30x40 Template

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DEPARTMENT – Electrical Engineering

Introduction Objective
An underwater drone is a subcategory under the drones which is Thanks to their compact size and 360° omnidirectional
submersible, waterproof and most importantly, is operable without maneuverability, underwater drones are a safe and effective way for
any people inside. Unlike the drones we see flying above us in the the marine and undersea industries, agencies and organizations to
air, underwater drones are usually not operated by remote controls. assess and monitor their assets and conduct inspections remotely
They are fully automated, navigating using onboard computers and while reducing operating costs and human risk. Some examples of
sensors. All Underwater drones include a built-in sensor, rope, tether real-world applications of underwater drones:
management system, flotation pack, a sensor for the light video
Aquaculture:- Traditionally, fisheries and other aquaculture
camera and thruster. Some advanced Underwater drones may have
sonars, magnetometers, and instruments that measure water clarity, businesses have valued their fish farming by human labor. Now,
water temperature, water density, and the speed of sound. Basically, they have been able to use underwater drone to help do this,
an underwater drone is a miniature submarine with no people resulting in a huge saving of time and energy.
inside. Since it is much harder to send radio signals through water Shipping industry:-Underwater drones allow shipping companies
than through the air, these drones are not always operated by remote and shipyards to remotely conduct periodic and efficient vessel
control. They are sometimes fully automated, navigating using assessments. They can also perform detailed hull inspections and
onboard computers and sensors. monitor shipyard operations and damage assessments.
Offshore energy:-Underwater drones are a safe and cost-effective
way for offshore energy companies to perform detailed industrial
Methodology inspections remotely. They can perform maintenance at offshore
 Main Electronics (RPi, IMU & drivers, battery, depth sensor, platforms without risking engineers.
ESCs) Defence security:-Since you can operate underwater drones from
 Motors & Propellers. afar, they can scout, locate, and identify dangerous underwater
 Connectors. threats.
 Watertight endcaps. Benefits
 Lights  Increasing worker safety in the wastewater industry.
Battery and circuit for turning on the drone:  Reducing energy consumption.
The battery is currently a 11.1V 5000mAh 3s2p battery made form  High-resolution images of water sources that can be used to
18650 cells. It is monitored by the raspberry Pi, which can shut off diagnose water availability problems.
the power to the entire device if the voltage falls beneath a desirable  Monitoring irrigation systems, detecting leaks, blockages, or
level or if the cells are unbalanced. other issues.
The electronics are connected to a step-down converter, which  Mapping water sources, such as rivers, lakes, and reservoirs, and
steps down the 11.1V from the battery to 5V – required by the monitoring water levels
Raspberry Pi

Circuit Diagram


1. Harshal Parmar (221243109005)
2. Siddharth Parmar (221243109006)
3. Chavda Rugnath (221243109002)
4. Deep Chaudhari (211244109001)

5. Jaymin Patel (221243109008)

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