Ticket To Victory Listening Module

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Questions 1 – 7

You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all questions.
1. Who is Tania and Jing’s teacher?
A. Ms. Smith
B. Mr. Smith
C. Mr. Swiss

2. Where is Greta from?

A. Argentina
B. Germany
C. France

3. The band is looking for all the below except
A. Drummer
B. Singer
C. Maracas player

4. What time does Dan goes to the pool?

A. 8 a.m.
B. 6 a.m.
C. 5 a.m.

5. For his main course, Andi chooses

A. A normal cheese burger
B. A double cheese burger
C. A burger with chips

6. Charlie wrote his password on

A. His Secret diary
B. His desk
C. The notebook

7. On Ben’s desk there are

A. Papers, books, and pens
B. Pencils, books, and pens
C. A pencil case and pens

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Questions 1 – 7

You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all questions.
1. The librarian asks for Lucy’s
A. Address
B. Photo
C. Passport

2. The water polo matches are on

A. Mondays
B. Tuesdays
C. Saturdays

3. Which film are Mario and Tamara are going to watch?
A. Mr and Mrs Jones
B. Midnight Moon
C. Robot 2075

4. The weather in the north is mostly

A. Windy
B. Windy and cold
C. Dry and cloudy

5. What size T-shirt does the customer wants?

A. Large
B. Small
C. Medium

6. Tom needs ____________ to study

A. The internet
B. An apple
C. Music

7. Hannah has
A. One brother
B. Two brothers
C. A brother and a sister

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Questions 1 – 7

You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all questions.
1. The man rented the vehicle for about ___ days.

A. Six
B. Five
C. Seven

2. How many classes does the man take a day?

A. Four classes
B. Five classes
C. Three classes

3. What does the man do with his family around 6.30 p.m.?
A. They eat dinner.
B. They read books together.
C. They play games.

4. Ann wants to rent an apartment that _______.

A. Is close to campus
B. Already has furniture
C. Is in good neighbourhood

5. What did the young man buy at the bookstore?

A. Some paper, five pencils, and an eraser
B. Three books, pens and an eraser
C. Notebooks, pencils, and one eraser

6. How much do two tickets cost for the reunion?

A. The total comes to $40
B. The price is $30
C. They cost $20

7. The man ordered some roses for his wife’s

A. New job promotion
B. College graduation
C. birthday

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Questions 1 – 7

You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all questions.
1. What does the man usually eat?

A. Fast food
B. Nutritious meals
C. His mother’s cooking

2. The man has had two _______ violations recently.

A. Parking
B. Speeding
C. Seat belt

3. The website asks for the man’s name, birthday, and _____ information.
A. Bank
B. Job
C. Family

4. What is the boy’s name?

A. Kegan
B. Logan
C. Tyler

5. The woman’s boyfriend is ____.

A. Majoring in secondary education
B. Majoring in nursing
C. Getting a degree in auto mechanics

6. How many phones does the young man already have?

A. Three
B. Four
C. Two

7. The movie, Friends Forever, is rated ________.

A. G
B. R

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Questions 1 – 7

You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all questions.
1. What does the man want at the store?
A. Some running shoes
B. A running hydration pack
C. A pair of running socks

2. What are Daniel’s brothers going to bring to the barbecue party?

A. Hamburgers
B. Steak
C. Chicken

3. Why is the father preparing breakfast for his daughter?
A. She helped him in the kitchen
B. She can’t cook very well.
C. It’s the girl’s birthday

4. The man is selling his science book, Today’s World, for ______.
A. $30
B. $33
C. $13

5. What does the couple decide to watch?

A. A sports event
B. A TV drama
C. A talk show

6. What is the man’s name?

A. Randall
B. Russell
C. Ronald

7. What is the problem with the CD player?

A. The CD casing is chipped
B. The buttons are scratched
C. The handle is damaged
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PRACTICE 1 Audio Link : https://youtu.be/-tFAumAIhFY

Questions 8 to 15

You will hear some advice on how to learn a language. For questions 8 to 15, choose the best
answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.

8) All the following are right about learning a language, except?

A. It can be difficult
B. It is an impossible task
C. You can make it fun

9) How should you set your learning goals?

A. In small manageable chunk

B. You do not need to have goals
C. As huge, overwhelming aspirations you wish to achieve

10) What is an example of good learning goal?

A. Purposing to learn all cooking vocabulary in an hour

B. Aiming to know all the different tenses in a year

C. Purposing to learn all travelling vocabulary in a week

11) What will help you memorize things better according to the passage?

A. Highlighting things as you rea them

B. Flashcards
C. Underlining important phrases

12) How often should you practice the new language?

A. Every day
B. Twice a week
C. Once a month

13) Which of these is not a learning tip according to the passage?

A. Use flashcards to boost your memory

B. Have manageable learning goals
C. Practice daily

14) You can keep yourself motivated by reminding yourself

A. why learning a language is important

B. to keep using the language that you have learned
C. the reasons why you are learning a language in the first place.

15) How many languages does Mr Alex Rawling know?

A. 10
B. 11
C. 12

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PRACTICE 2 Audio Link : https://youtu.be/djx9oBuv3To

Questions 8 to 15

You will hear a documentary on the famous criminals known as Bonnie and Clyde. For questions 8
to 15, choose the best answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the

8. In which years were Bonnie and Clyde famous?

A. The early 1700

B. The early 1900’s
C. the mid 1900’s

9. In which country was the couple famous?

A. Canada
B. Germany

10. What was the couple famous for

A. The brutal robberies

B. The fact that Bonnie, a woman, performed brutal crimes

C. Their good looks

11. In which year was the couple apprehended?

A. 1934
B. 1774
C. 1882

12. Where did Bonnie meet Clyde?

A. California
B. Texas
C. Hollywood

13. What did Bonnie give Clyde to escape from prison?

A. a key
B. a pistol
C. a bomb

14. When was the couple ambushed?

A. As they were traveling to visit a friend

B. When they were hiding in the forest
C. As they were having lunch at a restaurant

15) What did the officers do upon catching the criminals?

A. They took the criminals to the station

B. They shot the criminals dead
C. They let the criminals go

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PRACTICE 33 Audio Link : https://youtu.be/D41kiZ1ObZ0

Questions 8 to 15

You will hear a conversation between a TV Presenter and Alana on Boy Bands. For questions 8 to
15, choose the best answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the

8) The most important thing for boy bands in the past was that ________.

A. they had some musical ability

B. they could dance well
C. they had different personalities

9) Things have changed because ________.

A. people wanted something different

B. the media and new technology influence things differently
C. both of the above

10) From the conversation, fans are attracted to a boy band mainly for __________

A. their musical ability

B. their good looks
C. their distinct personalities

11) According to Alana, normally how many boy band members are there?

A. 3-4
B. 4-5
C. 5-6

12) Which among the following is not an appealing personality of boy band members?

A. joker
B. rebel
C. bold

13) Why does the presenter have been waiting for the mention of One Direction from Alana?

A. Because One Direction has cute band members

B. Because One Direction is the biggest name at the moment
C. Because One Direction is his favourite band

14) According to the Presented, One Direction _____________

A. is staying in the music industry for a long time

B. is not staying in the music industry for long
C. will forever be a famous boy band

15) Starting on a reality show like X Factor is great for a band because ________.

A. appearing on TV is the quickest way to get famous

B. the many viewers who vote every week become loyal fans
C. people feel a personal connection with bands they see on TV

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PRACTICE 4 Audio Link : https://youtu.be/FHcU2QGavU0

Questions 8 to 15
You will hear a conversation between a TV Presenter and Dr Anna Shepherd. For questions 8 to
15, choose the best answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the

8. In order to minimise the risk from raw chicken, Dr Anna recommends

A maintaining it at a constant temperature until using it.

B handling it with clean hands and utensils.
C keeping it wrapped and placing it in the fridge.

9. Dr Anna suggests that the best way to find out if chicken is cooked properly is

A to check that the juices are pink when you cut it.
B to test the part where the meat is the deepest.
C to use a food thermometer to ensure it has reached 70°C.

10. Dr Anna explains that beef is different from other kinds of meat because

A bacteria tend to stay on the surface.

B it mustn’t be cooked right through to the middle.

C it doesn’t contain any harmful bacteria.

11. Microwaves are effective at killing bacteria.

A in food which hasn’t been put in the fridge.

B in food that was originally heated to 74°C.
C in food that has been heated up evenly.

12) What might be the title of Dr Anna talk?

A How to organise your fridge

B How to treat food poisoning
C How to take care of what you eat

13) These are the precautions we should take when we’re cooking chicken except ?

A make sure that the cooking is done right through to the middle so as to kill all
of the bacteria
B When the thickest part of the chicken is cut, there shouldn’t be any pink meat
C Chicken should reach 54ºC to be safe to eat

14) According to Dr Anna, rare beef is safe for consumption if ….

A rare beef is cooked at 74ºC

B rare beef is well-cooked on the outside to kill the surface bacteria
C rare beef is kept refrigerated

15) What is a suitable title for this TV programme….

A Do Not Eat Chicken

B Ways to Cook Meat
C Food Safety

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Questions 8 to 15

You will hear an advice from a teacher for her students. For questions 8 to 15, choose the best
answer (A, B, or C). You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.

8. The teacher wants the students to …

A. take notes after she has finished speaking.

B. take notes while she is speaking.
C. forget about taking notes.

9) According to the teacher, which of the following is advisable to be eaten while studying?

A. sugary snacks.
B. only apples.
C. fruit and cereals.

10) If students feel stressed they should …

A. go to bed.
B. go out for a walk.
C. drink some water.

11) Students are advised to …

A. select the important things to learn.

B. read through everything once.
C. make notes about every topic.

12) The teacher understands that repeating things can be …

A. difficult.
B. uninteresting.
C. tiring.

13) Which of the following is the best place to get past exam papers?

A. in the library.
B. at home if they take photocopies.
C. in the after-school study group.

14) Students are recommended to take a break of five minutes every …

A. half hour.
B. two hours.
C. thirty minutes.

15) What is the belief that the teacher has for her students?

A. The teacher believes that they would pass their exams.

B. The teacher thinks that they would fail their exams.
C.The teacher believes that they would do their best.

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Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about the type of sports they play.
For questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters
only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A Learning karate can make you more confident. Speaker 1 16

B Pole-vaulting can help one to be more agile. Speaker 2 17
C Playing badminton makes you think and move faster. Speaker 3 18
D Badminton improves mental agility and reflexes Speaker 4 19
E Pole vaulting is an activity is an activity to be done in pairs. Speaker 5 20
F Playing hockey teaches one to become more outgoing.

G Golfing trained one to learn to control temper and be calm.


Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about what they like to read. For
questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters
only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A Websites give out latest news-updates. Speaker 1 16

B Flipping through magazine pages can be enjoyable. Speaker 2 17
C Comic makes one expands vocabulary. Speaker 3 18
D Magazines help one to learn a lot of good lessons. Speaker 4 19
E Reading scientifically makes one absorb information Speaker 5 20
F When reading comics, one is less distracted.
G Newspaper gives information on current affairs.

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Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about modern technology. For
questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters
only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A Robotic automation will produce high quality products. Speaker 1 16

B Hybrid depends on the weather. Speaker 2 17
C Green energy does not cause any pollution. Speaker 3 18
D Genetically Modified foods increases antibiotic resistance. Speaker 4 19
E Nuclear power does not produce greenhouse gas Speaker 5 20

F Hybrid cars cost more than gasoline-powered cars.
G Nuclear power emits only a little pollution.


Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about how they do their part to save
the environment. For questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker
says. Use the letters only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.
A Solar power can reduce electricity bill. Speaker 1 16
B Plastic bag is one of the biodegradable item. Speaker 2 17
C Motor vehicles emit carbon dioxide that polluted the air. Speaker 3 18
D Composting will produce a nutrient-rich soil. Speaker 4 19
E Biking contribute to gas emissions. Speaker 5 20
F Using a cloth bag is better for the environment.
G Limit shower time to 10 minutes can help to save the environment.

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5 Part 3
Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about their free time activities. For
questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters
only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A Watching television can help to enhance language skills. Speaker 1 16

B Playing football makes one fit and improved muscle tone. Speaker 2 17
C Swimming provides an all-over body workout. Speaker 3 18
D Playing video games improve hand-eye coordination. Speaker 4 19
E Playing football places minimal stress on the joints. Speaker 5 20
F Playing the piano can be a stress reliever.

G Swimming helps to enhance the memory.

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Questions 21 to 30

You will listen to a telephone conversation between a sales assistant and a customer about
a defective product.
For questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.
You will hear the conversation twice. Answer all the questions.

Email to Store Manager on a Defective Pool Table

To : [email protected]
From : [email protected]
Subject : Complaint on a Defective Product

Dear Sir,
I am Miss Ria Sidhu from the Customer Service Department. I am writing this email to inform
you about a defective product purchased by one of our customers by the name of Hairol
Menzies. He purchased a 21. __________ table via online and was amazed to received it

three days later.
Unfortunately, problems arise after he managed to 22. __________ the pool table. Firstly,
he was disappointed as the product delivered was without an 23. __________ booklet in
English. The assembly instruction booklet attached was in Spanish and Polish, therefore, it
was not helpful for him as he struggled to understand the instructions written. With the
support of the 24. __________ in the booklet, he at last could assemble it in couple of
Secondly, the cue ball was not in the 25. __________ of balls, and it was obviously
impossible for him to play the game. He had to use the cue ball that belongs to his f riend
who came to play their first game on the new pool table. In a 26. __________ game, the
table was found defective when the cue ball kept curving to the left and the right. That’s
when he noticed the main slate of the table is not 27. __________ enough to continue
another game. He then, queried to get 28. __________ for the product which is against our
policy. At first, he was furious but then he calmed down after hearing that we can
29._____________ a new table without any delivery charges as the product has one-year
30. _____________. His customer number is 45993 and the pool table order number was
GH12338. He is contactable via phone number 012-5600247 or email to
[email protected]. Please check the purchased item and inform our customer
as soon as possible. Thank you.

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You will listen to an interview from a well-known and successful professional Gamer and
Coach who will talk about E-Sports.

For questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.

You will hear the interview twice. Answer all the questions.

Miss Siew Mi Leong @ Mimi is a professional Dota 2 coach who is now coaching
the Team SMG. According to her, E-sports was just like a 21.____________ during his
time when she was an active computer games player. Those days, these video games or
online games give a lot of 22. _____________ opinions among the Malaysians. The mind
set of parents about E-sports is like spending time unproductively.
In Malaysia, PUBG and Dota 2 are two most 23. _____________ mobile games,
compared to Europe or other countries. Gamers in Malaysia who are now instant

millionaires after the International E-sports tournaments for the game Dota 2. The first
Malaysian team called ‘Orange E-sports’ won the 24. ______________ prize with a cash
prize of US$300,000.
Currently, E-sports in Malaysia has grown 25. ______________ where a national
team was sent to SEA Games in Phillipines I the year of 2019. Miss Mimi also said that E-
sports players are still left far behind compared to the Olympic sport competitors as they
need to apply visas for foreigner or 26. ______________ players. She hoped to assist the
players to get an athlete visa one day.
The journey from being a 27. ____________ to a successful businesswoman was
obviously not easy for Miss Mimi. She started from the cybercafé business in Philippines as
it was very 28._______________. Her first step was organizing small tournaments which
later on turned into a huge business. She believed that being an International E-sports
player, one should have the 29. _____________ in making mark and bring recognition to
the country. Never give up but to keep up the courage to face the mistakes, attempt to
30. ______________ it and improve to keep away the struggle.

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You will listen to a job interview for a post in an HR Department in a prestigious company.

For questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.

You will hear the interview twice. Answer all the questions.

Maria has applied for a post in the HR department. Her 21. __________ and experience
perfectly fit with the requirements needed by the company. Previously, she worked for a
small HR services provider for the past four years, including L&D, to corporate clients.
Currently, she decided to transform her job scope to a 22. __________ organisation thus
she chose to join a 23. __________ with around one hundred staff and a small HR team.
In her opinion, larger organisation will provide her the scope to speacialise in L&D. She has
been keeping up the track of the company’s 24. __________ and are fully aligned with its

image and 25. __________. Besides that, not having any experience would be one of the
main challenges of working in a company with large number of people. Maria is extremely
concern into taking a very 26._____________ approach to employee development.
Approaching 2000 27._____________ members will definitely have to happen in a different
way but having various 28. ______________ in her mind can be replicated on a larger
scale. Upon selection, Maria must 29. _____________ to the HR Manager and then deal
with an HR team with six people where an intern or two will be there as her assistant(s).
Her role to devise and successfully implement the learning and development needs strategy
would be the step that will 30. __________ her performance and success in the company.

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You will listen to a talk show of Anna Oliveira, the Creator and Founder of HomeworX App.

For questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.

You will hear the talk show twice. Answer all the questions.

HomeworX is a tutoring app that is specially designed for 21. __________ and parents who
face the challenges of 22. __________. Busy working parents do not have neither time nor
the knowledge to help the kids to deal with their homework. The Creator and Founder of
HomeworX, Ms Anna Olivera said that asking help from the specialist 23. __________ is
not only expensive, but one has to be in a long waiting list to get one in the town or the
region they are living in. HomeworX solve such problem in a twinkling of an eye by bringing

both the students and tutors together 24. __________. Students can search a
25._____________ of pre-approved tutors and sign up for online support, anywhere part
of the world. Besides that, this approach is a way to offer tutoring service at lower prices as
the tutors do not need to spend time 26. __________ to and for to get to the student’s
home. Tutors in the remote areas can work from home at lower 27. __________ thus,
happily get to access to more students. This idea of HomeworX inspired Anna immensely
as she was one of the parents who faced the same difficulties in 28. __________ her son
in his homework. As a 29. __________ parent, who was living in an area that are not
many tutors, Anna finds it tough to understand anything about the subjects the son was
having problem with. In future, with some funding in the hand, Anna hopes to expand the
range of services to use the app 30. __________ everywhere. Tutoring app HomeworX,
with an ‘x’ is available for both Apple and Android devices.

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You will listen to a conversation between Meg and Todd about travelling.

For questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.
Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.

You will hear the conversation twice. Answer all the questions.

Todd is a teacher who always have the passion to travel all over the world. He had
travelled to many countries but lived in three throughout his teaching career. He stayed
the longest in Japan. At the age of 23, he travelled to the first 21. __________, England,
after completing his studies in a college. As soon as he obtained a work 22. __________
and visa for one year, he began to look for a job. He worked at a pub restaurant which
was 23. __________ in the countryside. After six months, he moved to London and
worked in a restaurant. Interestingly, Todd could not 24. __________ in English, thus
he had difficulties in communicating with the British people. However, after two months,

he could comprehend their English. Todd loved everything in England except the cold
25. __________. It was just too cold for him compared to his hometown, California,
which is very warm. In fact, no one liked the weather in England. Later, Todd decided to
travel to another place, and he went to 26. __________. He needed a job and money to
live, therefore he became an English teacher. He had fun teaching the Thai students for
four years. He was so glad to get a course certificate to teach English in Thailand and
he really enjoyed it. Todd was really fascinated with the nice weather and
27.__________ food there. Thailand is so rich with beautiful islands, and interesting
places with nature mountains. Above all, Todd loved the 28. __________ in Thailand. It
was like living in a heaven. After four years, Todd then travelled to Japan. Like Thailand,
the food was really good and obviously the people in Japan are very nice too. According
to Todd, Japan is his most favourite place to live in as he could get almost everything
there. There are beautiful 29. __________ and beaches. Todd did many interesting
activities like 30. __________, shopping and travelling by bus and train to different cities
in the country. It was the most memorable place that he will remember forever.

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You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1 to 8, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.
1. What does the customer decide to have?
A. her normal style
B. a light perm
C. a different style

2. Why are they unhappy?

A. They were given bad advice.
B. Hotel prices have gone down.
C. They should have booked online.

3. When did he start studying?

A. half an hour ago
B. at seven o’clock

C.at midday

4. Where should you go if you want a knife for cutting meat?

A. first floor
B. second floor
C. ground floor

5. What did the woman buy?

A. an arm chair
B. an oak wardrobe
C. a sofa bed

6. What doesn’t she like about the house?

A. It’s too small.
B. It’s too expensive.
C. It’s too cold.

7. You hear a critic talking about a film. What was it first ?

A. a book
B. a TV series
C. a play

8. What do they decide to give Mike for his birthday.

A. To give him money instead of a gift
B. To buy him something unusual
C. To ask Mike what he wants

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Questions 9 to 15

You will hear a zookeeper called James Watson giving talk about endangered animals
and the work of zoos. For questions 9 to 15, choose the best answer ( A, B, or C).

You will hear the recording twice. Answer all the questions.

9. Why are James Watson’s audience at the zoo this evening?

A. to see endangered animals

B. to find out how they can help animals
C. to take part in some research

10. What reason does James Watson give for animals being endangered?

A. They are losing their homes in the wild.

B. They are being taken from their natural environment.
C. People do not help enough animals in need.

11. According to James Watson, why are zoos important?

A. They provide simple entertainment.
B. Scientists carry out important studies here.
C. They control elephant populations in Asia.

12. What help does the zoo need people to give?

A. Help with ticket sales

B. Donations of money
C. Help registering it as a charity

13. What does James Watson think the animal adoption scheme is good?

A. The adoption lasts for a whole year.

B. You can see how your money is used.
C. It is a nice gift if you can’t think what to buy.

14. Who does James Watson think will enjoy the ‘Keeper for a day’ scheme?

A. People who don’t mind hard work

B. People who like learning new things
C. People who want to work with animals

15. What does James Watson ask people to do?

A. Make more generous donations

B. Encourage others to help
C. arrange fundraising at work

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Part 3
Questions 16 to 20
You will hear five different people talking about their teaching at university. For questions
16 – 20, choose from the list (A – F) which statement applies to each person. Use the letters
only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

Speaker 1 16

A This person wants changes in their department.

Speaker 2 17
B This person thinks practical training is very important.
C This person is about to stop teaching.
Speaker 3 18
D This person does more research than teaching.
E This person no longer likes teaching.
Speaker 4 19
F This person thinks all students should study this subject.

Speaker 5 20

Part 4

Questions 21 to 30

You will hear a woman answering questions as part of a survey about washing powder.
For questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.

Use NO MORE THAN ONE WORD for each space.

You will hear the text twice. Answer all the questions.


The woman is a (21)_________________ who studies chemicals and their effect on the
environment. She lives with (22)_______________other people. She does 3 – 4 loads of
washing every (23)__________________. For the last two years, the woman has been
using a washing powder that is kind to the (24)_____________________. The brand of
powder she uses is made from (25)____________________products, not petrol – based
chemicals. The washing powder she uses cost £2 more than the
(26)_____________________brand. The woman thinks that Eco – Plus powder should be
sold in bigger (27)_____________________. The woman would only use another brand of
washing powder if it didn’t contain (28)__________________that harm the environment.
Most of the advertisements the woman sees are on the (29)____________________. The
woman says she would like to visit the WhizWhite (30)______________________ to learn
more about the new product.

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Sektor Pembelajaran
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Part 1: Questions 1 to 7
You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the
correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all questions.

1. Sara is the man’s _______.

A. Spouse
B. Sister
C. Mother

2. Besides paper books, what did the little girl make with paper at school?
A. A building
B. An animal
C. A person

3. What kind of movie is the girl going to see on her date?

A. Romance

B. Horror
C. Science fiction

4. The boy wants ______ for a snack.

A. Potato chips
B. Candy
C. Doughnuts

5. How long has Steve been sick?

A. Since Sunday
B. Since Saturday
C. Since Friday

6. She also prepared _________.

A. A salad
B. Rice
C. Baked potatoes

7. What is one thing the man is NOT going to pack for the winter season?
A. A jacket
B. Some sweaters
C. A coat

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Part 2: Questions 8 to 15
You will hear Alan talking about his experience of staying in a haunted house. For questions
8 to 15, circle the correct answer (A, B or C).
You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

8. What did Alan’s family first do to their house they had bought?

A. Painted the house

B. Fixed up the house

C. Renovated the house

9. What type of house did Alan’s grandfather and grand uncle live in when young?

A. A brick house

B. An apartment

C. A wooden house

10. Who did Ian refer to as ‘them’?

A. His family

B. His grand uncle’s family

C. His great-grandparents

11. How did Ian react when he ‘saw’ his great-grandparents?

A. He would be afraid.

B. He would laugh happily.

C. He would be creeped out.

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12. What happened when Alan and Lisa were doing their homework?

A. An intruder broke into the house.

B. They heard footsteps in the living room.

C. The windows and doors were thrown open.

13. Why didn’t Alan go downstairs to drink water?

A. He heard the floorboards creaking.

B. The lights switched on by themselves.

C. The lights were not functioning.

14. Alan’s granduncle had to close the front gate manually because

A. The gate would close by itself.

B. The gate would open by itself.

C. The gate remote would not work.

15. Why did Alan feel that his great-grandparents were sad to see them go?

A. Nothing serious happened.

B. He saw them at the upstairs window.

C. They never felt that they were in any danger.

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Part 3: Questions 16 to 20

You will hear five short extracts in which teenagers talk about shopping online. For
questions 16 to 20, choose from the list (A to G) what each speaker says. Use the letters
only once. There are two extra letters which you do not need to use.

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

A We feel less pressured when browsing online items. Speaker 1 16

B Online shopping might make you buy clothes that don’t fit Speaker 2 17
C It is convenient to shop at your own time. Speaker 3 18
D Online sites provides coupon for shopping. Speaker 4 19
E It is easier to compare prices between online shops. Speaker 5 20

F We can shop at a retail shop anytime anywhere.
G You can immediately get the product at a retail store.

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Part 4: Questions 21 to 30
You will listen to a conversation between two friends talking about visiting Portugal. For
questions 21 to 30, fill in the missing information in each numbered space.Use NO MORE
THAN ONE WORD for each space.

You will hear the conversation twice. Answer all the questions.

Portugal is an amazing country to travel in the European continent. The best time to travel
to Portugal is during 21. ___________. The weather is warm and one can visit a lot of
22. ___________. In the North Portugal, visitors can do interesting activities like
23. ___________ and horse riding. Like other countries, Portugal is also rich with many
beaches. Those who dislike crowds should not go to the beaches in 24. ___________. The
best time to enjoy at the beaches is in June as it is 25. ___________ during the period,
therefore, people travel less to South Portugal. Visitors who want to feel an

26.___________ Portuguese experience during the summer holidays, may
27.___________ or live in some apartments by the beach. The apartments are just a one-
minute walk to the beach by the Atlantic Ocean. 28. ___________ big hotels or the hostels.
However, the cost is a bit expensive compared to hotels. Visitors can rent villas by the beach
too. There are plenty of rooms and a swimming pool too. Visit the South part of Portugal, in
the Algarve, and enjoy the 29. ___________. It is not only a great place to hang around but
to enjoy the 30. ___________ night markets and to buy a lot of souvenirs for your friends
and loved ones.

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Youtube Links for Audio

Preliminary Practice Tasks
Preliminary Practice Task 1 https://youtu.be/8v9qfIDoP6s
Preliminary Practice Task 2 https://youtu.be/Q7uyr08HJs
Preliminary Practice Task 3 https://youtu.be/qNHjqsG31AY
Preliminary Practice Task 4 https://youtu.be/OFaMi8nwMGI
Preliminary Practice Task 5 https://youtu.be/L0zq8uaeCgA
Preliminary Practice Task 6 https://youtu.be/BbgRN8y-oO0
Preliminary Practice task 7a https://youtu.be/NL9eM2fvuyo
Preliminary Practice Task 7b https://youtu.be/CuzIAea94PY
Preliminary Practice Task 7c https://youtu.be/4xYhOY7DqJ8
Preliminary Practice 8 https://youtu.be/AyqKVJHZpl8
Preliminary Practice 9 https://youtu.be/N2rDRD1dQsg
Preliminary Practice 10a https://youtu.be/PiLL8l_7PAk
Preliminary Practice 10bc https://youtu.be/1p17_kZmny0

Part 2 : SPM Listening Practice 1

PART 2 : Practice 1

PART 2 : Practice 2 https://youtu.be/iP1jSweNjAk
PART 2 : Practice 3 https://youtu.be/D41kiZ1ObZ0
PART 2 : Practice 4 https://youtu.be/FHcU2QGavU0
PART 2 : Practice 5 https://youtu.be/YabASSWYcGY
Part 3 : SPM Listening Practice 2
PART 3 : Practice 1 https://youtu.be/FfWl8D1ySmk
PART 3 : Practice 2 https://youtu.be/tJ0-ap96VXM
PART 3 : Practice 3 https://youtu.be/BW39FYP3ef8
PART 3 : Practice 4 https://youtu.be/IPQYiwx1rM4
PART 3 : Practice 5 https://youtu.be/GLhDXPN7Mww
Part 4 : SPM Listening Practice
PART 4 : Practice 1 https://youtu.be/tQz5WGjuo8o
PART 4 - Practice 2 https://youtu.be/SP36EL_9YZo
PART 4 - Practice 3 https://youtu.be/LpEOBAXbKLw
PART 4 - Practice 4 https://youtu.be/_-0ejLqlFG0
PART 4 - Practice 5 https://youtu.be/OV_vqW53bEs
SPM Model Test
Model Test 1 https://youtu.be/cOBUvqPrfTk
Model Test 2 https://youtu.be/53br3ntzjgo

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Council, B. (2018). Listening Skills. British Council LearnEnglish Teens | Free resources
for teens to help improve your English. Retrieved August 14, 2022, from

Davis, R. (2022, April 10). English listening. Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab. Retrieved
August 14, 2022, from https://www.esl-lab.com/

English listening exercises for B2 - Keeping fit - English practice online. (2021, September
17). English Practice Online. https://english-practice.net/english-listening-exercises-

English Language Listening Activities https://www.englishclub.com/listening/

ESL Listening Practices, https://www.esl-lab.com/

Listening Practices (2021) https://americanenglish.state.gov/

Listening Practices (2022) https://www.cambridgeenglish.org/learning-english/activities-


Listening Practice https://www.onestopenglish.com/

Mudah PDPC listening test form 5 set 1 track 2. (2021, April 15). YouTube.

(n.d.). British Council LearnEnglish Teens | Free resources for teens to help improve your
English. https://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org

Seeger, T. (n.d.). How to learn a language. https://lingua.com/english/listening/how-to-


Seeger, T. (n.d.). Bonnie and Clyde. Lingua.com - Free tools for language learning.

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