Open World Advanced Workbook Answer Key

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with answers
Greg Archer with Audio
My parents were really wanting
1 ✓
really wanted me to get better Exercise 1
2 Ben was sitting between
STARTER UNIT at English so I could become his parents when his 1 C
GRAMMAR involved in their business. I university acceptance 2 A
registered for an online course letter arrived. 3 B
Exercise 1 and immediately was getting
3 I’d love to get some work 4 D
1 Johan got to work on my new
experience at the gym, but
2 Saeed language skills. Soon, my Exercise 2
I’m not sure who’s the
parents took me to a meeting
3 Jules best person to contact. 1 D
with an Australian businessman
4 Johan who has been had been 4 I get nervous talking to 2 A
5 Jules working with our company for the principal, but she 3 C
6 Saeed several years. I couldn’t always listens to what 4 B
understand a word, but knew you’re saying. 5 C
Exercise 2 immediately that I have been 5 ✓
Saeed finding was finding it so 6 ✓ Exercise 3
I first had arrived here with difficult to get what he was 7 My teacher told me I 1 disregarded
my parents when I was eight. I saying because I had never was one of the most 2 conceivable
was really worried about living written anything down during opinionated students she 3 fundamentally
in a new country, especially as my course, not a single word of had ever had. I took it as 4 involved
I wasn’t knowing didn’t vocabulary. I had have a compliment.
5 relatively
know the language at all. improved since then, obviously! 8 Now that the rain has
Not a word!I soon discovered 6 convey
finally stopped, I’m
that it had been was Exercise 3 feeling altogether 7 instantaneous
impossible to make friends 1 will become increasingly more optimistic than I was 8 indisputably/no doubt
without being able to chat to busier yesterday.
them in any way, so I had been 2 am hopefully heading 9 ✓
forcing forced myself to do it, over to 10 That was a wonderful Exercise 1
even though I couldn’t get my 3 the film starts at eight meal – the chef is
ideas across at all. But I made 1 A
thirty fantastic! I’d love to get
some amazing friends. Looking 2 C
4 we will make sure you the recipe for my main
back, the best thing about it stay on course. 3 B
was how much they helped me 4 B
5 suspect it is going to get 11 ✓
– I had never have never 5 A
far worse 12 ✓
regretted pushing myself out of
6 will you be inviting 6 C
my comfort zone.
everyone SPEAKING
Jules Exercise 2
By the time I left school, I was Exercise 4 Exercise 1/2 1 tall order
had been studying English 1 A I’d love to come to your 1 Like what? 2 immerse yourself in
for about six years, on and off, party, but I’m not sure if I 2 I know what you mean. 3 more often than not
but not with any real interest. can. I’m letting I’ll let you 3 Me neither. 4 really took off
To tell you the truth, I looked know tomorrow.
was looking forward to 4 What a nightmare! 5 out loud
2 D­  Markus says that he’ll 5 That must have been 6 word-perfect
never saying another word in
be here at five, unless frustrating
English. That summer, I went on
the traffic is going to be
holiday with my parents, and 6 You’re so lucky!
we had stayed stayed/were 7 Exactly!
staying in the same hotel as 3 E Have you heard
this Scottish family. The son, about that amazing new Exercise 3
Nigel, was about my age. I restaurant in town? We
had never met anyone like go We’re going at the EXPRESSING EXPRESSING ASKING FOR
him before, he was so open to weekend.
adventure and had such a free 4 C Suki will have has/
spirit. I spent so much time has got her driving test
at 11.00 tomorrow. That No way! That’s true. Why’s that?
talking to him about life, and
what we both had hoped explains why she’s so What a nightmare! I know what you Like what?
hoped/were hoping to get nervous. You’re having me mean. Really?
from it, I decided there and 5 B I’m sure I I’ll make on! Me neither.
then to move to Scotland. friends when I start You’re so lucky! That sounds amazing.
college, but I still don’t That must have been
want to go. frustrating.
Me too!

1 to add insult to injury
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
2 poles apart
3 got a chip on his Speaking Part 1 questions
Formal Informal focus on the candidate, their
ultimately after all interests and experiences,
4 got on with them like a
plans for the future, and so on.
a great number of loads and loads of house on fire
by way of example I mean Questions B and F are more
5 in my parents’ bad books
likely to appear in Part 4 which
entirely confused totally baffled 6 reduced to tears focuses on more abstract
far more demanding much harder
questions about the world in
far superior so much better READING AND USE OF general.
huge influence massive effect ENGLISH PART 5 Question D is unlikely because
it is little wonder it’s no great shock 1 D (development) it is too basic and not relevant
2 B (Into the supposed void to finding out about the
Exercise 2 have stepped a small- candidate.
Text A
but-growing band of
1 totally baffled Exercise 1 entrepreneurs …) Exercise 2
2 I mean 1 narrow-minded, narrow- 3 D (Rentapal provides 1 A
3 loads and loads of mindedness members with a tried- 2 E
4 it’s no great shock 2 humble, humility and-tested array of 3 C
filter options, such as
5 After all 3 selfish, selfishness
personality type, age,
6 much harder 4 conscientious, and so on, in their quest
7 so much better conscientiousness to find non-romantic
8 massive effect 5 restless, restlessness companionship.)
Text B 4 C (… as Maude coldly
Exercise 2
1 ultimately explains, is that many of
2 far superior the people who engage
3 far more demanding her services immediately
4 it is little wonder approachable come to see her as a
biased genuine friend after the
5 By way of example
likeable first meeting. At which
6 a great number of
prejudiced point, “since they don’t
7 entirely confused want to pay me for any
8 huge influence IN- more of my time, I stop
competent seeing them, however
UNIT 1 flexible much I might enjoy their
GRAMMAR sincere company.”)
tolerant 5 D (… he overlooks
Exercise 1 the obvious irony that
1 Would engaging the services of
2 aren’t they? loyal his website requires the
3 if you obedient very screen time he so
4 Wouldn’t it have been passionate stridently criticises. Yet,
despite his somewhat ill-
5 which IM-
conceived argument …)
6 wouldn’t it? patient 6 D (Their views may never
Exercise 2 polite be reconciled because,
IR- at the root of the matter,
1 finishing our last year at
it is all so difficult to pin
school together. (E) rational down.)
2 to leave the team. (A) responsible
3 go to the concert on
Saturday on my own. (F) Exercise 3
4 sending that angry text to 1 incompetent
his brother. (D) 2 irrational
5 enjoying life with real 3 disobedient
people again. (B) 4 unbiased
6 helping him out with his 5 irresponsible
shopping. (H)
6 unapproachable
7 taking them to the cinema
for a few years yet. (G)
8 to hear about what he
had done since they last
met. (C)

Exercise 3


1 2 3
correctly respond to the question being asked? ✓ ✓ ✗
use higher level vocabulary/grammar? ✗ ✓ ✓
produce an answer of an appropriate length for Part 1? ✗ (too short) ✓ ✗ (too long)

Exercise 4
1 It would depend entirely
on the context
1 by way of apology for GRAMMAR 1 wasted/took no time
2 in the vicinity of in making
2 I’m not exactly a social Exercise 1
3 at the best of times 2 make/earn a living
4 out of season 1 myself (me). 3 have been paid (off)
3 a buzzing venue packed
out with good pals 5 In retrospect 2 the other each other/one 4 said/rumoured/believed/
6 on impulse another thought/alleged to make
4 I’m as guilty as everyone
3 …I’ve been applying donations
else of overuse
5 It definitely has its critics
LISTENING PART 3 myself for … 5 paying my friend back /
1 C 4 … they offered him paying back my friend
6 I wouldn’t necessarily go
2 B retirement him … 6 pay for the course in
along with that
3 A 5 ✓ instalments
UNIT 2 4 D 6 ✓
7 … switch me off and
relax. C2
6 A
Exercise 1 8 … in competition with 1 living hand to mouth
1 Sadly WRITING PART 1: each/one another … 2 splash out on
2 On the whole ESSAY 3 make ends meet
Exercise 2 4 break the bank
3 Frequently/Typically
Exercise 1 1 as soon as 5 tighten our belts
4 Fortunately
A 7 2 Supposing 6 in the red
5 Besides
B 1 3 unless 7 cost the earth
6 Surely/Unquestionably
C 8 4 In case 8 live within their means
Exercise 2 D 14 5 provided
1 little E 10 6 otherwise READING AND USE OF
2 plenty F 3 Exercise 3
3 another G 12 1 wholly
1 be, hadn’t been invented
4 The whole H 11 2 countless
2 turn, work
5 neither I 13 3 outcome
3 go back, offered
6 both J 4 4 depressingly
4 hadn’t/had not neglected,
K 5 5 overworked
would/might/could have/
VOCABULARY ’ve noticed 6 sleeplessness
Exercise 2 7 abandonment/
Exercise 1 5 aren’t/weren’t, are/would
A their abandoning
1 track be
B have been using 8 testing
2 reversed 6 won’t see, lets
C the
4 diversion E unfamiliar cultural contexts
Exercise 1 Exercise 1
5 board F skills
1 break even 1 friends
Exercise 2 G entirely/completely/fully/
2 expenditure 2 location
totally open
1 B 3 advertising
H impressionable 3 overdraft
2 B
I has become 4 rip-off Exercise 2
3 D
J to spend 5 affluent 1 B: In what way?
4 C
K parents, young 6 squander 2 A: what I’m getting; B:
5 A
7 lucrative understood you correctly
6 C Exercise 3
8 bankruptcy 3 A: Exactly, B: take issue
7 B Paragraph A. Paragraph B talks 9 assets with you
about a third way so it is not
10 prosperity 4 B: I’m not sure, I follow you
answering the question which
asks you yo discuss two ways. 5 B: correct me, I’m wrong
6 A: Quite; B: I see your
7 A: Precisely; B: I’m not
sure, go along with

Exercise 3


Correct me if I’m wrong In what way? Exactly. I might take issue with you on
If you know what I’m getting at I’m not sure if I follow you… Quite. that…
If I’ve understood you correctly Precisely. I see your point, but…
I’m not sure I’d go along with

UNIT 4 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 READING AND USE OF

GRAMMAR 1 ✓ 1 Unless requested by a ENGLISH PART 8
2 compulsive viewing client, a visit to Alabaster 1 D (Since the principal
Exercise 1 3 bird of prey Flats should be avoided. format is either of a
1 have been destroyed 4 ✓ 2 Bintanbrook holds great conversation between
2 to announce 5 ✓ appeal, providing visits two or three people
occur during stormy chatting together, or of
3 be continuing 6 mountain range
weather. a main narrator talking
4 have realised 7 ✓
3 Future partnerships should directly to an audience of
5 have relocated/be 8 ✓ be made with the Bintan one, there is a familiarity
relocating 9 marine mammals Hotel. created that speaks to our
6 have been living 10 diversity of species fundamental, innate desire
7 is to be 11 world famous UNIT 5 for close interpersonal
Exercise 2
12 ✓ GRAMMAR contact.)
13 compelling case 2 C (Devoted listeners
1 put aside Exercise 1 search the internet in the
14 fossil fuels
2 call on/are calling on Sentences 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7 hope of uncovering the
3 clear up PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 latest hidden gem, much
4 backed up 1 feel/have felt/be feeling
Exercise 2 in the same way as fans of
5 killed off relieved Sentences 2, 3 and 7 vinyl used to flick through
6 call on 2 feel/be feeling anxious the shelves of record
Exercise 3 shops.)
7 put aside 3 have been feeling
1 by which 3 A (Only with the benefit
8 killed off optimistic
2 neither of which of hindsight, can we see
9 backed up
10 clear up LISTENING PART 4 3 whose that success was inevitable
1 B 4 many of whom from the word go.)
Exercise 3 2 H 5 about which 4 D (Indeed, some
enthusiasts have
1 put their differences aside 3 D 6 where/in which/at which
announced that they
3 clear any remaining 4 F are already turning
questions up 5 A
away from the format,
4 backed her claims up 6 H Exercise 1 complaining bitterly about
7 put some money aside 7 F the increasing amount of
1 outnumber
8 killed my desire to visit off 8 D advertising that has begun
2 weakened
9 E to corrupt this once-
10 A innocent medium.)
4 hinder
5 B (The podcast’s rise
Exercise 1 5 facilitated
WRITING PART 2: to fame only became
Across 6 deteriorate possible after the
3 asteroid
REPORT mobile phone began its
Exercise 2 transformation from a
4 satellite Exercise 1
6 planet 1 log on clunky, unsophisticated
Order: C, B, A, D
7 confined spaces 2 typing in brick with limited
Exercise 2 3 locked out functionality to the
9 space travel
4 strengthen virtual mini-computer
10 space bar 1 took
5 hack into smartphones of today.)
Down 2 confusion
6 back up 6 B (… and I use these
1 breathing space 3 allocated
words advisedly, counting
2 orbit 4 complaint 7 printing out
myself among that
5 waste of space 5 negotiate number)
8 alien 6 delighted
1 C
2 E
3 A
4 B
5 D

7 C (An emphasis on Exercise 2 1 suspension bridge UNIT 7
advertising, the analysis 1 used to 2 eye catching
of the latest data, clever GRAMMAR
2 would 3 fire hazard
predictions about which 4 drawing board Exercise 1
3 allowed to
age or social group to
4 couldn’t have 5 earthquake-proof While universities were not
target next, often with
unashamedly financial 5 would have been 6 building boom founded in (1) the West until
intent, has left them out of 6 was able to (2) the Middle Ages, they did
touch with listeners.) 7 used to
LISTENING PART 2 in fact exist in some parts of
1 practicalities Asia in ancient times. More
8 A (… and it is easy to see 8 might have
2 (university) specifically, if you were alive in
the reason why. What 9 might not have
undergraduates/students Taxila – located in (3) the
was the point of going to 10 wouldn’t have
3 zoned northwest of India – around
all that trouble of putting
(4) the year 700 BC, you may
it out there when your Exercise 3 4 togetherness
well have been present for
listeners couldn’t even 1 should never/never should 5 Federal District
(5) the creation of the world’s
stream or download it?) have been 6 finer points first university. Students were
9 C (The great appeal for 2 is understood to come/to 7 haunting taught (6) the a number of
many is the fact that have come 8 prominent subjects that still form a part of
podcasters are usually 3 is alleged to have (7) the modern-day
people who are entirely
4 ought to have got SPEAKING PART 2 education, such as philosophy,
unconnected with any sort music and science (8) the
of broadcasting or media 5 was supposed to be/have Exercise 1
been invited university was particularly
company.) Statement 5: You should only renowned for (9) a the latter),
10 D (And yet, as with all describe two of the pictures.
VOCABULARY and they began their education
media phenomena, the at (10) the age of 16. By
inevitable fall will come; Exercise 1 Exercise 2 (11) a modern standards, the
perhaps we have already, 1 picture 1 teaching apparatus was basic,
1 bungalows
unknowingly, hit peak 2 picture 3 to say (12) the least, but it
2 demolish
podcast.) 3 picture 3 would have been (13) the a
3 makeover
4 pictures 1, 2 very cosmopolitan environment
WRITING PART 2: 4 loft/attic
in which to study, as (14) the
5 5 picture 1
EMAIL tools people came from all over
6 DIY 6 picture 1
Asia, the Middle East and
Exercise 1 7 semi-detached house 7 picture 2 Greece to study there.
Sentences A, C, D and F 8 hallway 8 picture 2
9 picture 3
Exercise 2 Exercise 2 10 picture 2
1 C 1 skyscraper
2 A Exercise 3
2 terraced house
3 F 3 mansion Words and phrases 1, 2, 3, 4,
4 D 5, 6 and 9
4 cellar
5 multi-storey car park Exercise 4
Exercise 3
1 get into Exercise 3 1 presumably
2 kick off 2 I think it’s fair to say
1 made, C
3 pick up 3 I get the impression
2 to get, B
4 turn down 4 I have a feeling
3 would have done, F
5 put our heads together 5 I’d imagine it to be
4 had, E
6 tied down 6 it could well be
5 had, D
7 get together 6 I suspect that
6 make, A
8 jet off 7 done, G Exercise 5
9 wrapped up 8 get/will get/ are to get, H 1 They may just have
arrived / They may have
UNIT 6 PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 just arrived
GRAMMAR 2 They might only have
trajisobridgestuenttearth moved
Exercise 1 quakedipuhandrawing
3 They might have got
1 needed fixing/to be fixed yuoangleientofirednen
bored with their living
2 had to be filled in erkjkjboardhuiquboomahi
3 were expected/being uncoopeyeootupsuspension
splacatchingfyoukriguiotjh 4 They may well have been
expected to achieve getting excited
4 would be approved
5 getting it made over

Exercise 2 UNIT 8 Exercise 2
GRAMMAR 1 highlights
lesson research degree Exercise 1 3 commentary
course evidence science 1 wondered/asked, had 4 subtitles
lecture fame quality managed 5 script
graduate importance study 2 wondered/queried/asked, 6 contestant
project advice travel (had) meant
3 confirmed, she had been Exercise 3
assignment progress youth
deadline imagination / was talking, advised 1 refused
data 4 revealed, had really liked, 2 clarify
thanked 3 promoting
Exercise 3 5 urged/advised, to start 4 put forward
SPEAKING PART 1 watching
1 qualities, C 5 reassure
2 youth, U Exercise 1/2 6 promised, he (definitely) 6 misled
3 degree, U would
Question 1:
4 studies, C 1 H
7 assured, he would find, PUSH YOURSELF TO C2
added/revealed, had 1 butting in
5 imaginations, C 2 G been 2 be cheered on
6 travels, C 3 F 8 asked/wondered/queried, 3 going on
Question 2: was/had been
4 is alleged
9 regretted watching /
5 (had) owned up
Exercise 1 2 E having watched / that she
6 it was/being deemed
1 psychology 3 C had watched
2 geological Exercise 3/4 Exercise 2 LISTENING PART 1
3 scientifically 1 A
Question 3: 1 If you would have had
4 therapeutic been kind enough to 2 A
1 B
5 capitalise show me to my seat, I 3 C
2 D
6 environmental would have been able to 4 B
3 A
get comfortable before the 5 B
Exercise 2 film started.
1 heavily 2 ✓
2 widely 3 Paco was just trying to be WRITING PART 2:
3 strictly Exercise 1 funny when he posted that REVIEW
4 utterly A Review of Existing meme, but after the awful
5 badly Materials reaction he got, I bet he Exercise 1
6 vitally wishes he didn’t hadn’t Title A – While B is also
B Layout/Available Space
now. possible, A encourages the
7 deeply C Updating Technology
4 Can you please remind reader to want to read the
PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 Exercise 2 Simona that I’m still review by phrasing the title as
1 waiting for her Media a question.
brings a lot to the table Suggested answers:
Studies homework, could
2 has brought out the best in 1 If all the books were Exercise 2
should/if you happen to
her disposed of, this/it would
see her. A 4
3 bring the matter to a close not necessarily be a good
5 ✓ B 6
4 I couldn’t help but take it idea.
6 ✓ C 1
the wrong way 2 randomly selected
7 What would your choice D 2
5 That should take him 3 most frequently borrowed
have been be, if you were E 5
down a peg or two (ones)
asked what your favourite F 3
6 he was very taken aback 4 These have not been
streaming service is now?
supplied for some time
8 ✓ Exercise 3
1 do your head in
ENGLISH PART 4 5 If they were restored to the VOCABULARY
library, students would/ 2 someone would have to
1 have no OPTION | but to
may/might be happier. Exercise 1 pay you to watch
2 reassured BY | people’s
6 (they) should (certainly) be 3 knows you inside out
enthusiasm for / people 1 analysis
replaced 4 reap the rewards
being enthusiastic about 2 presenter(s)
7 Not only will this ensure 5 happened upon
3 SUPPOSED to | have 3 correspondent
been / be that people can study 6 vast array
4 coverage
more effectively, (but)
4 no way / no sense | was I
it will also mean an
increased likelihood
5 has never taken (any) /
of attracting a greater
has always taken no |
number of our students
8 some of whom
6 doesn’t work | NEARLY as
hard (now)
UNIT 9 READING AND USE OF 5 Bogues spent many Exercise 3
successful years playing 1
GRAMMAR ENGLISH PART 2 in the NBA, although/
1 BY 2 unify
though/even though
Exercise 1 2 IN 3 quantify
he was far shorter than
1 at least as open to 3 OF everyone else on the 4 were (being) deafened
alternative lifestyles as 4 HAVING court. 5 exemplifies
2 easily one of the most 5 ANY 6 Bogues was only 1.6m 6 had falsified
recognisable pop stars tall. This did not, 7 clarify/justify
/ one of the most easily however, stop him 8 is/has been likened
recognisable pop stars OR This, however,
3 by far the fullest I have did not stop him OR PUSH YOURSELF TO C2
ever been However, this did 1
LISTENING PART 4 on the home stretch
4 as fascinating as it was for not stop him from 2 jump the gun
1 B
my classmates enjoying a 14-year career 3 touch base
2 G
5 more I discover about my, in the NBA.
3 E 4 the ball is in his court
the keener I become
4 D Exercise 2 5 under par
6 it was not the best of times
5 F 1 there is a huge degree of 6 below the belt
to go
7 6 F hand-to-eye coordination
a great deal friendlier
involved in playing darts READING AND USE OF
than 7 H
Exercise 2 2 if you want to (do it) 1 B
9 E
1 thus anywhere, you (certainly) 2 D
10 G
2 So as to can do it anywhere 3 C
3 because of WRITING PART 2: 3 made it 4 B
4 Introducing it the next time
4 As a consequence of REPORT WRITING PART1:
around Doing so
5 Since
6 so that
Exercise 1 5 some (matches) take days ESSAY
A 2 to complete do
7 due to Exercise 1
B 7 6 a sport with worldwide
8 therefore appeal one 1 powerful
C 5
7 which amazing sport 2 positive
(one) 3 participating
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 8 an event one OR 4 supporting
1 at a loss 1 B have an event /do so 5 encouraging
2 out of the ordinary 2 A
3 by no means 3 A
The correct order is B, E, A, D,
4 in aid of 4 B Exercise 1
5 at short notice 5 A 1 rivals
6 under the impression 6 B 2 witnessing/watching Exercise 3
7 in keeping with 7 A 3 spectators/viewers Sentence B. The other two
8 out of the question 8 B 4 defeated options refer to specific groups
5 leader (children and the rich and
Exercise 2 UNIT 10 6 eliminate/defeat poor), but the question asks
1 legendary GRAMMAR about the role of sport in
2 archaeological Exercise 2 society in general)
3 monumental Exercise 1
4 mythology 1 ✓ -IFY -EN UNIT 11
5 sacrifice 2 While most of his clarify broaden GRAMMAR
6 ritually/ritualistically opponents towered over classify brighten
7 secularisation/ him, however Bogues Exercise 1
diversify deafen
secularization still managed to be a 1 C
exemplify deepen
professional in the NBA.
8 commemorative falsify lessen 2 B
3 Bogues had a relatively
justify liken 3 A
PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 successful career in the
quantify weaken 4 D
1 not be any more different NBA, despite his
height OR in spite of unify worsen 5 C
2 so deep-rooted that
his height. 6 D
3 no more valid than
4 However short he 7 B
4 as if to suggest may have been, 8 A
5 such a successful opening Bogues still managed to
weekend as make a name for himself
6 any sweeter a sound than in the NBA.

Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2 Exercise 2
1 When Hiro arrived at 1 (h)ire 1 Dear Mr Coxen, 1 in recognition of
work that morning, little he 2 (d)ismiss 2 Please don’t take this the 2 transformation in
realised did he realise 3 (l)eave wrong way, I don’t want 3 growth in
that he was going to be our friendship to suffer, 4 explanation for;
4 (s)taff
made redundant. you know that, don’t you? deterioration in
5 (p)romoted
2 Hardly has had the 3 Last year, I was lucky
6 (r)ise
meeting began begun enough to take part in VOCABULARY
when Simon realised he 7 (s)alary a course called ‘Work
had left his notes on the 8 (c)areer Wonders’, and, without Exercise 1
train. going overboard, I have 1 overwhelmed
3 In no way are young PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 to say that it took my 2 devastated
people are to blame 1 on the front breath away. 3 ✓
for the lack of job 2 out of
Exercise 3 4 appreciative
opportunities these days. 3 read between the
5 humiliated
4 Almost immediately they 4 bottom 1 formal letter
6 discouraged
knew (that) he/she/ 5 take, tough, on 2 informal email
they/I/we had hired the 7 ✓
6 follow, of reasoning 3 review
right person. 8 ✓
7 along the, of
5 ✓
8 draw/drew the
UNIT 12 9 astonished
Exercise 3
1 Only when the company Exercise 1
1 C
accountants have 1 Having never experienced 1 reluctant
approved it/the takeover 2 D
Never having 2 humiliated
will the takeover/it be 3 B
experienced/Having 3 concerned
completed. 4 D
never experienced a 4 overwhelmed
2 Not once did Gareth 5 B flotation tank before, I was 5 appreciative
remember to ask his own 6 A astonished at how relaxed 6 devastated
questions in any interview it made me feel.
SPEAKING PART 2 7 thrilled
he had ever had. 2 When Dr Stanton
3 Had I not taken a chance released the results of her Exercise 3
Exercise 1
and given you the job, experiments into memory
1 as such 1 unwinding
you wouldn’t be here now. and intelligence, her
2 it’s open to question 2 dreading
4 No sooner had Yves peers, were expecting
3 3 reflecting
resigned than he started ✓ a different outcome, were
to feel less stressed. 4 with respect to astonished. 4 gather
5 Rarely do people stay in 5 specially 3 Giving Given 5 contemplate
the same job for life these 6 as opposed to encouragement rather 6 daydream
days. than criticism, people 7 embrace
6 Not until we find the Exercise 2 tend to perform more 8 grasped
perfect candidate for 1 In a way confidently and obtain
the role will we stop 2 it’s fair to say; specifically better results. PUSH YOURSELF TO C2
advertising the job. 3 Then again 4 I think the course I’m 1 come to think of it
4 As for; it goes without going to apply for is the 2 think on your feet
VOCABULARY saying one offers offering your 3 think much of it
money back if you don’t 4 highly thought of
Exercise 1 5 I suspect that
1 back/down 6 With regard to; I’d 5 think twice
5 There are so many
2 burning/burnt imagine that 6 thinking back to
compelling theories about
3 up human behaviour, but 7 my train of thought
4 help research into these ideas
PROPOSAL will never take place if
5 taking
6 considered it unethical.
back/on Exercise 1
7 up 6 A search has begun for
1 might address the situation
the person who believed
8 through most effectively.
to have hacked the
9 letting 2 main areas of concern government’s IT system.
10 take 3 can have a negative effect 7 Reaching the top of the
11 on on people’s moods mountain, I sat down,
12 work 4 More expensive it might gazed gazing out at the
work out, certainly, awe-inspiring view.
5 promote and ensure
collaboration and
6 If these adaptations were
made, I firmly believe

ENGLISH PART 1 GRAMMAR 1 race against time GRAMMAR
1 B 2 had the time of my life
2 A Exercise 1 3 ahead of her time Exercise 1
3 B 1 (just) a short walk to 4 had time on my hands 1 instructions require me to
4 B 2 appreciate it if you left 5 time will tell 2 was supposed to have
5 B 3 it’s no good (just) 6 catch him at a bad time had
6 D dreaming 3 to be a thorough revision
7 A 4 was no (way of) knowing LISTENING PART 2 of
whether 1 perfect shot 4 be so kind as/kind
8 C
5 no question of you not 2 phenomenon enough to
LISTENING PART 1 taking 3 (sheer) vision 5 intention is to reduce
1 A 6 you owe it to your parents 4 file-sharing 6 when/if you exercise more
5 faithfulness will OR by doing more
2 A Exercise 2
6 irresponsibility exercise will
3 A
1 Whenever Wherever; 7 (me/my) never/not having
4 A 7 positive impact
whatever however visited one
5 C 8 statistics
2 her hers 8 wasn’t/hadn’t been for his
6 B 3 themself themselves; intense
however whatever
SPEAKING PART 4 4 one ones
Exercise 1 5 mines mine Exercise 1 1 so/willing/content
6 whatever whichever 2 as
1 B Phrase pairs 3 and 5 are
7 them theirs correct. 3 little
2 G
8 Who Whoever. In phrase pair 1 the ending is 4 themselves
3 B
9 the not formal enough. 5 which
4 G
10 ones one In phrase pair 2 both phrases 6 at
5 B
are not formal enough. 7 ought/has/needs
6 B
VOCABULARY In phrase pair 4 the beginning
Exercise 3
Exercise 2 is not formal enough.
Exercise 1/2 1 I did applied apply to
1 F In phrase pair 6 the ending is
1 hot not formal enough. join that exclusive fitness
2 C club, but I never heard
2 plunge
3 A Exercise 2 back from them back.
3 precaution
4 B 2 As unreliable that as he
4 double 1 asserts
5 E is, he has promised to
5 chance 2 opt
6 D me to take me to the
6 jeopardy 3 impacts
Exercise 3 7 threatened 4 self-interestedly
3 The tennis club that/
A I beg to differ; D 8 stake 5 engaging which was opened by
B I’d go along with that; A 9 reckless 6 internship local hero Tim Mensch
C I couldn’t agree more; A 10 call 7 detrimental is arguably the best-
D I’m not sure I agree with 8 perspective equipped in the city.
Exercise 3 OR The tennis club was
that; D
1 glory Exercise 3 opened by Tim Mensch
E That is not the case; D
2 caution/respect 1 invariably is arguably the best-
F That’s not how I see it; D
3 odds 2 negatively equipped in the city.
Exercise 4 4 ambition/desire 3 incredibly 4 Hadn’t my dad Had my
1 G 5 hope 4 various dad not / If my Dad
5 Frankly hadn’t spent most of
2 B 6 sense
his life eating rubbish, he
3 G 6 wide
PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 wouldn’t have been be so
4 B 7 traditional overweight now.
5 B Exercise 1 8 enormous 5 I was delighted to have
9 real been invited to speak at
1 catch him at a bad time
10 serious the weight-loss conference
2 ahead of her time
– opportunities such as /
3 ✓
as like this don’t come up
4 had time on my hands very often.
5 ✓
6 ✓
7 had the time of my life
8 race against time
9 ✓
10 time will tell

6 It’s time for a few changes PUSH YOURSELF TO C2 Exercise 3
in attitude. Hopefully, the 1 under, weather Conclusion B is the best option.
whole world will soon Conclusion A is OK but rather
2 take, turn, worse
choose going to go boring. It is also strange to say
vegetarian. 3 death’s door
4 alive, kicking that you remember everything
7 The canteen here is awful. about it very clearly. It is not
Bringing your own lunch 5 bitter pill, swallow
clear what this means or why it
to work is the only way 6 mend is mentioned.
to be guaranteed of a 7 taste, medicine Conclusion C starts well but
nutritious meal. OR … the then brings in new information
only way to guarantee of READING AND USE OF (about it being quite expensive)
a nutritious meal. ENGLISH PART 7 that should be in the main
1 E body of the review. Adding it
VOCABULARY 2 G in here feels like it is something
Exercise 1 3 A that the writer only
4 F remembered at the end. In
1 I hear Daniel is still ill.
general, conclusions should
How long has it been 5 B
summarise the main arguments
since he first started 6 C of the text and not be used to
feeling poor poorly?
add in extra information.
2 It’s such a shame that my WRITING PART 2:
favourite food has so little REVIEW
nutritious nutritional
value – but you just can’t Exercise 1
beat hot dogs, can you? Title C. It uses a very clever
3 A woman is suing her play on words to combine the
local hospital after her ideas eating out and out of my
recent surgeon surgery comfort zone. It summarises the
was administered without writer’s theme of trying
proper anaesthetic. something they had never tried
4 The ackee fruit is delicious before and their concerns
when eaten ripe, but about the meal. Title B is OK,
poisoned poisonous if but a bit unimaginative for a
it is consumed while still website and Title A is
yellow. inaccurate because it’s a
5 In a recent survey of chefs restaurant review, not an essay
regarding the allergies on veganism.
allergens that they
Exercise 2
hesitate to cook with,
peanuts topped the list. 1 of vegetables and
vegetables alone
6 A man was taken to
hospital today in a 2 an absolute winner
life-threatened life- 3 its mind-blowing dishes
threatening condition 4 nothing short of gorgeous
after being hit by an 5 A special mention must go
ambulance. to
6 utterly unforgettable
Exercise 2
7 bland they most certainly
1 evidence, B were not
2 dismissal/sacking, F 8 Astonished and delighted
3 history, A 9 Rarely have I
4 shortness, D
5 loss, C
6 side, E

Exercise 3
1 runny nose
2 sore throat
3 blood pressure
4 balanced diet
5 body clock


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