Diagonostic Science, Maths, General Awareness QP - Grade 10

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Subject: Mathematics, Max. Marks: 50

Science ,General Awareness Time: 1 Hour 30 mins
Grade: 10
Name: Section: Roll No:
Each question carries 1 mark .
1. Two positive integers p and q can be expressed as p = a2 b3 and q = a4b2c ; a, b and c
being prime numbers, find the HCF of (p, q).
a. a4b3c b. a4b3
c. a2b2 d. ab3c
2. In ∆ ABC, DE||BC, then the value of x will be

a. 1 b. 3
c. 4 d. -3
3. a
If ( , 4) is the mid-point of the segment joining the points P(-6, 5) and R(-2, 3), then the
value of ‘a’ is
a. 12 b. -6
c. -12 d. -4
4. If x tan 45° sin 30° = cos 30° tan 30°, then x is equal to
a. 1 b. 2
2 √3
c. 2 d. 1
5. If the perimeter of a semi-circular protractor is 108 cm, find the diameter of
the protractor(  = 22 / 7)
a. 42 cm b. 21 cm
c. 36 cm d. 40 cm

6 A cylinder, a cone and a hemisphere are of equal base and have the same height. What is
the ratio of their volumes
a. 3 : 2 : 1 b. 1 : 2 : 3
c. 3 : 1 : 2 d. 1 : 3 : 2
7 In given figure, CP and CQ are tangents to a circle with centre O. ARB is another tangent
touching the circle at R. If CP = 11 cm and BC = 6 cm then the length of BR is

a) 6cm b) 4 cm
c) 3cm d) 5 cm
8 For what value of k, do the equations 2x – 3y + 10 = 0 and 3x + ky + 15 = 0 represent
coincident lines
a. 4 b. 6
c. −9 d. -9
9 The roots α and β of the quadratic equation x2-5x+3(k-1) = 0 are such that α – β = 1.
Find the value of ‘k’
a. 3 b) 1
c. -1 d) -3
A pole 10 m high cast a shadow 10 m long on the ground, then the sun's elevation is:

a. 60 ° b. 30 °
c. 45 ° d. 90 °
2 2
11 If sin x+ cosec x = 2, then the value of sin x + cosec x is
a. 1 b. 2
c. 4 d. 6
12 In figure, O is the centre of a circle. The area of sector OAB is 5/ 18 of area of circle.
Find x

a. 120º b. 90º
c. 150º d. 100º
13 In the given figure, if ∠A =90° , ∠B =90° , OB = 4.5cm , OA = 6cm and AP = 4cm ,
then QB will be

a. 5 cm b. 2 cm
c. 3.5 cm d. 3 cm
In the fig., if O is a center of the circle, PQ is a chord and tangent at P makes the angle
of 50º with PQ, then ∠POQ =

a. 50º b. 90º
c. 100º d. 80º
15 How many numbers of two digits are divisible by 8?

a. 10 b. 11
c. 12 d. 13
16 How many bags of grain can be stored in a cuboid granary 12 m× 6 m×5 m , if each bag
occupies a space of 0.48 m3
a. 750 b. 75
c. 1500 d. 375
17 If three coins are tossed simultaneously, then the probability of getting atleast two heads
a. 1 b. 3
4 8
c. 1 d. 3
2 4
18 If the mode of a data is 18 and the mean is 24, then the median is
a. 22 b. 42
c. 20 d. 26
19 If the radius of a circle is diminished by 10%, then its area is diminished by
a. 10 % b. 19 %
c. 20 % d. 36 %
20 For what value of p are 2p+1, 13, 5p-3 three consecutive terms of an AP
a. 2 b. 3
c. 4 d 5
21 A current flows in a wire running between the S and N poles of a magnet lying horizontally as

shown in the figure below :

The force on the wire due to the magnet is directed:

a) From N to S b) From S to N
c) Vertically downwards d) Vertically upwards
The diagram shows identical lamps X and Y , connected in series with a battery. The lamps light with
normal brightness. If a third identical lamp Z is connected in parallel with lamp X, then what will
happen to the brightness of lamp Y?

a) Brighter than normal. b) Dimmer than normal

c) Normal d) Very dim (cannot be seen)
23 An object is placed 8.0cm from a thin converging lens of focal length 5.0cm.

Which statement about the image formed by the lens is correct?

a) The image is real and inverted b) The image is real and upright
c) The image is virtual and inverted d) The image is virtual and upright
24 Four small compasses are placed around a solenoid

A current is now switched on in the solenoid

Which diagram shows possible new directions of the compass needles?

a) b)

c) d)

25 A ray of light is reflected by two parallel plane mirrors X and Y.

Which statement is correct?

a) The angle of incidence at mirror X is b) `The angle of incidence at mirror Y is
30°. 60°.

c) The angle of reflection at mirror X is d) The angle of reflection at mirror Y is 0°

26. The graph shows how current I varies with voltage V for a filament lamp

Since the graph is not a straight line, the resistance of the lamp varies with V

Which row gives the correct resistance at the stated value of V?

a) Row A b) Row B
c) Row C d) Row D
27. A light ray follows a path through three media separated by plane boundaries as shown in the
digram , with refractive indices n1,n2 and n3

Which of the following sequences puts the refractive indices in order of increasing value ?
a) n1,n2,n3 b) n2,n1,n3
c) n1, n3, n2 d) n3, n1, n2
28 A student studies that acetic acid is a saturated compound. The structure of the compound is
shown. Why is acetic acid classified as a saturated compound?

a) Because there is a single bond b) Because there is a double bond between
between the carbon atoms. the carbon and oxygen atoms
c) Because there is a single bond d) Because there is a single bond between
between the carbon and hydrogen the carbon and hydroxide atom
29 If 10 mL of H2SO4 is mixed with 10 mL of Mg(OH)2 of the same concentration, the resultant
solution will give the following colour with universal indicator

a) Red b) Yellow
c) Green d) Blue
30 A student adds an equal amount of copper sulphate solution in two beakers. He adds zinc in
beaker P and silver in beaker Q. The student observes that the color of the solution in beaker P
changes while no change is observed in beaker Q. Which option arranges the metals in
increasing order of reactivity?

a) silver-zinc-copper b) zinc-copper- silver

c) silver-copper-zinc d) copper-silver-zinc
31 A student did an activity in which he added sodium bicarbonate to hydrochloric acid. It forms
the carbon dioxide gas. The gas released is passed through lime water. What change will be
observed in lime water?

a) bubbles are formed b) white precipitate is formed

c) the solution becomes colourless d) the solution becomes colourless
32 The image shows five solutions labelled on a pH scale.

Which classification is correct?

a) Strongest acid:B b) Strongest acid:A
Strongest base : E Strongest base : C
c) Strongest acid:A d) Strongest acid:B
Strongest base : E Strongest base : C
33. The image shows the electrolytic refining of copper.

Which option explains the process to obtain pure copper?
a) When current is passed, pure copper b) When current is passed, pure copper
from anode deposits to the cathode. from anode deposits in the electrolytic
c) When current is passed, pure copper d) When current is passed, pure copper
from the electrolytic solution from the electrolytic solution deposits at
deposits at the anode. the cathode.
34. The image represents a carbon compound.

Which functional group is present in the compound?

a) Alcohol b) Acid
c) Aldehyde d) Ketone

a) A is stigma, B is ovary, C is petal b) A is ovary B is filament C is sepal

c) A is stigma, B is filament C is sepal d) A is style B is anther C is petal
36. Who have a perfect pair of sex chromosomes?
a) Girls only b) Boys only
c) Both girls and boys d) It depends on many other factors
37. The diagram shows a section of a human vein. X What is the function of the part labelled X?

a) to make sure the blood flows to the b) to make sure the blood flows to the
heart kidneys
c) to make sure the blood flows to the d) to make sure the blood flows to the
brain lungs

a) antibody production b) egestion

c) phagocytosis d) vaccination
39. The graphs below show the changes in the relative concentrations of two gases in the air
surrounding a group of mice

a) Transportation b) Photosynthesis
c) Evaporation d) Respiration
40. Potted plants are left for a week in a tank of water as shown, why do plants die?

a) The roots do not have enough b) The roots do not have enough water.
c) The roots have too much oxygen. d) The roots have too much carbon
Q41. Which of the following system is established based on direct election?
a) Gram Panchayat b) Block Committee
c) Zila Parishad d) Both b and c
Q42. Which of the following statements would be correct about Federal system.

I. Federalism enhances the possibility of people from different regions to interact

without the fear of one’s culture being imposed upon them by others.
II. Federal system will hinder easier economic transaction between two different
regions that have distinct types of resources.
A federal system will ensure that the powers of those at the centre will remain limited.
a) I and III b) II and III
c) I and II d) Only I
Q43. The primary outcomes of the liberalization and the privatization initiatives under the new
Economic Policy (NEP) in 1991, followed by the Indian government is ____________.
a) Fiscal Policy Reforms b) Globalization
c) Monetary Policy Reforms d) None of the above
Q44. Northeastern part of India is marked with the presence of big rivers, dissected relief, dense
forests and frequent floods and international frontiers, etc. Which means of transport makes
access easier and within the budget of the common people?
a) Water Transport b) Road Transport
c) Air Transport d) Railways
Q45. The purpose of Mohandas Gandhi’s actions such as the Salt March and the textile boycott was
a) Begin a cycle of armed revolution b) Draw attention to critical issues.
c) Increase the strength of the military d) Resist the power of religious leaders.
Q46. Where is the headquarters of United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) located?
a) Geneva b) Paris
c) New York d) Washington D.C.
Q47. The European Union has fixed a target for net Zero Carbon Emission by which year?
a) 2025 b) 2030
c) 2050 d) 2100
Q48. Where was COP27 held in 2022?
a) USA b) UK
c) UAE d) Egypt
Q49. The National Highways Authority of India is entrusted with the responsibility of development,
maintenance and operation of National Highways. Which was the authority/ organization
which established for accelerating economic development, strengthening defence preparedness
and strategically important roads?
a) State Highways b) National Highways

c) Border Roads d) North-South corridors

Q50. Which of the following is NOT a way that India suffered due to British imperialism?
a) Losing their jobs as British took all b) Being forced to buy expensive British
the cotton to England. goods.
c) Being sold as slaves. d) Having roads and railways built
throughout India.


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