Active and Passive Voice

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Active and

Passive voice
‘Voice’ – What Is

The term ‘voice’ is a term that is used to denote the

form of the verb which shows if the subject in a
given sentence is the doer or receiver of the action.
The voice of a verb describes the relationship
between the action and the participants (subject or
object) in a sentence.
The Two Voices in the
English Language

What is the Active What is the Passive Voice?


The active voice, in a sentence, indicates that the The passive voice, in contrast, indicates that the
subject performs the action denoted by the verb. subject is acted upon by the verb. In other words, the
According to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, subject is passive rather than active. According to the
the active voice is “the form of a verb in which Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, the passive voice is “the
the subject is the person or thing that performs form of a verb used when the subject is affected by
the action.” Similarly, the Collins Dictionary the action of the verb.” Similarly, the Collins
defines the active voice as “a voice of verbs used Dictionary states that the passive voice is “formed
to indicate that the subject of a sentence is using ‘be’ and the past participle of a verb. The
performing the action or causing the event or subject of a passive clause does not perform the
process described by the verb.” action expressed by the verb but is affected by it.”
Using the Active Voice
and the Passive Voice

In the English language, the active voice is

generally preferred as it provides information in a
direct and clear manner. Avoid using the passive
voice merely because it sounds more sophisticated;
use it only when necessary. Remember, the active
voice has the subject performing the action, while
the passive voice has the subject receiving the
action. To communicate your thoughts and ideas
clearly and effectively, especially in a professional
setting, it is best to use the active voice.
A pro tip for you to
master the active voice
and the passive voice is to
know the structure and Active Voice – Subject +
formula by which they Verb + Object

Passive Voice – Object +

Verb + Subject
Difference between the Active
Voice and the Passive Voice

Analysing the difference between the active voice and the passive
voice is what will help you in a much better way to learn how to use
the two voices effectively. Take a look at the following table to
know how they differ.
There are a few other points that you
have to know so that you can use the
two voices effectively. They are as
When converting a
sentence in the active voice
The next part of speech you have to focus
to the passive voice, the on is the verb. When converting the active
first thing that you have to voice into the passive voice, you just have
do is interchange the to convert the main verb into its past
subject and the object. participle or its third form. The third form
of the main verb is the past participle form
of the verb.

If there are any adverbs used in the sentence

with the active voice, be sure to include it in the
When you are changing the passive voice as well. Do not just drop it when
tense of the main verb, you convert a sentence in the active voice to
make sure you use an the passive voice or vice-versa.
auxiliary verb which
Always use the preposition, ‘by’
maintains the tense the
before the subject in a passive
sentence represents.

1. Varun is helping Reshmi. (Change into passive voice)

2. A gift was given to Manassa by me. (Change into active voice)
3. Santana will sing All My Life at the Nationals. (Change into active
4. A mouse was being chased by my cat. (Change into active voice)
5. Naveen loves Praveena. (Change into passive voice)
6. The decorations for the annual day will be done by Emma. (Change
into active voice)
7. J. K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter novels. (Change into passive
8. Ms. Holly will teach Spanish this year. (Change into passive voice)
9. Mike was hit by Nick. (Change into active voice)
10. Naslen is being scolded by his mom. (Change into active voice)

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