Report On The Entry of Large Content and Application Providers Into The Markets For Electronic Communications Networks and Services

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BoR (24) 51

Draft BEREC Report on the entry of large

content and application providers into the
markets for electronic communications
networks and services

7 March 2024
BoR (24) 51

Executive Summary .............................................................................................................................. 2
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Overview of large CAPS investments ............................................................................................. 7
2.1. CAPs’ investments in internet infrastructure in the EEA........................................................................ 7
2.2. CAPs’ points of presence in the EEA .................................................................................................. 11
2.3. CAPs’ investments in cloud infrastructures ......................................................................................... 12

3. Dynamics between large CAPs and ECS/ECN operators ....................................................... 15

3.1. Complementary services and interdependence .................................................................................. 16
3.2. Areas of competition ........................................................................................................................... 17
3.3. Cooperation ........................................................................................................................................ 20

4. Case study 1: Content delivery networks ................................................................................ 22

4.1. Description of the service .................................................................................................................... 22
4.2. Business models ................................................................................................................................. 24
4.3. Overview of the market ....................................................................................................................... 26
4.4. Relations among the main stakeholders involved ............................................................................... 28

5. Case study 2: Submarine cables ............................................................................................... 31

5.1. Description of the service .................................................................................................................... 31
5.2. Business models ................................................................................................................................. 31
5.3. Overview of the market ....................................................................................................................... 34
5.4. Relations among the main stakeholders involved ............................................................................... 38
5.5. Issues at stake .................................................................................................................................... 39

6. Case study 3: Internet relay services ....................................................................................... 40

6.1. Description of the service .................................................................................................................... 42
6.2. Business models ................................................................................................................................. 43
6.3. Relations among the main stakeholders involved ............................................................................... 44
6.4. First insights on the service ................................................................................................................. 45
6.4.1. Traffic identification and management ...................................................................................................... 46
6.4.2. ECS operators’ services (self-service portal, payment, speed tests) ......................................................... 46
6.4.3. Network security and privacy .................................................................................................................... 47
6.4.4. Impact on traffic concentration and innovation .......................................................................................... 47

7. Restrictions on access to services or functionalities by OS providers ................................ 48

7.1. OS & key features for the provision of access services ...................................................................... 48
7.2. OS & eSIM .......................................................................................................................................... 49
7.3. OS & slicing ........................................................................................................................................ 50
7.4. OS & Rich Communication Services ................................................................................................... 51

8. Conclusions ................................................................................................................................ 53
9. Future work ................................................................................................................................. 55
Annex 1: Evolution of voice and SMS as compared to 2012 .......................................................... 57
Annex 2: List of abbreviations ........................................................................................................... 60
Annex 3: List of figures and tables ................................................................................................... 61

BoR (24) 51

Executive Summary
Large content and application providers (CAPs) have traditionally provided services on the
client and server sides of the internet ecosystem. However, in the last decades, large CAPs
have become prominent actors in the internet ecosystem and have been investing increasingly
in own infrastructures and providing services closely related to electronic communication
networks (ECN) and electronic communication services (ECS), or directly qualifying as such.
Some typical examples include content delivery networks (CDNs), the deployment of
extensive international networks (e.g. submarine cables and satellite constellations),
virtualised network services, cloud computing with increasing ubiquity, as well as trends
towards the provision of internet access services.

This report gives an overview of the impact of large CAPs on the markets for ECN and ECS
in Europe, by presenting their strategies, business models, and relations with traditional
ECN/ECS providers in terms of competition, cooperation and interdependence. BEREC has
already highlighted 1 how the accumulation of a significant variety of the internet ecosystem
elements in the hand of a few Big Tech companies can have important consequences, such
as leading to market concentration (as it is the case e.g. for cloud services, instant messaging,
and operating systems), or affecting internet traffic and the decentralised approach on which
the internet was created.

In order to better analyse the implications of the CAPs’ presence and strategies in ECS/ECN
markets, three case studies 2 focusing on CDNs, submarine cables and internet relay
services 3, are carried out. Moreover, the report also highlights some potential restrictions that
may be imposed by operating systems providers on ECN/ECS operators.

The commercial CDN services market in Europe currently appears to be concentrated around
few players, as significant investments are required to have the necessary geographical
coverage and capillarity to enter the market. Such concentration is expected to grow
significantly in the coming years. Previously, large CAPs relied on commercial CDNs providers
for their services, but in recent years they have been increasingly rolling out their own CDN
infrastructure networks. They mostly use it for self-provision but also partly provide CDN
services to third-parties, thus directly competing with commercial CDN providers. Moreover,
on the one hand, the roll-out of CDNs by large CAPs – often on the internet service provider
(ISP)’s network (i.e. on-net CDN) – exerts competitive pressure on the business model of
transit providers; while on the other hand, on-net CDNs allow to reduce capacity costs for ISPs
by locating content closer to end-users.

1 BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, see:
2 This selection is not meant to exhaustively represent CAPs’ presence and strategies in ECS/ECN markets.
3 Services providing enhanced privacy features like tracking prevention (e.g. regarding IP-Addresses and DNS) or

prevention of precise location determination. Such services include e.g. Apple iCloud Private Relay, Google One
VPN or Microsoft Edge Secure Network.

BoR (24) 51

Submarine fibre optic cables play a key role in maintaining a robust and high-capacity global
network infrastructure: in 2023, they carried 99% of all international IP traffic, including the
services provided by CAPs to consumers. The submarine cable ecosystem and the relations
among stakeholders have significantly evolved in the last few years: large CAPs have
transformed from mere direct or indirect customers of wholesale capacity, to the owners and
investors in transport network infrastructure. The have become the driving force behind a
significant portion of newly deployed high-capacity systems: they are currently responsible for
more than 60% of the international traffic transits through submarine cables 4, and are able to
lease capacity on some of their cables to the ECN/ECS providers. In this context, while large
CAPs deploy submarine cables primary for their own use, traditional ECS/ECN providers still
play a key role on the transmission of data for other CAPs, connecting areas where deploying
submarine cables by a large CAP may not be economically profitable. Moreover, by primarily
interconnecting their data centres and regional points-of-presence (PoPs) to data centres,
large CAPs’ investments have limited impact on the global network resilience.

Many large CAPs also provide internet relay services, which are used to ensure confidentiality
by encrypting the data traffic directly on the users’ devices or in the users’ domain. The report
analyses the potential impact on internet access providers. Depending on the user uptake,
these services deserve to be monitored, given their impact on traffic flow, on the utilisation of
an internet access providers’ current interconnections, and, as a consequence, on the
decentralised approach of the internet architecture.

Furthermore, BEREC is aware of some potential issues which deserve to be further analysed
to evaluate their impact on the ECS markets. Indeed, recent technological developments and
specific services provided by large CAPs (and in particular by OS providers) can sometimes
restrict ECN/ECS providers’ ability to correctly give access to services or to the network itself.
Typical examples include the access to 5G slicing functionalities or other restrictions to the
provision of the slices, the potential implications of provider-specific solutions for standardised
services (e.g. RCS), as well as the difficulties that some MVNOs and smaller mobile operators
seem to face in setting up some functionalities of the devices (e.g. APN-related services,
VoLTE, VoWiFi) or in configuring the network profile when eSIMs are used.

To sum up, BEREC’s analysis highlights how large CAPs insource what was formerly
purchased from traditional ECN/ECS providers to a large degree. Indeed, large CAPs have
deployed their own physical infrastructure, such as CDNs and data centres, as well as network
infrastructure, such as submarine cables. By building their own large autonomous systems,
they rely to a significantly less extent, or not at all, on long-distance transit provided by
ECN/ECS operators.

4 BoR (23) 214, Draft BEREC Report on the general authorization and related frameworks for international
submarine connectivity, 07.12.2023, see:

BoR (24) 51

The relations between large CAPs and ECS/ECN operators can take several forms: i) CAPs
and ECS/ECN operators offer complementary services, which mutually increase each other’s
demand (e.g. operators providing broadband internet access services and CAPs provide
content and applications; the devices and OS by large CAPs being sold together with an
operator’s bundle offer; set-top boxes integrating both access to the internet and to Over-The-
Top services or to voice assistants), and ii) several cooperation partnerships between ECS
providers and CAPs can be observed in several countries. However, these actors are also iii)
direct competitors, as it is the case for e.g. voice and messages services, video-streaming
content platforms vs. linear television and IPTV, cloud service provision, CDNs, submarine
cables, as well as for access networks such as LEO satellites, 5G private networks for
businesses, and, in some non-European countries, fibre networks.

This report highlights several issues which can raise some challenges in the context of
ECS/ECN regulation, and which could be further investigated by BEREC in the future. In order
to carry out evidence and fact-based analyses, BEREC stresses the need to collect relevant
data from the actors who can have an impact on the ECS/ECN markets which are regulated.
The European Electronic Communications Code (EECC) revision provides an opportunity to
adapt the regulatory framework and ensure that the current or potential issues can be correctly

1. Introduction
This report builds on BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem 5 and gives an overview of the
impact of large CAPs on the markets for ECN and ECS in Europe. It presents their strategies
and business models, the market dynamics, as well as CAPs’ relations with traditional
ECN/ECS providers in terms of competition, cooperation and interdependence. Furthermore,
it focuses on three case studies where significant investments by large CAPs are taking place:
CDNs, submarine cables and internet relay services.

The report is organised as follows: Chapter 2 provides a general overview of large CAPs’
investments in connectivity and cloud infrastructure and their footprint in the European
Economic Area (EEA). Chapter 3 summarises the main relations and dynamics between large
CAPs and ECS/ECN providers, highlighting specific examples in which they are competing,
cooperating and/or are strongly interdependent. Chapters 4, 5 and 6 provide a more in-depth
analysis of CDNs, submarine cables, and internet relay services 6, respectively. After giving a
brief description of the services involved, these three case studies focus on the business
models, the market dynamics and the interactions among the involved stakeholders. Chapter
7 presents some cases where ECS/ECN providers’ ability to provide access to the network

5 BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 12.12.2022, see:
6 Services providing enhanced privacy features like tracking prevention (e.g. regarding IP-Addresses and DNS) or

prevention of precise location determination. Such services include e.g. Apple iCloud Private Relay, Google One
VPN or Microsoft Edge Secure Network

BoR (24) 51

and/or to some functionalities and technologies may be affected by OS providers. Chapter 8

presents the main findings of the report, and the lines for future work to be developed by
BEREC are described in chapter 9. Annex 1 includes the evolution of voice and SMS from
2005 until 2022.

For this report BEREC circulated a detailed questionnaire to nine major CAPs (Akamai,
Amazon, Apple, Cloudflare, Dazn, Google, Meta, Microsoft and Netflix), who responded
between 17 July and 8 September 2023. Most of the answers were classified as confidential
and therefore the figures presented in this report give a global, aggregated overview.

The questionnaire was sent on the basis of Article 20(1) of the EECC, according to which
national regulatory authorities (NRAs) and BEREC have the power to require undertakings
who provide ECN and ECS, associated facilities, associated services, or who are active in
closely related sectors, to submit information concerning such networks and services. Given
the importance of providing a sound and evidence-based analysis of the evolution of ECS and
ECN markets, BEREC stresses the need to gather data on relevant services and networks
provided by different types of actors.

Furthermore, in order to gather relevant feedback and insights, BEREC organised, a virtual
workshop on 21 September 2023 focusing on international submarine connectivity in the
European Union 7, where private stakeholders (both traditional ECN/ECS providers and large
CAPs), as well as the European Commission, shared their views on the current state of play
of the international submarine connectivity business in the EU. The workshop focused on the
dynamics following the entry of new actors, the challenges faced and the expectations
regarding the evolution of the European and national regulatory framework, institutional
organisation and public policies in this area. Moreover, BEREC also organised internal
workshops to gather specific insights from selected stakeholders on a selection of topics
addressed in this report.

It should be noted that BEREC is addressing closely related topics under several reports.

First of all, BEREC is currently assessing the state of the IP interconnection market and in
particular the current trends and the developments in the market, the relations between
different parties, use of paid peering and CDNs under the “BEREC Report on the IP
interconnection ecosystem” 8. The discussion on the CAPs’ contribution to network
investments is therefore not addressed in the current report.

7 BEREC Workshop on international submarine connectivity in the EU, 21.09.21, see:
8 BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme 2024, 07.12.2023, see section 2.4:

BoR (24) 51

Moreover, BEREC has recently published an “External study on the trends and
policy/regulatory challenges of cloudification, virtualisation and softwarisation in
telecommunications” 9, as well as the “Draft BEREC report on cloud services and edge
computing” 10, which is currently under public consultation.

Finally, BEREC has also published a “Report on the general authorisation and related
frameworks for international submarine connectivity” 11 which aims to clarify the general
authorisation and related frameworks applicable to international submarine connectivity and
to identify possible solutions to promote investment in this sector 12.

Regarding the terminology used, it should be noted that large CAPs may provide a diverse
range of services, including content aggregation, search engines, messaging applications,
entertainment and e-commerce, catering to the interests and needs of media companies,
content creators, and individual users. Along this report, depending on their core activity, CAPs
may also be referred to as edge providers, operating systems (OS) providers, cloud providers,
or hyperscalers. For the purposes of this report, “hyperscalers” mean very large cloud service
providers, which use (make or make buy) large-scale data centres widely geographically
available. They are able to deliver massive amounts of computing power, resources and
infrastructure for the provision of a large portfolio of services, ensuring seamless scalability.
Moreover, while traditional ECN/ECS providers can also provide content-related services, they
are not referred to as “CAPs” or “(large) CAPs” for the purpose of this report.

It should also be noted that here the term “market” – especially when referring to digital
services/networks – is used in a general way, and not as the result of the market definition as
carried out in ECS ex ante regulation or in ex post competition law.

9 BoR (23) 208, External study on the trends and cloudification, virtualization, and softwarization in
telecommunications, 07.12.2023, see:
10 BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme 2024, 07.12.2023, see section 1.6:
11 BoR (23) 214, Draft BEREC Report on the general authorization and related frameworks for international

submarine connectivity, 07.12.2023, see:

12 BEREC organised a workshop on secure and reliable connectivity from LEO satellite fleets on 13 April 2023,


BoR (24) 51

2. Overview of large CAPS investments

2.1. CAPs’ investments in internet infrastructure in the EEA

Several elements of the internet ecosystem are involved to bring content and/or service to the
end-users. Based on the work done by BEREC 13, Figure 1 shows the elements in the internet
ecosystem including the client side (e.g. device, OS and applications), the internet
infrastructure (network elements supporting the communication between the client and the
server side), and the server side (all elements used by CAPs to provide the content and/or

Figure 1. The elements in the internet ecosystem

Legend: Green boxes represent the connectivity segments/services; Blue boxes represent the hardware and
software from the device or cloud server; Red boxes represent the client-server application that is being used

Source: BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem 14

Large CAPs have traditionally provided content and/or services on the client and server sides
of the internet ecosystem and did not generally deploy their own infrastructure. However, in
recent years, large CAPs have increasingly invested in network infrastructure and have been
providing additional services closely related to ECN and ECS, or directly qualifying as such.
They have deployed their own physical infrastructure such as CDNs and data centres, as well

13 BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 12.12.2022,

14 BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 12.12.2022, see:

BoR (24) 51

as submarine cables and satellites constellations 15 and have thus insourced many services
which were previously provided by ECN/ECS operators.

Among other reasons, the decision to deploy their own dedicated network infrastructures
appears to be mainly driven by the increasing demand of their services and the related growth
of data transmission that requires higher bandwidth 16, the need to interconnect their data
centres worldwide 17, and the will to better control the provision of the services. For large CAPs,
depending on the circumstances, it can be economically reasonable to employ a “make” rather
than a “buy” strategy since they operate at a sufficiently large scale. Moreover, CAPs’
investment in their own network infrastructure reduces dependency from third-party transit
providers’ services, as well as provides them with more flexibility to manage their own capacity
to upgrade 18 and to manage their bandwidth, according to their specific needs. By building up
these infrastructures they can manage and improve the quality of their service and
subsequently improve the user experience. Additionally, certain large CAPs provide CDN
services to third parties, while others only use CDNS for self-provision (see Chapters 4 and

Regarding data centres, the Subtel report 19 mentions that these infrastructures are becoming
essential components also to the submarine telecom ecosystem, due to the proximity of the
data centres to the cable landing stations, which optimizes interconnection and network
services, minimizes latency and simplifies the infrastructure.

According to Analysys Mason 20, CAPs worldwide have been making significant investments
in infrastructure, in particular in three main domains: hosting 21 (i.e. data centres and cloud),
transport (i.e. submarine and terrestrial cables) and delivery (i.e. peering and caching) (see
Figure 2). Hosting appears to be the most significant area of CAPs’ investment in
infrastructure, and represented for the period 2018-2021almost 94% of the total investment in

15 For example, Amazon Project Kuiper, see:

16 Since 2019 demand for international internet bandwidth has tripled to more than 3,800 terabits per second,

estimates TeleGeography. The boom in data-hungry artificial intelligence may strengthen this trend - The
Economist, Big Tech and geopolitics are reshaping the internet’s plumbing, 20th December 2023.
17 According to Sandvine, almost 48% of all global data traffic (including fixed and mobile networks) in 2022 can

be attributed to the six major tech players, namely Meta (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp), Google (YouTube),
Apple, Amazon (AWS, Amazon Prime), Microsoft (MS Office, Xbox) and Netflix. Sandvine, The Global Internet
Phenomena Report, 2023, see:
18 BoR (17) 184, BEREC Report on IP-Interconnection practices in the Context of Net Neutrality, 05.10.2017, see:
19 Subtel Forum Submarine Telecoms Industry Report, Industry Report 2023-2024, see:
20Analysys Mason, The Impact of tech companies’ network investment on the economics of broadband ISPs, see:
21 BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 12.12.2022, see: .
Here hosting is considered to be on the server side.

BoR (24) 51

the three domains. A large share of this investment relates to self-built hyperscale data
centres. In order to connect these data centres to each other and to the delivery networks,
investments in long-distance networks has also increased. Moreover, the need to move and
host content closer to end-users to improve the quality of experience while managing cost
efficiency, has become more critical. In this context, CAPs’ investment in transport
infrastructure has also grown. CAPs also continue to develop delivery networks to bring
services closer to end-users, through border gateways in Internet Exchange Points (IXPs),
private peering facilities, and caches inside ISP networks. However, until now CAPs have not
yet invested in access networks in the EU.

According to Analysys Mason, the total spent on internet infrastructure (i.e. hosting, transport
and delivery) reached around 751 billion euros for the period 2011–2021 worldwide, in detail:

• 75 billion euros for the period 2011-2013;

• 260 billion euros for the period 2014-2017; and

• 416 billion euros for the period 2018-2021.

However, according to STRAND Consult 22 the total internet infrastructure investments made
by the CAPs only represent approximately 1% of their global revenue.

Additionally, Analysys Mason also presents the average annual investment made by CAPS
on internet infrastructure (Figure 2) .

Figure 2. CAPs average investment in infrastructure by period.

100.0 3.9


60.0 3.1
24.9 60.0
20.0 2.0
2011-2013 2014-2017 2018-2021
Hosting Delivery Transport

Source: Adapted from Analysis-Mason, 2022, p. 10

22Fact Check on Analysys Mason’s Claims on Big Tech Investments and Arguments Against Broadband Cost
Recovery, STRAND Consult, May 2023

BoR (24) 51

Specifically in Europe, according to Analysys Mason 23, the average annual investment on
internet infrastructure (i.e. in hosting, transport and delivery) in Europe was around:

• 8 billion euros for the period 2011-2013;

• 15 billion euros for the period 2014-2017; and

• 21 billion euros for the period 2018-2021.

This represents around 170 billion euros for the period 2011-2021, which represents about
23% of their global investment.

In 2022, according to the European Commission’s 2022 EU Industrial R&D Investments

scoreboard24, seven of the largest CAPs 25 invested 70,5 billion euros (CAPEX) on
infrastructure worldwide (data centres, CDNs, submarine cables, terrestrial and satellite
networks) mainly to support the delivery of their own services and bringing content closer to
end-users. While CAPEX does not solely represent investment in infrastructure, it can provide
insights of the magnitude and scale of investments.

Collectively, the five largest CAPs invested a total of 146,3 billion euros in capital expenditures
in 2022 globally, which compares with a total of 22,5 billion euros in 2015, that represents a
Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 29% per year. Since 2019, these investments
have more than doubled.

23Europe infrastructure investment report, see:
24 The 2022 EU Industrial R&D Investment Scoreboard, 13.12.2022, see:
25 Apple, Google, Meta, Microsoft, Netflix, Spotify and Twitter.

BoR (24) 51

Figure 3. Larger CAPs investment in Capex, 2015-2022

Capex Investment
60.000 160
109 120
86 100

Billion of €
Billion of €

30.000 63 80
20.000 39
29 40
0.000 0
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Meta Alphabet Microsoft Amazon Netflix Total

Source: BEREC, based on company’s financial results reports

2.2. CAPs’ points of presence in the EEA

Large CAPs’ footprint can be represented by their PoPs. Via its questionnaire, BEREC
collected data concerning the PoPs of nine large CAPs within the EEA.

For the purposes of this report, a PoP is defined as a physical location or facility that houses
network equipment (e.g. servers and routers) to interconnect with other networks.

Figure 4. Nine major CAPs’ presence and PoPs in EEA countries.

Source: BEREC

BoR (24) 51

Within the EEA, Figure 4 shows both the number of CAPs (who responded to the BEREC
questionnaire) by country and the cities/metropolitan areas where these CAPs have at least
one PoP.

It is possible to conclude that these CAPs are present throughout all EEA countries (with the
only exception of Lichtenstein) and that there are 90 cities where CAPs have at least one PoP.
The number of cities per country in which the nine CAPs have PoPs varies greatly: in some
countries the CAPs are only present in one city (e.g. Belgium) while in others they are
present in many cities (e.g. 16 cities in Italy 26).

The data gathered by BEREC also show that:

• In 60% of the EEA countries the CAPs are present in more than one city in the
same country;

• In nearly 20% of the cities (10 of which are capital cities) almost all the CAPS
have a PoP;

• In almost 50% of the cities only one CAP is present 27.

This heterogeneous presence of CAP in each country/city seems to indicate that, although the
approach followed by each CAP varies, presence in EEA countries seems to represent an
important part of CAPs’ strategy.

2.3. CAPs’ investments in cloud infrastructures

Cloud infrastructure, jointly with hosting and CDNs, are the elements of the internet
ecosystem 28 where server computers are run, delivering CAPs’ content and applications.

The term “cloud computing service” 29 encompasses a set of infrastructures and services which
enable on-demand scalable access to a shared pool of (physical and virtual) computing
resources and include, primarily, storage (data servers, data centres, hosting of data, content,
applications), CPU resources, networking, runtime software, applications, and software for
data analysis. 30 Cloud infrastructures and services are an essential building block of the global

26 Please note that PoPs within the same metropolitan area or city are counted as one.
27 Cities with only one CAP do not appear in the map to respect the confidentiality of the responses received.
28For a more detailed analysis: BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 12-12-2022, see:
29 “Cloud computing service means a digital service that enables on-demand administration and broad remote

access to a scalable and elastic pool of shareable computing resources, including where such resources are
distributed across several locations”, Directive (EU) 2022/2555 of the European Parliament and of the Council of
14 December 2022 on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union, 27.12.2022, see:
30 The cloud services have recently been investigated by regulatory and competition authorities in many studies

and reports amongst which are the following: ACM, Market Study Cloud Services, 2021, see:; Autorité de la Concurrence,

BoR (24) 51

strategy of large CAPs to expand capacity and connectivity for the flourishing of data-driven
and artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled services. A developed cloud-based infrastructure eases
the integration of cloud and CDN services in CAPs’ offers, and provides their clients with a
collection of different tools. 31 There exist different types of cloud services according to the
service (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) 32 and the deployment models (public, private, community,
hybrid). 33

In general terms, a global cloud infrastructure is made up of regions (broad geographical areas
which can be broader than a continent, i.e. Eurasia) and crucial PoPs 34, which are called
Availability Zones (AZs). These AZs are clusters of data centres located in strategic areas
having independent power, cooling and networking infrastructure, as well as a given level of
resiliency in case of outages. 35 The main three global cloud players – Amazon (AWS), Google
(Google Cloud) and Microsoft (Azure) – have data centres and storage hubs in almost every
region of Europe.

Opinion 23-A-08 of 29 June 2023 on competition in the cloud sector, see:; Ofcom, Cloud
services market study, 05.10.2023, see:
services-market-study-final-report.pdf; BEREC report on Cloud Services and Edge Computing, to be approved in
2024. BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme 2024, 07.12.2023, see:
31 Amazon Cloudfront, see:; Google Cloud CDN overview, see:; Azure CDN, see:

32 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): The IaaS provides customers with network, storage, processing, and other

computing infrastructure resources. The customer doesn’t control or manage the infrastructure but has control over
the applications, operating systems, and programming frameworks. Platform as a Service (PaaS): The PaaS
enable customers to adopt applications which are developed using specified framework, programming language,
and tools onto a cloud infrastructure. The customer doesn’t control or manage over PaaS but has control over the
deployed applications. Software as a Service (SaaS): the SaaS allows customers to access applications running
on a cloud infrastructure from several end-user devices. Here, the SaaS service enable users to have control over
a limited number of user-specific applications.
33 Public cloud: infrastructure that supports all users who want to make use of a computing resource, such as
hardware (OS, CPU, memory, storage) or software (application server, database) on a subscription basis. Private
cloud: typically infrastructure used by a single organization, managed by the organization itself to support various
user groups, or it could be managed by a service provider that takes care of it either on-site or off-site. Hybrid
cloud: when interconnected private and public cloud infrastructure is used. Community cloud: multiple
organizations sharing computing resources that are part of a community; examples include universities or state
sharing computing resources. BEREC report on Cloud Services and Edge Computing, to be approved in 2024.
BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme 2024, 07.12.2023, see:
34 Even if the network also includes network PoPs and recovery PoPs.
35 What are availability zones? See:
overview?tabs=azure-cli; Regions and zones, see:; What
is Amazon ElastiCache for Memcached? See:

BoR (24) 51

The market for cloud services is highly concentrated and the three biggest players accounted
for 66% of the market 36 globally 37 and 72% of the market in Europe 38 in 2023.

Amazon is a vertically integrated large CAP whose cloud and edge infrastructures allow to
offer to potential customers an array of about 200 different cloud services. Amazon’s cloud
and edge network is organised in macro-categories (AWS Regions) 39. Google has a global
cloud network, which in Europe enlists 12 regions: it is present in 10 European countries, out
of which 8 are EU Member States. Currently, in Europe, Google offers 14 macro categories of
cloud and cloud related services 40, some of which have already a global print, therefore are
available independently from the location. Google also offers a set of interconnection tools
and capabilities, 41 which can be grouped in two clusters: Google Interconnect and Direct
peering. 42 Microsoft offers an array of cloud services that are grouped into 21 categories. 43 On
the same foot, Microsoft also has a global cloud network subdivided into regions (about 60), 44
AZs and other PoPs. Cloud capabilities are connected through a space infrastructure for
providing failover capabilities or preventing disruption by natural disasters, etc. 45

On the other hand, the European providers’ market share is decreasing. The major European
cloud providers, SAP and Deutsche Telekom, account each for 2% of the European market 46
and are followed by OVHcloud, Telecom Italia, Orange and other national and regional
players. Some ECS providers are also active as cloud providers and as cloud customers for
their own operations. A potential driver of their shift towards cloud and edge investment is the

36 IaaS, PaaS, SaaS, hosted private cloud

37 Huge Cloud Market Still Growing at 34% Per Year; Amazon, Microsoft & Google Now Account for 65% of the
Total, Synergy Research Group, see:
38 European Cloud Providers Continue to Grow but Still Lose Market Share, see:
39 AWS Global Infrastructure, see: A Region

in AWS network topology is not a single data centre, but it is a physical location around the world where data
centres are clustered. Each group of logical data centre is called Availability zone (AZ). Each AWS Region
“consists of a minimum of three, isolated and physically separated AZs within a geographic area”. Each AZ has
independent power, cooling and physical security is connected via redundant, ultra-low latency networks (Regions
and Availability Zones, see:
40 1 Compute, 2 Storage and databases, 3 Big data and ML, 4 Developer tools, 5 Identity and security, 6 Healthcare

and life sciences, 7 API management, 8 Integration services, 9 Media and gaming, 10 Operations, 11 Financial
Services, 12 Analytics, 13 Compliance, 14 AI/ML.
Dedicated Interconnect provides a direct physical connection between the client on-premises network and the
Google network. Partner Interconnect provides connectivity between the client’s on-premises and VPC networks
through a supported service provider. Cross-Cloud Interconnect provides a direct physical connection between the
client network in another cloud and the Google network.
42 Direct Peering overview, Network Connectivity, Google Cloud, see:

connectivity/docs/direct-peering; also the difference between the two clusters in Choosing a Network Connectivity
product, Google Cloud, see:
43 Azure products, see:
44 Azure global infrastructure experience, see:
45Azure space experience, Azure global infrastructure experience, see:
46 European Cloud Providers Continue to Grow but Still Lose Market Share, Synergy Research Group, see:

BoR (24) 51

steady growth of information flows produced by VHCN networks and the business value it can
generate across a variety of industry applications 47. Another factor is the cloudification of
network functions, as in the case of stand-alone 5G networks, which employ a native cloudified
core network and the trend towards the virtualization of the radio access network part.

From 2022 to 2026, the global public cloud services market revenues are expected to grow at
a CAGR of 19.8%, which predictably will increase the demand for hyperscale data centres 48.
This growth of cloud computing and the expected future developments towards edge
computing attract partnerships and enable synergies with the electronic communications 49: i)
Connectivity among data centres and between the data centres and the end-users. In order
to use scalable cloud services, customers need to access a network and the bidirectional
transit of data (to and from the cloud provider) may rely on the public internet or on a private
connection; ii) the supply of bundled and integrated ECN/ECS and IT services with cloud; iii)
ECN/ECS evolution towards network cloudification 50 and iv) the provision of services based
on Network-as-a-Service solutions.

3. Dynamics between large CAPs and ECS/ECN operators

Relations and dynamics between CAPs and ECS/ECN operators can be of different kinds:
competition, cooperation and interdependence.

Many ECS/ECN operators are increasingly embracing virtual and cloud-native network
architectures 51 and sometimes enlarging their portfolio to also become digital service
providers. CAPs, on the other hand, are striving to move their services closer to the end-user,
leveraging their wide IT services portfolio. These developments are driving both the
competition and cooperation dynamics between CAPs and ECS/ECN operators. 52

47 BoR (23) 208, External study on the trends and cloudification, virtualization, and softwarization in
telecommunications, 07-12-2023, see:
48 IDC world wide world cloud revenue forecast, 2022; 2023 Global Data Centre Outlook, p. 12.
49 This is further analysed under the Draft BEREC report on Cloud Services and Edge Computing, to be

approved in 2024. BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme 2024, 07.12.2023, see:
50 BoR (23) 208, External study on the trends and cloudification, virtualization, and softwarization in

telecommunications, 07.12.2023, see:

51 BoR (23) 208, External study on the trends and cloudification, virtualization, and softwarization in

telecommunications, 07.12.2023, see:

52 The relations between CAPs and internet access service (IAS) providers in the IP interconnection market

(including the bargaining situation between the two) is not analysed here but will be the focus the BEREC
Report on the IP Interconnection ecosystem, to be approved in 2024. BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme

BoR (24) 51

3.1. Complementary services and interdependence

CAPs and telecommunications operators provide different and often complementary services
along the internet value chain, and thus mutually enable and increase demand for each other
services. On the one hand, ECS/ECN operators typically provide connectivity, while CAPs
provide content and applications, and may provide other elements in the Internet value chain,
such as operating systems (OS), app stores and devices 53. Since no online content and
applications could be consumed without connectivity, and no connectivity would be required
without any online content and applications, there is an interdependence between CAPs and
ECS/ECN operators.

In several cases, inputs are directly supplied from ECS/ECN operators to CAPs or the other
way around. For instance, CAPs may buy transport services from operators. If CAPs operate
their own CDNs, they are less reliant on transit services, but still need telecommunications
operators for the termination of the traffic to the end-users.

ISPs, for their part, benefit from the delivery of CAPs services and products through increased
demand for connectivity and bandwidth that they can monetise to end-users. Networks with
increased capacities also allow for innovations and new forms of content, which in turn may
increase the take-up of enhanced networks.

As far as devices and OS are concerned, we observe similar dynamics when it comes to
mobile phones, set-top boxes or virtual assistants. In their offers, ISPs use or integrate devices
developed by some CAPs which may include applications or software.

For mobile phones, some of the devices and/or OS are provided by large platforms, in
particular Apple’s iPhone and iOS and Google’s Android. ECS/ECN operators usually provide
devices to their customers together with a contract for voice, SMS, and internet access or as
stand-alone. For example, in order to be able to unrestrictedly use iPhones in the network with
extended functionalities such as eSIM or VoLTE, telecommunications operators need a
contract with Apple and some smaller operators find it difficult to conclude such contracts (see
chapter 7). Moreover, ECS/ECN operators have the option of pre-installing apps to
personalise the devices that their users acquire through them, for example by installing
customer self-care apps. A customer self-care app enables the customer to make settings for
his account and to view the billing, for example. In addition to their own apps, there is also the
possibility of pre-installing third-party apps (for example, marketplaces such as Amazon),
which might be paid for by the app providers.

2024, 07.12.2023, see:

53 BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 12.12.2022, see:

BoR (24) 51

In the context of the telecommunications bundled offers, in some EU countries users often get
two devices with their internet subscription 54: the router, which integrates internet connection
access and home router functions (modem/ONT, WiFi, firewall, etc.), and a set-top box that
gives access to Over-The-Top (OTT) services (TV, VoD/streaming, OTT offers, etc.). Some
set-top boxes can include either Android/Apple TV or some components from Android, with
software overlays made or controlled by the ISP itself. Therefore, ISPs had to ensure less
investment in the firmware for this product, and the CAP benefits from the access to a new
user base.

A similar situation can be observed for voice assistants, which have recently been integrated
in some set-top boxes (Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant). It should be noted that Orange
and Deutsche Telekom tried to develop their own vocal assistant, Djingo, which was launched
in France in November 2019 55 but stopped being commercialised nearly a year after 56. In
September 2022, Orange integrated Amazon voice assistant, Alexa, to its set-top box 57. The
market appears to be concentrated around few players 58.

Finally, concerning cloud services, some ECS/ECN operators buy cloud services from CAPs
which can go as far as hosting core network functionalities in the cloud. For certain high quality
/ low latency connectivity services, cloud services may even be integrated in the edge of the
telecommunications operators’ networks. OpenRAN is another development, where (active)
components of the radio access network are no longer provided only by specialised equipment
vendors but also e.g. by CAPs acting as large cloud providers. These developments are
leading towards cloud-network convergence for the provision of ECN/ECS. 59

3.2. Areas of competition

The most obvious and direct area of competition between CAPs and ECS/ECN operators is
probably for messages and voice services. A BEREC study analysing EU consumers
perceptions and behaviour on digital platforms for communication 60 revealed patterns both of

54 In the EU the Open Internet Regulation grants users the possibility to use the equipment of their choice.
Nevertheless, in practice, this choice is limited as the average user have little incentives to buy his/her own
terminal equipment.
55Orange launches the voice assistant Djingo to make its customers’ everyday lives easier, see:
56Orange Will Wind Down Djingo Smart Speaker in Favor of Smart Home and TV Services, see:
57 Le service vocal de la TV d’Orange s’enrichit avec Alexa, see:

58 See:
59BoR (24) 52 Draft BEREC Report on Cloud and Edge Computing Services:

60 BoR (21) 89, Analysing EU consumer perceptions and behaviour on digital platforms for communication. Analysis

report, 10-06-2021, see:


BoR (24) 51

complementarity and substitution when it comes to consumer switching between digital and
traditional electronic means of communication.

While the number of SMS decreased significantly with the increasing usage of number-
independent interpersonal communication services provided by CAPs, number-based voice
services do not seem to be affected. Figure 12 in Annex 1 presents the aggregated volumes
of voice minutes and SMS from 2009 to 2022 in 19 European countries, while Figure 13 and
Figure 14 show the volume of voice minutes and SMS from 2005 to 2022 in 22 European
countries. All graphs present the evolution compared to 2012. The graphs show a similar trend
in most of these countries: between 2005 and 2022, the volume of call minutes did not vary
significantly 61. However, the volume of SMS first increased during the 2000s, then decreased
during the 2010s.

Also, video-streaming content offered by CAPs (e.g., Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Disney+)
is increasingly competing with linear television as well as with cable TV / IPTV-offers from
telecommunications operators, which has often led the latter to integrate CAPs SVoD 62
platforms into their own TV environment or develop their own catch-up and on demand TV

Another area of (retail) competition is the provision of cloud services and business services. 63
Since hyperscalers usually have much larger cloud capacities than ECS/ECN operators and
can make use of high economies of scale and scope as well as of network effects, the offers
proposed by ECS/ECN operators are usually not competitive as they can’t provide the same
portfolio of products and economic ingress advantages (e.g. credits or volume discounts).
When providing cloud services, ECS/ECN operators are often offering solutions specialised
in data sovereignty and security in order to differentiate themselves from the hyperscalers
(although some ECS/ECN operators may also offer solutions aiming at data sovereignty
alongside with hyperscalers) 64. Several ECS/ECN operators also resell large cloud providers’
products in a bundle with their own services benefiting from the commercial relation built over
the years with business customers. 65

61 With the exception of the pandemic period, when most countries temporarily experienced an increase.
62 Subscription Video on Demand
63 BEREC report on Cloud Services and Edge Computing, to be approved in 2024. BoR (22) 193, BEREC Work

Programme 2023, 12.12.2022, see:

64 For example, in France, some telecommunication operators conducted partnership with industrial actors to

provide cloud services offers meeting the requirements of the SecNumCloud qualification, elaborated by the
French national agency for security of information systems, ANSSI (see:
pour-les-fournisseurs-de-services-cloud/). This is the case of Bouygues Telecom, who partnered with Docaposte,
Dassault Systèmes and la Banque des territoires to create Numspot (see: Orange and
Capgemini also formed a joint venture named “Bleu” to provide cloud services that would meet SecNumCloud
qualification, in this case providing Microsoft Azure services (see:
65 See for example the offer of Téléfonica:

BoR (24) 51

In the business sector, hyperscalers also offer UCC (Unified Communication and
Collaboration) services including voice services (also to national number plans), video
conferencing services, chats, collaboration tools, etc. replacing traditional business
connectivity services offered by telecommunications operators 66. Data centres 67 and hosting
services are also increasingly provided by firms like Amazon, Google or Microsoft (see
Chapter 2).

Access networks and internet or voice access services are largely provided by ECS/ECN
operators, although some competition from CAPs is emerging, such as the LEO satellite
networks e.g. by Amazon (Project Kuiper) 68 or the 5G private networks for businesses e.g.
also by Amazon 69. However, these services are not yet taken up on a broad scale: the take-
up of 5G private networks services is still low and LEO satellite networks are mainly used in
very rural areas with poor fixed and mobile coverage. Some CAPs also started to deploy their
own fibre access networks, e.g. Google Fibre in the USA 70, and Sky Italia uses access to fibre
networks to provide retail internet and bundled services in Italy. Such cases are however rare
and access networks remain difficult to replicate due to economies of scale and large sunk

In the backbone and on transit routes, significantly more entry by CAPs can be observed, with
CAPs rolling out their own CDNs (see Chapter 4) and their own infrastructure including
submarine cables (see Chapter 5). While such a rollout competes directly with transit
providers, access providers can actually benefit from these developments since the content
and the handover of traffic will be closer to their retail customers.

The online advertising markets on the other hand are clearly dominated by large CAPs. 71
Some internet relay services (see Chapter 6) provided by large CAPs could make it more
difficult for ECS providers to provide personalised advertising since users’ IP addresses and
other information are encrypted. As a reaction, some ECS providers founded a joint venture 72

66 BoR (22) 184, External Study on Communication Services for Businesses in Europe: Status Quo and Future
Trends, 12-12-2022, see:
67 According to the ACM study, data centres contributes significantly to the economies of scale of cloud services,

both with regard to the size of one data centre, and with regard to having multiple data centres worldwide.
68 Project Kuiper is an initiative from Amazon to build a low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite constellation providing

broadband service around the world, by means of 3,236 satellites. Amazon announced that they will invest more
than 10 billion dollars in Project Kuiper. In July 2020, the US Federal Communications Commission granted
Amazon a licence, that requires to deploy and operate at least half of the satellite constellation by July 2026. See:
Everything you need to know about Project Kuiper, Amazon’s satellite broadband network, see:
69 AWS Private 5G, see:
70 Google fibre, see:
71 See for example Statista, Companies with largest share of digital advertising revenue worldwide in 2023,
72 Mergers: Commission clears creation of a joint venture by Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Telefónica and Vodafone,

see: Mergers: Commission clears creation of a joint venture (

BoR (24) 51

to create Utiq 73, a European AdTech company that delivers a telco-powered consent service,
which uses an identifier for advertising purposes which differs from the IP address.

3.3. Cooperation
There are also examples of projects where CAPs and ECS/ECN providers cooperate. This
section lists some of them without aiming to provide a complete overview.

First of all, several partnerships between CAPs and ECS/ECN concern cloud services:

• Microsoft conducted partnerships with European telecommunications operators to

develop cloud computing services (e.g. Microsoft and Deutsche Telekom
announcement in 2020 74), business-oriented services (e.g. Microsoft and BT
announcement in 2021 75), or AI-based services aiming at transforming customer
experience (e.g. Microsoft and Telefonica announcement in 2019 76).

• Open Gateway 77 is a GSMA 78-led initiative in the telecommunications sector that seeks
to transform the communications networks into platforms. Telecommunications
capabilities are deployed through global and standardised APIs designed to provide
universal access to operator networks for developers. Launched with the support of 21
mobile network operators, this initiative will help developers and cloud providers
enhance and deploy services more quickly across operator networks via single points
of access to the world’s largest connectivity platform. These APIs will be available
through the digital environments of cloud providers, such as AWS, Microsoft Azure and
Google Cloud.

• In Italy, Google has just built the second cloud region in partnership with Telecom Italia
which is intended to provide for faster, more reliable and secure cloud services, as well
as to deliver highly available, low-latency application for customers 79.

73 Towards a trusted and responsible digital world for everyone, see: (previously TrustPID) See:
74 Deutsche Telekom and Microsoft redefine partnership to deliver high-performance cloud computing experiences,

75 BT and Microsoft announce strategic partnership, see:

76 Telefónica and Microsoft establish strategic partnership to design the telco of the future, see:
77 Mobile Industry Deploys Open Network APIs and Prepares for New Era of Digital Services and Mobile Apps,

78 Global System for Mobile Communications Association.
79 The first region is in Milan, for this second hub in Turin see Il Sole 24 Ore. Internet e Telecomunicazioni, “Cloud,

Google fa il bis con Tim e Intesa nel data centre di Milano”, p. 29, 24 March 2023

BoR (24) 51

Other partnerships concern the deployment of 5G cloud native networks:

• In Germany, following a partnership of Deutsche Telekom and Google Cloud together

with Ericsson, the firms announced the deployment of 5G Core cloud native network
functions (CNFs) on an on-premises implementation of Google Distributed Cloud Edge
(GDC Edge) 80.

• In France, Orange announced the roll out of Pikeo “Europe’s first 5G standalone end-
to-end network operating in a cloud-native mode” in collaboration with AWS. It will
combine private 5G, IoT, cloud/edge, data and AI. It is 100% softwarised, not just the
radio access network (RAN) but the core, the IT, the operational support system (OSS)
and the devices 81. The trial will soon be extended to a site in Spain. More generally,
AWS is promoting a new integrated private wireless program with leading
telecommunications operators. 82

As far as messaging services are concerned, Apple and global satellite service Globalstar
conducted a partnership to deliver Emergency SOS via satellite for iPhone 14 models 83. This
service allows iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro models to connect directly to a satellite, enabling
messaging with emergency services when outside of cellular and Wi-Fi coverage. Apple
invested 450 million dollars to provide the critical infrastructure that supports Emergency SOS
via satellite. This service was launched in the US and Canada in November 2022, and became
available in France, Germany, Ireland, and the UK in December 2022 84.

Additionally, there are several cooperation projects regarding CAPs content and services to
ISPs customers. For instance, some ECS/ECN operators, as part of their TV packages, offer
promotional deals on certain large SVoD platforms. These bundles consist for example in
including free subscription to a certain SVoD platform during the first months of the internet
offer 85. They are not only a way for telecommunications operators to attract new subscribers
to their internet offers, but also an opportunity for the major CAPs to win over new subscribers.

80 Deutsche Telekom, Google Cloud, Ericsson complete 5G cloud pilot, see:
81 Orange announces project Pikeo, its cloud 5G network of the future, see:
82 AWS Teams Up with Leading Telcos to Launch the ‘Integrated Private Wireless on AWS’ Program, see: AWS
Teams Up with Leading Telcos to Launch the ‘Integrated Private Wireless on AWS’ Program, see:
83 Emergency SOS via satellite on iPhone 14 and iPhone 14 Pro lineups made possible by 450 million dollars Apple

investment in US infrastructure, see:

84 Emergency SOS via satellite available today on the iPhone 14 lineup in France, Germany, Ireland, and the UK,

85 Disney, see:

BoR (24) 51

Some examples are Orange and Disney+ in France and A1 and Netflix in Austria. 86 In general,
smaller ISPs are not attractive for major SVoD providers since they do not have a sufficiently
large customer base, and smaller CAPs may not be attractive for TV offers of ISPs.

Finally, in the context of business services, ISPs are also bundling their own communication
services with security solutions, collaborative platforms and other services provided by large
CAPs, as shown in the external study on Communication Services for Businesses in Europe
commissioned by BEREC in 2022. 87

4. Case study 1: Content delivery networks

CAPs are the main customers of a CDN provider. However, in the last few years, the largest
CAPs have been investing heavily in their own CDN infrastructure and, in addition to in-house
CDNs, large CAPs such as Amazon, Alibaba, Google, and Microsoft are also commercially
operating CDNs to support services that are used by their cloud customers 88.

4.1. Description of the service

According to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), a CDN is a network optimised
for the distribution of digital content 89. In addition, ITU defines a CDN as a system of distributed
servers that deliver content (e.g., web pages, files, videos and audios) to users based on pre-
defined criteria such as the geographic locations of users, the status of the content delivery
server and the IP network connection 90. ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards
Institute) similarly describes the CDNs as follows: systems for the efficient delivery of digital
objects (e.g., files with multimedia content as video on demand or other file types) and
multimedia streams (e.g. live television streams) over IP networks to many end points and
viewers 91. NIS2-Directive 92 defines a CDN as a network of geographically distributed servers

86 Disney, see and future zone, see:

87 BoR (22) 184, External Study on Communication Services for Businesses in Europe: Status Quo and Future

Trends, 12.12.2022, see:

88 WIK. Competitive conditions on transit and peering markets Implications for European digital sovereignty,

2022, see:
89 ITU-T F.750 Metadata framework, see:
90 ITU-T Y.2084 Distributed service networking content distribution functions, see:

91 ETSI TS 182 032 V1.1.1 (2013-04), CDN Interconnection Architecture, see:
ETSI TS 102 990 V1.1.1 (2012-11), Media Content Distribution (MCD); CDN Interconnection, use cases and
requirements, see:
92 Article 6 (32) of the Directive EU 2022/2555 (NIS2).

BoR (24) 51

for the purpose of ensuring high availability, accessibility or fast delivery of digital content and
services to internet users on behalf of content and service providers.

CDNs entail a change in the way data/content is distributed over the internet. While this was
originally based on a centralised scheme, the emergence of CDNs led to a distributed system
to facilitate access to the content. This distributed system optimises the transport of traffic and
provides end-users with an improved experience when consuming content.

A CDN provider is the entity that is responsible for providing the infrastructure necessary to
distribute content from content providers (e.g. audiovisual content providers, media
companies, internet advertising companies, etc.) to end-users in real time 93. This infrastructure
may comprise the servers, the connectivity between servers and the connectivity with ISPs.
To achieve this connectivity, CDN providers have a wide range of possibilities from
establishing and controlling end-to-end connectivity between their servers (with their own
means of transmission), using third-party connectivity (such as leased lines) or sending their
traffic over the internet (best effort). CDN providers also interconnect their infrastructure at
peering interconnection points with ISPs, with other CDN providers to extend their footprint,
or locate their edge servers within the ISPs’ networks. This duality, in which some CDN
providers act as applications on top of the internet, while others have their own infrastructure
and therefore do not need to acquire connectivity from an ISP, was highlighted in the BEREC
Report “An assessment of IP interconnection in the context of Net Neutrality” 94.

The main functions of a CDN provider are the distribution and replication of content across
different servers in the network from the origin server where the content provider has uploaded
its content and the routing of end-user requests to the nearest servers where content is hosted
and cached. This makes the transmission of content over the internet more efficient and
decreases latency.

In particular, the strategy used to define which CDN node serves each user is a crucial point
of CDNs’ functioning and potentially affects the traffic generated on ISPs’ networks because
it can change the routes and links to be used to distribute traffic. Typical strategies by CDN
providers involve identifying the most efficient node based on parameters such as geographic
distance, traffic load on the node, network conditions (e.g. congestion) and network distance
(e.g. using IP anycast).

93 ITU term “Content delivery network (CDN) provider”: “The special organization or company in charge of providing
the infrastructure needed to deliver the content service provider's (CSP) contents to the end users in real time
mode”, see:
94 BoR (12) 130, An assessment of IP interconnection in the context of Net Neutrality, 06.12.2012, see:
the-context-of-net-neutrality (p. 15)

BoR (24) 51

Figure 5. Generic overview of the functioning of CDN

Legend: Green boxes represent the connectivity segments/services; Blue boxes represent the hardware and
software from the device or cloud server; Red boxes represent the client-server application that is being used.

Source: BEREC

The Figure 5 above shows a simplified diagram of the connections between the CDN provider,
its servers, the IAS and the end-user accessing the content (through their device). On the one
hand, the distribution of content between the different servers of the CDN provider (i.e. servers
in the diagram are in the blue box called Cloud/CDN) uses its own infrastructure (private
capacity) or IP interconnections with third parties (i.e. striped green boxes). CDNs can also
reach agreements to deploy their servers within the IAS network (i.e. blue striped box). In
order for users to access content hosted on the servers closest to their location, CDN providers
must be connected to the IAS. The diagram shows that these connections can be made by
transit (public or private), direct peering or by hosting the servers within the IAS network. In
this way, the end-users through their access to the IAS can access the content distributed and
hosted by the CDN provider.

4.2. Business models

A decade ago, the major CAPs relied heavily on commercial CDNs 95 (e.g. Akamai, Cloudflare,
etc.) for their services. However, there has been a significant shift since then: large CAPs have
developed their own CDNs, tailored to meet their specific traffic requirements, and now provide
these services in-house (“insourcing”), or, in some cases, also to third parties (primarily in the
field of cloud services). As a result, the creation of value has moved from commercial CDNs
towards the large CAPs with their own CDNs. It should be noted that several

95 For commercial CDNs, we refer to public CDN (to third parties) as they are described below in this section.

BoR (24) 51

telecommunication operators have built their own CDNs to offer audio-visual content services
to their end-users and others have extended their services to third parties with CDN services 96.

The share of traffic handled via CDN varies greatly among large CAPs: for instance, Netflix
delivers (almost) 100% of its traffic via its own CDN 97, while Google 50% 98. Moreover, some
CAPs may use only one CDN while others rely on several CDNs (multi-CDN approach)
thereby increasing resiliency and mitigating risks.

The diversity of CDN providers, as well as their location and interconnection modalities, varies
according to the content distribution requirements and costs (or their own content distribution
requirements in case of a private CDN) 99. Some CAPs do not need or cannot afford to upgrade
their content distribution and therefore rely on basic internet functionality to distribute their
content. In contrast, other CAPs, due to their volume or very particular needs, build their own
CDNs, thus reducing distribution costs and optimising the performance of their networks.

There is a wide range of CDN providers that offer services to third parties. These providers
can be regional or global, niche or generalist, and there is a wide variety of business models
in the market.

Depending on the business model implemented for the specific online content to deliver (e.g.
live video, video on demand, games, text, etc.), several approaches can be considered based
on providers’ perspective:

• Private CDN (self-provisioning): in this case a CAP owns and operates its own CDN
infrastructure (e.g. Netflix, Dazn, Meta, Apple) to fulfil its own content distribution
needs. This solution typically provides better security and more control over data and
performance, but is characterised by higher upfront costs.

• Public CDN (open to third parties): in this case the CAP relies on a CDN provider (e.g.
Akamai or Cloudflare) which manages the infrastructure and distributes the CAPs’
content. Compared to the private CDN, for a CAP this solution offers better flexibility

96See:; see:;, see:; etc.
97 This is the consequence of investing by Netflix in Open Connect Appliances (OCAs) which are a combination of

local servers. Since the launch of Open Connect in 2011, Netflix has spent over 1billion euros to develop and
deploy 14.000 OCAs across 142 countries. Netflix, A cooperative approach to content delivery, 2021, see: (p. 20)
98 WIK. Competitive conditions on transit and peering markets Implications for European digital sovereignty,

2022, see:
df?__blob=publicationFile&v=1 (p.28)
99 Stocker, Volker; Smaragdakis, Georgios; Lehr, William; Bauer, Steven. Conference paper: Content may be King,

but (Peering) Location matters: A Progress Report on the Evolution of Content Delivery in the Internet. 27th
European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), Cambridge, United
Kingdom, 7th - 9th September 2016, see:

BoR (24) 51

with fewer initial costs and can be more cost-efficient in specific cases (e.g. small

• Mixed-use CDN: in this case, the CDN infrastructure deployed by the CAP has a
double purpose - the CAP manages its own infrastructure to distribute its content, and
with the remaining unused capacity provides CDN services to third parties. Thus, the
CDN has the characteristics of the two previous approaches. This is the case of e.g.
Google Cloud, Amazon Cloudfront or Microsoft Azure.

In all the above cases, CDNs can be built based on a unique infrastructure or on multiple
infrastructures, owned and/or provided by third parties, following a multi-CDN approach. This
latter strategy allows CAPs to improve their footprint, as well as the resilience and the
scalability of their services.

4.3. Overview of the market

According to Cisco, in Europe, depending on the countries, the volume of internet traffic
passing through a CDN was up to the 88% of total internet traffic and up to the 98% of total
video traffic in 2022. 100

Overall, the global CDN market around the world is expected to grow from 14 billion euros 101
in 2021 to 36 billion euros in 2026 at a CAGR of 18.4%, since 2012 102. The European CDN
market stood at around 3,2 billion euros in 2019 and is projected to grow at a CAGR of over
29% to reach 16 billion euros in 2025 103. The growth of this market is attributed to the increase
of both internet penetration and consumption of audio-visual content, and to the adoption of
CDN by various enterprises, including SMEs. In addition, in the coming years, this market is
expected to continue to grow due to the following trends: the rising of cloud-enabled services

100 VNI Complete Forecast Highlights, Western Europe, see:
VNI Complete Forecast Highlights, Rest of Western Europe (part of Nordics), see:
VNI Complete Forecast Highlights, Central and Eastern Europe, see:
VNI Complete Forecast Highlights, Rest of central and eastern europe, see:
101 Certain values sourced in dollars have been converted to euros for consistency in the document. For the

conversion, OECD exchange rates have been used, see:

102 ReportLinker, Global CDN Industry: Strategic Insights and Predictions, 2023, see:
103 ReportLinker, Europe Content Delivery Network Market - Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2025, see:

BoR (24) 51

that allow for website security, increase of content availability, lower network latency, Internet
of Things (IoT), 5G Infrastructure, use of real-time analytics enabled by AI across the globe.

The CDN market may be segmented based on several criteria: type of content (video, media
& communication, retail & e-commerce, static and dynamic), type of client, service provider
(cloud service providers, telecommunication operators, content delivery network & others),
solution (media delivery, web performance optimization, cloud security, etc.) and

It is not straightforward to obtain CDNs’ market shares as they vary between sources and
according to whether they are measured on a traffic, customers or revenue basis. However, it
can be concluded from the information gathered that this market is concentrated:

a) based on traffic, the top CDN providers globally for web browsing (based on HTML
requests) on mobile 104 in 2022 were Cloudflare, Google, Fastly, Amazon CloudFront,
Akamai and Automattic, with a market share of 92% (see Figure 6).

Figure 6. Top CDNs for HTML requests on mobile

Legend: Box plot showing the top CDN providers serving HTML requests. Cloudflare tops the list by serving 52%
of the HTML requests followed by Google at 22%, Fastly at 9%, CloudFront at 6% and Akamai and Automattic at

Source: Web Almanac 105

b) based on customers or websites, according to ENISA, CDN providers can be ranked

according to the number of websites served from the “top 10 million” list. With this

104 Web Almanac, CDN, see:

105 Web Almanac, CDN, see:

BoR (24) 51

approach, Cloudflare would have over 80% of the market share. However, the
International Data Corporation (IDC) also identifies a concentrated market around few
CDN providers: Akamai is leading this list, followed by Amazon, Cloudflare and
Alibaba 106.

c) Based on several measures, including revenues, Akamai, Amazon CloudFront, and

Cloudflare are the leaders of the market 107. The CDN market has a large number of
smaller providers, but the top three CDN providers controlled in 2020 more than half
the market. With just over 2.1 million customers 108, the vast majority of CDN customers
spend less than 11,400 euros annually on CDN services. A small portion of CDN
customers (just less than one percent) spend more than 95,000 euros, but contribute
to an estimated 10% of the total revenue for the top 10 CDN providers.

Other sources 109 point out that the major players in Europe are Akamai, Amazon, CenturyLink,
AT&T, Verizon, Google, Limelight Network, Internap Corporation, Tata Communications and
Microsoft, that together account for more than 50% of the market share.

From the previous sources, it can be concluded that although there are many public CDN
providers in the market, the market is concentrated around few providers. Although depending
on the ranking criteria the largest leader may change, the top six, which have a combined
market share above 50%, are generally the same: Akamai, Amazon, Cloudflare, Alibaba,
Google and Microsoft. This concentration may be due to the investments required in
infrastructure to ensure a large footprint and to ensure good coordination of locations as close
to the user as possible.

4.4. Relations among the main stakeholders involved

Figure 7 shows the relations between content providers (i.e. content provided by a Business,
or content generate by end-users), CDN providers, IAS and content users (client).

106 See ENISA, “Short paper on the security and operation of content delivery networks”, 2022 – available under
107 2020 CDN Market Report, Intricately, see:
108 By customers, we mean small and medium-sized CAPs that turn to CDN providers to have their content

accessible in a good footprint.

109 ReportLinker, Europe Content Delivery Network Market - Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2025, see:

BoR (24) 51

Figure 7. Main relations between content providers, CDN providers, ISP and end-users

Legend: Green boxes represent the connectivity segments/services; Blue boxes represent the hardware and
software from the device or cloud server; Red boxes represent the client-server application that is being used.

Source: BEREC

From the content providers’ point of view (business or end-user side in the right of Figure 7),
their content is distributed in the geographic area of their interest, and they value the quality
of customer experience (end user/client side in the left of Figure 7) when accessing their
content, which is why they use CDN providers. For their part, CDN providers charge content
providers for several features, such as their footprint, the transmission capacity of their
content, whether or not they have a private backbone (dedicated connectivity as opposed to
using the basic functionality of the internet to send content, see green and striped green boxes
below Cloud/CDN boxes) etc. End-users (customers of the content provider) are usually not
aware of the existence of a CDN (they know their ISP and their CAP) and value their
experience of accessing content on parameters such as fast loading of content, low latency
or high definition in the case of video content. In addition, the end-user pays the access
provider for his internet connection. The ISP, for its part, may be interconnected with the CDN
provider through a peering agreement whose capacity (and costs) must be increased to
ensure that the link does not become saturated. Some ISPs host CDN servers on their own
network (on-net CDN see blue striped box next to IAS box) in order to reduce capacity costs
(e.g. peering interconnection, backbone and backhaul links) for the content consumed by their
end-users and locate content as close to the end-users as possible (see CDN box above IAS
box in Figure 7).

The arrangements between CDN providers and ISPs may vary depending on the scenario or
market observed. 110 CDNs initially generated wholesale revenues for Tier 1 ISPs, large

110 The relation between CDN providers and ISPs will also be addressed in the BEREC report on the IP
interconnection ecosystem.

BoR (24) 51

ISPs 111 received from smaller ISPs that paid IP transit fees. As CDNs moved closer to the
consumer, smaller ISPs started to host CDNs, resulting in lower wholesale revenues for the
Tier 1 ISPs 112. Traffic coming from on-net CDNs is growing significantly (for example, on-net
CDN traffic in France nearly doubled between 2019 and 2020), as a CDN hosted in an ISP’s
access network lowers the cost supported by CAPs and the ISPs for IP transit 113 because
there is no need to transmit that content via the Tier 1 ISP, this fact was pointed out in BEREC
Report on the topic 114. In this scenario, the on-net distribution of content by CDNs reduces the
potential revenues of the Tier1 ISPs for their wholesale transit services so that one activity
impacts on the revenues of the other. In the case of mixed use and public CDN providers,
CAPs could be seen as competitors of Tier 1 ISPs.

However, there are other scenarios where content providers with their CDN and ISPs can
create a mutually beneficial relation. For instance, in Italy, the transmission of Italian football
championship via the live streaming service Dazn constitutes an example of the dynamics
between CAPs and ISPs, and the crucial role played by NRAs in this context. In March 2021,
the streaming service Dazn was awarded football championship broadcasting rights for 2021-
2024. In the same period, Dazn and TIM, Italy’s main operator, signed an agreement that
entailed, inter alia, TIM to provide technological support to Dazn. Since football is the most
followed sport in Italy, the transition of the transmission of championship matches from
traditional satellite and terrestrial Pay-TV services to an OTT live streaming service constituted
an unprecedented break away from traditional broadcasting and a further impetus to the
development of very high-capacity networks (VHCN). This transition involved potential
competition and technical issues on fixed and mobile markets. In this context, AGCOM
adopted the Decision 206/21/CONS 115 in order to promote competition among operators and
prevent potential network congestion issues: with this Decision, Dazn was asked, inter alia, to
provide and install caches of its own CDN (Dazn Edge) in the network of the main alternative
operators, in order to prevent congestion issues, guaranteeing a better QoS and the technical
and economical sustainability of live streaming traffic growth. Moreover, the Decision states

111 Large ISPs that do not pay for IP transit.

112 Pages 10 and 20 Steve Esselaar, Christoph Stork, November 2022, Competition and investment in the
Internet value chain in Europe, see:
113 “On-net CDN traffic comes at the expense of peering and transit traffic”. Competitive conditions on transit and

peering markets. WIK-Consult report, see:
114 BoR (12) 130, An assessment of IP interconnection in the context of Net Neutrality, 06.12.2012, see:
the-context-of-net-neutrality (Conclusion (g))
115 See:

BoR (24) 51

that the number of CDN caches (and so the related bandwidth) has to be proportional to the
operators’ market share.

Finally, IXPs also play a crucial role in the delivery of CDN content to ISPs’ networks,
especially in the case of smaller ISPs not deploying on-net caches (the number of IXPs has
almost doubled in the last 10 years) 116. Therefore, the mentioned growth of CDN traffic implies
the need for the ISPs to upgrade their link capacity at the IXPs’ premises where CDN providers
are interconnected.

5. Case study 2: Submarine cables

5.1. Description of the service

The first submarine cable was installed in the 19th century, and its technology has been
evolving ever since. Currently, submarine fibre optic cable networks 117, which are part of the
global international ECN infrastructure, are crucial to the global economy and play a key role
in maintaining a robust global network infrastructure that supports the seamless functioning of
the internet and ECSs. In 2023, more than 529 submarine cable systems, and 1444 cable
landings stations (CLS) 118 were responsible for carrying 99% of all international ECS traffic 119,
including the services provided by CAPs to consumers.

The legal and regulatory regimes applicable to these infrastructures differ among the countries
and the regions that the international submarine cables connect. These legal and regulatory
provisions span from deployment to environment protection and infrastructure security.
BEREC has published a report on the general authorisation and related frameworks for
international submarine connectivity that aims to clarify the general authorisation and related
frameworks applicable to international submarine connectivity 120 .

5.2. Business models

In recent years, the international submarine cable connectivity market has witnessed
significant changes, particularly with the involvement of large CAPs like Google, Meta,

116 Competitive conditions on transit and peering markets. WIK-Consult report:
117 The ITU sets out a comprehensive recommendation on the definition of terms relevant to optical fibre submarine

cable systems, see

118 Currently active or under construction.
120 BoR (23) 214, Draft BEREC Report on the general authorisation and related frameworks for international

submarine connectivity, 07.12.2023, see:


BoR (24) 51

Microsoft and Amazon investing in these infrastructures. On the demand side, there has been
an extraordinary surge in global internet traffic, demanding substantial increases in capacity
for international transit. Simultaneously, on the supply side, the ownership structure of
international submarine cables is undergoing a profound transformation, reshaping the
traditional business model.

One crucial development is the shift of large CAPs from being mere direct or indirect
customers of wholesale capacity to becoming investors and owners of transport network
infrastructure, particularly submarine cables. This transition began with Google’s investment
in the Unity cable consortium in 2010, followed by Meta, Microsoft and, most recently,
Amazon, who have either directly invested in or been major pre-sale purchasers of new
submarine cable systems.

In the past, traditional operators and telecommunication carriers developed business cases
aimed at deploying submarine routes capacity to carry traffic for their customers. Their primary
objective was to have transnational transit capacity for their own retail services and for directly
selling capacity to third parties (leased lines/circuits), with a substantial portion of their revenue
stemming from leased circuits, including directly or indirectly from large CAPs. However, with
large CAPs increasingly building their own transport networks (including submarine cables), a
relevant part of the traffic originating these revenues is being internalised by CAPs, which
significantly impacts the business model of carriers/traditional ISPs who have to reorganise
their position in the market.

The primary focus of large CAPs’ investment is to interconnect their data centres and regional
PoPs to data centres. This strategy aims to strengthen their self-reliance and operational
efficiency (including higher QoS by e.g. reducing latency) by connecting data centres close to
the CLSs 121. In the routes where they invest in their own infrastructure, such large CAPs are
no longer reliant on transit (e.g. Tier 1) network operators to provide capacity.

The financing and ownership models for submarine cables fall into three categories: multi-
investors (consortium), single investors, and Public Private Partnerships (PPP). When
submarine cables are developed by a consortium of investors, they typically are based on co-
ownership and co-operation, i.e. fibres are owned individually by members of the consortium,
while the ownership and costs of common infrastructure is shared. Individual ownership of
fibres means each consortium member can operate them as separate and independent
networks. Each member is responsible for its own transmission equipment and all physical
and logical connections to its own fibres 122. Multi-investor models have historically been the

121In particular, large CAPs have preference for landing locations that provide cost saving benefits to reduce
operational expenditure, such as locations that provide sufficient availability and efficient use of energy for data
centres and direct backhaul terrestrial interconnection. In specific, large CAPs tend to prefer places with
availability of elements that allow for an efficient cooling system, such as the north of Europe or the existence of
alternative energy. These locations also allow for terminating the submarine line terminal equipment in a carry
neutral data centre.
122 Information provided by Stakeholders to BEREC Digital Markets Questionnaire that was sent to large CAPs in

July 2023.

BoR (24) 51

most common, but single investor models have gained popularity, especially with large CAPs
entering the market with their own cables, due to their significant financial resources.

Initially, large CAPs relied on carriers/traditional ECN/ECS operators, but now they are
expanding their partnerships and started working with dark fibre providers, and mobile
networks operators.

Large CAPs predominantly use the capacity on the submarine cables for their own internal
needs, particularly for interconnecting their data centres. Consequently, these cables serve a
component of their own supply chain for delivering data services. However, if there is capacity
remaining, some swap it with other owners of submarine cables. For instance, Microsoft
submarine cables are part of the supply chain for Azure cloud applications and the rest of the
capacity is exchanged with other actors operating submarine cables in similar routes.
Notwithstanding, from BEREC’s questionnaire, one CAP has notified to have swapped fibres
with owners of other submarine cables, while another has swapped some fibre pairs with
providers on other systems or is in the process of negotiating fibre swaps with other actors
also owning their own submarine cables.

The ownership structure has evolved considerably, with large CAPs emerging as the largest
deployers of the newly submarine cable systems in recent years. Google stands out as the
sole owner of eight 123 submarine cables, while Meta, Microsoft, and Amazon have often joined
consortia that include specialised ECS providers with expertise in operation and deployment
of submarine cables.

In cables deployed by consortia, capacity is divided into Minimum Investment Units (MIUs)
and sold in terms of Indefeasible Rights of Use (IRU) through Capacity Purchase Agreements
(CPAs). Capacity on private cables may be also sold but mostly on different terms. IRU is the
effective long-term lease of a portion of the capacity of an international cable and specified in
terms of a certain number of channels of a given bandwidth. The CPAs often forbid resale of
the capacity ownership and usually grant ownership for 25 years (the expected lifespan of
submarine cables). The service gives a large-scale ISP the ability to assure its own customers
of international service on a long-term basis. 124

The business models developed in consortia are also changing. More recently, there has been
a push towards the co-construction/co-ownership model under leadership of one of the
members of the consortium. Another model introduced by large CAPs is the open access
model, which allows investors to have their own fibre pairs and those fibre pairs can be part

123 Dunant, Equiano, Grace Hopper, and now Nuvem with landing points in Europe, and Curie, Firmina, Junior,
Topaz with landing points outside Europe even if is co-owner of more than 10 other submarine cables with landing
stations outside Europe.
124 European Commission, Study to Monitor Connectivity, Connecting the EU to its partners though submarine

cables: final study report, 2020, see:


BoR (24) 51

of their network and they can be effectively operated independently from the rest of the owners
or the actual cable owner itself.

Strategically, large CAPs are investing in submarine cables because it provides them with
increased control over assets. The demand they experience, globally, growing at
unprecedented pace means that their need for additional bandwidth outpaces their ability to
purchase it in a timely manner. Although they are deploying their own infrastructure, large
CAPs are still buyers of international capacity from carriers/transit third parties because their
own infrastructure, in some cases, is still not sufficient to serve all demand, or simply because
they have not (yet) deployed any submarine cables in the corresponding route.

5.3. Overview of the market

The EU is connected with about 250 active cables that ensure connectivity to the global
internet. Denmark, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and the islands of Malta and Ireland are the
EU Member States with greater submarine cable connectivity. 125 According to
TeleGeography, demand for international bandwidth is nearly doubling every two years.
Between 2019 and 2021, international bandwidth used by global network operators doubled
to reach 3,900 Tbps. 126

In 2003, the total capacity across the Atlantic was less than 100 Terabit/s while now, thanks
to the innovation on increased number of fibres per cable (e.g. 24 fibres), multicore fibres, and
more efficient modulations and multiplexing, the most recently deployed submarine cables
have capacities in the order of 500 Terabit/s.

125German Council on Foreign Relations, Protecting the EU’s Submarine Cable Infrastructure, 10.07.2023, see:
126 TeleGeography, The State of the Network, 2023, see:


BoR (24) 51

Figure 8. Subsea Cables Map in Europe, 2023

Source: Telegeography 127

In the past, the need for increased international capacity was largely met by carrier networks.
However, nowadays, large CAPs like Amazon, Google, Meta and Microsoft are building their
own infrastructure for their services. These companies accounted for 69% of all international
capacity usage in 2021. Large CAPs have added capacity, across every region, at a
compound annual rate of at least 51% between 2017 and 2021, compared to a rate no higher
than 45% for all the others. 128

By 2017, traffic generated by large CAPs had surpassed other sources of traffic using
international capacity. In the period of 2016 to 2020 large CAPs were already the driving force
behind 36% of systems that went into service 129. For the period spanning 2019 to 2023, these
large CAPs have been behind 24 systems in all the world, accounting for 23.5% of the 102
total systems that went into service, and in 2023 alone, large CAPs accounted for a substantial
portion of all new system builds. For the upcoming period of 2024 to 2028, 14% of the 56
planned systems in the world are expected to be driven by large CAPs. 130

The capacity requirement for large CAPs varies extensively by route. Large CAPs started
around 10 years ago to invest in subsea cables to have more control over the quality (security,
create extensive connectivity, diversity for a reliable network and sufficient capacity for current
and future applications). Large CAPs, therefore, use an investment strategy that prioritizes the

127 Submarine Cable Map, see:

128 Submarine Cable Map, see:
129 European Commission, Study to Monitor Connectivity Connecting the EU to its partners though submarine

cables. Final Study Report, 2020, see:

130 Submarine telecoms forum Industry report 2023-2024, see:

BoR (24) 51

need to interlink their data centres and major interconnection points. As such, they often take
significant capacity on trans-continental routes typically connecting their data centres and
interconnection points, while focusing much less than traditional carriers on other routes.
Additionally, while most telecom carriers rely on landing stations where many submarine
cables connect, large CAPs can directly connect their own data centres without having to
connect to existing landing stations.

Since 2017 large CAPs have invested over 2,4 billion euros in new cables entering or already
in service with landing points in Europe. This investment represents 10 subsea cables with a
total length of 74,141 km, with at least 1,684 Tbps of design capacity and 125 fibre pairs. 131

Figure 9. Investment in submarine cables done/planned in Europe based on the date for ready for

Source: BEREC, based on data from Subsea Cable Almanac and Telegeography

Most of these investments are done via consortium and large CAPs typically own only one or
two pairs of fibre cables.

131 BEREC, based on Subsea Cable Almanac and Telegeography.

BoR (24) 51

Table 1. Overview of Large CAPs’ investment in Subsea Cables in Europe, since 2015

Cost Countries
Name or In- CAP Ownership Year
(M€) in Europe
EXA Major capacity Ireland, United
In-service Microsoft 2015 114
Express buyer Kingdom
Meta, Major capacity
AEC-1 In-service 2016 285 Ireland
Microsoft buyer
Major capacity
buyer, Part
MAREA In-service Meta, 2017 156,8 Spain
Owner, Part
Major capacity
Havfrue/AE buyer, Part Denmark,
In-service Meta, 2020 190
C-2 Owner, Part Norway, Ireland
Dunant In-service Google Sole Owner 2021 156,8 France
Equiano Planned Google Sole Owner 2022 356,3 Portugal
Grace Spain, United
Planned Google Sole Owner 2022 161,5
Hopper Kingdom
Ireland, United
n/CeltixCon In-service Meta Part owner 2022 22,3
n/North Denmark, United
In-service Meta Part owner 2022 1.5
Sea Kingdom
Spain, France,
Italy Portugal,
2Africa Planned Meta Part owner 2023 878,7
United Kingdom,
Meta, France, United
Amitie Planned Part owner 2023 173,2
Microsoft Kingdom
France, Italy,
Blue Planned Google Part owner 2024 380
Greece, Cyprus
Planned Microsoft Part owner 2025 475 France
WE 6
Anjana Planned Meta Sole owner 2024 N/A Spain
Nuvem Planned Google Sole owner 2026 N/A Portugal
Ireland, United
Beaufort Planned Amazon Part owner 2024 N/A

Source: BEREC, based on data from Subsea Cable Almanac 132, Submarine Cable Networks
and Telegeography (Cost represents total costs for the whole systems, not per investors)

132 Submarine Cable Almanac, see:

BoR (24) 51

5.4. Relations among the main stakeholders involved

In the context of submarine cables, the main actors are ECN/ECS providers, large CAPs and
companies specialised in deploying and maintaining these submarine cables.

This shift in ownership has also led to changes in stakeholders’ relations within the industry.
Traditionally, telecommunication operators played a central role in deploying submarine
cables, setting up consortia among operators from different countries to invest in and share
cable capacity. In the past, telecommunication operators were the ones deploying this type of
infrastructure for their own use, including assets to lay the submarine cable as specialised
vessels for this purpose. Less than a decade ago, large CAPs were not involved in the
deployment of submarine cables and were mere users of the infrastructure via the connection
services they contracted with telecommunication operators in different countries. Although this
model of setting up consortia to deploy new cables still applies, the increasing traffic managed
by large CAPs and the deployment of their own data centres and CDNs have led large CAPs
to generate sufficient scale in order to make deploying their own submarine cable become a
viable business strategy, marking a significant departure from their past role as mere buyers
of telecommunication operator services.

Simultaneous investments on new cable systems also directly influences the future availability
of manufacturers and those involved in the construction and maintenance of such systems to
respond to market demands. As resources are scarce, the pressure from large CAPs to build
new submarine systems and maintain existing ones, directly influences the responsiveness of
suppliers and maintenance providers. There exist only approximately 50 cable ships in the
world, which are under very strong pressure to meet market demand.

The impact of large CAPs on access to capacity is significant. Traditional telecom service
providers may see reduced roles in transcontinental connectivity, while large CAPs deploy
cables primarily in established routes. Still, as large CAPs deploy submarine cables primary
for their own use, traditional telecommunication providers play a key role on the transmission
of data for other CAPs, connecting areas which are not economically interesting for large
CAPs, as well as centres of education, research and innovation in different continents. The
future dynamics may also depend on regulatory factors and the potential entry of new
players. 133

The international submarine cable industry is undergoing substantial transformation due to the
increasing involvement of large CAPs as infrastructure owners. This shift has profound
implications for connectivity, competition, and infrastructure investment within the sector.

133For a more detailed analysis of the stakeholders involved in the value chain for deployment and use of
submarine cables, see section 5.4 above

BoR (24) 51

5.5. Issues at stake

Submarine cables are strategic assets not only for traditional operators and large CAPs, but
also for administrations, both because most internet traffic traverse international submarine
cables and because islands (being insular countries or countries comprising archipelagos or
islands) are connected to the rest of the world via submarine cables.

First of all, there is a question on resilience, as an outage in a submarine cable being the only
high-capacity infrastructure connecting the territory implies that key critical electronic
communication services will not work. Although submarine cables are a very robust
infrastructure, along its life cycles (estimated in around 25 years), breakage and malfunction
may happen, partially due to human marine activity (e.g. fishing, anchoring) or natural causes
(e.g. volcanic eruptions). Availability of several submarine cables connecting the territory
allows for additional resilience. Europe is well connected via submarine cables and most
intercontinental routes are well protected in this sense, having several different cables
deployed by different actors connecting EU coastal countries especially to North America.

The investment by large CAPs is mainly focused on deploying submarine cables connecting
different European countries with North America. As shown in Figure 8, the transatlantic
connection with the USA and Canada is already served by a multitude of submarine cables.
As a consequence, investments by large CAPs in these routes which are already very resilient
only increase resilience for EU submarine connections to a small extent.

In this line, there appears to be a shortage of submarine cables between the EU and Latin
America, since there are only two submarine cables connecting Europe with Brazil and
Argentina: Ellalink (a cable recently deployed by Islalink) and ATLANTIS-2 (deployed in 2000
by a consortium of traditional telco operators and nearing the end of its estimated life). Large
CAPs have not and, to the knowledge of BEREC, do not have plans to deploy submarine
cables to connect Europe and Latin America, implying that a very relevant part of the traffic
between Europe and Latin America is not affected by CAP deployments and will continue to
be transmitted via the USA, adding costs and increasing risks associated with data sovereignty
for both the EU and Latin America.

As presented in previous sections, CAPs are deploying submarine cables in order to connect
their data centres and in routes already well-served by other cables. It is therefore unlikely that
more secondary routes (being national or international) will be covered by large CAPs. In this
context, it is important to ensure that submarine cables in these more secondary routes will
be renewed in due time (part of them are nearing their economic life 134), and in some situations
where the business model for private investment does not hold, public funding might be
needed to respond to this specific but important needs in terms for connectivity for Europe.

The economic life of submarine cables is around 25 years, and it depends on many different factors. At a certain

moment, the cost of maintenance and repairing faults in the long term is higher than the investment for a new
submarine cable.

BoR (24) 51

One area of concern for operators deploying submarine cables is the potential shortage of
vessels which deploy and maintain these cables. There are only around 50 of these cable
ships around the world, most of them more than 20 years old, and there is a strong demand
pressure both for deployment and repairment of submarine cables, leading to high prices and

The location of data centres and landing points for submarine cables are in close relations.
Places where several submarine cables land (“hubs” for submarine cables) are very adequate
for locating data centres, processing data coming from several countries, and the location of
data centres is a key factor to consider when selecting landing points. The investment done
by large CAPs in submarine cables is coordinated with the deployment of data centres for their
own use, and the irruption of large CAPs in the deployment and ownership of submarine
cables has implied a shift from cable topologies connecting cities to topologies more focused
on connecting data centres, that are the main requirement for large CAPs 135. This is in general
beneficial for Europe in terms of investment, as well as data sovereignty, as more data is
stored and processed in Europe rather than in third countries.

Large CAPs’ (and other actors’) investments in submarine cables tend to have a positive
impact on engineering innovations and to push the boundaries for technical efficiency,
contributing to lower latency and improved bandwidth and reliability. For example, new
submarine cable systems are equipped with technology that allows for faster and cheaper
information exchange, which ultimately lowers purchasing price per Tbit/s. The new cable
systems also enhance protection through the marine installation and burial tools, which better
protect these systems. In summary, the large investments made by some large CAPs have
had a positive impact on innovation.

6. Case study 3: Internet relay services

Internet relay services can be considered as a sort of enhanced Virtual Private Networks
(VPNs). VPNs exist in different forms and with different characteristics. In general, they build
on top of existing networks and can provide a secure communications mechanism for data
and IP information transmitted between networks. 136 The set-up of a VPN often depends on
the purpose.

An early and still very relevant purpose of VPNs is the connection of multiple sites: companies
use VPNs to create their closed (private) network environment where the infrastructure,
network management and applications are dedicated to a closed set of subscribers in their
also closed corporate environment. For example, the devices of mobile working employees
connect via the VPN to this closed corporate environment using public and untrusted networks
like the internet. Another purpose of VPNs is to increase the level of privacy of existing internet

135 Submarine telecoms forum Industry report 2023-2024, see:

136 NIST SP 800-113, see:

BoR (24) 51

connections by adding a layer of encryption (in form of an encrypted tunnel) to reduce the
possibilities of eavesdropping for sections of the data transmission. VPNs often use some
form of endpoint address translation, which leads to the next purpose of obfuscation of the
own identity or location. VPNs and internet relay services share the function to increase the
privacy, e.g. by obfuscating the own identity. There is no single solution covering all demands.
VPNs exist in multiple variations and can be set up on several layers: Link Layer, Network
Layer or Application Layer. Each way to reach the abovementioned demands introduces
certain costs to consider. An alternative to using the internet via a VPN today is to lease
circuits, or similar dedicated communications services, from the public network operators, and
create a completely private network. 137 This consists of direct payments for the leased lines,
but also of the personnel and expertise to manage the infrastructure, network and applications.
To prevent those costs, it is common to use the connectivity of the internet, and set up the
VPN on top of this at the application layer. Even when business users contract leased lines to
connect their premises, they contract a VPN on top of these leased lines at a higher layer.

To provide a protected information system link, VPNs utilise tunnelling, security controls and
endpoint address translation. 138 The encrypted tunnel provides for secure data transmission
over untrusted networks. This attribute of tunnelling makes VPNs a suitable tool for connecting
multiple trusted sites and devices over untrusted networks like the internet. For example, in
corporate environments VPNs connect laptops or smartphones with the internal company
network, even when those devices use untrusted environments like public hotspots or while
working from home. This has led to enterprise VPN solutions for this specific use-case. The
endpoint address translation allows users to obfuscate their own location to prevent some
forms of tracking or to access content usually not available in their current location. For this
use-case, a separate set of VPN providers is active on this market.

While some of such VPN providers declare a no-log policy in their privacy statements, the
VPN provider can still technically view the data traffic. Recently, the possibility for VPN
providers to build profiles of their users based on analytics of the data traffic was addressed
by several developments, leading to enhancements of those VPN services and similar
“internet relay services”. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has started working on
“Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption (masque)” in 2020 139, whose
protocols are used for example in some CAP’s internet relay services, such as Apple’s iCloud
Private Relay service 140. Google has developed a similar – however technically different –
solution for the Google One VPN service. 141 Another example is the Microsoft Edge Secure
Network which is a built-in VPN service in Microsoft’s Edge Browser. 142 All of these internet
relay services have in common that the data traffic can technically neither be viewed/decrypted

137 «What is a VPN?», Paul Ferguson and Geoff Huston, April 1998
138 CNSSI 4009-2015, see:,
139 See:
140 See:
141 See:

BoR (24) 51

by the relay service providers, nor the content be assigned to individual users of the internet
relay service. With this, neither the relay service provider, nor the ISP technically can track or
analyse the users’ data traffic.

6.1. Description of the service

Technically, internet relay services provided by CAPs work like traditional VPN services: a
“tunnel” is established from clients' endpoint (via the clients’ existing internet access) to an
“entry server” (relay #1) where the user-authentication is checked. All or certain data traffic is
transported through a tunnel and reaches the internet after exiting a second “exit server” (relay
#2). 143

The data traffic through this tunnel is encrypted, so that the internet access provider and other
network operators between the clients’ device and relay #2 have no insight into this data traffic.
At relay #1, the user is authenticated and authorised to use the internet relay service. The
data traffic is then not immediately forwarded to the internet (as it is the case with traditional
VPN services), but after the authentication the data traffic is first transferred to relay #2 where
it gets decrypted and can reach the original destination on the Internet afterwards.

Figure 10. Generic overview of the functioning of internet relay services

Legend: Green boxes represent the connectivity segments/services; Blue boxes represent the hardware and
software from the device or cloud server; Red boxes represent the client-server application that is being used.

Source: BEREC

By splitting the tasks of a single (VPN) server to different servers/institutions (i.e. relay #1 and
relay #2), the following characteristics result: the provider of relay #1 can be responsible for
managing user access and authentication while not directly handling cryptographic keys and

143Descriptions by Apple, About iCloud Private Relay - Apple Support, see:
us/102602, Google, see: and Microsoft, see:
p/3367243/page/2 in conjunction with Claudflare, see:

BoR (24) 51

thus not being able to decrypt the users’ traffic. In this case, the provider of relay #2 is
responsible for managing the decryption of the data traffic to forward it to the destination, but
relay #2 is not aware from which specific user this traffic comes from. Thus, relay #1 only
knows which user wants to transfer data without knowing the content or the destination of this
data, and relay #2 only knows the destination and the content of the data (as long as this is
not additionally encrypted) but does not know from which user this data comes from. It should
however be noted that cryptographic keys are stored in the user’s device/VPN-App/web-
browser, whose provider can also be the provider of relay #1.

Traffic transported via internet relay services does not show the actual IP address which is
assigned by the internet access provider to a user, but the IP addresses of the relay #2-
Provider. However, the source IP address is still supposed to indicate the “rough location of
the client” (i.e. terminal device), accurate to the users’ region or country. 144

6.2. Business models

There is no common or single VPN business model due to the very diverse use-cases of VPNs
explained before. On the one hand, VPNs are used to connect enterprise sites. In the case of
leased lines, large investments in physical infrastructure by a network operator is necessary,
so the physical connection of enterprise sites on the link layer can be considered separately
here. The connection of enterprise sites at the application layer via VPN application can also
be considered separately with regard to this use case in the enterprise context. On the other
hand, a use case exists for private users to increase the level of data protection in conjunction
with the concealment of their own location by using encryption technologies and address

Internet relay services aim at this last use case and typically follow subscription-based
business models. Several commercial providers of such services exist and offer subscriptions
for access to their VPN-service for monthly or yearly payment. There are also free and open-
source solutions fulfilling the same use-case, e.g. “The Onion Router” (TOR), but they do not
follow a specific business-model. TOR is available as free and open-source software without
any payments, only donations and the support of foundations secure the funding.

The internet relay services provided by the largest CAPs use the following business models
(as of January 2024):

• Apple iCloud Private Relay is part of the subscription-based service “iCloud+”. Only
subscribers of iCloud+ can activate and use iCloud Private Relay, and it works only

144 iCloud Private Relay Overview, Chapter “IP Address, Identity and Location”, see:

BoR (24) 51

with iOS/macOS-devices and when using Safari. iCloud+ costs 0.99 euros per month
and goes up to 59.99 euros per month. 145

• The service offered by Google is part of the subscription-based service “Google One”.
Only subscribers of Google One can use the Internet relay service by Google One on
their Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac devices. Google One costs 1.99 euros per
month or 19.99 euros per year and goes up to 9.99 euros per month or 99.99 euros
per year. 146 The Google One VPN is also included in any Google Pixel 8 Smartphone
for the first 6 month. 147

• Microsoft Edge Secure Network is built in the web-browser Edge and is free to use for
users who signed in with their (cost-free) Microsoft-Account, with an allowance of 5 GB
data traffic per month.

6.3. Relations among the main stakeholders involved

Figure 11 shows the elements and relations of internet relay services within the internet
ecosystem. In general, the internet relay service is implemented on the application layer of
end-users’ devices – either as a stand-alone app or included in the OS or web-browser. The
app gets authenticated by relay #1, and afterwards the encrypted data traffic goes through
relay #2 where it gets decrypted and forwarded to the original destination (target server).

The CAP cannot see the users’ IP-address and eventually a precise network-based location
anymore. However, authentication of the single user by other means than the IP-address is
still possible (e.g. via an account of the user with the target service). And it is also still possible
to locate the user by other means (e.g. precise location via GNSS of the device).

From the internet access providers’ view, the use of internet relay service affects the provision
of the IAS to the customers in a way that the network-dimensioning and interconnection-
agreements may need to be reconsidered and also the ability of the IAS provider to analyse
its customers behaviour based on traffic analysis.

145 See:

146 See:
147 See:

BoR (24) 51

Figure 11. Relations between users, CAPs, IAS providers and internet relay services

Legend: Green boxes represent the connectivity segments/services; Blue boxes represent the hardware and
software from the device or cloud server; Red boxes represent the client-server application that is being used.

Source: BEREC

Internet relay service differ from traditional VPN services in several ways. In most cases, the
provider of traditional VPNs can access and analyse the data traffic. In the case of enterprise
VPNs, it is in the intention of the company for example to filter the internet traffic and prevent
the transmission of malicious software. However, with internet relay services which split the
data traffic between two entities running the two relay servers, it is more difficult for the
operator of relay #1 to gain any insight of the data traffic and the operator of relay #2 cannot
associate the traffic with any user. With this split, the use-case of an enterprise VPN cannot
be fulfilled by internet relay services. Enterprise VPNs and internet relay services aim at
different markets and are not in competition to each other.

VPN services can also be used to obfuscate the users’ location and allow them to get access
to location-restricted content. Internet relay services could not be used for this purpose since
a rough location would still be provided. Therefore, such services are not substitutes of, and
not competing with, VPN services in this use case.

6.4. First insights on the service

VPN and internet relay services are typically used to ensure confidentiality by encrypting the
data traffic directly on the users’ devices or in the users’ domain. This can affect internet
access providers and other actors in several ways, some of which are analysed here below.
The list is not meant to be exhaustive.

BoR (24) 51

6.4.1. Traffic identification and management

When users make use of a private relay or VPN service, Internet access providers can still
identify the origin and the destination on an individual basis for data transport in order to
reliably route data packets to and from their users. However, insight into the content of the
data traffic is technically no longer possible, since the data traffic is transported through the
encrypted tunnel (and it is important to note that such deep packet inspection is legally not
allowed for the ISP). The (public and un-encrypted) IP addresses in the data packets can also
still be viewed, both by the internet access provider and by other network operators.

This means that services based on user identification (e.g. self-service portals) remain
possible only when the identification is done on the application layer, not on the network layer
anymore. This is also true for the case of a web browser-based use: the browser-based access
of websites which rely on network-based identification information will no longer be possible
since browser’ data traffic is transmitted through the tunnel and therefore cannot be identified
and charged by the internet access provider.

However, in principle, VPN or internet relay services do not make it more difficult to use and
control the network efficiently, since the data traffic would be concentrated towards the
VPN/relay service providers, and all traffic originally transported to different destinations and
interconnection points now can be transported to the interconnection towards the VPN/relay
service provider. Nevertheless, these changes of traffic flow certainly lead to changes in the
utilization of an internet access providers’ current interconnections in case the number of users
of internet relay service will significantly increase, and this may have implications for its
network topography. In such a case, the internet access provider would have to re-negotiate
existing interconnection agreements or set up new interconnection agreements to fulfil their
customers’ demands of high-quality connections to the providers of internet relay services (i.e.
currently the large CAPs Apple, Google and Microsoft). Against this background, internet relay
services may ceteris paribus imply a certain shift of relative bargaining power towards CAPs
that provide such services, as well as a shift concerning which connections are prioritised or
developed. 148

6.4.2. ECS operators’ services (self-service portal, payment, speed tests)

As explained above, users cannot be identified by the internet access provider based on
network-related information anymore when any form of VPN is used. Thus, the use of payment
services or self-service portals which are based on IP traffic identification may have to be
adapted to other means of user identification (e.g. by web access authentication with
usernames and passwords, public-key authentication, token-based authentication or
credentials stored on a SIM).

148It should be noted that internet relay services are just one factor impacting on the relative bargaining power
between the parties involved.

BoR (24) 51

Speed tests can – from a technical point of view – continue to work but the results may be
misleading. Indeed, when activated, the internet relay services and other internet
infrastructure are included in the measurement results, thus making the result about the IAS
flawed and not meaningful anymore due to a lack of assignment. This can be avoided if the
users of a speed test are explicitly advised/required to deactivate VPN or internet relay
services during the measurement.

6.4.3. Network security and privacy

The security and resilience of networks is not compromised by transmitting encrypted traffic.
The task of an internet access provider is to transport data, regardless of the type, content or
quantity of the data.

As noted above, when internet relay services are activated, it is still possible to identify users
and to differentiate traffic categories when separate treatment is necessary (for example in
case of specialised services). However, ECS providers cannot read or influence their
customers’ data traffic anymore due to their use of encryption, such that internet access
providers can no longer block certain destinations/websites for their users.

However, lawful interception is still possible, where internet access providers are able to
intercept communications data. This data can be provided to the authorities only in encrypted
form, as opposed to clear text. This encrypted format provided to authorities is not just the
case for internet relay services or VPNs, but is the norm generally, due to a trend towards
higher demands in relation to the citizens’ privacy and the increasing use of encryption on
different layers and in more and more applications.

6.4.4. Impact on traffic concentration and innovation

Internet relay services are made possible by innovative transport protocols such as QUIC and
represent a contribution to increasing data security and privacy. However, it should be noted
that data traffic is concentrated to a single destination which is controlled by large CAPs at the
moment. While other enhanced VPN providers can offer such internet relay services, large
CAPs may have a competitive advantage since users use closely related services (e.g. web
browsers or operating systems) of such CAPs. In some cases, the internet relay services by
large CAPs may even be exclusively bundled with other software of the CAP. This may lead
to a bigger lock-in effect and an additional manifestation of the market position of the large
CAP, since users may stick to the CAPs ecosystem and do not switch to other – maybe better
fitting – providers.

The impact of internet relay services on online advertising and, in particular, on digital services
whose business model relies on users’ data monetisation, should also be considered,
especially when these services are provided by the actors which could compete with the CAPs
proposing internet relay services.

BoR (24) 51

Finally, the concentration of traffic to few internet relay service providers might also lead to a
devaluation of many small interconnections, while positively affecting the reachability of the
large CAPs since the interconnections with them need to be upgraded and prepared. 149

7. Restrictions on access to services or functionalities by

OS providers
Recent technological developments and specific services provided by large CAPs – and in
particular by providers of OS – can sometimes restrict ECS/ECN providers’ ability to correctly
provide access to services or to the network. The potential concerns mentioned in this chapter
relate to the elements in the internet ecosystem that are mainly controlled by large CAPs and
BEREC is exploring these issues given their potential impact on competition and investment
for ECS.

The examples below are based on stakeholders’ feedback received by BEREC and NRAs in
the last years. Therefore, they are not meant to be exhaustive and sometimes concern only
potential issues.

7.1. OS & key features for the provision of access services

Over the last years, regulators have been made increasingly aware of issues involving
operators and some device manufacturers and OS providers concerning the access to
essential features of devices.

In particular, such issues may involve the configuration of technical settings for core features
supported by the network and device typically related to the provisioning of ECS, such as
voice, messaging and data services 150. GSMA has published some recommendations 151 on a
framework for device manufacturers/OS providers and MNOs to assist them to configure
devices and ensure they can support services offered by the MNO. However, these
customisation packages are deployed using a mechanism under the control of the device
manufacturer/OS provider (while the deployment of such a mechanism is out of scope of
GSMA Recommendations), which may raise challenges for some operators.

149 The issue of IP-interconnection will be analysed in the “BEREC Report on the IP interconnection ecosystem”,
to be approved in 2024. BoR (23) 210, BEREC Work Programme 2024, 07.12.2023, see:
150 It should be noted that the issues described do not relate to applications layer customisations including

deployment of MNO specific apps, UI (User Interface) customisation and branding assets.
151 The configurations would typically take place upon first insertion of a SIM by a process called “Late

Customization”. Refer to GSMA Recommendation published in May 2022 “Technical Adaptation of Devices
Through Late Customization” Version 11.0, see:

BoR (24) 51

For instance, MVNOs have often highlighted 152 through their association MVNO Europe that
major device manufacturers and/or OS providers are not making some key features of their
devices, necessary for the provisioning of APN-related services (data traffic, MMS, mobile
hotspots), the provisioning of IMS-based services (VoLTE, VoWiFi, specific messaging
services such as visual voice mail) or even 5G access available to MVNOs. According to these
MVNOs, the concerned manufacturers are either blocking or have made no efforts to ensure
(after specific requests from MVNOs) that these features correctly work with every operator’s
profile, in the absence of a carrier partner agreement with the manufacturer. Carrier partner
agreements seem to be often unavailable or not suitable for smaller operators (both MNOs
and MVNOs, as they also encompass, for example, large-scale sales agreements). As a
consequence, these operators face issues in setting up all functionalities of the devices. In
some cases, MVNOs report that they maintain two different infrastructures (light and full-
MVNO) just to be able to get access to the carrier profile of their hosts as a light MVNO; this
situation could imply an additional burden to the business model of these actors, which in
many cases are relatively smaller market players.

7.2. OS & eSIM

Whereas the usage of SIM cards has enabled a seamless functioning between operators
(whether they are MNOs or MVNOs) and handset manufacturers, the adoption of eSIM and
iSIM enables the device manufacturer or OS provider to be in control of the network profiles
loaded onto its devices. Hence, operators not identified by the device manufacturer have
difficulties setting up their network profile on the corresponding devices chosen by their end
users. The forecasted adoption of eSIM and iSIM as a standard for many types of connected
devices can be a source of concern, given the fact that manufacturers could choose to restrict
to some extent the number of compatible network profiles and seek to prioritise commercial
partnerships in their carrier agreement policy.

This situation could have consequences on the market dynamics of ECS services and the
ability to freely choose and switch between telecommunication operators. 153

152BoR PC12 (22) 08, Contribution of MVNO Europe contribution to the public consultation on the Draft BEREC
Report on the Internet Ecosystem, 22.07.2022, see:

as well as BoR PC04 (21) 10, Contribution by MVNO Europe contribution to the public consultation on the BEREC
Draft Report on the ex-ante regulation of digital gatekeepers, 04.05.2021, see:
153 BoR (23) 41, Study on wholesale connectivity, trends and issues for emerging mobile technologies and

deployments, 13.04.2023, see:


BoR (24) 51

7.3. OS & slicing

Network slices provide end-to-end logical networks to different industries/users allowing
customization, dedication, and isolation of network resources. As far as the deployment of 5G
network slicing functionalities is concerned, some operators identify potential issues in their
relation to manufacturers, and more precisely OS providers. To correctly identify and transmit
traffic according to the specifications of the slices put in place by operators, an interaction
between the network and the device is necessary. This interaction is materialized through the
UE Route Selection Policy (URSP) rule matching logic, that determines which URSP rules, if
any, match an application as specified by 3GPP standards.

The OS provider plays a special role in this context. This is due to the fact that the routing of
the application to the slice depends on the OS of the end-user, and in some situations the
operator has to apply a configuration designed by the OS provider to connect the application
and the slice. This configuration is specific to the OS provider and not directly linked to 3GPP
standards, because schematically the signal goes through the following steps:
app->OS->modem->network; only the interface between modem and network is based on
3GPP standards. Therefore, in such situations 154Error! Bookmark not defined. the OS
determines how the device, as well as applications on the device access the slice, which
means that operators cannot control the slice from end to end, in particular regarding the
consistency of the QoS for each application. It should be noted that the GSMA has set up a
task force within its Terminal Steering Group aimed to facilitate operator and vendor alignment
in order to discuss how such gaps could be fulfilled besides other issues where the user’s
device might be involved in the provisioning of network slicing (including authentication and
authorization mechanisms for network slicing).

Given the concentration of the consumer market for device OS 155, there is a risk that major
OS providers are in a position to impose de facto standardisation to the slicing identification
mechanism and that as an effect, operators may lose part of the control over which traffic
corresponds to each slice. This evolution has to be monitored with the principle of Open
Internet in mind, as there could be issues related to the free choice of the device by the users
and the respect of reasonable traffic management. Also, as a consequence, this lack of control
could mean that value generating possibilities for operators concerning slicing may be limited,
despite slicing and differentiation possibilities being identified as one of the potential levers for
new business models on a 5G SA network.

The control of the network operator over the provisioning of the slices, as well as over the
identification mechanism, does not pre-empt the type of offers that can be provided over the

154 This is the case when App ID and OS ID are used as entries for the traffic descriptor to determine whether a
URSP rule matches or not.
155 As stated in BEREC’s Report BoR (22) 167 on the Internet Ecosystem, the mobile OS market in Europe is

mainly split between Android (63.6% market share by 2022) and iOS (35.7%)

BoR (24) 51

network, and it does also not prevent the end-users from having a control over the applications
and the slices they want to use.

Similar questions arise concerning material that is used by private 5G networks (e.g. for
industrial purposes). Clients of such solutions might find themselves confronted to limitations
when using equipment of some vendors and OS providers that have not foreseen, or
sometimes banned, the use of their equipment in the configuration of a private network. This
limits the availability of suitable equipment for 5G private networks, which is per se an issue
on the market, and inhibits the development of hybrid solutions based on private and public

7.4. OS & Rich Communication Services

Rich Communication Services (RCS) is a standard of messaging meant to replace traditional
SMS with new and more interactive features, especially multimedia transmission. When using
RSC, end-to-end connectivity must be ensured, as mandated by Article 97 EECC.

The original standard for RCS was developed by the GSMA between 2008 and 2016.
Following the publication of specifications known as the “universal profile” in 2016, the
implementation of RCS has been supported by several MNOs, OEMs and CAPs. Among
those, the implementation of RCS within the messaging services of the Android OS (Messages
by Google) has led to quick uptake, as it was gradually rolled out as a default feature of this

To use RCS, the OS needs to enable it and partnerships must be available on equal terms
with all ISPs.

Even though end-users had to opt in to use the Android RCS in its first years of existence, the
fact that it was the only RCS app available, and a native messaging app installed on the
device, resulted in a quick uptake of this provider-specific solution. The uptake might
accelerate again as Google announced in August 2023 156 that RCS would be enabled by
default (and an opt-out option) for new and existing Android users (provided they use a
compatible device and MNO carrier profile).

Notwithstanding, take up of MNO-specific RCS solutions, based on upgraded standards

developed by the GSMA, including developments on technical and commercial interoperability
between providers, seems to be ending 157. In this context, it may be useful to monitor if the

157 Vodafone waves goodbye to RCS, shifts over to Google (, see:; RCS
discontinuation & alternatives – Help | Swisscom, see:;
Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile kill RCS plans (, see:

BoR (24) 51

choice between RCS providers exist and can be made in an easy, explicit way, and if
interoperability between different types of providers can be promoted or enforced. The
implementation of the DMA might be relevant in that regard.

Some additional issues that BEREC also considers as useful to be explored:

• Legal obligations (e.g. legal interceptions): it is important to verify if the same standard
of obligations can be applied to RCS services. For example, there is currently no
guarantee that legal interceptions can be performed on RCS services, especially when
they are provided by a CAP.

• Transparency towards operators on the statistics of usage of these services: when the
RCS platform is provided by a CAP, ECS operators can lose their vision of the actual
usage of these services and be unable to have up to date statistics.

• Availability of Google RCS services for every ECS operator profile (also MVNOs or
smaller operators): currently, RCS services provided by Google are rolled out (and
made available to the end-users) on the basis of agreements with each of the ISPs on
the market, and smaller operators should have access to the RCS platform on the
same terms.

• Cross platform interoperability: in the current form of the roll-out of RCS services,
interoperability is not taken for granted. If RCS as a standard becomes a popular
alternative to traditional texting, it can be detrimental to have end-users unable to reach
users on other RCS platforms. Unlike other typical instant messaging services, end-
users are not able to install by themselves competing RCS solutions if these have not
been rolled out on their ISPs network.

• Availability and use of RCS on Apple devices: Apple’s iMessage messaging app also
tends to replace traditional operator messaging services as the default communication
canal between two Apple devices. Apple devices do not support the RCS standard
that could compete with iMessage. However, Apple announced in November 2023 158
that it would enable the RCS standard on its devices in 2024. At the time of writing of
this report, it has yet to be confirmed how apps based on the RCS standard will work
alongside iMessage, which seems to remain the default messaging solution for Apple

It deserves to be noted that, while RCS are ECS, the elements of the device or the software
that are concerned by the potential restrictions mentioned here above do not fall within the
regulatory scope of BEREC members under the EECC.

158 See:

BoR (24) 51

OSs are core platform services under the Digital Markets Act, and BEREC will keep monitoring
the evolution of the OS providers’ practices in light of the application of the DMA obligations
in order to tackle the impact on ECS/ECN regulation.

Table 2. Overview of a selection of current/potential restrictions on access to services or

functionalities by OS providers

Effect Potential issues Possible implications

OS -> MNO/MVNO Specific partner agreement Data traffic, MMS or mobile hotspots
needed for MNO/MVNOs to are unavailable for customers of the
configure APN related concerned operator and device
service manufacturer
OS -> MNO/MVNO Specific partner agreement VoLTE, VoWiFi, messaging services
needed for MNO/MVNOs to are unavailable for customers of the
configure IMS related concerned operator and device
services manufacturer
Device manufacturer or OS Difficulty in setting up the Customers of the concerned operator
-> MNO/MVNO network profile of an are unable to use the equipment
MNO/MVNO in the absence linked to the eSIM or iSIM
of a preloaded network
profile on an eSIM or iSIM
OS-> device manufacturer Potential predominance of Difficulties to make network slicing
or MNO OS on the authentication work accordingly to the plans and
and authorization provisions of the MNO, potential
mechanisms for network transparency problem for traffic
slicing management and possible limitation
in choice of equipment for the end-
OS -> competing RCS Predominance of OS- Difficulty or impossibility to install
applications and traditional backed RCS app competing apps, migration of
messaging services traditional ECS usage towards the
OS backed solution

8. Conclusions
Large CAPs have traditionally provided services on the client and server sides of the internet
ecosystem. However, in recent years, they have increasingly invested in network
infrastructure and provided services related to ECN and ECS, or qualifying as such.

This report provides an overview of the impact of large CAPs on the markets for ECN and
ECS in Europe. BEREC has already highlighted 159 how the accumulation of a significant
variety of the internet ecosystem elements in the hand of a few Big Tech companies can have
important consequences, such as leading to market concentration (as it is the case e.g. for

159BoR (22) 167, BEREC Report on the Internet Ecosystem, see:

BoR (24) 51

cloud services, instant messaging, and OS), or affecting internet traffic and the decentralised
approach on which the internet was created.

In order to better analyse the implications of the CAPs’ presence and strategies in ECS/ECN
markets, three case studies focusing on CDNs, submarine cables and internet relay services,
are carried out.

The commercial CDN services market in Europe currently appears to be concentrated around
few players, as significant investments are required to have the necessary geographical
coverage and capillarity to enter the market. Such concentration is expected to grow
significantly in the coming years. Previously, large CAPs relied on commercial CDNs providers
for their services, but in recent years they have been increasingly rolling out their own CDN
infrastructure networks. They mostly use it for self-provision but also partly provide CDN
services to third-parties, thus directly competing with commercial CDN providers. Moreover,
on the one hand, the roll-out of CDNs by large CAPs – often on the ISP’s network (i.e. on-net
CDN) – exerts competitive pressure on the business model of transit providers; while on the
other hand, on-net CDNs allow to reduce cooperatively capacity costs for ISPs by locating
content closer to end-users.

The submarine cable ecosystem and the relations among stakeholders have significantly
evolved in the last few years: large CAPs have transformed from mere direct or indirect
customers of wholesale capacity, to the owners and investors in transport network
infrastructure. They have become the driving force behind a significant portion of newly-
deployed high-capacity systems: they are currently responsible for more than 60% of the
international traffic transits through submarine cables and are able to lease capacity on some
of their cables to the ECN/ECS providers. In this context, while large CAPs deploy submarine
cables primary for their own use, traditional ECS/ECN providers still play a key role on the
transmission of data for other CAPs, connecting areas which may not be economically
profitable. Moreover, by primarily interconnecting their data centres and regional PoPs to data
centres, large CAPs’ investments have limited impact on the global network resilience.

Many large CAPs also provide internet relay services, which are used to ensure confidentiality
by encrypting the data traffic directly on the users’ devices or in the users’ domain. The report
analyses the potential impact on internet access providers. Lawful interception still appears to
be possible, where internet access providers are able to intercept communications data.
Moreover, in principle, such services do not make it more difficult to use and control the
network efficiently, but changes in the traffic flow impacts on the utilisation of an internet
access providers’ current interconnections, as well as on the decentralised approach of the
internet architecture. Finally, as far as users’ confidentiality of data is concerned, it should be
noted that cryptographic keys are stored in the user’s device/VPN-App/web-browser.

Furthermore, BEREC is aware of some potential issues which deserve to be further analysed
to evaluate their impact on the ECS markets. Indeed, recent technological developments and
specific services provided by large CAPs (and in particular by OS providers) can sometimes
restrict ECN/ECS providers’ ability to correctly give access to services or to the network itself.

BoR (24) 51

Typical examples include the access to 5G slicing functionalities or other restrictions to the
provision of the slices, the potential implications of provider-specific solutions for standardised
services (e.g. RCS), as well as the difficulties that some MVNOs and smaller mobile operators
seem to face in setting up some functionalities of the devices (e.g. APN-related services,
VoLTE, VoWiFi) or in configuring the network profile when eSIMs are used.

To sum up, BEREC’s analysis highlights how large CAPs insource what was formerly
purchased from traditional ECN/ECS providers to a large degree. Indeed, large CAPs have
deployed their own physical infrastructure, such as CDNs and data centres, as well as network
infrastructure, such as submarine cables. By building their own large autonomous systems,
they rely to a significantly less extent, or not at all, on long-distance transit provided by
ECN/ECS operators. Simultaneously, they also impact the overall network topography, e.g.
by creating direct connections to data centres or incentivising the prioritisation of high-quality
connections to particular sites.

The relations between large CAPs and ECS/ECN operators can take several forms: i) CAPs
and ECS/ECN operators offer complementary services, which mutually increase each other’s
demand (e.g. operators providing broadband internet access services and CAPs provide
content and applications; the devices and OS by large CAPs being sold together with an
operator’s bundle offer; set-top boxes integrating both access to the internet and to OTT
services or to voice assistants), and ii) several cooperation partnerships between ECS
providers and CAPs can be observed at the national level. However, these actors are also iii)
direct competitors, as it is the case for e.g. voice and messaging services, video-streaming
content platforms vs. linear television and IPTV, cloud service provision, CDNs, submarine
cables, as well as for access networks such as LEO satellites, 5G private networks for
businesses, and, in some non-European countries, fibre networks.

This report highlights several issues which can raise some challenges in the context of
ECS/ECN regulation, and which could be further investigated by BEREC in the future. In order
to carry out evidence and fact-based analyses, BEREC stresses the need to collect relevant
data from the actors who can have an impact on the ECS/ECN markets which are regulated.
The EECC revision provides an opportunity to adapt the regulatory framework and ensure that
the current or potential issues can be correctly tackled.

9. Future work
In line with BEREC’s strategic priority to support competitive, sustainable and open digital
markets 160, BEREC will keep monitoring and analysing the markets that may be significantly
impacted by the digital players.

160BoR (23) 48, BEREC Action Plan for 2030, 09.03.2023, see:

BoR (24) 51

This report highlights some topics which BEREC could further investigate in the future. This is
for instance the case for the increasing investment of CAPs in data centres in Europe and their
impact on the provision of ECN/ECS.

Moreover, building on the “Study to Monitor Connectivity-Connecting the EU to its partners

through submarine cables” prepared by PwC for the EC in July 2021, BEREC could update
the information on submarine cables capacity and resilience for Europe, and provide a detailed
overview of the level of congestion and resiliency of the routes in each country. In this line, it
could also be interesting to analyse: i) different EU maritime areas (e.g., Atlantic, Baltic,
Mediterranean Sea); ii) the direct connectivity between the EU and Latin America (in
collaboration with Regulatel), the direct connectivity between the EU and Africa; iii) the
international and national connection for island countries (e.g. Cyprus, Iceland, Ireland or
Malta) and islands/archipelagos in other countries, or maritime connections for close countries
through the sea (for example, Finland and Estonia).

Further analysis on the issues raised by the MVNOs associations on potential restrictions
imposed by OS providers would also be interesting. This could be done by means of
questionnaires, interviews or workshops with MVNOs, OS providers and consumer
associations. The potential effects on IoT could also be explored.

Furthermore, the impact of large digital ecosystems on business communications services

(usually bundled with other services such as cloud and software) and the implications for the
ECS providers could be further explored.

In order to carry out evidence- and fact-based analyses, BEREC stresses the need to collect
relevant data from the actors who can have an impact on the ECS/ECN markets which are
regulated by its members. BEREC believes that its data-collection powers would deserve to
be reinforced in the context of the EECC revision. Such revision may also be the opportunity
to clarify the qualification of some services/network which are very closely related to the

Finally, BEREC will continue to collaborate with the EU institutions, both for the
implementation of the Digital Markets Act and the Data Act, as well as any other regulatory
instruments for elements in the internet ecosystem.

BoR (24) 51

Annex 1: Evolution of voice and SMS as compared to 2012

The graph in Figure 12 compares call minutes (adding both fixed and mobile call minutes) and
SMS volumes from 2009 to 2022 with regards to their respective level in 2012. It is based on
data from 19 European countries, 161 adding up the volumes of minutes and SMS across these
countries. In total, SMS increased until 2012 and then dropped while call minutes remained
fairly stable (with an increase in the pandemic period).

Figure 12. Evolution of call minutes and SMS volumes from 2009 to 2022, as compared to 2012


2012 = 100%





2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

SMS Minutes (fixed and mobile)

Minutes based on data from 19 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Greece, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia,

SMS based on data from 19 countries: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany,
Ireland, Italy, Greece, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain

Source: From BEREC data collection

Figure 13 and Figure 14 show that the trends are different across countries. The line “Total”
is the same as in Figure 12. In addition to the countries listed in Figure 12, some other
countries were added, for which data were not available over the entire period 2009-2022.

161 The list of countries differs between minutes and SMS.

BoR (24) 51

These countries are Belgium, Ireland, and Montenegro for call minutes and Belgium,
Montenegro for SMS.

Figure 13. Evolution of call minutes volume from 2005 to 2022, with regards to 2012 level










2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic

Denmark Finland France Germany Greece
Ireland Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malta Montenegro
Norway Poland Portugal Romania Serbia
Slovenia Spain Total

Source: From BEREC data collection

BoR (24) 51

Figure 14. Evolution of exchanged SMS volume from 2005 to 2022, with regards to 2012 level










2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Austria Belgium Bulgaria Croatia Czech Republic

Finland France Germany Greece Ireland
Italy Liechtenstein Luxembourg Malta Montenegro
Norway Portugal Romania Serbia Slovenia
Spain Total

Source: From BEREC data collection

BoR (24) 51

Annex 2: List of abbreviations

API Application Programming Interface

BEREC Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications

CAP Content and Application Provider

CDN Content Delivery Networks

CPS Core Platform Service

DMA Digital Markets Act

DSA Digital Service Act

EC European Commission

ECN Electronic Communications Network

ECS Electronic Communications Services

EECC European Electronic Communications Code

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute

IAS Internet Access Service

ICS Interpersonal Communication Services

ISP Internet Service Provider

ITU International Telecommunication Union

NI-ICS Number-Independent Interpersonal Communication Services

NRA National Regulatory Authorities

OS Operating System

OTT Over-the-top

PoPs Points of Presence

PPP Public Private Partnerships

SMS Short Message Service

VPN Virtual Private Network

BoR (24) 51

Annex 3: List of figures and tables

Figure 1. The elements in the internet ecosystem ................................................................. 7
Figure 2. CAPs average investment in infrastructure by period. ............................................ 9
Figure 3. Larger CAPs investment in Capex, 2015-2022..................................................... 11
Figure 4. Nine major CAPs’ presence and PoPs in EEA countries. ..................................... 11
Figure 5. Generic overview of the functioning of CDN ......................................................... 24
Figure 6. Top CDNs for HTML requests on mobile .............................................................. 27
Figure 7. Main relationships between content providers, CDN providers, ISP and end-users
........................................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 8. Subsea Cables Map in Europe, 2023 ................................................................... 35
Figure 9. Investment in submarine cables done/planned in Europe based on the date for ready
for service ........................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 10. Generic overview of the functioning of internet relay services ............................ 42
Figure 11. Relationships between users, CAPs, IAS providers and internet relay services . 45
Figure 12. Evolution of call minutes and SMS volumes from 2009 to 2022, as compared to
2012 ................................................................................................................................... 57
Figure 13. Evolution of call minutes volume from 2005 to 2022, with regards to 2012 level 58
Figure 14. Evolution of exchanged SMS volume from 2005 to 2022, with regards to 2012 level
........................................................................................................................................... 59

Table 1. Overview of Large CAPs’ investment in Subsea Cables in Europe, since 2015..... 37
Table 2. Overview of a selection of current/potential restrictions on access to services or
functionalities by OS providers ............................................................................................ 53


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