Comp 2024 Kcse Commonly Tested Qns

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A Series of KCSE 2024 Prediction Questions
Prepared by a Pannel of Top KNEC Examiners HQ
All KCSE 2024 Candidates are advised to take the
questions Serious!

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1. In Kenya IEBC uses a system called BVR. What is a BVR system and how does it work.
(2 marks)

2. Distinguish between special purpose keys and editing keys on a keyboard.(with an

example) (3 marks)
3. Two features of Von Neumann architecture are the use of registers and the use of buses.
Give the names of any two registers and two buses. (2 marks)
4. The following terms are frequently used in data transmission. Distinguish each pair.
(i) Simplex and duplex (2 marks)
(ii) Switch and hub (2 marks)
5. Nicolae needs to send 30 photos to a friend and he chooses to send all 30 together as a
single email attachment. Each photo is 1.8 MB in size, but the maximum possible attachment
size is only 20 MB. State how Nicolae can solve this problem. (2 marks)
6. What is portability and Authenticity in relation to software specification? (2 marks)
7. State three ways that computers help the police detect crime. (3 marks)
8. (a) Distinguish between firmware and device drivers as used in computers. (2 marks)

(b) Distinguish between customized and custom made software. (2 marks)

9. Ministry of Education is changing the education system in Kenya from 8-4-4 to a new
system by using a few schools to test the new system.
(a) Identify the type of change over system being used here. (1 mark)
(b) What would be the advantage of using this changeover strategy. (2 marks)

10. What is the difference between system files and application files? Give examples.
(3 marks)
11. Differentiate between the terms upgradability and compatibility in relation to hardware
specification. (2 marks)

12. How does the operating system accomplish multiprocessing and multitasking activities
in a computer? (2 marks)

13. A security system uses sensors, a camera and a microprocessor to capture images of each
person entering a large shopping mall.
(a) Describe how the sensors, camera and microprocessor interact to identify certain
people entering the mall. (2 marks)

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(b) The shopping mall has over 100 cameras. At the end of each day all these cameras send
their images, captured over the last 24 hours, to a central computer.
Explain why the mall uses dedicated fiber optic cable rather than transmitting the data over
the local broadband network. (2 marks)
14. Publishing firms prefer using DTP instead of Word processors. Give any TWO reasons
for this. (2 marks)
15. Banks have replaced each credit card with a smart card, which contains a microchip, in
order to give greater protection against fraud. State three items of data that are stored on the
microchip in a smart card. (3 marks)
16. 5000 numbers are being input which should have either1 digit (e.g. 5), 2 digits (e.g. 36),
3digits (e.g. 149) or 4 digits (e.g. 8567).
(a) Write program logic, using pseudo code, which
• inputs 5000 numbers
• outputs how many numbers had 1 digit, 2 digits, 3 digits and 4 digits
• Outputs the % of numbers input which were outside the range. (7 marks)

(b) Draw a flowchart fort the above pseudo code. (8 marks)

17. What is the decimal equivalent of the following BCD representations? (2 marks)
(a) 1011100110000111
(b) 1010 0010 0101 0111
(c) (i) Subtract the binary number 0011001 from 10110010. (2 marks)
(ii) Find the sum of the following: 11101112 + 1100112 + 110112 (2 marks)
(d) (i) The following eight-bit pattern represents the two’s complement of an
integer:110001001. What is the decimal equivalent? (2 marks)
(ii) Give any TWO ways of representing a negative number in computer system.(2 marks)
(iii) What is the seven-bit one’s complement of 101102? (1 mark)
(e) Which type of processing would be most suitable for these systems and why?
(i) Playing a computer game such as Need for Speed or GTA. (2 marks)
(ii) Performing Mobile money transactions such as Mpesa or Airtelmomey. (2 marks)
18. A remote-controlled model car contains RAM, ROM and a solid state drive. The car
receives radio signals from its remote control. It can only receive radio signals of a certain
frequency. The manufacturer sets this frequency and the owner cannot change it. The owner of
the model car can input their own sequence of movements from an interface underneath the car.
(a) Describe the purpose of each of the three types of memory supplied with the car.
(3 marks)
(b) The owner needs to be able to enter their own sequence of movements for the model
car. Name a suitable input device. Give a reason for your choice of device. (2 marks)

(c) Explain why the model car uses a solid state drive rather than another type of
secondary storage. (2 marks)

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(d) A database has been set up to bring together information about the world’s tallest
buildings. A section of the database is shown below.

(i) How many records are in the section of the database shown? (1 mark)
(ii) Using Ref No. only, which records would be output if the following search
condition was entered:(Year < 1990) AND (Height (m) > 375)? (1 mark)
(iii) Write down a search condition to find out how many buildings are in China or
how many buildings have more than 80 floors. (2 marks)
(iv) For each of the following fields give a different validation check. (2 marks)
a. Year ...............................................................................................................
b. Ref No. ..........................................................................................................
(v) In a relational database, relationships must be enforced. Explain why? (2 marks)
19. A passenger logs onto an airline website and types in the reference number for their
flight. Once the passenger accesses their account they can choose their seat and also print out a
boarding pass which contains a unique barcode. This barcode is scanned at the airport check-in
(a) Name one input and one output device found at the check-in desk and give a reason for
your choice. (2 marks)
(b) The training department of an international airline has introduced computer based
training (CBT) to teach foreign languages to its cabin crew. Give TWO advantages of
using CBT. (2 marks)
(c) The airline also trains its pilots.
(i) What type of training is most appropriate to train pilots to manage dangerous
situations? (1 mark)
(ii) Give TWO benefits of using this type of training. (2 marks)
(d) A student set up a spreadsheet to compare share prices in six companies over five

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(i) What formula is in cell G5 to find the mean share price for KLN?
.......................................................................................................................................... (1 mark)
(ii) What formula is in cell H5 to find the highest share price for KLN?
.......................................................................................................................................... (1 mark)
(iii) If the data in cell E4 was changed to 425, which cells would be automatically updated?
.......................................................................................................................................... (2 marks)
(iv) State the cells that are needed to create a line graph to show the share prices for years 2006
to 2008.
..........................................................................................................................................(2 marks)

(v) The student wants to extend the spreadsheet to include share prices for 2010. Describe how
the student would do this.
.......................................................................................................................................... (2 marks)

20. (a) Explain each of the following functions of operating system. (6 marks)
(i) Job scheduling
(ii) Memory management
(iii) Interrupt handling
(b) Inkjet printers and laser printers are two common types of printer. Describe ONE
feature and principle of operation of each type of printer. (4 marks)
(c) IEBC receives poll results from the polling centers direct to their headquarters
digitally using Wireless networks. Give any THREE reasons for preference of wireless
communication. (3 marks)
(d) Suggest any TWO ways in which they can ensure security of this data during
transmission. (2 marks)

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21. Define the following terms (4mks)

i) Multiplexing
ii) Baseband signal
22. Explain the difference between digital signal and analog signal in data communication
23. List down two types of computer viruses (2mks)
24. Below is a graphical representation of a section of a Microsoft words application
Use it to answer the question that follow.

Give the uses of the icons labeled A and B (2mks)

25. Define the following terms as used in disk management
i) Partitioning (2mks)
ii) Defragmentation (2mks)
26. State three ways in which your school librarian can use a computer (3mks)
27. i) Write the acronym UPS in full? (1mk)
ii) Explain the uses of UPS? (1mk)
28. a) Give two possible ways of fitting the document in one page (2mks)
b) The shopkeeper one day switched on the computer and experienced a number of
problems with windows operating system that he had installed. The problems included
failure to load the operating system during the booting. After several trials of switching on

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the computer booting. It hand so often alongside abnormal restarting. State any two
possible causes for the computer’s behavior. (2mks)
29. Differentiate between real time processing and batch processing giving examples where
each could be used. (4mks)
30. In Kenya Tea Packers Company several people are employed as record clerks., typists
and messenger. The company intends to introduce a computerized system in all the
departments. Suggest three reasons that would make workers unhappy with the new
system. (3mks)
31. Give two advantages of an electronic spreadsheet over traditional analysis ledger sheet
32. Explain the following terms as used in information Technology with reference to
software purchase:-
i) User friendliness (1mk)
ii) Authenticity (1mk)
33. While purchasing computers for his school the principal Musambweni high school
decided to consult an expert. As a computer student advised him on four hard ware
34. Give the names of the following system flowchart symbols (2mks)


35. State any two features of a user friendly program (2mks)

Answer question 16 and any other three questions from this section
36. a) State three qualities of a good psecudocode? (3mks)
b) i) State the 3 translators used in programming (3mks)

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ii) List two examples of;

i. Third generation languages (1mk)
ii. Object oriented languages (1mk)
c) Draw a flowchart that was used to come up with the following pseud code (7mks)
While n < 3
While x < 2
N = N +1
End while

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37. a) The diagram below shows four common network topologies A, B, C and D.

i) Name the network topologies A, B, C and D (4mks)

ii) Explain what happens if server X topology A fails (1mk)
iii) List two problems associated with network topology B (2mks)
iv) List two disadvantages associated with network topology D (2mks)
b) Differentiate between Internet and World Wide Web. (2mks)
c) Convert the following binary number, 11001011.001 into decimal form. (4mks)
38. a) Human activity systems are said to be soft systems. Give therereasons why they are
said to be so (3mks)
b) What are hard information systems (2mks)
c) Discuss any five characteristics of a system (10mks)
39. a) One of the functions of an operating system is job scheduling. Explain what is meant
by job scheduling. (2mks)

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b) List and explain three types of user interfaces. (6mks)

c) Describe the following categories of software (4mks)
i) Firmware
ii) Proprietary software
d) A new company ABC intends to go into business of desktop publishing. Advice the
company on three computer hardware specification features to consider as a measure of
enhancing performance. (3mks)
40. a) Briefly explain the following terms as used in spreadsheet (4mks)
i) Cell
ii) Range
iii) Value
iv) Function
b) List three paragraph formatting features of word processors (3mks)
c) Explain the difference between the printing of multiple pages and multiple copies (2mks)
d) Distinguish between a worksheet and a work book (2mks)
e) The following is an excel worksheet showing the performance of students in Tana class.
A B C D Cat E Cat F G H
Adam Student name 1/50 2/50 Total / 40 Exam / 60 Total
1 4321 DollineMbesa 30 28 (a) 45 (b)
2 4333 SelinaMbugua 20 29 55
3 4330 Winnie Wanjema 25 26 50
4 4322 MagaretWambari 27 24 43
5 4324 FaniNjuguna 28 24 42
6 Maximum (c)
7 Minimum (d)
8 Average (e)

Using the above worksheet write the following formula to calculate the values in cells labeled

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41(a). As you type an entry it is displayed in the formulae bar. Entries into a
worksheet can be classified into four data types. List any four of these data
types. 2 Marks
(b) Differentiate between functions and formulae 2 Marks
42.(a) Differentiate between the following formatting elements 2 Marks
(i) Justification
(ii) Indenting
43.Define virtual reality 1 Mark
(b) List any four sensory elements in virtual reality 2 Marks
44. Computer technology has evolved over time. Outline two future trends in
computer and information technology 2 Marks
45 Internet is an important resource. Although it has brought with it some
challenges. State two measures that can prevent students from accessing
pornography and dirty sites. 2 Marks
46. Computer laboratory should be setup with safety precautions in mind.
Outline four measures that can be put in place to protect the users.
2 Marks
47. Arithmetic and logic unit and the main memory use electrical pathways
called buses. Describe any two of these buses. 2 Marks
48. Distinguish between the following wireless interfaces. 2 Marks
(i) Infrared
49. Explain the term solid state giving two examples 2 Marks
50.(a) Software can be acquired using different methods, State four advantages
of using standard software 2 Marks
(b) Define the terms listed below as used in desktop publishing 3 Marks
(i) Master Page
(ii) Gradient

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(iii) Cropping
51. Data can ether be discrete or continuous. Distinguish the two terms.
2 Marks
52.As opposed to buffers registers hold one piece of data at a time. Differentiate
between storage and address registers 2 Marks
53. List two examples of fourth generation languages and two features of fifth
generation languages 2 Marks
54(a). An operating system basically consist of two main parts namely; Shell and

Kernel. List any three functions of an operating system 3 Marks

(b) Define a foreign key and list any two kinds of relationships in tables
3 Marks

55.Describe radio communication and list the different kinds of radio waves
3 Marks

56.Due to the diversity and advancements in writing computer programs, many programming
languages have been developed and made more user friendly. Programs written in high level
programming languages need to be converted into a form that the computer can understand.
a. State one advantage of using the translators listed below (3 Marks)
i. Assembler
ii. Compiler
iii. Interpreter
b. State any two qualities of a good flowchart (2 Marks)
c. Study the flow chart below and use it to answer the questions that follows;

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Print “out of Cash”


State the output of the above program flowchart for the inputs given below (4 Marks)
Amount = 15,000, 14,000 and 23,000 respectively
d. State the purpose of the flowchart (2 Marks)
e. Write a pseudocode for the flowchart in question (16. c) above (4 Marks)
57.Signed binary numbers can be represented using different methods to indicate if a number
is positive or negative.
a. How can -2310 be represented in; (6 Marks)
i. Signed Magnitude
ii. Ones complement
iii. Twos complement
b. Convert the hexadecimal number C7D16 to its equivalent decimal number
(2 Marks)
c. Perform the binary arithmetic below; (4 Marks)
i. 1001012 + 110112 + 10112
ii. 1110112 – 1001112
d. Using the twos compliment and 8-bit notation subtract 27 from 12 leaving your
answer in decimal notation (3 Marks)
58.With the introduction 0f the internet services, communication has been made cheaper and
faster hence reducing the world into a global village.
a. Distinguish between a hyperlink and a hypertext (2 Marks)
b. Define the term login as used in internet (1 Mark)
c. Draw a well labelled diagram for thinnet coaxial cable (5 Marks)

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d. State any two reasons why the fibre optic cable is preferred for data transmission
over the other cables (2 Marks)
e. Protocols are set rules that govern transmission of data between two devices, state
the purpose of the protocols listed below;
i. SMTP (1 Mark)
ii. TCP (1 Mark)
f. State the functions of the following network communication devices (3 Marks)
i. Hub
ii. NIC
iii. Bridge
59.Data processing helps organizations make informed decisions and rely on accurate
a. Differentiate between the mechanical and manual data processing methods
(2 Marks)
b. State the difference between a sort file and a reference file as used in data
processing (2 Marks)
c. State any two differences between the real time processing mode and interactive
processing mode (2 Marks)
d. State one advantage two disadvantages of random file organization (3 Marks)
e. Information is the most valuable asset of an organization that needs to be safe
guarded. State any three measures to be considered in maintaining data integrity.
(3 Marks)
f. As Jayden was entering data into the computer, He typed byocott instead of
i. Identify the type of error made by Jayden (1 Mark)
ii. Other than using direct data entry devices, two other methods Jayden can
use to avoid the error (2 Marks)
60.The success of a system development project depends on the type of model used to
a. Define the term prototype as used in systems development (1 Mark)
b. State any two disadvantages of prototyping (2 Marks)
c. State any two characteristics of a system (2 Marks)
d. State the consequences of having a poorly designed system (3 Marks)
e. State any three approaches used by an organization to develop a system (3 Marks)
f. of optimizing the performance of the computer
i. State the function of a formatting tool as used in disk management
(1 Mark)
ii. State what happens during a check disk operation (2 Marks)
iii. Define the term trouble shooting as used in computing (1 Mark)

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61. Give FOUR characteristics of first generation computers? (2marks)
62. a) Why are powder fire extinguishers not allowed in the computer room? (1 mark)
b) What is the difference between delete and backspace keys? (2 marks)
63. Give FOUR factors that describe the ideal environment for a computer to work properly. (2marks)
64. Give TWO advantages of using sound output devices (2marks)
65. Give TWO application areas of OMR (2marks)
66. a) Distinguish between primary and secondary storage devices. (2marks)
67. State FOUR devices that support multimedia capability on a computer (2marks)
b) Differentiate between the terms: volatile memory and non-volatile memory. (2marks)
68. Differentiate between misreading and transposition errors in data processing (2marks)
69. What is the function of the power supply unit found in the system unit? (2marks)
70. (a) Name FOUR approaches that may be used to replace a Computerized Information system. (2
(b) Which of the approaches named in (a) above is appropriate for critical systems? Explain. (2
71. Terry intends to download a movie from the Internet. State the two factors that may determine the

total time taken to complete the download. (2 Marks)

72. A lecturer keeps the following student details in a database: name, age, course.
(a) Write an expression you would use to compute the year of birth of a student using this year as the
current year. (2 marks)

(b) What query expressions would the lecturer use to list the students whose age is above 15 years and
below 25 years? (2 marks)

73. a) Explain each of the following roles performed by an operating system

i. Memory management ( 2 marks)
ii. Interrupt handling ( 2 marks)
74. A computer teacher has put a rule that flash disk should not be used in the computer laboratory
(a) Give a reason for the rule (1 mark)

(b) State two alternatives that can be used to achieve the same objective (1 marks)
75. (a) What is a utility software? (1 mark)
(b) Give FOUR examples of utility software (2 marks)

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76. a) i) What is system maintenance? (2marks)
b) Differentiate between absolute and relative cell referencing. (2marks)
c) The formula $A$4 +C$5 is typed in cell D4 and copied to cell H6. Write down the formula as it
would appear in cell H6. (2marks)
d) Generate output for the following pseudo code (4marks)
X= 5
Y= X +2
e) Draw a flowchart for the above pseudo code (5 marks)

77. a) Using 10-bits binary number system, perform the following decimal operation using two’s
complement. (4 marks)
12910 - 12810
b) Convert the following into binary 6CD16 (2 marks)

c) Perform the following binary arithmetic 11001.101+1110.011 (2 marks)

d) Define the following terms. (3 marks)
i) Record
ii) File
iii) Database
e) List any FOUR ways of dealing with a virus on a computer. (4 marks)
78. a) Explain the functions performed by (2 marks)
i) The control unit-
ii) Arithmetic and logic unit (ALU)
b) Define the following terms in relation to computer software . (3 marks)
i) Free ware.
ii) Proprietary
iii) Open source

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c) i) Define the term E-commerce (2marks)

ii) List down TWO advantages of e- commerce as used in modern business environment (2marks)

d) Describe THREE ways how computing has been applied to each of the following areas:
i) Reservation systems. (3 marks)
ii) Law enforcement (3 marks)
79. (a) i) Name any TWO types of non-printable guides in DTP. (1mark)
ii) Explain the functions of each of non-printable guides in (19 (a)i) above (4 marks)
b) State FOUR factors to consider when designing a good file (2 marks)
c) Name THREE responsibilities that are carried out by a:
(i) Web administrator ( 3 marks)
(ii) Computer trainer (3 marks)
d) Identify TWO disadvantages of Observation method used in fact-finding. (2 marks)

80.(a) List THREE advantages of wireless communication over wired communication. (3 marks)
(b) Using a Diagram, describe the following signals and state where each is applied in network
(i) Analog; (2 marks)
(ii) Digital. (2 marks)
(c) Name the TWO types of coaxial cables. (2 marks)
(d) (i) Define the term network protocol. (1 mark)
(e) List FOUR internet protocols (2 marks)
(f) Describe star topology as used in networking (3 marks)

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81. Describe the following computer memories.
(a) Register (1mk)
(b) Cache (1mk)
82. List four threats to a computer system. (2mks)
83. Differentiate between Host and Client computer as used in networking. (2mks)
84. State two reasons why twos complement is the preferred method of representing negative numbers
as opposed to other methods. (2mks)
85(a) The development of computers can be traced to the time when historical non- electronic
computing devices were invented like abacus. Name four other computing devices. (2mks)
(b) Explain how the devices listed in above contributed to the development of modern electronic
computer. (2mks)
86. State the function of each of the following field properties in a database.
(i) Format (1mk)
(ii) Default value (1mk)
(iii) Required (1mk)
(iv) Input mask (1mk)
87. Identify four application areas of artificial intelligence. (2mks)
88(a) Distinguish between Hypertext and hypermedia as used in internet. (2mks)
(b) Outline stages of data processing cycle. (2mks)
89. A flash disk has become a popular storage media. However, it has certain limitations. Highlight three
such limitations. (3mks)
90. Give the importance of including foot notes in a word document. (1mk)
91. State two advantages of flat panel monitors over cathode ray tube monitors. (2mks)
92. Highlight two reasons for compressing computer files. (2mks)
93. Agwambo while designing a school magazine was advised to use a desktop publisher (DTL)
program instead of a word processor. Give three reasons for this choice. (3mks)
94. State one importance of each of the following Microsoft excel features.

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(i) Cell pointer (1mk)
(ii) Name box (1mk)
(iii) Worksheet tab (1mk)
95. Match the following functions with appropriate communication device. (4mks)
(i) Provides physical link between the
computer and the transmission media.
(ii) Regenerates signals
(iii) Determines the appropriate network
segment for message delivery.
(iv) Forwards a packet directly to the
address node without broadcasting.

96(a) State two advantages of an interpreter over a compiler. (2mks)

(b) Study the following flowchart and use it to answer the questions that follow.
(i) State the type of control structure represented by the flowchart. (1mk)
(ii) Determine the output produce by the flowchart. (7mks)
97(a) A school organizes it’s work in directories. The directory WP contains the files CATs, EXAMS
and ASSIGNMENTS. The directory DB contains the database files. The directory PROG is contained in
the OTHERS directory. The directory WP has PERSONAL sub directory. Given that the directory
STUDENT contains subdirectories SP, DB, WP and OTHERS;
(a) Draw the directory tree structure on C drive as the root directory. (7mks)
(b) Write the path for tracing the contents of sub directory DB. (2mks)
(c) Write the path for directory PROG. (2mks)
(d) Give two reasons for storing files in directories and subdirectories. (2mks)
(e) Give two disadvantages of using command driven interface as compared to menu driven interface.
98. Using twos compliment perform the following binary operation in 8-bit
(a) notation
710 -2310 (6mks)

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(b) State two duties performed by each of the following personnel.
(i) Database administrator (2mks)
(ii) Computer trainer. (2mks)
C(i) Name three public universities in Kenya where one can further computer studies course. (3mks)
(ii) Name two computer hardware related courses offered in Kenyan universities. (2mks)
99(a) Computer networks are faced with numerous security threats. Explain two methods of enforcing
security in a computer network. (4mks)
(b) State three differences between bus topology and star topology. (3mks)
(c) Staff training is one of the areas that need to be addressed during system implementation. Highlight
three reasons why this is necessary. (3mks)
(d) Give two circumstances where straight change over strategy can be used during system
implementation. (2mks)
(e) Differentiate between distributed processing and interactive processing modes giving an application
area of each. (3mks)
100. A data entry clerk experienced the following errors during typing;
(i) After every calculation the result was less than the expected number of digits. E.g
(i) 345.7896543 was given as 345.789.
(ii) 1287357 was typed as 12873S7
(a) Identify the error in each case. (2mks)
(b) State two ways the clerk would have prevented such errors. (2mks)
(c) With aid of a diagram describe a tree topology. (4mks)
(d) Explain two reasons why testing phase is important during system development life cycle. (4mks)
(e) Distinguish between collated and uncollated print option. (1mk)
(i) A worksheet contains the following data.
Cell B2 B3 B4 B5
Entry 75 50 62

Write a function to be entered in cell C2 to display the entries from the largest to the smallest. (2mks)

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101. Suggest two disadvantages of a notebook computer when compared with a desktop
Computer. (2 marks)
102. (a)What is a software suite? (1 mark)
(b)Suggest two advantages of using a software suite. (2 marks)
103. (a) Explain the two major types of software. (2 marks)
(b) Give an example of each of the above (2 Marks)
104. (a) Explain the term Process Control. (1 Mark)
(b) State two areas where process control is used in industry (2 Marks)
105. (a) Give one advantage of serial connection over parallel connection. (1 mark)
(b) Give one advantage of parallel connection over serial connection. (1 mark)
106. (a) Explain the term pipelining as used in CPU (1 mark)
(b) Explain How parallel processing work (1 mark)
(4 marks)
107 Give 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages of display devices (e.g monitor)
108. (a)Explain briefly why increasing the main memory may improve the
performance (e.g.,
speed) of a computer system. (1 mark)
(b) Explain the term memory address as used in primary memory (1 mark)
109. Explain the following as used in word processing (3 Marks)
i. Spell-check
ii. Thesaurus
iii. Macros:
110. Explain the following spreadsheet concepts:
i. Automatic Recalculation. (1 mark)
ii. What if analysis (1 mark)
111. Suggest two advantages of using presentation graphics software over the traditional
chalk-and-talk approach in a school environment (2 marks)

112. (a) Explain the term workstation as used in a networked environment (1 mark)
(b)What is a server? (1 mark)
113. (a)Explain briefly identification and authentication in computer access control. 2 marks)
(b)What is a personal identification number (PIN)? (1 mark)
114. (a)Explain the term ergonomics. (1 mark)

(b)Suggest two possible causes of eyestrain when using computers. (2 marks)

115. State Three benefits of telecommuting. (3 marks)
116. (a)(i) State and describe three types of error can occur in programming:(3 Marks)
(ii) When is a programming language considered structured? (2 marks)

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(b)(i) The Global Science Museum is not large and can become over-crowded when more than 300
people are in the building. They would like a program that will stop visitors from entering when more
than 300 visitors are in the building.
Design a Pseodocode segment for this problem using a REPEAT loop. You do not have to worry about
visitors who leave the building, just those who have entered. (3 Marks)

(ii) Identify Three aspects of a good HCI? (3 Marks)

(c)(i) Give one advantage of compliers over interpreters (1 mark)

(ii)Give one advantage of interpreters over compliers (1 mark)

(iii) Explain briefly why the source codes must be translated again if the programmer wants
to use the program on a computer with a different platform. (1 mark)
(iv). Explain why a programmer may prefer to write code for device drivers using low level languages.
(1 Mark)

117. (a) (i) With the aid of examples, explain number complements in the Binary number systems
(2 marks)

(ii) Outline the benefits of using binary number complementation in computers. (2 marks)

(b) (i) Why is binary number system best suited for use in computers? (2 marks)

(ii) Convert the following base two number into base ten. (2 marks)


(iii)Convert the following base sixteen number into base two. (2 marks)


(c) Carry out the following binary arithmetic:

(i) 11 + 10 (1 mark)

(ii) 1010.0112 – 11.01112 (2 mark)

(iv) 101 – 11 (1 mark)

118. Describe briefly the three data processing modes (3 marks)

i. Batching Processing Mode
ii. Real-time Processing Mode

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iii. Interactive Processing Mode

(b)(i) Suggest two possible reasons for data preparation errors. (2 marks)
(ii) Suggest two possible reasons for data input errors. (2 marks)

(c) (i)Distinguish between data validation and data verification. (1 mark)

(ii)Give two examples of data verification techniques. (2 marks)

(d) Describe briefly the following data validation techniques

i. Presence Check (1 mark)

ii. Type Check (1 mark)

iii. Range Check (1 mark)

iv. Control Total Check (1 mark)

v. Parity Checks (1 mark)

119. (a) (i) Explain the term search engine (1 mark)

(ii) Peter and Mary use the same keyword to search for information. Suggest two reasons
why their search results may vary. (2 marks)
(iii)State one disadvantage of using an e-mail account provided by the Internet service
provider (ISP). (1 mark)
(b) (i) Explain the term URL (1 mark)
(ii) For the URL,
http stands for (1 mark)

The domain name is (1 mark)

The top-level domain (TLD) is (1 mark)
pe stands for (1 mark)
(c) (i) Explain the term communication protocol (1 mark)

(ii)Explain the following types of communication protocol

Ethernet (1 mark)
Token Ring (1 mark)
TCP/IP (1 mark)

(iii)Give Two examples of wireless-based communications channels. (2 marks)

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120. (a). Describe the role of the systems analyst. (2 Marks)

(b). Describe Two techniques used by the systems analyst in requirements elicitation. (2 Marks)

(c)What is a requirements specification and what does it contain? (5 Marks)

(d) Software development is often said to be an iterative process.

Describe Two events that might spark an iterative process in software development. (2 Marks)
(e) (i) Describe briefly the three basic e-commerce models. (3 Marks)
(ii) Apart from parental control, state one other ways of Internet censorship. (1 mark)

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121. List down four features of a user friendly program (2Marks)

122. a) Define the term file organization. (1Mark)
b) Explain two methods of file access. (2Marks)
123. List four number systems that the design and organization of a computer may depend on. (2Marks)
124. Explain the meaning of the following terms as used in computer communication (2Marks)
a) Modulation
b) Remote communication
125. Using one’s complement, calculate 110112-1112 and leave your answer in binary notation. (3Marks)
126. List three types of computers that are classified according to the type of signal they use when
functioning. (3Marks)
127. In relation to DTP, explain the meaning of (2Marks)
a) Pasteboard
b) Master page
128. Give two main functions of a primary key in a database. (1Mark)
129. Differentiate between LPT ports and COM ports as used in Computer Printers. (2Marks)
130. a) Define the term Cyber space. (1Mark)
b) Give three components of a virtual reality system and state their use. (3Marks)
131. Highlight any two ways in which computers are used as industrial systems. (2Marks)
132. i) Indicate the type of cell reference depicted by the following. (3Marks)
a) $H$5
b) H$5
c) H5
ii) Give three uses of spreadsheets in a government office concerned with carrying out national
census (3Marks)
133. The Chairman IEBC has called upon a System Analyst to implement an electronic voting system. He
intends to use voter’s fingerprints, Identity cards and voter’s cards as security measures to ensure free
and fair elections. Recommend with reasons four input devices that they should use/buy. (4Marks)
134. State any four security control measures that can be taken to detect and protect computer systems
against computer crimes. (2Marks)
135. List four features of Electronic mail (2Marks)
136. a) Define the following terms as used in programming. (2Marks)

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i) Assembler
ii) Monolithic program
b) With the aid of flowchart segments, highlight two differences between the
REPEAT….UNTIL and WHILE…..DO statement structures. (4Marks)
c) Give the name and use of the flowchart symbol below. (1Mark)


i) Name
ii) Use
(d) State any two functions of programming language translators (1 mark)
e) Draw a flowchart that can be used to create a program which accept a numerical pin, if the pin
is equal to 0721, the program outputs , correct pin and asks for personal pin, if the pin is 1737,
the output is “Admitted to UON,” 1738, the output is “Admitted to MARKU”, 1739 the
output is “Admitted to KEMU” after outputting the secret message the program stops.
(7 Marks)

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137. a) The following diagram shows the stages of developing an information system.








i) List any four methods that can be used to achieve the second stage in above. (2Marks)
ii) List any four areas that have to be designed at the fourth stage. (4Marks)
iii) Give one likely consequence of a project that does not stick to its schedule (2Marks)
b) Explain the meaning of the following system characteristics. (4Marks)
i) Entropy
ii) Controls
c) State the three functions of an information system. (3Marks)
138. (a) Distinguish between the following pairs of word processing terms
i) A widow and an orphan (2 marks)
ii) Footnote and end notes (2 marks)

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b) Study the Microsoft Word table below and answer question which follow
Item Quantity Price(sh) Total
Bread 2 33.0 66.0
Milk(litres) 4 30.0
Potatoes 1 75.0
Others Cooking fat(kg) 1 180.0 A
Salt(250 g) 1 15.0 15.0
Total B
i) Supply a formula or function in Cell with letter A to calculate the total amount spent on 1
kg of cooking fat (2 marks)
ii) Supply a formula or function in cell with letter B to calculate total expenditure on all items
(2 marks)
(c) The following is a spreadsheet relating to a farmer.
1 Crop Amount
2 Maize 150
3 Bean 300
4 Cashew nuts 850
5 Cabbages 1036
A function =IF (B2<200, “Not Viable”), IF (B2>300, “Moderate”), IF (B2>1000, “Viable”))).
Give the appropriate result returned in cells C2, C3, C4 and C5 (2Marks)
d) Define the terms as used in databases (3Marks)
i) Attribute
ii) Relationship
iii) Dynaset
e) List any four database models. (2marks)
139. a) State three characteristics of RAM. (3Marks)
b) A computer virus is malicious software which may affect the smooth running of a computer
system or carry out illegal activities in the computer.
i) Name three types of computer viruses and state the effect of each when it gets in to a
computer (3 marks)

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ii) State any two methods to control infection of a standalone computer by virus (2 marks)
iii) Mr. Yugo, the Biology teacher, intends to use a multimedia system to demonstrate
dissection of a frog.
What is a multimedia system? (1 mark)
List four components that make a multimedia system (2 marks)
d) State any two softcopy output devices. (2marks)
e) State two main ways in which secondary storage devices are classified (2 marks)
140. a) Distinguish between guided and unguided transmission media and give one example of each.
b) State two functions of Hubs. (2Marks)
c) Explain two different ways in which computers can enhance communication in Kenya today.
d) State and explain how the benefits of technology were not effectively used during the 2007
general elections. (3Marks)
e) Explain the difference between a data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Circuit –
terminating Equipment (DCE) and give examples of each. (3Marks)

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141.Give TWO reasons why Powder type fire extinguishers are not recommended to be used in
a computer laboratory. (2 Marks)
142.State the purpose of each of the following memories in a computer system. (2 marks)
(i) ROM
(ii) RAM
143.State two factors that one would consider when selecting data entry method in computing.
(2 Marks)
144.Describe the following types of printers and state one application area of each.(3Marks)
(a) Dot matrix
(b) Thermal printer.
145.Differentiate between in-house software and freeware. (2 Marks)
146.Give two importance of feedback mechanism in systems (2 Marks)
147.With an aid of a diagram, explain one-to-one database relationship. (2 Marks)
148.KASSU Secondary School intends to set up internet connection in their school for e-learning
purposes. Advise the school management on four internet connectivity requirements that is
required for them to be able to access internet. (2 Marks)

149.The figure below shows an extract of an e-mail application.

What is meant by each of the following terms: (3 Marks)

(a) Trash
(b) Spam

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(c) Inbox
150.State two ways in which users in an organization can be a security threat to data in an
information system. (2 Marks)
151.State three negative impact of information communication technology on the Environment.
(3 Marks)
152.In a computer based information system, state the purpose of the following files and give
one example where such a file may be required in a school. (4 marks)
a. Report file.
b. Sort file.
153.State three responsibility of a Database administrator in an organization. (3 Marks)
154.With an example for each, describe how computers are used in the following areas of
education; (3 Marks)
a. Simulation
b. Tutorial
155. a. Dan a computer student noticed that every time a person enters the computer lab the
computer screen flickers. Identify three reasons why the monitor might be flickering
(3 Marks)
b. State two ways in which the problem can be solved (2 Marks)
156. To maintain a strategic fit Safaricom is introducing a tariff called the mega tariff that will
lower costs to Safricom to Safaricom calls and calls to other networks. Calls to
Safaricom networks will be charged according to the time of the day as listed below:
• -Between 8am to 12 noon – 6 Ksh
• -Between 12 noon to 2pm -0.8 Kshs
• -Between 6 to 1 am -4Kshs
• -between 1 am t 8am - 1Kshs
Internal calls to other networks are charged at a fixed rate of 7 Kshs between 8am to 8pm
and to while international calls are charged at a rate of 25 Kshs between 8am to 8pm and
Kshs 35 for the rest of the day. All calls are charged per minute usage.

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Mr. Wasswa Bbaale a business man who makes both internal and internal calls would
like to make maximum use of this of this tariff.

a) Write a pseudo code that would show him know the charges of calls with an
appropriate label when he the inputs type of call and the time where appropriate.
Use a 24 hour clock. (8marks)

b) Design a flowchart for the pseudo code in 16(a) above (7marks)

157. a) Explain how an operating system controls I/O devices. (2marks)

b) Maintaining security is one of the functions the operating system. Explain how the operating
system maintains security (2marks)
c) Distinguish between Indexed sequential and direct file organizations (2marks)

d) i) Using appropriate examples, differentiate between distributed and centralized processing

modes (3marks)

ii) State one advantage and one disadvantage of distributed processing modes in 17(d) (i(2marks)
e) i) With reference to an operating system, differentiate between formatting and partitioning.
ii) List any TWO types of user interface. (2mark)
158. a) Using eight bits and twos complement, subtract 7810 from 1710. Give your
answer in decimal notation (3marks)
b) Convert 11011011111.11112 to:
i) Octal (2marks)
ii) Hexadecimal (2marks)
iii) Decimal (2marks)

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c) State any Two methods used to gain illegal access to a computer system (2marks)
d) i) Distinguish between peer-to-peer and client –server LANs. (2marks)
ii) Atieno was very happy when she bought a Safaricom 2G modem for she was able to
easily connect her computer to the Internet. After six months she noticed it was taking her too
long to connect to the Internet. State two possible causes of the problem. (2marks)
159. a) i) Explain any two causes of system change. (2marks)
ii) Explain any THREE causes of system maintenance. (2marks)
b) i) Use of questionnaire is one of the most popular fact finding method. State any
TWO advantages and TWO disadvantages of using this method to gather data. (2marks)
ii) Explain the importance of requirement specification phase of Systems development.
c) Explain TWO reasons why a new system is tested before implementation. (2marks)
d)i) State two duties performed by a system administrator. (1mark)
ii) The principal of a school is attempting to convince his staff to us CAL and CAI software.
State one benefit and one limitation of using such software. (2marks)
e) State one advantage and one disadvantage of using expert systems in medicine(2marks)
160. a) Explain three types of communication links that may be used to get an
Internet connection (3marks)
b) Differentiate between the Internet and World Wide Web. (2marks)
ii) Technology has been blamed for polluting the environment.
Explain how computer technology has contributed to this. (2marks)

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c) A Company that makes and sells vehicles receives orders from various clients. The
company wants to enter their orders into a database. Study the table structure below and answer
the questions that follow.

Field Name Data Type Field Size

Order Number Number Long Intenger

Order Date Date/Time
Supply Date Date/Time
Product code Tex 5
Customer ID Number Long Integer
Delivery address Text 30
Product Type Tex 15
Product Name Tex 10
Quantity Ordered Number Long integer
Product Prize Number Long Integer

i) Split the above structure into THREE tables and for each table identify an appropriate
primary key. (5marks)
ii) Design well labeled tables structures and identify foreign keys (3marks)

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161. i) Explain the emerging trends in microcomputer technology in relation to Size (1 mark)

ii) Mention two Analogue devices (2 marks)

162. i) Identify and briefly describe three advantages of using computers in banking (1½ marks)

ii) State two advantages of using a mouse instead of a keyboard. (1 mark)

163. State two reasons why Magnetic tapes are not commonly used as computer data storage medium
today (1 mark)

164. i) Give two advantages of the higher number of pixels per square centimeter. (1 mark)
ii) Differentiate between Data interface cable and power cable. (1 mark)
iii) Explain two differences between serial and parallel communication ports of a computer .
(2 marks)
165. i) What is line spacing as used in word processing? (½ mark)

ii) Describe any two line spacing specification used in Microsoft Word. (1 mark)

iii) Name the two documents used in mail merge. (1 mark)

iv). With reference to the concept of graphics as used in Microsoft word. Explain the difference
between object linking and embedding? (1 mark)

166. Who am I? (3 marks)

i) Am is skilled in software/program development as per requirement and technical operations of

computer hardware. I also develop and update both system and application software together with
the associated documentations.

ii) Am is skilled in designing computer hardware and also improves on existing ones.

iii) I maintain, update & modify information on the websites to meet new demands by the users. I
also monitor the access & use of internet connection by enforcing security measures

167. During the COVID 19 pandemic, the government advised the citizens to use electronic funds
transfer and other popular mobile phone money transactions to make payments.
i) State how the above method of conducting business would help to curb on the spread of the
disease. (2 marks)
ii) What is the meaning of Electronic Funds Transfer? (1mk)

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168. Define the term dual booting as used in computing. (1 mark)

169. Differentiate between cropping and grouping. (2 marks)

170. Other than flow chart, state two tools that can be used to present an algorithm .(2 marks)

171. Differentiate between a deadlock and interrupt as used in operating system. (2 marks)

172. (a) Securem is a company that deals with providing security services to its clients. Name any
ways the company can protect its computer network from hackers. (2 marks)

(b) State three characteristics of a suitable password. (3 marks)

173. During system development the system analyst should consider the correct requirement
specifications for the new system. State any four outcomes that may result from using incorrect
requirement specifications. (3 marks)

174. (a) Define the term Computer Aided Design. (1 mark)

(b) List two advantages of using Computer Aided Design. (2 marks)

175. Explain two arithmetic errors that may occur during computerised data processing. (2 marks)

176. (a) Give two examples of syntax errors in programming. (2 marks)

(b)ScrabbleTM is a word game where the players are awarded points by creating words from a
combination of letters each of which carry a different point value. A player is awarded the points for
creating words from the combination. Write a pseudocode using CASE to read a letter and output the
value equivalent to that letter from the following table. (8 marks)


A,E,I,L,N,O,R,S,T,U 1

D,G 2

B,C,M,P 3

F,H,V,W,Y 4

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K 5

J,X 8

Z,Q 10

(c) Classify the following programming languages according to their category: (3 marks)

Programming language Category







(d) With aid of a diagram, explain the “Repeat Until” construct as used in structured programming

(2 marks)

177. (a) State the stage in system development life cycle where each of the following activities are
carried out:

i. Identifying shortcomings of a system. (1 mark)

ii. Preparing the system migration plan (1 mark)

iii. Identifying the technologies that may be used in the proposed system. (1 mark)

(b) State three roles of a programmer in system development life cycle. (3 marks)

(c) E-mail technology has become a very important part of today’s communication. Explain any
three problems associated with using e-mail technology for communication. (6 marks)
(d) Sarafina wants to download her favourite movie from YouTube. State any three factors that
may determine how long it will take her to complete the download. (3 marks)

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178. The following Digital Club Member details were to be entered in a database: Name, Date of
registration, Registration fee and Class.

(a) Prepare a suitable structure showing field names and their field types (4 marks)
Field Data type

Name Text

Date of registration Date

Registration fee Currency or Number

Class Text

(b) Name one other field that the Club Patron may need to add to uniquely identify the records

(c) Write the statement that can be used to select members of the class form 3. (2 marks)

Name Date of Registration fee Class



(d) The following is an extract from a spreadsheet created to manage sales. Use it to answer the
questions that follow.


2 HDD 300 GB 7,500 2

3 Optical Drive 4,500 8

4 DELL Latitude core i5 44,500 3

5 DDR4 8GB RAM 10,000 4

6 Lenovo Yoga Smart Tab 28,953 1

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(i) Write a formula that will compute the number of items whose unit price whose price more than
10,000 (3 marks)

(ii) If the formula =$B2*C$2 was placed in D2, state the output if copied to D3. (2 marks)

(iii) Write the cell referencing used in c(ii) above. (1 mark)

(iv) Write the data type that is stored in cell C5 and A6 respectively (2 marks)

179. a) Define the term attenuation as used in networking and data communication. (1 mark)

b) The following are figures of networking cables. Identify each. (2 marks)

Figure 1 Figure 3

Figure 2 Figure 4

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

c) (i) Give two examples of network software (2 marks)

(ii) In a network setup, list any two items that may be referred to as data terminal equipment.
(2 marks)

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d) Explain the following terms as used in networking (4 marks)

(i) Remote Communication

(ii) Distributed processing

e) State four functions of a server in a network (4 marks)

180. (a) Determine the binary equivalent of the octal number 253243. (2 marks)
(b) Carry out the following binary arithmetic using ones complement. In each case leave your answer in
base 10.

(i) 1010-108 (5 marks)

(i) 2BH-9H (6 marks)

(c) Arrange the following numbers in ascending order. (2 marks)

1016, 1010, 158, 10112

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181.State two reasons for the increased use of Laptop computers in modern workplaces
182.What precautions would you take in the computer laboratory incase users are
complaining of overheating and suffocation. (2marks)
183. Convert the decimal number 15.37310 to its binary number system equivalent.
184. With an aid of a diagram describe the difference between Repeat Until and While… Do

185. State three circumstances which may force an individual to acquire an impact printer
instead of non-impact printer.
186. Sam prepared a five-page brochure of Maseno School using Ms-publisher. He wanted to
insert a school badge in each page of the publication. State two methods he need to apply to
execute this task.
187. State the difference between ones complement and twos complement

188.Explain the impact of Information Technology on organization in each of the following

areas. (2 marks)

(a) Competition.
(b) Pace of growth.
189. State four benefits of cloud storage in computing. (4marks)
190. Describe the functions of the following disk management operations.
(a) Defragmentation (1mark)
(b) Partitioning (1mark)
191. Describe four ways through which an organization can minimize threats to it data
integrity. (4marks)
192.Study the following three sections of code and name accordingly (3marks)
10101010110 MOV AL, 10 <OL> <li> Chemistry
01010101010 MOV DL, 25 <li>Biology
01000010101 MUL DL <li>Physics</li></OL>
(a) (b) (c)

193. Identify how the operating system will label the following drives in case a computer has
one floppy drive, one hard disk partition into two and a DVD. (3marks)

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194.Five students Jane, Beryl, Baroness, Linda, and Jael scored the following marks in
mathematics: 45, 76, 34, 65 and 45. The marks were recorded in cell C3 to C7. Write
down the most appropriate function that can be used to give those positions so that they
can be awarded in descending order.
195.Match the following statements with repeater, router or a bridge. (2 marks)


(a) Operates at data link layer

(b) Determine the best path for data to follow

(c) Regenerates signals

(d) Forwards everything which it doesn’t


(i) Define the following terms as used in programming. (3marks)
(b) Machine dependent
(c) Bug

(d) Syntax
(ii) Give two reasons to justify why most programmers prefer using compilers instead of
interpreters. (2marks)
(iii) Describe two limitations of machine language. (2marks)

(iv)Study the pseudo code below and design its equivalent flowchart (8marks)
For count =1 to 5 Do
Get Value 1 and Value 2
If Value 1 > Value2 Then
Maximum =Value1
Maximum =Value2
Display Maximum

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(i) The five-bit number 00101 is used to represent decimal number 5, show three methods of
coding for negative 5. (3marks)
(ii) Convert the binary number 1010111101011011100012 into its
(a) Octal equivalent (2marks)
(b) Hexadecimal (2marks)
(iii) Convert 10101.0101012 to decimal (3marks)
(iv) Use 8-bit twos to subtract 3510 from 1710 (3marks)
(v) Perform the following calculation (2marks)
(i) Define the term desktop publishing. (2marks)
(ii) List three nonprinting guides used in Desktop publishing (3marks)
(iii) Explain the following features as used in DTP when manipulating graphical objects.
(a) Fill (1mark)
(b) Stroke (1mark)
(vi) Describe any three types of action queries. (3marks)
(iv) Describe the function of the following features of a query grid.
(a) Criteria (1mark)
(b) Show (1mark)
(v) Mention three functions of database management software. (3marks)
(i) State three causes of system entropy. (3marks)
(ii) Describe three main ways of maintaining a computer-based system. (3marks)
(iii) State three advantages of using pilot changeover strategy in system development (3marks)
(iv) State a stage in system development life cycle where each of the following activities are
carried out.
(a) Identifying shortcomings of the system (1mark)
(b) Prepare training manuals (1mark)
(c) Calculating the cost benefit analysis (1mark)
(v) State three outcomes that may result from using incorrect requirement specifications during
system development. (3marks)
(a) Define the following terms.
(i) Downloading (1mark)
(ii) Uploading (1mark)
(iii) Blog (1mark)
(b) Briefly describe how internet platform have revolutionized business operations in the 21st
century. (3marks)

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(c) Mention three emerging issues that make many people have a negative perception about
internet. (3marks)
(d) Explain the following terms as used in data processing.
(i) Multiprocessing (1mark)
(ii) Batch processing (1mark)
(e) Explain the following types of errors.
(i) Overflow error (1mark)
(ii) Truncation error (1mark)
(f) Mention two application areas of real processing (2mark)

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{QUESTIONS 201-218}

a) Type the following passage exactly as it appears using a word processor and save it as EXERCISE



The methodology area can justly be described as a jungle. Firstly there appears to exist many hundreds of
the system development methodologies. Longworth (1985) in a recent study identified over 300. If all
these are different, then it is no wonder that there is so much confusion. However, it may be that the
differences are trivial and are made solely to differentiate methodologies in the market place


The term methodology is not well defined either in Literature or by practitioners.

There is very little agreement as to what it means other than at a general level. The term is usually used
very loosely and yet it is used very extensively.

This loose use does not mean that there are no definitions, simply that there are no universally agreed
definitions. At the general level, it is regarded as a recommended series of steps and procedures to be
followed in the course and developing an information system. In a brief adhoc survey, this proves to be
about the maximum that people will agree to and of course such a definition raise many more questions
than it answers.

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For example:

• What is the difference between a methodology and a method?

• Does a methodology include a specification of the techniques and tools which are to be used?
• Does a collection of techniques and tools constitute a methodology?
• Should the use of a methodology produce the same results each time?

The questions that arise are fundamental as well as numerous. Unfortunately the most that can be achieved is
to air the issues. The information system community is in the process of debating the meaning of the term
methodology in an information system context, and it may one day have a universal definition. However, it
may be more realistic to assume that this will never be achieved. An information system's methodology has
been defined as a recommended collection o f philosophies, phase, procedures, rules, techniques, tools, documentation,
management and training for developers o f information systems.(Madison 1983). According to this definition, a
methodology has a number of components.

Which specify:

• How a project is to be broken down into stages

• What tasks are to be carried out at each stage
• What outputs are to be produced
• When they are to be carried out
• What constraints are applied
• What support tools may be utilized

In addition, the methodology is supposed to specify how the project is to be managed and controlled and
support the training needs of the users of the methodology. This is all encompassed in a view or
philosophy concerning the important and critical aspects of information systems development.


b) Remove the underline from all the underlined and change the text to bold and italics. Apply

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hanging ident to the first two paragraphs. Save the document as EXERCISE 2. (6marks)
c) Select the text starting from the words "For example:…….information systems development" (at the end
of the passage) and move it to a new page and save as EXERCISE 3. (5 marks)
d) (i) Retrieve EXERCISE document and convert it to two columns of the same width and height and
justify them. (6marks)
(ii) Double space the first paragraph of the passage and fit the entire passage into one page(4marks)

(iii) Insert your name into the passage as a footer so as to appear as © your name. Save the
document as EXERCISE 4. (5marks)


202.Table 1, table 2 and table 3 are extracts of records, kept in a carpentry shop. Use the information to
answer the questions that follow;
Carpenter Table Customer Table
Order Table
CAP_001 CUST _01 1721 Bench January 18,000
CAP_002 CUST _02 1722 Coffee table January 25,000
CAP_003 CUST _03 1723 Office table January 10,000
CAP_004 CUST _04 1724 Single bed January 18,000

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CAP_005 CUST _05 1725 Arm chair January 60,000

CAP_001 CUST _01 1726 Double bed February 75,000
CAP_002 CUST _04 1727 Dining table February 85,000
CAP_004 CUST _03 1728 Arm chair February 60,000
CAP_001 CUST _02 1729 Double decker bed February 72,000
CAP_002 CUST _06 1730 Kitchen table February 82,000
CAP_004 CUST _02 1731 Bench March 18,000
CAP_003 CUST _06 1732 bench march 18,000

a) i) Using database application package, create a database file named;

ii) Create three tables named Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table that will be used to store
the above data. (10mks)
iii) Set the appropriate primary key for the tables (2mks)
iv) Create relationship among the tables (2mks)
b) i) Create a data entry form for each table and give them relevant names (3mks)
ii) Enter the data in Carpenter Table, Customer Table and order Table respectively (11mks)
c) i) Create a query named individual income to display the amount received from each customer every
month. (4mks)
ii) Create a query that computes Total income for each month. Save the query as totalIncome. (6mks)
d) Create a query named loyalty to compute the total number of orders made by each customer over the three
months. (3mks)
e) Create a report to display order details, save the report as Order report (4mks)
f) Print the three tables and the report (4mks)

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1. Table 1, table 2 and table 3 are extracts of records, kept in a carpentry shop. Use the
information to answer the questions that follow;

Carpenter Table Customer Table

Order Table
CAP_001 CUST _01 1721 Bench January 18,000
CAP_002 CUST _02 1722 Coffee table January 25,000
CAP_003 CUST _03 1723 Office table January 10,000
CAP_004 CUST _04 1724 Single bed January 18,000
CAP_005 CUST _05 1725 Arm chair January 60,000
CAP_001 CUST _01 1726 Double bed February 75,000
CAP_002 CUST _04 1727 Dining table February 85,000
CAP_004 CUST _03 1728 Arm chair February 60,000
CAP_001 CUST _02 1729 Double decker bed February 72,000
CAP_002 CUST _06 1730 Kitchen table February 82,000
CAP_004 CUST _02 1731 Bench March 18,000
CAP_003 CUST _06 1732 bench march 18,000

a) i) Using database application package, create a database file named;

ii) Create three tables named Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table that
will be used to store the above data. (10mks)

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iii) Set the primary key for the tables (2mks)

iv) Create relationship among the tables (2mks)

b) i) Create a data entry form for each table (3mks)

ii) Enter the data in Carpenter Table, Customer Table and Order Table respectively
c) i) Create a query named individual income to display the amount received from each
customer every month. (4mks)
ii) Create a database object that computers Total income for each month. Save the query as
Totalincomenomnthly. (6mks)
d) Create a query named loyalty to compute the total number of orders made by each
customer over the three months.
e) Create a report to display order details, save the report as Order report (4mks)
f) Print the three tables and the report (4mks)

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Use a spreadsheet to manipulate data in the table below.
Adm Name Stream Comp Art Bus Eng Mat Student Rank
No mean
C001 Barasa H 56 45 36 56 26
C002 Wangila K 58 57 90 54 23
C003 Wafula H 48 56 54 45 25
C004 Wanjala K 78 95 78 46 24
C005 Kerubo H 49 86 68 35 52
C006 Akinyi K 56 45 25 63 54
C007 Odhiambo H 75 78 45 65 56
C008 Okunyuku K 89 69 65 53 51
C009 Nekesa H 69 58 45 54 52
C010 Simiyu H 85 46 78 52 53

a) Enter the data in all bordered worksheet and auto fit all column. Save the workbook as
mark 1 (15mks)
b) Find the total marks for each subject (3mks)
c) Find total for each subject per stream using a function (5mks)
d) Find mean mark for each student using a function (5mks)
e) Rank mean student in descending order using the mean (5mks)
f) Create a well labeled column chart on a different sheet to show the mean mark of every
student. Save the workbook as mark 2. (7mks)
g) Using mark1, use subtotals to find the average mark for each subject per stream. Save the
workbook as mark 3 (7mks)
h) Print mark 1,mark 2 and the chart

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(A) Type the following letter as it appears in a word processor. Use the mail merge feature to
produce to produce copies of the same letter to the persons whose details are given below
(12 Mks)
P.O.BOX 900

6TH JULY 2010




I am happy to inform you that the NOV-DEC. Examinations are out. Kindly arrange to visit our
school on<Date to visit>at 9.00 am in order to know the details. Remember to carry your original
KCPE certificate and examination registration card–bearing the index number.

Yours truly,
Data source (List of candidates)

(i). Save Main document as Main Doc (1 mk)
(ii). Save Data source as Data source (1 mk)

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(iii). Change the addresses and reference font size to 14 pt (1½mks)

(iv). Underline the reference (½ mk)
(v). Merge the letter onto main document so as to produce for all the three candidates and
save it as ‘Results 2021’ (6 mks)
(vi). Print the letters (3 mks)
(B) (i) Type the following text in word processing software and save it in a folder using your
Name and Index number

A computer is a machine or an electronic device that can solve problems by accepting data,
performing certain operations on that data(processing)and presenting the results of those
operations (Information)Basic characteristics that distinguish a computer from other information
processing devices:

1. A computer is electronic-That is, all its processing operations are carried out with
electrical signals
2. A computer can store information for future reference. This is done on temporary basis
with memory circuits and permanently with storage devices such as magnetic disks and tape.
3. A computer is programmable-unlike other devices built to perform a single function, a
computer can be instructed or programmed to perform a variety of tasks.
Converting the data (raw facts) into information’s (Organized, usable form) is called data
processing. Data get into the system by means of input device e.g keyboard then the performs the
necessary calculations or manipulation on the data and finally the organized information is
displayed by an output device e.g a monitor.
Although computers have many applications, they can perform only three basic tasks.
1. Arithmetic functions on numeric data (adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing)
2. Test relationships between data items (by comparing values)
3. Store and retrieve data

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These skills are really no more than people can do, but the computer can accomplish can the task
Faster Accurately Reliable

(i) Align the title to the center and underline it (1 mk)

(ii) Add border to the title (2 mks)

(iii)Replace all the numberings with bullets (2 mks)

(iv) Insert the footer ‘’Computer F4 Joint Evaluation Test,2010’’ (2 mks)

(v) Set the line spacing to exactly 1.5 (4 mks)

(vi) Insert word Art ‘’COMPUTER’’ and set it to appear behind the text. (5 mks)

(vii) Search for words ‘’Computer’’ and replace all with ‘’PC’’ (2mks)

(viii) Move paragraph with the heading ‘’how a computer operates’’ to the end of the
document (2 mks)

(ix) Set the font style of the document to Arial black (3 mks)

(x) Save your work as ‘’computer literacy’’ (1 mk)

(xi) Print your document (2 mks)

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The data in the tables below was extracted from survey data on employment

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207. a)Open a word processing program and type the document below as it appears

and save it as CBC.

(15 marks)


Kenya has embraced a Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) to increase skills development and
instill values in the learner. Parental empowerment and engagement in the learning process is
essential to the learner’s growth and development. As a parent, you are the first educator, trainer
and source of authority for your child. The purpose of this brochure, therefore, is to give you more
information about CBC and your role in the learning process of your child.
This is a process that gives learners an opportunity to be actively involved in learning. It facilitates
identification and development of learner’s unique talents and abilities through different career
pathways after grade 9. CBC assists learners acquire, nurture and apply values in day to day
The Competency Based Curriculum was rolled out nationally in January 2019 in Early Years
Education. The difference between 8.4.4 and CBC;
From 8-4-4 To CBC
Focuses on teaching Focuses on practical learning
Focuses on memorization of content Focuses on application of knowledge
Focuses on academic achievement Focuses not only on academic achievement but also
on skills development and nurturing of values
Focuses on examination and results Focuses on what the learner is expected to achieve
and provision of feedback on the learner’s progress
Focuses on competition Focuses on collaboration
Not all learners transited to the next Facilitates smooth transition for all learners

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Less emphasis on talent and career More emphasis on talent identification and career
progression development
Less parental engagement in More parental empowerment and engagement


The following are general roles to support the learning of your child in CBC

 Provide basic necessities.  Help in enhancing learning

 Protect your child from physical and achievements in your child as guided by
emotional harm. the teacher.
 Instill and nurture morals and values.  Engage with the teacher to enrich your
 Teach and guide children to make the child’s learning experiences.
right choices and make them aware of  Provide tender, loving care to boost your
consequences. child’s emotional safety and a sense of
 Teach and model proper use of belonging.
resources.  Take part in school activities such as
 Instill a sense of responsibility by academic clinics, talent
ensuring children participate in age-
appropriate chores.

b) Set page margins as follows:

i) Left margin: 6 Picas (2 marks)

ii) Right, Top and Bottom margins: 3 Picas (2 marks)

c) Apply 1.5 line spacing on the entire document (2 marks)

d) Insert an in margin drop cap on paragraph 1 dropped to 4 lines (2 marks)

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e) Save the document as CBC-1 (2 marks)

f) Print out the following:

i) CBC (2 marks)

ii) CBC-1 (2 marks)

208. b)The following is an extract from Wavumbuzi Entrepreneurship Challenge

showing the performance of different participants over the Six-week period.

Using a

spreadsheet package, enter the above information and save it as Wavumbuzi Challenge

(11 marks)

i. Format the worksheet to appear as it is (4 marks)

ii. Rename the worksheet containing the data as Wavumbuzi-1
iii. Copy the contents of Wavumbuzi-1 to another worksheet and rename it as
Wavumbuzi-2 (2 marks)

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b) Type a formula at:
i) Cell J4 to compute the total points for Sarah (2 marks)
ii) Apply the formula to the appropriate cells (1 mark)
c) Type a function at:
i) Cell K7 to compute the Average Points for Faith. (2 marks)
ii) Apply the function to the appropriate cells. (1 mark)

d) A participant earns a medal based on the Average Points scored as follows:

Average points Medal

500 and above Gold
300-499 Silver
Below 300 Bronze
i) Type a formula in L5 to determine David’s medal (3 marks)
ii) Apply the formula to other appropriate cells (2 marks)
e) Insert a blank column after average points and label it RANK. Using appropriate
function, compute the rank of the participants based on the average points in
descending order (5 marks)
f) (i) Using appropriate functions, compute the:
(a) Total points for the female per week in cell D15 (2 marks)
(b) Total points for the male per week in cell D16 (2 marks)
ii) Apply the functions to the appropriate cells (2 marks)
g) Using Wavumbuzi-1 worksheet, create a bar chart showing how various participants
performed in the six-week challenge and Move it to a new worksheet: (7 marks)
ii) Insert X-axis as: PERFORMANCE SCORES
iii) Insert Y-axis as: PARTICIPANT NAME
iv) Display the legend at the bottom
v) Rename the worksheet containing the chart to WavumbuziChart

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h) Print out each of the following: (3 marks)
i) Wavumbuzi -1
ii) Wavumbuzi-2 (showing the formulas)
iii) WavumbuziChart

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Question 209.

(a) (i) Enter the data as it appears in a spreadsheet. And save it as MSouth (13mks)
2 Wayne Juma 2345 Meru 45 59 45
3 Peter Gituma 3497 Nakuru 67 50 65
4 Joyce mumbi 45267 Bomet 23 60 35
5 Maina Grace 4272 Bungoma 45 80 67
6 Atieno Rebbeca 8127 Embu 67 70 87
7 Abdi Hussein 4556 ISIOLO 82 30 45
8 Kimani Hansmark 0918 Marsabit 34 40 97
9 Achieng Mary 1456 Nyandarua 29 50 34

(ii) Insert two blank rows at the top of the worksheet. (1 mark)
(iii) Enter the following title and subtitle in the blank rows respectively; JOB RECUIRTMENT
FILE and APPLICANTS DETAILS Respectively. (3marks)
(iv) Centre the title and subtitle across the columns that contain data. (2marks)
Using functions, compute:
(i) The mean for each Applicant and format it to 2 decimal places. (3marks)
(ii) The position of each Applicant. (3marks)
(i) The highest and lowest score for Abdi Hussein, enter the answers in L3 and M3 respectively
(b) The teacher wishes to analyze the applicants’ data in order to find those applicants who qualify
for recruitment. Successful candidates MUST meet the following minimum requirements;
i. Must have scored a mean of 40 marks and above;
ii. Must have scored 60 marks and above in Computer;
iii. Must have scored 50 marks and above in Mathematics.
Use the above criteria to remark If the applicants qualifies, the function should display
‘Successful’. Otherwise it should display ‘Unsuccessful’. (5marks)

(c) Using a function find the number of applicants who are successful. (2marks)

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(d) Copy the entire worksheet to sheet 2 and rename it as Successful Applicants. (2marks)
(e) Filter the ‘Successful Applicants’ sheet to display the records of those applicants who are
successful. (2marks)
(f) In a new worksheet Create a bar chart to compare the performance of mathematics and computer
for all applicants and rename the sheet as COMP/MATH (4marks)
(i) Insert SUBJECT PERFORMANCE as the heading of the chart (2 mark)
(ii) Assign the appropriate LEGENDS to the chart (1 mars)
(ii) Name the axis appropriately (2 marks)
(g) Print: (2 marks)
I. MSouth;
II. Successful Applicants Sheet;
210. The table below shows data obtained from a Madaraka Express room booking database. Use it to
answer the questions that follow:
Cust ID Name Phone Room Date of Receipt No Amount
number No payment Paid
001 Alice Muna 0722345671 126 23/4/2020 12345R1 7800
002 Peter Wetu 0733123456 347 02/04/2020 78653R2 4500
003 Were Atieno 0791256435 56 05/08/2020 12364R1 5200
004 Jane Mwaniki 0782345678 78 03/05/2020 12465R5 5678
005 Felix Kimon 0712678905 12 01/11/2020 12766R3 6790
006 Blessed Mike 0711347890 234 10/07/2020 12067R4 5489
001 Alice Muna 0722345671 126 23/4/2020 12345R1 7800
005 Felix Kimon 0712678905 12 01/11/2020 12766R3 6790
004 Jane Mwaniki 0782345678 78 03/05/2020 12465R5 5678
006 Blessed Mike 0711347890 234 10/07/2020 12067R4 5489

a) i) Create a database named MADARAKA to store the above data. (4mks)

ii) Split the data into two tables. The tables should be named: “Payment table” and “Personal
details”. (12mks)
iii) For each of the tables, chose the most appropriate key field. (4mks)
iv) Insert input mask for the phone number field such that the numbers are displayed as 0722-
345-671. (2mks)
v) Create one to many relationship. (4mks)

b) i) Create a data input screen for each table for inputting the data in the table above. Ensure
that the name and title of the screen are appropriate. (4mks)
ii) Use the screens created to enter the records in the table above into the appropriate tables.

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c) Create a query to extract all customers whose names end with letter “a”. Save the query as “END
WITH”. (4mks)

d) Generate a tabular grouped report showing the total and average of the payments in the payment
table. Grouping should be done on the customer’s name (5mks)

e) Print the two tables and the report. (3mks)

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211. The Management of a company owning a chain of hotels intend to use a

spreadsheet program to compute the revenues in thousands of Kenya Shillings for the
hotels during the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters. The hotels are rated as 2 star, 3star, 4
star and 5 star. Figure 1 below shows an extract of the worksheet.

Figure 1

(a) Open a spreadsheet program and create the worksheet extract as it appears in
Figure 1. Save the workbook as Task 1
(11 marks)

(b) Use a function and cell addresses to calculate:

(i) Total revenue for each quarter; (2 marks)

(ii) Total revenue for each hotel. (2 marks)

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(c) (i) Insert two rows above row 1 and type the title "MBALAMBALA GROUP
HOTELS" in cell Al (2 marks)

(ii) Merge the cells in the range Al: G1. (l mark)

(iii) Apply bold and font size 15 to the title. (1 mark)

(d) Using cell addresses only, compute the administrative cost for each quarter given that the cost
is a percentage of total revenue and the percentage rate is in cell B18.
(3 marks)

(e) Apply thick outside borders and regular inside borders to cells in the range A3:G18
(f) (i)Copy all the contents of the current worksheet to a new worksheet. (2marks)

(ii)Rename the old worksheet as original and the new worksheet as formatted
(2 marks)

(g) (i) Change the page layout orientation of the formatted worksheet to landscape and the
page size scaled to 80%. (2 marks)

(ii) Enter the values 2, 3, 4 and 5 in the cell range B20: B23 respectively representing
the hotel star category ratings. (1 mark)
(iii) Using a function and cell references:

I compute the total revenue for each hotel references;

II compute the total revenue for each hotel category in the 1st quarter using
reference values in the range B20: B23 in cells C20: C23. (5 marks)

(iv)Sort the revenues from the hotels in descending order of hotels. (2 marks)

(h) (i) Create a column chart that compares the revenues of the hotels in star category 4 for
the 1st and 2nd quarter. (4 marks)

(ii) Format the chart created as follows:


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II. Move the chart to a new sheet and rename the sheet as FourStar Revenues.

(i) Save the changes and print later each of the following:
(i) original worksheet showing the column and row headings; (2 marks)
(ii)formatted worksheet; (l mark)
(iii)FourStar Revenues chart. (2marks)

212. Popo City planners intend to use a Desktop Publishing program to draw a plan for a
section of a city. Assume you have been given the task.

(a) (i) Open a desktop publishing program and set the page layout orientation to portrait and
and paper size to A4. (2 marks)

(ii) Save the publication as Task 2 (l mark)

(b) Create the city plan as it appears in Figure 2 ensuring that the design covers the entire
printable area of the page. (46 marks)

(c) Save the changes and print the publication later. (l mark)

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Figure 2

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213.The following table was extracted from a form four class. Create a workbook named
performance .Enter it as it is and save it as grades. Use it to answer the following the
questions that follow. (12marks)

End of term Exam Analysis

2012 Exam
Name Exam1 Exam 2 Exam 3 paper Participation
1 Jane 64 70 73 85 75
2 Tony 70 77 88 95 90
3 Jenney 77 83 79 88 80
4 Richard 69 43 81 78 75
5 Rachael 91 90 86 95 88
6 David 44 26 54 78 80
7 Roger 77 85 86 85 88
8 Allen 83 86 92 85 88
9 Victor 97 80 82 85 68
10 Allan 69 69 50 85 75
11 Brad 95 89 89 95 85
12 James 91 84 92 85 80
13 Arthure 87 79 84 85 80
14 Robert 76 73 80 82 80
15 June 82 84 74 88 85
16 David 70 41 57 73 70

(a) Add the following two students before victor and enter the following information:
Name: Thomas, John McCullum.
Exam 1: 82 65
Exam 2: 75 79
Exam 3: 81 84
Paper: 87 92
Participation: 94 65

(b) Copy the data in the worksheet grade and paste it in worksheet 2 and save as Rank. (2marks)
(c) Calculate the final average for each student. The three exams should each count 25% of the
final average, the paper should count for 15%, and participation should count for the
remarining 10%. (5marks)
(d). Calculate the class average for each exam. (3marks)
(e) Apply one decimal point to the average point (2marks)
(f) Rank the students based on average points (3marks)
(f) Sort the students based on rank after average in ascending order (2marks)

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(g) Create a column after rank and name it Grade. Using IF function, grade the students based on
the following criteria. (A=90-100; B=80-89; C=70-79; D=60-69; F=below 60) (6marks)
(h) Below the average for each exam get the highest score and lowest score for exam1, exam2, and
exam3 (4maraks)
(i) Create a chart that shows the grade distribution for the final average (5marks)
(j) Print the following GRADE, RANK and CHART (3marks)

214) Create a database. Save it as Students Database on Desktop inside your folder indicating your
name and index number. (2marks)
(a) Create a table in design view using the following information (4marks)

Field Name Data Type Size/Format
Student Id Auto number Long integer
Name Text 20
Surname Text 20
Date of
Birth Date/time short Date
Age Number long integer
Exam Fee Currency Currency

b) Choose the most appropriate primary key and save the table as Students’ Details. (2marks)
(c) Create a validation rule for the Age field which does not allow students under the age of 16 to
apply for exams. Create a validation text to complement the validation rule stating “Student is too
young”. (2marks)
(d) Add the following field below surname (2marks)
Town Text 15

e. (i) Create another table in design view (3marks)

Field Name Data Type Field size/Format
Student Id Number Long Integer
Result Number Long Integer
Subject Text 20

(ii) Create a validation rule on the Results field so that marks greater than 100 would not be allowed
to be keyed in. Create a validation text to complement the validation rule stating “Mark is greater
than 100”. (3marks)
f. Re-order the subject field with the result field so that the subject field is now after the Student Id
field. (2marks)

g. (i) create a student details form to Input the following data in the Students’ Details table(5marks)
Date of Exam
student id Name Surname Town Birth Age Fee

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1 John Black Mosta 16/07/1981 29 25

2 Mary Smith Qrendi 16/05/1982 28 30
3 Anne Hamlet Mosta 18/07/1983 27 40

(ii) Create a student’s marks form used to Input the following data in the Students’ Marks
table (5 marks)

Student id Subject Result

1 Computer 60
1 math’s 75
1 English 30
2 Computer 50
2 Maths 85
2 English 35
3 Computer 95
3 maths 20
3 English 40

(h). Create a one-to-many relationship between the Students’ Details table and the Students’ Marks.
Enforce referential integrity to the relationship. (3marks)

(i). Open the Students’ Details table, change the Surname Hamlet to Hammell (2marks)

(j) Sort the data in the Students’ Details table in alphabetical order according to Surname. (2marks)

(k) Create a query based on the Students Details table showing all the information about those
students who live at Mosta. Save it as Locality. (2marks)

(l) Create a two-table query based on Students’ Details and Students’ Marks using the Student Id,
Name and Surname fields from the Students Details table and the Subject and Result fields from the
Students Marks table. The query must display those students who got a result of 75 marks or more.
Save the query as High Achievers (4marks)

(m) Create a report based on the High Achievers query. (4marks)

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(n) Create a report called Results. Use the following fields: Student Id, Name, Surname, Subject and
Result fields. Calculate the sum and average of each record. In the header of the report, include the
title Results. (5marks)

(o) Print the following high achievers and results (2marks)

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Question 215
The following data is an extract of data obtained from Movers Transport company records. Study
the data and answer the questions that follow.








101B 115 Selina Mwao 4562
79A 145 Yvonne Kibet 1254
79A 012 Dorothy Namulungu 235
79A 561 Tiffany Wangui 8954
101B 016 Asha Waningu 9658
20Z 123 Ruth Mellanie 7895
20Z 458 Afif Mumtaz 456
101B 654 Pelah Wonder 421
20Z 758 Christabel Simbauni 7895

a) Enter the data shown above into a spreadsheet giving it an appropriate title, center and bold
across the worksheet. Save the workbook as WORK01. Rename the worksheet as Jan records
(10 Marks)
b) Copy the data to a new worksheet and add the details of producer Valence Masitsa of area 101B,
ID 452 with quantity of produce of 2,700kg in an appropriate row. (1 Mark)
c) Insert double borders around every cell and every row. (2 Marks)
d) Use a function to calculate the Total cost for the producer with ID number 115 given that the
price per KG of the produce is Sh.41 .00 (2 Marks)
e) Use the formula for Total cost obtained for producer Selina Mwao and use it to calculate the
gross cost for all the farmers (2 Marks)

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f) Use if function to calculate transport cost for all the producers given that transport is charged per
Kg is as follows (5 Marks)
AREA Price per kg
101B 5.00
20Z 3.50
79A 4.00

g) Insert the value 20% in cell E14. Using absolute cell referencing calculate deductions, given that
the deduction is 20% of the Total cost. (4 Marks)
h) Using a function calculate the Net cost, given that Net cost is Gross cost minus deductions and
gross cost is Total cost plus Transport cost (4 Marks)
i) Format the columns containing currency values to currency with 2 decimal places and prefix Ksh.
Rename the worksheet PRODUCE PAY. (3 Marks)
j) Arrange the records in ascending order of the producer ID. (2 Marks)
k) Copy the contents of worksheet Jan records to a new worksheet and rename it as Filtered. By
applying suitable filter condition, display records for all producers except those from area 79A.
(4 Marks)
1) Use subtotals function to calculate subtotals for the quantity delivered, gross pay and net pay
from each area. (3 Marks)
m) Create an embedded pie chart showing the total quantity of produce delivered for each area .The
chart should have the following details.
i. Chart title: Area Total produce delivered
ii. Legend Position: Right
Save it as CHART 1 (5 Marks)
n) Print Jan records, Produce Pay and Filtered in landscape orientation. (3 Marks)

Question 216
You are part of a wedding committee of your friend and you have a vast knowledge of using a
computer; you are tasked to be in charge of the wedding cards. Using a desktop publishing software,
design the wedding card as it appears. Name the file as W-Card. (24marks)

(a) Prepare the page layout specifications as follows:

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(i) Paper size: A4 portrait (2mks)

(ii) Grid guides (3mks)
- Column guides: 1
- Row guides: 2
- Spacing: 0.3”
(iii) Margins guides (2mks)
- Left and right: 0.24”
- Top and bottom: 0.25”

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(b) Format the Outer heart shape in the middle part of the design to the following specifications:
i. Color: Red
ii. Outline: Light blue
iii. Height: 2.64”
iv. Width: 2.84”
(c) Perform the following formatting on the rectangle of the first part of the design.
i. Apply an outline shadow.
ii. Background Texture fill - Newsprint. (2Marks)

iii. Add a glow (Accent 1, 18pt glow), glow size 25pts, and 57% transparency.
(d) Change the paragraph text starting from “Request the blessings…” to color cold with line
spacing of 0.75sp. (2marks)
(e) Format the names of the bride and bridegroom to have a strikethrough and a dotted underline.

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(f) Group all objects in the design. (2marks)

(g) Insert a page header “LOVE IS A GOOD THING”. (1mark)
(h) Print the publication.

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217. The table in Figure 1 below was captured from a Nia Safi Investments spreadsheet.

Figure 1
(a) In a new Spreadsheet, enter the information exactly as it appears and save your work
as NSI-Task1. (11 marks)

(b) Enter the table in Figure 2 below from cell A23 in the same spreadsheet. (3 marks)
Rates Of Pay
Day of the Week Rate (Ksh)
Saturday 150.00
Sunday 200.00
Any other Day 100.00

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Figure 2
(c) Using the information in Figure 2 and appropriate cell addresses, type a formula in
E4 which you will copy downwards to obtain all the rates of pay in respective cells.
(6 marks)
(d) Copy the formula in part (c) above to obtain all rates of pay. (2 marks)
(e) Using an appropriate Function, work out the Amounts considering that
Amount = Hours Worked × Rate. (4 marks)
(f) Rename the used spreadsheet as ‘Calculations’. (1 mark)
(g) Save the work done so far as NSI-Task2. (1 mark)
(h) Create a duplicate copy of Calculations sheet, hence rename the copy as ‘Subtotals’.
(2 marks)
(i) Using the data Subtotaling feature, work out the totals paid to every worker within
the period. (3 marks)
(j) Create another copy of Calculations Sheet as rename it as ‘Attendance’. (2 marks)
(k) Replace the information in table from A23 to appear as follows: (2 marks)
Attendance Register
Employee Attended
Figure 3
(l) Using an appropriate function count the Times Attended by each of the employees
into the table in Figure 3 above. (3 marks)
(m) Use a 3-D pie chart to represent the data in Figure 3 above. Apply the following
settings: (5 marks)
• Title: Times Attended Chart
• Legend: Placed at the bottom
• Labels: Both Percentages & Values
• Location: As a New Sheet named Pie-Chart.

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(n) Save the final work as NSI-Task3. (1 mark)

(o) In NSI-Task3, ensure that every worksheet has a header bearing your name,
admission number and class. (2 marks)
(p) From NSI-Task3, print the Calculations, Attendance, Subtotals and Pie-Chart
(2 marks)
218. (a) Use a DTP software to design the following publication as it is with the following

(i) paper size = A4

(ii) orientation = Landscape
(iii) page margins = 0.25 inches all around
(i) Guides: Column 1 Width = 5.2”
Space between Columns = 0.75”
Column 2 Width = 5.2”
(ii) File name = ExcellenceBook (6 marks)

(b) Design the publication as it appears on the following page on the page you have
created and fit all the items within the page. (38 marks)

(c) Insert your name and admission number as header, then your class and page number
as footer. (4 marks)

(d) Print the publication. (2 marks)

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