A Quotes and Sayings

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Bodhidharma Quotes and Sayings 1. Go beyond language. Go Beyond Thought. 2.

When you observe your delusion, you will know that they are baseless and not dependable. In this way you can cut confusion and doubt. This is what i call wisdom. 3. This one life has no form and is empty by nature. If you become attached to any form, you should reject it. If you see an ego, a soul, a birth or a death, reject them all. 4. If you dont find a teacher soon, youll live this life in vain. its true, you have the buddha-nature. but without the help of a teacher youll never know it. only one person in a million becomes enlightened without a teachers help. 5. When your mind doesnt stir inside, the world doesnt arise outside. When the world and the mind are both transparent, this is true vision. And such understanding is true understanding. 6. All buddhas preach emptiness. Why? Because they wish to crush the concrete ideas of the students. If a student even clings to an idea of emptiness, he betrays all buddhas. One clings to life although there is nothing to be called life; another clings to death although there is nothing to be called death. In reality there is nothing to be born, Consequently there is nothing to perish. 7. Discrimination with no-mind is right. Discrimination with mind is Wrong. When one transcends right and wrong, he is truly right. 8. Mind is like the wood or stone from which a person carves an image. If he carves a dragon or a tiger, and seeing it fears it, he is like a stupid person creating a picture of hell and then afraid to face it. If he does not fear it, then his unnecessary thoughts will vanish. Part of the mind produces sight, sound, taste, odor and sensibility, and from them raises greed, anger and ignorance with al] their accompanying likes and dislikes. 9. To find a buddha, you have to see your nature. Whoever sees his nature is a buddha. If you dont see your nature, invoking buddhas, reciting sutras, making offerings and keeping precepts are all useless. 10. To find a buddha, all you have to do is see your nature. your nature is the buddha. and the buddha is the person whos free, free of plans, free of cares. if you dont see your nature and run around all day looking somewhere else, youll never find a buddha. the truth is, theres nothing to find. but to reach such an understanding you need a teacher. and you need to struggle to make yourself understand. 11. To attain enlightenment you have to see your nature. unless you see your nature, all this talk about cause and effect is nonsense. buddhas dont practice nonsense. a buddha is free of karma, free of cause and effect. to say he attains anything at all is to slander a buddha. what could he possibly attain? Even focusing on a mind, a power, an understanding or a view is impossible for a buddha. a buddha isnt one-sided. the nature of his No-Mind is basically empty, neither pure nor impure. hes free of practice and realization. hes free of cause and effect. A buddha doesnt observe precepts. a buddha doesnt do good or evil. a buddha isnt energetic or lazy. a buddha is someone who does nothing, someone who cant even focus his mind on a buddha. 12. A sagacious student does not depend on his teachers words, but uses his own experience to find the truth. A dull student depends on coming to a gradual understanding through his teachers word: a teacher has two kinds of students; one hears the teachers words without clinging to the material nor to the immaterial, without attaching to form or to nonform, Without thinking of animate objects or of inanimate objects This is the Sagacious student; the other, who is avid for understanding, accumulates meanings, and mixes good and bad, is the dull student.

Quotes of Ramakrishna Paramhansa 1. Gods devotees have nothing to fear. They are His own He always stands by them. 2. Satisfy God and everyone will be satisfied. If He is pleased the world is pleased. 3. One cannot realize God without austerity and spiritual discipline. 4. Dont find fault with anyone, not even with an insect. As you pray to God for devotion, so also pray that you may not find fault with anyone. 5. One should learn the essence of the scriptures from the guru and then practise sadhana. If one rightly follows spiritual discipline, then one directly sees God. The discipline is said to be rightly followed only when one plunge in. What will a man gain by merely reasoning about the words of the scriptures? Ah, the fools! They reason themselves to death over information about the path. They never take the plunge. What a pity! 6. One must love all. No one is a stranger. It is Hari (god) alone who dwells in all beings. Nothing exists without Him. 7. Art egotistic person cannot realize God. Do you know what egotism is like? It is like a high mound, where rain-water cannot collect: the water runs off. Water collects in low land. There seeds sprout and grow into trees. Then the trees bear fruit. 8. Subtle are the ways of dharma. One cannot realize God if one has even the least trace of desire. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle if it has the smallest fibre sticking out. 9. Some people pride themselves on their riches and powertheir wealth, honour, and social position. But these are only transitory. Nothing will remain with you in death. 10. A true lover does not seek anything from God. He prays only for pure love. He doesnt want any powers or miracles. 11. Have faith. Depend on God. Then you will not have to do anything yourself. Mother Kali will do everything for you. 12. One must not be proud of ones money. If you say that you are rich, then one can remind you that there are richer men than you, and others richer still, and so on. At dusk the glow-worm comes out and thinks that it lights the world. But its pride is crushed when the stars appear in the sky. The stars feel that they give light to the earth. But when the moon rises the stars fade in shame. The moon feels that the world smiles at its light and that it lights the earth. Then the eastern horizon becomes red, and the sun rises. The moon fades and after a while is no longer seen.

Ramana Maharshi Quotes 1. Peace is your natural state. It is the mind that obstructs the natural state. 2. The egos phenomenal existence is transcended when you dive into the source from where the `I-thought rises. 3. When you give up thinking of outward objects and prevent your mind from going outwards by turning it inwards and fixing it in the Self, the Self alone remains. 4. The world is not external. Because you identify yourself wrongly with the body you see the world outside, and its pain becomes apparent to you. But they are not real. Seek the reality and get rid of this unreal feeling. 5. The idea of time is only in your mind. It is not in the Self. There is no time for the Self. Time arises as an idea after the ego arises. But you are the Self beyond time and space. You exist even in the absence of time and space. 6. The more you get fixed in the Self the more other thoughts will drop off of themselves. The mind is nothing but a bundle of thoughts, and the `I-thought is the root of all of them. When you see who this `I is and find out where it comes from all thoughts get merged in the Self. 7. The quality of food influences the mind. The mind feeds on the food consumed. 8. We imagine that we will realize that Self some time, whereas we are never anything but the Self. 9. In the proximity of a great master, the vasanas (Desires) cease to be active, the mind becomes still and samadhi results. Thus the disciple gains true knowledge and right experience in the presence of the master. To remain unshaken in it further efforts are necessary. Eventually the disciple will know it to be his real being and will thus be liberated even while alive. 10. All other knowledge are only petty and trivial knowledge; the experience of silence alone is the real and perfect knowledge. 11. After the rise of the `I-thought there is the false identification of the `I (Self) with the body, the senses, the mind, etc. `I is wrongly associated with them and the true `I is lost sight of.

sadhguru jaggi vasudev quotes sayings

sadhguru jaggi vasudev is an mystic from india and is founder of isha yoga foundation. here are selected quotes of sadhguru jaggi vasudev. 1. If you are rooted in reality there will be no fear. 2. Whatever is your highest, you just contemplate upon that. Your inner and outer purity will happen naturally. 3. A devotee has no other goal except to dissolve into his object of devotion. But you have your own personal agenda and still you call yourself a devotee. 4. When you wanting to know some thing is so Intense that you are willing to die for it, then knowing is not far away. 5. Without working on human consciousness, trying to change social or national or global realities means there is no serious intention. 6. In reality there is only Now. If you know how to handle this moment you know how to handle the whole eternity. 7. The guru is someone who continuously punctures your ego, yet is your friend. 8. If you are not half hearted, if you are a full blooded involvement with everything that you are doing you will see every simple thing is a miracle. 9. People have come to the conclusion that body means pain. And yet, just the right food, practices and a little change in attitude, and this body becomes a miracle. 10. Man needs entertainment simply to hide his madness. If he was perfectly sane, he would not need entertainment. He could just sit and watch this bamboo grow. He does not really need entertainment. 11. Positive thinking is about trying to escape reality. Its about wanting to look at one side of life, and missing out on another. You may ignore the other, but the other will not ignore you. Right now, you can choose to ignore a black cloud in the sky, but its not going to ignore you. 12. The world is trying to do so many things. Were trying to go to the moon, to Mars, but, fundamentally, I feel the most important thing is human consciousness, the quality of life here. How happy we are here simply depends on how we are within ourselves.

Gautam Buddha Quotes 1. Your worst enemy cannot harm you As much as your own thoughts, unguarded. But once mastered, No one can help you as much, Not even your father or your mother.

2. Live joyfully, without desire.

3. How easily the wind overturns a frail tree. Seek happiness in the senses, Indulge in food and sleep, And you too will be uprooted.

4. If desires are not uprooted, Sorrows grow again in you.

5. You are the source Of all purity and impurity.

6. Seeker! Do not be restless. Meditate constantly.

7. The wise have mastered Body, word and mind.

Jiddu Krishnamurti Sayings and Quotes 1. The love of Country, the love of God, the love of fellow man, all that means absolutely nothing, it is just ideas. 2. To study yourself, you must come with an unburdened mind, must you not? But once you assert that you are Atman (soul), paramatman, or whatever it is, once you seek a satisfaction of that kind, then you are already caught in a framework of thought, and therefore you are not studying your total process. You are looking at yourself through a screen of ideas, which is not study, which is not observation. 3. To be free, the mind must not only see and understand its pendulum- like swing between the past and the futur e but also be aware of the interval between thoughts. 4. Mere change in the outward circumstances of life is of very little significance without the inner transformation; and, as we said, this inner transformation can not take place without self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is to know the total process of oneself, the ways of ones own thinking, feeling, and action. 5. Any amount of explanation, any amount of reasoning, will not feed a hungry man. What he wants is food, not the explanation of food, or the smell of food. He is hungry, and he must have the substance that nourishes. Most of us are satisfied by the explanation of the cause of suffering. Therefore, we dont take suffering as a thing to be radically resolved, a contradiction in ourselves that must be understood. 6. You dont want to understand suffering; you run away to the club, you read the newspaper, you do puja, go to the temple, plunge into politics or social service anything rather than to face that which is. So, the cultivation of escapes has become much more important than the understanding of sorrow; and it requires a very intelligent mind, a mind that is very alert, to see that it is escaping and to put an end to escapes. 7. It is important to understand yourself first, because in understanding yourself you will bring about a revolution in your relationships and thereby create a new world. 8. To bring about peace in the world, to stop all wars, there must be a revolution in the individual, in you and me. Economic revolution without this inward revolution is meaningless, for hunger is the result of the maladjustment of economic conditions produced by our psychological states greed, envy, ill will and possessiveness. To put an end to sorrow, to hunger, to war, there must be a psychological revolution, and few of us are willing to face that. 9. One has to become aware of what it is that one is dependent upon. One has to find out why one depends on anything at all, psychologically I dont mean technologically, or depending on the milkman but psychologically, why do we depend, what is involved in dependence? This question is essential in investigating the dissipation, deterioration and distortion of energy the energy we need so vitally to understand the many problems. 10. Please watch all the things that are taking place about you, how the chicken fight each other, how the strong bulldog dominates everything else. You will find that the same spirit of domination, anger, hatred and animosity is in each one of us. To dispel this, we have only to be aware of it and not to consider it as wrong or right. 11. Education being not merely the acquisition of technical knowledge, but the understanding, with sensitivity and intelligence, of the whole problem of living in which is included death, love, sex, meditation, relationship, and also conflict, anger, brutality and all the rest of it that is the whole structure of human existence.

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