Syll - Maths For 12th Class
Syll - Maths For 12th Class
Syll - Maths For 12th Class
+2 (2024-2025)
The syllabus in the subject of Mathematics has undergone changes from time to time in
accordance with growth of the subject and emerging needs of society. Senior secondary stage is
a launching stage from where the students go either for higher academic education in
Mathematics or for professional courses like engineering, physical and Bioscience, commerce or
computer applications. The present revised syllabus has been designed in accordance with
National curriculum Frame Work 2005 and as per guidelines given in Focus Group on teaching
of Mathematics 2005 and which is to meet the emerging needs of all categories of students.
Motivating the topics from real life situations and other subject areas, greater emphasis has
been laid on application of various concepts.
The board objectives of teaching Mathematics at senior school stage intend to help the
1. Matrices:
Concept, notation, order, equality, types of matrices, zero matrix, transpose of a matrix,
symmetric and skew symmetric matrices, Algebra of Matrices and properties.
2. Determinants:
Introduction and definition of Determinant, area of triangle, minors and cofactors,
Adjoint and inverse of a matrices. Application of Determinant and matrices, solving of
system of linear equations using inverse of a matrix.
1. Vectors:
Basic concepts of Vector Algebra, direction ratios, Direction cosines, types of vector,
addition, subtraction, multiplication of Vectors, Vector joining two point, section
formula, product of two vectors (scalars (dot) or corss).
2. Three – Dimensional geometry:
Direction cosines and Direction ratios of a line, relation between direction cosines of a
line, equation of lines in space. Angle between two lines, shortest distance between two
lines, distance between two skew and parallel lines.
1. Linear Programming:
Introduction, definition of related terminology such as constraints, objective function,
optimization, different types of linear programming (L.P.) problems. Feasible and
infeasible reason. Graphical method to solve the LPP.
1. Probability:
Multiplication theorem on probability, Conditional probability, independent events,
total probability. Baye’s theorem, Partition of a sample space.