Primer: Hepatocellular Carcinoma

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­­­Hepatocellular carcinoma
Josep M. Llovet 1,2,3 ✉, Robin Kate Kelley4, Augusto Villanueva 1, Amit G. Singal5,
Eli Pikarsky6, Sasan Roayaie7, Riccardo Lencioni8,9, Kazuhiko Koike10,
Jessica Zucman-​Rossi 11,12 and Richard S. Finn13
Abstract | Liver cancer remains a global health challenge, with an estimated incidence of
>1 million cases by 2025. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common form of liver
cancer and accounts for ~90% of cases. Infection by hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus are the
main risk factors for HCC development, although non-​alcoholic steatohepatitis associated with
metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus is becoming a more frequent risk factor in the West.
Moreover, non-​alcoholic steatohepatitis-​associated HCC has a unique molecular pathogenesis.
Approximately 25% of all HCCs present with potentially actionable mutations, which are yet to
be translated into the clinical practice. Diagnosis based upon non-​invasive criteria is currently
challenged by the need for molecular information that requires tissue or liquid biopsies.
The c­­­­­­­­­­­u­­­­­r­­­­­­­­r­­e­­nt m­aj­or a­dv­an­ce­ments h­av­e i­mp­ac­ted the management of patients with advanced
HCC. Six systemic therapies have been approved based on phase III trials (atezolizumab plus
bevacizumab, sorafenib, lenvatinib, regorafenib, cabozantinib and ramucirumab) and three
additional therapies have obtained accelerated FDA approval owing to evidence of efficacy.
New trials are exploring combination therapies, including checkpoint inhibitors and tyrosine
kinase inhibitors or anti-​VEGF therapies, or even combinations of two immunotherapy regimens.
The outcomes of these trials are expected to change the landscape of HCC management at all
evolutionary stages.

Sustained virological
Liver cancer remains a global health challenge and the prevalence of most mutations is <10%, thereby
response its incidence is growing worldwide1,2. It is estimated complicating proof-​of-​concept studies7,8. Indeed, dom-
(SVR). An undetectable that, by 2025, >1 million individuals will be affected inant mutational drivers in HCC, such as TERT, TP53
hepatitis C virus RNA in the by liver cancer annually3. Hepatocellular carcinoma and CTNNB1, remain undruggable9. In addition, the
serum with the use of a
sensitive polymerase chain
(HCC) is the most common form of liver cancer and translation of molecular and immune classes into bio-
assay at 6 months after accounts for ~90% of cases. Hepatitis B virus (HBV) markers that guide therapies is still under investigation.
completion of antiviral therapy. infection is the most prominent risk factor for HCC Currently, specific advancements in our understanding
development, accounting for ~50% of cases4. The risk of the mechanisms underlying NASH-​associated HCC
Non-​alcoholic attributed to hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection has have provided new insights into the contributions of the
(NASH). Inflammation of
substantially decreased owing to patients achieving tumour microenvironment, particularly the immune
the liver caused by excess sustained virological response (SVR) with antiviral drugs5. system and platelet activation, in the pathophysiology
accumulation of fat in Nonetheless, patients with cirrhosis are still considered of this disease10,11.
hepatocytes. to be at high risk for HCC incidence even after HCV The diagnosis of HCC is usually based on non-​invasive
clearance. Non-​alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), asso- criteria, although there is a growing need for molecu-
ciated with metabolic syndrome or diabetes mellitus, lar characterization of the tumour using tissue biopsies
is becoming the fastest growing aetiology of HCC, in clinical practice12,13. In terms of prevention, beyond
particularly in the West 6. Additionally, reports on vaccines preventing HBV infection and anti-​viral ther-
mutational signatures have established aristolochic acid apies for HBV and HCV infection, cumulative data
and tobacco as potential pathogenetic cofactors in HCC7. support the preventive role of coffee and aspirin14.
The molecular pathogenesis of HCC varies accord- The management of HCC has markedly improved
ing to the distinct genotoxic insults and aetiologies. since the early 2010s8,12,13,15. Hepatic resection and liver
✉e-​mail: josep.llovet@ Although our understanding of the pathophysiology and transplantation have been the mainstay curative treat- drivers of the disease has improved, this knowledge is yet ments in HCC cases. Refinements in patient selection to be translated into clinical practice. Approximately 25% have resulted in enhanced surgical resection outcomes
s41572-020-00240-3 of HCC tumours present actionable mutations; however, and remarkable 10-​year post-​liver transplantation

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Author addresses therapy, that is, combining ICIs with TKIs or combin-
ing PD1/PDL1 axis inhibitors with CTLA4 inhibitors,
Mount Sinai Liver Cancer Program, Division of Liver Diseases, Tisch Cancer Institute, are ongoing. The results of these trials are expected
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. to change the landscape of HCC management at all
Translational Research in Hepatic Oncology, Liver Unit, IDIBAPS, Hospital Clinic, evolutionary stages.
University of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
This Primer provides an update on the advance-
Institució Catalana d’Estudis Avançats (ICREA), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of California, ments in HCC pathogenetic mechanisms and its treat-
San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA, USA. ment since our first review1. We discuss the increasing
Department of Internal Medicine, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, contribution of non-​a lcoholic fatty liver disease
Dallas, Texas, USA. (NAFLD) and NASH to the development of HCC as
The Lautenberg Center for Immunology and Cancer Research, IMRIC, The Hebrew well as the specific key molecular mechanisms associ-
University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel. ated with this risk factor. Additionally, we summarize
White Plains Hospital Center for Cancer Care, Montefiore Health, White Plains, NY, USA. the current knowledge and trends in epidemiology,
Department of Radiology, Pisa University School of Medicine, Pisa, Italy. diagnosis, screening and management. In particu-
Department of Radiology, Miami Cancer Insitute, Miami, FL, USA. lar, we describe the evidence-​b ased data generated
The University of Tokyo, Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo, Japan.
with new therapies and the prospects of novel combi-
Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Sorbonne Université, Inserm, USPC, Université
Paris Descartes, Université Paris Diderot, Paris, France. nation therapies in the adjuvant setting as well as in
Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou, Assistance Publique-​Hôpitaux de Paris, intermediate-​stage and advanced-​stage HCC. Finally,
Paris, France. we discuss the role of biomarkers, liquid biopsy and
Department of Oncology, Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA. patient-​reported outcomes in the future management of this
devastating disease.
survival rates for tumours down-​staged beyond Milan
criteria12,16. Local ablation with radiofrequency remains Epidemiology
the backbone of image-​guided ablation for non-​surgical Liver cancer is the sixth most common cancer world-
early-​stage HCC, despite progress in other techniques15. wide, with 841,080 new liver cancer cases in 2018,
Adjuvant therapies to preclude relapse, following these and the fourth leading cause of cancer-​related death
potentially curative approaches, are an unmet medical globally3 (Fig. 1). The highest incidence and mortality
need, as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have so far of HCC are observed in East Asia and Africa, although
yielded negative results. For intermediate-​stage HCC, HCC incidence and mortality are increasing in different
transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) has been the parts of Europe and in the USA27. Indeed, Surveillance
most widely used treatment and the standard of care over Epidemiology End Results (SEER) reported HCC
the past two decades17. Transarterial radioembolization as the fastest increasing cause of cancer-​related death in
(TARE) has shown efficacy in phase II investigations18 the USA since the early 2000s and HCC is projected to
but has not been established as a primary standard of become the third leading cause of cancer-​related death
care by guidelines. Other loco-​regional devices or radi- by 2030 if these trends continue28.
ation oncology approaches are not expected to improve
Metabolic syndrome
the intermediate treatment armamentarium in the Risk factors
A multifactorial metabolic
disorder, characterized by a short term. Over 90% of HCC cases occur in the setting of chronic
cluster of risk factors, including Currently, systemic therapies, including immune-​ liver disease. Cirrhosis from any aetiology is the strongest
abdominal obesity, insulin checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), tyrosine kinase inhibitors risk factor for HCC12,13. HCC is the leading cause of death
resistance, dyslipidaemia and (TKIs) and monoclonal antibodies, have challenged the in patients with cirrhosis, with an annual HCC inci-
elevated blood pressure, that
promote the development of
use of conventional therapies for HCC. Approximately, dence of 1–6%29. The major risk factors for HCC include
type 2 diabetes mellitus and 50–60% of patients with HCC are estimated to be chronic alcohol consumption, diabetes or obesity-​related
cardiovascular disease. exposed to systemic therapies in their lifespan, par- NASH, and infection by HBV or HCV (Fig. 1). Other less
ticularly in advanced stages of the disease8. The field prevalent risk factors for HCC include cirrhosis from
Mutational signatures
has witnessed substantial progress in the development primary biliary cholangitis, haemochromatosis and
Mutational fingerprints of
specific genotoxins. of systemic therapies in the past 5 years, with studies α1-​antitrypsin deficiency. Indeed, patients developing
reporting a marked increase in overall survival and in cirrhosis from haemochromatosis are at a particularly
Immune-​checkpoint the quality of life of patients8. For example, the natural high risk of HCC, with up to 45% developing HCC in
inhibitors history of advanced-​stage HCC cases involves a median their life span30.
(ICIs). Drugs that stimulate
anti-​tumour immune response
survival of ~8 months and the approved combination of
by blocking checkpoint atezolizumab (anti-​PDL1 antibody) and bevacizumab Hepatitis B virus infection. HBV infection accounts
proteins and promoting (anti-​VEGF antibody) has more than doubled this life for ~60% of HCC cases in Asia and Africa and 20% of
immune-​mediated elimination expectancy and improved the patient-​reported outcomes19. cases in the West4 (Fig. 1). HBV is a DNA virus that can
of tumour cells.
Sorafenib20 and lenvatinib21 remain as the most effec- integrate into the host genome inducing insertional
Patient-​reported outcomes tive single-​drug therapies. In case of progression to mutagenesis, leading to oncogene activation31. HBV
A measurement of any aspect single-​agent regimens, regorafenib22, cabozantinib23 increases the risk of HCC even in the absence of cirrho­
of a patient’s health status that and ramucirumab24 have also proven improved survival sis, although most patients with HBV-​induced HCC
comes directly from the benefits. Single-​agent ICIs provide substantial clinical have cirrhosis at presentation. The high prevalence of
patient, without interpretation
of the patient’s responses by a
benefits in 15–20% of responders but, so far, biomark- endemic HBV infection in East Asia has resulted in a
health-​care professional or ers have failed to identify this group25,26. Furthermore, risk of HCC exceeding cost-​effectiveness thresholds in
anyone else. phase III trials investigating the efficacy of combination men (40 years of age) and in women (50 years of age),

2 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


Central Eastern
Europe Europe

Western Japan
Aetiology America
Western East Asia
Other (i.e. NASH)
ASR (world) per 100,000 North Africa, Southeast
≥8.4 Middle East Asia
5.8–8.4 Andean South Latin
4.7–5.8 Latin America America
<3.3 Southern
Data not applicable Africa Oceania
No data

Fig. 1 | The incidence of HCC according to geographical area and aetiology. The incidence and major aetiological
factors involved in hepatocarcinogenesis are depicted in this figure. The highest incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma
(HCC) is observed in East Asia, with Mongolia demonstrating the highest incidence of HCC worldwide. Hepatitis B virus
(HBV) is the major aetiological factor in most parts of Asia (except Japan), South America and Africa; Hepatitis C virus
(HCV) is the predominant causative factor in Western Europe, North America and Japan, and alcohol intake is the
aetiological factor in Central and Eastern Europe. Non-​alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), the main aetiology included in
the category ‘Other’, is a rapidly increasing risk factor that is expected to become the predominant cause of HCC in high
income regions in the near future. ASR, age-​standardized incidence rate. Data from refs3,129. Reprinted from ref.3, Global
Cancer Observatory, World Health Organization, Estimated age-​standardized incidence rates (World) in 2020, liver, both
sexes, all ages, Copyright (2020) (

thereby justifying surveillance programmes. In Africa, Hepatitis D virus infection. Hepatitis D virus (HDV) is
patients in their early 30s or 40s present with HCC, an RNA virus that requires the presence of HBV surface
likely because of exposure to aflatoxin B1, which acts antigens for its replication and, therefore, for infectivity.
synergistically with HBV to increase the risk of HCC32. HDV is estimated to affect 20–40 million people glob-
HBV vaccination programmes have led to a decrease in ally and is associated with a more severe course of liver
HCC incidence in some parts of Asia, although many disease, including increased fibrosis and risk of cirrhosis,
jurisdictions are yet to implement universal vaccination than patients with HBV infection alone. Similarly, sev-
programmes33. eral cohort studies suggest that HBV/HDV co-​infection
is associated with an increased risk of HCC compared
Hepatitis C virus infection. Chronic HCV infection with HBV infection alone. In one of the largest studies
is the most common underlying liver disease among to date, the risk of HCC was significantly higher among
patients with HCC in North America, Europe and Japan4 those with acute HDV infection (RR 6.1, 95% CI 2.8–
(Fig. 1). Unlike HBV, HCV is an RNA virus that does not 11.7) or chronic HDV infection (RR 3.9, 95% CI 1.6–7.2)
integrate into the host genome and, therefore, the risk of than among those with HBV infection alone37.
HCC is primarily limited to those who develop cirrhosis
Aflatoxin B1
A mycotoxin produced by
or chronic liver damage with bridging fibrosis. With the Alcohol. Excessive alcohol intake causes alcoholic liver
Aspergillus species in a use of direct-​acting antiviral (DAA) therapy, an increas- disease, cirrhosis and HCC. Currently, an increasing
variety of food commodities; ing proportion of patients with HCV infection have been number of persons have cirrhosis from chronic alcohol
consumption of the toxin can successfully treated to achieve an SVR, resulting in a consumption or NASH. Alcohol-​related cirrhosis has
cause adverse health effects,
50–80% reduction in the risk of HCC5. However, several an annual incidence ranging from 1% in population-​
including liver cancer.
patients, particularly, racial minorities, ethnic minorities based studies to 2–3% in tertiary care referral centres
Bridging fibrosis or people from low socioeconomic regions, are yet to be and accounts for ~15–30% of HCC cases depending on
A histological finding in the tested for HCV and remain unaware of their infection34. the geographical region38. Chronic alcohol intake can
advanced stage of liver fibrosis Additionally, patients with HCV-​induced cirrhosis con- also increase the risk of HCC from other aetiologies; for
characterized by thin and long
fibrous septa that extend
tinue to have a persistent risk of developing HCC (>2% example, several studies reveal an increased risk of HCC
across lobules and connect per year) even after SVR and should therefore remain in HBV carriers who consume alcohol compared with
portal spaces and central veins. under close surveillance35,36. those who do not consume alcohol39. Although alcohol

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consumption shares many pathophysiological processes invasion and, ultimately, to metastasis. In our previous
with other forms of cirrhosis, in particular NASH, Primer, we described the main oncogenic drivers and
there is evidence supporting distinct alcohol-​specific signalling pathways involved in the initiation, develop-
pro-​tumorigenic mechanisms in patients. ment and progression of HCC1. Herein, we explain in
detail our current understanding of the mechanisms
NASH. Another common aetiological factor for cir- underlying NASH-​associated HCC.
rhosis in people is NASH, which is the precursor step
in the development of HCC in patients with diabetes Cell of origin
mellitus or obesity. Owing to the increasing prevalence The cell of origin of HCC is debated. Similar to any type
of obesity, NASH has become the most common cause of of cancer, the cell of origin could be a liver stem cell,
cirrhosis in most regions of the world. Since 2010, the a transit amplifying population or mature hepatocytes.
proportion of HCC attributed to NASH has rapidly In general, the presence and role of stem cells in the liver
increased, currently representing 15–20% of cases in the is in itself debatable. Moreover, mature hepatocytes are
West6. Furthermore, the population attributable fraction long-​lived cells and retain considerable proliferative
of metabolic syndrome and NASH is likely to be >20% potential in response to injury. Many mouse models sup-
owing to its co-​existence in patients with other liver port the possibility that HCC originates in transformed
diseases40. Although the annual incidence of HCC is mature hepatocytes, although others posit that putative
lower in NASH-​related cirrhosis (1–2% per year) than liver stem cells could be the source48. Paradoxically,
in viral-​mediated cirrhosis (3–5% per year), the inci- intrahepatic cholangiocarcinomas and tumours show-
dence is >1.1 per 100 person-​years, indicating that ing mixed HCC or cholangiocarcinoma morphology
surveillance is cost-​effective and should therefore be often seem to arise from mature hepatocytes, empha-
implemented41. Several studies have demonstrated that sizing the concepts of metaplasia and cell plasticity (that
25–30% of NASH-​associated HCC cases occur in the is, transdifferentiation). This finding confirms the notion
absence of cirrhosis, which hampers the applicability that the morphology and epigenetic landscape of a
of surveillance programmes currently targeting only tumour does not necessarily reflect its cell of origin49,50.
patients with cirrhosis. However, a cohort study from
the national Veterans Affairs health system found Cancer driver gene mutations in HCC
that the annual incidence of HCC in individuals with High throughput next-​generation sequencing has
non-​cirrhotic NASH falls below the cost-​effectiveness enabled the identification of cancer driver genes with
threshold, thus advising against surveillance41,42. oncogenic functions or tumour suppressive functions
that are recurrently altered in HCC. Telomerase acti-
Age, sex and other factors. Several sociodemographic vation via TERT promoter mutations, viral insertions,
characteristics have been associated with HCC, particu- chromosome translocation or gene amplification are
larly in patients with cirrhosis. Ageing is a strong risk the most frequent driver gene alterations, observed in
factor, with the highest age-​specific incidence reported ~80% of HCC7,51. Studies have demonstrated the acti-
in individuals >70 years of age43. Furthermore, HCC also vation of the Wnt–β-​catenin signalling pathway in
has a strong male predominance (male to female ratio of 30–50% of the cases, caused by mutations in CTNNB1
2–3:1), likely related to a clustering of risk factors among (encoding β-​catenin), AXIN1 or APC (inhibitors of Wnt
men as well as differences in sex hormones44. Studies pathway) inactivation7,51. Other frequent mutations or
have reported a higher incidence of HCC among racial genetic alterations are found in TP53, RB1, CCNA2,
or ethnic minorities, in particular Hispanics, than among CCNE1, PTEN, ARID1A, ARID2, RPS6KA3 or NFE2L2,
white individuals. This discrepancy in incidence might all of which alter cell cycle control. Additionally, vari-
partly be due to the high incidence of single-​nucleotide ants in genes involved in epigenetic regulation, oxida-
variants in PNPLA3, linked to NASH-​a ssociated tive stress, and the AKT–mTOR and MAPK pathways
HCC45. Epidemiological studies have also highlighted have been implicated in HCC (see previous Primer1).
the increased risk of HCC associated with smoking46. Furthermore, recurrent focal chromosome amplifica-
However, the role of diet in moderating the risk of tions in CCND1, FGF19, VEGFA, MYC or MET lead-
HCC remains unclear, with the exception of studies ing to over-​expression result in the activation of various
showing a preventive effect of coffee and aspirin47. oncogenic signalling pathways, including of receptor
tyrosine kinases52. Although cancer driver gene muta-
Mechanisms/pathophysiology tions accumulate randomly, specific genes are related to
Population attributable The pathophysiology of HCC is a complex multistep precise molecular HCC subclasses, defined by transcrip-
fraction process. The interplay of various factors is at the origin of tomic profiles and histological phenotypes8,9,53 (Fig. 2).
The proportion of hepatocellular the early steps of hepatocyte malignant transformation Overall, only ~20–25% of patients with HCC have at
carcinoma cases that would be
and HCC development. These factors include a genetic least one potential actionable mutation as per current
prevented if a risk factor were
eliminated. predisposition, reciprocal interactions between viral standards7,8,54.
and non-​viral risk factors, the cellular microenviron- In addition to cancer driver mutations, the cooper-
Transdifferentiation ment and various immune cells, and the severity of the ation of risk factors is well described in the pathogen-
The process by which one underlying chronic liver disease. An altered microenvi- esis of HCC. For example, the toxic effect of aflatoxin
somatic cell is transformed
into another mature somatic
ronment is a key enabling characteristic of cancer and is B1 is potentiated by HBV infection, particularly in
cell without undergoing a known to participate in all stages of malignant progres- patients with a null polymorphism of GSTT1 (refs55,56).
pluripotent state. sion, from the initial transformation phases, through to In addition, polymorphisms in PNPLA3, TM6SF2 and

4 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


HSD17B13 have been identified to be associated with additionally, it is more common in HBV-​associated
the severity of NASH and HCC incidence, specifically in HCC and has the worst prognosis. The proliferation
patients with high chronic alcohol intake57,58. class includes two subclasses — the proliferation-​
progenitor cell group and the proliferation–Wnt–TGFβ
Viral infection-​a ssociated molecular alterations. group. The proliferation-​progenitor cell group, which
The most frequent site of HBV-​mediated insertional represents 25–30% of HCC52,67, is characterized by the
mutagenesis is located within the TERT promoter, activation of classic cell proliferation pathways (such
leading to an overexpression of telomerase, the enzyme as PI3K–AKT–mTOR signalling, RAS–MAPK path-
responsible for the maintenance of telomere length59. way and MET and IGF signalling cascades9) and by the
The activation of telomerase prevents the erosion of the expression of progenitor cell markers (such as EPCAM
chromosomes that physiologically occur at each cell divi- and α-​fetoprotein), and corresponds to cluster 1 of The
sion during ageing. The ectopic activation of telomer- Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)68. The proliferation–
ase protects cells from senescence and promotes cell WNT–TGFβ group, which represents 20% of HCC cases,
transformation60. Other recurrent insertions associated is characterized by non-​canonical activation of Wnt and
with HBV were identified to activate potent oncogenes, correlates with cluster 3 of the TCGA. Conversely, the
such as CCNA2 or CCNE1, involved in cell cycle control. non-​proliferation tumour class, which accounts for 50%
These oncogenic alterations induce replicative stress and of HCC, is more prevalent in alcohol-​associated HCC
complex rearrangements throughout the genome61. In a and HCV-​related HCC; these tumours present better out-
small set of patients with HCC, adeno-​associated virus 2 comes and correlate with cluster 2 of the TCGA68. Within
demonstrated a similar insertional oncogenic mutagen- the non-​proliferative class, at least two distinct subgroups
esis, with a common hot spot of viral insertion within have been delineated — one characterized by a domi-
the TERT promoter, CCNA2 and CCNE1 (ref.62). These nant canonical Wnt signalling associated with muta-
observations illustrate that specific oncogenes, activated tions in CTNNB1 (ref.72) and the second characterized
by viral infection, act as early facilitators of hepatocyte by the activation of IFNα signaling52.
transformation. By contrast, HCV infection does not Reports on the classification of HCC according to the
drive a strong, direct oncogenic effect and the induction immune cell status have further expanded our under-
of mutations results from the oxidative stress caused by standing of the molecular traits of HCC71 (Fig. 2). This clas-
chronic inflammation. sification provides complementary information based
upon immune traits and divides HCC tumours into dis-
HCC-​related mutational signatures. During the devel- tinct subclasses — immune-​active, immune-​exhausted,
opment of chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, which are immune-​intermediate and immune-​excluded. The immune
the basis for the onset of HCC in most cases, hepatocytes class, which includes both the immune-​active and
progressively accumulate numerous genetic mutations immune-​e xhausted subclasses, is characterized
and epigenetic changes. During this process, several risk by immune cell infiltrates of distinct nature. The immune-
factors inducing DNA mutations are associated with active HCC tumours (found in 20% of cases) are
specific mutational signatures7,63. Exome sequencing enriched with active helper T (CD4+) cell infiltrates
analyses of HCC have identified mutational signature 22 and cytotoxic T (CD8+) cell infiltrates and respond
and signature 24, especially in patients from Asia and to ICIs. Conversely, immune-​exhausted tumours are
Africa exposed to aristolochic acid (A>T mutations in dominated by TGFβ-​driven CD8+ cell exhaustion status.
CTG trinucleotide) and aflatoxin B1 (C>A mutations), Immune-​excluded tumours, which represent the other
respectively7,64. Signature 4 (C>A and dinucleotide muta- end of the spectrum, are characterized by a paucity of
tions) and signature 16 (T>C mutation at TpA dinucleo- T cell infiltrates and an increase of regulatory T (Treg)
tide) were respectively associated with tobacco smoking cells and are dominated by canonical Wnt signalling and
and alcohol intake65. Whether this observation could be other immune-​dissuasive cascades. Immune-​excluded
translated for preventive measures remains to be eluci- tumours are proposed to be primarily resistant to ICIs73.
dated. These observations underline the role of the liver
in detoxifying numerous metabolites, which can damage NASH-​associated HCC
the hepatocyte genome by inducing passenger or driver Obesity is linked to an increased risk of cancer in mul-
mutations, leading to carcinogenesis. tiple organs74. Obesity can induce systemic changes,
including altered immune function and systemic endo-
Molecular classes of HCC crine changes, which are hallmarks of multiple types of
Several studies based on genomic, epigenomic, histo- cancer. Current evidence shows that fatty liver disease is
pathological and immunological analyses have estab- rapidly becoming the leading cause of HCC in the West6.
lished a molecular and immune classification of HCC1,9,66 Studies have demonstrated that liver-​specific mecha-
(Fig. 2). Molecular classes of HCC have been defined nisms through which NAFLD or NASH promote HCC
based on the main molecular drivers and pathways involve metabolic and oxidative stress, altered immune
Exhaustion status involved9,66–70 or depending on the immune status of the function, pathological inflammatory responses, and
A progressive loss of effector tumour8,71. These molecular classes correlate with specific altered endocrine or adipokine signalling10,75.
function due to prolonged genomic disturbances, histopathological fingerprints
exposition to inflammatory
signals and antigen stimulation,
and clinical outcomes. The proliferation class accounts Oxidative stress. Hepatocytes overloaded by fatty acids
characteristic of chronic for ~50% of HCCs and is overall enriched in mutations in cause oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
infections and cancer. TP53 and in amplifications of FGF19 or CCND1 (ref.52); stress, which induce pathological inflammation and

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Proliferation class Non-proliferation class

Molecular subclasses
• Lee (Cluster A/B) Cluster A/high proliferation Cluster B/S3/iCluster 2
• Boyault (G1–G6)
• Chiang (prolif, poly7,
interferon, CTNNB1) G1/S2/iCluster 1 S1/iCluster 3 G4 WNT/β-catenin
• Hoshida (S1–S3) ‘progenitor’ ‘TGFβ–Wnt’ CTNNB1
• TCGA (iCluster 1–3)

G2 G3 Unannotated Interferon Poly7 G5 G6

Progenitor Macrotrabecular
Steatohepatic HCC Cholestatic HCC
Mixed FLC/HCC massive

Phospho-RPS6+ GS+/
nuclear β-catenin
IHC markers Stem cell: CK19+
and EPCAM+; pERK+

Cell differentiation Poor Well to moderate (hepatocyte-like)

Main aetiology HBV Alcohol, HCV, NASH

Chromosomal instability Chromosomal stability

FGF19/CCND1 amplification Chromosome 7

17p loss
Genetic features TERT promoter mutation
TP53 mutation
CTNNB1 mutation
AXIN1 mutation TSC1–TSC2
RPS6KA3 mutation

Cell cycle, mTOR, RAS–MAPK, MET signalling

IGF1R PKA Wnt–TGFβ signalling
Main signalling
IL6–JAK–STAT signalling +
pathways AKT signalling Cell cycle
proliferation Wnt–β-catenin
Progenitor features: signalling

Global DNA hypomethylation Extensive promoter

Epigenetic features 36 CpG signature (CDKN2A, CDH1)

miRNA class C miRNA class B miRNA class A

Immune-active Immune-exhausted Immune-active Immune-excluded

features High immune infiltrate High immune Low immune
(↑ M2 macrophages) infiltrate (↑ T cells) infiltrate

Prognosis More aggressive tumours Less aggressive tumours

Vascular invasion High frequency Low frequency

Serum AFP High levels Low levels

cell damage10,11. One study proved the causative role for mechanisms are yet to be proven in human HCC. The
ER stress in NASH-​induced HCC in mice; ER stress in deranged fatty acid metabolism in hepatocytes can
mouse hepatocytes led to the activation of inflamma- cause DNA damage owing to increased reactive oxy-
tory signalling pathways, specifically NF-​κB and TNF, gen species (ROS), produced as a result of mitochon-
leading to HCC induction76. However, these pathogenic drial dysfunction77. In addition, the altered expression

6 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


◀ Fig. 2 | Molecular and immune classification of HCC. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) Taken together, ER stress, pathological lipophagy,
can be classified into two major molecular groups based on transcriptomic-​based increased ROS production and diminished reducing
phenotypic classes52,67–70. The proliferation class is characterized by more aggressive power (low NADH or NADPH levels) could cause
tumours with poor histological differentiation, high vascular invasion and increased oncogenic genetic alterations in fatty acid-​overloaded
levels of α-​fetoprotein (AFP)53. This class can be further divided into two subclasses: S1 or
hepatocytes and promote the expansion of malignant cells.
iCluster 3 (refs67,68), characterized by Wnt–TGFβ activation, which drives an immune-​
exhausted phenotype71, and S2 or iCluster 1 (refs67,68), characterized by a progenitor-​like
phenotype, with the expression of stem cell markers (CK19, EPCAM) and activated IGF2 Immune infiltration of fatty liver. Immune cell infiltra-
and EPCAM signalling pathways53. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)-​associated tumours present tion of the fatty liver is a histopathological hallmark of
frequent activation of classical cell proliferation pathways such as PI3K–AKT–mTOR, NASH10. The development of animal models that accu-
RAS–MAPK, MET and IGF cascades. In addition, frequent TP53 mutations, high rately replicates human HCC is essential for basic studies
chromosomal instability and global DNA hypomethylation represent additional exploring pathogenesis and for translational studies84–98
hallmarks of this class. The non-​proliferation class52,67–70 is characterized by less (Fig. 3; Box 1). Several experimental models have shown
aggressive tumours with well to moderate histological differentiation, low levels of that immune cells and cytokines play an important role
AFP and less frequent vascular invasion53. These tumours are related to non-​alcoholic in HCC pathogenesis. For example, prolonged NASH in
steatohepatitis (NASH), alcoholic steatohepatitis and hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.
mouse models induces CD8+ T cell activation, which
Distinct subgroups have been characterized within this class: the WNT–β-​catenin
CTNNB1 subclass presents frequent CTNNB1 mutations and activation of the WNT–
results in hepatocyte damage, leading to HCC99. In addi-
β-​catenin signalling pathway, which drives an immune-​excluded phenotype with low tion, NAFLD causes a selective loss of intrahepatic CD4+
immune infiltration52,70,71, and the interferon subclass presents a highly activated T cells, which are crucial for eliciting an effective anti-​
IL6–JAK–STAT signalling pathway, with a more inflamed tumour microenvironment. tumour adaptive immune response100. Other immune
This class present chromosomal stability with frequent TERT promoter mutations. cell types, including B cells, Treg cells, natural killer cells
Data from refs1,7–9,52,53,66–71. FLC, fibrolamellar carcinoma; IHC, immunohistochemistry; and different types of myeloid cell, have been linked to
miRNA, microRNA; TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas. NASH-​induced HCC pathogenesis10,75. Interestingly,
in line with clinical data14 (see section on prevention),
platelet recruitment and activation in the liver also con-
of specific metabolic enzymes can affect hepatocytes by tribute to HCC development in mice, specifically via
decreasing their ability to repair DNA damage78. The platelet glycoprotein Ibα (GPIbα) signalling, suggesting
metabolic dysfunction also results in altered inflam- a therapeutic potential of this pathway101. An altered
matory signalling; for example, high expression levels cytokine milieu was also shown to underlie the causative
of IL-17 (a tumour-​promoting cytokine) have been role of NASH in HCC11. For example, NASH was shown
observed in human NASH79. In NASH, lipid gener- to overexpress hepatic IL-6 and TNF, which are drivers
ation might not only be increased but possibly also of HCC in other aetiologies as in NASH102.
altered to generate more pathogenic lipids that serve as All of the above-​described mechanisms could simul-
oncometabolites80,81. For example, continuous activation taneously promote HCC on a background of fatty liver
of mTORC2 in mouse hepatocytes increased the gen- disease. However, their relative contribution in human
eration of the sphingolipid glucosylceramide, causing HCC is currently unknown. The analysis of mutational
increased ROS production, which can ultimately lead signatures in NASH-​associated HCC versus HCC from
to HCC development80. Similarly, altered cholesterol other aetiologies could help to delineate the relative
metabolism may also contribute to HCC pathogenesis81, contributions of various factors.
potentially through the production of pro-​tumorigenic
nuclear receptor ligands. Although autophagy can have Chronic inflammation
anti-​tumour functions, one study demonstrated an HCC is a prototypical inflammation-​associated cancer,
important role for lipophagy (that is, autophagic deg- with ~90% of the HCC burden being associated with
radation of lipid droplets) in HCC pathogenesis. The prolonged inflammation owing to viral hepatitis, exces-
overexpression of sequestosome 1 (also known as p62), sive alcohol intake, NAFLD or NASH. The immune
which regulates lipophagy, in hepatocytes of patients microenvironment plays a pivotal role in the patho-
with NASH and in a mouse model was linked to HCC genesis of HCC103. In HCC, the presence of immune
development82. infiltrates is associated with a better prognosis, likely
Studies have shown a higher risk of HCC in patients owing to more effective anti-​tumour immunity71,104.
with NASH than in those with NAFLD6. One experi- Mouse models of HCC have revealed that immune
mental study revealed that fatty acid-​induced oxidative signals, such as IL-6, lymphotoxin-​α and TNF, can
stress in hepatocytes upregulated STAT1 and STAT3, accelerate hepatocarcinogenesis and affect tumour
both of which are pro-​inflammatory transcription fac- aggressiveness50,105; nevertheless, immune responses
tors that usually act in parallel83. Remarkably, in this also limit liver cancer progression103. Importantly, the
mouse model, high levels of STAT1 caused progression liver harbours the largest number of immune cells in
to NASH, while high levels of STAT3 promoted HCC, the body and maintains a unique immune state, con-
independently of each other83. This suggests that simi- siderably more tolerant than other organs, allowing it
lar inflammatory signals can differentially promote the to withstand the constant flow of inflammatory signals
progression of NAFLD to NASH or to HCC. As NAFLD from the gut103. Understanding this unique hepatic
is more prevalent than NASH in the general population6, immune system is likely important in the context of the
this finding underscores the need for a better under- complex interaction between malignant hepatocytes
standing of how NAFLD per se, irrespective of NASH, and the liver immune system103,106. Remarkably, stud-
can progress to HCC. ies in mice and humans suggest that VEGF secreted by

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 7


Preclinical Clinical
In vitro In vivo Early trials Late trials

Organoids and Cell-line GEMM Phase 0–I Phase II Phase III,

3D cell-line models xenograft trials trials randomized
controlled trials
GEMM and Human
Cell line human tumour tumour
panels explants xenograft

Cellular focus, mechanistic studies Disease focus, clinical relevance

Tumouroid + Genomic profiling Personalized Biomarker Drug

immune cells of tumours PDX discovery treatment

Fig. 3 | Preclinical and clinical models used in translational research in HCC. Translational research in hepatocellular
carcinoma (HCC) represents a two-​way road between preclinical and clinical models. At one end, preclinical models
aim at understanding the pathogenesis and mechanisms involved in disease initiation and progression and build the
groundwork for the development of clinical therapies. The selection of preclinical models represents a compromise
between time, complexity and clinical relevance. For instance, cell lines provide fast, relatively simple but less clinically
relevant information while patient-​derived xenograft (PDX) models are slow, complex but more relevant. At the other
end, clinical studies are focused on drug development and biomarker discovery and their outcomes, albeit negative, often
lead to new hypotheses that require preclinical investigation. Phase I studies aim at understanding the pharmacokinetics
and toxicity profiles of newly developed drugs, phase II studies are meant to explore preliminary efficacy and phase III
randomized controlled trials represent the highest level of evidence necessary for regulatory approval. Biomarkers allow
for the selection of enriched populations that are most likely to benefit from certain treatments based on their mechanism
of action. GEMM, genetically engineered mouse model.

malignant hepatocytes generates an immune-​tolerant, Adaptive immune system in HCC. Cytotoxic T (CD8+)
pro-​tumorigenic microenvironment52,107, suggesting that cells are considered the key effectors of anti-​tumour
blocking the VEGF cascade could be effective by altering immunity. Accordingly, one study showed that their
liver immune tolerance. Interestingly, combinations of depletion in mice could increase HCC burden111 and
an ICI with specific targeted therapies, such as VEGF another study showed that these T cells mediate the sur-
inhibitors, showed more potent survival benefits than veillance of premalignant hepatocytes112. Paradoxically,
the use of single agents19,108. in several specific cases, CD8+ T cell depletion in mice
In the chronically inflamed liver, multiple cell resulted in a reduced tumour load, indicating that these
types, including macrophages, stellate cells, endothelial cells can also have pro-​tumorigenic functions99. Analyses
cells and different lymphocyte subtypes, interact with of human HCC samples revealed the presence of func-
hepatocytes103,106. The role of innate immune cells and tional CD8+ T cells expressing anti-​tumour effector
fibroblasts in HCC pathogenesis was described in detail molecules, such as granzyme A, granzyme B and per-
in our previous Primer1. Understanding the role of the forin, in some patients113. Nonetheless, single-​cell RNA
adaptive immune system is gaining increased atten- sequencing of T cells in human HCC suggests that, in
tion in view of its importance in immuno-​oncology many cases, these CD8+ T cells are dysfunctional114. The
therapies. Notably, insights from mouse models causes of CD8+ T cell dysfunction, evident by decreased
reveal that virtually every immune cell type can have proliferation and a decreased ability to produce cyto-
both pro-​tumour and anti-​tumour roles103. The two toxic effector molecules, are not sufficiently clarified to
major pro-​tumorigenic mechanisms through which date. Treg cells are considered a major culprit in mediat-
immune cells promote HCC include the secretion of ing T cell dysfunction in HCC and higher numbers of
cytokines and growth factors that favour prolifera- Treg cells within the tumour are associated with worse
tion or counteract apoptosis of tumour cells as well as, disease outcomes115. The immunosuppressive functions
paradoxically, suppressing the anti-​tumour function of Treg cells might be mediated via the secretion of CD10
of neighbouring lymphocytes. Studies have demon- and TGFβ116, suggesting that targeting these cytokines
strated the NF-​κB and JAK–STAT pathways as the key might sensitize HCC to ICIs. Interestingly, the hyalu-
inflammatory signalling pathways involved in pro- ronic acid receptor, layilin, was linked to the suppressive
moting HCC109; this finding was further supported in function of HCC-​infiltrating Treg cells. Layilin induction
a transcriptome analysis of human HCC110. The major caused CD8+ T cell dysfunction in human HCC and its
anti-​tumour function of the adaptive immune system overexpression in human lymphocytes was associated
is mediated via immune surveillance and by the elimi- with a unique mRNA expression signature114.
nation of pre-​malignant or fully transformed malignant Although B cells were thought to be innocent
hepatocytes104. bystanders in cancer, the emerging evidence supports

8 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


Tertiary lymphoid structures

their active participation in the crosstalk between the chemokines that interfere with senescent surveillance
Lymphoid micro-​organs that adaptive immune system and cancer 117. In mouse and impair immune-​mediated tumour suppression
develop at sites of chronic models of HCC, B cells both promoted and supressed in vivo112. Furthermore, experimental models have
inflammation, including tumour growth118. Furthermore, one study showed documented the importance of CD4+ lymphocytes in
the liver.
that IgA-​e xpressing lymphocytes supported HCC NAFLD-​related HCC100 as well as the interplay between
Hepatic stellate cell growth by actively suppressing CD8+ T cell function111. the innate immune system and the intestinal microbiota
Liver-​specific mesenchymal Finally, human and mouse studies have shown that to favour HCC development124,125. Thus, besides fibro-
cells that play a vital role in tertiary lymphoid structures, which have important roles sis, the immune system contributes substantially to the
liver physiology and in wound
in the adaptive immune response to cancer119, demon- cancer field effect in HCC.
healing, in particular
strated pro-​tumour and anti-​tumour response capacities The permissive microenvironment in cirrhosis that
in HCC120,121. Thus, tertiary lymphoid structures, sim- promotes tumour development is commonly referred to
Senescent hepatocytes ilar to macrophages and lymphocytes, could be either as the cancer field effect. Different genomic studies have
A hepatocyte that is anti-​tumorigenic or pro-​tumorigenic in HCC. characterized the dominant molecular elements dereg-
metabolically active but with
permanently arrested growth
ulated in this microenvironment. Numerous gene sig-
and resistant to apoptosis. Cirrhotic microenvironment and cancer field. Although natures derived from cirrhotic tissue correlate with the
some aetiologies are more likely to induce HCC than risk of HCC development and can be used to risk-​stratify
others (for example, HCV versus autoimmune hepa- patients110,126,127. These gene signatures correlate with
titis), once the patient reaches the cirrhotic stage, the cancer risk as well as with likelihood of patient hepatic
risk of HCC is adequate to render surveillance cost decompensation and overall survival126,127. More studies
effective12,13. The key cell involved in the liver response have detailed the genomic traits of the inflammatory
to chronic damage is the hepatic stellate cell122, which, microenvironment in cirrhosis that contribute to HCC
upon activation, undergoes phenotypic changes and development128. An immune-​mediated cancer field
synthesizes extracellular matrix components, mostly molecular subclass was detected in 50% of adjacent
collagen and growth factors, that promote the migra- cirrhotic tissue from patients with HCC. This subclass
tion of endothelial cells, neoangiogenesis and fibrosis123. can be further stratified based on lymphocyte infiltra-
The subsequent distortion of the hepatic architec- tion and on the activation of either immunosuppressive
ture and disorganized vasculature are the histologi- or pro-​inflammatory signals. The immunosuppressive
cal substrate for cirrhosis and portal hypertension. In subclass, which showed enrichment in TGFβ signalling,
response, premalignant senescent hepatocytes secrete T cell exhaustion and overexpression of immune check-
points (such as CTLA4, TIGIT, LAG3), represented 10%
of patients and had a higher risk of HCC development
Box 1 | Experimental animal models of HCC (threefold increased risk at 5 and 10 years)128.
The establishment of experimental models that truly replicate the human disease The crucial part played by the tumour microenviron-
is crucial for an improved understanding of the pathogenesis and to test novel ment in the natural history of HCC is a strong rationale
therapeutic strategies. Animal models of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), consistent for modulating the dynamic cross-talk between hepato­
with the mouse tumour models proposed by The National Cancer Institute (see review90) cytes and the liver immune system as a therapeutic
are categorized as explained below. strategy103.
• Chemically induced models114 allow the detailed analysis of the progression of liver
injury into HCC using well-​established chemical carcinogens. Diagnosis, screening and prevention
• Genetically engineered (transgenic or knockout) models91 allow analysis of the Given that most cases of HCC occur in an identifi-
consequences of institution or retraction of specific gene expression. These models able patient population, that is, in those with chronic
have been widely used to preclinically assess the therapeutic efficacy of drugs in hepatitis B or cirrhosis, many patients are diagnosed
HCC73 and other types of cancer89. These models comprise immunocompetent through surveillance 129,130. Nevertheless, given the
animals with tumours driven by clear molecular aberrations. Nonetheless, the stroma, under-​implementation of screening in some clinical
proteins and targets for therapies are non-​human. New chimeric genetically
practices, a proportion of patients with HCC might
engineered mouse models have been designed with novel techniques, such as
CRISPR–Cas9 gene editing88, and have led to discoveries of oncogenes87 or
present incidentally with a liver mass, identified on
mechanisms of resistance of sorafenib in HCC86. cross-​sectional imaging performed for other reasons
• Engrafted models comprise three different categories.
or owing to symptomatic advanced-​stage HCC after
developing abdominal pain, weight loss or worsening
-- Cell line xenograft, including 3D cell culture xenografts92. Although these models
of liver dysfunction. Such incidental diagnosis has been
have been widely used in the preclinical development of targeted agents, they fail
to recapitulate the complex microenvironment of the tumour96,98. estimated to occur in 50% of cases globally, particularly
-- Mouse allograft models are used if there is a clear need to reproduce the in developing jurisdictions.
microenvironment, including the immune system.
-- Patient-​derived xenografts. These models allow studies using human tumour tissue, Diagnosis
carrying human genetic material, to be performed in a natural or artificially Imaging. Patients with an abnormal surveillance test, that
modified microenvironment in animals. These models have been widely used in is, detection of a liver nodule in abdominal ultrasonog-
cancer95 and in the development of drugs in HCC94. raphy or high serum α-​fetoprotein levels (>20 ng/ml),
The ideal animal model should reproduce the natural history, pathophysiology and belong to at-​risk populations and require timely diagnos-
biochemistry of human HCC according to distinct aetiologies. Several hepatitis C tic evaluation. Most lesions <1 cm in diameter detected
virus-​related HCC93 and non-​alcoholic fatty liver disease-​related HCC85 models have on ultrasonography are not HCC or are very difficult to
been produced97 to decipher the molecular pathogenesis of this disease, the
diagnose. Hence, cross-​sectional imaging is not required
advantages and disadvantages of which are reviewed elsewhere90.
and short-​term follow-​up with a repeat ultrasonography

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 9


Radiological hallmark of
after 3 months is sufficient. For lesions ≥1 cm in diam- Histopathology. Although most HCCs have character-
HCC eter, either quadruple-​phase CT or dynamic contrast-​ istic features in imaging, ~10% of the tumours (but up
A pathognomonic radiological enhanced MRI should be performed13,14. HCC lesions to 30% of tumours 1–2 cm in diameter) have an atypical
finding of hepatocellular are brighter than the surrounding liver in the arterial presentation, lacking the imaging hallmarks of HCC.
carcinoma (HCC) characterized
by hyperenhancement in the
phase in a CT scan or MRI and less bright than the sur- The International Consensus Group for Hepatocellular
arterial phase (wash-​in) and rounding parenchyma in the venous and delayed phases, Neoplasia has proposed major histological features of
hypoenhancement in the related to the differential blood supply of the tumour HCC, which include stromal invasion, increased cell
portal venous and/or delayed compared with the background liver131. This phenom- density, intratumoural portal tracts, unpaired arteries,
phases of acquisition
enon of ‘arterial enhancement and delayed washout’ pseudo-​glandular pattern and diffuse fatty changes134.
(wash-​out) in the setting of
liver cirrhosis.
has a sensitivity of 89% and a specificity of 96% for If there is a clinical suspicion for HCC but the appear-
HCC and is regarded as the radiological hallmark of HCC, ance is atypical by imaging, a biopsy or second contrast-​
which is sufficient for a diagnosis without requiring enhanced study should be performed13. The sensitivity
histological confirmation132. The specificity of MRI of a biopsy is ~70% and is even lower in tumours <2 cm
using hepatobiliary contrast agents seems to be lower because of the potential for missed lesions as well as the
than that using extracellular agents; therefore, its role in difficulty in distinguishing well-​differentiated HCC
the non-​invasive diagnosis of HCC remains unclear133. from dysplastic nodules. Some patients require mul-
Nonetheless, practice guidelines are increasingly recom- tiple biopsies for a diagnosis, so patients with a nega-
mending biopsies to molecularly characterize HCC13. tive biopsy should continue to be followed with serial
Importantly, imaging criteria for HCC diagnosis only contrast-​enhanced imaging135. If the lesion enlarges but
applies to at-​risk patients, including those with cirrhosis retains its atypical appearance for HCC, a repeat biopsy
or chronic HBV infection. should be considered.

Table 1 | Summary of surveillance strategies Screening

The prognosis for HCC is driven by the tumour stage,
Patient populationa Expected incidence per Threshold
with curative options providing a 5-​year survival exceed-
population incidence for
cost-​effectiveness ing 70% for early-​stage HCC compared with a median
survival of ~1–1.5 years for symptomatic advanced-​stage
Cirrhosis from any aetiology, Child-​Pugh A or B
cases treated with systemic therapies1,2. Thus, pro-
Hepatitis B cirrhosis 3–8% per year 0.2–1.5% fessional societies recommend HCC surveillance in
Hepatitis C cirrhosis 3–5% per year 1.5% high-​risk individuals, including those with cirrhosis
Alcohol-​related cirrhosis 1.3–3% per year 1.5% and subgroups of patients with chronic HBV infection
(Table 1). The highest level of data supporting HCC sur-
NASH cirrhosis Unknown, but probably 1.5%
1–2% per year
veillance comes from an RCT in China among 17,920
persons with HBV infection136. HCC-​related mortality
Haemochromatosis and cirrhosis Unknown, but probably 1.5% was decreased by 37% in patients randomized to sur-
>1.5% per year
veillance compared with those who were not screened
α1 antitrypsin deficiency and Unknown, but probably 1.5% for HCC. Whether the survival benefit would have per-
cirrhosis >1.5% per year
sisted if the analytic plan accounted for the use of block
Stage 4 primary biliary cirrhosis 3–5% per year 1.5% randomization (that is, using randomization of villages
Other cirrhosis Unknown 1.5% as opposed to individuals) is unclear137. A subsequent
Non-​cirrhotic hepatitis B
RCT among patients with cirrhosis was terminated
given poor enrolment as patients did not accept the
Asian male hepatitis B carriers 0.4–0.6% per year 0.2% risk of being randomized to the no-​surveillance arm138.
>40 years
Hence, surveillance recommendations in patients with
Asian female hepatitis B carriers 0.3–0.6% per year 0.2% cirrhosis are based on level II data, with cohort studies
>50 years
demonstrating an association between HCC surveil-
Hepatitis B carrier with family Incidence higher than 0.2% lance and early tumour detection, curative treatment
history of HCC without family history receipt and improved overall survival, which persists
African Black people with HCC occurs at a younger 0.2% after adjusting for lead-​time and length-​time biases139.
hepatitis B age (<40 years) Decision analysis models have demonstrated that sur-
Patients with sufficient risk by >3% cumulative 5-​year 0.2% veillance is cost effective in patients with compensated
risk score such as PAGE-​B incidence if score >10 cirrhosis and, therefore, this strategy has been adopted
Other causes by guidelines in this population140.
Patients with NASH in the <1.5% per year 1.5% Guidelines across scientific societies concur that
absence of cirrhosis screening for HCC should be performed semi-​annually
as a 6-​month interval yields improved survival com-
Hepatitis C infection without <1.5% per year 1.5%
cirrhosis (including F3) pared with annual surveillance and non-​inferior
HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; NASH, non-​alcoholic steatohepatitis. aThese patients
outcomes compared with a 3-​month interval141. Never­
represent at risk populations in whom screening is recommended. Screening is not the­less, optimal surveillance modalities are being
recommended for patients with a risk of HCC below the cost-​effectiveness threshold, patients debated. Increasing data have highlighted that abdom-
in whom surveillance is unlikely to prolong survival, patients with Child-​Pugh C cirrhosis who
are not eligible for transplantation, and in patients with significant comorbid illness. Adapted inal ultrasonography, the most commonly recom-
with permission from ref.13, Wiley. mended surveillance modality, is operator-​dependent

10 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


Box 2 | Role of liquid biopsy in HCC after resection146. Similarly, aberrant ctDNA methyla-
tion patterns have been studied as surveillance tools in
Liquid biopsy refers to the analysis of tumour components, mainly fragments of DNA HCC146–151 (Box 2). The accuracy of these approaches as
(circulating tumour DNA; ctDNA), extracellular vesicles (exosomes) or actual tumour surveillance tools is currently being investigated.
cells (circulating tumour cells). The clinical applications of liquid biopsy in oncology
include cancer surveillance, early detection of minimal residual disease after curative
therapies, prognosis prediction and molecular monitoring of therapeutic response.
Unlike tissue biopsies, liquid biopsy provides an easy access to the molecular In our original Primer 1, we discussed the primary
information of the tumour. It also enables sequential sampling, which is crucial to prevention of HCC with vaccines, whereas here we
implement molecular monitoring of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and to streamline focus on the different emerging prevention strategies.
the real-​time detection of mechanisms of resistance and tumour clonal composition. Besides treating the primary cause (for example, viral
Indeed, the FDA has approved the use of ctDNA-​based testing to detect mutations in hepatitis), no intervention proven to prevent HCC
EGFR in patients with lung cancer who are candidates for mutant EGFR therapies. development is currently available in patients at high
In HCC, liquid biopsy is being explored as a source to identify novel HCC surveillance risk. The effective suppression of HBV replication
tools and to predict the response to systemic therapies. Mutation analysis of ctDNA with antivirals and universal HBV vaccination have
can detect tissue mutations in patients at early-​stage HCC treated with resection146.
decreased HCC incidence152,153. Similarly, the high cure
A combined blood-​based approach of α-​fetoprotein and ctDNA mutation analysis had a
rate of HCV with the new DAA therapy has reduced
100% sensitivity and 95% specificity for the detection of HCC149. However, the positive
predictive value of this approach was very low (17%), which could negatively impact the the incidence of HCC in patients with chronic HCV
surveillance recall policy. infection5. However, evidence on the impact of alcohol
Methylation analysis of ctDNA has also been shown to detect early HCC in case– cessation or reversion of NAFLD and the risk of HCC is
control studies across multiple aetiologies147,148. Evidence shows that VEGFA gene lacking. Studies have tested different therapies, such as
amplifications detected in ctDNA were associated with better outcomes in patients vitamin A, vitamin K and retinol analogues, for HCC
receiving sorafenib150. chemoprevention. Currently, numerous uncontrolled,
The limitations of liquid biopsy include a lack of level 1 evidence supporting its role as retrospective, population-​based studies have suggested
a source of new biomarkers in HCC, for any clinical application. Furthermore, there is a role for metformin, statins, coffee and aspirin in HCC
no harmonization on the analytical approaches and data interpretation for liquid
prevention154, regardless of the aetiology of liver dis-
biopsy, which has led to inconsistent results when calling DNA mutations in ctDNA
ease. However, statins have been extensively studied for
using different commercially available methods in patients with prostate cancer151.
therapeutic repurposing in different indications, with
disappointing results in controlled trials showing no
and has a poor performance in patient subgroups such evidence for a decreased incidence of HCC. Conversely,
as those with obesity and NASH142. These data have led reports on aspirin are compelling in terms of HCC
to an increased interest in blood-​based biomarkers and prevention, including data from nationwide Swedish
alternative imaging modalities for screening purposes. registries14 showing that, after a median follow-​up of
Although several biomarkers and biomarker panels (for 8 years, aspirin use reduced the estimated cumulative
example, GALAD score) have shown promising results incidence of HCC from 8% to 4%. Several cohort and
in phase II (case–control) biomarker studies, most still case–control studies demonstrated a dose-​dependent
require validation in large phase III (cohort) studies143,144. relationship between coffee consumption and reduced
The only blood-​based biomarker currently validated for HCC incidence in the general population as well as in
HCC surveillance is α-​fetoprotein139. A meta-​analysis patients with chronic liver disease155. Based on available
evaluating surveillance modalities found that the pooled data, European Association for the Study of Liver (EASL)
sensitivity of ultrasonography for early HCC detection guidelines offer a strong recommendation for coffee con-
was significantly increased from 45% when used alone sumption as a chemoprevention strategy in patients with
to 63% when combined with α-​fetoprotein, albeit with chronic liver disease12. Nevertheless, controlled studies
a small decrease in specificity owing to false-​positive are needed to establish the role of these interventions.
results with α-​fetoprotein145. Even though surveillance
with CT or MRI likely has increased sensitivity for the Management
early detection of HCC145, concerns about radiation, HCC is a unique neoplasm as ~80–90% of cases develop
contrast exposure, radiologic capacity and cost limit in patients with cirrhosis and, therefore, the applica-
their widespread implementation. As we await the eval- tion of different therapeutic options might be limited
uation of newer surveillance modalities, semi-​annual because of the patient’s overall health status. The man-
ultrasonography with 13 or without α-​fetoprotein 12 agement of HCC has substantially improved over the
remains the recommended surveillance strategy. Given past decade. The treatment is assigned according to
the higher burden of HCC in East Asia, surveillance is tumour stages and the expected benefits of major inter-
typically performed using more intensive protocols — ventions, following the Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer
with a combination of ultrasonography, cross-​sectional (BCLC) staging system 12,156,157 (Fig. 4) . In principle,
imaging and serum biomarkers. patients with early-​stage HCC tumours are the preferred
The ideal surveillance tool should be highly repro- candidates for resection, transplantation and local abla-
ducible, not operator dependent (unlike abdominal tion (Fig. 4), whereas patients at intermediate stages are
ultrasonography), have a good accuracy, and easy to first candidates for TACE and those with advanced dis-
implement in different clinical settings. Liquid biopsy ease will first receive systemic therapies. These therapies
is one such tool that fulfils all these requirements. have substantially improved the reported natural history
Mutation analysis of circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) of untreated cases at each of the stages, with median sur-
detects tissue mutations in patients at early-​stage HCC vival times for early, intermediate and advanced HCC of

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 11



Very early stage Early stage (BCLC A) Intermediate stage Advanced stage Terminal stage
(BCLC 0) • Single or ≤3 nodules ≤3 cm (BCLC B) (BCLC C) (BCLC D)

• Single nodule ≤2 cm • Child-Pugh A–B, ECOG 0 • Multinodular • Portal invasion, N1, M1 • Child-Pugh Ca
• Child-Pugh A, • Child-Pugh A–B, • Child-Pugh A–B, • ECOG >2

Solitary 2–3 nodules ≤3 cm

Yes Optimal surgical No

Primary treatments


Systemic therapy
Transplant candidate • First: atezolizumab + bevacizumabc
Yes No • First/second: sorafenib, lenvatinibc
• Third: regorafenib, cabozantinib,
ramucirumab (AFP >400 ng/ml)
Transplantation (US: nivolumab, pembrolizumab, Best supportive
Ablation Resection (DDLT/LDLT) Ablation Chemoembolization nivolumab + ipilimumab) care
Expected outcomes

Median OS: 10 years for transplantation; Median OS: First-line: median OS 19.2 months Median OS:
>6 years for resection/ablation >26–30 months Second-line: 13–15 months >3 months
Third-line: 8–12 months
Main ongoing phase III RCTs

Adjuvant RCTs (vs placebo) Intermediate RCTs (vs TACE) Advanced RCTs (vs sorafenib or lenvatinib)
• CheckMate 9DX: nivolumab • EMERALD 1: TACE + durvalumab + bevacizumab • LEAP 002: lenvatinib + pembrolizumab
• KEYNOTE-937: pembrolizumab • LEAP 012: TACE + lenvatinib + pembrolizumab • COSMIC 312: atezolizumab +
• IMbrave 050: atezolizumab + • CheckMate 74W: TACE + nivolumab + cabozantinib
bevacizumab ipilimumab • CheckMate 9DW: nivolumab + ipilimumab
• EMERALD 2: durvalumab + • Regorafenib + nivolumab • HIMALAYA: durvalumab + tremelinumab
bevacizumab • TACE 3: TACE + nivolumab • Camrelizumab + apatinib
• RATIONALE-301: tislelizumab
• STOP-HCC: Y90 + sorafenib

Fig. 4 | Treatment strategy in the management of HCC. The Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer (BCLC) staging system
consists of five stages depending on disease extension, liver function and performance status. Asymptomatic patients
with low tumour burden and good liver function (BCLC 0/A) should be treated with local curative treatments (resection,
ablation or transplantation, depending on the presence of portal hypertension, number of nodules and liver function).
Asymptomatic patients with multinodular disease and adequate liver function (BCLC B) should receive chemoembolization
and patients with portal thrombosis or extrahepatic spread (BCLC C) should be treated with systemic therapies. Ongoing
phase III trials in all disease stages are depicted. AFP, α-​fetoprotein; DDLT, deceased-​donor liver transplantation; ECOG,
Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; LDLT, living-​donor liver transplantation; M1,
distant metastasis; N1, lymph node metastasis; OS, overall survival; RCT, randomized controlled trial; TACE, transarterial
chemoembolization. aPatients with end-​stage liver disease Child-​Pugh class C should first be considered for liver
transplantation. bPatients with preserved hepatic function Child-​Pugh class A with normal bilirubin and no portal
hypertension are optimal candidates for hepatic resection. cSorafenib and lenvatinib are also considered first-​line
treatment in case of contraindication for atezolizumab + bevacizumab. Adapted with permission from ref.156, Wiley.

~36, ~16 and ~6 months, respectively, in patients with (Table 2; Supplementary Table 1). The decision between
well-​preserved liver function defined as Child-​Pugh A resection and transplantation requires consideration
(according to the Child-​Pugh score) and compensated of the patient’s liver function, the presence and extent of
disease158,159. In order to prevent collateral liver dysfunc- portal hypertension, performance status, and tumour
tion, certain therapies (such as resection and systemic characteristics such as size, number and involvement
Child-​Pugh score
A scoring system that assesses therapies) are mostly applied in this patient population. of the hepatic and portal veins. The local regulations
the prognosis of chronic liver governing the availability and allocation of organs
disease by integrating three Surgical interventions must also be incorporated into the decision-​making
analytical and two clinical Surgical treatment, which includes both hepatic resec- process. Western guidelines have advocated on the
items, including blood levels
of bilirubin, albumin,
tion and liver transplantation, has long been the back- principal of selecting the ideal candidates leading to
prothrombin time, presence of bone of curative therapies for HCC, yielding the best the best outcomes for surgical resection whilst rele-
encephalopathy and ascites. outcomes, with a 5-​y ear survival of ~70–80% 12,13 gating the non-​ideal candidates to other therapies12,13.

12 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


However, several studies now challenge this principal the albumin–bilirubin score (ALBI score) to be able
Abnormal and enlarged veins based on the fact that resection on suboptimal candi- to accurately stratify patients for resection with more
that develop as a result of dates for surgery might provide similar or even better granularity than the Child-​Pugh score164,165.
portal hypertension and may outcomes than loco-​regional therapies. Nonetheless, Analysis of data from a large prospective registry
leak or rupture, causing
potentially life-​threatening
level 1 evidence supporting this approach of resection found that the majority (>60%) of hepatic resections
upper gastrointestinal for non-​ideal candidates is not yet available. were performed in patients who did not meet the crite-
bleeding. ria of Western guidelines, either in terms of liver func-
Resection. Hepatic resection is considered the treat- tion, performance status or tumour characteristics166
ECOG score ment of choice in patients with HCC without cirrho- (Table 2). This study showed that the presence of one risk
A standardized scale for
measuring a patient’s
sis in whom post-​operative hepatic decompensation factor did not adversely affect overall survival, although
performance status and the is not a major concern12,13,160. Of note, however, resec- resection in patients with both portal hypertension
impact of disease on their daily tion for HCC in non-​cirrhotic NAFLD livers is asso- and elevated bilirubin resulted in a significantly lower
living abilities and level of daily ciated with morbidity as high as 20%, similar to that survival than in candidates who met the criteria. Other
observed in patients with cirrhosis161,162. In patients studies have reported that resection in patients with por-
with cirrhosis, Western guidelines have restricted tal hypertension or Child-​Pugh B resulted in a 5-​year
resection to those with a single tumour (regardless of survival of <50% with high morbidity and a periopera-
size), with well-​preserved liver function (Child-​Pugh tive mortality of 4%167,168. Overall, liver function, portal
A with total bilirubin <1 mg/dl), the absence of clini- hypertension and the extent of liver resection directly
cally relevant portal hypertension (no varices or ascites) impact outcome and, therefore, these variables should
or a hepatic venous pressure gradient (<10 mmHg), as all be integrated into the selection process169. Whether
well as with a preserved performance status Eastern outcomes can be improved with a minimally invasive
Cooperative Oncology Group score ((ECOG score) 0). approach still needs to be confirmed170.
Adherence to these selection criteria have resulted in Other potential indications for resection that require
a 5-​year survival of ~70% and perioperative mortality further study prior to being adopted in the management
of <3%163. The Child-​Pugh score, model for end-​stage guidelines are the expansion of criteria to multinodu-
liver disease and indocyanine green clearance are the lar tumours or segmental vein invasion. One rand-
conventionally used tests to assess liver function prior omized trial and several retrospective studies suggest
to resection12. Currently, several studies have validated that expanding the criteria for resection to patients

Table 2 | Summary of key results of randomized and cohort studies in the management of early HCC
HCC stage Treatment arms Outcomes Refs
Overall survivala Othera
Early HCC ≤5 cm, no PHT 50–70% NA 163,166,168,190

HCC >5 cm or PHT 35–55% NA

Early or intermediate Optimal candidates 65% NA 166,168

Suboptimal candidates 35% NA

Liver transplantation
Early Milan 70–80% 70%b 187,195

Early or intermediate Down-​staged 60–70% 60%b 191,193,199

Early RFA 70% 5–10%c 215–218,226

PEI 60% 10–15% d 214

MWA 65% 11%d 222

Cryoablation 40% 35% e 228

RFA + LTLD 54 monthsf 14 monthsg 227

Adjuvant treatment (after resection or ablation)

After resection Sorafenib vs placebo NA 33.3 vs 33.7 180

CIK cells vs BSC NA 44 vs 30 monthsi 179

After transplantation Sirolimus-​free IS vs Sirolimus-​based IS 68% vs 75%j NA 204

BSC, best supportive care; CIK, cytokine-​induced killer; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; IS, immune suppression;
LTLD, lyso-thermosensitive liposomal doxorubicin; MWA, microwave ablation; NA, not available; PEI, percutaneous ethanol injection;
PHT, portal hypertension; RFA, radiofrequency ablation. aResults shown correspond to the 5-​year overall survival if not otherwise
indicated. bResults shown correspond to 5-​year recurrence-​free survival. cRepresents 4-​year local tumour progression. dRepresents
5-​year local tumour progression. eRepresents 5-​year tumour-​free survival. fRepresents median overall survival. gRepresents median
progression-​free survival. hRepresents median recurrence-​free survival. iRepresents 5-​year median recurrence-free survival.
Represents 8-​year median overall survival.

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 13


with multiple tumours and well-​preserved liver func- by the American Association for the Study of Liver
tion might lead to better outcomes for resection when Diseases (AASLD) guidelines13. Other retrospective
compared with TACE171. Similarly, resection for HCC and non-​validated studies involving ~2,000 patients
invading the segmental branches of the portal vein led transplanted for a single tumour ≤6 cm or 2–3 tumours
to survival outcomes ranging from 29 to 49 months in ≤5 cm demonstrated a 10-​year survival rate similar to
Western and Japanese series172,173. the Milan criteria194,195. Overall, the ‘Metroticket’ concept
The recurrence of HCC after hepatic resection clarifies that an ideal cut-​off value is difficult to establish
remains a major obstacle, with recurrence rates as owing to a continuous spectrum of outcomes that are
high as 70% at 5 years, even in patients with a single incrementally correlated based on tumour size, num-
tumour ≤2 cm (ref.174). Recurrences can be divided into ber and α-​fetoprotein levels193,196. Another approach
either early (<2 years), resulting from micrometastases to expand the transplantation criteria is based on the
following resection, or late (>2 years), resulting from biological behaviour of a tumour, determined by a com-
de novo tumours arising in a microenvironment pre- bination α-​fetoprotein level and 18F-​fluorodeoxyglucose
disposed to carcinogenesis175. Modifications of surgi- uptake on PET scans197. Nevertheless, transplantation of
cal technique, such as the anatomical approach, as well HCC beyond the Milan criteria remains experimental
as non-​anatomical resection with a margin of 2 cm, except in cases where the tumour has been successfully
have shown varying degrees of success in reducing down-​staged to within the criteria.
recurrence176,177. Neoadjuvant treatment with emboli- Studies have explored neoadjuvant therapies, such
zation as well as adjuvant administration of retinoids, as TACE or ablation, to prevent tumour progres-
adoptive immunotherapy and 131I-​lipiodol embolization sion while on the waiting list (bridging therapy) or to
have all been tested unsuccessfully178,179. Additionally, the reduce tumour burden to within the Milan criteria
STORM trial randomizing patients to sorafenib versus (down-​staging). A response to neoadjuvant therapies
placebo after resection or ablation showed no benefit in reduces dropout from the waiting list as well as the risk
recurrence-​free survival180. A decrease in late recurrence of post-​transplant recurrence198,199. A multicentre analy­
after resection has been reported with the use of anti- sis involving ~2,500 patients demonstrated a 10-​year
viral agents for HBV in uncontrolled investigations181. survival of 52% in patients successfully down-​staged to
Similarly, DAA therapy in patients with HCV cir- Milan criteria16. The response to neoadjuvant therapy
rhosis and a history of treated HCC has been shown assessed by the modified Response Evaluation Criteria
Micrometastases to be safe and likely beneficial, with improved overall In Solid Tumours (mRECIST) has been proposed as a
A small collection of tumour survival in a meta-​analyses182,183, thus not confirming criterion for selecting patients for transplantation and as
cells (<2 mm in size) shed from preliminary discouraging results184. Current data sug- predictor of death after liver transplantation200. Similarly,
the primary tumour that
gest that treatment of HCC recurrence with resection, a response (evident by a decrease in α-​fetoprotein lev-
spread to another organ
through blood or lymph nodes.
salvage transplantation , ablation, TACE and systemic els) while on the waiting list has been shown to corre-
therapies achieves outcomes close to those achieved in late with recurrence-​free survival after transplantation201.
Anatomical approach primary HCC185. Finally, pre-​emptive liver transplan- However, these models need further validation before
The removal of the entire tation has been proposed for patients with high risk of they can be incorporated into guidelines.
neoplasm together with the
segment of the liver where
recurrence (that is, those with microvascular invasion)186. The scarcity of cadaveric organs has led to long
the tumour is located. waiting times for transplantation, resulting in drop-
Liver transplantation. Patients with cirrhosis and a lim- out owing to tumour progression; the use of marginal
Adoptive immunotherapy ited tumour burden (the Milan Criteria — single tumour donors (donors >60 years of age, those with diabetes,
Therapies that transfer
≤5 cm or 2–3 tumours ≤3 cm without vascular invasion) BMI >35 kg/m2 or severe graft steatosis) and of living
immune cells with anti-​tumour
activity into a patient to
are considered for liver transplantation187. The outcomes donors has been advocated to expand the access to trans-
mediate tumour regression. have been excellent, with a 5-​year and a 10-​year survival plantation. However, some notes of caution have been
of 70% and 50%, respectively, and recurrence rates of raised. Although the use of living donors yields similar
Salvage transplantation 10–15% at 5 years16 (Table 2; Supplementary Table 1). survival rates as using deceased donors, some studies
Transplantation of liver
specimens in patients with
Long-​term outcomes of liver transplantation are consid- reported higher recurrence rates with the former despite
hepatocellular carcinoma ered superior than resection, which has a 70% recurrence adjustment for tumour characteristics (mostly size and
recurrence after initial rate and a 10-​year survival of 7–15%188. However, trans- number)202. This high recurrence may potentially be
tumour resection. plantation is plagued by organ shortage with prolonged explained by the fact that a shorter waiting time with
waiting times, leading to patient dropout from the wait- living donors prevents the identification of mole­cularly
‘Metroticket’ concept
A mathematical model
ing list because of tumour progression. The proba- aggressive HCCs, which are prone to dropout with
estimating the exact outcomes bility of a cure via resection becomes similar to liver longer waiting times203. In this regard, genomic studies
after transplantation based transplantation when drop-​out rates exceed 20%189,190. have identified the proliferative–progenitor subclass of
upon size and number of The use of extended criteria for liver transplanta- HCC, characterized by an aggressive phenotype and
nodules at pathological
tion has been an active area of investigation. Some pro- high α-​fetoprotein levels, to be associated with high
posed measures, such as the University of California recurrence rates after liver transplantation203. As patients
Marginal organs San Francisco (UCSF) criteria, Up-​to-​Seven criteria, with HCC listed for liver transplantation often have bet-
Organs recovered from elderly total tumour volume and α-​fetoprotein criteria, and the ter liver function than those listed for hepatic decompen-
donors or with comorbidities
Milan and α-​fetoprotein model have been validated in sation, the preferential use of marginal organs has been
that convey a higher risk of
technical complications and/or
studies191–193. Among these, only the UCSF criteria have proposed for patients with HCC. Nonetheless, studies
post-​transplantation been adopted as an upper limit of tumour burden for have shown that the use of marginal donors is linked
dysfunction. down-​staging to Milan criteria for liver transplantation with a significantly higher risk of HCC recurrence198,199.

14 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


The 10-year recurrence rate after transplantation is surgical resection in appropriately selected patients215–218
10–15% for HCC tumours within Milan criteria and (Table 2; Supplementary Table 1). Thus, AASLD and
20% in those down-​staged to the Milan criteria16. So EASL guidelines have adopted RFA as the front-​line
far, no adjuvant treatment has been shown to prevent primary treatment for single tumours <2 cm and as an
recurrence after liver transplantation. An RCT exploring alternative for surgery in early-​stage single tumours
sirolimus-​based immunosuppression versus standard 3–4 cm or 2–3 tumours <3 cm (refs12,205). The main
immunosuppression revealed no difference in overall predictor of treatment failure is tumour size. When
survival or recurrence-​free survival204. In summary, RFA is used as first-​line therapy for early-​stage HCC,
selection based on Milan criteria leads to low recurrence complete response rates by mRECIST range from 70%
rates, which so far have not been able to further decrease to 90%219,220 and is significantly associated with better
with molecular therapies. overall survival220. In addition, studies have reported
a median overall survival of ~60 months and a 5-​year
Image-​guided ablation recurrence rate of 50–70% with RFA12,205,221.
Image-​guided ablation is accepted as a potentially cura-
tive therapy for small, early-​stage HCC tumours12,205. Microwave ablation. MWA has the advantage of achiev-
In principle, there are two indications for these thera- ing a larger ablation zone than RFA as several needles
pies according to guidelines, either as first choice therapy can be used at simultaneously15. Several trials comparing
for single, very early tumours <2 cm or as an alternative RFA and MWA reported no differences in the primary
to surgery in early-​stage single tumours, generally up to endpoint or in local tumour progression at 2 years222.
4 cm, or 2–3 tumours ≤3 cm (refs12,205) (Fig. 4). The latter Similarly, three meta-​analyses comparing percutaneous
patients are unsuitable for resection due to liver dysfunc- MWA and RFA showed a similar efficacy between the
tion or tumour multi-​nodularity and additionally present two percutaneous techniques223,224, with a trend towards
with formal contraindications for liver transplantation. greater efficacy but higher complication rates in tumours
Ablation is used to direct injury to the tumour and is >3 cm treated with MWA compared with treatment with
achieved via chemical, thermal or electrical methods15. RFA225. The lack of phase III data led to the proposal of
Historically, percutaneous ethanol injection is the this treatment in early-​stage HCC with only a low level
seminal technique for local ablation and is still recom- of evidence12. Overall, MWA is easy to deliver and is
mended for tumours <2 cm, especially when located in widely used in clinical practice, although no evidence of
the proximity of major vessels or bile ducts. Currently, superiority to RFA is available.
radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is the established ther-
mal technology along with microwave ablation (MWA), Other ablative techniques. Other ablative techniques
whereas other ablative techniques, such as cryoabla- have been the subject of limited research so far.
tion (CRA) and laser interstitial thermotherapy, are Combining RFA with TACE or lyso-​thermosensitive
less used15. Irreversible electroporation (IRE) achieves liposomal doxorubicin has not improved outcomes com-
tumour destruction by inducing electrical damage to the pared with RFA alone226,227. A multicentre randomized
tumour cells without a significant thermal component. trial comparing RFA and CRA reported no differences
in overall survival and tumour-​free survival228, whereas a
Assessment of response large retrospective study showed a significant advantage
Identifying patients who respond to image-​guided abla- for CRA in liver cancer-​specific survival compared with
tion as well as to loco-​regional and systemic therapies RFA229. IRE is a mostly non-​thermal technology with the
is essential to guide appropriate management of these theoretical advantage that it avoids unnecessary thermal
patients. RECIST is the standard imaging approach in damage to critical structures; however, this advantage
oncology, but this approach has several limitations in the is counterbalanced by the complexity of multiprobe
assessment of treatment response of HCC. Consequently, technology requiring general anaesthesia. Preliminary
several groups have proposed the mRECIST for HCC, results from small series have shown early signals of
aimed at capturing differences in the viable tumour efficacy with IRE224 and laser ablation230. Nevertheless,
(that is, non-​necrotic tissue) as opposed to differences these techniques are not yet ready for recommendation
in absolute tumour shrinkage206,207. These criteria have in conventional clinical practice15.
been recently refined and their performance reviewed
elsewhere208. Overall, mRECIST identifies 2–3-​fold more Radiotherapy
responders than standard RECIST in patients receiv- External beam radiation therapy can achieve radiolog-
ing loco-​regional treatments as well as in those receiving ical responses in HCC tumours across a range of sizes
systemic therapies21,209. Similarly, overall response rates and stages within the liver as well as palliation of extra-
(ORRs) assessed by mRECIST have been associated with hepatic metastases. In HCC tumours confined to the
better survival in patients receiving local therapies and liver, prospective studies of stereotactic body radiation
systemic therapies208–211. therapy with photons or protons show high rates of
radiological responses with acceptable safety in pre-
Objective response Radiofrequency ablation. RFA is the most used technique dominantly Child-​Pugh A populations, although these
A measure of treatment
for local ablation and several RCTs have demonstrated findings are limited by uncontrolled study designs231,232.
efficacy used in clinical trials
and defined as a reduction in
the superiority of RFA to percutaneous ethanol injec- A pooled analysis examined the outcomes of 102
tumour size on radiological tion in objective response rates and overall survival212–214 patients with unresectable HCC and Child-​Pugh A
evaluation. as well as similar survival rates when compared with liver function treated with photon stereotactic body

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 15


radiation therapy from 24 to 54 Gy over six fractions TACE reported a treatment-​related mortality of 0.6%241.
and reported objective responses in 54% of patients and Over the past few years, the introduction of drug-​eluting
a median overall survival of 17 months231. Other smaller bead TACE has offered an alternative to conventional
uncontrolled studies have reported better outcomes in lipiodol TACE. Drug-​eluting bead TACE has been asso-
this population232 as well as in HCC lesions with tumour ciated with a reduction in systemic drug exposure and
macrovascular invasion233,234. drug-​related adverse events246,247, albeit with similar
Most studies comparing radiotherapy with other outcomes to conventional TACE, except for a median
locoregional therapies in HCC are retrospective in nature survival of >45 months in single-​arm studies248. TACE
and are limited due to selection bias and population is usually indicated by physicians on demand according
heterogeneity235,236. The randomized phase III APROH to radiological response, generally assessed accord-
trial comparing proton beam radiotherapy to RFA under ing to mRECIST206,208. Indeed, according to a large
a non-​inferiority design, involving 144 patients with meta-​analysis, response to mRECIST was associated
small HCC tumours (that is, up to 2 tumours <3 cm) with better survival (HR 0.39, 95% CI 0.26–0.61)249.
and well-​preserved liver function, met the pre-​specified However, combinations of TACE and TKIs have so far
target for non-​inferiority in the per-​protocol population, failed to provide beneficial clinical outcomes243,250–254.
with a hazard ratio of 0.52 (95% CI 0.26–1.05) for 2-​year TARE is a procedure involving the intra-​arterial
liver progression-​free survival (PFS)237. delivery of glass microspheres or resin microspheres
Collectively, these studies support a potential role embedded with yttrium. Uncontrolled studies and small
for radiotherapy in selected patients, particularly those RCTs in highly selected centres have reported results
with small tumours not amenable to resection or trans- similar to TACE for the treatment of intermediate-​stage
plantation. Additional randomized studies with longer HCC or even better outcomes in terms of time to
follow-​up and pooled analyses are required to confirm progression18,255,256. The AASLD guidelines recommend
whether these approaches are similar to RFA and to TARE to patients with intermediate-​stage HCC with a
define the optimal radiation modality. Studies com- level 2 evidence12,205. TARE was explored owing to pre-
bining palliative radiotherapy with immunotherapy in liminary encouraging results in patients with portal
advanced HCC are under way. vein thrombosis255,257 but three consecutive RCTs com-
paring TARE with sorafenib in advanced-​stage HCC
Transarterial therapies failed to meet the primary endpoint of superior overall
Two RCTs and a subsequent meta-​analysis involving survival258–260. Consequently, guidelines have adopted a
patients with intermediate-​stage HCC have demonstrated negative recommendation for this indication12,205,240.
survival benefits with TACE compared with suboptimal
therapies, including tamoxifen or best supportive care Systemic therapies
(that is, management of pain and nutritional and psycho- The benchmark for clinical trial design in HCC is the
logical support)17,238,239. As a result of these studies, TACE SHARP study20, which established the selection criteria
has been globally adopted as standard of care for patients and stratification factors, such as the use of the BCLC
with intermediate-​stage HCC12,205,240. Overall, the median staging system, Child-​Pugh A liver function and perfor-
survival ranges from 19.4 months in uncontrolled mance status (ECOG 0 or 1), all of which form the basis
investi­gations241 and up to 37 months in RCTs242–245, for future phase III trials investigating advanced-​stage
with an estimated average of median overall sur- HCC. Several studies over the past decade have estab-
vival of ~30 months15 (Table 3; Supplementary Table 1). lished other prognostic factors that led to modifica-
Large case-​series assessing the safety of conventional tions in study designs. These modifications include the

Table 3 | Summary of key results of randomized and cohort studies in the management of intermediate HCC
HCC stage Treatment arms Outcomes Refs
Overall survival Time to progression
(months) (months)
Transarterial therapies
Intermediate TACE 26–32 5 17,250

TACE plus brivanib 26 8 243

TACE plus sorafenib 21 11 242,250,254

TACE plus orantinib 31 3 251

Advanced HAIC plus sorafenib 12 5 252

TACE plus sorafenib 13 5 253

Transarterial radioembolization
Advanced TARE 8–9 6 258,259

TARE plus sorafenib 12 NA 260

HAIC, hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; NA, not available; TACE, transarterial chemoembolization;
TARE, transarterial radioembolization.

16 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


Table 4 | Summary of main outcomes and adverse events among systemic therapies approved for advanced HCC
Study name Treatment Median Median ORR mRECIST; Treatment-​related adverse events Adverse Refs
overall PFS RECIST events
Grade 3–4 Most common Leading
survival (months) leading
grade 3–4 to death
(months) to drug
First-​line therapies
IMbrave150 Atezolizumab 19.2a 6.8 35.4%; 29.8%a 36% Hypertension 10%; 2% Any drug: 19,262

+ bevacizumab increased AST 4%; 16%; both

proteinuria 3% drugs: 7%
SHARP Sorafenib 10.7–13.4a 3.7–4.3 NA; 2% 45% Diarrhoea 8%; NA 11% 19–21

(IMbrave150, HFS 8%;

REFLECT) fatigue 4%
REFLECT Lenvatinib 13.6 7.4 24.1%; 18.8% 57% Hypertension 23%; 2% 9% 21

weight loss 8%
increased BR 7%
Second-​line therapies
RESORCE Regorafenib 10.6 3.1 11%; 7% 50% Hypertension 13%; 2% 10% 22

HFS 13%;
fatigue 9%
CELESTIAL Cabozantinib 10.2 5.2 NA; 4% 68%a HFS 17%b; 1% 16% 23

Hypertension 16%b;
increased AST 12%b
REACH-2 Ramucirumab 8.5 2.8 NA; 5% NR Hypertension 8%; 2% 11% 24

liver injury or
failure 4%;
proteinuria 2%
AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BR, bilirubin; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HFS, hand–foot syndrome; ORR, overall response rate; PFS, progression-​free survival;
mRECIST, modified RECIST; NR, not reported; RECIST, Response Evaluation Criteria In Solid Tumours. aOverall survival and ORR data are from an updated analysis
published as a conference abstract (ref262). bAdverse events owing to all causes are shown, as treatment-​related adverse events were not specifically reported.

separation of extrahepatic spread and macrovascular also significantly improved PFS (7.4 months versus
invasion, the importance of elevated α-​fetoprotein levels, 3.7 months; HR 0.66, 95% CI 0.57–0.77; P < 0.001) and
and the incorporation of mRECIST assessments156. ORR (24.1% versus 9.2%; OR 3.13, 95% CI 2.15–4.56;
P < 0.0001) compared with sorafenib according to mRE-
First-​line therapies. In patients with advanced-​stage CIST (Table 4). Unlike sorafenib, lenvatinib is a small
HCC, the SHARP trial demonstrated the superiority molecular type V TKI, with more potent activity against
of sorafenib to placebo (overall survival, 10.7 months VEGF receptors and the FGFR family. In this regard,
versus 7.9 months), which represented a breakthrough the side effect profiles are different, with higher grade
in HCC management (Table 4) . Sorafenib was the hypertension and proteinuria occurring with lenvatinib
only available standard of care for advanced HCC for and increased hand–foot skin reaction occurring with
a decade. A further meta-​analysis established that sorafenib; both drugs are associated with asthenia, ano-
sorafenib was more effective in patients with HCV-​ rexia, diarrhoea and weight loss. Overall, both treatments
associated HCC and liver-​only disease (that is, without are associated with grade 3–4 drug-​related adverse events
metastases) than in those with HCC from non-​HCV in ~50% of the treated patients, resulting in a ~15%
causes or in patients with extrahepatic disease261. Since withdrawal rate (Table 4).
the approval of sorafenib in 2007, several new effective The combination of atezolizumab (anti-​PDL1 anti-
drugs have been established as second-​line treatment body) and bevacizumab (anti-​VEGF antibody) was
after progression on sorafenib as have more effective the first regimen to improve overall survival compared
drugs in the first-​line setting (Fig. 5). with sorafenib19,262. The IMbrave150 trial, an open-label
A global open label randomized phase III study study that randomized patients to sorafenib or to a
(REFLECT) demonstrated the efficacy of lenvatinib, combination of atezolizumab and bevacizumab as first-
which was the first new drug approved for advanced-​ line therapy for advanced HCC, demonstrated an
stage HCC in the first-​line setting in over 10 years21. improvement in overall survival with the combination
The REFLECT study excluded patients with extrahe- therapy. An updated analysis published as a conference
patic main portal vein invasion or in whom >50% of the abstract shows the median survival of patients receiving
liver was involved. The primary endpoint of the study sorafenib was 13.4 months and the median survival of the
was overall survival and was powered for superiority combination arm was 19.2 months. PFS was improved
and non-​inferiority, but the trial met only the latter end- from 4.3 months in the sorafenib arm to 6.8 months in
point. The final results established an improved median the combination arm and RECIST ORR was increased
overall survival for lenvatinib (13.6 months) compared from 11% in the sorafenib arm to 30% in the combi-
with sorafenib (12.3 months). In addition, lenvatinib nation arm, and the median duration of response for

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 17


a Atezolizumab Bevacizumab Ramucirumab


Sorafenib Cabozantinib
T cell Lenvatinib
PDL1 Ramucirumab
CTLA4 Endothelial
RAS cell
Ipilimumab Nivolumab RAF Tumour TIE2
Regorafenib cell
Non-inferiority ERK Regorafenib
Phase II

b Treg cell Cytotoxic T lymphocyte

• ↓ Diffentiation • ↑ Proliferation
• ↓ Proliferation • ↑ Cytotoxic activity
• ↓ Suppressive function • ↑ Exhaustion


• ↑ Proliferation
• ↑ Maturation

Checkpoint Checkpoint
blockade TAM blockade
• ↓ Recruitment
• ↓ M2 phenotype
• ↓ PDL1 expression

Limited benefit kinase Durable response
• ↓ Quantity

Sorafenib targets Regorafenib targets

• VEGFR1–3 • VEGFR1–3
• PDGFR • PDGFR Checkpoint inhibitors
• RAF kinase • RAF kinase
• KIT receptor • FGFR1–2 Anti-PD1 Anti-PDL1 Anti-CTLA4
Lenvatinib targets Cabozantinib targets • Activates CD8+ T cells • Increases B7–CD28 • Increases B7–CD28
• VEGFR1–3 • VEGFR1–3 • Increases TAM interaction between interaction between
• PDGFR • MET phagocytosis DCs and T cells DCs and T cells
• FGFR1–4 • RET • Reduces TAM M2 • Inhibits tumoural immune • Inhibits tumoural immune
• RET polarization evasion evasion

the combination arm was 18.1 months by RECIST of quality of life being 11.2 months compared with
1.1 and 16.3 months by mRECIST 19,262 (Table 4) . 3.6 months for sorafenib. Tolerability was more favoura-
Patient-​reported outcomes were also favourable for the ble in the combination group compared with sorafenib,
combination arm, with the median time to deterioration with the most common side effects being hypertension,

18 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


◀ Fig. 5 | Mechanisms of action of systemic therapies. a | The mechanisms of action 0.63–0.92; P = 0.0049) and an improvement in median
of targeted therapies approved based on phase III data. Green boxes indicate positive PFS (5.2 months with cabozantinib versus 1.9 months
results based on phase III trials with a superiority design, in the first-​line setting compared with placebo; HR 0.44, 95% CI 0.36–0.52; P < 0.001)23.
with placebo (versus sorafenib) or sorafenib (versus atezolizumab plus bevacizumab) or Both treatment arms had single digit objective
in the second-​line setting compared with placebo (versus regorafenib, cabozantinib
response rates. The most common grade 3–4 events
and ramucirumab). Yellow boxes indicate positive results based on phase III trials with a
non-​inferiority design (lenvatinib). Red boxes indicate other FDA-​approved drugs based
were palmar–plantar erythrodysesthesia, hypertension,
on non-​randomized phase II trials (nivolumab, pembrolizumab and nivolumab plus increased aspartate aminotransferase levels, fatigue
ipilimumab). b | Mechanisms of action of the combination of molecular and immune and diarrhoea.
targeted therapies. Checkpoint blockade monotherapies benefit a small subset of Ramucirumab is the only biomarker-​guided ther-
patients (~15–20%). Combining tyrosine kinase inhibitors or VEGF inhibitors with immune-​ apy for HCC. The REACH-2 trial that investigated
checkpoint inhibitors can modulate the immune microenvironment by enhancing both ramucirumab was enriched for patients with base-
dendritic cells (DCs) and cytotoxic T lymphocytes and inhibiting tumour-​associated line α-​fetoprotein levels of ≥400 ng/dl. Ramucirumab
macrophages (TAMs), regulatory T (Treg) cells and myeloid-​derived suppressor cells (MDSCs), demonstrated an improvement in overall survival
thereby creating a more inflamed microenvironment and favouring the development of (8.5 months versus 7.3 months in the placebo group;
more effective and durable responses to checkpoint inhibitors. Data from refs1,8,19–25,263,264.
HR 0.710, 95% CI 0.531–0.949; P = 0.0199)24. PFS was
Part a adapted from ref.8, Springer Nature Limited. Part b adapted from ref.15,
Springer Nature Limited.
increased with ramucirumab compared with placebo
(2.8 months versus 1.6 months; HR 0.452, 95% CI 0.339–
0.603; P < 0.0001) but the proportion of patients with
proteinuria and low-​grade diarrhoea. The autoimmune objective response did not differ significantly between
events that occurred with atezolizumab were reported groups. The most common grade 3–4 treatment-​related
as manageable. Upper-​gastrointestinal endoscopies adverse events were hypertension, hyponatraemia and
were required within 6 months prior to enrolment for increased aspartate aminotransferase levels. All six reg-
the treatment of varices in all patients to mitigate the imens tested in phase III trials for advanced HCC with
risk of bleeding associated with bevacizumab. This beneficial effects in survival showed an HR of ≤0.6 for
concept represents a change in practice, especially for PFS in contrast to ~15 randomized negative studies
the screening of patients in first-​line therapy, as upper assessing systemic therapies. This observation led to
gastrointestinal endoscopies will have to be performed the proposition of this restrictive threshold as a cut-​off
prior to treatment initiation. As a consequence of the for assessing PFS-​based benefits with molecular thera-
positive findings, atezolizumab plus bevacizumab have pies highly likely to ultimately capture overall survival
become the standard of care in first-​line therapies for differences156,265. This PFS–HR threshold has been vali-
advanced HCC, except in patients with untreated varices dated in five new RCTs and, as a result, it has been pro-
or in those with contraindications for VEGF inhibitors or posed as a primary endpoint for the trial design of
immunotherapy156. studies in advanced HCC156.
Based on phase Ib/II data, nivolumab and pembroli-
Second-​line therapies. Currently, based on positive zumab (anti-​PD1 inhibitors) were approved as single
phase III data, three regimens (regorafenib, cabozan- agents and ipilimumab (CTLA4 monoclonal antibody)
tinib and ramucirumab) are approved for the treatment was approved in combination with nivolumab263,266.
of advanced HCC after progression on sorafenib accord- CheckMate 040 assessed nivolumab as monotherapy in
ing to guidelines (Table 4). In addition, based upon 262 patients mostly as second line, demonstrating an ORR
promis­ing phase Ib/II studies, three additional therapies, of 14% by RECIST with a median duration of response of
namely nivolumab, pembrolizumab and nivolumab plus 17 months (95% CI 6–24)25. The median overall survival
ipilimumab, have been approved by the FDA25,263,264 after was 15.6 months and the treatment was generally well
first-​line treatment with sorafenib. tolerated. Similarly, the KEYNOTE-224 trial showed an
Regorafenib, a multi-​k inase inhibitor targeting ORR of 17% (RECIST v1.1) with pembrolizumab and
VEGFR1–3 and other kinases, was the first agent to be these rates were durable with a median time to pro-
approved in the second-​line setting upon demonstrat- gression and progression-​free survival of 4.9 months
ing a survival advantage over placebo (10.6 months and a median overall survival of 12.9 months264. The
versus 7.8 months) for patients who tolerated and had pembrolizumab-​associated adverse effects were tol-
documented progression on sorafenib22 (Table 4). The erable. However, two phase III studies were unable
median survival with regorafenib was 10.6 months ver- to confirm the findings of these single-​arm studies.
sus 7.8 months with placebo (HR 0.63, 95% CI 0.50–0.79; CheckMate 459, exploring nivolumab versus sorafenib
P < 0.0001). The median PFS was 3.1 months versus in the first-​line setting, reported a median overall sur-
1.5 months (HR 0.46, 95% CI 0.37–0.56; P < 0.0001) vival of 16.4 months for nivolumab and 14.7 months
and ORR was 11% and 4% for regorafenib and placebo, for sorafenib (P = 0.07)267. Similarly, KEYNOTE-240
respectively. The most common grade 3–4 events were reported a median survival of 13.9 months for pem-
Palmar–plantar hypertension, hand–foot skin reaction, fatigue and brolizumab compared with 10.6 months for placebo
erythrodysesthesia diarrhoea. (P = 0.02); however, the results did not hit the pre-
A dermatological adverse Cabozantinib is a multi-​kinase inhibitor with unique specified P value required for statistical significance26.
reaction to certain drugs, activity against VEGFR2, AXL and MET. The CELESTIAL Both drugs achieved a durable ORR of 15–18% and
mainly tyrosine kinase
inhibitors, causing a painful
trial demonstrated an improvement in the median remain approved in the USA. An expansion arm in the
erythematous rash localized overall survival for cabozantinib (10.2 months) com- CheckMate 040 study evaluated the combination of
in palms, fingers and feet. pared with placebo (8 months; HR 0.76, 95% CI nivolumab plus ipilimumab in patients who progressed

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 19


on prior sorafenib in a three-​arm randomized study whether improvements in time-​to-​event medians and
involving 148 patients263. The combination of nivolumab objective response rates are due to synergy and not
plus ipilimumab achieved an objective response of 31% because of the independent additive effects of two
with a median duration of response of 17 months and active agents, which can also be achieved by a sequen-
a median overall survival of 23 months. Although the tial approach. The depth and the durability of objective
combination regimen induced immune-​related toxicities radio­graphic responses may inform this inference278.
requiring systemic corticoid administration in 51% of In the absence of head-​to-​head trials or established
cases, the efficacy of outcomes resulted in an accelerated biomarkers to guide the choice of therapy, treatment
approval by the FDA for second-​line therapy. As a result, decisions must rely upon the magnitude of benefits, the
phase III trials are currently exploring this combination toxicity profile and drug availability.
therapy versus either sorafenib or lenvatinib268.
Biomarkers of response to systemic therapy. To date,
Emerging combination regimens. Across tumour types biomarker data to help decision-​making and to guide
in oncology, new immunotherapy combination strate- treatment for advanced stages of HCC are limited. An
gies are being developed to augment tumour respon- elevated level of serum α-​fetoprotein is an established
siveness to immune-​checkpoint inhibition269. In HCC, biomarker of poor prognosis across all stages of HCC and
ICIs have shown promising activity when paired with is associated with tumour VEGF pathway activation279,280.
anti-​angiogenic agents, other molecularly targeted Pre-​treatment serum levels of α-​fetoprotein became the
therapies and complementary ICIs (Fig. 5). The VEGF first biomarker predictive of response, with the finding
pathway promotes local immune suppression through of a survival benefit of ramucirumab over placebo only
the inhibition of antigen-​presenting cells and effector in patients with α-​fetoprotein levels ≥400 ng/ml (ref.24).
cells as well as through the activation of suppressive Thus, ramucirumab is only indicated when α-​fetoprotein
elements, including Treg cells, myeloid-​derived sup- levels are beyond this cut-​off value. However, unlike
pressor cells and tumour-​associated macrophages, ramucirumab, the treatment benefits from multi-​kinase
providing the rationale for combining ICIs with anti-​ inhibitors, including sorafenib, lenvatinib, regorafenib
angiogenic agents270. A phase Ib trial of the combination and cabozantinib, occur across a range of baseline
of lenvatinib and pembrolizumab as first-​line therapy α-​fetoprotein values, likely owing to a broader spectrum
in 100 unresectable patients with HCC demonstrated of target inhibition22,23,245,261. In patients with elevated
durable, objective radio­graphic responses by mRE- α-​fetoprotein levels at baseline, changes in α-​fetoprotein
CIST in 46%, with a median PFS of 9.5 months and levels on treatment were shown to correlate with clin-
a median overall survival of 22 months108. The effi- ical outcomes on systemic therapy, with declining
cacy of this combination has prompted an ongoing α-​fetoprotein levels linked to prolonged PFS and overall
phase III trial investigating this combination therapy survival and increasing α-​fetoprotein levels associated
versus lenvatinib as monotherapy271. Based upon the with tumour progression245,280. Nevertheless, additional
unique immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic profile studies of α-​fetoprotein kinetics are required.
of cabozantinib, another phase III trial to determine Few studies evaluating TKIs in HCC have reported
the efficacy of the combination of cabozantinib with on the biomarkers associated to response281,282. A variety
atezolizumab compared with sorafenib or cabozan- of candidate biomarkers of benefit from immune-
tinib alone272, is ongoing273. A number of trials testing checkpoint inhibition are under investigation across
the combinations of a variety of other multi-​kinase different solid tumours, including HCC. A meta-​analysis
inhibitors plus ICIs are under way (Fig. 5). of outcomes from >3,500 patients showed that tumour
The inhibition of complementary, non-​redundant PDL1 expression is associated with a worse prognosis in
immune-​checkpoint pathways may augment the pro- HCC, including a poorly differentiated histology, high
portion of patients achieving anti-​tumour immune levels of α-​fetoprotein and shorter overall survival283.
responses274 (Fig. 5). The addition of a CTLA4 inhibitor to Non-​randomized studies of nivolumab and pembroli-
the inhibition of PD1 or PDL1 has shown higher rates of zumab suggest higher rates of radiographic response25,264
durable responses in multiple tumour types, albeit with and prolonged PFS264 in patients with positive tumour
higher rates of immune-​related toxicity275. Phase III trials or combined tumour and non-​tumour PDL1 expres-
testing the combination of nivolumab and ipilimumab sion scores, although interpretation is limited owing to
as front-​line therapy268 are ongoing. A trial tested the assay heterogeneity and small sample sizes. Analyses of
combination of durvalumab with tremelimumab in PDL1 expression and its association with survival end-
75 patients with advanced HCC after failure of prior points are awaited from RCTs of ICIs in monotherapy
sorafenib276. Radiographic responses by RECISTv1.1 as well as in combination regimens. Tumour lympho-
occurred in 24% of patients, with a median PFS and cytic infiltration53, immune class gene signature71 and
overall survival of 2.7 and 18.7 months, respectively. CTNNB1 mutation status73 in subsets of HCC tumours
This regimen was tolerable, with a requirement of sys- also warrant examination for predictive value in patients
temic corticosteroid in 24% of patients. A confirmatory treated with ICIs.
phase III trial of this combination regimen compared Proof-​of-​concept studies in HCC based on trial
with durvalumab or sorafenib as monotherapy277 has enrichment for biomarkers have shown distinct results.
been completed and results are awaited. Early clinical trials demonstrated that enriching patients
An important question in the evaluation of the with advanced HCC with immunopositivity for FGF19
efficacy of the combination regimen is to understand (a known oncogene in HCC) led to a significant ORR of

20 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


16% (versus 0% in patients with no immunoreactivity) standard therapies such as sorafenib. In phase III RCTs
when treated with FGFR4 inhibitors284. Conversely, other of ICIs as monotherapy in HCC, the rates of grade 3–4
trials enriching patients for RAS mutations285 or MET286 treatment-​related adverse events ranged from 18.2%
immunoreactivity have resulted in negative outcomes. to 22%26,267 for single agents and 37% for combination
regimens19. Although the adverse event profiles are
COVID-19 infection and HCC favourable overall, immune-​related toxicity can occur
There is no definitive data on the impact of COVID-19 in any organ system, ranging from mild and manage-
(a disease caused by the SARS-​CoV-2 coronavirus that able events such as rash, joint aches or hypothyroid-
causes fever, shortness of breath and, in rare cases, acute ism, to severe and potentially life-​threatening events
respiratory distress) in patients with HCC. The known such as pneumonitis, enterocolitis or myocarditis292.
indirect impacts relate to the large numbers of patients Immune-​related adverse events of any grade occur in
with COVID-19 requiring hospitalization and critical ~27% of patients treated with drugs targeting PD1 or
care, which has diverted the resources away from patients PDL1, with adverse events of grade ≥3 occurring in 6%
with HCC. This diversion will likely result in a second of cases292. Systemic corticosteroids for the manage-
wave of patients with other ailments requiring health-​care ment of immune-​related toxicity were required in 8.2%
services at an increased rate once the pandemic wave set- of patients treated with pembrolizumab as monother-
tles and social restrictions are de-​escalated287. A survey apy in an RCT but in up to 50% of patients receiving
from the American Cancer Society found that 50% of nivolumab plus ipilimumab263. The generally favoura-
patients with cancer reported an impact to their cancer ble safety profile of ICIs has enabled their combination
care, including delays in therapy. Further, over one-​third with other agents, as discussed in prior sections, with
of patients expressed concern about their ability to varying degrees and types of additive toxicity19,263. The
afford cancer-​related care given the repercussions of the toxicity associated with various new ICI combinations
COVID-19 pandemic on the job market288. In 15–54% of may impact the choice of therapy for individual patients.
patients with COVID-19, an elevation of transaminases
has been observed289; however, the long-​term impact of Health-​related quality of life
elevated transaminases in HCC outcomes is currently Beyond treatment-​related adverse events, comorbidity
unknown. In addition, considering the potential role from the underlying liver disease also impacts the qual-
of immune derangement in the pathophysiology of ity of life in patients with advanced HCC. Owing to
COVID-19, the effect of immune-​based therapies in the the complex relationship between tumour burden and
course or outcomes of patients with HCC with COVID-19 underlying liver function, HCC-​specific health-​related
is unclear. To address these issues, the International Liver quality of life (HRQOL) assessments are necessary
Cancer Association has developed a guidance document in clinical management as well as in assessing the
to help adapt the clinical management of patients with safety and efficacy of new therapies19,20,22,293 (Table 5;
HCC during this unprecedented time290. Supplementary Table 2). The most common instru-
ments used to assess HRQOL in patients with HCC are
Quality of life the European Organization for Research and Treatment
Quality of life is becoming a major endpoint in onco­ of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire Core-30
logy research. Improvements in quality of life are cap- (EORTC QLQ-​C30 and its HCC-​specific module, the
tured by changes in patient-​reported outcomes, which EORTC QLQ-H ​ CC18 (ref.294)), the Functional Assessment
result from clinical benefits from treatments and from of Cancer Therapy-​H epatobiliary (FACT-​H ep)
the impact of adverse events and tolerability of poten- survey and its derivative the FACT Hepatobiliary
tially toxic drugs. A longstanding challenge to systemic Symptom Index (FHSI8)295. Patients with HCC report
therapy in advanced HCC has been the limited tolera- significantly lower physical well-​being and lower over-
bility to treatment, owing in part to adverse events from all HRQOL than the general population, patients with
the treatments themselves and in part to symptomatic chronic liver disease and patients with other cancers296.
comorbidity from the underlying liver disease, which, The most commonly reported symptoms driving
in turn, is confounded by the increasing tumour burden. HRQOL were fatigue, pain, insomnia, anorexia and
In the pivotal clinical trials investigating multi-​kinase weight loss, and sexual dysfunction. Poor HRQOL
inhibitors such as sorafenib, lenvatinib or regorafenib, seems to be driven by a combination of liver-​related and
the rate of treatment-​related adverse events of grade ≥3 tumour-​related factors, with worse Child-​Pugh class
generally exceeded 50%20–22,291. However, dose reductions and increased tumour burden being independently
to delay treatment-​related adverse events are prevalent associated with lower HRQOL scores. Emerging data
but may interfere with efficacy. suggest that HRQOL, particularly role functioning
(involvement in life situations involving family, part-
Treatment-​related adverse events ner relationship, work or household chores), may be
The advent of immune-​c heckpoint inhibition for independently associated with survival in patients with
advanced HCC has expanded the treatment landscape advanced HCC297.
to include ICIs as monotherapy as well as in com- HRQOL assessments are now incorporated into most
bination 19,25,26. Beyond the potential for deep and HCC RCTs as a secondary endpoint. In the phase III
durable immune responses with immune-​t argeted trial of nivolumab versus sorafenib, HRQOL assess-
therapies in subsets of patients, ICIs have also shown ments using the FACT-​Hep survey showed substan-
favourable adverse event profiles in comparison to tially higher scores for HRQOL in the nivolumab arm

NATURE REVIEWS | DISEASE PRIMERS | Article citation I­D:­ (2021) 7:6 ­ 21


Table 5 | Quality of life-​related endpoint reporting in advanced HCC trials

Trial Treatment arms Questionnaire frequency Time to symptomatic Refs
progression or deterioration
in quality of lifea (months)
FHSI8-​based assessment
SHARP Sorafenib (n = 299) At baseline and at the start 4.1 vs 4.9 20

vs placebo (n = 303) of each treatment cycle

Asia-​Pacific Sorafenib (n = 150) At baseline and every 3 weeks 3.5 vs 3.4 291

vs placebo (n = 76)
REACH-2 Ramucirumab (n = 197) At baseline, every 6 weeks and 3.7 vs 2.8 24

vs placebo (n = 95) at treatment discontinuation

EORTC QLQ-​C30-​based assessment
REFLECT Lenvatinib (n = 478) At baseline and at the start NR; HR 1.01 (95% CI 0.87–1.18) 21

vs sorafenib (n = 476) of each treatment cycle

IMbrave150 Atezolizumab At baseline and at the start 11.2 vs 3.6; HR 0.63 19

+ bevacizumab (n = 336) of each treatment cycle (95% CI 0.46–0.85)

vs sorafenib (n = 165)
EORTC QLQ-​C30, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire 30; FHSI8,
Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-​Hepatobiliary Symptom Index 8; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; NR, not reported.
Only the differences in the IMbrave150 study were statistically significant.

than in the sorafenib arm, extending for >100 weeks proven to be a specifically important part of HCC
on treatment and with at least 70% instrument com- management. The importance of targeting angiogene-
pletion rate at all time points267. Similarly, the RCT of sis was emphasized with ramucirumab, which demon-
atezolizumab plus bevacizumab in advanced HCC also strated survival advantages in second-​line treatment for
showed substantial prolongation in time to deterio- advanced HCC. Nonetheless, the effect of bevacizumab
ration in quality of life, physical functioning and role plus atezolizumab goes beyond the expected anti-​VEGF
functioning using the EORTC QLQ-​C30 instrument effect, particularly to expand the target population to
for the combination regimen compared with sorafenib19 anti-​PDL1 responders. The effects of such combination
(Supplementary Table 2). The HRQOL outcomes from have been reviewed elsewere298,299. In summary, besides
these trials reinforce the favourable benefit-​to-​risk ratio normalizing angiogenesis, VEGF inhibitors have been
for immune-​checkpoint inhibition in advanced HCC shown to suppress Treg cells, myeloid-​derived suppres-
and establish the utility of patient-​reported outcomes in sor cells, and tumour-​associated macrophages and
HCC clinical trials. to increase cytotoxic T cell activity as well as the mat-
uration of dendritic cells. Overall, these effects might
Outlook enable the switching of cold tumours into hot tumours,
HCC is one of the few malignancies where the major thereby allowing an additional effect of ICIs. A similar
risk factors have been delineated. Although vaccina- mechanism has been identified with TKIs300, where
tions and anti-​viral therapies have dramatically reduced oncogene-​mediated T cell exclusion can be reverted
HCC occurrence, its incidence is steadily growing as a by blocking, for instance, CDK4 or CDK6 or MAPK
result of other aetiological factors, such as alcohol abuse signalling, resulting in dendritic cell activation, T cell
and NASH, especially in the West41. Strategies aimed at infiltration, increased tumour antigen presentation and
decreasing the risk factors of NASH might also decrease increased IFNγ sensitivity.
HCC incidence in the future. Enhanced surveillance Numerous ongoing phase III trials exploring combi-
methods for patients at risk might facilitate the iden- nations of TKIs (lenvatinib, cabozantinib and apatinib)
tification of more patients with curative stage disease. and ICIs and combinations of CTLA4 inhibitors (ipili-
New serum biomarkers or ctDNA have the potential mumab and tremelimumab) and other ICIs are currently
to replace imaging as a screening modality or even as ongoing. In the latter of the two combination regimens,
a diagnostic modality in the future143,149. With these a major role in priming and peripheral activation of the
advancements, in the future, more patients are likely immune system is expected301. The next big challenge in
to present with early-​stage disease that is more amen­ the field is to identify the novel combination regimens
able to curative approaches. In addition, even those that for a continued improvement in overall survival in the
present beyond resection or transplant criteria may have front-​line setting. With a high bar now set with a HR 0.66
better preserved liver function, which will allow the (for overall survival with bevacizumab plus atezoli-
sequential use of numerous lines of systemic anti-​cancer zumab versus sorafenib) and a median overall survival of
therapies leading to improvements in survival. 19.2 months19,262, there is no obvious combination part-
The marked survival benefit of atezolizumab plus ner. The next several years will incorporate the testing
bevacizumab has validated the use of combination of new agents in clinical trials, which will be rationally
therapies as an approach to improving outcomes in designed based on basic science and will simultaneously
patients. More specifically, targeting angiogenesis has drive future research.

22 | Article citation ID: (2021) 7:6


Mechanisms with earlier disease stages holds the promise of cura-

Our understanding of the molecular pathogenesis and tive treatment for more patients. In addition, the pur-
heterogeneity of the disease has also advanced, although suit of biomarkers for assessing response to therapy is
this knowledge is yet to influence clinical practice or trial ongoing. Although single agent PD1 inhibitors are very
design. Developing data linking molecular subtypes with active in ~15–20% of patients, this activity was not suf-
therapeutic interventions will bridge this gap. As tech- ficient to improve survival in randomized studies. The
nology evolves, the increasing ability to classify tumours ability to select patients most likely to benefit from a
using liquid biopsies or other techniques will serve as a given regimen providing long-​lasting responses would
platform for incorporating our molecular understand- be of great value and ongoing translational studies will
ing of the disease into treatment decisions. These data hopefully offer answers, including an elucidation of the
will also help delineate the mechanisms of resistance to mechanisms of resistance71,73. The capacity of combina-
current therapies and lead to personalized medicine tai- tions of ICIs with TKIs or VEGF inhibitors to switch
lored to individual patient needs. Ultimately, translating cold tumours into hot tumours299,300 (Fig. 5) has already
tumour biology into the clinic will continue to improve resulted in nearly doubled response rates and survival
patient outcomes. benefits compared with single agents108 (Fig. 4). With the
advent of atezolizumab plus bevacizumab demonstrating
Management significant survival benefits over sorafenib, two major
Currently, image-​based diagnoses are being challenged questions emerge: whether other combination regimens
because of the need for a more profound molecular will be equally efficacious or improve the survival mark
understanding of the disease. In this regard, a stand- currently established in advanced HCC, and whether the
ardized routine for collecting tumour biopsies in clin- current combination regimen and other regimens reach-
ical practice is emerging and recommended8,15. The ing ≥30% objective responses can improve outcomes at
therapeutic armamentarium of HCC has been grow- earlier disease stages. Although vaccine-​related thera-
ing, including improvements in ablation techniques, peutic strategies have not yet yielded significant clinical
loco-​regional therapies and systemic therapies8,15. As is activity, there is growing interest in cell-​based strategies
typical in cancer medicine, once agents have shown such as chimeric antigen receptor T cell therapy, which
efficacy in the advanced setting, they are shifted into is now being studied in early-​stage HCC based on its
earlier stages of the disease, where survival benefits can approval in haematologic cancers302. Novel antibody tar-
be amplified. Unfortunately, sorafenib failed to improve gets are being pursued with both naked antibodies and
outcomes in the adjuvant180 and intermediate-​stage set- antibody–drug conjugates to novel epitopes unique to
tings250. Now, phase III trials with newer immunotherapy HCC. Overall, we envision major advancements in the
agents (alone or in combination) in the adjuvant setting management of all stages of the disease based on current
after curative resection or ablation and in combination investigations in the next 5 years.
with locoregional therapies are ongoing (Fig. 4). Shifting
these agents into earlier lines of therapy and for patients Published online xx xx xxxx

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302. Rafiq, S., Hackett, C. S. & Brentjens, R. J. Engineering Competing interests AstraZeneca, Bayer, Bristol-​Myers Squibb, CStone, Eisai, Eli
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