on golfing.
Stanford, Don
Ski Town, Funk, 1958 P-Nova Novel
Centered in the thrilling sport of siding, this story deals
with the lives of several young people, each of whom
came to a new understanding about himself and others.
See also The Red Car Funk, 1954 P-Scholastic Novel;
Treasure of the Coral Reef Funk, 1956 Novel.
Thompson, Mickey, and Griffith Borgeson
Challenger Prentice, 1964 Biography
Life story of a speed demon tells how he conceived,
built, and drove "Challenger I" 406.6 mph for the fastest
automobile land-mile in history.
Tomer lin, John
The Magnificent Jalopy Dutton, 1967 Novel
Link, Wally, and Injun bought a 1930 Packard, over-
hauled it, and entered it in a 1,000-mile rally in which
they competed with a 1954 Ford.
Tunis, John R.
Schoolboy Johnson Morrow, 1958 T-Berkley Novel
"Schoolie," rookie pitcher for the Dodgers, received help
from an "old" player and learned to accept the un-
expected when he was on the mound. See also Go,
Team, Go Morrow, 1954 Novel; Highpockets Morrow,
1948 Novel.
Veeck, Bill, with Ed Linn
The Hustler's Handbook Putnam, 1965 P-Berkley Miscellany

Sports fans will relish these outspoken and often

hilarious stories, anecdotes, and opinions about the
bizarre world of baseball.
Walden, Amelia Elizabeth
Race the Wild Wind Westminster, 1965 Novel
At 16, Marty Conover had mastered the ski slopes; but
she needed the friendship of two men in order to master
Zaharias, Babe Didrikson, as told to Harry T. Paxton
This Life I've Led: My Autobiography Barnes, 1955 Biog-
In a moving and courageous manner, a noted and
versatile athlete tells her life story, which included a
fight against cancer.

tAnnixter, Paul
Swiftwater Hill, 1950 P-Scholastic; Riverside Novel
When his father broke a leg, Bucky took over the trap-
lines. Here a reader may find many parallels to his own
feelings and problems. See Jane and Paul Annixter The
Runner Holiday, 1956 NoveL
Ball, Zachary
Kep Holiday, 1961 Novel
After his father's tragic death, young Kep went to live
with the Maskews, whose son had died. Only his friend-
ship with ostracized Link Wybel and the closeness of the
woods made his life possible. See also Bristle Face
Holiday, 1962 P-Scholastic Novel.
Baner, Skulda Vanadis
First Parting McKay, 1960 Novel
In her first year of teaching on the Dakota prairies,
Anna Magnuson found that she learned as much as the
children did or even more.
Bell, Margaret E.
Love Is Forever Morrow, 1954 Novel
In this Alaskan story of young love and marriage, the
husband believed that he and his wife should follow
the customs of their new home. In clinging to her Vic-
torian background, the wife almost provoked tragedy.
See also Watch for a Tall White Sail Morrow, 1948
P-Tempo Novel, and Totem Casts a Shadow Morrow,
1949 Novel, for earlier adventures of the heroine.
Bennett, Jack
Mr. Fisherman Little, 1965 P-Bantam Novel
Conflicts in values which separated a white boy and a
Malay man paled when both characters faced death
aboard a swamped boat off the coast of South Africa.
Bonham, Frank
Durango Street Dutton, 1965 P-Scholastic Novel
Rufus Henry, 17 years old and on probation, faced the
problem "of the gangs in his old neighborhood.
Bradford, Richard
Red Sky at Morning Lippincott, 1968 P-Pocket Novel
A small town in New Mexico, chosen by 17-year-old Josh
Arnold's father to relocate his family during his time in
the Navy, provides an excellent setting for this warm,
humorous, and at times biting account of his own ex-
Bretton, Helen
The Amber Flask McKay, 1964 Novel
A summertime visit to colonial Williamsburg cured Ann
of acrophobia, plunged her into mystery, and brought
her Walt.
Bro, Margueritte Harmon
Sarah Doubleday, 1949 P-Tempo Novel
A conflict between two possible careersmusic and art
bothered Sarah. Later she faced difficult problems
resulting from the death of her fiancé. See also Stub:
A College Romance Doubleday, 1959 Novel.
Burch, Robert
Queenis Peavie Vildng, 1966 Novel
A teenage girl in a small southern town suffered tor-
ment from other students because her father was in
prison. See also Skinny Viking, 1964 Novel.
Burnett, Halite
Sometimes Magic: A Collection of Outstanding Stories for
the Teen-Age Girl Introduction with an afterword by Jean
Crabtree, Pratt, 1968 Short Stories
This anthology includes outstanding ssicctions by such
distinguished authors as Willa Cather, Edna St. Vincent
Milky, Dorothy Parker, Carson McCullers, and Shirley
Burt, Katharine ,Newlin
Girl tri a Broomstick Funk, 1967 Novel
Ca.nilla Devon, clergyman's daughter, convinced that
she was already a witch at age 13, had to be hilariously
disenchanted before finding out the truth about herself.
Carson, John F.
The Twenty-Third Street Crusaders Ariel, 1958 Novel
A group of boys who had been placed on probation for
assault found themselves learning the meaning of re-
sponsibility and adult living in this honest and un-
sentimental story. See also Court Clown Ariel, 1963
P-Dell Novel.
Catto, Max
I Have Friends in Heaven Little, 1965 Novel
In this delightfully funny account, an Italian teenager
led a young girl, two aging nuns, and a troop of Italian
soldiers to safety from an earthqu,ake-ravaged mountain
Cavanna, Betty
Jenny Kimura Morrow, 1964 Novel
Jenny, who was half Japanese, came to visit her grand-
mother in the U.S. The reader sees her reception and
treatment through her eyes.
Cleary, Beverly
Fifteen Morrow, 1956 P-ScLalastic Novel
When Jane Purdy, fifteen, met Stan Crandall, her sopho-
more year became one of anxiety, excitement, and hap-
piness. See also Jean and Johnny Morrow, 1959 Novel;
Sister of the Bride Morrow, 1963 Novel.
Cocoran, Barbara
Sam Atheneum, 1967 Novel
Sam, a girl brought up in seclusion by a romantic mother
and a pessimistic father, encountered the complexity
of human relationships when she entered school as a
junior. A dog helped her to answer some questions.
Cohen, Florence Chanock
Portrait of Deborah Messner, 1961 P-Tempo Novel
Deborah Rose, a happy Jewish girl, moved from Chicago's
South Side to a suburb and discovered that prejudice
can kill love.
Coleman, Pauline H.
The Different One Dodd, 195:.; Novel
In a biology class, Ella Dillon sleepil:,' learned some-
thing about heredity and came to the mistaken con
elusion that she was adopted.
Cronin, A. J.
A F7nr, of Sixpence Little, 1964 Novel
The story recounts the despairs and joys of a Catholic
boy coming to manhood in a Protestant community in
Scotland at the turn of the century.
t Daly, M.T.ireen
Set,enteentli Summer Dodd, 1942 P-Archway Novel
One summer in a girl's life and her first love affair are
related here with deep perception. See also Siateen and
Other Stories Dodd, 1961 Short Stories.
De Fore, Penny
With All My Love Prentice, 1965 Nonfiction
A personal narrative of an 18-year-old American who,
when Faced with disappointments, achieves satisfaction
in helping crippled orphans in a Korean hospital.
De Jong, Do la
Between Home and Horizon Knopf, 1962 Novel
At the piano, Tobi found satisfaction which was not
r hared by her identical Dutch twin., Mieke. How they
both found happiness is tha subject of this story. See
alto By Marvelous Agreement Knopf, 1960 P-Berkley
*Donovan, John
I'll Get There. It Better Be Worth the Trip Harper, 1969
This account of Davy's difficult growth toward manhood
tells with sensitivity and simplicity of his relationship
with his schoolboy friend.
Douglas, Gilbert
Hardnose Crowell, 1957 Novel
Dean Canady had to work out his feelings of inferiority
which were caused by his being compared constantly
with his brilliant, athlet.; z.,'Ider brother.
Du Jardin, Rosamond and Judy
Junior Year Abroad Lippincott, 1960 Nonfiction
Two American college girls spent a year in Europe
studying at Aix-en-Provence and traveling. For the girls,
this year meant not only studying but also romance.
Emery, Anne
First Lore, True Love Westminster, 1956 P-Berkley Novel
Pat, a high school junior, lelt left out of things because
her former boy friend was away at college. Sue also
A Drekl In to Touch Macrae, 1958 P-Berkley Novel; First
LOU(' Farewell Westminster, 1958 P-Berkley Novel; Dinuy
Gordon, Sophomore Macrae, 1961 F-Berkley Novel.
Eyerly, Jeannette
Drop-Oat Lippincott, 1963 Novel
Wanting to be marred, a teenage boy and girl dropped
out of school and left home. They learned that financial
independence is extremely difficult to achieve and with-
out it happiness is unlikely.
Falk, Ann Mari
A Place of Her Own Translated by Anabelle MacMillan,
Harcourt, i964 Novel
Fifteen-year-old Stina Sandblom adjusted to the death
of her beloved parents and to a new home in the crowded
Stockholm apartment of her married sister.
Farrell, Michael
Thy Tears Might Cease Knopf, 1964 P-Signet Novel
Martin Reilly grew up in an Ireland beset by war and
political upheaval.
Fox, Paula
How Many Miles to Babylon? White, 1967 P-Archway Novel
A poignant story about a lonely Negro boy who was
kidnapped by a gang of older boys and forced to partic-
ipate in a dog-stealing racket. A realistic portrayal of
ghetto life in Brooklyn.
Frank, Anne
Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl Doubleday, 1952
P-Pocket Nonfiction
Anne lived in hiding in the attic if a warehouse in Hol-
land during the Nazi invasion .nd occupation of the
c: miry. Dangerous as was her plight, she kept a diary
which reveals the story of her growing up. See also
Tales from the House Behind P-Bantam. See Frances
Goodrich and Albert Hackett The Diary of Anne Frank
Random, 1956 Play; Ernst Schnabel Anne Frank: A Por-
trait of Courage Translated by Richard and Clara Win-
ston, Harcourt, 1958 P-Harcourt Biography.
Freeman, Barbara C.
Lucinda Norton, 1967 Novel
A tyrannical uncle in mid-Victorian times failed to break
Lucinda's spirit, although his authority and selfishness
were both complete.
Friermood, Elizabeth H.
Ballad of Calamity Creek Doubleday, 1962 Novel
After just one year at college, Ann found a job at a
mission school in the Kentucky mountains. There she
became deeply dedicated to the school and to the people
and their folk music.
Glyn, Caroline
The Unicorn Girl Coward, 1967 Novel
To al .d the anguish of adolescence, Fullie, a physically
unprepossessing teenager, created a safe and secure
world of fantasy. This is a sensitive, imaginative, and
often amusing portrayal of a young girl's bewildered
steps into womanhood.
Havrevold, Finn
Undertow Translated by Cathy Babcock Curry Atheneum,
1968 Novel
Two Norwegian boys spent a summer on the coast,
embarked on a long sailing trip, and found their relation-
ship changing in this action-packed story.
Hoffmann, Peggy
Shift to High Westminster, 1965 Novel
"Crate the Great," king of customized cars, carried three
boys on an adventurous summer journey. Rufus, the
youngest, proved himself in the eyes of his brother.
Holland, Isabelle
Cecily Lippincott, 1967 Novel
A beautiful young teacher at an English girls' boarding
school learned the measure of her own failure in com-
Horgan, Paul
Things as They Are Farrar, 1964 13-Crest Novel
This novel is presented as the autobiography of Richard
as he struggled with growing up.
Hunter, Kristin
The Soul Brothers and Sister Lqu Scribner, 1968 P-Avon
Trying to gain a place in the world is a battle. Lou
perceived her position as one of moderation as she be-
came able to realize that "black is beautiful."
Johnson, Annabel and Edgar
Pickpocket Run Harper, 1961 Novel
In this forceful, suspenseful story, Dix rejected his
father's business philosophy, refused to become involved
in his friends' hijacking plans, and found a good friend
in the suspicious, strange-acting newcomer to town.
Jones, Glyn
The Island of Apples Day, 1965 Novel
A gleaming young stranger confronted the comic gro-
tesques of a Welsh village and boys' school, but his
beauty and bravery seemed cursed.
-Kjeigaard, Jim
Hidden Trail Holiday, 1962 Novel
To film the migration of the elk from their summer to
winter grounds and to try to discover why so many of
them mysteriously disappeared were Jase Mason's as-
signments from the Conservation Department. See also
Wildlife Cameraman Holiday, 1957 Novel; Wolf Brother
Holiday, 1957 Novel; Fire Hunter Holiday, 1951 P-Scho-
lastic Novel.
Lewiton, Mina
Elizabeth and the Young Stranger McKay, 1961 P-Tempo
Her family and classmates looked upon Andre and his
family as foreigners, but Elizabeth helped to bridge the
gap of hostility with sympathy and understanding. See
also The Divided Heart McKay, 1957 P-Berkley Novel;
A Cup of Courage-McKay, 1948 P-Dell Novel.
Marshall, James Vance
My Boy John That Went to Sea Morrow, 1967 Novel
Although longing to be a concert pianist. teenaged John
joined his father's whaling ship on its annual voyage
to Antarctica. See alst, A River Ran Out of Eden Morrow,
1963 P-Ballantine Novel.
Murphy, Robert
A Certain Island Evans, 1967 Novel
Georgie struggled to follow his own values and dreams
which were very different from those his father had had
for him. Will appeal to teenagers who are interested
in the out-of-doors. See also The Pond Dutton, 1964
P-Avon Novel; The Peregrine Falcon Houghton, 1963
P-Avon Novel.
*Nichols, John
The Wizard of Loneliness Putnam-1966 P-Signet Novel
A rebellious, precocious boy visited his grandparents in
a small Vermont town toward the end of World War II
and participated in drama.
tO'Dell, Scott
Island of the Blue Dolphins Houghton, 1960 Novel
Moving and unforgettable is the story of the courage
and endurance of an Indian girl, alone for 18 years on
an isolated rocky island, off the coast of Southern
Ogilvie, Elisabeth
Turn Around Twice McGraw, 1962 Novel
When 17-year-old Bun took the island off the Maine
coast as her prize in a contest, she little knew what
adventure lay ahead. See also Blueberry Summer Mc-
Graw, 1956 P-Scholastic Novel; How Wide the Heart
McGraw, 1959 Novel; Ceiling of Amber McGraw, 1964
Novel; Masquerade at Sea House McGraw, 1965 Novel.
O'Hara, Mary
Green Grass of Wyoming Lippincott, 1946 P-Dell Novel
On a stock ranch in Wyoming, Ken found himself
increasingly interested in girls and troubled by what he
wanted from life. See also Mary O'Hara's earlier novel
My Friend Flicks Lippincott, 1941 P-Dell Novel, and a
sequel Thunderhead Lippincott, 1943 P-Dell Novel.
Richardson, Grace
Doug/as Harper, 1968 Novel
A boy's attempts to let by on charm and wit prevented
his coming to terms with maturity and discipline.
Riter, Doris
Edge of Violence McKay, 1964 Novel
You are inside a juvenile delinquent's mind as, for a
long year of probation, he walked the fine edge between
violence and victory.
Sherburne, Zoa
Evening Star Morrow, 1960 Novel
After meeting Paul during a summer vacation, 16-year-
old Nancy bad some anxious moments about his re-
actions to her Indian ancestry. See also Girl in the
Mirror Morrow, 1966 Novel.
Smith, Irian
Tall and Proud Doubleday, 1966 P-Archway Novel
Gail Fleming, an English girl of poor family and a
victim of polio, learned to walk again after she received
the gift of a horse and helped capture an escaped con-
Starbird, Kaye
Watch Out for the Mules Harcourt, 1968 Novel
"Army brat" Carol Andrews recalled the vicissitudes and
adventures of life on various army posts between the
two world wars. Hilarity and heartache are skillfully
bound together in this entertaining account.
Stolz, Mary
Who Wants Music on Monday? Harper, 1963 P-Dell Novel
Cassie Dunne was an individualist with a clear sense
of values. Her flighty, boy-crazy older sister was only
on^ of her problems. See also In a Mirror Harper, 1953
P-Dell Novel; The Sea Gulls Woke Me Harper, 1951
Stoutenburg, Adrian
Window on the Sea Westminster, 1962 Novel
When Molly Let out to be kind to Kingsley Reynal be-
cause he was lonely, she did not know much he would
change her ideas and her ambitions. See also A Time for
Dreaming Westminster, 1963 Novel.
Summers, James L
The Long Ride Home Westminster, 1966 Novel
Their father's alcoholism brought loneliness to Todd and
Ann Blair. In shame, they hid from friends and rejected
help; but a crisis forced Todd to make a serious decision...
See also Gift Horse Westminster, 1961 Novel; The Iron
Door Between Westminster, 1968 Novel.
Weber, Lenora Mattingly
I Met a Boy I Used to Know Crowell, 1,045 I Novel
A warmhearted, extroverted 16-year-old girl from a large
family met a new pupil, Gil, an only child who was
introverted and lonely.
Wibberley, Leonard
The Hands of Corrnac Joyce (1960) Morrow, 1967 Novel
In a wild storm off the Irish coast, a boy learned- that
true strength is in character rather than in shoulders
and hands.
Wier, Ester
The Loner McKay, 1963 Novel
An itinerant, orphan crop picker without a name earned
the shepherd's name David through courage and faith-
fulness among sheepherders in Montana. See also The
Weird Chasers McKay, 1967 Novel.

Armour, Richard
The Classics Reclassified McGraw, 1960 P-McGraw; Bantam
This satiric retelling of seven literary classics, including
Moby Dick, Silas Marner, and Julius Caesar, is parody at
its zaniest. See also It All Started with Columbus Mc-
Graw, 1953 P-Bantam; Twisted Tales from Shakespeare
McGraw, 1957 P-McGraw, Signet; Through Darkest Ado-
lescence McGraw, 1963 P-McGraw; Punctured Poems
P-Prentice, 1966.
Becker, May Lamberton, editor
The Home Book of Laughter Dodd, 1949 Miscellany
The authors who have made Mrs. Becker laugh will
probably amuse the reader, too. Represented in this col-
lection are such modern standbys as Day, Bench ley, and
tBenchley, Robert
Chips Off the Old Rcnchley Harper, 1949 Essays
Bench ley writesnonsense at its funniestsomething
about almost everything, including the income tax, Turk-
ish baths, dictation of letters, travel, hay fever, the
theater, and time. See also Bench ley Roundup Harper,
1954 P-Dell.
Benet, Laura
Famous American Humorists Dodd, 1958 Biography
Biographical sketches of seventeen American humorists
include a sample of the wit and light touch of each.
Cole, William
The Fireside Booh of Humorous Poetry Simon, 1959 Poetry
This is a good resource for humorous verse through the

*Crews, Frederick C.
The Pooh Perplex: A Freshman Casebook P-Dutton, 1963
Admittedly not for everyone; but young adults brought
up on Pooh, who are critical enough to question the
pretensions of characteristic schools of literary criticism,
will find this tongue-in-cheek series of parodies just their
cup of tea.
Day, Clarence
The Best of Clarence Day Knopf, 1948 Miscellany
Stormy, lovable Mr. Day, a banker of the eighties, be-
came bewildered and outraged when he tried to explain
figures to his wife or read his son's mail by mistake.
Dotson, Hildegarde
We Shook the Family Tree Random, 1941 Biography
Yearning to change her awkward, adolescent self into
the dazzling, sophisticated girl of a magazine ad, Hi lde-
garde saved her money for a deluxe beauty preparation.
All the reminiscences in this book are charming.
Durrell, Gerald
My Family and Other Animals Viking, 1957 P-Compass Non-
The wacky Durrells and their queer friends and assorted
animals left their mark on the Isle of Corfu when they
lived there for a while. See also A Zoo in My Luggage
Viking, 1960 P-Berkley Nonfiction; Is lard Zoo Macrae,
1963 Nonfiction; Menagerie Manor Viking, 1965 P-Avon
Gallico, Paul
Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris Doubleday, 1958 P-Pocket Novel
A London charwoman finally saved money to buy a
Paris gown, little dreaming that an extra dividend of
love and happiness would be added. See also Too Many
Ghosts Doubleday, 1961 P-Pocket Novel.
Gilbreth, Frank B., and Ernestine Gilbreth Carey
Cheaper by the Dozen, rev. ed. (Crowell, 1948) Crowell,
1963 Grosset P-Bantam Biography
The father of the twelve Gilbreth children did not antic-
ipate the hilarious results of his many attempts to
organize his family into a working team to test his
studies of motion. See also Belles on Their Toes Crowell,
1950 Biography.
Glashan, John
Speak. Up You Tiny Fool! Dial, 1966 Cartoons
A bitingly funny commentary on modern times is offered
in these pen and ink cartoons by a British artist.
Goodin, Peggy
Clementine (Dutton, 1946) P-Grosset Novel
At 10, Clementine Kelly was the best football player and
fighter in the neighborhoodnext to Hank Matthews,
that is. At 16, Clem was the blushing wearer of Hank's
Hi-Y pin.
Gordon, Mildred and Gordon
The Undercover Cat Doubleday, 1963 Novel
A twenty-five pound cat is the protagonist in this tale of
mystery and humor. See also Undercover Cat Prowls
Again Doutleday, 1966 P-Bantam Novel.
Hall, Roger
You're Stepping on My Cloak and Dagger Norton, 1957 Non-
Though Roger Hall trained rigorously for the O.S.S. by
meeting strange cars and attempting to infiltrate war
plants, his big overseas assignment backfired in an amus-
ing way.
Hart, Moss, and George S. Kaufman
You Can't Tahe It with You in Six Plays by Kaufman and
Hart Random, 1942 P-Washington (in Three Comedies of
American Family Life Edited by Joseph E. Mersand) Play
Life in the Sycamore household was happy though some-
what frantic. Everyone did as he wished: Penelope, the
mother, wrote plays because, eight years before, a type-
writer had been delivered to her by mistake. Her husband
Paul experimented in the basement with skyrockets.
Hudson, Virginia C.
0 le Jigs and Juleps Macmillan, 1962 P-Macfadden Essays
Life in small-town America it 1904, as seen by a 10-
year -old girl, is the subject of this funny, irreverent
Hyman, Mac
No Time for Sergeants Random, 1954 P-Signet Novel
When he was drafted, Will Stockdale, tall and lanky
Georgian, was assigned to the Air Force. His advc...tures
and misadventures in barracks life, gunnery school, and
a mock battle brought a sergeant, lieutenants, captains,
and two major generals close to nervous breakdowns
an,' almost wrecked the Air Force.
Ish-Kishor, Judith
Tales from the Wise Men of Israel Lippincott, 1962 Short
Miss Ish-Kishor has collected a group of wise, humorous
folktales in which good usually triumphs to the delight
of the reader.
Juster, Norton
The Dot and the Line Random, 1963 Fable
A humorous mathematical fable.
Kerr, Jean
The Snake Has All the Lines Doubleday, 1960 P-Crest Essays
Looking at life about her, the author of Please Don't
Eat the Daisies (Doubleday, 1957 P-Crest) finds much
to comment on and laugh atsuburban life, air travel,
family problems. See also Poor Richard Doubleday, 1965
Kilmer, Pat
Dough, Ray and Me: The Adventures of a Family Who Gave
Up Social Security for Home on the Range Sloane, 1957
En route to the West to set up a bakery, the Miners'
car broke down in Cabeza, New Mexico. They stayed and
began baking bread.
Kinross, Lord
The Innocents at Home: A Visit to the U.S.A. Morrow,
1960 Nonfiction
/aspects of American social and intellectual life are
sharply observed by an entertaining English travel
Kishon, Ephraim
Noah's Ark, Tourist Class Translated by Yohanan Goldman,
Atheneum, 1962 Miscellany
In these satirical sketches, Israel's humorist, Ephraim
Kishon, pinpoints the foibles of the people of his country.
Kitman, Marvin
The Number One Best Seller Dial, 1966 Miscellany
A timely message underlies these humorous collected
pieces by a noted writer-humorist.
Lardner, Ring
You Know Me, Al (1916) Scribner, 1960 Miscellany
In this classic baseball story are some of the most
humorous letters ever written in the world of sports.
See also Ring Lardner 'leader Edited by Maxwell Geis-
mar Scribner, 1963 P-Scribner.
Linscott, Robert N., editor
The Best American Humorous Short Stories (Random, 1945)
Modern Short Stories
Forty-three stories include some by such favorite authors
as Thurber, Perelman, and :lc Kenney.
MacDonald, Betty
The Egg and I Lippincott, 1945 P-Avon Nonfiction
With zest and a saving sense of humor, a determined
young woman faced the rigors of life on a chicken ranch
in the wilderness of the Olympic Peninsula.
McGinley, Phyllis
Sixpence in Her Shoe Macmillan; 1964 P-Dell Nonfiction
The Pulitzer Prize poet writes a refreshing ode on modern
housewifery which girls will appreciate for its witty
advice. See also Times Three Viking, 1960 Poetry.
McKenney, Ruth
All about Eileen Harcourt, 1952 Nonfiction
Included in this volume are selections from four earlier
books about the author's family, among them the best
of the stories about the incomparable Eileen.
Mowat, Farley
The Dog Who Wouldn't Be Little, 1957 P-Pyramid Nonfiction
An eccentric pooch named Mutt dominates these rem-
iniscences of the Canadian author and naturalist.
Nash, Ogden, editor
Everybody Ought to Know Lippincott, 1961 Poems
This anthology contains poems ranging from Shake-
speare's to those of the editor and John Ciardi. See also
I Couldn't Help Laughing Lippincott. 1957 Miscellany;
A Pocket Book of Ogden Nash P-Pocket, 1962.
Papashvily, George and Helen
Anything Can Happen Harper, 1945 P-Pocket Biography
Anything could happen and most things did when
George arrived in America. His great desire to stay and
be--in all things American was a touching tribute by
an immigrant; but his attitude allowed him to be bam-
boozled as well as loved by his new countrymen.
Ross, Leonard Q., pseudonym (Leo Rosten)
The Education of Hyman. Kaplan Harcourt, 1937 P-Harcourt
Short Stories
Gary Baldy, Julius Scissor, and Jawdge Vashington are
heroes to HYtran Kaplan as he joins battle with the English
language in night school for adults. See Leo Rosten The Re-
turn of Hyman Kaplan Harper, 1959 P-Harper Short Stories.
Scoggin, Margaret C., editor
More Chucklebait: Funny Stories for Everyone! Knopf, 1949
These stories are incidents from novels and biographies
of William Saroyan, Hildegarde Dolson, Kathryn Forbes,
Hartzell Spence, Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, and
others. See also Chuchlebatt Knopf, 1945 P-Dell Miscel-
Shapiro, Milton J.
Laughs from the Dugout Messner, 1966 Nonfiction
The funniest baseball stories and most colorful baseball
characters of all time.
Shulman, Max
The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis Doubleday, 1953 Short
These are the humorous campus stories from which the
TV series was derived.
Skinner, Cornelia Otis, and Emily Kimbro,,gh
Our Hearts Were Young and Gay Dodd, 1952 P -Bantam Bi-
Two 19-year-old girls earned the money for their first
trip to Europe where their inexperience, beneath their
pretense as women of the world, provided much humor.
See Emily Kimbrough Pleasure by the Busload Harper,
1961 Nonfiction.
Sneider, Vern J.
The King from Ashtabula Putnam, 1960 Novel
To the consternation of the American general governing
them, the Nakashima Islanders rejected democracy and
recalled their king, a college student in America. See
also The Teahouse of the August Moon Putnam, 1951
P-Signet Novel.
Summers, James L.
The Shelter Trap Westminster, 1962 P-Pflauna Novel
Locked in an underground fallout &liter, steely-eyed
Miss Barrett and her gifted students subsisted on as-
paragus soup and dog biscuits.
Thurber, James
Alarms and Diversions Harper, 1957 P-Harper Miscellany
"The Figgerin' of Aunt Wilma," "There's Something Out
There" (the Loch Ness sea serpent), and "The Last
Flower" are characteristic of Thurber's satiric, thought-
ful humor. See also Yenterns and Lances Harcourt, 1961
Thurber, James
Credos and Curios Harper, 1962 Essays
These humorous pieces include profiles of many of
Thurt,er's contemporaries including E. B. White, Elliot
Nugent, and Robert Bench ley.
trhurber, James
My Life and Hard Times. Harper, 1933 P-Bantam Biography
A collection of inclients from James Thurber's lifeil-
lustrated by his own whimsical drawingssatirizes the
silly notions people sometimes have when they think
they are using good sense. See also Fables for Our Time
Harper, 1952; Further Fables for Our Time Simon, 1956.
Trahey, Jane
Life with Mother Superior Farrar, 1962
Matching wits with the Mother Superior is the greatest
delight for the girls at. St. Mark's.
f Twain, Mark, pseudonym (Samuel L. Clemens)
The Complete Short Stories of Mark Twain Edited by Charles
Neider, Hanover, 1957 P-Bantam Miscellany
Sixty stories, thirteen of them nonfiction, cover the span
of this great humorist's life. See also Innocents Abroad
(1869) Harper P-3 editions available.
Vidal, Gore
Visit to a Small Planet and Other Television Plays Little,
1957 Play
The fun comes fast and furicusly in this frolic about a
visiting spaceman who lands his flying saucer on earth
and almost wrecks several lives.
West, Jessamyn
The Chilekings P-Ballantine Tale
An old army man tells the recent history of the earth
since that day when all children were "added" and
adults were "subtracted." A utopia tale of irony and
humor in which the children solve the world's problems.
Wibberley, Leonard
The Mouse on the Moon Morrow, 1962 P-Bantam Novel
In this successor to The Mouse That soared (Little, 1955
P-Bantam), Grand Fenwicl: beat the United States and
Russia to the moon.
*Williams, Oscar, editor
The Silver Treasury of Light Verse P-Mentor, 1957
These 700 poems of wit, ribaldry, and fun include some
whicl' are highly sophisticated.

tAgee, James
A Death in the Family. (Obolensky, 1957) Grosset P-Avon
Jay Follet died instantly in an automobile accident; his
family slowly learned to accept life without him.
Bach, Marcus
The Power of Perception. Doubleday, 1965 Nonfiction
By asking the reader what he "sees" when he "looks,"
the author leads the reader to seek a richer life.
Barrett, William E.
The Lilies of the Field Doubleday, 1962 P-Doubleday Novel
A young Negro ex-G.I. helped a group of determined
German Catholic nuns to build a chapel in the desert
country of filo Southwest.
Beifrage, Sally
Freedom Summer Viking, 1965 P-Fawcett Nonfiction
The author reports her experiences as a librarian and
participant in demonstrations in Greenwood, Mississippi,
during the summer of 1964.
llodsworth, Fred
The Sparrow's Fall Doubleday, 1967 Novel
The conflict in this novel is between man and the sub-
zero cold of the Arctic; between the hero's faith in the
native ways of the Indian and his belief in Christianity.
"Borland, Hal
When the Legends Die Lippincott, 1963 P-Bantam Novel
Tom Black Bull, a Ute Indian rejected by both his own
people and the whites, found that he lived in an empty
dream, a :world which he finally rejected because he had
become a man.
Brack, Vivian
The Two Worlds o.;". Norika Doubleday, 1966 Novel
An American-born Japanese girl visited her father's vil-
lage in Japan and discovered the gap between her con-
temporary American world and the tradition-bound Ori-
ental world of her parents.
Brown, Marion Marsh, and Ruth Crone
The Silent Storm Abingdon, 1963 P-Archway Novel
Annie Sullivan, young, sensitive, intelligent, almost lost
her own eyesight as she lived through the ordeal and
challenge of being companion and tutor to the blind
child, Helen Keller.
Buck, Pearl S.
The Hidden Flower Day, 1952 P-Pocket Novel
A fragile, lovely Japanese girl married an American G.I.
and discovered that his aristocratic, prejudiced mother
would tot accept an Oriental daughter-in-law.
Buck, Pearl S.
To My Daughters with Love Day, 1967 Essays
Thoughts addressed to her seven daughters by this Nobel
novelist who is a strong, compassionate woman include
those on youth, love, marriage, and eternal truths which
are not invalidated by -new moralities."
Bo- ford, Sheila
The Fields of Noon Little, 1964 Essays
Simple pleasures, such as mushroom hunting, Canadian
springlime, walks in the Pyrenees, and observations of
an absurd canary, are the subjects of these charming
Call, Hughie
The Little Kingdom Houghton, 1964 Biography
Zest for a short life live& abundantly on a Montana
ranch by the author's young daughter, fondly called
Wezie, makes this biography unusual and touching.
*Camus, Albert
The Stranger Knopf, 1946 P-Vintage Novel
To the strangs.r, dead. provided an opportunity for a
new life unfettered by present reality. A classic con-
frontation in values by a ,Imeer existentialist wetter.
See also *The Plague 1948 P-Modern Novel;
*The Possessed Translate& by Justin O'Brien Knopf, 1960
P-Vintage Play.
Canning, John, editor
100 Great Events That Changed the World Hawthorn, 1965
This anthology describes enthralling epoch-making events

that have had major influence, in one form or another,
on man's history from Babylonia to the Space Age.
Chukovskaya, Lydia
The Deserted House Translated by Aline B. Werth, Dutton,
1967 Novel
A loyal communist widow's son was falsely accused
and arrested during the widespread purges of 193940 in
Stalinist Russia, and his mother finally had to choose
between him and life itself.
Cleaver, Eldridge
Soul on Ice McGraw, 1968 Nonfiction
The author wrote most of the essays and open letters
while in prison where he made a spiritual and intel-
lectual discovery of his own blackness.
Conrad, Joseph
The Secret Sharer in Shadow-Line and Other Tales (191'0
P-Anchor Novel
This short novel explores man's recognition of self in a
suspenseful narrative in which a young ship captain
protected a confessed murdererconvinced he was a
good man. See also Lord Jim (1899) Docii; Doubleday
P-11 editions available.
Cronin, A. .1.
The Citadel Little, 1937 P-Bantam; Universal (with The
Keys of the Kingdom) Novel
What does one strive for in the modern world? A doctor
was ton). between his desire for uuccess and mon( 7 and
his earlier zeal for social service. See also A Thisg of
Beauty Little, 1956 Novel.
Dooley, Thomas A.
The Edge of Tomorrow Farrar, 1958 P-Signet Nonfiction
Six young Americans traveled without pay to a remote
part of the worldLaosto combat two great foes:
disease and communism. See also Deliver Us from Evil
Farrar, 1956 P-Signet; Doctor Tom Dooley: My Story
Ariel, 1962 P-Signet; The Night They Burned the Moun-
tain Farrar, 1960 P-Signet Nonfiction.
fDostoevsky, ryodor
Crime and Punishment (1866) Macmillan; Modern P-11
editions available Novel
After Raskolnikov killed an old woman moneylender
because he thought that he had-a right to live outside
the moral code, he suffered the tortures of the damned.
*Dreiser, Theodore
Sister Carrie (1900) World P-7 editions available Novel
This powerful novel tells of a country girl's attempt to
find love and security in late nineteenth-century 'hicago.
The realism was shocking to the reader of the Ir. See
also *An American Tragedy (1925) World; Mo. Irn
Signet; *Jennie Gerhardt (1911) World P-Dell.
fEiseley, Loren
The Firmament of Time Atheneum, 1960 P-Atheneum Es-
Six lectures by the author discuss such subjects as "How
the World Became Natural," "How Death Became Nat-
ural," "How Life Became Natural," and "How Man Be-
came Natural"
Eyerly, Jeannette
A Girl like Me Lippincott, 1968 Novel
The author writes perceptively of the problems facing
a high school girl with an illegitimate child. See also
Drop-Out f...:pincott, 1963 Novel.
T*Fitzgeraid, F. Scott
The Great Gatsby Scribner, 1925 P-Scribner Novel
Against the backdrop of the roaring twenties, Gatsby
ruthless and without scruplesought Daisy, the wom-
an he had loved and lost. See also f*Tender Is the Night
Scribner, 1934 P-Scribner Novel.
Forman, James
Horses of Anger Farrar, 1967 Novel
A German boy, serving as a Nazi gunned close to the
end of the war, witnessed the loss of illusion and the
growth of truth in his family, himself, and most of his
Frank, Pat
Alas, Babylon Lippincott, 1959 P-Bantam Novel
'When an accident triggered World War HI, the In
habitants of a small survival area in Florida faced
desperate conditions with courage and ingenuity. See
George Stewart Earth Abides (Random, 1949) P-Ace
Gibran, Kahtil
The Prophet Knopf', 1923 Essays
The Lebanese author writes in poetic prose of some of
an's deep concerns: love, friendship, teaching, beauty,
t*Golding, William
Lord of the Flies Coward, 1955 P-Capricorn Novel
Shipwrecked on a tropical island, these English school-
boys attempted to set up a civilization of their own;
but savagery lurked close beneath the surface and final-
ly emerged. See also tFree Fall Harcourt, 1959 P-Har
court Novel; tThe Inheritors Harcourt, 1982 P-Harcourt;
Pocket Novel. See Richard Armstrong The Mutineers
McKay, 1968 Novel. (This story Las some of the same
impact of Lord of the Flies.)
tHammarskfold, Dag
M.irhings ICncipf, 1964 Nonfiction -
The late U.N. Secretary General reveals a spiritual self-
profile that is poignant and profound. See T. S. Settel,
editor The Light and the Rock: The Vision of Dag Ham-
marskjokl Dutton, 1966 Nonfiction.
1-Hemingway, Ernest
The Old Man and the Sea Scribner, 1952 P-Scribner Novel
In this beautiful, symbolic story, the old and broken
fisherman, Santiago, landed the biggest atch of his life,
only to have the giant marlin stripped e. a skeleton by
Hemingway, Ernest
The Sun Also Rises Scribner, 1926 P-Scribner Novel.
Jaye Barnes, vacillating between cynicism and remem-
brance of what is good and decent, oitomizes the lives
beset by falsehood and depravity in the restless years
following World War I.
Hersey, John
Too Far to Walk Knopf, 1966 P-Bantam Novel
The author probes the rebellious behavior of a group of
undergraduates in a New England college with some
perce,tiveness and appreciation of the problem.
Hesse, Hermann
Siddhartha Translated by Hilda Rosner New Directions,
1951 P-New Directions Novel
The search for communion and contentment within the
framework of 'Indian mysticism is the subject of this
moving, human statement first published in 1922
f Hicks, Granville
Part of the Truth Harcourt, 1965 Biography
In his honest autobiography, the writer - critic- teacher
tells of his disillusionment during the misunderstood
Hilton, James
Lost Horizon Morrow, 1933 P-3 editions available
In the mountains of Tibet, a small group found a uto-
piaShangri-Laand encountered strange customs and
Hoffman, Paul G.
World Without Want Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
This stirring book emphasizes the need of helping under-
developed nations. The author describes undernourished
people, deplorable housing conditions, and disease-in-
fested countries and uggests ways to alleviate these
Karp, David
The Last BeUevers Harcourt, 1964 Novel
A successful Broadway playwright tried to stop his 19-
year -old son from denying U.S. citizenship by telling the
young man the story of his life as an American com-
munist Jew in the 1930's.
Kaufman, Bei
Up the Down Staircase Prentice," 1964 P-Avon Novel
Sylvia Barrens first year of teaching in a large New
York high school was filled with frustration, fury, and
for the most part futility.
Kayira, Legson
I Will Try Doubleday, 1965 P-Bantam Biography
A young African, determined to go to college
in America,
spent many months on foot before finding help for his
dream, which was realized in Washington.
Kennedy, John F.
Profiles in Courage Harper, 1956 P-Hf.sper
John F. Kennedy highlighted eight men who,
of overwhelming opposition, demonstrated in the face
great moral
courage. In fighting for his principles, each man helped
to maintain American democracy.
Kennedy, Robert F.
Just Friends and Brave Enemies Harper,
Nonfiction .962 P-Popular
This account of the observations and
impressions of
Robert F. Fennedy is based on a trip around
tKim, Richard E. the world.
The Martyred Br:L.111er, 1964 P-Pocket
The capture of Christian ministers and
during the Korean War posed questionstheir martyrdom
of man's -rela-
tionship to man, his maker, and his world.
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Why We Can't Wait Harper, 1964 P-Signet Nonfiction
An eloquent plea for the Negroes with a statement of
Dr. King's philosophy of nonviolent action and a report
on the 1963 Birmingham demonstrations. See also Stride
Toward Freedom Harper, 1958 P-Harper Nonfiction.
t*Knowles, John
A Separate Peace Macmillan, 1959 P-Dell; Delta Novel
Gene and Finny were roommates at boarding school. By
an almost subconscious action, Gene crippled Finny;
and in the aftermath they came to understand each
other and themselves.
Krumgold, Joseph
Henry 3 Atheneum, 1967 P-Archway Novel
A brilliant young boy learned that the struggle for
material things is only one aspect of life and that other
values are the lasting ones.
t *Lee, Harper
To Kill a Mockingbird Lippincott, 1960 P-Popular Novel
Atticus Finch, Alabama lawyer, reared his two mother-
less children uneventfully until the summer he defended
a Negro unjustly accused of a crime. See Mary Dutton
Thorpe World, 1967 Novel.
f Levine, Lawrence W.
Defender of the Faith: William Jennings Bryan: The Last
Decade 1915-1925 Oxford, 1965 Biography
The final years e a great American crusader are revealed
as full of courage, action, and dilemma.
Lewis, Sinclair
Arrommith (1925) Harcourt, 1949 P-Signet Novel
A doctor's adventurous search for the truth of pure
science was met at every hand by meanness, misunder-
standing, and jealousy. See also Babbitt (1922) Harcourt
P-Signet Novel.
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow
Gift from the Sea Pantheon, 1955 P-Vintage Essays
Alone at the shore, the author reilects on the complexities
of modern living.
Lowery, Bruce
Scarred Vanguard, 1961 Novel
In this moving story, Jeff, who had a harelip sea; was
exposed to adolcscent cruelty and became confused psy-
chologically and spiritually.

Luce, Iris, editor
Letters from the. Peace Corps Luce, 1964 Nonfiction
Selected letters about the training, work, hardships, and
achievements of Peace Corps volunteers.
*Malamud, Bernard
The Fixer Farrar, 1966 Novel
Throughout his imprisonment and torture, a Jewish
handyman falsely accused of the murder of a Gentile
boy held fast to his innocence in this powerful novel
which answers the question, "What is it to b...! 1: man?"
See also *The Assistant Farrar, 1957 P-Signet Novel; The
Natural Farrar, 1952 P-Noonday, Dell Novel.
Manfred, Frederick
Conquering Horse (Obolensky, 1959) P-Signet Novel
No Name, a young Sioux, searched for his vision of life
in order to achieve a name, a wife, and recognition in
the tribe.
Mather, Melissa, pseudonym (Mrs. Longin Ambros)
One Summer in Between Harper, 1967 Novel
Harriet Brown, a Negro college student working tem-
porarily for a white family in Vermont, was shocked
when she recognized her own prejudices.
fMaugham, W. Somerset
Of Human Bondage Doubleday, 1936 P-3 editions available
A man found his identity and a realization of what was
important in life through suffering, defeat, and a tragic
Meltzer, Milton
"Thaddeus Stevens and the Fight for Negro Rights Crowell,
1967 Nonfiction
One of the most hated men in American history, complex
Thad Stevens tasted both victory and defeat in the bitter
fight for the abolition of slavery and establishment of
Negro rights.
*Miller, Arthur
Death of a Salesman Viking, 1949 P-Compass Play
Willy Loman, who reared his sons on platitudes to his
and their undoing, has become the literary symbol of
men who substitute words for real feeling.
Moorehead, Alan
The Traitors Harper, 1963 Nonfiction
This story of treason by a self-styled idealist is a pene-
trating examination of the kind of traitor who is not a
professional spy.
Morris, Marjorie, and Don Sauers
And/ Or: Antonyms for Our Age Harper, 1967 Nonfiction
Plea for peace through paired photographs which juxta-
pose philosophical antonyms to hold the mirror up to
our double life. Similar to The Family of Man, this book
will be meaningful and thought-provoking to today's
Murphy, Robert
The Golden Eagle Dutton, 1965 Novel
Kira, a golden eagle, is the leading "character" in this
story which includes accurate ecology with exciting nar-
Nathan, Robert
The Mallot Diaries Knopf, 1965 Novel
The author's answer to existentialism: in a conflict be-
tween youth and age, youth emerges victorious but is
ironically imprisoned by its own set of questionable
Nolan, Liam
Small Man of Nanatalti Dutton, 1966 Novel
A Christian Japanese risked his life to help prisoners
during World War II because he placed his obedience to
Gott above all danger.
*O'Connor, Edwin
The Last Hurrah Little, 1956 P-Bantam Novel
The operations of a big-city political machine were
dominated by one of the last of the big-time political
bosses. See also All in the Family Little, 1966 P-Bantam
tO'Faolain, Sean
Vive Moil Little, 1964 Biography
The Irish writer recalls, in an honest, uninhibited style,
how he became a rebel and an artist.
*Potok, Chaim
The Chosen Simon, 1967 Novel
Two Jewish boys growing to manhood in Brooklyn dis-
covered that differences in the way their fathers viewed
life could strengthen friendship and understanding.
Richter, Conrad
The Sea of Grass Knopf, 1937 Novel
In a setting that involves the warfare between cattleman
and homesteader, Richter gives a picture of the fierce
power of a mature man who had all the instincts of a
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Tomorrow Is Now Harper, 1963 P- Harper Nonfiction
An unpretentious but highly informed presentation of
Mrs. Roosevelt's beliefs in the great principles of the
American-heritage, which emphasizes the need to adapt
to the changing forces shaping tomorrow's world with-
out relinquishing the goal of liberty for all.
Russell, Robert
To Catch, an Angel Vanguard, 1962 P-Popular Biography
The author, blinded when he was five, tells what his
world of night has been like. Independent, adventurous,
this curious, intelligent boy refused to be 1:idetracked
from doing the things that interested him.
Sabatini, Rafael
Scaramouche Houghton, 1921 P-Bantam Novel
This colorful, romantic tale of the French Revolution
features a hero of revolutionary ideas and an eloquent
(Saint -Exupery, Antoine de
A Sense of Life Translated by Adrienne Foulke, Funk, 1965
This posthumous collection of the famous French pilot-
poet's essays is thoughtful and probing. The human
spirit's innate desire to develop is his overriding theme.
t*Salinger, J. 'D.
The Catcher in the Rye Little, 1945 P-Bantam Novel
In a moving, sometimes shocking story, 16;year-old
Holden Caulfield was overwhelmed by the perplexing
problems in his life. He tried to find himself in his
forty-eight hours "on the town" in New York. See also
*Nine Stories Little, 1953 P-Bantam; *Franny and Zooey
Little, 1961 P-Bantam; *Raise High the Roof Beam,
Carpenters; and Seymour, an Introduction Little, 1963
P-Bantam Short Novels.
*Shute, Nevil
On the Beach. Morrow, 1957 P-Apollo; Harper Novel
An American and his Australian friends, the last of the
human race, awaited slow but inevitable death from
radiation following an atomic war. See also Trustee from
the Too/roam Morrow, 1960 P-Ballantine Novel.
Singer, Isaac Bashevis
In My Father's Court Farrar, 1966 Biokraphy
Collection of autobiographical sketches set in Warsaw
before World War II. The author's father, a Chasidic
rabbi, was sought out by a variety of Jews with poignant
and humorous problems.
Snow, C. P.
The Search Scribner, 1959 Novel
A scientist, successful in his field, unsuccessful in love,
discovered that he wanted something besides science and
something more than an unrequited love.
Stein, Meyer L.
Freedom of the Press: A Continuing Struggle Messner, 1966
Historical cases as well as recent threats to the freedom
of the press provide significant material of consideration
in today's world.
Summers, James L.
Ring Around Her Finger Westminster, 1957 Novel
A young married couple, Jack and Lucy Wagner, decided
that Jack must return to college to assure them of a
satisfying future; but Jack's education must be accom-
plished without parental support.
Thompson, Jean, pseudonym
The House of Tomorrow Harper, 1967 Novel
In a home for unwed mothers, Jean overcame despair
and faced many decisions about her future and that of
her unborn child
tThoreau, Henry David
Walden (1854) Dodd; Harper P-13 editions available Es-
This daily journal of a great nature philosopher tells of
his experience living alone at Walden and as he sought
some answer to the meaning of life.
Tully, Andrew
C.I.A.: The Inside Story Morrow, 1962 P-Crest Nonfiction
Our government's most secret organization is revealed
through a series of cloak and dagger stories.
Tunis, John R.
His Enemy, His Friend Morrow, 1967 Novel
Twenty years after the end of World War II, a German
who had been ordered to kill six men in a small French
village, where he had made friends, returned for the
World Cup games.
fTwaln, Mark, pseudonym (Samuel L. Clemens)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885) World; Dodd
P-15 editions available Novel
Huck, rebelling against "sivilization" by running away,
was forced to choose between human values and prop-
erty values. Mark Twain, in one of America's great
novels, is a master of satire, humor, and social criticism.
Valens, Evans G.
A Long Way Up: The Story of Jill Kinmont Harper, 1966
The author writes with taste and insight of the life of a
young woman, paralyzed in a ski accident at the Olympic
trials, who has become a teacher in spite of her dis-
Vining, Elizabeth Gray
I, Roberta Lippincott, 1967 Novel
Written in diary form, the novel reveals the life of a
lonely, proud woman who was forced to a difficult deci-
sion about the future of her son.
Walker, Mildred
Winter Wheat Harcourt, 1944 P-Harcourt Novel
When Ellen's fiancé visited her on her Montana wheat
farm, he thought her family and farm dull and broke
their engagement. Ellen, however, learned that certain
experiences hold deep meaning.
',Warren, Robert Penn
All the King's Men Harcourt, 1946 P-Bantam Novel
Willy Stark, a southern demagogue, whose life reads
much like that of Huey Long, rose from humble farm
beginnings to tyrannical power as state governor.
Welty, Eudora
Delta Wedding Harcourt, 1946 P-Signet Novel
The vanishing way of life of a southern family is here
depicted by an important contemporary writer.
Westheimer, David
My Sweet Charlie Doubleday, 1965 P-Signet Novel
Though they despised each other, a white girl in trouble
and homeless and a Negro lawyer running away from
a murder were forced to hide out together in a vacant
house. Gradually their attitudes toward each other
changed----especially Marlene's. She learned to see Charlie
first and foremost as an individual.
'Wharton, Edith
Ethan Frome (1911) Scribner, 1938 P-Scribner Novel
Ethan and Zeena were trapped in a marriage from which
they could not escape, though love had long since gone.
t*Wilder, Thornton
The Bridge of San Luis Rey (Boni, 1927) Grosset P-Wash-
ington Novel
Each 0,f the five travelers who were victims of the col-
lapse of a bridge built over a deep chasm in Peru was,
in his own way, seeking meaning for his life.
Wojciechowska, Maia
Tuned Out Harper, 1968 P-Dell Novel
The journal of 16-year-old Jim tells of the summer he
discovers his older brother is taking drugs. Jim has to
learn a great deal about himself. The author treats the
subject sensitively, realistically and universally.
Wurmbrand, Richard
Christ in the Communist Prisons Coward, 1968 Nonfiction
The author survived 141/2 years of communist torture
in Rumanian prisons before. he was "sold" to the West;
he reveals how his Christian faith conquered the worst
his enemies contrived.
Zerwick, Chloe, and Harrison Brown
The Cassiopea Affair Doubleday, 1968 Novel
Receipt of an intelligent message from outer space
forced man to examine the significance of his relation-
ships with his fellow beings and with his God.

Adoff, Arnold, editor

Black on Black: Commentaries by Negro Americans Fore-
word by Roger Mae Johnson, Macmillan, 1968 Nonfiction
This is an anthology of material from a wide variety of
writers and speakers, all of whom speak powerfully of
current concerns in a fragmented society.
Agee, James, and Walker Evans
Let Us Now Praise Famous Men Houghton, 1960 P-Bal-
lantine Nonfiction
This is a sensitive study, in words and pictures, of
Alabama sharecroppers during the Depression.
Ardrey, Robert
Territorial Imperative: A Personal Inquiry into the Animal
Origins of Property and Nations Atheneum, 1966 Nonfiction
Ardrey makes his case from worldwide observations and
proposes the deep need for "territory" as the basis for
war and other grave social problems for man as well as
beasts and birds.
Baldwin, James
The Fire Next Time Dial, 1963 P-Delta; Dell Nonfiction
Brilliant exploration of the moral issue in American race
relations. See also Nobody Knows My Name Dial, 1961
P-Delta; Dell Nonfiction; Notes of a Native Son Dial,
1963 P-Beacon; Bantam Nonfiction.
Baldwin, James
Go Tell It on the Mountain Dial, 1963 P-3 editions available
Baldwin is at his poetic best here in this novel of the
Harlem ghetto.
*Barth, John
Giles Goat-Boy: Or, The Revised New Syllabus Doubleday,
1966 P-Crest Novel
A symbol-filled satire relates the grotesque adventures
of a human born into a goat herd.
Baruch, Dorothy
Glass House of Prejudice Morrow, 1946 Nonfiction
The author presents incidents involving members of
minority groupshappenings that led to their deaths, to
their being driven from their homes, to their being
cheated and reviled.
Benaty-Isbert, Margot
The Ark Harcourt, 1953 P-Harcourt Novel
Despite the hardships of refugee life, Mrs. Lechow and
her three children stayed together after the war, hoping
always for the return of their husband and father.
Eventually, at Rowan Farm, they found a home in an
old streetcar which they named the Ark. See also Rowan
Farm Harcourt, 1954 Novel; Castle on the Border Har-
court, 1956 Novel.
Bernstein, Leonard, Arthur Laurents, and Stephen Sondheim
West Side Story Random, 1958 Musical
This story of two young people from different worlds
trying to find their own world is often compared with
the story of Romeo and Juliet.
Berrigan, Daniel
No Bars to Manhood Doubleday, 1970 Biography
The author, an American Jesuit imprisoned for his
activism, examines and attacks poverty, racism, political
corruption, violence, the church, etc., and makes a plea
for .a new world.
Brooks, Charlotte, editor
The Outnumbered Delacortc, 1970 P-Dell Miscellany
From Mrs. Brooks' collection of stories, essays, and poems
about minority groups by leading American writers, an
honest picture of our pluralistic society emerges.
*Brown, Claude
Manchild in the Promised Land Macmillan, 1965 P-Signet
This self-portrait of a young man coming of age in Har-
lem is written with hard-hitting and unvarnished honesty.
Bryher, Winifred
Visa for Avalon. Harcourt, 1965 Novel
World crisis and personal loss encourage the characters
in this novel to band together in an attempt to attain
personal security in Avalon.
Buck, Pearl S.
The Child Who Never Grew Day, 1950 Nonfiction
When her only child was four years old, Pearl Buck knew
that the girl was mentally retarded. The author's account
of her own struggle to meet such a problem is a moving
plea for the right of such children to a happy life. See
Ray Hutchinson A Child Possessed Harper, 1965 Novel.
*Capote, Truman
In Cold Blood: A True Account of a Multiple Murder and
Its Consequences Random, 1966 P-Signet Novel
Suspense is maintained throughout a skillful, detailed,
and objective reconstruction of the events leading up to
the murder of an entire family.
Carson, Rachel L
Silent Spring Houghton, 1962 P-Signet Nonfiction
The dangers of the indiscriminate use of chemical in-
secticides and weed killers are spotlighted here by one
who advocates an enormous research program to dis-
cover how to use pesticides with safety.
Chevigny, Hector
My Eyes Have a Cold Nose Yale, 1946 P-Yale Biography
Chevigny, a radio writer, became blind at forty but
resumed his work through the aid of his Seeing Eye dog.
He finds nothing significant in blindness and under-
scores the blind person's wish to be accepted as an
ordinary human being.
*Churchill, Winston S.
Great Destiny Edited by F. W. Heath, Putnam, 1065 Biog-
This anthology recounts in the statesman's own incom-
parable words his experiences, adventures, and achieve-
ments as well as a vivid panoramic view of a turbulent
*Clark, Walter van Tilburg
The Ox-Bow Incident (Random, 1940) P-Signet; Vintage
When mob spirit took over the town of Bridger's Wells,
three innocent were hanged. When the truth was
discovered, the people's consciences worked in different
Cole, Ernest, with Thomas Flaherty
House of Bondage Introduction by Joseph Lelyveld, Random,
1967 Nonfiction
The oppression suffered by the black man in Seth
Africa is compellingly reported in text and photographs.
sConot, Robert
Rivers of Blood, Years of Darkness P-Bantam, 1967 Nonfic-
The violent events before, during, and after the 1965
Watts riots in Los Angeles are told in vivid on-the-scene
Corbin, William
High Road Home Coward, 1954 P-Tempo Novel
Here one finds a view of America through the eyes of
Nico, a teenager newly arrived from France. He ran
away to hunt for his father, whom he believed to be
still alive, and, while hitchhiking, worked out his bitter
prejudices against Americans.
*Crossman, Richard, editor
The God That Failed (Harper, 1950) P-Bantam; Harper
Men who were communists and left the party explain
why they joined and why they left. Arthur Koestler,
Igna2do Si lone, Richard Wright, and three who were
admirersAndre Gide, Louis Fischer, Stephen Spender
are included.
Dahl, Borghild
Homecoming Dutton, 1960 Novel
In her first teaching job, Lyng learned how slowly one
must move to make changes in a community as narrow
and conservative as her Norwegian home. She was al-
most overwhelmed in her attempt to make things Ameri-
can, but she did effect some changes.
Davis, Sammy, Jr., and Jane and Burt Boyar
Yes, I Can Farrar, 1965 P-Pocket Biography
Sammy Davis, Jr., tells with honesty, humanity, intel-
ligence, and rage the story of his first 35 years of life.
Deutsch, Ronald M.
The Nuts Among the Berries: An Exposé of America's Food
Fads, rev. ed. P-Ballantine.Nonfiction
The faddists, the quacks, the "natural" food promoters
are frankly and specifically exposed in this readable
collection about the varied ways millions of Americans
waste millions of dollars each year seeking health.
Douglass, Frederick
Life and Times of Frederick Douglass Edited by Barbara
Ritchie, Crowell, 1966 Biography
This is an adaptation of Douglass' excellent work de-
scribing the struggle for freedom by Negroes.
t*Ellison, Ralph
Invisible Man Random, 1952 P-Signet Novel
This is the powerful portrayal of a Negro who moves
north in his search for identity and finds he must
contend with the white men and with members of his
own race. See also Shadow and Act Random, 1964 P-
Signet Nonfiction. ,.
Fair, Ronald L.
Hog Butcher Harcourt, 1966 Novel
Earl and Wilford witnessed the mistaken police shooting
of the neighborhood hero. At the coroner's inquest, of
the five witnesses called, only Wilford told the truth. A
beautiful, poignant novel set in Chicago.
Farmer, James
FreedomWhen? Random, 1965 Biography
The former director of CORE combines his autobiography
with a history of that civil rights organization.
*Faulkner, William
As I Lay Dying Random, 1964 P-Random Novel
Anse Bundren promised to bury his wife in Jefferson,
Mississippi. He kept that promise despite fire and flood.
This novel reveals Faulkner's mastery of characteriza-
*Ford, Jesse Hill
The Liberation of Lord Byron Jones Little, 1965 P-Signet
A black undertaker, his pretty wife, and a white police
officer form a triangle which ignites racial tensions in
a southern city.
Golden, Harry
Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes World, 1964 P-Crest Nonfie-
The author traces the civil rights movement and pays
tribute to the late President's stand against racial dis-
*Grass, GUnter
The Tin Drum Pantheon, 1963 P-3 editions available Novel
An impressive German novel mirrors the isolation of
modern man.
*Grau, Shirley Ann
The Keepers of the House Knopf, 1964 P-Crest Novel
This is a book for the reader who is aware of and ready
to examine the infinite complexities of the black-white
relationships in the South. It is the story of the wife of
a segregationist southern politician who could not ac-
cept his views because she was the only white grand-
daughter in a family of mixed racial background. Pathos,
cruelty, fear, guilt, tragedyall are recorded in the lives
of these characters.
*Green, Hannah
I Never Promised You a Rose Garden Holt, 1964 P-Signet
Sensitive, intelligent Deborah Blau, at 16 years of age a
schizophrenic, is committed to a mental institution
where, slowly and agonizingly, she begins her fight
toward sanity. See Jessie Rosenberg Sudina Dutton, 1967
*Greene, Graham
A Burnt-Out Case Viking, 1961 P-Compass; Bantam Novel
In this story, set in Africa, a man attempts to live "un-
involved" with anyone or anything.
*Greene, Graham
The Power and the Glory Viking, 1946 P-Compass; Bantam
This story of a "whisky priest" in Mexico deals with a
man's struggle between faith and unbelief.
Gregory, Dick, with Robert Lipsyte
nigger Dutton, 1964 P-Pocket Biography
The author tells with eloquence and inspiration what it
is like to grow up black in America. See also What's
Happening Dutton, 1965 Nonfiction.
Griffin, John Howard
Black Lihe Me Houghton, 1961 P-Signet Nonfiction
After having darkened his skin so he could "pass" as
black, the author experiences a dangerous, often ter-
rifying journey through the southern states.
*Hartog, Jan de
The Hospital Atheneum, 1964 Nonfiction
After settling in Houston, the author and his wi.ft.
volunteered to work in the local charity hospital where
they were shocked into action by the indescribable
squalor and neglect of the patients.
Haskins, Jim
Diary of a Harlem Schoolteacher Grave, 1970 Biography
The author bluntly recounts the frustrations, catas-
trophes, and feeling of helplessness which made his job
(or anyone's) of teaching elementary school almost
*Hayward, Max, editor
On Trial: The Soviet State versus Abram Tertz and Nikolai
Arzhak P- Harper, 1966 Nonfiction
Written in transcript style, this is an account of the
trial which shows how two Russian writers, Abram
Tertz and Niko lai Arzhak, were convicted for writing
against the Soviet government.
tHersey, John
Hiroshima Knopf, 1946 P-Bantam Nonfiction
A star American reporter-novelist has recounted an un-
usual day-by-day report of six men and women who
lived through the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. Though
they survived the event which killed 100,000 people,
they lived to face a world of horror and heartache. See
Robert Trumbull Nine Who Survived Hiroshima and
Nagasaki Dutton, 1957 Nonfiction.
Hinton, S. E.
The Outsiders Viking, 1967 Novel
The author conveys the tensions and relationships of the
members of a city gang.
t*Huxley, Aldous
Brave New World Harper, 1932 P-Bantam Novel
In a highly satirical vein, Huxley pictures Utopia,
scientific and industrialized. His predictions are bitter
and forceful. See also Brave New World Revisited
Harper, 1958 P-Harper.
t*Kafka, Franz
Selected Short Stories Introduction by Philip Rahv Modern,
1952 Short Stories
The author's stories deal with themes of human isolation
and frustration and paradoxical human quests for free-
dom and responsibility. The collection includes "Meta-
Kava ler, Lucy
Dangerous Air Day, 1967 Nonfiction
The dangers of "dirty air" affect everyone as do the
r. harmful, effects of. .pesticides that can also desftny.
Simple tests are included to illustrate the threat people
live under.
f *Kazin, Alfred
Starting Out in the Thirties Little, 1965 P-Little Biography
This stunning book is a compelling and sad intellectual
memoir of a radical young critic-teacher who stead-
fastly pursued his own course in a crucial era.
Kennedy, John F.
To Turn the Tide Edited by John W. Gardner, Harper, 1962
P-Popular Nonfiction
This selection of President John F. Kennedy's speeches
and writings reveals his extraordinary capacity for style
and expression.
*Keyes, Daniel
Flowers for Algernon Harcourt, 1966 P-Bantam Novel
Charlie Gordon, a moron who wished desperately to be
smart, submitted to an experiment which supposedly
would turn him into a genius. An expanded and franker
version of the prizewinning short story. Filmed as
Char ly.
*Kittens, John 0.
Black Man's Burden Trident, 1966 P-Pocket Nonfiction
Forceful analysis of the Negro's image of himself and
the present state of the Negro revolution, with a chal-
lenge to both white and black Americans for the estab-
lishment of a truly free and equal society.
Killilea, Marie
Karen Prentice, 1952 P-Dell Nonfiction
This is the magnificent story of the struggle of the Kil-
lileas and their Mends who knew so little and learned
so much- about cerebral palsy when it struck Karen. See
also With Love from Karen Prentice, 1963 P-Dell Non-
Knebel, Fletcher
Vanished Doubleday, 1968 Novel
The inexplicable disappearance of a successful Washing-
ton lawyer and close Mend of the President set off a
series of national and international happer .ngs. See
also Seven Days in May With Charles W. Bailey II
Harper, 1962 P-Bantam Novel.
Lederer, William J., and Eugene Burdick
Sarkhan McGraw, 1965 Novel
The two prophets of The Ugly American returned to
Southeast Asia and the ancient kingdom of Sarkhan.
Penetrating story of the anguish of experience and in-
experience. See also The Ugly American Norton, 1958
P-Crest; Norton Novel; A Nation of Sheep Norton, 1961
P-Crest Novel.
Lester, Julius
To Be a Slave Dial, 1968 P-Dell Nonfiction
The author uses the actual words of ex-slaves recalling
their lives from capture to freedom and weaves them
into a powerful statement with his own commentary.
t *Llewellyn, Richard
How Green Was My Valley Macmillan, 1940 P-Macmillan
Huw Morgan, in retrospect, recognized the mines as the
dominant force in his community during the years of
his growing up.
Lockwood, Myna
A Mouse Is Miracle Enough Farrar, 1965 Novel
The gift of a mouse in a cage: from two young friends
forced retiring Mrs. Wood to regain contact with society.
Malcolm X with Alex Haley
The Autobiography of Malcolm X Grove, 1965 Biography
This vivid picture of a man still struggling to find him-
self and learning how to be most effective will become
a classic as his untimely death brought his struggles to
an end. See also John Henrik Clarke, ed. Malcolm X:
The Man and His Time Macmillan, 1970 Nonfiction.'
Malraux, Andre
Man's Fate (1934) Random, 1968 P-Vintage; Modem Novel
Kyo was the leader of the communist uprising of 1927
in Shanghai which attempted but failed to throw off the
grasping of power by Chiang Kai-shek. Kyo's father
stayed withdrawn from the battle but was the ideologist
of the movement. The bock is not about politics but
about man's everlasting fate and condition.
Meyerson, Charlotte Leon, editor
Two Blocks Apart: Juan Gonzales and Peter Quinn Holt,
1965 P-Avon Nonfiction
Recorded conversations of two 17-year-old New York
boys, geographically related but socially and economi-
cally worlds apart, reveal their contrasting backgrounds
and differing attitudes.
Means, Florence Crannell
Shuttered Windows Houghton, 1938 Novel
Harriet Freeman was shocked at the contrast between
living in Minneapolis and in her great-grandmother's
home in the South. The longer she lived in the South,
the more she felt the challenge to stay to help her peo-
ple. See also Reach for a Star Houghton, 1957 Novel.
Meier, August, and Elliott M. Rudwick
From Plantation to Ghetto Hill, 1966 Nonfiction
This interpretive, timely history discusses the American
Negroes' background that led to race riots and retaliatory
teMiller, Arthur
The Crucible Viking, 1953 P-Bantam; Viking Play
Based on the witchcraft trials in Salem in 1692, this
play has a pertinent message for today: people must
judge others upon the basis of evidence rather than
Miller, Norman C.
The Great Salad Oil Swindle Coward, 1965 P-Penguin Non-
A Pulitzer Prize winning reporter recounts how a $150
million swindle was masterminded and how it bank-
rupted two Wall Street brokerage houses.
Moore, Truman E.
The Slaves We Rent Random, 1965 Nonfiction
By photographs and words, the author discloses the ap-
palling conditions -and human misery of migratory work-
Nader, Ralph
Unsafe at Any Speed Grossman, 1965 P-Essandess Non-
A young lawyer effectively exposes "the designed-in
dangers of the American automobile."
Newby, P. H.
Spirit of Ion Delacorte, 1967 Novel
Three unlike peoplea boy, an old man, and a cocky
young maninexplicably lost their memories, and the
shadow of an unknown evil surrounded their search
for identity.
NIssenson, Hugh
Notes from the Frontier Dial, 1968 Nonfiction
In a deceptively simple style, the author tells of life on
a kibbutz and reviews the history of the Jewish people.
Olsen, Jack z
Black Is Best: The Riddle of Caslius Clay Putnam, 1967
A sportswriter describes the controversial career of Cas-
sius Clay and tells why the great fighter believes that
"black is best."
tOrwell, George, pseudonym (Eric Blair)
Animal Farm (1946) Harcourt, 1954 P-Signet Novel
Farmer. Jones' animals revolted and instituted reforms to
insure their equality with and their independence of
man. The pigs finally became dominant in this devastat-
ing satire of communism and the totalitarian state.
Orwell, George, pseudonym (Eric Blair)
Nineteen Eighty-Four Harcourt, 1949 P-Signet Novel
This horrifying picture shows how mass media of com-
munication invaded the privacy of the individual's life
and forced on society a uniform pattern of existence.
Overstreet, Harry and Bonaro
The Strange Tactics of Extremism Norton, 1964 P-Norton
An informative and keen analysis of the leaders, objec-
tives, and methods of the Radical Right.
Packard, Vance
The Status Seekers McKay, 1959 P-Pocket Nonfiction
This surprising book is a study of the status and class
structure in American society. Packard identifies the
symbols of "class" that the American family accumulates
in order to "keep up with the Joneses." See also The
Waste Makers McKay, 1960 P-Pocket Nonfiction; The
Naked Society McKay, 1964 P-Pocket Nonfiction;
The Hidden Persuaders McKay, 1957 P-Pocket Non-
Parks, Gordon
A Choice of Weapons Harper, 1966 P-Berkley Biography
Tl:Lis is the Negro photographer's story of his successful
struggle to overcome poverty and prejudice with weapons
of dignity and hard work.
*Parks, Gordon
The Learning Tree Harper, 1963 P-Fawcett Novel
The author draws upon recollections of his own boyhood
to write of a boy's adolescence, his family, his peers,
and the "learnings" he experienced.
tPasternak, Boris
Doctor Zhivago Pantheon, 1958 P-Signet Novel
In a revolution which exalted mass-man, 'a medical man
and poet attempted to preserve his family, his life, and
his integrity in the midst of the chaos and brutality
of the times. Through it all, he maintained his belief in
human dignity.
The Republic Modern; Dutton P-6 editions available Essays
This classic dream of a great philosopher indicates how
he thought society might best be organized.
Quant, Mary
Quant by Quant Ballantine, 1966 Nonfiction
The Mod fashion girl tells her own story of the hectic
path of fashion designing from a tiny Chelsea shop to
a worldwide trade worth millions.
Rand, Christopher
Cambridge, U.S.A.: Hub of a New World Oxford, 1964
This disturbing and amusing exploration of the techno-
logical advances in the Boston area focuses attention on
a problem that concerns all Americans.
Richter, Conrad
A Simple Honourable Man Knopf, 1962 P-Fawcett Novel
A memorable portrait of a good man (a storekeeper
turned minister) and his good wife who served God
by caring for the souls and physical needs of rural
Rodman, Bella
Lions in the Way Follett, 1966 P-Avon Novel
This tense and moving !account of the first week of the
integration of eight Negroes into an all-white Tennessee
high school is based upon the true events of a similar
Rosenthal, Abraham
Thirty-Eight Witnesses McGraw, 1964 Nonfiction
Thirty-eight witnesses saw Catherine Genovese stabbed
to death in front of her home in Queens, and no one
came to her aid.
Roth, Henry
Call It Sleep (Cooper, 1934) P-Avon, 1964 Novel
The story of an immigrant boy in the slums of New
York shows us the ugliness and the beauty through his
*Sands, Bill
My Shadow Ran Fast Prentice, 1964 P-Signet .Nonfiction
Rejected by his politically prominent father and his
socialite mother,"Bill Sands turned to crime and wound
up at San Quentin where he met two men, his cell-
mate, Caryl Chessman, and Warden Clinton Duffy, who
changed his life.
Schaap, Richard
Turned On: The Friede- Crenshaw Case P-Signet, 1967 Novel
At 19, Celeste Crenshaw was dead of an overdose of
drugs, and her wealthy, socially prominent boyfriend
was on his way to prison.
Schulberg, Budd, editor
From the Ashes: Voices of Watts New American, 1967
The founder of the Writers Workshop in Watts after the
1965 riots presents an anthology of eighteen writers wh..,
have found an eloquent voice.
Sherburne, Zoa
Jennifer Morrow, 1959 Novel
This sensitively written novel concerns a girl whose
mother had been an alcoholic. Jennifer was worried
about her own inadequacies and the possibility of her
mother's relapse.
Sholokhov, Mikhail
Fierce and Gentle Warriors Translated by Miriam Morton,
Doubleday, 1967 Fiction
Three stories by the winner of the Nobel Prize for
literature. Ruggedly tough heroes displayed gentleness
toward young animals and children who were victims
of an environment of violence and destruction.
Silberman, Charles E.
Crisis in Black and White Random, 1964 P-Random Non-
A straightforward presente '71 by a veteran newsman
and student of urban problems who is deeply concerned
with problems of civil rights offers some sober advice
concerning recognition of the dignity and cultural
heritage of the Negro.
Sillitoe, Alan
The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner Knopf, 1960
P-Signet Novel
A boy from city streets rebelled, in his own unique man-
ner, against the success which comes from conformity.
f*Steinbeck, John
The Grapes of Wrath Viking, 1939 P-Compass Novel
The era of the Dust Bowl and the migrations of "Okies"
to the West Coast have never been more forcefully
presented than in the story of the Joads and their strug-
gle for existence.
Thomas, Piri
Down These Mean Streets Knopf, 1967 Biography
The son of Puerto Rican parents, born in Spanish
Harlem, knew many kinds of degradation before a prison
sentence and final emergence into mature, productive
life. Harsh language and brutal events help reveal the
Tunis, John R.
All-American Harcourt, 1942 Novel
Ronny transferred from a private academy to a public
school where he had to make a number of difficult
adjustments. See also A City for Lincoln Harcourt, 1945
Novel; Yeal Wildcats! Harcourt, 1944 Novel.
"Ilwain, Mark, pseudonym (Samuel L Clemens)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court (1889) Har-
per; Dodd P-3 editions available Novel
Mark Twain made hilarious fun of the Middle Ages by
having his hero, a modern American, "crowbarred" back
to the court of King Arthur.
Vining, Elizabeth Gray
The Virginia Exiles Lippincott, 1955 Novel
During the American Revolution, twenty Quakers were
held prisoners without trial for their refusal to take a
loyalty_ oath. This novel based on their experiences and
what these meant to democratic beliefs implies much
about the freedoms of Americans today,
tWhlte, E. B.
The Points of My Compass Harper, 1962 Essays
Here is a collection of letters from various sections of
the country, describing a hurricane on the Maine coast,
a gale in the north Pacific, and a circus in its whiter
Whitney. Phyllis A.
Long Time Coming McKay, 1954 P-Dell Novel
Can a pleasant midwestern town bring in migrant work-
ers to pick a seasonal crop and feel that it has no
obligation to accept the workers into the fabric of the
town's life? This novel reflects both sides of a thorny
Wright, Richarl
The Outsider P-Harper Novel
This novel describes a Negro's life in Chicago and his
fatal involvement with the Communist Party. See also
*Black Boy P-Harper Biography. -

Young, Bob and Jan
Across the Tracks Messner, 1958 (reissue, 1965) P-Archway
A third generation Mexican-American girl faced the
problems of prejudice in a California high school. See
also One Small Voice Messner, 1961 Novel.
Young, Whitney M., Jr.
To Be Equal McGraw, 1964 P-McGraw Nonfiction
The executive director of the Urban League presents a
plan for alleviating national problems caused by dis-
crimination and segregation.

Adler, Bill, editor

Letters from Vietnam Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
Included here are informative letters written by service-
men representing all the Armed Forces, nurses, Red
Cross workers, U.S. civilian workers, and Vietnamese
Alcorn, Robert H.
No Bugles for Spies: Tales of the O.S.S. McKay, 1962 P-
Popular Nonfiction
In a crisp, .lively style the history, work, and actual
cases of the O.S.S. during World War II are documented.
Beach, Edward L
Run Silent, Run Deep Holt, 1955 P-Pocket Novel
Bungo Pete, the Japanese submarine commander who
had wreaked havoc with American ships, was the special
target of Commander Richardson and his submarine,
the Eel.
Benary-Isbert, Margot
Dangerous Spring Translated by James Kirkup, Harcourt,
1961 Novel
During the last days of World War II in Germany,
Karin fled with her mother and brother to a remote
village. Enamored of the local minister, she learned,
however, what her own role and what her country's
future had to be.
Bishop, William A.
Winged Warfare Edited by S. M. Ulanoff, Doubleday, 1967
One of the first aces tells of his life on the ground and
in the air. Reisssue of an exciting adventure story.
Bonham, Frank
Burma Rifles Crowell, 1960 P- Berkley Novel
A Japanese-American became a member of Merrill's
110 WAR
Marauders in the China-Burma-India Theater and
fought against prejudice as well as the enemy. See
Charlton Ogburn The Marauders Harper, 1959 Non-
f*Boulle, Pierre
The Bridge over the River Kwaf Translated by Ian Fielding,
Vanguard, 1954 P-Bantam Novel
Colonel Nicholson, compelled to build a bridge by his
Japanese captors, so loved his masterpiece he could
not contemplate its destruction even by his own country-
Brinkley, William
The Ninety and Nine Doubleday, 3966 Nonfiction
Adventures on an LST, including the transporting of
supplies, mules, nurses, refugees, and German prisoners.
*Burdick, Eugene, and Harvey Wheeler
Fail-Safe McGraw, 1962 P-Dell Novel
Armed American nuclear bombers flew past the fail-safe
point, beyond the reach of even the President of the
United States, headed for Moscow, ready to trigger the
collapse of the world.
*Connell, John
Wave ll: Scholar and Soldier Harcourt, 1964, Biography
One of the great Allied commanders in the Second World
War, known for his integrity and humanism, is the
subject of this carefully constructed and moving biog-
f Crane, Stephen
The Red Badge of Courage (1894) Appleton P-18 editions
available Novel
This absorbing story of a young boy who joined the
Union forces during the War Between the States focuses
on his personal battle to overcome his fears.
David, Janina
A Square of Sky: Recollections of My Childhood Norton,
1966 Biography
In a deceptively simple and moving memoir, the writer
pictures the German invasion of Poland and the four
years she apent as a Jewish child "amid the horrors of
the Warsaw ghetto.
Donovan, Robert J.
PT-109: John F. Kennedy in World War II McGraw, 1961 P-
Crest Nonfiction
When John Kennedy's PT boat was hit by a Japanese
destroyer in the South Pacific, he was able, by almost
superhuman effort, to get his crew safely ashore and
eventually rescued.
Gann, Ernest K.
In the Company of Eagles Simon, 1966 P-Dell Novel
A French airplane pilot of World War I 'hunted down"
a German ace to avenge the death of his comrade. Action
and suspense.
Hansson, Per
The Greatest Gamble Norton, 1967 Nonfiction
This lively and daring story of Gunvald Tomstad, a
Norwegian spy in the service of the British and exiled
Norwegian governments during World War 11, gives a
vivid portrait of a brave man in a true spy adventure.
Hardy, William Marion
U.S.S. MUDSKIPPER: The Submarine That Wrecked a Trate
Dodd, 1967 Fiction
A psychopathic World War H submarine captain took
his crew on shore and blew up a tiny Japanese train to
add one more trophy to his collection.
Hine, Al, and S. L Marshall
D-Day: The Invasion of Europe Harper, 1962 P-Harper Non-
D-Day was not only a great victory in World War II
but also one of the outstanding achievements of all time.
Howarth, David
D-Day: The Sixth of June McGraw, 1959 Nonfiction
The author tells the story of the invasion of Europe
through the experiences of 30 men who took part in
this occasion of raw courage and heroism. See also The
Sledge Patrol Macmillan, 1957 Nonfiction;. We Die Alone
Macmillan, 1955 P-Ace Nonfiction.
*Jones, James
The Pistol Scribner, 1959 P-Signet Novel
After the sudden attack on Pearl Harbor, Pfc. Richard
Mast with passionate zeal held on to the pistol which
for him and his comrades became a symbol of security
and power.
*Ka n tor, MacKi&ay
Andersonville World, 1955 P-Sign.et Novel
In a Confederate prison camp under a savage adminis-
trator in. Georgia, men of unconquerable spirit died of
starvation and disease while helpless, shamed southern-
ers looked on.
112 WAR
Kuznetsov, Anatoly Petrovich
Babi Yar Translated by Jacob Guralsky, Dial, 1971 P-Pocket
This documentary novel describes the German occupation
of Kiev in 1941 as seen through the eyes of a Ukrainian
boy who witnessed Nazi barbarity and the mysterious
disappearance of thousands of the city's Jews.
Lawson, Ted
Thirty Seconds over Tokyo Edited by Bob Considine, Random,
1953 Nonfiction
This firsthand account of the Doolittle raid over Tokyo
describes the secret preparations, the raid itself, and
the unbelievable adventures of the surviving Americans.
See Carroll V. Clines Doolittle's Tokyo Raiders Van Nos-
trend, 1964 Nonfiction.
"'Le Card, John
The Looking Glass War Coward, 1965 P-Dell Novel
Among the trappings of a spy thriller, characters prac-
ticed outworn techniques of espionage in a meaningless
exercise which had the frightening unreality of a night-
mare. See also The Spy Who Came In from the Cold
Coward, 1964 P-Dell Novel.
Legg, Stuart, editor
Jutland: An Eye-Witness Account of a Great Battle Day,
1967 Nonfiction
In a scriptlike style, messages and quotations of the
minute-by-minute action of the World War I naval battle
detail Germany's naval survival against the . mighty
British fleet. See also Trafalgar Day, 1967 Nonfiction.
Lord, Walter
Incredible Victory Harper, 1967 P-Pocket Nonfiction
The crucial World War II battle of Midway is stirringly
recreated from both the American and Japanese points
of view.
MacLean, Alistair
Guns of Navarone Doubleday, 1956 Novel
Five British soldiers invaded a Greek island to silence
the guns keeping 1,200 fellow soldiers pinned down on
a neighboring island. Taut, eiciting, good character-
ization. See also Night Without End Doubleday, 1960
P-Fawcett Novel.
Masashi, Ito
The Emperor's Last Soldiers Coward, 1987 Novel
Account of a Japanese soldier's 16-year sojourn in
hiding on Guam after the American seizure of the island
in World War II.
Michener, James
The Bridges at Toho-Ri Random, 1953 P-Bantam Novel
To bomb the vital communist supply bridges at Toko-Ri,
Harry Brubaker flew his jet to an almost certain death.
See also Bridge at Andau Random, 1957 Novel.
Montagu, Ewen
The Man Who Never Was Lippincott, 1954 P-Bantam Non-
Faked documents planted on the corpse of an unknown
Englishman during World War II fooled the Germans
into withdrawing troops from a strategic position.
*Moore, Robin
The Green Berets Crown, 1965 P-Avon Short Stories
This collection was written as fiction which is based on
true material though uneven in quality. See Malcolm
W. Browne The New Face of War Bobbs, 1965 Non-
*Rascovich, Mark
The Bedford Incident Atheneum, 1963 P-Pocket Novel
Captain Ahab stalked Moby Dick again when Captain
Finlander of the U.S.S. Bedford tracked down a Russian
submarine in the cold war of the 1960's.
Reid, P. R.
The Colditz Story Lippincott, 1953 P-Berkley as Escape from
Colditz Nonfiction
Only confirmed escapees were sent to impregnable
Colditz Castle in Germany. Some of them did escape
while others failed in the attempt.
fRemarque, Erich Maria
All Quiet on the Western Front Little, 1929 P-Crest Novel
A German boy on the western front in World War I
endured the unspeakable horrors of war as have men
of other countries and other wars.
Reynolds, Quentin
They Fought for the Shy Holt, 1957 P-Bantam Nonfiction
Richthofen, Bishop, Rickenbacker, and other aviators
of World War I went aloft alone and entrained in un-
steady' crates to Shoot the enemy from the sky.
Ryan, Cornelius
The Last Battle Simon, 1966 P-Pocket Nonfiction
Exciting and readable narrative of the twenty-one days
prior to the fall of Berlin in 1945.
114 WAR
Silva, Anil de, and Otto von Simson, editors
Man Through His Art: Vol. I: War and Peace N. Y. Graphic
Society, 1964 Nonfiction
Through excellent reproductions and a lucid text, this
book develops the universal theme of war and peace as
depicted in the language of painting, sculpture, and
Tregaskis, Richard
Guadalcanal Diary Random, 1943 Nonfiction
Tregaskis records the thoughts, feelings, and actions
of the men who fought inch by inch to recover Guadal-
canal from the Japanese.
Tuchman, Barbara W.
The Guns of August Macmillan, 1962 P-Dell Nonfiction
The political background, the opening battlefield scenes,
and the rise and fall of military personalities of World
War I are here brilliantly presented.
Tunis, John R.
Silence over Dunkerque Morrow, 1962 P-Berkley Novel
Aided by the French underground, an English soldier
caught up in the German occupation of France tried to
return home.
Werstein, Irving
The Long Escape Scribner, 1964 Novel
All the horrors of war were seen by Nurse Justine
Raymond and her fifty sick childmn as they made their
way to Dunkerque after Hitler's devastating attack on
*West, Morris
The Ambassador Morrow, 1965 P-Dell Novel
A master storyteller recounts the bitter and bloody crisis
of South Vietnam, the crisis of Western diplomacy in
the Far East, and the personal crisis of a U.S. ambas-
Westheimer, David
Von Ryan's Express Doubleday, 1964 P-Signet Novel
An American martinet escaped from an Italian prisoner-
of-war camp during World War II and led to freedom
the men he had formerly treated harshly.
Williams, Eric
The Tunnel Abe lard, 1960 P-Berkley (as Tunnel Escape)
Peter Howard, captured by Nazis in World War II,
joined an escape party digging a tunnel out of their
prison camp. See also The Wooden Horse Abe lard, 1958
Week, Herman
The Caine Mutiny Doubleday, 1951 P-Dell Novel
In World War II, young Willie Keith served a year aboard
the old minesweener, Caine, under the tyrannical Captain
Queeg and emerged commander of his ship and master
of himself. See also The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial
Doubleday, 1954 Play.
Zarubica. Munn
The Year of the Rat Harcourt, 1964 P-Bantam Nonfiction
Spellbinding true saga of a dangerous masquerade by
Allied intelligence to drop false plans into Nazi hands
during World War II.

Adler, Irving
The New Mathematics Day, 1958 P-Signet Nonfiction
Good for both, the beginner and the advanced student,
this volume simplifies difficult new concepts in the
learning of an old subject. See also Logic for Beginners
Day, 1964 Nonfiction.
Alexander, Tom
Project Apollo: Man to the Moon Harper, 1964 Nonfiction
An exciting appraisal of all phases of the U.S. space
project's target: an American on the moon by 1970.
*Amosov, Nikolai Mikhailovich
The Open heart Translated by George St. George, Simon,
1967 Nonfiction
Life-and-death drama fills this absorbing personal diary
of two days in the professional life of a compassionate
Russian heart surgeon.
"Ardrey, Robert
African Genesis Atheneum, 1961 P-Delta; Dell Nonfiction
This controversial interpretation of human behavior is
an investigation into the origins of man and his be-
Asimov, Isaac
Inside the Atom, rev. ed. Abe lard, 1966 Nonfiction
A recognized authority discusses, in nontechnical terms
and with amazing clarity, every phase of the atom.
See also Building Blocks of the Universe, rev. ed. Abe lard,
1961 P-Lancer Nonfiction.
Asimov, Isaac
To the Ends of the Universe Walker, 1967 Nonfiction
The author presents, in understandable form, the present
state of man's knowledge about the size, age, and
composition of the universe.
Auerbach, Charlotte
The Science of Genetics Harper, 1961 P-Harper Nonfiction
A well-known geneticist provides a basic understanding
of genetics from the laws of heredity to the frontiers of
modern research.
Beiser, Germaine and Arthur
The Story of Cosmic Rays Dutton, 1962 Nonfiction
Cosmic rays and their effects on the earth and its at-
mosphere are described in detail.
*Bonner, John Tyler
The Ideas of Biology Harper, 1962 P-Harper Nonfiction
This book, which explains the larger themes of biology
today, deals with the ideas rather than the facts of
Bova, Ben
The Milky Way Galaxy: Man's Exploration of the Stars Holt,
1961 Nonfiction
The amateur astronomer, or anyone interested in the
fascinating world of the galaxies, will find this book
enlightening. See also The Weathermahers Holt, 1967.
Brown, Lloyd A.
Map Malting: The Art That Became a Science Little, 1960
How was the earth first measured? How did map making
become an exact science? What new things about the
earth's size and shape are scientists still learning? Here
are answers to these questions and to many more.
Burlingame, Roger
Machines That Built America Harcourt, 1954 P-Signet Non-
How and why did American technology develop? Here
are some answers which range from the development
of the milling and weaving industries in New England
to the evolution of Ford's production line in Detroit. See
also Scientists Behind the- Inventors Harcourt, 196G
P-Avon Nonfiction.
tCarrighar, Sally
One Day on Beetle Rock Knopf, 1944 Nonfiction
Twenty-four hours in the lives of nine wild creatures
on Beetle Rock in the Sierra Nevada Mountains are
beautifully and sensitively sketched. See also One Day
on Teton Marsh Knopf, 1947 P-Pyramid Nonfiction.
t Curie, Eve
Madame Curie Doubleday, 1949 P-Pocket; Houghton Biog-
By dedication and perseverance, this genius of the
laboratory discovered radium. Eve Curie's biography of
her mother is a rare achievement.
Drtischer, Viters B.
The Mysterious Senses of Animals Translated by Eveleen
Huggard, Dutton, 1964 Nonfiction
This collection of animal curiosities drawn from recent
observations includes such things as the language of
monkeys, the ultrasonic devices of bats and dolphins,
etc. See Donald R. Griffin Echoes of Bats and Men
P-Anchor, 1959 1\1; nfiction.
Dubos, Rend
The Unseen World Rockefeller, 1962 Nonfiction
Clearly and graphically, the author demonstrates the
strikingly similar chemical reactions which form the
underlying unity of all organisms.
Edwards, Frank
Stranger than Science Stuart, 1959 P-Bantam Nonfiction
Seventy-three intriguing stories that have perplexed
science and remained unexplained are included in this
Eiseley, Loren
The Immense Journey Random, 1957 P-Vintage Nonfiction
In this beautifully written book, Eiseley weaves together
the scientific and the world of his own thoughts as he
ponders the immense journey of life on this earth.
Farb, Peter
Face of North America: The Natural History of a Continent
Harper, 1963 Nonfiction
This geological history of the continent of North America
is accurate and absorbing.
Fermi, Laura
Atoms in the Family Chicago, 1954 P-Phoenix Biography
This is an informal, entertaining picture of the nuclear
scientists who worked with Enrico Fermi at the Uni-
versity of Chicago during World War IL
Firsch, Karl von
Man and the Living World Translated by Elsa Lowenstein,
Harcourt, 1963 P-Harcourt Nonfiction
The general reader is introduced to the fascinating
fundamentals of vital processes, from the single cell
to the most highly structured vertebrates.
Gamow, George
Biography of Physics Harper, 1961 P-Harper Nonfiction
Gamow gives a penetrating view of physics, the great
physicists, and the development of the central laws and
ideas of physics from the Greeks to the present.

Asimov, Isaac
Is Anyone There? Speculative Essays on the Known and the
Unknown Doubleday, 1967 Essays
This well-known science fiction author speculates about
the possibility of life on other planets.
Asimov, Isaac, editor
Tomorrow's Children Doubleday, 1967 Short Stories
Tales of fantasy and science fiction on the theme of
children and their special mischiefs, delights, and
powers. See also Nine Tomorrows: Tales of the Near
Future Doubleday, 1959 Short Stories; Asimov's Mysteries
Doubleday, 1968 Short Stories.
Amis, Kingsley
New Maps of Hell Harcourt, 1960 Nonfiction
This definitive work covers the world of science fiction,
sometimes in a satirical way, including its history and
the classification and evaluation of the ideas used in it.
Balmer, Edwin, and Philip Wylie
When Worlds Collide; After Worlds Collide Lippincott, 1950
The first novel covers events just before a collision of
earth and another planet; the second deals with, the
aftermath of the crash.
Bellamy, Edward
Looking Backward (1888) Modem; Houghton P-3 editions
available Novel
This powerful book, written over 80 years ago, predicts
what life will be like in the year 2000. Read it to see
how many of the author's prophecies have already been
Boucher, Anthony
Treasury of Great Science Fiction, 2 vols. Doubleday, 1959
Short Stories
Some of the best stories in science fiction are in this
Boulie, Pierre
Garden on the Moon Vanguard, 1964 P-Signet Novel
Dr. Stern, immigrant from Germany and strongly re-
sembling Wernher Von Braun, strives to achieve the
moon before anyone else. See also Planet of the Apes
Vanguard, 1963 P-Signet Novel.
t Bradbury, Ray
The Martian Chronicles Doubleday, 1958 P-Bantam Short
Haunting, beautiful, and often horrible stories have been
taken at random from the chronicle of the hundreds of
years during which man has attempted to explore and
settle Mars. See also Something Wicked This Way Comes
Simon, 1962 P-Bantam Novel; Dandelion Wine P-Bantam
Novel; Fahrenheit 451 Simon, 1967 P-Ballantine Novel.
Bradbury, Ray
S Is for Space Doubleday, 1966 Short Stories
The author presents seventeen of his favorite stories.
Bradbury, Ray
The Vintage Bradbury P-Vintage, 1965 Short Stories
The author, one of the modem masters of science fiction
and fantasy, has chosen for this volume his "best"
short stories. Each one is exciting reading.
Caidin, Martin
No Man's World Dutton, 1967 Novel
The first U.S. expedition to the moon is ordered home
by Russians who have lived there for three years.
Clarke, Arthur C., editor
The Coming of the Space Age: Famous Accounts of Man's
Probing in the Space Age Meredith, 1967 Miscellany
The author has used his long experience in selecting the
best of the writings on space, largely nontechnical. See
also Dolphin Strut Holt, 1963 Novel.
Cross, John Kier
The Angry Planet Coward, 1946 Novel
A scientist, a journalist, and three teenagers jointly
wrote of their first trip to Mars after they returned.
Especially interesting were the "beautiful people" whom
they met in the strangely beautiful land.
Davies, Leslie P.
Psychogeist Doubleday, 1967 Novel
The monster in this science fiction story is a tripartite
mentality involving two bodies, one alive and one
Del Rey, Lester
Tunnel Through Time Westminster, 1964 Novel
Bob, 17, son of a physicist, with a companion, was sent
back into time to the age of dinosaurs. In search of
the friend's father, a paleontologist who preceded them,
they had many adventures before they escaped back
to the present.
Edwards, Frank
Flying SaucersSerious Business Stuart, 1966 Nonfiction
The author traces the history of UFO's from the late
nineteenth century to the present.
Freedman, Russell
Jules Verne: Portrait of a Prophet Holiday, 1965 Biography
This well-rounded biography of the founder of modern
science fiction is filled with ordinary and extraordinary
scenes of real drama, all still timely.
Heinlein, Robert
Stranger in a Strange Land Putnam, 1961 P-Avon Novel
A human visitor from Mars was alternately wooed and
rejected by political forces bent upon using his superior
Henderson, Zen na
The People: No Different Flesh Doubleday, 1967 Short Sto-
Six short stories connect as episodes of The People, a
race with ESP powers who arrive on Earth after being
exiled from their home planet. See also Pilgrimage: The
Book of the People P-Avon, 1963 Short Stories.
Hoyle, Fred
October the First Is Too Late Harper, 1966 Novel
A transmission of solar energy completely distorted time
on earth. England was in the 1960's, Greece was in the
Age of Pericles, World War I was on in Europe, and
America was thousands of years in the future.
Key, Alexander
The Forgotten Door Westminster, 1965 P-Scholastic Novel
Extraordinary powers of Little Jon, stranger from an-
other world, caused humans to fear him. Danger com-
pelled his search for safety, a search for a door in time.
Knight, Damon, editor
Orbit I Putnam. 1966 P-Berkley Short Stories
This collection of science fiction short stories deals with
the problems which men and women of the future might
face concerning aliens and alien environments, See also
The Dark Side Doubleday, 1965 Short Stories.
t L'Engle, Madeleine
A Wrinkle in Time Ariel, 1962 Novel
Meg Murry, her young brother Charles, and friend
Calvin O'Keefe wandered through space and time to
save Meg's father, imprisoned by a force that denied the
importance and integrity of human life.
t Lewis, C. S.
Out of the Silent Planet Macmillan, 1943 P-Collier Novel
This novel by a famous English literary critic recounts
the kidnapping and later escape on Mars of an English
philologist. First of a trilogy. See also tPerelandra, P-
Collier, 1944 Novel; t That Hideous Strength, P-Collier,
1946 Novel.
Mayne, William
Earthfasts Dutton, 1966 Novel
The author blends legend, fantasy, scientific wondering,
and reality in this story of two boys caught in distortions
of time.
Merrill, Judith, editor
SF, the Best of the Best Dell, 1967 Short Stories
A selection of the best fantasy science fiction from
1955-60 anthologies of annual choice stories brings in
the established from Asimov, Simak through Jacksr,-..,
Miller, and Smith.
Nathan, Robert
The Weans Knopf, 1960 Novel
In this satire, Kenya scientists of the 7850's found the
remains of an old Western civilizationroulette wheels,
twentieth century sculpture. The people of that ancient
civilization were dubbed Weans from their habit of
referring to themselves as WE or US.
Norton, Andre
Star Man's Son, 2250 A.D. Harcourt, 1952 Novel
The time was 2250 A.D., atomic war had destroyed the
earth, and man had to find a new place to carry on his
life. See also Star Rangers Harcourt, 1953 Novel; The
Stars Are Ours World, 1954 Novel; Judgment on Janus
Harcourt, 1963 P-Ace Novel; X-Factor Harcourt, 1965
P-Ace Novel.
Norton, Andre
The Time Traders World, 1958 P-Ace Novel
Rose Murdock, engaged in a secret government project,
traveled back in time to the Bronze Age to learn the
secret of space travel.
Nourse, Alan E.
Star Surgeon McKay, 1960 Novel
The first member of an alien race to attempt to qualify
as a physician of Hospital Earth and a Star Slrgeon
faced difficult trials in space. See also Raiders from the
Rings McKay, 1962 Novel; Tiger by the Tail McKay,
1961 P-Macfadden Short Stories.
Silverberg, Robert, editor
Earthmen and Strangers Meredith, 1966 Short Stories
Nine stories of science fiction.
Simak, Clifford Donald
The Werewolf Principle Putnam, 1967 Novel
Strange adventure followed when Andrew Blake was
frozen in a space capsule and was brought back to
earth after 200 years.
Wells, H. G.
Seven Science Fiction Novels Dover, 1950 Nonfiction
Here, collected in one volume, are some of the most
famous of this master's prophecies.
Wyndham, John
The Day of the Trifftds P-Dolphin; Crest, 1951 Novel
Regarded at first only as profitable plants, the Triffids
grew and eventually took over Earth. This fascinating
story deals with the efforts of the surviving Earthmen
to exist and to regain their planet. See also Out of the
Deeps P-Ballantine, 1953 Novel.

Alexander, M., translator and editor

The Earliest Eng hilt Poems P-Penguin, 1966
These Anglo-Saxon poems, translated into modern En-
glish, represent a body of poetry that is as exciting today
as it was to its original, television-less listeners.
Armour, Richard
An Armoury of Light Verse P-Humphries, 1964
A delightful collection of needle-sharp verse dealing with
such diverse subjects as the aardvark, depreciating inter-
est, and motorists.
Barnstone, Willis, editor
Modem European Poetry P-Bantam, 1966
This most inclusive collection of modern European
poetry published in America contains works by Nobel
Prize winners Pasternak, Quasimodo, Seferis, and other
important Europeans.
Behn, Harry, translator
Cricket Songs: Japanese Haiku Harcourt, 1964
Haiku from the Japanese masters are rendered into
delicate English and artistically illustrated. A work of
Beier, U111, editor
African Poetry Cambridge, 1966 P-Cambridge
These poems, collected from many parts of Africafrom
widely different culturesare here translated into En-
glish and serve as an introduction to the literature of
the continent.
Benet, Stephen Vincent
Selected Works Holt, 1942 Miscellany
Two volumes in one attractive book: a comprehensive
collection of Bengt. Resource book.
tBenet, Stephen Vincent
Western Star Holt, 1943
In this long poem, Bendt tells in alternate episodes the
heroic accomplishments of the first Virginia and New
England settlements.
Bloom, Edward, and others, editors
The Variety of Poetry: An Anthology P-Odyssey, 1964
Poets here range from Shakespeare to Ogden Nash and
are ordered under headings which include symbol,
myth, allegory, theme, mood, tone, and others.
Bontemps, Arna, editor
American Negro Poetry Hill, 1964
Balancing poverty and suffering with laughter and hap-
piness, the volume, one of the most extensive and rep-
resentative in its field, contains 171 poems by 55 poets.
Bownas, Geoffrey, and Anthony Thwaite, translators
The Penguin Book of Japanese Verse P-Penguin, 1964
A fine introduction to haiku starting with primitive poets,
including the traditional haiku, tanka, and wake and
ending with contemporary works.
Brand, Oscar
The Ballad Mongers: Rise of the Modern Folk Song Funk,
1963 P-Minerva Nonfiction
A well-known folk singer writes informally about the
current interest in folk songs and some of the perform-
Brooks, Gwendolyn
Selected Poems Harper, 1963 P-Harper
Eloquent spokesman of the Negro's predicament, this
1950 Pulitzer Prize winner brings together the best of
her work from three earlier volumes, plus a section of
new poems.
Causley, Charles, editor
Modern Ballads and Story Poems Watts, 1964
Yes, ballads are still writtenwith variations. This un-
usual collection sings. It should delight adult and child
with humorous and eerie treatments of folks in love,
death, and war. One selection represents each poet.
Chaucer, Geoffrey
A Taste of Chaucer: Selections from the Canterbury Tales
Edited by Anne Malcolmson Harcourt, 1964
Chaucer, The Prologue, the pilgrims, and their tales are
introduced in delightful translation of Middle English.
Woodcuts appropriately decorate the tales.
Cob lentz, Stanton A.
The Poetry Circus Hawthorn, 1967 Essays
The author makes a frontal attack on the sloppiness,
pretense, and sensationalism that he sees prevailing in
much contemporary poetry.
Coffey, Dairine, compiler
The Dark Tower: Nineteenth. Century Narrative Poems
Atheneum, 1967
These are traditional poems in a beautifully arranged
Cohn, Nik
Rock from the Beginning Stein & Day, 1970 P-Pocket Non-
This history of pop and rock presents many personalities
and an intelligent discussion of styles.
Cole, William, editor
Poems of W. S. Gilbert Crowell, 1967
A collection of Gilbert's graceful, witty, and intricate
artcharming, musical poetry.
*Cox, C. B., editor
Dylan Thomas: A Collection of Critical Essays Prentice, 1966
P-Prentice Essays
These essays comment on Thomas' imagination, self-
destr.zetive tendencies, and celebrations of life, among
other things, and introduce readers to the intricacies of
the works.
Creekmore, Hubert, editor
Little Treasury of World Poetry Scribner, 1955
Good collection, well translated from early Egyptian
Biblical to both the East and West down to modern
times. (The entire Little Treasury Series of Scribner's is
useful: Modern American, Modern English, etc.)
Cummings, E. E.
73 Poems Harcourt, 1962
These are some of the strongest and finest of the Cum-
mings poems written since 1958. All the adventures of
the human spirit are celebrated here. See also One
Hundred Selected Poems P-Grove, 1959.
Daugherty, James
William Blake Viking, 1960 Biography
This sympathetic study communicates the enjoyment
and appreciation of the poetry and art of an undisputed
De La Mare, Walter
Come Hither (1931) Knopf, 1957
A classic anthology of poetry for the child of all ages,
with notes on the poems by De La Mare.
De Luca, Michael, and William Guiliano, editors
Selections from Italian Poetry: A Bilingual Selection Harvey,
The editors have collected good poetry in a book artisti-
cally done; appeal is probably limited to advanced
language students.
Dickinson, Emily
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson Edited by Thomas
H. Johnson Little, 1960
One-volume definitive edition by the distinguished Dick-
inson scholar. Original texts.
Dunning, Stephen, editor
Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle . . . and Other
Modern Verse Scott, Foresman, 1966
A graceful sampling of contemporary poetry, beautifully
illustrated with art and photography.
Eberhart, Richard
Collected Poems, 1930-1960 Oxford, 1960
Images from nature illustrate some part of human
experience and partly account for Eberhart's anomalous
position as a "romantic" poet today.
*Eliot, T. S.
Collected Poems: 1909-1962 Harcourt, 1963
Here are poems of nearly 60 years, the ones Eliot himself
wished to have preserved. All the known great ones
are here, a fine collection.
Engle, Paul, and Joseph Lang land, editors
Poet's Choice Dial, 1962 P-Dell
One hundred three of the greatest living poets choose
their favorite poem from their own works and give the
reasons for their choice.
*Fitzgibbon, Constantine
The Life of Dylan Thomas Little, 1965 Biography
This three-dimensional biography explains Thomas'
complex image: the inveterate problem child; the clown-
ing, unhappy adult; and the magnetic, eloquent poet.
Forberg, Ati, compiler
On a Grass-Green Horn Atheneum, 1965
A beautiful publication of the usual Scottish and En-
glish ballads.
Friedman, Albert B., editor
The Viking Book of Folk Ballads of the English Speaking
World Viking, 1956 P- Coxrpass
Collected here are the great story songs of war, love,
the supernatural, joy, and sorrox, each introduced with
ample notes.
t Frost, Robert
In the Clearing Holt, 1962
This collection of Robert Frost's poems conveys a fresh
and biting power and an unpretentious wisdom. See also
The Road Not Taken: An Introduction to Robert Frost
Holt, 1962 Poetry; You Come, Too Holt, 1959.
Frost, Robert
Selected Poems of Robert Frost Introduction by Robert Graves
P-Holt, 1963
This most comprehensive Frost paperback contains all
the standard early poems as well as later poems from
In the Clearing. See also Complete Poems of Robert
Frost (1949) Holt, 1967.
Gardner, Brian, editor
Up the Line to Death: The War Poets, 1914-1918 Potter,
The works of 72 poets who wrote about World War I
fill this collection.
Gasztoid, Carmen Berms de
Prayers from the Ark Translated by Ruiner Godden Mac-
millan, 1962
Humor and charm for sensitive readers of all ages. These
poems were first published on the private press of the
Benedictine Abbaye Saint Louis du Temple at Limon-
par-Igny, France, where the author makes her home.
Gibson, Walker, editor
Poems in the Making P-Houghton, 1963
This book shows reproductions of "work in process,"
together with the poets' various corrections and revisions
on the way to the completed poem.
Glazer, Tom, editor
Tom Glazer's Treasury of Folk Songs Grosset, 191 I
This wide-ranging selection of favorite folk songs con-
tains the words and music dear to people from many
lands and periods. See also A New Treasury of Folk
Songs P-Bantam, 1961.
Gregory, Horace, and Marya Zaturenska, editors
The Silver Swan: Poems of Romance and Mystery Holt,
1966 P-Macmillan
Artistic blending of the traditional and contemporary
poets, in a good selection. See also The Crystal Cabinet:
An Invitation to Poetry Holt, 1962 P-Macmillan Poetry.
Grigson, Geoffrey
Poets in Their Pride Basic, 1964 Biography
Twelve poets, the majority traditional, are given a bi-
ographical, critical presentation; there is also a sam-
pling of their poetry.
Gurko, Miriam
Restless Spirit Crowell, 1962 Biography
The story of Edna St. Vincent Mi Ilay's life is, in its
own way, as fascinating and significant as her poetry.
Hall, Donald, editor
Contemporary American Poetry P-Penguin, 1966
Such prizewinning poets as Robert Lowell, Howard
Nemerov, Richard Wilbur, and James Wright are pre-
sented along with an introduction that places these men
in their time.
Hall, Donald, editor
A Poetry Sampler Watts, 1962
Included in this anthology are some of the best poems
in our language, from Shakespeare to Cummings.
Hall, Donald, and others, editors
New Poets of England and America P-Meridian, 1957
This collection presents poets born between 1917 and
1935 whose "young poetry is the breath of parted lips,"
according to Robert Frost.
Hall, Donald, and others, editors
New Poets of England and America, 2nd selection P-Merid-
ian, 1962
Maintaining the age limit of the 1957 edition (poets
under 40), the editors have assembled an entirely new
book, not a revision of the old. Get this for your col-
lection, too; it's just as much fun as the first.
Hannum, Sara, and Gwendolyn Reed, compilers
Lean Out of the Window: An Anthologij of Modern Poetry
Atheneum, 1965
A collection of modern poets representative in variety,
depth, and beauty.
t Hassell, Christopher
Rupert Brooke Harcourt, 1964 Biography
Here is a full-length portrait of the vital young poet
whose life symbolized the revolt from Victorianism and
whose death epitomized the waste of World War I.
Hayden, Robert, editor
Kaleidoscope, Poems by American Negro Poets Harcourt,
These poems were selecteo for their literary merit by
a man who is himself a poet. A few early poets are
represented, but emphasis is on the twentieth century.
Hazo, Samuel
The Quiet Wars P-Sheed, 1962
A contemporary poet examines life and its passions,
tensions, and peace in language as close to the heart
of youth as it is to the heart of poetry. See also Discov-
ery and Other Poems P-Sheed, 1957.
Hazo, Samuel, editor
A Selection of Contemporary Religious Poetry P-Deus, 1963
The true poet's need to see the height and depth and
breadth of things emerges in these poems by contem-
porary poets.
Henderson, Harold G.
An introduction to Haiku Doubleday, 1958 P-Doubleday Non -
This is one of the best books available on the popular
Japanese form.
Hodgson, Ralph
Collected Poems St. Martin, 1963
The poems in this collection are written with a fresh
lyricism, a philosophy, and a touch of whimsical,
sardonic humor that arrests attention and interest.
The Odyssey Translated by Robert Fitzgerald P-Doubleday,
Again an excellent verse translation which brings the
modern reader who does not know Greek closer to the
Homeric world.
Hopkins, Gerard Manley
The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 3rd ed. Edited by
Robert Bridges and W. H. Gardener Oxford, 1948 P-Penguin
Students who can never get enough Hopkins poetry find
this complete edition a treasure. It contains early
attempts, fragments, light verse, and translations, as
well as all Hopkins' mature poetry and notes.
Jones, D. L, editor
War Poetry P-Pergamon, 1968
Chaucer, Shakespeare, Byron, Tennyson, Yeats, Sassoon,
Auden, Jarrell, and many others are represented in this
selection of war poetry from six centuries.
Jordan, Jane
Who Look at Me Crowell, 1970
Reproductions of paintings of black American life are
illuminated and extended by the proud, passionate poetry
of the author.
Kotewall, Robert, and Norman L. Smith, translators
The Penguin Book of Chinese Verse P-Penguin, 1965
These poems treat topics which are common to all men,
but their bright freshness and simple dignity make them
something special.
Lear, Edward
The Nonsense Books of Edward Lear (1888) Little P-Signet,
Poetry for good cheer, for glad tidings, for joy.
Leary, Paris, and Robert Kelly, editors
A Controversy of Poets P-Doubleday, 1965
This volume presents many significant contemporary
poets (American) at their best: James Dickey, X. J.
Kennedy, W. S. Merwin, Anne Sexton, Robert Creeley,
and others.
Lewis, C. S.
Poems Edited by Walter Hooper Harcourt, 1964
Lewis' first published book of verse: on God, pagan
deities, fancy, scienceall the range of love and nature,
in Lewis' strong style.
Lewis, Richard, editor
The Moment of Wonder: A Collection of Chinese and Japa-
nese Verse Dial, 1964
Sections are headed The Family of Nature, Landscapes
of the Sky and Earth, The Passage of Seasons, The
Ages of Man. Illustrated with paintings by Chinese and
Japanese masters. A beautiful small book.
Lewis, Wyndham, and Charles Lee, editors
The Stuffed Owl: An Anthology of Bad Verse Capricorn,
A collection of the better bad verse; characterized by
bathos, poverty of the imagination, sentimentality, ba-
nality, and the prosaic, is Yound within these pages. All
these poems make good verse seem even better!
Lomax, Alan, editor
The Folk Songs of North America Melodies and guitar
chords transcribed by Peggy Seeger with one hundred piano
arrangements by Matyas Seiber and Don Banks Doubleday,
Three hundred seventeen songs from the North, the
southern mountains and backwoods, the West, and the
Negro South. An anthology of anthologies, drawing on
the earlier Lomax compilations among others.
Lomax, John A. and Alan, 'ditors
Cowboy Songs and Other Frontier Ballads, rev. ed. (1938)
Macmillan, 1966
In remote, isolated mining camps and ranches, the
frontier ballads and cowboy songs contained in this
volume were orally preserved. Here, too, is music for
some of them.
Long land, Jean R., editor
Selections from Contemporary Portuguese Poetry: A Bi-
lingual Selection Harvey, 1966
Good poetry, although the appeal is limited.
Lowell, Robert
For the Union Dead Farrar, 1964
Poems with settings that vary from Boston to Italy, from
the recollections of the poet's childhood to the remoter
setting of the longest poem, shelter profound implica-
tions in the economical treatment of idea.
ManningSanders, Ruth, editor
A Bundle of Ballads Lippincott, 1961
This richly illustrated book presents a varied collection
of English ballads.
f Mary-Rousseliere, Guy
Beyond the High Hills: A Book of Eskimo Poems Compiled
and translated by Knud Rasmussen, World, 1961
"All human beings are poets in the Eskimo sense of the
word." This is a beautiful collection of Eskimo poetry
with magnificent photographs by an Oblate priest among
the Eskimos.
McDonough, Martha, and William C. Doster, editors
Poetry Is for People P-Allyn, 1965
Although meant as a text, this collection would cut
across country and age in appealing to serious young
Michaels, Sidney
Dylan Random, 1963 P-Random Biography
The dissolution of the poet and triumph of the man,
Dylan Thomas, are caught with warmth and wit as the
Welsh Peter Pan rages across America in tours designed
to alleviate his family's financial stress.
t*Milton, John
The Compact Milton: Paradise Lost, Samson Agonistes, and
Areopagitica Edited and with an introduction by H. S. Taylor
P-Barron, 1966
Selections from John Milton's poems and "Areopagitica."
Well annotated; of value to advanced students.
Moore, Marianne
0 to Be a Dragon Viking, 1959
The "wit and particularity and observation" Randall Jar-
rell found in these fifteen poems should interest some
students previously unacquainted with modern poetry.
See also A Marianne Moore Reader, that includes the
two volumesLike a Bulwark, 0 to Be a Dragon, and
other poems, essays, fables, and letters. Viking, 1961
Morrison, Lillian
Sprints and Distances: Sports in Poetry and the Poetry in
Sport Crowell, 1965
The author states that she made this collection for all
sports fans in the hope that they would "discover, per-
haps for the first time, the power of words. . . ."
Nichol!, Louise Townsend
The Blood That Is Language Day, 1967
Collection of poetry: rhythmic, melodious, couched in a
setting of beautiful language.
The Nibelungenlied
The Nibelungenlied Translated by A. T. Hatto P-Penguin,
1965 Epic
Now 800 years old, this great German epic poem of
murder and revenge, upon which Wagner based The
Ring, is newly translated into readable prose.
Norman, Charles
E. E. Cummings: The Magic Maker Dutton, 1964 P-Dutton
Zestful biography of the poet, which reveals facts about
not only his life but also the why and wherefore of his
Norman, Charles, editor
Poets on Poetry P-Free Press, 1965 Miscellany
Sixteen distinguished British and American poetsPhilip
Sidney to E. E. Cummingswrite about the nature and
function of their art form.
tPafgrave, Francis T., editor
The Golden Treasury (1861) Macmillan; Oxford P-Mentor
The reader will find here a comprehensive collection of
great lyrical poems of the English language.
Parker, Dorothy
The Collected Poetry of Dorothy Parker Modem, 1959
These wry and witty poems will amuse and delight most
readers, especially those who have "loved and lost."
Parker, Elinor, compiler
Here and There: 100 Poems about Places Crowell, 1967
Familiar, exotic, magical places, some not on the map
at all! This distinguished collection reflects a deep
knowledge and love of poetry.
Parker, Elinor, editor
100 Poems about People Crowell, 1955
From Abraham Lincoln to Godfrey Gore, people, admi-
rable and strange, are described here under such cate-
gories as "My Fair Lady," "Lives in Shadow," and "From
Storybook and Legend."
Parsons, I. M., editor
Men Who March Away: Poems of the First World War Vi-
king, 1965
These poems written by some of the most important
poets of their generation, give the reader a sense of the
cruelty of warany war.
*Payne, Robert, editor
The White Pony: An Anthology of Chinese Poetry (1960,
Day) P-Mentor
Chinese poems from the earliest times to the present
day are collected here.
Plotz, Helen, editor
Imagination's Other Place: Poems of Science and Mathe-
matics Crowell, 1955
Throughout the history of literature, poets have dealt
with man and science.
* Plotz, Helen, editor
Poems from the German . . . Crowell, 1967
This selection of poems spans eight centuries of German
literature: "German writing at different times and in
different hands."
Pratt, William, editor
The Imagist Poem: Modern Poetry in Miniature P-Dutton,
The introduction tells how the imagists came to be. The
anthology contains some of the finest imagist poems,
all brief but evocative.
Rakow, Edwin, editor
Lyric Verse Odyssey, 1961 P-Odyssey
A collection of verse that asks only that the reader enjoy
old favorites, recent works, and humorous selections.
Read, Sill, and Rollie McKenna
The Days of Dylan Thomas P-McGraw, 1965 Miscellany
A long essay and pictorial biography with selections
from Thomas' poetry. Over 75 photographs add zest to
Resnick, Seymour
Spanish-American Poetry: A Bilingual Selection Harvey,
Poetry poignant and beautiful, rendered in good transla-
tion. Short descriptive notes about the authors accom-
pany the selections.
Rerroth, Kenneth
The Collected Shorter Poems New Directions, 1967
This collection includes some poems which have never
been published before, along with all shorter works since
Ribner, hying, and Harry Morris, editors
Poetry: A Critical and Historical Introduction Scott, 1962
Containing seven centuries of poems, up to Roethke and
Wright, this anthology would interest the advanced stu-
*Mike, Rainer Maria
Translations from the Poetry of Rainer Maria Billie Trans-
lated and edited by M. D. Herter Norton P-Norton, 1962
A superb collection of a distinguished modern poets
work. Included are both German and English texts of
each poem.
Rodman, Selden, editor
One Hundred Modern Poems P-Mentor, 1951
Selden Rodman has collected poems by Pasternak,
Brecht, Hemingway, and Spender, among others.
Roethke, Theodore
The Achievement of Theodore Roethhe Edited by William J.
Martz P-Scott, 1965
Well edited, with an informative introduction, the col-
lection of Roethke's work presents the poet at his best
an important figure in this century's literary world.
Roethke, Theodore
The Far Field Doubleday, 1964
Roethke's last volume of poetry contains some of his
best poetry, reaffirming his place as one of the best
poets of these times. The themes and treatment of the
poems should make many of the poems favorites with
high school stusients.
Roethke, Theodore
I Am! Says the Lamb: A Joyous Book of Sense and Nonsense
Verse Doubled-y, 1961
The Nonsense Poems have a bite; the Greenhouse Poems
express delight with life. An excellent short introduction
to one of the finest modern poets. A delightfully detailed
drawing accompanies each poem.
Roethke, Theodore
Words for the Wind: The Collected Verse of Theodore
Roethke Doubleday, 1958 P-Indiana
An excellent edition of Roethke's poetry for both teacher
and student.
Scott, Winfield Townley, editor
Poems of Robert Herrick Crowell, 1967
"Herrick's poetic skill, . . . cheerful, graceful, humorous,
direct . . . religious.. . ."
t Sergeant, Elizabeth
Robert Frost: The Trial by Existence Holt, 1960 Biography
Using in her text many of Frost's poems, the author has
shown the making of a man and a great poet.
Shelley, Percy Bysshe
The Esdaile Notebook: A Volume of Early Poems Edited by
Kenneth Neill Cameron Knopf, 1964
The first edition of these early poems, personal and
political: annotated and compiled by Shelley and released
by his descendants. A valuable collection.
Smith, Arthur James M., editor
Seven Centuries of Verse, English and American, rev. ed.
Scribner, 1957
More than 500 poems are presented here chronologically
with statements by poets and critics on the nature, the
criticism, and the reading of poetry. See also 100 Poems
P-Scribner, 1964.
Smith, William Jay, editor
Poems from France Crowell, 1967
In this anthology the reader tastes the best of five cen-
turies of French poetry, translated by American and
British writers.
Snodgrass, W. D.
Heart's Needle Knopf, 1959
This well-known, prizewinning volume contains many
appealing, timely poems, adult in subject matter btit
comprehensible to young readers.
Stafford, William
Traveling Through the Dark Harper, 1962
Stafford has compiled a book of short poems of nature
and philosophy, the imagery and depth of which are
marked. See also Rescued Year, Poems Harper, 1966 P-
Swenson, May
Poems to Solve Scribner, 1966
In a special selection from her work, the author leads
the reader into the exploring, recognizing, contrasting,
and naming that make up the joys of poetry.
Swenson, May
To Mix with Time: New and Selected Poems P-Scribner,
May Swenson expresses her observations of city and
country freshly. Robert Lowell observed that her poems
ought to be hung with permanent "Fresh Paint" signs.
Thompson, Lawrence
Robert Frost: The Early Years, 1874-1915 Holt, 1967 Biog-
The first volume of the official biography reveals the
poet as an unhappy youth and as a relentlessly ambitious
young man. See also Selected Letters of Robert Frost
Holt, 1965 Nonfiction.
Untermeyer, Louis, editor
Story Poems: An Anthology of Narrative Verse P-Washing-
ton, 1965
These versessome old favorites, some newnarrate the
dreams and aspirations of men, their mythical and real
exploits, their heartbreak and happiness, their terror
and triumph.
Untermeyer, Louis, editor
Modern American Poetry, rev. ed. Harcourt, 1962
Thirteen moderns have been included here for the first
time. The number of poems of other contemporaries has
been increased. The usual excellence of Untermeyer is
Untermeyer, Louis, editor
Modern British Poetry, rev. ed. Ilarcourt, 1962
Several new poets have been represented here for the
first time. The selection of others is increased. The whole
makes a valuable contribution to contemporary poetry.
Updike, John
Verse (includes Telephone Poles and Other Poems; The Car-
pentered Hen and Other Tame Creatures) P-Fawcett
Updike's poems have irresistible humor, neatness of
phrase, and biting irony.
Aeneid Translated by C. Day Lewis P-Doubleday
Because C. Day Lewis wrote this version for the BBC,
the lines are unusually sonorous and vigorous. He often
achieves the metrkal effects of the Vergilian hexameters.
Wallace, Robert, and James Mate, editors
Pot.mis on Poetry P-Dutton, 1965
These 250 poems by 121 poets constitute a fascinating
anthology of statements about the nature and function
of poetry; each poem is successful, as well as a work of
Walsh, Chad, editor
Today's Poets: American and British. Poetry since the 1930's
P-Scribner, 1964
Representative yet comprehensive, this volume of twen-
tieth century voices is introduced by an excellent ex-
planation of major innovations in form and of their
contributions to the present Academics-Wild Men polari-
zation in poetry, among other things.
Ward, Herman M., editor
Poems for Pleasure Hill, 1963 P-Hill
An anthology of 129 favorite poems selected by high
school students, this is a book for young adults which
accurately reflects their taste in poetry.
Warren, Robert Penn, and Albert Erskine, editors
Six Centuries of Great Poetry P-Dell, 1955
This extensive collection of English lyric poetry extends
from Chaucer to Yeats.
Wells, Carolyn, editor
A Parody Anthology P-Dover, 1967
These parodies of English poetry will entertain those
who enjoy gently satiric verse.
Werstein, Irving
Sound No Trumpet: The Life and Death of Alan Seeger
Crowell, 1967 Biography
Struggling against his conservative family, Alan Seeger
rebelled against conformity to find his identity as a poet
before the bloody charge in World War I that snuffed
out his life.
Whiting, Bartlett J., editor
Traditional British Ballads Croft Classics, 1955 P-Appleton
Brief but clear introduction on folk poetry. Glossary
explains linguistic archaisms in the poems.
tVVhihnan, Walt
Leaves of Grass Doubleday; Harper P-10 editions available
Emerson judged these poems as "the most extraordinary
piece of wit and wisdom America has yet contributed."
Wilbur, Richard
The Poems of Richard Wilbur P-Harcourt
A paperback edition containing four volumes previously
published in separate editions in the following order:
Advice to a Prophet and Other Poems (1961), Things of
This World (1956), Ceremony (1950), The Beautiful
Changes (1947). High school students will be able to ap-
preciate Wilbur's wit, wisdom, and elegance by seeing
the development of one of America's foremost poets in a
wide range of short poems.
Williams, Martin
Where's the Melody? Pantheon, 1966 Nonfiction
A listener's introduction to jazz with record notes.
Williams, Oscar, editor
Immnrtal Poems of the English Language P-Washington,
This favorite standby can hardly be excelled in range and
interest for its modest cost.
Williams, Oscar, and Edwin Honig, editors
The Mentor Book of Major American Poets P-New American,
Especially helpful in regard to Cummings, Stevens,
Frost, Pound, and Williams, this book makes a fine in-
troduction to these poets. See also The Mentor Book of
Major British Poets P-New American, 1962
Williams, William Carlos
Paterson P-New Directions, 1948
A medical man, famous as a contemporary poet, wrote
the stories of his city in this long poem, in which the
river flowing through Paterson serves as a symbol of the
city and the life of man.
Wright, James
The Branch Will Not Break Wesleyan University, 1963 P-
Wesleyan University
Horses, snowstorms, birds figure prominently in the
images created in clear, spare language.
*Yeats, William Butler
Selected Poems and Two Plays of William Butler Yeats
Edited by M. L. Rosenthal P-Macmillan, 1962
The Yeats Centennial, 1965, highlighted for all teachers
the desirability of their students' reading this greatest of
modern English-using poets.
t'Yevtushenko, Yevgeny
Yetitushenho Poems Translated by H. Marshall Dutton, 1966
Thirty poems and an excerpt from his long epic,
Bratshy G E S, express the vital power of Russia's excit-
ing young poet who touches emotions that span language
and national barriers. See also Selected Poems Translated
by R. Milner -Gulland and P. Levi P- Penguin.

Anderson, Marian
My Lord, What a Morning Viking, 1956 P-Avon Biography
The great Negro concert singer describes quietly her long
struggle for training and modestly her great successes
on the concert stages of the world.
Anderson, Maxwell
Eleven Verse Plays, /929-1939 Harcourt, 1940 Plays
Included in this collection are Valley Forge, Winterset,
High Tor, Elizabeth the Queen, Mary of Scotland. See
also Four Verse Plays P-Harcourt, 1959.
fBentley, Eric, editor
Modern Theater: An Anthology, 6 vols. P-Anchor, 1955-1960
Each of the volumes contains five plays. Represented
are the best of the modern playwrights: Brecht, Girau-
doux, Schnitz ler, Yeats, Gogol, Anouilh, Wilder, Saroyan,
O'Casey, and Beerbohm.
Bernstein, Leonard
The Joy of Music Simon, 1959 P-Signet, Simon Nonfiction
The author presents several fascinating imaginary con-
versations about music and the expanded, annotated
scripts of seven Omnibus TV programs.
Bolt, Robert
A Man for All Seasons Random, 1966 P-Vintage Play
This play uses the sixteenth-century tension between Sir
Thomas More and Henry VIII as the setting for an ex-
citing exploration of an individual's conscience. See
Alfred Duggan The Falcon and the Dove: A Life of
Thomas Becket of Canterbury Pantheon, 1966 Biography.
Bra ddon, Richard
Joan Sutherland St. Martin, 1962 Biography
This sympathetic biography of the prima donna shows
how she overcame difficulties to become a great soprano.
Briggs, John
Leonard Bernstein: The Man, His Work, and His World
World, 1961 Biography
The author writes entertainingly of the background, stu-
dent days, and achievements of this musician, composer,
and conductor. See David Ewen Leonard Bernstein
Chilton, 1960 Biography.
Chute, Marchette
An Introduction to Shakespeare Dutton, 1951 Nonfiction
Showing Shakespeare in relation to his time, the author
introduces the poet's fellow actors and the theater of his
day. See also Stories from Shakespeare World, 1956 P-
Chute, Marchette, and Ernestine Petrie
The Worlds of Shakespeare Dutton, 1963 P-Dutton Drama
Shakespeare's world of love and world of music are, by
combining brief scenes carefully excerpted from twelve
plays, presented in a script for two actors.
Clarens, Carlos
An Illustrated History of the Horror Film Putnam, 1967
Movie literature reaches a new high as the author knowl-
edgeably discusses the genre from the fantasies of the
early twentieth century down to today's science fiction
Ciurman, Harold, editor
Seven Plays of the Modern Theater Grove, 1962 Plays
The seven plays in this volume authored by Beckett,
Behan, Delaney, Gelber, Genet, Ionesco, and Pinter
reflect the despair, banality, emptiness, and comedy of
Coolidge, Olivia
Eugene O'Neill Scribner, 1966 Biography
This excellent biography of America's greatest dramatist
includes summaries of his plays and some critical evalua-
tion of them.
De Mille, Agnes
And Promenade Home Little, 1958 Biography
When Oklahoma! hit Broadway, Agnes De Mille, dancer
and choreographer, won fame after years of failure to
achieve success. See also Dance to the Piper Little, 1952
Eaton, Jeanette
Trumpeter's Tale Morrow, 1955 Biography
Triumphs and tragedies have been the story of Louis
Armstrong, known over the world as "Satchmo." This
biography of a great musician is also a history of jazz in
Ewen, David
The Story of America's Musical Theater Chilton, 1961' Non-
The author summarizes the evolution of the musical
theaterthe ballet, opera, burlesque, extravaganza, re-
vue, musical comedy, and musical play.
Friel, Brian
Philadelphia, Here I Comet P-Noonday, 1966 Play
An exposition in dramatic form of the Pack of com-
munication between generations.
Gibson, William
The Mirack, Worker Knopf, 1957 P-Bantam Play
This is the script of the TV play which dramatically
portrays the breakthrough to awareness of language by
Helen Keller under the determined tutelage of Annie
Godden, Rumer
A. Candle for St. Jude (Viking, 1948) P-Compass Novel
Hilda, obviously a young dancer of genius, studied with
the wise and witty mistress of the ballet, Madame Hol-
*Hanff, Helene
Underfoot in Show Business Harper, 1962 Short Stories
Helene Hanff and her friend Maxine, an actress, tell,
most amusingly, the inside story of show business and
those who struggle to become a part of it.
Hart, Moss
Act One Random, 1959 P-Signet Biography
The famous playwright tells what it was like to be a
stagestruck boy who grew up in a poor Brooklyn home
and finally realized what had seemed an impossible
Hentoff. Nat
Jazz Country Harper, 1965 P-Dell Novel
A young white New Yorker wants more than anything
in the world to become a jazz musiciana field peopled
predominantly by Negroes.
Holbrook, Hal
Mark Twain Tonight! An Actor's Portrait Washburn, 1959
Holbrook, long a student of Mark Twain and immersed
in his writings, prepared a fascinating evening of Mark
Twain, which he offered on Broadway and took on tour.
Jackson, Mahalia, with Evan McLeond Wylie
Movin' On Up Hawthorn, 1966 Biography
The internationally famous gospel singer tells the warm,
moving story of her triumphs and tragedies, joys and
Kael, Pauline
I Lost It at the Movies Little, 1965 Essays
Criticism of movies past and present. A plea that movies
be- an art form, not "arty" as so many are. Witty and
penetrating appraisals.
Karsavina, Tamara
Theatre Street Dutton, 1961 P-Dutton Biography
Tamara Karsavina, one of the greatest prima ballerinas
of all times, tells the story of her life under the name
"Theatre Street," where she was trained to dance.
Kirby, Michael
Happenings Dutton, 1965 Nonfiction
This book discusses the work, philosophy and "art forms!'
of a new movement in theater.
Kyle, Elisabeth
The Swedish Nightingale: Jenny Lind Holt, 1965 Biography
Stubbornness canceled timidity in the personality of
Jenny Lind so that the most glorious voice of her time
became a legacy of Europe and America. See Gladys
Denny Shultz Jenny Lind, the Swedish Nightingale Lip-
pincott, 1962 Biography.
Lambert, Janet
Stagestruch Parri Dutton, 1966 Novel
Fifteen-year-old Parri MacDonald wanted to follow in the
theatrical footsteps of her parents and learned the
rewards and disappointments during a summer of theater
Lerner, Alan Jay
My Fair Lady Coward, 1957 P-Signet Musical Comedy
My Fair Lady, adapted from George Bernard Shaw's Pyg-
malion, is one of the wittiest musical comedies in years,
combining Shaw's satire and Lerner's lyrics.

Maclnnes, Helen
Home Is the Hunter Harcourt, 1964 Play
In a two-act drama, the homecoming of Ulysses is clev-
erly portrayed. Comic, humorous, tongue-in-cheek ap-
proach does not detract from the traditional version.
Merrill, Robert, and S. Doty
Once More from the Beginning Macmillan, 1966 Biography
Now a Metropolitan Opera veteran of 20 years, Robert
Merrill tells his story of the rocky road to fame.
Noble, Iris
Great Lady of the Theatre: Sarah Bernhardt Wssner, 1960
The life of the great actress Sarah Bernhardther suc-
cesses, her mistakes, her misfortunesand something of
what a stage career requires are vividly told in this bi-
Paton, Alan, and Krishna Shah
Sponono Scribner, 1965 Play
The need for communication is dramatized in this play
centering on Sponono, a boy in a South African reform
Rodgers, Richard, and Oscar Hammerstein II
,Six Plays (Random, 1955) Modern, 1959 Plays
These six famous musical comedies, including Oh la-
!roma!, South Pacific, and The King and I, have made
theatrical history in the last two decades.
Ruggles, Eleanor
Prince of Players: Edwin Booth Norton, 1953 Biography
This dramatic, authentic biography is about a great
nineteenth century actor and member of a famous
family of actors.
Schary, Dore
&inrise at Campobello Random, 1958 P-Signet Play
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's victory over adversity was a
triumph that determined the course of his life.
Shakespeare, William
A Player's Handbook of Short Scenes Edited by Samuel Sel-
den Holiday, 1960 Plays
These scenes from Shakespeare's plays are varied and
dramatic. They provide opportunities for young actors
to experiment with Shakespearean tragedy and comedy.
tShaw, George Bernard
Pygmalion in Selected Plays, Vol. I Dodd, 1948 P-Penguin
This is the modem version of the Greek myth which has
been rewritten more recently as a successful musical
comedy, My Fair Lady. The great English dramatist
comments here, as in all his plays, upon human foibles
of all kinds.
Sherburne, Zoa
Ballerina on Skates Morrow, 1961 P-Berkley Novel
From the chorus line in an ice show, tall, graceful
Karen worked her way up to become one of the star
Sherwood, Robert E.
Abe Lincoln in Illinois Scribner, 1939 P-Scribner Play
In ten scenes, Sherwood reveals the young Lincoln, the
maturing man, finally the successful candidate for the
Sieben, Pearl
The Immortal Jolson, His Life and Times Fell, 1962 Biog-
The life and times of Al Jolson are the story of the
twentieth century entertainment world.
Skinner, Cornelia Otis
Family Circle Houghton, 1948 Biography
Famous in the theatrical world, Otis Skinner, his wife
Maud Durbin, and their daughter Cornelia are the happy,
affectionate trio described here.
Taubman, Howard
The Making of the American Theater Coward, 1965 Non-
The former New York Times drama critic's one-volume
history is filled with rich details and incisive evaluations
on everything from the first strolling players to the Lin-
coln Center controversy, from Little Eva to Tiny Alice.
Terkel, Studs
Giants of Jazz Crowell, 1957 Biography
The twelve men and women who have made the American
jazz world famous are the subject of this book. Included
are Bix Biederbecke, Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong,
Dizzy Gillespie.
Trapp, Maria A.
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers Lippincott, 1949
P-Image Biography
This distinguished musical family began its singing
career after a governess married the father of seven
motherless children. They made many tours in Europe
and America before finally settling in the United States.
tTynan, Kenneth
Curtains Atheneum, 1961 Nonfiction
',his comprehensive, informative book will be invaluable
ilor those who are interested in the theater. It includes
rliofiles of theater personalities and a discussion of plays.
Walpy, Arthur, translator
The No Plays of Japan Grove, 1957 Plays
NO plays (NO means "an exhibition of talent") are at-
tracting wide attention in the Western world. Here are
twenty with a scholarly yet sprightly introduction.
Wea les, Gerald
A Play and Its Parts Basic, 1964 Nonfiction
The theatrical experiences of producing and analyzing
drama are offered with clear explication and excellent
references to dramas both classical and contemporary.
t Wilder, Thornton
Three Plays: Our Town, The Skin of Our Teeth, The Match-
maker Harper, 1961 P-Bantam Plays
Brilliance, audacity, and remarkable variety characterize
these famous plays. Wilder touches deeply the emotions,
the intellect, and the funny bone.
Williams, Beryl, and Samuel Epstein
The Great Houdini: Magician Extraordinary Messner, 1950
A great showman, Houdini produced tricks and secrets
to delight and astound the world.
Williams, Emlyn
George Random, 1961 Biography
A famous actor-playwright recounts his formative years
in Wales and his education at Oxford.
Zolotov, Maurice
Stagestruck: The Romance of Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fon-
tanne Harcourt, 1965 Biography
The lives and acting careers of the remarkable husband
and wife team will appeal to readers who are even
remotely stagestruck.

Aleichem, Sho lom, pseudonym (Shalom Rabinowitz)

Old Country Tales Selected and translated with an introduc-
tion by Curt Deviant Putnam, 1966
Stories of Jewish village life in Old Russia.
Allen, Elizabeth
You. Can't Say What You Think and Other Storks Dutton,
The eight stories present boys and girls in a large
college-prep high school as they struggle with personal,
social, school, and family problems.
Ambler, Eric, editor
To Catch a Spy Atheneum, 1965
An anthology of spy stories with representation from
many masters of the art.
Amis, Kingsley, and Robert Conquest, editors
Spectrum 3: Third Science Fiction Anthology Harcourt, 1963
These stories give a picture of the importance of the
human being over robots. Plots are far-fetched, but
characters are real.
Babel, Isaac
Lyubka the Cossack and Other Stories Translated by Andrew
B.. Mac Andrew P-Signet, 1963
A superb storyteller, Babel takes the reader to war with
the Red Cavalry as well as into the minds and hearts
of many a Russian.
'Barry. Sonia, editor
Treasury of Nurse Stories Fell, 1981
These stories range over a full century and indicate
changes in attitude toward nursing. Stephen Vincent
Benet, Theodore Dreiser, and Eudora Welty are repre-
sented. .

.:4 \151
Boucher, Alan
Mead Moondaughter: Icelandic Folk Tales Chilton, 1967
These tales tell of the dark, sunless, Gothic world of
trolls, giants, kings, princesses, ogres, hidden treasures,
and magic potions.
I*Bree, Germaine, editor
Great French Short Stories P-Dell, 1960
This brilliant and original collection combines outstand-
ing stories by the best-known French writers of four
centuriesBalzac, Maupassant, Camus, Colette, and
Brown, Edmund, editor
Brazilian Tales P-International, 1965
These old and new tales by Brazil's foremost writers will
appeal to those who would know the livesthe emotions
of our neighbors to the south.
Buck, Pearl
Fourteen Stories Day, 1961 P-Pocket
These stories range in locale from the Orient to the
United States and in character from the Japanese bride
of an American soldier to the commuter and the beautiful
tBuckler, William E, and Arnold Sklare. editors
Stories from Six Authors McGraw, 1960
The six authors are Greene, Warren, Joyce, Faulkner,
James, and Conrad. The nineteen stories included are
thought-provoking, modern, and sophisticated. The ed-
itors' notes immeasurably enhance the stories.
Bunin, Ivan
The Gentleman from San Francisco and Other Stories
P-Vintage, 1964
Here is a collection of short stories by the 1933 winner
of the Nobel Prize for Literature.
Chamberlain, William
More Combat Stories of World War II and Korea Day, 1964
Breakneck action is the order of the day with these
stories of suicidal missions and major engagements.
Chekhov, Anton
The Image of Chekhov: Forty Stories Knopf, 1963 P-Vintage
These infrequently reprinted stories are presented in the
order in which they were written, allowing the reader
to note Chekhov's development as craftsman.
tChesterton, G. K.
The Father *own Omnibus, rev. ed. Dodd, 1951
The delightful Father Brown is the star of these bril-
liantly written detective stories. See also tThe Amazing
Adventures of Father Brown (Dodd, 1958) P-Dell.
Chute, B. J.
One Touch of Nature and Other Stories Dutton, 1965
Short stories that are artistically written: simple, direct,
heartwarming, and refreshing.
Clarke, John Henrik, editor
American Negro Short Stories Hill, 1966
Thirty-one stories are written by Richard Wright, Frank
Yerby, Ann Petry, James Baldwin, John 0. Ki Bens,
among others.
Co !ford, William E., translator
Classic Tales from Spanish-America Barron, 1962 P-Barron
Nineteen twentieth century Spanish-American short story
writers are represented in this book. Some of the stories
are tragic, others gay, some light and fanciful. See also
Classic Tales from Modern Spain Barron, 1964 P-Barron.
*Comfort, A., editor
Seven French Short Novel Masterpieces Introduction by
Henri Peyre P-Popular, 1965
Includes works by Camus, Gide, Flaubert, Maupassant,
Balzac, Merimee, and de Lafayette as well as an illumi-
nating introduction.
t *Con ra d, Joseph
The Portable Conrad Edited by Morton D. Zabel Viking, 1947
This volume contains such great Conrad stories as
"Nigger of the Narcissus," "The Secret Sharer," and
"Heart of Darkness."
Cozzens, James Gould
Children and Others Harcourt, 1964 P-Crest
Versatility and sensitivity of style mark these short stories.
Some are adult recollections of earlier time; some are
adults in present-day relationships.
tDay, A. Grove, editor
The Greatest American Short Stories: Twenty Classics of
Our Heritage McGraw, 1953
Day has selected the twenty short stories most often
reprinted in collections and includes Blame, Sherwood
Anderson, Bengt, Thurber, Irving, end ,Poe.
*Dinesen, isak, pseudonym (Baronesse Karen Blixen-Finecke)
Winter's Tales (Random, 1942) P-Vintage, 1961
The eleven stories in this collection encompass the
natural and the supernatural. They are mystical and
aglow with life, fantastic and real.
Djilas, Milovan
The Leper and Other Stories Translated by Lovett F. Edwards
Harcourt, 1964
Dji las presents a dramatic yet simple lyric exposition
of human beings in life, death, joy, suffering. His deep
insight reveals the inner conflict of the inner man.
Dorson, Richard M., editor
American Negro Folktales P-Fawcett
This is a useful collection of unusual, hard - to-find stories.
Feldmann, Susan, editor
African Myths and Tales P-Dell, 1963
From various African tribes, these stories of men,
animals, and gods attempt to explain our baffling uni-
Foley, Martha, and David Burnett, editors
The Best of the Best American Short Stories, 1915-1950
Houghton, 1952
Thesestories, taken from the periodic selections of Best
Stories, include Faulkner, Hemingway, Welty, Lardner,
Shaw, Saroyan, and Stegner.
Friedberg, Maurice, editor
A Bilingual Collection of Russian Short Stories, Vol. 1
Random, 1964 P-Random
Featuring parallel texts in Russian and English, this
anthology presents five nineteenth century Russian novel-
las and short stories still popular.
t*Garrity, Devin A., talor
44 Irish Short Stories Devin, 1960
Representative of the best efforts of thirty-three authors,
these stories are humorous and lively. Included are Car-
roll, Dunsany, Joyce, Shaw, Wilde, and Yeats. See also
Irish Stories and Tales P-Washington, 1961.
Gogol, Nikolai
The Collected Tales and Plays Edited by Leonard Kent
Pantheon, 1964
Distinctive kaleidoscope of eighteenth century Russia.
Gogol embodies humorous, grotesque, epic, and magical
elements. Precursor of the great somber Russian masters.
See also The Diary of a Madman and Other Stories
Translated by A. Mac Andrew P-Signet.
Greene, Graham
Twenty-One Stories Viking, 1962 P-Compass
These twenty-one stories, eighteen of which were pub-
lished in 1949 in Nineteen Stories, are short, vivid, and
laceratingly real.
toHall, Robert A., Jr., editor
Italian Stories P-Bantam, 1961
This dud-language book contains eleven representative
stories in Italian and English from Boccaccio, Machia-
velli, Pirandello, and D'Annunzio.
Hallmundsson, Hallberg, editor
An Anthology of Scandinavian Literature P-Collier, 1966
Stories, poems, and plays from the Viking period to
the twentieth century are included here.
tHamalian, Leo, and Edmond L Volpe, editors
Nobel Prize Reader P-Popular, 1965
From Kipling to Pasternak, these twenty-six selections
guarantee superlative reading.
Hamalian, Leo, and Edmond L. Volpe, editors
Seven Short Novel Masterpieces P-Popular, 1961
These works by Voltaire, Turgenev, Melville, Tolstoy,
James, Kafka, and Lawrence can each be read at one
sitting. Mark Schorer provides a helpful introduction.
Harte, Bret
The Luck of Roaring Camp and Other Stories Houghton,
1965 P-Dolphin 1

These stories are pictures of places and people in the

West during the nineteenth century.
tHawthorne, Nathaniel
The Best of Hawthorne Edited by Mark Van Doren Ronald,
These ten short stories are representative of one of
America's outstanding nineteenth century novelists and
short story writers. See also Complete Short Stories
Doubleday, 1959.
Hemingway, Ernest, editor
Men at War: Best War Stories of AU Time P-Berkley
War, past and present, confronts the historical observer
both subjectively and objectively.
Henry, 0., pseudonym (William Sydney Porter)
The Pocket Booh of 0. Henry Stories Edited by Han-y Han-
sen P-Washington, 1948
This selection consists of the best-loved stories of this
entertaining writer and is an excellent introduction to
his complete works.
Horgan, Paul
The Peach Stone: Stories from Four Decades Farrar, 1967
Arranged chronologically in four parts: the better known
and the little known of Horgan's work. Good crafts-
tHoughton, Norris, editor
Great Russian Short Stories P-Dell, 1958
Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Turgenev, Chekhov, and others are
included in this collection of superb stories.
Hudson, W. H.
Tales of the Gauchos Edited by Elizabeth Coatsworth Knopf,
The famous naturalist is represented here by his best
short stories, all set in South America.
Hughes, Langston, editor
The Best Short Stories by Negro Writers: An Anthology
from 1899 to the Present little, 1967
Mr. Hughes says, "These stories range . . . from South
to North, East to West . . . from the Reconstruction to
Harlem Renaissance, the Depression, World War II . . .
James Baldwin blues ... to the contemporary moment."
Excellent selection.
Irving, Washington
The Bold Dragoon and Other Ghostly Tales Edited by Anne
Carroll Moore Knopf, 1930
Essayist, humorist, short story writer, comic historian,
Washington Irving, one of America's finest men of let-
ters, also wrote these unusual ghost stories.
liming, Washington
Rip Van Winkle and the Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1820)
Macmillan; Peter Pauper P-Washington
These two tales by one of America's first men of letters
have become part of our country's folklore.
I Isherwood, Christopher, editor
Great English Short Stories P-Dell, 1957
Love, loneliness, adventure, crime, humor, and ghosts
all the elements of good stories appear in this collection.
Johnson, Alvin
The bottle of the Wild Turkey and Other Tales Atheneum,
Johnson demonstrates the storyteller's skill with a sense
of structure, compassionate humor, and an apprecia-
tion of the wisdom of simplicity.
Knowles, John
Phineas: Six Stories Random, 1968
The title story is the sketch from which A Separate
Peace was developed; all the stories focus on youth,
losing one's way, social morality.
London, Jack
Jack London's Tales of Adventure Edited by Irving Shepherd
Doubleday, 1956
This collection of adventure tales is an excellent sam-
pling of London's works. See also Great Short Works of
Jack London P-Harper.
tMaupassant, Guy de
The Odd Number: Thirteen Tales Translated by Jonathan
Sturges Harper, 1917
One of Frances great writers was a master of the short
. story.
`Murphy, Nell, editor
Animal Stories P-Dell, 1965
Here are anthologized stories which the editor found to
be favorit.s with teenagers. Included are works by
Thurber, Dinesen, Kipling, Arthur Clarke, and others.
Murphy, Robert
The Phantom Setter and Other Stories Dutton, 1966
A highly readable collection of sixteen short stories
dealing with hunting that fills the reader with a sense
of awe for the forces of natural life.
National Book Awards
National Book Award Reader Introduction by R. J. Clements
P-Popular, 1966 Short Stories
Included here is fiction by Bellow, Updike, Algren,
Malamud, Roth, Cheever, Powers, and other winners of
this important literary prize.
New Yorker, The
Stories from The New Yorker '50 -'60 by the Editors of The
New York 4r Simon, 1960 P-Simon, Short Stories
Forty-seven stories that have appeared in The New
Yorker since 1950 are included. tabong the authors are
Salinger, Willharill, Parker; O'Connor, and Welty.
O'Connor, Flannery
Three: Wise Blood, A Good Man Is Hard to Find, The
Violent Bear It Away P-Signet
This southern novelist, who well understood her people
and their heritage, shows here her narrative power in
these two novels and collection of short stories.
O'Faolain, Eileen, editor
Children of the Salmon and Other Irish Fol ;dales Little, 1965
The lore of Gaelic storytellers: their artless, earthy
poetry. The facile charm of the tales is evidence of a
labor of love on the part of the translator.
t*O'Faolain, Sean
Short Stories: A Study in Pleasure P-Little, 1961
The stories in this book have been chosen solely because
of the pleasure they offer. The author explains and il-
lustrates this pleasure principle.
Parker, Dorothy, and Frederick B. Shroyer, editors
Short Story: A Thematic Anthology P-Scribner, 1965
Here are thirty-eight short stories chosen to illustrate
how effectively literature deals with human experience
and imagination. Included are works by Hemingway,
Conrad, Shirley Jackson, and others.
Peck, Ira, editor
A Treasury of Great Ghost Stories P-Popular, 1965
With these ten stories the reader can curl up expecting
to shriek and shudder with Poe, Bierce, Collins, Dickens,
and others.
tPoe, Edgar Allen
The Complete Tales and Poems Modern, 1938 P-Many
selections available in various editions Miscellany
The father of the modern detective story was also a
master of the wild and unusual and of terror and hor-
ror. See also The Gold Bug and Other Tales and Poems
Macmillan, 1953.
Rikhoff, Jean, editor
Quixote Anthology P-Universal, 1962
This is not only an anthology of the best stories of a
little magazine but also a collection of absorbing,
thoughtfully written modern short stories.
Roberts, Cecil
A Flight of Birds Coward, 1966
Six tales tell the _curious ways of love in six different
settings, among them Florida, Italy, Paris, and England.
In each, a bird hints the motif.
Rugoff, Milton, editor
A Harvest of World Folk Tales Viking, 1949 Miscellany
These legends, myths, jests, fabliaux, fables, tall tales,
ghost stories, and moral tales represent nineteen world
areas, among them Africa, Turkey, China, Egypt, and
Latin America.
Saki, pseudonym (H. H. Munro)
Incredible Tales Edited by Richard Corbin and Ned Hoopes
P-Dell, 1966
These short short stories, often humorous, all display
Saki's profound understanding of people (especially
children) and his ability to satirize human weakness.
Salinger, J. D.
Nine Stories Little, 1953 P-Signet
Seven of the nine stories appeared originally in The
New Yorker. Salinger treats contemporary society in a
sophisticated, realistic manner.
Saroyan, William
After Thirty Years: The Daring Young Man on the Flying
Trapeze Harcourt, 1964
This collection reveals Saroyan at his inimitable best,
scorning pretense, loving life and the simple people-who
try to find a meaning in it.
Sawyer, Ruth, editor
The Long Christmas Viking, 1941 Miscellany
A famous American storyteller has selected little-known
legends, poems, and stories about Christmas.
tSpender, Stephen, editor
Great German Short Stories P-Dell, 1960
In this collection are stories from the early nineteenth
century up to the present. The editor provides an enlight-
ening introduction.
fStegner, Wallace and Mary, editors
Great American Short Stories P-Dell, 1957
From Irving's "Rip Van Winkle" to Faulkner's "Wash,"
we see the short story come of age and grow from
humorous legend to powerful fiction.
tSteinhauer, Harry, editor
German Stories P-Bantam, 1961
In both the original German and an English translation
are such authors as Goethe, Schnitz ler, and Mann.
Stern, Philip Van Doren, editor
Great Tales of Fantasy and Imagination P-Washington, 1954
It's fun to be scared! Try these eerie tales by Maugham,
Forster, Aiken, Kipling, Poe, 0. Henry, Saki, Beerbohm,
Lord Dunsany, and other "spookers." See also Pocket
Book of Modern American Short Stories P-Washington,
tStevenson, Robert Louis
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories Coward, 1951
Included here are stories about the strange and the eerie,
the unusual, and the faraway. See also tThe Strange
Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Famous Tales
Dodd, 1961; Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Other Stories
Strahan, John W., editor
Fifteen Great Russian Short Stories P-Washington, 1965
A parable by Tolstoy, tragicomedies by Chekhov,
satires on Soviet life by Zoshchenko, macabre tales by
Andreyev and Dostoevsky, and other works make this
collection a handy introduction to Russian literature,
tToisioy, Leo
The Death of Ivan Ilych and Other Stories Translated by
Aylmer Maude P-Signet, 1960
In the four stories in this volume, Tolstoy dissects the
basic drives, emotions, and motives of average people
seeking for self-knowledge and spiritual growth.
Updike, John
Assorted Prose Knopf, 1965 P-Crest Miscellany
Criticism, poetry, parodies, and essays on varied subjects
reveal a word-conscious, provocative author.
fVoltaire, Francois Marie Arouet de
Candide, Zadig, and Selected Stories Translated by Donald
M. Frame Indiana, 1961 P-Signet, 1961
Voltaire derided the bureaucracies of his day with
savage contempt. In these satirical stories, he deals
with science, ethics, love, spiritual faith, and human
Wolfe, Thomas
The Lost Boy (1941) P-Harper
The ten short stories collected here represent Wolfe at
his best and might serve as an introduction to one un-
familiar with Wolfe's long novels.
Achebe, Chinua
Things Fall Apart OboIensky, 1959 Novel
With quiet dignity, Achebe writes of the beginning of
the end of the old way of life in a remote Nigerian
village in the late nineteenth century. See also Chike
and the River P-Cambridge, 1966.
Adamson, Joy
Born Free: A Lioness of Two Worlds Pantheon, 1960 P-Mao-
f adden Nonfiction
A Kenya game warden's family adopted Elsa, a lioness
cub, and domesticated her for three adventurous years
before teaching her how to kill game. See also Living
Free Harcourt, 1961 P-Macfadden. Nonfiction; Forever
Free Harcourt, 1963 P-Macfadden Nonfiction; Elsa and
Her Cubs Harcourt, 1965 P-Bantam. See Norman Carr
Return to the Wild Dutton, 1962 Nonfiction.
Archer, Jules
African Firebrand: Kenyatta of Kenya Messner, 1969 Biog-
Although it has a rather pedantic manner, this is a good
book for high school students interested in freedom
movements in Africa.
Booth, Esma
Kalena McKay, 1958 Novel
Reluctant to accept an arranged marriage, an African
girl willingly agreed to a postponement and attended
school to learn new ways of living. See alsu Kalena and
Sana McKay, 1962 Novel.
Bennett, Jack
The Hawk Alone Little, 1965 P-Bantam Novel
A safari hunter who was no longer needed in a modern
Africa where game preservation rather than game
hunting is the rule led a safari of white teenagers who
made a mockery of all that the hunter considered valu-
t Bennett, Jack
Jamie Little, 1963 P-Bantam Novel
Jamie Carson had spent eleven peaceful years on his
South African farm. Then a severe drought and a thirst-
crazed buffalo changed his life forever.
Bobannan, Paul
Africa and Africans Doubleday, 1964 P-Doubleday Nonfiction
This survey of African culture past and present separates
fact from fallacy, giving an intelligent and readable
introduction to an ancient continent, now an important
world force.
t*Canaway, W. H.
Find the Boy Viking, 1961 P-Ballantine (as A Boy Ten Feet
Tall) Novel
A young boy, orphaned by a bomb in Port Said, made
his way the length of Africa to Durban. A chance
companion, a white hunter, helped him to mature on
the way.
Denis, Armand
On Safari Dutton, 1963 Biography
Autobiographical account of an extraordinary man whose
life was devoted to working with wild animalsraising
chimpanzees, making films in Africa, etc.
Dinesen, Isak, pseudonym (Baronesse Karen Blixen-Frinecke)
Shadows on the Grass Random, 1961 Short Stories
These short stories, set in Kenya, reflect the author's
understanding of the country and its people. See also
Oat of Africa Modern, 1952 Nonfiction.
Dobler, Lavinia, and William A. Brown
Great Rulers of the African Past Doubleday, 1965 P-Zenith
These fifteenth and sixteenth century rulers in Africa
laid such amazing plans as digging a 200-mile canal
across the desert and levying percentage taxes to influ-
ence the history of the dark continent.
Grzimek, Bernhard and Michael
Serengeti Shall Not Die Dutton, 1961 Nonfiction
The authors, a zoo director and his son, conducted a
project to study the migration routes of animals on the
Serengeti Plains. See Bernhard Grzimek Rhinos Belong
to Everyone Hill, 1965 Nonfiction.
Hallet, Jean-Pierre
Congo Kitabu Random, 1966 Biography
The adventures of a Belgian naturalist in the jungles
of the Congo are astounding.
Harman, Humphrey
African Samson Viking, 1966 Novel
This is the dramatic story of Meagre the Stone, a great
warrior, whose secret source of strength led his tribe to
greatness and him to his own downfall.
Hughes, Langston, editor
An African Treasury (1960, Crown) P-Pyramid Miscellany
The reader gains a new understanding of the African
through this anthology of poems, essays, and short
stories. See also Poems from. Black Africa Indiana, 1963
Hunter, J. A.
African. Hunter Harper, 1954 Nonfiction
Hunter spent his life as a game ranger in Kenya colony
in British East Africa, where be was responsible for
protecting people and property from the onslaughts of
savage animals.
*Hutchinson, Alfred
Road to Ghana Day, 1960 Nonfiction
In a moving report, an African describes his escape,
after the treason trials in 1956, to Ghana. This thought-
ful book tells of the brutal treatment of the Negro by
white men.
Huxley, Elspeth
Flame Trees of Thika: Memories of an African Childhood
Morrow, 1959 P-Pyramid; Apollo Nonfiction
The author recalls with affection her early years in
Kenya, where her parents were attempting to start a
coffee plantation.
Jenkins, Geoffrey
The River of Diamonds Viking, 1964 T:'-Avon Novel
Jim T:egard's search for diamonds off the desolate coast
of carried him on a rising tide of suspense when
natural. and human obstacles nearly cost him his life.
Kenworthy, Leonard
Profile of Nigeria Doubleday, 1960 Nonfiction
The author discusses the history, culture, political and
social structure of Nigeria through the 1950's.
t*Kessel, Joseph
The Lion Knopf, 1962 Novel
In this strange and memorable story, a young girl felt
such kinship for the beasts of the jungle that it alienated
her from man.
Kruger, Rayne
Good-bye Dolly Gray: The Story of the Boer War Lippincott,
1960 Nonfiction
The first thorough history of the conflict between the
Dutch farmers and the British in South Africa details
the politics, tactics, passions, valor, and misery of that
Laurence, Margaret
The Tomorrow -Tamer Knopf, 1964 Nonfiction
West Africa and its people come alive under the author's
delicate, sympathetic, powerful pen. The author takes
inspiration from these African people and their heritage.
See also New Wind in a Dry Land Knopf, 1964 Non-
Lessing, Doris
African Stories Simon, 1965 P-Ballantine Short Stories
This collection by the well-known writer from South
Africa contains some excellent stories.
Levitt, Leonard
An African Season Simon, 1967 Novel
A swinging Peace Corps volunteer in Tanganyika quickly
becomes "broo," meaning brother, to the villagers.
Lomax, L4uis E.
The Reluctant African Harper, 1960 Nonfiction
An American Negro journalist traveling in Africa darad
to spend a day in South Africa, where he was able to
talk to many people active in today's polit1;:al revolution.
Luthull, Albert
Let My People Go McGraw, 1962 Biography
In this autobiography, the thirty-year-old winner of Cie
1962 Nobel Peace Prize, who is a South African leader
of great courage and wisdom, tells how be will not
mt. et the hate surrounding his people with more hate.
Moore:ead, Alan
The Blue Nile (1962, Harper) P-Dell Nonfiction
This exciting, accurate account of Napoleon's invasion and
Arab warfare describes the reawakening of the African
continent in the first half of the nineteenth century.
See also The White Nile Harper, 1961 P-Dell Nonfiction.
Abridged edition, Lucy Moorehead The Story of the
White Nile Harper, 1967.
Nolen, Barbara, editor
Africa Is People Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
An anthology of interviews, personal accounts, and
experiences shows the great variety of culture and
custom but the essential humanity of Africans today.
t*Paton, Alan
Cry, the Beloved Country Scribner, 1948 P-Scribner Novel
A Zulu priest, seeking his sister and son in Johan-
nesburg, found them to his sorrow and shame, but found,
too, in a white man, healing and compassion.
Paton, Alan
Too Late the Phalarope Scribner, 1953 P-Scribner, Signet
This book presents an agonizing self-look at the social
problems Africa faces concerning the white man's rela-
tions with the Negro. See also *Tales from a Troubled
Land Scribner, 1961 P-Scribner.
Raswan, Carl
Drinkers of the Wind Arid, 1961 Nonfiction
Carl Raswan traveled to Egypt and Arabia in search of
the horse of his boyhood dreams. The realization of this
quest involved a whirlwind of adv,mturous experiences.
Rutherford, Peggy, editor
African Voices: An Anthology of Native African Writings
Vanguard, 1959 Miscellany
From folktales, essays, poems, speeches by Africans
from many different backgrounds, the reader gains a
many-faceted picture of the vast continent.
Stanley, Richard, and Alan Neame, editors
The Newly Discovered Exploration Diaries of H. M. Stanley
Vanguard, 1962 Nonfiction
An enthralling, on-the-spot account of the adventurer's
expedition in the Congo when he returned after Living-
stone's death can be found in these records.
Stinetorf, Louise A.
White Witch Doctor Westminster, 1950 P-Pocket Novel
Ellen Burton might really have existed; the descriptions
of her life as a medical missionary in the African jungle
and her experiences with animals and natives seem so
Syme, Ronald
African Traveler: The Story of Mary Kingsley Morrow, 1962
A daring explorer made three harrowing trips through
gorilla country in this exotic story.
Thomas, Elizabeth M.
The Harmless People Knopf, 1959 P-Vintage Nonfiction
After two years of study in the Kalahari Desert, the
author writes with understanding and affection of the
Bushmen for whom life is a constant struggle for exis-
tence. See also Warrior Herdsmen Knopf, 1965 Non-
Turnbull, Colin M.
The Peoples of Africa World, 1962 Nonfiction
With emphasis on modern Africafrmily life, the
impact of great changes, conflict this is a sensitive
analysis of the African people. See also The Lonely
African Simon, 1962 P-Anchor Nonfiction.
Van der Post, Laurens
Lost World of the Kalahari Morrow, 1958 P-Apollo Non-
Colonel Van der Post, who as a child had heard the tales
and legends of the Bushmen, eventually explored the
remote Kalahari Desert and found one of the few remain-
ing communities of Bushmen. See also Venture to the
Interior Morrow, 1951 P-Compass Nonfiction.
Welch, Galbraith
Africa Before They Came Morrow, 1965 Nonfiction
This fascinating book examines the little-known mental
and emotional heritage of the entire continent before
Wellard, James
Lost World of Africa Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
Travels through still uaexplored areas of Africa and
searches for lost civilizations point out some basic
qualities of Africans that have survived history. See also
The Great Sahara Dutton, 1965 Nonfiction.


Bosworth, Allan R.
The Lovely World of Richi-San Harper, 1960 P-Harper Mis-
Through the eyes of Richi-San, his guide and interpreter,
and her family, a Naval public relations officer stationed
in Tokyo just after World War II saw much of the
beauty and sensitivity of Japan and her people.
t*Buck, Pearl S.
The Good Earth Day, 1949 P-Pocket; Washington Novel
A Chinese peasant family worked the land they loved in
this beautifully told cycle of birth, marriage, and death.
See also Imperial Woman Day, 1956 Novel; Letter from
Peking Day, 1957 Novel.
Buck, Pearl S.
My Several Worlds Day, 1954 P-Pocket Biography
A world-famous author reveals how she absorbed both
the Chinese and American cultures in her formative
Caulfield, Genevieve
The Kingdom Within Edited Pry Ed Fitzgerald Harper, 1960
This remarkable blind woman founded schools for the
blind in Japan and Tha.iand. This amazing and dra-
matic story of her experiences is presented in a straight-
forward, unassuming manner.
Chennault, Anna C.
A Thousand Springs Eriksson, 1962 Biography
Anna Chan writes of her happy married life with the
late General Claire Chennault, the famous commander
of the "Flying Tigers" in World War IL
168 ASIA
Clifford, William, and Daniel L. Milton, editors
A Treasury of Modern Asian Stories P-Mentor, 1961 Short
These stories, written principally during the last fifty
years, deal with subjects and cultures of sixteen coun-
Earl, Lawrence
She Loved a Wicked City Dutton, 1962 Biography
Mary Ball spent most of her life as a missionary and
nurse in the city of Tatung on the Mongolian border
of China, never ceasing to love the people she worked
Goldston, Robert
The Rise of Red China Bobbs, 1967 Nonfiction
The evolution of communist China is thoroughly and
carefully described. Ample information about China's
long history is presented.
Greene, Felix
Awakened China Doubleday, 1962 Nonfiction
Written by a n...vvspaperman who visited China in 1957
and 1960, this is a picture of China todayher factories,
schools, communes, people. See also Curtain of Igno-
rance Doubleday, 1964 Nonfiction.
tHersey, John
A Single Pebble Knopf, 1956 P-Bantam Novel
A young American engineer journeyed up the Yangtze
on a junk. He gradually gave himself to the changeless
drama of China as he watched the head "tracker," Old
Pebble, a vigorous man with a magnificent voice and
pride in his age-old job.
Hobbs, Lisa
I Saw Red China McGraw, 1966 Nonfiction
One of the few reporters to journey in Red China presents
an interesting account of the triumphs and the failures
of the present regime.
Keene, Donald
Living Japan Doubleday, 1959 Nonfiction
In this attractive book the author, a professor of Jap-
anese art at Columbia University, writes of the life,
religion, art of Japan, err.yhasizing what is traditional
and uniquely. Japanese and what is new. See also Jap-
anese Literature: An Introduction for Western Readers
P-Evergreen, 1955.
Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman
To Beat a Tiger Holt, 1956 Novel
Yen, the son of a Chinese scholar, became the leader
of a gang of boys who stole food and lived by their
wits to survive in war-torn Shanghai.
Michener, James
Sayonara Random, 1954 P-Bantam Novel
This is the love story of an American Air Corps major
and a Japanese girl.
Mishima, Yukio
The Sound of Waves Translated by Meredith Weatherby
Knopf, 1956 P-Berkley Novel
Shinji, the young fisherman, had many handicaps to
overcome before he could marry the daughter of the
wealthiest man in the village.
Morris, Edita
The Flowers of Hiroshima Viking, 1959 P-Pocket; Marzani
An American in Hiroshima learned of the "thirteen-year
dying" of some of the blast victims and the radiation
bums of others that may affect many generations to
come. See also The Seeds of Hiroshima B raziller, 1965
tMorris, Ivan
The World of the Shining Prince Knopf, 1964 Nonfiction
Old Japanese politics, society, and culture are meticu-
lously analyzed for the serious student.
Pelissier, Roger
The Awakening of China Translated and edited by Martin
Kieffer Putnam, 1967 Nonfiction
This turbulent history brings to life the tormented people
and their unrelenting rulers as they try to reconcile
national tradition with the slow pervasion of Western
Polland, Madeleine
Mission to Cathay Doubleday, 1965 Novel
In the late sixteenth century, Father Matteo Ricci estab-
lished respect for Christianity in China and helped a
young Chinese beggar boy achieve his true birthright.
Pu Yi, Henry
The Last Manchu: The Autobiography of Henry Pu Yi
Edited by Paul Kramer and translated by Kuo Ying Paul
Tsai Putnam, 1967 Biography
The spellbinding portrait of the last Dragon Throne
170 ASIA
Emperor, who later became a Red Chinese legislator, is
filled with despair, drama, pomp, intrigue, and violence.
Reischauer, E. 0.
Japan: Past and Present, rev. ed. Knopf, 1964 Nonfiction
This short, authoritative history of Japan was written by
a Far Eastern languages professor of Harvard who, in
recent years, served as ambassador to Japan.
Sanford, Agnes
The Second Mrs. Wu Lippincott, 1965 Novel
The two Mrs. Wus became met_lbers of the church, and
the eager young missionary who headed this flock
discovered that Chinese and Christian customs don't
always coincide.
Sansan, as told to Bette Lord
Eighth Moon: The True Story of a Young Girl's Life in Com-
munist China Harper, 1964 P-Harper Biography
Hardships and conflicts of everyday life in Tientsin
under the communist regime are recounted by the author
after her arrival in the United States.
Spencer, Cornelia
Sun Yat Sen, Founder of the Chinese Republic Day, 1967
The man who dreamed of freeing China from the
Manchus led the revolt that succeeded briefly, but bitter
circumstances turned China to Russia instead of the
West and opened the door to communism.
Stetter, Oliver
Japanese Inn Random, 1961 P-Pyramid Nonfiction
In telling the fascinating story of a Japanese inn main-
tained by the same family for eighteen generations,
Statler, in this beautifully illustrated book, recreates the
social history of the country.
Vining. Elizabeth Gray
Windows for the Crown Prince Lippincott, 1952 Biography
Mrs. Vining tells of her unusual experiences in tutoring
the Crown Prince of Japan at the end of World War II.
See also Return to Japan Lippincott, ',:d60 Nonfiction.
*White, Theodore H.
The Mountain Road, Sloane, 1958 P-Signet Novel
Major Baldwin, leading a small demolition team through
the back country of China, was faced with many
decisions and learned a great deal about China, war.
his men, and himself.


Boulle, Pierre
The Other Side of the Coin Translated by Richard Howard
Vanguard, 1958 Novel
A girl who was a dedicated communist was wounded in
a raid on a rubber plantation outside Singapore. Through
care and devotion, the American wife of the plantation
manager changed some of the girl's basic attitudes, but
the girl also made significant changes on the plantation.
Hie flinger, Caro!
Mai Pen Rai Means Never Mind Houghton, 1966 Nonfiction
Personal experiences of a foreign service wife in Thai-
land reveal the charm of the people of this exotic
Johnson, Osa
Last Adventure Edited by P. J. Imperato Morrow, 1965 Bi-
The adventures of the Johnsons in photographing wild-
life in the unexplored jungles of Borneo and the study
of the life and customs of several primitive tribes. See
also I Married Adventure Lippincott, 1940 Biography.
Keith, Agnes Newton
Bare Feet in the Palace Little, 1955 Nonfiction
Agnes Keith again shares her family and her friendly
observations of the local people, this time in the Philip-
pines. Of considerable interest is the description of the
government under Magsaysuy. See also Land Below
the Wind Little, 1939 Nonfiction. Borneo is the setting
for this picture of life before World War II.
Khaing, Mi MI
Burmese Family Indiana, 1962 Nonfiction
Educated in her own country and in England, the author,
now principal of Kamilawsa College, describes her
family and their everyday lives in Burma.
Landon, Margaret
Anna and the King of Siam Day, 1947 P-Pocket; Washington
An English governess writes of her experiences in the
royal court of Siam in the late 1880's. The mrsical
comedy and motion picture, both called The King and I,
were based on this book.
172 ASIA
Lightwood, Teresa
My Three Lives Dutton, 1960 Biography
Fourteen years a missionary nun in Siam, trained secular
nurse, and later wife to an Australianthese are the
three lives told in this witty, unusual book.
Meeker, Oden
The Little World of Laos Scribner, 1959 Nonfiction
The first CARE representative to Laos writes, with af-
fection and humor, of what be calls "one of the most
appealing nations ins the world."
Read, Katherine L., and Robert O. Ballou
Bamboo Hospital Lippincott, 1961 Nonfiction
In a remote area, almost a month's journey then from
Rangoon, the author's medical missionary parents set
up a hospital' and clinics. Also described are the customs
and people of: 'Burma.
Ron,u1o, Carlos P...
I Walked with Heroes Holt, 1961 Biography
One of the heroes of the Philippines tells his life story
and describes the many and varied roles he has played
on the world scene.
Sheehan, Susan
Ten Vietnamese Knopf, 1967 Nonfiction
Revealing interviews with men and women present a
cross section of the Vietnamese people, including the
Viet Cong.
Smith, Datus C.
The Land and People of Indonesia, rev. ed. Lippincott, 1963
Emphasizing the country's recent history and prospects,
this book deals with many aspects of the people and
their way of life today.
Vaughan, Josephine B.
The Land and People of the Philippines, rev. ed. Lippincott,
1960 Nonfiction
The author, in addition to discussing the people and
resources of the. Philippines, includes several chapters on
Magsaysay and his leadership.
Walsh, William B.
A Ship Called HOPE Edited by Suzanne Gleaves and Lael
Wertenbaker Dutton, 1964 P- Scholastic Nonfiction
Heartwarming story of the first trip of the famous
American hospital ship tells how it brought help and
hope to millions in Indonesia and South Vietnam.


Ata- Ullah, Mohammed

Citizen of Turn Worlds Harper, 1960 Biography
This excellent autobiography of a Pakistani army doctor
shows deep insight into human nature.
Bo litho, Hector
Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan Macmillan, 1955 Biography
This fascinating biography details the career of the man
who became Governor-General of the new Dominion
carved out of Indiathe Islamic State of Pakistan.
Bothwell, Jean
Romany Girl Harcourt, 1964 Novel
A young Welshman went to India to claim his uncle's
legacy, but he also found his father, his true nationality,
and romance. See also The Promise of the Rose Harcourt,
1958 Novel; Ring of Fate Harcourt, 1957 Novel.
Bowles, Cynthia
At Home in India Harcourt, 1956 Nontiction
Cynthia Bowles, who was 15 when her father became
ambassador to India, writes with affection and under-
standing of the people she came to know.
Corbett, Jim
Man-Eaters of India Oxford, 1957 Nonfiction
An Englishman born in India tells of his exciting at-
tempts to rid his community of dangerous tigers. See
also My India Oxford, 1952 Nonfiction; Jungle Lore
Oxford, 1953 Biography.
Dalai Lama XIV
My Land and My People McGraw, 1962 Biography
His boyhood under Lamaist discipline, his studies of
Buddhism, the events of the Tibetan revolution of 1959,
and his escape to India are recounted by the man who
at two became the Dalai Lama of Tibet.
Douglas, William 0.
Beyond the High Himalayas Doubleday, 1952 Nonfiction
More than just a story of adventure, this book shows the
emergence of Central Asia as an area far battle be-
tween communism and democracy.
Du Bois, Theodora
Tiger Burning Bright Farrar, 1964 Novel
When natives revolted in India during the Sepoy Rebel-
174 ASIA
lion, Anne Burney fled with eleven children, Indian
friends, an Irish nurse, and a telegraph engineer.
Eaton, Jeanette
Gandhi, Fighter Without a Sword Morrow, 1950 Biography
This picture of Gandhi as a simple man, living humbly
and without pretensions but with great conviction about
peace and the brotherhood of man, shows why he be-
came a hero and saint to the Eastern world.
Fisher, Welthy Honsinger
To Light a Candle McGraw, 1962 Biography
This American missionary to India and China founded
Literacy Village and became one of the most beloved
Americans in Asia.
*Forster, E. M.
A Passage to India Harcourt, 1924 P-Harcourt Novel
Tension between Indian culture and British imperialism
shaped the lives of people who could not understand the
essential mysticism of India. See Santha Rama Rau
A Passage to India Harcourt, 1961 Play.
Godden, Jon and Rumer
Two under the Indian Sun Knopf, 1966 Nonfiction
The India of their childhood, transfixed in memory, is
recalled by two sistersboth authors.
Guthrie, Anne
Madame Ambassador: The Life of Vijaya Lahshmi Pandit
Harcourt, 1962 P-Harcourt Biography
The outstanding woman diplomat of India, sister of
Prime Minister Nehru, has served her country in many
roles and represented India many times on the inter-
national scene.
Hobbs, Lisa
India, India McGraw, 1967 Nonfiction
Mrs. Hobbs writes sorrowfully of the general failure of
India to realize the hopes and the plans of the first days
of its independence. She is pessimistic but compas-
Hutheesing, Krishna
We Nehrus Holt, 1967 Nonfiction
Private and public life of the Nehru family as observed
by Jawaharlal's younger sister. An intimate and personal
story of a fascinating and courageous family.
-I Kipling, Rudyard
Kim (1901) Doubleday; Modern P-3 editions available Novel
In this story of Indian life, Kim, an orphan, the son
of an Irish soldier, brought up among the Hindus, was
found and sent to school by his father's regiment. See
also Kipling: A Selection of His Stories and Poems, 2
vols. Edited by John Beecroft Doubleday, 1956 Miscel-
f*Markandaya, Kamala
Nectar in a Sieve Day, 1955 P-Signet Novel
Rukmani, wife of peasant fanner Nathan, tells of her
life in northern India. This is a beautiful and moving
story of unselfish love and severe hardships. See also
Handful of Rice Day, 1966 Novel.
Mehta, Ved
Walking the Indian Streets Little, 1960 Nonfiction
Returning home after ten years of schooling in the West,
a young writer, though blind, exuberantly and incisively
describes India as it is today. See also Face to Face
Little, 1957 Nonfiction.
Moraes, Frank
Revolt in Tibet P-Macmillan, 1960 Nonfiction
With a brief survey of Tibet's history and people, Mo-
raes, 'm Indian jourrulist, describes events in Tibet
which led to the Dalai Lama's flight to India.
Narayan, R. K.
Gods, Demons, and Others Viking, 1964 Miscellany
One of India's novelists retells stories from the religion
and mythology of his country to provide us with back-
ground for understanding their culture.
Norbu, Thubten Jigme, and Heinrich Harrer
Tibet Is My Country: The Autobiography of Thubten
Norbu Translated by Edward Fitzgerald Dutton, 1961 Jg-
r aphy
Although the book is an autobiography of Norbu, it
vividly portrays the destruction of Tibeten peasant life
by the Chinese communists. See Heinrich Harrer Seven
Years in Tibet Dutton, 1953 P-Everyman Nonfiction.
Peissel, Michel
Mi,..tang, the Forbidden Kingdom: Exploring a Lost Hima-
layan Land Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
Alone, a young explorer gains permission to visit the
innermost area of Tibet and finds an ancient culture so
different that nothing seems "normal."
Mama Rau, Santha
This Is India Harper, 1954 Nonfiction
Her brief trip through India is here described to inform
176 ASIA
Americans and to appeal for mutual respect based on
better understanding. See also Home to India Harper,
1945 P-Harper Nonfiction; East of Home Harper, 1950
Nonfiction; Remember the House Harper, 1956 Novel.
Sahgal, Nayantara
From Fear Set Free Norton, 1963 Biography
Autobiography and political comment are combined by
the niece of Jawaharlal Nehru and daughter of Madame
Pandit as she writes of these two people and their times.
See also Prison and Chocolate Cake Knopf, 1954 Non-
t *Sivasankara Pi Hai, Thakazhi
Chemmeen Translated by Narayana Menon Harper, 1962
Karuthamma, daughter of a fisherman in India, was
bound by the traditions of her people rather than by her
heart. In this story of devotion and of greed, taboos were
violated and retribution had to be made.
*Smith, Bradford
Portrait of India Lippincott, 1962 Nonfiction
With sincerity and wit, an acute observer explains the
disturbing contradictions and complications of modern
Indian society.
*Van Buitenen, J. A. B., editor and translator
Tales of Ancient India Chicago, 1961 Tales
These stories, written during the Golden Age of India
300 to 500 A.D.are about a society that worshipped
success and had no care for scruples.
Weston, Christine
Ceylon Scribner, 1960 Nonfiction
Writing informally and very readably of the history,
culture, and political and economic life, Christine Wes-
ton communicates the beauty and charm of Ceylon.
Wilson, Dorothy Clarke
Take My Hands: The Remarkable Story of Dr. Mary Very hese
McGraw, 1963 Nonfiction
The inspiring story of a woman paraplegic in India and
of her career as a doctor there is told with restraint and
simplicity. See also Dr. Ida McGraw, 1959 Nonfiction.


Baker, Rachel
Chaim Weizmann: Builder of a Nation Messner, 1950 Bi-
Fiercely proud of his Jewish heritage, Chaim Weizmann,
who devoted his life to his people, was elected the first
president of Israel.
Berkman, Ted
Cast a Giant Shadow (1962, Doubleday) P-Pocket Biogra-
Subtitled The Story of Mickey Marcus Who Died to Save
Jerusalem, this book is a tribute to a remarkable man
who helped to make recent history.
Edelman, Maurice
David: The Story of Ben-Gurion Putuam, 1965 Biography
A. penetrating Vngraphy of a man who achieved great-
ness as Israel's first Prime Minister and leading states-
man. See also Gertrude Samuels B-G, Fighter of Goliaths
Crowell, 1961 Biography.
Forman, James
My Enemy, My Brother Meredith, 1969 Novel
Both sides of the troubled Israeli Arab conflict are em-
bodied in two friends who cannot a' 3id being drawn into
opposite sides in spite of their commitment to peace.
Hoffman, Gail
The Land and People of Israel, rev. ed. Lippincott, 1963
This book presents vital information on the history,
geography, and people of a country in the spotlight of
world affairs.
Kahn, Sholom J., editor
Whole Loaf: Stories from Israel Vanguard, 1962 P-Universal
Short Stories
This collection o2 stories from modem Israel is one of
the first and includes comedy, tragedy, re:Aisam, tend
symbolism. These stories were selected bet ,),ise of ti..eir
universal interest.
Keith, Agnes N.
Children of Allah Little, 1966 Nonfiction
Perceptive personal observations on pref.:: ; "ife 1.n
178 ASIA
the Moslem Arab state of Libya, where the author spent
nine years as the wife of a U.N. advisor.
fKemai, Yashar
Merced, My Hawk Translated by Edouard Roditi Pantheon,
1961 Novel
Revolting against the cruel Agha, the boy Memed became
a bandit. This starkly told novel is set in a feudalistic
part of modern Turkey.
Hie Ion, Ephraim
Look Back, Mrs. Lott Translated by Yohanan Goldman
Atheneum, 1960 Miscellany
This delightful collection of humorous, often satiric,
episodes is by an Israeli humorist, commenting on the
life and people of his country.
Lengyel, Emil
They Called Him Ataturk Day, 1962 Biography
Ataturk was the man most responsible for the Turkey
of today. This fascinating biography shows both man
and country.
Mehdevi, Anne Sinclair
Persia Revisited Knopf, 1964 Nonfiction
Intimate impressions of modern Iran as experienced by
an American woman wh" returned with her Persian
husband to Teheran. See also Persian Folk and Fairy
Tales Knopf, 1965.
Michener, James
Caravans Random, 1963 P-Bantam Novel
A foreign service officer searched for an American girl
who had vanished in Afghanistan, her husband's native
Mitchell, Rosamund J.
The Spring Voyage: The Jerusalem Pilgrimage in 1458 Pot-
ter, 1965 Nonfiction
The author writeL fluently about what it was like to be a
pilgrim 500 years ago.
Najafi, Najmeh, and Helen Hinckley
A Wall and Three Willows Harper, 1967 Biography
Story of the author's struggle against poverty, ignorance,
and dirt which provides the kind of informative glimpse
of life in Iran that Santha Rama Rau presented of con-
ditions in India. See Najmeh Najafi Reveille for a Per-
sian Village Edited by Helen Hinckley Harper, 1958
St. John, Robert
Ben-Gurion Doubleday, 1959 Biography
This story of Ben-Gurion, Israel's prime minister and an
outstanding figure of the twentieth century, is the his-
tory, as well, of Zionism.
*Uris, Leon
Exodus Doubleday, 1958 P-Bantam Novel
A handsome young freedom fighter and a nurse who
helped concentration camp children out of Europe are
central figures in this story of the founding of Israel.
Weston, Christine
Afghanistan Scribner, 1962 Nonfiction
This skilled observer describes Afghanistan, the life and
customs, education, religion, and the country's place in
today's political world.
Wiesel, Elie
Dawn Hill, 1961 Novel
When an Israeli fell into British hands and was con-
demned to be executed at dawn, the underground in
Palestine assigned to Elisha, a youth, the horrible task
of executing a British hostage at the same hour.

Andrist, Ralph. K., and George J. Dufek

Heroes of Polar Exploration Harper, 1962 P-Harper Nonfic-
This beautifully illustrated book tells the stories of men
who sought and conquered the North and South Poles
in the great era of exploration.
Annixter, Jane and Paul
The Great White Holiday, 1966 Novel
Ishwao, powerful and brutal polar bear, roamed the
frozen Arctic until a brave, determined Eskimo boy lived
out the legend of "The Great White's" death.
Billing, Graham
Forbush and the Penguins Holt, 1966 P-Crest Nonfiction
A young biologist spent a summer in the Antarctic study-
ing a colony of penguins. He describes vividly the psy-
chological effect of soli Ary living, his involvement with
the welfare of the penguins, and the Antarctic scene.
Bixby, William
The Race to the South Pole McKay, 1961 Nonfiction
The incredible hardships and the courageous men in-
volved in four separate expeditions during the first
twelve years of this century are described in this stirring
Byrd, Richard E.
Alone Putnam, 1938 P-Avon Biography
One of the classic adventures of our time is this record
of the long vigil of Byrd, when he isolated himself for
scientific s's idy in the remote and inaccessible Antarctic.
Calvert, James
Surface at the Pole: The Extraordinary Voyages of the U.S.S.
SKATE McGraw, 1960 P-Scholastic Nonfiction
The commander of the Skate vividly descrii 's two
voyages under the ice in the nuclear-powered submarine.
*Carrighar, Sally
Moonlight at Midday Knopf, 1958 P-Pyramid Nonfiction
The author went to Alaska to study animals of the sea-
shore and writes sensitively of the Eskimos with whom
she became acquainted and her concern for their future.
See also Wild Voice of the North Doubleday, 1959 P-
Avon Nonfiction.
Chapman, Walker
The Loneliest Continent: The Stony of Antarctic Discovery
N. Y. Graphic, 1964 Nonfiction
The tales of Greek geographers, rugged nineteenth cen-
tury whalers, and the more scientifically oriented recent
expeditions to the last unknown continent are interest-
ingly recorded.
Cross, Wilbur
Ghost Ship of the Pole: The Incredible Story of the Dirigible
ITALIA Sloane, 1960 Nonfiction
Cross tells the gripping story of a handful of men
marooned on an ice pack when their dirigible crashed.
Debenham, Frank
Antarctica: The Story of a Continent Verry, 1961 Nonfiction
This pioneer surveyor probes the role and potential of
the great white land mass and explains how dedicated
explorers have struggled to learn more about the area.
See also In the Antarctic: Stories of Scott's Last Expe-
dition Verry, 1964 Nonfiction.
Dufresne, Frank
My Way Was North Holt, 1966 Biography
The author spent twenty years in the Alaska of frozen
wastes, unusual animals, and individualistic people.
Freuchen, Dagmar, editor
Peter Freuchen's Adventures in the Arctic Messner, 1960
Here is a fine compilation of the famous Danish ex-
plorer's thrilling and incredible battles with snow, ice,
bears, wolves, hunger, and danger. See also *Peter
Freuchen's Booh of the Eskimo Edited by Dagmar
Freuchen World, 1961 P-Crest Nonfiction; Peter Freuchen
Reader Edited by Dagmar Freuchen Messner, 1965 Non-
Harris, John
The Unforgiving Wind Sloane, 1964 Nonfiction
The dramatic story of a British geophysical team strug-
filing to snake their way back across the ice cap of
Greenland and of the desperate attempt to rescue them.
Machetanz, Sara
The Howl of the Malamute: The Story of an Alaska Winter
Sloane, 1961 Nonfiction
This woman's account of her Alaskan winterhouse-
keeping in the Far North, social life with the Eskimos,
filming the story of a sled dog from his birth to running
with a teamis good reading.
Miller, Floyd
Ahdoolol The Biography of Matthew A. Henson Dutton,
1963 Biography
Little-known story of the faithful and courageous Negro
who was Pen-y's companion on the final dash to the
North Pole. See also Bradley Robinson Dark Companion:
The Life Story of Matthew Henson P-Fawcett Biography.
Redding, Robert H.
Aluh: An Alaskan Caribou Doubleday, 1967 Novel
The many problems an Alaskan caribou must face are
encountered: fire, animal enemies, famine, other bucks.
Descriptions are well done.
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur
Discovery McGraw, 1964 Biography
The famous Arctic explorer writes his autobiography in
a zestful and candid manner. See also My Life with the
Eskimo P-Collier.
Vaeth, J. Gordon
To the Ends of the Earth Harper, 1962 Biography
Hardships, as well as courage and ingenuity, charac-
terized Roald Amundsen's endeavors to learn more about
the Arctic regions of the earth.

Annixter, Jane and Paul

Windigo Holiday, 1963 Novel
Though Andy Cameron's Indian and French-Canadian
neighbors whispered about the evil Windigo, Andy, in
this tense story, found the answer to the mystery of the
valley of the Quah Davie.
Burnford, Sheila
The Incredible Journey Little, 1961 P-Bantam Novel
Three household pets--a Siamese cat, a young Labrador
retriever, and an old bull terrier accomplished a truly
incredible 250-mile journey across Canada to their home.
Case, Victoria
Applesauce Needs Sugar Doubleday, 1960 Nonfiction
Mamma Hammond moved her large family from Texas
to a better life on Vancouver Island at the turn of the
teethes, Willa
Shath,:vs on the Hock Knopf, 1931 Novel
This story of a young gill reveals the gentle flow of life
in the French colony on the mountain rock of "Kehec."
Collier, Eric
Three Against the Wilderness Dutton, 1959 P-Dutton Non-
An Englishman, his Indian wife, and their child lived
in the hazardous, sometimes cruel wilderness in British
Daveluy, Pa ule
Sumner in Ville-Marie Translated by Monroe Stearns Holt,
1962 Novel
This delightful prizewinning novel tells the story of
lovely, 16-year-old Rosanne and her romance with the
dashing young doctor, newly arrived in Ville-Marie.
Davies, Robertson
A Voice from the Attic Knopf, 1960 Essays
A columnist from "America's attic" (Canada) parades
his engaging and witty views on the delights and pitfalls
of books, good taste, and culture.
De La Roche, Mazo
Centenary at Jalna Little, 1958 Novel
'Lenny and all the Whiteoaks celebrated the family's one
hundred years at Jalna. This volume is one in a long
series about the Canadian clan.
Hemon, Louis
Mario. Chapdelaine Translated by W. H. Blake (1921) Mac-
millan, 1939 P-Image Novel
The daughter of a French-Canadian pioneer in the back
country of Quebec, who had lost her first love in a
severe snowstorm, eventually had to choose between two
othersone a Canadian neighbor, the other an Ameri-
MacLennan, Hugh
Return of the Sphinx Scribner, 1967 Novel
This novel set in Montreal and Ottawa deals with urgent
and dramatic issues that are universal while revealing a
gxeat deal about Canada.
Mayse, Arthur
Morgan's Mountain Morrow, 1960 Novel
Morgan Halsted's small plane crashed In the wilds of
British Columbia with his daughter Linn and Mike
Clendon also aboard. Fighting against the cold, lack of
food, and danger from bears, the party finally reached
Mowat, Farley
People of the Deer Little, 1952 P-Pyramid Nonfiction
This is a fascinating record of Mowat's two years with
the Eskimos of the Canadian Barrens. He gives a care-
ful description of their culture and a thoughtful analysis
of the problems civilization has brought to the primitive
peoples. See also Lost in the Barrens Little, 1956 Novel;
Never Cry Wolf Little, 1963 P-Dell Novel.
Olson, Sigurd F.
The Lonely Land Knopf, 1961 Nonfiction
In this canoe trip, Olson reexplored rapids, ancient camp
sites, and unspoiled wilderness along five hundred miles
of Canada's desolate Churchill River. See also Runes of
the North Knopf, 196:; Nonfiction.
Tharp, Louise Hall
Company of Adventurers Little, 1946 Nonfiction
In this account of the Hudson Bay Trading Company,
chartered in 1670, are related the activities of the band
of traders and their leader, Pierre Radisson.
Wood, Kerry
Wild Winter Houghton, 1954; St. Martin, 1962 Novel
Sixteen-year-old Callon, just out of school and wanting
to write, insisted on spending a winter alone in his small
shack in the wilds of Alberta.

Baker, Nina Brown

He Wouldn't Be King: The Story of Simon Bolivar Vanguard,
1941 Biography
The exploits of Sim 6n Bolivar, the liberator of South
America, are well told in this readable biography. See
also Juarez, Hero of Mexico *1(tuiguard, 1942 Biography.
Barry, Jane
Maximilian's Gold DcW.,91eday, 1966 Novel
Self-destruction w:.5 the result of a perilous journey
made by six despe. tte men in search of gold in a sus-
penseful adventure 'Yarn.
Brooks, Earle and Rho, J
The Barrios of Manta iew American, 1966 Nonfiction
The authors warruil and enthusiastically describe Peace
Corps activities v mg the poverty-stricken people of
Manta, Ecuador.
Cavanna, Betty
A Time for Tendernes , Morrow, 1962 P-Berkley Novel
During her father, assignment to Rio de Janeiro, Peggy
Jamison met and fell in love with Carlos and thus en-
countered the problems of conflicting cultures and back-
Clark, Ann Nolan
Santiago Viking, 1955 Novel
A Guatemalan Indian boy, who was adopted into a
Spanish home and brought up in the modern world but
was later claimed by his own people, had to determine
his own future life.
Cowell, Adrian
The Heart of the Forest Knopf, 1961 Nonfiction
A remarkable expedition into the fantastic, untamed
Xingu jungle of Brazil is described vividly and engaging-
ly in this book.
Durrell, Gerald
The Whispering Land Viking, 1962 P-Berkley Nonfiction
Here is another of Durrell's gay safaristhis time to
Patagonia and Jujuy in northwestern Argentina.
Hall, Elvajean
The Land and People of Argentina, rev. ed. Lippincott, 1962
Many aspects of Argentine liferanches, schools, holi-
daysare here detailed.
filludson, W. H.
Green Mansions (1904) Dodd; Modern P4 editions available
In the jungles of the Amazon lived a beautiful, birdlike
girl, feared by the native Indians. Her strange, tragic
story is a fragile, haunting fantasy.
Lamb, Dana and Ginger
Quest for the Lost City Harper, 1951 P-Tempo Nonfiction
The authors' trek down the west coast of Mexico into
the. jungle to find the lost city of the Mayas is an extraor-
dinary adventure story.
Lenard, Alexander
Valley of the Latin Bear Dutton, 1965 Nonfiction
The author describes life in Donna Irma, remote village
in Brazil, where he practices medicine.
Mac Shane, Frank, editor
Impressions of Latin America Morrow, 1963 Miscellany
Thesel travel accounts of Latin America, by twenty-five
well-known ,- authors, are informative and delightfully
Matthiessen, Peter
The Cloud Forest: A Chronicle of the South American Wil-
derness Viking, 1962 P-Pyramid Nonfiction
Matthiessen describes the people, animals, and birds he
saw in an adventure-filled trip through South America.
Morton, Friedrich
In the Land of the Quetzal Feather Translated by Otto
Eisner Devin, 1960 Nonfiction
This exciting adventure takes the reader to the jungles
of Guatemala, where he learns many secrets of the
jungle and its inhabitants.
Niggli, Josephine
Mexican Village North Carolina, 1945 P-North Carolina
Short Stories
Here are ten colorful stories of life in the village of
Hidalgo in northern Mexicostoles of work, festivals,
and the people themselves.
O'Dell, Scott
The King's Fifth Houghton, 1966 Novel
The evil influence of the lust for gold is shown in this
story of the conquistadors.
Peissel, Michel
The Last World of Quintana Roo Dutton, 1963 Nonfiction
The author breezily relates his unplanned 250-mile walk
through the virtually unexplored and reportedly dan-
gerous jungle on the east coast of Yucatan, where he
discovered many previously unknown Mayan ruins.
Radau, Hanns
Illampu: Adventure in. the Andes Translated by Lotte Bullock
Abe lard, 1962 Novel
Juan, a Bolivian shepherd in search of his lost llama,
Illampu, came to a better understanding of the white
man when he met a good gringo.
Ross, Patricia F.
Made in. Mexico Knopf, 1952 Nonfiction
The fine arts and the folk arts of Mexico, past and
present, are described in this well-illustrated, compre-
hensive study.
Segal, Lore
Other People's Houses Harcourt, 1964 Biography
This is a simply written story of a girl's escape from
Hitler, her life in other people's homes in England, and
her growing up in Santo Domingo.
tSteinbeck, John
The Pearl Viking, 1945 P-Bantam Novel
Kino found the great pearl he had ed of but dis-
covered it did not bring the happiness ire had hoped for.
Sutton, Ann and Myron
Among the Maya Ruins: The Adventurds of John Lloyd
Stephens and Frederick Catherwood Rand, 1967 Nonfiction
Three true adventures in warring nineteenth century
Guatemala are retold from the diaries of the men who
lived them.
Tannenbaum, Frank
Ten Keys to Latin America Knopf, 1962 P-Vintage Nonfic-
Basing his book on 40 years of study, the author dis-
cusses ten keys to a better understanding of Latin Amer-

Trevino, Elizabeth B. de
My Heart Lies South Crowell, 1953 Biography
A young newspaperwoman, sent on an assignment to
Mexico, met and soon married a dashing, romantic
Mexican and learned to love his people and his country.
See also Where the Heart Is Doubleday, 1962 Nonfic-
tion; I, Juan de Pareja Farrar, 1965 Novel.
Walsh, John, with Robert Gannon
Time Is Short and the Water Rises Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
This book reports on 'Operation Gwamba," the story of
the rescue of 10,000 animals from certain death in a
South American rain forest.
Wibberley, Leonard
The Island of the Angels Morrow, 1965 Novel
In trying, to save a dying boy, a recluse fisherman named
Francisco found his life completely changed.
Williams, J. R.
Mission in Mexico Prentice, 1959 Novel
This novel concerns an American boy's efforts to find
his father who, after the fall of the Confederacy, had
joined Maximilian's forces.
Wohlrabe, Raymond A., and W. Krusch
The Land and People of Venezuela Lippincott, 1959 Nonfic-
The great contrasts in Venezuelain geography, ex-
tremes of poverty and wealth, primitive methods and
modern techniquesare well described in this introduc-
tion to the country.


Amerman, Lockhart
Guns in the Heather Harcourt, 1963 Novel
An American boy in school in. Scotland helped his dash-
ing father, a secret agent, corner and destroy some inter-
national desperados in the Scottish highlands.
Arke I I, Reginald
The Miracle of Merrlford Reyna', 1956 Novel
An American jet air base shattered the quiet of an
English village but brought the miracle of generosity
and love.
Baudony, Michel-Alme
More than Courage Translated by Marie Ponsot Harcourt,
1961 Novel
Mick and his friends patiently reconditioned an old
motorcycle and entered it in a cross-country race. The
ingenuity of these French boys, the tenseness of the
race, and blink's eventual return to the good graces of
his family make a fine story.
Benary- Isbert, Margot
Under a Changing Moon Translated by Rosaleen Ockenden
and the author Harcourt, 1964 Novel
Through the four seasons of 1866 in Germany, Paula
gradually rejected her resolve to be a nun. Five lively
brothers and a romance changed her.
Bentley, Phyllis
Oath of Silence Doubleday, 1967 Navel
The Yorkshire moors during the early nineteenth century
are the setting for the story of textile workers losing
their jobs when new, fast-warking machines are installed
by the manufacturers. See also The Adventures of Tom
"gh Doubleday, 1964 Novel.
46 91
Bishop, Claire
Big Loop Viking, 1955 Novel
In this absorbing story of an exciting sport, a French
school, and family life, Andre Girard became a profes-
sional bicycle racer and won the Big Loop. See also
French Roundabout, rev. ed. Dodd, 1966 Novel.
Brete, Jean de la, editor
My Uncle and the Cure Vanguard, 1958 Novel
A young orphaned girl tells of her life with an aunt she
despised, her friendship with the town cure, and her
later happy year with an uncle. This charming novel,
written by a French girl in the 1880's, is now in its
167th printing.
*Bret-Smith, Richard
Berlin '45, the Grey City St. Martin, 1967 Nonfiction
A British soldier tells of the bomb-wrecked and divided
city, and describes the peopleRussians, refugees, Ber-
linerswho lived in the rubble.
tChapman, Hester W.
The Tragedy of Charles 11 in the Years 1630-1660 Little,
1964 Biography
The author felicitously concentrates on Charles' remark-
able personality during and after his fourteen years of
exile and lifelong intrigues.
(Churchill, Winston
The Gathering Storm Houghton, 1948 P-Bantam; Their Finest
Hour Houghton, 1949 P-Bantam; The Grand Alliance Hough-
ton, 1950 P-Bantam; Hinge of Fate Houghton, 1950 P-
Bantam; Closing the Ring Houghton, 1951 P-Bantam;
Triumph and Tragedy Houghton, 1953 P-Bantam Nonfiction
In these six significant volumes, Winston Churchill has
presented recent history: Hitler's rise to power, the
military conquests made by Germany, World War II,
triumphs for the Allies. England is his focal point
Collier, Richard
A House Called Memory Dutton, 1961 Biography
The author describes his boyhood in Englandbetween
the two world warsin a highly interesting autobiog-
Co lum, Padraic, editor
A Treasury of Irish Folklore Crown, 1954 Miscellany
, The 'Irish poet, and storyteller has collected the stories,
legends, ballads, and songs of his people.
Desmond, Alice Curtis
Marie Antoinette's Daughter Dodd, 1967 Biography
Though Marie Antoinette's daughter is little known, she
alone of the family survived the bloody French Revolu-
tion and, after years of exile, presided over France
during the reigns of Charles X and Louis XVIII.
Dillon, Eilis
The Singing Cave Funk, 1960 P-Dell Novel
This exciting mystery story, set on an island off the
Irish coast, opens with the discovery, during a storm, of
an ancient boat hull and a skeleton wearing a homed
helmet. See also Family of Foxes Funk, 1965 P-Grosset
*Frame, Donald M.
Montaigne: A Biography Harcourt, 1965 Biography
The urbane life, works, and influence of the independent
Renaissance essayist-Philosopherhumanist are lucidly re-
lated to modem civilization.
Gainham, Sarah
Night Falls on the City Holt, 1967 Novel
Vienna during the war provides the setting for this
story of a liberal Jewish politician kept in hiding by his
actress wife for seven years.
fGodden, Rumer
An Episode of Sparrows Viking, 1955 P-Compass Novel
A London waif who stole from the poor to buy seeds for
a garden in the rubble, a young tough who was her
slave, and a chef who went broke without customers
the three are brought together by a spinster in a moving
story of postwar England.
Gunther, John
Inside Europe Today, rev. ed. Harper, 1S62 P-Pocket Non-
Gunther presents concise statements about the countries
of Europeleaders, forces, and issuesduring the criti-
cal years following the greatest war in history.
Heyer, Georgette
Devil's Cub Dutton, 1966 P-Bantam Novel
The elegance of Londcin and Paris of the eighteenth
century forms the backdrop for daring adventure,
thwarted plans, and surprising consequences all enacted
by the nobility and high-spirited commoners.
Lauritzen, Jonreed
Blood, Banners and Wild Boars Little, 1967 Short Stories
These tales of early Spain, long before Columbus' first
voyage, demonstrate the fierce pride and courage of
Spaniard against foe, such as Roman and Moor. See also
The Cross and the Sword Doubleday, 1965 Novel.
Longford, Elizabeth
Queen Victoria: Born to Succeed Harper, 1965 Biography
Here is a lively, scholarly portrait of a fascinating and
complicated woman who personified an engrossing age.
McKown, Robin
Janine Messner, 1960 P-Tempo Novel
Janine fell in love with the son of the man who had
betrayed her father during the Occupation. The setting
of this story is northeastern France during the after-
math of World War II.
McLean, Allan Campbell
A Sound of Trumpets Harcourt, 1966 Novel
A boy's dangerous involvement in the rebellion of 1885
on the Isle of Skye leads him to outlawry and emigra-
O'Connor, Frank
An Only Child Knopf, 1961 Biography
With humanity and insight, Frank O'Connor writes
movingly of his lifefrom his birth in the slums of
Cork to his release in 1923 from imprisonment as a
Oliver, Jane
Alexander the Glorious Putnam, 1965 Novel
A boy king who grew to manhood in feudal Scotland
learned that the ironies of life are increased, not dimin-
ished, by kingship.
t Richter, Werner
Bismarck Translated from German by Brian Battershaw
Putnam, 1964 Biography
In this absorbing biography the greatest German of the
nineteenth century is shown to be high-strung, intuitive,
shrewd, and indeed complex.
*Saunders, Edith
The Hundred Days: Napoleon's Final Wager for Victory
Norton, 1964 Nonfiction
The days preceding Waterloo are traced with full detail,
emotion, and movement to comprise a splendid piece of
historical reconstruction.
t*Strachey, Lytton
Eminent Victorians (1918) Putnam, 1963 P-Capricorn Biog-
Strachey selects four prominent people in Victorian
England as subjects for his brilliant, controversial, high-
ly readable biography: General Charles Gordon, Dr.
Thomas Arnold, Cardinal Manning, and Florence Night-
Sydenham, M. J.
The French Revolution Putnam, 1965 P-Capricorn Nonfic-
Leading figures, incidents, and political movements of
the turbulent era are coherently analyzed in light of
modern research.
Teissier du Cros, Janet
Divided Loyalties Knopf, 1964 Biography
A Scotswoman married to a Frenchman was determined
to survive the German occupation of Paris.
Varney, Joyce James
A Welsh Story Bobbs, 1964 Novel
Reminiscences of a young girl growing up to woman-
hood in a Welsh mining town, ending with her mar-
riage to a boy from New England.
Wilson, Barbara K.
In Love and War World, 1963 Novel
What it was like to live in England during the Second
World War is dispassionately recorded in this story of
People in a small English town.


Ashby, G. M.
Sweden Mama lan, 1951 Nonfiction
The hi..cory, people, and customs of Sweden are described
in this readable book.
Bjarnhof, Karl
The Stars Grow Pale Knopf, 1958 Novel
This autobiographical novel tells the sensitive and haunt-
ing story of a journey into darkness by a poor Danish
boy who created his own world of beauty.
Dahl, likAghild
The Daughter Dutton, 1956 Novel
Set in Norway in the mid-nineteenth century, this novel
tells of one year in rebellious Elise Haaland's life, during
which she had to learn the responsibilities of a daughter
of the manor.
Eckert, Allan W.
The Great Auk Little, 1963 Nonfiction
Strangely moving and completely absorbing is this fic-
tionalized account of the life cycle of the last Great
Auk, which depicts the extinction of this species because
of the overwhelming conspiracy of man and nature.
Frison-Roche, Roger
The Raid Harper, 1965 Novel
Story of romance and adventure set in the Scandinavian
Lapland region. For continuation of this story see The
Last Migration Harper, 1967 Novel.
Godden, Rumer
Hans Christian Andersen Knopf, 1955 Biography
This biography by a gifted writer is an exceptionally
perceptive picture of the great Danish storyteller.
Golden, Grace B.
Made in Iceland Knopf, 1958 Nonfiction
Along with much interesting material -on Icelandic folk
arts, the author has included many details of daily life.
Guthranssen, Trygve
Beyond Sing the Woods Translated by Naomi Walford Put-
nam, 1954 Novel
The story of the Bjorndals, a Norwegian family living
on their huge estate in the.hills, chronicles the lives of
its members over a period of fifty years.
Ha mre, Leif
Perilous Wings Translated by Evelyn Ramsden Harcourt,
1961 Novel
When three mysterious fires threatened the morale of
Norway's Squadron 317, two men in the group decided
on a test flight that would solve the problem or kill them
both. See also Edge of Disaster Harcourt, 1960 Novel;
Leap into Danger Harcourt, 1959 P-Harcourt Novel.
Karisen, Arne, and Anker Tiedemann
Made in Denmark Reinhold, 1961 Nonfiction
The authors take the reader into the workshops and
factories of Denmark to see the beautiful crafts for
which the country is noted.
Ruthin, Margaret.
Katrina of the Lonely Isles Farrar, 1965 Novel
Essential to the suspense of this story are the rough ter-
rain, the isolation, the fog, and the shattering seas ,of
the Faeroe Islands near Iceland where a young Russian
doctor sought refuge.
Sommerfelt, Aimee
Miriam Translated by Pat S. Iversen Criterion, 1963 P-
Scholas tic Novel
In this tense, moving story, Miriam, a Norwegian Jew,
and her family, persecuted by the Germans during the
occupation of Norway, tried to escape to Sweden.
Thorne-Thompson, Gudrun
In Norway Viking, 1948 Nonfiction
One of the great storytellers of the world returns to the
scenes of her childhood and describes the traditions of


Benary- Isbert, Margot

A Time to Love Harcourt, 1962 Novel
Life in Germany under Hitler and the Third Reich is the
background for this story of Annegret's boarding school
days in the Black Forest and at the University at Frei-
burg. See also Castle on the Border Harcourt, 1956
Brandt, Willy, and Leo Lania
My Road to Berlin Doubleday, 1960 Biography
The former mayor of Berlin describes his childhood, his
years in Norway and Sweden during World War II, and
his beliefs about Germany's reconstruction and unifica-
Del Castillo, Michel
Child of Our Time Translated by Peter Green Knopf, 1958
Nine-year-old Tanguy was caught by accident with
Jewish refugees and sent to a concentration camp where
he miraculously survived incredible suffering.
Kirchgessner, Marla
High Challenge Translated by Joyce Emerson Harcourt,
1962 Novel
The Green Foureach girl a quite different personality
found ways of earning money to refurbish an abandoned
but in the Bavarian Alps.
Knight, Ruth A.
Halfway to Heaven: The Story of the St. Bernard McGraw,
1952 Nonfiction
Life in the high Alpsits dangers and beautyis the
backdrop for this story of Canon Joseph, who trained
the first of the famous St. Bernard dogs. See also Queen
of Roses Doubleday, 1959 P-American Novel.
Levin, Meyer
Eva Simon, 1959 P-Pocket Novel
In World War II, a disguised Jewish girl worked in Nazi
Austria, was detected and sent to Auschwitz concentra-
tion camp, but eventually found happiness in Israel.
*Sharer, William L.
The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi
Germany Simon, 1960 P-Crest Nonfiction
The entire Hitler storywhy and how the atrocities
happenedis passionately conveyed in this massive book
which is immensely readable and fascinating. See also
The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler Random, 1961 P-
Scholastic Nonfiction.


Baker, Nina Brown

Garibaldi Vanguard, 1944 Biography
Garibaldi was the man who, in the nineteenth century,
succeeded in unifying Italy's many states into one na-
Daly, Maureen
Spanish Roundabout Dodd, 1960 Nonfiction
This general, informative introduction to Spain discusses
chiefly present-day Spaingeography, politics, religion,
climate, the people.
Forman, James
Ring the Judas Bell Farrar, 1965 Novel
In the strife-torn days following World War II, Greek
children, kidnapped by partisans, were rescued by a
brave shepherd boy and his sister. See also The Shield
of Achilles Farrar, 1966 Novel.
Guareschi, Giovanni
Comrade Don Camillo Translated by Frances Frenaye Far-
rar, 1964 P-Pocket Novel
A determined parish priest coerced a communist mayor
into allowing him to join c group of Italian communists
who toured Russia. See also The Little World of Don
Camillo .Translated by Una Vincenzo Trowbridge Farrar,
1951 P-Pocket; Washington Novel.
Hersey, John
A Bell for Adano Knopf, 1944 P-Bantam Novel
Major Joppolo, with the military government in Italy
after World War II, was determined to obtain for the
villagers of Adano the thing they wanted mosta bell.
Lampedusa, Giuseppe di
The Leopard Translated by Archibald Colquhoun Pantheon,
1960 P-Signet Novel
Don Fabrizio, an aristocratic Sicilian prince, watched
philosophically as his whole way of life collapsed around
MacGregor-Ha st1e, Roy
Pope John XXIII Criterion, 1962 Biography
This informative biography is an interesting and objec-
tive picture of the late, beloved Pope John XXIII.
Morris, James
The World of Venice Pantheon, 1960 P-Vintage Nonfiction
Neither history nor guide book, this is a sympathetic
and effective observation of the sights, people, sounds,
smells, and colors of the Queen of the Adriatic.
Payne, Robert
The Splendor of Greece Harper, 1960 Nonfiction
Payne takes the reader to many historical sites, discusses
their history, and speculates about their original ap-
pearance. See also The Splendor of Persia Knopf, 1957
Rand, Christopher
Grecian Calendar Oxford, 1962 Nonfiction
This impressionistic travel guide conveys, with detail,
knowledge, and extraordinary taste, a magical picture .
of a country and its inhabitants. .

Joanna and Ulysses Norton, 1963 P-Ballantine Novel
Vacationing on a rocky island in Greece, Joanna found
herself as a person and as an artist while she restored
to health a poor, sick donkey.
Sharp, Margery
The Sun in Scorpio Little, 1965 Novel
An ironic story of an unfulfilled life: an English govern-
ess clung to her dream of returning to Next-Door Island
and happiness in the sun.
t*Silone, Ignazio
Bread and Wine Atheneum, 1962 P-Signet Novel
An exiled patriot returned to his native Italy, where,
disguised as a priest, he worked to free the peasants
from their Fascist yoke.
Stewart, Mary
My Brother Michael Morrow, 1960 P-Crest Novel
On a vacation in Greece, Camilla Haven found herself
by mistake on a manhunt, which led to an exquisite
statue and violence on Parnassus.
*Stone, Irving
The Agony and the Ecstasy Doubleday, 1961 P-Signet Novel
The glories of Florence and Rome were enhanced by the
genius of Michelangelo. Stone writes here a novel based
on the great artist's life.
Toor, Frances
Made in Italy Knopf, 1957 Nonfiction
The folk arts of Italy, the regional costumes, the songs,
and the dances of the people are here vividly described.


Afilluyeva, Svetlana
Twenty Letters to a Friend Harper, 1967 P-Harper Nonfic-
Stalin's daughter offers the reader rare insight into her
life in Russia prior to the death of her father.
Conquest, Robert
Common Sense about Russia Macmillan, 1960 Nonfiction
With some historical background, the author, au expert
on the SoViet Union attire London School of Economics,
gives a factual, objective picture of Russia today.
Dekierfield, R. F.
The Retreat from Moscow Atheneum, 1967 Nonfiction
The armies of Napoleon marched into a silent, deserted
Moscow and then had to face the murderous winter be-
fore the tragic, bitter retreat to Paris, every mile filled
with pain and horror.
Dji las, Milovan
Conversations with Stalin Translated by Michael Petrovich
Harcourt, 1962 P-Harcourt Nonfiction
In this part of his unfinished autobiography, Dji las tells
of three periods during which he visited Russia and of
what happened during those visits. See also Land With-
out Justice Harcourt, 1958 Nonfiction.
f *Dostoevsky, Fyodor
The Brothers Karamazov (1880) Modern; Macmillan P-5
editions available Novel
A great writer tells the stories of three brothers. The
murder trial of one reveals the Russia of old.
Durrell, Lawrence
White Eagles over Serbia. Phillips, 1958 P-Avon Novel
In this story of espionage during an unsuccessful rising
against the dictatorship in Yugoslavia, a British agent
learned the secret of an outlaw band, the White Eagles,
and was trapped with them in the mountains.
Freethy, Vernon F.
Dangerous Homecoming McKay, 1962 Novel
Was the man who claimed to be his father, the great
Czech patriot, really an imposter? To decide this, Franz
made a dangerous homecoming.
Gunther, John
Meet Soviet Russia, 2 vols. Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
John Gunther describes Russia's history, its traditions,
the land itself, and the leaders and the people who
make up the fifteen republics of the U.S.S.R. See also
Inside Russia Today, rev. ed. Harper, 1962 P-Pyramid
Hautzig, Esther
The Endless Steppe: Growing Up in Siberia Crowell, 1968
The moving narrative of five terrible years in Siberia is
a tribute to the strength of the human spirit.
*Koestler, Arthur
Darkness at Noon Macmillan, 1941 P-American Novel
This novel explains the psychological processes behind
the whclesale confessions at the Moscow trials.
Massie, Robert K.
Nicholas and Alexandra Atheneum, 1967 P-Dell Nonfiction
This detailed account of the fall of the Romanovs
speculates that history might have been greatly different
if Tsar Nicholas' only son had not been born a hemo-
Michener, James A.
The Bridge at Andan Random, 1957 P-Bantam Nonfiction
When lovers of freedom failed in their revolt against
communism in Hungary, they fled over the bridge at
Andau, where an American, reporter helped some to
safety as Iv:- beard their stories.
Miller, Wright W.
The Russians as People Dutton, 1961 P-Everyman Nonfio-
A long-time observer of the Russian scene writes with
insight of the Russians as individuals and as members
of their society.
Mirvish, Robert F.
The Last Capitalist Sloane, 1983 Novel
Dimitri learned to live by his wits after his parents were
killed in Russia. How he managed to survive, to lead
others, and to escape the Russian authorities who did
not like his capitalist activities in a communist country
makes an absorbing story.
Moscow, Henry, and Cyril E. Black
Russia under the Czars Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
Paintings, photographs, and illuminated manuscripts
add to the impressiveness of this book about Russia
under the Czars end other rulers.
Hazaroff, Alexander
The Land of t.1:e Russian People, rev. ed. Lippincott, 1966
Present-day Russia, with some historical information as
background, is pictured here.
tOldenbourg, Zoe
Catherine the Great Translated by Anne Carter Pantheon,
1965 Biography
This sympathetic yet rounded portrait of the brutal, in-
telligent Russian empress concentrates on the early
years when her complex character was being shaped.
Paustovsky, Konstantin
The Story of a Life Translated by Joseph Barnes Pantheon,
1964 Biography
One of Russia's most respected intellectuals recalls his
life in fascinating detail.
Salisbury, Harrison E.
A New Russia? Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
This report on significant trends and developnients in
Russiawith a special look at Mongoliais written by
a New York Times correspondent who has spent several
years there. See also To Moscowand Beyond Harper,
1960 Nonfiction.
Seuberlich, Hertha
Annuza, a Girl of Romania Translated by Stella Humphries
Rand, 1962 Novel
Annuza, a Romanian peasant girl, tells of her life on
the 2arm, her troubled relationships with her family, her
high school days in a distant city, and her eventual
return to her native village.
*Solzhen itsyn, Alexander
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich Translated by Max
Hayward and Ronald Hingley Dutton, 1962 P-3 editions
available Novel
Life in one of Stalin's forced labor camps meant cruelty,
hunger, cold, suffering, and an animal-like fight for
t*Tolstoy, Leo
War and Peace (1865-72) Modern; Oxford P-7 editions
available Novel
Set in the Napoleonic era, this complex Russian novel
deals with the problems of war and peace, love and mar-
riage, other complicated human relationships, and the
Russian society and culture of the time
t*Turgenev, Ivan
Fathers and Sons (1862) Modern; Heritage P-8 editions
available Novel
In this complex story of family and social relationships,
Turgenev reveals the clash between generations, the
developing philosophy of nihilism, the social structure
of Russian life in the mid-1800's.
*Urls, Leon
Mila 18 Doubleday, 1961 P-Bantam Novel
The moving account of the systematic destruction by
the Nails of the Polish Jews from 1939 to 1943 cul-
minates in the incredible revolt in the Warsaw ghetto.


Aldridge, James
My Brother Tom Little, 1967 Novel
Romeo and Juliet was repeated in Australia of the
thirties when a 17 -year -old boy fell in love with the
daughter of his father's enemy.
Clarke, Arthur C.
The Coast of Coral Harper, 1956 P-Harper Nonfiction
The adventures described here happened both above and
below the water on the Great Barrier Reef, a stretch of
coral 1,200 miles along the tropical coast of Australia.
Ts Cleary, Jon
The Sundowners (1952) Scribner, 1965 Novel
Set in the Australian back country, this is the story of
a nomadic family and a boy's first step into manhood.
Dawson, Alec John
Finn the Wolfhound Harcourt, 1962 P-Harcourt Novel
An Irish wolfhound, losing his master, became the leader
of a pack of dingoes. This story, which begins in England
and ends in Australia, is also a fascinating picture of
the Australian bush.
Day, A. Grove
The Story of Australia Random, 1960 Nonfiction
Colorful and well written, this account of the Island
Continent emphasizes the varied peoplethe aborigines,
Dutch, and English explorers, settlers, and adventure
seekerswho helped to shape the character of the na-
Durrell, Gerald
Two in the Bush Viking, 1966 Nonfiction
The author traveled through New Zealand, Australia, and
Malaya to observe and photograph species that were close
to extinction.
Huxley, Elspeth
Their Shining Eldorado: A Journey Through Australia Mor-
row, 1967 Nonfiction
This is the author's view of the ''land down under"
based upon her personal experiences.
Kjelgaard, Jim
Boomerang Hunter Holiday, 1960 Novel
In a strange and primitive world, Ba lulu, a young
Australian aborigine, and his doglike animal companion
sought water and food for the Desert People.
Lindell, Edward
Northward the Coast Morrow, 19Cf. Novel
Four people began a journey across the barren and
brutal back country of Austral, i two political refugees,
a nurse, and the leader.
Ottley, Reginald
Brurnbie Dust: A Selection of Stnrkis Harcourt, 1969 Short
The outback of Australia provides the setting for this
interesting collection of fast-moving stories
Patchett, Mary
The Last Warrior Doubleday, 1966 Novel
Pulled by the traditions of the white family that raised
him as well as by his tribal heritage, an Australian
aboriginal boy sought a way of life in an uncertain
world. See also Tiger in the Dark Meredith, 1966 Novel;
Stranger in the Herd Meredith, 1966 Novel.
Polishuk, Nancy, and Douglas Lockwood
Four Against the River Dutton, 1961 Nonfiction
Crocodiles, poisonous snakes, the river itself were all
enemies which had to be taken into account by Nancy
and her family, who left the cities of Australia to live
in the primitive and wild outback land.


Ashton-Wamer, Sylvia
Greenstone Simon, 1966 P-Bantam Novel
Maori lore is interwoven in the poetically written story
of a family in a New Zealand English community. See
alsb Bell Call Simon, 1965 P-Bantam Novel
Breck, Vivian
Kona Summer Doubleday, 1961 Novel
Set on the beautiful Kona Coast of Hawaii, this story
centers in Lath, home for summer vacation, and in her
cousin Prill from Connecticut, who learned much about
herself and about people from other cultures.
Burdick, Eugene
The Blue of Capricorn Houghton, 1961 P-Crest Miscellany
In this engaging account, Burdick communicates his
knowledge of and love for people and places in the South
Bushnell, 0. A.
Molokai World, 1963 P-Signet, 1964 Novel
In his fight against leprosy on the tropical island of
Molokai, a young doctor learned the power of love from
an "again" priest, a handsome Hawaiian convict, and a
beautiful Hawaiian maiden. See also Betty Martin
Miracle at Carvilte Edited by Evelyn Wells, Doubleday,
1950 P-Doubleday Nonfiction.
Day, A. Grove
Hawaii: Fiftieth Star Meredith, 1960 Nonfiction
This accurate, interesting history of the fiftieth state
ranges from early Polynesian settlement to the achieve-
ment of statehood. See also Hawaii and Its People Duell,
1955 Nonfiction. See A. Grove Day and Carl Stroven,
editors A Hawaiian Reader (1959) P-Popular Miscel-
lany; Best South Sea Stories Meredith, 1964 P-Popular.
Farrow, John
Damien, the Leper (1937) Sheed P-Image Biography
Father Damien came to the Hawaiian Islands as a young
Belgian priest. He volunteered to serve the leper colony
on Molokai and remained there, finally stricken with the
disease himself, until his death.
Friermood, Elizabeth Hamilton
Molly's Double Rainbow Doubleday, 1966 Novel
Hawaii, land of the double rainbow, is pictured as a
blend of East and West as Molly, the central figure,
engaged in events that were both Hawaiian and "West-
Fuchs, Lawrence H.
Hawaii Pono: A Social History Harcourt, 1961 Nonfiction
A picture of the various ethnic groups and the political

and economic history of the first half of the twentieth
century in Hawaii are presented in this interesting,
controversial book.
Harris, Christie
Raven's Cry Atheneum, 1966 Novel
The proud Haidas ruled the lonely Queen Charlotte
Islands in the north Pacific, but in 1775 white traders'
greed for the rich sea otter pelts brought violence and
treachery that nearly extinguished the tribe.
Hough, Henry Beetle
Melville in the South Pacific Houghton, 1960 Biography
Melville's days in the South Pacific during his early
twenties provided him the material he was to use in
many of his, stories and novels.
Krauss, Robert
Here's Hawaii Coward, 1960 P-Permabooks Nonfiction
A Honolulu columnist has written lively, humorous
sketches of life in our newest state.
*Matthiessen, Peter
Under the Mountain Walt: A Chronicle of Two Seasons in
the Stone Age Viking, 1962 Nonfiction
This uncanny narrative of New Guinea tribesmena
Stone Age people living in the world todaytransports
the reader into a dream world of civilization's origins.
McCienaghan, Jack
Moving Target Harcourt, 1966 Novel
Dougherty deserted the New Zealand army and was
forced to flee to the wild Ye leas Mountains in his
desperate fight for survival.
*Mellen, Kathleen D.
Magnificent Matriarch Hastings, 1952 Biography
Kaahumanu, who after the death of Kamehameba U be-
came Regent, was one of Hawaii's most colorful queens.
See 'also Lonely Warrior Hastings, 1949 Biography; The
Gods Depart Hastings, 1956 Nonfiction; In a Hawaiian
Valley Hastings, 1947 Miscellany.
t*Melville, Herman
Typee (1846) Dodd; Harper P-Signet, Airmont Novel
Tom, an American sailor, and his friend Toby were
captured by natives and later escaped. Much of this first
romance of the South Seas is based on Melville's ex-
*Michener, lames
Hawaii Random, 1959 P-Bantam; Random Novel
Using four main strandsthe earliest settlers from
Tahiti, the New England missionaries, the Chinese, and
the Japanesethe author weaves a picture of Hawaii
and what be calls its Golden Men.
*Michener, James, and A. Grove Day
Rascals in Paradise Random, 1957 Nonfiction
The lives of ten colorful rascals in the South Seas are
vividly pictured by two master storytellers.
Nielsen, Virginia
The Whistling Winds McKay, 1964 Novel
Caught in a struggle between missionary and whaler, a
young New Englander made a decision which pointed
toward the future of the Hawaiian Islands.
Sperry, Armstrong
Pacific Islands Speaking Macmillan, 1955 Nonfiction
Sperry gives information about the islands of the Pacific
needed for an understanding of the peoples and their
Suggs, Robert C.
Lords of the Blue Pacific N. Y. Graphic, 1962 Nonfiction
Here are facts, interestingly presented, about the Polyne-
sian peoplestheir origin, movements, customs, arts
with some discussion of the important archaeological
work which remains to be done.
Von Tempski, Armine
Born in Paradise Duell, 1940 Biography
The happy years of her growing up on a Maui ranch are
described by the author whose paternal ancestors had
fled persecution in Poland.
Wibberley, Leonard
A Feast of Freedom Morrow, 1964 Novel
This story asks what happens when two mythical British
Pacific islands reluctantly regain independence and the
inhabitants go native again.


Brockway, Edith
Land Beyond the Rivers Westminster, 1966 Novel
Service with Washington, battle with the French, and
capture by Indiansthis was what the year 1754 meant
to young Alan Pepperill.
Cannon, La Grand, -Jr.
Look to the Mountain Holt, 1942 Navel
. To build a home and a future for their children, Whit
and Melissa faced the hostile British and the rigors of
the New Hampshire wilderness.
Finney, Gertrude E.
Is This My Lsve? McKay, 1956 Novel
Beatrice Whitcliff and Iter friend Jennifer, passengers on
a boat carrying brides for the settlers in the New World,
found life in the new land strange and crude. See also
Muskets AlOng the Chickahominy McKay, 1953 Novel;
Plums Hang High McKay, 1955 Navel.
Fuller, Iola
The 'Loon Feather flarctnnt, 1940 P-Harcourt Novel
Oneta, daughter of the Indian chief Tecumseh, was born
shortly before. death. Though reared in a much dif-
ferent setting she returned to help her tribe in their
time. of peril.
Marshall, Edison'
The Lost Colony Doubleday, 1964 Novel
Fictionalized account of what might hive. happened to
the settlers of .1loanoke Colony. See Paul-Green The Lost
ColonY in Five Plaits of the.South 11111, 1963 P-Hill PlaY.
tMorison, Samuel E.
Christopher Columbus, Mariner Little, 1955 P-Mentor Biog-
This vivid and and lively narrative of COlumbus' life and
voyages includes excellent descriptions of fifteenth cen-
tury navigational methods and the routes Columbus fol-
lowed. The longer version of these journeys by Columbus
is Morison's two-volume tAdmiral of the Ocean Sea
Little, 1942 Biography.
Morison, Samuel E.
The Oxford History of the American People Oxford, 1965
Inert historical fact becomes moving and exciting liter-
ature in this impressive volume which sums up this
country's past in a comprehensive, brimming narrative.
Petty, Ann
Tituba of Salem Village Crowell, 1964 Novel
Tituba and her husband were sold to a minister and
forced to leave the warmth of Barbados for chill New
England where Tituba was accused of witchcraft. This
is a fully documented, suspenseful account of an hyster-
ical period in our history.
Platt, Rutherford
Wilderness; The Discovery of a Continent of Wonder Dodd,
1961 Nonfiction
What did America look like when Cabeza de Vaca, Lewis
and Clark, and the early French explorers first saw the
new land? Platt, in a dramatic, completely fascinating
account, describes the wilderness that once was.
Proven, Eldorls Angel
Drummer for the Americans Chilton, 1965 Novel
Clay, a pre - Revolutionary War teenager, successfully
ended a long search for his father; then they and Clay's
Indian friend fought with the Americana in the French
and Indian War.
The Light in the Forest Kilopf, 1953 P-Bantam Novel
A white boy who had 'been reared by the Indians was
dragged back to the settlement against his will. lie
rebelled, finally escaped, anti returned to the forest. See
also A Country of Strangers Knopf, 1966 Novel
Roberts, Kenneth
Northwest Passage (1937) Doubleday, 1959 P-Crest Novel
While -Sir William Johnson in the Mohawk Valley
schemed for an inland empire, Major Robert Rogers
and- his two hundred men left Crown Point in 1759 for
a tough expedition.
Sandoz, Mari
The Beaver Man: Spearheads of Empire Hastings, 1964
Authoritative and readable, this hot* traces the hard-
ships and perils of fur trading on the Ameridan frontier.
Singmaster, Elsie
I Heard of a River Holt, 1948 Novel
Hennes, a German Lutheran boy, joined a band of Swiss
Mennonites who fled from Europe and settled in Lancas-
ter County, Pennsylvania.
tSpeare, Elizabeth G.
The Witch of Blackbird Pond Houghton, 1958 Novel
Kit Tyler from Barbados was a lonely stranger in Puritan
Connecticut until she met Hannah Tupper, who had been
ostracized as -a witch. See also The Prospering Houghton,
Williamson, Joanne S.
1967 P-Popular Novel.
The Glorious Conspiracy Knopf, 1961 Novel
Benjamin Brown fled England and the brutal slavery of
a cotton mill to find in America a new life.
Wright. Louis B., -editor
The Elizabethans' America Harvard, 1965 Nonfiction
Here is an entertaining report of tales concerning the
perils and possibilities of the new land.
Einar, Feenle
Dark Pilgrim Chilton, 1965 Navel -
Squanto, used by the English, enslaved by the Spanhch,
learned English and Spanish and befriended the Plym-
outh Pilgrims.
Met, Pearde, and George F. Wilson
the Pilgrims and Plymoith Colony American, 1961 Non-
Who were the Pilgrims? What did they stand for?"
Answers to these and other questions appear In this
beautifully illustrated book.


Alderman, Clifford Lindsey

Retreat to Victory Chilton, 1967 Novel
Nathanael Greene, the famous gifted Revolutionary War
general, bore a heavy responsibility and distinguished
himself in many ways.
tBowen, Catherine Drinker
John Adams and the American Revolution Little, 1950 P-
Universal; Bantam Biography
This biography of Adams from the time he was 10
until 1776, when he was 40, is a wanner than usual
picture of the famous statesman. See also Miracle at
Philadelphia: The Story Of the Constitutional Convention,
May to September, 1787 Little, 1966 Nonfiction.
Bristow, Gwen
Celia Garth Crowell, 1959 Novel
At the request of Francis Marion, the Swamp Fox, Celia
returned to British-held Charleston to spy for the rebels.
Caudill, Rebecca
Tree of Freedom Viking, 1951 Novel
When each member of the family was allowed one pos-
session to take to their new home in Kentucky, Steph-
anie chose an apple seed to start her "tree of freedom."
. This is a fine story of the Venables' homesteading expe-
riences in the late eighteenth century.
Dobler, Lavinia, and Edgar A. Toppin
Pioneers and Patriots: The Lives of Six. Negroes of the
Revolutionery Era Doubleday, 1965 P-Zenith Nonfiction
FrOm the seven-year-old girl kidnapped by slavers in
Senegal and brought to America to grow up a poet, to
the Negro trader whose post was where Chicago now
stands, these chapters trace the contributions of early
Negro Americans.
Douty, Esther M.
Forfeit the Saitinaker Rand, 1968 Biography
James Porten, a free Negro, achieved great success as
the owner of the leading sail-making establishment in
Philadelphia during the early years of the nation and
devoted most of his fortune to the cause of freeing

Edmonds, Walter D.
Drums Along the Mohawk (1936) Little, 1951 P-Bantam
Fighting both British regulars and Iroquois Indians;the
hardy pioneers pf the Mohawk Valley succesfully waged
this part of the colonies' fight for freedom. See also In
the Rands of the Senecas Little, 1947 Novel.
Fast, Howard M.
April Morning Crown, 1961 P-Bantam Novel
Fifteen-Year-old Adam changed from a boy to a man the
day he stood against the British with the men of Lexing-
ton and Concord.
Flexner, James Thomas
George Washington: The Forge of Experience, 1732-1775
Little, 1965 Biography
A vivid biography gives the human, balanced story of
the planter and country squire who became President.
1Forhes, Esther
Johnny Tremain Houghton, 1943 P-Riverside Novel
When an injury to-his hand changed the life of a
silversmith's apprentice, he found his own role to play
in the beginnings of-the American Revolution.
tForbes, Esther
Paul Revere and the World He Lived. In Houghton, 1942
P-Houghton Biography
Paul Revere, patriot, silversmith, and soldier, is revealed
here in this. Pulitzer Prize winning biography against the
panorama of eighteenth century Boston.
Forman, James
The Cow Neck Rebels Farrar, 1970 NoVel
The Battle of Long Island during the American Revolu-
tion provides the setting for this novel which makes a
strong statement' against war and violence.
Gerson, Noel B.
The Swamp Fox, Francis Marion, Doubleday, 1967 Biography
The woodsman, planter, and wmild-be husband facets of
Francis Marion dominate this fictional biography of
the South Carolina Revolutionery War, general.
Hopldns, Joseph G. E.
Patriot's Progress Scribner, 1961 Noyel
John Frayne, yout Village doctor, tore himself from
family and friends' jump into the thick of the strug-
gle for independence from England.
Kuble, Nora B.
Joel Harper, 1952 Novel
From the tyrannies of the Old World, a young Jewish
refuges found in America a new way of life. He joined
the Co...tInental Army, met Nathan Hale, fought under
Washington, and HI in love with a Christian girl.
Meader, Stephen W.
Guns for the Saratoga Harcourt, 1955 Novel
The newly created American navy provided a strong
lure for boys. From the ironworks of South Jersey came
many craft like the Saratoga, built to carry supplies.
Crrmont, Arthur
Diplomat in War Paint: Chief Alexander McGillivray of the
Creeks Abe lard, 1967 Nonfiction
Three-quarters white, McGillivray's loyalty and service
were for the Creek Indians whose destiny he directed
through the confused days of the American Revolution.
Page, Elizabeth
The Tree of Liberty Holt, 1939 P-Popular Novel
Historical events and persons, especially Thomas Jef-
ferson, figure in this story ofthe Howard family who
moved from the eastern seaboard to the western plains.
Roberts, Kenneth
Oliver Wiswell Doubleday, 1940 P -Crest Novel
This story of the. American Revolution presents with in-
'sight and integrity the side of the Loyalists.
Taylor, David
Mistress of the Forge Lippincott, 1964 Novel
Swashbuckling story of post-Revolutionary America fea-
tures the young Philadelphian Richard Braxton and the
beautiful heiress Charlotte Luken.


Aldrich, Bess-Streeter
A Lantern in Her Hand (1928) Appleton; Grosset P-Tempo
Novel y;

Abbie Deal moved west to Nebtaska as a bride. This

story' of love and devotion spaifi the whole settlement
of the American prairies.
Arnold, Elliot
Blood Brother Due 11, 1950Novel
Cochise, chief of the great Chhicahua Apaches, is the
central figure in this story of conflict between the Indian
and the invading white man.
Ballard, VIIIIIIs Todhunter
Gold in California! Doubleday, 1965 P-Aoe Novel
An Ohio publisher's family pulled up roots and joined the
trail to California with the Forty-Niners.
Bosworth, Allan R.
New Country Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
A family's hardships, sorrows, joy, loneliness, and ad-
ventures in discovering the new country of Texas and
the Southwest in 1900 are vividly told.
Bristow, Gwen
Jubilee Trail Crowell, 1950 Novel
The heroine, just out of school, was married and, with
her hasband, followed the trail from Santa Fe to Cali-
fornia in pre-Gold Rush days.
'ather, Mlle _

My Antonia Houghton, 1918 P-Sentry; Riverside Novel

After the suicide of her father, a brave Bohemian girl
achieved self-realization in happy motherhood on a
Nebraska frontier farm. See also A Lost Lady Knopf,
1923 Novel.
Croy, Homer -
Jesse Jarnee Was My Neighbor Duel!, 1949 Biography
Jesse and Frank James and their outlaw gang live again
in the recollections of a neighbor who kneir them.
Daugherty, James
Marcus and Narcissa Whitman: Pioneers of Oregon Viking,
1953 Biography
A young doctor and his bride traveled across the con-
thrent in the 1830'1 to take. Christianity to the Indians
of the Northwest. See Jeanette Eaton Narcissit Whitnunu
Pioneer of Oregon Harcourt, 1941 Biography.
Be Voto, Bernard ,
Across the Wide Missouri-Houghton, 1947 P-Sentry Non-
The Mountain Men trapped and fought in the violent
period of 1833-1838.. See also Year of Decision: 1844
Houghton, 1950 P-Sentry Nonfiction:


Dillon, Richard H.
Meriwether Lewis, a Biography Coward, 1965 Biography
Dillon Chronicles a great pathfinder's voyage and probes
into the lesser known aspects of his short life.
Doble, J. Frank
Up the Trail from Texas Randoni, 1955 Nonfiction
Dobie describes the Texas longhorns and the men who
drove them to northern markets.
Erdman, Louie Grace
The Far Journey Dodd, 1955 Novel
A young pioneer wife and mother went by covered
wagon across Kansas and Oklahoma to join her husband,
who had staked a claim in the Texas Panhandle. See
also The Edge of Time: Historical Novel of the Texas
Panhandle Dodd, 1950 Novel.
Ferber, Edna
Cimarron Doubleday, 1930 P-Bantam Novel
Yancy Cravat, gunman, dreamer, wife-deserter, took
part in the rush of homesteaders into Oklahoma in '89
and in the boom which ensued with the striking of oil.
Must, Shannon
Crazy Horse, Great Warrior of the Sioux Houghton, 1950
This heroic Indian leader led his Sioux people against
the white men who were ravaging Indian land. See also
Wild Bill Hickok Messner, 1952.
GRes, Janice H.
Johnny Osage Houghton, 1960 P-Paperback Novel
Johnny, an Osage Indian, tried to arrange a truce be-
tween his peoPle and the Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma
in the 1820's.
*Guthrie, A. B., Jr.
The Big Sky Houghton, 1947 P-Sentry Novel
The hero, a half-savage Kentucky boy, made his way to
the mouth of the Missouri, fell in with rough frontiers-
men of the period;married an Indian woman, and joined
the rough-and-tumble trappers' lives.-
*Guthrie, A. B., Jr.
The Way West Houghton, 1949 P-Pocket Novel
On to Oregon" was the cry of the pioneer wagon train
on the Oregon Trail in the 1840's.
0Horgan, Paul
A Distant Trumpet Farrar, 1960 P-Crest Novel
The author recreates the atmosphere of the old South-
west in this highly readable story about a young U.S.
Army couple's life at a remote army post in the Arizona
Lancaster, Bruce
The Big Knives Little, 1964 P-Popular Novel
Lively historical fiction in which George Rogers Clark is
realistically portrayed.
Lane, Rose Wilder
Let the Hurricane Roar McKay, 1933 Novel
Young Caroline and Charles moved to Dakota country
to build their home. They faced countless difficulties,
including a long period during which Caroline had to
meet hardships alone.
Lathrop, West , -
Keep the Wagons Moving! Random, 1949 Novel
Two brothers matched wits with an outlaw as, with
twenty families in a wagon train, they followed the trail
from Missouri to Oregon in 1846.
Lord, Waiter
A Time to Stand: The Story of the Alamo Harper, 1961
P-Pocket Nonfiction
The reader meets not only famous figures but also the
unknown, unsung heroes who played their part in this
story of Texas and the Alamo.
McCready, Albert L, and Lawrence W. Sagle
Railroads in the Days of Steam American, 1960 Nonfiction
Paintings and photographs help to indicate important
developments in American railroading history.
Miller, Helen M.
Thunder Rolling: The Story of Chief Joseph Putnam, 1959
The courage of . Chief Joseph of the friendly Nez Perce
Indians will thrill even the most sophisticated reader.
Nielsen, Virginia
The Road to the_Valley McKay, 1961 Novel
With the Mormons struggling to reach the Salt Lake
Valley were Ellen and her widowed mother. Perhaps all
would have perished but for Chris, the youitg Missourian.
fiParkman, Francis,
The Oregon Trail (1847) Rinehart; Garden P4 editions
available Nonfiction
This classic account tells of the experiences of a young,
rather frail Bostonian who, wanting, to see the West,
spent several months on the trail with the Sioux Indians.
Pigney, Joseph .
For Fear We Shall Perish Dutton, 1961 Nonfiction.
The Donner party met great tragedy as it crossed the
plains by wagon train to California.
Place, Marian T., and Earl POOlerOY
Westward on the Oregon Trail Harper, 1962 P-Harper Non-
Contemporary drawings and paintings suggest the im-
pact of the strange and forbidding landscape encoun-
tered by the pioneers pushing westward.
Rkhter, Conrad
The Trees Knopf, 1940; The Fields Knopf, 1946; The Town
Knopf, 1950 Novels
In this trilogy, the reader finds a natural progression in
the march of American civilization from forests to
cleared areas and farms to the development of com-
tRalvaag, 0. E.
Giants in the Earth Harper, 1927 P-Harper Novel
In this magnificent story of Norwegian immigrants in
the Dakotas, the reader will see the slaw disintegration
of a pioneer farm wife- and a study of the great power
and drive of her husband, who did not realize his wife's
Ross, Nancy Wilson
. Heroines of the Early West Random, 1960 Biography
Miss Rims has used journals kept by early pioneer
women to- add interest and authenticity to her account
of their adventurous lives.
Sandoz, Marl
Miss Morissa: Doctor of the Gold Trail Hastings, 1960 Novel
Morisse Kirk, a- pioneering young doctor of the rough
Nebraskafrontier of the 1870's; lived and worked among
Indians, fortune seekers, cattlemen, and desperadoes.
Sihrerberg, Robert
The- Old Ones: Indians of the American Southwest N.Y.
Graphic, 1965 Nonfiction
This fascinating story of the Pueblos includes maps,
drawings, and a directory of historic sites.
Stegner, Wallace
The Gathering of Zion: The Story of the Mormon Trail Mc-
Graw, 1965 Nonfiction --
The' journey in covered wagons to the West is impres-
sively chronicled.
*Taylor, Robert Lewis
The Travels of Jahnle McPheeters Doubleday, 1958 P-Pocket;
Signet Novel
In the exciting days of 1849, Jaimie and his improvident
father, Dr. Sardine McPheeters, joined a wagon train
headed for the gold fields of California.
Mister, Owen
The Virginian (1902, Macmillan) P-7 editions available
This classic of cowboy stories includes not only the win-
ning of the Vermont schoolmarm's hand by the gentle-
manly Virginian, but also a description of cattle-punching
in Wyoming in the seventies and eighties and the con-
flict between the East and West.


Allen, Merritt Parmelee

Johnny Reb Mazy, 1952 Novel
This story of the day-by-day camp life-of Ezra and his
buddy, Festival Jones, troopers under Stuart and Hamp-
ton, portrays the Southern cause, its spirit, and its heart-
f Bel*, Stephen Vincent
John Brown's Body Holt, 1928 Poem
This American epic covers the entire course of the Civil
War, and gives We-aired portraits of individual figures,
North and South, both -civilian and _military.
Bishop, Jim
The Day Lincoln Was Shot Harper, 1955 P-Harper 'Biog-
This carefully documented, hour-My-hour account pre-
sents the last day of Abraham Lincoln's life.
B ontemps, Any
Chariot in the Shy Holt, 1951 "Navel .
Caleb Willows made a break for freedom and then
joined eleven young people to sing -Negro spirituals in
Queen Victoria's court.
B uckmaster, Henrietta
Flight to Freedom: The Story of the Underground Railroad
Crowell, 1958 P-Dell Nonfiction
,In this dramatic, informative account, one learns of the
contributions of both the Negroes and whites to maintain
the pipeline to freedom.
Canby, Courtlandt, editor
Lincoln and the Civil War Braziller, 1960 Nonfiction
This book is a profile as well as a hi,tory of Lincoln,
including his political rise, his association with generals
and politicians, and his personal life.
Catton, Bruce
Banners at Shenandoah (1955, Doubleday) P-Bantam Novel
4 15-year-old soldier tells of the violence and courage he
saw as be fought at the side of General Phil Sheridan
during the Civil War.
f'Catton, Bruce
Mr. Lincoln's Army Doubleday, 1951 P-Dolphin; Pocket Non-
In this first volume of a trilogy about the heroes and
villains of the Army of the Potomac, Mr. Catton tells the
story of Lincoln's search for a general to replace the
incompetent McClellan. See later volumes t*Glory Road
Doubleday, 1952 P-Dolphin; Pocket Nonfiction;
Stillness at Appomattox Doubleday, 1953 P-Pocket Non-
fiction; Grant Moves South Little, 1960 Nonfiction.
Dowdey, Clifford
Lee Little, 1965 Biography
This fresh interpretive biography of the perplexing Con-
federate general covers his whole life rather than just
his brilliant military career. See also Lee's Last Cam-
paign: The Stony of Lee and His Men Against Grant,
1864 Little, 1960 Nonfiction.
Freeman, Douglas Southall
Lee of Virginia Scribner, 1958 Biography
The dedication and brilliant generalship of Robert E.
Lee shine through this superb one-volume account of his
Horgan, Paul
Citizen of New Salem Farrar, 1961 Biography
This line portrait of Lincoln pictures his ea/1y life in
New Salem and later years in Spring-field.
Howard, Elizabeth
North Winds Blow Free Morrow, 1949 Novel
Adventure and love were important in the life of a
Michigan girl who helped runaway slaves via the Under-
ground Railroad,
Hunt, Irene
Across Five Aprils Follett, 1964 P-Tempo Novel.
The cost of the Civil War to a family was focused in the
experiences of an Illinois farm boy who did a man's
work while others fought.
Jackson, Phyllis Wynn
Victorian Cinderella: The Story of Harriet Beecher Stowe
Holiday, 1947 Biography
The subject of this book wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin in
1852, a novel that was to incite an unparalleled antag-
onism toward slavery.
tKelth, Harold
Rifles for Watie Crowell, 1957 Novel
The capture of Jeff Bussey by the Cherokee Mounted
Rifles under the command of the feared Colonel Watie
placed the young soldier in a position to discover the
traitor who was selling rifles to the enemy.
Lancaster, Bruce
Night March Little, 1958 P-Popular Novel
Two Union officers, captured after Dahlgren's march on
Richmond, escaped Libby Prison and made a perilous
journey through the heart of the Confederacy. See also
No Bugles Tonight Little, 1948 Novel.
McCarthy, Agnes, and Lawrence Reddick
Worth Fighting For: A History of the Negro in the U.S.
During the Civil War and Reconstruction. P-Doubleday, 1965
Nonfiction ,
Simply written stories of Negro men and women who
contributed in many ways, including revolt and death,
to the movement to abolish slavery and make the Negroes
free citizens.
Mitchell, Margaret
Gone with the Wind Macmillan, 1939 P-Macmillan; Pocket
Impetuous, spoiled, scheming, beautiful Scarlett O'Hara
and dashing Rhett Butler are the chief characters in
this story of the Civil War and of the collapse of the
civilization that was the old South. '
Parrish, Anne
A Clouded Star Harper, 1948 P-Harper Novel
A-Negro woman, Harriet Tubman, known as the Moses
of her people, led many enslaved people to freedom,
displaying strength of character in a remarkably critical
Ross, lshbel
Angel of the Battlefield: The We of Clara Barton Harper,
1956 Biography
The restless and ambitious spirit of Clara Barton was
to overcome what seemed impossible odds to found the
American Red Cross.
Seifert, Shirley
The Senator's Lady Lippincott, 1967 Novel
In the eyes of his young and lovely bride, Stephen A.
Douglas, the 'little giant," was a generous warrior
defending the Union against the threat of civil war.
Sinclair, Harold
The Horse Sfldiers Harper, 1956 Novel
Colonel Marlow was assigned to lead his undermanned
brigade to cut the Southern Railroad 200 miles inside
Confederate country, then to fight his way 'out.
Street, James
Captain Little Ax Lippincott, 1956 Novel
When his father was slain at Shiloh, a 18-year-old boy
organized a company of teenaged raiders to terrorize
Union troops.
t'Styron, William
The Confessions of Nat Turner Random, 1967 P-Signet Novel
While awaiting execution, the instigator of the 1831
slave rebellion in Virginia reconstructed the agonizing
events of his life which led to insurrection and murder.
Tudter, Glenn
Chickamauga: Bloody Battle in the West Bobbs, 1981 Non-
In what is still regarded as one of the most contro-
versial battles in military history, Chickamauga was
costly in lives to both the North and South.
'Walker, Margaret
jubilee Houghton, 1986 P-Bantam Novel
Life at the time of the Civil War as experienced by
Vyry, daughter of a Negro slave and a white planiation
owner, is described.
Whitney. Phyllis A.
Step to the Music Crciwell, 1953 Novel
Abbie Garrett, a brave young girl on Staten Island,
wrestled with the problems which the War Between the
States brought to her life and home.


Andrfst, Ralph K.
The Long Death: The Last Days of the Plains Indians Mac-
millan, 1964 Nonfiction
An historian provides dramatic and stark stories of the
Indians, including an account of how a Vermonter's
. curiosity about tanning brought death to 15 niillionhuf-
faloes and famine to the Indians.
Reny, Don
A Majority of Scoundrels Harper, 1961 Nonfiction
The title expresses the author's feelings toward the men
dealing in the fur trading business. This' book is an
informal history, of fur trading in the United States.
tflowen, Catherine Drinker
Yankee from OlymPus Little, 1944 P-Bantam Biography
From preacher Holines to doctor-writer Holmes to
Supreme Court Justice Holmesthis famous and inter-
eating family contributed much to America's life.
Burke, 'Mira Heintz, as told to Adele Comandinl .

Doctor Hap Coward, 1961 Biography

Originally intending to stay in Alaska only a year, 19-
year.old Clara Heintz met Dr. Hap Burke, married him,
and remained for thirty years.
Capps, Benjamin
Trail to Ogallala Duell, 1964 Novel -

Circumstances cheated Billy Scott of his chance to be

trail boss and drive a herd of 3,000 cattle from Texas to
the market in Ogallala.
Costsworth, Elizabeth
Here I Stay Coward, 1938 Novel
When her neighbors left for Ohio in 1817, Margaret
Winslow spent a winter alone on her Maine farm. With
spring came romance.
Debi., J. Frank
Cow People Little, 1984 Nonfiction
In the rough-hewn language of the Southwest, a famous
storyteller reminisces about Texas cowboys and cow
Dolan, J. .11.
The Yankee -Peddlers- pf Early America Potter,-1964 Non-
fiction -
This humorous, lively narrative based on- exhaustive
research traces the full history of the traveling sales-
man and illuminates the customs of early America.
tforbes. Esther
Rainbow on the Road Houghton, 1954 Navel
Set against a background of New England in the 1630's
is this legend about an itinerant artist who inherited the
Problems of a highwayman whom he resembled.
Graham, Shirley
Your Most Humble Servant: The Story of Benjamin Banneker
Messner, 1949 Biography .

This distinguished American was the first Negro to

receive a presidential appointment. A scientist, he was
an assistant in the planning of Washington, D. C.
Groh, George W.
Gold Fever Morrow, 1986 Nonfiction
Authentic, vivid scenes of medical hazards facing
patients and physicians during the California Gold Rush
are compiled from contemporary diaries, letters, and
newspaper accounts.
Hannum, Alberta P.
Paint the Wind Viking, 1958 Nonfiction
Beatien Yazz;, the young Navaho painter of Spin a Silver
Dollar, returned from service with the Marines, with
great delight to be at home again but with difficult
adjustments to the old ways of his people.. See also
Spin a Silver Dollar Viking, 1945 Nonfiction.
Havlghurst, Walter
The Heartland: Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Harper, 1962 Non-
The geography, history, and -character of one of the
regions of America are described in this book.
Holbrook Stewart H.
The Old Post Road: The Story of the Boston Post Road Ate-
Graw, 1962 Nonfiction -
An exciting and colorful -history is told of the most
famous of all poet roads and of the historic taverns
and interesting places slang the road.
Holton, W. Eugene
The Great American Desert: Then and Now Oxford, 1966
An historian traveler sympathetically_ and vigorously
traces the evolution of that vast and land and its
people between._ the Sierra Nevada and the midland
plains to its present problems of irrigation and large
metropolitan centers.
Hughes, Langston, and Milton Meltzer, editors
A Pictorial History of the Negro in America, rev. ed. Crown,
1963 Nonfiction
Through many elcellent drawings and photographs and
the text by the famous Negro poet, the reader sees the
panorama of three centuries of Negro life in America.
La Farge, Oliver
Behind the Mountains Houghton, 1956 Nonfiction
Using his wife's memories of her New Mexican child-
hood, La Farge has written a sensitive, understanding
account of the Southwest and what it has contributed
to the American heritage.
Lancaster, Richard
Piegatu A Look from Within at the Life, Times, and Legacy
of an American Indian Tribe Doubleday, 1968 Tales
This book introduces an aged chief and Piegan Black-
foot legends, lore, and life today.
Leach, Maria
The Rainbow Book of American Folk Tales and Legends
World, 1958 Tales
This delightfully illustrated collection includes state and
local lore, Indian tales, ball man legends, and many old
Mode, Margaret E.
Two in the Far North Knopf, 1982 Biography
Mrs. Murk describes life with her biologist-husband in
Alaska and its wilderness *ran a sourdough's point of
*Norris, Frank
The Octopus: A Story of California (1901) Doubleday, 1947
P4 editions available Novel
This epic story describes the war between the California
wheat growers and the railroaders. See also *The- Pit
P-Evergreen Novel.
Sandoz, Marl
Battle of the Little Big Horn Lippincott, 1968 Nonfiction
The famous defeat of General Custer is described here
with authentic' detail and literary artistry. See also
Winter Thunder Westminster;. 1954 Short Stories; Love
Song to the Harper, 1961 P-Bison Nonfiction.
Schaefer, Jack
Heroes Without Glory: Some Good Men of the Old West
Houghton, 1965 Nonfiction
The author of Shane comes to the defense of ten "good
guys," including two lawmen who are courageous and
*Shapiro, Karl, editor
American Poetry Crowell, 1960 P-Crowell Poetry
Karl Shapiro traces American poetry from Anne Brad-
street to Allen Ginsberg. The collection is enriched by
introductory discussions, notes, and suggested critical
Tebbe!, John, and Keith Jennison
The American Indian Wars Harper, 1960 Nonfiction
The bitter struggles of the American Indian's against the
white men who were taking over their lands are de-
scribed in this readable account.-
tTharp, Louise Hall -

The Peabody Sisters of Salem Little, 1950 Biography

The three famous Peabody sistersElizabeth who
founded the American kindergarten, Mary who married
Horace Mann, and Sophia who became the wife of
Nathaniel Hawthorneare the key figures in this fas-
cinating picture of their times.
Tinkle, Lan
13 Days to Glory:. The Siege of the Alamo McGraw, 1958
P-Signet (as The Alamo) Nonfiction
This daytby-day -account of the defense of the Alamo
pays tribute to Crockett, Bovvie,.Travis; and 179 others
who held the Alamo against 6,000 Meadcans.
tTwain, Mark, pseudonym (Samuel L Clemens)
Life on the Mississippi (1874) Harper P-6 editions available
One of Americais great authors recounts his youthful
expzriences. and..his apprenticeship to a river Pilot on a
boat plying the Mississippi. When he returned years
later, he found the river changed. Mechaiii,zadon had
taken away the- romance of hill memories. See also
Roughing It 11875) Harper P-3 editions available Mis-
Weitfish, Gene
-The Lost Universe Basic Books, 1965 Nonfiction
This book presents a fresh conception of.Pawnee Indian
IWilder, Thornton
Our Town (1938, Coward) Harper, 1960 P-Harper Play
- Set in a small town in New Hampshire just after the
turn of this century, this story of birth, love, marriage,
and death has a timeless, universal quality.


Abel, Elle
The Missile Crisis Lippincott, 1966 Nonfiction
An engrossing hour-by-hour account of the thirteen days
in October 1962 swhen President Kennedy confronted
Nikita IChrushchev over the presence of Russian missiles
in Cuba.
Abels, Jules
The Rockefeller Billions Macmillan, 1965 Nonfiction
One of the world's great fortunes is traced from its
cunning (even ruthlesss) beginnings to its present third
generation philanthropic status.
Barach, A. B., and others
1975 arzd the Changes to Come Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
In this profusely illustrated book, the authors engage in
the ever-fascinating game of predicting what our lives
will be like in the future.
f*Bellow, Saul
Seize the Day Viking, 1961 P-Viking Novel
Tommy Wilhelm, a completely unsuccessful human
being, attempted to grasp success, to "seize the day."
Benary-Isbert, Margot
The Long Way Home Harcourt, 1959 Novel
Young Christoph fled East Germany to join the ex-
soldier who had saved his life years before. Here is the
United States from Christoph's point of view.
Boyle, Sarah Patton
The Desegregated Heart: A Virginian's Stand in Time of
Transition Morrow, 1962 P-Apollo Nonfiction
A southern white woman, with deep insight into the
tragedies of segregation, writes movingly of her growth
from complacency to the realization that change had
to start within herself.
Coles, Robert
Children of Crisis: A Study of Courage and Fear 1967
Using his extensive interviews, children's drawings, and
keen observation, the Harvard research psychiatrist pre-
sents a sensitive view of the complexities of integration.
Daves, Jessica
Ready-Made Miracle: The American Story of Fashion for
the Millions Putnam, 1967 Nonfiction
A fascinating account by a former editor of Vogue of
the creation of ready-made fashions.
DiSalle, Michael V., and Lawrence G. fliodunan
Second Choice Hawthorn, 1966 Biography
This anecdote-filled piece of Americana concentrates on
the stories of the eight Vice Presidents who fortuitously
achieved the Presidency through their predecessors'
tDos Passos, John
U.S.A. (1946) Houghton, 1963 P-Hofighton Novel
In this trilogy (42nd Parallel Houghton, 1930 P-Wash-
ington; 1919 Houghton, 1933 P-Washington; and The
Big Money Houghton, 1936 P-Washington), Dos Passos
chronicles life in America from 1900 to 1935, using a
number. of unusual techniques to indicate the times and
the backgrounds against which he tells his stories. See
also *Manhattan Transfer Houghton, 1943 P-Houghton.
*Drury, Allen
Advise and Consent Doubleday, 1959 P-Pocket Novel
When the name of controversial Robert Leffingwell was
-sent to the Senate for confirmation as Secretary of
State, several individuals took -a hand in a fateful
political game. Here is a behind-the-scenes view of the
political maneuverings that sometimes take the place of
Eckert, Allan W.
The Silent Sky: The Incredible Extinction of the Passenger
Pigeon Little, 1965 Novel
The last perilous years of the passenger pigeon are
retold as a pitiful reminder of the thoughtlessness and
of mankind.
'Faulkner, William
The Portable Faulkner Introduction by Malcolm Cowley
Viking, 1946 P-Viking Miscellany
1%, significant collection of short stories and selections
from novels, including "A Rose for Emily" and "Red
Fetterman, John
Stinking Creek: Portrait of a Small Mountain Community
Dutton, 1967 Nonfiction
The Kentucky hill people have a,deep pride in and love
for their barren hills that are not easily understood by
outsiders. But the Sizemores, Messers, and Browns aren't
just 3roblemsthey are complex individuals, very
human and difficult.
Garst, Shannon
Will Rogers, Immortal Cowboy Messner, 1950 Biography
A unique figure of his day, Rogers was cowboy, actor,
newspaperman, commentator, humoristand loved by
Gold, Herbert, and David L. Stevenson, editors
Stories of Modern America St. Martin, 1960 P-St. Martin
The twenty-two short stories and the short novel in this-
collection are intensely alive in their concern with crucial
issues of contemporary America.
Golden, Harry
Carl Sandburg World, 1961 Biography
Golden presents a casual, friendly, livelyt portrait of an
old friend and does so against the canvas of the U.S.A.
during the last half century.
Golden, Harry
Only in America World, 1958 Essays
This is a delightfully human, humorous collection of
observations on all kinds of people of our time by the
editor of the Carolina Israelite. See also For 20 Plain
World, 1959 Miscellany; You're Entitle' World, 1962
Gould, John
Last One In: Tales of a New England Boyhood Little, 1966
The newspaper columnist reocrimts his warm memories
and humorous experiences of growths up in Maine in
the early part of the century.
Green, Ely-
Ely Seabury, 1966 Biography
Life in Tennessee around the turn of the century is
recalled by the Bon of a Negro woman and a white man.
Hagedorn, Hermann
The Roosevelt Family of Sagamore Hill Macmillan, 1954
Life with one of the most public-spirited and provocative
men in the United States was usually rollicking, some-
times sad, and often astonishing for all his family.
*Hansberry, Lorraine
A Raisin in the Sun Random, 1959 P-Signet Play
This play is set in Chicago's South Side some time be-
tween World War II and the present. It is the explosive
story of a husband's needs and a family's courage and
Josephson, Matthew
Edison (1959, McGraw) P-McGraw Biography
Not only is this biography a first-rate picture of a great
man, but it is also a picture of the changes brought
about In our lives by his many inventions.
Kroeber, Theodora
Ishi in Two Worlds: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian
in North America California, 1961 P-California Biography
Ishi, the last of California's Indians,robbed of his home
and people, finally turned to his enemies, the whites,
and lived his remaining years with them, seeking to
understand the wonders of the modern world.
*La Farge, Oliver
Laughing Boy Houghton, 1929 Novel
This beautiful.' novel reveals the deep love between
Laughing Boy and Slim Girl and gives a picture of life
among twentieth century Navahos.
Lens, Sidney
Radicalism in America Crowell, 1966 Nonfiction
Political and social history of the United States in an
overview that moves from Roger Williams to Martin
Luther King. -
*Lerner, Max
America as a -Civilization, 2 vols. Simon, 1957 P-Simon
Analyzing and reflecting upon what he calls the "Amer-
!can experience," the author discusses Many aspects of
American life.
tLewis, Sinclair
Main Street (1920) Harcourt P-Signet Novel
Carol Kennicott, married to a small-town doctor, tried to
settle down to a humdrum existence, alien to her dreams
and ambitions.
Lomax, Louis E.
The Negro Revolt Harper, 1962 P-Signet Nonfiction
In this short, well-written account of race relations in
the United States, Lomax discusses the reasons for cur-
rent rebellions. The NAACP and the Black Muslims are
Lord, Walter
Day of Infamy Holt, 1957 P-Bantam Nonfiction
The anxious preparation of the Japanese, the surprise
attack, and the outraged reaction to the destruction at
Pearl Harborthese are the story of December 7, 1941.
Lord, Walter
A Night to Remember Holt, 1955 P-Bantam Nonfiction
The "unsinkable" Titanic on her maiden voyage struck
an iceberg and sank in the Atlantic with 1,502 lives
Love, Edmund G.
Subways Are for Sleeping (1957, Harcourt) P-Signet Short
Every person in this charming collection of short stories
lives an off-beat life.
Mardikian, George
Song of America McGraw, 1956 Biography
An immigrant boy who became owner of the famous
Omar Khayyam restaurant in San Francisco tells here
his love for America and its way of life.
Marquand, John P.
The Late George Apley Little, 1957; Modem P-Universal;
Washington Novel
This satire of proper Bostonians is a "profile" of George
Apley and the social milieu in which he lived. See also
Sincerely, Witlfs Wayde Little, 1955 Novel.
Meltzer, Milton, editor
In Their Own Words: A History of the American Negro,
1916-1988, Vol. 3 Crowell, 1967 P!Apollo Nonfiction
From 1916 to-1966, personal experiences of. Negroes in
letters, court testimony, eyewitness accounts and biog-
raphies tell graphically their fight for rights and even
survival itself. See also Vol. 1 1619-1865 Crowell, 1964;
Vol. 2 1865-1916 Crowell, 1965 P-Apollo.
Nevins, Allan, and Frank E. Hill
Ford: The Times, the Man, the Company Scribner, 1954 Bi-
This excellent, unbiased picture of Ford and his accom-
plishments is also a picture of an era important in the
history of American industry.
Pear, Catherine 0.
The FDR Story Crowell, 1962 Biography
Franklin Delano Roosevelt revealed his unusual qualities
by his personal struggle against polio and by his in-
domitable leadership in America's attempt to establish
.world peace.
Pease, Howard -
The Dark Adventure Doubleday, 1950 Novel
Johnny Stevens, hitchhiking to California, was thrown
from the car in an accident and lost his memory. Strug-
gling with amnesia, he became involved with a. mari-
juana ring and found himself in serious trouble with
the pAice. See also Heart of Danger Doubleday, 1946
P-Dell NoveL
Rizk, Salom
Syrian Yankee Doubleday, 1942 Biography
How one man, after struggle and disillusionment, found
his drec.n of America is told in this tragic, yet beautiful
Robinson, Lloyd
The Hopefuls Doubleday, 1966 Nonfiction
Through the eyes of the losers, ten Presidential cam-
paigns are pictured. How Presidents are selected in the
U.S. is presented realistically.
tSandburg, Carl
The People, Yea Harcourt, 1936 Poem
The American peoplethrough their tales and legends
are the heroes of this long poem.
Setts!, T. S., editor
The Wisdom of IFS Dutton, 1965 Nonfiction
Brief excerpts from Mr. Kennedy's writings, addresses,
messages to Congress, radio and television reports vary
In length from one sentence to several short paragraphs.
See also The Faith of JFIC Dutton, 1965 Nonfiction.
f*Sinclair, Upton
The Jungle (1906) Harper, 1951 P- Signet; Airmont Novel
This novel was written to protest the cruel and inhuman
working and living conditions of the men in the meat-
packing plants in Chicago early in the century.
'Smith, Betty
A Tree Crows in Brooklyn Harper, 1947 P-Popular Novel
In this poignant story, Francie Nolan found what life
was like amidst the poverty of a Brooklyn tenement in
the early years of this century.
Smith, Gene
When the Cheering Stopped: The Last Years of Woodrow
Wilson Morrow, 1964 Nonfiction
An account of Wilson's physical decline after suffering a
stroke while touring the country on behalf of the new
League of Nations.
Smith, Lillian
Killers of the Dream, rev. ed. Norton, 1961 P-Anchor Non-
The author examines with sensitivity and integrity those
things in her own background that make for the "South-
ern Way of Life."
Sorensen, Theodore C.
Kennedy Harper, 1965 P-Bantam Nonfiction
Intimate view of the late President's political career as
seen by a close aide.
'Steinbeck, John
Travels with Charley in Search of America Viking, 1962 P-
Bantam Nonfiction
Behind this funny and sad odyssey with a dog there are
trenchant observations about life in the United States
Steinberg, Alfred
Mrs. R.: The Life of Eleanor Roosevelt Putnam, 1958 Biog-
An unhappy youth, a domineering mother-in-law, and a
husband incapacitated by polio served to strengthen
Eleanor Roosevelt, who was often called "first lady of
the world."
Stone, Irving
Adversary in the House Doubleday, 1947 Novel
The labor movement and the work of Eugene V. Debs are
the subject of this fictiornilized biography of the pioneer
labor leader.
'Swanberg, W. A.
Citizen Hearst Scribner, 1961 P-Bantam Biography
The long, bizarre life of the press lord of a vast publish-
ing empire is here examined objectively and comprehen-
Swanberg, W. A.
Dreiser Scribner; 1965 P-Bantam Biography
This comprehensive biography of a major figure in
twentieth century American literature provides important
background information for his works.
Szulc, Tad
The Bombs of Palomares Viking, 1967 Nonfiction
Four H-bombs lost over Spain in 1966 created potentially
explosive social and political situations.
Taylor, Robert Lewis
Vessel of Wrath: The Life and Times of Carry Nation New
American, 1966 P-Modern Biography
The stormy career of the American temperance agitator
is followed as she conducted numerous wrecking ex-
peditions, was frequently arrested, but never dismayed.
Trachtenberg, Alan
Brooklyn Bridge: Fact and Symbol Oxford, 1965 Nonfiction
The author manages to relate the story of bridge build-
ing to engrossing ideas about America, from Roebling to
Hart Crane.
Updike, John
Rabbit, Run Knopf, 1930 P-3 editions available Novel
A young father vacillated between the harsh reality of
supporting his family and the pleasant dreams of his
idealized youth. See also Of the Farm Knopf, 1965 P-
Crest Novel.
White, E. B.
One Man's Meat Harper, 1944 P-Harper
These fifty-plus essays by a master make candid -and
humorous observations on American life and should
serve as models for any aspiring essayist.
White, Theodore
The Making of the President 1968 Atheneum, P-Pocket Non-
Detailed and penetrating insights into the events before,
during,,and after the 1964 election. See also The Making
of the President, 1980 Atheneum, 1961 P-Signet Nonfic-
tion; The Making of the President 1964 Atheneum, 1965
13-Signet Nonfiction; America at Last: The American
Journal of T. IL White Putnam, 1965 Nonfiction.
Williams, Edward Bennett
One Ma's Freedom Atheneum, 1962 P-Popular Nonfiction
A famous defense attorney here explores civil liberties
in our country and makes a plea for carefully guarding
them in today's society.
Wilson, Neill C.
Deepdown Rivet Morrow, 1964 Novel
A family ruined by the Depression survived by taking to
a primitive existence in the wildernesi country of north
central Idaho.
tWolfe, Thomas
Look Homeward, Angel (1929) Scribner P-Scribner Novel
Shy, awkward Eugene, youngest of the Gant children,
grew up in the North Carolina Ms, hemmed in by the
hatreds, jealousies, pretenses, 1rd the limited horizons
of his own family. See also You Can't Go Home Again
Harper, 1940 P-Signet Novel.


Deity, Elizabeth.
America Before Man Viking, 1953 Nonfiction
This description of the work of paleontologists is con-
cerned with geological life forms in prehistoric America.
Barringer, D. Moreau
And the Waters Prevailed Dutton, 1956 Novel
Andor, a dweller of the prehistoric Mediterranean valley,
predicted that one day the Atlantic would break over his
land, but no one would believe him.
Baumann, Hans
The Caves of the Great Hunters, rev. ed. Pantheon, 1962
Through the discovery of new cave paintings in southern
France, the author reconstructs the life of prehistoric
man and shows him as a person remarkably similar in
feelings and emotions to man today. See also The Barque
of the Brothers Walck, 1958 Novel.
Bryson, Bernarda
Gilgamesh: Man's First Story Holt, 1967 Legend
The legendary adventures of the Mesopotamian king are
brilliantly retold and illustrated with paintings based on
archaeological remains of the area.
Colbert, Edwin H. -
Dinosaurs: 'Their Discovery and Their World Dutton, 1961
The dinosaur expert at New York's American Museum of
Natural History tells how scientists have gathered in-
formation and drawn conclusions about the huge ani-
mals that roamed the earth one hundred million years
Cornwall, Ian W., and Howard M. Mal land
The Making of Man Dutton, 1961 Nonfiction.
This step-by-step account of the evolution of man, by the
winner of the 1960 Carnegie Medal, is illustrated with ex-
cellent, helpful diagrams. See Ian Cornwall The World.
of Ancient Man Day, 1964 P-Mentor Nonfiction.
Cottrell, Leonard
The Secrets of Tutankhamen's Tomb. N. Y. Graphic, 1964
P-Dell Nonfiction
A true and fascinating account is told of the discovery
and exploration of a Pharaoh's tomb, 3,000 years old,
the only one ever recovered intact.
Eder, May
The Story of Our Ancestors Little, 1955 Nonfiction
Written in a lively style and with many excellent il-
lustrations, this history of the evolution of man is valu-
able as an introduction to the subject.
Falls, C. B.
The First 3,000 Years Viking, 1960 Ngnfiction
The ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean world are
described concisely and spiritedly.
Fenton, Carroll L and M. A.
The Fossil Book: A Record of Prehistoric Life Doubleday,
1958 Nonfiction
This comprehensive introduction to paleontology de-
scribes fossil remains of many forms of life.
Fon Eisen, Anthony
Bond of the Fire World, 1965 Novel
Ash, a Cro-Magnon boy, and his dog developed a deep
bond as they grew into adulthood and faced the dangers
of cave people during the last Ice Age.
Geer, Joseph
The Adventures of Rama Little, 1954 Legend . .

This great egg of India tells ofs the tender love between
Prince Rama and Princess Sitia. The story was already
centuries old , when, it. was first preserved in writing by
an Indian poet five centuries before Christ.
Kuhn, Herbert
On the Track of Prehistoric Man Translated by Alan H.
Brodrick Random, 1955 P-Vintage Nonfiction
In this volume Kuhn describes twelve important pre-
historic caves and what they have told us about early
McGraw, Eloise Jarvis
Mara, Daughter of the Nile Coward, 1953 Novel
'Mara, a slave, played a crucial role in the conflict be-
tween Queen Hatshepsut and her half-brother in the
days of ancient Egypt. See also The Golden Goblet
Coward, 1961 Novel.
Mead, Margaret
People and Place* -fiorld, 1959 P-Bantam Nonfiction
One of America's foremost anthropologists describes here
the way of life of five peoplesthe Eskimo, the Plains
Indians, the Ashanti of West Africa, the Balinese, and
the Minoan of ancient Crete.
Moscati, Sabatino
Ancient Semitic Civilizations (1958, Putnam) P-Capricorn
Who are the Arabian peoples? What have they con-
tributed to the advancement of civilization? Amazing
answers are found in this very readable book.
tRenault, Mary
The King Must Die (1958, Pantheon) P-Random; Pocket
The Theseus legend is vividly and dramatically retold
in this story. See also The Bull from the Sea'Pantheon,
1962 P-Pocket Novel; The Mask of Apollo Pantheon,
1966 P-Pocket Novel.
Scheele, William E.
The First Mammals World, 1955 Nonfiction
The -mammals of 180 Million years ago their sizes,
their distribution over the earth's surface in different
erasare described by the curator of the Cleveland
Museum of Natural History.
Silverberg, Robert
Lost Cities and Vanished Civilizations --Chilton, 1962 P-
BYentani Nonfiction
In thil highly entertaining book, one finds the stories of
these once-great and once -lost civilizations: Pompeii,
Tioi, Knossos of Crete, Babylon, Chichen Itza, and
Silverberg, Robert
The Morning of Mernitind:- Prehistoric Man in Europe N. Y.
Graphic, 1967 'Nonfiction
A carefully prepared book about early man stresses his
inventiveness with a tone of respect which maintains
intense interest.
White, Anne Terry
The First Men in the World Random, 1953 P-Scholastic
From an archaeologist's point of view, the reader is in-
troduced to the step-by-step discoveries of what early
man was like.


Asch, Sholem
The Nazarene Translated by Maurice Samuel (1959, Put-
nam) P-Pocket Novel
This story of Jesus is based on careful scholarship and
research to give readers the feeling that they are on the
scene, meeting him. See also Moses Translated by
Maurice Samuel (1951, Putnam) P-Pocket Novel.
Bishop, Jim
The Day Christ Died Harper, 1957 P-Harper Narrative
From the Last Supper to the agony of the cress, this
moving narrative is an hour-by-hour account of the
events on that fateful day Christ died. See also The
Day Christ Was Born Harper, 1960 Narrative.
Buckmaster, Henrietta
And Walk in Love Random, 1956 Novel
One can capture the sense of life during the early days
of Christianity in this story about the Apostle Paul.
Caldwell, Tayibr
Dear and Glorious Physician Doubleday, 1959 P-Bantam
Against the background of Antioch, Rome, Alexandria,
and Judaea, the reader travels with Lucanus, or Luke,
physician and author of one of the Gospels.
Chase, Mary Ellen
The Bible and the Common Reader, rev. ed. Macmillan,
1952 P-Macmillan
In a simple -but scholarly presentation, the author has
interpreted the Bible as literature and as hisory. See
also Psalms for the Common Reader Norton, 1962
Chute, Marchette G.
Jesus of Israel Dutton, 1961 Nonfirtion
This inspiring, informative account es.," Jesus' life will
give the reader a better understanding of the four
Costain, Thomas B.
The Silver Chalice Doubleday, 1952 P-Pocket Novel
Set against the wealth and splendor of the Roman world,
this story- tells of a Greek slave who for a period kept
the cup from which Jesui drank during the Last Supper.
See also Darkness and the Dawn Doubleday, 1959 Novel.
Douglas, Uoyd C.
The Robe Houghton, 1942 P-Pocket Novel
This novel tells the story of the young Roman nobleman
who carried out the execution of Jesus and who took
his robe.
Hogan, Bernire
Deborah Abingdon, 1964 Novel
A teenage tent-dwelling Jewish girl of 3,000 years ago
grew up with her family, meeting the Canaanite enemy
and overcoming many ether adverse conditions' and
Malvern, Gladys
The Foreigner McKay, 1954 Novel
This novel is a fine retelling of Ruth's devotion to Naomi
and love for Boaz. See also Saul's Daughter McKay, 1956
Novel; Behold Your Queen McKay, 1951 Novel; Tamar
McKay,.1952 Novel.
Menotti, Gian-Carlo
Antahl and the Nigh_ t Visitors-Adapted by Frances Frost Mc-
Graw, 1952 Opera
This modem opera is the story of the visit of the Three
Wise Men to a crippled shepherd boy on their trip to
Van Dyke, Henry
The Story of the Other Wise Man Harper, 1895 P-Harper
This short and beautiful tale of the Wise Man who did
' not get to Bethlehem vividly recreates an era of Persian,
Egyptian, and Hebrew life.
Vilbbetiey, Leonard
The Centurion Morrow, 1967 P- Doubleday Novel
The age. of Christ is brought alive in this story of a
Roman who officiated at the Crucifixion.
Young, Mary
Singing Windows Abingdon, 1962 Nonfiction
The author and illustrator of this book tells how stained
glass is made and of Bible stories and legends depicted
in the windows of famous cathedrals.


Bradford, Ernie D. S.
Ulysses Found Harcourt, 1964 P-Harvest NOnfiction
The author retraces Ulysses' voyage and separates legend
from fact.
Bryher, Winifred
Gate to the Sea Pantheon, 1958 Novel
When Poseidonia was conquered in the fourth century
B.C. by the crude Italic Lucanians, Harraonia, a priest-
ess, tried to keep some elements of their heritage alive
in her people, and, failing, sought a new home.
Buiwer-Lytton, Edward
The Last Days of Pompeii (1834) Dodd P-Dolphin Novel
Luxury was the characteristic of the last days before
the Roman city of Pompeii was covered by the erupting
(Ceram, C. W.
Gods, Graves, and Scholars Knopf, 1951 Nonfiction
In these fascinating accounts of the archaeologist who
excavated Troy, Pompeii, the Egyptian tombs, and Baby-
lonian cities, the reader will learn much about these
ancient civilizations.
Charles-Picard, Gilbert and Colette
Daily Life in Carthage at the Time of Hannibal Translated
by A. E. Foster Macmillan, 1961 Nonfiction
Reports of recent archaeological findings have given the
modern world a new picture of life in ancient Carthage.
Coolidge, Olivia -
King of Men Houghton, 1966.Novel
The gods of Olympus are made to seem very real in this
excellent tale of the adventures of Agamemnon.
Daringer, Helen F.
Yesterday's Daughter Harcourt, 1964 Novel
Beauty and order mark the disciplined life of a Greek
girl and her family on the island of Delos_in the fifth
century B.C.
De Solincourt, Aubrey
Odysseus, the Wanderer Criterion, 1956 Tale
This book serves as a good introduction to the two great.
Homeric classics, the Iliad and the Od_ ssey, the stories
of th, Trojan War and the long voyage home of Odys-
f Euripides
Medea in Greek Plays in Modern Translation Edited by
Dudley Fitts Dial, 1947 P-Oxford Translated by Gilbert Mur-
ray Play
Medea, one of the best known of the Greek tragedies, is
a story of grief, vengeance, and death. See Medea
Adapted by Robinson Jeffers French, 1947.
Grant, Michael
The World of Rome World, 1960 P-Mentor Nonfiction
The story of the city of Rome from 133 B.C. to A.D. 217
is told here in an unusual recreation of .a significant
place and period.
Gunther, John
Alexander the Great Random, 1953 Biography
The brief career of the great conqueror rvas beset by
jealousy and debauchery.
The Odyssey Translated by S. H. Butcher and Andrew Lang
Dodd P-10 editions available Poem
In another great epic, Homer tella the story of the dif-
ficulties faced by the Greek hero Odysseus in returning
home after the Trojan War.
Komroff, Manuel
Julius Caesar Messner, 1955 Biography
This story of Julius Caesar reflects the era: the great
campaigns,- the first triumvirate, days and deeds of
Malvern, Gladys
The Secret Sign Abelard, 1961 Novel
Stephanus, a young Roman actor, rescued his
Valeria, imprisoned -as a Christian, and saved her from
a cruel death at Nerces command.
Mason, Cora -
Socrates: The Man Who Dared to Ask Beacon, 1953 Biog-
Socrates was .a great teacher In Athens. Both the M-
ography of the man and the mirror of the period are
recorded skillfully.
Payne, Robert
The Gold of Troy (1958, Funk) P-Paperback Biography
This biography of that strange man, Heinrich Sch lie-
mann, reveals a man obsessed by ancient Greece who
was successful in finding not one Troy, but several.
Ray, Mary
The Voice of Apollo Farrar, 1964 Novel
Phaedon, a poet, and his cousin, Chart les, an athlete,
surmounted illness and cruelty to compete in the
Olympic games at Delphi more than 2,000 years ago.
Sienkiewicz, Henryk
Quo Vadis? (1896) Dodd; Little P-Bantam Navel
This famous story revolves around the conflict between
the licentiousness of the first century Romans and the
purity of the Christians.
Snedeker, Caroline Dale
The White Isle Doubleday, 1940 Novel
The Claudia family, in second century Rome, took a
trip through Gaul to Britain; where they saw the life
of the Romans in the conquered islands.
t *Sopbocles
Antigone in Greek Plays 171 Modern Translation Edited by
Dudley Fitts Dial, 1947 14,1xford Translated by Gilbert
Murray; Chandler Translated by Michael Townsend Play
The tyranny of a king led to the deaths of all the central
figures in this moving story of ancient Greece.
fSutcliff, Rosemary
Eagle of the Ninth Walck, 1954 Novel
Marcus Flavius Aquila, sent to Roman Britain, set out
to recover the eagle standard of his father's unit lost
in that wild country years before. See also Outcast
Walck, 1956 Novel
Trease, Geoffrey
Web of Traitors Vanguard, 1952 Novel
This excellent adventure story is laid in Athens during
the time of Socrates._
Wallace, Lew
Ben Hur (1880) Dodd; Heritage P4 editions available Novel
In this enduring story,' a Jewish -nobleman was made
a galley slave during the thus of Christ
Williamson, Joanne S.
The Eagles Have Flown Knopf, 1957 Novel
Young Lucius, son of a freedman, tells the story of the
rebellion which preced'd the assassination of Caesar.
Yefremov, Ivan
Land of Foam Houghton, 1959 Novel
A modern Russian writes of a youth of ancient Greece
who was sold into slavery in Egypt, where he faced
incredible hardships, for six years.


Baker, Nina Brown

Robert Bruce: King of Scots Vanguard, 1948 Biography
The almost legendary fourteenth century king freed
- Scotland from English domination.
Barnes, Margaret Campbell
The Tudor Rose Macrae, 1956 Novel
In the pretenders who arose to the throne which she
shared with Henry of Lancaster, Elizabeth of York saw
the ghosts of her murdered brothers. See also Mary of
Carisbrooke Macrae, 1956 NoveL
Blackmore, Richard D.
Lorna Doone (1869) Dodd; Dutton P-3 editIonS available
Novel .
John Ridd, a farmer of Exmoor, fell in love with Lorna,
of the outlawed Doone family Their lives were marred
by bloodshed and death before they found happiness.
Bradford, Ernie
The Wind Commands Me: A Life of Sir Francis Drake
Harcourt, 1965. Biography
The high point of this smoothly written biography is the
bold journey around the world by this colorful sixteenth
century English "sea dog."
Cawley, Winifred
Down the Long Stairs Holt, 1965 Navel
A teenaged boy fought on the Royalist side during the
British Civil Wax in 1648.
Chute, Marchette
The Wonderful Winter Dutton, 1954 Novel
Robert Wakefield ran away, from his bleak home an
went to London, where he fell in with Shakespeare's
troupe of actors and took part in the first production of
Romeo and Juliet.
Du Maurier, Daphne
The Giassbiowers Doubleday, 1963 P-Pocket Nonfiction
Daphne Du Maurier takes the reader into the days of
glassblowing, highlighting one particularly exquisite
goblet that played an important part in the French
Finkel, George
Watch Fires to the North. Viking, 1967 NOvel
Parts of the Arthurian legends are included in this
exciting story of the wars between Saxons and Romans
in sixth century England.
Fon Eisen, Anthony
The Prince of Omega World, 1984 Novel
A young Syrian prince in the eighth century fled from
his enemies and found refuge with desert gypsies in
Galt, Tom
Seven Days from Sunday Crowell, 1958 Nonfiction
Countless myths and facts lie behind man's develop-
ment of methods of marking and keeping track of time.
Horgan, Paul
Conquistadors in North American History Farrar, 1963
This history begins with Columbus and ends two hun-
dred years later in New Mexico under Governor Diego
de Vargas, the last of the Conquistadors.
Mug% Victor -
The Hunchback of Notre Dante (1830) Dodd P-Bantam;
Signet Novel
France at the beginning of the Renaissance is the back-
ground for the story of the misshapen man who was a
caretaker in the great cathedral in Paris.
t.lenkins, Elizabeth
Elizabeth the Great Coward, 1959 P-Putnam Biography
England's great monarch, the fabulous Elizabeth I,
steered her ship of state through an amazing course,
dangerous and treacherous.
Kelly, Eric P.
The Trumpeter of Krakow, rev. ed. Macmillan, 1966 Novel
An exciting adventure story of life in Poland during the
1 late Middle Ages has been reissued in a handsome
edition with illustrations by Janina Domanska.
t Klisyydni, Omar
The Rubdiydt Translated by Edward Fitzgerald, Crowell;
Peter Pauper P-7 editions available Poem
This twelfth century commentary upon life and love
is as popular today as when it first appeared in nine-
teenth century England.
Komroff, Manuel -
Marco Polo Messner, 1952 P-Washington Biography
This thirteenth century explorer was the first to journey
to the East and bring back the wonderful tales of its
riches that set all Europe afire.
Lamb, Harold
Genghis Khan and the Mongol Horde Random, 1954 P-Ban-
tam (as Genghis Khan, Emperor of All Men) Biography
The ruthless Mongol leader during the thirteenth century
swept from the north through much of Asia and brought
it under one rule.
Leighton, Margaret -
Voyage to Coromandel Farrar, 1965 Novel
Ninth century Rome, Egypt, and India dazzled the
northern eyes of two Viking brothers on. a pilgrimage to
a Christian shrine. See also Judith of France Houghton,
1948 Novel.
Loin-Fertile, Miguel, editor
The Broken Spears Translated by Lysander Kemp Beacon,
1962 P-Beacon Nonfiction
The Aztec account of the concjitest of Mexico and the
death of a Civilization is given in this eyewitness story
recorded by the Aztec survivors.
Levinger, Elms Ehrlich
Galileo, First 'Observer of Marvelous Things Messner, 1952
The inventor, astronomer, and mathematician upset,
during the seventeenth century, earlier theories of the
nature of the universe. See also Leonardo da Vinci Whb
Followed the Sinking Star Messner, 1954 Nonfiction.
Nelson,. Edna Deu .Pree
The California Dons Appleton, 1962 Nonfiction
This story of the dons, early Spanish settlers, tells of the
challenge that brought them from Mexico and Spain
to the savage-infested wilderness.
Oldenbourg, Zoe
The Crusades Translated by A. Carter Pantheon, 1966
P-Ballantine Nonfiction
Filled with colorful incident, this account makes vivid
the complex events of the 800 years of the Crusades and
the accompanying plots, struggles, and bloodshed. See
Louis De Wohl The Last Crusader Lippincott, 1956
Paine, Albert Bigelow
The Girl in White Armor: The True Story of Joan of Arc
Illustrated by Joe Isom (1927, Macmillan) MacMillan, 1967
This account of the life and death of Joan of Arc was
reconstructed from the actual evidence and testimony
presented at her trial and from other authenticated
tPyle, Howard
Men of Iron Harper, 1891 P editions available Navel
Pyle tells the colorful tale of a boy's attempt to become
a knight during the days of chivalry.
Repplier, Agnes
Mere Marie of the Ursulines. (1931, Doubleday) Sheed, 1957
Agnes Repplier tells the story of Quebec of the seven-
teenth century and of the remarkable woman who came
in 1639 to establish a school and an orphanage.
Ripley, Elizabeth.
Leonardo da Vinci Walck, 1952. Biography
Beautiful illustrations and vigorous writing will help the
reader understand sixteenth century Italy in this biogra-
phy of the man who is considered the typical Renais-
sance man. .
*She Ilabarger, Samuel
Prince of Foxes Little, 1947 Novel
The intrigues of the Italian princes during the Renais-
sance are the subject of this fascinating noveL
'Shipper, Katherine B.
Leif Eriksson, Harper, 1951 Biography
Eriksson was the first European to sail west to the New
World, several centuries before Columbus' voyages.
Soustelle, Jacques
Daily Life of the Aztecs MPtrntilaii, 1962Nonfiction
The savagery and splenddr of the Mexican nation on the
eve of the Spanish Conquest are vividly recreated.
!Mute tiff, Rosemary
Sword at Sunset Coward, 1963 Novel
The Arthurian age emerges with color and realism
when warrior-king Artos the Bear bravely tried to save
Britain from the barbarian hordes. See also The Shield
Ring Walck; 1957 P-Dell; The Silver Branch Walck, 1958
Treece, Geoffrey
The Seven Kings of England Vanguard, 1955 Nonfiction
The history of England is told here through the lives of
seven kings: Alfred, William the Conqueror, Richard the
Lionhearted, Charles I, Charles II, William of Orange,
George VI. See also The Seven Queens of England Van-
guard, 1953 Nonfiction; Sir Walter Raleigh: Captain
and Adventurer Vanguard, 1950 Nonfiction.
Treece, Henry
Viking's Sunset Criterion, 1960 Novel
In this last book in the trilogy of Harald Sigurdson, the
reader journeys to Greenland in A.D. 815 and then to
the Great Lakes country on a mission of vengeance which
ended with the destruction not only of the enemy but
of Harald and most or his men. See also Viking's Dawn
Phillips, 1956 Novel; Road to Mileiagard Phillips, 1957
Novel; Splintered Sword Meredith, 1965 P-Avon Novel.
t'Undset, Sigrid
Kristin Lavransdatter Knopf, 1935 Novel
In this magnificent trilogy, the author vividly recreates
life in Scandinavia during the fourteenth century.
Vance, Marguerite
Marie Antoinette: Daughter of att Empress Dutton, 1950 Bi-
Marie Antoinette,- the beautiful queen of France, lived
in a violent period of history.
Vining, Elizabeth G. .

Take Heed of Loving Me Lippincott, 1963 P-Pyramid Novel

John Donne is a fascinating character with which to
bring to life the Elizabethan-Jacobean period when
fortune smiled if one knew the right people.
Voegli, Max -

Prince of Hindustan Translated by Ruth Michaelis-Jena and

Arthur Ratcliff Walck, 1961 Legend
Although Ahmed changed from a beggar bay to a Prince
of Hindustan after finding Aladdin's wonderful lamp, he
discovered that learning to be a prince and winning
back j his kingdom from the wicked Rama was no easy
von Hagen, Victor
The Sun Kingdom of the Aztecs World, 1958 Novel; Maya:
The Land of the Turkey and the Deer World, 1960 Nov-
el; The Incas: People of the Sun World, 1961 Novel
Through the eyes of three boys and their families, the
author reconstructs in this fascinating trilogy the daily
life, the history, and the culture of these great civili-
Weir, Rosemary
The Star and the Flame Farrar, 1964 P-Signet Novel
A boy who lived on famous London Bridge was parted
from his family during the Great Plague of 1666 and
reunited with them after the Great Fire.
*White, T. H.
The Once and Future King Putnam, 1958 P-Berkley; Part
One P-Dell (as The Sword in the Stone) Novel
This fascinating novel gives a new, mature meaning to
the King Arthur legend. Sharp realism mixed with de-
lightful fantasy, rollicking humor blended with deepest
poignancy combine to make this book unique.
Williams, Jay, and Margaret Freeman
Knights of the Crusades Harper, 1962 Nonfiction
The era of the Crusades was noteworthy for beautiful
books written by hand. Many illustrations from those
manuscripts are reproduced in this book.
Williams, Ursula M.
The Earl's Falconer Morrow, 1961 Novel
Excellent descriptions of falconry are set against an
authentic medieval background in this story of young
Woolsey, Maryha le
The Keys and the Candle Abingdon, 1963 Novel
Rowan, an FriglIfrit teenager of the eleventh century,
received an education from the monks, freedom from
his lord; he bad to decide between marrying his lord's
daughter and becoriting a monk.

Bertha, Owen
History .in English Words, rev. ed. Hillary, 1956 P-Eerdmans
This book about the history and meaning of words deals
in a complex fashion with the effect of context on
meaning; not only tralual context but also social, cul-
tural, religious, etc_
Barnett, Lincoln
The Treasure of Our Tongue Knopf, 1965 P-Mentor Non-
This absorbing investigation of the origin of language
ranges from a consideration of the Great Vowel Shift
to beatnik babble and structural linguistics.
Brook, G. L
A History of the English Language Oxforcl, 1958 P-Norton
Brook offers a fairly brief treatment of history of English
language and a more detailed examination of inner
change over time.
Brows, Ivor -
A Word in Your Ear and Just Another Word P-Dutton, 1963
Two books are combined in an alphabetical list of
words which have captivated the author. He sometimes
gives- their history, often gives literary uses and 'quotes,
and always expands upon the reader's appreciation of
the word and its connotations. Useful to all writers but
especially poets.
Bryant, Margaret, editor
Current American Usage Funk, 1962 Nonfiction
An alphabetized reference ,book citing the evidence on
debatable items of usage, this book is based not on hear-
say or tradition but on data gathered from'. educated
Burgess, Anthony
Language Made Plain Crowell, 1965 Nonfiction
An interested layman (who is also a novelist and a
former teacher) who wants to stimulate and deepen
readers' interest in words discusses language in a book
of two parts: general language and second language
Chase, Stuart
Guides to Straight Thinking Harper, 1956 Nonfiction
In an entertaining and instructive book, the reader can
learn how to improve his thinking and to avoid being
fooled by others.
Devlin, Joseph
A Dictionary of Synonyms and Antonyms World, 1938
P-Popular Nonfiction
This inexpensive reference book is arranged alphabeti-
Ernst, Margaret
Words, 3rd ed. Knopf, 1954 Nonfiction
Chapters on dictionaries, accent, spelling, prefixes and
suffixes, wards from place names, how places got names,
names of days, months, and seasons tell how the English
language has changed and is changing. See also More
about Words Knopf, 1951 Nonfiction.
Etlemble, Rena
The Written Word Boston Rook; Orion Nonfiction
This attractive, illustrated book investigates man's at-
tempts to imprint his ideas,. E. -In the first signature
through the varied docnments of many cultures.
Evans, Bergen and Cornelia
A Dictionary "of Contemporary :American Usage. Random,
1957 Nonfiction -

An up-to-date alphabetical reference book describes usage

in practice today. The authors retain their sense of
humor while treating the subjects seriously.
Folsom, Franklin
The Language Book Grosset, 1963 Nonfiction
This highly illustrated large book is -an encyclopedia
about language in general; it does not achieve great
depth about any one aspect Useful bibliography. Sub-
jects covered include these: origin of language, picture
writing, number symbols, language families of the
world, codes and symbols, machine language, language
during war, how to learn a language, fun with words.
Gelb, I. J.
A Study of Writing, rev. ed. Chicago, 1964 P-Chicago Non-
This recognized authoritative text on the history of
graphics is complete, scholarly, yet readable for one
who is interested.
Girsdansky, Michael
The Adventure of Language, rev. ed. P-Fawcett Nonfiction
Probably a book for browsing and "dipping-into," this
one deals with oomparailve language and compares and
contrasts English with many other languages.
Gove, Philip, editor .

The Role of the Dictionary P-Bobbs Nonfiction

An anthology of excerpts and articles, well described by
the title, covers interesting facets. Cove was the editor
at large of Webster III.
Gray, Jack, editor
Words, Words, and Words about Dictionaries P-Chandler
A casebook of readings and questions about lexicography
gives excerpts from prefaces to dictionaries from 1755
to present and compares efttries.
Greenough, James, and George L Kittredge
Words and Their Ways in English Speech (1900) P-Mao-
millan Nonfiction
A favorite classic about word study in its many aspects
abounds in quotations and clarifications from literature.
Hall, Edward
The Silent Language Doubleday, 1959 P-Fawcett Nonfiction
This book is about kinesiesthe nonverbal communica-
tion of gesture, stance, grimaces, and other devices used
in a cultureand how these habits relate to speaking
and personal relationships.
Hayakawi., S. lv editor
The Use mud Misuse of Language P-Fawcett Nonfiction
This book of readings on general semantics, a field which
combines many disciplines (linguistics, composition,
psychology, sociology) is basically on the nature and
cause of communication failure.
Heitman, Elizabeth S.
Signs and Symbols Around the World Lothrop, 1967 Non-
Here is an intriguing exploration of nonverbal written
communication: picture writing, religious and magic
symbols, trade marks, highway markers, etc.
Irwin, Keith Gordon
The Romance of Writing: From Egyptian Hieroglyphics to
Modern Letters, Numbers, and Signs Viking, 1956
The book traces the development of the alphabet through
Egypt, Babylonia, Phoenicia, Greece, and Rome to, final-
ly, modem lettering. It tells the story, of paper, musical
signs, and number symbols. Probably most useful as
Jennings, Gary
Personalities of Language Crowell, 1965 P-Apollo Nonfiction
General book on origin, flavor, borrowings, and meander-
, ings of the English language gives information on slang,
place names, pidgin, and "those four-legged words."
Jespersen, Otto
Growth and Structure of the English Language. P-Double-
day, 1955 Nonfiction
A classic study which traces the history of the FIN; Itch
language covers syntactic and semantic changes with
many literary references.
Joos, Martin
The Five Clocks P-Harcourt, 1967 Nonfiction
An entertaining and instructive explanation of levels
of usage and style is written with subtle humor.
Laird, Helene and Chariton
Tree of Language World, 1957 Nonfiction
The first half of the book is about the nature of lan-
guage, the history of English, the story of the alphabet
and its relationship to spelling, names, and printing. The
latter,half is a delightful _dictionary of the origins of
100 English words. See Charkon Laird The Miracle of
Language World, 1953 P-Fawcett Nonfiction; William
Sparke Story of the English Language Abelard, 1965
Lambert, Wee, and Mario Pei
The Book of Pkice Names Lathrop, 1959 Nonfiction
Where do names come from? What do they mean? The
mystery and romance of geographical terms are deline-
ated here.
Lambert, aolse, and Mario Pei
Our Names: Where They Came From and What They Mean
Lothrop, 1960 Nonfiction
Here are stories about names; everyone is interested in
his own and in those of close friends. See George R.
Stewart Names on the Land, rev. ed. Houghton, 1958
P-Houghton Nonfiction.
Lodwig, Richard, and Eugene Barrett
The Dictionary and the Language Hayden,- 1967 P-Hayden
This book is enicerned with the development of the
dictionary, the kinds of modern dictionaries, how dictio-
naries are made today, how to use the many facts in-
cluded in a dictionary. In addition, there are sections
on how words are created, get meaning, and change in
Malmberg, Berth!
Phonetics, 3rd ed. P-Dever, 1.954 Iskafietion
Perhaps this book is the most simple introduction to the
sounds humans make.
Marckwardt, Alben H.
American English, college ed. Oxford, 1958 P-Oxford Non-
An enlightening treatment of the growth and develop-
ment of the English language in .America Chows the
interaction of cultural and-social changes with linguistic
changes. See Albert H. Marckwardt and Randolph Quirk
A Common Language P-BBC; NOTE, 1966 Nonfiction.
Mathews, Mitford McLeod
American Words World, 1959 Nonfiction
The background and the history of about 200 'words awl
phrasesi which "grew" in the new world are given here.
See also Beginnings of American English P-Chicago, 1931
MuLuhan, Herbert Marshall,:and Quentin Fiore
The Medium Is the Massage Random, 196? P-Bantam Non-
A serious spoof on McLuhan's thesis, "the medium is the
message," has many pictures, few words. This book
tries to canvey the message of McLuhan's earlier book
in media other than print. See also Understanding Media:
The Extension of Man McGraw, 19U4 P-McGraw; New
American 1966 Nonfiction.
Moore, John
Yov English Words Lippincott, 1962 P-Dell Nonfiction .

This exploration of the wonders and strangeness of the

English languagehow it is put together and how it
developedis fascinating.
Nicholson, Margaret
A Dictionary of American-English Usage Oxford, 1957 P-
New American Nonfiction
This adaptation of Fowler's A Dictionary of Modern
English Usage is a reference guide to debatable items
of usage.
Nurnberg, Maxwell, and Morris Rosenblum
All about Words: An Adult Approach to Vocabulary Building
Prentice, 1966 P-New American Nonfiction
This book is a treasury of information about the lan-
guage aimed at increasing the reader's vocabulary. In-
cludes tests.
Ogg, Oscar
The 26 Letters, 2nd ed. Crowell, 1961 Nonfiction
This book deals competently and comprehensively with
the history of the alphabet and various types of letter-
ing. Illustrations are fine. See I. J. Gelb The Study of
Writing, rev. ed. Chicago, 1964 P .Chicago.
Osmond, Edward
From Drumbeat to Tichertape Hale, 1965 Nonfiction
The author traces the history of symbolizatiOn: the
development of the various alphabets, capital and small
letters, Roman and Arabic numerals; the story of print-
ing and development of type; the history of newspapers;
and finally a chapter on communication today.
Pei, Mario
The Story of Language, rev. ed. Lippincott, 1965 P-New
American Nonfiction
A comprehensive coverage of language from early man
to present deals with second-language learning and man's
use of language. See also The Story of English P-Fawcett,
Postman, Nell, editor
Language in America Pegasus, 1969 Estays
This perceptive collection presents the "languages" .of
every major facet of American life: politics, racism,
censorship, advertising, education, law, etc.
Potter, Simeon
Modern Linguistics Oxford, 1957 P-Norton, 1964 Nonfiction
A British writer discusses phonetics, word structure,
syntax, dialects (of many languages), and semantic
shift. See also Language in the Modern World Smith
P-Penguin, 1960 Nonfiction.
Rogers, Frances
Painted Rock to Printed Page Lippincott, 1960 Nonfiction
The author tells of cave drawings, clay tablets, papyrus
in Egypt, then of advances in writing in GreeCe and
Rome. He discusses printing from Gutenberg to Benjamin
Franklin and, finally, includes a chapter on printing
today; he also tells of the books which were landmarks
in thit% process.
Schlauch, Margaret
The Gift of Language Smith P-Dover, 1942 Nonfiction
The only limitation of this introduction to the study of
language is the publication date. It's easy to read.
Severn, Bill
People Words Washburn, 1966 Nonfiction
For reference and for browsing, this book tells the story
of words made from people's names.
Shut', Roger W.
Discovering American Dialects P-NCTE, 1967 Nonfiction
This book describes both ge6graphical and social dialects
and discusses their history and current incidence in
Skeet, Walter W.
A Concise Etymological Dictionary of the English Language
Oxford, 1911 P- Putnam, 1963 Nonfiction
The first edition of this book was published In 1882. It
is an alphabetized list of "primary words of frequent
occurrence" with their etymological history. This im-
portant reference tool has 12,750 entries.
Sparke, William
Story of the English Language Abelard, 1965 Nonfiction
This book covers many aspects of English; the slant is
historical and sociological.
Stewart, George R.
Names on the Land, rev. ed. Houghton, 1958 P-Houghton,
1967 Nonfiction
The seminal wofk on place names in the United States
was written by a novelist-English teacher.
Whatmough, Joshua
Language: A Modern. Synthesis P-New American Library
This book relates language to modern discovery and
technology: computer science, statistics, symbolic logic,
acoustics, communication theory, neurology.

Jerome Bruner has said that teachers put students

through the rigors of learning without giving them the time
or the opportunity to make use of what they have learned,
even though the rewards, the reinforcements for learning
come from this use. Many reading-literature curricula seem
to suffer from this fault: the children spend all available
time acquiring skills in reading and in evaluation of litera-
ture but have little time to spend applying these skills in
pleasure reading. Lifetime reading habits can't be imposed
on people by force-feeding skills assignments to large groups
or even, probably, by permitting them to choose books from
an "approved list."
Book selection is as individual as a fingerprint or a
voice pattern. The book which will "turn on" one reader
may leave another uninvolved. Young readers must accustom
themselves to sampling, exploring, and browsing in many
books if they are to diicover by in reading. The -range of
books which might prove to be "good reading" for any one
class is infinite. Adult readers in any community need the
complexity of the offerings of the public library. So do
adolescent readers. No carefully selected list of books can
be labeled with assurance as "books every young adult
should read."
The concept of free guided reading or individualized
reading appears in many classrooms in different practices.
Some teachers build thematic units around a group of
books with similar theme or content and give students the
opportunity to read as many as they are able. Other teachers
offer a limited number of appropriate books and guide
youngsters to those most appropriate for them; the students
then read the books and share their reactions in groups.
Many schools today offer complete freedom of range with
each child setting his own goals and choosing his own
reading for as long as a semester at a time.
Some basic assumptions which underlie this practice of
wide and individual reading are these:
1. One way to improve reading skills is to read a great
2. Both pleasure and learning are to be found in books
which are not necessarily "great" literature.
3. Youngsters who find their lives, ,their problems in a
work of fiction will find pleasure too.
4. Some young people have not responded to the whole-
class way of teaching. Individualization may help
5. Easy access to a wide variety of books is a spur to
increased reading.
What are the goals of such a literature-reading program?
"Literature study should result in an enriched life. A suc-
cessful high school program need accept nothing less as its
major outcome" (2). Three dimensions of the literature pro-
gram as described by Burton (2) define the full program: the
developmental dimension in which literature gives personal
delight and insight into the human experience; the human-
istic dimension in which literature brings youth into.contact
with a cultural tradition, the ideas which have concerned
man throughout recorded time; and the formal dimension in
which literature is given depth and irichness through an
understanding of its genres. The first two of these dimen-
sions can be richly explored and achieved by individualized
reading; success in these two dimensions may enable a stu-
dent to participate. in the third dimension Jennings, too,
speaks of personal insight gained:
The central aim of our education is not the training of
an intellectual elite. That is a speCial problem, as it has
always been, for a special kind of education. Neither is
the aim a-widespread literary sophistication, although
that is not undesirable. We seek to lift the problems
that confront them 56 that theiruseful liyes may be
happy. . . . If we are to have access to this [life of
action' we must have teachers who are themselves
readers, who do not possess trivial;minds.
. . . (6)
Frank Jennings also pleads that teachers allow students
the privilege of choice and of starting from where they are,
not where they "ought to be."
Although we as adults are concerned to give the boy or
girl the best possible reading experience, we cannot af-
ford to overlook the fact that he has learned to make
reading choices on his own. We ignore these choices
more than we honor them. And tolerance is not enough.
Don't forget the hungers that send him to these books.
Don't be so quick to depreciate the shoddy magazine,
the blatant paperback, even the ghastly comic. You can
easily see what he is after. Find out if he is getting it.
Honor his struggle and help him on to the kind of read-
ing that will feed his hunger with-stronger food. A wise,
courageous and patient adult will begin by accepting
the teenager where he is. What he is reading is of vital
importance to him, however trivial it seems to us. You
cannot begin with the "classics," with "rich" and "en-
nobling masterpieces." If they are that, and 'much of
the so-called literature that we parade before our youth
most certainly is not, then they provide secret goals
toward which you can strive. . . . (6)
Daniel Fader in H9oked on Books tells of the wide diver-
gence in depth and difficulty of the books chosen by the
young readers Lie was counseling:
. . just before they've encompassed the idea that the
library is a source of pleasure rather than of pain.
During that crucial transition period, picttire-books with
familiar characters are ports in a storm of change:
Dennis the Menace and Charlie Brown are welcomed
with smiles of anxious relief. Boy after boy reads quick-
ly through Hank Ketchum's six titles and Charles
Schulz's four before he pushes himself into the deeper
water of words without.pictures. (4)
However, some rears demand books which call for the
kind of life :ixpatience which they've encountered:
Semi-literate retie AV -do not need semi ]iterate books. . . .
"Reading" is a peculiarly personal interaction be-
tween the child and the book, an interaction as dif-
ferent in each case as readers may differ from each
other in breadth of experience and quality of mind.
But in no case does this interaction demand an under-
standing of every word by the reader. In fact, the
threshold of understandingof meaningful interac-
tionis surprisingly low and can be pleasurably crossed
in many complex books by many simple readers. (4)
Helping students to find their books takes a many-faceted
English teacher: one who knows something about adole
cents and the milieu in which they live, one who has read
not a few great books thoroughly but one who has read
widely, avidly, continuously and who enjoys many kinds of
literature. Such a tefteher knows and respects different kinds
of books and different kinds of readers. Frank Jennings
discusses these contrasts:
A distinction has to he made between the different
kinds and levels of reading. For mere survival, func-
tional literacy is needed by everyone in ow: society.
High reading efficiency is required of every specialist
in his or her own field. Written ordeef. and instructions
have to be understood clearly if they are to he carried
out. Some people will rarely use reading for anything
beyond the simplest some of information. Some may
never use it for entertainment. Those of us who find
in reading all that has been claimed for it in this bode
may be unhappy that their interests and preferences
are not universally shared. We want the schools to
make more people in our image. We will never be
satisfied with the schools' success. But we can never
afford to believe that the difference between us and all
those who do not share our interests is a difference of
quality. It is required of us that we respect the dif-
ferences. The home whose view of the world is only
through the tiny picture window of television may not
be as rich as ours with its magic casements and grand
vistas, but it is peopled by men and women who feel
and see and understand that same world. Some of their
children can be recruited from their ranks even as we
lose some of ours to them. The exchange can be in our
favor. It must be if the world is to be better than it is.
It cannot be if we protect ourselves from them vv:e2.
ancient outworn intellectual snobberies. (6)
When a class is reading freely under guidance, the teach-
er must be prepared for a wide variety of reactions to books.
The teacher who himself loves to read can, of course, better
arrange a love affair between a student and the printed
word than can the teacher w)--,1 seldom, if ever, reads a
book. Moreover, the teacher who reads the books his students
find interesting or those they might possibly find interesting
is much more likely to have a successful and satisfying
experience with a free reading program.
There is no ore way in which to implement a free read-
ing program. A teacher should, however, have a definite
plan and a well-defined program. A cardinal point to keep
in mind is to forget traditional patterns. Appleby and Con-
ner suggest beginning an individualized reading session by
having each student start a reading profile meet with an-
swers to these questions: 1. Where have you been in your
reading? (What have you enjoyed?) 2. Where are you
going? (Do you have a plan or titre in mind? What author
or theme or kind of story would you like?) Students then
sign up for individual conferences of ten to fifteen minutes;
these are held in a corner of tin room while others are read-
ing. Later if two or more students have finished the same
book, group conferences can be held. The teacher who has
either skimmed or read the book involved and can talk with
the students about their reaction and interaction with the
book will find the experience heartening, some times delight-
ful, and sometimes entertaining. Sharing reactions with the
teacher is important to boys and girls and invariably im-
proves student-teacher rapport. Appleby and Conner (1)
suggest that before a conference, the teacher look at the
student's reading profile and have some titles in mind to
suggest. The teacher should be prepared to take the student
up a rung of the reading ladder if he is ready. These
authors also suggest some pitfalls to avoid ,uch as recom-
mending "better" quality books or making derogatory re-
marks about those the student has obviously enjoyed.
Sometimes the reporting on individual books can be
written but seldom, if ever, in the stereotyped and much
hated book report form. Some research has indicated that
students prefer a face-to-face encounter with the teacher
for a few minutes alone and a brief discussion of the book,
often to share enthusiasm. Very good students will be able
to find the place for this book in the world of hooks which
they have previously encountered. Such a report and literary
analysis can be meaningfully integrative for many students.
Some books are contagious; after one student has read them,
the majority of the class follows. Then, of course, a class
discussion or a panel led by one of a group which read the
same book can be shared with the entire group. Occasionally
members of a class choose books which follow a theme
(boys reading books about war or a group who read books
about Japan, for example) and again they can prepare a
report to the rest of the class sharing their findings. Writing
a comparison of a novel with the movie made from it will
be meaningful to the reluctant reader as will expressing an
opinion as to whether or not the problems encountered by a
teenage protagonist are solved in a believable manner. High
school boys and girls are seeking insight into their own
problems, and sometimes a literary experience gives them
a chance to view their own lives with more objectivity.
Students can learn, 2erhaps in a conference with the teach-
er, to go on from there to a rewarding understanding of the
universality of motivations and the difficulties encountered
by all humans during certain life crises. These students can
begin to shape an adult world such as that described by
Literature does not reflect life, but it doesn't escape or
withdraw from life either; it swallows it. And the
imagination won't stop until it's swallowed everything.
No matter what direction we start off in, the signposts
of literature always keep pointing the same way, to a
world where nothing is outside the human imagina-
tion. (5)
Bruner has said that this kind of involvement is the pur-
pose of literature in the curriculum:
Man must cope with a relatively limited number of
plightsbirth, growth, loneliness, the passions, death
and not very many more. They are plights that are
neither solved nor by-passed by being "adjusted." An
adjusted man must face his passions just as surely as
he faces death. I would urge that a grasp of the basic
plights through the basic myths of art and literature
provides the organizing principle by which knowledge
of the human condition is rendered into a form that
makes thinking possible, by which we go beyond learn-
ing to the use of knowledge. I urge simply that there be
exposure to, and interpretation of, literature that deals
deeply with the human condition. (3)
Some teachers may want to counterbalance reading with
writing and to widen the opportunity for personal involve-
ment by use of the journal as described by Dr. Fader (4)
or by what some have called "free writing."
Mr. Jennings advises avoiding the usual questions found
in a "discussion guide" of many textbooks often found
under the heading of "The Writer's Craft." Rather, he sug-
gests, teachers should begin with the recognition that some-
thing happens to anyone who reads anything, and that
is what should be talked about. It is because of what has
happened to a student as he read that he will read further.
Teachers are constantly reminded that students cannot be
equipped with enough data to enable them to cope with
tomorrow's world. But teachers can give young people a
source of intellectual and spiritual strength by creating an
environment of enjoyment from books. Frank Jennings ex-
presses his faith in this arrangement:
There are golden ages yet to be made and times of
trouble to be survived. The book is a shield, a tool and
a power-pack. It is an instrument for intellectual and
emotional navigation. It is man's own sovereign remedy
against the ills and confusions of a changing universe.
The more competent readers a society has, the greater
will be its capacity for. doing good to itself. Wakeful
happiness should be the best condition of man. (6)
Kirkwood, Missouri

1. Appleby, B., and J. Conner. "Well, What Did You Think

of It?" English Journal, October, 1965.
2. Burton, b. L. Literature Study in the High School. Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1964.
3. Tiruner, J. S. "Learning and Thinking," Harvard Edu-
cational Review, 1959.
4. Fader, D. N., and E. B. McNeil. Hooked on Books: Pro-.
gram and Pr )of. Berkeley, 1966; G. P. Putnam's Sons,
5. Frye, N. The Educated Imagination. Indiana University
Press, 1964.
6. Jennings, F. This Is Reading. Columbia University Press,
1965, pp. 168-69, 194, 1S5-9C.


ABELARD--Abelard-Schuman, Ltd., 257 Park Ave. S., New

York, N.Y. 10010
ABINGDONAbingdon, Press, 201 Eighth Ave. S., Nashville,
Tenn. 37202
ACEAce Publishing Corp., 1120 Ave. of the Americas,
New York, N.Y. 10038
AIRMONTAinont Publishing Co., Inc., 22 E. 60th St.,
New York, N.Y. 10022
ALLYNAllyn & Bacon, inc., 470 Atlantic Ave., Boston,
Mass. 02210
AMERICANAmerican Heritage Publishing Co., Inc., 551
Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y._10017
ANCHOR--Anchor Books: see Doubleday
APOLLOApollo Editions, Inc., 201 Pars Ave. S., New York,
N.Y. 10303
APPLETONAppleton-Century-Crofts, Educational Division
of Meredith Corp., 440 Park Ave. S., New York, N.Y.
ARCHWAYArchway Paperback Editions: see Simon
ARIELAriel Books: see Farrar
ATHENEUMAtheneum Publishers, 122 E. 42nd St.,
New York, N.Y. 10017
AVONAvon Books, Division of the Hearst Corp., 959
Eighth Ave New York, N.Y. 10019
BALLANTINEBallantine Bo Oks, Inc., 101 Fifth Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10003
BANTAMBantam Books, Inc., 666 Fifth Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10019
BARNESA. S. Barnes & Co., Inc., Forsgate Dr., Cranbury,
N.J. 08512
BARRONBarron's Educational Series, Inc., 113 Crossways
Park Dr., Woodbury, N.Y. 11797
BASICBasic Books, Inc., Publishers, 404 Park Ave. S.,
New York, N.Y. 10016
BEACONBeacon Press, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.
BERKLEYBerkley Publishing Corp., 200 Madison Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10016
BETHANYThe Bethany Press, Box 179, 2640 Pine St.,
St. Louis, Mo. 63166
BISONBison Books, University of Nebraska Press, 901 N.
17th St., Lincoln, Nebr. 68508
BOBBSThe Bobbs-Merrill Co., Inc., 4300 W. 62nd St.,
Indianapolis, Ind. 46268
BOSTON BOOKBoston Book & Art, Publisher, 655 Boyl-
ston St., Boston, Mass. 02116
BRAZILLERGeorge Brazil ler, Inc., 1 Park Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10016
BBCBritish Book Centre, Inc., Fairview Park, Elmsford,
N.Y. 10523
BRUCEBruce Books, 850 Third Ave., New York, N.Y.
CALIFORNIAUniversity of California Press, 2223 Fulton
St., Berkeley, Calif. 94720
CAMBRIDGECambridge Book Co., Inc., 488 Madison Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10022
CAPRICORNCapricorn Books: see Putnam
CHANDLERChandler Publishing Co., 124 Spear St., San
Francisco, Calif. 94105
CHICAGOUniversity of Chicago Press, 5750 Ellis Ave.,
Chicago, Ill. 60637
CHILTONChilton Book Cc..., 401 Walnut St., Philadelphia,
Pa. 19106
CITADEL Citadel Press, Inc., 222 Park Ave., S., New York,
N.Y. 10003
COLLIERP. F. Collier, Inc., 866 Third Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10022
COMPASSCompass Books: see Viking
COWARDCoward-McCann, Inc., 200 Madison Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10016
CRESTCrest Bookst see Fawcett
CRITERIONCriterion Books, Inc., 257 Park Ave. S., New
York, N.Y. 10010
CROWELLThomas Y. Crowell Co., 201 Park Ave. S.,
New York, N.Y. 10003
CROWNCrown Publishers, Inc., 419 Park Ave. S., New
York, N.Y. 10016
DAYThe John Day Co., Inc., 257 Park Ave. S., New York,
York, N.Y. 10010
DELACORTEDelacorte Press: see Dell
DELLDell Publishing Co., Inc., 750 Third Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10017
DELTADelta Books: see Dell
DEUSPau list/Newman Press, 404 Sette Dr., Paramus, N.J.
DEVINThe Devin-Adair Co., 1 Park Ave., Old Greenwich,
Conn. 06870
DIALThe Dial Press, Inc., 750 Third Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10017
DODDDodd, Mead & Co., 79 Madison Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10016
DOLPHINDolphin Books: see Doubleday
DOUBLEDAYDoubleday & Co., Inc., Garden City, N.Y.
DOVERDover Publications, Inc., 180 Varick St., New York,
N.Y. 10014
DUELL Duell, Sloan & Pearce: see Meredith.
DUTTONE. P. Dutton & Co., Inc., 201 Park Ave. S., New
York, N.Y. 10003
EERDMANSWm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 255 Jeffer-
son Ave. S.E., Grand Rapids, Mich. 49502
ERIKSSONPaul S. Erilcsson, Inc., 119 W. 57th Street,
New York, N.Y. 10019
ESSANDESSEssandess Specie" Editions: see Simon
EVANSM. Evans & Co. Inc., 216 E. 49th St., New York,
N.Y. 10017
EVERGREENEvergreen Books: see Grove
EVERYMANEveryman's Library: see Dutton
FARRARFarrar, Straus & Giroux, Inc., 19 Union Sq. W.,
New York, N.Y. 10003
FAWCETTFawcett World Library: Crest, Gold Medal &
Premier Books, 87 W. 44th St., New Yo 11c, N.Y. 10036
FELL Frederick Fell, Inc., 386 Park Ave. S., New York,
N.Y. 10016
F,OLLETTFollett Publishing Co., 201 N. Wells St., Chicago,
Ill. 60606
FREE PRESSThe Free Press: see Macmillan
FRENCHFrench & European Publishers, Inc., Rockefeller
Center, 610 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y. 10020
FRIENDSHIP Friendship Press, 475 Riverside Dr., New
York, N.Y. 10027
FUNKFunk & Wagnalls, 380 Madison Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10017
GARDENGarden City Books: see Doubleday
GEISBernard Geis Associates, 128 E. 56th St., New York,
N.Y. 10022
GROSSETGrosset & Dunlap, Inc., 51 Madison Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10010
GROSSMANGrossman Publishers, Inc 125A E 19th St.,
New York, N.Y. 10003
GROVEGrove Press, Inc., 214 Mercer St., New York, N.Y.
HALEE. M. Hale and Co., 1201 S. Hasting Way, Eau
Claire, Wis. 54701
HANOVERHanover House: see Doubleday
HARCOURTHarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., 757 Third
Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017
HARPERHarper & Row, Publishers, E. 33rd St., New
York, N.Y. 10016
HARVARDHarvard University Press, 79 Garden St., Cam-
bridge, Mass. 02138
HARVEYHarvey House, Inc., Publishers, Irvington-on-
Hudson, N.Y. 10533
HASTINGSHastings House, Publishers, Inc., 10 E. 40th
St., New York, N.Y. 10016
HAWTHORNHawthorn Books, Inc., 70 Fifth Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10011
HAYDENHayden Book Co., Inc., 116 W. 14th St., New
York, N.Y. 10011
HERITAGEHeritage Press Books, The George Macy Com-
panies, Inc.; orders to Dial
HILLHill & Wang, Inc., 72 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.
HILLARYHillary House Publishers, 303 Park Ave. S., New
York, N.Y. 10010
HOLIDAYHoliday House, Inc., 18 E. 56th St., New York,
N.Y. 10022
HOLTHolt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 383 Madison Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10017
HOUGHTONHoughton Mifflin Co., 2 Park St., Boston,
Mass. 02107
HUMPHRIESBruce Humphries Publishers, 68 Beacon St.,
Somerville, Mass. 02143
IMAGEImage Books: see Doubleday
INDIANAIndiana University Press, 10th & Morton Sts.,
Bloomington, Ind. 47401
INTERNATIONALInternational Book Corp., 7300 Bis-
cayne Blvd., Miami, Fla. 33138
KNOPFAlfred A. Knopf, Inc., 201 E. 50th St., New York,
N.Y. 10022
LANCERLancer Books, Inc., 1560 Broadway, New York
N.Y. 10036
LIPPINCOTTJ. B. Lippincott Co., E. Washington Sq.,
Philadelphia, Pa. 19105
LITTLELittle, Brown and. Co., 34 Beacon St., Boston,
Mass. 02106
LOTHROPLothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., Inc., 10 5 Madison
Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016; orders to Morrow
LUCERobert B. Luce, Inc., 2000 N St. N.W., Washington,
D.C. 20036
MACFADDENMacfadden-Bartell Corp., 205 E. 42nd St.,
"ew York, N.Y. 10017
M.,..RAWMcGraw-Hill Book Co., 330 W. 42nd St., New
York, N.Y. 10036
McKAY David McKay Co., Inc., 750 Third Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10017
MACMILLANThe Macmillan Co., 866 Third Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10022
MACRAEMacrae Smith Co., 225 S. 15th St., Philadelphia,
Pa. 19102
MARZANIMarzani & Munsell, Inc., 100 W. 23rd St.,
New York, N.Y. 10016
MENTORMentor Books: see New Ameriran
MEREDITHMeredith Corp., 1716 Locust St., Des Moines,
Ia. 50303
MERIDIANMeridian Books: see World
MESSNERJulian Messner, 1 W. 39th St., New York, N.Y.
MILLM. S. Mill Co., Inc.: see Morrow
MINERVAMinerva Books, Ltd., 31 Union Sq. W., New
York, N.Y. 10003
MODERNModern Library, Inc., 201 W. 50th St., New
York, N.Y. 10022
MORROWWilliam Morrow & Co., Inc., 105 Madison Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10016
NCTENational Council of Teachers of English, 111 Ken-
yon Rd., Urbana, Ill. 61801
NEW AMERICANThe New American Library, Inc., 1301
Ave. of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10019
NEW DIRECTIONSNew Directions Publishing Corp., 333
Ave. of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10014; orders to
N.Y. GRAPHIC SOCIETYNew York Graphic Society Ltd.,
140 Greenwich Ave., Greenwich, Conn. 06830
NOONDAYThe Not= lay Press: see Farrar
-NORTH CAROLINAUniversity of North Carolina Press,
Box 2288, Chapel Hill, N.C. 27514
NORTONW. W. Norton & Co., Inc., 55 Fifth Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10003
OBOLENSKYObolensky Books, Astor-Honor, Inc., Division
of International Communications, Inc., 205 E. 42nd St.,
New York, N.Y. 10017
ORIONOrion Press: see Grossman
OXFORDOxford University Press, Inc., 200 Madison Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10016
PANTHEONPantheon Books, Inc., 201 E. 50th St., New
York, N.Y. 10022
PAPERBACKPaperback Library, 315 Park Ave. S., New
York, N.Y. 10010
PENGUINPenguin Books, Inc., 7110 Ambassador Rd.,
Baltimore, Md. 21207
PERGAMONPergamon Press, Inc., Maxwell House, Fair-
view Park, Elsraford, N.Y. 10523
PETER PAUPERPeter Pauper Press, 629 N. MacQuesten
Pkwy., Mount Vernon, N.Y.. 10552
PFLAUMGeorge A. PfEaum, Publisher, 38 W. 5th St.,
Dayton, Ohio 45402
PHILLIPSS. G. Phillips, Inc., 305 W. 86th St., New York,
N.Y. 10024
PHOENIXPhoenix Books: see Chicago
POCKETPocket Books: see Simon
POPULARPopular Library, Inc., 355 Lexington Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10017
POTTERClarkson N. Potter, Inc., 419 Park Ave. S., New
York, N.Y. 10016; orders to Crown
j. -L. PRATTJ. Lowell Pratt & CO., Distributed by Kable
News Co., 777 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10017
PRENTICEPrentice-Hatl, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J.
PUTNAM G. P. Putnam's Sons, 200 Madison Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10016
PYRAMIDPyramid Publications, Inc., 919 Third Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10022
QUADRANGLEQuadrangle Books, Inc., 12 E. Delaware
Pl., Chicigo, Di. 60611
RANDRand McNally & Co., Box 7600, Chicago, Ill. 60680
RANDOMRandom House, Inc.; 201 E. 50th St., New York,
N.Y. 10022
REILLYReilly. & Lee Books, 114 W. Illinois Si., Chicago,
Ill. 60610
REINHOLDReinhold Publishing Corp.; orders to Van Nos-
irand-Reinhold Books, 450 W. 33rd St., New York, N.Y.
REVELLFleming H. Revell Co., Old Tappan, N.J. 07675
REYNALReynal & Co.; orders to Morrow
RIVERSIDERiverside Literature Series: see Houghton
ROCKEFELLERThe Rockefeller University Press, York
Ave. & E. 66th St., New York, N.Y. 10021
RONALDThe Ronald Press Co.. 79 Madison Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10016
ST. MARTIN'S St. Martin's Press, Inc., 175 Fifth Ave.,
New York, N.Y. 10010
SCHOLASTICScholastic Br.ok Services, 50 W. 44th St.,
New York, N.Y. 10036
SCOTTWilliam R. Scott, Inc.,. 333 Ave. of the Americas,
New York, N.Y. 10014
SCOTT, FORESMANScott, Foresman and Co., 1900 E.
Lake Ave., Glenview, EL 60025
SCRIBNERCharles Scribner's Sons, 597 Fifth Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10017
SEABURYThe Seabury Press, Inc., 815 Second Ave., New
N.Y. 10017
SENIRYSentry Editions: see Houghton
SHEEDSheed & Ward, 64 University Place, New York,
N.Y. 10003
SIGNETSignet Books: see New American
SIMONSimon & Schuster, -Inc., 630 Fifth Ave., New York,
SLOANEWilliam Sloane Associates, Inc.: see Morrow
SMITHThe Smith; orders to Horizon Press, 156 Fifth Ave.,
. New York, N.Y. 10010
STEIN & DAYStein & Day Publishers, 7 E. 48th St., New
York, N.Y. 10017
STUARTLyle Stuart, Inc., 239 Park Ave. S., New York,
N.Y. 10003
TJ" -NEWSTafnews Press, 401 First St., Box 256, Los
Altos, Calif. 94022
TEMPOTempo Books: see Grosset
TRIDENTTrident Press: see Simon
UNIVERSALUniversal Library: see Grosset
UNIVERSAL PUB.Universal Publishing & Distributing
Corp., 235 E. 4.. th St., New York, N.Y. 10017
VANGUARDVanguard Press, Inc., 424 Madison Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10017
VERRYLaurence Verry, Inc., 16 Holmes St., Mystic, Conn.
VIKINGThe Viking Press, Inc., 625 Madison Ave., New
Ydrk, N.Y. 10022
VINTAGEVintage Books: See Random
WALCKHenry Z. Walck, Inc., 19 Union Sq. W., New York,
N.Y. 10003
WALKERWalker & Co, 720 Fifth Ave., New York, N.Y.
WASHBURNIves Washburn, Inc., 750 Third Ave., New
York, N.Y. 10017
WASHINGTONWashington Square Press: see Simon
WATTS-LFranldin Watts, Inc., 845 Third Ave., New York,
N.Y. 10022
WESLE'AN UNIVERSITYWesleyan University Press, 100
Riverview Center, Middletown, Conn. 06457
WESTMINSTERThe Westminster Press, Witherspoon
Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107
WHITEDavid White Co., 60 E. 5581 St., New York, N.Y.
WORLDThe World Publishing Co., 110 E. .59th St., New
York, N.Y. 10022
YALEYale University Press, 149 York St., New Haven,
..:orm. 06511
ZEN:THZenith Books: see Dovbieday


A Advise and Consent, 229

Aeneid, 140
Abe Lincoln Grows Up, 33 Afghanistan, 179
Abe Lincoln in Illinois, 148 Africa and Africans, 162
Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Africa Before They Came, 166
Years, 33 Africa Is People, 165
Abraham Lincoln: The War African Firebrand: Kenyatta of
Years, 33 Kenya, 161
Aces of Aces, 52 African Genesis, 116
Achievement of Theodore African Hunter, 163
Roethke, The, 138 African Myths and Tales, 154
Across Five Aprils, 222 African Poetry, 126
Across the Tracks, 108 African Queen, The, 5
Across the Wide Missouri, 215 African Samson, 163
Act One, 145 African Season, An, 164
Action in the Sky, 54 African Stories, 164
Admiral of the Ocean Sea, 210 African Traveler: The Story of
Adventure in Black, 13 Mary Kingsley, 166
Adventure of Language, The, African Treasury, An, 163
256 African Voices: An Anthology
Adventures of Don Quixote de of Native African Writings,
la Mancha, 3 165
Adventures of Huckleberry After Thirty Years: The Daring
Finn, The, 91 Young Man on the Flying
Adventures of Rama, The, 239 Trapeze, 159
Adventures of Richard Hannay, After Worlds Collide, 121
2 Agony and the Ecstasy, The,
Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 200
4 Ahdoo lol The Biography of
Adventures of Tom Leigh, The, Matthew A. Henson, 182
191 Airport, 5
Adventurous Life of Winston Airs Above the Ground, 10-11
Churchill, The, 24 Aku -Aku: The Secret of Easter
Adversary in the House, 234 Island, 5
Advice to a Prophet and Other Alamo, The, 227
Poems, 141 Alarms and Diversions, 78
Alas, Babylon, 83 American Negro Folktales, 154
Albert Einstein, 31 American Negro Poetry, 127
Albert Schweitzer: Genius in American Negro Short Stories,
the Jungle, 27-28 153
Albert Schweitzer: Man of American Poetry, 227
Mercy, 24 American Tragedy, An, 83
Alexander the Glorious, 194 American Words, 258
Alexander the Great, 244 Among the Maya Ruins: The
Alexander Von Humboldt: Sci- Adventures of John Lloyd
entist, Explorer, Adventurer, Stephens and Frederick Cath-
11 erwood, 188
Alexander Wilson, Naturalist Amos Fortune: Free Man, 35
and Pioneer, 25 Ancient Semitic Civilizations,
All about Eileen, 77 240
Al] about Words: An Adult Ap- And Both Were Young, 39
proach to Vocabulary Build- And Miles to Go: The Biog-
ing, 259 raphy of a Great Arabian
All-American, 107 Horse, Witez II, 10
All in the Family,. 88 . And/Or: Antonymns for Our
All-Pro Quarterback, 57 Age, 88
All Quiet on the Western Front, And Promenade Home, 144
113 And the Waters Prevailed, 237
All the Advantages, 21 And Then There Were None, 3
All the King's Men, 91 And Walk in Love, 241
All This and Heaven Too, 37 Andersonville, 111
Alone, 180 Angel of the Battlefield: The
Alone by Night, 3 Life of Clara Barton, 223
Aluk: An Alaskan Caribou, 182 Angry Planet, The, 122
Amahl and the Night Visitors, Animal Farm, 104
242 Animal Stories, 157
Amazing Adventures of Father Anna and the King of Siam,
Brown, The, 153 171
Ambassador, The, 114 Anna Karenina, 41
Amber Flask, The, 65 Annapurna: First Conquest of
Amelia Earhart, Heroine of the an 8000-Meter Peak, 5
Skies, 51 Anne Frank: A Portrait of
America as a Civilization, 231 Courage, 68
America at Last: The American Anne Frank: The Diary of a
Journal of T. H. White, 235 Young Girl, 68
America Before Man, 237 Annuza, a Girl of Romania,.
American Aces in Great Fighter 203
Battles of World War II, 54 Antarctica: The Story of a Con-
American Doctor's Odyssey, tinent, 181
An, 29 Anthology of Scandinavian Lit-
American English, 258 erature, An, 155
American Indian Wars, The, Antigone, 245
227 Anything Can Happen, 77
American League Story, The, Applesauce Needs Sugar, 183
55 April Morning, 213
Argentina Road Race, 57 Barque of the Brothers, The,
Ark, The, 95 237
Arm of the Starfish, The, 7 Barrios of Manta, The, 186
Armoury of Light Verse, An, "Bartleby the Scrivener," 48
126 Baseball Is a Funny 57
Around the World in Eighty Battle of the Little Big Horn,
Days, 12 226
Around the World Submerged: Battle of the Wild Turkey and
The Voyage of the TRITON, Other Tales, The, 157
43 Beautiful Changes, The, 141
Arrowsmith, 86 Beaver Man, The: Spearheads
As I Lay Dying, 98 of Empire, 211
Asimov's Mysteries, 121 Bedford Incident, The, 113
Assistant, The, 87 Before I Sleep, 31
Assorted Prose, 160 Beginnings of American En-
At Home in India, 173 glish, 258
At the Hemingways: A Family Behind the Mountains, 226
Portrait, 33 Behind the Plate, 55
Atoms in the Family, 118 Behold Your Queen, 242
Autobiography of Benjamin Bell Call, 206
Franklin, The, 27 Belles on Their Toes, 74
Autobiography of Bertrand Rus- Bell for Adano, A, 199
sell, 1872-1914, The, 33 Ben-Gurion, 179
Autobiography of Eleanor Ben Hur, 245
Roosevelt, The, 32 Bench ley Roundup, 73
Autobiography of Lincoln Stef- "Benito Cereno," 48
fens, 34 Berlin '45, the Grey City, 192
Autobiography of Malcolm X, Best American Humorous Short
The, 102 Stories, The, 77
Awakened China, 168 Best Detective Stories of the
Awakening of China, The, 169 Year, 2
Best of Clarence Day, The, 74
B Best of Hawthorne, The, 155
Best of the Best American Short
B-G, Fighter of Go 'laths, 33, Stories, 1915-1950, The, 154
177 Best Short Stories by Negro
Babbitt, 86 Writers, The: An Anthology
Babi Yar, 112 from 1899 to the Present, i56
Backfield Buckaroo, 60 Best South Sea Stories, 206
Backstop Ace, 57 Between Home and Horizon, 67
Ballad Mongers, The: Rise of Beyond Sing the Woods, 196
the Modern Folk Song, 127 Beyond the High Hills: A Book
Ballad of Calamity Creek, 68 of Eskimo Poems, 134
Ballerina on Skates, 148 Beyond the High Himalayas,
Ballhawks, The, 59 173
Bamboo Hospital, 172 l3ible and the Common Reader,
Banner in the Sky, 12 The, 241
Banners at Shenandoah, 221 Big Doe's Girt, 39
Bare Fe,:t in the Palace, 171 Big Knives, The, 217
Big Loop, 192 Boomerang Hunter, 205
Big Money, The, 229 Born Free: A Lioness of Two
Big Sky, The, 28, 216 Worlds, 161
Bilingual Collection of Russian Born in Paradise, 208
Short Stories, A, 154 Born to Play Ball: Willie Mays'
Billy Budd, Sailor, 48 Own Story, 59
"Billy Budd, Sailor," 48 Borrowed Brother, 18-19
Biography of Physics, 119 Bounty Trilogy, The, 8-9
Birds on the Wing, 55 Boy on Horseback, 33-34
Bishop Pattern, The, 16 Boy Ten Feet Tall, A, 162
Bishop's Mantle, The, 41 Branch Will Not Break, The,
Bismarck, 194 142
Black Amber, 12 Brave New World, 100
Black Boy, 107 Brave New World Revisited,
Black Is Best: The Riddle of 100
Cassius Clay, 103 Brazilian Tales, 152
Black Is the Color of My True- 13read and Wine, 200
Love's Heart, 9 Breakway Back, 58
Black Like Me, 99 Breed of Giants, 11
Black Man's Burden, 101 Br endan, 22
Black on Black: Commentaries Bridge at Andau, 113, 202
by Negro Ame,-:^ans, 93 Bridge of San Luis Rey, The,
Black Pearl The, 9 92
Blood, Banners and Wild Bridge over the River Kwai,
Boars, 19-: The, 110
Blood Brother, 215 Bridges at Toko-Ri, The, 113
Blood That Is Language, The, Bristle Face, 63
135 Broken Spears, The, 249
Blue Dress, 40 Brooklyn Bridge: Fact and
Blue hen's Chick, The: A Life Symbol, 235
in Context, 28 Brothers Karamazov, The, 201
Blue Nile, The, 364 Brothers of the Sea, 49
Blue of Capricorn, The, 206 Brumbie Dust: A Selection of
Blueberry, 20 Stories, 205
Blueberry Summer, 70 Building Blocks of the Universe,
Bob Dylan, 30 116
Bogey Man, The, 60 Bull from the Sea, The, 240
Bold Dragon and Other Ghost- Bundle of Ballads, A, 134
ly Tales, The, 156 Burma Rifles, 109-10
Bombs of Palomares, The, 235 Burmese Family, 171
Bond of the Fire, 239 Burnt-Out Case, A, 99
Bones of Plenty, The, 17 By Marvelous Agreement, 67
Book of Love Poems, A, 36
Book of Place Names, The, 257
Book of the High Mountains, C
Booker T. Washington: Educa- C.I.A.: The Inside Story, 90
tor of Hand, Head and Heart, Caine Mutiny Court-Martial,
28 The, 115
Caine Mutiny, The, 115 Charles Dickens: A Pictorial
California Dons, The, 249 Biography, 32
Call from Austria, A, 1 Char ly, 101
Call It Sleep, 105 Cheaper by the Dozen, 74
Call of the Wild, The, 7 Chem.meen, 176
Cambridge, U.S.A.: Hub of a Chickamauga: Bloody Battle in
New World, 105 the West, 223
Candide, Zadig, and Selected Chike and the River, 161
Stories, 160 Child of Our Time, 197
Candle for St. Jude, A, 145 Child Possessed, A, 96
Captain Horatio Homblower, 46 Child Who Never Grew, The,
Captain Little Ax, 223 95-96
Captains Courageous, 47 Children and Others, 153
Caravans, 178 Children of Allah, 177-78
Carl Sandburg, 230 Children of Crisis: A Study of
Carpentered Hen and Other Courage and Fear, 229
Tame Creatures, The, 140 Children of the Salmon and
Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, 47 Other Irish Folktales, 158
Cars at Speed: The Grand Prix Chilekings, The, 79
Circuit, 56 China Court, 16
Casey: The Life and Legend of Chips Off the Old Bench ley, 73
Charles Dillon Stengel, 56 Choice of Weapons, A, 104
Cassiopea Affair, The, 92 Chosen, The, 88
Cast a Giant Shadow, 177 Christ in the Communist Pris-
Castle on the Border, 95, 197 ons, 92
Catcher in the Rye, The, 38, 89 Christopher Columbus, Mariner,
Catherine the Great, 202 210
Catherine the Great: Autocrat Chucklebait, 78
and Empress of All Russia, Cimarron, 216
28 Citadel, The, 82
Cave of Danger, 12 Citizen Hearst, 234-35
Caves of the Great Hunters, Citizen of New Salem, 221
The, 237 Citizen of Two Worlds, 173
Cecily, 69 City for Lincoln, A, 107
Ceiling of Amber, 71 City of Bells, A, 37
Celia Garth, 212 Clarence Darrow: Defense At-
Centenary at Jalna, 184 torney, 32
Centurion, The, 242
Century of the Detective, The, Classic Tales from Modern
11 Spain, 153
Ceremony, 141 Classic Tales from Spanish-
Certain Island, A, 70 America, 153
Ceylon, 176 Classics Reclassified, The, 73
Chaim Weizmann: Builder of a Clementine, 75
Nation, 177 Clocks, The, 3
Challenger, 61 Closing the Ring, 192
Champion of World Peace: Cloud Forest, The: A Chronicle
Dag Haniniarskjold, 31 of the South American Wil-
Chariot in the Sky, 219 derness, 187
Clouded Star, A, 222 Complete Tales and Poems, The
Coach Nobody Liked, The, 55 (E. A. Poe), 158
Coast of Coral, The, 204 Comrade Don Camillo, 199
Colditz Story, The, 113 Concise Etymological Dictio-
Collected Poems (R. Hodgson), nary of the English Language,
132 260
Collected Poems: 1900-1962 Concord Rebel, 26
(T. S. Eliot), 129 Confessional, The, 20
Collected Poems, 1930-1960 Confessions of Nat Turner, The,
(R. Eberhart), 129 223
Collected Poetry of Dorothy Congo Kitabu, 163
Parker, The, 136 Connecticut Yankee in. King
Colic !ed Shorter Poems, The Arthur's Court, A, 107
(K. Rexroth), 137 Conquering Horse, 87
Collected Tales and Plays, The Conquistadors in North Ameri-
(N. Gogol), 154 can History, 247
Come Hither, 129 Contemporary American Poetry,
Come North with Me: An Au- 131
tobiography, 2 Contender, The, 58
Comeb; At Guy, The, 57 Controversy of Poets, A, 133
Coming of Age in Mississippi, Conversations with Stalin, 201
23 Count Me Gone, 17
Coming of the Space Age, The: Count of Month Cristo, The, 4
Famous Accounts of Man's Country Cousins, 36
Probing in the Space Age, Country of Strangers, A, 210
122 Court Clown, 66
Common Language, A, 258 Cow Neck Rebels, The, 213
Common Sense about Russia, Cow People, 224
200 Cowboy Son' s and Other Prot-
Communications in Space, 52 tier BO lads, 134
Compact Milton, The:. Paradise Crack in the Sidewalk, A, 22
Lost, Samson Agonistes, and Cragsmoor, 7
Areop4itica, 135 Crash Club, :,h)
Company A Adventurers, 185 Crazy Horse, Great Warrior of
Complete Book of Karting; The, .the Sioux, 216
56 Credos and Curios, 9
Complete lik.ok of Submarines Cress Delahanty, 2,2
49 Cricket Songs: Japanese Haiku,
Complete Book of Surfing, The, 126
56 Crime and Punishment, 32
Compiete Poems of Enu ly Dick- Crisis in Black and White, 106
inson, The, 129 Cristianis, The The Biography
of a Circus Family, 30
Complete Poems of Robert
Frost, 130 Cross and the-Sword, The, IN
Crossbreed, The, 4
Complete Short Stories Crucible, The, 103
(N. Hawthorne), 155 Cruel Sea, The, 48
Complete Short Stories of Mark Crusades, The, 250
Twain, The, 79 Cry, the Beloved Country, 165
Crystal' Cabinet, The: An Invi- Days of Dylan Thomas, The,
tation to Poetry, 131 137
Cup of Courage, A, 70 Daybreak, 24
Current American Usage, 253- Dean's Watch, The, 37
55 Dear and Glorious Physician,
Curtain of Ignorance, 168 241
Curtains, 149 Death in the Family, A, 80
Cyrano de Bergerac, 39-40 Death of a Salesman, 87
Death of Ivan Ilych and Other
D Stories, The, 160
Death of the THRESHER, 49
Daily Life in Carthage at the Deborah, 242
Time of Hannibal, 243 Decision at the Chesapeake, 47
Daily Life of the Aztecs, 250 D-Day: The Invasion of Europe,
Damien, the I oiler, 206 111
Dance to the Piper, 144 D-Day: The Sixth of June, 111
Dandelion Wine, 122 Deep Silence, The, 49
Danger in a Smiling Mask, 4 Deepdown River, 236
Dangerous Air, 100 Deepwater Challenge, 43
Dangerous Homecoming, 201 Defender of the Constitution:
Dangerous Spring, 109 Andrew Johnson, 28
Dark Adventure, The, 233 Defender of the Faith: William
Dark Companion: The Life Jennings Bryan: The Last
Story of Matthew Henson, Decade 1915-1925, 86
182 Deliver Us from Evil, 82
Dark Pilgrim, 211 Delta Wedding, 91
Dark Side, The, 124 Desegregated Heart, The: A
Dark Swallows, The, 37 Virginian's Stand in Time of
Dark Tower, The: Nineteenth Transition, 228
Century Narrative Poems, 128 Deserted House, The, 82
Darkness and the Dawn, 242 Desiree, 40
Darkness at Noon, 201 Devil's Cub, 193
Daughter, The, 195-96 Diary of a Harlem Schoolteach-
Daughter of the Sky, 51 er, 99
Daughter of Time, The, 11 Diary of a Madman and Other
David: The Story of Ben- Stories, The, 155
Gurion, 33, 177 Di.uy of Anne Frank, The, 68
Dawn, 179 Dictionary and the Language,
Day and the Way We Met, The, The, 258
21 Dictionary of American-English
Day Christ Died, The, 241 Usage, A, 259
Day Christ Was Born, The, 241 Dictionary of Contemporary
Day Lincoln Was Shot, The, 219 American Usage, A, 255
Day of Infamy, 232 Dictionary of Modern English
Day of the Drag Race, The, 57 Usage, A, 259
Day of the 'frit lids, The, 125 Dictionary of Synonyms and
Day the Rope Broke, The, 3 Antonyms, A, 255
Days of Henry Thoreau, The: Different One, The, 66
A Biography, 29 Dinny Gordon, Sophomore, 67
Dinosaurs: Their Discovery and Drop-Out, 67
Their World, 237 Drumbeat, 49
Diplomat in War Paint: Chief Drummer for the Americans,
Alexander McGillivray of the 210
Creeks, 214 Drums Along the Mohawk, 213
Dirt Track Summer, 57 Drums in My Heart, 38
Discovering American Dialects, Durango Street, 65
260 Dylan, 135
Discovery, 182 Dylan Thomas: A Collection of
Discovery and Other Poems, Critical Essays, 128
Distant Trumpet, A, 216-17
Divided Heart, The, 70
Divided Loyalties, 195
Diving for Pleasure and Trea- E. E. Cummings: The Magic
sure, 2 Maker, 135
Doctor Hap, 224 Eagle of the Ninth, 245
Dr. Ida, 176 Eagles Have Flown, The, 246
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Earliest English Poems, The,
Other Stories (Coward), 160 126
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Earl's Falconer, The, 252
Other Stories (Dell), 160 Earth Abides, 83
Doctor Toni Dooley: My Story, Earthfasts, 124
82 earthmen and qtrangers, 125
Doc Zhivago, 104 East of Home, 176
Dog Who Came To Stay, The, Echoes of Bats and Men, 118
15 Edge- of Danger, The: True
Dog Who Wouldn't Be, The, 77 Stories of Adventure, 10
Dolphin Strut, 122 Edge of Disaster, 196
Don't Call Me Katie Rose, 41 Edge of the Sea, The, 43
Doolittle's Tokyo Raiders, 112 Edge of Time, The: historical
Door Fell Shut, A, 1 Novel of the Texas Panhan-
Dostoyevsky: A Human Por- dle, 216
trait, 32 Edge of Tomorrow, The, 82
Dot and the Line, The, 76 Edge of Violence, 71
Double Image, The, 74 Edison, 231
Dough, Ray and Me: The Ad- Education of a Golfer, The, 61
ventures of a Family Who Education
The, 77
of Hyman Kaplan,
Gave Up Social Security for Egg and 1, The, 77
Home on the Range, 76 Eighth Moon: The True Story
Douglas, 71 of a Young -Girl's Life in
Down the Long Stairs, 246 Communist China, 170
Down These Mean Streets, 107 Eleven Verse Plays, 1929-1939,
Down to the Sea in Subs: My 143
Life in the U.S. Navy, 47 Elizabeth and the Young Strang-
Dream to Touch, A, 67 er, 70
Dreiser, 235 Elizabeth the Great, 247
Drinkers of the Wind, 165 Elizabethans' America, The, 211


Elsa and Her Cubs, 161 Famous American Humorists,
Ely, 230 73
Emily Brontë: Her Life and Famous Tales of Sherlock
Work, 33 Holmes, 3
Eminent Victorians, 195 Far Field, The, 138
Emperor's Last Soldiers, The, Far from the Madding Crowd,
112-13 37
Endless Steppe, 'fie: Growing Far Journey, The, 216
Up in Siberia, 201 Farewell to Arms, A, 38
Episode of Sparrows, An, 193 Fatal Impact, The: An Account
Escape!, 10 of the Invasion of the South
Escape from Colditz, 113 Pacific, 8
Escapes and Rescues, 10 Fate Is the Hunter, 52
Esdaile Notebook, The: A Vol, Father Brown Omnibus, 153
ume of Early Poems, 138 Fathers and Sons, 203
Ethan Frome, 92 Feast of Freedom, A, 208
Eugene O'Neill, 144 February Plan, The, 9
Eva, 198 Fellowship of the Ring, The,
Evening Star, 71 11-12
Everybody Ought to I now, 77 Fields, The, 218
Except for Me and 11.1e, 22 Fields of Noon, The, -81
Exodus, 179 Fierce and Gentle Warriors, 106
Exploration of Outer Space, Fife and Fandango, 40
The, 53 Fifteen, 66
Exploring the Secrets o he Sea, Fifteen Great Russian Short.
45 Stories, 160
Fifth Chinese Daughter, 35
Fighting Chance, A., 49
F Find the Boy, 162
Finn the Wolfhound, 204
FDR Stoty, The, 233 Fire and the Gold, The, 12
Fables for Our Time, Fire Hunter, 70
Face of North Amer, a: The Fire Next Time; The, 93
Natural history of a Conti- Fireside Book of Humorous
nent, 118 Poetry, The, 73
Face to Face, 175 Firmament of Time, The, 83
Fahrenheit 451, 122 First Love Farewell, 67
Fail-Safe, 110 First Love, True Love, 67
Faith of JFK, The, 233 First Mammals, The, 240
Falcon and the Dove, The: A First Men in the World, The,
Life of Thomas Becket of 241
Canterbury, 143 First Papers, 17
Family, 18 First-Parting,63
Family Circle, 148 First 3,000 Years, The, 239
Family Nobody Wanted, The, First Time I Saw Paris, The, 39
16 Five Clocks, The, 257
Family df Foxes, -193 Five of the South, 209
Family of Man, The,' 88 Five Tales, 48
Family on Wheels, A, "21 Fixer, The, 87


Flame Trees of Thika: Mem- tures and Misadventures of an
ories of an African Child- Airline Stewardess, 54
hood, 163 From Drumbeat to Tickertape,
Flight of Birds, A, 158 259
Flight to Freedom: The Story From Fear Set Free, 176
of the Underground Railroad, From Plantation to Ghetto, 103
219-21 From Sandlots to League Presi-
Floorburns, 55 dent: The Story of Joe Cro-
Flowers for Algernon, 101 nin, 58
Flowers of Hiroshima, The, 169 From the Ashes: Voices of
Flush, a Biography, 42 Watts, 106
Flying SaucersSerious Busi- Full Court Press, 57
ness, 123 Furrow Deep and True, A, 20
Folk Songs of North America, Further Fables for Our Time,
The, 134 79
For Fear. We Shall Perish, 218
For the Union Dead, 134
For 2¢ Plain, 230
For Whom the Bell Tolls, 38 Galileo, First Observer of Mar-
Forbush and the Penguins, 180 velous Things, 249
Ford: The Times, the Min, the Gandhi, Fighter Without a
Company, 233 Sword, 174
Foreigner, The, 242 Garden on the Moon, 122
Forever Free, 161 Garibaldi, 198
Forgotten Door, The, 123 Gate to the Sea, 243
Porten the Sailmaker, 212 Gathering of Zion, The: The
44 Irish Short Stories, 154 Story of the Mormon Trail,
42nd Parallel, 229 218
Fossil Book, The: A Record of Gathering Storm, The, 192
Prehistoric Life, 239 General Next to God, The: The
Four Against Evere.t., 9-10 Story of William Booth and
Four Against the River, 205 the Salvation Army, 25-26
Four Verse Plays, 143 Genghis Khan and the Mongol
Fourteen Stories, 152 Horde, 249
Fox from His Lair, The, 2-3 Genghis Khan, Emperor of All
Fragment of Autobiography, A, Men, 249
28 Gentle House, The, 19
Franny and Zooey, 89 Gentleman from San Francisco
Free Fall, 84 and Other Stories, The, 152
Freedom of the Press: A Con- George, 149
tinuing Struggle, 90 George Washington Carver: An
Freedom Summer, 80 American Biography, 29
George Washington: The Forge
FreedomWhen?, 98 of Experience, 1732-1775, 213
French Revolution, The, 195 German Stories, 159
French Roundabout, 192 Ghost Ship of the Pole: The In-
Friendly Persuasion, The, 22 credible Story of the Dirigi-
Frightened Hero, The, 6 ble ITALIA, 181
From Another Island: Adven- Giants in the Earth, 218
Giants of Jazz, 148 Grant Moves South, 221
Gift from the Sea, 86 Grapes of Wrath, The, 106
Gift Horse, 72 Great American Desert, The:
Gift of Language, The, 260 Then and Now, 225-26
Gift Shop, The, 1 Great American Short IStories,
Gifts of Passage, 32 159 1

Giles Goat-Boy: Or, The Re- Great Auk, The, 196

vised New Syllabus,- 93 Great Auto Races, 58 .
Gilgamesh: Man's First Story, Great Destiny, 96
237 Great Dreadnoght, The, 46
Girl in the Mirror, 71 Great English Short Stories, 156
Girl in White Armor, The: The Great French Short Stories.152
True Story of Joan of Arc, Great Gatsby, The, 83
250 Great German Short Stories,
Girl Like Me, A, 83 159
Girl on a Broomstick, 65 Great Ghost Stories, 10
Girl with a Pen, Charlotte Great Houdini, The: Magician
Brontë, 18 Extraordinary, 149
Glass House of Prejudice, 95 Great Lady of the Theatre:
Glassblowers, The, 247 Sarah Bernhardt, 147
Glorious Conspiracy, The, 2k1 Great Rulers of the African
Glory Road, 221 Past, 162
Go, Team, Go, 61 Great Russian Short Stories, 156
Go Tell It on the Mountain, 93 Great Sahara, The, 166
Go Up for Glory, 60 Great Salad Oil Swindle, The,
Goal Line Bom!Jer, 58 103
God That Failed, The, 97, Great Short Works of Jack.
Gods, Demons, and Others, 175 London, 157
Gods Depart, The, 207 Great Surfing, 61
Gods, Graves, and Scholars, 243 Great Tales of Action end
Gold Bug and Other Tales and Adventure, 2
Poems, The, 158 Great Tales of Fantasy, and
Gold Fever 225 Imagination, 15.9-60
Gold in California!, 215 Great White, The 180
Gold of Troy, The, 245 Greatest American Short Stories,
Golden Eagle, The, 88 The: Twenty Classics of Our
Golden Goblet, The, 240 Heritage, 153
Golden Treasury, The, 136 Greatest Fighter_ Missions, 54
Gone with the Wind, 222 Greatest Gamtie, The, 111
Good Earth, The, 167 Greatest Thing Since Sliced
"Good Evening!": A Bread, The, 9
Professional Memoir, 34 Grecian Calendar, 199
Good Morning My Heart, 38 Greek Plays in Modem
Good-bye Dolly Gray: The Translation, 244, 245
Story of the Boer War, 164 Green Berets, The, 113
Goodbye to a River, 5 Green Dolphin Street, 37
Good-Bye to the Jungle, 21 Green Grass of Wyoming, 71
Gown of Glory, The, 41 Green Mansions, 187
Grand Alliance, The, 192 Greenhorns, 22
Greenmantle, 2 Heartland, The: Ohio, Indiana,
Greenstone, 205-06 Illinois, 225
Gridiron Crusader, 57 Hearts Are the Fields, 41
Grover Cleveland, 29-30 Heart's Needle, 139
Growth and Structure of the Heavyweight Champions, 56
English Language, 257 Helen Keller: Sketch for a
Guadalcanal Diary, 114 Portrait, 25
Guides to Straight Thinking, Hell on Ice, 4
255 Henry 3, 86
Guns for the Saratoga, 214 Here and There: 100 Poems
Guns in the Heather, 191 about Places, 136
Guns of August, The, 114 Here I Stay, 224
Guns of Navarone, 112 Here's Hawaii, 207 '-
GYPSY MOTH Circles the Heritage of Kitty Hawk, The,
World, 43, 45 51
Heroes of Polar Exploration,
H 180
Heroes Without Glory: Some
H.M.S. BOUNTY, 47-48 Good Men of the Old West,
H.M.S. SARACEN, 49 227
Halfback on His Own, 60 Heroines of the Early West, 218
Halfway to Heaven: The Story idden Flower, The, 81
of the St. Bernard, 198 Hidden Persuaders, The, 104
Halliburton: The Magnificent Hidden Trail, 69-70
Myth, 33 High and the Mighty, The, 53
Handful of Rice, 175 High Challenge, 197-98
Hands of Cormac Joyce, The, High Road Home, 97
72 Highpockets, 61
Hans Christian Andersen, 196 Hilltop, 7
Happenings, 146 Hinge of Fate, 192
Happy Land, The, 38 Hiroshima, 100
Hardnose, 67 His Enemy, His Friend, 90
Harmless People, The, 166 History in English Words, 253
Harvest of Journeys, 6 History of the English
Harvest of World Folk Tales, I Language, A, 253
A, 159 Hobbit, The, 11
Hawaii, 208 }log Butcher, 98
Hawaii and Its People, 206 Home Book of Laughter, The,
Hawaii: Fiftieth Star, 206 73 _
Hawaii Pono: A Social His' tory, Home from the Hill, 17
206-07 Home Is the Hunter, 147
Hawaiian Reader, A, 206 Home to India, 176
Hawk Alone, The, 161-62 Homecoming, 97
He Wouldn't Be King: The Hopefuls, The, 233
Story of Simdn Bolivar, 186 Horse Soldiers, The, 223
Heart Is a Lonely Hunter', The, Horses of Anger, 83
18 Hospital, The, 99
Heart of Danger, 233 Hot Rod, 56-57
Heart of the Forest, The, 186 House Called Memory, A, 192
House of Bondage, 96 I Will Try, 85
House of Ma'ny Rooms, A, 17 Ice Station Zebra, 8
House of Tomorrow, The, 90 Ideas of Biology, The, 117
How Green Was My Valley, If Ever Comes, 21
102 Illampu: Adventure in the
How I Got That Story, 25 Andes, 188
How Many Miles to Babylon?, Illustrated History of the
68 Horror Film, An, 144
How Wide the Heart, 70-71 Image of Chekhov, The: Forty
Howl of the Malemute, The: Stories, 152
The Story of an Alaska Imagination's Other Place:
Winter, 182 . Poems of Science and
Human Comedy, The, 20 Mathematics, 136
Hunchback of Notre Dame, Imagist Poem, The: Modem
The, 247 Poetry in Miniature, 137
Hundred Days, The: Napoleon's Immense Journey, The, 118
Final Wager for Victory, 194 Immortal Jolson, His Life and
Hustler's Handbook, The, 61-62 Times, The, 148
Immortal Poems of the English
I Language, 141
Imperial Woman, 167
I Always Wanted to Be Impressions of Latin America,
Somebody, 57 187
I Am! Says the Lamb: A In a Hawaiian Valley, 207_
Joyous Book of Sense and In a Mirror, 71
Nonsense Verse, 138 In Cold Blood: A True Account
"I and My Chimney," 48 of a Multiple Murder and Its
I Capture the Castle, 40 Consequences, 96
I Couldn't Help Laughing, 77 In Love and War, 195
I Have Friends in Heaven, 66 In My Father's Court, 90
I Heard of a River, 211 In Norway, 197
I'll Get There. It Better Be In the Antarctic: Stories of
Worth the Trip, 6 Scott's Last Expedition, 181
1, Juan de Pareja, 189 In the Clearing, 130
I, Ketizrah, 13 In the Company of Eagles, 111
I Know Why the Caged Bird In the Hands of the Senecas,
Sings, 23 213
I Lost It at the Movies, 146 In the Land of the Quetzal
I Married Adventure, 171 Feather, 187
I Met a Boy I Used to Know, In Their Own Words: A History
72 of the American Negro,
I Never Promised You a Rose 1916-1966, 232
Garden, 99 Incas, The: People of the Sun,
I, Roberta, 91 . 252
I Saw Red China, 168 Incident at Exeter: Unidentified
I Walked with Heroes, 172 Flying Objects over America
I Went to the Woods: The Now, 52
Autobiography of a Bird Incredible Journey, The, 183,
Photographer, 23 - Incredible Tales, 159
Incredible Victory, 112 Jazz Country, 145
India, India, 174 Jean and Johnny, 66
Indian Ocean Adventure, 45 Jennie Gerhardt, 83
Inheritors, The, 84 Jennifer, 106
Innocents Abroad, 79 Jenny Kimura, 66
Innocents at Home, The: A Jenny Lind, the Swedish
Visit to the U.S.A., 76 Nightingale, 146
Inside Europe Tpday, 193 Jesse James Was My Neighbor,
Inside Russia Today, 201 215
Inside the Atom, 116 Jesus. of Israel, 242
Interrupted Journey, 52 Jet Flier, 51
Introduction to Haiku, An, 132 Jim Ryun Story, The, 59
Introduction to Shakespeare, Jim Thorpe Story, The:
An, 144 America's Greatest Athlete,
Invisible Man, 98 60-61
Irish Stories and Tales, 154 Jinnah: Creator of Pakistan,
Iron Door Between, The, 72 173
Is Anyone There? Speculative Joan Sutherland, 143
Essays on the Known and the Joanna and Ulysses, 199
Unknown, 121 Joel, 214
Is This My Love?, 209 John Adams and the American
Ishi in Two Worlds: A Revolution, 212
Biography of the Last Wild John Brown's Body, 219
Indian in North' America, 231 John Wood Case, The, 21
Island of Apples, The, 69 Johnny Osage, 216
Island of the Angels, The, 189 Johnny Rob, 219
Island of the Blue Dolphins, 70 Johnny Tremain, 213
Island Zoo, 74 Journey to Washington, 30
It All Started with Columbus, Joy in the Morning, 40
73 Joy of Music, The, 143
Italian Stories, 155 Juarez, Hero of Mexico, 186
Ivy Tree, The, 11 Jubilee, 223
Jubilee Trail, 215
J Jude the Obscure, 37
Judgment on Janus, 124-25
Jack London: The Pursuit of a Judith of France, 249
Dream, 27 Jules Verne: Portrait of a
Jack London's Tales of Prophet, 123
Adventure, 157 Julie, 19
Jackie Robinson of the
Brooklyn Dodgers, 61 Julie Builds Her Castle, 16
Jamie, 162 Julius Caesar, 244
Jane Eyre, 18, 36 Jungle, The, 233-34
Janine, 194 Jungle Lore, 173
Japan: Past and Present, 170 Junior Year Abroad, 67
Japanese Inn, 170 Just Friends and Brave
Japanese Literature: An Enemies, 85
Introduction for Western Jutland: An Eye-Witness Ac-
Readers, 168 count of a Great Battle, 112
Land and People of Venezuela,
K The, 189
Land Below the Wind, 171
Kaiulani: Crown Princess of Land Beyond the Rivers, 209
Hawaii, 35 Land of Foam, 246
Kaleidoscope, Poems by Land of the Golden Mountain,
American Negro Poets, 132 The, 7
Kalena, 161 Land of the Russian People,
Ka lena and Sana, 161 The, 202
Karen, 101 Land Without Justice, 201
Katrina of the Lonely Isles, Landslide, 1-2
196-97 Language: A Modern
Keep the Wagons Moving!, 217 Synthesis, 261
Keepers of ,the House, The, Language Book, The, 255-56
98-99 Language in America, 259
Kennedy, 234 Language in the Modern
Kep, 63 World, 260
Keys and the Candle, The, 252 Language Made Plain, 255
Keys of the Kingdom, The, 82 Lantern in Her Hand, A, 214
Kidnapped, 10 Lanterns and LanceS, 78
Killers of the Dream, 234 Last Adventure, 171
Kim, 174-75 Last Battle, The, 113
King and I, The, 171 Last Believers, The, 85
King from Ashtabula, The, 78 Last Capitalist, The, 202
King Must Die, The, 240 Last Crusader, The, 250
King of Men, 243 Last Days of Pompeii, The, 243
Kingdom Come, 21 Last Hurrah, The, 88
Kingdom Within, The, 167 Last Manchu, The: The
King's Fifth, The, 188 Autobiography of Henry
Kings of the Home Run,-- 56 Pu Yi, 169-70
Kipling: A Selection of His Last Migration, The, 196
Stories and Poems, 175 Last One In: Tales of a New
Knights of the Crusades, 252 England Boyhood, 230
Kon-Tiki, 46 Last Warrior, The, 205
Kona Summer, 206 Late George Apley, The, 232
Kristin Lavransdatter, 251 Laughing Boy; 231
Laughs from the Dugout, 78
L Lean Out of the Window: An
Anthology of Modern Poetry,
Lady with a Spear, 45 131
Land and People of Argentina, Leap into Danger, 196
The, 187 Learning Tree, The, 104
Land and People of Indonesia, Leaves of Grass, 141
The, 172 Lee, 221
Land and People of Israel, The, Lee of Virginia, 221
177 Lee's Last Campaign: The Story
Land and People of the of Lee and His Men Against
Philippines, The, 172 Grant, 221
"Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Little Britches, 19
The," 156 Little Kingdom, The, 81
Legend of the Seventh Virgin, 6 Little Treasury of World
Leif Eriksson, 250 Poetry, 12.8
Leonard Bernstein, 144 Little World of Don Camillo,
Leonard Bernstein: The Man, The, 199
His Work, and His World, Little World of Laos, The, 172
144 Lives and Letters: A History of
Leonardo da Vinci, 250 Literary Biography in En-
Leonardo da Vinci Who Fol- gland and America, 23
lowed the Sinking Star, 249 Lives of the Noble Greeks, 32
Leopard, The, 199 Lives of the Noble Romans, 32
Leper and Other Stories, The, Living Free, 161
154 Living Japan, 168
Let My People Go, 164 Living Sea, The, 45
Let the Hurricane Roar, 217 Living World of the Sea, The,
Let Us Now Praise Famous 45
Men, 93 Logic for Beginners, 116
Letter from Peking, 167 Lone Cowboy, 30
Letters from the Peace Corps, Loneliest Continent, The: The
87 Story of Antarctic Discovery,
Letters from Vietnam, 109 181
Letters (F. Scott Fitzgerald), Loneliness of the Long-Distance
34 Runner, The, 106
Liberation of Lord Byron Jones, Lonely Africans, The, 166
The, 98 Lonely Land, The, 184
Life and Time of Frederick Lonely Mound, The, 57
Douglass, 97 Lonely Sky, The, 52
Life and Times of Theodore Lonely Warrior, 207
Roosevelt, The, 29 Lonely Years 1925-1939, The,
Life of Dylan Thomas, The, 23
129 Loner, The, 72
Life of Samuel Johnson, The, 24 Long Christmas, The, 159
Life on the Mississippi, 227 Long Death, The: The Last
Life with Mother Superior, 79 Days of Plains Indians, 224
Light and the Rock, The: The Long Escape, The, 114
Vision of Dag Hammarskj61d, Long Green, The, 57
84 Long Ride Home, The, 72
Light in the Forest, The, 210 Long Time Coming, 107
"Lightning-Rod Man, The 48 Long Way Home, The, 228
Like 'a Bulwark, 135 Long Way Up, A: The Story
Lilies of the Field, The, 80 of 1111 Xinmont, 91
Lincoln and the 'Civil War, 221 Look Back, Mrs. Lad, 178
Linebacker, The, 59 Look Homeward, Angel, 236
Lion,- The, 164 Look to the Mountain, 209
Lions in the Way, 105 Look to This Dayl Connie
Listen, My Heart, 41 Onion, M.D., 25
Literature of Gossip, The: Nine Looking Backward, 121
English Letter-Writers, 26 Looking Glass War; .The, 112
Loon Feather, The, 209 Made in Italy, 200
Lord Jim, 82 Made in Mexico, 188
Lord of the Flies, 84 Madras-Type Jacket, A, 38
Lord of the Rings, 11 Maggie, 15
Lords of the Blue Pacific, 208 Magnificent Jalopy, The, 61
Lorna Doone, 246 Magnificent Matriarch, 207
Loser, The, 15 Mai Pen Rai Means Never
Lost Boy, The, 160 Mind, 171
Lost Cities and Vanished Civili- Main Street, 231-32
zations, 240 Majority of Scoundrels, A, 224
Lost Colony, The (Green), 209 Making of Man, The, 239
Lost Colony, The (Marshall), Making of the American
209 Theater, The, 148
Lost Horizon, 85 Making of the President, 1960,
Lost in the Barrens, 184 The, 235
Lost Lady, A, 215 Making of the President, 1964,
Lost Ships, The, 49 The, 235
Lost Universe, The, 227 Malcolm X: The Man and His
Lost World of Africa, 166 Time, 102
Lost World of Quintana R.00, Mallot Diaries, The, 88
The, 188 Mama Makes Minks, 19-20
Lost World of the Kalahari, 166 Mama's Bank Account, 16
Love Is Eternal, 41 Man and the Living World,
Love Is Forever, 63 118-19
Love Letters, The, 39 Man Called Peter, A, 39
Love, or a Season, A, 40 Man-Eaters of India, 173
Love Song to the Plains, 226 Man for All Seasons, A, 143
Lovely World of Richi-San, Man of Honor, Man of Peace:
The, 167 The Life and Words of Adlai
Lucinda, 68 Stevenson, 26
Luck of Roaring Camp and Man of the Family, 19
Other Stories, The, 155 Man Through His Art, 114
Lure of Danger, The: True Man Who Never Was, The, 113
Adventure Stories, 10 Man Who Refused to Die, The:
Lyric Verse, 137 Teehu Makimare's 2,000 Mile
Lyubka the Cossack and Other Drift in an Open Boat across
Stories, 151 the South Seas, 50
Man Who Rode the Thunder,
M The, 53
Man Who Walked Through
Machir es That Built America; Time, The, 4
117 Mart Who Was Don Quixote,
Madame Ambassador: The Life The: The Story of Miguel
of Vijaya T akshmi Pandit, Cervantes, 25
174 Man with the Miraculous
Madame Curie, 118 Hands, The, 30
Madame de Lafayette, 35 Mat,:hild in the Promised
Made in Denmark, 196 Land, 95
Made in Iceland, 196 Manhattan Transfer, 229
Man's Fate, 102 Maned, My Hawk, 178
Many Loves of Dobie Gillis, Memory of a Large Christmas,
The, 78 20
Map Making: The Art That Men Against the Sea, 8
Became a Science, 117 Men and Waves: A Treasury
Mara, Daughter of the Nile, of Surfing, 56
240 Men at War: Best War Stories
Marauders, The, 110 of All Time, 155
Marco Polo, 249 Men of Iron, 250
Marcus and Narcissa Whitman: Men of Power: A Book of
Pioneers of Oregon, 215 Dictators, 25
Maria Chapdelaine, 184 Men Who March Away: Poems
Marianne Moore Reade-, A, of the First World War, 136
135 Menagerie Manor, 74
Marie Antoinette: Daughter of Mentor Book of Major
an Empress, 251 Americans, The, 141
Marie Antoinette's Daughter, Mentor Book of Major British
193 Poets, The, 141
Mark Twain Tonight! An Mere Marie of the Ursulines,
Actor's Portrait, 146 250
Markings, 84 Meriwether Lewis, a Biography,
Martian Chronicles, The, 122 216
Martyred, The, 85 Messer Marco Polo, 36
Mary McLeod Bethune, 34 Mexican Village, 187-88
Mary of Carisbrooke, 246 Mila 18. 203
Mask of Apollo, The, 240 Milky Way Galaxy, The: Man's
Masquerade at Sea House, 71 Exploration of the Stars, 117
Master of Blacktowcr, The, 8 Miracle at Carville, 206
Master Surgeon: A Biography Miracle at Philadelphia: The
of Joseph Lister, 27 Story of the Constitutional
Matchmaker, The, 149 Convention, May to Septem-
Maximilian's Gold, 186 ber, 1787, 212
Maya: The Land of the Turkey Miracle of Language, The, 257
and the Deer, 252 Miracle of Merriford, The, 191
Maybe I'll Pitch Forever, 60 Miracle Worker, The, 145
Mayor of Casterbridge, The, 37 Miriam, 197
Mead Moondaughter: Icetandic Miss Morissa: Doctor of the
Folk Tales, 152 Gold Trail, 218
Measure of Independence, A, 34 Missile Crisis, The, 228
Medea (Fitts), 244 Mission in Mexico, 189
Medea (Jeffers), 244
Medium Is the Massage, The, Mission to Cathay, 169
258 Mr. and Mrs. Bo Jo Jones, 17
Meet Soviet Russia, 201 Mr. Fisherman, 63
Meet the Austins, 18 Mr. Kennedy and the Negroes,
Melville in the South Pacific, 98
207 Mr. Lincoln's Army, 221
Member of the Wedding, The, Mr.. Standfast, 2
18 Mrs. 'Arris Goes to Paris, 74
Mrs. Jack: A Biography of Muir of the Mountain, 26
Isabella Stewart Gardner, 34 Muskets Along the Chicka-
Mrs. Mike, 37 hominy, 209
Mistress of Mellyn, 6 Mustang, the Forbidden King-
Mistress of the Forge, 214 dom: Exploring a Lost Hima-
Mrs. R: The Life of Eleanor layan Land, 175
Roosevelt, 234 Mutineers, The, 84
Mrs. Westerby Changes Course, Mutiny on the Bounty, 8
3 My Antonia, 215
Moby Dick, 48 My Boy John That Went to
Modern American Poetry, 140 Sea, 70
Modern Ballads and Story My Brother Michael, 200
Poems, 127 My Brother Tom, 203
Modern British Poetry, 140 My Enemy, My Brother,.177
Modern European Poetry, 126 My Eyes Have a Cold Nose, 96
Modern Linguistics, 260 My Fair Lady, 146, 148
Modern Theater: An Anthol- My Family and Other Animals,
ogy, 143 74
Mohawk Gamble, 32 My Friend Flicka, 71
Molly's Double Rainbow, 206 My Heart Lies South, 189
Molokai, 206 My Home, Sweet Home, 28
Moment of Wonder, The: A My India, 173
Collection of Chinese and My Land and My People, 173
Japanese Verse, 133 My Life and Hard Times, 79
Montaigne: A Biography, 193 My Life in Court, 31-32
Moon by Night, The, 18 My Life with the Eskimo, 182
Moon Eyes, 9 My Lord, What a Morning, 143
Moon-Spinners, The, 11 My Mother, the Doctor, 20
Moonlight at Midday, 181 My Road to Berlin, 197
More About Words, 255 My Several Worlds, 167
More Chucklebait: Funny My Shadow Ran Fast, 105
Stories for Everyone!, 78 My Sweet Charlie, 91
More Combat Stories of World My Three Lives, 172
War II and Korea, 152 My True Love Waits, 41
More than Courage, 191 My Uncle and the Cure, 192
Morgan's Mountain, 184 My Way Was North, 181
Morning of Mankind, The: Pre- Myself, 23
historic 'Man in Europe, 240- Mysterious Senses of Animals,
41 The, 118
Moses, 241 Mystery of the Chinatown
Most Private Intrigue, A, 9 Pearls, The, 1
Mountain Road, The, 170
Mouse Is Miracle Enough, A, N
Mouse on the Moon, The, 79 Naked Runner, The, 3
Mouse That Roared, The, 79 Naked Society, The, 104
Moved-Outers, The, 19 Names on the Land, 258, 260
Morin' On Upv 146 Narcissa Whitman: Pioneer of
Moving Target, 207 Oregon, 215
Nathaniel Hawthorne: Min Nine Who Survived Hiroshima
and Writer, 34 and Nagasaki, 100
Nation of Sheep, A, -101 Nineteen Eighty-Four, 104
National Book Award Reader, 1975 and the Changes to Come,
157 228
National League Story, The, 55 Nineteen Stories, 155
Natural, The, 87 Ninety and Nine, The, 110
NAUTILUS 90 North, 43 No Bars to Manhood, 95
Nazarene, The, 241 No Bugles for Spies: Tales of
Nectar in a Sieve, 175 the O.S.S., 109
Negro Revolt, The, 232 No Bugles Tonight, 222
Nelson and the Age of Fighting No Head, for Soccer, 57
Sail, 50 No Man's World, 122
Never Cry Nv ,If, 184 No Plays of Japan, The, 149
New Country, 215 No Time for Sergeants, 75
New Face of War, The, 113 Noah's Ark, Tourist Class, 76
New Maps of Hell, 121 Nobel Prize Reader, 155
New Mathematics, The, 116 Nobody Knows NI,r Name, 93
New Noah, The, 27 Nonsense Books of Edward
New Poets of England and Lear, The, 133
America, 131 North from Rome, 8
New Russia?, A, 203 North Winds Blow Free, 221
New Tigers, The, 53 Northward the Coast, 205
New Treasury of Folk Songs, Northwest by Sea, 46
A,130 Northwest Passage, 210-11
New Wind in a Dry Land, 164 Notes from the Frontier, 103
Newly Discovered Exploration Notes of a Native Son, 93
Diaries of H. M. Stanley, Number One Best Seller, The,
The, 165 76
Next Eine Day, The, '22 Nuts Among the Berries, The:
Nicholas and Alexandra, An Expose of America's Food
201-02 Fads, 97
Niebelungenlied, The, 135
nigger, 99
Night Falls on the City, 193 0
Night Flight, 54
Night March, 222 O to Be a Dragon, 135
Night of the Short Knives, 13 O Ye Jigs and Juleps, 75
Night. They Burned the Oath of Silence, 191
Mountain, The, 82 October the First Is Too Late,
Night to Remember, A, 232 123
Night Without End, 8, 112 - Octopus, The: A Story of Cali-
Nightbirds on Nantucket, 1 fornia, 226
Nine Brides and Granny Hite, Odd Number, The: Thirteen
42 Tales, 157
Nine Coaohes Waiting, 11 Odyssey, The, 132, 244
Nine Stories, 89, 159 Odysseus, the Wanderer, 244
Nine Tomorrows: Tales .of the Of Human. Itgaidage, 87-
Near Future, 121 Of Men and Mountains, 26
Of the Farm, 235 Ordeal by Fire, 12
Of Whales and Me; 49 Ordways, The, 17
Old Country Tales, 151 Oregon Trail, The, 217
Old Mali and the Boy, 20 Other People's Houses, 188
Old Man and the Boy, The, 19 Other Side of the Coin, The,
Ord Man and the Sea, The, 84 171
Old Man's Boy Grows Older, Our Hearts Were Young and
The, 19 Gay, 78
Old Ones, The: Indians of the Our Man in Havana, 5
American Southwest, 218 Our Names: Where They Came
Old Post Road, The: The Story From and What They Mean,
of the Boston Post Road, 225 258
Oliver Wiswell, 214 Our Town, 228
On a Grass-Green Horn, 129 Our Year Began in Apra, 19
Once and Future King, Thf. , 252 Out of Africa, 162
Once More from the Beginning, Out of My League, 60
147 Out of the Deeps, 125
One Day in the Life of Ivan Out of the Silent Planet, 124
Denisovich, 203 Outcast, 245
One Day on Beetle Rock, 117 Outposts of Adventure, 7
One Day on Teton Marsh, 117 Outnumbered, The, 95
100 Great Events That Changed Outsider, The, 107
the World, 81-82 Outsiders, The, 100
One Hundred Modern Poems, Overtime in Heaven: Adven-
137 tures in the Foreign Service,
100 Poems, 139 7
100 Poems about People, 136 OkBow Incident, The, 96
One Hundred Selected Poems, Oxford History of the Ameri-
128 can People, The, 210
One Man's Freedom, 235-36
One Man's Meat, 235
One Small Voice, 108 P
One Summer in Be ;wee; 87
One Thing I Know, 38 PT-109: John F. Kennedy in
One Touch of Nature and Other World War II, 110-11
Stories, 153 Pacific Islands Speaking, 208
Only Child, An, 194 Paintbox Swim' er, 36
Only in America, 230 Paint the Wind, 225
On Safari, 162 Painted Rock to Printed Page,
On the Beach, 89 260
On the Track of Prehistoric Paper Dolls, The, 3
Man, 239 Paper Lion, 60
On the Way Home, 22 Parody AnthologY, A, 141
On Thin Ice, 30 Part of the Truth, 84
On Trial: The Soviet State Passage to India, A (Forster),
versus Abram Tertz and 174
Nikolai Arzhak, 100 Passage to India, A (Rama
Open. Heart, The, 116 Rau), 174
Orbit I, 124 Patch, 57
Paterson, 142 Pioneers and Patriots: The
Patriot's Progress, 213 Lives of Six Negroes of the
Paul Revere and the -World He Revolutionary Era, 212
Lived In, 213 Pistol, The, 111
Peabody Sisters of Salem, The, Pit, The, 226
227 Piles/nes Island, 8-9
Peach Stone, The: Stories from Pitcher's. Story, A, 59
Four Decades, 156 Place of Her Own, A, 68
Pearl, The, 188 Plague, The; 81
Penguin Book of Chinese Planet of the Apes, 122
Verse, The, 133 Play and Its Parts, A, 149
Penguin Book of Japanese Player's Handbook of Short
Verse_, The, 127 Scenes, A, 147
People and Places, 240 Please Don't Eat the Daisies, 76
People, The: No Different Pleasure by the Busload, 78
Flesh, 123 Plums Hang High, 209
People of the Deer, 184 Pocket Book of Modern
People Words, 260 American Short Stories, 160
People, Yes, The, 233 Pocket Book of Ogden Nash,
Peoples of Africa, The, 166 A, 77
Peregrine Falcon, The, 70 Pocket Book of 0. Henry
Perelandra, 124 Stories, The, 156
Perilous Wings, 196 Poems (C. S. Lewis), 133
Persia Revisited, 178 Poems (W. Stafford), 139
Persian Folk and' Fairy Tales, Poenis for Pleasure, 140
178 Poems from Black Africa, 163
Personalities of Language, 257 Poems from France, 139
Peter Freuchen Reader, 181 Poems from the German . . . ,
Peter Freuchen's Adventures 136-37
in the Arctic, 181 _Poems in the Making, 130
Peter Freuchen's Book of the Poems of Gerard Manley
Eskimo, 181 Hopkins, The, 132-33
Phantom Setter and Other Poems of Richard Wilbur, The,
Stories, The, 157 141
Philadelphia, Here I Comet, Poems of Robert Herrick, 138
145 Poems of W. S. Gilbert, 128
Phineas: Six Stiuies, 157 Poems on Poetry, 140
Phonetics, 258 Poems to Solve, 139
Pickpocket Run, 69 Poetry: A Critical and Histori-
Pictorial History. of the Negro cal Introduction, 137
in America, A, 226 Poetry CiDMIS, The, 128
Piegan: A Look from *.ithin Poetry Is for- People, 134
at the Life, Times, and Poetry Sampler, A, 131
Legacy of an American Poet's Choice, 129
Indian Trive. 226 Poets in Their Pride, 131
Pilgrimage: The, Book of the Poets on Poetry, 136
People, 123 Points of My Compass, The,
Pilgrims and Plymouth Colony, 107
The; 211 Pond, The, 70
Pooh Perplex, The: A Queenie Peavy, 65
Freshman Casebook, 74 Quest for the Lost City, 187
Poor Richard, 76 Quest of the Go le, The, 5
Pope John XXIII, 199 Quiet Wars, The, 132
Portable Conrad, The, 153 Quixote Anthology, 158
Portable Faulkner, The, 229-30 Quo Vadis?, 245
Portrait of Deborah, 66
Portrait of India, 176 R
Portrait of Jennie, 39
Portrait of Myself, 24 Rabbit; Run, 235
Possessed, The, 81 Race the Wild Wind, 62
Power and the Glory, The, 99 Race to the South Pole, The,
Powerhouse Five, 57 180
Power of Perception, The, 80 Radicalism in America, 231
Prayers from the Ark, 130 Raid, The, 196
President's Lady, The, 41' Raiders from the Rings, 125
Pride and Prejudice, 15 Railroads in the Days of
Prince of Foxes, 250 Steam, 217
Prince of Hindustan, 251-52 Rainbow Book of American
Prince of Omeya, The, 247 Folk Tales and Legends, The,
Prince of Players: Edwin 226
Booth, 147 Rainbow on the Road, 225
Prison and Chocolate Cake, 176 Raise High the Roof Beam,
Pro Football's Hall of Fame: Carpenters; and Seymour, an
The Official Book, 55-56 Introduction, 89
Profile of Nigeria, 163 Raisin in the Sun, A, 231
Profiles in Courage, 85 Ralph J. Bunche: Fighter for
Project Apollo: Man to the. Peace, 30-31
Moon, 116 Ramage, 49
Promise at Dawn, 27 Ramona, 38
Promise of the Rose, The, 173 Rascals in Paradise, 208
Promises to Keep, 26 Raven's Cry, 207
Prophet, The, 83 Reach for a Star, 102
Prospering, The, 211 Reach for the Sky: True Story
Psalms for the Common of Douglas Bader, Legendary
Reader, 241 Fighter Pilot of World War
Psychogeist, 123 11, 51
Punctured Poems, 73 Ready-Made Miracle: The
Pygmalion, 146, 148 American Story of Fashion
for the Millions, 229
Q Ready or Not, 21
Real Sherlock Holmes,- The:
Q-Document, The, 9 Arthur Conan Doyle, 29
Quality of Courage, 58-59 Reapers of the Dust: .A Prairie.
Quant by Quant, 105 Chronicle, 17
Quarterback, The, 59 - Reason for_Gladness, A, 22
Queen of Roses, 198 Rebecca, 37
Queen Victoria: Born to Red Badge of Courage, The,
Succeed, .194 110
Red Car, The, 61 Road Not Taken, The: An In-
Red Sky at Morning, 65 troduction to Robert Frost,
Reflections on a Gift of Water- 130
melon Pickle . . . and Other Road Race, 57
Modern Verse, 129 Road to Ghana, 163
Reluctant African, The, 164 Road to Miklagard, 251
Remember the House, 176 Road to the Valley, The, 217
Reminiscences, 31 Road to the White House, The,
Rendezvous in Space: The Story 29
of Projects Mercury, Gemini, Robe, The, 242
Dyna-Soar, and Apollo, 52 Robert Bruce: King of Scots,
Republic, The, 105 246
Rescued Year, 139 Robert Frost. The Early Years,
Restless Spirit, 131 1874-1915, 139
Retreat from Moscow, The, Robert Frost, The Trial by Ex-
200-01 istence, 138
Retreat to Victory, 212 Robinson Crusoe, 3
Return of Hyman Kaplan, The, Rock and the Willow, The, 18
77 Rock from the Beginning, 128
Return of the King, The, 12 Rockefeller Billions, The, 228
Return of the Native, The, 37 Rockets, Missiles, and Men in
Return of the Sphinx, 184 Space, 53
Return to Japan, 170 Roger Maris at Bat, 59
Return to the Wild, 161 Role of the Dictionary, The,
Reveille for a Persian Village, 256
178 Roman Galley Beneath the Sea,
Revolt in Tibet, 175 46
Rhinos Belong to Everyone, 162 Romance of Writing, The:
Rifles for Watie, 222 From Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Ring, The, 135 to Modern Letters, Numbers,
Ring Around Her Finger, 90 and Signs, 257
Ring Lardner Reader, 76 Romany Girl, 173
Ring of Bright Water, 8 Romeo and Juliet, 40, 95, 247
Ring of Fate, 173 Room for One More, 19
Ring the Judas Bell, 198 Roosevelt Family of Sagamore
Rip Van Winkle and the Leg- Hill, The, 231
end of Sleepy Hollow, 156 Rothschilds, The, 19
Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler, Roughing It, 227
The, 198 Rowan Farm, 95
Rise and Fall of the Third Rubaiyat, The, 249
Reich, The: A History of Run Silent, Run Deep, 109
Nazi Germany, 198 Runes of the North, 184
Rise of Red China, The, 168
River of Diamonds, The, 163 Runner, The, 63
River Ran Out of Eden, A, 18, Running Back, The, 59
70 Running Foxes, The, 11
Rivers of Blood, Years of Dark- Rupert Brooke, 132
ness, 97 Russia Under the Czars, 202
Road less Area, 25 Russians as People, The, 202
Selected Poems and Two Plays
of William Butler Yeats, 142
Selected Poems of Robert Frost,
S Is for Space, 122 130
SF, the Best of the Best, 124 Selected Short Storie.. (Kafka),
Sagebrush Surgeon, 31 100
Solingen A Critical and Person- Selected Works (S. Benet), 126
al Portrait, 28 Selection of Contemporary Reli-
Salvage Diver, 2 gious Poetry, A, 132
Sam, 66 Selections from Contemporary
Sand Pebbles, The, 8 Portuguese Poetry: A Bilin-
Santiago, 136 gual Selection, 134
Sarah, 65 Selections from Italian Poetry:
Sarkhan, 101 A Bilingual Selection, 129
Saul's Daughter, 242 Senator's Lady, The, 223
Sayonara, 169 Sefior Kon-Tiki: The Biography
Scaramouche, 89 of Thor Heyerdahl, 46
Scarred, 86 Sense of Life, A, 89
Schoolboy Johnson, 61 Separate Peace, A, 86
Science of Genetics, The, 117 Serengeti Shall Not Die, 162
Scientists Behind the Inventors, Serpent's Coil, The, 48
117 Seven Centuries of Verse, En-
Scott Fitzgerald, 34 glish and American, 138-39
Scouting with Baden-Powell, 27 Seven Days from Sunday, 247
Sea Around Us, The, 43 Seven Days in May, 101
Sea Gulls Woke Me, The, 71 Seven French Short Novel
Sea of Grass, The, 88-89 Masterpieces, 153
Sea Wolf, The, 47 Seven Kings of England, The,
Seal Summer, The, 46 251
Search, The, 90 Seven Miles Down: The Story
Search for Amelia Earhart, The, of the Bathyscaph TRIESTE,
51 48
Second Choice, 228 Seven Plays of the Modern The-
SeCond Mrs. Wee, The, 170 ater, 144
Secret of the Himalayas, The, 4 Seven Queens of England, The,
Secret Service Chief, 2 251
"Secret Sharer, The," 82 Seven Science Fiction Novels,
Secret Sign, The, 244 . 125
Secrets of Tutankhamen's Seven Short Novel Master-
Tomb, The, 239 pieces, 155
Seeds of Hiroshima, The, 169 Seven Years in Tibet, 175
Seize the Day, 228 Seventeenth Summer, 66-67
Selected Letters of Robert Frost, 73 Poems, 128
139 Shadow and Act, 98
Selected Plays, 147 Shadow-Line and Other Tales,
Selected Poems (G. Brooks), 82
127 Shadows into Mist, 41
Selected Poems (Y. Yevtushert- Shadows on the Grass, 162
lto), 142 Shadows on the Rock, 183
Shane, 10, 227 Skin Diver, 2
She Loved a Wicked City, 168 Skin of Our Teeth, The, 149
Shelter Trap, The, 78 Skinny, 65
Shield of Achilles, The, 198 Ski the Mountain, 8
Shield Ring, The, 251 Ski Town!, 61
Shift to High, 69 Skydiving: The Art and Science
Ship Called HOPE, A, 172 of Sport Parachuting, 54
Shooting Script, 7 Slaves We Rent, The, 103
Shortstop, The, 59 Sledge Patrol, The, 111
Short Stories: A Study in Small Man of Nanataki, 88
Pleasure, 158 Smoke Eaters, The, 1
Short Story: A Thematic Snake Has All the Lines, The,
Anthology, 158 76
Show Boat, 37 Snowfall and Other Chilling
Shuttered Windows, 102 Events, 12
Siddhartha, 84 So Big, 16
Signs and Symbols Around the Socrates: The Man Who Dared
World, 257 to Ask, 244-45
Silenceover Dunkerque, 114 Something Wicked This Way
Silent Language, The, 256 Comes, 122
Silent Sky, The: The Incredible Sometimes Magic: A Collection
Extinction of the Passenger of Outstanding Stories for the
Pigeou, 229 Teen-Age Girl, 65
Silent Spring, 96 Song of America, 232
Silent Storm, The, 29, 81 Song of Sixpence, A, 66
Silent World, The, 45 Song of the Sky, 52
Silver Branch, The, 251 Song Without End, 41-42
Silver Chalice, The, 242 Soul Brothers and Sister Lon,
Silver Swan, The: Poems of The, 69
Romance and Mystery, 131 Soul on Ice, 82
Silver Treasury of Light Verse, Sound No Trumpet: The Life
The, 79 and Death of Alan Seeger,
Silverhill, 12 141
Simple Honourable Man, A, 105 Sound of Trumpets, A, 194
Sincerely, Willis Wayde, 232 Sound of Waves, The, 169
Singing Cave, The, 193 Spanish-American Poetry: A Bi-
Singing Windows, 243
lingual Selection, 137
Single Pebble, A, 168
Sir Walter Raleigh: Captain and Spanish Letters, The, 6
Adventurer, 251 Spanish Roundabout, 198
Sister Carrie, 83 Sparrow's Fall, The, 36, 80
Sister of the Bride, 66 Speak Up You Tiny Fool, 75
Six Centuries of Great Poetry, Spectrum 3:. Third Science Fic-
140 tion Anthology, 151
Six Plays, 147 Spin ,a Silver Dollar, 225
Six Plays by Kaufman and Hart, Spirit of Jail, 103
75 Spirit of St. Louis, The, 53
Sixpence in Her Shoe, 77 Splendor of Greece, The, 199
Sixteen and Other Stories, 67 Splendor of Persia, The, 199
Splintered Sword, 251 Story of Baseball, The, 60
Sponono, 147 Story of Cosmic Rays, The, 117
Spring Voyage, The: The Jeru- Story of English, The, 259
salem Pilgrimage in 1458, Story of Language, The, 259
178 Story of Mickey Marcus Who
Sprints and Distances: Sports in Died to Save Jerusalem, The,
Poetry and the Poetry in 177
Sport, 135 Story of My Life, The, 30
Spy Catcher: World War II, 9 Story of Our Ancestors, The,
Spy Who Came In from the 239
Cold, The, 112 Story of the English Language,
Squadron Forty-Four, 54 257, 260
Square of Sky, A: Recollections Story of the Olympic Games,
of My Childhood, 110 The: 776 %C. to 1964 A.D.,
Stagestruck Parri, 146 58
Stagestruck: The Romance of Story of the Other Wise Man,
Alfred Lunt and Lynn Fon- The, 242
tanne, 149 Story of the 7 Tapp Family
Stained Glass House, The, 18 Singers, IT 21, 149
Stan Musial, 60 Story of the White Nile, The,
Star and the Flame, The, 252 165
Star Man's Son, 2250 AD., 124 Story of Ty Cobb, The: Base-
Star-Raker, The, 53 ball's Greatest Player, 61
Star Rangers, 124 Story Poems: An Anthology of
Star Surgeon, 125, Narrative Verse, 139
Stars Are Ours, The, 124 Stowaway, The, 6
Stars Grow Pale, The, 195 Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and
Starting Out in the Thirties, Mr. Hyde and Other Famous
100-01 Tales, The, 160
Status Seekers, The, 104 Strange Tactics of Extremism,
Step to the Music, 223 The, 104
Stephen Crane, 33 Stranger, The, 81
Stephen Crane: The Story of an Stranger in a Strange Land, 123
American Writer, 27 Stranger in the Herd, 205
Stillness at Appomattox, A, 221 Stranger in the House, 20
Stinking Creek: Portrait of a Stranger than Science, 118
Small Mountain Community, Stranger to the Ground, 51
230 Strategic Air Command, 53
Stories from Shakespeare, 144 Street Rod, 57
Stories from Six Authors, 152. Stride Toward Freedom, 86
Stories from the New Yorker Strode Venturer, The, 6
'50-'60 by the Editors of New Stub: A College Romance, 65
Yorker, 157 Study of Writing, A, 256
Stories of Modern. America, 230 Study of Writing, The, 259
Story of a Life, The, 202 Stuffed Owl, The: An Anthol-
Story of America's Musical ogy of Bad Verse, 133-34
Theater, The, 145 Subways Are for Sleeping, 232
Story of Australia, The, 204 Sudina, 99
Summer in Villa-Marie, 183 Teahouse of the August Moon,
Sun Also Rises, The, 84 The, 78
Sun in Scorpio, The, 200 Ted Williams, 60
Sun Kingdom of the Aztecs, Telephone Poles and Other
The, 252 Poems, 140
Sun Yat Sen, Founder of the Ten Brave Men, 26
Chinese Republic, 170 Ten Brave Women, 26
Sundowners, The, 204 Ten Famous Lives, 32
Sunrise at Campobello, 147 Ten Keys to Latin America, 188
Surface at the Pole: The Ex- Ten Vietnamese, 172
traordinary Voyages of the Tender Is the Night, 83
U.S.S. SKATE, 180 Territorial Imperative: A Per-
Surfing, 58 sonal Inquiry into the Animal
Survivor, The, 50 Origins of Property and Na-
Swamp Fox, Francis Marion, tions, 93
The, 213 Thaddeus Stevens and the Fight
Sweden, 195 for Negro Rights, 87
Swedish Nightingale, The: That Hideous Strength, 124
Jenny Lind, 146 Theatre Street, 146
Swiftwater, 63 Their Finest Hour, 192
Swimmer, 59 Their Shining Eldorado: A
Sword at Sunset, 251 Journey Through Australia,
Sword in the Stone, The, 252 205
Syrian Yankee, 233 They Called Him Ataturk, 178
They Fought for the Sky, 113
Thing of Beauty, A, 82
T Things as They Are, 17, 69
Things Fall Apart, 161
Take Heed of Loving Me, 251 Things of This World, 141
Take My Hands: The Remark- Third Side of the Coin, The, 3
able Story of Dr. Verghese, 13 Days to Glory: The Siege
176 of the Alamo, 227
Tales from a Troubled Land, Thirty-Eight Witnesses, 105
165 Thirty-Nine Steps, The, 2
Tales from the House Behind, Thirty Seconds' over Tokyo, 112
68 This I Remember, 32
Tales from the Wise Men of This Is India, 175-76
Israel, 76 This Life I've Led: My Auto-
Tales of Ancient India, 176 biography, 62
Tales of the Gauchos, 156 This Rough Magic, 40
Tall and Proud, 71 Thorpe, 86
Tall One, The, 59 Thousand Springs, A, 167
Tall Woman, The, 16 Three AtJainst the Wilderness,
Tamar, 242 183
Tarry Awhile, 41 Three Comedies of American
Taste of Chaucer, A: Selections Life, 75
. from the Canterbury Tales, Three Comrades, 39
127 Three Men on Third, 59
Taste of Spruce Gum, The, 38 Three Musketeers, The, 4
Three Plays: Our Town, The To Tell Your Love, 40-41
Skin of Our Teeth, The To the Ends of the Earth, 182
Matchmaker, 149 To the Ends of the Universe,
Three Tickets to Adventure, 27 116
Three: Wise Blood, A Good To Turn the Tide, 101
Man Is Hard to Find, The Today's Game, 60
Violent Bear It Away, 158 Today's Poets: American and
Through Darkest Adolescence, British Poetry since the
73 1930's, 140
Thunderbirds, 52 Tom Glazer's Treasury of Folk
Thunderhead, 71 Songs, 130
Thunder Rolling: The Story of Tom Paine, Revolutionary, 26
Chief Joseph, 217 Tomorrow Is Now, 89
Thy Tears Might Cease, 68 Tomorrow-Tamer, The, 164
Tibet Is My Country: The Tomorrow's Children, 121
Autobiography of Thubten Too Bad about the Haines Girl,
Jigme Norbu, 175 20
Tiger Burning Bright, 173-74 Too Far to Walk, 84
Tiger by the Tail, 125 Too Late the Phalarope, 165
Tiger in the Dark, 205 Too Many Ghosts, 74
Tiger of the Snows, 11 Torpedo Run, 50
Time for Dreaming, A, 72 Totem Casts a Shadow, 63
Time for Tenderness, A, 186 Touch of Magic, A, 36
Time Is Short and the Water Touch of Magic, The, 29
Rises, 189 Town, The, 218
Time to Love, A, 197 Town in Bloom, The, 40
Time to Stand, A: The Story of Traditions British Ballads, 141
the Alamo, 217 Trafalgar, H2
Time Traders, The, 125 Tragedy Charles II in the
Times Three, 77 Years 1630-1660, The, 192
Tin Can Tree, The, 21 Trail Blazer of the Seas, 47
Tin DruM, The, 98 Trail to Ogallala, 224
Tinkerbelle, 47 Traitors, The, 8788
Titania: The Biography of Isak Translations from the Poetry of
Dinesen, 31 Rainer Maria Rilke, 137
Tituba of Salem Village, 210 Traveling Through the Dark,
To Be a Slave, 102 139
To Be Equal, 108 Travels of Jamie McPheeters,
To Beat a Tiger, 169 The, 219
To Catch an Angel, 89 Travels with Charley in Search
To Catch a Spy, 151 of America, 234
To Kill a MocIdigbird, 86 Treasure of Our Tongue, The,
To Light a Candle, 174 253
To Mix with Time: New and Treasure of the Coral Reef, 61
Selected Poems, 139 Treasure of the Great Reef, 45
To Moscowand Beyond, 203 Treasure River, 4
To My Daughters with Love. 81 Treasury of Great Science Fic-
To Sir, with Love,24-25 tion, 122
Treasury of Great Ghost
Stories, A, 158 U
Treasury of Irish Folklore, A,
192 U.S.A., 229
Treasury of Modern Asian U.S.S. MUDSKIPPER: The
Stories, A, 168 Submarine That Wrecked a
Treasury of Nurse Stories, 151 Train, I11
Tree Grows in Brooklyn, A, Ugly American, The, 101
234 Ulysses Found, 243
Tree of Freedom, 212 Uncle Tom's Cabin, 222
Tree of Language, 257 Under a Changing Moon, 191
Tree of Liberty, The, 214 Under the Mountain Wall: A
Trees, The, 218 Chronicle of Two Seasons in
Triumph and Tragedy, 192 the Stone Age, 207
Trouble with Lucy, The, 15 Undercover Cat, The, 75
Trumpeter of Krahow, The, Undercover Cat Prowls Again,
247-49 75
Trumpeter's Tale, 145 Underfoot in Show Business,
Trustee from the Toolroom, 89 145
Tudor Rose, The, 246 Understanding Media: The Ex-
Tuned Out, 92 tension of Man, 258
Tunnel, The, 114-15 Undertow, 69
Tunnel Escape, 114-15 Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax, The,
Tunnel Through Time, 123 5
Turn Around Twice, 70 Unforgiving Wind, Tbe, 181-82
Turn of the Screw, The, 6 Unicorn Girl, The, 68-69
Turned On: The Friede-Cren- Unsafe at Any Speed, 103
shaw Case, 106 Unseen World, The, 118
Twenty Letters to a Friend, 200 Up a Road Slowly, 3$
Twenty Thousand Leagues Up Periscope, 50
under the Sea, 49 -SO Up the Down Staircase, 85
Twenty-One Stories; 155 Up the Line to Death: The War
26 Letters, The, 259 Poets, 1914-1918, 130
Twenty-Third Street Crusaders, Up the Trail from Texas, 216
The, 65-66 Use and Misuse of Language,
Twisted Tales from Shake- The, 256
speare, 73
Two Blocks Apart: Juan Gon-
zales and Peter Quinn, 102 V
Two in the Bush, 204-05
Two in the Far North, 226 Valley of the Latin Bear, 187
Two Towers, The, 12 Vanished, 101 ,
Two Under the Indian Sun, 174 Variety of Poetry, The: An
Two Worlds of Norika, The, Anthology, 127
80-81 Venture to the Interior, 166
Two Years Before the Mast, 45 Venetian Affair, The, 8
Typee, 207 Verse (J. Updike), 140
Typhoon and Other Tales of the Vessel 'of Wrath: The Life and
Sea, 45 Times of Carry Nation, 235
Victorian Cinderella: The Story Way West, The, 216
of Harriet Beecher Stow; We Die Alone, 111
222 We Have Always Lived in the
Victory over Myself, 60 Castle, 6
View from the Floor, A: The We Have Tomorrow, 24
Journal of a U.S. Senate Page We Nehrus, 174
Boy, 31 We Seven, 52
Viking Book of Folk Ballads of We Shook the Family Tree, 74
the English Speaking World, Weans, The, 124
130 Weathermakers, The, '117
Viking's Dawn, 251 Web of Traitors, 245
Viking's Sunset, 251 Wedding Bargain, 41.
Vintage Bradbury, The, 122 Weird Chasers, The, 72
Violence Every Sunday: The Welsh Story, A, 195
Story of a Professional Foot- Wendell Phillips: Brahmin
ball Coach, 58 Radical, 24
Virginian, The, 219 Werewolf Principle, The, 125
Virginia Exiles, The, 107 West Side Story, 95
Visa for Avalon, 95 Western Star, 127
Visit to a Small Planet and Westviking: The Ancient Norse
Other Television Plays, 79 in Greenland and North
Vive Moil, 88 America, 48
Voice from the Attic, A, 184 Westward Ho!, 47
Voice of Apollo, The, 245 Westward on the Oregon Trail,
Von Ryan's Express, 114 218
Voyage to Coromandel, 249 What's Happening, 99
When Eight Bells Toll, 8
W' When the Cheering Stopped:
The Last Years of Woodrow
Wait for Me, Michael, 41 Wilson, 24
Walden, 90 When the Legends Die, 80.
Walk Egypt, 22 When Worlds Collide,- 121
Walking the Indian Streets, 175 Where Does the Summer Go?,
Wall and Three Willows, A, 16
Where the Heart Is, 189
War and Peace (Graphic), 114 Where the Sea Breaks Its Back:
War and. Peace (Tolstoy), 203
War Beneath the Sea, 43 The Epic Story of a Pioneer
War Poetry, 133 Naturalist and the Discovery
Warrior Herdsmen, 166 of Alaska, 46
Washington Irving: Moderation Where's the Melody?, 141
Displayed, 34 Whirling Wings, 52
Waste Makers, The, 104 Whisptri mg Land, The, 187
Watch Fires to the North, 247 Whist.,.1; Winds, The, 208
Watch for a Tall White Sail, White Eagles over Serbia, 201
63 White Isle, The, 245
Watch Out for the Mules, 74 White Nile, The, 165
Wavell: Scholar and Soldier, White Pony, The: An Anthol-
110 ogy of Chinese Poetry, 136
White Tower, The, 12 Words for the Wind: The Col-
White Witch Doctor, 165 lected Verse of Theodore
Who Look at Me, 133 Roetbke, 138
Who Wants Music on Monday? Words, Words, and Words
41, 71 about Dictionaries, 256
Whole Loaf: Stories from World of Ancient Man, The,
Israel, 177 239
Why We Can't Wait, 86 World of Rome, The, 244
Wild Bill Hickok, 216 World of the Shining Prince,
Wild Voice of the North, 181 The, 169
Wild Winter, 185 World of Venice, The, 199
Wilderness Bride, 38 World Without Sun, 45
Wilderness: The Discovery of a World Without Want, 85
Continent of Woody, 210 Worlds of Shakespeare, The,
Wildlife Cameraman, 70 144
William Blake, 128 Worth Fighting For: A History
Willie Mays, My Life In and of the Negro in the U.S. Dur-
Out of Baseball, 59 ing the Civil War and Recon-
Will Rogers, Immortal Cowboy, struction, 222
230 Wreck of the MARY DEARE,
Wind Commands Me, The: A The, 46
Life of Sir Francis Drake, Wreck of the MEMPHIS, The,
246 43
Wind, Sand and Stan, 53-54 Wrinkle in Time, A, 124
Windigu 183 Written Word, Ilse, 255
Window on the Sea, 72 Wutherbig Heights, 18, 33, 36
Windows for the Crown Prince, Wyatt's Hurricane, 2
Windswept, 15
Winged Warfare, 109 x
Winter Thunder, 226
Winter Wheat, 91 X-Factor, 125
Winter's Tales, 154 X-15Diary: The Story of
Wisdom of WIC, The, 233 America's First Space Ship,
Witch of Blackbird Pond, The, 3
With All My Love, 67
With Love from Karen, 101
Wizard of Loneliness, The, 70
Wolf Brother, 70 Yankee from Olympus, 224
Wonderful Winter, The, 246.47 Yankee Peddlers of Early
Wooden Horse, The, 115 America, The, 224-25
Woods and the Sea, The, 7 Yes! Wildcats!, 107
Word in Your Ear and Just An- Year Is Forever, A, 39
other Word, A, 253 Year of Decision: 1846, 215
Words, 255 Year of the Rat, 115
Yearling, The, 19
Words and Their Ways in E Yes, I Can, 97
glish Speech, 256 Yesterday's Daughter, 243-44
Yevtushenko Poems, 142 You Should Have Been Here an
Yogi: The Autobiography of a Hour Ago, 56
Professional Baseball Player, Your Most Humble Servant:
55 The Story of Benjamin Ban-
You Can't Get There from ticker, 225
Here, 17 You're Entitle', 230
You Can't Go Home Again, 236 You're Stepping on My Cloak
You Can't Say What You Think and Dagger, 75
and Other Stories, 151
You Can't Take It with You, 75
You Come, Too, 130
You English Words, 259 Ziegfelds' Girl, The, 35
You Know Me, Al, 76 Zoo in My Luggage, A, 74

A Annixter, Joan, 63, 180, 183

Annixter, Paul, 63, 180, 183
Abel, Elie, 228 Antoncich, Betty, 1
Abets, Jules, 228 Archer, Jules, 161
Achebe, Chinua, 161 Archibald, Joe, 51
Adamson, Joy, 161 Archibald, Joseph, 1
Alder, Bill, 109 Ardrey, Robert, 93, 116
Adler, Irving, 1 ls: Arkell, Reginald, 191
Adoff, Arnold, 93 Armour, Richard, 73, 126
Agee, James, 80, 93 Armstrong, Charlotte, 1'
Aiken, Joan, 1 Armstrong, Richard, 84
Albrand, Martha, 1 Arnold, Elliott, 215
Alcorn, Robert H., 109 Asch, Sholem, 241
Alderman, Clifford Lindsey, 212 Ashby, G. M., 195
Aldrich, Bess Streeter, 214 Ashton-Warner, Sylvia, 23, 205-
Aldridge, James, 204 06.
Aleichem, Shalom, 151 Asimov, Isaac 116, 121
Alexander, M., 126 Ata-UllahrMohammad, 173
Alexander, Tom, 116 Auerbach, Charlotte, 117
Allen, Elizabeth, 15, 151 Austen, Jane, 15
Allen, Lee, 55 Austing, Ronald, 23
Allen, Merritt Parmelee, 219
Alliluyeva,.Svetlana, 200
Altick, Richard D., 23 B
Ambler, Eric, 151
Ambros, Mrs. Longin, See Babel, Isaac, 23, 151
Melissa Mather Babel, Nathalie, 23
Amerman, Lockhart, 191 Bach, Marcus, 80
Amis, Kingsley, 121; 151 Bach, Richard, 51
Amosov, Nikolai Mikhallovich, Baez, Joan, 24
116 Bagley, Desmond, 1-2
Anderson, Marian, 143 Batley, Charles W., II, 101
Andel son, Maxwel1,143 Baity, Elizabeth, 237
Anderson, William R., 43 Baker, Nina Brown, 186, 198,
Andrist, Ralph K., 180, 224 246
Angelou, Maya, 23 Baker, Rachel, 177
Balchen, Bernt, 2 Bentley, Phyllis, 191
Baldwin, James, 93 Berkman, Ted, 177
Ball, Zachary, 2, 63 Bernstein, Leonard, 95, 143
Ballard, Willis Todhunter, 215 Berm, Yogi, 55
Ballou, Robert 0., 172 Berrigan, Daniel, 95
Balmer, Edwin, 121 Berri 11, Jacquelyn, 24
Ban 6r, Skulda Vanadis, 63 Berry, Don, 224
Banks, Don, 134 Billing, Graham, 180
Barach, A. B., 228 Bishop, Claire, 192
Barfield, Owen, 253 Bishop, Jim, 219, 241
Barnes, Joseph, 202 Bishop, William A., 109
Barnes, Margaret Campbell, 246 Bixby, William, 180
Barnett, Lincoln, 253 Ejarnhof, Karl, 195
Barnstone, Willis, 126 Black, Cyril E., 202
Barrett, Eugene, 258 Blackmore, Richard D., 246
Barrett, William E, 80 Blair, Clay, Jr., 2, 43
Barringer, D. Moreau, 237 Blair, Eric, See George Orwell
Barry, Jane, 186 Blake, W. H., 184
Barry, Sonia, 151 Blixen-Finecke, Baroness Karen,
Barth, John, 93 See Isak Dinesei
Bartlett, Irving IL, 24 Blockman, Lawrence G., 229
Baruch, Dorothy, 95 Bloom, Edward, 127
Battershaw, Brian, 194 Blyth, Chay, 49
Baudony, Michel-Aime, 191 Bocca, Geoffrey, 24
Baughman, U. E., 2 Bodsworth, Fred, 36, 80
Baumann, Hans, 237 Bohannon, Paul, 162
Beach, Captain Edward L., 43, Bolitho, Hector, 173
109 Bolt, Robert, 143
Beach, John Markham, 27 Bonham, Frank, 43, 65, 109-10,
Beard, Gordon, 55 Bonner, John Tyler, 117
Becker, Mary Lamberton, 73 Bonney, Walter T., 51
Beecroft, John, 175 Bontemps, Area, 24, 127, 219
Behn, Harry, 126 Booth, Esma, 161
Beier, Ul li, 126 Borgenson, Griffith, 61
Beiser, Arthur 117 Borland, Hal, 15, 80
Beiser, Germaine, 117 Boswell, James, 24
Belfrage,-Sally, 80 Bosworth, Allan R., 167, 215
Bell, Margaret E., 63 Bothwell, Jean, 173
Bellamy, Edward, 121 Boucher, Anthony, 2, 122, 152
Bellow, Saul, 228 Boulle, Pierre, 110, 122, 171
Benary-Isbert, Margot, 95, 109, Bourke-White, Maisaret, 24
191, 197, 228 Bova, Ben, 117
Bench ley, Robert, 73 Bowen; Catherine, Drinker, 212,
Benet, Laura, 73 224
'Jena, Stephen Vincent, 126, Bowles, Cynthia, 173
127, 219 Bownas, Geoffrey, 127
Bennett, George, 2 Boyar, Durt, 97
Bennett, Jack, 63, 161-62 Boyar, Jane, 97
Bentley, Eric, 143 Boyle, Sarah Patton, 228
Bradbury, Ray, 122 Buckmaster, Henrietta, 219-21,
Braddon, Richard, 143 241
Bradford, Ernie D. S., 243, 246 Bullock, Lotte, 188
Bradford, Richard, 65 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 243
Braithwaite, E. R., 24-25 Burin, Ivan, 152
Brand, Oscar, 127 Burch, Robert, 65
Brandt, Willy, 197 Burdick, Eugene, 101, 110, 206
Bratton, Helen, 65 Burgess, Anthony, 255
Breck, Vivian, 15, 80-81, 206 Burke, Clara Heintz, 224
Brea, Germaine, 152 Burlingame, Roger, 117
Brete, Jean de la, 192 Burnett, David, 154
Bret-Smith, Richard, 192 Burnett, Hal lie, 65
Briant, Paul L., Jr., 51 Burnford, Sheila, 81, 183
Brickhill, Paul, 51 Burt, 'Catharine Newlin, 65
Bridgeman, William, 52 Bushnell, 0. A., 206
Bridges, Robert, 132-33 Busoni, Rafael lo, 25
Briggs, John, 144 Butcher, S. H., 244
Brinkley, William, 110 Byrd, Richard E., 180
Bristow, Gwen, 212, 215 Byrne, Donn, 36
Bro, Margueritte Harmon,. 65
Brockway, Edith, 209
Brodrick, Alan H., 239 C
Bronte, Charlotte, 36
Brontë, Emily, 36 Cadell, Elizabeth, 2-3
Brook, G. L., 253 Caidin, Martin, 52, 122
Brooks, Charlotte, 95 Caldwell, Taylor, 241
Brooks, Earle, 186 Call, Hughie, 81
Brooks, Gwendolyn, 127 Calvert, James, 180
Brooks, Paul, 25 Cameron, Kenneth Neill, 138
Brooks, Rhoda, 186 Campion, Nardi, 25
Brooks, Van Wyck, 25 Camus, Albert, 81
Brown, Claude, 95 Canaway, W. H., 162
Brown, David, 25 Canby, Courtlandt, 221
Brown, Edmund, 152 Canning, John, 81-82
Brown, Harrison, 92 Cannon, Le Grand, Jr., 209
Brown, Ivor, 253 Cantwell, Robert, 25
Brown, Lloyd A., 117 Capote, Truman, 96
Brown, Marion Marsh, 81 Capps, Benjamin, 224
Brown, William A., 162 Capron, Jean F., 15
BroWne, Malcolm W., 113 Carey, Ernestine Gilbreth, 74
Carpenter, Scott, 52
Bruner, W. Richard, 25 Carr, Albert, 25
Bryher, Winifred, 95, 243 Carr, Norman, 161
Brynnt, Margaret, 253-55 Carrighar, Sally, 117, 181
Bryson, Bernarda, 237 Carson, John F., 55, 65-66
Buchan, John, 2 Carson, Rachel L., 43, 96
Buck, Pearl S., 81, 95-96, 152, Carter, A., 250
167 Carter, Anne, 202
Buckler, William E., 152 Case, Victoria, 183
Cather, Willa, 183, 215 Cohen, Florence Chanock, 66
Catto, Max, 66 Cohn, Nik, 128
Catton, Bruce, 221 Colbert, Edwin H., 237
Caudill, Rebecca, 212 Cole, Ernest, 96
Caulfield, Genevieve, 167 Cole, William, 36, 73, 128
Causley, Charles, 127 Coleman, Pauline H., 66
Cavanna, Betty, 36, 66, 186 Coles, Robert, 229
Cawley, Winifred, 246 Colford, William E., 153
Ceram, C. W., 243 Collier, Eric, 183
Cervantes, Miguel de, 3 Collier, Richard, 25-26, 192
'Chamberlain, William, 152 Colman, Hi la, 16
Chapman, Hester W., 192 Colquhoun, Archibald, 199
Chapman, Robert, 48 Colum, Padraic, 192
Chapman, Walker, 181 Comandini, Adele, 224
Charles-Picard, Colette, 243 Comfort, A., 153
Charles-Picard, Gilbert, 243 Congdon, Don, 3
Chase, Mary Ellen, 15, 241 Congdon, Michael, 3
Chase, Stuart, 255 Connell, John, 110
Chaucer, Geoffrey, 127 Conot, Robert, 97
Chekhov, Anton, 152 Conquest, Robert, 151, 200
Chennault, Anna C., 167 Conrad, Joseph, 45, 82, 153
Chesterton, G. K., 153 Considine, Bob, 112
Chevigney, Hector, 96 Coolidge, Olivia, 26, 144, 243
Chichester, Sir Francis, 43, 45 Corbett, Jim, 173
Christie, Agatha, 3 Corbin, Richard, 159
Chukovskaya, Lydia, 82 Corbin, William, 97
Churchill, Winston S., 96, 192 Cornwall, Ian W., 239
Chute, B. J., 153 Costain, Thomas B., 242
Chute, Marchette G., 144, 242, Cottrell, Leonard, 239
246-47 Country Beautiful, Editors of,
Clarens, Carlos, 144 26
Clark, Ann Nolan, 186 Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, 45
Clark, Eugenie, 45 Cowell, Adrian, 186
Clark, Ronald W., 3 Cox, C. B., 128
Clark, Walter van Tilburg, 96 Coxe, Louis 0., 48
Clarke, Arthur C., 45, 122, 204 Cozzens, James Gould, 153
Clarke, John Henrik, 102, 153 Crane, Stephen, 110
Cleary, Beverly, 66 Creekmore, Hubert, 128
Cleary, Jon, 204 Crews, Frederick C., 74
Cleaver, Eldridge, 82 Cromie, William J., 45
Clemens, Samuel L, See Mark Crone, Ruth, 81
Twain Cronin, A. J., 66, 82
Clifford, Francis, 3 Cross, John Kier, 122
Clifford, William, 168 Cross, Wilbur, 181
Clurman, Harold, 144 Crossman, Richard, 97
Coatsworth, Elizabeth, 156, 224 Croy, Homer, 215
Coblentz, Stanton A., 128 Cummings, E. E., 128
Cocoran, Barbara, 66 Curie, Eve, 118
- Coffey, Dairine, 128 Curry, Cathy Babcock, 69
Dixon, Peter L, 56
Djilas, Milovan, 154, 201
D noble, J. Frank, 216, 224
Dobler, Lavinia, 162, 212
Dahl, Borghild, 97, 195-96 Dodge, Ernest S., 46
Dalai Lama XIV, 173 Dolan, 1. R., 224-25
Daley, Arthur, 55-56, 58 Dolim, Mary N., 16
Daley, Robert, 56 Dolson, Hildegarde, 74
Daly, Maureen, 66-67, 198 Donovan, John, 67
Dana, Richard Henry, 45 Donovan, Robert J., 110-11
Daringer, Helen F., 243-44 Dooley, Agnes W., 26
Daugherty, James, 128, 215 Dooley, Thomas A., 82
Daugherty, Sonia, 26 Dorson, Richard M., 154
Daveluy, Paule, 183 Dos Passos, John, 229
Daves, Jessica, 229 Doss, Helen, 16
David, Janina, 110 Doster, William C., 134
Davies, Leslie P., 3, 123 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 82, 201
Davies, Robertson, 184 Doty, S., 147
Davis, Sammy, Jr., 97 Douglas, Gilbert, 67
Dawson, Alec John, 204 Douglas, Lloyd C., 242
Day, A. Grove, 153, 204, 206, Douglas, William 0., 26, 173
208 Douglass, Frederick, 97
Day, Clarence, 74 Douty, Esther M., 212
Day, Dick, 56 Dowdey, Clifford, 221
Debenham, Frank, 181 Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 4
Defoe, Daniel, 3 Dreiser, Theodore, 83
DeFore, Penny, 67 Drew, Elizabeth, 26
De Jong, Dola, 67 Droscher, Viters B., 118
De La Mare, Walter, 129 Drury, Allen, 229
De La Roche, Mazo, 184 Du Bois, Theodora, 173-74
Del Castillo, Michel, 197 Dubos, Rene,
Delderfield, R. F., 200-01 Dufek, George J., 180
Del Rey, Lester, 123 Dufresne, Frank, 181
De Luca Michael, 129 Dugan, James, 45
De Mille, Agnes, 144
Denis, Armand, 162 Duggan, Alfred, 143
Derleth, August, 26 Du Jardin, Judy, 67
De Selincourt, Aubrey, 244 Du Jardin, Rosamond, 67
Desmond, Alice Curtis,. 193 Dumas, Alexandre, 4
'Deutsch, Ronald M., 97 Du Maurier, Daphne, 37, 247
Devlin, Joseph, 255 Dunlap, Orrin E., Ir., 52
De Voto, Bernard, 21S Dunning, Stephen, 129
De Wohl, Louis, 250 Durant, John, 56
Dickinson, Emily, 129 Durrell, Gerald, 27, 74, 187,
Dietz, Robert S., 48 204-05
Dillon, Eilfs, 193 , Durrell, Lawrence, 201
Dillon, Richard IL, 216 Durso, Joseph, 56
Dinesen, Isak, 1S4, 162 Dutton, Mary, 86
Di Salle, Michael V., 229 Dykeman, Wilma, 16
Feldmann, Susan, 154
E Fe lsen, Henry Gregor, 56-57
Fenton, Carroll L., 239
Earl, Lawrence, 168 Fent On, M. A., 239
Eaton, Jeanette, 145, 174, 215 Ferber, Edna, 16, 37, 216
Eberhart, Richard, 129 Ferdenzi, Til, 55
Eckert, Allan W., 4, 196, 229 Fermi, Laura, 118
Edel, May, 239 Fetterman, John, 230
EdeLman,'Maurice, 33, 177 Field, Rachel, 37
Edmonds, Walter D., 213 Fielding, Ian, 110
Edwards, Frank, 118, 123 Finkel, George, 247
Edwards, Lovett, 154 Finney, Gertrude E., 209
Edwards, Phil, 56 Fiore, Quentin,258
Einstein, Charles, 59 Firsch, Karl von, 118-19
Eiseley, Loren, 83, 118 Fisher, Welthy Honsinger, 174
Eisner, Otto, 187 Fitts, Dudley, 244, 245
.Eliot, T. S., 129 Fitzgerald, Ed, 55, 57, 167
Elliot, Lawrence, 30 Fitzgerald, Edward, 175, 249
Ellison, Ralph, 98. Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 83
Ellsberg, Edward, 4 Fitzgibbon, Constantine, 129
Emerson, Joyce, 197-98 Flaherty, Thomas, 96
Emery, Anne, 4, 67 Fletcher, Colin, 4
Engle, Paul, 129 Flexner, James Thomas, 213
Epstein, Samuel, 149 Floherty, John Joseph, 52
Erdman, Lou la Grace, 216 Foley, Martha, 154
Ernst, Margaret, 255 Folsom, Franklin, 255-56
Erskine, Albert, 140 Fonek, Rene, 52
Etiemble, Rene, 255 Fon Eisen, Anthony, 239, 247
Euripides, 244 Forbes, Esther, 213, 225
Evans, Bergen, 255 Forbes, Kathryn, 16
Evans, Cornelia, 255 Forberg, Ati, 129
Evans, Walker, 93 Ford, Corey, 46
Evarts, Hal G., 4 Ford, Jesse Hill, 98
Ewen, David, 144, 145 Forester, C. S., 5, 46
Eyerly, Jeanette, 67, 83 Forman, James, 83, 177, 198,
F Forster, E. M., 174
Foster, A. P.; 243
Fair, Ronald L., 98 Foulke, Adrienne,, 89
Falcon-Barker, Captain Ted, 46 Fowler, Henry W., 259
Falk, Ann Mari, 68 Fox, Paula, 68
Falls, C. B., 239 Frame, Donald M., 160, 193
Farb, Peter, 118 Franchere, Ruth, 27
Farmer, James, 98 Frank, Anne, 68
Farmer, Lawrence, 27 Frank, Pat, 83
Farrell, Michael, 68 Franklin, Benjamin, 27
Farrow, John, 206 Freedman,-Betiedict, 37
Fast, Howard M., 213 Freedman, Nancy, 37
Faulkner, William,98, 229-30 Freedman, Russell, 27, 123
Freeman, Barbara C., 68 Gilbreth, Frank B., 74
Freeman, Douglas Southall, 221 Giles, Janice H., 216
Freeman, Margaret, 252 Gilman, Dorothy, 5
Freethy, Vernon F., 201 Girsdansky, Michael, 256
Frenaye, Frances, 199 Giashan, John, 75
Freuchen, Dagmar, 181 Glazer, Tom, 130
Frick, C. H., 57 Gleaves, Suzanne, 172
Friedberg, Maurice, 154 Glines, Carroll V., 112
Friedman, Albert B., 130 Glyn, Caroline, 68-69
Friel, Brian, 145 Godden, Jon, 174
Friendlich, Dick, 57 Godden, Rumer, 16, 130, 145,
Friermood, Elizabeth H., 68, 174, 193, 196
206 Goerner, Fred G., 51
Frison- Roche, Roger, 196 Gogol, Nikolai, 154-55
Frost, Frances, 242 Gold, Herbert M., 230
Frost, Robert, 130 Golden, Grace B., 196
Fuchs, Lawrence H., 206-07 Golden, Harry, 98, 230
Fuller, Edmund, 32 Golding, William, 84
Fuller, Iola, 209 Goldman, Yohanon, 178
Fuller, John G., 52 Goldston, Robert, 168
Gallomb, Joseph, 27-28
Goodin, Peggy, 75
Goodrich, Frances, 68
Gaer, Joseph, 239 Gordon, Donald, 53
Gainham, Sarah, 193 Gordon, Ethel Edison, 16
Galantiere, Lewis, 53-54 Gordon, Gordon, 75
Gallico, Paul, 74 Gordon, Mildred, 75
Galt, Tom, 247 Goudge, Elizabeth, 37
Gamow, George, 119 Gould, John, 230
Gann, Ernest K., 52-53, 111 Cove, Philip, 256
Gannon, Robert, 189 Graham, Shirley, 28, 225
Garagiola, Joe, 57 Grant, Michael, 244
Gardener, W. H., 132-33 Grass, Giinter, 98
Gardner, Brian, 130 Grau, Shirley Ann, 98-99
Gardner, John W., 101 Graves, John, 5
Garrity, Devin A., 154 Gray, Jack, 256
Garst, Shannon, 51, 216, 230 Green, Ely, 230
Gary, Romain, 27 Green, Hannah, 99
Gasztold, Carmen Bernos de, Green, Joseph. 28
130 Green, Margaret, 28
Gaalli, Campbill, 57 Green Paul, 209
Geismar, Maxwell, 76 Green, Peter, 197
Gelb, I. J., 256, 259 Green, Felix, 168
Gerson, Noel B., 213 Greene, Graham, 5, 99, 155
Gibran, Kahlil, 83-84 Greenough, James, 256
Gibson, Althea, 57 Gregory, Dick, 99
Gibson, Walker, 130 Gregory, Horace, 131
Gibson, William, 145 Grey, Ian, 28
Gilbert, Stuart, 54 Griffin, Donald R., 118
Griffin, John Howard, 99 Hamer, Heinrich, 175
Griffiths, Helen, 37 Harris, Christie, 207
Grigson, Geoffrey, 131 Harris, John, 181-82
Groh, George W., 225 Hart, Moss, 75, 145
Gross, Milton, 60 Harte, Bret, 155
Grunwald, Henry A., 28 Hartog, Jan de, 99
Grzhnek, Bernhard, 162 Haskins, Jim, 99
Grzimek, Michael, 162 Hassan, Christopher, 132
Guareschi, Giovanni, 28, 199 Hatto, A. T., 135
Guiliano, William, 129 Hautzig, Esther, 201
Gulbranssen, Trygve, 196 Havighurst, Walter, 225
Gunther, John, 28, 193, 201, Havrevold, Finn, 69
244 Hawes, Evelyn, 38
Guralsky, Jacob, 112 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 155
Gurko, Miriam, 131 Hayakawa, S. I., 256
Guthrie, A. B., Jr., 28, 216 Hayden, Robert, 132
Guthrie, Anne, 174 Hayford, Harrison, 48
Hayward, Max, 100, 203
Hazard, Jacqueline, 52
Hazo, Samuel, 132
Hackett, Albert, 68 Head, Ann, 17
Hagedorn, Hermann, 231 Heath, F. W., 96
Halley, Arthur, 5 Heinlein, Robert, 123
Haley, Alex, 102 Heiser, Victor George, 29
Hall, Donald, 131 Holtman, Elizabeth S., 257
Hall, Edward, 256 Hemingway, Ernest, 38, 84, 155
Hall, Elvajean, 187 Herron, Louis, 184
Hall, James Norman, 8-9 Henderson, Harold G., 432
Hall, Robert A., Jr., 155 Henderson, Zenna, 123
Hall, Roger, 75 Henry, 0., 156
Ha llet, Jean-Pierre, 163 Hentoff, Nat, 145
Hallmundsson, Hallberg, 155 Hersey, John, 84, 100, 168, 199
Hama lian, Leo, 155 Herter, M. D., 137
Hammarskjold, Dag, 84 Herzog, Maurice, 5 .
Hammerstein, Oscar, II, 147 Hesse, Hermann, 84
Hamner, Earl, 17 Heuman, William, 57
Hamra, Leif, 196 Beyer, GeOrgette 193
Hanff, Helene, 145 Heyerdahl, Thor, 5, 46
Hannum, Alberta P., 225 Heyman, Ken, 18
Hannum, Sara, 131 Hickok, Lorena, A., 29
Hansberry, Lorraine, 231 Hicks, Granville, 84
Hansen, Harry, 156 .Higalins,-Marguerite, 7
Hanson, Per, 111 Hill, Frank B., 233
Harbaugh, William H., 29 Hill, Pali, 38
Harding, Walter, 29 Hilton, James, 85
Hardy, Thomas, 37 Hinckley, Helen, 178, 179
Hardy, William Marion, 111 Hine, Al, 111
Harkins, Philip, 57 Hingley, Ronald, 203
Harman, Humphrey, 163 Hinton, S. E., 100
Hirshberg, AI, 58 Hunter, Mollie, 6
Hobbs, Lisa, 168, 174 Hunter, Rode llo, 17
Hobson, Laura Z., 17 Hutchinson, Alfred, 163
Hodgson, Ralph, 132 Hutchinson, Ray, 96
Hoeh ling, Mary, 29 Hutheesing, Krishna, 174
Hoffman, Gail, 177 Hutto, Nelson A., 58
Hoffman, Paul G., 85 Huxley, Aldous, 100
Hoffman, Peggy, 69 Huxley, Elspeth, 163, 205
Hogan, Bernice, 242 Hyman, Mac, 75
Holbrook, Hal, 146
Holbrook, Stewart H., 225 I
Holland, Isabelle, 69
Hollander, John, 5 Innes, Hammond, 6, 46
Hollinger, Carol, 171 Inouye, Senator Daniel K., 30
Ho llon, W. Eugene, 225-26 lrnperato, P. J., 171
Holovak, Mike, 58 Irving, Washington, 156
Holt, Rackharn, 29 Irwin, Keith Gordon, 257
Holt, Victoria, 6 Isherwood, Christopher, 156
Homer, 132, 244 Ish-Kishor, Judith, 76
Honig, Edwin, 141 Isom, Joe, 250
Hooke, Nina Warner, 46 Iversen, Pat S., 197
Hooper, Walter, 133
Hoopes, Ned, 159 J
Hopkins, Gerard Manley, 132-
33 Jackson, Helen Hunt, 38
Hopkins, Joseph G. E., 213 Jackson, Jacqueline, 38
Horgan, Paul, 17, 69: 156, 216- Jackson, Mahalia, 146
17, 221, 227 Jackson, Phyllis Wynn, 222
Hough, Henry Beetle, 207 Jackson, Shirley, 6
Hough, Richard, 46, 58 Jacoby, Arnold, 46
Houghton, Norris, 156 James, Henry, 6
Howard, Elizabeth, 221 lames, Will, 30
Howard, Richard, 171 Jeffers, Robinson, 244
Howarth, David, 111 Jelinek, Henry, Jr., 30
Hoyle, Fred, 123 Jenkins, Elizabeth, 247
Hoyt, Edwin P., 29-30 Jenkins, Geoffrey, 163
Hub ler, Richard, 30 Jennings, Gary, 257
Hudson, Lois P., 17 Jennison, Keith, 227
Hudson, Virginia C., 75 Jespersen, Otto, 257
Hudson, NV. H., 156, 187 Johnson, Alvin, 157
Iluggard, Eve leen, 118 Johnson, Annabel, 17, 38, 69
Hughes, Langston, 156, 163, 226 Johnson, Edgar, 17, 38, 69
Hugo, Victor, 247 Johnson, Milton, 9
Humphrey, Wilh:u-n, 17 Johnson, Os:a, 171
Humphries, Stella, 203 Johnson, Thomas 11., 129
Hunt, Irene, 38, 222 Johnson, Winifred, 18
Hunter, j. A., 163 Johnston, Ronald, 6
Hunter, Kiistin, 69 Jones, D. L., 133
Hunter, Mcl, 53 Jones, Glyn, 69
Jones, James, 111 Kinross, Lord, 76
Joos, Martin, 257 Kipling, Rudyard, 47, 174-75
-Jordan, Jane, 133 Kirby, Michael, 146
Josephson, Matthew, 231 Kirchgessner, Maria, 197-98
Juster, Norton, 76 Kirkup, James, 109
Kishon, Ephraim, 76, 178
K Kitman, Marvin, 76
Kittredge, George L., 236
Kael, Pauline, 146 Kjelgaard, Jim, 69-70, 205
Kafka, Franz, 100 Klein, H. Arthur, 58
Kahn, Sholom J., 177 Knebel, Fletcher, 101
Kantor, MacKinlay, 111 Knight, Damon, 124
Karlsen, Arne, 196 Knight, Ruth A., 198
Karp, David, 85 Knowles, John, 86, 157
Karsavina, Tamara, 146 Koestler, Arthur, 201
Kart Magazine, Editors of, 56 Komroff, Manuel, 244, 249
Kaufman, Bel, 85 Kotewill, Robert, 133
Kaufman, George S., 75 Kramer, Daniel, 30
Kavaler, Lucy, 100 Kramer, Paul, 169-70
Kayira, Legson, 85 Krauss, Robert, 207
Kazin, Alfred, 100-01 Kroeber, Theodora, 231
Keene, Donald, 168-69 Kruger, Rayne, 164
Keith, Agnes Newton, 171, 177- ICrtungold, Joseph, 86
78 Krusch, W., 189
Keith, Harold, 222 Kubie, Nora B., 214
Keller, Helen, 30 Kugelmass, J. Alvin, 30-31
Kelly, Eric P., 247-49 Kuhn, Herbert, 239
Kelly, Robert, 133 Kuznetsav, Anatoly Petrovich,
Kemal, Yasbar, 178 112
Kemp, Lysander, 249 Kyle, Elisabeth, 18, 146
Kennedy, John F., 85, 101
Kennedy, Robert F., 85 L
Kent, Leonard, 154
Kenworthy, Leonard, 163 La Farge, Oliver, 226, 231
Kerr, Jean, 76 Laird, Charlton, 257
Kessel, Joseph, 30, 164 Laird, Helene, 257
Key, Alexander, 123 Lamb, Dana, 187
Keyes, Daniel, 101 Lamb, Ginger, 187
Khaing, Mi Mi, 171 La tub, Harold, 249
Khayyam, Omar, 249 Lambert, Eloise, 257, 258
Kieffer, Martin, 169 Lambert,. Janet, 146
Kieran, John, 58 Lampedusa, Giuseppe di, 199
Kittens, John 0., 101 Lancaster, Bruce, 217, 222
Killilea, Marie, 101 Lancaster, Richard, 226
Kilmer, Pat, 76 Landan, Margaret, 171
Kim, Richard E., 85 Lane, Rose Wilder, 22, 217
Kimbrough, Emily, 78 Lang, Andrew, 244
King, Martin Luther, Jr., 86 Lang land, Joseph, 129.
Kingsley, Charles, 47 Lania, Leo, 197,
Lardner, Ring, 76 Lindbergh, Charles A., 53
Larrabee, Harold A., 47 Linn, Ed, 61-62
Latham, Jean Lee, 6, 47 Linscott, Robert N., 77
Lathrop, West, 217 Lipman, David, 60
Laurence, Margaret, 164 Lipsyte, Robert, 58, 99
Liurents, Arthur, 95 Lisagor, Peter, 7
Lauritzen, Jonreed, 194 Llewellyn, Richard, 102
Lawrence, Mildred, 38 Lockwood, Charles, 47
Lawson, Ted, 112 Lockwood, Douglas, 205
Leach, Maria, 226 Lockwood, Myna, 102
Lear, Edward, 133 Lodwig, Richard, 258
Leary, Paris, 133 Lomax, Alan, 134
Le Cairo, John, 112 Lomax, Louis E., 164, 232
Lederer, William J , 101 Lomax, John A., 134
Lee, Charles, 133-34 London, Jack, 7, 47, 157
Lee, C. Y., 7 Longford, Elizabeth, 194
Lee, Harper, 86 Longland, Jean R., 134
Lee, Mildred, 18 Lord, Bette, 170
Legg, Stuart, 112 Lord, Walter, 112, 217, 232
Leighton, Margaret, 449 Love, Edmund G., 232
Lenard, Alexander, 187 Lovell, Sir Bernard, 53
L'Engle, Madeleine, 7, 18, 39, Lowell, Robed, 134
124 Lowenstein, Elsa, 118
Lengyel, Emil, 178 Lowery, Bruce, 86
Lens, Sidney, 231 Luce, Iris, 87
Llon-Portilla, Miguel, 249 Lunt, Dudley Cammett, 7
Lerner, Alan Thy, 146 Luthuli, Albert, 164
Lerner, Max, 231 1-Yall, Gavin, 7
Leasing, Doris, 164
Lester, Julius, 102 M
Letton, Jennette, 7
Levi, P., 142 MacAndrew, A., 155
Levin, Meyer, 198 MacAndosw, R., 153
Levine, David, 7 MacArthur, Douglas, 31
Levine, L E., 31 McCarthy, Agnes, 222
Levine, Lawrence W., 86 McCienaghan, Jack, 207
Levinger, Elms Ehrlich, 31, 249 McCready, Albert L., 217
Levitt, Leonard, 164 , McCullers, Carson, 18
Lewis, C. Day, 140 MacDonald, Betty, 77
Lewis, C. S., 124, 133 McDonough, Mart x,134.
Lewis, Elizabeth Foreman, 169 McGinley, Phyllis, 77
Lewis, Richard, 133 MacGregor-Halide, Roy, 199
Lewis, Sinclair, 86, 231-32 McGrady, Mike, 52
Lewis, Wyndham, 133-34 McGraw, Eloise Jarvis, 240
Lewiton, Mina, 70. Machetanz, Sara, 182
Ley, Willy, 53 MacInnes, Helen, 7-8, 147
Lightwood, Teresa, 172 McKee, Alexander, 47-48
Lindell, Edward, 205 McKenna, Richard, 8
Lindbergh, Anne'Morrow, 86 McKenna, Rollie, 137
McKeroxy, Ruth, 77 Maxwell, Gavin, 8
McKown, Robin, 194 Mayerson, Charlotte Leon, 102
MacKenzie, Christine B., 39 Mayne, William, 124
McLean, Allan Campbell, 194 Mays, Willie, 59
MacLean, Alistair, 8, 112 Mayse, Arthur, 184
MacLennan, Hugh, 184 Mead, Margaret, 18, 240
McLuthan, Herbert Marshall, Meader, Stephen W., 214
258 Means, Florence Crannell, 18-
MacMillan, Annabelle, 68 19, 30, 102
Mac Shane, Frank, 187 Medearis, Mary; 39
Mc Sweeny, William, 60 Meeker, Oden, 172
Madison, Frank, 31 Mehdevi, Anne Sinclair, 178
Maitland, Howard M., 239 Mehta, Ved, 175 -
Malamud, Bernard, 87 Meier, August, 103
Malcolmson, Anne, 127 Mellen, Kathleen D., 207
Malcolm X, 102 Meltzer, Milton, 87, 226, 232
Malmberg, Bertil, 258 Melville, Herman, 48, 207
Malraux, AndrE, 102 Menon, Narayana, 176
Malverne, Gladys, 242, 244 Menotti, Gian-Carlo, 242
Manfred, Frederick, 87 Merril, Judith, 124
Manning-Sanders, Ruth, 134 Merrill,'Robert, 147
Manry, Robert, 47 Mersand, Joseph E., 75
Mantle; Mickey, 58-59 Michaelis-Jena, Ruth, 251
Marckwardt, Albert H., 258 Michaels, Barbara, 8
Mardikian, George, 232 Michaels, Sidney, 135
Marichal, Juan, 59 Michener, James, 113, 169, 178,
Marts, Roger, 59 202, 208
Markandaya, Kamala, 175 Migel, Parmenia, 31
Marquand, John P., 232 Miller, Arthur, 87, 103
Marshall, Catherine W., 39 Miller, Floyd, 182
Marshall, Edison, 209 Miller, Helen Markley, 8, 19,
Marshall, H., 142 217
Marshall, James Vance, 18, 70 Miller, Norman C., 103
Marshall, S. L., 1 I 1 Miller, Wright W., 202
Martin, Betty, 206 Milner-Gulland, R., 142
Martin, Nea, 5 Milton, Daniel L., 168
Martz, William J., 138 Mllton; John, 135
Mary-Rousseliere, Guy, 134 Mirvish, Robert F., 202
Masashi, Ito, 112 -13. Mishima, Yukio, 169
Mason, Cina, 244-45 Mitchell, Margaret, 222
Mason, Herbert, 53 Mitchell, Rosamund J., 178
Music, Robert K., 201.02 Monahan, James, 31
Mather, Melissa, 87 Monsarrat, Nicholas, 48
Mathews, Mitford McLeod, 258 Montagu, Ewen, 113
Matthiessen, Peter, 187, 207 Moody, Anne, 23
Maugham, W. Somerset, 87 Moody, Ralph, 19
Maude, Aylmer, 160 Moore, Anne Carroll, 156
Mule, Tex, 59 Moore, John, 259
Maupassant, Guy de, 157 Moore, Mariatine, 135
Moore, Robin, 113 Nimitz, Chester W., 50
Moore, Truman E., 103 Nissenson, Hugh, 103
Moorehead, Alan, 8, 87-88, 164- Nizer, Louis, 31-32
65 Noble, Iris, 31, 147
Moorehead, Lucy, 165 Nolan, Liam, 88
Moraes, Frank, 175 Nolen, Barbara, 165
Morison, Samuel E., 210 Norbu, Thubten Jigme, 175
Morris, Edita, 169 Nordhoff, Charles B., 8-9
Morris, Harry, 137 Norman, Charles, 135, 136
Morris, Ivan, 169 Norris, Frank, 226
Morris, James, 199 Norton, Andre, 124-25
Morris, Marjorie, 88 Nourse, Alan E., 125
Morrison, Lillian, 135 Nurnberg, Maxwell, 259
Morton, Frederic, 19
Morton, Friedrich, 187 O
Morton, Miriam, 106
Moscati, Sabatino, 240 O'Brien, Justin, 81
Moscow, Henry, 202 Ockenden, Rosaleen, 191
Mowat, Farley, 48, 77, 184 O'Connor, Edwin, 88
Mullins, Richard, 59 O'Connor, Flannery, 158
Munro, H. H., see Said O'Connor, Frank, 194
Murchie, Guy, 52 O'Dell, Scott, 9, 70, 188
Murdock, Ruth T., 21 O'Faolain, Eileen,.158
Murie, Margaret E., 226 O'Faolain, Sean, 88, 158
Murphy, Nell, 157 Ogburn, Charlton, 110
Murphy, Robert, 70, 88, 157 Ogg, Oscar, 259
Murray, Gilbert, 245 Ogilvie, Elisabeth, 70-71
Ogle, Jim, 59
O'Hara, Mary, 71
Oldenbourg, Zoe, 202, 250
Nader, Ralph, 103 Oliver, Jane, 194
Najaf', Najmeh, 178 Olsen, Jack, 103
Narayan, R. K., 17S Olson, Gene, 59
Nash, Ogden, 77 Olson, Sigurd F., 184
Nathan, Robert, 39, 88, 124 Orrmont, Arthur, 214
National Book Awards, 157 Orwell, George, 104
Nazaroff, Alexander, 202 Osmond, Edward, 259
Neame, Alan, 165 Ottley, Reginald, 205
Neider, Charlet, 79 Ottum, Bob, 56
Nelson, Cordner, 59 Overstreet, Bona;ro, 104
Nelson, Edna Den Pree, 249 Overstreet, Ham, 104 .
Nevins, Allan, 233
New Yorker, The, 157 P
Newby, P. K, 103
Nichol', Louise Townse4,135 Packard, Vence, 104
Nichols, John, 70 Page, Elizabeth, 214
Nicholson, Margaret, 259 Paige, Satchel, 60
Nielsen, Virginia, 208, 217 Paine, Albert Bigelow, 250
Niggli, Josephina, 187-88 Palgrave, Francis T., 136
Papashvily, George, 77 Potter, Simeon, 260
Papashvily, Helen, 77 Pratt, William, 137
Parker, Dorothy, 136, 1.58 Priestley, J. B., 32
Parker, Elinor, 136 Provan, Eldoris Angel, 210
Parkman, Francis, 217 Putnam, F. W., 96
Parks, Gordon, 104 Pu Yi, Heruy, 169-70
Parrish, Anne, 222 Pyle, licvard, 250
Parsons, L M., 13c,
Pasternak, Boris, 104 Q
Patchett, Mary, 205
Paton, Alan, 147, 165 Quant, Mary, 105
Patterson, Floyd, 60 Quiley, Martin, 60
Paustovsky, Konstantin, 202 Quirk, Randolph,, 258
Paxton, Harry T., 62
Payne, Robert, 32, 136, 199, It
P care, Catherine 0., 233 Rabinowitt, Shalom, See Shalom
Pease, Hos. ard, 233 Aleichem
Peck, lra, 158 Radau, lianns, 188
Pei, Mario, 257, 258, 259 Raditsa., Leo, 30
Peissel, Michel, 175, 188 Ra.kor.-, Edwin, 137
Pelissier, Roger, 169 Rama Rau, Santha, 32, 174,
Ferric, Ernestine, 144 175-76
Peters, Ellis, 9 Ramsden, Evelyn, 196
Petrovich, Michael, 201 F and, Christopher, 105, 199
Petry, Ann, 210 R....nkin, William IL, 53
Piccard, Jacques, 4-8 Rascovich, Mark, 113
Pigney, Joseph, 218 Rasmussen. Knud, 134
Pilgrim, Anne, 39 Raswan, Caul, 165
Pinchot, Ann, 30 Ratcliff, Arthur, 251
Pinto, Oreste, 9 Rawlings, Marjorie K., 19
Place, Marian T., 218 Ray, Mary, 245
Plato, 105 Read, Bill, 137
Hatt, Rutherford, 210 Read, Katherine L., 172
Plimpton, George, 60 Reddick, Lawrence, 222
Plotz, Helen, 136-37 Redding, Robert H., 182
Plutarch, 32 Reed, Gwendolyn, 131
Poe, Edgar Allen, 158 Reed, Meredith, 19
Polishuk, Nancy, 205 Reernan, Douglas, 49
Polland, Madeline, 169 Reid, P. R., 113
Polmar, Norman, 49 Reischauer, E.. 0., 170
Pomeroy, Earl, 218 Remarque, Erich Maria, 39, 113
Ponsk.lt, Marie, 191 Renault, Mary, 240
Poole, Josephine, 9 Replier, Agnes, 250
Pope, Dudley, 49 Resnick., Seymour, 137
Porter, Witham Sydney, See 0. Rezroth, Kenneth, 137
Henry Reynolds, Quentin, 113
Postman, Ned, 259 Irving, 137
!Volt, Chaim, D8 Richardson, Grace, 71
Richter, Conrad, 88-89, 105, Rugoff, Milton. 159
210, 218 Rush, Charles W., 49
Richter, Werner, 194 Russell, Bertrand, 33
Ridgway, John M., 49 Russell, Bill, 60
Ridle, Julia Brown, 32 Russell, F Bert, 89
Rikhoff, Jean, 158 Rutherford, Peggy, 165
Rilke, Rainer Maria, 137 Ruthin, Margaret, 196-97
Ripley, Elizabeth, 250 Ryan, Cornelius, 113
Ritchie, Barbara, 97
Riter, Doris, 71 S
Rizk, Salom, 233
Roberts. Cecil, 158 Sabatini, Rafael, 89
Roberts, James Hall, 9 Sagle, Lawrence W., 217
Roberts, Kenneth. 210-11, 214 Sahgal, Nayantara, 176
Robertson, Don, 9 Saint-Exupery, Antoine de, 53-
Robertson, Robert B., 49 54, 89
Robinson, Bradley; 182 St. George, George, 116
Robinson, Charles, Jr., 32' St. John, Robert, 179
Robinson, Leonard, 2 Saki, 159
Robinson, Lloyd, 233 Salinger, J. D., 89, 159
Robinson, Ray, 60 Salisbury, Harrison E., 203
Rodgers, Richard, 147 Samuel, Maurice, 241
Roditi, Edouard, 178 Samuels, Gertrude, 33, 177
Rodman, Bella, 105 Sandberg, Sara, 19-20
Rodman, Selden, 137 Sandburg, Carl, 33, 233
Rocthke, Theodore, 138 Sandburg, Helga, 20
Rogers, Frances, 260 Sandoz, Mari, 211, 218, 226
Rolvaag, 0..E., 218 Sands, Bill, 105
Rornulo, Carlos P., 172 Sanford, Agnes, 170
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 32, 89 Sanford, Marcelline Hemingway,
Root, Jonathan, 33 32
Rose, Anna Parrott, 19 Sansan, 170
Rosenberg. Jessie, 99 Saroyan, William, 20, 159
Rosenblum, Morris, 259 Sarton, May, 199
Rosenberg, John M., 60 Sauers, Don, 88
Rosenthal, Abraham, 105 Saunders, Edith, 194
Rosenthal, M. L., 142 Sawyer, Ruth, 159
Rosner, Hilda, 84 Sayre, Woodrow Wilson, 9-10
Ross, Ishbel, 223 Schaap, Richard, 106
Ross, Leonard Q., 77 See also Schaefer, Jack, 10, 227
Leo Calvin Rosten Schary, Dore, 147
Ross, Nancy Wilson, 218 Scheele, William E., 240
Ross, Patricia F., 188 Schlauck, Margaret, 260
Rostand, Edmond, 39-40 Schnabel, Ernst, 68
Rosten, Leo Calvin, 9, 77 Scholz, Jackson, 60
Roth, Henry, 105 Schoor, Gene, 60-61
Ruatk, Robert, 19 Schulberg, Budd, 106
Rudwiek, Elliott M., 103 Scoggin, Margaret C., 10, 77
Ruggles, Eleanor, 147 Scott, Winfield Townley, 138
Sea lts, Merton W., Jr., 48 Sinclair, Harold, 223
Seeger, Peggy, 134 Sinclair, Upton, 233-34
Segal, Lore, 188 Singer, Isaac Bashevis, 90
Seiber, Matyas, 134 Singer, Joy Daniels, 20
Seifert, Shirley, 223 Singmaster, Elsie, 211
Selden, Samuel, 147 Sivasankara Pillai, Thakazhi,
Se linko, Annemarie, 40 176
Se Rick, Bud, 54 Skeat, Walter W., 260
Senje, Sigurd, 10 Skinner, Cornelia, Otis, 78, 148
Sergeant, Elizabeth, 138 Sklare, Arnold, 152
Settel, T. S., 84, 233 Smith, Arthur James M., 138-39
Seuberlich, Hertha, 203 Smith, Betty, 40, 234
Severn, Bill, 260 Smith, Bradford, 176
Severson, John, 61 Smith, Datus, C., 172
Shah, Krishna, 147 Smith, Dodie, 40
Shakespeare, William, 40, 147 Smith, Dorothy Evelyn, 40
Shapiro, Karl, 227 Smith, Ethel S., 20
Shapiro, Milton J., 61, 78 Smith, Gene, 234
Sharp, Margery, 200 Smith, Jariet A., 5
Shaw, George Bernard, 148 Smith, Lillian, 20, 234
Sheehan, Susan, 172 Smith, Linen. 10
Shefter, Harry, 3 Smith, Noiman L., 133
Shellabarger, Samuel, 250 Smith, Vian, 71
Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 138 Smith, William Jay, 139
Shepherd, Irving, 157 Snead, Sam, 61
Sherburne, Zoa, 20, 71, 106, Snedeker, Caroline Dale, 245
148 Sneider, Vern J., 78
Sherman, D. R., 20, 49 Snodgrass, W. D., 139
Sherwood, Robert E., 148 Snow, C. P., 90
Shippen, Katherine B., 250 Solzhenitsyn, Alexander, 203
Shirer, William L., 198 Sommerfelt, Aimee, 197
Sholokhov, Mikhail, 106 Sondheim, Stephen, 95
Shroyer, Frederick B., -158 Sophocles, 245
Shulman, Max, 78 Sorensen, Theodore C., 234
Shultz, Gladys Denny, 146 Sorensen, Virginia, 21
Shute, Nevil, 89 Soustelle, Jacque, 250
Shuy, Roger W., 260 Spark, Muriel, 233
Sieben, Pearl, 148 Sparke, William, 257, 260
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 245 Speare, Elizabeth G., 211
Silberman, Charles E., 106 Spencer, Cornelia, 170
Sillitoe, Alan, 106 Spender, Stephen, 159
&lone, Ignazio, 200 Sperry, Armstrong, 208
Silva, Anil de, 114 Sprague, Rosemary, 40
Silverberg, Robert, 125, 218, Stafford, William, 139
240-41 Stallma-n, R. W., 33
Simak, Clifford Donald, 125 Stanford, Derek, 33
Simenon, Georges, 20 Stanford, Don, 61
Sims, Edward H., 54 Stanley, Richard, 165
Simson, Otto von, 114 Stanton, R. W., 25
Starbird, Kay, 71 Taubman, Howard, 148
Statler, `)liver, 170 Taylor, David, 214
Stearns, Monroe, 183 Taylor, H. S., 135
Stefansson, Vilhjalmur, 182 Taylor, Robert Lewis, 219, 235
Steffens, Lincoln, 33-34 Tebbe', John, 227
Stegner, Mary, 159 Teissier du Cros, Janet, 195
Stegner, Wallace, 159, 218 Tenzing, Norgay, 11
Stein, Meyer L., 90 Terkel, Studs, 148
Steinbeck, John, 106, 188, 234 Tey, Josephine, 11
Steinbtrg, Alfred, 234 Tharp, Louise Hall, 34, 185,
Steinhauer, Harry, 159 227
Stern, Philip Van Dore; 10, Thomas, Elizabeth M., 166
159-60 Thomas, Lowell, 11
Sterne, Emma Gelders, 34 Thomas, M. Z., 11
Stevenson, David L., 230 Thomas, Piri, 107
Stevenson, Robert Louis, 10, Thompson, Jean, 90
160 Thompson, Lawrance, 139
Stewart, George, 83 Thompson, Mickey, 61
Stewart, George, R., 258, 260 Thoreau, Henry David, 90
Stewart, Mary, 10-11, 40, 200 Thorne-Thompson, Gudrun, 197
Stinetorf, Louise A., 165 ihorwald, Jurgen, 11
Stolz, Mary, 21, 40-41, 71 Throckmorton, Peter, 49
Stone, Irving, 41, 200, 234 Thurber, James, 78, 79
Stoutenberg, Adrien, 72 Thwaite, Anthony, 127
Strachey, Lytton, 195 Tiedemann, Anker, 196
Strahan, John W., 160 Tinkle, Lon, 227
Stranger, Joyce, 11 Tolkien, J. R. R., 11-12
Street, James, 223 Tolstoy, Leo, 41, 160, 203
Stroven, Carl, 206 Tomer lin, John, 61
Stump, Al, 61 Toor, Frances, 200
Sturges, Jonathan, 157 Toperoff, Sans, 21
Styron, William, 223 Toppin, Edgar A., 212
Suckow, Ruth, 21 Townsend, John Rowe, 21
Suggs, Robert C., Townsend, Michael, 245
Summers, James L., 72,, 78, 90 Trachtenberg, Alan, 235
Sutcliff, Rosemary, 245, 251 Trahey, Jane, 79
Sutton, Ann, 188 - Trapp, Maria Augusta, 21, 149
Sutton. Myron, 188 Treasc, Geoffrey, 245, 251
Swanberg, W. A., 234-35 Treece, Henry, 251
Swenson, May, 139 Tregaskis, Richard, 54, 114
Swing, Raymond, 34 Trevino, Elizabeth B. de, 189
Sydenharn, M. J., 195 Trowbridge, Una Vincenzo, 199
Syme, Ronald, 166 Trumbull, Robert, 100
Szulc, Tad, 235 Tsai, Kuo Yine Paul, 169-70
Tuchman, Barbara W., 114
T Tucker, Glenn, 223
Tully, Andrew, 90
Taafe, James, 140 Tunis, John It., 34, 61, 90, 107,
Tannenbaum, Frank, 188 114
Tun ley, Roul, 12 Walford, Naomi, 196
Turgenev, Ivan, 203 Walker, Margaret, 223
Turnbull, Agnes Sligh, 41 Walker, Mildred, 91
Turnbull, Andrew, 34 Wallace, Lew, 245
Turnbull, Colin M., 166 Wallace, Mary, 22
Turngren, Ellen, 41 Wallace, Robert, 140
Twain, Mark, 79, 91, 107, 227 Walsh, Chad, 140
Tyler, Anne, 21 Walsh, John, 189
Tynan, Kenneth, 149 Walsh, William B., 172
Walter, Elizabeth, 12
U Walton, Bryce, 12
Ward, Herman M., 140
Ulanoff, S. M., 109 Warner, Oliver, 50
Ullman, James Ramsey, 11, 12 Warren, Robert Penn, 91, 140
Undset, Sigrid, 251 Waterman, Sherry, 54
Untermeyer, Louis, 139, 140 Weales, Gerald, 149
Updike, John, 140, 160, 235 Weatherby, Meredith, 169
Uris, Leon, 179, 203 Weaver, Helen, 30
Webb, Jean, 35
V Webb, Nancy, 35
Weber, Lenora Mattingly, 41,
Vaeth, Gordon J., 182 72
Valens, Evans G,, 91 Weir, Rosemary, 252
Van Buitenen, J. A. B., 176 Welch, Galbraith, 166
Vance, Marguerite, 251 Wellard, James, 166
Van der Post, Laurense, 166 Wells, Carolyn, 141
Van Doren, Mark, 155 Wells, Evelyn, 206
Van Dyke, Henry, 242 Wells, H. G., 125
Varney, Joyce James, 195 Weltfish, Gene, 227-28
Vaughan, Josephine B., 172 Welty, Eudora, 91
Veeck, 13111, 61-62 Werstein, Irving, 114, 141
Vergil, 140 Wertenbaker, Lael, 172
Verne, Jules, 12, 49-50 Werth, Aline B., 82
Vidal, Gore, 79 West, Jessamyn, 22, 79
Vining, Elizabeth Gray, 91, 107, West, Morris, 114
170, 251 Westheimer, David, 91, 114
Voegli, Max, 251-52 Weston, Christine, 176, 179
Volpe. Edmond L., 155 Wharton, Edith, 92
Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet Whatmough, Joshua, 261
de, 160 Wheeler, Harvey, 110
von Hagen, Victor, 252 White, Anne Terry, 241
Von Tempski, Armine, 208 White, E. B., 107. 235
White, Hilda, 41-42
White, Robb, 50
W White, T. H. 252
White, Theodore H., 170, 235
Wagenknecht, Edward C., 34 Whitehouse, Arch, 54
Walden, Amelia Elizabeth, 62 Whiting, Bartlett J., 141
Waley, Arthur, 149 Whitman, Walt, 141
Whitney, Phyllis A., 12, 107, Woolf, Virginia, 42
223 Wong, Jade Snow, 35
Wibberly, Leonard, 72, 79, 189, Wood, Kerry, 185
208, 242 Woolsey, Maryhale, 252
Widder, Arthur, 13 Wouk, Herman, 115
Wier, Ester, 72 Wright, Constance, 35
Wiesel, Elie, 179 Wright, James, 142
Wilbur, Richard, 141 Wright, Louis B., 211
Wilder, Laura Ingalls, 22 Wright, Richard, 107
Wilder, Thornton, 92, 149, 228 Wurmbrand, Robert, 92
Wilkinson, Burke, 13 Wylie, Evan McLeond, 146
Williams, Beryl, 149 Wylie, Philip, 121
Williams, Edward Bennett, 235- Wyndham, John, 125
36 Wynne, Barry, 50
Williams, Emlyn, 149
Williams, Eric, 114-15 Y
Williams, Jay, 252
Williams, J. R., 189 Yates, Elizabeth, 22, 35
Williams, Martin, 141 Yeats, NVil liam Butler, 142
Williams, Oscar, 79, 141 Yefremov, Ivan, 246
Williams, Ursula, 252 Yevtushenko, Yevgeny, 142
Williams, Vinnie, 22 Young, Bob, 108
Williams, William Carlos, 142 Young, Jan, 108
Williamson. Joanne S., 211, 246 Young, Mary, 243
Willison, George F., 211 Young, Whitney M., Jr., 108
Wilson, Barbara K., 195
Wilson, Dorothy Clarke, 176 z
Wilson, Mike, 45
Wilson, Neill C., 42, 236 Zabel, Morton D., 153
Winston, Clara, 68 Zaharias, Babe Didrikson, 62
Winston, Richard, 68 Zarubica, Mladin, 115
Wister, Owen, 219 Zaturenska Marya, 131
Wohlrabe, Raymond A., 189 Zerwick, Chloe, 92
Wojcieehowska, Maia, 92 Ziegfield, Patricia, 35
Wolfe, Thomas, 160, 236 Ziner, Feenie, 211
Wolff, Ruth, 13, 22 Zolotov, Maurice, 149

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