M Economic Bis
M Economic Bis
M Economic Bis
Managing projects
• Planning organizing leading and controlling different human. Material and resources to achieve
specific purpose
• Planning organizing leading and controlling different human. Material and resources to achieve
specific purpose within specific time
WHEN PROJECT ends it turns into organization and continue as an organization
• people that have something to gain or lose or have an interest in your project.
• person, group or organization that has direct or indirect stake in an organization because it can
affect or be affected by the organization's actions
Inside stakeholders: managers employees workers
Outside stakeholders: customer supplier gov union
Stockholders: are owners of the organization
Shareholders: are the stockholders and bondholders
• Identifying and documenting key stakeholders is one of your first roles as a project manager
Project strategy
• Goals are related to the structure of the org (Increase sales by 30% during the year)
4. Values
• Are essential for the success of the strategy. (Related to the culture of the org )
(Creating a nice workplace atmosphere)
• there are two ways to gather this information: formally and informally
1. The informal method
• can be the most valuable. If you’ve established a high level of trust and good working relationships
with your team
• Walk around during the day and ask your team members how things are going
2. Formal method
• require a formal project status report from your team members
• The stakeholder status report is the most widely distributed status report
• Personality fit with the other team • Ability to learn new things
• Ability to adapt to change
• Ability to work well with others
3. Excellent team
• High levels of trust for each other and for • Enhanced communication
the project manager
• High levels of job satisfaction
• Enthusiastic commitment to the project
• shared accountability and rewards
• Creative problem solving
• Joint decision making
stages of team development
1. Forming
• team members are introduced to each other and begin working together
• To help with the forming stage use a Skills Assessment (Skill Inventory)
Skills Assessment (Skill Inventory)
• designed to record the types of skills, training, education, and special talents team members have
2. Storming
• people are more uncomfortable with each other and will challenge one another for position and
status within the team.
• to reduce this stage use Roles and Responsibilities chart
Roles and Responsibilities chart
RACI chart
R = Responsible for performing the work
A = Accountable, the person or group who is responsible for approving or signing off on the work
C = Consult, someone who has input into the work or decisions
I = Inform, someone who must be informed of decisions
Project sponsor
• An executive in the organization who oversees the project. Advises the project manager, resolves
issues, serves as a tie breaker
Project manager
• Manages the project, creates project plans, measures and monitors project performance
Team members Complete the work of the project.
Identifying Risks
5. Industry Checklists
• Don’t forget to do some research into your own industry, including associations or special groups
supporting your industry
• analyzing each risk you’ve identified to determine what probability the risk has of occurring and
what impact it will have if it does occur
probability is the likelihood a risk event will occur
Impact is the amount of pain a negative risk event may cause
Risk Probability and Impact Chart
Slack time : the amount of time a task can be delayed before the project finish date is delayed
Activity A B C D E F G H I J k
Duration 4 6 3 6 14 5 2 2 3 4 2