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1. Which of the following are data models?
Select one or more:

2. Which of the following are DML statements?

Select one or more:

3. Which of the following are considered as constraints?

Select one or more:
4. Database is a shared collection of logically unrelated data,
designed to meet the needs of an organization. State True or
Select one:

5. Which of the following represents the degree of the relation?

Select one:
No of rows
No of Attributes


1. Tom has designed a payroll software for XYZ technology.The
sofware will store the salary details into the database and later he
can retreive the same for future references. Tom falls under which
category of user.
Select one:
Application Programmer
End User
Network Administrator

2. SQL is a case sensitive language and the data stored inside

the table are case in-sensitive. Say true or false?
True False
3. Which of the following is not a valid relational database?

4. Terms of Relational

_______ refers to the range of values that can

be stored for an attribute Answer 1

_______ refers to number of columns in the Answer 2

table Degree

________ refers to number of rows in the Answer 3

table cardinality

Answer 4
______ refers to the columns of the table Attribute

Answer 5
______ refers to the rows of the table Tuples

5. Choose Correct Option

Answer 1
Data is represented in the form of a table - relational

Answer 2
Data is represented in the form of a tree - hierarchical

Data is represented in the form of a graph Answer 3

- netw ork
Data Definition Language: Pre-Quiz
1. A relational database consists of a collection of
Select one:

2. In a relational database a referential integrity constraint can be

done using
Select one:
foreign key
primary key
composite key
secondary key

3. ___________ removes data from the table, but structure

remains the same.
Select one:

None of the options


4. Column header is referred as

Select one:

5. Which of the following is not modification of the database

Select one:

Data Definition Language: Post-Quiz

1. We need to ensure that the amount withdrawn should be less
then the credit card limit amount, to ensure this integrity what type
constraint will be used?
Select one:
column level foreign key constraint
column level check constraint
table level check constraint
table level foreign key constraint

2. Which of the following options is not correct?

Select one:
alter table emp drop column column_name;
alter table emp modify name varchar(30);
alter table emp add column_name varchar(25);
alter emp drop column_name;
3. Choose the correct option

Answer 1
cardholderphoneno unique

creditcardtype should be sliver or platinum Answer 2

only check

Answer 3
cardholdername not null

Answer 4
creditcardno primary key

Answer 5
validitydate not null

4. An emp table contains fields employ name, desig and salary.

How do you drop column salary?
Select one:
alter table emp delete salary;
delete from emp where column = salary;
alter table emp delete column salary;
alter table emp drop column salary;

5. A table consists of ______ primary keys.

Select one:
Any number
Data Manipulation Language: Pre-Quiz
1. To remove a relation from SQL database, we use
___________ command.
All the options

2. Numeric datatype is used to store_______

Whole number
Rational number
Both whole and natural numbers.
Natural number

3. Which of the below is DDL Query?

Truncate table table_name;
All the options
Delete * from table_name;
Drop table table_name;

4. What is the Default format for ‘Date’ datatype?

5. Which of the below is a reference option for deleting rows from
a table?

Set Null
All the options

Data Manipulation Language: Post-Quiz

1.Examine the structure of the STUDENT table:

Column Name DataType Constraint

Stud_id int(3) PK
Name Varchar(20) Not Null
Address Varchar(30)
DOB Date
Which statement inserts a new row into the STUDENT table?

INSERT INTO student (stud_id, address, name, dob)

VALUES (101,'100 Main Street','Smith','1994-02-01');
INSERT INTO student VALUES (101,'Smith');
INSERT INTO student VALUES (101,'100 Main Street','17-
INSERT INTO student (stud_id, address, dob)
VALUES (101,'100 Main Street','17-JUN-99');
2. State True or False.
COMMIT ends the current transaction by making all pending data
changes permanent.

3. Merge is not supported by MySQL. The other possible way of

doing the work of merge statement, is by using ON DUPLICATE
KEY UPDATE in the insert statement. State TRUE or FALSE.


4. Which among the following tags belong to DML?


5. Consider the below table structure:

Column Name DataType Constraint
Empname Varchar(20) Not Null
EmpId int(10) PK
Phoneno bigint(10) Not Null

insert into employee(empid,empname)values('123','John');

When we issue the above insert command and if the statement
what would be the reason.
Value for phoneno is missing.
The column order should not be changed.
The statement will get executed successfully
empid value should be given without single quotes.

SQL Select statement: Pre-Quiz

1. You need to remove all the data from the employee table while
leaving the table definition intact.
You want to be able to undo this operation. How would you
accomplish this task?

This task cannot be accomplished.

DROP TABLE employee;
DELETE FROM employee;

2. Which statement is true when a DROP TABLE command is

executed on a table?
Only a DBA can execute the DROP TABLE command.
Any pending transactions on the table are rolled back.
The table structure and its deleted data cannot be rolled
back and restored once the DROP TABLE command is
The DROP TABLE command can be executed on a table on
which there are pending
3. Which statements are true regarding constraints?
Select one or more:
A columns with the UNIQUE constraint can contain NULL
A foreign key cannot contain NULL values.
A constraint is enforced only for the INSERT operation on a
A constraint can be disabled even if the constraint column
contains data.

4. The SQL statements executed in a user session as follows:

create table product(pid int(10),pname varchar(10));

Insert into product values(1,'pendrive');
Insert into product values(2,'harddisk');
savepoint a;
update product set pid=20 where pid=1;
savepoint b;
delete from product where pid=2;
delete from product where pid=10;

Which statements describe the consequence of issuing the

ROLLBACK TO SAVE POINT a command in the session?

Both the DELETE statements and the UPDATE statement are

rolled back.
Only the DELETE statements are rolled back.
The rollback generates an error.
Only the seconds DELETE statement is rolled back.
5. Match the following
Like Answer 1 Match a character pattern

Between......and Answer 2 Range of values

In(set) Answer 3 Match any of the list vaues

Isnull Answer 4 checks w hether a value is null or not.

SQL Select statement: Post-Quiz

1. Select the suitable option for retrieving all the employees
whose salary range is between 40000 and 100000?
Select one or more:
select name,salary from employee where salary between
40000 100000;
select name,salary from employee where salary>=40000
and salary<=100000;
select name,salary from employee where salary is between
40000 and 100000;
select name,salary from employee where salary between
40000 and 100000;
select name,salary from employee where salary lies between
40000 and 100000;

2. Which statement about SQL is true?

Select one:
Null values are displayed first in ascending sequences.
Date values are displayed in descending order by default.
You cannot specify a column alias in an ORDER BY clause.
You cannot sort query results by a column that is not included
the SELECT list.
The results are sorted by the first column in the SELECT list if
the ORDER BY clause is not

3. How to retrieve department_id column without any duplication

from employee relation?
Select one:
select all department_id from employee;
select department_id from employee;
select department_id distinct from employee;
select distinct department_id from employee;

4. Select the suitable option for retrieving all the employees who
have a manager?
Select one:
select empname, manager_id from employee where
manager_id is NOT NULL;
select empname, manager_id from employee where
manager_id NULL;
select empname, manager_id from employee where
manager_id is NULL;
select empname, manager_id from employee where
manager_id is NULL VALUE;

5. Select the suitable option for retrieving all the employees

whose last name is "kumar"?
Select one:
select * from employee where empname like 'kumar';
select * from employee where empname like '%kumar%';
select * from employee where empname like 'kumar%';
select * from employee where empname like '%kumar';

Function-Scalar & Aggregate: Pre-Quiz

1. Which statement is true regarding the default behavior of the
ORDER BY clause?

Only those columns that are specified in the SELECT list can
be used in the ORDER BY clause
NULL values are not considered at all by the sort operation
Numeric values are displayed from the maximum to the
minimum value if they have decimal positions
In a character sort, the values are case-sensitive

2. To generate a report that shows an increase in the credit limit

by 15% for all customers. Customers whose credit limit has not
been entered should have the message "Not Available"
Which SQL statement would produce the required result?
SELECT NULLIF(cust_credit_limit*.15,'Not Available')"NEW
FROM customers;
All the options
SELECT TO_CHAR(NVL(cust_credit_limit*.15,'Not Available'))
FROM customers;

SELECT IFNULL(cust_credit_limit * 0.15,'Not Available')

FROM customers;

3. To display the names of employees that are not assigned to a

Evaluate this SQL statement:

SELECT last_name, first_name

FROM employee
WHERE dept_id = NULL;

Which change should you make to achieve the desired result?

Change the column in the WHERE condition.
Change the operator in the WHERE condition.
Add a second condition to the WHERE condition.
Create an outer join.

4. Select the suitable option for fetching the output of the following
query. select substr("Oracle World",1,6) from dual;

racle W
racle Wo

5. ABC company wants to give each employee a $100 salary

increment. You need to evaluate the
results from the EMP table prior to the actual modification. If you
do not want to store the results in the database, which statement
is valid?
You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves the
salary increment in the UPDATE
clause of the SELECT statement.
You need to add a column to the EMP table.
You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves
the salary increment in the DISPLAY
clause of the SELECT statement.
You need to give the arithmetic expression that involves the
salary increment in the SET clause
of the UPDATE statement.

Function-Scalar & Aggregate: Post-Quiz

1. Single row functions can be nested to any level. State true or


2. All columns in the SELECT list that are not in group functions
must be in the GROUP-BY clause. State True or False.


3. We need to create a report to display the order id, ship date

and order total of your ORDER table. If the order has not been
shipped, your report must display 'Not Shipped'. If the total is not
your report must display 'Not Available'.

In the ORDER table, the SHIPDATE column has a datatype of

DATE. The TOTAL column has a
datatype of INT.

Which statement do you use to create this report?

SELECT ordid,TO_CHAR(shipdate, 'Not Shipped'),
TO_CHAR(total,'Not Available')
FROM order;
SELECT ordid, IFNULL(shipdate, 'Not Shipped') as
SHIPDATE,Total FROM order;
SELECT ordid, shipdate "Not Shipped",
total "Not Available"
FROM order;
SELECT ordid, IFNULL(shipdate, 'Not Shipped')
IFNULL(total,'Not Available')TOTAL FROM order;
FROM order;

4. What will be the output for the below query: select ceil(5.3)
from dual;
None of the options
5. Group functions can be used in the where clause. State True or
Select one:

Joins & SubQuery : Pre-Quiz

1. The COMMISSION column shows the monthly commission
earned by the employee.

Emp_Id Dept_Id Commission

1 10 500
2 20 1000
3 10
4 10 600
5 30 800
6 30 200
7 10
8 20 300

Which tasks would require sub queries or joins in order to be

performed in a single

Listing the employees who earn the same amount of

commission as employee 3
Finding the number of employees who earn a commission
that is higher than the average commission of the

Finding the total commission earned by the employees in

department 10
Listing the departments whose average commission is more
that 600

Listing the employees whose annual commission is more than


Listing the employees who do not earn commission and who

are working for department 20 in descending order of the
employee ID

2. Which SQL statement produces an error?

Select one:

FROM emp_dept_vu;

SELECT job_id, SUM(salary)

FROM emp_dept_vu
WHERE department_id IN (10,20)
GROUP BY job_id
HAVING SUM(salary) > 20000;

SELECT department_id, SUM(salary)

FROM emp_dept_vu
GROUP BY department_id;

None of the statements produce an error; all are valid.

SELECT department_id, job_id, AVG(salary)
FROM emp_dept_vu
GROUP BY department_id, job_id;

3. What statement would display the age of Customers with the

alias name as AGE?
Select one:
select (Birth_date/365) AGE from customer;
select round((curdate()-Birth_date)/365) AGE from
select round((birth_date)-Birth_date)/365) from customer;
select (start_date-curdate())/365) AGE from customer

4. Which statement would display the highest credit limit available

in each income level in each city in
the Customers table?
Select one:

SELECT cust_city, cust_income_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit)

FROM customers
GROUP BY cust_city , cust_income_level

SELECT cust_city, cust_income_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit)

FROM customers
GROUP BY cust_credit_limit , cust_income_level, cust_city ;

SELECT cust_city, cust_income_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit)

FROM customers
GROUP BY cust_city, cust_income_level,cust_credit_limit;
SELECT cust_city, cust_income_level,MAX(cust_credit_limit)
FROM customers
GROUP BY cust_city, cust_income_level;

5. To create a report displaying employee last names, department

names, and locations. Which query should you use to create an

Select one:

SELECT e.last_name, d.department_name, d.location_id

FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE manager_id =manager_id;

SELECT last_name, department_name, location_id

FROM employees , departments ;

SELECT employees.last_name, departments.department_name,

departments.location_id FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id =d.department_id;

SELECT e.last_name, d.department_name, d.location_id

FROM employees e, departments d
WHERE e.department_id =d.department_id;
Joins & SubQuery : Post-Quiz
1. In which cases would you use an outer join?
Select one:
The tables being joined have only unmatched data.
The tables being joined have NOT NULL columns.
Only when the tables have a primary key/foreign key
The tables being joined have both matched and
unmatched data.
The tables being joined have only matched data.

2. In which two cases would you use the USING clause? (Choose
Select one or more:
You want to create a nonequijoin.
The tables to be joined have columns of the same name
and different data types.
The tables to be joined have columns with the same name
and compatible data types.
The tables to be joined have multiple NULL columns.

3. Which operator is NOT appropriate in the join condition of a

non-equi join SELECT statement?
Select one:
IN operator
LIKE operator
greater than or equal to operator
equal operator
BETWEEN x AND y operator
4. The NOT operator can be used with ______ operators.
Select one or more:

5. To display the names of employees who earns more than the

average salary of all

SELECT last_name, first_name

WHEREsalary > AVG(salary);

Which change should you make to achieve the desired results?

Select one:
Use a subquery in the WHERE clause to compare the
average salary value.
Move the function to the SELECT clause and add a GROUP
BY clause.
Move the function to the SELECT clause and add a GROUP
BY clause and a HAVING clause.
Change the function in the WHERE clause.

DCL & database Objects : Pre-Quiz

1.The _______ join is based on all columns in the two tables that
have the same data type.
Left Outer
Full Outer

2. Joining a table to itself is called as ______.

Non Equi Join
Outer Join
Equi Join
Self Join

3. _____ is used to retrieve records that do not meet the join

Non Equi Join
Equi Join
Self Join
Outer Join

4. The _______ join produces the cross product of two tables.


5. Equijoin is called as ______.

Equal Join
Simple Join
Self Join
Outer Join

DCL & database Objects : Post-Quiz

1. Which SQL statement grants a privilege to all the database
grant select on department to ALL;
grant select on department to PRIVATE;
grant select on department to ALL USERS;
grant select on department to PUBLIC;

2. An owner can give specific privileges on the owner's objects to

others. State True or False.

3. The owner has all the privileges on the object. State true or

4. Which SQL statement would you use to remove a view called

EMP_DEPT_VU from your schema?
REMOVE emp_dept_vu;
DROP emp_dept_vu;
DELETE VIEW emp_dept_vu;
REMOVE VIEW emp_dept_vu;
DELETE emp_dept_vu;
DROP VIEW emp_dept_vu;

5. CREATE INDEX emp_dept_id_idx

ON employee(dept_id);

Which of the following statements are true with respect to the

above index?
May reduce the amount of disk I/O for INSERT statements.
Increase the chance of full table scans.
Override the unique index created when the FK relationship
was defined.
Store an index in the EMPLOYEE table.
May reduce the amount of disk I/O for SELECT statements.

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