Chapter 9 Solutions To Exercises

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Parallel RLC circuit: (a) =

1 1 1 = = = 175 103 s 1 6 2 RC ( 2 ) (4 ||10)(10 ) ( 2 ) (2.857)(106 )
1 = LC 1 = 22.4 krad/s

(b) 0 =

( 2 10 )(10 )
3 6

(c) The circuit is overdamped since > 0 .

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Parallel RLC circuit: (a) For an underdamped response, we require < 0 , so that 1 < 2 RC 1 LC or R > 1 L 1 2 ; R> . 2 C 2 1012

Thus, R > 707 k. (b) For critical damping, 1 L R= = 707 k 2 C

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Parallel RLC circuit: (a) =

1 1 1 = = = 6 2 RC ( 2 ) (4 ||10)(10 ) ( 2 ) (1)(109 ) 1 = LC 1 = 3.16 1013 rad/s = 5 108 s 1

0 =

(10 )(10 )
12 9

31.6 Trad/s

2 (b) s1,2 = 2 0 = 0.5 109 j 1021 (0.25)(1018 ) = 0.5 j 31.62 Grad/s

(c) The circuit is underdamped since < 0 .

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Parallel RLC circuit: (a) For an underdamped response, we require < 0 , so that

1 < 2 RC

1 LC

or R >

1 L 1 1015 . ; R> 2 C 2 2 1018

Thus, R > 11.18 . (b) For critical damping, 1 L R= = 11.18 2 C (c) For overdamped, R < 11.18 .

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


o L = 10, s1 = 6s 1 , s2 = 8s 1
2 2 6 = + 2 o , 8 = 2 o adding,

14 = 2 = 7 s 1
2 2 6 = 7 + 49 o o = 48

1 , o = 6.928 LC

rad/s 6.928 L = 10, L = 1.4434H, 1 1 C= = 14.434mF, = 7 R = 4.949 48L 2RC

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


ic = 40e 100t 30e 200t mA, C = 1mF, v(0) = 0.25V

t 1 t ic dt 0.25 = (40e 100t 30e200t ) dt 0.25 o C o v(t ) = 0.4(e 100t 1) + 0.15(e 200t 1) 0.25


v(t ) =

v(t ) = 0.4e100t + 0.15e200t V

2 2 s1 = 100 = + 2 o , s2 = 200 = 2 o

300 = 2, = 150s 1 150 + 1 500 = 3.333 Also, ,R = 3 2R10 150 1 100 = , L = 0.5H LC L

2 2 200 = 150 22500 o o = 20000

20000 = i R (t ) =

v = 0.12e 100t + 0.045e 200t A R


(i)t = iR (t ) ic (t ) = (0.12 0.04)e 100t + (0.045 + 0.03)e200t i (t ) = 80e100t 15e200t mA, t > 0

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006

7. (a)

Parallel RLC with o = 70.71 1012 rad/s. L = 2 pH. 1 = (70.71 1012 ) 2 LC 1 So C = = 100.0 aF 12 2 (70.7110 ) (2 1012 )
2 o =


1 = 5 109 s 1 2 RC 1 So R = 10 =1 M (10 ) (100 1018 ) = is the neper frequency: 5 Gs-1

2 S1 = + 2 o = 5 109 + j 70.71 1012 s 1 2 S 2 = 2 o = 5 109 j 70.71 1012 s 1

(c) (d)


5 109 = = 7.071 105 12 o 70.7110

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Given: L = 4 R 2C , =

1 2 RC

Show that v(t ) = e t ( A1t + A2 ) is a solution to C d 2 v 1 dv 1 + + v=0 dt 2 R dt L [1]

dv = e t ( A1 ) e t ( A1t + A2 ) dt = ( A1 A1t A2 ) e t d v = ( A1 A1t A2 ) (e t ) A1e t 2 dt = ( A1 A2 + A1 A1t ) e t = (2 A1 A2 A1t )e t




Substituting Eqs. [2] and [3] into Eq. [1], and using the information initially provided, 1 1 1 t (2 A1 ) e t + ( A1 ) e t ( A1t + A2 ) e + RC 2 RC 2 RC 1 1 ( A1t + A2 ) e t + 2 2 ( A1t + A2 ) et 2 RC 4R C =0 Thus, v(t ) = e t ( A1t + A2 ) is in fact a solution to the differential equation. Next, with v(0) = A2 = 16 dv = ( A1 A2 ) = ( A1 16 ) = 4 and dt t =0 we find that A1 = 4 + 16

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Parallel RLC with o = 800 rad/s, and = 1000 s-1 when R = 100 .
1 2 RC 1 2 o = LC = so so C = 5F L = 312.5 mH

Replace the resistor with 5 meters of 18 AWG copper wire. From Table 2.3, 18 AWG soft solid copper wire has a resistance of 6.39 /1000ft. Thus, the wire has a resistance of
100 cm 1in 1ft 6.39 (5 m) 1m 2.54 cm 12in 1000 ft = 0.1048 or 104.8 m

(a) (b)

The resonant frequency is unchanged, so o = 800 rad/s

1 = 954.0 103 s 1 2 RC
old o new o


old = new =

Define the percent change as

= new old 100 old

new old 100 old

= 95300%

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006

10. (a)

L = 5H, R = 8, C = 12.5mF, v(0+ ) = 40V

i (0+ ) = 8A: = 1 1000 1 2 = = 5, o = = 16, 2RC 2 8 12.5 LC

o = 4 s1,2 = 5 25 16 = 2, 8 v(t ) = A1e 2t + A 2 e 8t 40 = A1 + A 2 v(0+ ) = 1000 40 + iL (0 ) = 80 (8 5) = 1040 12.5 8 v / s = 2A1 8A 2 520 = A1 4A 2 3A 2 = 480, A 2 = 160, A1 = 120

v(t ) = 120e 2t + 160e 8t V, t > 0


v(0+ ) 40 = = 5A R 8 i (0+ ) = A 3 + A 4 = iR (0+ ) ic (0+ ) = 8 5 = 13A; ic (0+ ) = 8A Let i (t ) = A 3e 2t + A 4 e 8t ; iR (0+ ) = 40 = 8 A / s 4 = A 3 4A 4 5 3A 4 = 13 + 4, A 4 = 3, A 3 = 16 i (t ) = 16e 2t + 3e 8t A, t > 0 i (0+ ) = 2A 3 8A 4 =

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


1 L 1 103 1 10 = = = 2 C 2 104 2 Therefore (a) RC = R = 0.1RC = 158.1 m (b) =


1 = 3.162 104 s 1 and 0 = 2RC

1 = 3.162 103 rad/s LC

2 Thus, s1,2 = 2 0 = 158.5 s 1 and 6.31 104 s 1

So we may write i (t ) = A1e158.5t + A2 e6.3110

With i(0 ) = i(0+ ) = 4 A and v(0 ) = v(0+ ) = 10 V A1+ A2 = 4 Noting

v(0+ ) = L di = 10 dt t =0


103 158.5 A1 6.31 104 A2 = 10


Solving Eqs. [1] and [2] yields A1 = 4.169 A and A2 = 0.169 A So that
i (t ) = 4.169e 158.5t 0.169e 6.3110

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


(a) =

1 = 500 s 1 and 0 = 2RC

1 = 100 rad/s LC

2 Thus, s1,2 = 2 0 = 10.10 s 1 and 989.9 s 1

So we may write iR (t ) = A1e10.1t + A2 e 989.9t [1] With i(0 ) = i (0+ ) = 2 mA and v(0 ) = v(0+ ) = 0 A1+ A2 = 0 We need to find
diR dt

[2] diR ( t ) dt = 1 dv dv [3] and iC = C = i iR . dt R dt

. Note that
t =0

Thus, iC (0+ ) = C

dv v(0+ ) = i (0+ ) iR (0+ ) = 2 103 = 2 103 [4] dt t =0+ R

Therefore, we may write based on Eqs. [3] and [4]:

diR = (50)(0.04) = 2 [5]. Taking the derivative of Eq. [1] and combining with dt t =0 [6]. Eq. [5] then yields: s1 A1 + s 2 A2 = 2

Solving Eqs. [2] and [6] yields A1 = 2.04 mA and A2 = 2.04 mA So that (b) iR (t ) = 2.04 e 10.1t e989.9t

mA (c) We see that the simulation agrees.

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006

13. (a)

i (0) = 40A, v(0) = 40V, L =


1 H, R = 0.1, C = 0.2F 80

1 80 2 = 25, o = = 400, 2 0.1 0.2 0.2

o = 20, s1,2 = 25 625 400 = 10, 40 v(t ) = A1 e 10t + A 2 e40t 40 = A1 + A 2 ; 1 v(0) i (0) = 2200 C R A1 4A 2 = 220 3A 2 = 180 A 2 = 60, A1 = 20 v(0+ ) = 10A1 40A 2 v(0+ ) = v(t ) = 20e 10t + 60e 40t V, t > 0


i(t) = v/ R C

dv = 200e 10t 600e 40t 0.2(-20)(-10)e -10t (0.2)(60)(-40)e 40t dt 10 t = 160e 120e 40t A

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


(a) =

1 = 6.667 108 s 1 and 0 = 2RC

1 = 105 rad/s LC

2 Thus, s1,2 = 2 0 = 7.5 s 1 and 1.333 109 s 1 . So we may write

iC (t ) = A1e 7.5t + A2 e1.33310 t [1] With i (0 ) = i (0+ ) = 0 A and v(0 ) = v(0+ ) = 2 V , 2 iC (0+ ) = iR (0+ ) = = 0.133 106 so that 6 15 10

A1+ A2 = 0.133106 We need to find

diR dt

di dt

. We know that L
t =0

= 2 so
t =0

di 2 = = 106 . Also, dt t =0 2 106

9 i di di 1 dv 1 dv so R = C = = iC and R = A1e7.5t + A2 e1.33310 t . dt dt R dt dt CR CR


di di diR diC + + = 0 so C dt dt dt dt

= 7.5 A1 1.33 109 A2 = 106

t =0

1 ( A1 + A2 ) [3] CR

Solving Eqs. [2] and [3] yields A1 = 0.75 mA and A2 = 0.133 MA (very different!) So that (b)
iC (t ) = 0.75 103 e 7.5t + 0.133 106 e1.33310

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


(a) =

1 = 0.125 s 1 and 0 = 2RC

1 = 0.112 rad/s LC

2 Thus, s1,2 = 2 0 = 0.069 s 1 and 0.181 s 1 . So we may write

v(t ) = A1e0.069t + A2 e 0.181t [1] With iC (0 ) = iC (0+ ) = 8 A and v(0 ) = v(0+ ) = 0 , A1+ A2 = 0 [2] We need to find iC (t ) = C
diR dt

. We know that
t =0

dv = 4 0.069 A1e 0.069t 0.181A2 e0.181t . So, dt [3] iC (0) = 4 [ 0.069 A1 0.181A2 ] = 8

Solving Eqs. [2] and [3] yields A1 = 17.89 V and A2 = 17.89 V So that
(b) v(t ) = 17.89 e 0.069t e0.181t V

dv = 1.236e 0.069t 8.236e0.181t . We set this equal to 0 and solve for tm: dt 3.236 e 0.069tm = = e0.112tm , so that tm = 8.61 s. 1.236 e 0.181tm

Substituting into our expression for the voltage, the peak value is v(8.61) = 6.1 V (c) The simulation agrees with the analytic results.

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


iL (0) =

100 = 2A, vc (0) = 100V 50 106 3 106+3 2 = = 4000, wo = = 12 106 2 50 2.5 100 2.5 3 16 12 10 = 200, s1,2 = 4000 2000

iL (t ) = A1e 2000t + A 2 e 6000t , t > 0 A1 + A s = 2 103 3 100 = 3000 = 2000A1 6000A 2 1.5 = A1 3A 2 0.5 = 2A 2 100 A 2 = 0.25, A1 = 2.25 iL (t ) = 2.25e 2000t 0.25e6000t A, t > 0 iL (0+ ) = t > 0: iL (t ) = 2A iL (t ) = 2u (t ) + (2.25e2000t 0.25e6000t ) u (t )A

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


iL (0) =

12 = 2A, vc (0) = 2V 5 +1 1000 1000 45 2 = 250, o = = 22500 = 2 1 2 2 iL = A1e 50t + A 2 e 450t A1 + A 2 = 2; iL (0+ ) = 45(2) = 50A1 450A 2 A1 + 9A 2 = 1.8 8A 2 = 0.2 A 2 = 0.025, A1 = 2.025(A) iL (t ) = 2.025e 50t 0.025e 450t A, t > 0

s1,2 = 250 2502 22500 = 50, 450 s 1

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006

18. (a)


1 1440 1440 2 = = 20, o = = 144 2RC 72 10 = 20 400 144 = 4, 36: v = A1e 4t + A 2 e 36t

1 18 v(0) = 18 = A1 + A2 , v(0) = 1440 = 0 2 36 0 = 4A1 36A 2 = A1 9A 2 = 18 = 8A 2 , A 2 = 2.25, A1 = 20.25 v(t ) = 20.25e 4 2.25e 36t V, t > 0


v 1 v = 0.5625e4t 0.0625e36t 0.05625e4t + 0.05625e36t + 36 1440 i (t ) = 0.50625e4t 0.00625e 36t A, t > 0 i (t ) = vmax at t = 0 vmax = 18V 0.18 = 20.25e4ts 2.25e 36ts
Solving using a scientific calculator, we find that ts = 1.181 s.


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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Referring to Fig. 9.43, L = 1250 mH

o = 1 = = 4 rad/s



Since > o, this circuit is over damped.

1 = 5 s 1 2 RC

The capacitor stores 390 J at t = 0: 1 Wc = C vc2 2 2Wc = 125 V = vc (0+ ) So vc (01 ) = C The inductor initially stores zero energy,

iL (0 ) = iL (0+ ) = 0
2 S1,2 = 2 o = 5 3 = 8, 2

Thus, v(t ) = Ae 8t + Be2t Using the initial conditions, v(0) = 125 = A + B v(0+ ) + ic (0+ ) = 0 iL (0+ ) + iR (0+ ) + ic (0+ ) = 0 + 2 125 v(0+ ) + = = 62.5 V So ic (0 ) = 2 2 dv = 50 103[8 Ae 8t 2 Be 2t ] ic = C dt + [2] ic (0 ) = 62.5 = 50 103 (8 A + 2 B) [1]

Solving Eqs. [1] and [2],

A = 150 V B = 25 V

Thus, v(t ) = 166.7e 8t 41.67e 2t , t > 0

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006



We want a response v = Ae 4t + Be6t 1 = = 5 s 1 2 RC

2 2 S1 = + 2 o = 4 = 5 + 25 o 2 2 S2 = 2 o = 6 = 5 25 o

Solving either equation, we obtain o = 4.899 rad/s

2 Since o =

1 1 , L = 2 = 833.3 mH oC LC


If iR (0+ ) = 10 A and ic (0+ ) = 15 A, find A and B. with iR (0+ ) = 10 A, vR (0+ ) = v(0+ ) = vc (0+ ) = 20 V v(0) = A + B = 20 [1] dv ic = C = 50 103 (4 Ae 4t 6 Be6t ) dt + ic (0 ) = 50 103 (4 A 6 B) = 15 [2] Solving, A = 210 V, B = 190 V Thus, v = 210e 4t 190e 6t , t > 0

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006

21. (a) (b) (c)

Initial conditions:

iL (0 ) = iL (0+ ) = 0

iR (0+ ) =

50 =2A 25

vc (0+ ) = vc (0 ) = 2(25) = 50 V ic (0+ ) = iL (0+ ) iR (0+ ) = 0 2 = 2 A t > 0: parallel (source-free) RLC circuit 1 = = 4000 s 1 2 RC 1 o = = 3464 rad/s LC

2 s1,2 = 2 o

= 2000, 6000

Since > 0, this system is overdamped. Thus,

vc (t ) = Ae 2000t + Be 6000t dv = (5 106 ) (2000 Ae 2000t 6000 Be 6000t ) dt [1] ic (0+ ) = 0.01A 0.03B = 2 ic = C and vc (0+ ) = A + B = 50 [2]

Solving, we find A = 25 and B = 75 so that vc (t ) = 25e 2000t + 75e6000t , t > 0 (d)


25e 2000t + 75e 6000t = 0 t = 274.7 s using a scientific calculator



= 25 + 75 = 50 V

So, solving | 25e 2000ts + 75e 6000ts | = 0.5 in view of the graph in part (d), we find ts = 1.955 ms using a scientific calculators equation solver routine.
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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Due to the presence of the inductor, vc (0 ) = 0 . Performing mesh analysis,

i1 i2
4.444 H

9 + 2i1 2i2 = 0 2i2 2i1 + 3iA + 7i2 = 0 and i1 i2 = iA

[1] [2]

Rearranging, we obtain 2i1 2i2 = 0 and 4i1 + 6 i2 = 0. Solving, i1 = 13.5 A and i2 = 9 A. (a) (b) iA (0 ) = i1 i2 = 4.5 A and iL (0 ) = i2 = 9 A t > 0:
4.444 H

around left mesh:

vc (0+ ) + 7iA (0+ ) 3iA (0+ ) + 2iA (0+ ) = 0 so, iA (0+ ) = 0

(c) (d)

vc (0 ) = 0 due to the presence of the inductor.

vLC + 7 3(1) + 2 = 0

vLC = 6 V RTH =

6 = 6 1


1 = 3.333 s 1 2 RC 1 o = = 3 rad/s LC =
2 S1,2 = 2 o = 1.881, 4.785

Thus, iA (t ) = Ae 1.881t + Be4.785t iA (0+ ) = 0 = A + B [1]

To find the second equation required to determine the coefficients, we write:

iL = ic iR = C dvc iA = 25 103 1.881(6 A)e1.881t 4.785(6 B)e4.785t dt 1.881t 4.785t Be - Ae

iL (0+ ) = 9 = 25 103[1.881(6 A) 4.785(6 B)] A B or 9 = -0.7178A 0.2822B [2] Solving Eqs. [1] and [2], A = 20.66 and B = +20.66 So that iA (t ) = 20.66[e 4.785t e1.881t ]
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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


Diameter of a dime: approximately 8 mm.

Area = r 2 = 0.5027cm 2

Capacitance L = 4H o =

r o A (88) (8.854 1014 F/cm) (0.5027cm 2 ) = = d 0.1cm = 39.17pF

1 = 79.89 Mrad/s LC

For an over damped response, we require > o. Thus, 1 > 79.89 106 2 RC 1 R< 12 2(39.17 10 ) (79.89 106 )

or R < 159.8 *Note: The final answer depends quite strongly on the choice of r.

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


(a) For critical damping, R =

1 L 1 103 = = 4.564 . 2 C 2 12 106

(b) =

1 1 = = 9.129 103 s 1 6 2 RC 2 ( 4.564 ) 12 10

Thus, vC ( t ) = e 9.12910 t ( A1t + A2 )


A2 = 12 V .

At t = 0, vC (0) = A1 ( 0 ) + A2 = 12 Taking the derivative of Eq. [1], dvC ( t ) dt

= e 9.12910 t 9.129 103 A1t + A1 9.129 103 (12 )


and also iC = (iR + iL ) , so

dvC dt Solving, =
t =0

1 vC (0) 1 12 3 R + 0 = 12 106 4.565 + 0 A1 9.129 10 (12 ) C

A1 = 109.6 103 V , so we may write

vC ( t ) = e 9.12910 t 109.6 103 t + 12 .

(c) We see from plotting both the analytic result in Probe and the simulated voltage, the two are in excellent agreement (the curves lie on top of one another).

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


(a) For critical damping, R =

1 L 1 108 = = 1.581 m . 2 C 2 103

(b) =

1 1 = = 3.162 105 s 1 3 3 2 RC 2 1.581 10 10


Thus, iL ( t ) = e3.16210 t ( A1t + A2 )


A2 = 10 A .

At t = 0, iL (0) = A1 ( 0 ) + A2 = 10 Taking the derivative of Eq. [1], diL ( t ) dt

= e 3.16210 t 3.162 105 A1t + A1 3.162 105 (10 ) [2]


and also L

diL dt

= vC (0) = 0 [3], so
t =0

Solving Eqs. [2] and [3], A1 = 3.162 105 (10 ) = 3.162 106 V , so we may write

iL ( t ) = e 3.16210 t 3.162 106 t + 10 .


(c) We see from plotting both the analytic result in Probe and the simulated voltage, the two are in reasonable agreement (some numerical error is evident).

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


It is unlikely to observe a critically damped response in real-life circuits, as it would be virtually impossible to obtain the exact values required for R, L and C. However, using carefully chosen components, it is possible to obtain a response which is for all intents and purposes very close to a critically damped response.

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Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


crit. damp.


L = 4R 2 C = 4 1 2 103 = 8mH


= o

1 1000 = = 250 iL = e 250t (A1t + A 2 ) 2RC 2 1 2 iL (0) = 2A, vc (0) = 2V iL = e250t (A1t + 2) Then 8 103 iL (0+ ) = 2 = 8 103 (A1 500), = e 1.25 (1.25 + 2) = 0.9311A


iL max : (250tm + 2) = 0, 1 = 250tm + 2, tm < 0 No! tm = 0, iL max = 2A 0.02 = e 250ts (250ts + 2); SOLVE: ts = 23.96ms

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crit. damp.


L = 4R 2 C =

100 103 = 4R 2 106 R = 57.74 3


1 2.5 = 3464 s 1 30 vc (t ) = e 3464t (A1t + A 2 ) vc (0) = 100V

o = = 103 /

100 = 1.7321A 100 = A 2 57.74 106 100 5 vc (0+ ) = 1.7321 = 0 = A1 3464A 2 A1 = 3.464 10 2.5 57.74 3464 t vc (t ) = e (3.464 105 t + 100) V, t > 0 iL (0) =

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Diameter of a dime is approximately 8 mm. The area, therefore, is r2 = 0.5027 cm2.

r o A (88) (8.854 1014 ) (0.5027) = The capacitance is d 0.1 = 39.17 pF

with L = 4H, o =

1 = 79.89 Mrad/s LC 1 = o 2 RC

For critical damping, we require or R = 1 = 159.8 2oC

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30. (a) (b)

L = 5mH, C = 108 F, crit. damp. v(0) = 400V, i (0) = 0.1A L = 4R 2 C = 5 103 = 4R 2 108 R = 353.6
108 = = 141, 420 i = e 141,420t (A1t + A 2 ) 2 353.6 A 2 = 0.1= e 141,421t (A1t + 0.1), 5 103 (A1 141, 420 0.1) = 400 A1 = 65,860 i = e 141,421t (65,860t + 0.1). i = 0 e t (+65860) + 141, 420e t (65,860tm + 0.1) = 0 tm = 8.590 s i (tm ) = e 141,4208.59010 i = i (tm ) = 0.13821A

(65,860 8.590 106 + 0.1) = 0.13821A



imax = i (0) = 0.1A

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Critically damped parallel RLC with = 103 s 1 , R = 1M .

1 103 = 103 , so C = = 500 F 2 RC 2 106 1 Since = o, o = = 103 LC 1 = 106 or LC so L = 2 GH (!) We know

N 2 A = 2 109 L= S 50 turns 1m 2 (4 10 H/m) . s (0.5cm) . . 100 cm cm If So s = 2 109

7 2

(42 109 ) (50) 2 (0.5) 2 s = 2 109 So s = 8.106 1013 cm

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1 4 1 4 13 2 = = 1, o = = = 26, d = 26 1 = 5 2RC 2 2 LC 2 vc (t ) = e t ( B1 cos 5t + B2 sin 5t ) iL (0+ ) = iL (0) = 4A vc (0+ ) = vc (0) = 0 iL (0+ ) =

vc (0+ ) =

(a) (b) (c)

1 vc (0+ ) = 0 L
vc (0+ ) 1 + + [iL (0 ) iR (0 )] = 4 4 = 4 (4 + 0) = 16 V/s c 2



(e) 0 = 1(B1 ) B1 = 0, vc (t ) = B2 e t sin 5t , vc (0 + ) = B2 (5) = 16 B2 = 3.2, vc (t ) = 3.2e t sin 5t V, t > 0


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1 106 1 106+3 2 = = 4000, o = = = 2 107 2RC 100 2.5 LC 50

d = 20 106 16 106 = 2000

ic = e 4000t (B1 cos 2000t + B2 sin 2000t ) iL (0) = 2A, vc (0) = 0 ic (0+ ) = 2A; ic (0+ ) = iL (0+ ) iR (0+ ) 1 1 1 2 106 vc (0) vc (0+ ) = 0 ic (0+ ) = L R RC 125 6 2 10 B1 = 2A, = 16, 000 = 2000B2 + (2) (4000) B2 = 4 125 ic (t ) = e 4000t (2 cos 2000t + 4sin 2000t )A, t > 0 ic (0+ ) =

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34. (a)
1 100 1 100 2 2 2 = = 8, o = = , d = 36 = o 64 2RC 12.5 LC L 100 2 o = 100 = L = 1H L =


t < 0: iL (t ) = 4A; t > 0: iL (t ) = e 8t (B1 cos 6t + B2 sin 6t ) iL (0) = 4A B1 = 4A, iL = e 8t (4 cos 6t + B2 sin 6t ) vc (0) = 0 iL (0+ ) = t vc (0+ ) = 0 6B2 8(4) = 0, B2 = 16 / 3 iL (t ) = 4u (t ) + e 8t (4 cos 6t + 5.333sin 6t ) u (t ) A


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35. (a) 1 1093 1 109 2 = = 5000, o = = = 1.25 108 2RC 2 20 5 LC 1.6 5

2 d = o 2 = 125 106 25 106 = 10, 000

vc (t ) = e 5000t (B1 cos104 t + B2 sin104 t ) vc (0) = 200V, iL (0) = 10mA vc (t ) = e 5000t (200 cos104 t + B2 sin104 t ) 1 109 vc (0+ ) = ic (0+ ) = 5 c = vc (0) iL (0) 20, 000

109 2 200 4 10 20, 000 = 0 = 10 B2 200 (5000) 5

B2 = 100V vc (t ) = e 5000t (200 cos104 t + 100sin104 t ) V, t > 0 (b) isw = 102 iL , iL = 1 vc + Cvc R

vc = e 5000t [104 (200sin + 100 cos] 5000 (200 cos + 100sin)] = e 500t [106 (2sin 0.5cos)] = 2.5 106 e5000t sin104 t v / s 1 (200 cos + 100sin) 5 109 2.5 106 e5000t sin104 t iL = e 5000t 20, 000 4 4 5000 t =e (0.01cos10 t 0.0075sin10 t ) A isw = 10 e 5000t (10 cos104 t 7.5sin104 t ) mA, t > 0

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36. (a)

1 106 1 1.01 106 2 = = 20, o = = = 40, 400 2RC 2000 25 LC 25

2 d = o 2 = 40, 400 400 = 200

v = e 20t (A1 cos 200t + A 2 sin 200t ) v(0) = 10V, iL (0) = 9mA A1 = 10V v = e 20t (10 cos 200t + A 2 sin 200t ) V, t > 0 v(0+ ) = 200A 2 20 10 = 200 (A 2 1) = = 1 io (0+ ) C

106 (103 ) = 40 A 2 = 1 0.2 = 0.8 25 v(t ) = e 20t (10 cos 200t + 0.8sin 200t ) V, t > 0

v = 10.032e20t cos (200t 4.574)V T= 2 = 3.42ms 200

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1 1063 1 2 = = 100 s 1 , o = = 1.01 106 2RC 2 5 LC 60 d = 101 104 104 = 100; iL (0) = = 6mA 10 vc (0) = 0 vc (t ) = e 100t (A1 cos1000t + A 2 sin1000t ), t > 0 = A1 = 0, vc (t ) = A 2 e 100t sin1000t vc (0+ ) = 1 1 ic (0+ ) = 106 [i1 (0+ ) vc (0+ )] = 106 C 5000 (6 103 ) = 6000 = 1000 A 2 A 2 = 6 1 104

vc (t ) = 6e 100t sin1000tV, t > 0 i1 (t ) = vc (t ) = 104 (6) e 100t sin1000tA i1 (t ) = 0.6e 100t sin1000t mA, t > 0

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We replace the 25- resistor to obtain an underdamped response:


1 2RC


0 =

1 ; we require < 0. LC R > 34.64 m.

1 10 10 6 R

< 3464

For R = 34.64 (1000 the minimum required value), the response is: v(t) = e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt) where = 2887 s-1 and d = 1914 rad/s. iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 0 and vC(0+) = vC(0-) = (2)(25) = 50 V = A. iL(t) = L dvL dv = L C dt dt t = L e ( A d t sin d t + B d t cos d t ) - e t ( A cos d t + Bsin d t )

50 103 iL(0 ) = 0 = [B d - A ], so that B = 75.42 V. 3


Thus, v(t) = e-2887t (50 cos 1914t + 75.42 sin 1914t) V.

Sketch of v(t).

PSpice schematic for t > 0 circuit.

From PSpice the settling time using R = 34.64 is approximately 1.6 ms.

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v(0) = 0; i (0) = 10A v = et (A cos d t + Bsin d t ) A = 0, v = Be t sin d t v = e t [ Bsin d t + d B cos d t ] = 0 tan d t = tm 2 = tm1 + d 1 , tm1 = tan 1 d d

1 Td = tm1 + ; 2 d vm 2 v 1 = e / d ; let m 2 = Vm1 vm1 100

vm1 = Be tm1 sin d tm1 vm 2 = Be tm1 / d sin d tm1

e / d = 100, =

d 1 21 ln 100; = = , 2RC R 1 21 ln100 2 6R 2 441 0 = = 6 d = 6 441/ R 2 LC R R

2 21 R = 1/ 6 441 + = 10.3781 To keep 100

vm 2 < 0.01, chose R = 10.3780 v(0+ ) = d vm1 0 21 B = B 6 = 4R 10 + B = 1.380363 10.3780 10.378 = 21 21 = 2.02351; d = 6 = 1.380363 10.378 10.378
2 2

v = 304.268e 2.02351t sin 1.380363t v tm1 = 0.434 s, vm1 = 71.2926v Computed values show ts = 2.145sec; vm 2 = 0.7126 < 0.01vm1

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(a) For t < 0 s, we see from the circuit that the capacitor and the resistor are shorted by the presence of the inductor. Hence, iL(0-) = 4 A and vC(0-) = 0 V. When the 4-A source turns off at t = 0 s, we are left with a parallel RLC circuit such that = 1/2RC = 0.4 s-1 and 0 = 5.099 rad/s. Since < 0, the response will be underdamped with d = 5.083 rad/s. Assume the form iL(t) = e-t (C cos dt + D sin dt) for the response. With iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 4 A, we find C = 4 A. To find D, we first note that di vC(t) = vL(t) = L L dt and so vC(t) = (2/13) [e-t (-Cd sin dt + Dd cos dt) - e-t (C cos dt + D sin dt)] With vC(0+) = 0 = (2/13) (5.083D 0.4C), we obtain D = 0.3148 A. Thus, iL(t) = e-0.4t (4 cos 5.083t + 0.3148 sin 5.083t) A and iL(2.5) = 1.473 A. (b) = 1/2RC = 4 s-1 and 0 = 5.099 rad/s. Since < 0, the new response will still be underdamped, but with d = 3.162 rad/s. We still may write vC(t) = (2/13) [e-t (-Cd sin dt + Dd cos dt) - e-t (C cos dt + D sin dt)] and so with vC(0+) = 0 = (2/13) (3.162D 4C), we obtain D = 5.06 A. Thus, iL(t) = e-4t (4 cos 3.162t + 5.06 sin 3.162t) A and iL(.25) = 2.358 A. (c) We see from the simulation result below that our hand calculations are correct; the slight disagreement is due to numerical inaccuracy. Changing the step ceiling from the 10-ms value employed to a smaller value will improve the accuracy.

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(a,b) For t < 0 s, we see from the circuit below that the capacitor and the resistor are shorted by the presence of the inductor. Hence, iL(0-) = 4 A and vC(0-) = 0 V.

When the 4-A source turns off at t = 0 s, we are left with a parallel RLC circuit such that = 1/2RC = 1 s-1 and 0 = 5.099 rad/s. Since < 0, the response will be underdamped with d = 5 rad/s. Assume the form iL(t) = e-t (C cos dt + D sin dt) for the response. With iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 4 A, we find C = 4 A. To find D, we first note that di vC(t) = vL(t) = L L dt and so vC(t) = (2/13) [e-t (-Cd sin dt + Dd cos dt) - e-t (C cos dt + D sin dt)] With vC(0+) = 0 = (2/13) (5D 4), we obtain D = 0.8 A. Thus, iL(t) = e-t (4 cos 5t + 0.8 sin 5t) A

We see that the simulation result confirms our hand analysis; there is only a slight difference due to numerical error between the simulation result and our exact expression.


Using the cursor tool, the settling time is approximately 4.65 s.

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vc (0) = 50 + 80 2 = 210 V, iL (0) = 0, =
2 o =

R 80 = = 20 2L 4

100 = 500 : d = 500 202 = 10 2 vc (t ) = e 20t (A1 cos10t + A 2 sin10t ) A1 = 210 V vc (t ) = e 20t (210 cos10t + A 2 sin10t ); vc (0+ ) = 1 ic (0+ ) = 0 C 20 t 0 = 10A 2 20 (210), A 2 = 420 vc (t ) = e (210 cos10t + 420sin10t )

vc (40ms) = e 0.8 (210 cos 0.4 + 420sin 0.4) = 160.40 V Also, iL = e 20t (B1 cos10t + B2 sin10t ), iL (0+ ) = 1 1 1 vL (0+ ) = [0 vc (0+ )] = 210 L 2 2

iL (0+ ) = 105 = 10B2 B2 = 10.5 iL (t ) = 10.5e 20t sin10t A, t > 0 vR (t ) = 80iL = 840e 20t sin 10tV vR (40ms) = 840e 0.8 sin 0.4 = 146.98 V vL (t ) = vc (t ) vc (t ) vR (t ) vL (40ms) = 160.40 + 146.98 = 13.420 V [check: vL = e 20t (210 cos 420sin + 840sin) = e 20t (210 cos10t + 420sin10t ) V, t > 0 vL (40ms) = e 0.8 (210 cos 420sin + 840 sin) = e 20t (210 cos10t + 420sin10t )V, t > 0 VL (40ms) = e 0.8 (420sin 0.4 210 cos 0.4) = 13.420 V Checks]

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R 2 1 4 2 = = 4, o = = = 20, d = 20 16 = 2 2L 1/ 2 LC 0.2 iL = e 4t (A1 cos 2t + A 2 sin 2t ); iL (0) = 10A, vc (0) = 20V A1 = 10; iL (0+ ) = 1 vL (0+ ) = 4 (20 20) = 0 L

iL (0+ ) = 2A 2 4 10 A 2 = 20 iL (t ) = e 4t (10 cos 2t + 20sin 2t )A, t > 0

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R2 1 1 2 = o = L = R 2C 2 4L LC 4 1 200 L = 4 104 6 = 0.01H, = = 104 = o 4 0.02 vc (t ) = e 10000t (A1t + A 2 ); vc (0) = 10V, iL (0) = 0.15A crit. damp; 2 = A 2 = 10, vc (t ) = e 10000t (A1t 0); vc (0+ ) = iL (0) = 106 (0.15) = 150, 000 Now, vc (0+ ) = A1 + 105 = 150, 000 A1 = 50, 000 vc (t ) = e 10,000t (50, 000t 10) V, t > 0
vc (t ) = e 10,000t [50, 000 10, 000 (50, 000t 10)] = 5 = 50, 000tm 10 tm = 15 = 0.3ms 50, 000

1 C


vc (tm ) = e 3 (15 10) = 5e 3 = 0.2489V vc (0) = 10V vc


= 10V


vc ,max = 0.2489V

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Obtain an expression for vc(t) in the circuit of Fig. 9.8 (dual) that is valid for all t.
F mF A

R 0.02 106 106 3 2 = = 4000, o = = 1.2 107 2L 2 2.5 2.5 10

s1,2 = 4000 16 106 12 106 = 2000, 6000 1 100 = 2V 50 1 iL (0) = 100A 2 = A1 + A 2 , vc (0+ ) = C 3 (iL (0)) = 103 100 = 3000v / s 100 3000 = 200A1 600A 2 , 1.5 = A1 3A 2 vc (t ) = A1e 2000t + A 2 e6000t ; vc (0) = 0.5 = 2A 2 , = 0.25, A1 = 2.25 vc (t ) = (2.25e 200t 0.25e6000t ) u (t ) + 2u (t ) V (checks)

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R 2 1 2 2 = = 1, o = = 5, d = o 2 = 2 2L 2 LC t iL = e (B1 cos 2t + B2 sin 2t ), iL (0) = 0, vc (0) = 10V

B1 = 0, iL = B2 e t sin 2t 1 i1 (0) = vL (0+ ) = vR (0+ ) Vc (0+ ) = 0 10 = 2B2 1 B2 = 5 iL = 5e t sin 2tA, t > 0


iL = 5[e t (2 cos 2t sin 2t )] = 0 2 cos 2t = sin 2t , tan 2t = 2 t1 = 0.5536 s, iL (t1 ) = 2.571A 2t2 = 2 0.5536 + , t2 = 2.124, iL (t2 ) = 0.5345 iL and iL max = 0.5345A

= 2.571A

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R 250 1 106 2 = = 25, o = = = 400 2L 10 LC 2500

2 s1,2 = 2 o = 25 15 = 10, 40

iL = A1 e 10t + A 2 e40t , iL (0) = 0.5A, vc (0) = 100V 1 1 0.5 = A1 + A 2 , iL (0+ ) = vL (0+ ) = 5 5 (100 25 100) = 5 A / s = 10A1 40A 2 5 = 10 A1 + 40 (0.5 A1 ) = 10A1 40 A1 + 20 30A1 = 15, A1 = 0.5, A 2 = 0 iL (t ) = 0.5e10t A, t > 0


vc = A 3e 10t + A 4 e40t 100 = A 3 + A 4 ; 1 106 vc = ic (0+ ) (0.5) = 1000 c 500 10A 3 40A 4 = 1000 3A 4 = 0, A 4 = 0, A 3 = 100 vc (t ) = 100e10t V t > 0

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Considering the circuit as it exists for t < 0, we conclude that vC(0-) = 0 and iL(0-) = 9/4 = 2.25 A. For t > 0, we are left with a parallel RLC circuit having = 1/2RC = 0.25 s-1 and o = 1/ LC = 0.3333 rad/s. Thus, we expect an underdamped response with d = 0.2205 rad/s: iL(t) = e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt) iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 2.25 = A so iL(t) = e0.25t (2.25 cos 0.2205t + B sin 0.2205t) In order to determine B, we must invoke the remaining boundary condition. Noting that di vC(t) = vL(t) = L L dt = (9)(-0.25)e-0.25t (2.25 cos 0.2205t + B sin 0.2205t) + (9) e-0.25t [-2.25(0.2205) sin 0.2205t + 0.2205B cos 0.2205t] vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0 = (9)(-0.25)(2.25) + (9)(0.2205B) so B = 2.551 and iL(t) = e-0.25t [2.25 cos 0.2205t + 2.551 sin 0.2205t] A Thus, iL(2) = 1.895 A This answer is borne out by PSpice simulation:

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We are presented with a series RLC circuit having = R/2L = 4700 s-1 and o = 1/ LC = 447.2 rad/s; therefore we expect an overdamped response with s1 = -21.32 s-1 and s2 = -9379 s-1. From the circuit as it exists for t < 0, it is evident that iL(0-) = 0 and vC(0-) = 4.7 kV Thus, vL(t) = A e21.32t + B e-9379t [1]

With iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 0 and iR(0+) = 0 we conclude that vR(0+) = 0; this leads to vL(0+) = -vC(0-) = -4.7 kV and hence A + B = -4700 [2] di Since vL = L , we may integrate Eq. [1] to find an expression for the inductor current: dt B 9379t 1 A 21.32t iL(t) = e e L 21.32 9379 1 B A At t = 0+, iL = 0 so we have = 0 [3] -3 500 10 21.32 9379 Simultaneous solution of Eqs. [2] and [3] yields A = 10.71 and B = -4711. Thus,

vL(t) = 10.71e-21.32t - 4711 e-9379t V,


and the peak inductor voltage magnitude is 4700 V.

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With the 144 mJ originally stored via a 12-V battery, we know that the capacitor has a value of 2 mF. The initial inductor current is zero, and the initial capacitor voltage is 12 V. We begin by seeking a (painful) current response of the form

ibear = Aes1t + Bes2t

Using our first initial condition, ibear(0+) = iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 0 = A + B

di/dt = As1 es1t + Bs2 es2t vL = Ldi/dt = ALs1 es1t + BLs2 es2t vL(0+) = ALs1 + BLs2 = vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 12
What else is known? We know that the bear stops reacting at t = 18 s, meaning that the current flowing through its fur coat has dropped just below 100 mA by then (not a long shock). Thus, A exp[(1810-6)s1] + B exp[(1810-6)s2] = 10010-3 Iterating, we find that Rbear = 119.9775 . This corresponds to A = 100 mA, B = -100 mA, s1 = -4.167 s-1 and s2 = -24106 s-1

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Considering the circuit at t < 0, we note that iL(0-) = 9/4 = 2.25 A and vC(0-) = 0. 1 1 For a critically damped circuit, we require = o, or , which, with = 2RC LC L = 9 H and C = 1 F, leads to the requirement that R = 1.5 (so = 0.3333 s-1). The inductor energy is given by wL = L [iL(t)]2, so we seek an expression for iL(t):

iL(t) = e-t (At + B)

Noting that iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 2.25, we see that B = 2.25 and hence

iL(t) = e-0.3333t (At + 2.25)

Invoking the remaining initial condition requires consideration of the voltage across the capacitor, which is equal in this case to the inductor voltage, given by:

vC(t) = vL(t) = L

diL = 9(-0.3333) e-0.3333t (At + 2.25) + 9A e-0.3333t dt

vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0 = 9(-0.333)(2.25) + 9A so A = 0.7499 amperes and iL(t) = e-0.3333t (0.7499t + 2.25) A
Thus, iL(100 ms) = 2.249 A and so wL(100 ms) = 22.76 J

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v 50 Prior to t = 0, we find that v = (10 + i1 ) and i1 = 5 15 10 500 so v = 100 V . Thus, v 1 = 15 15

Therefore, vC (0+ ) = vC (0 ) = 100 V, and iL (0+ ) = iL (0 ) = 0. The circuit for t > 0 may be reduced to a simple series circuit consisting of a 2 mH inductor, 20 nF capacitor, and a 10 resistor; the dependent source delivers exactly the current to the 5 that is required. Thus, = and 0 =
R 10 = = 2.5 103 s 1 2 L 2 2 103

1 = LC

( 2 10 )( 20 10 )
3 9

= 1.581 105 rad/s

With < 0 we find the circuit is underdamped, with

d = 02 2 = 1.581 105 rad/s

We may therefore write the response as iL (t ) = e t ( B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) At t = 0, iL = 0 B1 = 0 . Noting that
L diL dt

diL d t = ( e B2 sin d t ) = B2 e t ( sin d t + d cos d t ) and dt dt


= 100 we find that B2 = -0.316 A.

t =0

Finally, iL (t ) = 316e2500t sin1.581 105 t mA

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Prior to t = 0, we find that vC = 100 V, since 10 A flows through the 10 resistor. Therefore, vC (0+ ) = vC (0 ) = 100 V, and iL (0+ ) = iL (0 ) = 0. The circuit for t > 0 may be reduced to a simple series circuit consisting of a 2 mH inductor, 20 nF capacitor, and a 10 resistor; the dependent source delivers exactly the current to the 5 that is required to maintain its current. Thus, = and 0 =
R 10 = = 2.5 103 s 1 3 2 L 2 2 10

1 = LC

( 2 10 )( 20 10 )
3 9

= 1.581 105 rad/s

With < 0 we find the circuit is underdamped, with

d = 02 2 = 1.581 105 rad/s

We may therefore write the response as vC (t ) = e t ( B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) At t = 0, vC = 100 B1 = 100 V . Noting that C

dvC = iL and dt

d t e (100 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) dt = e t (100 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) 100d sin d t + B2d cos d t
which is equal to zero at t = 0 (since iL = 0) we find that B2 = 1.581 V .

Finally, vC (t ) = e2500t 100 cos (1.581105 t ) + 1.581sin (1.581105 t ) V

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Prior to t = 0, i1 = 10/4 = 2.5 A, v = 7.5 V, and vg = 5 V. Thus, vC(0+) = vC(0) = 7.5 + 5 = 12.5 V and iL = 0 After t = 0 we are left with a series RLC circuit where i1 =

iL . We may replace the 4 dependent current source with a 0.5 resistor. Thus, we have a series RLC circuit with R = 1.25 , C = 1 F, and L = 3 H.
Thus, =

R 1.25 = = 0.208 s 1 2L 6 1 1 and 0 = = = 577 mrad/s 3 LC

With < 0 we find the circuit is underdamped, so that

d = 02 2 = 538 mrad/s
We may therefore write the response as iL (t ) = e t ( B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) At t = 0, iL = 0 B1 = 0 A . Noting that L
diL dt = vC (0) and
t =0

v (t ) 12.5 diL d t = e ( B2 sin d t ) = B2 e t [ sin d t + d cos d t ] = C = (t = 0) dt dt L 3 , we find that B2 = 7.738 V.


Finally, iL (t ) = 1.935e 0.208t sin 0.538t A for t > 0 and 2.5 A, t < 0

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Prior to t = 0, i1 = 10/4 = 2.5 A, v = 7.5 V, and vg = 5 V. Thus, vC(0+) = vC(0) = 12.5 V and iL = 0 After t = 0 we are left with a series RLC circuit where i1 =

iL . We may replace the 4 dependent current source with a 0.5 resistor. Thus, we have a series RLC circuit with R = 1.25 , C = 1 mF, and L = 3 H.
Thus, =

R 1.25 = = 0.208 s 1 2L 6 1 1 and 0 = = = 18.26 rad/s LC 3 103 ) (

With < 0 we find the circuit is underdamped, so that

d = 02 2 = 18.26 rad/s
We may therefore write the response as vC (t ) = e t ( B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) At t = 0, vC = 12.5 B1 = 12.5 V . Noting that dvC d t = e ( B1 cos d t + B2 sin d t ) dt dt = e t [12.5cos d t + B2 sin d t ] + e t [ 12.5d sin d t + d B2 cos d t ] and this expression is equal to 0 at t = 0, we find that B2 = 0.143 V.

Finally, vC (t ) = e 0.208t [12.5cos18.26t + 0.143sin18.26t ] V for t > 0 and 12.5 V, t < 0

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Series, driven: =
2 o =

R 100 = = 500, 2L 0.2

1 10 106 = = 250, 000 LC 40 Crit. damp iL ( f ) = 3(1 2) = 3, iL (0) = 3, vc (0) = 300V iL = 3 + e 500t (A1t + A 2 ) 3 = 3 + A 2 , A 2 = 6A 1 [vc (0) vR (0+ )] = 0 L 5000 t A1 = 3000 e iL (t ) = 3 + e 500t iL (0+ ) = A1 300 = (3000t + 6), t > 0 iL (t ) = 3u (t ) + [3 + e 500t (3000t + 6)] u (t )A


e500to (3000to + 6) = 3; by SOLVE, to = 3.357ms

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vc (0) = 0, iL (0) = 0, = R 2 1 2 = = 4, o = = 4 5 = 20 2L 0.5 LC

d = 20 16 = 2 iL (t ) = e 4t (A1 cos 2t + A 2 sin 2t ) + iL , f iL , f = 10A iL (t ) = 10 + e 4t (A1 cos 2t + A 2 sin 2t ) 0 = 10 + A1 , A1 = 10, iL (t ) = 10 + e 4t (A 2 sin 2t 10 cos 2t ) iL (0+ ) = 1 vL (0+ ) = 4 0 = 0 iL (0+ ) = 0 = 2A 2 + 40, A 2 = 20 L

iL(t) = 10 - e-4t (20 sin 2t + 10 cos 2t) A, t > 0

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= R 250 1 106 2 = = 25, o = = = 400 2L 10 LC 2500 s1,2 = 25 625 400 = 10, 40 iL (0) = 0.5A, vc (0) = 100V, iL , f = 0.5A iL (t ) = 0.5 + A1e 10t + A 2 e 40t A t = 0+ : vL (0+ ) = 100 50 1 200 0.5 = 50V 50 = 5iL (0+ ) iL (0+ ) = 10 10 = 10A1 40A 2 , 0.5 = 0.5 + A1 + A 2 A1 + A 2 = 110 = 10A 2 40 (1+A1 ) = 50A1 + 40, A1 = 1, A 2 = 0 iL (t ) = 0.5 + 1e 10t A, t > 0; iL (t ) = 0.5A, t > 0

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59. = 1 106 1 106+3 2 = = 4000, o = = = 20 106 2RC 100 2.5 LC 50

2 d = o 2 = 2000, iL (0) = 2A, vc (0) = 0

ic , f = 0, (vc , f = 0) ic = e 400t (A1 cos 2000t + A 2 sin 2000t ) work with vc : vc (t ) = e 4000t (B1 cos 2000t + B2 sin 2000t ) B1 = 0 1 106 + (2 1) = 8 105 vc = B2 e sin 2000t , vc (0 ) = ic (0 ) = C 2.5 4000 t 5 8 10 = 2000B2 , B2 = 400, vc = 400e sin 2000t
4000 t +

ic (t ) = Cvc = 2.5 106 400e 4000t (4000sin 200t + 2000 cos 200t ) = 106+3+3 e 4000t (4sin 2000t + 2 cos 2000t ) = e 4000t (2 cos 2000t 4sin 2000t ) A, t > 0

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1 8 106 8 106 13 2 = = 1000, o = = 26 106 3 2RC 2 4 10 4

d = 26 1 103 = 5000, vc (0) = 8V iL (0) = 8mA, vc , f = 0 vc = e1000t (A1 cos1000t + A 2 sin 5000t ) 1 8 0.008) = 0 ic (0+ ) = 8 106 (0.01 C 4000 5000A 2 1000 8 = 0, A 2 = 1.6 A1 = 8; vc (0+ ) =
So vc(t) = e-1000t (8 cos 1000t + 1.6 sin 1000t) V, t > 0 (b)

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R 1 1 2 = = 1, o = = 1 crit. damp 2L 1 LC 5 vc (0) = 12 = 10V, iL (0) = 2A, vc , f = 12V 6 1 1 vc (t ) = 12 + e t (A1t 2); vc (0+ ) = ic (0+ ) = iL (0+ ) = 1 C 2 t 1 = A1 + 2; A1 = 1 vc (t ) = 12 e (t + 2) V, t > 0 =

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1 106 vs = 10u (t ) V : = = = 1000 2RC 2000 0.5 1 2 106 3 2 o = = = 0.75 106 s1,2 = 500, 1500 LC 8 vc = A1e 500t + A 2 e 1500t , vo (0) = 10V, iL (0) = 10mA A1 + A 2 = 10, vc (0+ ) = 2 106 [iL (0) iR (0+ )] = 2 106 10 0.01 = 0 500A1 1500 A 2 = 0, 1000 A1 3A 2 = 0; add: 2 A 2 = 10, A 2 = 5, A1 = 15 vc (t ) = 15e 500t 5e1500t V t > 0 iR (t ) = 15e 500t 5e1500t mA, t > 0


vs = 10u (t ) V, vc , f = 10, vc = 10 + A 3e500t + A 4 e1500t , vc (0) = 0, iL (0) = 0 A 3 + A 4 = 10V, vc (0+ ) = 2 106 [iL (0) iR (0+ )] = 2 106 (0 0) = 0 = 500A 3 1500A 4 A 3 3A 4 = 0, add: 2A 4 = 10, A 4 = 5 A 3 = 15 vc (t ) = 10 15e 500t + 5e 1500t V, t > 0 iR (t ) = 10 15e 500t + 5e1500t mA, t > 0

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1 106 = = 1000 2RC 1000 1 106 3 3 2 o = = s1,2 = 1000 106 106 = 500, 1500 LC 4 4 500 t 1500 t vc , f = 0 vc = A1e + A2e , vc (0) = 10V, iL (0) = 0 vs (t ) = 10u (t ) V: = 10 4 10 = A1 + A 2 , vc = 106 ic (0+ ) = 106 0 = 2 10 500 4 2 10 = 500A1 1500A 40 = A1 + 3A 2 30 = 2A 2 , A 2 = 15, A1 = 5 vc = 5e 500t + 15e 1500t V, t > 0 is = ic = Cvc is = 106 (2500e 500t 22,500e 1500t ) = 2.5e 500t 22.5e 1500t mA, t > 0


vs (t ) = 10u (t ) V vc , f = 10V, vc (0) = 0, iL (0) = 0 vc = 10 + A3 e 500t + A 4 e1500t A 3 + A 4 = 10 10 4 vc (0+ ) = 106 ic (0+ ) = 106 0 + = 2 10 = 500 A 3 1500 A 4 500 A 3 3A 4 = 40, add: 2A 4 = 30, A 4 = 15, A 3 = 5, vc = 10 + 5e 500t 15e1500t V, is = ic = 106 (2500e 500t + 22,500e 1500t ) = 25e 500t + 22.5e1500t mA, t > 0

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Considering the circuit at t < 0, we see that iL(0-) = 15 A and vC(0-) = 0. The circuit is a series RLC with = R/2L = 0.375 s-1 and 0 = 1.768 rad/s. We therefore expect an underdamped response with d = 1.728 rad/s. The general form of the response will be vC(t) = e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt) + 0 (vC() = 0)

vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0 = A and we may therefore write vC(t) = Be-0.375t sin (1.728t) V iC(t) = -iL(t) = C dvC = (8010-3)(-0.375B e-0.375t sin 1.728t dt

At t = 0+, iC = 15 + 7 iL(0+) = 7 = (8010-3)(1.728B) so that B = 50.64 V. Thus, vC(t) = 50.64 e0.375t sin 1.807t V and vC(t = 200 ms) = 16.61 V. The energy stored in the capacitor at that instant is CvC2 = 11.04 J

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(a) vS(0-) = vC(0-) = 2(15) = 30 V (b) iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 15 A Thus, iC(0+) = 22 15 = 7 A and vS(0+) = 3(7) + vC(0+) = 51 V (c) As t , the current through the inductor approaches 22 A, so vS(t ,) = 44 A. (d) We are presented with a series RLC circuit having = 5/2 = 2.5 s-1 and o = 3.536 rad/s. The natural response will therefore be underdamped with d = 2.501 rad/s. iL(t) = 22 + e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt) iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 15 = 22 + A so A = -7 amperes Thus, iL(t) = 22 + e-2.5t (-7 cos 2.501t + B sin 2.501t) di di vS(t) = 2 iL(t) + L L = 2iL + L = 44 + 2e-2.5t (-7cos 2.501t + Bsin 2.501t) dt dt -2.5t 2.5e (-7cos 2.501t + Bsin 2.501t) + e-2.5t [7(2.501) sin 2.501t + 2.501B cos 2.501t)] vS(t) = 51 = 44 + 2(-7) 2.5(-7) + 2.501B so B = 1.399 amperes and hence vS(t) = 44 + 2e-2.5t (-7cos 2.501t + 1.399sin 2.501t) -2.5e-2.5t (-7cos 2.501t + 1.399sin 2.501t) + e-2.5t [17.51sin 2.501t + 3.499cos 2.501t)] and vS(t) at t = 3.4 s = 44.002 V. This is borne out by PSpice simulation:

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For t < 0, we have 15 A dc flowing, so that iL = 15 A, vC = 30 V, v3 = 0 and vS = 30 V. This is a series RLC circuit with = R/2L = 2.5 s-1 and 0 = 3.536 rad/s. We therefore expect an underdamped response with d = 2.501 rad/s. 0<t<1 vC(t) = e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt)

vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 30 = A so we may write vC(t) = e-2.5t (30 cos 2.501t + B sin 2.501t) dvC = -2.5e-2.5t(30 cos 2.501t + B sin 2.501t) dt + e-2.5t [-30(2.501)sin 2.501t + 2.501B cos 2.501t] iC(0+) = C dvC
t = 0+

= 8010-3[-2.5(30) + 2.501B] = -iL(0+) = -iL(0-) = -15 so B = -44.98 V

Thus, vC(t) = e-2.5t (30 cos 2.501t 44.98 sin 2.501t) and iC(t) = e-2.5t (-15 cos 2.501t + 2.994 sin 2.501t). Hence, vS(t) = 3 iC(t) + vC(t) = e-2.5t (-15 cos 2.501t 36 sin 2.501t) Prior to switching, vC(t = 1) = -4.181 V and iL(t = 1) = -iC(t = 1) = -1.134 A. t > 2: Define t' = t 1 for notational simplicity. Then, with the fact that vC() = 6 V, our response will now be vC(t') = e-t' (A' cos dt' + B' sin dt') + 6. With vC(0+) = A' + 6 = -4.181, we find that A' = -10.18 V. iC(0+) = C dv C
t = 0+

= (8010-3)[(-2.5)(-10.18) + 2.501B')] = 3 iL(0+) so B' = 10.48 V


vC(t') = e-2.5t (-10.18 cos 2.501t' + 10.48 sin 2.501t') and iC(t') = e-2.5t (4.133 cos 2.501t' 0.05919 sin 2.501t'). Hence, vS(t') = 3 iC(t') + vC(t') = e-2.5t (2.219 cos 2.501t' + 10.36 sin 2.501t')

We see that our hand calculations are supported by the PSpice simulation.

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Its probably easiest to begin by sketching the waveform vx: vx (V)


t (s)
1 2 3 4

(a) The source current ( = iL(t) ) = 0 at t = 0-. (b) iL(t) = 0 at t = 0+ (c) We are faced with a series RLC circuit having = R/2L = 2000 rad/s and 0 = 2828 rad/s. Thus, an underdamped response is expected with d = 1999 rad/s. The general form of the expected response is iL(t) = e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt) iL(0+) = iL(0-) = 0 = A so A = 0. This leaves iL(t) = B e-2000t sin 1999t vL(t) = L diL = B[(510-3)(-2000 e-2000t sin 1999t + 1999 e-2000t cos 1999t)] dt

vL(0+) = vx(0+) vC(0+) 20 iL(0+) = B (510-3)(1999) so B = 7.504 A. Thus, iL(t) = 7.504 e-2000t sin 1999t and iL(1 ms) = 0.9239 A. (d) Define t' = t 1 ms for notational convenience. With no source present, we expect a new response but with the same general form: iL(t') = e-2000t' (A' cos 1999t' + B' sin 1999t') diL , and this enables us to calculate that vL(t = 1 ms) = -13.54 V. Prior to the dt pulse returning to zero volts, -75 + vL + vC + 20 iL = 0 so vC(t' = 0) = 69.97 V. vL(t) = L iL(t' = 0) = A' = 0.9239 and vx + vL + vC + 20 iL = 0 so that B' = -7.925. Thus, iL(t') = e-2000 t' (0.9239 cos 1999t' 7.925 sin 1999t') and hence iL(t = 2 ms) = iL(t' = 1 ms) = -1.028 A.

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The key will be to coordinate the decay dictated by , and the oscillation period determined by d (and hence partially by ). One possible solution of many: Arbitrarily set d = 2 rad/s. We want a capacitor voltage vC(t) = e-t (A cos 2t + B sin 2t). If we go ahead and decide to set vC(0-) = 0, then we can force A = 0 and simplify some of our algebra. Thus, vC(t) = B e-t sin 2t. This function has max/min at t = 0.25 s, 0.75 s, 1.25 s, etc. Designing so that there is no strong damping for several seconds, we pick = 0.5 s-1. Choosing a series RLC circuit, this now establishes the following: R/2L = 0.5 so R = L and

d = 02 - = 39.73 rad/s =

1 2

1 LC

Arbitrarily selecting R = 1 , we find that L = 1 H and C = 25.17 mF. We need the first peak to be at least 5 V. Designing for B = 10 V, we need iL(0+) = 2(25.1710-3)(10) = 1.58 A. Our final circuit, then is:

And the operation is verified by a simple PSpice simulation:

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The circuit described is a series RLC circuit, and the fact that oscillations are detected tells us that it is an underdamped response that we are modeling. Thus,

iL(t) = e-t (A cos dt + B sin dt) where we were given that d = 1.825106 rad/s.

0 =

1 = 1.914106 rad/s, and so d2 = 02 2 leads to 2 = 332.8109 LC

Thus, = R/2L = 576863 s-1, and hence R = 1003 . Theoretically, this value must include the radiation resistance that accounts for the power lost from the circuit and received by the radio; there is no way to separate this effect from the resistance of the rag with the information provided.

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For t < 0, iL(0-) = 3 A and vC(0-) = 25(3) = 75 V. This is a series RLC circuit with = R/2L = 5000 s-1 and 0 = 4000 rad/s. We therefore expect an overdamped response with s1 = -2000 s-1 and s2 = -8000 s-1. The final value of vC = -50 V. For t > 0, vC(t) = A e-2000t + B e-8000t - 50 vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 75 = A + B 50 so A + B = 125 [1]

dvC = -2000 Ae-2000t 8000 Be-8000t dt iC(0+) = C

dvC dt

= 3 5 iL(0-) = -5 = -2510-6 (2000A + 8000B)

t =0+

Thus, 2000A + 8000B = 5/2510-6


Solving Eqs. [1] and [2], we find that A = 133.3 V and B = -8.333 V. Thus,

vC(t) = 133.3 e-2000t 8.333 e-8000t 50

and vC(1 ms) = -31.96 V. This is confirmed by the PSpice simulation shown below.

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= 0 (this is a series RLC with R = 0, or a parallel RLC with R = ) o2 = 0.05 therefore d = 0.223 rad/s. We anticipate a response of the form: v(t) = A cos 0.2236t + B sin 0.2236t
v(0+) = v(0-) = 0 = A therefore v(t) = B sin 0.2236t dv/dt = 0.2236B cos 0.2236t; iC(t) = Cdv/dt = 0.4472B cos 0.2236t

iC(0+) = 0.4472B = -iL(0+) = -iL(0-) = -110-3 so B = -2.23610-3 and thus v(t) = -2.236 sin 0.2236t mV
In designing the op amp stage, we first write the differential equation: dv 1 t -3 (iC + iL = 0) 0 v dt + 10 + 2 dt = 0 10 and then take the derivative of both sides: d 2v 1 = - v 2 dt 20 dv With = (0.2236)(2.236 10 3 ) = 5 10 4 , one possible solution is: dt t = 0 +

PSpice simulations are very sensitive to parameter values; better results were obtained using LF411 instead of 741s (both were compared to the simple LC circuit simulation.)

Simulation using 741 op amps

Simulation using LF411 op amps

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= 0 (this is a series RLC with R = 0, or a parallel RLC with R = ) o2 = 50 therefore d = 7.071 rad/s. We anticipate a response of the form: v(t) = A cos 7.071t + B sin 7.071t, knowing that iL(0-) = 2 A and v(0-) = 0.
v(0+) = v(0-) = 0 = A therefore v(t) = B sin 7.071t dv/dt = 7.071B cos 7.071t; iC(t) = Cdv/dt = 0.007071B cos 7.071t

iC(0+) = 0.007071B = -iL(0+) = -iL(0-) = -2 so B = -282.8 and thus v(t) = -282.8 sin 7.071t V
In designing the op amp stage, we first write the differential equation: 1 t - 3 dv (iC + iL = 0) 0 v dt + 2 + 10 dt = 0 20 and then take the derivative of both sides: d 2v = - 50v dt 2 dv With = (7.071)(282.8) = 2178 , one possible solution is: dt t = 0 +

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006

v dv + 3.3 10- 3 1000 dt or dv 1 = v dt 3.3 (b) One possible solution: = 0


PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


We see either a series RLC with R = 0 or a parallel RLC with R = ; either way, = 0. (combining the two inductors in parallel for the calculation). We expect a response of the form i(t) = A cos dt + B sin dt.

02 = 0.3 so d = 0.5477 rad/s

i(0+) = i(0-) = A = 110-3 di/dt = -Ad sin dt + Bd cos dt vL = 10di/dt = -10Ad sin dt + 10Bd cos dt vL(0+) = vC(0+) = vC(0-) = 0 = 10B(0.5477) so that B = 0 and hence i(t) = 10-3 cos 0.5477t A The differential equation for this circuit is


di dt

t =0+

1 1 dv -3 vdt + 10 + 2 vdt + 2 dt 10 0 0 or d 2v = 0.3v dt 2

= 0

i 1

One possible solution is:

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

Engineering Circuit Analysis, 7th Edition

Chapter Nine Solutions

10 March 2006


(a) vR = vL 20(-iL) = 5 diL dt or diL = - 4iL dt

(b) We expect a response of the form iL(t) = A e-t/ where = L/R = 0.25. We know that iL(0-) = 2 amperes, so A = 2 and iL(t) = 2 e-4t diL = -4(2) = -8 A/s. dt t = 0 + One possible solution, then, is

8V 1 F

1 M

1 4 k

1 k

PROPRIETARY MATERIAL. 2007 The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Limited distribution permitted only to teachers and educators for course preparation. If you are a student using this Manual, you are using it without permission.

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