Our LIttle Secret

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The story introduces Kris who is ignoring calls from his girlfriend Tiya for some unknown reason. It also introduces Kris' father who reveals something shocking to Kris.

Kris is ignoring Tiya for her own good, though she doesn't understand why. It's implied that Kris' father's revelation has something to do with it.

Kris' father reveals that he is an 'Immortal', though Kris is skeptical. Kris' father says he had to leave Kris and his mother because he was changing into something unfamiliar.

Our Little Secret

Written by: Sharice Graham

Life is full of decisions, so make the right one and live your life your way. Not anyone elses.


Beep Hey, Kris, its Tiya. We really missed you at the party last night. Me, mostlyEveryone wants to know why you didnt make it. Call me and well talk. Beep. Kris, why arent you talking to me? Did I do something wrong? Please, I cant take the silence anymore. Beep Look, ever since your so-called dad came to town, youve been ignoring me. I am too good of a person to be sitting on my ass waiting around for some guy to as much as look at me these days. Heres what, were through. Dont call me, dont talk to me, and dont even look at me. Goodbye Kris.

The dial tone rang audibly through the quiet room, my heart sinking slowly into my now empty soul. Every word that Tiya had said in that last message was like a rightfully deserved slap across the face. She was right, I was ignoring her I still am, but its for her own good. I could picture her, as soft as she is, crying over me, wishing that she had never even met me. I could imagine her frustration and anger boiling over until she snapped. But if I were in shoes, Id be pissed off too. I ran my fingers through my hair, tugging and pulling at a fistful of strands and sighed. All of this would never have happened if my father hadnt come to town and told me what he had *** Kristopher, I know you probably hate me for leaving you and your mother when you were so young, but I had no choice. I had to leave. Your mother was so young at the time and I was barely even used to what I was yet. I leaned back in the chair and crossed my arms across my chest. My jaw was set in place and my eyes burned furiously at the man in front of me. I had to swallow back all the indecencies I wanted to yell at him and keep my voice levelled.

What do you mean, used to what I was yet? Are you trying to tell me you werent used to being a man, or a father? Or that you werent ready to settle down and raise the child that you helped to create? He shifted uncomfortably in his seat and swallowed deeply, his face sorrowful and stressed. An ounce of satisfaction sunk in at the thought that I had made him uncomfortable. But that all vanished when a small smile crept across his face, making me even more upset than I already was. That, and the fact that I was slowly changing into something I wasnt used to. Do you think it was easy to become something not heard of many times before; something that no one was yet used to? I raised a brow at him and tilted my head to the side, a clear smirk on my face. Are you going to tell me youre a vampire next? Because honestly, this isnt Twilight, and I dont believe half of what youre trying to tell me. I actually am a huge Twilight Saga fan, but right now, coming from him, this all sounds like a load of crap. He smiled at me once more and rose fluidly out of the chair. Thats where youre wrong my dear son. He walked over to the double doors that lead to the back porch and opened them, pausing to throw one last glance back at me. I am an Immortal. Then just like in one of those cheesy horror movies, he slipped out the door and disappeared. I half expected to him to jump around the corner grinning and saying he was just joking, but he never came back. ***

Until a few days after and of course I hadnt believed him at first, but when my body started to change, thats when I started to freak out. I never got tired, no matter how much I tried to wear myself out and I could survive on a glass of water for more than two weeks. And if that wasnt bad enough, I even started to break things unintentionally in the house. Making it even more clear to myself that I had to stay away from Tiya. I could never hurt her; I would never forgive myself if I did. Its not even like I could find time to be with her, what with my father dragging me out of the house regularly to go train for what he called Transcendence. I had no rights anymore. My life used to be normal. I was on the soccer team, I was getting fairly good grades, I had a beautiful girlfriend and I was liked by almost everyone. Now, I dont even know anymore. Im always being stared at, my girlfriend wont even look at me, the guys think Im out to have sex with their girlfriends and Im stressed out almost every day about some battle that may or may not happen. I want my old life back. I would just love to wake up one day and have the life that I once had. No responsibilities and I could do whatever the hell I wanted.

Knock knock knock Kristopher, I hope youre not in there sulking, you have to get ready for school now. My mothers high soprano voice sounded from behind my closed door, her Italian accent shocking me out of my own problems. I got up from my bed and walked over and unlocked it. I peered out into the hallway at my mother, her long brown hair pulled back into a messy ponytail and her emerald green eyes shining brightly at me. My mother resembled everything that Italy has to offer, beautiful, but short, women; hospitality and a carefree attitude. I wasnt sulking, I retorted. Stepping out into the hallway and closing my door. I was just thinking. Besides when did you stop trying to talk like an American? Sulking, thinking, whatever you want to call it and I have my rights to my own language dont I? I heard you worrying yourself in your room the whole night Kristopher. Do you want me to start worrying? Because you know what happens when I worry. Her hands went to her forehead and she pretended to faint backwards. I held out my hands and grabbed her, holding her to my chest. What am I going to do with you? Youre the best actress I know. I placed her back on her feet and rolled my eyes. Thank you, thank you. Ill be here all my life. She laughed and it rang through the house like a thousand bells. She was much happier now that my father came home and it showed. She had put back on all the weight she had lost when he left. Her body was looking so much better now, more healthy and alive. She even smiled more often and, she even went out places with her friends. I smiled warmly at her and sniffed the air. Mmm, whats that smell? She jumped and thrusted her hands in the air. Bacon! Ha ha! Its been so long since that meat has been in this house, I had forgotten how it tasted. I laughed and walked past her, heading in the direction of the kitchen. She followed only a few steps behind me and when my father walked past, simply nodding at me, she followed him mumbling something to him in Italian. After I had stuffed my face with about three eggs and ten pieces of bacon, and gotten myself ready, I grabbed my keys and made my way to my car. Shouting my goodbyes as I hurried out the door.

After fifteen minutes of mind dulling driving and nodding my head to my favourite song, I pulled into Darkmond High Schools parking lot. Freshmen and juniors hopped out of their parents cars, hurrying up the drive into the main building. Seniors pulled into the student

parking spots available and stood around their cars chatting away. You would think since Darkmond is one of the richest schools in Oklahoma, that theyd have more students parking. Guess no one told them about it. After I had drove around aimlessly looking for a spot, I pulled up into an empty space next to the captain of the cheerleading squads blue Porsche. Pulling the key out of the ignition, I got out of my Honda City and started making my way to across the lot. Head straight ahead, couldnt-care-less look of my face, I walked pass the horde of jocks around their cars. Suddenly, a small, soft hand wound its way through mine, clutching on with a vice like grip to my arm. The hand belonged to Rebecca Wheezy. Tenth grade president, reigning homecoming queen and head cheerleader. Kristopher Alec Marlet, she purred, running her fingertips over my bare arm. Yes Rebecca? I made no attempt to hide the annoyance in my voice. Is there something I can help you with? She moaned and bit her lip. Damn that Italian accent gets me every time, I could feel the stares boring into my back as we walk up to my locker, but I ignored them and continued smiling at her. But anyways, Nichole is having a little get together at her place tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. I leaned against my locker, my eyes staring down at her, every ounce of my body screaming for her to leave me alone. I dont really know Oh come on Kris, youll have a great time and after-, she pressed her body against mine and ran her hand up my leg and rested it on my crotch. We can have even more fun at my place. She smiled and swished her bleached-blonde hair over her shoulder, running her hand up and down the bulge in my pants. I clenched my jaw and stopped her hand, securing it in my firm grasp. I looked around frantically hoping no one saw, or witness what had just happened. When I was sure no one saw, I let go of her hand and grabbed a text book out my locker. The offer sounds tempting enough, but no thanks. I have stuff to do. Her bottom lip stuck out in a pout and she sighed. Well maybe next time then, even though we were both looking forward to it. I raised a brow at the word both and she ignored it and walked away, her mini shirt riding up as she walked away, sashaying her hips. I sighed and walked down the hall into my homeroom.

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