Toaz - Info English Paper 1 Form 1 PR

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Kertas 1
1 jam Satu jam


Maklumat untuk calon

1. Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 40 soalan.

2. Jawab semua soalan.

3. Tiap-tiap soalan diikuti oleh empat jawapan, iaitu A, B, C dan D. Bagi setiap soalan, pilih satu
jawapan sahaja. Hitamkan semua jawapan anda pada kertas jawapan objektif yang disediakan.

Kertas soalan ini mengandungi 16 halaman bercetak

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Questions 1-10 are based on the information given.

Read the poster below and answer the question that follows.

Hurry! Hurry! Limited Stock!

A wide range of household products

Discounts as high as 80%

1 – 7 August (10 a.m. to 10 p.m.)

1 The sale is on for

A a month
B a week
C five days
D six days

Study the pie chart below and answer the question that follows.

2 The pie chart shows that

A volleyball is not played at all
B the students don’t like to play badminton
C the students don’t like to play football
D tennis is the least popular game in the school
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Read the sign below and answer the question that follows.


3 This sign is usually put by

A waiters
B managers
C hotel guests
D security guards

Read the dialogue below and answer the question that follows.

M artha: W here are you going, G eetha?

Geetha: I’m going to the nursery with m y parents. They’ve decided to do
up the garden.
M artha: That’s great. Y our parents have green fingers anyw ay. I’m sure
your garden will look lovely.

4 At the nursery, Geetha’s parents will

A plant trees
B buy seeds
C pluck fruits
D buy vegetables

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Read the sign below and answer the question that follows.


5 The above sign tells us

A not to walk in the park
B not to walk on the grass
C not to use the jogging tracks
D not to run on the grass

Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.


Time: 10 a.m.
Place: School Hall

6 The notice concerns

A all teachers
B all students
C all parents
D all workers

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Read the notice below and answer the question that follows.


Attractive prizes!

Original entries

Forms 1 – 3 students

1stndprize: RM1000
prize: RM700
prize: RM450
Deadline: 31 August

7 Contestants have to
A send in songs and poems
B send in essays and poems
C send their entries before the 1st of September
D send their entries on the 31st of August

Read the notice below and answer the questions that follow.

During an earthquake:

• Hold onto a desk or table or stand against an interior wall.

• Stay away from windows and outside walls
• Do not use the lift to escape
• If you are outside, stand in an open area

8 The notice gives advice on

A how to protect oneself during an earthquake
B where to hide oneself during an earthquake
C what to hold onto during an earthquake
D what not to do during an earthquake

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9 An example of an open area is a

A library
B field
C canteen
D toilet

Read the newspaper article below and answer the question that follows.

Kuala Lumpur, Mon.-The town councilhas put up a tsunami

warning system. People are advised toevacuate from the
surrounding area when they hear the warning siren.

10 When there is a tsunami warning, people should

A go upstairs and hide
B stay indoors and pray
C get out of the area immediately
D pack up all of their belongings

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Section B
Questions 11-18
Each question in the text below refers to a numbered blank. For each question, choose the best answer
from the options A, B, C or A, B, C, and D to fit the numbered blank.

Do you know where Perlis is? It is located at the northern tip of Peninsular Malaysia ………
11……… is the smallest state in the country. This state is known ………12……… its fishing and
agriculture. It is also ………13……… important producer of sugar with the ………14……… sugarcane
plantation in the country. Perlis has a ………15……… of interesting places. The capital of Perlis is
Kangar, which is famous for ………16……… beautiful State Mosque. Another interesting place in Perlis
is ………17……… famous cave called Gua Kelam Kaki Bukit. This is a spectacular cave ………
18……… an underground river.

11 A and 15 A few
B but B total
C because C count
D therefore D number

12 A with 16 A its
B for B it’s
C in C its’
D of D -

13 A a 17 A a
B an B an
C the C the
D - D -

14 A large 18 A in
B larger B at
C largest C for
D most largest D with
Questions 19-21
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Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the underlined phrases.

Zarina is giving advice to her best friend, Sabri.

Zarina : Sabri, you need to give up (19) smoking. It’s very bad for your health.
Sabri : I know, but I feel sleepy if I don’t smoke. I’ll try to cut down (20) the
number of cigarettes I smoke every day.
Zarina : You also have to lose some weight. Why don’t you take up jogging or
Sabri : I’ve been thinking about it, but I haven’t found the time to do so.
Zarina : Well, you’d better start now. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. (21)
Sabri : All right, I will.

19 give up
A stop
B leave
C remove
D surrender

20 cut down
A cease
B avoid
C reduce
D increase

21 Where there’s a will, there’s a way

A you must find a way to do something
B there is always a way to do something
C you must wish for something good to happen
D if you really want to do something, you will find a way to do it

Questions 22-24
Read the conversation below and choose the best meaning for the underlined phrases.
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Sabariah’s mother was very angry. Sabariah knew that it was time to face the music.
(22) She sat down quietly in front of her mother.
Finally her mother spoke, “Why did you lie to me? You failed your exams but told me
that you passed them!”
“I…I didn’t want to upset you,” Sabariah whispered softly.
“Haven’t I taught you to speak up the truth.”
Sabariah burst into tears. (23) “I wish I had studied harder,” she said.
“Well, there’s no point crying over spilt milk,” (24) said her mother.”You should
study harder.”
“All right, mother. I’ll work hard to get better results.”

22 face the music

A bear the cost
B avoid punishment
C bear the consequences
D apologize for a mistake

23 burst into tears

A cried
B smiled
C giggled
D laughed

24 crying over spilt milk

A regretting what has not been done
B crying when you have spilled milk
C regretting what has already happened
D crying over what will happen in the future

Questions 25-28 are based on the following advertisement.

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Going on Vacation? Still

searching for the right location?
Make Pulau Tioman your

Pulau Tioman – famous

for its beautiful beaches with
stretches of clean, white sand
where you can wander
leisurely and enjoy the
breathtaking scenery.

Those who love nature should

not miss the chance to explore
the island’s dense jungle filled
with beautiful flora and fauna.
For as little as RM 15.00, you
can take a ferry from Mersing
to scenic Pulau Tioman. You
can also choose to hire a boat
at the cost of between RM60
and RM 100 per day.

25 According to the advertisement, Pulau Tioman

A is in the state of Johor

B has golden, dirty beaches

C can be reached only by air

D is famous for its dense jungles

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26 What does the writer mean by the word breathtaking?

A Huge

B Privilege

C Breathless

D Wonderful

27 The word fauna can be replaced with

A jungles

B beaches

C flowers

D animals

28 The reason for the advertisement is to

A inform readers about Pulau Tioman

B encourage people to visit Pulau Tioman

C educate people about islands in Malaysia

D let tourists know about the facilities on Pulau Tioman

12/1 © 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang [ lihat sebelah


Questions Maria,are based on the following letter.

How are you and your family in London? My family and I are all in good health.

I received your letter a couple weeks ago. I’m sorry I did not reply to your letter
earlier. I was away at a-five day camp and I had to prepare for it a week earlier. I just got
back yesterday.

I had an awesome time there. I visited the Pahang National Park. The camp was
organised by the Pahang State Education Department and the State Forestry Department.
The aim of the camp was to teach us about tropical rainforests and understand the
importance of preserving and appreciating them. About 50 selected students from a few
schools in our state were involved. I also made several new friends.

I am sending you a Christmas present by post. It is something I bought at the

Pahang National Park. I’m not going to tell you what it is as I want it to be a surprise.

Till I hear from you, take care of yourself.

Yours sincerely,

29 Why didn’t Zarina reply Maria’s letter earlier?

A She was away at a five-day camp

B She was having her examination

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C She was studying for her examination

D She only received Maria’s letter the day before

30 The word aim in the letter can be replaced with

A plan

B point

C subject

D objective

31 From the letter, we know that the students who attended the camp

A were students from Zarina’s school

B were students from different schools

C were people who lived in the Pahang National Park

D were children of the Pahang State Education Officers

32 Which of the following statements is true?

A Maria lives in Malaysia.

B Maria celebrates Christmas.

C Maria went to the Pahang National Park.

D Maria sent Zarina a Christmas present.

33 Them in paragraph 3 refers to

A the camps

B the students

C tropical rainforests

D the Pahang National Park

12/1 © 2009 Hak Cipta PKPSM Pahang [ lihat sebelah

34 From the letter we know that Maria is probably Zarina’s

A sister

B cousin

C classmate

D pen friend

The Dead Crow

He saw a dead crow,
in a drain
Questions 35-37 arenear
theon theoffice.
post following poem.
He saw an old man
gasping for air
and a baby barely able to breathe
in a crowded morning clinic
This land is so rich
Why should we suffer like this?

I want clean air

for my grandchildren
I want the damned fools
to leave the forest alone.
I want the trees to grow,
12/1 © 2009 Hak Ciptathe riversPahang
PKPSM run free [ lihat sebelah
let the politicians plan how we may lice with dignity,
now and always

A.Samad Said

35 What does the persona refer to when he said why should we suffer like this ?
A Health problems
B Crowded clinic
C Dying animals
D Deforestation

36 The poem is about taking care of our

A health
B politics
C generation
D environment

37. The phrase I want the damned fools shows that the persona is
A sad
B angry
C happy
D bored

The teacher never paid any attention to Zahid when he raised his hand in class and he was always
Question 38-40
too shy to areout.
speak based
But on
he the extract
never fromMr.
blamed theJamal.
story, The
so small,” he said softly, “who would
ever take notice of me?”
But perhaps that pencil would make a difference. If he raised it high enough, the teacher
12/1 © 2009
would takeHak Cipta PKPSM Pahang
notice and ask him questions too. [ lihat sebelah
The eraser was huge. All his friends could borrow the pencil, especially Siti, Zainab, Budin
and Samad. He wouldn’t care how many people borrowed it. In fact, the more who used it, the
happier he would be.

38 Zahid thought that with his pencil he could

A get more friends
B get better marks
C get his teacher’s attention
D get to help his classmates

39 Zahid thought his teacher did not give him any attention because
A Zahid was small
B the teacher did not like him
C the teacher had poor eyesight
D Zahid was seated at the back of the class

40. What does the last paragraph tells us about Zahid’s character?
A He is a generous person
B He wants people to like him
C He likes to show off things
D He only lends his things to a few people

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