AdvancingUHPC Graybeal 2019ABCConference ExtendedAbstract

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Advancing Ultra-High Performance Concrete in the Bridge Sector

Conference Paper · December 2019

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1 author:

Benjamin Allen Graybeal

U.S. Department of Transportation


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Benjamin A. Graybeal, Ph.D., P.E., Federal Highway Administration, 202–493–3122, [email protected]

Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) has gained a foothold in the U.S. bridge sector through more
than 200 deployments across 27 states. Most of these deployments have engaged UHPC as a field-cast
grout that offers simplified connection detailing and enhanced performance in projects using
prefabricated bridge elements. Interest is growing in broader uses of UHPC to address other challenges in
bridge design, construction, maintenance, and rehabilitation. The structural concrete research group at
the FHWA Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center is developing innovative solutions [El Helou and
Graybeal 2019] and widely applicable guidance [Graybeal and El Helou 2019]. One current study focuses
on key structural performance metrics relevant to the use of UHPC in primary structural elements,
including flexure, beam shear, interface shear, and prestressing strand bond. Full-scale pretensioned
girder testing is underway. Of interest to the design community, structural design guidance for UHPC is
under development. Working with the American Association of State Highway and Transportation
Officials’ (AASHTO) structural concrete design committee, FHWA researchers are drafting a guide
specification that may be adopted by AASHTO upon completion. Additionally, UHPC-based rehabilitation
innovations are being developed and refined so that long-term challenges facing the bridge maintenance
community have new, compelling solutions.
The inventory of over 600,000 bridges in the United States is aging, and many of these bridges require
intrusive maintenance to retain their level of service. Nearly every bridge has a reinforced concrete bridge
deck, and these decks are inherently susceptible to degradation associated with structural and
environmental stressors. Many bridges also have expansions joints whose resiliency is suspect, thus
allowing environmental contaminants to pass through the joint and begin attacking the underlying
structure. UHPC offers novel solutions to both issues.
UHPC overlays are a compelling solution because they allow the exceptional durability properties to be
engaged in the replacement of the cover concrete on deteriorated bridge decks. UHPC provides an
armoring layer that both spans over underlying
defects and is resilient against future degradation.
Given that UHPC is concrete, this solution can be
implemented within the framework of existing
construction techniques. The Swiss have been
leaders in developing this bridge rehabilitation
solution [Brühwiler and Denarié 2013], while in
the United States, there have been a handful of
Source: FHWA

deployments, including the one shown in Figure 1.

Researchers at FHWA are investigating optimal
mix designs and surface preparations for UHPC
overlays subjected to high-cycle fatigue loading
after being installed on a deteriorated bridge deck Figure 1. UHPC overlay construction in
[Graybeal and Haber 2017]. Buchanan County, Iowa.

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Deteriorated steel beam ends are also of concern to bridge owners across the country, particularly in
regions where there is a confluence of older steel beam bridges, failed expansion joints, and heavy use of
deicing salt. A novel UHPC-based solution encases the deteriorated end region to provide an alternate load
path around locally corroded cross sections. Researchers at the University of Connecticut developed and
supported the first deployments of this solution [Zmetra et al. 2017]. Researchers at FHWA, in
collaboration with the original researchers, are further investigating and expanding the applicability of this
Some of the earliest full-scale tests of UHPC in primary bridge elements were conducted by FHWA
[Graybeal 2006]. At the time, UHPC was promising but not practical given the lack of knowledge
surrounding performance and construction methods. U.S. bridge owners and designers have recently
shown renewed interest in using UHPC for primary structural elements. This shift can in part be attributed
to the bridge community’s use of UHPC in connections and thus their comfort level with this class of
concrete. It can also be attributed to the growth in the number of available UHPC-class suppliers and the
fact that precasters are beginning to develop their own in-house UHPC mix designs.
FHWA has an ongoing research program that is testing a suite of pretensioned UHPC bridge girders. Phase
1 of the effort is underway and consists of flexural and shear testing of lightly optimized I-girders. All
girders are based on the PCEF cross section that is common in the mid-Atlantic region, with modifications
to web widths, flange widths, and bottom flange heights. The girders have 24 0.7-inch diameter strands in
the bottom flange spaced on a 2-inch by 2-inch grid. The web widths range from 3 inches to 7 inches. The
girder depths range from 35 inches to 43 inches. The flexural and shear design of the girders includes
capacity from the UHPC in tension. The shear design is differentiated from conventional concrete because
the UHPC in the web resists the beam shear demand through principal tensile stresses oriented
perpendicular to the compression strut. Most of the girders do not include any discrete steel
reinforcement in the web.
Shear testing completed to date has demonstrated that the design methodologies being developed for
UHPC structural elements are
capable of conservatively
predicting performance. In each
case, the girders reached a
capacity in excess of the design
Source: FHWA
capacity, then failed through a
diagonal tension localization
action occurring in the UHPC in the
web (see Figure 2). Figure 2. Shear testing of a UHPC I-Girder.
Demand for UHPC use in primary bridge components (e.g., girders, piles) is growing, but the lack of
structural design guidance in the United States is hindering advancement. Designing UHPC components in
accordance with existing design specifications, such as the AASHTO Load and Resistance Factor Design
(LRFD) Bridge Design Specifications, would usually create inefficient components from both the cost and
the structural performance standpoint. Designing members according to nondomestic codes or
specifications, such as the French supplement to the Eurocode [AFNOR 2016], is generally not an option.
To meet the need for guidance, FHWA is working with the AASHTO committee on structural concrete design
to develop a UHPC structural design guide specification [Graybeal and El Helou 2019]. Guide specifications
are a common method used by AASHTO to introduce a promising new technology to the broader
Graybeal: Advancing UHPC in the Bridge Sector Page 2 of 3
FHWA, through its structural concrete research group, is crafting this document to address the highest
priority needs. Specifically, the draft guide specification provided to AASHTO will propose a framework
that defines UHPC, describes key parameters and associated test methods to determine those parameters,
and offers guidance on appropriate methodologies for the structural design of primary bridge components.
UHPC will be defined as a tension strain hardening fiber reinforced concrete with a very high compressive
strength and exceptional durability. A first principles approach will be used, and measured mechanical
behaviors (e.g., tensile and compressive responses) will be integrated into structural behaviors (e.g.,
flexure and shear) to develop conservative capacity predictions. Full-scale structural test results as well as
experiences in international jurisdictions with developing UHPC design guidance will help guide the
document development. It is anticipated that the draft guide specification will be delivered to AASHTO in
The U.S. bridge community is embracing UHPC as a promising new solution. Owners are interested in the
opportunities it presents for novel, durable structural components. Designers are interested in using UHPC
for longer spans, lighter cross sections, and stronger piles. Maintenance professionals are interested in
armoring their structures, particularly structures already deteriorating, with layers of UHPC. As the U.S.
bridge community continues to learn about UHPC, it is clear that new solutions addressing long-standing
performance, economic, and constructability challenges will continue to be developed.

Association Française de Normalisation (AFNOR). 2016. “National Addition to Eurocode 2 – Design of
concrete structures: Specific rules for Ultra-High Performance Fibre-Reinforced Concrete (UHPFRC).” NF P
Brühwiler, E., and E. Denarié. 2013. “Rehabilitation and Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using Ultra-
High Performance Fibre Reinforced Concrete.” Structural Engineering International, 23; 4:450–457.
El Helou, R., and B. Graybeal. 2019. “The UltraGirder: A Design Concept for a 300-foot Single Span
Pretensioned Ultra-High Performance Concrete Bridge Girder.” Proceedings of the 2nd International
Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete. 9 pp.
Graybeal, B. 2006. “Structural Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete Prestressed I-Girders.” FHWA
Report HRT-06-115. 104 pp.
Graybeal, B., and R. El Helou. 2019. “Development of an AASHTO Guide Specification for Ultra-High
Performance Concrete.” Proceedings of the 2nd International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High
Performance Concrete. 9 pp.
Graybeal, B., and Z. Haber. 2017. “Ultra-High Performance Concrete for Bridge Deck Overlays.” FHWA,
U.S. Department of Transportation. FHWA-HRT-17-097. 16 pp.
Zmetra, K., K. McMullen, A. Zaghi, K. Wille. 2017. “Experimental Study of UHPC Repair for Corrosion-
Damaged Steel Girder Ends.” ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering. 22:8.

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