Surgical Treatments For Epilepsy.14
Surgical Treatments For Epilepsy.14
Surgical Treatments For Epilepsy.14
Surgical Treatments
for Epilepsy
By George W. Culler IV, MD; Barbara C. Jobst, MD, Dr Med, FAAN
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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: More than 20 new antiseizure medications have been
approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the past
3 decades; however, outcomes in newly diagnosed epilepsy have not
improved, and epilepsy remains drug resistant in up to 40% of patients.
Evidence supports improved seizure outcomes and quality of life in those
who have undergone epilepsy surgery, but epilepsy surgery remains
underutilized. This article outlines indications for epilepsy surgery,
describes the presurgical workup, and summarizes current available
surgical approaches.
2022;28(2, EPILEPSY):536–558. RECENT FINDINGS: Class I evidence has demonstrated the superiority of
resective surgery compared to medical therapy for seizure control and
Address correspondence to
Dr George W. Culler, Geisel quality of life in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy. The use of minimally
School of Medicine at Dartmouth, invasive options, such as laser interstitial thermal therapy and stereotactic
Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical
radiosurgery, are alternatives to resective surgery in well-selected
Center, One Medical Center
Dr, Lebanon, NH 03766, George. patients. Neuromodulation techniques, such as responsive
[email protected]. neurostimulation, deep brain stimulation, and vagus nerve stimulation,
offer a suitable alternative, especially in those where resective surgery is
Dr Culler reports no disclosure. contraindicated or where patients prefer nonresective surgery. Although
Dr Jobst has received personal neuromodulation approaches reduce seizure frequency, they are less
compensation of $20,000 for
serving as an Associate Editor likely to be associated with seizure freedom than resective surgery.
on Neurology. The institution of
Dr Jobst has received research SUMMARY: Appropriate patients with drug-resistant epilepsy benefit from
support from the American
Epilepsy Society, the Centers epilepsy surgery. If two well-chosen and tolerated medication trials do not
for Disease Control and achieve seizure control, referral to a comprehensive epilepsy center for a
Prevention, the Department of
Defense, the Epilepsy
thorough presurgical workup and discussion of surgical options is
Foundation, Harvard Pilgrim appropriate. Mounting Class I evidence supports a significantly higher
Health Care, Inc, the National chance of stopping disabling seizures with surgery than with further
Institutes of Health, and
NeuroPace, Inc.
medication trials.
Drs Culler and Jobst discuss
the unlabeled/investigational pilepsy is considered drug resistant if at least two appropriately chosen
use of neurostimulation for the and used antiseizure medications have failed to control seizures.1
treatment of refractory
Despite the availability of many new antiseizure medications with
generalized epilepsy. differing mechanisms of action, outcomes in newly diagnosed epilepsy
have not improved, and the proportion of patients with drug-resistant
© 2022 American Academy epilepsy is up to 40%.2-4 Drug-resistant epilepsy is associated with high rates of
of Neurology. morbidity, including loss of independence, depression, neurologic impairment
and well-tolerated
three randomized controlled trials comparing surgical to medical management
antiseizure medications.
have demonstrated resective surgical treatment is safe and effective for
drug-resistant epilepsy.6-8 Several randomized controlled trials and long-term ● One-third of patients with
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open-label studies have also reported good seizure outcomes with the use of epilepsy have drug-resistant
neurostimulation (vagus nerve stimulation [VNS], responsive neurostimulation epilepsy. Drug-resistant
epilepsy is associated with
[RNS], and deep brain stimulation [DBS]) for drug-resistant epilepsy.9-11 higher rates of morbidity
Additionally, modern minimally invasive techniques, such as laser interstitial (eg, loss of independence,
thermal therapy (LITT) and stereotactic radiosurgery, are becoming popular depression, worse quality of
options in certain epilepsy centers. Overall, surgery may result in up to a 70% life) and mortality.
seizure freedom rate in carefully selected patients with drug-resistant epilepsy.12 ● Epilepsy surgery
evaluation is appropriate for
Despite evidence supporting the efficacy of epilepsy surgery and practice seizures that continue to
occur despite treatment
parameters published by the American Academy of Neurology advising referral
with two appropriately
to an epilepsy center for surgical evaluation, epilepsy surgery remains chosen antiseizure
underutilized, with estimates of under 1% of eligible candidates referred for medications.
surgical evaluation.13 A 2020 study of children with epilepsy also concluded only
about 1% of children with a diagnostic code of drug-resistant epilepsy according ● Evaluation for surgery
begins at an established
to the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification comprehensive epilepsy
(ICD-9-CM) received epilepsy surgical procedures.14 Although the center, where the diagnosis
above-mentioned studies have limitations, the low rates of epilepsy surgery are of epilepsy is confirmed.
likely multifactorial. Barriers include access issues (eg, lack of nearby epilepsy
program, transportation, lack of health insurance, inability to take time off
work), negative attitudes toward or fear of surgery, and lack of general education
or knowledge among referring providers and patients about epilepsy and
epilepsy surgery. TABLE 11-1 lists common misconceptions about epilepsy
The goal of the presurgical evaluation in patients with drug-resistant epilepsy is
to best identify the cortical area that is generating seizures, which, when
removed by surgery, will result in seizure freedom. This is referred to as the
epileptogenic zone, which is a theoretical concept defined as the minimum
amount of cortex that must be resected to produce seizure freedom.18 To best
Misconception Fact
All drugs need to be tried Seizure freedom is unlikely after two drugs have failed
Bilateral EEG spikes are a contraindication to surgery Patients with unilateral-onset seizures usually have
bilateral spikes
Normal MRI is a contraindication to surgery Other techniques often detect a single epileptogenic zone
in patients with normal MRIs
Multiple or diffuse lesions on MRI are a The epileptogenic zone may involve only a part of the lesion
contraindication to surgery
Surgery is not possible if primary cortex is involved Essential functions can be localized and protected
Surgery will make memory worse if the patient has Poor memory usually will not get worse and could get better
an existing memory deficit
Chronic psychosis is a contraindication to surgery Outcome depends on the type of epilepsy and the type
of surgery
IQ less than 70 is a contraindication to surgery Outcome depends on the type of epilepsy and the type
of surgery
Patients with focal epilepsy and a focal lesion can have the Focal lesions can be incidental findings unrelated to
lesion removed without detailed presurgical evaluation the epilepsy; epileptogenicity of a lesion should always
be confirmed
Generalized epilepsy is a contraindication to surgery Appropriately selected patients with generalized epilepsy
may be candidates for deep brain stimulation, vagus nerve
stimulation, or potentially thalamic responsive
monitoring for interictal and ictal analysis to confirm the diagnosis of epilepsy
and correlate the patient’s reported symptomatology to aid in localization of the
seizure-onset zone.19,20 Antiseizure medications are often reduced to record
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several seizures and ensure that the patient is having only one seizure type.
Modifications to a standard 10-20 electrode placement may include additional
Ascertains all relevant past history and epilepsy risk factors (eg, history of
prolonged febrile convulsions, meningoencephalitis, family history of
epilepsy, head trauma)
General medical and neurologic examination Identifies focal neurologic deficits, which suggest an underlying lesion or
diagnosis of a syndrome associated with epilepsy (ie, neurocutaneous
abnormalities in tuberous sclerosis complex or Sturge-Weber syndrome)
Video-EEG monitoring Confirms the diagnosis of epilepsy; interictal and ictal analysis provides
information regarding the lateralization and localization of the
Interictal EEG
epileptogenic zone
Ictal EEG
Seizure symptomatology
Neuropsychological assessment Provides preoperative baseline and predicts risk of cognitive decline with
surgery; helps identify and evaluate comorbid psychiatric disorders
Functional imaging (PET, SPECT) Provides ancillary information for epileptogenic zone localization:
Interictal focal hypometabolism on FDG-PET
Interictal hypoperfusion and ictal hyperperfusion on SPECT
PET and SPECT coregistered with MRI may aid in sensitivity of identifying an
epileptogenic lesion (PET-MRI, SISCOM)
Electrical and magnetic source imaging Provides ancillary electrical and magnetic source localization of interictal
(ESI, MSI); EEG-fMRI, HD-EEG epileptiform discharges
May be used for functional mapping
Functional mapping (fMRI, Wada test) Assesses language dominance, verbal memory dominance, and prediction
of postoperative decline
EEG = electroencephalography; ESI = electrical source imaging; FDG-PET = fludeoxyglucose positron emission tomography; MRI = magnetic
resonance imaging; MSI = magnetic source imaging; PET = positron emission tomography; SISCOM = subtraction ictal SPECT coregistered to MRI;
SPECT = single-photon emission computed tomography.
thin coronal cuts through the hippocampus may detect subtle signal change,
atrophy, and/or loss of internal structure associated with mesial temporal
sclerosis and increase the likelihood of a favorable surgical outcome.21
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Simplified proposed surgical algorithm for drug-resistant epilepsy.
EEG = electroencephalography; fMRI = functional magnetic resonance imaging; HD-EEG = high-density
electroencephalography; MEG = magnetoencephalography; MRI = magnetic resonance imaging; PET =
positron emission tomography; SPECT = single-photon emission computed tomography.
In some patients who receive intracranial evaluation, the epileptogenic zone is not fully delineated (ie,
the seizure-onset zone is not captured), and subsequent invasive evaluation is necessary before offering
surgical therapy.
Corpus callosotomy may be considered to reduce the frequency and severity of drop seizures, which
include generalized tonic-clonic, tonic, and atonic seizures.
Responsive neurostimulation of the centromedian nucleus of the thalamus has been considered a viable
therapeutic option for patients with drug-resistant focal and generalized epilepsy in some centers.
SPECT imaging.27 When available, magnetoencephalography (MEG) and electrical ● Video-EEG monitoring
source imaging are other ancillary tools that may help localize a seizure focus. confirms the diagnosis of
epilepsy type by recording
To ensure a safe and optimal surgical outcome, identification of eloquent the patient’s habitual
cortex and its relation to the epileptogenic zone is necessary. Functional MRI seizures and correlates the
(fMRI) is helpful for language lateralization and identifying motor and sensory patient’s reported
areas. fMRI for lateralization of verbal and visuospatial memory is performed in symptomatology to aid in
some centers but is not entirely reliable.28 Developed by Dr Juhn Wada more
than 60 years ago, the intracarotid amobarbital procedure, or Wada test, is still ● Abnormalities on initial
used in some centers for language lateralization and to assess the risk of brain MRI may be missed.
postoperative amnesia with hippocampal resection.25,29 Careful inspection by an
expert neuroradiologist and
When these studies are concordant in localizing the seizure-onset zone to the
the use of higher-resolution
nondominant mesial temporal lobe or the respective lesion, resective surgery MRI scanners and positron
may sometimes be performed without further diagnostic workup (FIGURE 11-1). emission tomography (PET)
However, if presurgical studies are discordant or if doubt exists about the may identify subtle lesions
(eg, dysplasia).
seizure-onset zone, further diagnostic investigation with intracranial EEG is
necessary, including for patients who have lesions with poorly defined borders ● Neuropsychological
(eg, focal cortical dysplasia), dual pathology or multiple lesions, or a prior history testing and functional
of surgical failure. Intracranial EEG is also necessary when the seizure-onset zone imaging help predict
is close to eloquent cortex. postoperative deficits and
localize eloquent cortex.
Imaging of the patient in CASE 11-1. Postoperative anteroposterior and lateral skull x-rays
show bilateral intracranial electrode placement.
EEG of the patient in CASE 11-1. Ictal EEG shows high-frequency gamma activity beginning in the
right anterior hippocampus (RAHCD1-3, arrows). Note: Only select channels are featured.
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Postoperative imaging of the patient in CASE 11-1. Axial (A) and coronal (B) contrast-enhanced
T1-weighted MRI demonstrates selective ablation of the right hippocampus and amygdala
(selective amygdalohippocampectomy) with laser interstitial thermal therapy, with contrast
enhancement seen within the ablation cavity (arrows).
Complications are typically low with stereo-EEG, with the most prevalent risk
being hemorrhage (1%) or infections (0.8%).31 In a direct comparison of 260
patients undergoing stereo-EEG and subdural electrode implantation at a single
institution, major iatrogenic events such as symptomatic hemorrhage or
infection were higher (7.2%) in patients receiving subdural evaluation than in
patients receiving stereo-EEG (0%, P=.003).32 Potential advantages and
disadvantages of each type of intracranial monitoring are summarized in TABLE 11-3.
Three Class I randomized controlled trials have shown the effectiveness of
surgery compared to ongoing medical treatment in patients with drug-resistant
epilepsy, not only for seizure control but also for quality of life.6-8 Studies by
Wiebe and colleagues6 and Engel and colleagues7 established surgical efficacy in
adults with temporal lobe epilepsy, whereas Dwivedi and colleagues8 confirmed
similar success in the pediatric patient population. In addition to resective
The following sections explore the different types of surgical options in more
detail. A simplified summary of seizure freedom rates and indications for ● Three Class I randomized
controlled trials have shown
different surgical options is presented in TABLE 11-5.35-39 the effectiveness of
resective surgery compared
Resective Surgery to continued medical
Resection of the epileptogenic zone remains the gold standard for the best seizure treatment in adults and
children with drug-resistant
outcome in drug-resistant epilepsy compared to best medical therapy. The epilepsy.
following subsections review specific seizure outcomes in three common classes
of focal epilepsy: temporal lobe, extratemporal lobe, and lesional epilepsy. ● Different surgical options
are available for drug-
resistant epilepsy, including
TEMPORAL LOBE EPILEPSY. Temporal lobe epilepsy is the most common type of
resection, laser ablation,
focal epilepsy and is further divided into mesial and neocortical temporal lobe and neurostimulation, which
epilepsy depending on where seizures actually originate. The clinical syndromes can be tailored to the
of mesial and neocortical temporal lobe epilepsy often overlap, and specific patient.
distinguishing between the two may be difficult unless an obvious lesion is
● Verbal memory deficits
present. The effectiveness of surgery for temporal lobe epilepsy is well are the most consistent
established. In the first randomized study of continued medical treatment adverse effect following
compared to surgical treatment for patients with drug-resistant temporal lobe dominant (typically left)
epilepsy (n = 80), 58% of the patients treated surgically were free of seizures with temporal resections when
compared to nondominant
impaired awareness at 1 year compared to 8% treated medically ( P<.001).6 resection.
Quality-of-life ratings were significantly higher in the postsurgical group. In a
separate study of 38 patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy who underwent
surgery within 2 years of developing drug-resistant epilepsy, seizure freedom
was achieved in 73% of patients treated surgically after 2 years compared with
0% of the patients treated medically.7
The most common procedure for temporal lobe epilepsy is an anterior
temporal lobe resection, which includes the anterior temporal pole,
hippocampus, and amygdala.12 Because of the risk of verbal deficits when the
language-dominant (typically left) side is resected, the posterior extent of the
resection is further from the temporal pole on the right compared to the left.40
Selective amygdalohippocampectomy remains an alternative to anterior
temporal lobectomy if the epileptogenic zone is confined to the mesial temporal
structures (eg, hippocampal sclerosis) and appears to have efficacy similar to
anterior temporal lobectomy in regard to seizure, cognitive, and psychiatric
outcomes.41 If seizures are confirmed to arise from neocortical temporal regions
(eg, lateral or basal temporal cortex), a tailored resection sparing the
hippocampus can be performed.
In a systematic review of focal surgical resections, major neurologic
complications were noted to occur in 4% of patients undergoing temporal lobe
resections and were more common in pediatric patients than in adults.42 Verbal
memory deficits are the most consistent adverse effect following left temporal
Postoperative imaging of the patient in CASE 11-2. A, Three-dimensional reconstruction of a
T1-weighted MRI fused with CT for visualization of subdural grid and strip electrodes
placed over the left hemisphere. B, Sagittal postcontrast T1-weighted MRI shows
contacts from which the intracranial seizure onset was recorded (red circle). C, Axial
postcontrast T1-weighted MRI shows the one transoccipital hippocampal depth
electrode placement.
Postoperative imaging of the patient in CASE 11-2. A, Sagittal T1-weighted MRI with two 1 x 4
subdural strips placed over the leg motor cortex and supplementary sensorimotor area.
B, Sagittal T1-weighted MRI shows placement of responsive neurostimulation battery and
stimulator under the scalp anterior to strip electrodes. An additional strip electrode can be
seen which was placed over the convexity of left frontal lobe. C, Lateral skull x-ray shows
generator and strip electrodes. Two extra 1 x 4 subdural strips can be seen superior to the
interhemispheric strips placed over the convexity of left frontal lobe; however, these
electrodes were not connected to the stimulator.
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Electrocorticography of the patient in CASE 11-2. A, Long-episode recording of a typical
seizure, which is detected by the responsive neurostimulation (RNS) in blue tracing in the
top and bottom panels (time base expanded). In the middle panel, RNS provides
quantitative analysis of the seizure. B, RNS delivers stimulation at the onset of a typical
seizure (blue) and is shown to have stopped the seizure.
resection when compared to right temporal resection.12 Visual field deficits, most
commonly a superior quadrantanopia due to injury to the inferior optic
radiations, comprise half of all permanent neurologic deficits but are generally
well tolerated.42
Advantages Disadvantages
Stereo-EEG Maps three-dimensional epileptogenic networks, including Limited spatial sampling of electrical activity
easier sampling of spatially distinct and deep regions (eg, from tissue directly around each electrode
periventricular gray matter heterotopia, insular, depth-of-
Does not map spatially continuous coverage of
sulcus regions)
brain surface gyri
Easily samples bilateral hemispheres
Less feasible in young children (requires bone
No craniotomy, decreased perioperative pain, and shorter thickness > 2 mm)
recovery time
Lower rate of serious adverse events
Subdural grid More precise functional mapping when the epileptogenic Higher rates of serious adverse events
electrodes zone involves cortical regions adjacent to eloquent cortex
Sampling of insula is difficult and high risk
Craniotomy has been performed, and resection can occur
Sampling bilateral hemispheres is challenging
when electrodes come out
(ie, bilateral craniotomies)
Depth electrodes may be added to sample deep structures
Cannot sample gray matter in sulci (eg, depth-
of interest; however, the accuracy may be affected
of-sulcus lesions)
because of shifting of the brain after craniotomy
EEG helped to localize the epileptogenic zone and seizure freedom was reported
in 72% of patients with polymicrogyria and 76% of patients with periventricular
nodular heteropia.47,48
Cavernous malformations and arteriovenous malformations are the most
common vascular lesions found in patients with focal epilepsy. In a case series of
168 patients with symptomatic epilepsy attributed to cavernous malformations,
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more than two-thirds of patients were seizure free at 3 years after surgery.49 In
this study, predictors for good outcome included mesiotemporal location, size
less than 1.5 cm, and the absence of secondarily generalized seizures. Typically,
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Summary of Surgical Treatment Options and Reported Seizure Freedom TABLE 11-5
Surgical resection12
Overall (median) 64.2%b Focal cortical resection may be considered in any patient with drug-
resistant epilepsy if the region causing seizures can be removed
All focal epilepsy 52-67%
with minimal risk of disabling neurologic or cognitive dysfunction
Temporal lobe epilepsy 58-76%
Extratemporal lobe epilepsy 34-56%
Frontal lobe epilepsy 45%
Laser ablation for mesial temporal 38-78% Minimally invasive option for patients who are good resective
lobe epilepsy35 candidates, especially those with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy or
epileptogenic lesions (ie, cavernous malformations) who are
resistant to open surgery; laser ablation does not preclude a
subsequent open surgery, if needed
Stereotactic radiotherapy for mesial 51-74% Minimally invasive option for patients who would be good
temporal lobe epilepsy36 candidates for anterior temporal lobectomy for mesial temporal
lobe epilepsy but are resistant to open surgery
Vagus nerve stimulation37 8.3% Patients with focal drug-resistant epilepsy who undergo full surgical
evaluation and are deemed poor candidates for resective surgery;
Responsive neurostimulation38 29%
also an option for patients with multifocal epilepsy, generalized
Deep brain stimulation 16% epilepsy, or those who are opposed to resective surgery
Responsive neurostimulation is a safe and effective targeted
treatment option for seizures that arise from eloquent regions of
cortex and up to two suspected epileptogenic foci
Vagus nerve stimulation and deep brain stimulation are most often
used for patients who have poorly localized or multifocal epilepsy
Criteria vary among studies for definition of seizure remission.
Median seizure freedom rate among all studies.12
Seizure-free interval of at least 6 months at last follow-up.
Iatrogenic adverse events related to LITT are low and typically due to thermal
damage to surrounding structures. In a retrospective study of 57 patients who
underwent LITT for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, lower rates of visual field
deficits and smaller deficits were seen than in patients who underwent historical
anterior temporal lobe resections.55 In another small series of 35 patients, one
patient developed a brain abscess.56
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Stereotactic Radiosurgery
Stereotactic radiosurgery is a minimally invasive procedure performed with
radiation that has been considered as an alternative to open surgery for mesial
temporal lobe epilepsy. In the only prospective randomized trial of stereotactic
radiosurgery versus open temporal lobectomy (the ROSE [Radiosurgery or Open
Surgery for Epilepsy] trial), patients randomly assigned to the open temporal
lobectomy arm had an advantage in seizure remission over those treated with
TABLE 11-6 Factors Associated With Seizure-free Outcome After Resective Surgerya
Positive association
◆ Seizures without loss of awareness
◆ Complete resection of a lesion
◆ Febrile seizures in childhood
◆ Prolonged seizure freedom after surgery
Negative association
◆ Normal MRI
◆ Generalized tonic-clonic seizures
◆ Need for intracranial EEG (ie, stereo-EEG)
No association
◆ Sex
◆ Age
◆ Side of resection
Inconsistent association
◆ Duration of epilepsy
◆ Temporal versus extratemporal lobe epilepsy
◆ Pathology
means of palliation to reduce morbidity in patients with poorly localized or epilepsy, as defined by an
rapidly generalizing seizures that result in disabling drop attacks. The anterior unequivocal MRI
abnormality responsible for
two-thirds of the corpus callosum (partial callosotomy) are surgically divided; seizures, is associated with
however, sometimes a complete callosotomy is performed if seizures persist. In a better postoperative seizure
2019 systematic review of adults and children, approximately one-half of outcome than nonlesional
patients become free from debilitating drop attacks with either partial or epilepsy.
complete callosotomy.58 Hemispherectomy or functional hemispherotomy may ● The most common lesions
be used in select individual patients with catastrophic hemispheric epilepsy associated with seizures
syndromes, such as hemimegalencephaly, Sturge-Weber syndrome, large include malformations of
congenital hemiplegic strokes, and Rasmussen encephalitis. In a single-center cortical development, focal
cortical dysplasia,
retrospective review of patients undergoing hemispherectomy for epilepsy, 66%
cavernous and
(112 out of 170 patients) were reported to be seizure free at a median of 5.3 years.59 arteriovenous
malformations, and
NEUROMODULATION low-grade gliomas.
Three implantable neurostimulation therapies are now available for patients with
● Laser ablation and
drug-resistant epilepsy who undergo full surgical evaluation and are not stereotactic radiosurgery
candidates for resective surgery or prefer a less invasive approach as first-line are minimally invasive
surgical therapy. In most cases, these patients are not candidates for resective options available in some
surgery because of difficulty with localizing the seizure onset, multifocal seizure- centers for patients who are
candidates for resection but
onset zones, or an epileptogenic zone that overlaps with eloquent cortex. As a do not want a craniotomy.
class of therapy, neuromodulation demonstrates an initial seizure reduction that
improves over time. The following section explores the different ● Three implantable
neurostimulation options available for patients. neurostimulation therapies
are now available for
patients with drug-resistant
Responsive Neurostimulation epilepsy who undergo full
RNS is a closed-loop neurostimulation therapy that is triggered by early detection surgical evaluation and are
of epileptogenic activity. This is made possible by the stimulator’s ability to deemed poor candidates for
resective surgery.
continuously monitor intracranial EEG because of the implantation of two four-
contact depth or strip electrodes. EEG data can be downloaded and accessed by ● Responsive
the patient and physician to monitor therapy. The stimulator and battery are neurostimulation should be
placed under the patient’s scalp. RNS is a safe and effective treatment option, considered as a treatment
particularly for seizures that arise from eloquent regions of cortex and up to two option in those with seizures
that arise from eloquent
suspected epileptogenic foci. cortex and/or up to two
In the pivotal randomized controlled trial of RNS in adults with drug-resistant suspected seizure foci.
focal-onset seizures, a greater reduction in seizure frequency was seen in those
who received neurostimulation treatment (38%) than in the sham group (17%),
with no difference in adverse events.10 The 9-year prospective follow-up study of
this trial published in 2020 reported sustained and progressive improvement in
seizures over time, with greater than one-third of patients having a 90% or
greater reduction in seizure frequency.38 In a separate study of 126 patients with
focal neocortical epilepsy including seizures arising from eloquent cortex, a
median seizure reduction of 70% was seen in patients with frontal and parietal
seizure onsets, 58% in patients with temporal neocortical onset, and 51% in
patients with multilobar onsets.60 The successful use of RNS for epilepsy arising
from eloquent motor cortex is illustrated in CASE 11-2.
Significant improvement in overall quality of life and cognitive flexibility and
no deterioration in mood or neuropsychological function are reported with
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RNS.61 Serious adverse events related to RNS include infection (4.1%) and
hemorrhage (2.7%) and are typically reported shortly after the surgical
procedure.38 The incidence of SUDEP has been reported as 2.8 per 1000 patient
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stimulation years, which is lower than the published SUDEP rates in similar
epilepsy surgical candidates (9.3 per 1000 person-years).38
RNS demonstrates great flexibility in its use. Because of the ability to
continuously record intracranial EEG, carefully selected patients (eg, those with
mesial temporal lobe epilepsy) have been identified and achieved good outcomes
from a subsequent resection.62 Some centers will place RNS in addition to
performing a partial resection because the epileptogenic zone encompasses
eloquent cortex.63 A previous potential barrier, newer RNS models now allow for
the possibility of future 1.5T MRI if needed.
generalized epilepsy.37
● All three available
The initial multicenter randomized controlled trials showed mean seizure neurostimulation devices
reduction in the high-stimulation group of 25% compared to the 6% in the low-
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Despite many new antiseizure medications with differing mechanisms of action
becoming available over the past several decades, rates of drug-resistant epilepsy
have not improved and remain up to 40% in patients with epilepsy. The
probability of achieving seizure freedom declines rapidly after two adequate
doses of antiseizure medication, and early referral for surgical therapy should
be considered.
Resective surgery has the highest rates of seizure freedom in temporal lobe
epilepsy, especially when localized to the mesial structures or when seizures arise
from a focal structural lesion. The use of minimally invasive options, such as laser
ablation and stereotactic radiosurgery, is an alternative to resective surgery in
well-selected patients.
As a class, neurostimulation has demonstrated sustained and progressive
improvements in efficacy over time. RNS is favored in patients with a high
preoperative risk of memory decline and an epileptogenic zone overlapping with
eloquent cortex. DBS and VNS are also good options for multifocal, generalized,
and poorly localized epilepsies. RNS, DBS, and VNS are also options for those
who are opposed to resective surgery.
1 Kwan P, Arzimanoglou A, Berg AT, et al. Definition 13 Haneef Z, Stern J, Dewar S, Engel J Jr. Referral
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of drug resistant epilepsy: consensus proposal pattern for epilepsy surgery after evidence-
by the ad hoc Task Force of the ILAE Commission based recommendations: a retrospective study.
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