Agricultural Transformatio A Roadmap To New India

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Agricultural Transformation –

A Roadmap to New India

R.B. Singh

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

New Delhi

Chapter 1: Agricultural Transformation: the Road to New India : Policy Options and
Scientific Interventions

Chapter 2: Major Trends of Production, Productivity, Socio-Economic, and Agro-

Ecological Milieu in India’s Agriculture and Food System

Chapter 3: Challenges facing India’s Agriculture and Food Systems & Their Possible

Chapter 4: Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Food System to Build Zero Hunger New

Chapter 5: Doubling Farmers Income

Chapter 6: Agro-biodiversity and Farmers Rights Management for Sustainable


Chapter 7: Agri-Entrepreneurship for Employment and Economic Security

Chapter 8: Water Security

Chapter 9: Soil Health and Nutrient Management

Chapter 10: Crop Health Chemicals Management for Agricultural Transformation

Chapter 11: Innovations for Transforming Agriculture

Chapter 12: Precision Agriculture: Need of the Day

Chapter 13: Renewable Energy Based Agriculture in India

Chapter 14: Towards Oilseeds Sufficiency in India

Chapter 15: Regulatory Aspects of Utilization of GM Crops and GE Technology for Food
& Nutrition Security, Climate Resilience, and Improving Farmers' Income

Chapter 16: Transforming Agricultural Education

Chapter 17: Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Pathways Analysis


In accordance with its mission, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) has
been critically discussing and examining important contemporary cross-cutting
multidisciplinary issues related to agricultural transformation and suggesting implementable
technological, institutional, and policy solutions to build a prosperous and inclusive India. So
far 150 Policy Papers, Strategy Papers, Policy Briefs, Proceedings, and Books towards
developing a rewarding, resilient, responsive, and remunerative agriculture have been
brought out. As elucidated in Chapter 3 of this book, the NAAS publications have addressed
14 groups of challenges whose resolutions will render India free from hunger, poverty and
undernutrition, and make our country more inclusive, resilient to climate change and other
volatilities, environmentally more sustainable, economically prosperous, and peaceful. These
achievements and suggested pathways, as highlighted in the book, are analogous to those for
meeting the Sustainable Development Goals – Agenda 2030, which is a must for India.

Overall, the book has identified the following priority areas: nutrition-sensitive sustainable
agri-food systems; accelerated and sustainable productivity enhancement, diversification, and
intensification; internalization of global trends and macro policies in Indian agriculture;
doubling farmers’ income and inclusive growth; fostering entrepreneurship for employment
and economic security; science, technology, innovation and precision agriculture as main
drivers of the transformation; gene revolution for agricultural transformation; liberating
science to serve the society; value-chain management, preventing losses and wastes, and
linking farmers with markets; remunerative prices and market reforms; climate smart
agriculture; water security and development of rainfed areas; soil health and nutrient
management; crop health chemicals management; agrobiodiversity and Farmers’ Rights
Management; renewable energy for sustainable agricultural growth; comprehensive and
reliable data, Artificial Intelligence, and Knowledge Platform to reshape India; transforming
agricultural education and building human capital; investing in agri-food systems with special
reference to research, education and extension; policies for farmers – serving farmers to save
farming; and institutionalizing monitoring, evaluation, and impact pathway analysis.

For each of the above priority areas appropriate and associated policy options, actions, and
path ahead to transform Indian Agriculture have been elucidated. The outcomes of the
suggested programs will meet NAAS’s vision of an India free from hunger, undernutrition
and abject poverty, where agricultural and food systems are pivotal to improving livelihood
security consistent with social, economic, and environmental security. The action points
detailed in different chapters of this book will greatly help in finding solutions and strategies
for meeting the challenges and achieving the national goals under the SDG umbrella. The
book highlights that NAAS policy perspectives evolved during the past nearly 30 years on
many of the most important issues facing food and agriculture system will transform our
vision to promote multi-stakeholder partnerships to mobilise convergence of technical,
policy, and financial resources required by the country for achieving the SDGs.

The author has enriched the NAAS’ outcomes by adding new chapters and disruptive
innovations and ideas. Thus, the book elucidates the latest and wholesome picture of the

enormous progress made globally and in the country in the cutting-edge areas of science,
technology and innovations. Likewise, it will be extremely useful both for policy makers and
development communities as well as for the academicians. As the book discusses the
academic legitimacy and contextuality of the major scientific and policy issues and their
resolutions, it will be equally useful for students / scholars in agricultural and other
universities and research and extension institutions. I strongly feel that this most topical and
timely book will help change mindset of all stakeholders to appreciate the fast changing
context and will be used widely for policy making and taking investment decisions. I
sincerely hope that the emphasis laid on Monitoring, Evaluation, and Impact Pathway
Analysis will strengthen governance and institutions to enhance program implementation
efficiency and wholesome outcome to meet the goals of a prosperous New India.

I express my deep gratitude to Prof. R.B. Singh, Former President, NAAS, for assessing the
efficacy and impact of NAAS Policy Papers and other publications and further augmenting
and enriching them for effective policy formulation and strengthening our Agricultural
knowledge pool. I am confident that the science and policy perspective and future outlook for
transforming Indian agriculture to meet the SDGs, elucidated in this book, will be extremely
helpful in reorienting our policy options and actions as well as NAAS’s responsibility
towards building a New India.

(Panjab Singh)
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences


Global agriculture is experiencing phenomenal changes due to technological revolution,

including digital revolution, sprawling urbanization, accelerated growth in middle income
groups, fast changing food habits and preferences, the market oscillations, and above all, due
to climate change and environmental degradation. These changes offer unique challenges and
opportunities to transform agriculture to be more productive, economically remunerative,
socially equitable and inclusive, and environmentally sustainable.

In India, during the last 50 years, with the ushering in of the Green Revolution in the mid-
1960s, followed by the White, Yellow and Blue Revolutions – collectively known as
Rainbow Revolution, overall agricultural and food production increased over four-fold,
several major commodities recorded 4 to 10 fold increases, foodgrains reaching nearly 290
mt, horticultural produce over 315 mt, milk production nearly 180 mt, and fish production
approaching 12 mt. India thus globally ranked among the top two producers of several major
commodities, rendering the country as the second largest agrarian economy in the world.
During the past couple of decades, the GDP overall growth rate has been around 7 to 8 per
cent per annum. These trends had transformed the country from the ship-to-mouth status to
the Right to Food Bill situation and India became a major agri-food exporter. These
developments had helped the nation in reducing its poverty and hunger levels by 50 to 70 per

Despite the excellent progress made in production and economic growth, and the strong
political support, India is facing an enigmatic situation. Nearly one-fifth of world’s hungry
and 35 to 40 per cent of the world’s undernourished and stunted children have their homes in
India. Unfortunately, India is one of the very few countries in the world where number of
wasted children under five has increased during the past decade, from about 22 million in
2005-06 to over 25 million in 2015-16, being home to 50 per cent of the world’s wasted
children. It is estimated that the high under-nutrition in the country may annually cost about
6-10 per cent of the national GDP, let alone the unethically entrenched human deprivation.
Therefore, agricultural development does not only mean increased production, but should
simultaneously address related social, economic, and environmental concerns.

Another unique feature of India’s agrarian economy is that the country is home to over one-
third of the world’s small and marginal farmholders, with unabated land splitting, the average
holding size has reached almost one ha. And, these small and marginal farmers paradoxically
comprise vast majority of the country’s hungry and poor who constitute one-fourth of the
world’s such deprived people. World Bank has recently reiterated that the potential gains in
India from reallocating land and labour are not quite promising, whereas increased
productivity of agriculture was found to be most effective means of pulling majority of the
deprived farmers out of hunger and poverty. Increasing agricultural productivity of the
smallholder farmers thus must be central to the growth, poverty reduction, equity agenda, and
smashing of the epigenetic fixation of undernutrition.

Soon India will be the most populous country in the world, reaching 1.7 billion by 2050,
exceeding China’s population by 400 million people. Farmers and their families, numbering
nearly 650 million men, women, and children account for 50 percent of the population, and
85 percent of the farmers are small and marginal. Notwithstanding the increasing global food
demand, challenged to adequately feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050, India, with only 2.3
percent of the world’s land and less than 4 percent of the global fresh water, will be required
to feed 18 percent of the world’s population. And, this will have to be achieved from
declining natural resources, especially land, water and biodiversity resources, and without
further damaging the agro-ecological system and accentuating the carbon footprints.

The above challenges notwithstanding, respecting the aspirations of over 1.3 billion Indians,
the Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, pledged on 15 August 2017 to build a New India
by 2022. He envisioned an innovation-driven, vibrant, healthy, prosperous, and peaceful
India which must also be free from abject poverty, hunger and under-nutrition – the foremost
Sustainable Development Goals - SDG1 and SDG2. Within a few months, he also pledged to
Double the Farmers’ Income by 2022-23. Towards building New India, in this year of 150th
birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has envisioned a $ 5
trillion Indian economy by 2024-25. Experts opine that a real GDP growth rate of 8 per cent
based on complementary inter-linkages among major macro-economic variables, especially
agriculture, will be needed, to achieve the targets.

A recent Economic Survey, Times of India, July 5, 2019 suggests that focus on productivity
and exports will revive and enhance investment, which alongwith policy predictability and
promotion of entrepreneurship will help achieve the target. To achieve the desired GDP
growth, Agriculture in a comprehensive sense taken as agri-food system for development
(AFS4D), must attain a stable growth rate of 4 per cent and above. Farmers being the largest
private partners in the national investment platform strengthened through the upcoming
10,000 FPOs, the growing agri-entrepreneuship, as detailed in Chapter 6, should become a
national movement to enhance rural income as well as employment security, helping to build
a 5 trillion dollars economy.

This book, comprising 17 chapters, captures latest frontier agro-biological scientific,

technological and innovative developments and highlights the major trends, issues,
challenges and their resolutions, main messages, policy options, strategies, and actions
emerging from the 150 plus Policy and Strategy Papers/Briefs, books and other publications
of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS). It underpins the urgency and
importance of breaking the Indian enigma and of transforming Indian agriculture to be more
rewarding, resilient, and responsive to free the nation of hunger, undernutrition and abject
poverty to build an ever prosperous New India. As detailed in chapters 2 and 3, the NAAS
commends that the national development goals should be closely aligned with the SDGs
which India must meet. The book highlights the contextuality of high incidences of hunger,
malnutrition, poverty, depleting natural resources (land, water, biodiversity), increasing
incidences of biotic and abiotic stresses, declining benefit cost ratios, low total factor
productivity and slow growth, high volatility due to climate change, and market uncertainties.

Besides analyzing the trends and challenges, the publication elucidates the academic
legitimacy of bridging the social, economic, and sustainability gaps, new technologies and
innovations, including biotechnology, nano-technology, precision agriculture, artificial
intelligence, information and communication technology, and space technology which ought
to be developed and deployed in convergence with appropriate policies to meet the
challenges and uncommon opportunities.

The book internalizes the voices and views not only of scientists/academicians, but also those
arising from grassroot levels. Underpinning the dynamic nature of science-led growth and
development, the publication shows the pathways for building on the ongoing efforts and
internalizing emerging and anticipatory issues and opportunities, market shifts, political and
international alignments etc. in the transformational development. Messages emerging from
political thought processes, the PM’s pledges for New India, Doubling Farmers’ Income, the
five trillion $ economy and others, governmental priorities, policies, initiatives, international
trade and trends, and related UN priorities, especially the SDGs, treaties and declarations are
also duly elucidated. Above all, the human face and voice of science have always been kept
in mind while making recommendations.

The book emphasizes “Measure to Manage” and institutionalization of monitoring,

evaluation, and output-outcome-impact pathway assessment as there exists huge technology
transfer gap, and several important targets stand unmet (chapter 17). It reiterates that lately
several scientifically unauthenticated technologies, such as Zero Budget Natural Farming, are
being advocated, whereas many scientifically proven technologies, viz. genomics, are being
discouraged. Scientifically evidenced outlines and criteria for evaluating research,
technology, innovation, and education outcomes for development are available and ever-
evolving and should be used for creation of reliable databases. Cloud computing and
measuring veritable main and interaction effects in a multidisciplinary holistic system for
developing effective indicators and sound plans and implementation pathways, especially for
assessing progress in hunger, malnutrition and poverty reduction and elimination have been
emphasized. The chapter highlights that the approach must be able to determine the
differentiated accountability of all stakeholders along the value chain. It can hardly be
overemphasized that monitoring progress towards achieving a New India free from hunger
and malnutrition within the framework of SDGs is essential to drive the necessary structural
and policy reforms - “leaving no one behind”.

Given the above details, I sincerely hope that policy makers, scientists, academicians,
planners, corporate sectors, students, farmers, and other stakeholders will greatly benefit from
the book, and shall synergistically converge to disruptively transform agriculture to be
socially, economically, and environmentally responsive to build a New India. I trust, the
Government will provide adequate financial, institutional, policy and political support to
science and innovation-led transformation of Indian agriculture to meet the SDGs. I am sure,
the book will enthuse scientists, academics, and the NAAS for increasingly enriching the
national and global knowledge platforms and benefitting from a collaborative World Grant
system to actively participate in program implementation.

I am grateful to Prof. Panjab Singh, President, NAAS, for giving me the opportunity,
guidance, and encouragement to review the usefulness of NAAS Policy Papers and other
publications in formulation of national policy options and research priorities for transforming
India’s agri-food system. Special thanks are due to Dr. Anil Kumar Singh, Secretary, NAAS
and Dr. B.S. Dwivedi, Head of Soil Science & Agri. Chemistry, IARI, for their invaluable
inputs respectively for chapter 8 (water security) and 9 (soil health). My thanks are also due
to Dr. Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary DARE & DG ICAR, Dr. Vinod K. Prabhu,
Chairperson PPV&FRA, and Dr. Gita Kulshrestha, Former Head, Agricultural Chemicals,
IARI for their invaluable academic inputs.

I am thankful to Dr. V.K. Bhatia and Dr. Kushmakar Sharma, Editors NAAS, for their
suggestions. My heartfelt thanks are due to Mr. Sanjay Singh Mankoti, Office Assistant,
NAAS, for meticulously typing the manuscript. The support of Dr. Anil K. Bawa, Executive
Director and the entire NAAS Secretariat, namely, Mr. Miraj Uddin, Ms. Minu Tiwari, Mr. P.
Krishna, Mr. Umesh Rai, Mr. Jai Singh, Mr. Banwari Lal Yadav, Mr. Kamal Singh, and Mr.
Shiv Dev Yadav is gratefully acknowledged.

(R.B. Singh)
Former President
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Chapter 1
Agricultural Transformation: the Road to New India:
Policy Options and Scientific Interventions

1.1 Shared Dreams - Vibrant Future

Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, respecting the dreams, wishes, aspirations, hopes,
and desires of 1.3 billion Indians, pledged on 15 August 2017, the 71st Independence Day, to
build a New India by 2022. He envisioned an innovation-driven, vibrant, healthy India free
from corruption, communalism, casteism, terrorism, and illiteracy. He further envisioned a
clean (swachh) India characterized by peace, prosperity, unity, plurality, transparency,
inclusiveness, and compassion. To be prosperous, inclusive, and at peace, New India must
also be free from abject poverty, hunger and under-nutrition – the foremost Sustainable
Development Goals - SDG1 and SDG2.

In consonance with the pledge for a New India, the Prime Minister had also pledged to
Double the Farmers Income by 2022-23. The two pledges are not a coincidence, but
interdependent and complementary. India’s economy being largely agrarian, agriculture (in a
comprehensive sense including all allied sectors) anchors livelihood security of over 120
million farm families, 85 per cent being small and marginal farmers, comprising 55 per cent
of India’s population, nearly 700 million real people – children, women, and men. But,
agriculture contributes only 15 per cent to the nation’s GVA. Consequently, average income
of farmers in India is about one-sixth of that of non-agriculturists, and real income of farmers
has declined.

The low and often uncertain level of farmer’s income is the root-cause of the widespread
agrarian distress. Further, the proverbial income asymmetry has greatly accentuated the
widespread poverty, under-nutrition, poor health, and inequality in the country. Thus, the
future of farmers, farming and the agrarian people in villages is closely linked with the future
of India. The call of the Prime Minister to Double Farmers Income evoked the
recommendation of the National Commission on Farmers (2006) “To increase focus on the
economic well being of the farmers rather than only on production … measure the
agricultural progress by farmers’ net income growth”, as also reiterated by the Committee on
Doubling Farmers Income (CDFI) stating that “farming must be treated as an enterprise, and
that future agricultural development will have the returns and not just the output from the
farm as its prime objective”. It further highlights that the road to New India must pass
through the farmers’ fields. We shall achieve “Poorna Swaraj” only when we have achieved
“Gram Swaraj”, had said Mahatma Gandhi.

Towards building New India, in this year of 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has envisioned a $ 5 trillion Indian economy by 2024-25.
Experts opine that a real GDP growth rate of 8 per cent based on complementary inter-

linkages among major macro-economic variables will be needed. A recent Economic Survey,
Times of India, July 5, 2019 suggests that focus on productivity and exports will revive and
enhance investment, which alongwith policy predictability and promotion of entrepreneurship
will help achieve the target. To achieve the desired GDP growth, Agriculture in a
comprehensive sense taken as agri-food system for development (AFS4D), must attain a
stable growth rate of 4 per cent and above. Farmers being the largest private partners in the
national investment platform strengthened through the upcoming 10,000 FPOs, the growing
agri-entrepreneuship, as detailed in Chapter 6, should become a national movement to
enhance rural income as well as employment security, helping to build a 5 trillion dollars

1.2 The Indian Enigma

India, through the Green Revolution process ushered in the 1960s, and followed by White,
Yellow and Blue Revolutions, had witnessed unprecedented gains in agricultural and food
production, registering record productions of nearly 290 million tonnes of foodgrains, over
310 million tonnes of fruits and vegetables, over 176 million tonnes of milk (highest in the
world) and 12 million tonnes of fish, rendering India the second largest agrarian economy of
the world. Importantly, the Rainbow Revolution had more than halved the incidences of
poverty and hunger in the country and transformed the nation from the state of ship-to-mouth
to the state of Right-to-Food based on home-grown food, and the country became a net
exporter of several agricultural commodities valued at 33.87 billion US$ during 2016-17. The
revolution was largely due to the synergy of technologies, policies, services, farmers’
enthusiasm and strong political will.

Despite the Rainbow Revolution and high overall economic growth rate of about 8 per cent
during the past decade or so, nearly one-fifth of world’s hungry and 35 to 40 per cent of the
world’s undernourished, stunted, and wasted children have their homes in India.
Unfortunately, India is one of the very few countries in the world where number of wasted
children under five has increased during the past decade, from about 22 million in 2005-06 to
over 25 million in 2015-16, being home to 50 per cent of the world’s wasted children.

The first Comprehensive National Nutritional Survey (Times of India, October 8, 2019)
reveals that less than 7 per cent of under-2 kids in India get adequate diet, varying from 1.3
per cent in Andhra Pradesh to 35.9 per cent in Sikkim. Further, 33 per cent under-5 kids are
underweight, 35 per cent stunted, 17 per cent wasted, and 2 per cent are obese. It is estimated
that the high under-nutrition in the country may annually cost about 6-10 per cent of the
national GDP, let alone the unethically entrenched human deprivation. Moreover, the
epigenetic effect of hunger has aggravated the intergenerational injustice. Obviously, the “Pot
of gold”, meaning eternal justice, inclusiveness, prosperity, peace, happiness, and vibrancy, at
the end of the Rainbow (Revolution) has remained elusive. A big question is: how a ‘tall’
vibrant New India could be built on the shoulders of stunted and wasted children?

1.3 A Transformational Vision Needed to Build Vibrant Future

The current global economic slowdown and downturn is exacerbating the food and nutritional
security and poverty. In the last quarter, India, for the first time during the past seven years,
had recorded a GDP growth rate of only 5 per cent. The slowdown has kept India and several
other developing countries off-track the SDG targets, especially SDG1 and SDG2. The
slowdowns disproportionately challenge food and income security of the majority
smallholders, who comprise the larger proportion of hungry and poor. The increasing climate
change volatilities have exacerbated the situation, fuelling the recent increase in incidences of
hunger, undernutrition and poverty. Thus, in this fast changing world, to meet Agenda 2030,
especially SDGs 1, 2, and 13 (climate smart agriculture), a transformational vision and action
is called for. To overcome the emerging unfavorable situations, suitable economic and social
reforms and application of best of science, technology, and innovations are needed.
Guaranteed funding is a must for education, social safety nets, and healthcare. Concerted
efforts are called for reducing inequality especially to fight poverty, and building resilience to
climate volatilities and market instabilities. Bolder actions will be needed in different policy
domains, including social protection, development planning, and economic policy.

1.4 The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) Leads the

Transformational Path

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), a national think tank, established in
1990, provides a neutral and intellectually empowered national forum for scientists,
academicians, policy makers, NGOs, farmers, and other stakeholders to critically discuss and
examine important cross-cutting multidisciplinary issues related to agricultural
transformation and to suggest implementable technological, institutional, and policy solutions
in a dynamic mode. For this purpose, since its inception, it has been organizing
Brainstorming Sessions, Round Tables, National Agricultural Science Congresses, General
Body Meetings, Foundation Day and Memorial Lectures, and other consultations.

Arising from the veritable deliberations, the Academy has brought out and widely shared
nearly 150 Policy and Strategy Papers/Briefs, Proceedings and Books towards developing a
rewarding, resilient, and responsive agriculture. In doing so, NAAS has internalized the
voices and views not only of scientists/academicians, but also those arising from grassroot
levels. Messages emerging from political thought processes, the PM’s pledges for New
India, Doubling Farmers Income and others, governmental priorities, policies, initiatives,
international trends, and related UN priorities, especially the SDGs, treaties and declarations
are also duly considered. Drawing from the past experiences and present trends, the topics
chosen for the deliberations were based on contemporary, new, and emerging issues and
opportunities. Anticipatory events, viz. climate change, demand and market shifts, political
and international alignments etc. were also internalized in our discussions. Above all, the
human face and voice of science have always been kept in mind in all our pursuits and

This publication, comprising 17 chapters, highlights the major trends, issues, challenges and
their resolutions, main messages, policy options, strategies, and actions emerging from the
150 plus publications of the Academy. It underpins the importance of breaking the Indian
enigma and of transforming Indian agriculture to free the nation of hunger, undernutrition and
abject poverty to build an ever prosperous New India. As detailed in chapters 2 and 3, the
NAAS commends that the national development goals should be closely aligned with the
SDGs which India must meet. High incidences of hunger, malnutrition, poverty, depleting
natural resources (land, water, biodiversity), increasing incidences of biotic and abiotic
stresses, declining benefit cost ratios, low total factor productivity and slow growth, high
volatility due to climate change, and market uncertainties were identified as main issues and
challenges. Overall, besides analyzing the trends and challenges, the publication elucidates
that alongwith bridging the social, economic, and yield gaps, new technologies and
innovations, including biotechnology, nano-technology, precision agriculture, artificial
intelligence, information and communication technology, and space technology etc. ought to
be developed and deployed to meet the challenges.

Based on contextuality and to promote a World Grant approach through international

cooperation, synergy between NAAS goals and the SDGs have been emphasized, and
development and adoption of effective policies and technologies coupled with
complementary judiciously monitored and evaluated implementation pathways have been

The Policy options, strategies, and actions which have emerged as the highest priority to
meet the major challenges are summarized below.

1.4.1 Nutrition Sensitive Sustainable Agri-Food System – Foremost National


Recalling the unethically persistent hunger, malnutrition and abject poverty, in line with the
recently announced Government’s initiatives viz., Kuposhan Mukt Bharat, and National
Nutrition Strategy : Vision 2022, and other related national and international developments, it
is obvious that promoting growth and development in the agriculture sector is most crucial to
alleviating hunger, poverty and undernutrition. In the life cycle approach it must be prevented
as early as possible to avert irreversible deficits in development of individuals, societies, and
the nation as a whole. Intergenerational continuity of high incidences of undernutrition are
fraught with the epigenetic fixation of the malady. And, this inhuman development must be
averted soon (Singh, 2015). Agricultural policy must focus to promote smallholder
agriculture, especially their access to production resources, land entitlement, technology,
knowledge, credit, market, and price realization. Access to clean drinking water and
sanitation is equally important for accomplishing One Health.

As detailed in chapter 4, the following statement from Policies without Politics: Analysing
Nutrition Governance, sums up the need for holistic governance to address the problem of
malnutrition in India, “It is widely believed that India’s limited success in dealing with
undernutrition is linked to poor governance, including lack of a strong national agenda

against malnutrition within the highest executive offices; lack of consistent monitoring of the
situation based on reliable data; and an inability to comprehend malnutrition as a holistic
issue, unsatisfactory quality of interventions across a number of sectors, including water and
sanitation, education, agriculture, and others. Malnutrition is viewed primarily as a problem
of hunger and food distribution, requiring supplementary feeding and subsidized distribution
systems”. While we must overcome these limitations, as a policy matter, India must
reposition nutrition as central to development.

As defined by Pingali and Sunder (2017), nutrition-sensitive agri-food system goes beyond
staple grains productivity and places emphasis on the consumption of micronutrient-rich non-
staples through a variety of market and non-market interventions. The nutrition sensitive
approach, congruently considers the macro level availability, and household- and individual-
level determinants of improved nutrition. In addition to agriculture, intra-household equity,
behaviour changes, food safety, and access to clean water and sanitation are integral
components of the food systems. Thus, food systems encompass all activities involved in the
production, distribution and consumption of food - the entire value chain. The policies on
nutrition thus must address all the components of the food system in a holistic policy
framework aiming to enhance the diversity, quality and safety of the food system and make it
more accessible and inclusive to all people at all times.

Government schemes such as Public Distribution System (PDS) and National Rural
Employment Guarantee (NREG) must improve access to food through increasing physical
and economic access to food. The Food Security Act is a step in the right direction, provided
it is backed up by nutrition communication to ensure that money saved in buying staple
cereals is used for purchasing other protective foods. Development of warehousing and
proper food storage should receive immediate attention for the act to be implemented
successfully. Every effort should be made to enlarge the basket of foods in the PDS/FSA, to
include pulses, oilseeds and vegetables even if not as entitlement.

Therefore, Agriculture for development is no longer limited to only agricultural production

and food security. A paradigm shift is needed to pursue food security and comprehensive
nutritional security - nutrition being the focus, and agricultural production should mean
sustainable agri-food system. Thus, new policy options and actions should comprise:

• Make nutrition key goals of agriculture, and keep the smallholder farmer at centre
• Nutrition-specific allocation of adequate funds
• Collection of right data, deploy Artificial Intelligence for need-based specific
• Scale-up and invest in carrying out proven and evidence-based solutions
• Undertake need-based diversification and intensification
• Tackle nutrition in all its forms, and adopt the One Health approach
• Raise awareness on nutrition
• Ensure effective implementation pathways

1.4.2 Accelerated and Sustainable Productivity Enhancement and

Fuelled both by swelling population (expected to surpass China by 2027 and reach 1.7 billion
by 2050 as per the UN 2019 World’s Population Prospects Report) and rising income levels
(hoping to recover soon from the current economic slowdown to attain steady annual GDP
growth rate of about 7-8 per cent), accelerated urbanization, and fast rising middle income
group, the expanding food demand, especially for high value nutritious food, seeks 70 per
cent increase in India’s food availability by 2050. And, as commended in the Right to Food
Bill, 2013, the demand has to be met essentially from home-grown food. As the production
resources (land, water, biodiversity) are shrinking, we will be required to produce more from
less for more (MLM) and that too sustainably (sustainable intensification) in face of the
volatilities of climate change and markets.

The World Bank reiterates that productivity accounts for 50 percent of the differences in
GDP per capita across countries. Identifying policies to stimulate TFP is thus critical to
alleviating poverty and fulfilling the rising aspiration of global citizens. Yet productivity
growth has slowed globally in recent decades, and the lagging productivity performance in
developing countries constitutes a major barrier to convergence with advanced-economy
levels of income.

To meet the challenges, we must commit ourselves to generate and deliver the best of science
and technology to enhance TFP and its growth rate to accelerate productivity growth and
pursue disruptive innovations to serve the humanity and embrace Scientific Social
Responsibility (SSR) towards heralding a New India. In order to integrate and synergize the
SSR with Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), effective and extensive public-private-
peasant-partnership (PPPP) should be established. The private (corporate) sector must be
sensitized and supported to substantially enhance its investment in Agriculture-Food System,
which has remained rather low. This synergy is needed to boost TFP as improvement in TFP
accounted for over two-thirds of agricultural growth globally from 2001 to 2015, and nearly
60 per cent of the agricultural growth in developing countries (Word Bank, 2019). As the
production resources (land, water, biodiversity) are shrinking, increased production will
accrue only through increasing input and resource use efficiency i.e. by enhancing the total
factor productivity of the resources. Knowledge platform, knowledge capital and innovations
will play increasing role in increasing TFP growth, which must be accomplished in alliance
with environmental and ecological sustainability.

As we marry the SSR and CSR, our transformational vision must be pro-poor and inclusive.
Our efforts for ensuring comprehensive food and nutritional security, poverty alleviation,
reducing inequality, especially gender inequality should be synergized. Policies and
investments should be balanced to achieve a structural transformation that also fosters
poverty reduction and more egalitarian societies. Polices related to diversification,
intensification, integrated farming system, and trade should synergistically strengthen
nutrition and income security, and be part of transformation (FAO, 2019). The CSR funds

should be pooled and allocated to specific development programs. The concerned corporate
partners should monitor the outcomes and impacts of such investments and, if needed, make
necessary adjustments to achieve the targets. The upcoming New Scientific Social
Responsibility Policy envisages ethical obligation of knowledge workers in all fields of
science and technology to voluntarily contribute their knowledge to the concerned platforms
to mutually benefit all stakeholders and partners.

The recent World Bank’s Report (Fuglie, 2019) on technology and productivity growth
in agriculture has emphasized that large potential exists for increasing agricultural
productivity, hence income, precisely where vast majority of the extreme poor are found – in
rural areas and engaged in small-scale farming, as in India. The increasing agricultural
productivity must be central to the growth, poverty reduction, and equity agendas. It reiterates
that the potential gains from reallocating land and labour are probably less promising than
previously thought. The generation and dissemination of new, more productive practices &
technologies and removing the barriers farmers face to adopting them is more effective. But
additional reforms and new policy environment and incentives are needed.

1.4.3 Doubling Farmers’ Income

This clarion call of the Prime Minister has been discussed in chapter 5, which elucidates
various on-going programs and structural transformations being brought about to achieve the
goal. The contexuality and complementarity of this national movement with the alleviation of
rampant poverty and inequality, meeting the SDG1 and SDG2, has been analysed. The
centrality of the smallholder farmer and his linkage with reliable and remunerative markets
has been highlighted. Given the high pressure on land, the unmindful splitting of cultivated
land – often rendering the holdings un-economical, off-farm and non-farm employment of the
farming families is a must. On-farm and rural storage, processing, value addition, marketing,
especially through Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs), should enhance the employment

Education and training of women to empower them with knowledge and to improve their
employment potential will be a lasting approach to overcome the maladies. Moreover, there
should not be pay disparity among women and men for equal job done. This parity alone will
enhance agricultural production and income by about 30 per cent.

With the above backdrop, and also in line with the National Policy for Farmers, the Doubling
Farmers’ Income (DFI) Committee headed by Ashok Dalwai had suggested a redefined
mandate for agriculture as “to generate both food and raw material, to meet the requirement
of modern society for feed, fibre, fuel and other industrial uses, and in a manner that is
sustainable and aims to bring economic growth to farmers.” This mandate emphasizes the
following aspects, which should be adopted by all stakeholders:

a) Agriculture has the moral responsibility of meeting food and nutritional security of
the country in consonance with the agro-ecological backdrop

b) It has to generate gainful employment resulting in income gains to make the farmers
more economically secure
c) It has to generate raw material that will directly support agro-processing of food and
non-food products to support secondary agriculture
d) It has to support agro-processing industry to produce primary and intermediate goods,
which will feed the manufacturing sector
e) Agricultural practices need to be on a sustainable basis.

1.4.4 Foster Agri-Entrepreneurship for Employment and Economic Security

In an agrarian economy of India’s dimension, predominated by unemployed youth and

smallholder farmers, entrepreneurship must be a key driver for agrarian transformation and
socio-economic uplift of the majority youth and farmers who often operate on the edges of
the economy in an ever-changing and increasingly complex and competitive global economy.
Thus, agriculture should be promoted as an enterprise and farmer as an entrepreneur (chapter
6). The agri-entrepreneurs will greatly strengthen employment security and help harness the
huge demographic dividend.

The Prime Minister’s vision of Startups and role of technology and innovation in India’s
transformation should be realized on priority basis. The efficacy of recent government
initiatives such as Make-in-India, Atal Innovation Mission, Digital India, Skill India,
ASPIRE, MUDRA, and Stand-up-India in entrepreneurial development should be analyzed
and converged for greater impact. The Amul Model, showcased as one of the world’s leading
Group Entrepreneurship model, should be applied also in other sub-sectors and value-chain
systems. Concomitantly, our agricultural education system backed up by programs like
student READY, RAWE and ARYA should ensure that every agriculture graduate could
become an entrepreneur to accelerate equitable economic growth and employment security to
build New India.

1.4.5 Towards Oilseeds and Pulses Self-Sufficiency

As highlighted in chapter 7, India has no reason to waste its hard-earned foreign exchange
and hurt its agrarian economy by annually importing 14-15 million tonnes of edible oil, about
70 per cent of the total consumption, valued at 11 billion dollars. India has amply
demonstrated that with proper congruence of appropriate technologies, agro-ecologically
differentiated strategies, pricing support and market linkage, the country can increase its
pulses production by 5 to 6 million tonnes in one year, thus eliminating its annual drain of
US$ 2 to 3 billion in one go. Besides becoming self-sufficient in this widely consumed rich
source of dietary protein, the country is benefitting from additional soil nutrient enrichment
and environmental enhancement. Oilseeds production should be strategized on the same
pattern as given in the pulses strategy NAAS paper, which has elucidated production strategy
and implementation plan for each important pulses producing district.

The export of oil meals for animal feed and castor oil has to some extent plug the import bill
of vegetable oil. However, the policy of exporting oil meal may not be desirable in long run
as the domestic animal industry is deprived of high value feed to increase the milk and meat
production. There are also arguments that instead of importing crude or refined oil, why not
import oilseeds so that the local crushing industry also prospers and at the same time oil cake
as animal feed is also made available. Policies that balance all these factors should be
formulated through PPP mode. The partnership can be useful in several aspects of oil
economy such as seed production, forward-backward linkages for processing, value addition,
contract research in niche areas, contract farming and joint ventures for higher order
derivatives and specialty products and so on. Therefore it is essential to create an enabling
environment for private sector participation in such areas.

1.4.6 Value Chain Management, Prevention of Losses and Food Wastes, and
Linking Farmers with Markets

Harvest and post-harvest loss of major agricultural produce in 2018 was estimated at Rs.
92,651 crore ($ 13 billion) (Ministry of Food Processing) per year largely due to storage,
logistic, and financing infrastructure inadequacies. Prevention of these losses could feed 50
million people per year. About 30-45 per cent of the loss is due to food wastage – a crime
indeed. One of the five pillars of Zero Hunger Challenges is “Zero loss or waste of food”,
seeking change in the mindset of people to adopt “Save and Grow”. Cost-effective on-farm
and near-farm processing, value addition along the value-chains, packaging, cold chains,
product quality, product safety, and prolonged shelf-life technologies are need of the hour.
Let us remember that “a grain saved is a grain produced”, and “unsafe food is no food”.

To achieve the above goal, farmers, especially smallholder farmers should be directly linked
with markets. In this fast changing liberalized and globalized world, greater understanding of
market intelligence mechanisms, good trade practices, and legal aspects of the multilateral
trade regime and agreements and intellectual property rights is absolutely necessary. This
calls for the development and institutionalization of user-friendly knowledge systems to
support decision-making by various client groups. In line with the nation’s Food Bill and
Right to Food, trade must first be a component of food security before meeting other
obligations. New Initiatives of the Government on e-NAM, creating a common Indian Market
and investment in establishing additionally 22,000 village markets will directly link the
farmers with markets and help them realize remunerative prices for their produces, thus
enhancing their incomes and access to adequate nutritive foods. Operation Greens are
increasingly focusing on agri-logistics, processing, and professional management. Farmer
Producer Organizations (FPOs) and Village Producer Organizations (VPOs) clusters are
varyingly incentivized to remuneratively link the farmers with markets directly through the e-
NAM platforms. This move has truly created pan-India markets for farmers who could sale
their produces at best prices offered from any corner of the country. Sixteen states and 585
APMC markets are now integrated with e-NAM platform.

1.4.7 Saving the Planet Earth

The Planet Earth, the one and only, is already under stress. Of the nine interconnected
planetary boundaries with defined tipping points in the Earth system, three, namely, climate
change, biodiversity loss, and nitrogen cycle have been crossed. True to its name, this
“Anthropocene” era reflects the consequences of human driven actions impacting health of
our planet. The overall challenge before us is to achieve: (i) sustainable intensification of
production to meet demand for food quantity and quality, (ii) profitability and social
attractiveness to agriculture as a profession, and (iii) ecosystem services that improve water
quality and quantity, soil health, carbon capture, and biodiversity. We should be able to
differentially predict the future needs of food and other agricultural products and match them
with the projected natural and other endowments in the foreseeable future. Towards a Green
Economy with agriculture, we must enhance our ability to manage natural resources
sustainably and with lower negative environmental impacts, and to increase resource
efficiency and reduce waste. Adopting Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA), with its triple wins
of enhanced productivity, resilience (adaptation) and mitigation, and the associated
technological, policy, and investment implications, will facilitate the way to an evergreen

1.4.8 Climate Smart Agriculture

Use of the various climate-related indicators shows that climate change volatilities have been
one of the main reasons for recent increase of incidences of hunger, malnutrition and poverty.
The cumulative effect of changes in climate is adversely impacting all dimensions of food
security – food availability, access, utilization, and stability. The climate aberrations impair
the nutrient quality and dietary diversity, impact water and sanitation, and increase diseases
and health risks. India being most vulnerable to climate changes, people’s nutritional and
overall livelihood security is further threatened.

It is thus imperative that we accelerate and scale-up actions to build Climate Smart
Agriculture and Food System (CSAFS). Currently, both at national and international levels,
several policy and action platforms are striving to achieve CSAFS, but these are not aligned.
We must integrate these platforms to pursue coherent objectives to insulate people from the
veritable vagaries and help achieve comprehensive food and nutrition security and safe
health. It calls for increased partnerships and multi-year, large-scale funding of integrated
disaster risk reduction and management and climate change adaptation programs that are
short-, medium-, and long-term in scope (FAO, 2018). The Climate Smart Village initiative
of CCAFS deserves specific allocations to make it a pan-India movement to curb the risks to
rural prosperity.

1.4.9 Water Security

As also highlighted by the Prime Minister at the 73rd Independence Day, 2019, in view of the
vital importance of water for human and animal life, for maintaining ecological balance and
for economic and developmental activities of all kinds, and considering its increasing

scarcity, the planning and management of this resource and its optimal, economical and
equitable use has become a matter of utmost urgency as detailed in chapter 8. Having
reviewed various aspects of water security since its inception, the Academy has emphasized
that the availability of water is declining day by day, while on the other hand, there is no
dearth of field-tested efficient water conservation and management technologies developed
by the national agricultural research system, such as micro-irrigation, sub-surface irrigation
and sensor-based water management, and these technologies should effectively be adopted at
the grassroot level through creating appropriate institutional mechanisms and policy actions
towards all time comprehensive food, water, and nutritional security. The gap between the
irrigation potential created and utilized has widened to 25 m ha. Bridging this gap must be the
main task of the Govt’s Accelerated Irrigation Benefits Program (AIBP).

It is atrocious that India uses the largest amount of ground water amounting to 24 per cent of
the world’s total, which was more than that of China and the US put together. New initiatives
by the Government, including PMKSY, DIPs, Composite Water Management Index
(CWMI), and monitoring of State’s performance across critical indicators schemes should be
judiciously integrated to save the precious water – the basis of life on the planet, and achieve
“per drop more crop”, which underpins the urgency of improving water use efficiency. The
newly launched Ministry, Jal Shakti, by merging the Ministry of Water Resources, River
Development and Ganga Rejuvenation and Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation should
coherently help achieve food, nutrition, quality water, health, and sanitation security. The
expected outcomes of the Paris Water Conference organized by UNESCO on 13-14 May,
2019, should also be internalized in the national program. It is gratifying that in accordance
with Paris Agreement, at the UN Climate Action UN Summit, 24 September 2019, Prime
Minister Modi pledged that India will invest $50 billion on water conservation in the next
five years under the “Jal Jeevan Mission” announced simultaneously. Allocation, use and
outcome of this huge investment should to monitored by a national committee.

1.4.10 Soil Health and Nutrient Management

It should be emphasized that a series of ecosystem services, crucial for attaining

comprehensive food and nutritional security, are provisioned by soil. The centrality of
healthy soil for healthy life should guide all efforts to transform our agriculture-food systems.
As detailed in chapter 9, seven major soil issues deserve priority attention. These include:
Residue Management, Reclamation of Degraded and Polluted Soils, Monitoring Soil Health,
Nutrient Management, Fertilizer Policies, Organic Farming, and Zero Budget Natural
Farming. Recently NAAS had examined the efficacy of Zero Budget Natural Farming and
found that the proposal needs scientific investigation as the preliminary results do not
approve of its adoption. As regards organic farming, there is need to promote strong research
backup to develop national standards for organic certification coherent with the international
protocols. The high productivity zones of irrigated ecosystems practicing intensive cropping
should be kept out of the ambit of organic farming or other such alternate farming options,
for these zones are critically important to sustain national food security.

A Land Development Department as well as a National Mission on Soil Carbon Improvement
should be created under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare to ensure effective
collaboration among various stakeholders. The Soil Health Card initiative has not been
received well by the farmers. The soil testing service needs revamping. Proliferation of small
STLs in the name of strengthening soil testing service is not a professional approach, and
should no longer be continued. The ecosystem services provisioned by soil are strongly
interconnected and promote the One Health concept – indivisibility of soil – plant – animal –
human health. This integrated outlook should guide our policy options and actions to attain
the SDGs, especially the SDG1 (poverty alleviation), and SDG2 (Zero Hunger).

1.4.11 Crop Health Chemicals Management for Agricultural Transformation

A science-informed balanced and integrated approach is needed to save our precious harvests
and to maintain social, economic, ecological, and environmental balance (chapter 10). Heavy
presence of spurious and hazardous pesticides and unsafe use of pesticides, non-adoption of
IPM and other recommended pesticide use technology packages for decades have ruined the
entire pesticide system in the country, resulting in colossal losses, health hazards and
economic and environmental disasters. In line with the SDGs, indicators and targets should
be fixed and honoured so that the Indian market and the farmers have zero access to spurious
pesticides within the next three years. The technology transfer (extension and training) should
be strengthened to ensure safe use of agro-chemicals along the value chain.

The Government must pass the pending latest/updated 2017 Pesticide Management Bill and
strictly enforce regulations to ensure effective implementation of all the rules and laws,
especially the elimination of the unethically high incidences of spurious, counterfeit, banned,
misbranded and substandard agro-chemicals. The farmer’s protection mechanism in case of
spurious products must be strengthened. Transparent system of licensing should be
established and popularized. As the bill seeks to improve the regulations in the manufacture,
inspection testing, and distribution of pesticides, a Central Pesticides Board to advise the
Government should be constituted, which among other things, should also oversee fixation of
tolerance limits by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) for pesticide
residues on crops and commodities. The state governments are envisioned to implement the
provisions. While FSSAI is mandated to fix the MRL, the relevant provisions of the Food
Safety and Standard Acts should be enforced simultaneously.

1.4.12 Agro-biodiversity and Farmers Rights Management for Sustainable


As highlighted in chapter 11, the accelerated erosion of agro-biodiversity and its negative
impacts on ecosystem services are threatening productivity and sustainability of agriculture
and food systems. Agrobiodiversity associated with a large number of neglected and
underutilized species (NUS), several land races and wild relatives of cultivated species is fast
disappearing, thus closing our options for diversification for nutritional and pharmaceutical
resources. NAAS, as also strongly advocated by FAO, has strongly commended use of NUS,
often called as orphan species, as Future Smart Food (FSF) to fight hunger, malnutrition and

poverty. These crops, which enrich dietary diversification and micro-nutrient intake, are also
generally climate resilient and agro-eco-friendly. Of the several NUS, based on soil, water,
and ecological compatibility, the most potential species, complementing the existing staple
crops, should be identified for each zone and the AFS should be evolved along the value
chain – production, processing, marketing, and consumption of FSF for judiciously
harnessing the bio-treasure. Accelerated collection and conservation of these species must be
accompanied with their judicious characterization and evaluation, especially for nutritional,
pharmaceutical and climate resilience traits, to harness their multiple benefits.

Urgent actions are needed to arrest the erosion. Most importantly, it has been highlighted that
the progress in judicious conservation and benefit sharing has been slow. Having taken the
leadership in establishing the national PPV&FR Authority and the National Biodiversity
Authority (NBA) and the corresponding Acts, most of the developing world has been looking
towards India for sustainable models for biodiversity conservation, management, use, and
realizing the Farmers Rights, which is still a far cry. Asymmetries between PPV&FRA and
NBA should be ironed out and the two authorities should be harmonized. The project module
suggested by the NAAS should be implemented to actualize the Farmers’ Rights.

1.4.13 Science, Technology and Innovation as Main Drivers of the Needed


Science, technology and innovation are key drivers for empowering individuals, societies and
nations to meet the challenges, and richness of this continuum will underpin competitiveness
at various levels in this fast expanding knowledge economy era. Launching the Technology
Vision 2035 document at the 103rd Indian Science Congress, January 03, 2016, Hon’ble
Prime Minister Shri Modi had said “India will be the country of young for the next few
decades. It is imperative that every youth blossoms to his/her full potential and that the
potential is fully tapped for the benefit of the nation”. He added that this in turn requires that
needs of our children and youth for nutrition, health, knowledge, skill, connectivity, and
identity are met, and all stakeholders should actively work for fulfilling the Vision.

Trilochan Mohapatra, Secretary DARE and DG, ICAR recently (February 2019) revealed
that the Government of India and ICAR are proposing several innovative technologies and
policy pushups to ensure that India remains self sustained as far as food production is
concerned. Convergence of agriculture, digital and engineering technologies with modern
biotechnological tools would revolutionize the Indian agriculture in coming years. However,
we need to enhance investment in agriculture for sustainable increase in production and
productivity with enhanced inputs and resource use efficiency. He emphasized that India’s
population would touch 1.7 billion by 2050 and ensuring food and nutritional security for
such a large population would be a great challenge. Use of technology and innovation in
Indian agriculture would only be the way out. All out efforts have to be a made on
generation, transfer and adoption of technologies during coming two decades. ICAR’s vision
for the future is to encourage “SMART FARMS” with greater technological support to
reduce post-harvest losses, strengthen value chain, and provide markets to increase farmer’s

income. Agriculture being the main driver of livelihood and economic security of the masses,
we need to regularly innovate, invest and support to strengthen agricultural research and
development in the country.

The quality and relevance of agricultural research must be enhanced to bring within its
domain cutting-edge technologies like biosensors, genomics, biotechnology, nanotechnology
and alternative energy sources. For instance, biotechnology, encompassing wide range of
technologies such as cloning, marker assisted selection, transgenics, gene editing and
veritable ‘omics’ should judiciously be used for augmenting tolerance/resistance to biotic and
abiotic stresses, improved nutritional quality, enhanced physiological efficiency, nutrient use
efficiency, and bio-products. Recent developments in genome editing have far reaching
implications for future agricultural and food systems.

Central and State Governments, in the spirit of cooperative federalism, must develop science-
informed policies (science for policy making) and institutions to enable the best of science,
technology and product to quickly reach the farmers and other users along the value chain.
Appreciating that unsafe food is no food, we must ensure that safe, nutritive, quality, and
cost-effective food is not denied to reach the hungry in time. Unfortunately, this is not
happening in India, particularly in case of several biotechnological products. Emotions,
unfounded fear and un-scientific personal belief have shrouded science-based objective facts,
which are referred to as ‘post truth’ – our policy makers should particularly commit
themselves to scientific truth.

1.4.14 Innovations for Transforming Agriculture

It need hardly be over emphasized that for feeding 1.7 billion by 2050 from ever shrinking
land, water and biodiversity resources, More from Less for More will need innovations and
innovative approaches. Frontier Biological Innovations (Green Revolution, Gene Revolution,
Innovative Biofortification, Speed Breeding, and Innovative Food Fortification), renewable
energy, and Innovative Viable Solutions to Rice Residue Burning in Rice-Wheat Cropping
System should be judiciously scaled-up (chapter 12). The way forward is to strengthen
innovation drives, leveraging agritech startups in India’s Innovation Ecosystem, and Atal
Innovation Mission.

1.4.15 Precision Agriculture: Need of the Day

Defined as a system, chapter 13 brings forth that precision agriculture exploits all the modern
tools and technologies (nanotechnology, genetic engineering, Cloud Computing etc),
innovations, Artificial Intelligence etc. leading to economically improved and
environmentally sustainable agriculture - an Evergreen Revolution. The role of precision
agriculture for the majority smallholder farmers is manifested through (i) increased land and
labour productivity, (ii) intensification, diversification and off-farm employment, (iii)
granting property rights, entitlements and land rights, and (iv) balanced agro-ecological
settings compatible with minimum risk. In particular, roles of information technology as the
backbone of precision agriculture, and of geospatial technologies such as GPS-based soil

sampling, drones, robotics, and sensors etc. as framework support are immense. It may be
reiterated that “doing the right thing at the right place at the right time” to ensures high
efficiency and sustainability are the “watchwords” for Doubling Farmers’ Income.

1.4.16 Renewable Energy for Sustainable Agricultural Growth

Agri-food systems use about 30 per cent of the global energy supply relying heavily on fossil
fuel and contribute about 20 per cent of the greenhouse gas emissions. The agri-food system
thus must become “Energy Smart” as well as “Climate Smart”. Accordingly, FAO (2012) had
recommended establishment of a major long-term multi-partner program based on three
pillars – (i) improving energy efficiency in agrifood systems (ii) increasing the use of
renewable energy in these systems, and (iii) improving access to modern energy services
through integrated food and energy production. Needless to assert, this will improve
productivity in the food sector, reduce energy-poverty in rural areas and contribute to
achieving goals related to national food and nutritional security, and climate change and
sustainable development.

Renewable energy has been an important component of India’s energy planning process
under the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), perhaps the first of its kind in
the world. Given the increasing prices of fossil oil, the share of renewable energy in the total
national requirement must be enhanced rapidly. The XIIth plan had flagged “Securing the
Energy Future” as a major challenge, and sought fortification of research and development t o
render solar, wind, water, biomass residue and agro-waste as major sources of renewable

Hon’ble Prime Minister Modi highlighted India’s commitment to reducing global warming,
International Solar Alliance, and Coalition for Disaster Resilience Infrastructure (CDRI) at
the 74th UNGA on September 26, 2019. Addressing the International Solar Alliance first
Assembly in Delhi on 2nd October 2018 (149th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi), PM
Modi underpinned the Alliance as “One World, One Sun, One Grid” to propel “poverty to
power” and to ensure climate justice. By 2030, India should meet 40 per cent of its energy
requirement from renewable resources. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, in
collaboration with all concerned ministries, the states, and international alliances/agreements,
must ensure judicious implementation of all the action plans and programs, including the 12
recommendations made in chapter 14.

1.4.17 Comprehensive and Reliable Data Bank and Knowledge Platforms to

Reshape India

In a country of our size and magnitude with varying agro-climatic situations, we need a
centralized agriculture data base on a variety of issues that are of interest to scientists,
farmers, and industry. Through such an arrangement, in line with the Big Data movement, the
data can be easily accessed by one and all. Satellite imagery should become a regular feature
for data collection for future prediction of produce and price. It is extremely important to use
modern information and communication systems for marketing, sales and pricing activities,

e-NAM, to move with the time. Such developments will be intellectually attractive to the
youth and should help increase their interest in agriculture and food systems.

The digital India movement, the PM’s remarks that “Data is the New World” on September
22, 2019, at “Howdy Modi” celebration in Houston, and the highest cost-effectiveness of data
packs in India, renders the country as the global data hub and offers uncommon opportunities
to the young minds to benefit both economically and scientifically. The data mines should,
however, not mean only cold numbers, but the faces behind those numbers are to be read
properly and cared for. Thus, the digital revolution should greatly enhance translational
abilities of veritable stakeholders in planning, programming, and implementation with human
face in mind.

Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goals, monitoring progress towards a
Zero Hunger and prosperous India should become a priority activity, and should provide an
analysis of the underlying causes and drivers of observed trends. While prevalence of
undernourishment is the commonly used indicator for hunger, assessment of the prevalence
of severe food insecurity based on the “Food Insecurity Experience Scale” (FIES) introduced
by FAO in 2017, provides an estimate of the proportion of the population facing serious
constraints on their ability to obtain safe, nutritious, and sufficient food. As this indicator is
extremely helpful in identifying the hungry individuals and communities, India should adopt
it quickly to direct its effort in a disaggregated and more targeted manner. The Data Bank and
Cloud Computing systems must help in designing more sensitive and relevant indicators and
provide the necessary feedback of the outcomes and trends emerging from such indicators.

1.4.18 Artificial Intelligence

Comprehensive and reliable data resources are conducive to augment Artificial Intelligence,
defined as intelligence exhibited by machines, can be applied cross disciplines and can bring
a paradigm shift in how we see farming today. More specifically, by using artificial
intelligence, we can develop smart farming practices to minimize losses along value chain
and maximize outputs and farmers’ income. Using artificial intelligence platforms, one can
gather large amount of data from government and public websites or real time monitoring of
various data is also possible by using IoT (Internet of Things) and then can be analyzed with
accuracy to enable the farmers to address all the uncertain issues faced by them in the
agriculture sector.

AI-powered solution will not only enable farmer to do more with less, it will also improve
quality and become the major driver for providing the Digital solutions to uplift the
conditions of farming community while providing yet a new opportunity for business and
entrepreneurs by enabling smart farm as a service, and help in identifying most suited
farming system for specific locations. AI can also be used for precision high throughput plant
phenotyping in controlled and field experimental conditions and also for Precision Farming
using all latest sensors both on ground and UAV platform. This technique can extensively be
used also for monitoring crop residue burning and occurrence of drought at district level.

1.4.19 Gene Revolution for Agricultural Transformation

Innovations in the field of biotechnology, molecular biology, genomics, and synthetic biology
have rendered crop, livestock, fish and microbe improvements highly precise, targeted, and
accelerated – known as gene revolution. Starting from hardly 2 million ha under GM crops in
1996, today nearly 200 million ha in over 30 countries, of which over 20 are developing
countries, including China and India, grow GM crops. During the past 20 years or so, farmers
gained from increased productivity and production and reduced cost of production to the tune
of nearly US$ 160 billion at the farm level, let alone the huge environmental gains due to
reduced pesticide use.

Innovations to promote genomics and gene editing must be priority novel approaches to
ensure comprehensive food, nutritional, economic, social and environmental security (chapter
12). In the new era of genomics, phenomics, proteomics and other omics, the availability of
high quality reference genomes of crop plants has accelerated the discovery of genes, QTLs
and DNA markers linked to the traits of agronomic importance, which are now being
routinely applied in molecular aided selection (MAS) of crop varieties for increased selection
efficiency with utmost precision, heralding a new thrust area called Molecular Breeding. The
genomic selection approach, which has become popular to introgress several genes with
small additive effects in breeding programs, is enriched by technologies like mining superior
haplotypes, haplotype-based breeding, single cell sequencing, Drop Synth technique for
synthesizing large genetic libraries, and rewriting genome techniques for creating and
harnessing desired genetic variability for enhanced productivity, resilience and sustainability.
But, progress in the use of GM crop technology on the other hand has suffered due to the lack
of clear policy, and so far Bt-cotton remains the only commercialized GM crop in India.

1.4.20 Liberate Science to Serve the Society

Baseless, ill-informed, unscientific and illogical opposition of several modern technologies,

such as genetical engineering, GM organisms and other proven safe products arising from
new sciences and innovations is most unscientific. The recalcitrance of the policy makers and
the governments in delivering the proven safe products/technologies to the farmers and end
users along the value chain amounts to denying India from achieving comprehensive food
and nutritional security, climate resilience and accelerated sustainable agricultural
development. Further, this trend thwarts development of cutting-edge technologies,
innovations, and the development of human resources and institutions, thus hindering India to
emerge as a New India. The Government must develop appropriate science-evidenced
policies and action plans to transfer proven safe, productive and remunerative technologies,
especially genetically enriched quality seed, to meet the social, economic and environmental
needs of people, and create the necessary ambience to ensure uninterrupted generation and
use of new technologies to help meet our goals.

NAAS has issued several guidelines and policy options for developing and commercializing
transgenics and other biotech products. These include the NAAS Policy paper 52 “Biosafety
Assurance for GM food Crops in India”, 2011; Policy Brief “to Accelerate Utilization of GE

Technology for Food and Nutrition Security and Improving Farmers’ Income”, 2016; and the
Declaration on Transgenic Mustard (chapter 15). These recommendations have been widely
circulated in the country and outside and specifically brought to the attention of the
Government. The baseless fear, emotion and non-scientific considerations continue to deny
the farmers, consumers, and other stakeholders the disruptive technologies and innovations,
which will sustainably transform their socio-economic status.

Seventeen noted Indian biotechnologists, in their most recent joint paper entitled India needs
genetic modification technology in agriculture, Current Science, August 2019, have
emphasized that “it would not be appropriate to discard the technology based on propaganda
without a scientific basis. One needs to assess the technology and products rationally on a
case-to-case basis and adopt the most appropriate ones. Given the task of adequately feeding
1.7 billion by 2050 in face of the shrinking natural resources and aggravating climate change,
India must employ and adopt genetic modification technologies for improved agricultural
productivity and profitability, and contributing to sustainable food and nutrition security.
Ambivalence and indecision will hurt us deeply, and ultimately the country would be the

1.4.21 Transforming Agricultural Education

It is well known that globally education, research, and extension systems, particularly in
agriculture and food systems, have been instrumental in bringing transformational changes in
a dynamic mode to ensure livelihood security for all for all times. Yet, the system suffers
from the following shortcomings, among others (i) Inadequate and declining investment and
financial resources in agricultural universities/colleges; opening of new universities without
matching resources; unmindful splitting of agricultural universities, and poor resources
planning; (ii) Disconnect among agricultural education, employment, and industries’
requirements; lack of adequate skill, entrepreneurship and experiential learning; overall poor
employability of the graduates; (iii) Extensive inbreeding and associated depressions; low
access of agricultural education to rural students, especially to the tribals and socially-
deprived communities; and (iv) Lack of evaluation, monitoring, impact assessment,
accountability and incentive systems (chapter 16).

Having listed the veritable challenges and issues, a question is raised whether India has the
necessary quality financial and other resources, commitment and political will to lead India to
be a major knowledge hub in the world geared towards an all-time Zero Hunger World?
Effective implementation of the suggested policy and quality measures should render
agriculture as an intellectually more stimulating discipline and an economically rewarding
profession to attract talent and investment. The academic and economic legitimacy thus
provided to contemporary challenges and opportunities should inspire the youth to find
agriculture, agribusiness, agriculture related service sector, and the pursuit of agricultural
science and technology generation as an attractive vocation, career and profession. The
agricultural education and universities thus transformed will attract also foreign students and
render the Government’s “Study in India” initiative a great success. Splitting of the

agricultural universities must be decried in the interest of multidisciplinary collaborative and
multi-sectoral synergistic cost effective wholesome outcomes.

As we consolidate our efforts to build an eternally prosperous, inclusive and economically

green India in face of the diminishing and shrinking natural resources, intensifying volatilities
of climate change, and increasing market uncertainties and global competitiveness, we will
need new breeds of human resources geared to meet the demand of New Agriculture. Among
other things, our students and young scientists should have greater appreciation of global
resources systems; green studies; sustainability, and environment; entrepreneurship; student
READY; Big Data; knowledge platform and communication; and of food, nutrition, health,
education, and agriculture nexus – New Normal. Besides being professionally competent, our
graduates and scientists must also be socially sensitive and ethically strong to build New
Agriculture and Food System for a New India.

1.4.22 Investing in Agriculture-Food Systems with Special Reference to

Research, Education, and Extension

Globally, studies have shown that in agriculturally important countries, like India, growth in
Agriculture and Food System (AFS) is almost three times more effective in alleviating
hunger, poverty and undernutrition than analogous growth in other sectors. Being the second
largest agrarian economy in the world, India must harness its AFS effectively to break the
enigmatic co-existence of high economic growth and the deprivations.

Public sector investment has been instrumental in creating infrastructure and support services
to promote agriculture-led development. During the Green Revolution, public sector
investment, being 33 per cent of the investment in agriculture sector in 1985, was the main
driver of the Revolution, but now it has reduced to only 17 per cent. In absolute terms, the
real agricultural investment during the year 2016-17 was 2.6 lakh crores accounting to about
2.2 per cent of GDP. The remaining 83 per cent of the investment has come from the private
sector, primarily by farmers. The contribution of the corporate sector is hardly 2 per cent. The
investment capacity of the majority smallholder marginal farmers being low, public sector
investment in the regions crowded by such smallholders viz. eastern and north-eastern
regions, should be substantially enhanced. The level and scale of public investment has direct
impact on overall GDP growth. Hence, the public sector investment should steadily be
enhanced to accelerate the overall GDP growth rate, which will directly help in increasing
farmers’ income. The corporate sector must be boosted to strengthen R&D, inputs supplies
like quality seeds, agrochemicals, machinery, processing, and value addition. The recent
initiatives of the Government related to Make-in-India, even upto 100 per cent FDI, tax
reliefs for small scale enterprises have huge scope in the agricultural sector.

Technology being the main driver of productivity and income enhancement, investment in
agricultural research, education and extension must match with that potential, opportunities,
and prospects. The total R&D budget of the nation, covering all sectors, in 2014-15 was Rs.
35034 crore. Of this, 11.37 per cent ie. Rs. 3983 crore was allocated to the ICAR. Despite
increasing allocation to agricultural sciences and technology in recent years, being Rs. 13,786

crore in TE 2017-18, India’s agricultural research intensity is only 0.37 per cent, as compared
to 0.62 per cent in China, 1.82 per cent in Brazil, 2.0 per cent in South Africa, 3.2 per cent in
USA, and 3.3 per cent in Australia. Both Centre and States have contributed almost equally to
R&D funding, despite agriculture being a state subject. The financial status of most SAUs is
deplorable. Further, there is large inter-state variation, research intensity being as low as 0.1
per cent in UP, the largest agricultural and food producing state with more than 85 per cent of
its farmers being small and marginal. For the last two decades, NAAS, as several other
concerned organizations, have been pleading for doubling the national research intensity,
taking it to about 1 per cent.

The recent heightened attention to agriculture is reflected in the increased budgetary

allocations to agriculture. For instance, the major highlights of the Budget 2018-19 are as

• Finance minister announced raising institutional credit for agriculture sector to Rs. 11
lakh crore in 2017-18
• Facility of Kisan Credit Cards extended to fisheries and animal husbandry farmers to
help them meet their working capital needs; Rs. 10,000 crore funds announced
cumulatively for infrastructure development in the two sectors
• Rs. 500 crore ‘operation greens’ announced to address price volatility of perishable
commodities like potato, tomato, and onion and benefit both producers and consumers
• Rs. 200 crore allocated to support organized cultivation of highly specialized
medicinal and aromatic plants and associated industry
• 22,000 rural haats to be developed and upgraded into Gramin Agricultural Markets
(GrAMs) for farmers to directly sell to consumers and bulk purchasers
• Rs. 2,000 crore fund to be set up for developing and upgrading agricultural marketing
infrastructure in the 22,000 GrAMs and 585 APMCs
• Doubling allocation for food processing sector to Rs. 1,400 crore, government to
promote establishment of specialized agro-processing financial institutions
• Rs. 1,290 crore re-structured national bamboo mission announced to promote bamboo
sector in a holistic manner
• Special scheme to be implemented to support Haryana, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh and the
Delhi to address air pollution and to subsidize machinery required for in-situ
management of crop residue.

The recent Report on Policies and Action Plan for a Secure and Sustainable Agriculture,
prepared by an expert committee Chaired by Dr. R.S. Paroda submitted to the Principal
Scientific Adviser to the Government of India (30 August, 2019), has internalized several of
the policy options and strategies elucidated by the NAAS. New strategies suggested in the
Report emphasize the efficacy of efficiency, inclusiveness, ecology, innovative institutions,
public-private partnership, and higher public investment. Towards enhancing farmers’

income, focus should be on pre- and post-harvest management, value addition and
diversification. Further, the centrality of harnessing science, technology and innovations
alongwith policy reforms and blending of farm household priorities with national and global
development agenda have been underpinned. The Report thus augurs well with NAAS’s

The food and agriculture system must be transformed coherently and synergistically by
concerned Ministries and Departments so that the related development should not mean only
enhanced production, instead it should mean production plus plus, with equal emphasis on
remunerative net income of the farmer, ecological efficiency, environmental health,
nutritional adequacy, inclusiveness, and sustainability. In the fast expanding liberalized
economy and the changing global context, the concerned Departments and Stakeholders have
to urgently comprehensively conceptualize the agriculture development process and our
efforts should be multisectoral, wholesome and integral.

1.5 Policies for Farmers

The National Commission on Farmers, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India, 2006,

had prepared Polices for Farmers, first of its kind in the world, as reproduced below.

1.5.1 Ten Major Goals of the Policy

• To improve the economic viability of farming by ensuring that farmers earn a

“minimum net income”, and ensure that agricultural progress is measured by the
advance made in improving that income
• To mainstream the human and gender dimension in all farm policies and programmes
and give explicit attention to sustainable rural livelihoods
• To complete the unfinished agenda in land reforms and to initiate comprehensive
asset and aquarian reforms
• To develop and introduce a social security system and support services for farmers
• To protect and improve the land, water, biodiversity and climate resources essential
for sustained advances in the productivity, profitability and stability of major farming
systems by creating an economic stake in conservation
• To foster community-centred food, water and energy security systems in rural India
and to ensure nutrition security at the level of every child, woman and man
• To introduce measures which can help to attract and retain youth in farming by
making it both intellectually stimulating and economically rewarding, by conferring
the power and economy of scale to small and marginal farmers both in the production
and post-harvest phases of farming
• To strengthen the biosecurity of crops, farm animals, fish and forest trees for
safeguarding both the work and income security of farmer families, and the health and
trade security of the nation

• To restructure agricultural curriculum and pedagogic methodologies for enabling
every farm and home science graduate to become an entrepreneur and to make
agricultural education gender sensitive
• To make India a global outsourcing hub in the production and supply of the inputs
needed for sustainable agriculture, and products and processes developed through
biotechnology and Information and Communication Technologies.

1.5.2 Definition of Farmers

For the purpose of this Policy, the term “farmers” will refer to both men and women, and
include landless agricultural labourers, sharecroppers, tenants, small, marginal and sub-
marginal cultivators, farmers with larger holdings, fishers, livestock and poultry rearers,
pastoralists, small plantation farmers, as well as rural and tribal families engaged in a wide
variety of farming related occupations such as apiculture, sericulture and vermiculture. The
term will include tribal families sometimes engaged in shifting cultivation and in the
collection and use of non-timber forest products. Farm and Home Science Graduates earning
their livelihoods from crop and animal husbandry, fisheries and agro-forestry will have their
rightful place in the world of farmers and farming. The gender-specific needs of women in
each category will also be recognized.

1.5.3 Public Policies for Sustainable Livelihoods of Farmers

i. A National Land Use Advisory Service should be immediately established and linked
to State and Block Level Land Use Advisory Services on a hub and spokes model.
These can be virtual organisations with the capacity to link land use decisions with
ecological, meteorological and marketing factors on a location and season specific
basis. They should provide proactive advice to farmers on land use. Land use
decisions are also water use decisions and hence it is important that the proactive
advice is based on both an estimate of likely water availability and the opportunities
available for enhancing income per unit of water.

ii. The MSP should be at least 50 per cent more than the weighted average cost of
production. The scope of the Minimum Support Price (MSP) programme should be
expanded to cover all crops of importance to food and income security for small
farmers. Arrangements should be made to ensure MSP at the right time and at the
right place, particularly in the areas coming within the scope of the National Rainfed
Area Authority. Also, advice to farmers on crop diversification should be linked to the
assurance of MSP. Small farm families should not be exposed to administrative and
academic experiments and gambles in the market.

iii. A Market Price Stabilisation Fund should be established jointly by Central and State
Governments and financial institutions to protect farmers during periods of violent
fluctuations in prices; as, for example, in the case of perishable commodities like
onion, potato, tomato.

iv. An Agriculture Risk Fund should be set up to insulate farmers from risks arising from
recurrent droughts and other weather aberrations.

v. The scope of Agricultural Insurance Policies should become wider and should also
cover health insurance, as envisaged under the Parivar Bima Policy. Seed Companies
should provide insurance in the case of GM crops.

vi. A Food Guarantee Act should be formulated and enacted. Farmers, who are also the
largest consumer group, will produce more if there is greater consumption and
consequently greater demand for farm produce and products. Such an Act that
combines the principal features of Food for Work programmes and the National
Employment Guarantee Programme would help make food serve the role of currency.
Such a procedure will help improve household nutrition security as well as farmers’

vii. A well-defined, pro-farmer and pro-resource poor consumer Food Security Policy is
an urgent necessity. Food security with home grown foodgrains can alone eradicate
widespread rural poverty and malnutrition, since farming is the backbone of the
livelihood security system in rural India. This will enable the Government to remain
at the commanding height of the national food security system. Building a food
security system and containing price rise with imported foodgrains may sometimes be
a short term necessity, but will be a long term disaster to our farmers and farming.

viii. The time has come for the Government to set up a multi-stakeholder National Food
Security and Sovereignty Board chaired by the Prime Minister with its membership
including the Minister for Agriculture and Food and other concerned Ministers of
GoI, the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission as well as a few Chief
Ministers of food surplus and deficit States, leaders of all national political parties, a
few experts including specialists in the gender dimension of agriculture and food
security, and mass media representatives. We are confronted with the need to
conserve prime farmland and to safeguard the food security requirements of both
resource poor farmers and resource poor consumers. The bulk of such resource poor
consumers are small or marginal farmers and landless agricultural labour in
unirrigated areas. It is these linkages which need to be understood and attended to.
The proposed National Food Security and Sovereignty Board can attend to these
complex linkages in a holistic manner and provide policy guidelines for developing
and implementing a socially and economically sustainable food security programme
catering to the interests of all regions of the country and all sections of our population.

ix. Farm families should also be protected from becoming victims of HIV/AIDS and
tuberculosis (TB). Anti-retroviral drugs should be made available in villages free of
cost. Also the approach to the treatment of HIV/AIDS and TB in villages should be a
food cum drug based one. Nutrition support to rural families affected by HIV/AIDS,
TB, malaria and leprosy is needed to assist in recovery and restoration to a productive
life. There is evidence to suggest that a pure drug based approach alone is not

adequate to help economically underprivileged rural women and men recover from
diseases involving prolonged treatment. The foodgrains allotted to such a programme
can be distributed through the normal channels on the production of a Food Coupon
issued by the appropriate government agencies. For example in the case of
HIV/AIDS, the National AIDS Control Organisation (NACO) would be the
appropriate agency for the issue of food coupon to children, women and men affected
by this debilitating and killing disease. The Food-cum-Drug based approach to
healthcare should become an integral part of the National Rural Health Mission.

x. There is need for a Rural Non-Farm Livelihood Initiative for rural areas. The initiative
could have as its core a more market oriented and professionalized KVIC and a
restructured and financially strengthened SFAC and bring all rural non-farm
employment programmes together in order to generate convergence and synergy
among them. The initiative should be integrated with on-farm employment generation
through a pan-GoI programme to establish ‘Rural Business Hubs’ on the lines of
China’s Township and Village Enterprise (TVE) programme. A consortium approach
involving the different agencies concerned is needed.

xi. An Indian Trade Organisation (ITO) should be established to help the Government to
operate a Livelihood Security Box and link global policies with local action in a
manner beneficial to farmers.

xii. Since agriculture is a State subject, every State Government should set up a State
Farmers’ Commission with an eminent farmer as Chairperson. The membership of the
Commission should include all the principal stakeholders in the farming enterprise.
Such Commissions should submit an Annual Report to be placed before the respective
State Legislature for discussion and decision.

xiii. Agricultural progress should be measured by the growth in the net income of farm
families. Along with production growth rates, income growth rates should also be
measured and published by the Economics and Statistics Directorate of the Union
Ministry of Agriculture.

xiv. Article 243 G of the 11th Schedule of the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992
entrusts Panchayats with responsibility for agriculture including agricultural
extension. They will have to be empowered with the needed information, training and
tools for discharging this responsibility. At the moment there are about 2,25,000
panchayats in the country. The problems facing Indian farmers are generally dealt
with in an aggregated manner – i.e., taking into consideration the problems of over
100 million farming families as a whole which make them appear formidable.
However, if such problems are disaggregated and dealt with by Gram Sabhas and
Panchayats, location-specific problems can be attended to speedily and effectively.
Therefore it is time that the provisions of Article 243 G are implemented, both in
letter and spirit.

xv. There are nearly 1.2 million elected women members in panchayats throughout the
country. They can play a pivotal role in improving the quality of life in villages and in
areas like sanitation, drinking water, child care, early childhood education and
nutrition security. They should be empowered to take up such leadership roles in rural
transformation through appropriate training and capacity building opportunities. An
earmarked Gram Mahila Fund should be available to them for meeting gender-
specific needs.

xvi. Mass media (conventional, electronic and the internet) constitute an important pillar
of our democratic system of governance. Serious famines do not occur in countries
with independent mass media, since they play the role of an early warning system.
The green revolution of the 1960s would not have happened, but for the enthusiastic
support of the media, particularly radio and language newspapers, which not only
spread a message of hope, but also took the latest information on the new
technologies to villages. This aroused enormous enthusiasm among farmers resulting
in a small Government programme becoming a mass movement. There is need now
for spreading messages of hope and information on the agricultural bright spots of the
country. In order to assist the mass media with timely and scientifically accurate
information on issues relating to agriculture, food security and farmers’ welfare, it
will be useful to establish a few Regional Media Resource Centres, in whose
management farmers, media representatives and scientists including extension
personnel should play an important part.

xvii. The Ministry and Departments of Agriculture both in the Centre and States may be
restructured to become Ministry / Department of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare in
order to highlight their critical role in ensuring the income and work security of over
600 million members of India’s population. The change of name should be
accompanied by structural changes which permit the induction of active farm women
and men in senior positions in Government for specific periods and specific tasks.

xviii. We urge the Central and State Governments to consider seriously the question of
including Agriculture under the Concurrent List in Schedule VII, Article 246 of the
Constitution. Important policy decisions like those relating to prices, credit and trade
are taken by the Government of India (GoI). Also, several pieces of legislation
including the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Act, the Biodiversity
Act, the Food Bill, etc., are administered by the GoI. Substantial funds are provided
by GoI for rural infrastructure development including irrigation, village roads and
markets. By placing agriculture on the Concurrent List, serving farmers and saving
farming becomes a joint responsibility of the Centre and States, i.e. a truly national
endeavour in raising the morale, prestige and economic well being of our farm women
and men.

1.5.4 Matching National Policy with Local Diversity and Implementation

Indian agriculture is rich in diversity of soils, climate, farming systems, and resource
endowments. Hence, a broad national policy will have to be tailored to suit different agro-
climatic, socio-economic and socio-cultural factors. The framework for a National Policy for
Farmers presented in this Report will have to be suitably adapted and elaborated to suit local
realities in different parts of the country, particularly with reference to priorities in action
points. State level policies can aim to convert national goals into local action. The State
Farmers’ Commissions could be entrusted with the task of preparing an operational plan for
implementing the National Policy for Farmers on a location-specific basis.

The government has implemented some of the policies viz. renaming the Ministry as Ministry
of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, implementation of the MSP (CII + 50% of CII), creation
of Market Price Stabilization Fund, National Food Bill, and Farmers Parivar Bima Policy etc.
At times, there are gaps in implementation which should be critically analyzed and
judiciously resolved.

1.6 Fostering International Collaboration

Recent changes in global landscape of Agriculture and Food Systems such as

antiglobalization sentiments of some of the most developed countries, trade disputes and
withdrawal of some major countries from major international agreements, viz. Paris
Agreement, are bound to negatively impact international trade and sharing of technologies,
knowledge and human resources, thus exacerbating the under-nutrition, hunger, and poverty
situation. While such international developments should be internalized in national policies
and programs on food and nutrition security and national prosperity, India through national
efforts and international collaboration should continue to promote the humanistic approach to
reach the unreached.

1.7 Emerging Issues Seeking NAAS’s Attention

Some of the new and emerging thoughts contained in our recent publications could be
developed into full concept papers for future brainstorming sessions and other meetings to
help the Government in internalizing latest trends and aspirations. For instance, the chapter
on Education (Chapter 15) has taken due notice of the recent declaration of GoI on “Study in
India” and has suggested to transform the Land Grant Agricultural University System into
World Grant Institutions. Towards this end, the Academy has strongly pleaded to reverse the
unmindful splitting of our Agricultural Universities and disintegration of the Agricultural-
Food Systems. The recent draft report on National Education Policy 2019 implicates possible
abolition of DARE and is at odds with the World Grant Approach of Developing Agricultural
Universities with full integration of sciences, education and extension. It needs to be
examined by the Academy together with other stakeholders.

Another emerging issue is that nationalist populism is endangering global commons.

Appreciating that India would account for almost one-fifth of the world’s population and

nearly one-fourth of the world’s agricultural population, the country should emerge as a
global leader to save the global commons through promoting international collaboration. The
NAAS should be able to visualize global vis-a-vis Indian agriculture towards 2030 and
prioritize the nation’s plans and activities in the areas of science, technology, innovation,
knowledge domains, climate smart agriculture, farmers income and welfare, common
markets, natural resources conservation and equitable sharing, and communication – the
commons which will catalyze and strengthen international collaboration to serve the
humanity at large.

The recent promotion of Zero Budget Natural Farming System (ZBNF) and other such
nonscientific moves in India need scientific scrutiny and evidence-based policy formulation.
The NAAS Brainstorming Workshop on ZBNF held on 21 August 2019 discussed the issue
threadbare and found that ZBNF is a myth and not a reality as it is not supported by any
science-led information. Most of the experiments conducted or in progress favouring ZBNF
were statistically unsound. The data from the farmers’ fields could not be relied upon as each
farmer had added or deleted one or more of the treatments and customized it as per his own
need, resources and wisdom. The preliminary short term results obtained from ICAR
institutes did not support ZBNF. It is a matter of concern as to how the NITI Aayog and the
Finance Minister’s recent Budget Report have endorsed the ZBNF for country-wide adoption.
Considering the long term food and nutrition security and agrarian prosperity needs of the
country, ICAR institutes and SAUs should scientifically verify the claims. The Government
bodies should wait for the scientific results before making unfounded endorsement.

The Global Thought Report, based on FAO analysis, highlights that most developing
countries, including India, are off-track in meeting SDGs1 and 2. It estimates that the climate
change, especially due to increasing incidence of pests and diseases is reducing 35 trillion
calories/year, enough to feed 50 million people. The Report also reiterates that by ensuring
gender parity in agricultural wages, the production can increase by 20 to 30 per cent. These
findings must be kept in mind while formulating policies/strategies/action plans. India had
already missed the most important MDG-1, halving of number of hungry people by 2015. We
cannot afford to miss the SDGs, especially SDG1 and SDG2 – ending poverty and hunger.

1.8 Institutionalize Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Pathways


“Measure to Manage” is most crucial in India as there exists huge technology transfer gap,
and several important targets stand unmet (chapter 17). Lately, several scientifically
unauthenticated technologies, such as Zero Budget Natural Farming, are being advocated,
whereas several scientifically proven technologies, viz. genomics, are being discouraged.
Scientifically evidenced outlines and criteria for evaluating research, technology, innovation,
and education outcomes for development are available and should be used for creation of
reliable databases, cloud computing and measuring veritable main and interaction effects in a
multidisciplinary holistic system for developing effective indicators and sound plans and
implementation pathways, especially for assessing progress in hunger, malnutrition, income

and poverty reduction and elimination. The approach must be able to determine the
differentiated responsibility and accountability of all stakeholders along the value chain and
timeline. It can hardly be overemphasized that monitoring progress towards achieving a New
India free from hunger and malnutrition within the framework of SDGs is essential to drive
the necessary structural and policy reforms - “leaving no one behind”.

Selected References
Government of India (2017) Agricultural Statistics at a Glance. Ministry of Agriculture &
Farmers Welfare, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare,
Directorate of Economics and Statistics
Government of India (2018) Report of the Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income
(Chaired by Ashok Dalwai). 14 Volumes, Department of Agriculture, Cooperation
and Farmers’ Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, 201 pp
Government of India (2019) Report on Policies and Action Plan for a Secure and Sustainable
Agriculture (Chaired by R.S. Paroda). Submitted to The Princiapal Scientific Adviser
to the Government of India, 198 pp
Datta S, Gautam PL, Padmanaban G, Paroda RS, Singh RB, Varma A, et. al (2019) India
needs genetic modification technology in agriculture. Current Science, 117:390-394
FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2018) The State of Food Security and Nutrition in
the World - Building Climate Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition. Rome, FAO
FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2019) The State of Food Security and Nutrition in
the World 2019. Safeguarding Against Economic Slowdowns and Downturns, Rome,
Fuglie K, Gautam M, Goyal A, and William FM (2019) “Harvesting Prosperity : Technology
and Productivity Growth in Agriculture.” Conference Edition, World Bank,
Washington, DC. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO
Mohapatra T (2019) Indian Agriculture : Need and Pathways for Food Security and
Prosperity. Souvenir XIV Agricultural Science Congress, New Delhi, pp 17-21
NAAS (2001) Empowerment of Women in Agriculture. Policy Paper 11, National Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2001) Globalization of Agriculture : R&D in India. Policy Paper 10, National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2010) Agricultural Waste Management. Policy Paper 49, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2015) Role of Social Scientists in National Agricultural Research System (NARS).
Strategy Paper 1, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NCF (2006) Serving Farmers and Saving Farming – Jai Kisan : Revised Draft National
Policy for Farmers. National Commission on Farmers, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI,
New Delhi, 49 pp

Government of India (2007) National Policy for Farmers. Department of Agriculture &
Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture
Pingali P, Sunder N (2017) Transitioning Toward Nutrition-Sensitive Food Systems in
Developing Countries. Annual Review of Resource Economics 9: 439-59
Singh RB (2015) Zero Hunger India: The Challenge. Dr. A.B. Joshi Memorial Lecture,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 44p
United Nations (2015) Global Sustainable Development Report, Sustainable Development

Chapter 2
Major Trends of Production, Productivity, Socio-Economic, and
Agro-Ecological Milieu in India’s Agriculture and Food System

2.1 The Rainbow Revolution

India, through the Green Revolution process ushered in the 1960s, and followed by White,
Yellow and Blue Revolutions, had witnessed unprecedented gains in agricultural and food
production, registering record productions of nearly 300 million tonnes of foodgrains, 315
million tonnes of fruits and vegetables, 176 million tonnes of milk (highest in the world), and
12 million tonnes of fish, rendering India the second largest agrarian economy of the world.

As seen from Table 1 and Figure 1, the production gains have been steadily increasing during
the past six decades or so. Furthermore, the coefficient of variation of production has
somewhat declined despite increasing volatility of climate change, suggesting increased
resilience to the uncertainties. Foodgrain production driven primarily by wheat and rice, the
main Green Revolution crops, between 1951 and 2017 had increased nearly 6 times, oilseeds
6 times, cotton almost 11 times, and milk more than 10 times. Pulses production had
generally remained stagnant, but due to special initiative of the Government it took off during
the past three years, making the country more than self-sufficient in pulses. A similar
approach/strategy is needed for oilseeds economy where the yields are still low and India is
meeting global 70 per cent of its edible oil demand through imports.

Table 1. Production of food grains, pulses, oilseeds, milk, fruits and vegetables, meat (mt)
and eggs (billion).
Year Food grains Pulses Oilseeds Milk Eggs(b) Fruits-Veg. Meat
1951-52 50.82 8.41 5.16 17.0 1.832 166.94* 1.9*
2016-17 275.68 22.95 32.10 165.4 18.139 299.85 7.4
2017-18 284.83 25.23 31.31 176.3 27.950 305.40 11.4
(*data for 2004-05)
Source: Agriculture Statistics, MoA&FW, GoI, 2018

Figure 1. Growth trends in Indian agriculture

Source: Agriculture Statistics, MoA&FW, GoI, various years

The cereals yield was triggered through the large scale adoption of the semi-dwarf, input
responsive, photo-nonsensitive, nonlodging , diseases resistant and widely adapted HYVs of
rice and wheat – the Green Revolution varieties, and later the adoption of single cross maize
hybrids (Figure 2). The production under coarse grains – sorghum, pearl millet and other
coarse grains – often referred to as nutri-cereals had declined, barring Ragi in Karnataka and
adjoining states. Another notable feature is that in recent years, the area under cereals has
slightly declined, but the production maintained a steady trend due to steadily enhancing
yield/ha (Table 2). The production gains in cotton were mostly due to the increase in yield of
Bt hybrid cotton varieties.

Figure 2. Average yield (in kgs per hectare) of selected crops - India




2000 Wheat

Total Cereals

Total Pulses
(Incl. Gram)
Total Grain

500 Total Nine Oil



Source: Agriculture Statistics, MoA&FW, GoI, various years

Table 2. Area and yield of cereals, foodgrains, pulses, oilseeds and cotton

Commodity Area (m ha) Yield (kg/ha)

1950-51 1990-91 2016-17 1950-51 1990-91 2016-17
Cereals 78.2 103.2 99.8 487 1318 2049
Foodgrain 97.3 127.8 127.8 522 1380 2129
Pulses 19.1 24.7 24.7 441 578 786
Oilseeds 10.7 27.2 24.2 481 771 1195
Cotton 5.9 7.4 7.4 88 225 512

Source: Agriculture Statistics, MoA&FW, GoI, various years

The overall agri-food systems production gains were due to the synergy of the increasing use
of genetically improved input responsive HYV seeds, enhanced fertilizer use, expanding
irrigation, and increased cropping intensity (Figure 3) (Singh, 2019). While the net cropped

area remained around 140 m ha, the gross cropped area increased to nearly 200 m ha –
increasing the cropping intensity to over 140 per cent. The fertilizer use increased to around
135 kg/ha, and the net irrigated area increased to about 65 mha now from 21 mha in 1950-51;
and the gross irrigated area has reached 100 m ha. Ultimately a socio-economically desirable
and agro-ecologically compatible cropping system should be evolved to ensure sustainable

Figure 3. Food Production, fertilizer consumption and gross and net cultivated and irrigated area



Foodgrain Production (MT)

Fertilizer Consumption per
hectare (kg) NPK
150 Net Cultivated Area (1951-
Net Irrigated Area (1951-
100 2014)
Gross Cultivated Area
50 Gross Irrigated Area (1951-


Source: (FAI, 2018)

Importantly, despite the addition of nearly one billion people to India’s population during the
past 70 years, the per capita availability and consumption of food in the country had not only
increased (Figure 4), but also the country had become a major exporter of foodgrains and
other agricultural products. For instance, net trade of rice today is valued at US$ 6 billion per
year. And, the Rainbow Revolution had more than halved the incidences of poverty and
hunger in the country and transformed the nation from the state of ship-to-mouth to the state
of Right-to-Food based on home-grown food. The revolution was largely due to the synergy
of technologies, informed policies, services, farmers’ enthusiasm and strong political will.

Figure 4. Population and per capita availability of commodities (Anon, 2017)

Source: Agriculture Statistics, MoA&FW, GoI, 2017

Production trends of major individual crops and commodities reveal that the production gains
have been uninterrupted amidst the changing agri-food scenarios and the climate change,
showing no signs of technology fatigue. Thus, the often-expressed opinion that the Green
Revolution has waned is not substantiated. As discussed later, this continued enhanced
production has occurred at a cost - the benefit-cost ratio of the increasing inputs has
decreased (efficiency-loss), the depletion of soil, water, and environmental health, and
increased cost of production, and lessening growth in net income of farmers. Much of this
loss is essentially due to non-judicious adoption of the recommended technology packages.
In order to render the Green Revolution an Evergreen Revolution, it is a must not only to
adopt the proven/recommended technologies most judiciously, but also to develop and
adopt/adapt new modern cost-effective, environment-friendly and high-yielding technologies
and innovations (Singh, 2011). Had this path been adopted, the slopes of the per capita food
availability lines would have been much steeper.

Cautioning against exploitative agriculture pursued with greed for immediate profit and
production motive, M.S. Swaminathan had advocated for adoption of an “Evergreen
Revolution” approach, the term he had coined to realize synergistic integration of economy,
ecology and equity in perpetuity. He had pleaded that the paradox of co-existence of
revolutionary technologies and poverty ought to be resolved, and had hoped that “Science for
Inclusive Human Development” will be the way forward. Advocating a differentiated
approach to meet the farmers needs, Swaminathan (2007) had identified three categories of

farm families: first, those possessing assets like land, livestock or fishponds; second, those
without the assets, who earn their livelihood through wage employment; and third, rural
artisans working in the secondary and tertiary sectors of the economy. Accordingly, a three
pronged strategy was suggested consisting of: (i) improving the productivity of natural
resources, (ii) converting unskilled agricultural labour into skilled entrepreneurs, and (iii)
organizing market driven non-farm enterprises and enhancing skills of the families involved
in these sectors.

2.2 Unethical Persistence of High Incidences of Hunger and Poverty - the

Indian Enigma Had Persisted Long, but Poverty is Now Declining

While India registered an unprecedented increase in food production during the past 20 years,
of the world’s 821 million undernourished people in 2017, 196 million, more than 16 per cent
of the world, were from India (Table 3). As regards poverty, the high overall economic
growth rate of 7 to 8 per cent during the past 10 to 15 years has finally started trickling down
to the lower levels. The multidimensional poverty index (MPI) (not 1.9 $ a day criterion)
released on September 20, 2018 by UNDP and Oxford Poverty and Human Development
Initiative (OPHI), states “In India 271 million people moved out of poverty between 2005/06
and 2015/16. The poverty rate here has nearly halved, falling from nearly 55 per cent over the
10-year period. Over half of all multi-dimensionally poor in India live in the four poorest
states – Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh, accounting for 196 million
MPI poor people.”

In Asia and the Pacific Region food insecurity and malnutrition are at odds with the Region’s
high economic growth. Progress towards SDG2 & other goals are unsatisfactory. In fact, in
recent years, the rate of hunger reduction has slowed down. Poverty and inequity reduction is
slow, especially in rural areas which housed over 80 per cent of the poor in South Asia. Thus,
agriculture, despite its decreasing share in GDP, should continue to get high attention for
Table 3. Number of undernourished people, 2017 (million)
Geographic Number of Number of children Number of children
entity undernourished people under 5 wasted under 5 stunted
World 821 51 151
India 196 26 47
China 125 1.6 6.9
Asia 515 35 84
Africa 257 14 59
Source: FAO, The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2018

2.3 Agriculture and Food Systems to Break the Enigma and to Help
Achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As mentioned earlier, in agriculturally important countries, like India, growth in Agriculture

and Food System (AFS) is almost three times more effective in alleviating hunger, poverty
and undernutrition than analogous growth in other sectors. In order to maintain the climb
town of poverty and hunger, India must register an over 4 per cent growth rate in agri-food
systems. Having already attained the desired food production level, now with the emphasis
on DFI and alleviating the glaring inequity between farmer and non-farmer income, we have
to redefine our agriculture development strategy as proposed by the DFI Committee (Dalwai
Report 2018) “to generate both food and raw material, to meet the requirement of modern
society for feed, fibre, fuel and other industrial uses, and in a manner that is sustainable and
aims to bring economic growth to farmers.” In order to impart a more robust and
comprehensive mandate to the agriculture sector, the Report suggested as below:

a) Agriculture has the moral responsibility of meeting food and nutritional security of
the country in consonance with the agro-ecological backdrop
b) It has to generate gainful employment resulting in income gains to make the farmers
more economically secure
c) It has to generate raw material that will directly support agro-processing of food and
non-food products to support secondary agriculture
d) It has to support agro-processing industry to produce primary and intermediate goods,
which will feed the manufacturing sector
e) Agricultural practices need to be on a sustainable basis.

Analogous suggestions were also made by NAAS in its policy papers and its recent Congress
discussing agricultural transformation to attain the SDGs. Towards these goals NAAS had
also emphasized equality and equity and women empowerment.

Being the second largest agriculture economy in the world, India must harness its AFS
effectively to break the enigmatic co-existence of high economic growth and the deprivations
(an infamous Indian Enigma). The food and agriculture system must be transformed so that
the related development should not mean only enhanced production, instead it should mean
production plus plus, with equal emphasis on remunerative net income of the farmer, physical
and economic access to adequate quality food, safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene,
ecological efficiency, environmental health, nutritional adequacy, inclusiveness, and
sustainability, seeking a wholesome and integral approach – the cherished Sustainable
Development Goals.

The projected production growth shows that towards the year 2030 the trend will be
maintained and supply will mostly exceed demand, resulting in sizable exportable surplus,
except in case of edible oils. As regards pulses, having already produced nearly 25 million
tonnes during 2018-19, India will have surplus pulses production in 2030 (Table 4). The
challenges in future will thus be to achieve these gains with enhanced input use efficiency

and equitable economic and social access to adequate nutritious food, and the “cost-risk-
return” structure of farming must be significantly improved in face of the increasing
volatilities of climate change and markets.

Table 4. Supply - demand gap of foodgrain and high value commodities in 2030

Commodities Supply Demand Gap (+/-)

Rice 122.1 122.4 -0.3
Wheat 128.8 114.6 14.2
Coarse cereals 64.2 47.2 17.0
Pulses* 23.7 26.6 -2.8
Foodgrain 338.8 310.8 28.0
Sugar 40.3 39.2 1.1
Edible oils 19.1 21.3 -2.1
Milk 179.4 170.4 8.8
Fish 11.9 11.1 0.8
Source: Kumar & Joshi (2016)
* To be revised based on the 2018-19 performance

2.4 Population: By 2027 India will be Most Populous Country of the


By 2027, India will become the most populous country of the world, housing nearly 1.4
billion people. It is projected to reach 1.52 billion by 2030 and 1.7 billion by 2050. China’s
population by then would have stabilized at 1.3 billion, thus India would be having 400
million more people than China in 2050.

The world population will increase from its present level of 7.4 billion to about 9.0 billion in
2050 and nearly 10 billion in 2100. This growth will be primarily driven by high population
growth rates in developing countries, mostly in Africa and South Asia and Asia as a whole. It
is projected that by 2100 when the world population is stabilized, more than 85 per cent of
the world’s people will be housed in Africa and Asia. India, one of the densest countries in
the world will be housing 1.7 billion people in its land area of only 3.3 million sq/km, while
China’s 1.3 billion will be housed in its huge land mass of 9.6 million sq/km – India thus will
be carrying about four time greater population pressure on its land resources as compared to

Nearly 60 per cent of India’s population will be in the age group of 18 to 35, a huge
demographic dividend. However, as per the current trend, the youth is generally not
interested in adopting farming as a career, and out migration has been steadily increasing,
adding to the poverty hubs in the cities – the preferred emigration destinations. Since
generally males migrate in search of jobs leaving their families behind, the increased
migration flow has enhanced feminization of agriculture. Clearly, policies should be

formulated to promote decent employment and income generating opportunities, especially in
rural areas, and agricultural operations should be rendered women-friendly.

In order to harness the dividend judiciously, Indian agriculture must be commercialized. A

sizable part of the youth must become entrepreneurs to accelerate the overall economic
growth as well as to create new jobs and enhance employment security. This should be
coupled with a strong push for agricultural export and skill development. The Prime Minister,
addressing the Governing Council of NITI Aayog on 15th June 2018 asked the Chief
Ministers to focus on export promotion for boosting income and jobs (see chapter 8 for the
prospect of entrepreneurship in India).

2.5 Climate Change: India Highly Vulnerable to CC

Climate change, the volatile fluctuation in rainfall, temperature, drought, floods, and frost are
overwhelmingly impacting food and livelihood security of all. Threats of new pests and
diseases and epidemics have greatly increased.

• Impacts of climate change on crop yields are already evident across several regions of
the world. On an average, although some positive impacts are evident in certain
areas/pockets, largely the impacts are negative, net global yields of maize and wheat
will be suppressed by 4 and 5 per cent, respectively by 2050s, average yields for eight
major crops in South Asia will decline by 8 per cent

• Tropical crops, livestock and fisheries are most affected by current climate change;
regions of major exposure to climate change coincide with high prevalence of poverty
and food insecurity. India and other South Asian countries are most vulnerable to
climate change and it is this region which has the highest concentration of food-
insecure people and undernourished children

• Greater exposure to climate risks increases the vulnerability of food insecure

individuals and households, particularly the marginal and sub-marginal farmers. High
recurrences of climate extremes, such as droughts, floods, heat, and cold waves
exacerbate the vulnerability of the hungry. Intense seasonal hunger further deepens
chronic hunger, nutritional insecurity, and overall livelihood insecurity.

Freshwater availability in South Asia is likely to decrease. Even the most optimistic studies
indicate that agriculture in India and South Asia will be particularly hard hit by water stress
by 2025 (Figure 5). During the last 130 years, the region has faced more than 26 droughts.
Nearly 70 per cent of the land is drought prone, 12 per cent flood-prone and 8 per cent
cyclone-prone. While frost is common in northern regions, heat is a frequent incidence at
many places.

Figure 5. Future Climate Change: Water Stress

Projected for 2025

Considering the demand of water from agricultural, urban, industrial

and human demand, and heat load, modeling data projects water stress
around the globe w ill be increased. Severe stress in regions of India.

Source: IPCC

While South Asia as a whole is projected to suffer highly from the climate volatilities, India is
projected to suffer the most in the world in terms of loss of agricultural productivity (Table 5).
Table 5. Projected changes in agricultural productivity from climate change at 2050

Country per cent

Australia -17
Canada -1
United States -4
China -4
India -25
Brazil -10
European Union -4
Least developed countries -18
Poorest are Hardest Hit by CC, India has largest no. of poor &

Source: IPCC

The Crisis Management Plan of the GoI (2012) reported that annually 50 million people are
exposed to chronic drought. Sixteen per cent of India’s land area is drought prone and 68 per
cent of the land area sown is exposed to drought. The Southwest monsoons account for 86
per cent of rainfall occurring in 100-120 days. Thirty three per cent of land receives less than
750 mm of rainfall, and is classified as chronically drought prone. Rainfall is erratic in four
out of ten years. Per capita water availability is rapidly declining due to population and urban
growth, industrialization, cropping intensity and depleting groundwater. The entire country

had already become water stressed in 2006. Today the per capita water availability is around
1400 m3/year, in between the water stress and water scarcity lines. Unfavorable rainfall
pattern and frequency of occurrence of extreme events such as drought and temperature
events are becoming highly discernible over the years. It is estimated that 5700 sq. km of
coastal area in India will be lost due to 1 m sea level rise, displacing 7.1 million people.

John Dixon (2019), at the XIV Agricultural Science Congress of NAAS, had concluded
“Policy makers and science leaders need to be aware of the tight nexus between climate,
agriculture and economic growth. The challenge of maintaining food security while reducing
green house gas emissions was a central challenge. But the most important challenge for
farmers in low income countries has been adapting to the increased variability and frequency
of extreme events which are occurring. Considerable investment in Climate Smart
Agriculture has created frameworks at the international and regional (e.g., South Asia) levels.
Fortunately, there are a sub-set of CSA practices which foster mitigation while building
resilience and adaptive capacity of farmers, i.e. a win-win way forward. Effective CSA
implementation requires appropriate technologies, social capital, institutions and enabling
policies. Because of the diversity of farming systems and seasons, big data and modelling
will contribute to progress with CSA technologies. Policy makers need good targeting
approaches such as the FAO/World Bank farming systems framework to optimise

2.6 Increasing Pressure on Diminishing Natural Resources

India has been able to feed its vast population and enacted the National Food Security Act
which legally empowers the population below the poverty line to be provided with the basic
food requirements. But with the population expected to reach 1.7 billion by 2050, the
pressure on land, water and other resources to meet its food and development needs is going
to be very intense. Food and nutritional security of India is threatened by issues like severe
decline in the health and productivity of the soil and water leading to decline in total factor
productivity, low nutrient content in the food, poor health of the crops predisposing them to
severe insect-pests and diseases, ultimately resulting in poor health of human beings and

As regards share of agriculture in total production and employment will continue to decline at
varying rates in different economies. While new technologies and investments are increasing
agricultural productivity, the slowing growth of yield is a matter of concern. Food losses and
wastes are substantial and must be reduced to lessen the pressure on production - save and
grow. Moreover, the degradation of natural resources, the loss of biodiversity, increasing
competition for use of the shrinking resources, and the spread of transboundary pests and
diseases continue unabated.

Chapters 7,9,10,11 give detailed account of state of biodiversity, soil, water, and agro-chemical
resources and their sustainable use consistent with the socio-economic development. It will be
noted that nutrient deficiency in our soils is ever-increasing (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Progressive expansion in the occurrence of nutrient
nutrient deficiencies

- Cu
Mo Mo Mo
Mn Mn Mn Mn Mn
Zn Zn Zn Zn Zn P
P P P P P Fe
Fe Fe Fe Fe Fe
Fe N
1950 1960 1970 1980 1985 1990 2005 2017

Similarly, with the business as usual, per capita water availability will hit the critical level by
2051 (Figure 7), decreasing from 5171 m3/year in 1951 to 1140 m3 /year in 2051; 1000
m3/capita/year means water scarcity level.

Figure 7: Change in per capita water availability since 1951.

Often the Green Revolution is blamed for the soil, water, agro-chemicals-based
agro based pollution and
biodiversity loss. This is largely not true. The packages of practices recommend for different
sets of varieties, the recommended balanced use of fertilizers and pesticides, the application
of organic manures, integrated nutrient management, irrigation intensity, schedule, practices
and infrastructure, integratedd pest management, eliminating use of spurious pesticides and
other agro-chemicals,
chemicals, and appropriate cropping and farming system practices have seldom
been adopted and followed in entirety. Policy-induced
Policy induced inappropriate use of fertilizers and
water mining aree some of the main causes of the deteriorating soil health, decreasing water
availability and water quality. Our weak extension services, awareness raising activities,

farmer’s participation in decision making, timely and affordable availability of quality
resources, poor infrastructure, and highly asymmetrical social protection and support are the
main causes of the natural resources degradation. The “efficiency” and “accountability”
aspects are seldom respected.

2.7 Predominance of Smallholder Farmers and increased Fragmentation

of Farm Holdings

India will be having one-fourth of the world’s smallholder and marginal farmers. With the
current trend of fragmentation of landholdings, the average farm size is expected to reach 1.1
ha by 2030 and nearly 90 per cent of the farmers will be in the marginal and smallholder
category. But, they will be producing only 42 per cent of the total agri-foods. Since marginal
and sub-marginal farmers comprise the majority of the rural poor and hungry (Table 6), a
holistic pro-smallholder approach should be adopted for averting risks and acceleration of
Table 6. Proportion of poor and undernourished persons in different farm-size groups in rural
India, 2004

Farm Size Share of each group in total Share of each group in

poor, per cent total under-nourished,
per cent
Agrl. Labourer 26.4 22.0
Marg. Farms 56.8 51.3
Small Farms 2.9 3.9
Med. Farms 1.3 2.1
Large Farms 0.4 0.6
Other Rural 12.2 20.1
Source: Kumar P, 2004

The business as usual has failed to adopt a holistic pro-smallholder approach for the
entitlement to land and other production resources, acquisition of agricultural knowledge,
technology generation and transfer, linking farmers with markets, enhancing their incomes,
and management of climate change and risks. We need to answer the questions as to how can
the requisite empowerment be accomplished, and the smallholders are enabled to accept the
challenges and opportunities of new developments, such as bio-technology, informatics, and
globalization? What socioeconomic policies shall facilitate the empowerment?

The land reforms and land use policies must not encourage conversion of rural poor into
urban destitute. Fragmentation of farms below a certain size, say 0.5 ha, should be stopped.
Land lease markets should be liberalized to promote scale of economy and to aggregate
miniscule holdings. Land acquisition rules and guidelines should not only be transparent, but
also be pro-poor and improve farmers’ income and employment security (Singh,, 2002).

The potential of smallholders will be realized only when the smallholders are empowered to
access the crucial resources and entitlements viz. land, water, energy, credit, insurance,
markets and appropriate technologies. They should have opportunities to develop skills and
to access the information wherewith to use them. They should be linked with functional and
fair markets both for products and inputs and reduced market risks and transaction costs.
Enhanced employment and income security, health care and sanitation, and education and
social services will go a long way in empowering the smallholder farmers.

Small Farmer’s Agribusiness Consortium of the Ministry of Agriculture could proactively

develop agribusiness projects and arrange venture capital flow for development of
agribusinesses in the country in association with commercial banks. Rural India will have to
take a plunge in the main stream of globalization and compete globally for gaining leadership
to generate wealth and job opportunities in order to remove hunger and alleviate poverty. The
“Rural Business Hubs” concept of corporate sector should become a popular movement. Agri
Marts, Agriclinics, Contract Farming (farmer-friendly), Agri Parks, Special Agri Zones,
Farmer Producer Companies, Primary Cooperatives etc. could all become instruments of
farmer-market-rural employment linkage design and strategy. IFPRI studies have shown that
farmers could substantially enhance their incomes through contract farming. Government
should play a facilitating role to empower farmers to come on grips with market mechanisms
and, if necessary, provide support in form of direct subsidies to the deprived ones.

Research must become more development oriented with focus on the resource-poor
smallholder farmer. Some of the issues which should be researched on priority basis to
inform policies are: (i) reliable biosecure measures towards harnessing biotechnology and
other cutting-edge technologies with smooth and cost-effective flow of quality seeds, (ii)
insulating the poor from the uncertainties of market and climate change and translating price
incentives into increased net income and welfare of farmers, especially the smallholders, and
(iii) prospects of agricultural diversification and enhanced labour-productivity.

Besides addressing the challenges of the widening farmers-nonfarmers and rural-urban

inequity and divides, India is managing 18 per cent of world population (and will soon be the
most populous country of the world) from only 2.4 per cent of the world’s arable land and 4
per cent of the world’s agricultural water, whereas the land : man ratio is worsening and rural
youth population is bulging and most of them are under-employed or unemployed and their
employability is low due to defective educational and human resources development spread.
The situation is further exacerbated due to shrinking land, water and biodiversity resources
and the accelerating climate change volatilities and market uncertainties.

With the above backdrop, India must adopt More from Less for More (MLM) approach,
establish agricultural product-industry linkage, transform subsistence agriculture to
commercial agriculture, an agri-entrepreneurial and agri-business approach along the entire
value chain, and update the university curricula to promote ARYA (attracting and retaining
youth in agriculture) and MAYA (motivating agricultural youth for agri-business). We must
also take note of the fast increasing feminization of agriculture and have special programs

empowering women farmers by enhancing their entitlements, entrepreneurial skill along the
value-chain - processing and value addition.

2.8 Urbanization

Urbanization in the world will increase from the present level of 55 per cent to 68 per cent in
2050. In India also, urbanization is increasing fast, reaching 35 per cent now from 30 per cent
in 2007, and is expected to reach 60 per cent by 2050. Simultaneously, the middle class is
increasing annually by 10 per cent. These trends have accelerated the dietary transition,
increasing demand for processed foods, as well as animal-source food, fruits and vegetables.
New technologies, particularly machines and tools are being developed to meet the labour
shortages, and off-farm employment opportunities in processing, transport, wholesaling,
retailing and vending are increasing.

2.9 Agrarian Economy

India today is the second largest agrarian economy in the world, being a leading producer of
food grains, cotton, horticultural commodities, dairy and poultry, aquaculture, and spices.
Agricultural production is valued at $401 billion in 2017, which is more than that of US
($279 billion). India’s global trade in agricultural produces also fetches higher revenue for the
country than the services and the manufacturing sectors. Over the three decades from the
1970s until the year 2001, India’s agricultural GDP rose from $25 billion to $101 billion,
witnessing an absolute growth of $76 billion. However, during the next 16 years from 2001
to 2017, it leapfrogged from $101 billion to $401 billion, an unprecedented increase (Shroff,
2019), as shown in Table 7.
Table 7. India’s agricultural output (in billion $) since 1960

Year 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2014 2017

Agriculture output ($ bn) 15 25 61 86 101 290 342 401

Source: (Shroff, 2019)

With a high diversity of topography, climate and soil, India is inherently an agricultural
powerhouse harvesting multiple produces, an uncommon situation. India’s cropping intensity
is the highest in the world. The small-sized, family farms in India have imbibed integrated
farming systems, which is a synergistic mix and match of agriculture, horticulture, fish
farming and livestock farming.

As expected, agriculture’s contribution to the national GDP has been decreasing and is
presently around 15 per cent, from 54 per cent in 1950-51, but still agriculture provides
employment to about 48 per cent of the Indian workforce. This has widened the income gap
between farmers and non-farmers, currently being around 1:6. Income inequality is rising

fast often due to inequality in skill level and access to modern technologies, automation,
digitization and artificial intelligence (AI).

Earlier the Planning Commission and now NITI Aayog had suggested an agricultural GDP
growth rate of 4.0 per cent per annum to support the overall desired national GDP growth rate
of 8 to 9 per cent. Agricultural growth rate was around 1 per cent per annum in the 1960s,
ranged from 2.2 per cent to 2.7 per cent per annum in the post reform period, touched 3.7 per
cent per annum during 2004-05 to 2013-14, and touching the cherished growth rate of 4.3 per
cent per annum in the period 2009-10 to 2013-14. But, during the last five years it has dipped
back to 2.7 per cent per annum, brought down due to two drought years during the period.
The low and fluctuating rates are non-conducive to steady and increased farmer’s income.

2.10 Socio-Economic Support – Protection Floors

Credit has played an important role in agricultural development in India, and the GoI has to
expand the outreach of institutional credit. The recent initiatives are: Kisan Credit Card
(1998-99), the Doubling Agricultural Credit Within Three Years (2004), the 2008
Agricultural Debt Relief Scheme, the Interest Subvention Scheme (2010-11), and the 2014
Jan Dhan Yojana. Other measures to enhance the flow of credit to rural poor include: the
Lead Bank Scheme, the Differential Rate of Interest Scheme, the Service Area Approach, the
Self-Help Group Banks, Special Agricultural Credit Plans and Rural Infrastructure
Development Plan resulting in increasing the ratio of agricultural credit to agricultural GDP
from 10 per cent in 1999-2000 to 43 per cent in 2016-17. These supports have generally
contributed to increase in agricultural productivity and household income.

In recent years loan waivers have emerged as major options for alleviating agrarian distress.
Starting from the first loan waiver in 1987 by the Haryana Government, 22 loan waivers were
effected upto 2018, 20 by State Governments and two by Central Government in 1990 and
2008. The waivers during the past five years, 2014-2018, ranged from Rs. 8,165 crore in
Karnataka in 2017 (188 per cent of the State’s agricultural budget of that year) to Rs. 36,359
crores in Uttar Pradesh (314 per cent of the State’s agricultural budget of the same year), as
detailed below (Table 8). In Percentage term, the waiver was most intense in Karnataka
during 2018.

The highest loan waiver of 2008 by the Central Government of Rs. 717 billion was about 1.3
per cent of the country’s GDP (De and Tantri, 2014). Studies have shown that (a) loan
waiving is not a fiscally prudent measure, (b) loan waving is not inclusive across different
categories of farmers, regions and gender, (c) loan waiving leads to credit rationing in loan
allocation in subsequent years, and (d) loan waiving has deleterious effect on the repayment
culture among the borrowers, Moreover, loan waiving is not a prudent measure from political
economy perspectives, and it does not even provide guarantee to the incumbent political party
to return in power.

Table 8. Opportunity cost of loan waiver policy

State Year Waiver Agri. Budget Wavier as per

(Rs. in crore) (Rs. in crore) cent of Agri.
Karnataka 2018 34,000 5,080 669
Rajasthan 2017 20,000 3,072 651
Karnataka 2017 8,165 4,344 188
Maharashtra 2017 34,022 10,344 329
Punjab 2017 10,000 2,548 392
Uttar Pradesh 2017 36,359 11,589 314
Telangana 2014 16,374 6,312 259
Andhra Pradesh 2014 24,000 10,424 230
Uttar Pradesh 2012 1,650 7,650 22
Source: Phadnis A and Gupta A (2017) cited in NAAS Policy Paper 91, 2019

Joshi, in their article “Why Punjab needs incentives, not loan waivers” in Financial
Express May 3, 2017 had highlighted that the average outstanding loan was nearly three
times higher in Punjab compared with the rest of India. But, 80% of the loan was with large
farmers, hence being of little assistance to the smallholders. They suggested that instead of
loan waivers the Government should offer farmers incentives to adopt technologies
facilitating crop diversification, providing crop insurance, reduced use of water, promoting
solar energy, and better rice residue management leading to enhanced sustainability,
productivity and income.

On the other hand, better economic policy and instruments are available to address agrarian
distress more efficiently and effectively, such as direct benefit transfer to farmers like Rythu
Bandhu, KALIA, PM-KISAN, /NYAYA etc. can be more effective than loan waiving. Loan
waiver ‘crowds-out’ long-term public investment in agriculture. These trends question the
efficacy of loan waiving in serving the masses. Several other measures, particularly the
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN), have emerged as social transfer
mechanisms. These need to be analyzed scientifically to provide evidence-based sound policy
options and actions for social and economic protection to serve the poor and revitalize the
agrarian economy.

2.11 Doubling Farmers Income

The Situation Assessment Surveys of NSSO show that the average monthly income of
agricultural households in current prices increased from Rs. 2115 in 2003 to Rs. 6426 in
2012-13. The share of cultivation in total income is the highest at 46 per cent in 2003 and 48
per cent in 2013. The share of income from animals rose while that the wages and non-farm
business declined in 2013 as compared to those of 2003. A strategy paper released by the
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare gave the estimated farmers monthly income of
Rs. 8059 in 2015-16. This was about one-fourth of the national average per capita income.

With the agricultural growth rate hovering around 3 per cent annually, farmers have felt
severe economic distress, hence the clarion call by the Prime Minster to Double Farmers
Income by 2022.

The Hon’ble Prime Minister’s call for Doubling Farmers Income (DFI) by 2022 conveys the
strong message that “farming must be treated as an enterprise, and the future agricultural
development will have the returns first and not the outputs from the farms as its prime
objective”. Thus it is agriculture Plus Plus with comprehensive strategic geo-political
significance, especially for minimizing the widening inequalities and the huge income gap,
between farmers and non-farmers. The entire Government, especially those in Agri-food
system and the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, the NITI Aayog, and other
related Ministries, are highly sensitized to take this call as a national cause and work together
to achieve the goal.

The NAAS, other concerned think tanks, individuals and institutions have suggested varying
yet converging strategies for DFI. The inter-ministerial committee on Doubling Farmers’
Income, Chaired by Dr. Ashok Dalwai, has made comprehensive recommendations to
achieve the goal. Adopting a differentiated and disaggregated approach through a holistic,
multidisciplinary and inter-ministerial process of agri-food system management, the country
should meet this difficult but noble goal. It is projected to raise the average annual income of
farmer household to Rs. 2,19,724 by 2022-23, from Rs 96,703 in 2015-16 with the help of
additional public and private investment of Rs. 6.4 lakh crore. Research, technology, and
innovation synergized with pragmatic policies, targeted budget allocations, and governance
should be able to achieve the target.

The following seven sources of growth were identified by the DFI Committee:

Within the agriculture domain

• Improvement in crop productivity.

• Improvement in livestock productivity.
• Resource use efficiency or saving in cost of production.
• Increase in cropping intensity.
• Diversification towards high value crops.
• Improvement in real prices received by farmers.

Outside the agriculture domain

• Shift from farm to non-farm occupations. A differentiated and disaggregated approach

will be need at the Central and State levels with strong Implementation teams.

For further details please see Chapter 5.

2.12 Inequality and Inequity

As discussed earlier, the wide income gaps between farmers and non-farmers, serious
economic and social inequities and inequalities exist at various levels viz rural vs urban;
farmers vs nonfarmers; small farmers vs large farmers; male vs female etc. These pervasive
and persistent inequalities are leaving too many rural people mired in hunger and rural
poverty. High levels of youth unemployment and underemployment in rural areas prevent
households from escaping poverty for good. Population growth is outpacing the creation of
off-farm jobs, thus perpetuating the inequality.

Marginal, sub-marginal and smallholder farmers comprise nearly 50 per cent of the country’s
population. They are generally poor and under-nourished as they were largely bypassed in the
rural development process. The high GDP growth registered in the country was thus less
effective in reducing poverty and under-nutrition, especially in rural areas. Recent research
confirms that “high initial levels of inequality limit the effectiveness of growth in reducing
poverty, while increasing inequality reduces the impact of growth on poverty for any given
level of growth”. The World Bank had also stated that “economic growth has little power to
reduce absolute poverty in countries with income inequality”.

The United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development held in Rio de Janeiro from
June 20 to 22, 2012 in its Resolution document “The Future We Want” reiterates the global
“commitment to sustainable development and to ensuring the promotion of an economically,
socially and environmentally sustainable future for our planet and for present and future
generations”. Promoting inclusive and equitable economic growth for reducing inequalities
was a major resolution. The support to developing countries to help eradicate poverty and to
empower the poor and vulnerable people, complemented by effective social policies,
including social protection floors was emphasized. Social systems that address and reduce
inequality, essential for eradicating poverty should strongly be supported.

Pro-poor or inclusive growth was emphasized in the XI Plan, and the emphasis continued in
the XII Plan. Notwithstanding the desirability of assessing and monitoring the impact of this
thrust on key indicators of human development and inequality, a set of actions (as reproduced
below) are implied for translating the policy options into tangible AREE4D outcomes to
enhance equality.

• Critically review gaps in productivity, technology options and human resources, and
strengthen capacity at various levels to ensure technology generation, assessment and
diffusion as well as for scaling-up and scaling-out of best practices identified through
using the filters of efficiency, effectiveness, economic viability and sustainability

• Undertake a massive mission mode programme on rural employment security much

beyond MNREGA and institutionalise on-farm and non-farm employment, including
post-harvest management, agro-processing, value addition, value chain management
and developing infrastructure for reaching the unreached

• Target and monitor both income and non-income equality within the development
framework of the National Development Plan by developing and rigorously using
socio-economic and environmental indicators in order to measure cross-sectoral
impact on the poor

• Substantially increase development grants to the hot spots and rigorously monitor
coherent implementation of the programmes specifically designed for alleviating
poverty and hunger

• Develop/refine/adopt adaptation measures and most vital mitigation measures such as

insurance and other risk proofing steps to attain climate resilient agriculture and

• Provide targeted subsidies, hassle-free credit flow and market linkage through
smallholder estates and producers’ companies to the resource-poor farmers and other
rural poor who are most vulnerable to the market volatility.

2.13 Economic Growth, Population Dynamics, and Diversification Driving

Structural Changes

Since 2004-05, entire growth of employment in rural areas was due to non-farm employment
– a major structural change (NABARD, 2018). And this trend must be fortified for Doubling
Farmers Income. With the Hon’ble Prime Minister’s call for Doubling Farmers Income
(DFI) by 2022, structural changes will be needed in both output and employment of
agriculture. Thus it will mean Agriculture in comprehensive sense including the entire value
chain – processing and value addition, which will enhance inter-sectoral linkages as well as
employment opportunities.

A grain saved is a grain produced. Food losses and waste claim a significant proportion of
agricultural output. And, much of it could be and must be saved. Despite tremendous
potential for agro-processing and creation of off-farm employment, India is far behind in this
aspect. Current agro-processing intensity is hardly 10 per cent. With the strengthening of the
value-chain concept in the segments of food-processing, cold chains, wholesellers, retail
trades and foreign direct investment, various linkages can be strengthened ultimately leading
to emergence of supermarkets, thus establishing effective farmer-market links.

Diversification within agriculture sector, diversification from agriculture to allied activities

like livestock and fisheries, and structural changes from agricultural and allied sector to rural
non-farm sector are evident (Dev, 2018). Shares of cereals and nutri-cereals have declined
whereas those of livestock plus fisheries and fruits and vegetables have significantly
increased (Table 9). Contribution of these allied sectors to the Agriculture GDP has increased
to around 60 per cent, and these are growing at a satisfactory rate of 5 to 6 per cent per
annum. The Amul management model led by Dr. Kurien – Father of White Revolution,
spearheaded by National Dairy Development Board, is an innovative approach of mutually
reinforcing linkages among milk production, processing and marketing. Similar approach
could be adopted in other sub-sectors. Further, both marine and inland fisheries had

registered impressive growth based on scientific advances made in the production of seed,
feed, and captive breeding as well as crafts and gear.
Table 9. Share in value of production (2004-05 prices) per cent
Crops 1960-61 to 1968-69 1975-76 to 1988-89 2004-05 to 2014-15
Paddy and Wheat 18.2 21.2 17.9
Nutri-cereals 6.9 5.0 2.7
Pulses 7.3 5.0 3.0
Oilseeds 7.1 6.3 6.7
Sugar 4.5 4.1 4.5
Cotton and Jute 2.9 2.4 3.3
Condiments and spices 1.7 1.7 2.6
Fruits & Vegetables 10.6 14.7 18.8
Floriculture 0.3 0.4 0.9
All Crops 77.1 75.4 69.6
Livestock 20.1 21.4 25.8
Fisheries 2.9 3.3 4.6
Source: GOI (2017)

Current Gross Value Addition for agriculture sector in India was Rs. 17.7 trillion (USD 274
billion), expected to grow at 2 per cent annually. Top five trends to shape Indian agriculture
sector are:

1) Digital innovation
2) Effective climate risk mitigation strategy
3) Developing vibrant startup ecosystem
4) Leveraging the Farmer Producer Organization (FPO) movement
5) Water management initiative.

As regards water, recently the Centre has set up team for water harvesting involving 550
senior officers to work in 1593 water-stressed blocks falling under 255 districts – a Jal Shakti
Abhiyan. It has also been highlighted that, only 18 per cent of India’s 17.9 m rural homes
have tap water. The coverage varies widely from state to state, being as high as 99 per cent in
Sikkim and 78 per cent in Gujarat to as low as 1 per cent in UP, West Bengal, Meghalaya and
2 per cent in Bihar and Assam.

2.14 Farmer-Market Linkage and Value Chain Management

Assured and remunerative markets hold the key to retaining the interest of farmers in
farming, and also to attract the youth in farming. While FDI in agriculture is bound to be
promoted under “Make-in-India” thrust, farmers should be looked at as agri-preneurs who
interact with corporate entrepreneurs, needing business models to be worked out to provide
win-win options. Appreciating that agriculture is the biggest private sector economic activity
in India, we must move from 3Ps to 4Ps i.e. Public- Private-Producer-Partnership.

Prevention of post harvest losses, processing and product development deserve priority in our
agricultural policy framework. Post-production losses of perishables and semi-perishables
especially in milk, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are high, estimated at Rs. 50,000 crore
annually. About 50 per cent of these losses are preventable using suitable post-harvest
technologies. Cost-effective processing, value addition, packaging, cold chain, product
quality and safety and prolonged shelf life technologies are the need of the hour, not only for
saving the harvest, but also for providing additional off-farm employment. Let us remember,
that a grain saved is a grain produced, and an unsafe food is no food, and is also a health

As we live in a globalized and liberalized world, greater understanding of market intelligence

mechanisms, good trade practices, and legal aspects of the multilateral trade regime and
agreements and intellectual property rights is absolutely necessary. This calls for the
development and institutionalization of user-friendly knowledge systems to support decision-
making by various client groups. In line with the nation’s Food Bill and Right to Food, trade
must first be a component of food security before meeting other obligations, as recently
pursued by the Government at WTO and other bilateral and multilateral negotiations.

New Initiatives of the Government on e-NAM, creating a common Indian Markets and
investment in establishing additionally 22,000 village markets will directly link the farmers
with markets and help them realize remunerative prices for their produces, thus enhancing
their incomes and access to adequate nutritive foods.

As highlighted in the DFI Report, the following actions should be taken:

(i) Create Agricultural Value System (AVS) as integration of the supply chain and to
drive market led value system to promote individual value chains to collaborate and
integrate into a sector-wide supply chain
(ii) Establish Farmer-centric National Agricultural Marketing System by restructuring for
a new market architecture, consisting of Primary Retail Agriculture Markets and
Primary Wholesale Agricultural Markets, as also secondary & tertiary agricultural
markets, all of which are networked by online platforms to facilitate a pan-India
market access; as also integrating the domestic market with export market
(iii) Develop Hub and Spoke System at back-end as well as front-end to facilitate and
promote an Agri-Value System (AVS) (which includes a combination of input
providers, farmers, transporters, warehousing, wholesalers, food and agro-processors,
retailers, etc)
(iv) Establishing Marketing Intelligence System to provide demand led decision making
support system – forecasting system for agricultural produce demand and supply, and
crop area estimation to aid price stabilization and risk management
(v) Institutionalize Agricultural Risk Assessment and Management including drought
management, demand & price forecast, weather forecast, management of biotic stress
including vertebrate pests, access to credit among farmers for farming operations;

providing long term credit, post-production finance to preventing distress sale by
farmers, and crop & animal risk management through insurance.

NAAS (2016) analyzed the issue and reiterated that agricultural marketing is primarily
regulated by the APMC Act which prohibits purchase of farm produce outside the regulated
markets. However, a model act is proposed to liberalize this, which allows products like fruits
and vegetables to be transacted outside the regulated market. The market reforms are also
directed to attract private investment in market infrastructure and enhance value creation, so
that there is greater competition facilitating improved marketing efficiency and price
discovery. The progress in terms of market reforms is, however, mixed across the states and
the same holds true for their impacts (NITI Aayog, 2015). In successful examples of market
reforms, supply chains are getting shorter by the elimination of those intermediaries, which
do not add any value.

The institutional innovations reduce the marketing cost, link production with consumption
and improve the overall efficiency. These innovative business models emphasize three things:
(a) farmers’ access to information on prices, etc, (b) the model with adequate institutional and
technological support, and (c) preferably, desirability of having farmers as partners in the
value chains for increasing their share in value distribution. One of the important concerns is
to serve smallholders who now occupy more than 44 per cent of agricultural lands. There are
a few examples, which suggest the possibility of inclusion of smallholders. These are mostly
high value products where size of operation is rather small, but amount of turnover is high.
Notable examples are high value vegetables, floriculture, poultry and milk.

There are efforts to promote farmers organizations, which are very thin and likely to be more
successful in high value, commercial products, and products with high price volatility.
Therefore, institutional support required for linking farmers with markets is critical. In fact,
small farmers will have limited access to the markets of field crops like paddy, wheat, cotton,
pulses and oilseeds because of size of their marketable surplus and local traders shall
continue to play role of aggregator, albeit comparative lower prices realized by farmers. This
is more visible for paddy in eastern India where prices realized by farmers are much lower
than the minimum support prices (Figure 8). FPOs can overcome this loss.

Figure 8. Trends in MSP and market prices of paddy (in Rs./quintal)

Source: CACP, 2016

Despite success of contract farming in different regions, its large scale application is limited,
which is possible when the business model meets the requirements amenable to scaling up,
financial sustainability and better economic efficiency. The following measures will be
helpful: (a) application of existing stock of knowledge to harness productivity potential, (b)
access to proprietary technology, (c) farm mechanization for higher input use efficiency, and
(d) technology for agro-processing. There are some technologies, especially related with
resource and crop management, which have not reached farmers.

A suitable strategy to use IPRs is needed to evolve diversified innovation systems and to
realize their potential to access improved technology. Cost-effectiveness of R&D regulations,
including those of biotechnology shall, therefore, affect participation of private sector. This is
more visible from a concern relating to regulation of licensing of proprietary technology
which has come up recently, and this concern should be addressed without compromising
interest of farmers

The demand for farm mechanization is increasing with the shortage of labour and rising
agricultural wages, but concerted efforts shall be needed to develop and popularize farm
machines for small farmers. Access of small farmers to these machines can be facilitated by
custom hiring of these machines. However, financing of long-term loan for purchase of these
machines must be scaled up. Also, there shall be greater pressure on improving availability of
energy, mainly diesel and electricity, to utilize them optimally. Development of agro-
processing sector needs lot of investment from business sector, availability of required
infrastructure like road and electricity and technology suitable for Indian raw material.

The Government has improved foreign direct investment in this sector, but the progress is
rather limited. There are some successful examples like potato, tomato and mango where
processing and entire value chain has gone significant transformation. This success should be
replicated to other products to create value and reduce losses, particularly in fruits and
vegetables. Adoption of APMC reforms by the states, allowing private sector to buy directly

from farmers and promotion of organized food retail chains will further increase demand for
processed products and thereby promote food-processing.

2.15 Agricultural Research, Education and Extension for Development

Science, research, technology, and innovation are the main drivers of agricultural
transformation to free the world of hunger, poverty, undernutrition and livelihood insecurity.
Since the unprecedented success of the green revolution, which was based essentially one
public good research, there have been significant advancements in science, its organization
and management and transfer of technology to end users. The research system has expanded
considerably and extension system has also tried to change accordingly. Science and
technology coupled with social engineering had helped promote conservation, restoration and
commercial forestry and restoration and commercial forestry and the regeneration of coastal
mangrove wetlands. Advancements in molecular biology and information technology have
taken shape and research on animals and horticultural crops has expanded. Great progress has
made in space technologies, peaceful uses of nuclear energy, and generation of renewable
energy. Food-cum-fortification approaches were available to address many nutritional
disorders like those arising from micronutrient deficiencies.

A number of international agreements were put in force, which have significant implications
for development and dissemination of agricultural technology. Important among these
agreements are protection of intellectual property, conservation and sustainable use of
biological diversity and regulation of transgenic products. It is helped that Paris Agreement
on Climate Change and Global Fund for Carbon Economy will go a long way in minimizing
global warming.

The fundamental principle of Indian agricultural R&D policy has been public funding and
provision of R&D services for sustainable growth in productivity and self-reliance in food
production. There has also been a marked shift in the funding pattern of the Union and State
Governments. During 1960s and 1970s, with the establishment of the state agricultural
universities (SAUs) there was a significant growth in the state funding. But since the early
1990s, the central funding has outpaced the state funding and a part of this was transferred to
SAUs through sponsored programmes and development grants. On the other hand,
agricultural extension was mainly funded by the State Governments, and the centre’s support
was available through development programs like Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana, extension
reforms, and technology missions. As a result, India is one of the few countries with
sustained growth in funding for agricultural R&D (Beintema et. al., 2012).

The second important element of agricultural R&D policy has been ‘open access’ to public
research products for further use or commercialization. This policy in fact paved the way for
public-private partnership, transfer of technology and diversification of input markets like
seed. A deliberate attempt was also made to coordinate research being done under various
organizations, largely under the coordinated programmes of ICAR with funds earmarked for
this activity. Nearly ten per cent of ICAR budget is now spent on demonstration of new

technology and skill development of farmers, in partnership with private and civil society

Research funding in India has been growing annually by 7 per cent since 1981-83, and had
reached 3533 million PPP dollors during 2012-2014, touching the peak of 4,000 million PPP
dollar in 2011. The Research Intensity has hovered around 0.4 per cent against the targeted
1.0 per cent. Comparing with other agriculturally important countries, China in 2013 spent
9366 million 2011 PPP dollars, and research intensity was 0.6 per cent. The intensity was 2.0
per cent in South Africa and 1.8 per cent in Brazil (Table 10). As regards allied sectors, in
India the allocation to livestock and horticulture was relatively much lower.
Table 10. International comparison of agricultural research funding, 2011-12

Sl Country Number of scientists, Funding in million Research

No. Full-time equivalent 2011 PPP dollars intensity ( per
1. Brazil 5,869.4 2,704.0 1.8
2. Bangladesh 2,121.0 250.6 0.4
3. China 43,000.0 9,366.0 0.6
4. Malaysia 1,609.4 592.3 1.0
5. Pakistan 3,678.3 333.0 0.2
6. Sri Lanka 618.8 61.8 0.3
7. South Africa 746.3 294.5 2.0
8. India 10,242.0 3,533.0 0.4
Source: Based on ASTI database ( and our own data for India; India
funding data are for 2014 and FTE scientists data for 2009; data for China are for 2013.

Strengthening of SAUs shall be a major challenge, especially when ICAR has no or limited
administrative control over them. There are concerns in terms of mobilizing operating funds,
modernizing infrastructure, and most importantly maintaining critical minimum faculty
strength in various disciplines. ICAR can provide necessary support in terms of seed fund and
leadership, but efforts made by SAUs in mobilizing support of state governments will go a
long way in their revival and bring them back on board as they employ two-thirds of the
country’s scientific manpower. This shall help restore research-education linkages and
promote integration of knowledge and technology at regional level and facilitate their flow to
farmers (see Chapter 16 for details).

Research – extension linkages and public extension are weak, thus huge technology transfer
and yield gaps exist. The extension system needs revitalization and should play a larger role
in developing linkages with various stakeholders and help farmers gain access to markets and
farm services and acquire necessary technical and organizational skills. The gap between
scientific “know how” and “do how” should be filled. The necessary condition for this is to
create an enabling environment for interactions and knowledge sharing among multiple-
stakeholders and to create capacity to innovate products, processes and institutions to respond
to market opportunities and enhance economic efficiency. Development of these conditions

will again require substantial public investment, especially for human resource development
at all levels, including farmers and strengthening responsive rural institutions like farmers
organizations, ATMA, KVKs, FPOs etc.

Towards DFI, ICRISAT has emphasized the role of Science of Delivery to promote Demand-
Driven Innovation that leverages participatory research to engage farmers and key value
chain actors to design, develop and deliver relevant solutions – all with a sense of urgency.
This approach has enabled the compression of time to deliver technology and knowledge at
scale. Emphasis on Spatial Data Integration (SDI) using cloud computing will facilitate the
delivery system along the value chain, including the agri-entrepreneurs.

As the NAREE4D system must synergistically integrate social, economic, and environmental
dimensions of agriculture as a whole, multidisciplinary approach is called both for science of
discovery and science of delivery. Against this backdrop, it is unfortunate to see that our
NARES, one of the largest in the world, is undergoing unmindful splitting, attempting to
create ivory towers and undermining multidisciplinarity. This negative trend should be

2.16 Investing in Agri-Food Systems, Especially in Agricultural Research,

Education and Extension

Public sector investment has been instrumental in creating infrastructure and support services
to promote agriculture-led development. During the Green Revolution, public sector
investment, being 33 per cent of the investment in agriculture sector in 1985, was the main
driver of the Revolution, but now it has reduced to only 17 per cent. In absolute terms, the
real agricultural investment during the year 2016-17 was 2.6 lakh crores accounting to about
2.2 per cent of GDP. The remaining 83 per cent of the investment has come from the private
sector, primarily by farmers. The contribution of the corporate sector is hardly 2 per cent. The
investment capacity of the majority smallholder marginal farmers being low, public sector
investment in the regions crowded by such smallholder viz. eastern and north-eastern regions,
should be substantially enhanced. The level and scale of public investment has direct impact
on overall GDP growth. Hence, the public sector investment should steadily be enhanced to
accelerate the overall GDP growth rate, which will directly help in increasing farmers’
income. The corporate sector must be boosted to strengthen R&D, inputs supplies like quality
seeds, agrochemicals, machinery, processing, and value addition. The recent initiatives of the
Government related to Make-in-India, even upto 100 per cent FDI, tax reliefs for small scale
enterprises have huge scope in the agricultural sector.

Technology being the main driver of productivity and income enhancement, investment in
agricultural research education and extension must match with that potential, opportunities,
and prospects. The total R&D budget of the nation, covering all sectors, in 2014-15 was Rs.
35034 crore. Of this, 11.37 per cent i.e. Rs. 3983 crore was allocated to the ICAR. Despite
increasing allocation to agricultural sciences and technology in recent years, being Rs. 13,786
crore in TE 2017-18, India’s agricultural research intensity is only 0.37 per cent, as compared

to 0.62 per cent in China, 1.82 per cent in Brazil, 2.0 per cent in South Africa 3.2 per cent in
USA, and 3.3 per cent in Australia. Both Centre and States have contributed almost equally to
R&D funding, despite agriculture being a state subject. The financial status of most SAU’s is
deplorable. Further, there is large inter-state variation, in 2014, the research and education
funding intensity being as low as 0.07 per cent in UP, the largest agricultural and food
producing state with more than 85 per cent of its farmers being small and marginal. West
Bengal (0.09%) and Madhy Pradesh and Rajasthan (each with 0.11%) were the other poor
investors. Encouragingly, Himanchal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Bihar and Kerala,
Karnataka and Assam, Gujarat and Tamil Nadu, and Punjab had funding intensity of 1.28,
0.88, 0.60, 0.58, 0.55, and 0.50 per cent, respectively (Suresh Pal, 2017). For the last two
decades, NAAS, as several other concerned organizations, have been pleading for doubling
the national research intensity, taking it to about 1 per cent.

Extension expenditure intensity is still far lower, less than half of that of research (table 10) Given
the high transferable yield gaps, judicious efforts are needed to increase the extension intensity.
Table 10. Expenditure Intensity in R&D in India
Expenditure Intensity in India ( per cent)
Research Extension
1983 0.25 0.10
1993 0.31 0.15
2003 0.39 0.14
2014 0.40 0.18
2018 0.39
Source: NIAP, 2017-18

In line with the Prime Minsiter’s call for Doubling Farmers Income, the then Finance
Minister while announcing the Union Budget 2018-19 in the Parliament had said “Our
emphasis is on generating higher incomes for farmers. We consider agriculture as an
enterprise and want to help farmers produce more from the same land parcel at lesser cost and
simultaneously realise higher prices for their produce”, the Minister added while announcing
a slew of the following new initiatives for the farm sector in the Budget, as reported by
Mohd Mustaquim, Rural Marketing Website, Feb 2018.

The Government has decided to keep Minimum Support Price (MSP) for all hitherto
unannounced crops of Kharif at least at one and half times of their production cost. “This
historic decision would prove an important step towards doubling the income of our farmers.
NITI Ayog in consultation with Central and State governments will put in place a foolproof
mechanism so that farmers will get adequate price for their produce”.

Institutional credit for agriculture sector was raised to Rs.11 lakh crore for the year 2018-19
from Rs.10 lakh crore in 2017-18. ‘Operation Greens’ was launched to address price
volatility of perishable commodities like potatoes, tomatoes and onions, at an outlay of Rs.
500 crore. ‘Operation Greens’, on the lines of ‘Operation Flood’, shall promote Farmer

Producers Organizations (FPOs), agri-logistics, processing facilities and professional
management in the sector.

100 per cent deduction was announced in respect of profits to Farmer Producer Companies
(FPCs), having turnover up to Rs. 100 crore, for a period of 5 years from FY 2018-19, in
order to encourage professionalism in post harvest value addition in agriculture. A sum of
Rs.200 crore was allocated to support organized cultivation of highly specialized medicinal
and aromatic plants and aid small and cottage industries that manufacture perfumes, essential
oils and other associated products.

The existing 22,000 rural haats were upgraded into Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs).
In these GrAMs, physical infrastructure will be strengthened using MGNREGA (National
Rural Employment Guarantee Act) and other Government schemes and would be
electronically linked to e-NAM and exempted from regulations of APMCs, which would
provide farmers facility to make direct sale to consumers and bulk purchasers.

Out of 585, 470 APMCs have been connected to e-NAM network and rest will be connected
by March, 2018. Further, an Agri-Market Infrastructure Fund with a corpus of Rs. 2,000
crore will be set up for developing and upgrading agricultural marketing infrastructure in the
22,000 GrAMs and 585 APMCs.

Allocation for Ministry of Food Processing was doubled from Rs. 715 crore in RE 2017-18 to
Rs.1,400 crore in BE 2018-19. The Prime Minister Krishi Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) a
flagship programme for boosting investment in food processing, is growing at an average rate
of 8 per cent per annum. With the increased allocation for the sector, the Government will
promote establishment of specialised agro-processing financial institutions in this sector and
to set up state-of-the-art testing facilities in all the forty two Mega Food Parks.

To help small and marginal farmers in fisheries and animal husbandry sector to meet their
working capital needs, the facility of Kisan Credit Cards (KCC) was extended to the sector.
This would give benefit of crop loan and interest subvention, so far available to agriculture
sector only under KCC, for rearing of cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, poultry and fisheries.

Setting up of a Fisheries and Aquaculture Infrastructure Development Fund (FAIDF) for

fisheries sector and an Animal Husbandry Infrastructure Development Fund (AHIDF) for
financing infrastructure requirement of animal husbandry sector was announced. Total corpus
of these two new Funds would be Rs.10,000 crore.

Re-structured National Bamboo Mission was launched allocating Rs. 1290 crore, which is
based on a cluster based approach to address the complete bamboo value chain and promote
bamboo sector in a holistic manner. With a focus on linking bamboo growers with
consumers; creation of facilities for collection, aggregation, processing, marketing, MSMEs,
skill building and brand building, this announcement would contribute in generating
additional income for farmers, employment opportunities for skilled and unskilled youth
especially in the rural areas.

As a measure to tackle the challenge of air pollution in the Delhi-NCR region, a special
scheme will be implemented to support the efforts of the governments of Haryana, Punjab,
Uttar Pradesh and the NCT of Delhi to address air pollution and to subsidise machinery
required for in-situ management of crop residue.

2.18 Science Culture

A sound science culture in the National Agricultural Research, Education, Technology

Development and Innovations System is a must to achieve the Sustainable Development
Goals. The three key attributes of science culture - research, integrity, scientific creativity,
and scientific integrity are mutually reinforcing and should be the most possessed treasure of
all stakeholders from individuals to institutions, policy makers, and political leaders for
transparently informing policy based only on scientific evidence, free from all influences
(NAAS, 2019). Even the loan waiver drive and the hazards associated with it, and
commercialization of GMOs and nanotechnologies should be scientifically analyzed to
provide balance opinion/advice to the political parties, the Central and State Governments,
and the people at large. Chapter 16 elucidates the NAAS points for commercialization of
genetically engineered organisms and products.

The evolution of the science culture over the years should be analyzed to assess our situation
and to make need-based changes. As learnt recently (Times of India, June 27, 2019), farmers
want GM Crops. It is a revolt to a decade of policy paralysis which must end. A herbicide
tolerant (HT) BT cotton has been taken up by farmers in Maharashtra occupying 15 per cent of
the state’s cotton area. In Haryana, Bt brinjal is being grown by farmers. The materials cleared
by the GEAC should be allowed to be commercialized, including the GM mustard. These
initiatives of farmers should be scrutinized from the biosafety and legality point of views.

India’s ranking in the world as per various social, economic, science and technology indicators
for 2018 is given below (Table 11). Enigmatically, despite the country’s fast economic growth
during the past decade, India lags behind in several vital areas. Viewing, the rankings it appears
that we have not been able to judiciously humanize science. The academia and the scientific
community need to examine the issue comprehensively and suggest the way forward to
strengthen science of delivery and adoption so that our rankings improve.
Table 11. India’s rank in the world as per various Global Indicators, 2018

Global Indicator India’s Rank Out of number of

Human Development Index 130 189
Inclusive Development Index 62 74
Child Development Index 112 141
Innovation Index 57 126
Youth Development Index 134 183
Happiness Index 133 153
Gender Inequality Index 76 188

Hunger Index 103 119
ICT Development Index 138 175
Education Index 145 191
Human Capital Index 103 130
Social Progress Index 53 138
GDP growth rate 15 225
Per Capita GDP 139 187
Imports 12 222
Exports 21 222
Unemployment Rate 43 217
Financial Development Index 51 183
Source: Various UN and NITI Aayog publications / reports

Towards enriching our science culture, we must ask ourselves the following questions and
resolve them:

• Do we have science leaders who could creatively and accumulatively build and
sustain universally accepted science culture?
• Are our universities and scientific institutions, including Academies, duly insulated,
equipped, and incentivized to produce the desired science leaders and ambience?
• Do we have the necessary political will to nurture the science culture of inter and
multi-disciplinary integrated, and holistic approach to synergistically build the
knowledge base to transform our agriculture – food system to converge excellence
and relevance for a wholesome outcome and impact, rather than promoting dis-
integration and fragmentation?

Recently, our Hon’ble Prime Minister has been seeking congruence and convergence of Jai
Jawan, Jai Kisan, Jai Vigyan, and Jai Anusandhan to harness science and innovation to serve
the humanity towards building a New India. The NAAS must pursue this approach to
transform agriculture–food system to reshape India.

2.18 International Collaboration

In this changing world, the local and global are no longer far apart. As a matter of fact, their
interdependence is increasing fast, thus the increasing importance of international
cooperation. This has implications for convergence of food demand, food production,
agricultural research, and agricultural policies and trade. Climate change, urbanization,
migration, modern technologies and automation, increased inequality, fluctuating inward-
looking policies of some of the most developed countries, such as Brexit in Europe,
increasing protectionism and tariff wars, anti-globalization sentiments and disagreement with
Paris Agreement of USA are bound to adversely impact multilateral collaboration and
agreements. Glaringly increasing inequality will further enhance the vulnerability of women,
youth and smallholder farmers. Artificial intelligence, automation and digitization are bound

to take away routine jobs generally outsourced to labour-abundant economies. The pervading
and persisting inequality will greatly suppress the overall development process. In this
unequal world, we have to nurture “share and grow” concept and strive for a World Grant
System in a world without borders to serve the entire humanity.

India has been a leader in international cooperation in the field of agriculture. Besides having
liberally shared its rich genetic resources, trained human resources and formal and non-
formal training programmes, India is a substantial bilateral and multilateral donor in
AREE4D. It has strong linkages with the CGIAR Centres, houses regional
offices/programmes of most of them, is a major donor to some of them, besides hosting
ICRISAT and BISA Headquarters. It has participated in several of the UN TCDC/ECDC
South-South and South-North-South (Trilateral) collaborations. Recently, the NAAS has
prepared a comprehensive project for collaboration with Africa.

2.19 Epilogue

The major trends of the Agriculture and Food Systems, especially related with food, nutrition,
livelihood, income and environmental security, population dynamics, inequality,
diversification, science, research, technology and innovation reveal tremendous progress
made during the past decades. The analysis has also revealed several persisting and new and
emerging challenges and opportunities, as discussed in the next chapter, which are embedded
in several of the sustainable development goals. These include high incidences of hunger,
undernutrition and poverty, mounting pressure on natural resources, and volatilities in climate
change and market. Fortunately, India, and other developing and developed countries and the
international system is paying greater attention to meet the challenges. Besides Agenda 2030
for Sustainable Development, the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, the Paris Agreement on
Climate Change, the World Humanitarian Summit and UN Secretary General Agenda for
Humanity, and analogous commitments at country levels provide platforms to help mobilize
concrete and concerted actions by veritable stakeholders to realize the goals.

Selected References

Beintema N, Stads G, Fuglie F and Heisey P (2012) ASTI Global Assessment of Agricultural
R&D Spending. IFPRI Washington D.C.

Dev SM (2018) Transformation of Indian Agriculture & Growth, Inclusiveness and

Sustainability. Presidential Address delivered at the 78th Annual Conference of the
Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, New Delhi, 1-3 November 2018
Dixon J (2019) Climate-Agriculture-Economic Growth Nexus: Risk Management for Climate
Smart Farming and Value Chains. XIVth Agricultural Science Congress, National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2018) The State of Food Security and Nutrition in
the World 2018. Building climate resilience for food security and nutrition, Rome,

Joshi PK, Khan T and Kishore A (2017) Why Punjab needs incentives, not loan waivers.
Financial Express, May 3, 2017, Delhi
NAAS (2005) Redefining Agricultural Education and Extension System in Changed
Scenario. Policy Paper 31, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2015) Linking Farmers with Markets for Inclusive Growth in Indian Agriculture.
Policy Paper 75, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2017) Strengthening Agricultural Extension Research and Education. Strategy Paper
5, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2019) Enhancing the Science Culture in Agricultural Research Institutions.

Brainstorming Session, 25th June, Policy Paper under print, convened by N.H. Rao,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2019) Loan Waiving versus Income Support Scheme: Challenges and Way Forward.
Policy Paper 91, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NITI Aayog (2017) Doubling Farmers Income. National Institute for Transforming India,
GoI, New Delhi
Pal Suresh (2017) The funding institutional development and policy persepective of
agricultural research in India. In: Pal Suresh (ed) Agricultural R&D Policy in India,
ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi

Shroff R (2019) India : An Agricultural Powerhouse. The Sunday Guardian, May 12-18, New

Singh P (2019) Feeding 1.7 Billion. NAAS Presidential Address at Foundation Day and 26th
General Meeting, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 39p

Singh RB (2011) Towards an Evergreen Revolution – The Road Map. National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 61p

Singh RB (2013) Greening the White Revolution – First George Verghese Kurien Memorial
Lecture at Michigan State University, East Lansing, 2013

Singh RB, Kumar P and Woodhead T (2002) Smallholder famers in India : Food Security and
Agricultural Policy. FAO RAP Publication 2002/03, FAO Regional Office for Asia
and the Pacific, Bangkok

Swaminathan MS (2007) Introduction in Agriculture Cannot Wait – New Horizons in Indian

Agriculture (ed. M.S. Swaminathan). Academic Foundation and National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

Chapter 3
Challenges facing India’s Agriculture and Food Systems & Their
Possible Resolutions
3.1 Introduction
From the national aspiration of building a New India and the trends in agriculture-food systems
described in the previous chapters, several major challenges have been identified which must be
resolved to meet our vision of a sustainably healthy, happy, prosperous and vibrant India. The
NAAS, as per its Vision and Mission has been analyzing and discussing the national status of
agriculture-food systems from day one of its establishment. For each set of challenges, through
veritable analyses and brainstorming meetings, also keeping in view the regional and global situation,
it has come up with scientific solutions/suggestions with complementary policy options and strategic
action plans, contained in nearly 150 NAAS policy papers and other publications, to attain our

3.2 Challenges and Corresponding NAAS Publications suggesting Their

This chapter lists below the various challenges and gives serial number and title of each Policy /
Strategy Paper and Brief specifically brought out to meet the challenges.

Challenges NAAS Policy Paper*/Policy Brief#/Strategy Paper@

with their serial numbers

Ending hunger and all forms of 7. Diversification of Agriculture for Human Nutrition,
malnutrition, diversification of 2001
agri-food systems towards 8. Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for
comprehensive nutritional Nutritional Security, 2001
security; almost one-fifth of the 20. Dichotomy Between Grain Surplus and
world’s hungry and about 35 per Widespread Endemic Hunger, 2003
cent of the world’s 54. Integration of Millets in Fortified Foods, 2012
undernourished, stunted and 55. Fighting Child Malnutrition, 2012
wasted children have their homes 66. Role of Millets in Nutritional Security of India,
in India. 2014
78. Reservoir Fisheries Development in India:
Management and Policy Options, 2016
S2. Towards Pulses Self-sufficiency in India, 2016
S7. Vegetable Oil Economy and Production Problems
in India, 2017
S12. Harnessing Full Potential of A1 and A2 Milk in
India: An Update, 2019
PB1. Policy Brief to Accelerate Utilization of GE
Technology for Food & Nutrition Security and
Improving Farmers’ Income, 2016

Eradicating extreme poverty, 5. Sustainable Agricultural Export, 1999

ending poverty in all its forms 23. Export Potential of Dairy Products, 2003
everywhere, enhancing 26. Peri-Urban Vegetable Cultivation in the NCR
productivity, increasing Delhi, 2004
inclusiveness, reducing 39. Innovations in Rural Institutions: Driver for
inequality, and doubling farmers Agricultural Prosperity, 2007
income; over 200 million people, 47. Protected Agriculture in North-West Himalayas,
mostly smallholder farmers, are 2010
below poverty line; farmers’ 75. Linking Farmers with Markets for Inclusive
income is one-fourth to one-sixth Growth in Indian Agriculture, 2015
of that of non-farmers. S3. Strategy for Transformation of Indian Agriculture
and Improving Farmers Welfare, 2016
PB1. Policy Brief to Accelerate Utilization of GE
Technology for Food & Nutrition Security and
Improving Farmers’ Income, 2016
S9. Accelerating Seed Delivery Systems for Priming
Indian Farm Productivity Enhancement: A Strategic
View Point, 2018

Promoting policy options to S1. Role of Social Scientists in National Agricultural

converge social, economic, and Research System (NARS), 2015
environmental perspectives of 80. Augmenting Forage Resources in Rural India:
agri-food system Policy Issues and Strategies, 2016
transformation; population 82. Breeding Policy for Cattle and Buffalo in India,
growth/pressure, demographic 2016
pattern, gender, rural youth, 83. Issues and Challenges in Shifting Cultivation and
urbanization, fast increasing its Relevance in the Present Context, 2016
middle class and changing food PB1. Policy Brief to Accelerate Utilization of GE
habits/preferences, demand Technology for Food & Nutrition Security and
supply balance, changing mindset Improving Farmers’ Income, 2016
to think in a system mode and 86. Mismatch between Policies and Development
abandoning the ivory tower Priorities in Agriculture, 2017
approach in this fast changing S10. Renewable Energy: A New Paradigm for Growth
world; production by masses and in Agriculture, 2018
not just mass production.

Ensuring a sustainable natural 1. Agricultural Scientist’s Perceptions on National

resource base (land, water, Water Policy, 1995
biodiversity); our soils are both 2. Fertilizer Policy Issues (2000-2025), 1997
hungry and thirsty, deficiency of 3. Harnessing and Management of Water Resources
micro, essential and even macro- for Enhancing Agricultural Production in the Eastern
nutrients ever-growing; water Region, 1998
availability has already entered 4. Conservation, Management and use of Agro-
critical zone, improving water use biodiversity, 1998
efficiency; per drop more crop;
fast eroding agro-biodiversity. 5. Sustainable Agricultural Export, 1999
14. Conservation and Management of Genetic
Resources of Livestock, 2001
28. Impact of Inter River Basin Linkages on Fisheries,

32. Emerging Issues in Water Management – The
Question of Ownership, 2005
33. Policy Options for Efficient Nitrogen Use, 2005
35. Low and Declining Crop Response to Fertilizers,
36. Belowground Biodiversity in Relation to Cropping
Systems, 2006
42. Crop Response and Nutrient Ratio, 2009
43. Antibiotics in Manure and Soil – A Grave Threat
to Human and Animal Health, 2010
48. Exploring Untapped Potential of Acid Soils of
India, 2010
49. Agricultural Waste Management, 2010
51. Carrying Capacity of Indian Agriculture, 2011
56. Sustaining Agricultural Productivity through
Integrated Soil Management, 2012
57. Value Added Fertilizers and Site Specific Nutrient
Management (SSNM), 2012
68. Efficient Utilization of Phosphorus, 2014
74. Biodrainage: An Eco-friendly Tool for Combating
Water logging, 2015
88. Mitigation Land Degradation due to Water
Erosion, 2017
S6. Strategy on Utilization of Glauconite Mineral as
Source of Potassium, 2017
S8. Conservation Policies for Hilsa and Mahseer,
PB3. Soil Health: New Policy Initiatives for Farmers
Welfare, 2018
S13. Development and Adoption of Novel Fertilizer
Materials, 2019

Addressing climate change and 27. Disaster Management in Agriculture, 2004

intensification of natural 50. Drought Preparedness and Mitigation, 2011
hazards and increasing 58. Management of Crop Residues in the Context of
incidences of pests and diseases; Conservation Agriculture, 2012
India is facing highest intensities 60. Water Use Potential of Flood-affected and
of climate change volatilities and Drought-prone Areas of Eastern India, 2013
uncertainties, frequent droughts, 65. Climate Resilient Agriculture in India, 2014
floods and temperature 69. Carbon Economy in Indian Agriculture, 2014
fluctuations; emphasizing 81. Climate Resilient Livestock Production, 2016
productivity and sustainability of 87. Abiotic Stress Management with Focus on
rainfed areas, establishing a Drought, Food and Hailstorm, 2017
climate smart agriculture to PB2. Innovative Viable Solution to Rice Residue
achieve the triple wins of Burning in Rice-Wheat Cropping System through
enhanced productivity, resilience, Concurrent Use of Super Straw Management System-

and mitigation. fitted Combines and Turbo Happy Seeder, 2017
S11. Rumen Microbiome and Amelioration of
Methane Production, 2019

Ensuring quality education, 6. Reorienting Land Grant System of Agricultural

human resource capital, skill Education in India, 1999
development, demographic 21. Priorities of Research and Human Resource
dividend, employability of Development in Fisheries Biotechnology, 2003
graduates and employment 25. Stakeholders' Perceptions On Employment
security; India houses largest Oriented Agricultural Education, 2004
number of 31. Redefining Agricultural Education and Extension
unemployed/underemployed System in Changed Scenario, 2005
youth, promoting job-creating S5. Strengthening Agricultural Extension Research
economic growth. and Education, 2017

Improving sustainability, 22. Seaweed Cultivation and Utilization, 2003

productivity and agricultural 30.Organic Farming: Approaches and Possibilities in
growth rate, input use the Context of Indian Agriculture, 2005
efficiency, TFP; TFP growth rate 35. Low and Declining Crop Response to Fertilizers,
50 per cent of that of China; yield 2006
of several commodities at farmers 41. Sustainable Energy for Rural India, 2008
fields are low and unstable; 45. Agrochemicals Management: Issues and
promoting high-yield seeds and Strategies, 2010
related technologies; 59. Livestock Infertility and its Management, 2013
diversification; renewable energy; 64. Improving Productivity of Rice Fallows, 2014
organic farming; zero budget 71. Role of Root Endophytes in Agricultural
natural farming. Productivity, 2014
76. Bio-fuels to Power Indian Agriculture, 2015
S4. Sustaining Soybean Productivity and Production
in India, 2017
S9. Accelerating Seed Delivery Systems for Priming
Indian Farm Productivity Enhancement: A Strategic
View Point, 2018
S10. Renewable Energy: A New Paradigm for Growth
in Agriculture, 2018

Establishing a vibrant highly 9. Strategies for Agricultural Research in the North-

responsive and effective science, East, 2001
research, technology and 10. Globalization of Agriculture: R & D in India,
innovation system coupled with 2001
effective holistic system-based 13. Hi-Tech Horticulture in India, 2001
extension, communication and 15. Prioritization of Agricultural Research, 2001
technology transfer, adoption, 18. Agricultural Policy: Redesigning R & D to
adaptation and regulatory Achieve Its Objectives, 2002
mechanism, promoting disruptive 21. Priorities of Research and Human Resource
innovations; marrying corporate Development in Fisheries Biotechnology, 2003
social responsibility with 46. Veterinary Vaccines and Diagnostics, 2010
scientific social responsibility. 61. Mastitis Management in Dairy Animals, 2013

84. Practical and Affordable Approaches for
Precision in Farm Equipment and Machinery, 2016
PB1. Policy Brief to Accelerate Utilization of GE
Technology for Food & Nutrition Security and
Improving Farmers’ Income, 2016
85. Hydroponic Fodder Production in India, 2017
S5. Strengthening Agricultural Extension Research
and Education - The Way Forward, 2017

Linking farmers with markets, 5. Sustainable Agricultural Export, 1999

ensuring realization of 11. Agriculture-Industry Interface: Value Added Farm
remunerative prices, MSP equal Products, 2002
to CII+50 per cent of CII; access 16. Export Potential of Dairy Products, 2003
to markets, production resources, 23. Linking Farmers with Markets for Inclusive
and technology especially by Growth in Indian Agriculture, 2015
smallholder farmers, addressing 75. Empowerment of Women in Agriculture, 2001
the price slippage issues and 78. Reservoir Fisheries Development in India:
adequate coverage of Minimum Management and Policy Options, 2016
Support Price and insulation from 79. Integration of Medicinal and Aromatic Crop
market volatilities and trade Cultivation and Value Chain Management for Small
distortions and disputes, market Farmers, 2016
reforms, improving terms of trade
of agriculture and its backward
linkages; reducing spoilage and
improving labour productivity in

Adopting a value chain 37. Employment Opportunities in Farm and Non-

approach from plough to plate, Farm Sectors through Technological Interventions
preventing post-harvest losses with Emphasis on Primary Value Addition, 2006
and wastes, adding value through 40. High Value Agriculture in India: Prospects and
on-farm processing, warehousing, Policies, 2008
storages, cold chains, assuring 62. Biopesticides – Quality Assurance, 2014
high products quality and zero 67. Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture, 2014
waste. 89. Vertical Farming, 2019

Enhancing budgetary S3. Strengthening Agricultural Extension Research

allocation to the agriculture and Education, 2017
sector, including water resources,
related infrastructure and
institutions, especially in
research, education, and
extension for agrarian
development; streamlining the
centre-state linkages in AREE4D
through NITI Aayog’s
cooperative federalism initiative.

Enhancing generation and use 19. Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture, 2003

of new innovations and 24. Biosafety of Transgenic Rice, 2003
technologies, such as genetic 29. Transgenic Crops and Biosafety Issues Related to
engineering, synthetic biology, Their Commercialization In India, 2004
nano-technology, 44. Plant Quarantine including Internal Quarantine
bioinformatics, and space Strategies in View of Onslaught of Diseases and
technology; Ensuring data-led Insect Pests, 2010
governance and policy making 52. Biosafety Assurance for GM food Crops in India,
for achieving growth, equality 2011
and sustainability of agri-food 53. Ecolabelling and Certification in Capture
system; establishing and Fisheries and Aquaculture, 2012
streamlining collection, sharing, 63. Nanotechnology in Agriculture: Scope and
processing and integration of Current Relevance, 2014
quality data from all levels along 72. Bioinformatics in Agriculture: Way Forward,
the entire value-chain using the 2014
Big Data approach for developing 77. Aquaculture Certification in India: Criteria and
sound methodologies for creating Implementation Plan, 2015
indicators for implementation, PB1. To Accelerate Utilization of GE Technology for
outcome and pathways analyses Food & Nutrition Security and Improving Farmers’
towards planning and evidence- Income, 2016
based policy formulation; new
and emerging technologies,
regulatory measures, and
intellectual property.

Ensuring comprehensive 12. Sanitary and Phytosanitary Agreement of the

international collaboration; As World Trade Organization – Advantage India, 2001
local and global are increasingly 38. WTO and Indian Agriculture: Implications for
becoming interdependent, and Policy and R&D, 2006
despite the tariff wars, 44. Plant Quarantine including Internal Quarantine
protectionism and Strategies in View of Onslaught of Diseases and
antiglobalization moves, the Insect Pests, 2010
world has adopted some global
commitments such as the
sustainable development goals
(SDGs) – Agenda 2030 and
Compact 2025, which seek global
convergence in agricultural
transformation to enhance
economy and social security
consistent with environmental
sustainability. In this context,
India must ensure comprehensive
international collaboration,
especially through South-South
and Trilateral cooperation to
share modern and emerging
technologies and innovations.

Creating effective transparent 17. Scientists’ Views on Good Governance of an
governance and Agricultural Research Organization, 2002
implementation pathways 34. Guidelines for Improving the Quality of Indian
encompassing monitoring, Journals & Professional Societies in Agriculture and
evaluation, outcome and impact Allied Sciences, 2006
assessment through deploying 73. Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural
result frameworks, differentiated Research, Education and Extension for Development
responsibility and accountability [AREE4D], 2015
of various stakeholders and
partners (public-private-producer
*Policy paper (serial number); #Policy Brief (PB) serial number; @ Strategy Paper (S)
serial number

Several of the above challenges and their possible solutions and associated policy options and
actions were elucidated in the various addresses of the Presidents of the Academy, especially
at the Annual General Meetings of the Academy. Several other substantive publications of
the Academy, Annexure 1, contained elaborate analysis on specific themes and science-
informed policy options and strategies.

The above publications have been widely used by the National Agricultural Research,
Education and Extension Systems and other stakeholders, and internalized in national policies
and action plans.

3.3 Aligning Agenda 2030 – the SDGs with the Challenges Facing Indian
Agriculture–Food System as identified by NAAS

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development calls for bold transformational changes to
achieve a world that is more inclusive, fair, sustainable, and resilient, a world free of hunger
and extreme poverty, a world that protects and promotes sustainable use of biodiversity and
all natural resources for development, a world that is more just, and a world of peace. The 14
groups of challenges identified and their resolutions identified by NAAS above are akin to
the 17 SDGs.

NAAS’s vision is an India free from hunger, undernutrition and abject poverty, where
agricultural and food systems are pivotal to improving livelihood security consistent with
social, economic and environmental security. As the country strives to realize the vision,
understanding of the trends and challenges will greatly help in finding solutions, strategies
and policies for meeting the challenges and achieving the national goal under the SDG
umbrella. As mentioned earlier, NAAS policy perspectives evolved during the past nearly 30
years on many of the most important issues facing food and agriculture today seek to promote
multi-stakeholder partnerships to mobilize technical, policy, and financial resources required
by the country for achieving the SDGs. The foremost challenges identified by NAAS are
almost the same as the foremost Goals under Agenda 2030.

It must be reiterated that NAAS prepares and promotes evidence-based policy through
structured dialogue by the Fellows, other scientists and stakeholders at the national level.
Often in its conferences/congresses it involves leading experts from all over the world,
including the UN, CGIAR, and World Bank. Most of the policy options and actions
suggested by NAAS are internalized in the National Policy, but the Academy has little say in
implementation of recommendations and in monitoring their effectiveness. Consequently the
Academy had given little attention to the preparation of strategic results framework and
results matrix with clearly defined responsibility and accountability. However we should be
proactive in monitoring and outcome assessment and suggest a matrix framework for the
implementation agencies. India will do well to focus on the following frameworks which may
assist in meeting the SDGs, as suggested by FAO (2018), and recommended and reiterated in
various NAAS publications.

a) Strengthening the linkage between Agriculture and Social Protection


This is successful only when integrated into broader livelihood promotion and rural
development strategies. Hence we must promote coherence between social protection, food
security and nutrition, and agricultural interventions – “Cash Plus” approach. Greater
attention is needed for improving:

• Inadequate physical and social infrastructure

• Isolation and territorial distances
• Limited institutional capacity
• Community-based and traditional approaches, and
• Adapting to ageing of the rural population.

b) Congrueing the agricultural sectors in nationally determined contributions

with priority areas for international support through:

• Compliance with enhanced transparency framework of the Paris Agreement

• Coherent policy frameworks for climate action in the agriculture sectors
• Research, analysis and tools to connect the local and global
• Capacity development for implementation and action in agriculture sectors
• Investment for the development of Agriculture sectors
• Developed & Developing countries to commit needed financial resources
• Global community committed support to the above initiative.

c) Sustainable agriculture development for food & nutrition security by
ensuring following actions:

• Foster policy coherence for food security and nutrition

• Address nutrition, food safety, working conditions & services
• Foster empowerment of youth
• Protect the environment and promote sustainable management and efficient use of
natural resources
• Enhance resilience against risks and variability
• Promote cooperation and collaboration in innovation, research and development, and
address data needs
• Improve animal health and welfare
• Recognize, protect and support pastoral systems for livelihoods and sustainable
resource management
• Promote and support sustainable grazing systems
• Promote and support mixed systems
• Promote the sustainability of intensive systems.

d) Connecting smallholders to markets:

Smallholders account for 70 per cent of world’s food supply, yet majority of the hungry are
smallholders. With full understanding of the role of smallholder in a changing context,
linkages among local, national, and regional markets and food systems, gender equity and
empowerment, youth aspirations and expectations, international markets, need for
comprehensive nutritional security, and institutional procurement, the following recent FAO
recommendations for linking smallholders with markets should be adopted in total:

• Collect comprehensive data on markets linked to local, national, and regional food
• Promote a more enabling market environment for smallholders
• Support affordable mechanisms for smallholders’ access to useful timely and
transparent market and price information to enable informed decision making.
• Promote and expand opportunities, including procurements, food assistance and
school feeding
• Improve procurement procedures
• Establish policy and institutional arrangement along the value chains and for
contractual arrangements

• Promote institutional innovation and improve agriculture production systems and
integrate smallholders in the value chain
• Promote inclusive participation in local food systems, especially women and youth
• Invest in the improved processing facilities and tools and equipment, access to
smallholder, emphasize quality, safety, and reduce seasonality of food insecurity
• Improve access to inclusive financial assistance, micro-financing, special terms of
credit, start-up capital, insurance
• Develop or improve smallholder targeted infrastructure, viz irrigation, small-scale
processing, packaging, feeder roads, energy, market places for direct sale.
• Recognize the environmental, social and economic value of food produced in context
of smallholders
• Promote integrated and balanced approaches between policies and national strategies,
including gender-targeted interventions, market linkages etc.
• Promote smallholder products with specific qualities responding to consumers
demand while preserving traditions and biodiversity
• Facilitate production diversification towards CSA, and diversified food consumption
for nutrition, reduce seasonal fluctuation
• Invest in capacity building and smallholder innovation, technology building to
enhance value addition, employment, income
• Encourage production of nutritious and healthy foods that may produce new market
• Promote short food supply chains to obtain better return
• Ensure ownership of assets by smallholders, land rights, employment opportunities,
access to financial services, and simplified administrative procedures
• Promote rigorous protection of food safety and provide necessary training,
information and capacity building
• Target education & training, particularly to youth, entrepreneurship development,
• Support development of production, entrepreneurial capacities, their enterprises, with
special attention to women and youth
• Promote South-South and Triangular and North-South cooperation as per Addis
Ababa Action Agenda
• Increase their bargaining capacity and control over their economic environment,
forming cooperatives associations & networks, equal participatory decision making

The Govt. of India is giving high priority to transforming agriculture to make it more
efficient, competitive, sustainable and resilient and has launched several new inititatives viz.
Doubling Farmers’ Income, The Prime Minister Irrigation Yojana, the Prime Minister
Agricultural Insurance Scheme, the National Mission on Sustainable Agriculture, and e-NAM
(One Nation, One Market) geared towards accomplishing the SDGs. Keeping in view the fast
growing urbanization, links between rural and urban areas should be improved to ensure
desired outcomes (Paroda, 2018).

3.4 Internalization of NAAS Policy Papers and Recommendations in the

National Agricultural Development Process

Towards formulating science-informed policy options, most of the policy papers had
analyzed the technological, socio-economic, ecological, and institutional challenges and
opportunities, as highlighted in the Introductory Chapter.

To illustrate the usual structure and scope of the Policy Papers and efficacy of
implementation of such policy papers, salient points of the Policy Paper 35, 2006, entitled
“Low and Declining Crop Response to Fertilizers”, as an example, are enumerated here. The
paper emerged from a brainstorming session convened by an eminent ICAR National
Professor and NAAS Fellow, involving nearly 50 selected stakeholder experts. It had made
recommendations under four heads, namely: (i) cause for low and declining crop response to
fertilizers, (ii) agenda for research, (iii) rejuvenation of agricultural extension, and (iv) policy

Further, congrueing the above four aspects, the following overall policy recommendations
were made to formulate a long term pragmatic policy for all fertilizer nutrients including
secondary nutrients and micronutrients to achieve balanced nutrition to overcome soil fertility
and health degradation, and to improve crop productivity on a sustainable basis:

• Adequate number of well equipped soil-testing laboratories manned by well trained

personnel to take care of secondary and micronutrient analysis
• Soil health cards for all the categories of the farmers throughout the country for the
purpose of periodical monitoring of soil fertility status and as one of the sources for
obtaining agricultural credit
• Quality control for fertilizers including micronutrient fertilizers
• Standardization of organic manures
• Providing price incentives to the fertilizers manufacturers opting for the manufacture
of value-added fertilizers such as neem-coated urea and balanced customized
• Strengthening collaboration between the fertilizer industry and national institutes
engaged in developing soil test-based and site-specific nutrient recommendations to
develop soil- and crop-specific quality fertilizers

• Provision of a transparent regulatory framework for ensuring supply of tailor-made
crop-and soil-specific quality fertilizers to the farmers and corresponding provision in
the Fertilizer (Control) Order, GoI
• More proactive State Fertilizer Review Committees having wider representation of
the scientists and the industry and empowered with quality control for blended and
value-added fertilizers
• Ensuring credit to the farmers at low interest rates for the purchase of fertilizers, seed,
pesticides, and agricultural equipment
• Providing subsidies to promote cultivation of legume crops for green manuring/grain
to build-up soil fertility and to meet the shortage of pulses requirements in the country
• Establishment of a national network on Integrated Fertilizers Development for
Sustainable Agriculture by the ICAR/Ministry of Agriculture
• Establishment of Coordination Cell for coordinating the activities of different
ministries of Government of India related to efficient use of fertilizers such as
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Fertilizers and Chemicals, Ministry of Irrigation,
ICAR and National Commission for Farmers.

The scientific, environmental, economic (productivity), sustainability, partnership

(cooperative federalism), and institutional contextuality of the above suggested policy actions
are more than obvious. It is encouraging that some of the recommendations have been
implemented with certain outcomes, including the adoption of neem-coated urea, championed
in recent years by none other than our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. Science-informed
wholesome action plans are needed for effective holistic implementation of the
recommendations. For instance, the recommendation made at the above serial no. 2
regarding Soil Health Card has now become a national movement, but the preceding
recommendation at no.1 on soil testing laboratories (and adequately trained human resources)
which underpins the quality and efficacy of the Cards, remains poorly implemented. As a
result, despite huge investment and claimed wide coverage of the project as judged by the
targeted issuance of 140 million Soil Health Cards within the stipulated five-year periods –
2015 to 2019, there is little evidence of soil health improvement reflected in enhanced input
use efficiency, total factor productivity, output productivity, and farmers’ income. Such
dichotomies in implementation should be eliminated soonest, and should not arise to begin

Several of the recommendations contained in the NAAS Policy Papers were internalized in
the National Plans, especially the XIth and XIIth Plans, and got reflected in agricultural
universities curricula and research and extension priorities of the National Agricultural
Research System (NARS). Most importantly, the recommendations were prominently
reflected in the National Policy for Farmers (NPF), 2007, drafted by the National
Commission on Farmers (NCF) in its Final Report, 2006, as given below:

• To increase focus on the economic well-being of the farmer rather than only on
production; measure the agricultural progress by farmers’ net income growth; rename
the Agriculture Ministry as Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare

• To develop support services including provision for seeds, irrigation, power,

machinery and implements, fertilizers, and credit at affordable prices and in adequate

• To conserve and improve land, water, and biodiversity resources, and to strengthen
the bio-security of crops, farm animals, fish and forest trees for safeguarding
livelihood and providing income security to farmers and national health and trade

• To strengthen farmer-market-consumer linkage and value chain management and to

provide appropriate price and trade policy mechanisms to enhance farmers’ income

• To complete the unfinished agenda in land reforms, and to undertake asset reforms to
empower farmers and to promote inclusive agricultural growth

• To provide appropriate opportunities for non-farm and off-farm employment to

farmer households, and to strengthen rural livelihoods

• To provide suitable risk management measures for adequate, timely compensation to


• To develop and introduce a social security system for farmers, and to foster
community-based food, water and energy security system to ensure nutrition security
at the level of every child, woman and man

• To introduce measures to help attract and retain youth in farming, and to restructure
university curricula to strengthen their entrepreneurship and employability and

• To make India a global outsourcing hub in the production and supply of agriculture
products and related inputs, and promoting use of modern technologies such as
biotechnology, nanotechnology and ICT.

It is gratifying that some of the initiatives of the government during 2006-13, such as the
National Rainfed Area Authority, National Food Security Mission, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas
Yojana, and National Food Bill, were in consonance with the intent, direction and measures
suggested in the National Policy for Farmers (NPF), and echoed in the NAAS Policy Papers.
Several of the recommendations were further analysed, refined, and sharpened and it is
doubly gratifying that these have been streamlined in the current development thrust of the
present Government since 2014, and the Prime Minister’s call for Doubling Farmers Income,
Empowering the Farmer, renaming the Ministry of Agriculture as the Ministry of Agriculture
and Farmers Welfare, fixing the MSP at CII+50 per cent of CII, and Reaching the Unreached
are being implemented.

During the past couple of decades several significant agriculture-related events/trends were
witnessed. The food price spike and financial crises during 2008 had globally pushed over
100 million more people into poverty. Most affected were the majority rural poor, mostly
involved in farming in developing countries. It also emerged that those agriculturally
dependent and agriculturally important countries which had managed their agriculture
adequately, generally escaped and absorbed the shocks rather satisfactorily and recovered
soon. Overall GDP growth originating in agriculture had proven to be, on an average, two to
four times as effective in raising income of the poor as growth generated in non-agriculture

The World Development Report 2008: Agriculture for Development had underpinned the
centrality of agriculture in the 21st century for poverty reduction, economic growth, and
environmental sustainability. It had highlighted that efficacy of the system will depend upon
the ability of concerned institutions, policies and investments to respond to accelerated
demand for food, globalization of markets and associated risks, rising urbanization, growing
land and water scarcity, and climate change. For operationalization of the policy options and
programs, the World Bank (2010-12) had suggested five key areas for action, namely:

• Raise agricultural productivity growth

• Link farmers to markets and strengthen value chains
• Reduce risk and vulnerability
• Facilitate agricultural entry and exit, and rural non-farm income
• Enhance environmental services and sustainability, including climate change

The bang of the 2008 global crisis was heard by most national and concerned international
programmes and a renewed commitment to agriculture emerged globally. Efforts were
accordingly geared to harness the power of agriculture to promote poverty alleviation with
focus on farm and non-farm rural incomes, inclusive economic growth, nutritional security,
zero hunger, and sustainable development.

The NAAS took full cognizance of the crisis and adjusted its priorities/programmes of work.
Its brainstorming sessions met more frequently and discussed the prevailing and foreseen
problems and their possible scientific, policy and institutional solutions. The sub-challenges
within a set of challenges, and the 14 sets of challenges among themselves are interrelated
and often interdependent. The foremost two challenges, hunger and poverty, identified by
NAAS are analogous to the topmost two challenges of the Agenda 2030 (SDGs 1 and 2).
Meeting the 14 sets of NAAS challenges could be seen as 14 Goals of the Academy (NAASG
14). For each Goal, the listed policy/theme/strategy papers have identified specific activities,
but have not set the target. As done for the SDGs (see the box below for SDG1 – Ending
Poverty), NAAS should, as elaborated in Chapter 17 fix targets and prepare an
implementation pathway to reach the targets.

The Global Targets for Sustainable Development Goal 1 to be achieved by 2030

1.1 By 2030, eradicate extreme poverty for all people everywhere, currently measured as
people living on less than $1.25 a day

1.2 By 2030, reduce at least by half the proportion of men, women and children of all ages
living in poverty in all its dimensions according to national definitions

1.3 Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all,
including floors, and by 2030 achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable

1.4 By 2030, ensure that all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have
equal rights to economic resources, as well as access to basic services, ownership and
control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate
new technology and financial services, including microfinance

1.5 By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce
their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic,
social and environmental shocks and disasters

1.a Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through
enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and predictable means
for developing countries, in particular least developed countries, to implement programs
and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions

1.b Create sound policy frameworks at the national, regional and international levels, based
on pro-poor and gender-sensitive development strategies, to support accelerated
investment in poverty eradication actions.

As mentioned earlier, India, and most other countries, have adopted the SDGs and set targets
and strategies as per their needs, possibilities and perspectives. For instance, India is
implementing a comprehensive development strategy to end poverty in all its forms. As
elucidated by NITI Aayog (2018), the strategy encompasses focusing on economic growth,
poverty alleviation programs, ensuring gainful employment, and improving access to basic
services particularly to the vulnerable. Necessary institutional platforms, technology support
and financial services are also geared to meet the goal. Analogous to the global targets, based
on national indicators, India’s SDG1 indices were fixed by NITI Aayog as below.
Indicators Selected for SDG - 1 India Index National Target Value
for 2030
(1) Percentage of population living below National Poverty line 10.95
(2) Percentage of households with any usual member covered by 100
any health scheme or health insurance
(3) Persons provided employment as a Percentage of persons who 100
demanded employment under MGNREGA
(4) Proportion of the population (out of total eligible population) 100
receiving social protection benefits under Maternity Benefit
(5) Number of homeless households per 10,000 households 0

A number of outcome-based specific programs and schemes have been launched at national,
regional and state levels, such as Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Gurantee Act

(MGNREGA), Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) and Deendayal Antyodaya
Yojana of Pradhan Mantri National Rural and Urban Livelihood Mission, National Social
Assistance Programs (NSAP), Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri
Jeevan Suraksha Bima Yojana, Ayushman Bharat, National Food Security Mission, Poshan
Abhiyan, Swachh Bharat Mission, Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala
Yojana etc.

SDG 2- Ending all forms of hunger and malnutrition by 2030, one of the foremost global
goals is the highest priority of India. The targets to be achieved by 2030, as listed below, are
reflected in the 14 challenges identified by NAAS, and are linked with SDGs

The Global Targets to be achieved for SDG 2 (end hunger) by 2030 are as follows:
2.1 By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in
vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year

2.2 By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally
agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under five years of age, and address the
nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women, and older persons

2.3 By 2030, double the agricultural productivity and the incomes of small-scale food
producers, particularly women, indigenous peoples, family farmers, pastoralists and
fishers, including through secure and equal access to land, other productive resources and
inputs, knowledge, financial services, markets, and opportunities for value addition and
non-farm employment.

2.4 By 2030, ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural
practices that increase productivity and production, that help maintain ecosystems, that
strengthen capacity for adaptation to climate change, extreme weather, drought, flooding
and other disasters, and that progressively improve land and soil quality

2.5 By 2020, maintain genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants, farmed and domesticated
animals and their related wild species, including through soundly managed and diversified
seed and plant banks at national, regional and international levels, and ensure access to and
fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and
associated traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed

2.a Increase investment, including through enhanced international cooperation, in rural

infrastructure, agricultural research and extension services, technology development, and
plant and livestock gene banks to enhance agricultural productive capacity in developing
countries, in particular least developed countries

2.b Correct and prevent trade restrictions and distortions in world agricultural markets,
including by the parallel elimination of all forms of agricultural export subsidies and all
export measures with equivalent effect, in accordance with the mandate of the Doha
Development Round

2.c Adopt measures to ensure the proper functioning of food commodity markets and their
derivatives, and facilitate timely access to market information, including on food reserves,
in order to help limit extreme food price volatility

1,3,4,5,6,7,8,10,12, and 13.

The NITI Aayog, has, however, identified only four national targets as listed below:

Indicator Selected for SDG India Index National Target Value

For 2030
(1) Ratio of rural households covered under 1.29
public distribution system to rural households
where monthly income of highest earning
member is less than Rs.5,000
(2) Percentage of children under age 5 years who 21.03
are stunted
(3) Percentage of pregnant women aged 15-49 23.57
years who are anaemic (11.0g/dl)( per cent)
(4) Rice, wheat and coarse cereals produced 5018.44
annually per unit area (Kg/Ha)

As mentioned earlier, the NAAS papers have suggested specific as well as general actions
towards meeting the goals/challenges, but have not set targets. Considering that India and rest
of the Asia-Pacific is not making satisfactory progress towards achieving the targets set for
some of the important goals viz. SDG1 and SDG 2, analogous to NAAS G1 and NAAS G2,
this compilation includes chapters which fill the gaps in the policy/strategy options and
implementation pathways. Some of the papers support additional new points to develop
relevant policy options/actions/strategies as for realizing Farmers’ Rights. A couple of the
papers are simply abridged reproduction of earlier policy papers for underpinning and
reemphasizing some of the important aspects awaiting redressal viz. genetical engineering,
accelerated oilseeds production, and renewable energy.

Notwithstanding the various ongoing programs and the above suggested overall framework
for implementing the SDGs in general, specific Roadmap Framework should be formulated
and judiciously implemented for specific SDGs to achieve targeted outcomes and impacts. In
this context, the joint efforts of RIS (Research and Information System for Developing
Countries) and WFP (World Food Programme of the United Nations) in preparing a
Roadmap Framework for SDG2 (Zero Hunger) is laudable. NITI Aayog which is responsible
for overall coordination of SDGs and the Ministry of Statistics and Programme
Implementation (MoPSI) which is responsible for evolving indicators, alongwith other
concerned ministries and agencies, are already preparing Roadmap Frameworks for all the
SDGs. NAAS should join hands with such ongoing efforts and ultimately come up with
robust Result Framework for effective implementation of new policy options.

Selected References

FAO (2018) Transforming Food and Agriculture to Achieve the SDGs : 20 interconnected
actions to guide decision makers. FAO, Rome

NAAS (1995 to 2019) Policy Papers 1 to 89. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
New Delhi

NAAS (2015 to 2019) Strategy Papers 1 to 13. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
New Delhi

NAAS (2016 to 2019) Policy Briefs 1 to 3. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New

NCF (2004-06) Reports of the National Commission on Farmers, Government of India. Vols.
1 to 6.

Government of India (2007) National Policy for Farmers: Serving Farmers to Save Farming,
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation Ministry of Agriculture

NITI Aayog (2018) SDG India Index – Baseline Report 2018.

Paroda RS (2018) Reorienting Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities. CAB

International, U.K.

SDG 2 Roadmap Framework (2018) Research and Information System for Developing
Countries (RIS) and World Food Programme (WFP), New Delhi, 148 pp

United Nations (2015) Global Sustainable Development Report. Department of Economic

and Social Affairs, United Nations

Annexure 1

Other Important NAAS Publications

1. 100 Years of Agricultural Sciences in India. Editor: R.B. Singh, 2016.
2. Proceedings of XII ASC-2015: Sustainable Livelihood Security for Smallholder
Farmers. Editors: A.K. Srivastava, T.K. Datta, K.K. Vass, V.K. Gupta and S.
Ayyappan, 2016.
3. State of India Agriculture – Energy. Editors: Anwar Alam and Pitam Chandra, 2015.
4. State of Indian Agriculture – Water. Editors: Himanshu Pathak, B.P. Bhatt and S.K.
Gupta, 2015.
5. State of Indian Agriculture – Soil. Editors: Himanshu Pathak, S.K. Sanyal and P.N.
Takkar, 2015.
6. Down the Memory Lane, NAAS, 2015.
7. Proceedings of XI ASC-2013: Transforming Agricultural Education for Reshaping
India’s Future. Editor: R.B. Singh, 2014.
8. Report of NAAS Committee on Agricultural Credit and Insurance, NAAS, 2014.
9. A Road Map to Transform Agricultural Education to Reshape India’s Future, Editor:
R.B. Singh, 2014.
10. Proceedings of X ASC-2011: Soil, Plant and Animal Health for Enhanced and
Sustained Agricultural Productivity. Editors: R.B. Singh, C. Devakumar, P.K.
Chhonkar, W.S. Lakra and J.K. Jena, 2012.
11. Towards An Evergreen Revolution – The Road Map. R.B. Singh, 2011.
12. State of Indian Agriculture – The Indo-Gangetic Plains. Editors: Mangala Rai, Anjani
Kumar and S.M. Virmani, 2010.
13. Degraded and Wastelands of India: Status and Spatial Distribution. Editors: S.M.
Virmani, Rajendra Prasad and P.S. Pathak, 2010.
14. State of Indian Agriculture, Editors: Mangla Rai, S.S. Acharya, S.M. Virmani and
P.K. Aggarwal, 2009.
15. Revival of the Agricultural Crescent of Bihar. R.B. Singh, 2009.
16. Proceedings of 2nd International Rice Congress: Science, Technology, and Trade for
Peace and Prosperity. Editors: P.K. Aggarwal, J.K. Ladha, R.K. Singh, C. Devakumar
and B. Hardy, 2008.
17. Converting Deserts into Oasis. Editors: J.S.P. Yadav, R.K. Singh and V.P. Gupta,
18. Agriculture Cannot Wait: New Horizons in Indian Agriculture. Editor: M.S.
Swaminathan, 2007.
19. Search for New Genes. Editors: V.L. Chopra, R.P. Sharma, S.R. Bhat and B.M.
Prasanna, 2007.
20. Highlights & Recommendations of Ten Years after Beijing Congress: Gender,
Science and Agriculture, NAAS, 2006.
21. Biosafety of Transgenic Rice – Proceedings. Editors: V.L. Chopra, Dr. S. Shantharam
and R.P. Sharma, 2005.

22. Highlights of the VII ASC on Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture, NAAS,
23. Report on Visit of NAAS Delegation to CAAS. Members of Delegation: V.L. Chopra,
Panjab Singh, R.P. Singh and S.M. Virmani, 2005.
24. Proceedings of VI ASC-2003: Multi-Enterprise Systems for Viable Agriculture.
Editors: C.L. Acharya, R.K. Gupta, D.L.N. Rao and A. Subba Rao, 2004.
25. Highlights of VI ASC on Multi-enterprise Systems for Viable Agriculture, NAAS,
26. Proceedings of the 88th Session of the Indian Science Congress: Towards Food Secure
India. Editors: R.S. Paroda, Anupam Varma and Narendra Gupta, 2002.
27. Highlights of V ASC on Sustainable Development of Mountain Agriculture,
28. Sustainable Indian Fisheries. Editor: T.J. Pandian, 2001.
29. Proceedings of IV Agricultural Science Congress-1999 on Sustainable Agricultural
Export. Editors: K.L. Chadha and P. K. Joshi, 1999.
30. Highlights of IV ASC. K.L. Chadha and P. K. Joshi, 1999.
31. Proceedings of National Seminar on Harnessing and Management of Water Resources
for Enhancing Agricultural Production in the Eastern Region. Editors: K.L. Chadha
and S.D. Sharma, 1999.
32. Action Plan on Conservation, Management and Use of Agro-Biodiversity, NAAS,
33. National Action Plan on Agrobiodiversity in India. Editors R.S.Paroda, Mangala Rai
and P.L. Gautam, 1999.
34. National Water Policy: Proceedings of The Round Table Conference. Editors: N.S.
Randhawa and P.B.S. Sarma, 1998.
35. Proceedings of the Third Agricultural Science Congress (Technical Papers), NAAS,
36. Proceedings of the National Symposium on Biochemical Bases of Host-Plant
Resistance to Insects. Editor: T.N. Ananthakrishnan, 1996.
37. Agricultural Scientists' Perceptions on Plant Nutrient Needs, Supply, Efficiency and
Policy Issues: 2000-2025. Editors: J.S. Kanwar and S.C. Katyal, 1996.
38. Proceedings of the Second Agricultural Science Congress. Editors: M.S.
Swaminathan, N.S. Randhawa, T.N. Anathakrishnan and Prem Narain, 1995.
39. Agricultural Scientists’ Perceptions of National Water Policy, Editor: N. S.
Randhawa, 1995.
40. Proceedings of the First Agricultural Science Congress. Editor: Prem Narain, 1992.

Chapter 4
Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture and Food System to Build Zero
Hunger New India

4.1 Ending Malnutrition by 2030: the Foremost Priority of India

Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi, respecting the wishes, aspirations, hopes, and
desires of 1.3 billion Indians, pledged on 15 August 2017, the 71st Independence Day, to
build a New India by 2022. He envisioned an innovation-driven, vibrant, healthy India free
from corruption, communalism, casteism, terrorism, and illiteracy. He further envisioned a
clean (swachh) India characterized by peace, prosperity, unity, plurality, transparency,
inclusiveness, and compassion. To be prosperous, inclusive, and at peace, New India must
also be free from abject poverty, hunger, and under-nutrition – the foremost priority of
the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – Agenda 2030.

India, through the Green Revolution process ushered in the 1960s, and followed by White,
Yellow and Blue Revolutions, had witnessed unprecedented gains in agricultural and food
production, registering record productions of nearly 300 million tonnes of foodgrains, 315
million tonnes of fruits and vegetables, 175 million tonnes of milk (highest in the world), and
12 million tonnes of fish, rendering India the second largest agrarian economy of the world.
Importantly, the Rainbow Revolution had halved the incidences of poverty and hunger in the
country and transformed the nation from the state of ship-to-mouth to the state of Right-to-
Food based on home-grown food. And, India emerged as a major exporter of foodgrains and
other agricultural products. The revolution was largely due to the synergy of technologies,
informed policies, services, farmers’ enthusiasm and strong political will.

Despite the Rainbow Revolution and high overall economic growth rate of about 8 per cent
during the past decade or so, nearly one-fourth of world’s hungry and 40 per cent of the
world’s undernourished, stunted, and, wasted children have their homes in India. It is
estimated that the high under-nutrition in the country may annually cost about 6-10 per cent
of the national GDP, let alone the unethically entrenched human deprivation. Moreover, the
epigenetic effect of hunger has aggravated the intergenerational injustice. Obviously, the “Pot
of gold”, meaning eternal justice, inclusiveness, prosperity, peace, happiness, and vibrancy, at
the end of the Rainbow (Revolution) has remained elusive. A big question is: how a ‘tall’
vibrant New India could be built on the shoulders of stunted and wasted children?

Globally, studies have shown that in agriculturally important countries, like India, growth in
Agriculture and Food System (AFS) is almost three times more effective in alleviating
hunger, poverty and undernutrition than analogous growth in other sectors. Being the second
largest agriculture economy in the world, India must harness its AFS effectively to break the
enigmatic co-existence of high economic growth and the deprivations (an infamous Indian
Enigma). The food and agriculture system must be transformed so that the related
development should not mean only enhanced production, instead it should mean production
plus plus, with equal emphasis on remunerative net income of the farmer, physical and

economic access to adequate quality food, safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene,
ecological efficiency, environmental health, nutritional adequacy, inclusiveness, and
sustainability, seeking a wholesome and integral approach.

State of Malnutrition in India

Of the 821 million undernourished people in the world, 196 million are in India, the largest
number in any country in the world. Worst, of the world’s 51 million wasted children below
the age of five; 26 million are our own children (Table 1). As regards prevalence of
undernutrtion, over 15 per cent of Indians are undernourished against the corresponding
world average of 10.8 and China’s average of 9.6 per cent (Table 2). In the 0 to 5 age group,
over 38 per cent of Indian children are stunted against only 9 per cent in China.
Table 1. Number of undernourished people, 2017 (millions)
Geographic Number of Number of children Number of children
entity undernourished people under 5 wasted under 5 stunted
World 821 51 151
India 196 26 47
China 125 1.6 6.9
Asia 515 35 84
Africa 257 14 59
Source: FAO, The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2018

Table 2. Prevalence of undernutrition (per cent)

Geographic Prevalence of Prevalence of Prevalence of Prevalence of Anaemia
entity undernourishment in stunting under wasting under among women of repro-
total population 5 years age 5 years age ductive age (15 to 49 years)
2004-06 2015-17 2012 2017 2017 2005 2016
World 14.3 10.8 24.9 22.2 7.5 30.6 32.8
China 15.3 9.6 11.7 9.4 2.3 18.4 26.4
India 20.5 15.1 47.9 38.4 21.0 53.2 51.21
Brazil 4.5 <2.5 7.1 - - 27.5 27.2
Source: FAO, SOFI, 2017

Stunting in children below 5 is widespread among developing countries being highest in South
Asia (36 per cent) and Africa (34 per cent) (Figure 1). India, despite some progress made in the
past decade or so, continues to have the largest number of stunted, wasted, underweight
children – seriously eroding the human resource base. Worst, the number of wasted children
has been increasing (Figure 2). Hidden hunger, deficiency of iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin A, B-
complex vitamins, particularly vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and folic acid is rampant. Sixty per cent
children below five are deficient in Vitamin A and 70 per cent of children are anaemic.
Deficiencies of vitamin D and B-12 which were not considered to be of public health
importance are emerging as new areas of concern. What is particularly worrisome is reduction
in the extent of undernutrition over many decades has been highly sluggish.

While undernutrition is entrenched and declining very slowly, the burden of obesity has
started enhancing rather steadily. The prevalence of obesity in adult > 18 almost doubled
between 2012 and 2017, increasing from 3 per cent to 5.8 per cent. (Table 3).
Table 3. Prevalence of overweight and obesity (per cent)
Geographic Prevalence of overweight in children, Prevalence of obesity in
Entity <5 adult, >18
2012 2017 2012 2017
World 5.4 5.6 11.7 13.2
India 1.9 2.1 3.0 5.8
China 6.6 na 5.1 6.6
Asia 4.5 4.8 6.0 7.3
Africa 5.0 5.0 10.4 11.8

Source: FAO, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, 2018
Figure 1. World Stunting Map

Percentage of Children (<5 years) Stunted (2010 – 2016)

Figure 2. Incidence of child undernutrition (per cent) in India

60 48
38.4 35.7
19.8 21
20 NFHS-3(2005-
Stunting Wasting Underweight
Source: NITI Aayog, Nourishing India, 2018

Figure 3 gives the prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age in Asia. More than of
50 per cent of Indian women are anaemia. Almost a quarter of men working force suffer from
anaemia, and they are about 10 per cent less productive than they could be. About 24 million
primary school children in our country attend classes hungry. Studies have shown that
cognitive ability of malnourished children is two to three times worse than their adequately
nourished peers. Unfortunately, the hidden hunger is seen as “normal”, seriously undermining
its prominence as a development issue.

Figure 3. Prevalence of Anaemia in Women of Reproductive Age in Asia

Source: FAO. 2018. Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2018

While in the poorer regions and areas deeply stressed by climate change, there is stagnating
higher concentration of stunted and wasted children, the richer regions have increasing
incidence of obesity in both men and women increasing respectively by 60 to 100 per cent
during the last 10 years.

Undernutrition takes a heavy toll of human health and consequent suffering and adverse
impact on national productivity and overall development. Some of the important
consequences are: (1) over one-third child deaths are due to undernutrition, due to greater
severity of diseases, (ii) undernutrition between conception and age 2 yrs (1000 days) has
lesser physical and mental development affecting productivity and national development, (iii)
Economic cost of undernutrition: Direct-increased burden on health care, Indirect-lost
productivity, is high (iv) According to the World Bank (2012) report, annually India loses
more than $12 billion in GDP to vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Childhood anaemia alone
is associated with a 2.5 per cent drop in adult wages, (v) Malnourished children are at risk of
losing more than 10 per cent of their lifetime earnings potential, and (vi) Malnutrition may

increase the risks of HIV infection, while reducing the numbers of children and mothers who
survive malaria.

Thus, today elimination and prevention of undernutrition and the overall malnutrition in India
is most critical for development in space and time. In the life cycle approach it must be
prevented as early as possible to avert irreversible deficits in development of individuals,
societies, and the nation as a whole. Intergenerational continuity of high incidences of
undernutrition is fraught with the epigenetic fixation of the malady. And, this inhuman
development must be averted soon (Singh, 2015).

The Global Nutrition Report 2016 had highlighted that malnutrition annually costs about 11
per cent of the GDP in Asia, and preventing malnutrition delivers $ 16 to 40 in return on
investment for every $ 1 spent. Given the high prevalence of undernutrition, India carries
high health, humanitarian, economic, and social burdens - the foremost challenge facing the
country. Needless to assert, without effective concurrent investment in nutrition, health, and
human capital, India would not have the thriving workforce to benefit from the structural
transformations and to trigger accelerated, inclusive, and sustained economic growth to build
New India.

Developing nations should reposition nutrition as central to development. According to a

group of economists, including three Nobel laureates, investment in nutrition is one of the
‘best buys’ that developing countries can make for economic growth. The following
statement from Policies without Politics: Analyzing Nutrition Governance, sums up the need
for holistic governance to address the problem of malnutrition in India, “It is widely believed
that India’s limited success in dealing with undernutrition is linked to poor governance,
including lack of a strong national agenda against malnutrition within the highest executive
offices; lack of consistent monitoring of the situation based on reliable data; and an inability
to comprehend malnutrition as a holistic issue, unsatisfactory quality of interventions across a
number of sectors, including water and sanitation, education, agriculture, and others.
Malnutrition is viewed primarily as a problem of hunger and food distribution, requiring
supplementary feeding and subsidized distribution systems”.

The poor spends 60 to 70 per cent of his income to meet his daily food needs. Any increase in
food prices and uncertainties in supply caused due to climate change and other reason, are
bound to further depress the food and nutritional security of poor. And, unfortunately one-
fourth of the world’s poor have their homes in India. Therefore, India must be most vigilant
in not allowing the situation to worsen by ensuring secured, sustained need based investment
in developing appropriate technologies, effectively adopting them at the farmers’ field and at
ground level, and consistent increase in their net incomes by linking the farmers to
remunerative markets. Only such efforts can defy Malthus and Paddock Brothers who had
predicted mass starvation deaths in India.

4.2 Global Commitment for Ending all Forms of Malnutrition

Ever since the UNICEF globally in 1990 formulated the Policy Framework and gave holistic
approach for multi-sectoral multilevel response to malnutrition, several major global
initiatives have emerged. UNICEF had identified key drivers of malnutrition and emphasized
stakeholders responsibility and accountability. In recent years, momentum around nutrition
has intensified. In 2012 the UN Zero Hunger Challenge Program was announced at the
Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development. In the same year, the World Health
Assembly adopted the 2025 Global Target for Maternal, Infant and Young Child Nutrition. In
2013, it adopted targets for non-communicable diseases (NCDs). Also in 2013, at the first
Nutrition for Growth (N4G) Summit, donors committed US $ 23 billion to actions to improve
nutrition. The 2014, Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), recent renaming
of 2016-2025 as the UN Decade of Action on Nutrition, and milestones such as Scaling-Up
Nutrition (SUN) Movement have evoked global awareness to addressing malnutrition in all
its forms. These initiatives are directly and highly relevant to India and should be duly
internalized in India’s policies and actions on comprehensive nutritional security.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals announced in 2015 - Agenda 2030 (SDGs, 2016 to
2030), especially SDG2, calling for Zero Hunger by 2030, has the objective of “ending all
forms of malnutrition”, for all people, by 2030, with targets for doubling agricultural
productivity and income of small-scale food producers (SDG 2.3).

Target 2.2 of SDG 2 calling for ending all forms of malnutrition, adopted the targets agreed
by the World Health Assembly, 2025, as given in the Box below: Other sub-goals of SDG2
are ensuring sustainable food systems (SDG 2.4), and maintaining genetic diversity (SDG
2.5). The SDGS were built on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs, 2000 to 2015),
the foremost goals of these two global initiatives are synonymous – end poverty and hunger,
achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable development. And, in
India, a vibrant and dynamic agriculture is central to meeting most of the SDGs.

Table 4. World Health Assembly Six Global Nutrition Targets for 2025 for Material, Infant
and Young Child Nutrition and One NCD Target
WHA targets
Stunting 40 per cent reduction in the number of children under five who
are stunted
Anaemia 50 per cent reduction of anaemia in women of reproductive age
Low birth weight 30 per cent reduction in low birth weight
Childhood overweight No increase in childhood overweight
Breastfeeding Increase the rate of exclusive breastfeeding in the first six
months up to at least 50 per cent
Wasting Reduce and maintain childhood wasting to less than 5 per cent
NCD Targets
Adult obesity Halt the rise in obesity
Source: WHO, 2014a; FAO, 2018a

4.2.1 FAO Leading the Global Zero Hunger Challenge Program
The United Nations’ Secretary General while announcing the Global Zero Hunger Challenge
Programme had called for building a future in which all people enjoy their fundamental right
to food, and in which their livelihoods and food systems are resilient and able to withstand
the pressures induced by climate change and other resource and environmental challenges.
The Global ZHC programme is based on five pillars (Figure 4). The Secretary General had
hoped that we can achieve Zero Hunger during our lifetimes, say by 2030.
Figure 4. Five Strategies of the Global Zero Hunger Challenge Program

Each of the above strategic pillars had their defined outcomes (Table 5).

Table 5. Expected outcomes of the five strategies of ZHC program

Strategy Outcome
1. Zero stunted children less Access to the needed food through sustainable agriculture
than two years and food systems, employment security and social
protection, fair and well-functioning market, universal
access to nutritious food in the 1000- day window,
sustainable nutrition-sensitive health care, and specific
nutrition interventions empowering women
2. 100 per cent access to All people will have assured access to food all time
adequate food all year through transparent and effective public distribution and
round other social protection floors, direct cash transfer to
farmers, assured minimum income of farmers, and
comprehensive agricultural insurance
3. All food systems are Climate-resilient agricultural practices, coherent policies
sustainable for sustainable use of land, water, energy, and
biodiversity, climate smart villages
4. 100 per cent increase in Technologies appropriate for smallholders, especially
smallholder productivity women farmers, appropriate mechanization,
and income diversification, custom hire services, training and market
linkage and price support resulting in reduced rural
poverty and improved equity
5. Zero loss or waste of food “Save and Grow” mindset, minimum losses along the
value chain, various sizes of warehouses within rural areas
build by private and public sectors, producer companies

The Second International Conference on Nutrition (ICN2), organized by FAO, Rome 2014,
had underpinned that despite remarkable rates of economic growth in several developing
countries, the negative health consequences of micronutrient deficiencies continue to affect
around 2 billion people. More than 100 million children under the age of 5 are underweight
and unable to realize their full socio-economic and human potential. Among other things, the
Conference had recognized that poverty and the lack of access at all times of sufficient food
are major contributors to malnutrition. And, undernutrition was the main underlying cause of
death in children under five, causing 45 per cent of all child deaths in the world in 2013.

The Conference pledged to “improve nutrition by strengthening human and institutional

capacities to address all forms of malnutrition through, inter alia, relevant scientific and
socio-economic research and development, innovation and transfer of appropriate
technologies on mutually agreed terms and conditions”. It lent a strong support to the Global
Zero Hunger Challenge Programme.

The Conference had recognized that world population is projected to increase to over 9
billion in 2050. By then, share of the world’s people living in urban areas will increase from
54 per cent to 65 per cent and the proportion of middle class will swell from 50 per cent to 70
per cent. The economic and demographic changes will fuel demand for quality, protein-rich
high value food, particularly livestock and horticultural products. Overall, global agricultural
output will have to double by 2050 to meet the expected demand of food, feed, fibre and fuel.
In order to realize the additional production, the use of extracted water in agriculture will
increase from 70 per cent in 2013 to 89 per cent in 2050.

FAO had echoed accelerated, substantial, and sustainable hunger reduction is possible with
the requisite political commitment. This has to be well informed by sound understanding of
national challenges, relevant policy options creating enabling mechanisms and environment
for security and nutrition, broad participation, and lessons from other experiences. It was
emphasised that hunger reduction requires an integrated approach, which would include:
public and private investments to raise agricultural productivity; better access to inputs, land,
services, technologies, and markets; measures to promote rural development; social
protection for the most vulnerable, including strengthening their resilience to conflicts and
natural disasters; and specific nutrition programmes, especially to address micronutrient
deficiencies in mothers and in children under five.

FAO prepared frameworks to guide and facilitate country level actions to implement ZHC
with concrete outcomes under the leadership of each Government. Member Countries were
encouraged to prepare National Action Plans for the National Zero Hunger Challenge through
multi-stakeholders consultation and support from UN Country Teams (UNCTs). India had
actively participated in these initiatives.

In this effort, FAO, alongwith IFAC, UNICEF, WFP, and WHO, in its latest (2018) Report
on the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World, has highlighted the increase in
number of undernourished in the world since 2014 (Figure 5). And, this is partly attributed to
climate variability. As judged also by food insecurity as experienced by people (FIES), the

incidence and number of severely food insecure had also increased during 2014 to 2017
(Figure 6; FAO, 2018)

Figure 5. Number (million) and prevalence (Percentage) of undernourished in world during


19 1237

17 1107
15 911.4
855.1 839.8
14.5 820.5 812.8 805.7 804.2 820.8
13 13.8
783.7 784.4 847
11 12.2
11.8 717
11.5 11.3
11 10.8 10.9
10.7 10.6
9 587

7 457

5 327
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Prevalence (%) Number (million)

Source: FAO, 2017

Figure 6. Prevalence and Number of Severely Food Insecure Based on FIES, 2014-2017

Source: FAO. 2018. Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2018

In the above context, FAO (2018) highlighted the following key messages:

• “Climate variability and exposure to more complex, frequent and intense climate
extremes are threatening to erode and even reverse the gains made in ending hunger
and malnutrition
• Climate variability and extremes are a key driver behind the recent rise in global
hunger and one of the leading causes of severe food crises
• Severe droughts linked to the strong El Niño of 2015–2016 affected many countries,
contributing to the recent uptick in undernourishment at the global level
• Hunger is significantly worse in countries with agricultural systems that are highly
sensitive to rainfall and temperature variability and severe drought, and where the
livelihood of a high proportion of the population depends on agriculture.”

To address these messages, FAO in this Report has highlighted the way forward to meet the
SDG 13 – Combat Climate Change and its impact, which will be directly impacting SDG 2 –
Eliminate Hunger and Malnutrition by 2030.

4.2.2 Global Inter-Academy Partnership for a Food-Nutrition-Health Secure


The Inter-Academy Partnership (IAP), global network of the world’s science academies, has
recently formed a new global collaboration by interconnecting established regional networks
of academies to ensure that the voice of science is heard in creating a food-nutrition-health
secure world. The four regional groups (Asian, African, European and American) of
academies examined the science opportunities associated with the following:

• Ensuring sustainable food production (land and sea), sustainable diets and sustainable
communities, including issues for agricultural transformation in the face of increasing
competition for land use
• Promoting healthy food systems and increasing the focus on nutrition, with multiple
implications for diet quality, vulnerable groups and informed choice
• Identifying the means to promote resilience, including resilience in ecosystems and in
international markets
• Responding to, and preparing for, climate change and other environmental and social

Each regional group had the responsibility to decide the relative proportion of effort to be
committed to the different themes based on local needs with due consideration of the
integrative food systems approach. The Association of Academies and Societies of Science in
Asia (AASSA), which had organized one of its meetings at NAAS as well, has recently
(March 2018) brought out its report on “Opportunities and Challenges for Research on Food
and Nutrition Security and Agriculture in Asia”.

The report highlights that population and income growths will be the main drivers of food
needs. The projected population in Asia in 2050 will be 5.3 billion, an increase of 1 billion
(about half of the projected world growth). The projected growth across Asia is not even.
While India’s population will swell from 1.31 b in 2015 to 1.71 b in 2050, China’s population
will decrease from 1.38 billion to 1.35 billion during the same period. Almost half of the
projected population growth for Asia is in India. Other South Asian neighbors will also
record sizeable increase whereas Japan and Thailand, like China, will show population
decrease and no growth is projected in South Korean population (Table 6).

Table 6. Projections of total population size (millions) based on United Nations medium
variants for Asia, Oceania and selected countries
Countries 2015 2050 (projected)
Asia 4593 5267
Oceania 39 57
Australia 24 34
China 1377 1348
India 1311 1705
Indonesia 258 322
Israel 8.1 12.6
Japan 127 107
South Korea (Republic of Korea) 50 50
Thailand 68 63
Source: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division
(2015). Also refer to Lutz and Samir (2010)

As regards income growth, the world is changing from being mostly poor to being mostly
middle class. By 2022, more people in the world will be middle class rather than poor (Figure
6). In India, the middle class is growing annually by11-13 per cent. These changes coupled
with free flow of information and commerce will increase demand for higher value food such
as meat, milk, eggs, fish, nut and fruits.

Figure 6. The projected increase in the global middle-class

Source: Kharas and Gertz (2010)

The high points emerging from the report are:

• A system analytical approach is needed to identify impediments and to provide

workable holistic solutions, with “all-hands-on deck” approach where all stakeholders
– public, private, corporate, academia, NGO and civil society will be a part of the
• The application of current scientific knowledge through improved education and
extension practices, the development of new scientific knowledge in targeted areas
and related technology developments will all be essential in terms of meeting the
global food challenge
• Emphasis should not be placed on calorie provision alone; rather, the focus should be
on diverse diets supplying a balance of food types and dietary nutrients and non-
nutrients that are known to influence health and FNS should address malnutrition in
all its forms
• Use ‘systems analysis’ to identify key impediments to FNS in these areas and to use
such analysis to priorities extension, education and research for development (R4D)
• The territorial approach to investigating FNS implies a shift from a sectoral (usually
agricultural production), top-down, ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to one that is multi-
sectoral, bottom up and context specific. India being a large and agro-ecologically
highly diverse country, the territorial approach will promote inclusive and sustainable
agricultural growth
• Obesity is sprawling fast also in Asia and Oceania, and any food and nutritional
security programme/strategy must not ignore this aspect and should emphasize on
healthy, variety of food types and to educate people about healthy eating and lifestyle
to minimize non-communicable diseases
• Greater emphasis is needed on agri-food R&D, extension and education, emphasizing
cross-disciplinary and system-oriented approaches, and to promote more diversified
food system that enhances availability and affordability of nutritionally balanced
foods for the poor.

Highlighting the role of science and technology in fighting undernutrition, a regional

cooperative forum was suggested to focus on key opportunities areas, recognizing the
following as key science, technology and research areas:

1. genomics-based approaches to plant and animal breeding

2. ‘big-data’ capture and analysis, precision agriculture and robotics
3. food technology innovations in harvest, processing and storage to reduce food
4. sustainable farming practices for land and water use that address wider issues such as
biodiversity and climate
5. aquaculture production and integrated farm production systems.

The overall recommendations of AASSA, which are highly pertinent to India, were as below:

1. Priority in relation to R&D and educational efforts should be given to countries and
regions that have been identified as being at ‘high risk’ concerning current and future
FNS. Particular focus should be afforded to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Nepal, Myanmar (countries having elements in common) and the Philippines, Iraq,
Tajikistan and Yemen

2. A strategy moving forward would be to undertake systems analysis to identify key

impediments to raising food yields or supplying an adequate balance of food types.
The systems analysis would prioritize extension, education and R&D needs, region by
region and/or group by group, and would provide guidance on means of sustainably
increasing food production and diversity. There will undoubtedly be some
R&D/extension/education focus areas that are of global relevance and universally
applicable (see above)

3. The AASSA should work with its constituent societies to develop a trans-national
funding mechanism that puts basic research connected to FNS at the forefront. Such a
framework, if properly funded, can have far-reaching consequences for both S&T and
FNS in the Asia/Pacific region, similar to the effect of the European Research Council
(ERC) integration grants on science in Europe

4. Investment in inter-disciplinary R&D relevant to FNS in Asia/Oceania needs to be

increased significantly. Consideration should be given to forming cross-nation, cross-
disciplinary consortia (centres of research excellence), to focus on defined pressing
issues related to FNS

5. Regional cross-nation initiatives should be implemented to greatly increase the

quantum of education and training of the next generations of scientists, technologists,
extension officers and leaders in agriculture, nutrition and food. Training should have
a trans-disciplinary basis.

4.2.3 Tata Cornell Institute for Agriculture and Nutrition (TCI)

Founded in 2013, TCI has a long-term research initiative focused on solving problems of
poverty, malnutrition, and rural development in India. Its applied and field-based research is
designed to:

• “Solve real-world problems through cutting-edge research

• Cultivate the future generation of researchers, thought-leaders, problem implementers
and policy influencers by incorporating intensive fieldwork and project management
experience into the rigorous graduate training provided at one of the world’s best
• Inform policymakers and development practitioners to make better, evidence-based
policy decisions, and

• Meet the needs of the rural poor through strong collaboration with our NGO

Adopting an “all-hands-on-deck” approach, TCI’s research and project areas aim to:

• “Influence agriculture policies to create a nutrition-sensitive food system, which


o Meeting the rising demand for food quality, quantity and diversity
o Improving access to markets for smallholder farmers, and
o Retooling social safety net programs to meet not only the caloric, but also the
nutrient needs of society’s most vulnerable members.

• Promote biofortified crops, such as zinc-fortified wheat and orange-fleshed sweet

• Test strategies for mitigating mycotoxin risks in rural food systems
• Provide clean, in-house, piped water, which not only improves community health but
also saves women time and opens opportunities for them to participate in other
productive activities
• Use social marketing to distribute and sell affordable micronutrient supplement
• Develop a novel & sustainable fortified food product with microalgae to address iron
• Ignite change in sanitation practices through community-led communication
campaigns, in accompaniment to the mass-construction of toilets.”

With grant from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, TCI has established a flagship project
Technical Assistance and Research for India Nutrition and Agriculture (TARINA) in New
Delhi with field operations in several states. Led by TCI, TARINA, in collaborations with
several leading international and national institutes and NGOs, including IFPRI, aims to
promote a more diversified food system that enhances the access to nutrient-rich foods for
India’s rural poor.

Through these programs, Pingali and Sunder (2017) have given a succinct account of
Transition Toward Nutrition-Sensitive Food System in Developing Countries. They have
defined a nutrition sensitive food system as one that goes beyond staple grains productivity
and places emphasis on the consumption of micronutrient-rich non-staples through a variety
of market and non-market interventions. The nutrition sensitive approach, congruently
considers the macro level availability, and household- and individual level determinants of
improved nutrition. In addition to agriculture, intra-household equity, behaviour changes,
food safety, and access to clean water and sanitation are integral components of the food
systems. Thus, food systems encompass all activities involved in the production, distribution
and consumption of food - the entire value chain. The policies on nutrition thus must address

all the components of the food system in a holistic policy framework aiming to enhance the
diversity, quality and safety of the food system and make it more accessible and inclusive to
all people at all times.

Diverse diets are balanced in calorie, protein, and micro-nutrient intakes. In India in the midst
of high, about 8 per cent, annual growth rate of GDP, the country has adequate production or
availability of different food commodities, yet there is persisting high incidence of
undernutrition and food insecurity. Apparently, the distribution system is not aligned with the
stage of structural transformation. It should be kept in mind that income and health are
bidirectionally related and are important drivers of economic and social change. During the
Green Revolution era policies favoured staple grains at the cost of diverse food items -
pulses, oilseeds, vegetables and fruits. But, soon the White, Yellow and Blue Revolutions
followed which have greatly helped in diversifying diets and reducing intake of rice and
wheat and increasing intake of other items. But, the poor still greatly depend on the narrow
cereal diet, perpetuating undernutrition. Appropriate policy interventions are needed to
enhance the dietary diversity of the poor.

Various models have been suggested providing framework for connecting various aspects of
agriculture with nutrition. UNICEF (2013) proposed a framework that looks at the linkages
between the food availability and access at the micro level that feeds into the household
livelihood strategies which in turn determine food consumption at individual level. Pingali
and Rickets (2014) added an economic policy lens to the UNICEF framework. Their
framework has four components: (i) Household income primarily from agricultural
productivity and off-farm employment, (ii) Food access and its impact on micronutrient
intake, and the year-round availability of diverse food at an affordable price, (iii) Factors
impacting intra household food distributions, and (iv) improving the ability of people to
translate food intake into absorbed nutrients through providing clean drinking water and
sanitation. The first two consist of the household-level factors and the last two comprise
individual level factors. This multi-lateral framework calls for multi-sectoral policies, which
should be aligned to the changing economic climate, promote food system and dietary
diversity to ensure famer-market linkage, and create a food system that is balanced between
staple grains and other nutrient-dense foods.

The TCI-TARINA consortium has taken a series of nutrition studies at district level in Bihar,
Madhya Pradesh, Odisha, and Uttar Pradesh. They had studied the status of dietary diversity
and nutritional outcomes and found that dietary diversity score was 3.8 (on a 0-10 scale) in
Bihar and Uttar Pradesh and 4.8 in Odisha, suggesting that a greater proportion of women in
Odisha consume meat/fish/poultry-eggs, and vitamin A-rich green leafy vegetables, and other
fruits as compared to those in Bihar and UP. Based on the disaggregated food-group data,
they showed that across districts 80 per cent of the women predominately consequence
cereals and pulses, while less than 30 per cent consume micronutrient- rich food, like green
leafy vegetables, vitamin-A rich fruits and vegetables, and eggs/meat/fish. These ground level
findings reiterate the necessity of implementation of the policy options and actions, as listed

• Diversify and intensify through a spatially and temporally differentiated approach,
and look beyond calories
• Adopt life cycle approach to nutrition and congruently strengthen value chains, and
• Develop consumer welfare objectives from producer protection point of view,
including direct cash transfer.

4.2.4 International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)

IFPRI has played a leading role in the developing world, especially the food-insecure
developing world, to transform their agriculture and food systems for attaining
comprehensive nutritional security. Its forthcoming publication “Agriculture for Improved
Nutrition: Seizing the Moment”, narrates program and policy experiences from countries
around the world which are developing nutrition-sensitive agriculture, will inspire those who
must reshape agriculture to improve the nutrition of billions of people. Its 2016 publication
Nourishing Millions : Stories of change in Nutrition, highlighting that undernutrition reduces
global GDP by US$ 1.4 to 2.1 trillion a year, and coinciding with the onset of the SDGs era,
is a rich compilation providing insight into what works, what does not, and the factors that
contribute to success (Gillespie 2016).

Recently, highlighting that progress in eliminating hunger and malnutrition is too slow, IFPRI
has cautioned that “if the world is to end hunger and malnutrition by 2030 – the target year to
achieve the Sustainable Development Goals – it is time to pick up the pace”. While individual
countries must develop and implement their need-based strategies, IFPRI has identified the
following “accelerators” under policies, programs, and institutions:

• Making nutrition a key goal of agriculture

• Reforming agricultural subsidies and food taxes for nutrition
• Promoting behaviour change communication
• Tapping the power of women to improve nutrition
• Engineering social protection programs for nutrition
• Focusing on water, sanitation, and hygiene
• Reorienting food industries for better nutrition.

Likewise, the suggested technology “accelerators” are:

• Fortification, bio-fortification, and alternative proteins

• Big data and information and communication technologies
• Energy and technology for value chain
• Converting yield-enhancing technology to multiple-win innovations.

As regards India, particularly through its South Asia Regional Office in New Delhi, IFPRI
and India have been working together for the last over 40 years to build a Zero Hunger India.
During the past one-decade or so, the collaboration has emphasized nutrition, public
investment, climate change, value chains, capacity strengthening, and bio-fortification to help
provide solutions to the “Indian Enigma”.

Among the various nutrition-related programs, Partnerships and Opportunities to Strengthen

and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition in India (POSHAN) serves as IFPRI’s primary platform
for research and policy engagement on nutrition in India. Poshan is supporting the use of data
and evidence by policy makers and field partners to improve nutrition decisions and actions.
For instance, it helped the Govt. of Odisha to rollout the Nutrition Action Plan, which has
helped improve nutrition in the State. It is helping other lagging states like Bihar, Uttar
Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh to improve their nutrition plans and actions. IFPRI’s analysis
and district nutrition projects have also been internalized in the National Nutrition Mission.

Outcomes of IFPRI’s LANSA (Leveraging Agriculture for Nutrition in South Asia) research
consortium have helped India and other partner countries in advancing nutrition sensitive
agriculture agenda. Likewise, IFPRI’s leadership to CGIAR’s consortium transform nutrition
has augmented the evidence base for nutrition–sensitive actions at ground as well as political

IFPRI has been an active partner in several other consortia partnered by selected CGIAR
institutes, and donors, such as Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation and DFID. Among such
arrangements, the HarvestPlus in India is working with several institutions and Ministries viz
the ICAR institutes of the MoAFW, Health, and Education Ministries. The effort has resulted
in development of bio-fortified staples, especially Zn-fortified wheat and Fe-fortified pearl
millet, being consumed by over a million people. The ICAR has already issued directives to
breed and popularise only those pearl millet and wheat varieties which have been duly
fortified with Fe and Zinc, respectively. Such fortified grains should be included in the PDS
and Mid Day Meal schemes of the Government.

IFPRI’s research on agricultural production, pricing and subsidies is informing the

government in its efforts to alleviate hunger, undernutrition, and poverty. Under the Cereal
Systems Initiative for South Asia (CSISA) project, IFPRI research outcomes have informed
discussions on subsidy targeting and effectiveness and encourage machine use and the
balanced application of fertilizers and micro-nutrients. Its researches have also been helpful
in shaping our soil health cards, crop insurance system, liberalization of foreign direct
investment and promoting public-private partnership in creating rural business hubs. Its India
food security portal provides latest country-level information on commodity prices and other
indicators, which are valuable for policy-makers. IFPRI’s study of pulse value chain has
helped in removing barriers to enhance pulses production, including pulses minimum support
prices. Its recent book “Pulses for Nutrition in India: Changing Pattern from Farm to Fork”
will greatly aid policy makers to prepare and implement sound action plans to make India
self-sufficient in pulses. Further, IFPRI’s work has enhanced the efficacy of women self-help
groups, Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS), and

the Women Improving Nutrition through Group-based Strategies (WINGS). The Refreshed
IFPRI Strategy 2018-20, responding to the ongoing and emerging challenges, provides
invaluable framework based on topical research and informed policies to meet the SDG 2 and
other related goals. NITI Aayog should internalise the refreshed strategies in its national
policy and action geared to build a Zero Hunger nutritionally secured New India.

The forthcoming February 2019 IFPRI’s book by Fan, Yosef and Pandya-Lorch titled
“Agriculture for Improved Nutrition : Seizing the Momentum” reviews the latest ground level
experiences and related policies from countries around the world which are congrueing
agriculture and nutrition and making nutrition a key goal of agriculture. The book will
strengthen the evidence base and broaden vision of all stakeholders as to how agriculture can
contribute to nutrition. The book “seeks to inspire those who want to scale up successes that
can transform food systems and improve the nutrition of billions of people.”

4.3 Nourishing India: NITI Aayog Programs and Policies

4.3.1 Ongoing efforts and new Initiatives

In line with the global developments, declarations, and commitments, India had launched its
national Integrated Child Development Service (ICDS) scheme - the world’s largest nutrition
programme as early as in 1975 to address the health and nutrition needs of children under the
age of six years. Other initiatives such as the Public Distribution System (PDS), the Mid Day
Meal Scheme, and the Food Bill, Food a Legal Right, 2013 etc were launched to fortify the
national movement. However, these initiatives have been pursued as business-as-usual and
the country is off track to reach the targets. An unintended consequence of these interrelated
schemes is that the focus is primarily on basic calorie sufficiency and staple grains at the cost
of comprehensive nutritional balance. Policies related to minimum support price,
procurement, and diversification must be guided by the fundamental need of assuring
comprehensive nutritional security to all for all times. As happening in several developing
countries, concerted broad based efforts have put many countries on course to meet the global
targets of nutrition, and India should adopt similar approach.

Some of the Indian states have, however, done well and their experiences should be adopted
by other states. For instance, the Tamil Nadu Integrated Nutrition Project (TINP), launched in
1980 and developed alongside ICDS, and the ICDS programs in the recent decade in
Maharashtra and Odisha have made significant impact. The elements of success were high-
level political support, fiscal and policy space to operate, and collaborations with
development partners, especially committed and knowledgeable bureaucrats. The lessons
learnt are: (i) setting goals, (ii) ensuring bureaucratic stability, and (iii) creating an enabling
environment with no political interference, adequate financing, and technical support.

India is designing its policies and programs to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals
which are comprehensively linked with nutrition, viz. those related to nutrition and food
security, health, education, employment, female empowerment, poverty alleviation, climate
change management and inequality reduction. These, alongwith the UN Decade of Action on

Nutrition provide the national programs important framework for priority setting, planning, and
actions for alleviating malnutrition. For this, it is crucial that timely data on trends in different
forms of malnutrition and on outcomes of actions and programs become available and
accessible in the public domain. More data that are actionable at the sub-national level are also
needed. More and better evaluations are required which are not just assessments of whether a
program works or not, but based on critical analysis and process evaluations that highlight
impact pathways to help understand why, how, and where programs work or don’t work.

NITI Aayog is rightly emphasizing that investing in nutrition is the most critical development
imperative for fulfilling human rights. Most importantly, nutrition is the most effective entry
point for human development. The time is ripe for a major long-term investment in
strengthening capacity for nutrition. Capacity is needed at different levels - individual,
community, organizational, and systemic - and for different purposes. In particular, within the
new generation of nutrition professionals, we need individuals with stronger strategic and
operational capacities to go along with their technical skill sets. And we need to strengthen
the capacity of individuals in other sectors, to empower and motivate them to apply a
nutrition lens in their work and to contribute to nutrition-relevant change through their
programming and investments. We need to develop the next generation of nutrition leaders
and to strengthen existing initiatives, including university curricula that aim to build
leadership capacity.

As mentioned earlier, Zero Hunger Challenge in India is most formidable initiative as India
has 18 per cent of world population but its 25 per cent people go hungry. Prime Minister
Modi, as also NITI Aayog, have given high priority to remedy this malady. The POSHAN
Abhiyaan of the Prime Minister had decided to undertake annual survey on nutrition across
the country and release reports on the same every year (March TOI, 2018). This is towards
implementation of the PM’s Overarching Scheme for Holistic Nourishment (POSHAN)
Schemes. Successful experiences within of the country in reducing stunting, anaemia and
malnutrition will be judiciously replicated at the national level. Some of the Govt of India’s
Initiatives for Nutrition Security include: Increased Production, Food Bill, Doubling Farmers
Income, National Food Security Mission, RKVY, Integrated Schemes on Oilseeds, Pulses,
Palm Oil & Maize (ISOPOM), PM Fasal Bima Yojana, e-Markets, PM Sinchayi Yojana and
Water Harvesting, and Soil Health Card.

4.3.2 Main Interventions of NITI Aayog

Towards nourishing India, NITI Aayog has prioritized the following interventions:

i. Integrated Child Development Services

ii. National Health Mission
iii. Janani Suraksha Yojana
iv. Swachh Bharat including Sanitation
v. National Rural Drinking Water Program
vi. Mahila Sahyog Yojana
vii. SABLA for Adolescent Girls

viii. Mid Day Meal Scheme
ix. Targeted Public Distribution System
x. Nutritional Food Security Mission
xi. Mahatma Gandhi Rural Employment Schemes, and
xii. The National Rural Livelihood Mission.

It may be pointed out that 2014-15 National Budget has stated “A National Program in
Mission Mode is urgently required to halt the deteriorating malnutrition situation in India, as
present interventions are not adequate”. The impact of these missions and initiatives are yet
to be seen. The main drawback has been a fragmented approach and lack of accountability
with responsibility.

Despite the National Nutrition Policy 1993, little explicitly was assigned to nutrition per se
before the XI Five Year Plan. The National Food Security Act 2013 and National Policy for
Children, 2013 provided framework for comprehensive nutrition–specific interventions. The
XII Five Year Plan reinforced the commitment and articulated monitorable targets and seeks
inter-sectoral and inter-state and even international collaboration.

The concerned different Ministries had identified priority districts for concentrating their
work. The National Health Mission of the Ministry of the Health and Family Welfare had
identified 184 districts, and the Integrated Child Services Scheme (ICDS) and the ICDS
System Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project (ISSNIP) of the Ministry of the
Women and Child Development, had identified respectively 200 and 162 priority districts. As
seen from (Figure 7), only 39 districts are common among the two Ministries and the three
programs. Generally there is lack of coordination among the Ministries is addressing the
nutrition problems even in the common districts. Recalling that nutrition is a multi-
disciplinary concern, judicious and result-oriented coordination is called for among various
stakeholders and partners to achieve desired outcomes.

Figure 7. High Burden/Priority Districts of ICDS, NHM & ISSNIP

NHM –National Health

ICDS –Integrated Child 184
Development NHM
Services Scheme
ISSNIP –ICDS Systems 12
Strengthening 18
39 162
and Nutrition ISSNIP
Improvement 101
Project 200

Source: NITI Aayog, Nourishing India, 2018

The National Nutrition Mission and the NITI Aayog based on the recent National Family
Health Survey 4 (NFHS4) data have identified 100 worst performing districts with respect to
stunting. A coordinated approach enrolling all concerned stakeholders will be adopted in the
identified districts to attain holistic outcome. The topmost distressed districts were
concentrated in UP (30), Bihar (25) and Madhya Pradesh (13).

The NITI Aayog has come up with Mission 2022 to meet its commitment to ensuring that
“every child, adolescent girl and women attains optimal nutritional, status”, especially
preventing undernutrition in the first three years of life. The Vision “Kuposhan Mukt Bharat”
- free from malnutrition across the life cycle envisages “healthy, optimally nourished
children, realizing their growth and development potential, active learning capacity and adult
productivity; Healthy, optimally nourished women realizing their social and economic
development potential; In protective, nurturing, gender sensitive and inclusive community
environments - That enhance human and national development in the present - and in the

The above efforts will be in line with the 2012 World Health Resolution 65.6, which had
specified a set of six global nutrition targets for 2025, which were revised for 2030, as given
in Table 7.
Table 7. Global Nutrition Targets for 2025 and the revised targets for 2030 (From a 2012
2025 Target 2030 Target
Stunting 40 per cent reduction in the 50 per cent reduction in the
number of children under five number of children under five
who are stunted. who are stunted.
Anaemia 50 per cent reduction in anaemia 50 per cent reduction in anaemia
in women of reproductive age. in women of reproductive age.
Low birthweight 30 per cent reduction in low 30 per cent reduction in low
birthweight birthweight
Childhood overweight No increase in childhood Reduce and maintain childhood
overweight overweight to less than 3 per cent
Breastfeeding Increase the rate of exclusive Increase the rate of exclusive
breastfeeding in the first six breastfeeding in the first six
months up to at least 50 per cent months up to at least 70 per cent
Wasting Reduce and maintain childhood Reduce and maintain childhood
wasting to less than 5 per cent wasting to less than 3 per cent
Source: WHO and UNICEF. 2018. The extension of the 2025 maternal, infant and young
child nutrition targets to 2030 - Discussion paper

As most of the 17 SDGs contain indicators that are nutrition-related, realization of the set
targets will help meet the SDGs. The critical point is to judiciously monitor the
deliverables/outcomes. Towards achieving the goals, NITI Aayog has set out ten Guiding
Principles (Ten Commandments) as reproduced below:

A Life Cycle Approach

Recognizing that there is an intergenerational cycle of undernutrition, a life cycle approach

will be adopted, with a focus on critical periods of nutritional vulnerability and opportunity
for enhancing human development potential.

Early Preventive Action

Recognizing that growth and development deficits that compromise child health and survival
and achievement of optimal learning outcomes are cumulative and largely irreversible – there
will be emphasis on preventing under nutrition, as early as possible, across the life cycle.

Inclusive and Gender Sensitive

It will be rooted in a rights based framework that seeks to promote the rights of women and
children to survival, development, protection and participation – without discrimination. In
this, strategies for ensuring social inclusion of marginalized community groups will be
pursued- recognizing that nutritional vulnerability is compounded by multiple deprivations -
based on socio economic status, high burden of disease, natural factors such as
floods/droughts and/or other conditions such as lack of access to services. Efforts will focus
on reaching the most vulnerable and deprived.

Community Empowerment and Ownership

Families and communities will be enabled for improved care behaviors and nutrition of
children and women, to demand quality services, to contribute to increased service utilization
and to participate in community based monitoring.

Valuing, Recognizing and Enhancing the Contribution of Anganwadi Workers, Helpers

and Ashas

The approach will be to improve the working conditions, skills, development pathways and
motivation of Anganwadi workers, helpers and also ASHAs - a frontline team of over 33 lakh
women from the local community covering 13.42 lakh habitations across the country–
recognizing that they are prime movers of social change.

Decentralization and Flexibility

Contextually relevant, decentralized approaches will be promoted, with greater flexibility at

State, district and local levels for greater and sustained programme effectiveness and impact,
in harmony with the approach of cooperative federalism. This will also enable utilization of
opportunities provided by the recommendations of the Fourteenth Finance Commission with
greater devolution of resources to States- mobilizing and catalyzing state resources and action
for Nutrition.

Ownership of Panchayati Raj Institutions and Urban Local Bodies

Strengthening the ownership of Panchayati Raj Institutions and urban local bodies is a key
principle – to ensure that local self governments own, promote, monitor and sustain nutrition
initiatives – effecting convergence of action at the grass roots. This is essential as the subjects
allocated in the 73rd Amendment include those addressing the immediate and underlying
determinants of undernutrition such as Health and Sanitation, Family Welfare, Drinking
Water, Women and Child Development, Public Distribution Systems, Agriculture, Education,
Poverty Alleviation and Social Welfare, among others. This is even more relevant in the light
of the Fourteenth Finance Commission Recommendations.

Foster Innovation

Innovation will be encouraged and recognized - including through quality circles, which
encourage a cluster of frontline teams to identify best practices and replicate the same – with
a ripple effect, and widening of the innovation. Best practices will be identified and local
adaptation and replication or scaling up encouraged.

Informed by Science and Evidence

Programme strategies will be evidence based, informed by the state of the science (as well as
by the state of the practice) and updated, as new evidence emerges related to nutrition, health
and development.

Ensure That There Is No Conflict of Interest

An underlying principle of action is that policy development and programme implementation

must be transparent, open to public scrutiny and kept free from conflict of interest, with
requisite safeguards. (This includes ensuring that representation on policy, technical advisory
groups and various management committees at different levels is free from conflict of

4.4 NAAS Initiatives in Augmenting the National Policies and Actions to

Sustainably Enhance the National Nutritional Security

Since its early years NAAS has paid high attention to analyze the nutritional status in the
country and suggested implementable policy options and actions on several fronts.
Fortunately, several of the NAAS’s recommendations have been internalized in concerned
national policy, plans, and programs. Listed below are the NAAS Policy and Strategy Papers
and Policy Briefs on India’s nutritional security:

• 2001 Policy Paper 7 Diversification of Agriculture for Human Nutrition

• 2001 Policy Paper 8 Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture for Nutritional Security
• 2002 Policy Paper 16 Agriculture-Industry Interface: Value Added Farm Products
• 2003 Policy Paper 20 Dichotomy Between Grain Surplus and Widespread Endemic

• 2010 Policy Paper 43 Antibiotics in Manure and Soil – A Grave threat to Human and
Animal Health
• 2012 Policy Paper 54 Integration of Millets in Fortified Foods.
• 2012 Policy Paper 55 Fighting Child Malnutrition
• 2012 Policy Paper 66 Role of Millets in Nutritional Security of India
• 2019 Policy Brief 5 Saving the Harvest : Reducing the Food Loss and Waste
• 2019 Strategy Paper 12 Harnessing Full Potential of A1 and A2 Milk in India: An

Of the above, Policy Papers nos. 7, 20, 55, and 66, and Policy Brief no. 5 are most pertinent.
Salient points and recommendations of these papers are reproduced below in condensed

4.4.1 Diversification of Agriculture for Human Nutrition (Policy Paper 7, 2001)

Shifting agricultural resources to higher-valued options is the new strategy for agricultural
development. Buoyancy in domestic demand for such commodities has generated congenial
incentive environment for such transition and the process has begun. Good export prospects
reinforce this trend. Non-conventional crops like aromatic and medicinal plants, floriculture,
etc., figure importantly in this strategy but the major impetus comes from horticulture,
livestock, dairy poultry, fisheries, etc., which have traditionally been minor constituents of
Indian diets. The nutritional implications are obvious. Growth in incomes has spurred
demand for these commodities even as foodgrain consumption stabilizes, and producers have
responded to such market signals.

General inadequacy of Indian diets in terms of micronutrients and vitamins is well

established. For the poor, access to even macronutrients is constrained. As overall well-being
improves with future growth in incomes, special attention will have to be paid to nutritional
aspects. Salient recommendations relating to diversification and nutrition emanating from the
symposium are summarized below. Policy Imperatives

• Thrust on raising productivity of foodgrains must remain a central feature of

agricultural policy. Only through this route can the twin objectives of self-reliance and
rapid rural income growth be realized. It will enable unlocking of resources which
would otherwise remain tied to less remunerative enterprises.

• Diversification of production base of Indian agriculture requires massive investments in

rural and other infrastructure. Apart from roads, electricity, irrigation, greater emphasis
on storage, specialized handling and transport, assembling, wholesale and retail
markets, effective market intelligence, etc. will be needed.

• The emerging economic regime requires dismantling all distortions in input-output

pricing. These impart incorrect price signals and farmers are distracted from efficient

production patterns. Massive irrigation subsidy and its effect on cropping patterns is an
illustration. The structure of tariffs is also a case in point.

• A reorientation of the institutional support for agriculture will be necessary for

exploitation of new opportunities by small producers who constitute more than 80 per
cent of the farming households. Input-output marketing, value addition and processing,
credit, insurance, R&D, extension, etc. need to shift from foodgrain and large-farm-
based approaches to a more holistic paradigm. Leasing and tenancy reforms will be

• Agro-processing investments must move to the countryside where production is

concentrated. While technology and quality considerations may necessitate foreign
investments in this sector, mechanisms will have to be developed to ensure effective
small farm participation.

• A task of this magnitude and complexity will necessitate a dominant role for the private
sector. The public sector will need to withdraw from some areas and strengthen others,
like R&D, information, natural resource management, regulatory processes and so on.
A set of policies to provide incentives to the private sector will be necessary.

• A large population will continue to be economically and nutritionally deprived. People

below the poverty line, women and children, particularly in rural areas, and urban
slums, will need strong safety nets. Weaknesses in existing programmes have been well
identified and are being addressed. These need to be pursued more vigorously.

• These challenges are beyond the competence and resources of governments. It will be
necessary to involve people in planning and executing decentralized initiatives.
Nongovernmental organisations, self-help groups, cooperatives, panchayats will need
to play a greater role and these must be strengthened. Nutrition

• Nutrition education must be made part of regular curricula in schools. Sustained drives
using mass media, particularly in rural areas and urban slums are necessary to create
greater awareness.

• Programmes like homestead gardening, urban gardening, household preservation and

enrichment of food, etc. must be actively supported. Health and hygiene, sanitation, etc.
make significant contributions to nutritional well-being and should be accorded greater

• Food enrichment, fortification strategies need to be supported. Assessment and

incorporation of indigenous ingredients offer considerable opportunities and should be

• National nutrition monitoring effort must be further strengthened and focused on target
themes and populations.

113 R&D

• Continuous increase in productivity of agricultural enterprises—crops, animals, fish, is

essential. This would ease the subsistence pressure on natural resources, relating them
to commercial enterprises. The research system must continue to accord high priority to
food crops, particularly those which are of importance to the rural poor and tribal

• Advances in modern sciences, particularly biotechnology, offer exciting opportunities

for incorporation of marketable and nutritional qualities in food crops of various kinds.
Even as research on genetically modified organisms is accelerated, proper testing and
safeguard procedures need to be put in place. The point to note is that this area of
research can tackle several constraints inhibiting yield, quality, and nutrition.

• More resources should be allocated for nutrition research. There are basic as well as
applied research issues relating to indigenous food, nutraceuticals, formulations, food
safety, standards, etc. which need to investigated. There is enormous variability in food
habits, tastes and preference products etc. across the country and these must be
captured and analysed.

• Unmindful pursuit of market opportunities often exacerbates pressure on natural

resources and ecology. Safeguarding future production potential and ecological balance
should be high priority for research.

• Wide diversity in growing conditions implies a wide range of options for

diversification and income growth. This is a big strength for Indian agriculture, but this
necessitates decentralized research approaches which maximize comparative advantage
of different regions. A careful regional prioritization of research is called for.

• Preventing post-harvest losses has emerged as a critical element, and so has value
addition and processing. Known technological options in these areas are highly capital
intensive and not really appropriate for small scale operations which are characteristic
of the Indian rural scene. The research system faces this unique challenge of developing
efficient small scale technologies which will benefit small scale rural producers and

• Finally, success of the diversification strategy would demand research on a number of

socioeconomic parameters like, market structure, conduct and performance, input-
output demand, comparative cost and returns, price analysis, organizing producers’ and
entrepreneurs’ private sector role, etc. While the research system is gearing up to meet
production research challenges, this area must also receive attention.

4.4.2 Dichotomy Between Grain Surplus and Widespread Endemic Hunger

(Policy Paper 20, 2003)

The dichotomy was deliberated at a one-day workshop under the convenorship of Dr M.S.
Swaminathan in 2002, resulting in this policy paper. Highlighting the Indian Dilemma :
Grain Mountains (about 60 million tonnes of foodgrain bufferstocked) and Hungry
Millions (more than 200 million hungry women, children and men – nearly one-fourth of
the worlds hungry), the workshop noted the profound words of the then Hon’ble Prime

Minister Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee who had said “We have sufficient stock of foodgrains.
No one need go hungry in this country. Nevertheless, it is true that many millions of our
countrymen still go hungry to bed every night. Malnourishment, especially among women
and children, is widespread. We are determined to change this situation” on the occasion
of release of the Food Insecurity Atlas of Rural India.

The following five sets of recommendation were made by the Workshop:

• Food for sustainable development initiative

• Adopting a whole life cycle approach to nutrition security
• Developing and spreading a Holistic Action Plan to achieve sustainable nutrition
security at the level of each individual
• Institutional structures for extending the extrapolation domain of successful
experiences and efforts
• National Alliance Against Hunger: Launching a National Food Guarantee Scheme Food for Sustainable Development Initiative

The programme could accord priority to the:

• Restoration of hydrological and biodiversity ‘hot spots’, particularly in mountain

• Coastal agro-aqua farms (planting of Salicornia, mangroves, Casuarina, palms, etc.
along with coastal agriculture and aquaculture).
• Water harvesting, watershed development, wasteland reclamation, and anti-
desertification measures.
• Recycling of solid and liquid wastes, and composting.
• Agroforestry and other sustainable land use systems in the fields of resource poor

The Food for Sustainable Development Initiative could be managed at the local level by
Community Food Banks (CFB) operated by women’s self-help groups having a unique
opportunity to foster a community centered and controlled nutrition security system endowed
with several advantages.

The CFBs may be organized with the following four major streams of responsibilities.

• Entitlements: The benefits of all government and bilateral and multilateral projects
intended for overcoming under- and malnutrition can be delivered in a coordinated and
interactive manner (as for example those intended for overcoming the deficiencies of
macro- and micro-nutrients).

• Ecology: Food for sustainable development with particular reference to the

establishment of water banks, land care, control of desertification and promotion of
afforestation. Thus, grains can be used to strengthen local level water security

• Ethics: This group of activities will relate to nutritional support to old and infirm
persons, pregnant and nursing mothers and infants and preschool children.

• Emergencies: This activity will relate to the immediate relief operations following
major natural catastrophes like droughts, floods, cyclones and earthquakes, as well as to
meet the challenge of seasonal slides in livelihood opportunities due to, natural causes
as well as human conflicts/and mini-wars. Adopting a Whole Life Cycle Approach to Nutrition Security

Nutrition programs specifically suited to Pregnant Mothers, Nursing Mothers, Infants (0-2
years), Preschool Children (2-6 years), Youth (6 to 18 years), Adults (18 to 60 years), Old
and Infirm Persons should be judiciously designated and implemented. Developing and Spreading a Holistic Action Plan to Achieve Sustainable

Nutrition Security at the Level of Each Individual

The major components of such an integrated action plan are the following:

• Identification of nutritionally insecure

• Education and Information Empowerment, making people aware of their entitlements

about the nutritional safety nets available to them and also undertake nutrition
education. An entitlements database can be developed for each area and household
entitlement cards can be issued, indicating how to access nutritional, health care and
educational programmes

• Overcome Protein-calorie Undernutrition

• Eliminate Hidden Hunger Caused by the Deficiency of Micronutrients in the Diet

• Drinking Water, Hygiene and Primary Health Care

• Sustainable Livelihoods: Improve economic access to food through market-linked

micro-enterprises supported by microcredit. Also, create an economic stake in the
conservation of natural and common property resources. Encourage production by
masses and not mass production. Promote job-led economic growth and not jobless

• Pay Special Attention to Pregnant and Nursing Mothers and Preschool Children Institutional Structures for Extending the Extrapolation Domain of Successful

Experiences and Efforts

Without appropriate institutional structures, isolated success stories will remain just talking
points. Based on local cultural traditions and socioeconomic conditions, institutional
structures should be fostered which can take new technologies to the unreached and which
can give the power of scale to small producers at the production, post-harvest and marketing
phases of farming.

Without socially compatible and socially owned institutional structures, the extrapolation
domain of successful experiences and development efforts will remain limited. Community
involvement will ensure low transaction costs and a high percentage of success and help to
convert unique examples into more universal ones. National Alliance against Hunger: Launching a National Food Guarantee


The huge stock of foodgrains provides a unique opportunity for launching a national alliance
against hunger, with the alliance partners reaching the remotest village and hamlet based on
Mahatma Gandhi’s principle - “To the hungry, God is bread; this God should be present in
every house and hut of the country.” The strategy of a hunger-free nation could consist of the
following three inter-related groups of activities:

• Ensuring a whole life-cycle approach to nutrition security at the level of each individual
by providing the needed horizontal linkages among ongoing vertically structured
programmes (often operated by different national, bilateral and UN agencies).

• Organization of a Food Guarantee Scheme on the model of the Employment Guarantee

Scheme (EGS) of Maharashtra. This will essentially be a ‘Food for Work’ programme
having the following features-highest priority in this project, which should cover both
rural and urban areas, needs to be given to water harvesting, watershed and wasteland
development, eco-restoration of hydrologic and biodiversity ‘hot spots’ and waste
recycling (composting) and bioenvironmental management of mosquitoes.

• Promoting the establishment of Community Food Banks at the local level, to serve as
the focal point for according concurrent attention to ending poverty induced endemic
hunger, micronutrient deficiency induced hidden hunger and transient hunger caused by
human conflicts and natural calamities.

The national alliance against hunger can provide policy guidance and undertake resource
mobilisation (financial, technical and managerial) for achieving the goal of ‘food for all’.
While the above approach would help to alleviate hunger today, we can avoid hunger
tomorrow only by sustaining advances in agricultural production through an evergreen
revolution approach using environment-friendly eco-technologies. Immediate Action Points

Although, the Food Corporation of India has huge foodgrain stocks, the country still has the
largest number of undernourished in the world. This calls for serious introspection of both
our strategies for fighting hunger as well as of our ethical commitment to the cause of
hunger-free India.

• This paradoxical situation can be effectively addressed by introducing the social

security systems for the able-bodied poor in the form of a National Food Guarantee
Scheme on the model of Maharashtra’s employment guarantee scheme. The public
distribution system should be strengthened and should be designed to reach the
unreached. On the basis of ICMR norms, about 158 million persons, belonging to about

32 million households, fall under the category of ultra-poor and need immediate
assistance to help them to lead a healthy and productive life. They are best identified by
Gram Sabhas and local bodies. They can be issued with Food Entitlement Coupons,
which should entitle them to be provided with work under the Food Guarantee Scheme.
The total requirement for such an open-ended employment-cum-food security project
may need at the maximum about 10 million tonnes of foodgrains per year. Meeting this
need is well within our national capacity.

• Consumption inequality decreases as income increases. Diversification of diets also

happens with increased purchasing power. Unfortunately, inequality of income
distribution is growing. A job-led economic growth strategy will help to reduce protein-
energy malnutrition, and at the same time, stimulate farming systems’ diversification.

• A whole life-cycle approach should be introduced by providing a horizontal dimension

to the numerous on-going vertically structured programmes supported by the central
and state governments as well as by bilateral and multilateral agencies. At the local
level, the management of a life-cycle based nutrition security system, beginning with
pregnant women and extending up to old and infirm persons, is best left to the one
million elected women members of the Panchayats.

• Proactive approach to implementation of recommendations submitted by the

Committee on Long Term Grain Policy, with regard to MSP, universal PDS.

• Decentralized procurement and decentralized storage will help to minimize transport

and transaction costs. Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu
have accepted the principle of a decentralized procurement system. The storage can be
done through a national grid of Community Food Banks (CFBs) managed by self-help
groups. The construction of CFBs can be done at the local level under the ‘Food for
Work’ programme.

• We must strive to produce more in a manner that high yields can be obtained in
perpetuity without associated ecological or social harm. Farming systems’
intensification, diversification and value addition are extremely important to generate
the needed on-farm and non-farm employment. Productivity improvement in both
irrigated and rain-fed areas will help to increase marketable surplus at the household
level and thereby the cash income. Livestock husbandry and livelihood security tend to
be closely correlated in the case of poorer households. There is greater equity in
livestock ownership as compared to land. Hence, support services should be organized
for small scale livestock farming families in the form of fodder and feed banks and
healthcare and insurance facilities.

• There is an urgent need for spreading quality literacy including Codex Alimentarius
standards and sanitary and phytosanitary measures. In addition, there is need for greater
research in the field of breeding crop varieties having the quality characteristics needed
for food processing and exports. If productivity and quality are improved, farm income
will go up substantially.

• Sustainability of food security measures should be ensured. PDS at the local level
should provide reasonable income to those operating the ration shops. Community
Food Banks may receive their initial food supply from government but subsequent
replenishment should come from local communities.

• There is a need for Organization of a National Consortium for Sustainable Food
Security. NAAS can act as a catalyst to promote the organization of a National
Consortium for Sustainable Food Security consisting of representatives of FCI, CII,
appropriate agricultural universities and ICAR institutes for fostering sustainable food
security both in the hunger ‘hot spots’ of India as well as in other countries in Asia and

A universal and user-sensitive Public Distribution System, Food Guarantee Scheme,

Community Food Banks and various other food entitlement projects need to be implemented
in an integrated manner, so that the goal of hunger-free India can be achieved. Nutrition
status will, however, continue to fall, unless the purchasing power of the poor is increased.
Hence, livelihoods for all should be the bottom line of all national development and import
and export policies.

Several of the above policy options have been implemented by the Government viz the
National Food Bill, Whole Life Cycle Approach to Nutrition Security and others.

4.4.3 Fighting Child Malnutrition (Policy Paper 55, 2012) The Problem of Malnutrition – A National Shame

The Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on January 10, 2012, while releasing the
HUNGaMA (Hunger and Malnutrition) Report prepared jointly by Nandi Foundation, the
Citizen’s Alliance and other partners observed that the surveyors in preparing the Report had
reached more than 73,000 households in 112 districts across 9 States and had measured the
nutrition status of more than one lakh children and had heard the voices of 74,000 mothers.
The Prime Minister reiterated that “the health of our economy and society lies in the health of
our children" (particularly referring to health of those below the age of six years) and
underpinned that “We cannot hope for a healthy future for our country with a large number of
malnourished children. The problem of malnutrition is a matter of national shame. Despite
impressive growth in our GDP, the level of undernutrition in the country is unacceptably
high. We have also not succeeded in reducing this rate fast enough.” Emphasizing the need
for clearly understanding malnutrition, the PM observed that despite a 20% decline in
malnourishment in the last 7 years, it is a matter of great concern that 42% of our children are
still underweight, an unacceptably high occurrence.

The Prime Minister emphasized that “though the ICDS continues to be our most important
tool to fight malnutrition, we can no longer rely solely on it. We need to focus on districts
where malnutrition levels are high and where conditions causing malnutrition prevail. Policy
makers and programme implementers need to clearly understand many linkages – between
education and health, between sanitation and hygiene, between drinking water and nutrition –
and then shape their responses accordingly. These sectors can no longer work in isolation of
each other.” He referred to the following four functions of the National Council on India’s
Nutrition Challenges: “To launch a strengthened and restructured ICDS; to start a multi-
sectoral programme for 200 high-burden districts; to initiate a nationwide communication
campaign against malnutrition; and to bring nutrition focus to key programmes of agricultural
development, research and development in agriculture, the Public Distribution System, the
mid-day meals programme, drinking water, sanitation, health and the latest on the horizon is

the Food Security Bill etc.” The Prime Minister assured that the ministries concerned are
taking necessary action to implement these four decisions, and hoped that all stakeholders
would effectively work together to bring malnutrition below unacceptable levels.

Highly concerned with the perpetuating high intensity of child undernutrition in the country,
the NAAS in association with the National Institute of Nutrition, under the convenorship of
noted scientist experts, namely, Prof. V. Prakash, Prof. Mahtab Bamji and Prof. M. Nair,
involving leading human nutritionist organized the Brainstorming Session at NIN, November

The session reiterated that the Article 47 of Constitution of India states that “State shall
regard the raising of the nutrition and the standard of living of its people and the
improvement of public health as its primary duties”. It noted that since then several
programmes, Missions and Acts like the National Nutrition Policy (1993), National Nutrition
Plan of Action (1995), and National Nutrition Mission (2001) have been mooted with no
follow-up action. The Coalition for Sustainable Nutrition Security under the leadership of
Professor M.S. Swaminathan, 2009 had recommended agenda for action23. The Indian
National Science Academy (INSA) had released two papers: 1) Nutrition Security for India:
Issues and the Way Forward, A Position Paper, (2009) and 2) Micronutrient Security for
India – Priorities for Research and Action (2011) based on extensive scientific consultation.
Prime Minster of India, Dr Manmohan Singh had called malnutrition a curse and constituted
the National Council on India’s Nutrition Challenges.

The Brainstorming Session had recommended that nutrition should be stated as an explicit
goal with measurable parameters for monitoring of missions such as National Food Security
Mission, National Horticulture Mission whose emphasis is only on production, income and
export and National Rural Health Mission whose emphasis is only on communicable and
non-communicable diseases. As mentioned earlier, Food Security Bill – a diluted version of
The National Advisory Committee’s recommendation for Food Security only includes cereals
and millets. Inclusion of millets is to be appreciated but food security needs a basket of foods
including pulses, vegetables, fruits, foods of animal origin and oil. Money released from
purchase of cereals can be diverted to these foods, provided there is awareness in the public.
India is not lacking in policies and programmes beamed at improving nutrition security but
lacks in their implementation. With proper leadership, convergence between the efforts of
various departments and administrative efficiency, India too can become hunger-free. The
economic, health and social cost of malnutrition is too heavy, had underpinned the session,
and had suggested the following priority action points for improving nutrition security. Maternal and Child health and Nutrition

1. Female health and nutrition should receive high priority to address the issue of LBW
babies-where the problem of child malnutrition begins. Apart from science and
technology, behavioural change through social engineering to eliminate gender prejudice
and administrative efficiency to improve the working of existing safety net programmes
are needed.

2. Promotion of the WHO guidelines for infant feeding. Exclusive breast feeding for the first
6 months and age-appropriate complementary feeding after that. Media help to be taken
for creating awareness.

120 Increase Access to Food
3. Adopt nutritionally and environmentally promotive agriculture. For this, the component
of human nutrition should be strengthened in agriculture (and medical) education and not
left only to food and nutrition departments in agricultural universities.

4. Promote homestead production of vegetables, fruits, poultry (high egg-yielding breeds),

milk, fish and even pulses and millets. It improves access to these income-elastic
nutritious foods. Urban agriculture needs to be taken up in right earnest.

5. Reduce wastage of farm produce by building storage facilities/cold chain etc. Identify
traditional methods for decentralized storage. Nation cannot feed over a billion people by
allowing wastage of 30-40% farm produce.

6. Make agriculture remunerative with appropriate support systems and pricing policies and
not populist schemes like Rs 1/- kg rice which impact adversely.

7. Use all scientific and technological approaches to augment food production, food
protection and biofortification. Fight prejudice and opposition against GM crops with
adequate research and monitoring to ensure their safety to health, environment and

8. Develop affordable, nutritious, ready-to-cook/eat processed foods with appropriate

forward/backward linkages to benefit the farmers and resource-poor consumers.

9. Ensure food safety from farm to plate with proper legislation, awareness and monitoring.

10. Conduct operation research to find out lacunae in existing feeding and MN
supplementation programmes where a lot of money is being spent without adequate
impact on child nutrition.

11. Promote nutrition literacy among politicians, administrators and professionals from
health, agriculture, education, media, and other categories (besides the public at large)
through special short-duration sensitisation/awareness programmes and involvement of
multi-media channels, including use of icons.

12. Pass the Food Security Act at the earliest by making it universal rather than targeted.
Creamy layer can be eliminated. Policy Issues

13. Leadership at all levels and governance to ensure convergence between the efforts of
different departments/programmes.

14. Make nutrition an important input and output parameter for all Government programmes
that can directly or indirectly impact nutrition.

15. Streamline targeting, monitoring and impact assessment. Women and children should be
the priority

16. National Nutrition Monitoring Bureau which conducts surveys on food and nutrition
should be a permanent institution and cover all the States of India. Suitable nutrition
surveillance system should be put in place.

17. Nutrition should be the focus of national development, and not treated as trickle down
beneficiary of economic development.

18. An integrated and holistic life-cycle approach from paediatric to geriatric is very
important in all the programmes interlinking and networking with each other. Otherwise
with fragmented programmes, the desired nutrition will not reach the target population.

19. Inter-Ministerial integration in all of the programmes and the idea of Nodal Agency in
each Ministry with an identified person and then a Committee with a common charter
inclusive of scientists, engineers and technologists in this Committee can mean a lot in
the implementation. (Example has been the success of milk and dairy products because of
the integrated approach).

4.4.4 Role of Millets in Nutritional Security in India (Policy Paper 66, 2013)
Convened by Prof. Bamji, the Brainstorming Session elucidated that the challenge is to
accelerate demand for millets for human consumption and ensure supply through scientific,
technological and behavioural engineering. Strategies for creating demand

1. The production and consumption of millets must be augmented with appropriate policy
2. Consortium-mode research may be pursued for validating the advantages of millets as
health and functional foods.
3. Traditional and non-traditional, ready to use, convenience foods and foods that can be
used for complementary feeding programmes may be developed with proven nutrient
content and bioavailability mapping.
4. Millet-based complementary foods such as khichdi, upama, roti etc. in feeding should be
introduced in feeding programmes such as MDM, ICDS etc.
5. R&D on millets as fodder and forage for livestock feed security may be strengthened.
6. Commercialize and promote millet-based processed Ready to eat snacks and convenience
foods through public private partnership.
7. Awareness regarding nutritional, health and environmental advantages may be created
thorough known communication strategies. Strategies for enhancing supply

1. Development of varieties/hybrids of SAM with better recovery capacity on reversal of dry

spell for harsh environment/drought prone areas
2. Exploration of zero tillage for millets under rice fallows particularly for southern States.

3. Development of hybrids/varieties resistant/tolerant to salt/high temperature.
Strengthening breeding programmes through conventional breeding, marker-assisted
breeding as well as biotechnology for biofortification and other traits such as varieties
with better root architecture.
4. Validation of high productive technology under real farming situations.
5. Effective deployment of trait-specific germ plasm available in gene banks for genetic
6. Evolving strategies for better seed production with public, private, NGO partnership and
establishment of seed villages.
7. Research for better post-harvest management for enhancing the shelf life of millets and
prevention of wastage.
8. R&D for integrated toolkit for farm mechanization. CIAE Bhopal has developed a millet
mill suitable for small millets. This should be tested in millet catchment area. Retro fitting
of machinery used for rice/wheat/maize for millet foods processing.
9. Markets and entrepreneurship development through modern and innovative approaches.
10. Generation of scientific data to substantiate the claim of conservation of biological
resources, low water consumption, agro-climatic limitations and high nutritious value of
millets and their derivatives.
11. Promote production and consumption of millets through mixed/ relay cropping with
legumes and vegetables in homestead gardens
12. R&D work to generate evidence-based information on the phytochemicals with
nutraceutical characteristics and authenticate their health potential including anti-diabetes,
anti-inflammatory and hypo-cholesterolemic properties, through clinical trials and
nutritional studies. Functional foods for diabetes and obese populations based on SAM
will have good market. Measurements of glycemic index should be done using specified
WHO-FAO protocol. Such studies must be extended to the best preparations/recipes from
millets with functional properties, through proper clinical trials.
13. Studies to examine the bioavailability of micronutrients from different preparations of
14. Breeding to improve the levels of lysine and tryptophan and also screening the
germplasms for specific end uses such as milling, popping, malting and vermicelli
noodles etc.
15. Setting up of a training-cum-demonstration centre for integrated processing of sorghum
and millets
16. Undertaking surveys of sorghum and millets foods and allied industries, for bringing out a
directory and share knowledge base for modernization of the SAM processing industries Concluding Remarks

Nutrition security implies awareness and access at affordable cost to balanced diet, safe
environment and drinking water and health care outreach. In this context, Millets contribute
towards balanced diet as well as safe environment. They are nature’s gift to humankind.
Millets are a treasure-trove of micronutrients like B-complex vitamins and minerals whose
deficiencies in India are rampant. They also contain fibre and health promoting
phytochemicals which function as antioxidants, immune stimulants etc., and thus have

potential to mitigate degenerative diseases such as diabetes, CVD, cancer etc. whose
incidence is rising in India. This makes millets important candidates as functional foods.
Unfortunately some of these phytochemicals like fibre, phytates and tannins interfere with the
bioavailability of micronutrients particularly minerals. Processing can improve the
bioavailability of nutrients as well as functionality. Limited studies show that bioavailability
as well as functionality differs with the type of processing and preparation. More work is
needed to optimize both of these.

Millets are drought, temperature and pest tolerant and hence are grains for the future in an
environment of climate change and global warming. Despite these attributes, millets are
losing their pride of place both in terms of production and consumption, for a variety of
reasons, including policy initiatives which favour cereals. Though they have not enjoyed
technological breakthroughs like the green revolution for cereals, their productivity has
increased. Confined to poor lands, productivity is further affected and there is a wide gap
between potential productivity and productivity in farmers’ fields.

Unlike cereals, primary processing of millets poses some problems for want of proper
machinery, particularly for small and medium scale enterprises. In recent years, a variety of
traditional and non-traditional, millet-based processed foods and complementary foods have
been developed. These can become income generation activity for women in household
industry. Even while commercialization is needed, primary effort should be to see that millets
are consumed by the poor and they are cultivated as mixed/relay cropping with legumes and
vegetables in homestead gardens for home consumption to ensure household food and
nutrition security.

Scientific, technological and behavioural engineering involving convergence of efforts of

agriculture scientists, food technologists, home scientists, policy makers, and media is needed
to revalorise millets. Some recent initiatives to rejuvenate millets from production to
Consumption, include: “Initiative for Nutritional Security through Intensive Millets
Promotion” (INSIMP), under the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana of Government of India,
“Revalorising Small Millets in the Rain-fed regions of South Asia (RESMISA) funded by
International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and CIDA (Canadian funds), and DSR-
led value chain development approach for commercialisation of millets. Millets are an
important component of the National Agriculture Innovation Projects of ICAR, and All India
Coordinated Project in Home Science, Other policy initiatives include: price and procurement
support for millets, inclusion of millets in the Mid day meal programme and, promotion of

4.4.5 Saving the Harvest : Reducing the Food Loss and Waste (Policy Brief 5,
The challenge is to accelerate demand for millets for human consumption and ensure supply
through scientific, technological and behavioural engineering. The following research and
policy priorities and strategy were suggested: Strategies for creating demand

1. The production and consumption of millets must be augmented with appropriate policy
2. Consortium-mode research may be pursued for validating the advantages of millets as
health and functional foods.

3. Traditional and non-traditional, ready to use, convenience foods and foods that can be
used for complementary feeding programmes may be developed with proven nutrient
content and bioavailability mapping.
4. Millet-based complementary foods such as khichdi, upama, roti etc. in feeding should
5. be introduced in feeding programmes such as MDM, ICDS etc.
6. R&D on millets as fodder and forage for livestock feed security may be strengthened.
7. Commercialise and promote millet-based processed Ready to eat snacks and convenience
foods through public private partnership.
8. Awareness regarding nutritional, health and environmental advantages may be created
thorough known communication strategies. Strategies for enhancing supply

1. Development of varieties/hybrids of SAM with better recovery capacity on reversal of dry

spell for harsh environment/drought prone areas.
2. Exploration of zero tillage for millets under rice fallows particularly for southern States.

3. Development of hybrids/varieties resistant/tolerant to salt/high temperature.

Strengthening breeding programmes through conventional breeding, marker-assisted
breeding as well as biotechnology for biofortification and other traits such as varieties
with better root architecture.
4. Validation of high productive technology under real farming situations.

5. Effective deployment of trait-specific germ plasm available in gene banks for genetic
6. Evolving strategies for better seed production with public, private, NGO partnership and
establishment of seed villages.
7. Research for better post-harvest management for enhancing the shelf life of millets and
prevention of wastage.
8. R&D for integrated toolkit for farm mechanisation. CIAE Bhopal has developed a millet
mill suitable for small millets. This should be tested in millet catchment area. Retro fitting
of machinery used for rice/wheat/maize for millet foods processing.
9. Markets and entrepreneurship development through modern and innovative approaches.

10. Generation of scientific data to substantiate the claim of conservation of biological

resources, low water consumption, agro-climatic limitations and high nutritious value of
millets and their derivatives.
11. Promote production and consumption of millets through mixed/ relay cropping with
legumes and vegetables in homestead gardens.
12. R&D work to generate evidence-based information on the phytochemicals with
nutraceutical characteristics and authenticate their health potential including anti-diabetes,
anti-inflammatory and hypo-cholesterolemic properties, through clinical trials and
nutritional studies. Functional foods for diabetes and obese populations based on SAM
will have good market. Measurements of glycemic index should be done using specified

WHO-FAO protocol. Such studies must be extended to the best preparations/recipes from
millets with functional properties, through proper clinical trials.
13. Studies to examine the bioavailability of micronutrients from different preparations of
14. Breeding to improve the levels of lysine and tryptophan and also screening the
germplasms for specific end uses such as milling, popping, malting and vermicelli
noodles etc.
15. Setting up of a training-cum-demonstration centre for integrated processing of sorghum
and millets.
16. Undertaking surveys of sorghum and millets foods and allied industries, for bringing out a
directory and share knowledge base for modernization of the SAM processing industries. Issues and Challenges

India is the second largest food and agriculture producer in the world – annually producing
nearly 300 mt of foodgrains, 320 mt of horticultural products, 180 mt of milk and 12 mt of
fish. Various estimates reveal that about 25% of these produces is annually lost or wasted.

The major issues and challenges faced by the Indian farmers in saving their harvests include
postharvest handling and storage in the open, lack of cemented structures for post-harvest
farm operations (sometimes forcing the farmers to even use road surfaces for drying their
produce), lack of suitable and adequate storage infrastructure, lack of packing houses, cold
chain, on-farm processing facilities, fragmented supply chain, uncertain returns leading to
either not harvesting or abandoning the produce on streets, besides spillage during harvesting
and threshing. In a larger perspective, the country faces the problem of plenty due to
insufficient storage capacity for rice and wheat stocks and other food items important for
food security. Policy Solutions and Actions

Solutions to saving the harvest depend upon integrated efforts for providing adequate
infrastructure, technical support and creating public awareness for the critical loss points
along the food chain from harvest to consumption. These include, harvesting/field drying,
threshing/shelling, winnowing, farm storage, packaging, cold chain, transportation to market,
market storage, avoiding wastage at the retailer and checking wastage in consumption. The
following ten specific policy actions were recommended:

1. Need for greater investments and policy support

2. Research for the assessment of FLW in the supply chain from production to consumption
3. Improvements in on-farm operations through technological interventions
4. Storage and conservation solutions
5. Improvement in transportation
6. Modernization of the domestic slaughter houses

7. Need to increase food processing capacity
8. Establishment of efficient communication environment
9. Food banks for reducing food waste
10. Need to create public awareness

4.5 Diversified Agriculture and Food Systems for Dietary Diversity

Needless to assert, the first and foremost responsibility of all agriculture and food systems is
to ensure sustainable, comprehensive, and resilient food and nutrition security. Towards this
goal, The Indian agriculture is diversifying fast. Between 1985 and 2008, the proportions of
contributions of livestock and horticulture to India’s agricultural production had increased by
6 and 9 Percentage points, respectively, while those of grains and pulses declined
considerably (Figure 8). The fast expanding middle class and urbanization have pushed up
the demand for livestock, including poultry and fish, and horticultural products. Despite the
expanding human population per caput consumption of milk and horticultural products has
increased considerably, and still growing. The stagnation in pulses production and decline in
per capita consumption has recently been corrected and tend should be sustained.

Figure 8. Composition of India’s Production Growth by Commodity Group, 1985-1989 and


Dietary diversification (food fortification) is the safest and best approach to improve
nutritional security. Farming community can be educated to make cropping patterns
nutritionally relevant through local planning. While commercial agriculture has to go on for
economic security, village/block-level planning to ensure production of all food groups-
cereals, millets, pulses, vegetables and fruits for self sufficiency in food is an approach which
needs to be tested. Often, nutrition gardens and backyard poultry with high egg-yielding
strains have yielded promising outcomes. Urban agriculture can also supplement the efforts.
While total dependence on organic methods is not advocated for India, there has to be active
research on plant and microbial fertilizers and pesticides since availability of chemical
fertilizers has limitations.

4.5.1 Livestock

As the demand for livestock products increases, the production needs to be accommodated in
context of finite natural resources, contribution to livelihood and food security and the impact
on climate change. Under the declining natural resources and the climate change, as source of
high-quality protein and regular income to producers, a positive balance sheet should be
created in livestock’s contribution to national food, livelihood, and income security.
Livestock thus must be an engine of growth equipped with food safety and environmental

In India, livestock ownership, an effective instrument for livelihood and socio-economic

transformation, is fortunately highly egalitarian. It provides employment to 18 million people.
It is the base of sustenance to almost 70 per cent of milk producers who are landless livestock
keepers or small marginal farmers. Livestock is the main source of quality protein and a pillar
of food and nutritional security, employment, gender empowerment, and serves as a source of
regular income, a sort of live bank for the day to day needs of the family. On an average, one
livestock unit is there for every two humans.

The strengths in India’s livestock sector are: (i) although from a low base, despite limited
investment from public and private sector, a constant and sustainable growth has been
maintained; (ii) highest milk production in the world with sustained high growth rate; (iii)
almost a world’s monopoly in buffalo production, holding largest buffalo germplasm, and
mega bovine biodiversity and population; (iv) differentiated production systems (zero input –
low input – moderate output, intensive input – high output); and (v) increasing and sustained
demand for animal products.

However, we have a few weaknesses as well, viz. (i) low productivity (one third of the world
average) with high population and regional imbalances in production; (ii) little control over
quality in production system; (iii) low level of technology adoption, low processing; (iv) poor
animal health and biosecurity; (v) poor animal nutrition, shortage of feed and fodder and
continuous shrinking of fodder area; and (vi) wide gap between availability and requirement
of proven dairy bulls.

Unfortunately, our treasure of livestock, especially cattle, germplasm has been eroding fast,
particularly due to our misplaced and ad hoc cattle breading programmes. If any, our policy
on this aspect is divorced from scientific evidences. The damage done must be halted and we
must formulate scientifically sound policy of livestock germplasm conservation and
utilization. Indigenous populations should be identified, characterized and recognized as
“breeds”. These should be conserved and improved through selective breeding. Open
Nucleus Breeding System (ONBS) programme should be adopted for the best indigenous
cattle and buffalo breeds. A differentiated approach is called for crossbred cattle so that
defined crossbreds with desired Percentage of exotic blood level could be developed for
defined locations. Most importantly, no recognized indigenous breed should be used for

It is gratifying that the Government of India has taken decision to promote conservation and
propagation of indigenous milch breed of cattle under National Livestock Mission and
Rashtriya Gokul Mission to promote conservation of native breeds of cattle. The Gokul
Mission must help save Kamdhenus (Sahiwal, Red-Sindhi, Tharparkar, Kankrej, Hariana,
Gangatiri etc.) not only for higher productivity but also for high biotic and abiotic resistance
and climate resilience. The indigenous breeds are also source of the veritable mega-
antibodies for multiple deliveries of vaccines. Such endogenous resources could become the
global hub for vaccine production, an uncommon opportunity for strengthening the “Make-
in-India” drive.

Man and animals have co-evolved. Causal organisms and cures of several zoonotic and
epizoonotic diseases are shared. The recent deadliest outbreak of Ebola Virus, most likely
transmitted from fruit bats, in West Africa underpins the biosecurity concerns under the fast
changing land use patterns and habitats sharing. The outbreak, and of course the increasing
occurrences and spread of swine flu in our own country, point to a deeper interconnect of
socio-economic, environmental and human health problems.

It is now well known that almost 80 per cent of viruses and 50 per cent of the bacteria that
infect humans are of zoonotic origin. The emergence of new and re-emergence of known
infectious diseases is often anthropogenic, and its management is a huge challenge to the
entire scientific and development partners and the humanity as a whole. Proactive research
and information sharing based on judiciously generated accurate data to allow dynamic
decision making must be a high priority. The Veterinarians should partner with human
doctors, medical scientists, virologists, microbiologists, bioinformatics experts,
biotechnologists, nanotechnologists etc. and create detailed Human Immunophenotype
Survey data (immunomics) and an associated map for Indian populations towards building a
biosecure India. Biosecurity is a pre-requisite for food security.

As livestock sector impacts climate change and gets impacted by it, the enterprise is
increasingly obliged to mitigate its own GHG emissions. Under the fast changing climate,
livestock reproductive capacity, feed and fodder are jeopardized and their energy requirement
and vectorborne diseases are increasing. Appropriate breeding and mitigation policies are
needed to meet the challenges. Climate smart livestock based integrated farming systems
hold great promise. There is an urgent need to reorient livestock research and assess the
genetic potential of indigenous breeds. Intensive research work needs to be undertaken for
genetic identification of traits of excellence in indigenous Indian breeds, and to identify the
functional genomics associated with such traits.

4.5.2 Horticulture

Alongwith the Green and White Revolutions, a silent Golden Revolution - horticultural
revolution, has been taking place in fruits and vegetables in India. Between 1951-52 and
2016-17, area, production and yield of fruits increased 2.3, 5.6, and 2.5 times, respectively
(Table 8). Fruit production increased from 16.5 million tonnes in 1951-52 to 93 million
tonnes in 2016-17. The vegetables story is still brighter, area increasing from about 0.5 mha

to 10.3 mha and the production swelled from 1.7 million tonnes to 175 million tonnes. The
average yield of fruits thus increased from 5.8 to 14.3 t/ha and that of vegetables from 3.4 to
17.0 t/ha.

Table 8. Area, production and yield of fruits and vegetables

Year Fruits Vegetables
Area Production Area Production
(th.ha) (thousand Yield (th.ha) (thousand Yield
tonnes) (t/ha) tonnes) (t/ha)
1951-52 2840 16500 5.81 490 1660 3.39
1991-92 2874 28632 9.96 5590 58532 10.47
2001-02 4010 43001 10.72 6156 88622 14.40
2010-11 6383 74878 11.73 8496 146554 17.25
2016-17 6479 92846 14.33 10289 175008 17.01
Source: Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, 2018

Horticultural research, science, technology and innovations have paid handsomely:

• There has been increase in the per person availability of fresh fruits in India at 200 g
which is better over 190 g/ person/ day as recommended by the ICMR in 2008.
Availability duration of fruits like banana, papaya, apple, citrus fruits, grape, guava
etc. has expanded
• There has been substantial area expansion under fruit cultivation in Tamil Nadu,
Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Madhya
Pradesh. India presently ranks second in fruit production after China
• Amongst fruits, the country ranks first in the world in production of banana (27.85 per
cent), papaya (35.31 per cent), and mango (39.04 per cent)
• The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export. In recent
years, India had exported fruits and vegetables worth ` over 10,000 crore. Mango,
walnut, grape, banana and pomegranate account for larger proportion of fruits
exported from the country. Freedom from fruit fly infestation has boosted the export.
The horticultural value chains of new employment opportunities.

Despite outstanding progress made in overall horticultural production, the following aspects
deserve further focused attention: development of high yielding varieties, especially hybrids,
combining resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses; designer varieties; molecular breeding;
adequate production and distribution of quality planting material; suitable rootstocks;
prevention of post-harvest losses; conservation of genetic resources; mechanization;
protected cultivation; and eco-friendly plant health management. Horticultural produces
suffer the most from postharvest losses and wastes, the losses averaging around 30 per cent.
Thus, horticultural research and technology development should give priority attention to
refining maturity standards, ripening techniques, storage, cold-chains, transport to distant

markets, value addition and diversified products, including functional foods and

Likewise, in vegetables, several breakthroughs have taken place. Through varietal

developments, growing seasons and availability of several major vegetables have expanded
considerably. With the development of tomato varieties “Pusa Sheetal” and “Pusa
Sadabahar”, it is now possible to grow tomatoes under extreme weather conditions. With
appropriate choice of suitable varieties for specific seasons we can now grow radish, brinjal,
cabbage, carrot and cauliflower round the year. Until 1978, kharif onion cultivation was
common only in the states of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu which
has now extended to Northern Indian states as a result of development of variety N53.

The vast production base offers India tremendous opportunities for export. Vegetable exports
have increased from 1,547.00 crore during 2007 to nearly 5,000 crores in recent years.
Vegetables like onions, okra, bitter gourd, green chillies, bean, sweet corn, baby corn,
mushrooms and potatoes contribute largely to the vegetable export basket.

With current level of vegetable production in the country (over 175 million tonnes),
population (1.32 billion) and considering 25 per cent post-harvest losses and 5 per cent
requirements for export and processing industry, per capita availability of vegetables in our
country is around 290 g as against 300 g recommended dietary allowance (RDA). In order to
meet out the requirement of ever increasing population, India needs to produce around 250
million tonnes of vegetables by 2030 and around 350 million tonnes by 2050. With
increasing trends in processing and export, the production targets are likely to further increase
and productivity per hectare of vegetable crops has to be increased beyond the current level.

4.5.3 Fish

Fish demand will be more than doubled by 2030. As the level of capture fish production has
stagnated over the past decades, the dependence on aquaculture will further increase. For the
first time in history, in 2012, aquaculture produced as much or more fish as compared to
capture fish for human consumption. Aquaculture is practiced generally by small and
medium size entrepreneurs, thus their role in increasing nutritional security has increased
significantly. In India, aquaculture production multiplied six-fold between 1990 and 2016
(Figure 9). The additional demand for fish toward 2030 is to be entirely met by aquaculture
production. The current growth rate would have to be maintained to meet the demand, but
extra effort will be needed to produce required feed and to effectively manage fish diseases.

Figure 9. Aquaculture Production in India







Source: FAO, FishStat, 2017

Improving and spread of culture-based fisheries in large number of suitable water bodies
provide ample opportunity for fisheries enhancement and will bring in more equity among
landless fishers. Further researches need to focus on yield enhancement in small and medium
reservoirs and wetlands with due importance on environmental upkeep; large-scale cage and
pen culture in reservoirs; formulation of appropriate management norms; development of
ecosystem-based models; scientific estimation of environmental flows for the riverine
systems for sustenance of fisheries is essential. The research thrust on upland coldwater
fisheries in the country should be to focus on promotion of trout and mahseer farming
through scientific management for enhancing production, including mass-scale seed
production; fish stock enhancement in upland reservoirs; need-based modification of carp
farming in mid-altitude waters to other hilly regions.

Considering the availability of technologies and proposed plan to enhance the mean pond
productivity to 4 tonnes/ha/yr in the next decade, it is necessary that the research should focus
on diversification of species and systems; selective breeding in important fish/shellfish
species for useful traits; programmes on transgenics for disease resistance; stem cell
development, genomics, proteomics and nanotechnology; quality seed production of potential
finfish and shellfish species including ornamental fishes; farm-made feeds and commercial
feeds to suit different levels of farming. Stock characterization of commercially important
species; milt cryopreservation as a tool for stock up-gradation and ex-situ conservation;
impact of exotics; and development of molecular markers and their use in molecular
taxonomy would need greater attention towards effective biodiversity management and stock

up-gradation. As capture fisheries is still an important component of Indian fisheries, due
importance needs to be given to habitat restoration and fish conservation in different

4.5.4 Pulses

In India, most people, by choice depend on vegetarian diet. Pulses (grain legumes), besides
being on important source of complex carbohydrates, are protein rich, hence the main source
of non-cereal dietary protein in the country. But, the pulses production has stagnated around
12 million tonnes during the past decades (Table 9), until 2011-12 when it reached 17 million
tonnes. The Green Revolution varieties of wheat and rice had pushed pulses to still marginal
areas. Yet, there were ample opportunities for increasing domestic production of pulses and
becoming self-sufficient. Several niche areas, such as rice fallows and the “diara” lands,
remain under-exploited. There are huge gaps in the demonstrated and actual average yields of
pulses. The annual import of 3 to 5 million tonnes of pulses to meet the consumer demand
should have been avoided.

Table 9. Pulses and Oilseed production in India since 1951 to 2016

Pulses Oilseeds
Area Area
Year (million Production Yield (million Production Yield
hectares) (million tonnes) (kg/hectare) hectares) (million tonnes) (kg/hectare)
1951-52 18.78 8.42 448 11.69 5.03 430
1961-62 24.24 11.76 485 14.77 7.28 493
1971-72 22.15 11.09 501 17.27 9.08 526
1981-82 23.84 11.51 483 18.91 12.08 639
1991-92 22.54 12.02 533 25.89 18.6 719
2001-02 22.01 13.37 607 22.64 20.66 913
2011-12 24.46 17.09 699 26.31 29.8 1133
2016-17 29.46 22.95 779 26.2 32.1 1225
Source: Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, 2018

Further, pulse prices have in recent years been high and rising, resulting in reduced
consumption of pulses particularly by the majority poor people. Since the international
market of pulses is very thin, India being the foremost producer, consumer and importer of
pulses, must increase its domestic production to meet the ever-increasing demand for pulses.
As a matter of fact, given the price incentive, the country had already achieved the targeted
production of 23-25 million tonnes during the past two years.

Given the huge gaps in potential area and productivity of pulses, the production gap should
be filled forever. Question is often raised as to why India can’t meet its pulses demand
through home-grown pulses. A mission mode project on pulses productivity and production
with defined and differentiated targets should be launched. As suggested by the National
Commission on Farmers, clusters of pulses villages with convergent support of technologies,
inputs and markets should be created. Public-Private collaboration should be strengthened to

produce and distribute adequate quantity and quality of seeds of improved varieties. In at
least 5 million ha of the rice-wheat area and other fallows, a mungbean crop is a distinct
possibility. Fortunately, 60-day mungbean varieties capable of yielding about 1 t/ha on an
average are available. Using conservation agriculture techniques, depending on soil moisture
and water availability, a catch crop of mungbean between wheat and rice should be promoted
for augmenting the nitrogen and carbon economy, income growth and, above all, protein

There are strong regional and sub-regional preferences for specific pulses, even though they
all may be similar nutritionally. Because of the low substitution among pulses, overall
availability is not enough, we need research and development support to increase the
production and availability of all the main pulses – chickpeas, pigeonpeas, peas, mungbeans,
black gram and lentils.

The rice-wheat system has often been hard particularly on underground0 water resources.
Crop diversification out of the system to save water without sacrificing farmers’ income
should be a viable option. Short duration (120-125 days) pigeonpea genotypes now available
can fit in a pigeonpea-wheat cropping pattern with economic returns analogous to those from
the prevalent rice-wheat system, plus a huge bonus in terms of soil fertility, reduced water
consumption and enhanced human nutrition. The system could be still more productive and
sustainable with drip irrigation for the pigeonpea crop. Notwithstanding the bright prospect,
the high vulnerability of determinate pigeonpeas to pod borers should be overcome. While
other options must be developed as per location-specific settings, GM/GE pigeonpea and
other GM crops, as Bt cotton, should prove a boon.

4.5.5 Neglected and Underutilized Species

In context of attaining freedom from undernutrition, FAO (2018) emphasized that concerted
effort will be needed to overcome two major existing or emerging gaps. Firstly, the
production gap arising due to population increase will require almost doubling in food
production by 2050. And, this will have to be achieved with shrinking land, water, and
biodiversity resources of the main staples while the increasing heat and drought due to
climate change is expected to reduce their yield by 25 per cent. Therefore, relying on these
crops alone will not bridge the demand supply gap. Secondly, although staple crops may
generally meet calories requirements, they lack several of the essential nutrients, resulting in
undernutrition due to unbalanced diets. These production and nutrition gaps may be filled by
adopting diversified, holistic agriculture and food systems especially by including
proven/potential neglected and underutilized species (NUS) which are nutrition sensitive and
climate smart, as depicted below (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Features of Agriculture and Food System for Nutritional Security

While strongly advocating science-led

science need-based
based diversification, FAO has recently
commended use of neglected and underutilized species (NUS), often called as orphan species,
as Future Smart Food (FSF) to fight hunger, malnutrition and poverty. These crops enrich
dietary diversification, and micro-nutrient
micro nutrient intake, are generally climate resilient, and agro-
friendly. Of the several NUS, based on soil, water, and ecological compatibility, the most
potential species, complementing the existing staple crops, should be identified for each zone
and the AFS should be evolved along the value chain – production, processing, marketing,
and consumption of FSF for judiciously harnessing
harnessin the bio-treasure.

The ICN2 emphasized the importance of NUS through its recommendation 10: “Promote the
diversification of crops including underutilized traditional crops, more production of fruits
and vegetables, and appropriate production of animal-source
animal urce products as needed, applying
sustainable food production and natural resource management practices”. The FAO Regional
Office for Asia and the Pacific, under the Zero Hunger Initiative, reiterating that “Agriculture
diversification and sustainable intensification
intensification is indispensable to address hunger and
malnutrition in a changing climate” (Kadiresan, 2018), has established the following criteria
for prioritizing NUS in different countries focused on cereals, horticultural species, nuts and
spices, pulses, and roots and tubers: (i) Nutritional, food and health values, (ii) Production,
productivity and compatibility with the local assets, (iii) Agro-ecological
Agro ecological adaptability, and
(iv) Socio-economic
economic potential and acceptability.

Under this programme, the national

national scoping studies in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Lao
PDR, Myanmar, Nepal, Vietnam and West Bengal in India had identified the following
potential future smart foods (Table 10).

Table 10. Smart Foods in eight countries in South and Southeast Asia

Cereals Roots and tubers Pulses Fruits and Nuts, seeds and
vegetables spices
Amaranth Elephant foot yam Black gram Chayote Linseed
Buckwheat Fancy yam Cow pea Drumstick Nepali butter tree
Finger millet Purple yam Faba bean Fenugreek Nepali pepper
Foxtail Millet Swamp taro Grass pea Indian gooseberry Perilla
Ragi Sweet potato Horse gram Jackfruit Walnut
Grain Amaranth Taro Lentil Pumpkin
Proso millet Mung bean Roselle
Quinoa Rice bean Snake gourd
Sorghum Soybean Wood apple
Specialty Rice
Tartary Buckwheat
Source: FAO, 2018

The FAO RAP study has developed the following ten key recommendations related to the
NUS and FSF to be adopted at various levels:

1. “Urgent call for decision makers to raise awareness of the nutrition-sensitive and
climate-resilient benefits of NUS to address hunger, malnutrition and climate change
2. Recognize, identify and promote complementarities of NUS with existing staple crops
for nutrition enhancement, climate-change resilience and diversification of cropping
systems, and reliable NUS as Future Smart Food (FSF) to popularize these species
3. Establish a National Coordinating Committee on FSF involving concerned ministries
and appoint a Strategic Coordinator at the inter-ministerial level
4. Create an enabling environment by strengthening national institutional support for
mainstreaming FSF into national policies and programmes, using appropriate
incentives, procurement of FSF for food programmes (e.g. mid-day meal/school-meal
scheme) to enhance national consumption, local production and facilitate marketing,
as extensively pursued in Brazil during its Zero Hunger Campaign
5. Establish nationally coordinated research for development programmes targeting FSF
with high potential, and expand coverage of national agriculture statistics and national
food composition data on FSF for evidence-based decision making
6. Document and validate best-bet FSF case studies, compile indigenous knowledge
related to FSF, undertake clinical and field studies to demonstrate the health benefits
and climate resilience of FSF, and assemble quantitative data for public dissemination
7. Enhance public awareness of the importance of FSF by developing nutrition and
climate-change education materials and curricula on the importance of FSF for

consumers, traders, producers, health professionals, researchers, teachers (e.g. school
curricula), farmers, women and youth
8. Identify key entry points in the value chain and encourage value-chain development
for specific FSF, including innovative and targeted interventions for promotion (e.g.
ready-to-use food products) and increase funds for research, development and
extension capacities on FSF production and processing technologies
9. Identify key entry points in the value chain and encourage value-chain development
for specific FSF, including innovative and targeted interventions for promotion (e.g.
ready-to-use food products) and increase funds for research, development and
extension capacities on FSF production and processing technologies
10. Establish a regionally coordinated network on FSF to facilitate the exchange of
information, policy, technologies and genetic resources, as well as FSF promotion, in
target countries.”

In context of underutilized crops, it is encouraging to note that recently, based on India’s

proposal, FAO has agreed to celebrate 2023 as the International Year of Millets towards
improving productivity, profitability, and consumption of millets throughout the world,
which are power house of nutrients but also climate resilient. This will fall within the UN
Decade of Action on Nutrition 2016 to 2025. The important nutrition cereals include millet,
sorghum, finger millet, foxtail millet and buckwheat. Formulation of effective policies –
policy options and actions can greatly benefit from policy frameworks and international laws
prepared by concerned UN systems, which have developed and implemented several policies
for promoting NUS/FSF into AFS, such as International Undertaking 1983, Convention of
Biological Diversity 1992, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and
Agriculture 2004, and Sustainable Development Goals 2015.

4.6 Intensification for Nutritional Security

4.6.1 Congruence of vital components of development

Intensification for nutrition should be based on congruent intensification of socio-economic,

ecological, and genetic components for holistic development (Figure 11), as recently
elaborated by Vara Prasad (2018).

Figure 11. Intensification pathway for comprehensive nutritional security

Source: Vara Prasad, 2018

4.6.2 Bridging Yield Gaps

Enhanced yields of the major commodities are the main contributors to the Green Revolution
process. However, despite doubling and tripling of wheat, rice and maize yields serious yield
gaps exist at various levels. Huge yield gaps exist in major crops like wheat and rice (Figure
12). The gaps may be attributed to the ‘extension problem’, failure of the farmers to use the
new technology or to the failure in fully realizing the potential of the technology. In the fast
expanding knowledge domain and global competiveness, knowledge intensive agriculture
should be promoted to moderate the input-intensive agriculture. Suitable policy interventions
are needed to enhance production and productivity of small and marginal farmers. While the
on-going miniaturization of farm sizes should be halted and reversed through promoting off-
and non-farm rural employment, land reforms and land leasing and other measures are
needed for improving small farm productivity.
Figure 12. Yield gaps, all India

Source: World Bank, 2014

Low yield areas should be mapped and location-specific causes of the productivity gaps and
land factor productivity should be identified and specific land and water use decisions should
be promoted by restructured and retooled State Land Use Boards to realize the yield and
income potential. Crop diversification should be promoted in consonance with market
opportunities, farmers’ income and ecological sustainability. Farmer-to-farmer learning by
establishing farm school in each block, adopting location-specific Integrated Farming
Systems (IFS), ensuring timely availability of quality seeds, integrated and balanced nutrient
application and management, and proper water management and efficient water use,
including Million Well’s Recharge Programme, mandatory water harvesting and water use
efficiency per drop more crop deserve highest priority.

As mentioned earlier, productivity of livestock in India is also low due to fodder, feed,
healthcare, market, and price constraints. Integrated crop livestock- fish farming systems,
cooperatives (Amul being world famous experience), SHGs, especially women SHGs for
livestock and agriclinics operated by veterinary and farm science graduates and paravets,
coupled with fodder and feed banks will immensely increase the productivity and income of
livestock owners. Livestock insurance should particularly be accessible to smallholders. In
view of the setback to poultry industry due to bird flu outbreaks, quarantine and testing
facilities at all ports of entry should be established. Poultry rearing should be recognized as
an agricultural activity and appropriate support should be extended to backyard poultry
farmers to establish Small Holders’ Poultry Estates.

4.6.3 Total Factor Productivity Growth

The agriculture sector had registered an overall growth rate of only about 2.6 per cent during
1991 to 2006. Fortunately, during the subsequent five to seven years, a growth rate of 3.5 to 4
per cent was achieved, but has again slipped back to about 2 per cent, during the 12th Plan,
and needs to be bought back to about 4 per cent and sustained in the future to meet the
demand. The production growth has accrued essentially through yield enhancement. Yet,
average yields of most commodities, including milk and other livestock products are low.
Hence, there is ample opportunity for improving yields. Moreover, given that there is no
scope for horizontal expansion of cultivated land, the doubling of the food production by the
year 2050 must be realized through doubling the yield/ha.

The total factor productivity (TFP) growth rate has been sluggish (Table 11). Compared to
China, especially recognizing that average yields of most major commodities in India are
about 40 to 50 per cent of those in China, there is ample scope for improving India’s TFP
through increasing inputs use efficiency, productivity, and profitability. Needless to assert,
TFP is now the primary source of global agricultural growth. It increases when outputs rise
and inputs remain constant or even decrease. It is this fact which will help the Government in
implementing its policy of agricultural produce price being equal to CII + 50 per cent of CII
to the satisfaction of both farmers and consumers, and for Doubling Farmers’ Income.

Table 11. Average annual growth of agricultural output and total factor productivity (TFP) in
India and other selected countries

Country Output growth ( per cent) TFP progress ( per cent)

1991-2000 2001-2006 2007-2012 1991-2000 2001-2006 2007-2012
India 2.6 2.6 3.5 1.1 1.5 2.0
China 5.1 3.2 3.5 3.1 2.5 3.1
Bangladesh 3.2 2.9 0.1 2.0 1.4 -1.6
Pakistan 3.5 2.5 2.6 1.5 0.4 1.4
Sri Lanka 1.0 1.4 2.6 0.8 0.9 2.1

Source: Gap Report, 2014

A World Bank / FAO 2014 study, cited in the Gap Report, had shown that the TFP growth
rates in India vary from region to region. For the North region, during 1980 to 2008, the TFP
growth rate was 1.38 per cent against 2.84 per cent for the South Region (Figure 13). Nearly
half of the inter-region variation in the TFP was attributed to state-specific policies,
institutions and public investment. The study had also shown that ineffective technology
transfer and inefficient enhanced use of inputs in highly subsidized systems had negatively
affected TFP, compromising future productivity growth. The GAP analysis projects that with
the business as usual, only 59 per cent of total India demand of food and agriculture
production will be met by the year 2030 (Figure 14).

Figure 13. Comparative 1980-2008 TFP growth rates for India and its six regions

Source: GAP Report 2014

Figure 14. Food demand compared to agricultural output from TFP growth in India, 2000-

Source: GAP Report 2014

Towards capturing the opportunity to meet our food and agricultural production demands,
accelerated agricultural growth calls for:

• Getting technology moving and ensuring access of farmers to the technology by re-
establishing a trained, retooled and dedicated cadre of extension workers,
strengthening of agricultural research and technology development and transfer
• Increasing investment, efficiency and systems support, rationalizing subsidy and
ensuring timely flow of cost-effective quality inputs and credit, insurance and other
institutional support systems
• Augmenting the physical and economic connectivity of farm to market, post-harvest
operations including the role of food processing industries, cautious diversification
without jeopardizing food security and ultimately enhancing farmers’ income and
rural employment security
• Promoting inclusiveness by enhancing access to land, water, credit, market, skills and
technology on the part of the poor and smallholder farmers.

4.6.4 Natural Resource Management for Sustained Nutritional Security

Major cause of declining TFP is imbalanced soil fertility and water management. Nutrient
deficiency in our soils is ever-increasing (Figure 15). Our soils being both hungry and thirsty,
the TFP is bound to be low. Thousands of well-equipped and well-functioning soil testing
laboratories should be established and strategically located throughout the country (in which
the private sector, agri-clinics and entrepreneurs can be effectively partnered) and each
farmer should be issued a soil health card. Farmers should be oriented and convinced to get
their soils tested on regular basis and manage their soil fertility through integrated nutrient

application. Millions of Soil Health Cards have been insect, but their impact to yet to be seen.
Conservation agriculture involving technologies like zero/reduced tillage are both time and
cost saving in popular intensive cropping systems e.g., rice-wheat or maize-wheat rotation or
potato plus maize (intercropped) and other diversified systems should be adopted extensively.
This movement is catching up in Punjab and Haryana, and during the 2018-19 crop season,
through ‘Uberization’ of Happy Seeder, nearly 8,00,000 ha has been brought under
conservation agriculture.

Figure 15. Progressive expansion in the occurrence of nutrient deficiencies

Water is the scarcest natural resource and despite a viable national water policy being in
place, water continues to be the most misused commodity. The surface water use has declined
over the years while the groundwater irrigation use has steadily increased (Figure 16). A
countrywide campaign is required to conserve water and to optimize its use as per resources.
Other policy measures for water conservation and efficient use should include : (i) restoring
water bodies around the country including village ponds, implementing the Million Well Re-
Charge programme and promoting mandatory rain water harvesting in rural as well as in
urban India and managing water bodies and reservoirs by stakeholders and water users with
the participation of Gram Panchayats and other local democratic bodies and self help groups
(SHGs) including women representatives; (ii) withdrawing and not repeating all populistic
orders like free electric supply to farmers by various State Governments, that are encouraging
excessive pumping of ground water and its wastage; the use of surface water irrigation has
declined, and is being increasingly compensated by over exploitation of groundwater,
threatening sustainability of the system in several states.

Figure 16. Surface Water and Groundwater irrigation

Source: Faures and Mukherj, 2011

While Indian agriculture is faced with limited and declining availability of land and water,
both the resources are stressed by the fast changing climate. Our approach to agriculture,
therefore, needs to be redefined in the context of this changing scenario. Increased production
will require enhancing productivity levels of existing resources, through increased input use
efficiency leading to enhanced net returns to farmers and improving the terms of trade in
favour of farmers. In retrospect, the Green Revolution had by-passed the vast rainfed areas.
Livestock, including goat and sheep have tremendous potential of greening the grey areas,
niche production of specific local breeds and species should be promoted. Likewise,
horticultural crops, especially drought resistant fruit and plantation crop species, are
particularly suited to rainfed areas, as amply demonstrated in Maharashtra.

Micro-irrigation-drip and sprinkler should be adopted widely to save water and enhance
yield. Per capita water storage capacity, India is only 219 m3 against 1110 m3 in China and
3145 m3 in Brazil. The National Commission on Integrated Water Resources Development
has announced that “it should be possible to achieve 60 per cent and 75 per cent efficiency by
2050 in surface water and ground water use respectively. Recognizing that agricultural
productivity has a direct correlation with farm power availability and labour productivity, the
present availability of 1.7 kilowatt per hectare is quite inadequate to achieve the desired
productivity levels. In a scenario of rising energy costs and overdependence on non-
renewable energy, it is vital to enhance energy use efficiency as well as develop renewable
energy. Recent thrust of the Government on solar and wind energy is admirable and should
be implemented vigorously with multiple advantages. At small scale, animal-based manures,
bio-gas, recycling of biomass and animal-wastes and bioenergy are eminent opportunities and
must be harnessed. The rural youth, especially the unemployed ones, should be trained and
empowered to establish renewable energy systems.

4.6.5 Value Chain, Market Linkage, and Farmers’ Income

Assured and remunerative markets hold the key to retaining the interest of farmers in
farming, and also to attract the youth in farming. While FDI in agriculture is bound to be
promoted under “Make-in-India” thrust, farmers should be looked at as agri-preneurs who
interact with corporate entrepreneurs, needing business models to be worked out to provide
win-win options. Appreciating that agriculture is the biggest private sector economic activity
in India, we must move from 3Ps to 4Ps i.e. Public- Private-Producer-Partnership.

Prevention of post harvest losses, processing and product development deserve priority in our
agricultural policy framework. Post-production losses of perishables and semi-perishables
especially in milk, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables are high, estimated at Rs. 50,000 crore
annually. About 50 per cent of these losses are preventable using suitable post-harvest
technologies. Cost-effective processing, value addition, packaging, cold chain, product quality
and safety and prolonged shelf life technologies are the need of the hour, not only for saving
the harvest, but also for providing additional off-farm employment. Let us remember, that a
grain saved is a grain produced, and an unsafe food is no food, and is also a health hazard.

As we live in a globalized and liberalized world, greater understanding of market intelligence

mechanisms, good trade practices, and legal aspects of the multilateral trade regime and
agreements and intellectual property rights is absolutely necessary. This calls for the
development and institutionalization of user-friendly knowledge systems to support decision-
making by various client groups. In line with the nation’s Food Bill and Right to Food, trade
must first be a component of food security before meeting other obligations, as recently
pursued by the Government at WTO and other bilateral and multilateral negotiations.

New Initiatives of the Government on e-NAM, creating a common Indian Markets and
investment in establishing additionally 22,000 village markets will directly link the farmers
with markets and help them realize remunerative prices for their produces, thus enhancing
their incomes and access to adequate nutritive foods. Further, considering that poverty is one
of the main causes of undernutrition the Prime Minister’s call for Doubling Farmer’s Income
by 2022 is indeed topical and timely. To achieve this several of the diversification and
intensification measures will need to be accelerated as shown in Table 12. Given the urgency
and commitment of all stakeholders, the required growth rates are attainable and must be
attained to render India Zero Hunger and fully nutrition-secure.

Table 12. Sources of farm income: achievement and required growth rate for doubling
farmer’s income

Sources Period Growth rate Required growth rate for

( per cent) DFI
Crop productivity 2001-2013 3.1 4.1
Livestock value added 2005-2014 4.5 6.1
Improvement in resource use
efficiency 2005-2012 2.26 3
Crop intensity 2001-2012 1 1.3
Crop diversification 2003-2014 3.89 5.17
Karnataka reform
Better price realization experience 13 17
Shift to non -farm occupation 2005-2012 1.81 2.4

Source: Ramesh Chand, 2017

No country can feed over a billion people by allowing almost 40 per cent of food to be
wasted. This is an area where India needs to do a lot in terms of research and action. Research
in traditional methods of storage may have lessons for us. Changing cropping patterns, e.g.
shift from rice-wheat cropping pattern in Punjab, to more diverse cropping will demand better
methods of storage and value addition. Food safety is yet another issue where India should
put its act together if it wants to sustain export. What may be acceptable by Indian consumers
will not be acceptable by developed countries.

4.7 Climate Smart Agriculture

The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(IPCC) (2014), discussing the climate change drivers, impacts, adaptation and mitigation had
highlighted that the climate change impacts on food security are happening now, and the
tropical areas are most exposed to increasing climate risks which also house a large
proportion of the world’s food insecure and poor people. The AR5 has highlighted the

• Climate change has impacts on all aspects of food security – production,

(availability), distribution, access to food (affordability), utilization of food and
stability of food supplies over time
• Impacts of climate change on crop yields are already evident across several regions of
the world. On an average, although some positive impacts are evident in certain
areas/pockets, largely the impacts are negative, net global yields of maize and wheat
will be suppressed by 4 and 5 per cent, respectively by 2050s, average yields for eight
major crops in South Asia will decline by 8 per cent
• Climate change is affecting the current abundance and distribution of freshwater and
marine fish harvests. By 2050s, while fisheries yields in high latitudes are predicted to
increase by 30 to 70 per cent, these will decrease in the tropics by about 40 per cent,

primarily due to the rises in sea temperature. These changes will adversely impact
small-scale coastal fisheries in tropical countries
• In recent years most price spikes for food have been related to climate extremes in
major production areas. The spike hurts the poor the most as they spend more than 70
per cent of their income on food
• Climate change has impacts on the nutritional quality and safety of food. Elevated
carbon dioxide levels cause decrease in protein and micronutrient contents. Further,
often the mycotoxins levels increase from enhanced fungal infections in tropical
• Tropical crops, livestock and fisheries are most affected by current climate change;
regions of major exposure to climate change coincide with high prevalence of poverty
and food insecurity. India and other South Asian countries are most vulnerable to
climate change and it is this region which has the highest concentration of food-
insecure people and undernourished children
• Greater exposure to climate risks increases the vulnerability of food insecure
individuals and households, particularly the marginal and sub-marginal farmers. High
recurrences of climate extremes, such as droughts, floods, heat, and cold waves
exacerbate the vulnerability of the hungry. Intense seasonal hunger further deepens
chronic hunger, nutritional insecurity, and overall livelihood insecurity.

Freshwater availability in South Asia is likely to decrease. Even the most optimistic studies
indicate that agriculture, in India and South Asia will be particularly hard hit by water stress
by 2025 (Figure 17). During the last 130 years, the region has faced more than 26 droughts.
Nearly 70 per cent of the land is drought prone, 12 per cent flood-prone and 8 per cent
cyclone-prone. While frost is common in northern regions, heat is a frequent incidence at
many places.

Figure 17. Future Climate Change: Water Stress

Projected for 2025

Considering the demand of water from agricultural, urban, industrial

and human demand, and heat load, modeling data projects water stress
around the globe will be increased. Severe stress in regions of India.

Incidence of climate-related disasters have been rising in the Asia-Pacific Region (Figure 18)
causing an estimated staggering loss of US$ 48 billion during 2005-2015 (FAO, 2017). FAO
warns that “while climate change and extreme weather events are impacting the environment
in many ways, agriculture and food production in Asia and the Pacific are among those
hardest hit and must be first in line to defend”.

Figure. 18 Trends in the Occurrence of Climatic Hazards in the Asia-Pacific Region

Source: FAO, 2018. Asia and the Pacific Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2018

While South Asia as a whole is projected to suffer highly from the climate volatilities, India is
projected to suffer the most in the world in terms of loss of agricultural productivity (Table 13).

Table 13. Projected changes in agricultural productivity from climate change at 2050

Country % change
Australia -17
Canada -1
United States -4
China -4
India -25

Brazil -10
European Union -4
Least developed countries -18
Poorest Hardest Hit by CC, India has largest no. of poor & hungry
Source: RIRDC 2013

Crop models indicate that average yields in 2050 may decline by about 50 per cent for wheat,
17 per cent for rice, and about 6 per cent for maize from their 2000 levels. The Indo-Gangetic
plain, which produces one-fifth of the world’s wheat, is likely to be especially adversely
impacted. This alone could threaten the food security of 200 million people. Globally, over
1.4 billion will be affected by the increasing frequency of drought and decreasing
precipitation. According to an IFPRI study (Nelson et al, 2010), an increase of between 8.5

and 10.3 per cent is expected in the number of malnourished children in all developing
countries, relative to scenarios of perfect climate change mitigation.

The Crisis Management Plan of the GoI (2012) reported that annually 50 million people are
exposed to chronic drought. Sixteen per cent of India’s land area is drought prone and 68 per
cent of the land area sown is exposed to drought. The Southwest monsoons account for 86
per cent of rainfall occurring in 100-120 days. Thirty three per cent of land receives less than
750 mm of rainfall, and is classified as chronically drought prone. Rainfall is erratic in four
out of ten years. Per capita water availability is rapidly declining due to population and urban
growth, industrialization, cropping intensity and depleting groundwater. Unfavorable rainfall
pattern and frequency of occurrence of extreme events such as drought and temperature
events are becoming highly discernible over the years. As per a GoI estimate in 2012, 5700
sq. km of coastal area in India will be lost due to 1 m sea level rise, displacing 7.1 million
people resulting in significant economic losses.

Annual temperatures have changed (risen) more rapidly in recent years (Figure 19). Excessive
and untimely rains, hailstorms and strong winds in recent years have caused 15 to 50 per cent
crop losses in several states of the country and exacerbated livelihood security of millions of
small and marginal farmers. Increased chances of El Nino, coupled with the global warming,
will create serious disturbances in rainfall patterns. Such uncertainties have intensified in recent
decades and seek priority attention of all stakeholders and development partners.

Figure 19. Past / Current Climate Change: Temperatures

Base: 1951-1980


Mean temperatures have increased about 1°° C in the last Century.

Annual temperatures have changed more rapidly in recent years.

The UN Conferences on Sustainable Development, the first one in June 1992 in Rio and the
second one 20 years later, Rio+20 in 2012 June, again in Rio, as enumerated in the SDGs,
had emphasized that the humanity will face threats to water, food, biodiversity and other
critical resources which will continually intensify economic, ecological and social crises
under the fast changing climate. These have emphasized Green Economy for improved
human well-being and social equity, whilst significantly reducing environmental risks and

ecological scarcities. FAO (2012) has emphasized that Green or Climate Smart Agriculture
(CSA) is needed for achieving Green Economy, and suggested the following steps:

• Assess the current situation, defining the baseline (business as usual) and alternative
development pathways
• Understand barriers to adoption of CSA and germplasm conservation practices which
may include technological, institutional, financial, services and market constraints
• Collect information on existing and expected social, economic and environmental
development settings as assessed through deploying effective and realistic indicators
• Assess efficacy of various CSA practices and strengthen both autonomous adaptation
and adaptation to abnormal weather fluctuations and to extreme variations, and enrich
insurance products and provisions
• Define coherent policies (technical, institutional and economic) and provisions and
policy levers for adoption of cost-effective adaptation and mitigation measures, such
as community gene banks and in situ conservation and farmers’ participatory breeding
• Guide investment based on cost benefit analyses of various adaptation and mitigation
practices, including adoption of climate resilient crop varieties, and the trade offs.

The climate smart agriculture movement should be rooted in climate smart villages. Such
villages could be created only by ensuring them to be congruently water smart, energy smart,
carbon smart, nitrogen smart, weather smart and knowledge smart. Under the Saansad Model
Village initiative of the Govt, each Member of Parliament may develop at least one climate
smart village.

The approach must be to create rich and dynamic knowledge domains to produce more from
less. This is very much in line with FAO’s call “Save and Grow”, and one can often
substitute knowledge for purchased inputs. In this context, selecting the most appropriate
variety, the landraces, changing land-use practices such as the location of crop and livestock
production, crop rotation, especially inclusion of legumes in the rotation, sequence and
duration, rotating or shifting production between crops and livestock, and altering the
intensity of inputs use can help increase productivity and at the same time reduce risks from
climate change in farm production. In this direction, the National Initiative on Climate
Resilient Agriculture (NICRA) project of India, encompassing: (i) strategic research to
address long-term climate change, (ii) demonstration of innovative and risk management
technology in different parts of the country, (iii) funding competitive research, and (iv)
capacity building of different stakeholders for greater awareness and community action, is an
exemplary step and deserves continued support.

As we move forward, adaptation and mitigation must be seen as two mutually reinforcing
pillars of climate smart agriculture, and adaptation-led mitigation should be the way ahead.
Moreover, climate is ever-changing, hence one-time adaptation response is not enough, and
the adaptive capacity should continually be improved. India’s agriculture, agroecologically
diverse as it is, should be assessed for its carbon, methane and N footprints across agro-
ecologies and differentiated adaptation mitigation plans should be prepared. In particular,
dynamic relations of rice ecologies and livestock farming in context of GHG emissions
should be analyzed. Genetic restructuring, altered agronomic practices, diversification,
integrated cropping and farming systems, and efficient use of biodiversity and other natural
resources should meet the micro (farm level) as well as macro level situations.

Risk profile of CSA practices should be understood to be prepared to reduce the vulnerability
of farmers to climate risk. New studies undertaken by the South Asian programme of the
CCAFS of the CGIAR has recently come up with improved weather-based crop insurance
which offers triple wins: a) reduced premium rate, b) expanded, most effective and timely
disbursement, and c) savings for the Govt in terms of reduced subsidy, hence lesser load to
the exchequer. This product is based on scientific knowledge and is a win-win situation for
all stakeholders-farmers, industry as well as the Government. In the rainy season in 2015
alone, more than 1 million farmers in Maharashtra had used it. This new product should be
widely piloted and linked with the Prime Minister’s Jan Dhan Yojana.

Efficacies of different policies related to climate resilient agriculture and effectiveness of

their implementation should be critically assessed. Policies such as those on Agriculture,
Biosecurity, Biodiversity, Disaster Management, Food Security, Water, Land etc. should be
synergistically converged at different levels, particularly at the grassroots, such as at the level
of the climate-smart villages. Institutional adjustments and interministerial convergence are
needed to ensure judicious implementation. Development of climate smart agriculture and
germplasm conservation should be mainstreamed into the national policy with suitable
investment and financing provisions. Singh (2017) have identified following six critical
domains with specific sub-groups of rural development for integrating climate adaptation
planning as reproduced below:

Figure 20. Critical domains and sub-groups of rural development for integrating climate
adaptation planning

Foodgrain Management
Rural Livelihood Security Productivity Enhancement
and Production Augmentation
• Rural Employment • Procurement, storage
• Social Security and distribution • Soil health and manures
• Rural Infrastructure • Marketing and Prices • Agricultural
• Governance • Food Processing mechanization
• Education
• Organic farming
• Health Security
• Cooperatives
• Skill and
Entrepreneurship • Crop Production
• Women Empowerment • Animal husbandry and
• Pest management
Natural Resource Management Rural Development

• Ground water Research & Extension

management Resilience
• River and lake • Climate adaptation
conservation centric support
• Watershed development • Agricultural extension
• Irrigation infrastructure and training
• Forest protection • Early warning or
• Coastal management modeling
Risk Financing

• Crop insurance
• Credit support

Source: Singh, 2017

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals of ending poverty, achieving food security,
and promoting sustainable agricultural development, the various stakeholders- Central and
State Governments, relevant national (ICAR-SAUs) and international (CGIAR), specially
(CCAFS) research and technology development institution, corporate sector, farmers
organizations, local communities have jointly identified suitable models of Climate Smart
Agriculture and bringing these to scale in several Indian states. A number of tools and tool
boxes have been developed for various components of the process. Some of the success
stories from CCAFS in India include the Climate Smart Village (CSV) approach, India’s
Agro-Forestry Policy to promote CSA, growing solar power as a remunerative crop to
minimize climate risks in agriculture, improved weather based crop insurance, underground
taming of floods for drought management, and precision nutrient management for tackling
GHG emissions. Other ongoing and emerging initiatives include India’s Food Security Bill
explicitly promoting climate resilient coarse grain cultivation, precision land leveling, public
private partnership, citizen science approach, manstreaming gender in national adaptation
plan, mapping hotspots of germplasm collection, flood mapping and insurance, loss
assessment for crop insurance, and empowering women leaders.

Some researcher suggests that the quality of our food is deteriorating in terms of nutrient
content (Davis et al., 2004; may/07/climate-
change-food -crops-nutrition). This has been attributed to rise in atmospheric carbon dioxide
levels. Elevated carbon dioxide levels affect assimilation of nitrate into proteins. There has to
be continuous monitoring of nutrient content of hybrids and GM foods. There is also
evidence that the micronutrient content of vegetables is declining. Constant monitoring is
needed and this is possible only if agriculture universities and government agriculture
department have this capability. The KVKs can play an important role in this task.

FAO (2018) has recently summed up that, “a holistic response cycle to disasters comprises
elements of prevention, mitigation and response. In addition to post-disaster relief and
rehabilitation, it is necessary to comprehensively consider disaster risk reduction, climate
change adaptation and mitigation measures as more effective responses to climate-related
disasters. This would include investments in anticipatory capacity (e.g. risk assessments and
early warning systems), adaptive capacity (e.g. adapting agriculture to new climate trends
with the use of new technologies and support for income diversification of vulnerable
farmers) and absorptive capacity to reduce the devastating effect of shocks (e.g. social
protection and insurance programmes). These measures, among others, are conceived as part
of an integrated response package aimed at strengthening the resilience of communities,
households, agriculture and the economy as a whole”.

4.8 Science, Technology, and Innovation for Nutritional Development

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) are key drivers for empowering individuals,
societies and nations to meet the challenges. We must increasingly appreciate that
innovations are the key to prosperity and progress and are needed to trigger technological and
economic transformation of farm operations along value chains. Richness of the synergy of
science, technology and innovation will underpin competitiveness at various levels in this fast
changing world and expanding knowledge economy era. STI should be evolved to

simultaneously and dynamically meet the fast changing demands in the humanitarian (socio-
economic), environmental, and climate change management goals.

STI for Agenda 2030, especially for meeting the first three SDGs, is a profound global
movement primarily through diversification in production and product development, linking
the products with national and international markets, and creation of new knowledge, e-
connectivity, and the National Knowledge Network (NKN) leading to enhanced inclusivity,
employment and ecological security. Towards harnessing its demographic dividend, India
must meet the needs of her children and youth for nutrition, health, knowledge, skill,
connectivity and identity. The quality and relevance of agricultural research must be
enhanced to bring within its domain cutting-edge technologies like biosensors, genomics,
biotechnology, nanotechnology and alternative nutrition and energy sources.

Rosegrant (2014) reported that in the developing nations, the number of food-insecure
people could be potentially reduced by 12 per cent if nitrogen use efficiency technologies
were successfully developed and adopted, by 9 per cent if no-till is adopted more
aggressively and by 8 per cent with widespread adoption of heat tolerance and precision
agriculture. Results show that irrigation water savings on fields under drip irrigation are 24 to
27 per cent, depending on crop and climate change scenario, much higher than water savings
for sprinkler irrigation systems calculated at 11 to 12 per cent. At an aggregate level, if all the
11 technologies (no-till, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drought tolerant, heat tolerant,
precision agriculture, nitrogen use efficiency, crop protection, water harvesting, organic
agriculture, and integrated soil fertility management) with positive yield impacts were
adopted together for maize, wheat and rice, their prices could be reduced by 49 per cent, 45
per cent and 43 per cent, respectively. This is equivalent to reducing the number of people at
risk of hunger by 40 per cent, globally.

The XIth Agricultural Science Congress organized by the National Academy of Agricultural
Science (NAAS) in 2011 had its theme One Health: Healthy Soil- Healthy Plants – Healthy
Animals – Healthy Humans (Figure 21). It underpinned the Agriculture Food System
approach for attaining sustainable comprehensive nutritional and health security. This
concept must influence all stakeholders along the value chain, from farm to fork to adopt
multidisciplinary collaborative approach in achieving their common goal of a healthy world.

Figure 21. One Health Better Soils – Better Plants – Better Animals – Better Humans

Biotechnology, encompassing wide range of technologies such as cloning, marker assisted
selection, transgenics, and veritable ‘omics’ should be used judiciously for augmenting
tolerance/resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses, improved nutritional quality, enhanced
physiological efficiency, nutrient use efficiency, and bio-products. Recent developments in
genome editing (CRISPR-Cas9) have far reaching implications for future agriculture and
food systems. A good number of rice, wheat, maize, soybean, sweet potato etc. rich in
vitamin A, Vitamin E and other nutrients have been developed and rapidly adopted by
farmers and commercialised.

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences has recently brought out a monumental book
“Hundred Years of Agricultural Sciences in India” 2016 (ed. R.B. Singh). All the eight
chapters of the book have some elements related to nutrition. More importantly, it contains an
exclusive section on Human Nutrition contributed by Mahtab Bamji, a noted nutritionist and
NAAS Fellow. Among other things, she has highlighted the Trends in Nutrition Research,
Double Burden of Diseases, Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiencies, Food Fortification,
and Biofortification as elucidated below.

4.8.1 Trends in Nutrition Research

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the National Institute of Nutrition
(NIN) lead and augment the human nutrition research in the country. The National Nutrition
Monitoring Bureau and the National Family Health Surveys periodically publish the status
and trends of human nutrition in the country. The book on Nutrition Value of Indian Foods,
periodically updated by ICMR/NIN, is an invaluable source of information. Their work on
functional consequences of malnutrition; development of biochemical/physiological tests for
assessing nutritional status, and using them to assess subclinical malnutrition, and derive
Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) for different nutrients - periodically updated
based on new data; nutrition for special groups - infants, children, pregnant and lactating
women, and adolescents; prevention of nutritional problems of public health importance;
nutrition-infection interaction; chronic diseases and their nutritional basis - validation of the
hypothesis of fetal origin of adult diseases; food toxins, their impact on health and methods of
their elimination; interaction of nutrients with drugs and other chemicals; nutrition
communication etc. are extremely helpful. More recently molecular tools and stem cells are
being used to understand the mechanism of action of nutrients at cellular and molecular
levels. Emphasis in recent years has shifted slightly from deficiency diseases to obesity and
adult –onset chronic diseases like diabetes, hypertension, cancer, osteoporosis etc.

Bamji has further elaborated the role of health-promoting phyto-chemicals (nutraceuticals)

present in plant foods besides known nutrients. The NAAS had brainstormed the role of
functional foods as well as the role of the Central Institute of Medicinal Plants in human
health management and rural economy. Practical dietary guidelines for meeting nutrient
requirements based on Indian diets have been evolved. Besides NIN, other institutions like
All India Institute of Medical Sciences (iodine deficiency disorders, degenerative diseases)
and nutrition departments of Home Science colleges under Agriculture Universities and other
universities have also contributed; latter particularly towards development of balanced diets,

complementary foods and communication strategies. Agriculture universities have
contributed to developing nutrient-dense varieties of plant foods and analysing the nutrient
composition of regional foods. The latter has mostly been confined to measurement of
macronutrients and a few micronutrients like iron, calcium, vitamin C, β carotene, and
provitamin A. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, the various efforts described above
should be intertwined in the One Health Movement.

Agriculture universities should have state-of-the- art laboratories for analysing a range of
macro and micronutrients. Following the recommendation of the Fifth Deans’ Committee, the
Home Science Colleges are being transformed into Nutrition and Community Science
Colleges, and the curricula have been revised accordingly. These departments are required to
undertake interdisciplinary collaborative research on nutrition sensitive agriculture. Besides
the analysis of known nutrients, there should be capability to analyse heath-promoting
phytochemicals – anti- oxidants, detoxifying agents, immune stimulants etc to identify
functional foods. Plant foods are high in fibre and other anti-nutritional factors- phytate,
phenols, etc. These impair absorption of micronutrients, particularly minerals and trace
elements. Therefore, apart from measuring the nutrient content, bioavailabilities of nutrients
also have to be measured using in vitro and in vivo methods. In the case of nutrients like ß -
carotene (provitamin A), conversion factor to vitamin A has to be determined. Current
research is addressing the issue of bio-availability from raw foods and effects of processing.

4.8.2 Double Burden of Diseases

India being a country in developmental transition is facing the double burden of pre-transition
diseases - undernutrition and infection, with steadily growing burden of post-transition
diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, cancer, etc. What is
often not recognized is that undernutrition in early life can contribute to both. The first one
thousand days from conception are the most important for physical as well as mental
development. Many seem to miss the window of opportunity for correction as the incidence
of post-transition diseases like obesity and diabetes in India is growing and the country is
becoming the diabetes capital of the world. Shift from consumption of natural and unrefined
foods rich in fibre to highly refined and processed foods rich in salt, sugar and saturated fat
typical of modernization is not conducive to good health. Thus, the importance of life-cycle
approach to nutrition can hardly be overemphasized.

4.8.3 Prevention of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Anaemia is one of the most worrisome nutritional disorders with serious effects on morbidity,
productivity and mortality. Major cause is dietary deficiency (and poor bio-availability from
plant foods) of iron and to a lesser extent of folic acid and perhaps vitamin B12. Worm
infestation also contributes. The Government of India’s anaemia prophylaxis program
involves administering supplements of iron and folic acid to pregnant and lactating women
and children 6 months to 5 years. The quantum of supplements to be given was prescribed by
nutrition scientists. However, due to administrative infirmities, the program has failed to
reduce the incidence of anaemia.

A lifecycle approach has been proposed in the recent iron+ initiative of the Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, by bringing in other age groups like adolescence, and
nonpregnant, non-lactating women. This initiative not only prescribes the quantum and
periodicity of supplementation, but also service of packages for treatment and management of
anaemia, and delivery systems. Currently research is going on to see the absorption of iron
given daily vs. less frequently (weekly) and interaction of iron with other minerals at the
intestinal level. Whether or not, de-worming should be uniformly adopted is controversial
due to lack of consensus among pediatricians. Inclusion of other micronutrients like vitamin
C (for better iron absorption), B-12, and zinc, also needs to be examined.

The National Prophylaxis Program against Nutritional Blindness due to vitamin A deficiency
should be continued and strengthened to eradicate vitamin A deficiency of all forms. The
plenty of β carotene (vitamin A precursor) in plant foods, should be exploited with diversified
cropping patterns. Agriculture scientists can play an important role in promoting such food-
based strategy to combat vitamin A deficiency. Some studies from Indonesia claim that β
carotene from vegetables is not absorbed. However, many studies from India suggest that this
does not apply to Indian children who are deficient in vitamin A. Availability of β carotene
from foods is higher in deficient individuals. Inclusion of little fat helps absorption of β
carotene, but this aspect needs to be critically researched to make smart recommendations.
The conversion ratio of beta carotene to vitamin A is an area of some controversy. ICMR has
recently revised this ratio from 1:4 (weight /weight) for vitamin A produced from beta
carotene to 1:8.

India has two national programmes -Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) and the
school Mid-day Meal (MDM) programme. In ICDS supplementary food is provided to
vulnerable groups- children, pregnant and lactating women to meet the energy and protein
gap. Bridging the micronutrient gap through inclusion of vegetables, fruits and animal
products is missing in many states, though some southern states like Andhra Pradesh are
including eggs and milk. Though ICDS has been in operation for many years it has not made
the expected impact on child nutrition. The barrier should be identified and removed.
Nutrition scientists have provided the guidance for the quantity and quality of the
supplementary food to be given based on nutrient gaps reported in national surveys. Locally
suitable ready to cook, packaged complementary foods instead of take-home rations of
cereals and pulses, may be better targeted.

4.8.4 Food Fortification

As seen with iodized salt, food fortification is a promising method for reaching
micronutrients to the vulnerable groups. The micronutrient added should be stable and
absorbed. Iodized salt was initially tested by Late Prof. Ramalingaswamy and colleagues at
the AIIMS in the Kangra valley. Based on their findings, National Goitre Control programme
was introduced. The Government of India in 1984 launched the programme of universal
iodization of salt. Recent ICMR survey shows very favourable impact. Stability of iodine in
salt has to be ensured. NIN has developed a simple kit for estimating iodine content of salt
which can be used for monitoring. Since in the areas which are endemic for iodine

deficiency, anaemia is highly prevalent, the NIN has developed iron-fortified iodized salt
(double fortified salt-DFS), to address the dual problem of iodine and iron deficiency. The
technological problem of stability of the two nutrients and availability has been overcome. A
technical committee constituted by the Government of India has recommended use of NIN-
DFS salt in nutritional programmes for vulnerable groups. Commercial production of DFS
has also started in different parts of India.

One laudable development is the involvement of state governments like Tamil Nadu in
production and distribution of iron and iodine fortified salt. The quantum of fortification of
iodine and iron was determined on the basis of consumption of 10g salt per day. However,
cardiologists now recommend much lower (5g) consumption of salt to prevent hypertension.
This is a new dimension which needs to be addressed. However, even with lower intake of
salt, it may be possible to supply 5 mg of iron. With more vehicles for fortification on the
agenda, fortification can be a useful approach to reach iron through food. Attempts are being
made to fortify wheat flour with iron. The new Fe-fortified wheat, maize and rice varieties
will help solve the hidden hunger problem.

Bio-availability of iron from fortified wheat flour is a problem because of pyhytate content.
This antagonism must be resolved soon as a good number of iron and zinc rich wheat
varieties have been developed and released. Wheat being a major staple and foremost PDS
grain, the impact will be overwhelming. Though foods such as sugar and soy sauce have been
used in some countries for fortifying with vitamin A, they are not suitable for India. Oil
fortification with fat-soluble vitamins is being tried in Gujarat. The outcome of this effort
should be assessed critically, and the successful experiences should be adapted by other

4.8.5 Biofortification

Agriculture scientists are attempting to improve the nutrient content of foodgrains and
vegetables through conventional breeding, marker-driven molecular breeding and genetic
engineering, although the latter has become a subject of controversy. While ample care is
needed for ensuring safety to health and environment (biodiversity), misguided opposition
needs to be countered. The Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
(CGIAR) has initiated the bio-fortification of seven food crops, including wheat, rice, pearl
millet and maize through its Harvest-plus initiative ([email protected]. Accessed Jan 3, 2011), involving conventional breeding (Chakraborty
et al. 2010). India is an active partner in this initiative. India commercialized the cultivation
of iron-rich-pearl millet in 2012, and this variety is being grown in few hundred acres. It is
being marketed by Nirmal seeds. This firm is also trying to develop high-zinc wheat.
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute has developed zinc-rich rice. Sweet potato varieties
enriched with β carotene have also been developed. Work at the NIN has shown that about
25-50 g of the richer varieties can meet the preschool child’s requirement of vitamin A.
Bioavailability of β carotene from orange-flesh sweet potato has been found to be good.
Agriculture scientists need to work closely with nutrition scientists to promote such varieties.
Biofortified varieties do not pose the problem of vitamin A toxicity that chemical

supplements do, since there is regulation in absorption. Golden rice, enriched with β carotene
has been developed by genetic engineering involving introduction of three genes. Its safety,
bioavailability and acceptability have been tested already and registered as safe in Australia,
Canada, New Zealand, and USA. Bio-availability of micronutrients from bio-fortified crops
should be the constant agenda for research since excess of one micronutrient, particularly
trace elements and minerals is known to inhibit the absorption of other micronutrients

The National Agricultural Research System (NARS) has developed and released a series of
biofortified varieties for ten different cereal, oilseed, vegetable and fruit crops (Yadava et. al.,
2018) as given in Table 14. With wide adoption and adaptation of these varieties, agriculture-
based alleviation of malnutrition, especially undernutrition will become a reality. Several
studies on impact of feeding products from such fortified varieties in India and elsewhere
especially in Africa, have confirmed efficacy of such varieties in improving human nutrition
and child health. All crop improvement programs must include nutritional quality traits in
their genetic improvement objectives and ensure adequate availability of certified seeds of
such varieties. Assured premium remunerative price for biofortified products will help faster
adoption of such varieties for realizing widespread impact.

Table 14. Details of baseline level of nutrients in targeted crops and levels achieved through
Crop Nutrient Baseline levels Levels achieved
Nutritional Factor
Rice Zinc 12.0-16.0 ppm >20.0 ppm
Protein 7.0-8.0 per cent >10.0 per cent
Wheat Iron 28.0-32.0 ppm >38.0 ppm
Zinc 30.0-32.0 ppm >40.0 ppm
Protein 8-10 per cent >12.0 per cent
Maize Lysine 1.5-2.0 per cent >2.5 per cent
Tryptophan 0.3-0.4 per cent >0.6 per cent
Provitamin A 1-2 ppm >8.0 ppm
Pearl millet Zinc 30.0-35.0 ppm >40.0 ppm
Iron 45.0-50.0 ppm >70.0 ppm
Lentil Zinc 35-40 ppm >50.0 ppm
Iron 45-50 ppm >62.0 ppm
Cauliflower β-carotene Negligible >8.0 ppm
Sweet patato Anthocyanin Negligible >80.0 mg/100 g
β-carotene 2.0-3.0 mg/100 g >13.0 mg/100 g
Pomegranate Vitamin C 14.2-14.6 mg/100 g >19.0 mg/100 g
Iron 2.7-3.2 mg/100 g >5.0 mg/100 g
Zinc 0.50-0.54 mg/100 g >0.6 mg/100 g
Anti-nutritional factor
Mustard Glucosinolates >120.0 ppm <30.0 ppm
Erucic acid >40 per cent <2.0 per cent
Soybean (Kunitz trypsin 30-45 mg/g of seed Negligible
inhibitor) meal

4.8.6 Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)

The Swachh Bharat Swasth Bharat campaign of our Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra
Modi is a most timely and profound call for building a nutrition – secure New India.
Researchers have shown that a child’s risk of stunting at 24 months of age was multiplied by
a factor of 1.05 for each episode of diarrhoea the child had experienced in the first two years
of life (Block et. al., 2013). The evidence suggests: WASH improvements reach high
coverage throughout the whole community (not just the home or compounds of pregnant
women and young children); water treatment technologies are effective against all known
pathogens (not just some); and the long-term and complex nature of behaviour change related
to WASH practices (e.g. handwashing, household water treatment, safe disposal of children’s
feces, etc.) is addressed with ongoing innovation and creative new communication
approaches to effect sustainable behaviour change.

The recent thrust of the Government on providing piped drinking water to every household is
most timely as 742 million people in India are without piped water supply in their premises,
against 308 million in China (FAO, 2018). Likewise, India’s access to basic sanitation is
around 45 per cent against more than 75 per cent in China, in 2015.

4.9 Way Forward to Eradicate Malnutrition

Under each section, policy options, actions, and priority research and development pathways
have been suggested. This section deals with overarching solutions and suggests pathways for
meeting the goals of freeing India of malnutrition.

The Government had recently announced Kuposhan Mukt Bharat, National Nutrition Strategy:
Vision 2022. The strategy envisages:

• “Healthy, optimally nourished children, realizing their growth and development

potential, active learning capacity and adult productivity
• Healthy, optimally nourished women realizing their social and economic development
• In protective, nurturing, gender sensitive and inclusive community environments
• That enhances human and national development in the present – and in the future.”

In consonance with the strategy and the recommendations and suggestions of various national
and international programs described earlier, the following framework is suggested for
National Actions to eradicate malnutrition in India and elsewhere.

4.9.1 Make the political choice to end all forms of malnutrition and make
nutrition key goal of Agriculture

In countries off course to attain targets for nutrition, political leaders as well as leaders in
civil society, businesses and corporate sector must make SMART commitments to nutrition

and plot development trajectory at various levels – individuals, households and country, to
address the various forms of malnutrition as per location-specific needs and prospects.
Comprehensive nutritional security should be the key goal of agriculture. Leadership at all
levels and governance should ensure convergence among concerned ministries and sectors.
Inter-Ministerial collaboration is needed to congruently improve health, nutrition and
farmers’ income.

4.9.2 Keep the Smallholder Farmer at the Centre Stage

Smallholder farmers, accounting for India’s 85 per cent of all farmers, 48 per cent of the
cultivated land and over 50 per cent of the total agricultural production, are vital not only for
India’s agriculture and agrarian economy, but also for achieving the Sustainable
Development Goal of reducing hunger and poverty in the world as a whole. Over 50 per cent
of the smallholders possess less than 0.5 ha land, referred to as sub-marginal farmers, and
their number has been increasing with the increase in the population. Thus, the small is
getting smaller. Despite their higher per unit productivity, the extremely small and
fragmenting holdings are becoming economically nonviable, and the sub-marginal and
marginal farmers are swelling the ranks of the hungry and poor (Table 15).

Table 15. Proportion of poor and undernourished person in different farm-size groups in rural
India, 2004
Farm Size Share of each group in total Share of each group in
poor, per cent total under-nourished,
per cent
Agrl. Labourer 26.4 22.0
Marg. Farms 56.8 51.3
Small Farms 2.9 3.9
Med. Farms 1.3 2.1
Large Farms 0.4 0.6
Other Rural 12.2 20.1

Agenda 2030, especially SDG2 seeking actions of all stakeholders to eliminate hunger, all
forms of malnutrition and poverty, and doubling of agricultural productivity and income of
smallholder farmers, is most pertinent in the context of unethical and paradoxical increase of
hunger and poverty among the majority small, marginal and sub-marginal farmholders.
Therefore, our efforts must focus on the betterment of the smallholder farmers to break the
India enigma.

The business as usual has failed to adopt a holistic pro-smallholder approach for the
entitlement to land and other production resources, acquisition of agricultural knowledge,
technology generation and transfer, linking farmers with markets, enhancing their incomes
and management of climate change and risks. We need to answer the questions as to how can
the requisite empowerment be accomplished, and the smallholders enabled to accept the

challenges and opportunities of new developments, such as bio-technology, informatics, and
globalization? What socioeconomic policies shall facilitate the empowerment?

The land reforms and land use policies must not encourage conversion of rural poor into
urban destitute. Fragmentation of farms below a certain size, say 0.5 ha, should be stopped.
Land lease markets should be liberalized to promote scale of economy and to aggregate
miniscule holdings. Land acquisition rules and guidelines should not only be transparent, but
also be pro-poor and improve farmers’ income and employment security.

The potential of smallholders will be realized only when the smallholders are empowered to
access the crucial resources and entitlements viz. land, water, energy, credit, insurance,
markets and appropriate technologies. They should have opportunities to develop skills and
to access the information wherewith to use them. They should be linked with functional and
fair markets both for products and inputs and reduced market risks and transaction costs.
Enhanced employment off-farm and non-farm and income security, health care and
sanitation, and education and social services will go a long way in empowering the
smallholder farmers.

Small Farmer’s Agribusiness Consortium of the Ministry of Agriculture could proactively

develop agribusiness projects and arrange venture capital flow for development of
agribusinesses in the country in association with commercial banks. Rural India will have to
take a plunge in the main stream of globalization and compete globally for gaining leadership
to generate wealth and job opportunities in order to remove hunger and alleviate poverty. The
“Rural Business Hubs” concept of corporate sector should become a popular movement. Agri
Marts, Agriclinics, Contract Farming (farmer-friendly), Agri Parks, Special Agri Zones,
Producer Companies, Primary Cooperatives etc. could all become instruments of farmer-
market-rural employment linkage design and strategy. IFPRI studies have shown that farmers
could substantially enhance their incomes through contract farming. Government should play
a facilitating role to empower farmers to come on grips with market mechanism and, if
necessary, provide support in form of direct subsidies to the deprived ones.

Research must become more development oriented with focus on the 0resource-poor
smallholder farmer. Some of the issues which should be researched on priority basis to
inform policies are: (i) reliable biosecure measures towards harnessing biotechnology and
other cutting-edge technologies with smooth and cost-effective flow of quality seeds, (ii)
insulating the poor from the uncertainties of market and climate change and translating price
incentives into increased net income and welfare of farmers, especially the smallholders, and
(iii) prospects of agricultural diversification and enhanced labour-productivity.

4.9.3 Nutrition-Specific Allocation

The various initiatives notwithstanding, nutrition-specific details were seldom reflected in

India’s development plans, and details of nutrition-specific allocations and spending, and
their impacts, were not available. Since improved nutrition is the platform for overall
progress, investment in and financial allocation to nutrition should be explicitly reflected in

the national plan as being now adopted by the concerned ministries and NITI Aayog. Specific
Measurable Achievable Relevant Time-bound (SMART) targets should be explicitly defined
in the national policy and plan documents, and should be followed coherently and

4.9.4 Invest more and allocate better

As demonstrated in Maharashtra and Odisha, targeted investment in undernutrition pays off

highly. Specific allocations for alleviation of undernutrition in concerned ministries and
sectors, viz., agriculture, health, education, food, water, sanitation, hygiene and social welfare
should be effectively monitored, synergized and integrated to end malnutrition in all its
forms. Convergence of efforts of scientists in the different related ministries and departments
will enable interdisciplinary efforts to yield holistic outcomes.

4.9.5 Collect the right data to maximize investments and join the World Data

Data gaps are adversely impacting nutrition planning, implementation and progress. Given
the high intensity and spread of undernutrition in the country, a national grid for collecting
nutrition data should be created to bring out the ground facts (data) every three years for
effective planning and resources allocation. India should actively participate in the World
Data Revolution for Sustainable Development Forum to strengthen nutrition presence in the
data revolution and also to put its own nutrition data in a format compatible with the UN
Systems, especially the SDGs platform and FAO. The Indian Agriculture Statistics Research
Institute (IASRI), and concerned Departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Welfare, the Ministries of Statistics and Programme Implementations, the Ministry of Food,
and the Ministry of Health should ensure reliable data and analyses to ensure effective
interventions along the AFS value-chain to achieve comprehensive nutritional security.

4.9.6 Scale-up and invest in carrying out proven and evidence–informed

solutions – and in identifying new ones

There are several success nutrition stories within India and outside, such as the Brazilian Zero
Hunger Campaign, which must be scaled-up and scaled-out. Keeping the local context and
knowledge gaps in mind, proven specific interventions, policy options, actions, and
processes, should be identified and adopted. An excellent opportunity exists for ICAR,
ICMR, the concerned Ministries and NGOs to work together to synergize the efforts of
researchers and development agencies to ensure that none is left out in the SDG era.
Recognizing that nutrition is most effective entry point for human development, long-term
investment in nutrition at different levels will have highest development impact. Adopting an
“All-Hands-on-Deck” approach, capacities of nutritional professionals in all concerned
sectors should be strengthened to motivate them to apply a nutrition lens.

4.9.7 Need-Based Diversification and Intensification

Adopt and adapt a socio-economically and agro-ecologically differentiated approach in

adopting new technologies and products. For instance, Quinoa, a NUS crop, which was
initially confined to Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador, has now spread to 70 countries, including
India. Current status and future prospects of quinoa in India should be critically assessed and
future plans prepared accordingly. Likewise, the role of pulses in rice fallows should be
analysed and future actions planned to render India sustainably self sufficient or even surplus
in pulses. In a counting like India where most people are vegetarian, pulses, being
nutritionally dense, climate resilient, economically viable, and locally adaptable, should be
used as FSF suitable for closing nutrition gaps and enhancing sustainability. Availability of
quality certified seeds of the recommended varieties are essential for achieving desired
diversification and intensification. The existing seeds, keeping in mind the increasing use of
novel seeds, should be updated and a broader definition of seed should be accepted. The
Central Government is hoping to roll out a Social Protection: There should be multiple
instruments to reach the unreached to render the program equitable and need-based.
Appropriate instruments should be identified for different climatic shocks and socio-
economic settings, including index-based insurance that save lives livelihoods, and should be
equitably supported.

4.9.8 Tackle malnutrition in all its forms

Unfortunately, India is home not only to largest numbers of stunted and wasted children and
anaemic mothers, but also is the world’s diabetes capital, and obesity is sprawling fast – the
“New Normal”. Systems approach is needed to change “obesogenic” environments into
enabling environments and ensure that interventions to tackle undernutrition do not
inadvertently contribute to obesity. Our policies, actions, and interventions must integrate the
efforts to control the non-communicable diseases (NCDs) simultaneously. The stakeholders
should implement “double-duty” actions and apply a nutrition lens in their work to clearly see
the sprawling “invisible” to tackle malnutrition in all its forms. Actions are needed at the
level of individuals (direct nutrition interventions), at the level of households and
communities (nutrition sensitive interventions – health, sanitation, awareness etc), and at the
level of the country (national policy, planning and programming) to achieve comprehensive
nutritional security.

4.9.9 Awareness Raising and Nutrition Literacy

For nutrition security, there has to be awareness and access at affordable cost not only to
balanced diet but also to healthy, disease-free environment (to ensure absorption and
assimilation of nutrients) and health care outreach. The “One Health” concept should be
adopted by all stakeholders to achieve universal nutritional and health security.

There is enormous scope for creating nutrition literacy not only in the community but also
among the politicians, the policy makers, the administrators, and health, agriculture and
management professionals, teachers, social scientists, NGOs, corporate sector and others. For

that, nutrition scientists have to work with mass communication specialists. Media and
modern IT technologies can play an important role. Nutrition component of medical,
agriculture, management and school curricula need to be strengthened.

It is encouraging to note that, among other programs, POSHAN Abhiyaan - the National
Nutrition Mission, launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on March 8 this year, has
decided to celebrate September as the National Nutrition Month every year to spread broad
awareness on the issues related to malnutrition like stunting, under-nutrition, anaemia and
low birth weight in children. The Nutrition Month will also focus on adolescent girls,
pregnant women and lactating mothers to eliminate the deficiencies prevailing in the health
sector. The Women and Child Development Ministry is trying to reach about 11 crore women
and children during this month through various grass-root activities, with the convergence of
different ministries.

4.9.10 Policy Support and Actions

Recognizing that promoting growth and development in the agriculture sector is most crucial
to alleviating hunger, poverty and undernutrition, Agricultural Policy must focus to promote
smallholder agriculture, especially their access to production resources, land entitlement,
technology, knowledge, credit, market and price realization. Access to clean drinking water
and sanitation is equally important.

Government schemes such as Public Distribution System (PDS) and National Rural
Employment Guarantee (NREG) must improve access to food through increasing physical
and economic access to food. The Food Security Act is a step in the right direction, provided
it is backed up by nutrition communication to ensure that money saved in buying staple
cereals is used for purchasing other protective foods. Development of warehousing and
proper food storage should receive immediate attention for the act to be implemented
successfully. Every effort should be made to enlarge the basket of foods in the PDS/FSA, to
include pulses, oil and vegetables even if not as entitlement.

The Central and State Governments, in the spirit of cooperative federalism, must develop
science-informed policies (science for policy making) and institutions to enable the best of
science, technology and product to quickly reach the farmers and other users along the value
chain. Appreciating that unsafe food is no food, we must ensure that safe, nutritive, quality,
and cost-effective food is not denied to reach the hungry in time. Unfortunately, this is not
happening in India, particularly in case of several biotechnological products. Emotions,
unfounded fear and un-scientific personal belief have shrouded science-based objective facts,
which are referred to as ‘post truth’ – our policy makers should particularly commit
themselves to scientific truth.

A more lasting approach would be education and training particularly of women to empower
them with knowledge, and improve their employment potential.

4.9.11 Measure to Manage and Ensure Effective Implementation Pathways

With the availability of comprehensive and quality data it should be possible to undertake
informed designing, planning and programming, and also creation of science-based
parameters viz., Hunger Index, Human Development Index etc, which should enable effective
monitoring and evaluation of intended outcomes and impact pathways analyses to keep track
of the progress and to adopt need-based approaches. The process of differentiated
responsibility and accountability should be instutionalized for ensuring desired progress. The
health, food, nutrition, education, sanitation and hygiene, and equity indicators should
facilitate in reaching the unreached with wholesome solutions.

Setting targets and guidelines is one thing, but judicious implementation of the agreed actions
and scientifically designed programs is yet another thing. Generally the targets set are most
encouraging, but often, they are not met in their entirety. Great effort is needed on the
implementation and monitoring. The NAAS – a neutral forum of intellectuals should be
strengthened to regularly monitor the outcomes of the defined action plans, and, if needed
suggest the mid-course corrections for achieving the goals/targets.

Early - warning signals for impending problems of malnutrition can be picked up through a
well-planned and executed system of constant monitoring and surveillance. NNMB can be
given additional task of nutrition surveillance. Methodology for nutrition surveillance has
been researched at NIN, but remains to be implemented.

Selected References
AASSA (2018) Opportunities and Challenges for Research on Food and Nutrition Security
and Agriculture in Asia. The Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in
Asia, Web AASSA, Asia, 59pp
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FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2017) The State of Food Security and Nutrition in
the World 2017. Building resilience for peace and food security, Rome, FAO
FAO (2018) Future Smart Food – Rediscovering hidden treasures of neglected and
undernutilized species for Zero Hunger in Asia. In: Li X and Siddique, KHM (eds),
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Accelerating progress towards the SDGs. FAO, Bangkok
Gillespie S, Hodges J, Yosef S and Pandy-Lorch R, Eds. (2016) Nourishing Millions: Stories
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Yadava DK, Hossain F, Mohapatra T (2018) Nutritional Security through Crop
Biofortification in India: Status & Future. Indian J. Med. Res. 148: 1-11

Chapter 5
Doubling Farmers Income

5.1 Call for a Paradigm Shift

The Hon’ble Prime Minister’s call for Doubling Farmers Income (DFI) by 2022 conveys the
strong message that “farming must be treated as an enterprise, and the future agricultural
development will have the returns and not just the outputs from the farms as its prime
objective”. Thus it is agriculture plus plus with comprehensive strategic geo-political
significance, especially for minimizing the widening inequalities and the huge income gap
between farmers and non-farmers.

Policy imperative of the Prime Minister’s call is to accelerate transformation of Indian

agriculture, involving structural changes in the production, inputs use, markets and
employment. This process shall be facilitated by institutional innovations in delivery of
inputs and services, marketing of produce, and value chain development. These innovations
coupled with technological innovations for higher productivity, better resource use efficiency,
climate-smart farm practices and quality assurance shall transform food and agricultural
production systems into more efficient, sustainable and income generating systems. These
innovations shall however be encouraged by availability of necessary infrastructure,
incentives to the innovators and access to improved technologies and capital. Therefore,
public investment, price support, trade and credit policy shall have major impact on the
innovation capacity and increasing agricultural productivity. It is likely that present policy of
low input and low output prices will continue because of food security reasons, and there will
be increasing focus on increasing availability of institutional credit, which should provide
some resources for investment in agriculture, but public investment should also be enhanced.
Agricultural exports though important for higher farm income, support for infrastructure and
capacity to comply with SPS requirement should be in place, particularly for products like
fruits, milk and milk products, meat and meat products, and fish and fish products.

Recent policy stimulus allowing 100 per cent FDI should accelerate development of agro-
processing sector and promote innovations and value creation along the supply chains. The
need for strengthening concerned institutions at village and community level to improve
delivery of services, increase economy of scale, better targeting of development programs,
and promotion of entrepreneurship can hardly be over emphasized (see chapter 6). The
government should invest in these institutions, along with capacity building of farmers, rural
youth and women, which are necessary to bring structural changes in rural employment and
income patterns. The economy of scale in the production and marketing can also be enhanced
by legalizing tenancy and, land rights, therefore, reforms in this area should be stepped up
and larger responsibility for this and other market reforms rests with the state governments.

5.2 Recommendations of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on DFI

The Inter-ministerial Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income, Chaired by Dr. Ashok

Dalwai, has made comprehensive recommendations to achieve the goal (2018). It had
suggested a redefined mandate of Agriculture as: “to generate both food and raw material, to
meet the requirement of modern society for feed, fibre, fuel and other, industrial uses, and in
a manner that is sustainable and aims to bring economic growth to farmers.” The detailed
mandate of redefined Agriculture was suggested as below:

• Agriculture has the moral responsibility of meeting food and nutritional security of
the country in consonance with the agro-ecological backdrop
• It has to generate gainful employment resulting in income gains to make the farmers
more economically secure
• It has to generate gainful raw material that will directly support agro-processing of
food and non-food products to support secondary agriculture
• It has to support agro-processing industry to produce primary and intermediate goods,
which will feed the manufacturing sector
• Agricultural practices need to be on a sustainable basis.

Adopting a differentiated and disaggregated approach through a holistic, multidisciplinary

and inter-ministerial process of agri-food system management, should meet this difficult but
noble goal. The committee has projected to raise the average annual income of farmer
household to Rs. 2,19,724 by 2022-23, from Rs 96,703 in 2015-16. Currently, the average
monthly income of farmers is about Rs. 9,000 against the overall national monthly average
income of Rs. 1, 25,397. Research, technology, and innovation synergized with pragmatic
policies, targeted budget allocations, and governance should be able to achieve the target.

5.3 Source of Growth

The following seven sources of growth were identified:

5.3.1 Within the agriculture domain

• Improvement in crop productivity

• Improvement in livestock productivity
• Resource use efficiency or saving in cost of production
• Increase in cropping intensity
• Diversification towards high value crops
• Improvement in real prices received by farmers.

5.3.2 Outside the agriculture domain

• Shift from farm to non-farm occupations.

5.4 Strategies

The following strategies were suggested to meet the ‘growth targets’:

• Adopting a “demand-driven approach” for efficient monetization of farm produce and

to synchronise the production activities in Agriculture & Allied Sectors
• Improving and optimizing input delivery mechanism and overall input efficiency
[technologies, irrigation methods, mechanization, Integrated Pest Management (IPM),
Integrated Nutrient Management (INM), farm extension services, adaptation to
climate change, integrated agri-logistics systems, Integrated Farming Systems
Approach, etc.]
• Offering institutional credit support at the individual farmer and cluster levels
• Strengthening linkages with MSMEs (micro, small and medium enterprises), so as to
accelerate growth in both farm as well as non-farm incomes along with employment
5.5 Group of economic activities highlighted for action
The Committee has highlighted the following priority economic activities:

• Demand Driven Agricultural Logistics System for post-production operations such as

produce aggregation, transportation, warehousing, etc

• Agricultural Value System (AVS) as an integration of the supply chain and to drive
market led value system to promote individual value chains to collaborate and
integrate into a sectorwide supply chain

• Farmer-centric National Agricultural Marketing System by restructuring for a new

market architecture, consisting of primary retail agriculture markets and primary
wholesale agricultural markets as also secondary & tertiary agricultural markets, all of
which are networked by online platforms to facilitate a pan-India market access; as
also integrating the domestic market with export market

• Developing Hub and Spoke System at back-end as well as front-end to facilitate and
promote an Agri-Value System (AVS) (which includes a combination of input
providers, farmers, transporters, warehousing, wholesalers, food and agro-processors,
retailers, etc)

• Marketing Intelligence System to provide demand led decision making support

system - forecasting system for agricultural produce demand and supply, and crop
area estimation to aid price stabilisation and risk management

• Promoting Sustainable Agriculture through Promoting climate resilient agriculture,
rainfed agriculture, conservation agriculture, ecology farming, watershed management
system, integrated farming system, organic farming, agro-climatic regional planning,
agricultural resources management and micro-level planning, etc

• Effective Input Management achieving resource-use-efficiency (RUE) and total factor

productivity (TFP) – Water, soil, fertilisers, seeds, labour-farm mechanisation, credit
and precision farming, so as to reduce farm losses, while ensuring sustainable and
eco-friendly practices

• Enhancing Production through Productivity to achieve & sustain higher production

out of less and less land and water resources to diversify into higher value farming for
enhanced income. In the USA, since 1948, the increase in agricultural production has
occurred only due to increase in TFP (Winberg, 2019)

• Farm Linked Activities including secondary and tertiary sector activities of KVIC
(Khadi and Village Industries Commission) and MSME (Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises) scales, for promoting near-farm and off-farm income generating
opportunities as well as to facilitate more of the produce capturing more of the market

• Agricultural Risk Assessment and Management including drought management,

demand & price forecast, weather forecast, management of biotic stress including
vertebrate pests, access to credit among farmers for farming operations; providing
long term credit, post-production finance to preventing distress sale by farmers, and
crop & animal risk management through insurance

• Empowering Farmers through agricultural extension, knowledge diffusion and skill


• Research & Development and ICT designed to support the Doubling of Farmers’
Income strategy in the short run, and help accelerate the pace of income enhancement
on a sustainable basis in the long run

• Structural and Governance Reforms in Agriculture, including building a database of

farmers, facilitating farmer & produce mobilization, institutional mechanism at
district, state & national levels for coordination & convergence, digital monitoring
dashboard at district, state & national level for seamless & real-time monitoring of
field delivery, utilizing Panchayat Raj Institutions, and farm income measurement as
key delivery channels for transparent and inclusive development. It also calls for
paying special attention to non-timber forest produce (NTFP) to support tribal
farming communities to capture higher value and non-farm incomes there from.

5.6 Five pillars for sustaining a steady income growth in the long run

The Committee had suggested the following main routes for attaining sustained farmers
income growth:

1. Increasing productivity as a route to higher production, enhancing TFP level and

2. Reduced cost of production / cultivation, increasing input use efficiency
3. Optimal monetization of the produce, optional price realization
4. Sustainable production technology, from discovery to delivery
5. Risk negotiation all along the agricultural value chain, resilience and risk insulation of
smallholder farmer.

Low farm income, decreasing land-man ratio and high risk will make farmers vulnerable to
various shocks. This coupled with eroding village social safety nets like joint holdings,
shrinking common property resources, and individualistic approach shall make farmers more
vulnerable. Therefore, there will be need for government programs to improve farmers
welfare. The need for focusing on farmers welfare has also been emphasized by the National
Commission on Farmers (2004) and a National Risk Fund was recommended to meet the
volatilites. Initiative of the Union Government to double farm income by 2022 and covering
most of the farmers under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana are welcome steps to ensure
higher and stable income. In addition, strengthening of farm services, health and other family
welfare programs shall provide much needed support to enhance capacity of rural workers
and famers for income generations. In this context, farm women and agricultural labour will
need special interventions. For an equal job done, there should be no gender disparity in the

Opportunities to augment farm household income like non-farm employment, security of

land, and responsiveness of local institutions will be needed. Individualistic approach in use
of natural resources is likely to increase rural conflicts, especially in hilly and rainfed areas,
and the local institutions should have capacity for resolution of these conflicts. One can also
consider the role corporate sector can play in using the resources earmarked for corporate
social responsibility for farmers’ welfare. Finally, farmers often face problem with regard to
quality of services and inputs and therefore making the consumer protection mechanism
effective shall help farmers in overcoming several production constraints and reducing
income losses.

5.7 Top Line Recommendations of the Committee

Distilling from the 14 Volumes of the Report, the Committee had come up with the following
top line most vital recommendations as reproduced below:

(1) It is time to recognize agriculture in India as an enterprise, that should be based on the
principles of profit. Despite India ranking second in agricultural production globally,

overtaking countries such as USA, Russia and Brazil, the farmers are yet to realise
sustainable profits as seen from low average monthly income of the families. However,
practicing agriculture as an enterprise will call for optimal scales of operations at all the
stages of the agricultural value system, which currently is challenged by structural
weaknesses as manifest in atomisation of India’s large arable geography into small and
marginal farms. The answer to this lies in adopting all legal and organisational principles to
enable pooling of land, mobilisation of farmers and aggregation of farmers’ produce. In this
context, the key recommendations are:

i. Pursue adoption of NITI Aayog’s Model Land Leasing Act by all the states and UTs
in a time bound manner. A high percentage of cultivable land that now is rendered futile on
account of both current and permanent fallows will come into much needed use for
operational efficiency at both input and output management stages. Hence, promote –

• Farmers’ groups – VPOs & FPOs (societies, cooperatives & companies); CIGs
(Commodity Interest Groups); Farmers’ Federations, and the like
• Contract farming and services. In this regard:
– ensure that the right, title and interest (RTI) of the landowner in his property is
not compromised in any way
– pursue with the states to adopt Model Contract Farming and Services Act,
– draft and release Model Contract Farming and Services Rules.

ii. Enable farm owners to transit from the status of cultivators to farm managers by
outsourcing all possible farm operations, so as to achieve both resource use efficiency and
effective outcome, besides realising reduced cost of cultivation. This entails encouraging a
system of professional service providers (including the Original Equipment Manufacturers –
OEMs) who will take over responsibility for one or more of cultivation services such as pest
management, irrigation management and harvest management etc. The service area can be a
few hundred or thousand acres outsourced by farmers against payment or entering into
service contract under the provisions of an Act. Preferably the farmers should transact with
the service providers as a Group – VPO, FPO and the like.

Such an engagement will also bring in precision farming or smart agriculture even in small &
marginal farms, where investment capacity of these farmers is low. The scope for deployment
of new technologies like GPS, Drones, GNCC (Global Navigation Satellite System) etc. both
resource use and output come to be more controlled and accurate.

(2) Redefine the mandate of agriculture so as to expand its horizon beyond the currently
predominant deliverables – food and nutrition security. Agriculture should also be mandated
to generate resources as raw materials to feed and support industrial enterprises – chemicals,
construction, energy, fibre, food, medicinal, etc.

Such incorporation will provide greater elasticity to the markets now circumscribed by
consumption as food and fodder.

(3) Adopt a production strategy characterised by:

• From ‘at any cost’ to ‘minimal cost’

• From ‘any how approach’ to ‘sustainable approach’
• From ‘supply-push’ to ‘demand-pull’ production system.

(4) The production system may be re-prioritized by adopting a market-led crop geometry
and product matrix guided by nutrition yielding, job creating and income generating crop and
sector diversification. The following shift in focus/emphasis is suggested:

• from major cereals (paddy & wheat) to nutri-cereals

• from only foodgrains (cereals + pulses) to fruits, vegetables and flowers
• from carbohydrates only to proteins (pulses)
• from only floral/vegetative proteins to floral + faunal/animal based proteins (eggs,
milk, meat and fish)
• from field crops only to horticulture + dairy + livestock + fisheries, etc.
• from only farm activities to farm + on-and-off farm activities (primary + secondary
• promotion of Secondary Agriculture (as defined by the Committee), is critical to
impart vertical elasticity to the land, which is otherwise horizontally inelastic.

(5) Amongst the inputs, water may be treated as the ‘determining factor’ of production.
Hence, highest priority may be assigned to water management:

• Creation of additional sources of water – an addition of 8 to 9 million hectares under

irrigation (AIBP, MGNREGA etc.) by 2022-23
• Efficient use of water – 2 to 2.5 million hectares under micro-irrigation per year
• Saving on ground water and its sustainability through recharge
• Crop alignment based on ‘path of least resistance’. It implies in promoting
agroclimate based cropping/production system, the best option need not be the one
chosen. It can be an option that is more acceptable to the farmers.

(6) Focus on productivity gains to enhance the needed gross output at the farmers’ end by
adopting the following approach:

• Bridge the yawning gaps that exist vis-a-vis the techno-economic potential of
different crops

– One single intervention with total focus and diligent monitoring should be
– Ensure SRR (seed replacement rate) and VRR (varietal replacement rate) as
per recommended package of practice.
• Aim to maximise yield/acre per annum and not per season. Adopt a cropping pattern,
which facilitates a higher cropping intensity to result in maximum possible
cumulative tonnage/acre/year
• In the strategy for drought proofing of NICRA identified 151 districts, water-budget
based crop alignment should be the core intervention.

(7) Recognize land and farm manpower as the two most potent assets of the farm family
and enable full utilization of these both through enhancing cropping intensity and promoting
secondary agriculture.

• By increasing availability of irrigation & water use efficiency and promoting new
technology aim to increase the cropping intensity that now stands at 149 per cent
• Secondary agriculture that promotes value addition activities by using the farm
generated natural resources other than the principle yield should be taken up as one of
the mandates of Agriculture, so as to create gainful jobs for the idle manpower during
off-seasons. Hence, define Agriculture, which is a primary sector activity of the
economy, as one that includes primary and secondary agriculture.

(8) As a basis to income led growth of agriculture and farmers’ welfare, all policies and
strategies must adopt ‘Fork to Farm’ approach, reversing the ‘Farm to Fork’ approach now
accepted generally. Towards this:

• Adopt monetization of produce as the basis for maximizing the value capture for the
• Maximize monetization possibilities by upgrading and harmonizing the agri-logistics
(storage & transportation), agro-processing and marketing
• Adopt new market architecture comprising GrAMs, alternate Wholesale markets
(APMCs - in private & public sectors) and Export market
• The target in respect of market architecture by 2022 should be – at least 5000 GrAMs
to be established; all states and UTs to adopt Model APLM Act, 2017 and Model
APLM Rules; a minimum of 1500 APMCs/other wholesale markets on boarded onto
online platforms including eNAM; agri-export of US$ 100 billion
• Promote Agricultural Value System (AVS) as a link between farms and markets.

Marketing strategy should mean optimal monetisation by shifting:

• from ‘sale forthwith’ to ‘sale at will’

• from ‘intermediation’ to ‘dis-intermediation’ in sale-purchase transaction
• from localised transactions to expand into cross geographical sales
• from sale of raw-harvests to primary processed or preconditioned harvests.

(9) However efficient the marketing system may be, the farmers will not be able to
capture the optimal value from their produce unless they are facilitated to avoid/overcome
distress sale. Hence, as a part of post-production strategy, the highest attention should be
given to warehousing (both cold and dry), negotiable warehouse receipts and NWR linked
post-harvest loans at interest subvention.

While marketing efficiency is a necessary condition, enabling the farmer to withhold his
stock till he finds a remunerative price would alone be the sufficient condition and realising
higher value returns on the farm output.

(10) Recognize that agriculture is globally one of the riskiest of professions and is
vulnerable to risks and uncertainties at all three of its major stages, namely, pre-production,
production and post-production. Hence, risk management strategies at all the stages of
agriculture will require to be adopted, in the following way:

Pre-and Post-production stages:

• Replicate Meteorological Advisory Services across the country; on the lines of the
technology platform adopted in Karnataka. The impact study of this initiative in
Karnataka has shown that income losses linked to natural calamities reduce, if the
farmers are offered advisories based on weather forecast
• Coverage of farming under Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) should
become a norm
• Livestock insurance scheme needs to be restructured to cover both death and
permanent damages; and made more farmer-friendly on the lines of PMFBY.

Market risks

• Adopt an institutional mechanism for price & demand forecasting

• Adopt an import-export duty structure, that helps domestic market sentiments to the
advantage of farmer-producers.

(11) Extension system in the country be revitalized and reinvigorated by optimally

blending manpower and ICT. Further, the extension responsibility may transition from only
government led delivery to partnership based delivery. The partners should include
government agencies, NGOs, private agencies and farmers themselves. The states need to be
financially supported to fill all vacancies under ATMA, conditional upon them filling up all
vacant openings in the Extension Directorates.

Further, transfer at least 25 per cent of the Extension staff from the Directorate of Agriculture
to undertake Marketing Extension, and are duly trained thereafter. They can be made
responsible in integrating the farmers with GrAMs in particular.

(12) Appreciate fully the positive correlation between capital investments (both ‘In’ and
‘For’ Agriculture) and growth rate. While fulfilling the recommended capital investments,
attend to:

• Convergence of resources from various Ministries vis-a-vis the support infrastructure

needed for agriculture
– Maximise crowding in of funds under MGNREGA and PMGSY, without
diluting their primary objectives
• Adopt policies that will crowd in private sector investments in agriculture.

(13) The speed & quality of implementation deserve total attention, as it is the first and
biggest casualty in the system. In this context:

• Adopt various structural reforms and governance framework discussed in Volume

XIII of the Report
• Set up an ‘Empowered Committee’ in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’
Welfare to operationalise the DFI strategy
• Adopt the recommended ‘Institutional Mechanism’ for effective coordination &
convergence of resources – manpower, material, money, time & efforts (Refer
Chapter 10, Volume XIII)
• An ICT based ‘Monitoring Dashboard’ be adopted at district, state and national levels
for a seamless review and monitoring of the progress of policies and field operations.

(14) The Ministry of Agriculture has been predominantly production-centric.

Contemporary and emerging challenges call for a correction. Hence, the Divisions within the
two Departments of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers’ Welfare (DAC&FW); and
Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHDF) may be restructured and
responsibilities reallocated, with the purpose to effect an enterprise mode and accordingly
make the agricultural system market-led in its activities. There is the need to balance the
production and postproduction activities (agri-logistics, primary and/or secondary processing
and marketing), and unravel inherent economic advantages.

As a corollary, ICAR may also reorient its approach, where the output of research and
development is led by demand; and adopts a compelling agenda of optimal pricing of the
farmers’ produce.

(15) The implementation will happen through different States/UTs, ministries and
departments, and there is always a probability of losing both focus and direction in this
mission to transform the way agriculture is treated.

It is recommended to set up an Empowered Body, headed by a senior officer, of appropriate
seniority within the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, to monitor the new set of
activities, as they are operationalised. This Empowered Body or Authority, can also be
mandated to develop guidelines, based on an implementation framework, and provide the
needed support system to the main stakeholders, namely, DAC&FW, DAHDF, DARE, other
Departments and Ministries. The suggested role of such an Empowered Body is listed in the
final chapter of Volume XIII of the Report.

5.8 Science of Delivery to Double Farmers’ Income

ICRISAT strongly advocates Science of Delivery to Double Farmers’ incomes and

Suggests the Following Way Forward:

“National e-Governance Division (NeGD) can focus to DFI by working with State e-Mission
Teams along with SAU, ICAR, CGIAR, private sector and FPO’s to define state growth
engines for each agroecological zone. Focus needs to be on a few leading States e-Mission
team that has license to work across Ministries within the State. Key steps that need to be
auctioned before the next production season:

• Spatial Dat Infrastructure (SDI) is supported by government and commercial cloud

services that integrates spatial data assests starting with digital soil maps, hydrology and
weather that will drive agroecologically focused innovation system and stimulate private
sector investment, especially entrepreneurs

• Grades and standards for all major commodities (including horticulture, livestock,
fisheries) are established that can be graded using mobile-based devices. This will support
traceability needed to triple agri-exports by 2020 so farmers can access international

• National Nutrition Mission should integrate with Ministry of Education and Ministry of
Agriculture to create consumer awareness of diets for children and young mothers to
ensure children reach their full genetic potential and farmers can access local markets

• Shifting primary processing closer to farmers for value addition reduced postharvest
losses and provide convenience to rural consumers to diversify diets.

Leverage Aadhaar IndiaStack and SDI to converge schemes with progressive States to deliver
targeted and timely subsidies for farmers based on the ecology, soil requirements and forecast
market requirements to dampen price volatility and prioritize local investments in processing
and storage. Within a year, farmers in participating states could have a mobile-dashboard o
optimize farm resources, access service providers and connect to e-NAM clusters, processors
or consumers to compress value chains and consolidate logistics – to double their income.”

5.9 NAAS Recommendations on DFI

In 2016, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences had organized a Brainstorming

Session on “Strategy for Transformation of Indian Agriculture for Doubling Farm Income
and Improving Farmers Welfare”. After analyzing the pattern of agricultural growth,
productive capacity, institutional change (input use, linking farmers with markets,
technology, livestock and fisheries), farm and non-farm linkages, and policy imperatives,
especially farmers welfare, the following recommendations, as reproduced below, were

1. There is a need for doubling public investment in agriculture for infrastructure

development and the priority areas are irrigation, R&D and markets. A significant
proportion of these resources must come from the states

2. In order to facilitate institutional innovations, regulations governing agricultural

sector should be revisited and corrective measures should be undertaken to liberalize
the sector. A notable example is speedy implementation of model APMC Act in
different states

3. It is important that private sector shall be an important ally of central and state
governments in agricultural development and, therefore, present policy of private
sector participation should continue in all sub-sectors of agriculture. Important areas
are product market, agro-processing and delivery of inputs

4. Implementation of agricultural market reforms is slow by different states governments

and this should be taken by them on priority. Legal framework for contract farming
and direct procurement of farm produce by processing industry, retail chain,
aggregator etc. should be promoted

5. Capital requirement for increasing household investment in agriculture and business

investment in modernization of value chains should be met with greater focus on term
loan by financial institutions, besides continuing emphasis on crop loan

6. In order to transfer work force from agriculture to non-agriculture sector, institutions

for skill development for rural youth and access to venture capital should be given
priority under ‘skill India’ and MUDRA initiatives of the government

7. Extension of Jan-Dhan-Yojana, Aadhar and Mobile (JAM) and implementation of

tenancy reforms are important initiatives of the government. These initiatives along
with Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana would help farmers manage risk and extend
benefits of other schemes directly to cultivator farmers. These programs should be
supported with modernization of land records for effective implementation of the

8. In order to learn from the reforms, there is a need for assessment of these policy
reforms and development programs of the governments and their outcomes. The gaps

in implementation of these programs by the states and recommendations made by
various committees may also be assessed for addressing the bottlenecks

9. There are some good examples of acceleration of the transformation of agriculture in

different states. These examples often relate to balancing the roles of centre, states,
private sector and civil society organizations in various development programs, farm
services like extension and market reforms. Lessons from these examples should be
drawn for their out-scaling in other states

10. Technology transfer programs should be given priority for use of available knowledge
and technology for raising productivity of crops like pulses and oilseeds, sustain
natural resource base in the context of climate change, and improve animal health. In
order to reduce rising wage bills, farm mechanization with focus on small farmers in
partnership with private R&D should be encouraged

11. There are sector-specific requirements for their transformation like capital and
entrepreneurship development for dairy and meat. These sectors should be paid
adequate attention and the government should provide necessary infrastructure and
policy support. These sectors have specific requirement for quality assurance and SPS
compliance, and actors at different stages of value chain must ensure product quality
as per global standards

12. Doubling of farm income by 2022 needs targeting efforts for increasing productivity,
diversification of product mix and realization of better prices. Bridging yield gaps and
delivery of technology for higher total factor productivity and irrigation management
can provide immediate benefits in terms of higher yields and farm income. This
should be followed by diversification of production system towards high value crops
for which demand is rising faster. This shall be a demand driven growth and
diversification facilitated by dissemination and adoption of improved technology

13. Post-harvest management of produce, processing and value addition are other
important areas which need priority in terms of attracting investment. In this context,
facilitating regime for allowing corporate investment, technology delivery, and
linkages with R&D and financial institutions are necessary. Development of post-
harvest sector shall not only create value for realization of higher prices for farmers
but will also reduce pressure on farm for employment, and thus, generating higher
income and surplus for further investment on farms

14. Management of market risk shall be an important component of the strategy for
improving farmers welfare. Besides PMFBY for yield risk, financial products and
market mechanisms to manage price risk shall go a long way in protecting farmers
against risk. Similarly, assurance of quality of farm inputs like seed, pesticides and
animal health products is another area where existing mechanism like consumer
forums should be made effective. Also, associations of companies can join forces to
assure discipline and quality in input markets.

5.10 Policy Guidance from ICAR-NIAP

The ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NIAP) has
dynamically been providing policy guidance and policy options for Doubling Farmers
Income (Ramesh Chand, Mruthyunjaya, P. Kumar, P.K. Joshi, Suresh Pal, P.S. Birthal, Navin
Singh, Raka Saxena and others). Birthal, in the NIAP Policy Paper 30 (2017),
emphasizing a targeted approach, underpin the need for identifying the poor, their
characteristics and tailored solutions, and giving the poorest high priority for development.
The eastern and western states having about 80% of the low-income marginal farmers should
have the focus. The channels of income growth should be enhanced cropping intensity,
increased efficiency along the value chain, and diversification towards high value
commodities, especially livestock and horticulture. Moreovr, allocation of financial and
human resources should be adjusted accordingly. The non-farm employment opportunities
should be expanded for additional income. Technological breakthroughs and their ground
level adoption/adaptation, rural industrialization, information and credit empowerment of
smallholder, and infrastructural and institutional development, all converged in a holistic
manner will help achieve the goal.

The next NIAP Policy Paper (no. 31) on Strategy for Doubling of Income of Farmers in India
(Saxena et. al., 2017) seeks re-orientation from intensification to diversification, from
sustenance to commercialization and turning the agricultural unit to enterprises. Advocating a
need-based differentiated and disaggregated approach, high priority should be assigned to
total factor productivity, bridging yield gaps, labour transformation, terms of trade, market
efficiency, household processing, and pricing policies. The various strategies suggested
include : (i) reducing dependence on agriculture, (ii) value-chain approach, (iii) review of
current programs and schemes, (iv) infrastructure development, (v) linking among the
organizations and stakeholders, (vi) prioritization of areas for investment, (vii) centre-state
linkages (viii) making the farmers party to the mission, and (ix) agricultural credit and

5.11 Keep the Smallholder Farmer at Centre Stage

Marginal and sub-marginal farmers, accounting for nearly 70 per cent of all farmers,
comprise the majority of not only the rural poor but also nation’s poor. The business as usual
has failed to adopt a holistic pro-smallholder approach for the entitlement to land and other
production resources, acquisition of agricultural knowledge, technology generation and
transfer, linking farmers with markets, enhancing their incomes, and management of climate
change and risks. We need to answer the questions as to how can the requisite empowerment
be accomplished, and the smallholders are enabled to accept the challenges and opportunities
of new developments, such as bio-technology, informatics, and globalization? What
socioeconomic policies shall facilitate the empowerment?

The land reforms and land use policies must not encourage conversion of rural poor into
urban destitute. Fragmentation of farms below a certain size, say 0.5 ha, should be stopped.

Land lease markets should be liberalized to promote scale of economy and to aggregate
miniscule holdings. Land acquisition rules and guidelines should not only be transparent, but
also be pro-poor and improve farmers’ income and employment security.

The potential of smallholders will be realized only when the smallholders are empowered to
access the crucial resources and entitlements viz. land, water, energy, credit, insurance,
markets and appropriate technologies. They should have opportunities to develop skills and
to access the information wherewith to use them. They should be linked with functional and
fair markets both for products and inputs and reduced market risks and transaction costs.
Enhanced employment and income security, health care and sanitation, and education and
social services will go a long way in empowering the smallholder farmers.

Small Farmer’s Agribusiness Consortium of the Ministry of Agriculture could proactively

develop agribusiness projects and arrange venture capital flow for development of
agribusinesses in the country in association with commercial banks. Rural India will have to
take a plunge in the main stream of globalization and compete globally for gaining leadership
to generate wealth and job opportunities in order to remove hunger and alleviate poverty. The
“Rural Business Hubs” concept of corporate sector should become a popular movement. Agri
Marts, Agriclinics, Contract Farming (farmer-friendly), Agri Parks, Special Agri Zones,
Farmer Producer Companies, Primary Cooperatives etc. could all become instruments of
farmer-market-rural employment linkage design and strategy. IFPRI studies have shown that
farmers could substantially enhance their incomes through contract farming. Government
should play a facilitating role to empower farmers to come on grips with market mechanism
and, if necessary, provide support in form of direct subsidies to the deprived ones.

Research must become more development oriented with focus on the resource-poor
smallholder farmer. Some of the issues which should be researched on priority basis to
inform policies are: (i) reliable biosecure measures towards harnessing biotechnology and
other cutting-edge technologies with smooth and cost-effective flow of quality seeds, (ii)
insulating the poor from the uncertainties of market and climate change and translating price
incentives into increased net income and welfare of farmers, especially the smallholders, and
(iii) prospects of agricultural diversification and enhanced labour-productivity.

Besides addressing the challenges of the widening farmers-nonfarmers and rural-urban

inequity and divides, India is managing 18 per cent of world population (and will soon be the
most populous country of the world) from only 2.4 per cent of the world’s arable land and 4
per cent of the world’s agricultural water, whereas the land : man ration is worsening and
rural youth population is bulging and most of them are under-employed or unemployed and
their employability is low due to defective educational and human resources development
spread. The situation is further exacerbated due to shrinking land, water and biodiversity
resources and the accelerating climate change volatilities and market uncertainties.

With the above backdrop, India must adopt More from Less for More (MLM) approach,
establish agricultural product-industry linkage, transform subsistence agriculture in to
commercial agriculture, adopt an agri-entrepreneurial and agri-business approach along the

entire value chain, and update the university curricula to promote ARYA (attracting and
retaining youth in agriculture) and MAYA (motivating agricultural youth for agri-business).
We must also take note of the fast increasing feminization of agriculture and have special
programs empowering women farmers by enhancing their entitlements, entrepreneurial skill
along the value-chain-processing and value addition, and paying them equal to men for
performing equal work.

Selected References

Birthal PS, Negi DS and Roy D (2017) Enhancing Farmers’ Income : Who to Target and
How? Policy Paper 30, ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi

Chand R (2017) Doubling Farmers’ Income : Rationale, Strategy, Prospects and Action Plan.
NITI Policy Paper 01/2017, National Institutions for Transforming India. Government
of India, New Delhi

Government of India (2018) Report of the Committee on Doubling Farmers’ Income

(Chaired by Dr. Ashok Dalwai) Vol I to XIV. Ministry of Agricultural & Farmers
Welfare, New Delhi
NAAS (2016) Strategy for Transformation of Indian Agriculture and Improving Farmers
Welfare. Strategy Paper 3, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
Saxena R, Singh NP, Balaji SJ, Ahuja UR and Joshi D (2017) Strategy for Doubling Income
of Farmers in India. Policy Paper 31, ICAR-NIAP, New Delhi
Weinberg M (2019) Estimating and Enhancing Farm Income in the United States. The Role
of USDA Data and Analysis, Plenary Presentatino at the Eight International
Conference on Agricultral Statistics, Novermber 20, 2019, New Delhi

Chapter 6

Agro-biodiversity and Farmers Rights Management for Sustainable


6.1 Introduction

Biodiversity, especially agro-biodiversity, is the life on earth. Providing veritable services for
sustainability and growth, this vital component of the ecosystem has, however, been eroding
fast. FAO has estimated that more than 75 per cent of global crop diversity has disappeared
irrevocably over the 20th century. With the advent of modern agriculture, particularly during
the Green Revolution era, numbers of locally adapted crop varieties were replaced by
genetically uniform, high-yielding modern varieties. India that once grew 30,000 rice
varieties, the number has now reduced significantly and many local cultivars and land races
have been restricted to small areas. Agro biodiversity loss leads to a decline in many
ecosystem services threatening to undermine the productivity and sustainability of
agriculture, reduced distribution and abundance of populations of species, loss of genetic
diversity and the loss of habitats. This loss must be stopped and biodiversity concerns must
be mainstreamed into national plans, strategies and programs.

6.2 Evolving Regimes of Genetic Resources and Related International

Agreements for Development

Genetic resources, considered as the common heritage of mankind, were freely available to
all bonafide users throughout the world to develop newer varieties. Norin-10, a height-
reducing/semi-dwarfing gene, identified in Japan, reached CIMMYT, Mexico in the late
1950s, via USA, where Dr. Norman E. Borlaug and his colleagues used it for producing a
series of semi-dwarf non-lodging input- responsive, photo-period non-sensitive, high yielding
wheat varieties. Likewise, Dee-Gee-Woo-Gen a dwarfing gene from China, reached IRRI,
Philippines, during more or less the same period, and its cross with a popular tall variety Peta
resulted in a series of semi-dwarf, dwarf rice varieties which, like wheat, were input-
responsive, non-lodging, photoperiod insensitive, high yielding and widely adapted. These
two IARCs, shared the fixed pureline varieties as well as promising advanced generation
breeding materials, thus generated with all interested countries. Adoption of these lines and
their further improvement by local scientist, as per their local needs and rapidly expanding
their production in several countries triggered the Green Revolution in the mid-1960s.
Starting from the introduced Sonora 64 and Lerma Rojo 64A, and soon replacing with
locally-selected Kalyan Sona and Sonalika, wheat production technology, productivity and
production transformed quality. Likewise in Rice IR8 introduced from IRRI in 1967 and Jaya
bred at DRR, Hyderabad, heralded the Green Revolution, which transformed India from ship-
to-mouth situation to the Right to Food Act based on home grown. Dynamically enriching
classical plant breeding, several landmark varieties were developed in all major crops. For
instance, today Pusa Basmati 1121 and Pusa Basmati 1509, earn annually US $ 6 billion
through export. Likewise in wheat, IARI varieties, namely HD2967, HD3086, HI1563,

HI1554 account for 50 per cent of nation’s wheat production, valued at more than 1,00,000
crore (Singh et al., 2016).

In the meantime two major developments have taken place which immensely impact crop
improvement programs. Firstly, molecular biology and biotechnology, including gene
editing have emerged as modern and innovative complements to conventional breeding
providing unprecedented pace and precision to varietal development. Many of these
discoveries are taking place in private sector, which as expected, are patented. Which IPR
must incentivize innovation, suitable provisions and arrangements must be in place to ensure
that the technologies are not out of reach of those who need it the most.

The Green Revolution has, however, somewhat decelerated while the demand for food is ever
escalating due to increasing population economic, and social pressures. Furthermore the
situation is exacerbated due to shrinking natural resources and increasing climate change
volatility and vulnerability. This calls for newer technologies and innovations in plant
breeding to produce still more efficient high yielding varieties combining resistance/tolerance
to ever intensifying biotic and abiotic stresses. Thus, the need for new genes to meet the
demands is ever greater.

The other development related to the enforcement of Convention on Biological Diversity

(CBD), since 29 December 1993, recognizing the sovereign right of nations "to exploit their
own resources pursuant to their own environmental policies" and calls on the Parties to
establish conditions that facilitate access to genetic resources. It demands new participatory
relationship between provider and user of genetic resources incorporating the instruments of
‘Mutually Agreed Terms (MAT)’ and ‘Prior Informed Consent (PIC)’ for access to genetic
resources. CBD affirmed the holder’s rights over their knowledge, innovations and practices,
and encourages governments to safeguard these entitlements either through an IPR law or by
other legal or policy measures.

The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
has come into force on 29 June 2004 for facilitated access to PGR, of which India is a
signatory. The ITPGRFA provides a framework to ensure access to PGR, related knowledge,
technologies, and international agreed funding. However, the core provisions on access and
benefit sharing apply to only a specific list of negotiated sixty-four crops (Annexure I of the
Treaty). The genetic resources of these crops are to be pooled into what is called the
‘Multilateral System (MLS)’ by the national gene banks of ratifying countries and the
international genebanks of International Agricultural Research Centers (IARCs). The
ITPGRFA restricts the recipient party to claim any intellectual property or other rights on the
genetic resources or their genetic parts or components in the form received from the MLS. On
development of commercial product, the Treaty provides for payment of an equitable share of
the resulting monetary benefits as per Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA). The
ITPGRFA recognizes the enormous contribution of farmers and communities and their right
to participate in national decision-making and equitably sharing that arises under the benefit
sharing arrangements.

A new paradigm of IPR protection has emerged from the discussion in the General
Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, later its successor the World Trade Organization (WTO),
particularly, Article 27 of the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement.
Wherein it was specifically stated that either patent or an effective sui generis system of
protection must be provided for plant varieties. This has influenced the negotiations under the
CBD. India in response to these developments has enforced two important legislations,
Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Right Act 2001 to provide protection to all plants
(varieties), and the Biodiversity Act 2002 to provide protection to biodiversity with direct
bearing on PGR related activities. Efforts are needed to harness the benefit of these
provisions in the national interest.

The various Acts and provisions are, however, not harmonized, and are open to varied
interpretations. Due to these disparities, even the courts are not able to take science-
evidenced decision.

The recent Delhi High Court order on the gene judgement has invalidated the gene patent and
by concluding gene on its own has no value unless it is integrated into a plant/plant variety,
the protection of the donor variety and access to benefit sharing is to be provided only under
the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmer Rights Act (PVPFRA), as section 3(j) of Indian
Patents Act prohibits patent on plants or animals. This judgement has effectively put more
than 100 patents granted in India in agricultural biotechnology the risk of invalidation. It also
causes confusion on the benefit sharing mechanism under the PPVFRA. The mechanism was
set up to repay the society from where the bio resource was utilized for supporting the
conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources and for strengthening the capability of
the local population in carrying out such conservation and sustainable use.

6.3 NAAS’s Leadership in Promoting Agro Bio-diversity Management for


According high priority to agro-biodiversity conservation, sharing and utilization, during the
past 26 years, the NAAS has brought out the following Policy/Strategy Papers on the subject:

1 Conservation, Management and Use of Agro-biodiversity, 1998

2 Conservation and Management of Genetic Resources of Livestock, 2001
3 Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture, 2003
4 Biosafety of Transgenic Rice, 2003
5 Transgenic Crops and Biosafety Issues Related to their Commercialization in India,
6 Below Ground Biodiversity in Relation to Cropping Systems, 2006
7 Biosafety Assurance for GM Food Crops in India, 2011
8 The Accelerated Utilization of GE Technology for Food and Nutrition Security and
Improving Farmers’ Income, 2016.

Of the above 8, three, namely, 1, 2, and 6 strictly relate to biodiversity conservation and the
remaining 5 deal with biotechnology, regulation and biosafety aspects. It is important to note
that in 2003 the NAAS organized a comprehensive brainstorming session on Intellectual
Property Rights in Agriculture (Policy Paper 19) which had made 42 recommendations under
seven major areas: (i) Harmonization of IPR System, (ii) Awareness generation and Literacy
in IPR, (iii) IPR education, training and human resources development, (iv) Strengthening the
institutional mechanism-legal, regulating and administrative, (v) Strengthening the policy
area, (vi) Harnessing IP linked technical opportunities in agriculture, and (vii) Linkages and
cooperative adoption of the recommendations unfortunately implementation of the
recommendations has been highly patchy, otherwise we would have been free from the
prevailing multiple multilateral conflicts.

In line with the theme of this chapter, the policy papers at no. 1 and 6 are briefly summarized

6.4 Conservation, Management and Use of Agro-Biodiversity

NAAS, in collaboration with NBPGR, in 1997, involving 125 experts organised a National
Workshop, first of its kind, with focus on agro-biodiversity as an entity distinct from
biodiversity, (NAAS Policy Paper 4). The Workshop deliberated on four aspects: (i)
assessment of diversity and infrastructural needs, (ii) sustainable equitable use of agro-
biodiversity, (iii) eco-development concerns of natural versus agro-farming systems, and (iv)
entitlement and needs of compensation to beneficiaries of benefits derived from PGR
use/IPR. The Workshop had resolved that “The importance of agro-biodiversity must be
recognized as distinct national issue of prime concern within the broader area of

In reaching the above resolution, the Workshop had contextualized the Convention on
Biological Diversity (CBD), the Conference of Parties (COP), the Subsidiary Body for
Scientific, Technical and Technological Matters (CGRFA), the revision of International
Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources, the Global Plan of Action (GPA), the Trade Related
Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
(GATT/WTO) and the Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Agreements (SPS) in the World Trade
Organisation (WTO).

The above considerations had led India to the need of ensuring partnership among all
stakeholders for initiating conservation activities and ensuring access to these resources both
for equity and benefit sharing.

The Workshop made 29 recommendations under seven heads as follows:

1. National Action Plan (1-4)

2. Agro-biodiversity Conservation (5-11)
3. Agro-biodiversity Management (12-16)

4. Germplasm Registration (17-19)
5. PGR Awareness Literacy/HRD (20-23)
6. Access and Benefit Sharing (24-25)
7. National PGR Policy (26-29)

The recommendations under sections 2, 6 and 7 are most pertinent to the present topic, hence
are reproduced below for detailed consideration:

6.5 Agro-Biodiversity Conservation

In situ – on farm conservation should be promoted. For an effective in situ- on farm

conservation of traditional cultivars/landraces, specific area, practices systems and species
should be identified. A system at the national level is required to be evolved to assess
farmer’s views on and expectations from in situ – on-farm conservation of genetic diversity.
Suitable modes and mechanisms for providing needed incentives to farmers should be
evolved so as to ensure safe and effective conservation of genetic heritage through on-farm

Ethnic communities, particularly women, have played an important role in the conservation
of traditional varieties, especially in fragile agro-ecosystems. The role of women and
communities must be recognized and rewarded while implementing on farm conservation

6.5.1 Access and Benefit Sharing

• A well-understood procedure for accessing the genetic resource materials owned by

farming communities/individuals and a fair and equitable sharing of profits arising
from their use should be established. The Percentage of profit going to communities
can vary depending on margin of profit. For example, 5 per cent in case of crop plants
and 10 per cent for medicinal and aromatic plants or plants of industrial value, etc.
The revenue generated through benefit sharing should be transferred to a national
gene fund and should be exclusively available for research and development relating
to public good and/or for the community development activities

• Needed sharing of conserved materials among community/ national seed banks would
be desirable in the national interest. A fair and equitable mechanism should, therefore,
be developed jointly by all stakeholders in order to safeguard the interests of all

6.5.2 National PGR Policy

• A National Policy Advisory Committee with wide representation should be instituted

to act as an advisory body to the central government on matters concerning
agrobiodiversity conservation

• A national legislation on agrobiodiversity/genetic resources should be developed so
that effective instruments are made available for conservation, management and use.
In the proposed draft legislation on biological diversity, specific mention of
agrobiodiversity distinct from the biological diversity, be made and appropriate
provisions provided to establish a separate national authority for dealing with issues
related to scope, access and conservation of agrobiodiversity. The Department of
Agricultural Research and Education should be given the nodal role for these aspects
at the national level in the best scientific interest and for required technical

• A National Gene Fund must be established, keeping in view the dimensions of these
activities and the urgency of the matter. It may include allocations from consolidated
fund of India; royalty on finished products of proprietary nature, Percentage of profits
as emanating from equitable sharing of benefits accrued from the use of PGR and tax-
free donations from the users of these genetic resources.

The workshop emphasized that most of the developing world looks towards India for suitable
models for agrobiodiversity conservation, management and use. It noted that the country is
well poised for required interactions with the developed world, being equipped with the
required institutional support and the human resource needed for generating improved
technologies. Hence, our sui generis system for protecting agrobiodiversity should be both
innovative and practical in dealing with all scientific, political and legal issues.

6.5.3 Belowground Biodiversity (BGBD) in Relation to Cropping Systems

• The NAAS, in 2006, analysed the state of below ground biodiversity in relation to
cropping systems. It underpinned that soil, the “final frontiers”, harbours huge
underground biodiversity, including 10 prokaryotes all comprising the continuum of
the life in soil. These resources are irrevocably linked to land and soil productivity –
sustainable cropping systems

• Belowground Biodiversity is a provider of ecosystem goods and services through the

following process: (i) Nutrient cycling, (ii) Soil carbon sequestration and its impact on
greenhouse gas (GHG) emission, (iii) Regulation of soil orgaic matter dynamics, (iv)
Modification of soil physical structure, (v) Assistant to plant nutrient acquisition
mineralization, fixation and mobilization of nutrients, and (vi) Enhancement of plant
health, and biotic and abiotic stress tolerance

• Giving an excellent account of the functional and utilizational aspects of this wealth
of ecosystem resource, 14 useful recommendations have been made. Highlighting
some of the main points, it was noted that notwithstanding the congruence among
BGBD and Above Ground Biodiversity (AGBD), the impact of climate change, and
of intensive cropping systems such as rice-wheat in the Northwest and the Indo-
Gangetic Plains (IGP), on the BGBD and its interaction with AGBD as reflected in
yield growth, productivity, and sustainability should be critically analysed in terms of

soil microbial constitution and functionality. A more coherent and directed effort is
necessary to assess the indigenous diversity, especially of the growth promoting soil
microorganisms. This will help in extending the advantages of the natural bio-
resource base (BGBD) to intensive agriculture and maintenance of soil health

• Plant breeding has generally tended to ignore the functional contributions of

microorganisms in soil and rhizosphere (e.g. agriculture microflora and rhizobium
symbioses), and the plant genetic traits like enhanced association with and response to
the beneficial microbial community groups in soil. Crop-genotype-specific
differences in supporting soil biological processes can open a new area of plant
breeding and biotechnology for exploiting soil biology for better production
management of crops and cropping systems in a sustainable manner. The
conventional and modern tools of plant breeding can be taken advantage of in
breeding crop cultivars with enhanced response to the specific belowground
communities. Such varieties shall be of greater advantage in case of alternative, low-
input systems of production

• In context of transgenic crops , it is recommended that considering the steady increase

in the exploitation of transgenic crops, it is important to take up, on priority,
assessment of the ecological impact of their residues and rhizodeposits on BGBD
structure and function; as for example, the overall impact of transgenes directed to
suppress the insects or the nematodes, or the impact of crop genotypes modified in the
pathway of recognition and defense to fungal pathogens or agriculture micro flora
(AMF) colonization. This should also take care of the horizontal gene transfer from
the transgenics to the microorganisms. This information, apart from putting
transgenics use on sound ecological understanding, shall help in understanding the
microbial gene expressions in soil.

• To meet the goals stated above, it is essential (a) to put in place a research initiative
on long-term ecological research (LTER) for varied ecosystems to investigate the
BGBD cropping or agro-ecosystem functional linkages, and to utilise the information
for more balanced and productive cropping systems, and (b) to upgrade soil
microbiology, including molecular biology research tools and methods. These efforts
will not be successful without the well-trained and dedicated manpower in the fields
of molecular and morphometric taxonomy, biosystematics, molecular ecology, and
bioinformatics—BGBD-cropping system interaction research. This will require
considerable investment for laboratory upgradation, introduction of teaching and
training programmes, and adequate research support to the institutes and universities.
Creation of Centres of Excellence around outstanding microbial ecologists will be a
desirable step in this direction. The National Biodiversity Authority for implementing
the Biodiversity Act (2002), should set up an expert group to develop guidelines for
the conservation, and sustainable and equitable use of soil microflora and mesofauna

• Soil biodiversity is an abstract aggregated property of species in the context of
communities or ecosystems. Functional diversity rather than taxonomic diversity or
species richness per se is the major determinant of ecosystems functioning.
Interdisciplinary dedicated team research is needed to understand interaction and
integration of biological quality, below ground biodiversity, aerial ecosystem and
above ground biological diversity, biotic/abiotic pressures, sustainability, productivity
and the processes impacting goods and services. The NBA may give priority to this
integrative research in its R&D priorities

• The NAAS may call a meeting of experts drawn from PPV&FR, NBA, NBPGR,
Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Ecosystem and Ecology Biodiversity to reach at
priority actions for Conservation, Utilization and Realization of Farmers Rights.

6.6 Global Commitment to Agro-Biodiversity and Farmers’ Rights


Several national and international systems recognized the urgency of conservation and
judicious utilization of the genetic resources and had initiated actions. Beyond the
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV, 1970) provisions,
the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 1995), Conference of Parties (COP III, 1997
Kyoto), Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS, 1994), FAO
Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (CGRFA, 1974), International
Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA, 2004), and Nagoya
Protocol (2014) Agreements, not out underpinned the importance of conservation, evaluation,
distribution, and utilization of genetic resources, but also recognized the Farmers’ Rights and
role of providing legal framework for fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from the
genetic resources, and from access to genetic resources.

The following table incorporates major agreements treaties and provision relating to Farmers’
Rights and Benefit Sharing:
S. Name of the Provision relating to Farmers Rights and
No. Agreement Benefit Sharing
1. Convention of  Recognizes farmers' rights and role of Farmers'
Biological Diversity communities in respect of conservation/
(CBD) development of plant genetic resources.
2. Trade Related Aspects  Establishes rules regarding equitable benefit
of Intellectual Property sharing,
Rights (TRIPS)  Protecting traditional knowledge of farmers and
preserving local farmers' breeding system.

3. International Treaty on  Recognizes farmers' contribution in conservation
Plant Genetic Resources and development of Plant Genetic Resources for
for Food and Food and Agriculture
 Provides for promoting and supporting efforts of
Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
Farmers' local communities for on-farm/in –situ
conservation of plant genetic resources.
4. Nagoya Protocol  Provides for a legal framework to ensure fair and
equitable benefit sharing and access to genetic
5. International Union for  Recognizes farmers' practice on production and of
the Protection of New saving their own seeds.
Varieties of Plants

The efforts were, consolidated by preparing the Global Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-
2020 through the Aichi Declaration 2010. The plan was geared towards: (a) halting
biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society; b) reducing
the direct pressures on biodiversity and promoting sustainable use; c) improving status of
biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity; d) increasing benefits
to all from biodiversity and ecosystem services; and e) enhancing implementation through
participatory planning, knowledge management and capacity building.

The UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030, globally adopted in 2015, state “By 2020, maintain
the genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and
their related wild species, including through soundly managed and diversified seed and plant
banks at the national, regional and international levels and ensure access to and fair and
equitable sharing of benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources and associated
traditional knowledge, as internationally agreed". This is one of the most profound globally
endorsed agreement on conservation, sharing and use of genetic resources and provides for
elaborate national and international cooperation and benefit sharing.

First International Agro-biodiversity Congress, held in New Delhi on November 6-9, 2016,
inaugurated by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, through Delhi Declaration, stated that "We
recognize the importance of traditional knowledge on agro-biodiversity of farm men and
women, pastoralists and other tribal and rural communities and their central role in its
conservation and use for a food and climate resilient world. We, therefore, call upon
countries to develop the necessary funding, legal and institutional mechanism to ensure and
facilitate their continued active participation". The Congress provided opportunity for othe
countries and concerned international organization to share the latest developments, including
the commitment to the related SDGs (Paroda, 2016).

The Congress attended by 900 participants from 60 countries, after comprehensive

deliberations on all concerned issues, unanimously adopted the following Declaration in its
Concluding Session on November 9, 2016:

6.6.1 Declaration

1. We call upon nations to accord top priority to the agrobiodiversity conservation and their
sustainable use towards achieving targets of SDGs relating to poverty alleviation, food and
nutritional security, good health, gender equity and partnership

2. We recognize the importance of traditional knowledge on agrobiodiversity of farm men

and women, pastoralists and other tribal and rural communities and their central role in its
conservation and use for a food and climate resilient world. We, therefore, call upon
countries to develop the necessary funding, legal and institutional mechanism to ensure and
facilitate their continued active participation

3. We urge researchers and policy-makers to initiate, strengthen, and promote complementary

conservation strategies to conserve and use agrobiodiversity including crop wild relatives in
more dynamic way to ensure a continuum between ex situ, in situ and on farm conservation
strategies to combat food and nutrition insecurity as well as adverse effects of climate
change, land degradation and biodiversity loss

4. We invite researchers to employ modern technologies including, but not limited to,
genomic, space, computational, and nano-technologies for characterization, evaluation and
trait discovery using genetic resources. The aim should be to achieve efficiency, equality,
economy and environmental security in agricultural production systems and landscapes

5. We reemphasize the necessity of global exchange of plant, animal, aquatic, microbial and
insect genetic resources for food and agriculture to meet the ever-growing food and
nutritional needs of each country. Nations also need to harmonize their multiple legal systems
and prioritize the improvement of their phytosanitary capacities to facilitate safe transfer of
genetic resources using latest technologies and trans-boundary partnerships

6. We strongly recommend that the governments and societies put greater emphasis on
public awareness and capacity enhancement programs on agro-biodiversity conservation and

7. We strongly suggest developing and implementing an agro-biodiversity index to help

monitor conservation and use of agro-biodiversity

8. We urge public and private sector partnerships to actively invest in and incentivize the
utilization of agro-biodiversity to address malnutrition, increase the resilience and
productivity of farms, and enhance ecosystem services leading to equitable benefits and
opportunities with particular emphasis on women and youth

9. The UN is urged to consider declaring soon a ‘Year of Agrobiodiversity’ to draw

worldwide attention and to catalyze urgent action

10. We unanimously recommend that a congress focusing on agrobiodiversity be held each 3-
5 years in order to maintain emphasis on this important area that we have realized in Delhi,
for which a continuing committee be formed.

6.7 Perspectives of PGR Management in India

To meet the demands of increasing population and to ensure sustainability to agriculture of

the country, management of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR), which are basic for developing
new cultivars is key for meeting the challenges 21 Century. This has been debated both in
national and international fora. In recent past, besides the technical issues, the debates have
concentrated more on issues related to access, intellectual property rights (IPR) and
commercialization, leading to the benefit sharing accrued out of their use, to individuals and
communities. Thus, there is need for periodic review of the strategies of PGR management in
relation to collection, acquisition, characterisation, evaluation, conservation, information
documentation and dissemination, and distribution of germplasm facilitating use in crop
improvement. The present scenario suggests that to ensure availability of broad-based
germplasm with desirable genes (traits) for effective use, re-orientation of PGR activities is

• A significant progress was made in collection of germplasm during NATP project

(1999-2004), however, they concentrated on major cereals accounting for around 50
per cent of total collections, neglecting other major and minor crops/groups. This
situation needs to change with greater focus on minor crops and wild relatives (18.7
per cent of total). In this regard the strategy must change from general to pointed
collection, searching for new genes and covering left agro-ecological zones. It would
need creation of distribution maps of priority species, mapping of genetic diversity
collected, using Geographical Information System (GIS), identification of gaps to
facilitate pointed collection to capture desirable species/genetic diversity

• No country is self-sufficient in genetic resources; therefore, acquisition of diverse and

elite germplasm from exotic sources is critical to crop improvement. After the
enforcement of Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) access to genetic resources
have become difficult. Nevertheless, multilateral systems, such as ITPGRFA and
Nagoya protocol have come into existence to facilitate the access to genetic resources
either under Standard Material Transfer Agreement or Bilateral Agreement. They
should be exploited vigorously to obtain germplasm from member countries,
particularly, genetic stocks, cultivars, wild and weedy relatives with specific traits.
Development of database for documentation and tracking of introductions would
avoid repeat introductions and facilitate sharing at national level

• Collection and conservation have led to accumulation of huge collections in the gene
banks, including duplicates. Lack of proper characterization and evaluation is
perceived as a major limiting factor in their utilisation (FAO, 1998). Characterization
involves recording of data on highly heritable oligogenic characters. However, these
efforts have not been able to solve the problem of redundancy, reducing redundant

genetic load carried by the gene banks. Therefore, for greater/better resolution of
genetic constitution and conservation of distinct accessions, use of DNA molecular
maker, identifying duplicates, weeding them out to conserve genetically distinct
accessions is needed. This can be expedited by extracting DNA from seeds avoiding
lengthy process of growing and environmental influence

• Evaluation of accessions against yield reducing constraints is complicated by (a) large

number of collections, (b) no defined target environment or target group of traits, (c)
highly heterogeneous nature (landraces, wild populations) of germplasm and (d) need
for specialized laboratory/greenhouse facilities and screening techniques. It is further
complicated by gene expression (activation/silencing), and needs to be done in
appropriate environment, preferably place of origin/collection to ensure that the
genetic identity and integrity of collections is maintained. In perennial crops, it is
further complicated, which are not always planted in a specific experimental field
design and characterization and evaluation is more skilled and expensive. These
constraints can be overcome by molecular characterization and associating the
molecular markers with specific traits/alleles to enable their use both in conventional
breeding and molecular maker-assisted breeding. However, in this regard, choice of
molecular marker is important, one would like to have a marker system that is 'truly'
genomic in the sense, it covers both coding and non-coding sequences, unlike
microsatellite or SSRs. Therefore, SNPs are the best. This would require a
multidisciplinary team of scientists

• Regarding conservation of PGR, much is required on in situ conservation, where only

4.5 per cent area have come under protection. This would need inventorization of
distribution of populations to identify the areas and population that are under various
threats, specifically of crops’ wild relatives. Efforts needs to be initiated for dynamic
on-farm conservation of crop diversity in areas where traditional agriculture is
prevalent and farmers and tribal communities have been conserving the genetic
resources more as a compulsion for their sustenance/livelihood, it will enable
harnessing the benefit of their interaction and evolution in response to changing
climate. In these areas cultural diversity and rituals have contributed to evolution of
genetic diversity and norms for conservation of specific plants or varieties. Ex situ
seed conservation has been successfully exploited, but in vitro and cryopreservation
approaches, need proper rationalization to support cost effective conservation and use
particularly in horticultural crops. Nevertheless, for sustaining the ex situ
conservation, there is a need to rationalize the standards on crop basis and the
technique of ultra-desiccation and seed storage in the permafrost regions of
Himalayas must be explored for cost-effective long-term conservation and safety
duplication. In addition, strategies of core and mini-core collection must be explored,
predominantly based on genetic diversity of traits breeding significance.To address
the apprehension that the reserve collections are vulnerable, if neglected, conservation
at DNA level through DNA libraries, gene constructs, promoters etc. should be
explored as a backup mechanism.

• The value of all above knowledge about the accessions conserved will be of no use, if it
is not documented and disseminated/shared nationally and internationally. Thus, for
sustainable use and sharing of benefits accrued from the use, a user-friendly database
needs to be developed on collections maintained and can be shared globally. This is
recognized in the CBD (Articles 7d, 17), and the Global Plan of Action (priority
activities 17 and 18). The global assessment indicates that many of the world’s PGR are
insufficiently and/or poorly documented (FAO, 1998). In this regard, the Indian PGR
system also lags with poor documentation and retrieval system. There is need to update
the data base with information, including non-coded information held by traditional
farmers and indigenous people and technically with user-friendliness. It would help
future planning; provide an early warning regarding genetic erosion, and desired
information to breeders and researchers for use and establishing the linkages between in
situ and ex situ conservation efforts. Further, it can provide leads for modern crop
improvement with applications in pharmaceuticals, dietary supplements, other industrial
uses, and for undertaking effective value addition. Use of appropriate legislations
developed for various intellectual property rights regimes, benefit sharing with
commensurate returns would ensure harnessing benefit for the nation and communities

• Another Access and Benefit System (ABS), the Nagoya Protocol is developed as
supplementary agreement of CBD, applying to all biological/genetic resources,
ensuring sharing of benefits arising from utilization. It was adopted on 29 October
2010 in Nagoya, Japan and came into effect from 12 October 2014 with 93 parties,
including India. It also covers traditional knowledge (TK) associated with
biological/genetic resources, ensuring access in accordance to Prior Informed Consent
(PIC) and on mutually agreed terms, as required by Contracting Parties (CPs) for
provisions of access and benefit-sharing compliance. National Biodiversity Authority
(NBA), functions as national focal points (NFPs) and competent national authorities
(CNAs) to serve as contact points for information, and to ensure access and benefit-
sharing compliance

• The success of any PGR system is reflected by number of accessions distributed and
used in research and crop improvement. In this regard India has followed a network
approach with responsibility for distribution of germplasm for crop improvement and
research with Active Germplasm Sites, while those for restoration for regeneration
with NBPGR. No national database (except for exchange) is available on PGR
distribution and use in crop improvement, justifying the efforts of PGR conservation.
NBPGR needs to compile and establish a database on distribution and use of PGR.
While, distribution of germplasm within country should be made free of red-tape, in
the interest of nation and humanity at large.

6.8 India a World Leader in Farmers Rights Management

India is one of the world’s 12 mega-centers of biodiversity comprising 7 climatic zones and 9
bio-geographic regions. Within the spectrum of crop species and wild relatives there are

thousands of varieties, cultivars, land races and ecotypes which occur in India. It is known to
have more than 18,000 species of higher plants including 160 major and minor crop species
and 325 wild relatives. Around 1,500 wild edible plant species are widely exploited by native
tribes. These include 145 species of roots and tubers, 521 of leafy vegetables/greens, 101 of
buds and flowers, 647 of fruits and 118 of seeds and nuts. In addition, nearly 9,500 plant
species of ethno-botanical uses have been reported from the country, of which around 7,500
are for ethno-medicinal purposes and 3,900 are multipurpose/edible species: Millets (51);
legumes (31); fruits (109); spices and condiments (27); vegetables (54); fibre crops (24);
oilseeds, tea, coffee, tobacco and Sugarcane (12) and medicinal plants (3000) (India’s 4th
National Report to CBD, 2009).

On the basis of richness of agro-biodiversity i.e. number of crop species, crop varieties, wild
relatives of various crop species cultivated, social relevance and ancientness of the
agriculture, wild relatives of crop species occurring in the region, number of species
domesticated and the uniqueness of the agro-ecosystems, 22 agro-biodiversity hotspot
regions have been identified in India(Figure 1). These are; 1.Cold Desert Region, 2.Western
Himalayan Region, 3.Eastern Himalayan Region, 4.Brahmaputra Valley Region, 5.Khasia-
Jaintia-Garo Hills Region, 6.North-eastern Hill Region, 7.Arid Western Region, 8. Malwa
Plateau and Central Highlands Region, 9. Kathiawar Region, 10. Bundelkhand Region, 11.
Upper Gangetic Plains Region, 12. Lower Gangetic Plains Region, 13. Gangetic Delta
Region, 14. Chotanagpur Region, 15. Bastar Region, 16. Koraput Region, 17. Southern
Eastern Ghats Region, 18. Kaveri Region, 19. Deccan Region, 20. Konkan Region, 21.
Malabar Region and 22. Islands Region (Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Lakshadweep).

Figure. 1 India a Mega-centre of Biodiversity with 22 Agro-biodiversity hotspots

Farmers in these hotspots have a special responsibility to conserve and judiciously share and
utilize the resources for sustainable development. Responding to Dr. B.P. Pal’s call for
‘Search for New Genes’, 1937, the PGR drive of India was institutionalized through the Plant
Introduction Centre, IARI (1946), Plant Introduction and Exploration Centre, IARI (1956),
Division of Plant Introduction, IARI (1961), and National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
/ National Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, New Delhi (1977). Analogous progress
occurred in other sub-sectors, resulting in the establishment of National Bureau of Animal
Genetic Resources (1995), National Bureau of Microbial Genetic Resources (1983), and
National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources (1983).

India has been one of the first countries to develop and enact laws related to biodiversity, in
response to the new regimes in international law concerning access, conservation and
property rights on genetic resources. Obviously, these processes have not been easy. A
formidable task was to maintain a balance between the new and traditional rights.
Accordingly, three Acts were passed by the Indian Parliament in the beginning of current
century in an attempt to protect the nation's biological diversity, IPRs, and the interests of
researchers, be those plant breeders or the farmers/farming communities. These relevant Acts

i) The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act (PPVFRA), 2001
ii) The Biological Diversity Act (BDA), 2002, and
iii) The Geographical Indication of Goods (Registration and Protection) Act, 2000.

6.9 The Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights Acts (PPFRA)

The PPVFRA is a unique act, being the first in the world, that provides rights to the farmers
to produce, sell and use their own seeds, besides the typical rights to them equivalent to those
of breeders and researchers for the valuable genetic resources conserved by them. Hence, the
law aims to protect the plant varieties developed through public and private sector research as
well as those developed and conserved by the farmers and farming communities.
Accordingly, under the provisions of this Act, a PPVFRA Authority has been established that
not only registers the new varieties developed by the breeders and farmers but also ensures
fair and equitable benefit sharing through the provision of a national Gene Fund.

India is a signatory to both CBD and World Trade Organization (WTO) conventions. The
Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) is an
International Agreement administered by the WTO that sets down minimum standards and
regulations for many forms of intellectual property (IP) as applicable to WTO Member
Nations. India opted for the sui-generis system for the plant varieties giving importance to
farmers’ rights compared to the provision of UPOV. With intensive and extensive national
level consultations and dialogues, the Government of India enacted the “Protection of Plant
Varieties and Farmers’ Rights Act (PPV&FR Act)” in 2001. The PPV&FR Act recognizes
the multiple roles of farmers with respect to their contributions made in conserving,

improving and making available PGR for the development of new plant varieties and also
evolvers of farmers’ varieties.

India is the first country to provide substantial rights to farmers and registration of their
es is one of them. The Act seeks to address the rights of plant breeders and farmers on
equal footing. The other provisions related to farmers’ rights are presented in Figure 2. The
Indian PPV&FR Act is a model in protecting the interest of the farmers of the agro-
biodiversity rich countries.

Beneficial provisions related to the farmers under the PPV&FR Act, 2001 are illustrated in
Figure 2 and elucidated, as follows:
Figure 2. Provisions related to Farmers’ Rights

a. Registration of Farmers’ Variety [Section 39(1)(III)]

A farmer who has bred or developed a new variety shall be entitled for registration in the like
manner as a breeder of a variety under the Act.

b. Community Rights [Section 41]

Any person on behalf of any village community can file any claim for compensation if the
village or local community has contributed significantly to the evolution of the variety which
has been registered under the PPV&FR Act, 2001. The Authority upon receiving objection
from the registered breeder shall give an opportunity
opportunity to breeder and determine the
compensation which should be deposited in the Gene Fund within a period of two months.

c. Access to Seed [Section 39(1)(IV)]

 Farmers are entitled to save, use, sow, re-sow,

re sow, exchange, share or sell their farm
produce, including
cluding seed of protected varieties, in the same manner as they were entitled to
before the coming into force of the PPV&FR Act

 However, farmers are entitled to sell unbranded seed of a variety protected under this
Act. Farmers can use farm saved seed from
from a crop cultivated in their own field.

d. Protection From Innocent Infringement [Section 42]

If a farmer can prove before court that he or she was not aware of the existence of any rights
at the time of an infringement on any such rights, as detailed in the PPV&FR Act, he or she
will not be charged. This provision is made in consideration of the centuries-old unrestrained
rights that the farmers had over the seed of all varieties, the novel nature of the PPV&FR Act
and the poor legal literacy of farmers.

e. Compensation [Section 39(2)]

Registered seed must be sold with the full disclosure of their agronomic performance under
recommended management conditions. When such seed is sold to farmers but fails to
provide the expected performance under recommended management conditions, the farmer is
eligible to claim compensation from the breeder through the intervention of the PPV&FR

f. Compulsory Licensing and Reasonable Seed Price [Section 47]

Farmers have the right to access seed of registered varieties at a reasonable and remunerative
price. When this condition is not met, the breeder’s exclusive right over the variety is
suspended under the provision concerning compulsory licensing, and the breeder is obligated
to license the seed production, distribution and sales of the variety to a competent legal entity.

g. Prior Authorization for the Commercialization of Essentially Derived Varieties

[Section 28 (6)]

When farmers’ varieties, whether extant or new, are used by a third party as source material
for the development of an essentially derived variety, the farmers need to provide prior
authorization for its commercialization. Such a process can allow farmers to negotiate the
terms of authorization with the breeder, which may include royalties, benefit-sharing, etc.

h. Exemption for Fees [Section 44]

The farmers are exempted from payment of any fees in respect of any proceedings before the
Registrar or Authority or Tribunal or High Court and they are also exempted from
payment of any fee for inspection of any document or obtaining any decision or order or
document under the Act or Rules.

i. Benefit Sharing [Section 26]

Plant breeders and legal entities including farmers who provide Plant Genetic Resources
(PGR) to breeders for developing new varieties shall receive a fair share of benefit from the
commercial gains of the registered varieties.
The PPVFRA is already playing on important role in the facilitation of farmers’ rights
through benefit sharing from the use of farmers’ varieties in India, as elucidate below.

Each year between 50-120 campaigns have been conducted in all parts of the country among
which at least five each year are for farmers from multi-states in a region, purely on letting
the farmers know of their rights and claims to make on benefit sharing when they come to
know about any of their conserved varieties of any crop being used in breeding programs by
public or private sector, or whenever it comes to their notice if any specific trait which they
know historically as occurring only in a traditional variety or species conserved by the
community in any commercially sold variety by a public or private sector

Actual benefit transfer from use of farmers’ varieties has already been initiated since 2018.
Some examples are in improved or purified traditional varieties (land races included) under
protection or in the process of registration (provisionally protected) of rice species:

Original Registration Improved or Breeders’ Source Beneficiary of Nature of

Variety No. Purified Version Right Farmers’ Rights benefit
Mushkb REG/2015/1 Purified Farming Farming Community of 100%
udji 163 Mushkbudji Communit Sagam and commercializ
y of Dhanwathpora, Anantnag ation by the
Sagam and J&K Community
Dhanwath only
pora, (Supported in
Anantnag trade through
facilitated registration
by also). Trade
SKUAST, value
Srinagar enhanced
from ` 5-20
lakhs per
year to over
`800 lakhs
per year
since 2018
Dubraj REG/2016/1 Dubraj Selection 1 IGKVV, Richharia Kisani Beej 100% benefit
835 Chattisgar Samvardhan Samiti, transfer to
h Keregaon, Dhamtari; the
Dharohar Samiti, community
Golaband, Kondagon; by the
Vananchal Krishak University
Samooh, Rajnandgaon; with
Kisan Vikas Samiti, authorisation
Gotulmunda, Durgkondal, for seed
Kanker; Sangata Sahbhagi production
Vikas Sanstha, and sale
Ambikapur; Banshajhaal
Sarguja and Kishan Beej
UtpadakSahkari Samiti,
Risada, Bilaspur; Jai
Durga Krishak Club,
Janjgir-Champa; Adarsh

h, Achanakpur, Durg.
Badshab REG/2016/1 Badshah Bhog IGKVV, --- As above--- 100% benefit
hog 836 Selection 1 Chattisgar transfer to
h the
by the
for seed
and sale
Tarunbh REG/2016/1 Tarunbhog IGKVV, --- As above--- 100% benefit
og 837 Selection 1 Chattisgar transfer to
h the
by the
for seed
and sale
Vishnub REG/2017/1 Vishnubhog IGKVV, --- As above--- 100% benefit
hog 2 Selection 1 Chattisgar transfer to
h the
by the
for seed
and sale
Mai REG/2015/4 Trombay IGKVV, Richaria Kisani 100% benefit
Dubraj 69 Chattisgarh Chattisgar Samvardhan Samiti, transfer to
Dubraj Mutant 1 h& BARC, Koregaon, Dhamtari the
Trombay community
by the
for seed
and sale

In a recent initiative under CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY of Tata Group

company Tata Chemicals Limited, an NGO has been established under the name Centre for
Sustainable Agriculture and Farm Expertise (CSAFE) with whom the PPVFRA is negotiating
to commercialize the following six traditional varieties of rice protected as Farmers’ Varieties
so that the benefit is transferred to the original farming communities by popularizing the traits

which are unique in each variety having a consumer preference. The aim is for CSAFE to
obtain under an Authorisation as provided in the Rights on the Registered Farmers’ Varieties
of the PPV&FR Act (2001), to get the seed multiplied, demonstrated with publicity of the
value of the variety for generating due demand for appropriate price on the commodity which
can compensate for the lower productivity so that the right holder communities.

Under negotiation for benefit transfer to original conserver community by the Centre for
Sustainable Agriculture and Farm Excellence, Tata Chemicals Society for Sustainable

Name & Address of the Registration Registration Name of Indigenous

Farmer/Community Number Certificate issuing the Traditional
year Landrace/ Knowledge
Proceeds to be
traditional shared with
variety applicant

Seed Care- An Association of REG/2009/5 05-04-2013 Chennellu Tolerant to both

Indigenous and Traditional 04 pests and
Crop conservers of Malabar disease and
medicinal value
used for curing
stomach ulcers,
vomiting and

Secretary, Seed Care C/o REG/2009/5 05-04-2013 Ghandhakas Scented rice,

MSSRF, Community 03 ala used for
Agrobiodiversity Centre breakfast
Puthoorvayal P.O. Kalpetta dishes.
Wayanad-673121 Preferred for
(sweet) also
used in special
dishes for

Jogendra Sahu REG/2011/2 08-10-2013 Kalajira Scented and

At- Jamujodi, Block- 17 suitable for
Harichandrapur, khir making,
Harichandrapur resistant to
disease & pest.

Mr. Dev Nath Verma, REG/2007/1 21/12/2009 Tilak Aromatic rice
Swantarta Sainani, Jaivik 26 Chandan with aroma,
Krishak Samiti, Village-Prem resistance to
Nagar, Gadarpur Udham brown spot and
Singh Nagar-263152 stem borer.
Basudha, Binodbati, P.O.- REG/2011/2 20/11/2013 Kelas Medicinal,
Layekbandh, Bankura- 29 Contains high
722157 West Bengal level of Fe and
Vitamin B1.
Basudha Binodbati, P.O.- REG/2011/2 09/01/2014 Jugal Double‐grain
Layekbandh, Bankura- 27 in 304% of
722157 West Bengal spikelet’s

PPV&FR Act, 2001 is the only Act which confers Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) to
farmers who have bred plant varieties. Farmers are exempted for the payment of any fee for
registration under PPV&FR Act, 2001. The application for registration of Farmers’ Varieties
is contained in 6th Schedule of PPV&FR Rules, 2003 and the said application format is very
simple and contains no technical questions. Farmers’ Varieties are tested to determine DUS
criteria for one year at two locations. The DUS criteria for Farmers’ Varieties are relaxed
when compared to New Varieties and other Extant Varieties.

j. Plant Genome Saviour Farmers’ Reward and Recognition [Section 39(i)(iii)]&


 Farming communities engaged in conservation of genetic resources of economic

plants and wild relatives of economic plants and their improvement through selection and
preservation particularly in areas identified as agro-biodiversity hot spots (as per section 45
of the PPV&FR Act, 2001 and section 70(2)(a) of the PPV&FR Rules, 2003)

 A Farmer who is engaged in conservation of Genetic Resources of Land Races and

Wild relatives of economic plants and their improvement through selection and preservation
and that the material so selected and preserved has been used as donors of genes in varieties
registerable under PPV&FR Act, 2001 (Section 39(1)(iii) of the protection of plant varieties
and farmers’ Right Act, 2001).

Farmers’ varieties are outcome of century’s efforts by the farmers / tribal communities, who
selected the plants of economic importance from the wild species / relatives and landraces.
Through continuous efforts, from the PGR available in particular agro-biodiversity hot spot
regions, these varieties were selected and conserved dynamically and possess climate
resilience traits which are the need of the hour. Some varieties in different crop species are
tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses besides their suitability to contingency planning in case
of weather aberrations. Some of the varieties possess medicinal, neutraceutical, therapeutic
and pesticidal values. Varieties such as “Kasalath” in rice possess a gene “Pstol1” which
fixes phosphorus from phosphorous poor soils. These varieties are unique genetic stocks in
developing improved varieties / germplasm. Under post WTO era, where restrictions on free

exchange of PGR is imposed worldwide, the dynamic conservation, promotion and protection
of PGR in the form of local / farmers’ varieties, a great treasure and boon for the humanity at
large, achieves greater importance.

Farmers, who have been engaged in conservation and preservation of plant genetic resources
(PGR) of land races and wild relatives of economic plants and their improvement through
selection and preservation in these identified 22 agro-biodiversity hotspots, receive
recognition and rewards from the National Gene Fund. This provision, when taken in
conjunction with the provisions relating to the farmers’ privilege, is similar to the concept of
Farmers’ Rights contained in the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food
and Agriculture (ITPGRFA).

6.10 National Gene Fund

The National Gene Fund of India receives contributions from central government, national
and international organizations and other sources. The gene fund also receives funds from
benefit sharing from the breeder of the variety or an essentially derived variety registered
under the Act or propagating material, of such variety or essentially derived variety as the
case may be the compensations deposited and the annual fee payable to the Authority by way
of royalty. The expenditures of the fund are earmarked for the payment of benefit sharing,
compensation required for use of genetic material towards evolution of new and essentially
derived variety, to meet expenditure incurred for conservation and sustainable use of genetic
resources, and for framing of schemes related to benefit sharing. The gene fund is also used
for capacity building on ex situ conservation at the level of local body, particularly in regions
identified as agro-biodiversity hot spots and for supporting in situ conservation. Thus, in this
way it can be considered to be a national equivalent to the global benefit sharing fund
operating within the ITPGRFA.

Given the commonality of the objectives of the national and global gene funds, based on
merit, the national programs can seek funds from the international gene funds, and,
conversely, the globe systems, based on priority needs may proactively reach the national
systems for promoting the cause for the welfare of the humanity at large.

Figure. 3 National Gene Fund

The Gene Fund, constituted by the Govt. of India, as depicted in Fig 3, is also utilized to
support and reward farmers, particularly the tribal and rural communities engaged in
conservation, improvement and preservation of genetic resources of economic plants and
their wild relatives, particularly in areas identified as agro-biodiversity hotspots (22 Agro-
biodiversity hotspots distributed over 7 agro-geographical zones).

6.10.1 Plant Genome Saviour Awards

Recognizing the important contribution of farmers and farming communities and their role in
enhancement of quality in research and development in agriculture and to energize and
implement Rule 70(2) (a) of PPV&FR Rules, 2003 and the provision of section 45 of
PPV&FR Act, 2001, the PPV&FR Authority in consultation with the Govt. of India instituted
the Plant Genome Saviour Community Awards (maximum of five awards per year consisting
of a citation, a memento and cash of one million Rupees each). Since 2009-10 this award is
being granted to 15 communities from different agro-biodiversity hot spot regions.
Government of India has notified the Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers’ Rights
(Recognition and Reward from the Gene Fund) Rules, 2012, whereby a farmer who is
engaged in the conservation of genetic resources of landraces and wild relatives of economic
plants and their improvement through selection and preservation and the material so selected
and preserved has been used as donors of genes in varieties registerable under the PPV&FR
Act, 2001 shall be entitled to Plant Genome Saviour Farmer Reward (maximum of 10
rewards per year comprising of a citation, memento and cash of Rupees one lakh fifty
thousand each). The PPVFRA is the only body which confess 35 award to farmers, farming
communities amouting to a total Rs. 85 lakh per year. Already twenty farmers have been
awarded with Plant Genome Saviour Farmer Reward. Another award, namely, Plant Genome
Saviour Farmer Recognition (maximum 20 recognitions per year consisting of a citation and
memento and a cash of Rupees one lakh each) has been instituted. Nineteen eligible farmers
have been recognized with this award for their PGR conservation efforts. During 2015 to

2018, 122 farmers or farmers communities have been awarded the above, amounting to Rs.
390 lakhs by the Authority. The awardees as such receive an identity and visibility in being
able to enhance the trade value and reach of their varieties.

Notwithstanding the value of incentivizing the farmers’ and communities efforts in

conservation, it is essential to monitor and assess the impacts of these awards and the benefits
accrued to the farmers and others at large and to the overall states of conservation and
utilization of the resources.

6.10.2 Supporting Plant Genome Saviour Awardee Communities

PGR conservation, protection and promotion for sustainable use are being practiced by
farmers and their families since ancient time. This has allowed them to cultivate a large
number of different local varieties in different crop species of economic importance. This is
how India has been regarded as one of the mega bio-diversity centres in the world. To
support the activities of PGR, the Authority has selected the Genome Saviour Awardee
Communities to support their efforts of saving local varieties and land races. As climate
change has a significant impact on agricultural production, growing local varieties which
have a high degree of genetic diversity is highly important because these varieties have the
ability to better withstand and adapt to environmental stresses and change. Setting up
community seed banks may help farmers to acquire varieties that are adapted to local
conditions; these varieties may not be accessible through formal seed systems, may be costly
or may suffer from erratic supplies. To make available the quality seeds of popular local
varieties/planting material through informal seed chain, the Authority is promoting
“Community Seed Bank Concept” for field crops and “Community Nursery
Bank/Community Clonal Gene Bank” for vegetables, fruits and trees, medicinal and aromatic
plants and fodder grasses at different Agro climatic bio diversity hotspots where improved
varieties have not made impact on production and productivity. The Authority has identified
regions in agro biodiversity hotspots and mainstreaming of farmers’ varieties is being taken
up by following unique maintenance breeding program for the supply of seed/planting
material. Socio-economic and agro-ecological impacts of these initiatives should be
dynamically analyzed and widely shared.

6.11 The Biological Diversity Act, 2002 and the National Biological

India’s fast growing bio-economy has crossed $35.1 billion in 2015; India has set an
ambitious target of achieving a bio-economy of $ 100 billion by the year 2025. India
comprises seven climate regions and also covers nine bio-geographic regions. Of the 34
hotspots of biodiversity identified all over the world, Eastern Himalaya, Indo-Burma region
and the Western Ghats occur in Indian region and these regions have been the center of
diversity for many cereals, legumes/pulses, vegetables, fruits, spices, condiments, and
medicinal plants. Ever since the implementation of Seed Act (1966) from 1968, more than
3500 varieties have been notified and released for cultivation in different crops for different

ecologies and production conditions by the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture. In
addition to these, the New Seed Policy of 1988 further facilitated development and marketing
of varieties of different crops under self-certification of purity and viability parameters,
without any regulatory certification. More than 5000 such varieties mostly bred or marketed
by private seed companies exist in seed chain in the country.

The primary objective of the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, is to protect India's rich
biodiversity and associated traditional knowledge against their use by others without sharing
the benefits arising out of such use. It provides for the establishment of a National Biological
Authority (NBA), State Biodiversity Boards and Biodiversity Management Committees with
extensive powers to promote conservation, sustainable use and documentation of biological
resources. Foreign organizations do require NBA approval in order to access biological
resources. Provisions have also been made to set up biodiversity funds and management
committees at the national, state and local levels".

As a signatory to UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) 1992, India has enacted The
Biological Diversity Act, 2002, as detailed below:

i. The Act inter alia provides for fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of
the use of biological resources

ii. The National Biodiversity Authority may constitute a committee to deal with agro
biodiversity which includes biological diversity of agriculture related species and their
wild relatives

iii. The Act provides for manner in which benefit can be shared from the grant of IPR to
benefit claimers royalty

iv. Location of product research and development units in areas which may facilitate
better living standards to benefit claimers

v. A National Biodiversity Fund to be created for monetary compensation and non-

monetary benefits, for education and awareness raising activities, capacity building,
technology transfer and product development. The fund will be used to channel
benefits to benefit claimers

vi. Socio-economic Development of the area from where biological resources have been
accessed. Emphasis on in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biological resources.

Notwithstanding the veritable efforts, progress has been rathers sketchy in terms of benefit
sharing. Having taken the leadership in establishing the national PPV&FR authority and the
National Biodiversity and the corresponding Acts, most of the developing world has been
looking towards India for sustainable models for biodiversity conservation, management, use,
and particularly realizing the Farmers Rights.

6.12 Harmonizing NBA and PPV&FRA for Realizing Farmers’ Right
While Ensuring Conservation

Several of the critical recommendations made in the 9 NAAS policy and strategy papers on
this subject await implementation. But, in recent years some tangible progress has been made
which need to be scaled-up and scaled-out. The purpose of the benefit sharing provision was
to seek long term committed involvement of the masses in conserving the diversity in
perpetuity without foregoing their own opportunity costs. Institutionalizing this mode of in
situ conservation is the main purpose of PPV&FR as well as the NBA. Given India’s
initiative in this field, India has all the elements to emerge as a world leader in
institutionalizing and implementing the PPV&FR and judiciously realizing the farmer’s rights
while ensuring conservation of the genetic diversity.

A critical report on the success story of each awardee in each category should be prepared. It
should be clearly brought out as to how successful was the awarded story and what social,
economic and ecological benefits. What were the areas and commodities covered?
Sustainability of the approach, extent and prospects of its up-scaling and out-scaling should
be assessed. Bottlenecks in the scaling-up, if any, should be identified. In the implementation
pathway, responsibility and accountability of the partners and stakeholders and success and
failure should be fixed. Future plans to remove the bottlenecks, and how to reach new heights
and to achieve objectives and targets should be chalked out and closely monitored. All
financial, governance, monitoring and accountability measures should be detailed out with
clearly defined outcome targets.

Recently Agrawal and Prabhu (2019) have suggested way forward for creating harmony and
balance among diverse regulatory bodies for efficient use and management of genetic
resources in India. These suggestions should be duly internalized in the national programme.
PPV&FRA and NBA have identified the following asymmetries between the two Acts and
should be able to harmonize the two in consonance with the concerned national and
international provisions. The NAAS proposed project on realization of Farmers’ Rights
should assist in harmonizing the two Acts.

6.12.1 Compensation under section 41 of PPV&FR Act, 2001 which deals with
use of a community maintained material

It emerged that a fixed Percentage based on profits and royalty gained by the registered
breeder may be fixed as the maximum limit for compensation under section 41(3) of
PPV&FR Act, 2001. Under the Biological Diversity Act, there are no provisions or case laws
to amplify the subject.

6.12.2 The varieties of PGSC Awardees/Plant Genome Saviour Farmer Reward/

Plant Genome Saviour Farmer Recognition must be entered in PBR

It was suggested that SBBs may be involved in the process of grant of awards to farmers and
farming communities, so that the same may be entered in the PBR. It was also suggested that

based on the proposal of PPV&FRA the NBA will issue one time advisory in this regard to

6.12.3 Joint Awareness Programmes

It was informed by PPV&FRA that they are conducting awareness programmes with the
support of KVKs, ICAR institutes, SAUs and other nodal agencies. The PPV&FRA targets
to conduct about 200 awareness programmes a year at KVK level in addition to some
national and state level programmes. These programmes are mainly to educate the farmers
about the benefit of registration of their varieties under the PPV&FR Act, 2001, the various
rights envisaged in the PPV&FR Act, 2001 and other relevant clauses which are directly
related to the farmers. It shall be more beneficial if farmers are made aware of various
provisions relating to access of their bio-resources by any person/ company/ public institute
under Biological Diversity Act. The PPV&FR Authority will inform NBA the details of such
programmes so that wherever possible NBA will instruct the related agencies like SBBs or
nominee of Chairperson, NBA or relevant literature will be distributed in such awareness

6.12.4 BMCS Be Instructed By NBA To Forward Applications of Farmers’

Varieties and Applications for PGSC Award /Reward / Recognition

BMC are one of the agencies notified in the official gazette to endorse and forward the
farmers varieties applications and applications for PGSC Award/ Reward/ Recognition. But
as of now, BMCs are not forwarding the same due to lack of awareness about such
provisions. It was suggested that SBBs may be advised by NBA to instruct BMCs to identify
registerable varieties and forward such applications for registration and also to identify the
eligible farmers and farming communities for PGSC AWARD/ REWARD/RECOGNITION
and forward the same to PPV&FR Authority.

6.12.5 PPV&FR Authority and NBA have to revise the agro-biodiversity hotspots
with the technical collaboration with each other

The PPV&FR Authority identifies agro-biodiversity hotspots under Rule 70(2)(a) of

PPV&FR Rules, 2003 to support and reward the farmers and farming communities in agro-
biodiversity hotspots. The list of such hotspots was developed by the PPV&FR Authority
before 2009 which requires extensive revision as the PPV&FR Authority feels that many
areas needs to be covered under the same. As agro-biodiversity hotspot is not within the
mandate of NBA, no technical inputs can be provided on the same. However the list of
biodiversity heritage sites is available on the website of NBA and PPV&FR Authority can
make use of the same.

6.12.6/7 Use of PBR For Documenting, Indexing and Cataloguing of Farmers Varieties
and all Plant Varieties and Collecting Statistics with regard to Plant Varieties. -
Collaboration with NBA in Implementing Section 45(2)(C) of PPV&FR Act, 2001

It was unanimously agreed that the soft copies of details of registration will be shared by
PPV&FR Authority to NBA. The PPV&FR Authority can initiate the activities of such
documentation with active SBBs in Kerala, Assam, West Bengal, Meghalaya and Tripura and
co-ordinate with them for obtaining the details of PBR and use the same in documenting the
plant varieties. NBA can issue an advisory in this regard to the respective SBBs.

With regard to utilisation of National Gene Fund for conservation purposes by BMCs it was
appreciated by the Chairperson NBA that the PPV&FR Authority has genuine concern for the
cause of conservation of plant genetic resources and NBA fully endorses the same and it was
suggested that

a) PPV&FR Authority will provide a list of BMCs in this regard after consultation with
respective SBB keeping in mind the agro-biodiversity rich areas.

b) BMCs can be funded through SBBs and utilisation certificate for the same will be
submitted by BMCs through SBB.

c) PPV&FR Authority will develop a scheme in this regard and inform NBA in this
regard which in turn will advise all BMCs through their respective SBBs for this
purpose. The conservation activities set out in Section 45(2)(c) would be more
effective if the documentation of the economically important plant species is
catalogued and entered in PBR.

6.13 International Experience of Realizing Farmers' Rights

According to ITPGRFA the realization of farmers' rights has begun. Many countries have
legislation pertaining to the protection of farmers' traditional knowledge against
misappropriation, but relatively little is being done when it comes to implementation. There
are many examples of indirect benefit sharing, normally non-monetary. Actual participation
of farmers in decision-making processes seems to be marginal. The practice whereby farmers
save, use, exchange and/or sell seed and propagating material from their own harvest is
increasingly affected by regulations on plant breeders' rights and on the certification of seeds
for sale.

The Bioversity International has listed examples for implementation of Farmers' Right
Internationally and highlighted protection of traditional knowledge examples in countries
like, Bolivia, India, Mali, Nepal, Peru and South Africa and Brazil, recognition of informal
seed system in Uganda, benefit sharing project in China, under the "Diversity against
Damage (DiAD)", community seed bank in South Africa and "Seeds for Needs" Project in
India and elsewhere. It has also documented various projects including community seed
banks in a number of African and Asian Countries.

6.14 A National Project on Realization of Farmers’ Rights

6.14.1 In situ, On Farm Conservation of PGR

Agro-climatic zone wise planning and on-farm conservation need to be promoted across the
agro-biodiversity rich areas covering vast stretches of land, cutting across state boundaries,
habitation of different communities, ecological and climatic conditions. Farmers and farming
communities have conserved, shared, and sustained these valuable resources at their own
initiative for a larger cause and these biodiversity hotspots can be recognized and rewarded
for better sustained protection and management by adopting the following measures:

• Incentives can be provided to the local communities for promoting diversified agro-
ecological systems and designation of agricultural biodiversity conservation sites/agro
biodiversity hotspots

• The PPV&FRA has already identified 22 agro biodiversity hotspots and these
suggested BHSs can be designated as Biodiversity Heritage Sites (BHSs) by the
concern States by involving local Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) and
these hotspots can also be converted into agro-ecotourism spots to facilitate-agro-

• For conserving these hot spots Gene Fund of the PPV&FRA, 2001 and the State
Biodiversity Fund /Local Biodiversity Funds specified in the Biological Diversity
Act, 2002, as well as International Gene Fund, can be explored.

6.14.2 Conservation of traditional seed varieties

The National Seeds Corporation (NSC) under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Welfare is undertaking the production of certified seeds of nearly 600 varieties of 60 crops
through its registered 8000 seed growers.

It is suggested to distribute 5 per cent of traditional seed varieties to the farmers with 100 per
cent subsidies through NSC/SSC (rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals, oil seeds, vegetable and
fruits) under the NFSC, NMOOP and MIDH schemes via seed mini kit distribution. The
traditional seeds can be sourced from the PPV&FRA registered varieties and this can be
promoted in the adopted organic villages.

 A national level database/mapping of traditional seed varieties need to be developed

and documented

 To ensure adequate availability of traditional seeds, Community seed banks can be

setup in each agro-climatic zones/village/block level

 Necessary assistance can be provided from NFSC, NMOOP and MIDH mission
schemes for the supply of good quality seeds to the local farmers (CEBPOL 2017,

6.14.3 Realization of Farmers’ Rights: The Project

As per ITPGRFA, farmers need to be awarded/rewarded for their “past, present and future”
effort towards conservation of plant genetic resources. Seed industry exploited the genetic
resources nurtured by the farmers, develop newer, improved varieties that provide food
security. However, the communities of farmers, who actually conserved those PGR did not
realize benefit sharing and it is a responsibility of the state to deliver a mechanism of Benefit

The project should work with state governments in monitoring the value-chain and the net
income and benefit flowing to the grower and other stakeholders. Value added to the entire
chain by the gene/genes/genotypes conserved and used by the farmers/community and net
gain in the farmers’ income should be documented.

The ever-increasing availability of latest genomic tools and resources result in precision
accelerated breeding inducing Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) through mass sequencing
of genomics and CRISPR yielding rich genomic information. These allow discovery of new
genes, regulatory sequences, large collections of molecular markers, resequencing of
genomes and construction of high density genetic maps, rendering. Marker assisted
selection, - “breeding by design”, a routine practice, and allow understanding of “super
domestication of crops and the genetic dissection and breeding for complexities. Most
important, CRISPR gene editing – a miracle, offers unlimited opportunities for biological
revolution to attain disruptive outcomes in the field of health, food, nutrition, energy, climate
resilience etc. These latest developments have been discussed in chapter 15 leading to the
formulation of new policy options and actions by the Academy. Objectives

1. Spread awareness among farmers to maintain Conservation Continuum by conserving

& developing PGR for food, nutrition and livelihood security and protection of
environment and ecology
2. Spread awareness of protection of farmers’ rights on landraces, conserved species,
their developed varieties and benefit sharing
3. Promote traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources
4. Identify and remove local constraints which inhibit sustenance for in-situ and on-farm
genetic resource collection and conservation
5. Identify strategies for creating convergence between various Missions and
Programmes like National Food Security Mission (NFSM), Paramparagat Krishi
Vikas Yojana (PKVY), Rastriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), Organic Mission,
National Horticulture Mission (NHM), Sustainable Development Mission and
Climate Resilient Agriculture etc

6. Facilitate and technically backstop volume increase and multiplication of protected
varieties and seeding materials among farmer communities along with standard
maintenance practices of varieties
7. Promote establishment of Participatory Plant Breeding, Community Seed Banks and
promote adaptive strategy e.g. Integrated Farming and Nutrient Management System
8. Generate IPR for plant varieties developed and conserved by traditional communities.
9. Develop mechanisms of benefit sharing for registered farmers’ varieties being utilized
by public/private seed industries
10. Give special recognition to the role of women as repository of traditional knowledge
in conservation and utilization of genetic resources
11. Mobilise the financial mechanism through monetary and non-monetary sources to
conserve the agro-biodiversity. The monetary mechanism includes: gene fund,
biodiversity fund, green tax for organic products, visiting fee and the non monetary
mechanism includes transfer of technology, establishing research and development,
joint venture, venture capital fund and Corporate Social Responsibility. Activities

• Generation of awareness: Undertake awareness programmes at grassroot level about

Farmers' Rights and Benefit Sharing Programmes in collaboration with PPV & FRA,
Biodiversity Authority, ICAR/KVKs and other Agencies
• Capacity building: Develop expertise to provide training and capacity building of
farmers, farmer's groups like Agricultural Cooperatives, Farmers' Producer
Organizations, Farmer's Clubs and Farm Women Groups. Build capacity to provide
consultancy and advisory and customized services to farmers, groups, community and
Panchayats to claim rights and benefits including Reward and Recognition and
registration of varieties as per entitlements under various Laws and National and
International Programmes
• Survey, documentation, cataloguing of farmer’s varieties: Undertake survey and
field research for farmers' varieties registered under PPV&FR Act, 2001; utilization
and benefit sharing mechanism and generation of databases for farmers’ varieties and
contribution of any farmer/communities in the evolution and development of any
plant variety
• Farmer’s portal and databases: An interactive electronic platform should be created
to address farmers’ concern by subject matter specialists. Create a Data Bank and
network of farmers with National Award and Recognition and of farmers at
international level especially of SAARC, Africa, South America and Caribbean
countries for mutual learning and experience sharing
• Agri-Entrepreneurship promotion: One of the main objectives is to mentor agri-
enterpreneurs involved in participatory seed production/agri-input and deliver

innovative solutions pertaining to rural areas and to study experiences, methods and
systems successful in promotion of traditional crops, value addition and marketing
and promotion of organic farming
• Linkages with various implementing agencies: The programme shall establish
linkages with all relevant stakeholders in public-private-peasants sectors.
• Sustainability : Promote crop diversity in farmer's field which is considered 'Global
Life Insurance Policy'. Expected outcomes (3 years)

• Awareness among traditional communities/farmers about the Farmers’ Rights

• Conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources for food and agriculture
promoted and scaled up especially in the hotspots
• Development of a mechanism of benefit sharing for utilization of registered farmers’
varieties for development and commercialization of improved varieties by
private/public seed sector. A lead 100 farmers community and 500 individual farmers
would have received gene funds created for the purpose
• Promotion of Agri-enterpreneurship and delivery of innovative services towards
integrated cropping and farming systems, resulting in additional income gains
• Documentation, indexing and cataloguing of farmers’ varieties and sharing of success

IP protection to biological inventions in India is granted under Patent (Amendments) Act

2005 and The Protection of Plant Variety and Farmers’ Rights Act 2001 (PPV&FRA).
Patents are granted on novel products and processes that meet the patentability criterion of
novelty, inventive step and utility. The plants and animals other than microorganisms but
including, varieties and species and essentially biological processes for production of plants
and animals are non-patentable. The PPV&FRA provides for registration of new varieties
after fulfilling the criteria of DUS- distinctiveness, utility and stability.

In case of transgenic seeds, which are made up of two components – a unique genotype and a
transgene – PPVFRA does register transgenic seed a new varietal seed for its unique
genotypic character and not the trangene, which is protected under the IPA, 2005? For
registering varietal seeds containing transgenes, companies are required to obtain a no-
objection certificate from the patent holder, which was recently disposed of in a meeting
called after ‘normal office hour’ on the last day of the retirement of former chairperson of
PPVFRA. Moreover, there is no technology developer cannot approach PPVFRA for
registration of transgenic seeds, as they only own the transgene component of the transgenic
seeds, which can only by protected under IPA, 2005.

Until now, the sui-generis system of IP system has worked very well in protecting plant
varieties under the PPV&FRA 2001 and patenting of biological inventions under the Patent

Act 2005. However, there are some disputed areas including whether a microbial based
biological patent gets invalidated when transferred into a higher organism for its end use?
Neither the Patent Act nor the PPV&FRA prescribe any norms for establishing the value of
an invention. How do we realistically account for development and marketing cost of an
invention and the benefits it is likely to bring to the licensees and the ultimate consumers to
estimate the fees to be paid to the inventors so that the latter are sufficiently encouraged to
continue innovating? It is worth mentioning that the Protection of Plant Variety Authority has
established mechanisms to repay the society whose bioresources are utilized for supporting
the conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources and for strengthening the capability
of the local population in carrying out such conservation and sustainable use.

Given the importance of intellectual property and the potential impact of its regulation on
innovation efforts to meet the goal of food and nutritional security of the country, it is
proposed to have a one-day stakeholder consultation on this important subject. Being
organized jointly by Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) and National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), it is proposed to invite key participants from
ICAR, Ministry of Agriculture, Protection of Plant Variety Authority, Office of Controller
General of Patents, IP experts, lawyers, biotech scientists and breeders, industry leaders,
representatives of associations, consumer society, and other opinion makers in agriculture to
the consultation and debate on IPR protection mechanisms for agricultural innovations and
the needed actions to benefits all the stakeholders from the innovations. The outputs of the
discussion will be widely distributed among all the stakeholders including public and private
sector agricultural, research innovation organizations, legal experts, consumers, media and
others concerned with agricultural research, innovation and development.

• discuss and review the scope of IP protection of biological inventions under the Patent
(Amendments) Act 2005 and plant varieties protection under the PPVFRA 2001

• identify and address grey/overlapping areas of IP protection of biological inventions

and plant varieties protection under the PPVFRA

• recommend measures to enhance implementation and compliances with IPRs

in agriculture and increase public participation and awareness about them.

Additional expected outcomes were:

• Clarity obtained regarding IP protection accorded by Patent Act and PPVFRA to

biological inventions

• Overlapping areas and ambiguities in the two IP protection acts identified and
remedial measures suggested.

PPVFRA and the Global Forum for Farmers jointly organized a ‘Dialogue on Realization of
Farmers’ Rights and Benefit Sharing on 17th August 2018. The Chairman PPVFRA, Prof.
Vinod Prabhu, in his address suggested the following options and pathways for realizing the

Farmers Rights and Benefit Sharing, which the Dialogue endorsed to be further developed
and streamlined in the national system to the satisfaction of all stakeholders.
a. Connect through the RKVY the State Departments and SAUs to help in quantification
of the contribution of a protected farmers’ variety either in direct selling or in the
development of new varieties by the formal sector (public or private)
b. Develop in local communities a voluntary set up at Panchayat level or KVK levels
that is able to scrutinize the information put up for claims of benefit sharing by the
PPVFRA for every new variety registered.
c. Develop in Panchayats involving the Biodiversity Management Committees
(BMCs)facilitated by ATMA, a system for connecting the Plant Biodiversity Register
(PBR) which is mandatory under NBA (2002) with potential gene carriers (donors),
land races maintained by the community.
d. PPVFRA can support for maintenance of the local germplasm pool in situ or ex situ to
ensure availability of pure seeds for verification of the claim of seeking benefit in a
new variety registered under PPVFRA.
e. KVKs in association with their principal SAU/ICAR/NGO set up documenting the
Panchayat owned or local farmer owned traditional variety/landrace in the PBR
(official register) as required under NBA in order to authenticate the claim of the
community on a new variety.
f. Organize capacity building process among the farmers on awareness of the benefits of
the benefit sharing clause of PPVFRA, through trainings specifically carried out for
making claims under Section 26
g. In the case of Hybrids, PPVFRA may organize focused awareness campaigns with
training among farmers to help realize the benefits by being able to recognize the
value of their conserved material in parental line development that resulted in the
commercial value in the Hybrid registered.
h. The PPVFRA may train at H/Q all the PGS awardees to convert their conserved gene
pool into bankable entities for commercial gains for the community
i. The dimension of negotiability value for the use of community conserved germplasm
by characterization of the potential lines highlighting their commercial value in
hybrids and varieties has to be integrated in ATMA project of the DAC&FW through
KVKs within the PPVFRA framework.

Selected references

Agrawal RC and Prabhu KV (2019) Creating harmony and balance among diverse regulatory
bodies for efficient use and management of genetic resources in India. Indian J. Gen.,
79(1): 306-314

FAO (2009) International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, FAO,

IAC (2016) Proceedings of the First International Agrobiodiversity Congress, November
2016, New Delhi.

NAAS (1998) Conservation, Management and Use of Agro-biodiversity. Policy Paper 4,

National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2001) Conservation and Management of Genetic Resources of Livestock. Policy

Paper 14, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2003) Intellectual Property Rights in Agriculture. Policy Paper 19, National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2010) Plant Quarantine including Internal Quarantine Strategies in View of

Onslaught of Disease and Insect Pests. Policy Paper 44, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2017) Strategy on Utilization of Glauconite Mineral as Source of Potassium. Strategy

Paper 8, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NBA (2002) Biological Diversity Act, National Biodiversity Authority, Chennai, Ministry of
Environment and Forest and Climate Change

Paroda RS (2016) Agrobiodiversity Needs Dynamic Change Management. 1st International

Agrobiodiversity Congress : Science, Technology, Policy and Partnership. Indian
Soceity of Plant Genetic Resources & Biodiversity International, New Delhi, 6-9
Novermber, pp 1-11

PPV&FRA (2001) Plant Protection Variety and Farmers Right Act, Govt. of India, Ministry
of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, New Delhi

PPV&FRA (2017-18) Annual Report. Plant Protection Variety and Farmers Right Act, Govt.
of India, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare, New Delhi.

Prabhu KV (2018) PPVFRA and Benefit Sharing, Address at Dialogue on Realization of

Farmers’ Rights and Benefit Sharing organized by PPVFRA and Global Forum for
Farmers, August 2018, New Delhi

Singh RB, Chopra RK, Singh AK, Krishnan SG, Singh NK, Prabhu KV, Singh AK, Bansal
KC and Mahadevappa M (2016) Crop Science in 100 Years of Agricultural Sciences
(ed. R.B. Singh). National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

UNCED/CBD (1992) United Nations Conference on Environment and Development.

Convention on Biological Diversity, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Chapter 7

Agri-Entrepreneurship for Employment and Economic Security

7.1 State of India’s Agrarian Economy

Led by the Rainbow Revolution (Green, White, Yellow, and Blue Revolutions), India has
attained unprecedented growth in agriculture-food system, attaining 4 to 10 times enhanced
production in major commodities during the past five decades and has emerged as the second
largest agrarian economy in the world. The transformation has rendered the country not only
food self-sufficient but also a major exporter of agricultural products. The Revolution has
greatly reduced the incidences of hunger, poverty, and malnutrition. Yet, we have miles to
go. India is still home to nearly 200 million hungry, poor and undernourished people and
about 35 per cent of the world’s hungry children.

A series of programs and policies, research, science, technology, infrastructural, and

institutional initiatives, as well as farmer-market linkages, pricing incentives, value-chain
management, and risk management are being pursued to attain the SDGs -Agenda 2030,
leading to a Zero Hunger India consistent with socio-economic and agro-ecological security.

Over 60 per cent of India still lives in villages, and majority of the rural people depend
directly on agriculture for their livelihood. Of the over 138 million farm families, 67 per cent
are in marginal (<1 ha) farm holding category, while 18 per cent are in smallholder (from 1 to
2 ha) category. The semi-medium (2 to 3.9 ha), medium (4 to 10 ha) and large (>10 ha)
holders respectively account for 10, 4 and 0.7 per cent of the farm holdings. Thus, 85 per cent
of the farm families comprising 600 million people, on an average, live on less than 1 ha
cultivated area.

The situation is further aggravated as the overall contribution of agriculture to the total
National GDP has declined to only 15 per cent, while about 50 per cent of the population is
directly dependent on agriculture for its livelihood security. Thus, average income of a farmer
is about one-fourth of that of a non-farmer, and these farm families are homes to high
proportion of hungry, poor, and undernourished people and stunted and wasted children.
With the increase in the population, the land fragmentation will go on unabated and it is
projected that by 2030 the proportion of small and marginal farmers will swell to 91 per cent,
thus, with business as usual, the ranks of the hungry and poor will further swell.

The Indian enigma of the coexistence of high overall economic growth rate and the
entrenched high prevalence of hunger and poverty and veritable asymmetries can be
attributed substantially to the neglect of agriculture and of the farmer in an agriculturally
important country. The continued over-dependence on agriculture and serious income
disparities between agriculturists and non-agriculturists are ascribed to the “stunted”
structural change in Indian economy. Income in agriculture sector must increase for
accelerated overall growth of the economy as it also creates demand for industrial and service

sectors. In some of the states, where some structural changes have been adopted, the income
disparities are narrowing.

Despite several social protection floors, the inequities remain wide and are proving serious
deterrents to inclusive growth and have reduced the impact of growth on poverty. In this
context, Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen had observed “I do not think there’s enough clarity on
economics here. I do not judge the performance of the Indian economy by growth alone. And
the fact is that human capability expansion is also very critical for economic growth.”

More recently, the GDP growth rate has come down to about 5 per cent. Further, the
unemployment Percentage has increased to 6.1 per cent, highest in the last 45 years.
Concerned with these trends, the Prime Minister began his second term by appointing two
high level Cabinet Committees to look into the economy and unemployment issues.

Obviously, new approaches are called for accelerating the transformation process. Agri-
entrepreneurship and development of related skills may be an effective complementary
approach, and the two committees would be certainly examining the scope of
entrepreneurship in resolving the issues.

7.2 Entrepreneurship in Farming is the Key to Agricultural


Entrepreneurship or Make-in-India (Swadeshi Movement) are not new to India. However, in

post-independence era India did not promote entrepreneurship as means of self-employment,
and entrepreneurship did not scale up until recently. The Montek Singh Ahluwalia’s “Report
of the Task Force on Employment Opportunities”, July 2001 mentions “A large part of the
employment generated by the economy will be self-employment in the informal sector. These
self-employed entrepreneurs need training of the multi-skill variety, going beyond production
skills to include marketing, finance and accounting and elementary management. Such skills
cannot be developed through structured formal training but requires the guidance of
“mentors” in actual business conditions”.

To promote self-employment as a means of job-creation and to promote entrepreneurship for

further job creation, the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) Act, 2006 was
enacted to facilitate the promotion, development and enhancing the competitiveness of micro,
small and medium enterprises. But even after the implementation of the MSME Act, 2006 the
high proportion of unregistered MSME units outside the purview of the Act is a matter of
concern. This was attributed to poor governance and regulatory hurdles.

Fortunately, as elucidated by Sanghi and Srija (2016), towards bridging the gap, the Ministry
of MSME is implementing the entrepreneurship development and skill up-gradation schemes
through appropriate training facilities. The Ministry has set up three national level
Entrepreneurship Development Institutes. There is the scheme for providing support for
“Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators” in
implementation since 2008. A national award scheme has been initiated by MSME for

outstanding performance in Entrepreneurship, Research and Development, Innovation, Lean
Manufacturing Techniques, and Quality Products. Self Help Groups, including Women
SHGs, have also emerged to promote entrepreneurship.

Despite the history and various schemes being in place, the country has generally not
witnessed the natural gradation from self-employment to entrepreneurship as part of the
growth process. To quote the National Knowledge Commission, “50 per cent of the
entrepreneurs experienced difficulties while seeking statutory clearances and licences. Two-
thirds faced hassles while filing taxes and 60 per cent claimed to have encountered
corruption. Another hurdle was in accessing reliable information on registration procedures,
finance and other schemes. 56 per cent claimed that the paucity of quality infrastructure –
especially transport, power, and telecommunications – was a critical barrier.”

In an agrarian economy of India’s dimension, predominated by unemployed youth and

smallholder farmers, entrepreneurship must be a key driver for agrarian transformation and
socio-economic uplift of the majority youth and farmers who often operate on the edges of
the economy in an ever-changing and increasingly complex and competitive global economy.
Further agri-entrepreneurs will greatly strengthen employment security and help harness the
huge demographic dividend.

7.3 Agri-entrepreneurs Characterized

Entrepreneurs are those who increasingly or primarily produce for the market and profits.
They can be individual farmers, group of farmers, farmer’s organization, cooperatives, and
other related professional groups along the value chain viz., suppliers, traders, transporters,
and processers, many others who by themselves are also entrepreneurs. And, all must respect
each other and work together. FAO (2012) had depicted the complex world of the farmer
entrepreneur as below (Figure 1).

Figure 1. The world of the farmer-entrepreneur uncertainty

Weather Economy

Input Suppliers Technology

: Support

Government Finance
The Farmer Agencies


Social Agenda
Source: FAO, 2012

As elucidated by FAO (2012), an entrepreneur is a determined, creative and committed leader

always exploring opportunities to improve, expand, and diversify his business. He is
supposed to be a bit imaginative, must be guided by technological possibilities and should
have lots of patience. And, entrepreneur likes to take calculated risks, but need not be over
ambitious, yet be able to gather courage and bring new approaches.

Entrepreneurs are also innovators and keep coming up with better and efficient ways to
optimize their profits without jeopardizing their agro-ecological assests and sustainability.
This is particularly important in this fast changing highly competitive and globalized world.

Entrepreneurship is a dynamic process of building enterprises of various sizes at different

levels from establishment, survival, growth and maturity. A successful farmer entrepreneur
who is mentally committed, technically sound, innovative and plans ahead can take his farm
business to desired heights. However, in this journey he meets veritable barriers – social,
economic, regulatory, information, weather aberrations, and access to finances. These
barriers are not insurmountable, but the entrepreneur must have the necessary courage,
conviction, confidence, skill, and patience to cope with and win over. As summed up by FAO
(2012), some important characteristics of an entrepreneur are summarized below (Figure 2).

Figure 2. Some ‘typical’ characteristics of an entrepreneur


• Risk taker • Flexible

• Self confident • Adaptive
• Positive • Changes in an opportunity
• Persuasive • Tolerates ambiguity


The Farmer-
• Competitive Entrepreneur • Trustworthy
• Takes initiative • Honest
• Goal-driven


• Highly motivated • Problem solver

• Highly energy • Creative
• Determined • Innovative
• Persevering • Imaginative
• Learns from failure

Source: FAO, 2012

There are nine key entrepreneurial competencies for a farmer-entrepreneur: initiative,

ambition, focused problem-solving, creative thinking, taking risks, flexibility and
adaptability, interpersonal abilities, networking and readiness to learn. With these

competencies, farmers will be more able to compete in this new environment and make
profits by taking advantage of new market opportunities. These competencies can be acquired
through practice, experience and training. Further, these must be complemented with three
technical competencies, namely, managing inputs, managing production, and managing
marketing. And all these attributes must be combined in practice.

The entrepreneurial response to change comprises the following eight inter-dependent action
points and attributes (FAO, 2012):

• Capturing value within the value chain by introducing value-adding enterprises

• Enhancing and managing efficiencies in production to cut input costs and to enhance
• Promoting new technologies and innovations to adapt to changing economy and
market and to enhance competitiveness
• Sustaining land management for evergreen economy – swasth dhara to khet hara
• Broadening management skill to meet the expanding demands and complexities to
manage the synergies as well s asymmetries
• Trustworthiness and respect in business to ensure long-term success and continued
quality technical input along the value chain
• Promoting group entrepreneurship, initially supported by the extension system, but
ultimately the overall management to be the responsibility of the group
• Managing farm business according to a long term plan so that the business stays on
The above FAO thoughtful details constitute invaluable training material and should be used
in our human resources development programmes.

7.4 Recent Entrepreneurship Initiatives

7.4.1 Startups

Some of the enterprising and determined entrepreneurs have taken to Start-ups. As revealed
by Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi, the convergence of technology, integration across
diverse fields, distributed architecture and people willing to back an idea, have opened a new
world for enterprise. “I see Start-ups, technology and innovation as exciting and effective
instruments for India’s transformation, and for creating jobs for our youth”. Among others,
the government is vigorously promoting the Start-ups ecosystem, including adequate funds
for startups to help them grow; to create an environment of ease of doing business; ready
availability of essential services like office space, location, supplies telecom connectivity etc.;
and mentors to provide strategic advice.

To give boost to the Make in India programme, the MSME Ministry had launched A Scheme
for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry & Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) in March 2015,
aiming to set up a network of technology and incubation centers to accelerate
entrepreneurship and also to promote start-ups for innovation and entrepreneurship in agro-
industry. Further, to ease the credit availability requirements of startups the Government had
announced the Micro Units Development & Refinancing Agency (MUDRA), operated by
Small Industrial Development Bank of India (SIDBI) for providing refinance to micro units.
This would improve the liquidity of the micro units who right now have to borrow from Non-
Banking Finance Corporations (NBFCs) and moneylenders at high rates of interest.

Stand-Up India Scheme launched on 5 April 2016, gives new and promising entrepreneurs a
chance at making it big. The scheme aims to provide a special thrust to entrepreneurship
among women and scheduled castes and tribes. The scheme is anchored at the Department of
Financial Services (DFS), Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Under the scheme, bank
loans between Rs. 10 lakh to Rs. 1 crore are provided for setting up a green-field enterprise.
This scheme is being made available to at least one Scheduled Caste (SC) or Scheduled Tribe
(ST) borrower, and at least one women borrower, per bank branch. The objective of the
scheme is to support SC, ST and women entrepreneurs, who face numerous challenges, in
setting up enterprises, obtaining loans and other needs from time to time. The scheme
therefore endeavors to create an ecosystem which facilitates and continues to foster a
supportive environment for ease of doing business, thus greatly promoting entrepreneurship
as well as equity.

7.4.2 Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)

This programme, operated from NITI Aayog, is about an Innovation Promotion Platform
involving academics, entrepreneurs and researchers and draws upon national and
international experiences to foster a culture of innovation, R&D and scientific research in
India. The platform will promote a network of world-class innovation hubs and grand
challenges for India. The overarching purpose of this mission is to promote a culture of
entrepreneurship and innovation in India. The key objectives of the AIM are:

• To create an umbrella structure to oversee innovation eco-system of the country

• To provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders
• To study and suggest best and novel practices to be adopted by different stakeholders
in the innovation chain
• To provide policy inputs to NITI Aayog and various Government Departments and
• To create awareness and provide knowledge inputs in creating innovation challenges
and funding mechanism to government
• To develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors
of economy.

7.4.3 Self Employment and Talent Utilization (SETU)

It aims to bridge Techno-Financial, Incubation and Facilitation Programmes to support all

aspects of startup businesses and other self-employment activities, particularly in technology
driven areas operated from NITI Aayog.

7.4.4 Electronics Development Fund (EDF)

Launched by the Ministry of C&IT, it promotes innovation, research and development, and
product development in the field of semiconductors, nano-electronics, IT and associated
sectors by bringing in established companies and startups on board. The objective is to do
research, design, and develop electronic products within the country for which the startup
units would be provided supportive financial assistance from the EDF.

7.4.5 Digital India

It has been launched to provide broadband connectivity in rural and urban areas. Introduction
of digital rural connectivity would give a big boost in developing traditional rural arts, crafts
or other innovative ideas into business models.

7.4.6 Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)

IPR is being promoted to protect one’s products from impersonators. The startups need to go
for design patents, trademarks, copyright or trade secrets protection as the need maybe before
marketing their product.

7.4.7 India Aspiration Fund

It was launched with Rs. 2000 crore by SIDBI in August 2015 to boost the startups fund of-
funds ecosystem in the country. This fund would invest in various venture capital funds for
meeting the equity requirement of MSME start-ups. A SIDBI Make in India Loan for Small
Enterprises (SMILE) Scheme of Rs.10,000 crore has also been launched to catalyze tens of
thousands of crores of equity investment in start-ups and MSMEs, creating employment for
lakhs of persons, mostly educated youth over the next 4-5 years.

It is hoped that the recently established Cabinet Committees on Economy and on

Employment and Skill Development should duly internalize the above moves and further
strengthen them for entrepreneurship revolution for enhancing employment and income of
the masses, especially smallholder farmers.

7.5 Research and Extension Support

Research works at the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), (Rashmi Sigh, M.S.
Nain, J.P. Sharma, J.R. Mishra and others) on developing entrepreneurship for enhanced and
sustained farm income in the NCR covering villages in Delhi, Rohtak, Hapur, Faridabad, and
the surrounding have conducted several experiments and shown significant increase in

profits, improved standard of living, sense of achievement, increased social interaction,
improved decision making capacity, recognition of peer groups, and more investment in
children’s education. They have concluded that “agripreneurship development may be
visualized as a process whereby individual’s motivations and aspirations trigger it and their
entrepreneurial competencies, adoption of best practices and facilitative socio-economic
factors play sequential role in reaching agripreneurial success. It is the farmers’ ability to
rural environment which proves critical for achieving success. For developing agripreneurs, it
is essential that an effective network is built consisting of various stakeholders like input
suppliers, mentors, technical experts, marketing and supply chain agencies.”

Of the 165 farmers trained by the group, 51 have launched their own rural agri-enterprises.
Some of their main observations are as below:

• Youth are interested to take up agriculture if hi-tech agriculture options are available
• It is possible to train rural youth for uptake of agri-enterprises since they are inclined
to take up enterprises based on agriculture which they are familiar with
• Training modules incorporating entrepreneurial behavioral aspects along with
technological skills training are must to achieve desired success
• Farmer-led innovations are needed to be up-scaled and out scaled
• KVKs training modules must incorporate human domain as well as technology
• Selection of potential agrientrepreneurs must be done utilizing standardized tools
available to test their orientation for selection so as to ensure higher success rate of
training interventions
• Convergence of efforts of all stakeholders involved results in higher success rate of
entrepreneurship development in rural areas
• ETIPs- There is paucity of entrepreneurial information packages for potential
entrepreneurs (from 1st stage to the end stage – planning, technical skills,
methodology, marketing and finally economic analysis of technologies developed by
research institute)
• Farmer Producer Organizations and Group Entrepreneurship (FIGs, SHGs) are
essential for entrepreneurial efforts of small and marginal farmers, who are in

The extension system should be competent to combine the special talents, behaviors, and
skills to strengthen agri-entrepreneurship. Extension workers need to follow up formal
training with guidance and support in taking actions on what has been learned. Training will
be effective only if farmers have access to get the resources and services needed to establish
and expand their farm businesses, such as finance and markets. Extension workers may also
need to facilitate the establishment of producer organizations that can contribute to
stimulating entrepreneurship, and to guide farmers through changes.

Further, extension workers have a responsibility to support farmers by facilitating links with
financial institutions and advising them on the terms and conditions of loans. Similarly they
have a role in providing information on market opportunities and facilitating links with

Moreover, extension workers have an important role to support entrepreneurial farmers by

facilitating linkages and developing networks and partnerships along the value chain.

Finally, often a culture of entrepreneurship is needed for farmers to achieve their

entrepreneurial vision. Extension workers can play a part by communicating a common
vision to both farmers and other stakeholders in the value chain as well as the values needed
to conduct business in an ethical way. Extension workers can support these farmers by
reducing the risks for innovation.

7.6 Group Entrepreneurship in Farming – The Amul Model

Despite certain limitations, group entrepreneurship is a proven successful model of agri-

business and farmers welfare. Its key advantages include:

• Greater power from pooled resources and scale of economy

• Internalizing shared multiple life/business experiences and promoting professionalism
• Protection from exploitative traders, markets and anti-social elements.

These approaches and experiences championed by the Small Farmer Agriculture Cooperative
(SFAC), especially by Pravesh Sharma, Former Chairman, SFAC, in form of Farmer
Producer Organizations (FPOs) particularly in Maharastha, Gujarat and Karnataka should be
scaled-up and scaled-out.

Dr. Verghese Kurien had transformed India from a milk-deficit nation to the largest producer
of milk in the world (current production nearly 170 mt, about eight fold increase during 1960-
2017) and through his cooperatives movement had empowered millions of smallholder
farmers to walk out of entrenched hunger and poverty – a huge change heralded as the White
Revolution. The two Revolutions, Green and White, had saved millions of human lives and
have been the backbone of national food security in India. Both the Revolutions were based
on: (i) strong technological and innovation leadership, (ii) strong political will and support,
(iii) strong farmer-market linkage, encompassing suitable price, market and services support,
especially in case of the White Revolution, and (iv) farmers’ enthusiasm, self-esteem and
cooperative approach. Although the Green Revolution was more publicized, the White
Revolution was equally effective but rather silent and more sustained.

The socio-economic face of the White Revolution has been shining green. In terms of value
of product (VoP), milk equals rice plus wheat. Moreover, livestock distribution is highly
egalitarian and growth in this sub sector has been highly pro-poor and pro-women.
Recognizing that : (i) the livestock accounts for nearly 30 per cent of the Agricultural GDP

and its contribution is accelerating at an average annual growth rate of 4 per cent and above,
(ii) milk accounts for two-thirds of the total value of livestock, and (iii) the demand for milk
continues to be high, the White Revolution must be extended and consolidated in all parts of
the country not only for fighting the stubbornly high undernutrition, especially in children,
but also for alleviating deep rooted poverty, livelihood insecurity, and inequity. Moreover,
linkages between on- and off-farm employment fostered by dairy value chains and integrated
farming systems offer unique entrepreneurial and youth employment opportunities in rural

“The man who made the elephant dance”, Dr. Kurien, from day one of his professional career
starting in 1949 at the Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers’ Union Limited
(KDCMPUL), Anand, had committed himself to galvanize the people’s power - the millions
of resource-poor milkmen, by creating cooperatives which empowered democracy at the
grassroots level and brought about powerful social changes. Born out of a noncooperation
movement led by none other than Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel against the monopoly of Polson
Dairy, KDCMPUL was established in 1946 to enable the producers to gain control over their
resources they created. Under the patronage of Mr. Tribhuvan Das Patel, the founder of
KDCMPUL, Dr. Kurien emerged as a marketing genius and transformed KDCMPUL into
Amul Value Chain comprising milk producers – village-cooperatives – chiller unit –
pasteurizer unit – cooling and packaging unit – wholesalers and distributers – retailers –
customers. By the end of 1960, Amul Dairy with its most famous iconic brand Amul, marked
the beginning of the White Revolution in India, and Anand – the seat of Amul, became the
Milk Capital of India, and Dr. Kurien the “Milkman of India”. Praising this effort, Borlaug
had noted that “without effective methods of distribution, food has no way of reaching the
tables of the world’s population”.

The white splash caught attention of the then most visionary and humanist Prime Minister
Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri. In 1964 while inaugurating the new cattle-feed plant of Amul, the
Prime Minister saw the success of milk co-operatives and asked Dr. Kurien to replicate the
Amul pattern across the country. The vision and effort resulted in the creation of the National
Dairy Development Board (NDDB). The World Bank provided unconditional loan for
NDDB, which facilitated and triggered the replication of Amul model across India under the
world famous programme called Operation Flood – christened so by Dr. Kurien himself,
literally meaning flood of milk through increased milk production.

Charged with the dictums of India’s great leaders, Sardar Patel and Prime Minister Shri Lal
Bahadur Shastri, Kurien strategically implemented the Operation Flood in three phases. In
Phase I, 1970-80, four Mother Dairies linked to 18 of India’s premier milksheds were
established which greatly increased both production and procurement. In Phase II, 1981-85,
136 milksheds, 296 urban markets, 43,000 village cooperatives with 4.25 m milk producers
were added which boosted direct marketing by producers. In Phase III, 1985-96, volumes of
milk produced and procured increased dramatically. Animal, health, feed and artificial
insemination (AI) services were strengthened; Members education was intensified, 30,000
cooperatives were added, milksheds peaked to 173, women members and women

cooperatives increased rapidly. Most significantly, emphasis on research & development in
animal health, nutrition, technologies adoption, quality products and human resource
development were enhanced.

The White Revolution thus created and nurtured by Dr. Kurien is rooted in the over 1,45,000
village level dairy cooperatives and over 15 million farmers, mostly smallholders and
landless farmers. Building on Kurien’s legacy and further strengthening the growth
trajectory, projected milk production and demand in 2021-22 is about 200 million tonnes, 50
per cent of which will be realized in the organized sector. The anticipated size of the dairy
industry market will be about US$ 150 billion. In order to materialize the projected growth,
India will need a six- to seven-fold increase in its strength of dairy technocrats, graduates and
diploma holders.

The White Revolution must be rendered still more greener. The future efforts must focus on
increasing milk productivity through genetic conservation and improvement, increased feed
and fodder security and health care and augmenting the value chain – processing, quality
control and efficient distribution. Currently, hardly 5 per cent of public spending in
agriculture goes to the livestock sector, and the share to Dairy Development has been
dropping. Moreover, institutional credit to livestock sector is only about 3 per cent of total
agricultural credit. Further, despite numbering 1.5 lakh, dairy cooperatives procure less than
10 per cent of the total milk produced in the country. These veritable gaps must be abridged
toward rendering the White Revolution evergreen.

It is gratifying that the Government of India has initiated an Intensive Dairy Development
Programme, and its National Dairy Plan, Phase I, comprises productivity enhancement,
augmenting village level infrastructure for linking producers with market, improving genetic
potential of bovines and adopting adequate biosecurity measures. The other components
include: Strengthening infrastructure for quality and clean milk production and distribution,
assistance to cooperative and dairy entrepreneurship development scheme, and the Livestock
Development Board.

The NAAS and the entire scientific community see the White Revolution as a national
movement served by hubs of knowledge, technology, skill and leadership, and must commit
themselves to sustain and render it ever greener. In this context, partnerships among public,
private, industry, farmers, consumers and civil society nurtured by built-in mechanisms of
priority and targets settings, feedback, problem identification, and strategic implementation
are a must. As envisioned by Dr. Verghese Kurien, dynamic agro-ecologically differentiated
national dairy research, technology, education, skill development and technology transfer
systems must be institutionalized towards sociologically, economically, and environmentally
sustainable developments.

Despite outstanding success of the Amul model of cooperative entrepreneurship, the model has
not been adopted in many regions even in the dairy sector, what to say of other sectors. The
research behind the non-adoption should be critically examined, and solutions should be found
to judiciously adopt the model to harness the entrepreneur potential of the agriculture sector.

7.6 Transforming Agricultural Education to Harness the
Entrepreneurial Attributes

Continued learning as per the business life cycle is essential for success. Both formal and
non-formal education (learning) alongwith learning by doing are essential for building the
needed capacity and skill. Besides extension systems and corporate sector, public sector
institutions, State Agricultural Universities, ICAR institutes, especially National Institute of
Agricultural Extension Management ( MANAGE), other universities and public sector
institutions viz. CSIR, should play active role in building the trained and skilled human
resources in agri-entrepreneurship.

The Fifth Deans’ Committee of the ICAR has updated the curricula of agricultural
universities in line with the national initiatives entitled “Rural and Entrepreneurship
Awareness Development Yojana” (READY) and “Attracting and Retaining Youth in
Agriculture” (ARYA). The student READY program aims to reorient graduates for ensuring
and assuring employability and develop entrepreneurs for emerging knowledge intensive
agriculture. The component envisages the introduction of the programme in all the
Agricultural Universities as an essential prerequisite for the award of degree to ensure hands
on experience and practical training. It comprises three components: (i) Experiential Learning
(ii) Rural Agriculture Work Experience (iii) In Plant Training/Industrial attachment.

The above three components, as briefly described below, are interactive and are
conceptualized for building skills in project development and execution, decision-making,
individual and team coordination, approach to problem solving, accounting, quality control,
marketing and resolving conflicts, etc. with end to end approach.

• Experimental Learning helps the student to develop competence, capability, capacity

building, acquiring skills, expertise, and confidence to start their own enterprise and
turn job creators instead of job seekers
• Rural Agriculture Work Experience also enables the students to gain hands-on
experience giving them confidence and enhancing on-farm problem-solving abilities
in real life situations
• In-Plant Training for a short period of time in relevant industry to gain the knowledge
and experience of the work culture. In-Plant Training by reputed organizations
provides industrial exposures to the students as well as to develop their career in the
high tech industrial requirements.

Towards training agricultural graduates to be an entrepreneur the Vth Deans’ Committee has
made the following recommendations:
• Education for Agriculture in the 21st Century should have the goal that every
becomes an entrepreneur. Thus, Business Management should be mainstreamed in all
applied courses, e.g. Seed Technology and Business, besides establishing new
faculties or Departments of Agricultural Business Management. Private companies

and cooperatives, manufacturing and distributing agricultural inputs and related
products should, other things being equal, give preference to such agricultural
graduates for employment and granting licenses and dealerships
• Like the IITs, Centers of Excellence in form of Agricultural IITs and Agricultural
IIMs should be created to ensure availability of quality human resources in
agriculture-led development. A new Government programme on ‘Youth for
Leadership in Farming’ should be launched
• The University curricula must capture the latest trends and their impact in the next 10
to 15 years and train the graduates accordingly. For instance, increasing role of
livestock, horticulture and fisheries in meeting the socio-economic goals are evident.
Our curricula should emphasize that the White and Blue Revolutions in India are
fairly green and inclusive, and drivers of protein and overall nutritional security
• Keeping in mind India’s commitment to climate justice, our curricula should underpin
that livestock impact climate change and get impacted by it substantially, and is
increasingly obliged to mitigate its own GHG emissions. Thus, there is an urgent need
to reorient livestock education and research and assess the genetic potential of
indigenous breeds. Students should be trained in the frontier areas to establish their
own unique enterprises, such as multi-antibody vaccine production based on
indigenous cattle, under the Make-in-India and Start-up-India initiatives
• While maintaining desired national level uniformity in designing agricultural courses
and curricula, adequate flexibility should be provided to meet the agro-ecologically
differentiated challenges and opportunities, viz hill agriculture, coastal agriculture,
dryland agriculture etc.
• Agriculture curricula in the past had little coverage of indigenous knowledge and
innovations. In the contemporary agriculture, we need innovations more than ever
before. The observance of this decade as the ‘Decade of Innovation in India’ is a
recognition of this reality. Importance of cost effective, location-specific and
affordable farm Innovations emphasizing value chain management, new extension
systems promotion of agri-business models and entrepreneurship should be
highlighted in curricula
• Agricultural education, research and extension institutions are increasingly challenged
to transform to produce newer technologies, create comprehensive knowledge pool
and strengthen trained, skilled and retooled human resources to meet the challenges
and new opportunities unleashed by technological revolutions and the fast changing
world. Our universities must occupy respectable places in the world ranking. In this
context, we must ask ourselves the following questions as we move forward to
transform our agriculture and allied sectors towards reshaping India
• We have generally failed both at national and international levels to suitably and
adequately communicate the outstanding achievements to the veritable stakeholders –
political leaders, policy makers, scientists, development partners, farmers, consumers,
and the civil society. The Proposed curriculum attempts to strengthen communication

science and technology capacities to ensure effective and timely communication of
actual and potential impacts of the products and outcomes.

7.8 Every Agriculture Graduate to be fully Equipped to be an Agri-


The need for attracting and retaining intellect, especially the youth, in agriculture must be a
high priority as the complexities of challenges and opportunities are intensifying. Mentoring
all stakeholders, from the ground to the top level, by experienced and successful mentors
should become a part of the teaching-learning process in the NARES, as being practiced in
the Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD), and common in western countries.
The Department of Science and Technology (DST) is already mentoring students through its
Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) program and MHRD is
funding such incentives under the program called Global Initiatives of Academic Network
(GIAN). The Handbook of Mentoring and Performance Audit prepared by the DST and
MHRD could be used as a starting template for the agricultural system. The Department of
Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), ICAR and NAAS may institutionalize
implementation of the roadmap prepared by the Academy. Willing NAAS Fellows may
participate in the initiative to encourage younger colleagues for excellence in agricultural

India is joining the Big Data Management. In a country of India’s size and magnitude with
varying agro-climatic situations, we need a centralized agriculture data base on a variety of
issues that are of interest to scientists, students, farmers and industry. Through such an
arrangement, in line with the Big Data movement, the data can be easily accessed by one and
all. It is extremely important to use modern information and communication systems for
marketing, sales and pricing activities to move with the time. This is a bright option for the
graduating youths as well as for the e-market platform recently launched by the Prime
Minister. These developments have been seeded in the curricula, and should figure more
prominently as the necessary facilities and faculties mentors are in place.

With the current thrust on Make-in-India, Start-up-India, Skill India, Digital India etc. we
need to evolve agricultural education system that is harmonized with job markets and
entrepreneurship and also meets the changing needs of agriculture and rural sectors. Special
capacities are thus required to be built in education system for nurturing the students. These
include creativity and innovation, use of high technology, and entrepreneurial and moral
leadership. India is already a knowledge power and must become the leader in the knowledge
revolution. And, this will also help the universities to occupy respectable places in the world

Several of the ICAR initiatives, such as the Rural Entrepreneurship and Awareness
Development Yojana (READY), encompassing Experiential Learning Programme (ELP) and
Rural Agricultural Work Experience (RAWE) and in-plant/industrial attachment are highly
relevant. The Council has stepped up efforts to attract talented students and young faculty,

such as the Agricultural Science Pursuit for Inspired Research Excellence (ASPIRE)
programme. Along with READY, Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture (ARYA)
programme, is most timely, and could mutually reinforce the Farmer First campaign of
ICAR. These various initiatives should be congrued and regularly monitored for their
implementation and impact assessment.

A few projects, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) initiatives, are
innovating in the areas of social engineering and humanity towards enhancing and stabilizing
livelihood security of resource-poor and vulnerable farmers. BMGF being a
telecommunication giant, the Foundation may establish model Innovation Centres at selected
SAU campuses to link farmers, agriculture, agribusiness and digital communication in a real-
world situation to trigger new exciting opportunities, particularly for the young innovators
and entrepreneurs in harnessing best of the science and technology in serving farmers to save
and transform farming, leading to accelerated economic growth and employment.

Incubation centres should be created in research university campuses. Such settings become
incubators for new ideas and stimulate and trigger young minds to innovate. Several of such
innovations find practical applications and synergise the university-industry linkage including
joint appointments, and enrich the research and academic stream. With such a setup, a good
number of students shall be working as interns with the companies, thus gaining invaluable
hands-on experience that will jump start their careers. The incubators for start-up companies
will help convert innovations into commercial businesses thus boosting the Startup India

Education for Agriculture in the 21st Century and the Third Generation Universities should
have the goal that every agricultural graduate becomes an entrepreneur. Thus, as suggested
by the Committee, business management should be mainstreamed in major applied courses,
e.g. Seed Technology, Dairy Technology, Fish Technology, Food Processing etc., besides
establishing new Faculties or Departments of Agricultural Business Management. Private
companies and cooperatives, manufacturing and distributing agricultural inputs and related
products should, other things being equal, give preference to such agricultural graduates for
employment and granting licenses and dealerships.

The proposed curricula and quality measures should render agriculture as an intellectually
more stimulating discipline and an economically rewarding profession to attract talent and
investment. An academic legitimacy has been provided to contemporary challenges and
opportunities for greater understanding in the classrooms as well as by our policy makers.
The efforts should revitalize the youth to find agriculture, agribusiness, agriculture related
service sector, and the pursuit of agricultural science and technology generation as an
attractive vocation, career and profession. In this context, new trans-disciplinary areas and
entrepreneurship have been proposed as new subjects of formal study and informal learning
to harness demographic dividends.

Given the comprehensive leadership of the ICAR and the commitment of the NARES,
Judicious implementation of the recommendations of this committee will go to a longway in

transforming Indian Agricultural Education to reshape India is the fast changing
demographics, socio-economic, ecological and environmental regimes of the world.

7.9 Leveraging Agritech Startups in Indian Agriculture

With the growing agriculture-dependent economy, the ICAR is now giving greater
importance to commercialization of potential technologies enabling agrientrepreneurs to take
up agri-startups and has established AgrInnovate (AgIn) India to promote income,
employment and livelihood security. The Department of Agricultural Research and Education
(DARE) established AgrInnovate India Limited in 2011. Its vision is to stimulate, foster,
enhance and catalyse innovation and capacity driven agricultural development through
partnerships. Its mission to enhance pace of agricultural development through efficient use of
innovations, human resource and capabilities of National Agricultural Research System

Main objectives of AgIn are:

• Protection, management, commercialization and distribution of Intellectual Property

for public benefit
• Production, marketing and popularization of ICAR’s products, processes and
technologies in agriculture and allied sectors such as seed, planting material, vaccines,
diagnostics, biotechnological products, other value-added inputs and products and
farm implements and machinery
• Providing consultancies, contract research, contract services, customized capacity
• Setting up of research and production farms outside India and undertaking global
brand building initiatives
• Providing technical support for turn key projects on production and processing plants
in agriculture and allied sectors
• Creation of Public-Private Partnership in research, education and other capacity
building endeavors in agriculture and allied sectors
• Carrying out activities to integrate proficiencies in agricultural sciences with
management, such as market intelligence, pricing and valuation issues, to nurture
demand-driven research.

To this ‘one stop shop’ for all the stakeholders, ICAR provides the necessary Specialized
Scientific Expertise as depicted below:

Source: AgrInnovate India Ltd and ICAR, New Delhi

AgIn offers the following services:

• One stop shop for market ready agri technologies

• Facilitates strategic collaborations & turnkey projects (domestic & foreign)
• Capacity building on Intellectual Property & Technology Management
• Impact assessment
• Technology valuation & pricing.

The current areas of focus of the company are:

• Seed & planting material (field crops, horticulture)

• Bio based agri inputs (bio pesticides, bio fertilizers, nano inputs with regulatory
• Animal husbandry, dairy & fisheries (diagnostics, vaccines, feed & nutritional
• Post-harvest value added products (horticulture, meat, dairy & fisheries)
• Small & marginal farmer friendly agricultural tools, implements & machinery
• Biotechnological products (protocols, GMO detection, molecular markets).

The future thrust area of AgIn are:

• A marketplace for agri technologies

• Streamlined process for technology commercialization
• Technology validation & upscaling for ICAR & other institutions
• Branding & evaluation
• Technology pricing and valuation.

The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers and Welfare, Department of

Agricultural Research and Education (DARE), and the ICAR of the MoA&FW, respectively
through the National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management (MANAGE),
Directorate of Agricultural Knowledge Management (DKMA), and IPR management unit,
substantially, contribute to the GoI’s initiatives for agribusiness and agri-entripreneurial
development. For instance, the Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business Centers Scheme (AC & ABC)
of the Ministry organizes through MANGE two-month residential certificate training in Agri-
entrepreneurship development for eligible candidates across the country using Nodal Training
Institutes (NTIs). Presently 131 NTIs are implementing the training program. After the
training, one-year handholding support is given by the NTIs to the trained candidates for
establishing agri-ventures. The trained entrepreneurs are also assisted through start-up loan
and credit. Since inception, a total of 65,790 candidates have been trained and 28,131
ventures established (agripreneur e-bulletin volume 11, 2019). The key output of this
program is an agripreneur with qualified knowledge along with entrepreneurial skills.

Prof. Raghunath Mashelkar, Former Secretary to the GoI and Director-General, CSIR, in his
Dr. A.B. Joshi Memorial Lecture “Leveraging Agritech Startups in Indian Agriculture
Innovation Ecosystem” at the recently held XIV Agricultural Science Congress highlighted
that In India, we have daunting challenges in our agriculture system. They range from the
need for substantial enhancement of our productivity to dealing with over dependency on
monsoons, to managing dry land farming as also the small and fragmented land holdings to
rapid elimination of poverty and malnourishment. Climate change poses some daunting
challenges too. To deal with all these, India needs to take recourse to not only innovation but
‘disruptive game changing innovation’.

He suggested that in building the new National Agricultural Innovation System, one of the
important measures is to fully develop and use `collective intelligence’ that involves several
stakeholders. Amongst this should be innovative youth, but not at the periphery but at the
core. Recalling the various initiatives of the government, namely, Make-in-India, Skill India,
Start-up-India, e-NAM, etc, he reiterated that assured success in innovation would come from
an ASSURED Innovation matrix: A (Affordable), S (Scalable), S (Sustainable), U
(Universal), R (Rapid), E (Excellent), and D (Distinctive). He concluded that Young Indian
Agritech Startups are emerging, but somewhat slowly. If the current Agriculture Innovation
Ecosystem can leverage the Agritech startups by bringing them from periphery to the core
then not only we provide an opportunity for the youth to contribute to the greatest public

good, namely agriculture, but we can also accelerate the disruptive innovation led agriculture
based inclusive growth, which can be achieved within a decade.

Prof. Mashelkar referred to the new developments in digital platforms, rural agriculture to
urban agriculture, precision agriculture for input and water use optimization, gene-editing for
multi-trait improvements, biological based crop protection, micronutrients for soil
management, microbiome technologies to enhance crop resilience, agriculture robots, which
cut down on operation costs and accomplish more with small workforce, CRISPR, a bold
new technology used now by scientists that can create drought tolerant, disease proof, ultra
high yields crops, and disruptive technologies such lab grown meat alternatives that test
identical to the real thing, but does not require cultivation/slaughter of livestock. These
innovations provide new opportunities to produce More from Less for More.

The startup India initiative, launched by Prime Minister Shri Modi is expected to have
100,000 startups with 3.25 million employees, with a market value of USD 500 billion
dollars by 2025. Youth are playing a major role in this start-up movement. Beside the Fund of
Funds, Government of India is catalysing agri- entrepreneurship with programmes like the
Agri-Udaan Accelerator and the Agri Grand Challenge. Government-backed funding
agencies like the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) is
incentivizing banks to lend at highly affordable rates to start-ups.

Prof. Mashelkar emphasized that patents are valuable for startups. The 2008 Berkeley Study
titled ‘Patenting by Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Study’ found that 67 per cent of venture
backed start-ups reported that patents had been vital for them in securing investment. While
40 per cent of all the start-ups held patents, 80 per cent of those receiving venture capital
investments owned patents. Patents not only ensure a startup’s freedom to operate, but can
also help startups form joint ventures and R&D partnerships. According to a 2014 National
Science Foundation backed study, 49 per cent of manufacturing and service firms used
inventions obtained from external sources to develop their most important new products and

7.10 Policy Directive

Promotion of export of agriculture processed commodities is essential for expansion of

agriprienurship. Thus Indian agriculture will have to be highly efficient competitive and
knowledge-based to capture foreign markets. A stable and proactive trade policy must be
formulated to ensure trade sustainability and enhanced net trade. We must be able to critically
analyze the global situation and position ourselves to develop our own market and promote
niche commodities. Needless to assert, quality and food safety aspects must be the highest

While we must empathize the farmers and rural poor, we must not build their homes on sand.
The routine “hand outs”, loan waivers, and free electricity and water will not strengthen them
sustainably, rather will erode their dignity, pride and confidence. Notwithstanding the
necessity of smart stress relief measures and risk management provisions, we must empower

and skill the farmers and rural youth to become entrepreneurs by ensuring their access to
appropriate technologies, mentorship, markets, remunerative price realization, timely services
and input support, communication, knowledge platforms, and infrastructure. With such
empowerment they would themselves be able to feed their aspirations, and build the
necessary self-confidence, and will generate wealth not only for themselves, but would also
create new employments. Thus, agri-entrepreneurship should become a treasured possession
of a good number of farmers and other stakeholders along the value-chain to synergistically
accelerate economic growth and employment security towards building New India.

Selected References

AgrInnovate Annual Report (2017-18) Department of Agricultural Research and Education

(DARE), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare, GoI, New Delhi.

Atal Innovation Mission (2019) NITI Aayog, New Delhi.

FAO (2012) Entrepreneurship in Farming (prepared by David Kahan), Rome.

NAAS (2006) Employment opportunities in farm and non-farm sectors. Policy Paper 37,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2008) High Value Agriculture in India: Prospects and Policies. Policy Paper 40,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.

NAAS (2015) Linking Farmers with Markets for Inclusive Growth in Indian Agriculture.
Policy Paper 75, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

Mashelkar RA (2019) Leveraging Agritech Startups in Indian Agriculture Innovation System.

A.B. Joshi Memorial Lecture, 12th Agricultural Science Congress, National Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

Sanghi S, Srija A (2016) Entrepreneurship Development in India – The Focus on Start-ups.

Laghu Udyog Samachar, Special Article, NITI Aayog, New Delhi

Chapter 8

Water Security*

8.1 NAAS’s Work on Water Security

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) has always maintained that agri-
food system security is synonymous to water security. Thus it is not a surprise that the very
first Policy Paper brought out by the Academy in 1995 was on National Water Policy. India
has the very formidable and challenging task of feeding 17.5 per cent of the world’s human
population from a meagre 2.4 per cent of land, further, constrained by the fact that the
country has only 4 per cent of the global water resources at its disposal. In addition to the
second largest human population, which will soon become the largest, the country has to also
provide feed and fodder to 11.5 per cent of the world’s livestock population from the same
quantum of land and water resources.

In view of the vital importance of water for human and animal life, for maintaining ecological
balance and for economic and developmental activities of all kinds, and considering its
increasing scarcity, the planning and management of this resource and its optimal,
economical and equitable use has become a matter of utmost urgency. The success of the
national water policy will depend entirely on the development and maintenance of a national
consensus and commitment to its underlying principles and objectives. Research is needed to
develop site-specific management strategies for sustainable agriculture under such situations.

Agriculture, being the major user sector using almost 80 per cent of available water resource
potential, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) is concerned about its use
and consequences. In order to critically analyze and deliberate different water related issues
pertaining to improving water productivity, suitable technologies, and water use potential of
the country, the NAAS organized brainstorming sessions from time to time and brought out
water related policy papers on (i) Agricultural scientists’ perceptions on national water
policy, (ii) Harnessing and management of water resources for enhancing agricultural
production in the eastern region, (iii) Drought preparedness and mitigation, and (iv) Water
use potential of flood-affected and drought-prone areas of eastern India. The NAAS has also
brought out a publication on ‘The State of Indian Agriculture: Water’ highlighting the various
issues of water and agriculture like (i) technology frontiers for ‘more crop per drop of water’,
(ii) water productivity in crop, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture sectors, (iii) water
pollution in relation to agriculture, (iv) impacts of climate change on water and various
mitigation and adaptation options, and (v) use of poor quality water in agriculture. This
document also vividly reviewed the National Water Policy - 2012 of the country.

All indicators point to the fact that the availability of water is declining day by day, while on
the other hand, there is no dearth of field-tested efficient water conservation and management

Substantial input of Dr. Anil Kumar Singh, Secretary NAAS, in preparing this chapter is gratefully

technologies developed by the national agricultural research system. There is also a large
untapped potential of waste waters being generated by the domestic and industrial sectors
which can be scientifically and judiciously utilized for irrigation particularly in the peri-urban
areas. There is, therefore, an urgent need to fast track dissemination of these technologies
supported by appropriate institutional mechanisms and policy decisions so that food and
nutritional security can be ensured to the nation.

8.2 Global Water Scenario

FAO in 2017 launched at COP 2022 a detailed plan on “Coping with Water Scarcity in
Agriculture: A global framework for action in changing climate”. It had also authored Water
for Sustainable Food and Agriculture – a report produced for the G-20 presidency of
Germany. “Water is at the core of 2030 Agenda, with a dedicated Goal (SDG6) and many
linkages to health, food security, climate change, resiliency to disasters and ecosystems,
among many others. Reaching its ambitious objectives demands that we address access to
water and sanitation alongwith issues of water quality and supply, in tandem with improved
water management to protect ecosystems and build resilience”, had emphasized FAO.

The G20 water report had underpinned some of the following water facts:

• Water is essential for every form of life, for all aspects of socio-economic
development, and for the maintenance of healthy ecosystem
• Agriculture accounts for 70% of global fresh water withdrawals
• World contains 1400 million cubic km of water, of which only 0.003% or 45,000
cubic km are fresh water resources
• It takes 1 to 3 tonnes of water to grow 1 kg of cereals. 1 kg of beef takes upto 15
tonnes. Between 2000 and 5000 liters of water are needed to produce one person’s
daily food.

While thinking of water in agriculture, the following three challenges faced by agriculture
should be kept in mind: (i) Increased production & productivity, (ii) Increase job, income
security, reduce hunger & poverty, and (iii) Sustainable management of natural resources and
adaptation to and mitigation of climate change.

With the above backdrop, the G20 Report identified the following critical issues affecting
global outlook for water & food security:

1. Growing demand
2. Intersectoral competition
3. Water scarcity
4. Climate change
5. Access to water
6. Water quality and pollution
7. The water-food-energy nexus.

To resolve the above issues the following recommendations were made for policy makers.

(A) Under agriculture domain (primarily for enhancing irrigated infrastructure and
management and increasing irrigation efficiency and access)
a. Modernise irrigation scheme
b. Improve agricultural water supply systems
c. Improve productivity and sustainability of water
d. Reduce food losses and waste
e. Strengthen international disciplines on all forms of import and export restrictions,
and reduce distorting domestic support.

(B) Under the water domain

f. Improve water governance, make institutions adaptive and capable of cross-
sectoral coordination
g. Support water data and information systems, develop effective water accounting
and auditing systems
h. Communicating scarcity conditions – water pricing
i. Effectively engage in dialogue & support international fora and initiatives.

“Water is universal, it crosses borders and nourishes all life – water is a human right”, said
FAO DDG Maria Semedo at the 1st International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture
(WASAG) held on March 19-22, 2019 in Cabo Verde, West Africa celebrating World Water
Day. Citing the World Water Development Report 2019, she highlighted that more than 2
billion people are currently living in countries with high water distress, and by 2050, water
demand will increase by 20 to 30 per cent while supply will dwindle rapidly. Further, climate
change is adversely impacting water regimes, and drier areas are experiencing more frequent
and severe drought.

The Forum had focused on the following areas: (1) Water and Migration; (2) Drought
Preparedness; (3) Financing Mechanisms for Sustainable Management of Water Resources;
(4) Water and Nutrition; (5) Sustainable Agricultural Water Use; and (6) Saline Agriculture.
The main objectives of the Forum are as below:
• Raise awareness
• Identify the specific needs and agree on priority actions
• Share experiences
• Establish collaboration
• Mobilise resources.

The expected outcomes of the Forum are:

• Sustainable and effective management of water for agriculture declared as a global
• Applicable solutions identified & tailored
• New and strengthened collaboration between partners & stakeholders
• Sustainable investments committed.

8.3 Status of Water Resources

Water is a finite resource the availability of which is declining each passing day. If the
international yardstick of 1700 cu. m per capita availability per annum of water is taken as a
criterion, then the whole country became “Water Stressed” in the year 2006 with per capita
water availability declining to <1700 cu. m from 5200 cu. m in 1951 (Fig. 1). It is estimated
that the per capita availability of water is likely to reach a level of around 1100 cu. m in 2050
but in reality we may reach this threshold much earlier considering the wasteful ways of
water usage. It may be noted that per capita availability of <1000 cu. m indicates “Water
Scarcity”. If the per capita availability is scrutinized basin-wise, a significant number of
basins in the country were either in the “water scarcity zone” or worse in 2010 (Fig. 2). The
statistics related to the per capita storage or the days of average flows are equally disturbing.
The data available indicate that the per capita storage in India at 220 cu. m is one fifth that of
China (1110 cu. m).

Figure 1. Per capita water availability (m3/year) in India




Per capita water availability in m3/year

Water stress 1700 m3/capita/year

2000 1820
Water scarcity 1000 m3/capita/year













The entire country became water stressed in 2006

Figure 2. Basin-wise per capita water availability in India in 2010

Per Capita Availability of Water in 2010 (m3)


1700 cu m

1000 cu m



It is worth stating that India has developed one of the largest irrigation infra-structure in the
world which today stands at more than 68 m ha of net irrigated area. It is second only to
China. It is no doubt that irrigation development played a very crucial role in ensuring food
security to the huge population. However, the productivity of the irrigated production system
(occupying 48 per cent area) at around 3 t/ha is considerably lower than the existing potential.

The Govt. of India initiated the Accelerated Irrigation Benefit Project (AIBP) in 1996-97 with a
special emphasis on accelerating the rate of creation of additional irrigation potential in the
Major and Medium Irrigation sector. In the spirit of Har Khet Ko Paani, the Government has
aimed to complete 99 major and medium projects by December 2019. It is contemplated to take
up remaining additional 50 long pending projects under Long Term Irrigation Fund (LTIF).
The NITI Aayog, exploring funding through MGNREGA has planned one million small water
storage/diversion weirs/ water harvesting structure per annum. The target for the area to be
covered under AIBP was 15.13 mha but up to March 2016 only 8.79 mha had been created. A
study completed in late 2011 revealed that the gap between the irrigation potential created and
utilized in these projects is substantial and growing. It is not only the demand – supply
mismatch in the major and medium irrigation projects but also the fact that the gap between the
irrigation potential created and utilized has been widening continuously and today it stands at
more than 25 mha (Fig. 3). Top most priority should be given to bridge this gap considering the
fact that the Government of India invests a huge amount on this sector. Major reasons are low
water discharge, insufficient water distribution mechanism, unequal water distribution across
farmers located at different points, loss of water during distribution, incorrect recording of
irrigated area and diversion of cultivable land to other purposes within the command area. The
conclusions of a study carried out on 35 major/medium irrigation projects in the country have
indicated that the overall water use efficiency was 36 per cent with the conveyance efficiency
pegged at 69 per cent and on farm application efficiency at 55 per cent (Table 1). The overall
efficiency of surface irrigation systems (around 36 per cent) implies that more than 60 per cent
of the water supplied is being lost at various stages in the system resulting in several
environmental issues including converting prime agricultural land into non-productive areas.
However, one very heartening feature of the study is that there are major and medium projects
which have shown conveyance efficiency higher than 85 per cent, on farm application
efficiency >75 per cent with overall water use efficiency of 60 per cent. If these efficiency
levels are replicated in the inefficiently run projects, the availability of water would not be an
issue at all. It all boils down to awareness, implementation and governance.

Figure 3. Plan - wise irrigation potential created and utilized

Potential created, utilised (mha) and


80.00 Gap
Per cent gap





Potential Created Potential Utilised % gap

Table 1: Water use efficiency of completed Major/Medium Irrigation Projects
Conveyance Efficiency 69
Major 91
Medium 86
On Farm Application Efficiency 55
Major 80
Medium 75
Overall Water Use Efficiency 36

Major 62
Medium 58
Lowest CE:47, OFAE: 27, OWUE:13
Source: (CWC 2016)

8.3.1 Ground water development

Development of ground water resources which was a low key affair in the earlier stages, is
now contributing to more than 60 per cent of the irrigation demand and playing a critical role
in ensuring food security to the millions in the country. However, its over exploitation has
now become a very serious cause of concern and the potential of judicious exploitation of
ground water resources is now confined only to some states in the eastern part of the country.
Out of the 6607 assessed blocks, 4530 are safe while the rest in the semi-critical (697),
critical (217) and a large number of over exploited (1071) blocks. India has the dubious
distinction of having the highest ground water abstraction (Fig. 4). In fact, India is abstracting
more water than USA and China put together. The overall ground water development in the
country is 62 per cent only but the variability within the states is very high. In states like
Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, Rajasthan etc, the ground water development is more than 100 per
cent. But in states of eastern India and North-East, the ground water development is at a low
level. Considering this fact, GoI has rightly decided to focus on Eastern India and has
implemented a programme aptly titled “Bringing Green Revolution to Eastern India”
(BGREI). In view of the seriousness of the problem, the Government is, therefore, putting a
lot of emphasis on artificial recharge of ground water. A project for setting up 225 thousand
recharge structures at an estimated cost of approximately Rs. 20,000 crores was launched
with this objective and a clear defined goal that it has to be implemented in a participatory
mode with involvement of local communities, locally elected bodies like Panchayats, and
Non Government Organizations (NGOs). By 2025, an estimated 60 per cent of India's
groundwater blocks will be in a critical/semi critical/ over exploited conditions, almost 54 per
cent of the groundwater blocks in Gujarat, Haryana, Maharashtra, Punjab, Rajasthan, and
Tamil Nadu are likely to fall in these categories if the present rate of decline trend continues.
The challenges facing ground water management are as follows:

• Uncontrolled Groundwater exploitation both in hard rocks and alluvial areas is

threatening sustainability of this resource, mostly in the states of Rajasthan, Gujarat,
Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Delhi and Haryana

• Dependence on groundwater for irrigation will increase due to global warming. Quality
issues will increase.
• Excessive withdrawal of ground water is worsened further due to free/subsidized power
in some States (Water-Energy nexus)
• Groundwater pollution due to excess application of fertilizers and pesticides,
indiscriminate disposal of effluents from industries and urban sewerage
• Arsenic, Fluoride and Iron in groundwater in excess of permissible limits in several
states of India prohibits its use for drinking purposes
• Seawater Ingress in Coastal Aquifers- Groundwater in coastal aquifers exists in a fragile
dynamic equilibrium with seawater. Indiscriminate exploitation of ground water from
such aquifers leads to seawater intrusion into the fresh water aquifers.

Figure 4. Ground water abstraction in some countries

8.3.2 Physical and Financial Sustainability

In general, providing water at subsidized rates for irrigation has remained a vital policy issue
for ensuring food production. Currently, irrigation accounts for more than 1/3rd of states’
revenue deficits. In many states, O&M expenditure is adequate for staff salaries only and no
funds for works. Low water charges and poor cost recovery therefore, results in a decline in
funding for maintaining water infrastructure, inefficient water allocation and increasing
conflicts over water sharing in many regions. Current status of O&M expenditure and cost
recovery (≈25 per cent) in some major states, viewed in conjunction with the physical
condition of the irrigation system, points towards an unsustainable scenario evolving in water
sector, both physically and financially.

8.4 Rainfed Agriculture

Although India has the largest irrigated area in the world, it has a very sizeable area under
rainfed agriculture (nearly 75 mha) which caters largely to pulses, oilseeds, minor millets,

cotton and even rice (~45 per cent) but the productivity of which is very low (~1 t/ha). The
average annual rainfall in India is 117 cm which is higher than the global average of 110 cm
but there is a wide spatial and temporal variation in its distribution and intensity. The ratio of
the minimum, average and maximum is of the order of 1:10:100 with the maximum being
around 11000 mm in Cherrapunji (Meghalaya) to 100 mm in the Thar Desert. The number of
rainy days can vary from 4 days to over 300 days a year and the intensity can vary anywhere
from <1 cm/hr up to 15 cm/hr. It has also been estimated that almost 80 per cent of the rain
occurs in only 100 hr in a year. Soil and nutrients loss due to run off is of the order of 5.34
billion tonnes and 6 million tonnes, respectively, resulting in production losses in excess of
Rs. 115 billion.

A comprehensive assessment of district level water harvesting potential had revealed that the
potential to realize the rainfed agriculture lies in the harvest of small part of available surplus
runoff and reutilize it for supplemental irrigation at critical crop growth stages. The study
identified about 28.5 M ha of potential rainfed area covering large number of districts in
Central and eastern India that can generate sufficient runoff (114 BCM) for harvesting and
reutilization. It is possible to raise the rainfed crop production by a total of 28-36 m tonnes
from an area of 20-25 M ha during normal monsoon years which accounts for about 12 per
cent increase over the present productiion level. With adoption of improved technologies (the
possibility of which increases once ‘critical water requirements’ are assured) the benefits
could be still higher. Extensive area coverage rather than intensive irrigation, needs to be
followed in regions with higher than 750 mm/annum rainfall, since there is larger possibility
of alleviating the in-season drought spells and ensuring a second crop with limited water
application. This component may be made an integral component of the ongoing and new
development schemes in the identified rural districts.

An evaluation of 636 watersheds has clearly brought out that watershed programs have
impacted the rain-fed areas with a mean benefit-cost ratio of 1:2.03. The results have
indicated that even in such fragile eco systems, these programs generated benefits which were
more than double of their cost. About 18 per cent watersheds generated benefit-cost ratios
above 3. However, 68 per cent of watersheds performed had a below average B:C ratio of
1:2.03 which indicated that there exists a large scope for proper watershed management. Only
0.6 per cent of the watersheds studied failed to commensurate with cost of the project. The
mean internal rate return of 27.43 per cent was significantly high and comparable with any
successful government programs. The internal rates of return in 41 per cent watersheds were
in the range of 20 to 30 per cent whereas about 27 per cent watersheds yielded IRR of 30 to
50 per cent. The watersheds with IRR below 10 per cent were only 1.9 per cent.

Another important purpose of the watershed programs is to generate employment

opportunities to address the equity concerns of landless labourers and marginal and small
farmers. The results of meta-analysis have clearly established that watershed programs
resulted in generating substantial employment opportunities in the watershed areas. The mean
additional annual employment generation was about 154 person-days/ha/year. This also

implies that the investment in watershed development programs can be considered as poverty
alleviation program in those areas.

Focus on rain water harvesting is important because global warming is likely to result in a
decrease in the number of rainy days and a consequent increase in intensity considering the
prediction of GCM’s that rainfall will either increase or remain constant over the Indian
subcontinent. Historical data analysis has also indicated that the low intensity rainfall events
have decreased while the medium and high intensify rainfall events have increased over the
past fifty years, a trend which is likely to intensify as a consequence of climate change. As
stated earlier, it is also a fact that even when all the water resources for irrigation have been
developed, almost 45 per cent would still be rainfed. There is a possibility of easily
enhancing the productivity of these areas by a minimum of 50 per cent through rain water
harvesting and supplemental irrigation. The reality is that:

• Only 29 per cent of the 400 million ha of annual rainfall (117 cm) is harnessed

• 80 per cent rain falls in 100 days of the monsoon season but actually the rainy days
are 45. This leads to water shortages during rainy season also

• Most of the total rainfall occurs in 100 hours out of 8760 hours in a year. This often
leads to floods/droughts

• 1/3rd water is locked in north-east region

• About 215 million ha of rainfall can be stored in the underground aquifers.

8.5 Wastewater utilization for irrigation

With the projected scenarios of water availability compounded by global warming, increasing
urbanization (circa 55 per cent of India’s estimated 1.6 billion would be urban by 2050) and
industrialization, huge volumes of waste waters will be generated. These waste waters would
be of varying qualities depending upon the source. In developing countries like India, the
problems associated with wastewater reuse arise from its lack of treatment. On the whole,
only 60 per cent of industrial water and 26 per cent of domestic water is treated in India.
Waste waters are being used indiscriminately particularly in peri-urban agriculture.
Considering the size and vast population of the country and various sectoral demands, India
is a growing market for water and waste water treatment. It includes both sewage treatment
and effluent treatment. Industrial and municipal sectors account for almost 90 per cent of the
estimated US$ 2000-2100 million water treatment market in India. Currently, 75 per cent of
the rural population and 85 per cent of the urban population have access to public water
supply. However, municipal agencies in many Indian towns and cities are unable to increase
their water supply capacities to match population growth, especially in the urban areas. The
challenge, thus, is to find low-cost, low-tech, user friendly methods, which on one hand avoid
threatening our substantial wastewater dependent livelihoods and on the other hand protect
degradation of our valuable natural resources.

In fact, domestic wastewater should be considered as a “resource for irrigation” as the cost of
treating these waters for making them suitable for irrigation is significantly less than for
potable water and they are rich in nutrients.

8.6 Precision Farming: Use of modern tools in water management

The stupendous progress in information technology coupled with the rapid advancements
made in Geographical Information Systems (GIS), simulation tools, sensors, precision
farming and remote sensing have opened up new vistas for water resources development and
management. These tools should be an integral system of scientific management of irrigation
networks, water distribution, crop planning and related operational activities as they will
enable the system managers to take correct and timely decisions. These tools can be equally,
if not more effective, in assessment and monitoring of watershed related development studies.
Decision Support Systems (DSS) for real time monitoring and decision making with inputs
from remote sensing and ground based inputs can contribute significantly in improving water
use efficiencies in large irrigation projects and integrated watershed management schemes.

Developments in biotechnology have reached a level where gene flow has no boundary.
Marker assisted selection (MAS), gene pyramiding etc. can enable identification as well as
introduction of genes (single/multiple) that can enhance water use efficiency as well as
increase tolerance to water logging, soil salinity or heavy metal toxicity. The potential of this
technology needs to be utilized fully.

8.7 Efficient water management technologies

The National Agricultural Research System (NARS) through the vast network of State
Agricultural Universities (SAUs), Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR)
institutions and All India Coordinated Research Projects (AICRPs) have developed a plethora
of technologies focusing on water harvesting, conservation and management and use. There
benefits are described below. The water savings associated with the various interventions
developed and summarized below:

Proper scheduling of canals (matching supply with demand): 40-60 per cent
Precision leveling through laser levelers: 15-20 per cent
Scientifically designed check basins/border strips: 10-30 per cent
Zero tillage: 20-30 per cent
Adoption of Pressurized Irrigation Systems: 40-70 per cent
Land configuration changes-Ridge/furrow or raised/sunken beds: 20-25 per cent
Use of tissue cultured eucalyptus, banana, sugarcane, papaya 30 per cent

Simple measures like banning transplanting of paddy before second week of June in Haryana
and Punjab have made a significant impact on the ground water extraction in the two states.

Such policy decisions can convey a message that unnecessary and wasteful use of water is a
non-sustainable and non-negotiable issue.

The National Water Policy had stated that the water use efficiency of surface water has to be
enhanced to 60 per cent and ground water usage to 75 per cent to enable meeting the
production targets with the current quantum of water resources available. If attention is paid
to adoption and upscaling of the technologies available today, whether it is irrigated or
rainfed regions, with a focus on its use efficiency, it is possible to meet the country’s water

8.8 New Initiatives by the Government

Water is a resource which does not recognize geographical or sectoral boundaries when it
flows or is utilized. But separate ministries/departments exist which looked at this resource
from the developmental and utilization aspects. A typical example is that although agriculture
sector is the major consumer of water (~80 per cent), its development and utilization was the
responsibility of the Ministry of Water Resources. Likewise, the Central Ground Water Board
dealt with ground water development and the Ministry of Water Resources (Department of
Land Resources) and National Rainfed Area Authority (NRAA) dealt with watershed
development i.e. rainfed areas, although the precipitation (rainfall), surface water and
groundwater are all part of the Water Cycle. This silo-type of functioning obviously had
inherent limitations.

The Government of India on July 01, 2015 accorded approval to the Pradhan Mantri Krishi
Sinichai Yojana (PMKSY) to address the shortcomings in implementation in a holistic

The major objective of PMKSY is to bring convergence of investments in irrigation at the

field level, expand cultivable area under assured irrigation, improve on-farm water use
efficiency to reduce wastage of water, enhance the adoption of precision-irrigation and other
water saving technologies per drop more crop, enhance recharge of aquifers and introduce
sustainable water conservation practices by exploring the feasibility of reusing treated
municipal waste water for peri-urban agriculture and attract greater private investment in
precision irrigation system.

For promoting ‘per drop more crop’ NITI Aayog has suggested the following actions:

i. Operation and Maintenance (O & M) of the distribution system is below standard,

causing water leakage and wastage. This needs to improve, and involvement of people
through ‘Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM)’ would be useful. Promote large
number of Water Users Associations (WUAs) and Paani Panchayats

ii. Precision agriculture by way of micro-irrigation (drip and sprinkler); and sensor-drone
big data analytics based technology is important. Micro-irrigation (MI) must become
a compulsory agenda in all forms of irrigation – flow, lift, small sources

(WHS/DW/Ponds etc.). In all command areas of minor/medium/major irrigation
projects, micro irrigation system should be compulsorily adopted

As of date, only about 10 million ha. of the total of 63 mha. of irrigated area is
covered under micro irrigation. An annual coverage of a minimum of 2.5 mha. is
necessary to quickly achieve water use efficiency and narrow the gap between IPC
and IPU. Under ‘Krishi Bhagaya’ programme of Karnataka, small irrigation ponds
dug in rainfed areas have proved very useful in protecting a standing crop from
monsoon vagaries, when connected with steel pipe conveyor and MI system. This
programme deserves to be scaled up in a major way across the rainfed areas of the

iii. Crop alignment and Conservation agriculture must be strictly practised in all
command areas for optimal water use efficiency.

PMKSY has been conceived amalgamating ongoing schemes viz. Accelerated Irrigation
Benefit Programme (AIBP) of the Ministry of Water Resources, River Development &
Ganga Rejuvenation (MoWR, RD&GR), Integrated Watershed Management Programme
(IWMP) of Department of Land Resources (DoLR) and the On Farm Water Management
(OFWM) of Department of Agriculture and Cooperation (DAC). The scheme will be
implemented by Ministries of Agriculture, Water Resources and Rural Development.
Ministry of Rural Development is to mainly undertake rain water conservation, construction
of farm pond, water harvesting structures, small check dams and contour bunding etc.
MoWR, RD &GR, is to undertake various measures for creation of assured irrigation source,
construction of diversion canals, field channels, water diversion/lift irrigation, including
development of water distribution systems. Ministry of Agriculture will promote efficient
water conveyance and precision water application devices like drips, sprinklers, pivots, rain-
guns in the farm “(Jal Sinchan)”, construction of micro-irrigation structures to supplement
source creation activities, extension activities for promotion of scientific moisture
conservation and agronomic measures.

Programme architecture of PMKSY is to adopt a ‘decentralized State level planning and

projected execution’ structure that will allow States to draw up their own irrigation
development plans based on District Irrigation Plan (DIP) and State Irrigation Plan (SIP). It
will be operative as convergence platform for all water sector activities including drinking
water & sanitation, MGNREGA, application of science & technology etc. through
comprehensive plan. State Level Sanctioning Committee (SLSC) chaired by the Chief
Secretary of the State will be vested with the authority to oversee its implementation and
sanction projects.

The programme will be supervised and monitored by an Inter-Ministerial National Steering

Committee (NSC) will be constituted under the Chairmanship of Prime Minister with Union
Ministers from concerned Ministries. A National Executive Committee (NEC) will be
constituted under the Chairmanship of Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog to oversee programme

implementation, allocation of resources, inter-ministerial coordination, monitoring &
performance assessment, addressing administrative issues etc.

District Irrigation Plans (DIPs) are the cornerstone for planning and implementation of
PMKSY. DIPs will identify the gaps in irrigation infrastructure after taking into consideration
the District Agriculture Plans (DAPs) already prepared for Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana
(RKVY) vis-à-vis irrigation infrastructure currently available and resources that would be
added during XII Plan from other ongoing schemes (both State and Central), like Mahatma
Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme(MGNREGS), Rashtriya Krishi
Vikash Yojana (RKVY), Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), Member of
Parliament Local Area Development (MPLAD) Scheme, Member of Legislative Assembly
Local Area Development (MLALAD) Scheme, Local body funds etc. The gaps indentified
under Strategic Research & Extension Plan (SREGP) will be made use in preparation of DIP.

DIPs will present holistic irrigation development perspective of the district outlining medium
to long term development plans integrating three components viz. water sources, distribution
network and water use applications incorporating all usage of water like drinking & domestic
use, irrigation and industry. Preparation of DIP will be taken up as joint exercise of all
participating departments. DIP will form the compendium of all existing and proposed water
resource network system in the district.

The DIPs will be prepared at two levels, the block and the district. Keeping in view the
convenience of map preparation and data collection, the work would be primarily done at
block level. Block wise irrigation plan is to be prepared depending on the available and
potential water resources and water requirement for agriculture sector prioritizing the
activities based on socio-economic and location specific requirement. In case of planning is
made based on basin/sub basin level, the comprehensive irrigation plan may cover more than
one district. The activities identified in the basin/sub-basin plan can be further segregated into
district/block level action plans. Use of satellite imagery, topo sheets and available database
may be appropriately utilized for developing irrigation plans at least on pilot basis to begin
with and subsequently may be extended to all projects.

PMKSY – implemented in letter and spirit would certainly make a sea change at the ground

8.9 Composite Water Management Index (CWMI)

NITI Aayog (2018) has developed an index, CWMI, to quantify how the various states are
managing their water resources in a holistic manner. Their performance is quantified based
on the following indicators:

1. Source augmentation and restoration of water bodies

2. Source augmentation (Groundwater)
3. Major and medium irrigation-Supply side management

4. Watershed development-Supply side management,
5. Participatory irrigation practices-Demand side management
6. Sustainable on-farm water use practices-Demand side management
7. Rural drinking water
8. Urban water supply and sanitation, and
9. Policy and governance.

8.9.1 States’ performance across critical indicator themes.

Most of the states have done well in the infrastructure-heavy themes of ‘Major and medium
irrigation’ and ‘Watershed development’ and have also enacted policies corresponding to the
recommendations within the ‘Policy and governance’ theme.

However, the critical themes of ‘Source augmentation (Groundwater), ‘Sustainable on-farm

water use practices’, and ‘Rural drinking water’ are lagging behind. Most states have
achieved less than 50 per cent of the total score in the augmentation of groundwater
resources, highlighting the growing national crisis.

54 per cent of India’s groundwater well levels are declining, and 21 major cities are expected
to run out of groundwater as soon as 2020, affecting ~100 million.

70 per cent of states have also achieved scores of less than 50 per cent on managing on-farm
water effectively.

Given the fact that agriculture accounts for 80 per cent of all water use, this
underperformance, as discussed in the analysis of low performers above, poses significant
water and food security risks for the country.

Finally, states have also performed averagely on providing safe drinking water to rural areas.
With 800 million people, or ~70 per cent of the country’s population, living in rural areas,
and about two lakh people in the country dying each year due to a lack of access to safe
water, this is one of the most critical service delivery challenges in the world.

CWMI is certainly a step in the right direction. States should be asked to develop a strategy to
recover the operation and maintenance cost of the irrigation projects as the first step and
gradually move to charging for water use on volumetric basis, provide incentives to farmers
who adopt water efficient technologies and factor in the role of water as a provider of
ecosystem services.

8.10 Nature Based Solutions for Water

The indiscriminate use of water resources, in general, and the multi-faceted demands of this
precious resource for meeting the diverse demands of the continuously increasing population
and the adverse impact of climate change are challenging the water security like never before.

To ensure the sustainable use of this finite resource, there is need to change our approach
towards its conservation, management and reuse. We must look towards nature based
solutions (NBS) that work in harmony with nature because it is nature which regulates the
various elements that constitute the water cycle (WWAP. 2018).

As a consequence of increasing population, economic development and diversifying

consumption patterns, the demand of water globally is increasing at a rate of about 1 per cent
per year and likely to continue at this rate in the future also. Climate change associated global
warming is impacting both the quantity and quality of water. Water pollution is escalating
and is threatening not only human health but also environment and sustainable development.
It is also projected that the population at risk from floods is going to increase to 1.6 billion in
2050 representing 20 per cent of population from the current 1.2 billion. Additionally, land
degradation/desertification/droughts are currently affecting 1.8 billion at the global level.

Water resources are generally perceived as an input for enhancing productivity in agriculture.
It varies from the individual’s daily requirement to landscape level applications. Apart from
the role of water in providing provisioning service like production of food, fodder, fiber, fuel
as well as agriculture, domestic & industrial uses. It plays a critical role in regulatory services
like water flow, erosion control, GHG emission, and even pollution. It also provides
supporting ecosystem services like nutrient cycling, soil formation, ecosystem resilience,
mitigation of climate change as well as cultural services related to heritage, livestock assets
and tourism. Water resources management for agro-ecosystem with a focus on ecosystem
services will lead to environmental sustainability and resilience to climate change.
Unfortunately, the eco-system services that water provides are generally over looked. An
institutional mechanism needs to be put in place for Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES) so
that their sustainable management in guaranteed.

NBS can serve the triple goals of augmenting water availability, improving water quality and
also reduce the risks related to water. Nature based solutions are also central to achieving the
UN defined 2030 SDGs and resilience because they lead to social, economic and
environmental benefits inclusive of human health and livelihoods, food and energy security,
sustainable growth, healthy ecosystem and biodiversity (Singh, 2019).

8.11 Issues

• Water use efficiency for surface water is low (30-40 per cent)
• The gap between the irrigation potential created and utilized is substantial (currently
around 25 per cent) and widening
• Irrigation systems are supply driven and canal schedules rigid
• Supply/distribution of water is insufficient and unequal
• There is diversion of cultivable land for other purposes within the command area
• Poor O&M cost recovery

• Lack of adoption of water efficient technologies
• Inefficient use of water leading to water logging and secondary salinization
• Over exploitation of ground water
• Poor quality of ground water
• Sea water intrusion in coastal areas
• Climate extremes analysis including intra-seasonal rainfall variability and
development of management practices
• Surface and sub-surface water management including customized solutions for
rainwater management
• Innovations in upscaling in-situ soil and water management practices through
convergence like MGNREGA
• Farm mechanization for coping with labour shortage
• Development of DSS for national and state level drought monitoring, agro-advisories
and contingency planning.

8.12 Strategies

• There is need to close the gap between the Irrigation Potential Created and Utilized
which now stands at more than 20 M ha
• The irrigation systems should be demand driven and not supply driven
• Emphasis should be on integrated and conjunctive use of rain, surface and ground
• Development of cost effective and ecofriendly technologies for sustainable high
production of agricultural produce of competitive quality should receive top priority
• The extension agencies should be geared up for speedy transfer of improved
• Incentives may be provided to the farmers for adopting efficient water use
• Awareness has to be created among farmers about the value and scarcity of resources
and negative fallouts of improper use
• Fine tuning of Furrow based irrigation systems (Raised beds) for different crops and
• Development of low cost pressurized irrigation systems. In spite of so much push by
the GoI, the area under micro-irrigation was 8.63 mha as on 25.12.2016. Need to
identify areas most suitable for micro-irrigation in the country
• Use of agrochemicals which enhance water (and nutrient) use efficiency

• Development of a regulatory mechanism for ground water resource development and
• Use of modern tools for developing cultivars of higher water productivity and their
applications for precision farming
• Institutional mechanism for full recovery of Operation & Maintenance costs through
realistic pricing of water for different stakeholders. Water pricing should be managed
scientifically. Water pricing should mean communicating water scarcity. In Australia,,
price signals and effective water markets are seen as an essential part of improving the
economic efficiency of water use and encouraging water users to adjust to changing
climate conditions
• Multi disciplinary Participatory Management Approach for surface/ground water
irrigated and rainfed areas
• Focus on multiple use of water through identification of cropping /farming systems
which can enhance water productivity
• Planned waste water reuse with emphasis on peri-urban water use
• Focus on Bioremediation of waste waters
• Use of renewable energy eg. solar energy, for agricultural purposes
• Development of user-friendly Decision Support Systems (DSS) for real time decision
• Public-Private-Partnership: For extending the watershed approach for development of
natural resources in the drought prone areas by supporting the programme in scaling it
up quickly as the complete coverage of the area by public funds may take
considerable time; for investments in on-farm water harvesting; and in ICT which will
enable small and marginal farmers to accesses weather based agro-advisories and
market information through village kiosks
• Private sector can also help small and marginal farmers by bearing the part cost of the
premium for weather insurance as well as providing support for establishment of
community seed and fodder banks which help the farmers during natural calamities.
This can be done in case of millets, pulses and other dryland crops where the private
sector is not interested for supply of seeds because of low profitability.

UNESCO International Water Conference - 13 and 14 May 2019 on Leveraging the trans-
sectoral management of water resources for sustainable water security and peace has the
following objectivities:

• Bringing everyone around the table to discuss trans-sectoral approaches to the

governance and management of water resources
• Launching a Call for Action to foster, embrace, and adopt trans-sectoral water

• Sharing good practices enabling participation, transparency and information-sharing
• Evidencing of the importance of interdisciplinarity and the integration of sciences to
support Member States in reaching the goals of the water-related international

8.13 Ministry of Jal Shakti

India took note of the global alarm bell on water security, and in its present term 2019-2024,
the Government’s spotlight is on water. It launched Jal Shakti Abhiyan – an intensive water
conservation campaign built on citizens’ participation. The focus is on integrated demand and
supply-side management of water at local level – viz rainwater harvesting, ground water
recharge, and management of household waste water for reuse.

The Government has further launched Jal Jeevan Mission, assuring piped water supply to all
rural households by 2024. The current priority concerns are:

• Waste water
• Prevention of groundwater extraction
• Aquifer mapping program critical to raise groundwater levels
• Perennial rivers turning seasonal – a disturbing trend
• Ganga needs more than just cleaning
• Chennai water crisis: A wake up call for Indian cities.

Mission, Vision, and Functions of the newly formed Ministry of Jal Shakti, are as below:

8.13.1 Vision

Optimal sustainable development, maintenance of quality and efficient use of water resources
to match with the growing demands on this precious natural resource of the country.

8.13.2 Mission

India is endowed with a rich and vast diversity of natural resources, water being one of them.
Its development and management plays a vital role in agriculture production. Integrated water
management is vital for poverty reduction, environmental sustenance and sustainable
economic development. National Water Policy envisages that the water resources of the
country should be developed and managed in an integrated manner.

8.13.3 Function

The Ministry of Water Resources is responsible for laying down policy guidelines and
programmes for the development and regulation of country's water resources. The Ministry
has been allocated the following functions:-

• Overall planning, policy formulation, coordination and guidance in the water
resources sector.

• Technical guidance, scrutiny, clearance and monitoring of the irrigation, flood control
and multi-purpose projects (major/medium)

• General infrastructural, technical and research support for development

• Providing special Central Financial Assistance for specific projects and assistance in
obtaining External Finance from World Bank and other agencies

• Overall policy formulation, planning and guidance in respect of Minor Irrigation and
Command Area Development, administration and monitoring of the Centrally
Sponsored Schemes and promotion of Participatory Irrigation Management

• Overall planning for the development of Ground Water Resources, establishment of

utilizable resources and formulation of policies for exploitation, overseeing of and
support to State level activities in ground water development

• Formulation of national water development perspective and the determination of the

water balance of different basins/sub-basins for consideration of possibilities of inter-
basin transfers

• Coordination, mediation and facilitation in regard to the resolution of differences or

disputes relating to Inter-State Rivers and in some instances overseeing of
implementation of inter-state projects

• Operation of the central network for flood forecasting and warning on inter-state
rivers, provision of central assistance for some State Schemes in special cases and
preparation of flood control master plans for rivers Ganga and Brahmaputra

• Talks and negotiations with neighboring countries, with regard to river waters, water
resources development projects and the operation of the Indus Water Treaty

• Ensure effective abatement of pollution and rejuvenation of the river Ganga by

adopting a river basin approach to promote inter-sectoral co-ordination for
comprehensive planning and management.

The Ministry of Jal Shakti being a multidepartmental and multidisciplinary Ministry is ideally
suited to address multidirectional aspects of water, viz. Water as a major source of soil
erosion and ecologically sustainable drainage of excessive water. The NAAS had
brainstormed on “Mitigating Land Degradation due to Water Erosion” and “Biodrainage: An
Eco-friendly Tool for Combating Waterlogging”. Soil erosion by water results in loss of 5.37
to 8.4 mt nutrients, reduction in crops productivity, occurrence of floods and drought,
reduction in reservoirs capacity, and loss of biodiversity. Soil and Water conservation being

inseparably linked, policies for mutually reinforcing these basic resources should be

Towards meeting the above challenges, the NAAS had recommended that the catchment
areas of our river basins urgently need integrated soil and water conservation measures
following watershed approach by identifying site-specific best management practices to
prevent irreversible loss of soil to oceans. Further, it had suggested that to economically
justify the huge expenditure on soil conservation and watershed development programmes by
Central and State Governments and to ensure greater accountability and transparency towards
public investments, a clearly defined set of indicators is needed. Implementation of these
indicators should be made mandatory as an integral component of Common Guidelines for
Watershed Development Projects by Govt. of India.

While irrigation plays on important role in increasing agricultural productivity, introduction

of canal irrigation in arid and semi-arid regions without provision of adequate drainage
causes rise in water-table leading to waterlogging and secondary salinization. Though the
problems of waterlogging and salinity can be effectively tackled by conventional engineering
approaches like surface and sub-surface drainage (both horizontal and vertical), which have
been standardized to rehabilitate the saline waterlogged lands, but their adoption on large
scale is being hindered by very high capital investment, associated operational and
maintenance problems in addition to suitable alternatives for disposing drainage waters. As
an alternative the use of vegetation for managing waterlogging and salinity, often referred to
as biodrainage, has been advocated. The biodrainage system consists of fast growing tree
species, which absorb water from the capillary fringe located above the ground watertable.

This ecofriendly attractive approach of water drainage as suggested by NAAS, should be

further researched to fill the following information gaps: evapo-transpiration capacity under
varying subsoil water salinities; salt removal from the soil profile for reducing salinity of
cropland, field crop and tree competition for water when watertable falls below safe limits
creating additional demand for water in arid irrigated regions having overall water scarcity;
competition between crop and trees for nutrients along the tree strips.

While the information gaps are filled, Agencies may be identified and entrusted with the task
of undertaking biodrainage programmes at pilot scale at suitable sites as per guidelines, for
demonstration, extension and acceptance among farmers.

Government intervention may be required in popularizing biodraining trees in and around the
fields in canal command areas by way of providing quality planting materials, capacity
building and minimal maintenance cost. In specific situations biodrainage may be integrated
with traditional practices. Regular sensitization programs on biodrainage may be organized
for creating awareness amongst the field functionaries of Departments of Irrigation, Forest,
Water Resources, Agriculture, Command Area Development Programs, Water Management
Institutions and Water User’s Associations.

Selected References

Ambast SK, Sen HS and Tyagi NK (1998) Rainwater management for multiple cropping in
Sundarbans delta (W.B.). Bulletin No 2/98, Regional Research Station, Central Soil
Salinity Research Institute, Canning Town (India), 69 pp

Ambast SK, Tyagi NK and Raul SK (2006) Management of declining groundwater in the
Trans Indo-Gangetic Plain (India): Some Options. Agricultural Water Management
(Elsevier), 82: 279-296
Ambast SK, Keshari AK, Gosain AK (2008) Estimating Regional Evapotranspiration Using
Remote Sensing: Application to Sone Low Level Canal System, India. Journal of
Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE), 134(1): 13-25
CWC (2012) Annual Report. Central Water Commission, MoWR (GoI), New Delhi
FAO (2017) Water for Sustainable Food and Agriculture – A Report produced for the G20
Presidency of Germany. FAO, Rome
NAAS (1995). Agricultural Scientists’ Perceptions on National Water Policy. Policy Paper
01, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (1998) Harnessing and Management of Water Resources for Enhancing Agricultural
Production in the Eastern Region. Policy Paper 03, National Academy of Agricultural
Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2005) Emerging Issues in Water Management – The Question of Ownership. Policy
Paper 32, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2011) Drought Preparedness and Mitigation. Policy Paper 50, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2013) Water Use Potential of Flood-affected and Drought-prone Areas of Eastern
India. Policy Paper 60, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2015) Biodrainage: An Eco-friendly Tool for Combating Waterlogging. Policy Paper
74, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi.
NAAS Policy Paper 88 (2017). Mitigating Land Degradation due to Water Erosion. National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
Semedo MH (2019) First International Forum on Water Scarcity in Agriculture (WASAG),
Praia, Cabo Verde.
Singh, AK (2019) Water Management: Is Quantum or Negligence - The Issue? Indian
Journal of Fertilizers 15(8): 836-847
Venkateswarlu B, Kar G, Krishnan P, Rao NH, Minhas PS (2015) More Crop per Drop of
Water: Technology Frontiers. In: State of Indian Agriculture: Water (Eds: H. Pathak,
B P Bhatt, S K Gupta). National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 17-
35 pp.

Chapter 9
Soil Health and Nutrient Management*

9.1 Background

With an increased understanding of the fragility of natural resources and their inevitable role
in meeting United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and overall societal
wellbeing, there is an increase in global concern on rejuvenation and improvement of the
health of these invaluable resources. The health of Indian soils got deteriorated over the years
due to depletion of organic matter levels, widespread multi-nutrient deficiencies, mining of
native soil reserves owing to non-judicious fertilizer use, wide gap between nutrient demand
and supply, lowering of factor productivity, and deterioration of soil physical and biological
health. Besides, acidification, salinization, alkalization and waterlogging have also been
contributing to deterioration of soil health. The challenge is much bigger in India, as it
supports about 17 per cent of the global population through only 2 per cent of the world’s
geographical area and 2.4 per cent of the world’s geographical arable land. The per capita
land availability (land: man ratio) continuously decreased from 0.34 ha in 1951-52, to 0.14 ha
in 2012-13, which is likely to come down further with the passage of time. About 86 per cent
of the operational holdings belong to marginal and small categories with holding size <2 ha,
and 67 per cent of the holdings are below 1 ha. As the need for marketable surplus is greater
at smaller farms to get cash income, it would be imperative to enhance the productivity of
marginal and small farmers through judicious soil management to enhance overall resource
use efficiency. National Commission on Farmers in its Report mentioned inter alia that
improving small farm productivity as a single development strategy can make a greater
contribution to the elimination of hunger and poverty, and recognized soil health
enhancement as a key to raising small farm productivity.

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) has been organizing brainstorming
sessions (BSS) from time to time on various issues pertaining to soil health and its
management, and coming out with valuable recommendations. The key recommendations on
different aspects, published by the Academy as Policy Papers/Strategy Papers/Policy Briefs
and their implementation status are presented hereunder:

9.2 Residue Management

9.2.1 Recommendations Crop residue management

Crop residue (CR) management remained a major problem for Indian farmers, especially in
the cereal growing belts of Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP). Out of various crops grown, CR
burning is practiced in rice, wheat and sugarcane. A state-wise reliable estimate of CR
burning should be made annually using the remote sensing techniques, to assess the loss of

Substantial input of Dr. B.S. Dwivedi in preparing this chapter is gratefully acknowledged

quality residue and its impact on environment. Legislation should be developed on prevention
and monitoring of on-farm CR burning through incentives and punishment. High capacity
efficient machines for harvesting, baling, combining of straw, densification/compacting,
handling and transport of CRs should be introduced and popularized. Based on the benefit:
cost analysis, socio-economic and technical feasibility of recycling on-farm and off-farm CRs
has to be worked out. The permissible quantity of residues of different crops should be
quantified which can be incorporated/retained depending on cropping systems, soil and
climate without creating operational problems. Conservation agriculture

Conservation agriculture (CA) technologies need to be popularized through Krishi Vigyan

Kendras (KVKs) and state departments of agriculture for creating awareness and
dissemination at village level. Unemployed village youth should be encouraged to take-up
operation of CA machinery as profession. Machinery for CA (Turbo Seeder, Happy Seeder
etc.) should be supplied on subsidized rates, promoting custom hiring systems and providing
soft loans for purchase of implements. Attachment of Super SMS (straw management
systems) needs to be made mandatory for registration of all new combine harvesters. Since
most farmers are small and marginal, purchase and owning Turbo/Happy Seeder and Super
SMS by individual farmers is neither feasible nor desirable. There is a need to promote
‘Turbo Happy Seeder Technology Package’ led self-sustaining business models through
cooperatives (agriculture service centres), private service providers, farmer groups, young
entrepreneurs etc. Suitable policy environment needs to be devised to facilitate the agriculture
service centers. Provision of carbon-credit to the farmers practicing CA should be introduced
for effective carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation. Utilization of biomass for energy generation

Procurement and custom operation of biomass management equipment should be promoted

through financial incentives and training to the unemployed educated rural youth. Surplus
crop and agro-processing residues should be stored for domestic and industrial uses for
thermal application and generation of power. Vegetable market wastes should be used for
biogas and FYM production, and also for domestic and industrial fuel. Biomass-based pilot
plants should be established for decentralized power generation in the catchments to meet the
power needs of agricultural fields and rural households. Mechanized composting should be
promoted. Standards for good quality compost need to be formulated and popularized.
Briquetting of crop and agro-processing wastes should be promoted in rural areas. Use of
these briquettes as domestic fuels should be promoted to curb down the requirement of
firewood and minimize felling of trees.

9.2.2 Implementation Status

In order to prevent CR burning, Government invoked Section 144 of the Civil Procedure
Code (CPC), but it could hardly be implemented, and there is petite effort to sensitize farmers
on the concern. A National Policy for Management of Crop Residue (NPMCR) has also been

formulated and disseminated to all the States for implementation to ensure prevention of CR
burning by providing incentives on the purchase of modern machinery to minimize leftover
CR in the field, multiple uses of CR and preparation of fodder pellets and briquettes for
gasification. The following legal frameworks are there to regulate the pollution: (i) Air
Prevention and Control of Pollution Act, 1981; (ii) Environment Protection Act, 1986; (iii)
Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986; (iv) National Environment Tribunal Act, 1995; and
(v) National Environment Appellate Authority Act, 1997.

Conservation agriculture is a production system involving minimum soil disturbance, soil

cover through crop residues or other cover crops and crop rotations for achieving high
productivity with most efficient resource use. Globally CA is estimated to be practiced over
an area of 124.8 mha, of which India contributes about 1.5 mha only. Crop residues have
been effectively and meaningfully utilized in CA. Use of residues in CA has potential to
enhance soil quality through improvement in SOC content and other soil parameters.

To subsidize machinery required for in situ management of CR, a new Central Sector Scheme
on ‘Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for in situ Management of Crop Residue in the
States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi’ for the period from 2018-19 to
2019-20 has been approved with the following objectives:

(i) Protecting environment from air pollution and preventing loss of nutrients and soil
micro-organisms caused by burning of CR

(ii) Promoting in situ management of CR by retention and incorporation into the soil
through the use of appropriate mechanization inputs

(iii) Promoting Farm Machinery Banks for custom hiring of in situ CR management
machinery to offset the adverse economies of scale arising due to small landholding
and high cost of individual ownership

(iv) Creating awareness among stakeholders through demonstration, capacity building

activities and differentiated information, education and communication strategies for
effective utilization and management of CR.

Most importantly, it is the self-realization of the communities and people to protect the
environment for their own protection and healthy living. Despite the various measures and
restrictions imposed, Times of India, October 26, 2019 reported in bold lines “Crack Down
on Farm Fires in next 3 Weeks: PMO to States – Focus to be on 13 Hotspots of Stubble
Burning” (identified through satellite images in Punjab & Haryana). The states have been
asked to take all possible measures to reduce stubble burning. Between October 1 and 24, the
trend was similar to that during 2018. On October 23, as per NASA data, in Punjab 919 fire
counts were detected.

National Centre of Organic Farming (NCOF) developed a ‘Waste Decomposer’ for quick
composting of organic waste, soil health improvement and as plant protection agent. This
microbial consortium comprises microbial strains isolated from dung of indigenous cow. The

Waste Decomposer is sold to the farmers directly through NCOF and Regional Organic
Farming Centres (RCOF). ICAR-IARI and several other R&D institutions also brought out
microbial formulations to facilitate faster decomposition of CRs and biodegradable wastes
and produce quality compost.

9.3 Reclamation of Degraded and Polluted Soils

9.3.1 Recommendations Management of problem soils

Different technological options available for amelioration of problem soils must be inter-
woven. Improved and economical technologies have to be developed for reclamation of
waterlogged sodic soils. A National Acid Soil Management Authority needs to be established
for implementation of different acid soil management programs across the country in a
coordinated manner. Extent and severity of sub-soil acidity should be delineated across the
country and suitable corrective measures should be taken-up. The harmonized district-wise
database on types and degree of soil acidity and acreage available with NARS should be used
by State Governments for planning amelioration strategies. Research emphasis needs to be
given on efficient phosphate management and breeding programmes to modify root
characteristics for mitigating the problem of Al-toxicity and nutrient deficiencies in acid soils.
Physiological and molecular interventions should be made to develop high tolerance of plants
towards Al-toxicity. Also, there is need to explore and utilize microbial diversity in acid soils.
Conservation irrigation needs to be promoted for enhancement of water and nutrient use
efficiencies in these soils. A supply chain should be developed to ensure availability of
phosphate rock and low cost liming materials in these regions. Policy needs to be framed for
judicious utilization of large lime reserves in NEH states. Strategies and policies are required to
encourage the use of soil amendments like gypsum, lime and other alternative sources to
ameliorate and enhance the productivity of problem soils. The critical aspects such as transport
facility and incentives for use of these amendments need special attention.

As nearly one-third of the land area is under degraded and wasteland categories, there is a
need for a precise and periodic assessment of the nature, magnitude and extent of soil and
land degradation through rapid inventory using appropriate tools and techniques involving
agencies like National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC), ICAR, national and state soil survey
organizations, with particular reference to cultivated lands for their effective rehabilitation
and updated every three to five years. Soil conservation

In order to protect the top soil, there should be minimum migration of soil out of a given
field/catchment area. Universal Soil Loss Equation models have to be used to assess the
extent of soil erosion, soil and water resource conservation and non-point source pollution
assessments. Use of satellite data and fuzzy logic models are also useful in diagnosing and
controlling erosion and related soil degradation processes. Emphasis is needed on rain water

management focusing on maximum water retention in the soil profile, groundwater recharge,
and water harvesting by controlling run-off water along with appropriate drainage.

Inclusion of water harvesting along with specific amendment materials has the great potential
of reclaiming problem soils. Implementation of technologies to arrest water and wind erosion
developed by the ICAR Institutes and State Agricultural Universities may be reviewed and
strengthened. Special package involving multi-sectoral interventions may be implemented for
minimizing degradation and rejuvenation of ravine, waterlogged, coastal saline, riverine
diara lands and mining areas. The Himalayan region needs greater attention, as the loss of
soil, water, property, human and animal wealth is now taking place at an accelerated pace in
this ecologically fragile region. It is essential to ensure minimal landform/landscape
disturbance to reduce land degradation in this region. In areas where jhum cultivation is
prevalent, alternate models of land ownership at community level and integrated models of
land use as evolved and demonstrated by ICAR may be encouraged, with suitable incentives,
for their adoption at community level to ensure livelihood security and sustainability of the
fragile ecosystem. Soil pollution and risk assessment

Thorough diagnosis and detailed risk assessment should be performed for the sites
contaminated with toxic heavy metals, inorganic compounds and persistent organic
pollutants. Based on risk review, integrated soil management options can be developed for
minimizing threat to soil quality and to human and animals. Research on soil-plant-
animal/human continuum in different agro-climatic zones with reference to heavy metals and
other pollutants needs to be strengthened to assess the extent of pollution and for
safeguarding the animal and human health. In fact, a national-level Soil Protection Policy
may be formulated to regulate the entry of pollutants to soil. The policy framework
regulations must be binding to all enterprises and government agencies engaged in the
professions and the services affecting soil environment. Safe disposal of municipal wastes
and industrial effluents should strictly be followed. Protecting prime agricultural lands

It is high time that land use policy be framed to save productive lands being transferred for
purposes other than agriculture. There is need to earmark areas not suitable for farming, so as to
facilitate their utilization as agroforestry/forestry/range lands. Inter-ministerial dialogue at
central level is needed to devise effective policy guidelines regarding use of fertile lands. A
Land Reclamation Board may be set-up to facilitate monitoring of programmes related to
reclamation of degraded soils by mobilizing necessary resources and agencies. The Board may
also initiate proactive measures from preventing risks from pollution. Clear demarcation of
biosphere reserves, production forests, community lands, urban green belt and special
agricultural zones/ potentially efficient crop zones must be made using geo-spatial techniques.
The land use survey organization should use district or even taluka level geo-spatial data to
suggest most appropriate land use and allocation. Prime agricultural lands with high carrying
capacity, perennial orchards/plantations, parks and similar green spaces within urban limits

may be demarcated and regulated against diversion. Further, incentivizing policies for setting
up industries in marginal lands will be helpful to achieve the above objective, as strongly
emphasized by the National Commission on Farmers (2004 to 2006).

9.3.2 Implementation Status

The estimates of area under degraded lands as given by different agencies have been
harmonized, and acceptable statistics of 120.72 mha is provided. Subsequently, ICAR
institutes namely CSSRI, Karnal, IISWC, Dehradun and CAZRI, Jodhpur developed large
number of technologies to curb/manage soil degradation and improve productivity of
degraded soils.

The erstwhile Planning Commission constituted a Working Group of Sub-Committee of the

National Development Council (NDC) on agriculture and related issues on dryland/ rainfed
farming system including regeneration of degraded waste land, watershed development
programme under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister, Government of Gujarat to suggest
various steps to be taken for effective utilization of natural resources especially in rainfed
areas including measures/programmes for land resource development, requirement of funds
and also the area to be covered under the programmes of various Ministries/Departments as
well as the State Governments. The Committee in its report recommended for formulation of
a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for Reclamation of Problem Soils during XI Plan with
enhanced unit costs and Government of India’s assistance. For acid soils, periodic liming at
2-4 t/ha has been considered effective in ameliorating acidity. Subsequent studies, however,
revealed the superiority of furrow applications of liming materials over broadcasting. Thus,
furrow placement of lime at the rate of 10 per cent to 20 per cent of lime requirement (LR),
which amounts to around 200 to 500 kg ha-1 to each crop, is as effective as one-time
application of entire LR.

It is interesting to note that the area under non-agricultural uses increased by about 10 mha
since 1970-71, whereas that under barren and uncultivated lands declined by about 10 mha
during this period. The often overlooked fact behind almost stagnant net-cultivated area
(~140 mha) is significant diversion of prime agricultural lands for non-agricultural purposes
and simultaneous induction of barren and uncultivable lands. As these new lands being
inducted to croplands are extremely poor in terms of fertility status and overall health, a
careful monitoring and management is obviously needed to make them productive and
economically remunaretive. At the same time, we must desist from divering price agricultural
land to non-agricultural uses.

9.4 Monitoring Soil Health

9.4.1 Recommendation Soil quality assessment

Soil quality should be assessed, along with development of soil quality index and periodic
monitoring through identification of minimum data set under different agro-ecosystems and
models be developed for predicting the impact of management practices on soil quality under
different climate change scenarios. A real-time dynamic national database centre, may be
created to enable access to soil health data by the stakeholders. This centre may be linked to
all research institutions and soil testing laboratories. Requisite search engines and robust
online platform for data acquisition, storage and retrieval may be in-built within this
architecture. A web portal for National NRM Systems has been operationalized by Indian
Space Research Organization. It must become a one stop-shop for all information. Revamping soil testing services

In order to maintain the quality and authenticity of soil test reports, there has to be a strong
monitoring mechanism for cross- checking or referencing of soil test data so as to enhance
their worth and acceptability. For this some reference laboratories need to be identified and
strengthened. All soil testing laboratories (STL) especially district and regional laboratories
in the country should be well-equipped for the analysis of available macro and micronutrients
and quality of irrigation water – the foremost recommendation in the NAAS Policy Paper 35,
2006. Soil testing should include plant tissue testing also to provide advisory service for
general as well as for specialized farming including horticulture, floriculture and plantation
crops. Qualified and trained staff should be appointed in STL. Training and updating of the
staff of STL should be a regular feature. It is vital to ensure that the information contained in
Soil Health Card is not only conveyed to the farmers appropriately but also put into practice.
A national roadmap needs to be framed for revamping the existing STLs, including mobile
laboratories for efficient, rapid and reliable soil quality assessment. Sub-soil contributes
considerably towards meeting nutrient needs of plants. However, soil testing is done only for
surface soils. It is suggested that the nutrient resources in soil profile up to a depth of 1.5 m
should be monitored periodically and their share in meeting the nutrient needs of a crop be
determined. Monitoring SOC changes and GHG emission

The “4‰ (4 per 1000) initiative” launched in 2015 during the 21st Conference of the Parties
(COP21, Paris) to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
aims to increase SOC by 0.4 per cent per year in the top 30-40 cm of agricultural soils. With
this initiative, agriculture takes centre stage in combating climate change. This small increase
in SOC of only 4‰ can totally nullify the ever-increasing CO2 emissions, besides improving
soil health and contributing to food security.

There is need to generate verifiable soil baseline data for SOC under agroforestry, grass-lands
and arable agriculture. Government may provide proper financial and infrastructure facility to
generate, document and store data on carbon stocks. A national network for resourcing
organic residues such as CRs, various forms of composts, urban wastes etc. may be created.
A ‘National Mission on Soil Carbon Improvement’ should be launched in order to improve
organic carbon status of soils, and for adaptation/mitigation of climate change. In view of
India’s climate pledge (COP 21, Paris, 2015), GHG emission intensity has to be reduced by
33-35 per cent of 2005 level by 2030. This demands creation of additional carbon sink of 2.5-
3 billion tonnes of CO2 equivalent by 2030. Hence, particular emphasis be given to
programmes related to agro-forestry, efficient recycling of CRs and CA supported by desired
mechanization and community-based mechanized composting. There is need to have an
institutional mechanism in place for Payment of Ecosystem Services (PES) that soil provides
through adoption of BMPs.

9.4.2 Implementation Status

The National Commission of Farmers laid great emphasis on strengthening soil testing
services, suggesting need to establish at least 1000 STLs. The STL network, therefore,
expanded over the years and currently therefore some 1586 STLs (1232 static labs + 354
mobile labs) exist in different parts of the country. Besides, a large number of digital soil
testing kits, called minilabs, have also been added to support the soil testing service. Many of
the state STLs are equipped with micronutrient analysis facility.

In recent years, the biggest initiative by the Government so far with respect to soil health
assessment and maintenance is the Soil Health Card (SHC) Scheme launched during 2015.
The Scheme envisages to issue to the farmers SHCs, which provides crop-wise fertilizer
recommendations for individual farms, besides soil test results, to improve crop productivity
through judicious use of inputs. Under this Scheme, geo-referenced soil samples are to be
collected at a uniform grid of 2.5 ha in irrigated areas and 10 ha in rainfed areas. The SHC
would include analysis of 12 soil parameters viz., pH, EC, SOC, available primary nutrients
(N, P, K), available S, and available micronutrients (Zn, Fe, Cu, Mn, B). The SHCs are to be
provided to farmers at an interval of two years. First cycle of issuing the SHCs has already
been completed, and the second one is continuing.The efficacy of the SHCs has so far been
unsatisfactory and the process needs revamping and effective monitoring and evaluation.

9.5 Nutrient Management

9.5.1 Recommendations Balanced fertilization

Site-specific fertilizer application practices (SSFAP) based on soil-test recommendations and

integrated plant nutrient supply (IPNS), involving FYM, compost, vermicompost, green
manures, dual purpose legumes (e.g. summer mung in rice-wheat cropping system) and
biofertilizers, need to be developed for various crops and cropping systems including agro-

forestry systems, integrated farming, orchards and peri-urban-agricultural systems in different
agro-ecological zones of the country. The current gap between annual drain of nutrients from
the soil and inputs from external sources is 10 million tonnes, which has to be bridged as far
as possible to minimize nutrient mining from soil reserves. Availability of fertilizers on time
still remains a problem in several parts of the country, which necessitates a relook at existing
mechanism of fertilizer distribution. Studies suggested the possibility of curtailing fertilizer N
and P application rates in wheat under permanent raised-bed (PRB) planting compared with
conventional flat-bed planting owing to greater nutrient use efficiency (NUE) and better crop
establishment in the former case. Thus, fertilizer prescriptions for PRB planting and other
CA-based systems need to be developed through systematically planned multi-location
studies. Organic manure and biofertilizers

Technologies need to be refined and popularized for enrichment of bulky organic sources.
Intensive research using biotechnology and other emerging frontier sciences is needed to
develop more efficient biofertilizers. Isolation of effective strains tolerant to high
temperature, drought, acidity and other abiotic stresses is of high priority. Emphasis is needed
on development of newer formulations of biofertilizers, microbial consortia, improvement of
inoculant quality and devising effective delivery systems are crucial. Greater emphasis is
needed to improve field level efficiency of PSB, VAM etc. particularly in soils of different
pH. Creating awareness and doorstep availability of quality biofertilizers at an affordable
price would popularize their use. Location-specific technologies and strategies need to be
developed for different agro-ecologies for growing of green manure crops depending on
availability of water, labour, seed and time available in the cropping systems.

Efficient utilization of organic manures, integration of crop and livestock-production systems,

promotion of biogas plants and improving their efficiency, and enriched composting may
receive greater attention of R&D institutions and concerned Government departments.
Fertilizer equivalents of different manures need to be worked out based on crop response to
organics vis-a-vis fertilizers, so as to suggest more rational IPNS packages for crops and
cropping systems. Nutrient-water interactions

Considerable amounts of plant nutrients (N, K and S) may be added through irrigation water,
especially groundwater. Estimates of such amounts of plant nutrients will not only help in
determining more realistic balance sheets but also in curtailing fertilizer input through
increasing the efficiency of plant nutrients. For high yields, water and nutrient use efficiency,
attempts should be made to optimize fertilizer rates in relation to the quality and quantity of
irrigation water.

266 N management

Excessive use of N fertilizers is a serious concern in many high productivity zones practicing
rice-based systems. Efficient N management can contribute to curtailing the leakages of N to
the environment and at the same time make fertilizer N application more cost-effective.
Precision N management approaches using tools like leaf color chart, which rationalize
fertilizer use, must be standardized and adopted on large scale. Also, N management
protocols should be developed for CA-based cropping systems. Use of urea super granules
(USG) and nitrification inhibitors based on neem products which improve N use efficiency,
needs to be popularized. Possibilities of inclusion of legumes in cropping systems need to be
explored to tap the benefits of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF). The vast potential of BNF
has remained unrealized at the farmers' level due to many reasons and needs to be looked into
holistically in agricultural production systems. Development of N-efficient cultivars could
help decrease fertilizer N inputs and minimize reactive N losses to the environment. P management

The P use efficiency (PUE) continues to be extremely low (15-20 per cent). A continuous
build-up in soil P status has been recorded in intensively cropped areas, owing to regular use
of P fertilizers to all crops irrespective of soil test values. These P-rich soils can possibly be
“mined” through biological P mobilization. Accounts of residual P in cropping systems
should be studied extensively, especially in the long-term, and recommendations be evolved
for biological mobilization of sparingly soluble P accumulated in the rhizosphere.
Application of P on the basis of cropping sequence instead of individual crop needs to be
considered for improving PUE. Developing precision P placement techniques, heavy initial
application of rock phosphates (RPs), use of nano-RP, state-of-art controlled release P
fertilizers and breeding P-efficient cultivars would go a long way to enhance PUE. Also there
is need to develop suitable strategies for P management in rainfed crops, for basal application
of P fertilizers in these regions are often risky owing to failure of crops at later stages on
account of long dry spells. Role of chemically and biologically synthesized nano-P for better
mobilization of native soil P and higher PUE needs to be studied. The P inputs to surface
water have increased because of intensive livestock grazing and the combined manure and
fertilizer inputs in excess of crop requirement that led to a build-up of soil P levels. Threshold
soil P levels that guide manure applications should be linked with site vulnerability to P loss.

To use low grade rock-phosphates, a new policy is required for the direct use of indigenous
reactive rock phosphates under certain soil and crop conditions. Availability of modified RP
products viz., acidulated RPs, SSP-RP mixture, Pyrite-RP mixtures, PSB-RP mixtures,
compacted RPs etc. should be enhanced in Indian market, and subsequently popularized
among farmers. There is an urgent need to popularize phospho-composting technology.
Making low grade RPs available to the composting units and to the farmers at cheaper price
is the need of the hour. There should be a technical discussion within the researcher -
fertilizer industry- policy makers-extension agency interface, so that bottlenecks of non-
availability of RP in the market could be discussed.

267 K and other nutrients

The present method of determining available K in soils is not adequate to predict K supplying
capacity of soil. It is, therefore, desirable to have an estimate of non-exchangeable K (NEK)
in a soil. There is a gap between the ‘K-release threshold level’ and ‘K-fixation threshold
level’ in soil, the latter being generally higher. A judicious K management practice should
maintain the exchangeable K level in soil at an optimum intermediate between these two
thresholds. Farmers’ fertilizer use is often skewed towards N and P ignoring K. As a result,
constant K mining even started exhibiting distortion of soil clay mineralogical make-up,
which is quite disturbing and irreversible deterioration of soil health. In order to minimize S
mining from soil, use of S fertilizers and industrial by-products such as phosphogypsum and
press mud need to be encouraged and incentivized. The micronutrient deficiency has grown
rapidly over the years both in extent and intensity, although reliable statistics on the amount
of micronutrients being used in different states is lacking. Whereas efforts are needed to
make available reliable data about micronutrient requirement and use, equally important is to
ensure timely availability of necessary micronutrient fertilizers at farmers’ doorstep. Enhancing farmers’ awareness

Extension machinery needs to be geared-up and rejuvenated for popularizing soil-test based
fertilizer recommendations, time and method of fertilizer application, role of secondary and
micronutrients in human and animal health, importance of organic manures, biofertilizers,
IPNS etc. Farmers’ awareness on K fertilization should, therefore, be imposed through
potential programmes in mass media and popular literature. There is still a larger exploitable
yield gap in most of the crops as evidenced by nationwide frontline demonstrations. Greater
efforts on bridging this gap with Best Management Practices (BMPs) and their effective
transfer to farmers are critical to achieve the production targets in the wake of shrinking land
and water resources.

9.5.2 Implementation Status

The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) has been implemented with the
objectives to make agriculture more productive, sustainable and climate resilient; to conserve
natural resources; to adopt comprehensive soil health management practices; to optimize
utilization of water resources; etc. ‘Soil Health Management (SHM)’ remained one of the
most important interventions under NMSA. It aims at promoting IPNS through judicious use
of fertilizers including secondary and micronutrients in conjunction with organic manures
and biofertilizers for improving soil health and productivity.

Analysis of soil samples collected from agriculturally-important agro-ecological sub-regions

(AESRs) indicated widespread multi-nutrient deficiency involving 2 to 6 nutrients viz, NK,
NKS, NKB, NPKS, NKSZn and NPKSZnB. Recently AICRP on Secondary and
Micronutrients and Pollutant Elements brought out an e-Atlas containing taluka-wise maps
on micronutrient status in soils using geo-referenced data generated under the AICRP and
other projects to improve understanding regarding micronutrient problems in the country and

help devising appropriate options for amelioration of the deficient soils. Incidence and
expansion of such multi-nutrient deficiencies in Indian soils owing to inadequate and
unbalanced nutrient input through fertilizers is considered one of the major constraints in
enhancing and sustaining crop productivity.

Long-term studies undertaken in different soil-crop environments established the benefits of

IPNS involving use of organic and biological resources along with fertilizers. The integrated
use of green manures, organic manures and fertilizers under pre-dominant cropping systems
showed great potential to curtail fertilizer requirements, achieve maximum economic yields
and sustain crop productivity on long-term basis. Adoption of IPNS either helped curtailing
fertilizer rates or enhanced productivity levels at recommended fertilizer input.
Unfortunately, IPNS studies are often restricted to measurement of yield, nutrient
uptake/NUE and soil parameters, ignoring economic impact. Nonetheless, sporadic studies
involving computation of economic returns gave mixed results, rather than suggesting
superiority of IPNS over sole fertilizer application in terms of net income and B:C ratio in
different cropping systems.

Multi-location studies with intensive cropping systems viz., rice-wheat, rice-maize, pearl
millet-wheat, pearl millet-mustard, and sugarcane-based systems underlined the superiority of
site-specific nutrient management (SSNM) as against general fertilizer recommendations or
farmers’ fertilizer practice (FFP). The SSNM improved nutrient use efficiency and economic
returns over FFP. In rice-wheat cropping system, it was possible to attain 14-16 t ha-1 annual
grain productivity along with significantly greater economic returns with the adoption of
SSNM vis-à-vis other options at different locations.

9.6 Fertilizer Policies

9.6.1 Recommendations

The process of approving, pricing and incorporation in Fertilizer (Control) Order by Govt. of
India for Value Added Fertilizers (VAF) needs to be accelerated. An All-India Centre for R&D
on fertilizer materials may be established without any further delay, which would be
responsible for development, testing, quality control, and advisory services. Fertilizer policies
need to be oriented towards ensuring balanced nutrition to major crops through nutrient-based
subsidy (NBS), micro-nutrient-fortified fertilizers and soil test-based SSNM. Reforms in NBS
policy is needed to correct highly skewed the N: P: K consumption ratio in some states with
emphasis to narrow down N: P: K ratio to 4:2:1. A research cess on fertilizers could be levied,
and funds thus generated be utilized for R&D in the area of enhancing fertilizer use efficiency.

There is need to strengthen fertilizer-product research. Low-cost indigenous nitrification

inhibitors and nano-VAFs should be developed. Incentives may be provided to the fertilizer
manufacturers opting for the manufacture of VAFs such as neem-coated urea, sulphur coated
urea, etc. Collaboration should be strengthened between the fertilizer industry and National
Institutes engaged in developing soil test-based and site-specific nutrient recommendations to
develop soil and crop-specific quality fertilizers. Customized fertilizer grades based on soil-

test-crop response studies for different crops and regions are to be developed and promoted.
Equally important is a focused R&D. Research is needed on the use of water soluble and
liquid fertilizers especially in horticultural crops.

Urea constitutes about 82 per cent of the fertilizer N used in India. Neem-oil when applied as
nitrification inhibitor along with urea reduces loss of applied N, thereby increasing N use
efficiency and controlling N2O emission. In early 1970s, investigations at Indian Agricultural
Research Institute (IARI) suggested the technology of neem-oil coating of urea for slowing
down nitrification rate and thus curtailing the losses of applied N fron soil.

9.6.2 Implementation Status

At present, India is the 2nd largest consumer and producer of fertilizers in the world.
Chemical fertilizers have been one of the key inputs responsible for enhancing crop
productivity and driving the country towards self-sufficiency in food production. Despite
tremendous growth in fertilizer consumption in recent past, the nutrient demand of crops
could not be met through fertilizers alone. In fact, an annual demand-supply gap of about 10
Mt persists, suggesting excessive mining of soils’ native reserves. The pace of nutrient
mining from soil gets further aggravated due to imbalanced use of fertilizers as the fertilizer
consumption is skewed towards N and P. With the fractured implementation of NBS during
2010 (keeping urea out of ambit of NBS), the P and K fertilizers became costlier rendering
their decreased consumption. As a result, fertilizer consumption ratio (N: P2O5: K2O)
widened from 4:3.2:1 (2009-10) to 7.2: 2.9: 1 (2015-16).

In response to the commendable initiative of Hon’ble Prime Minister for mass adoption of the
neem-oil coating technology, Government of India brought a fertilizer policy in 2015 wherein
entire urea (domestic as well as imported) has to be essentially coated with neem-oil.
Implementation of this policy not only helped curtailing its’ usage due to higher use
efficiency but also controlled diversion of urea (highly subsidized for farmers) to the non-
agricultural purposes. According to Fertilizer Control Order (2017), minimum coating of 350
mg neem-oil kg-1 urea should be there for commercial production of neem-oil coated urea
(NOCU). However, efficacy of such a low concentration of neem-oil coating for enhancing N
use efficiency and curtailing N2O emission needs to be studied extensively under diverse
farming situations.

Prime Minister made a call to curtail the use of urea to one-half by 2022. Serious R&D
efforts along with apt policy framework are needed to meet this target, through appropriate
substitutes as well as novel products without hurting the much needed TFP growth. Bringing
urea under NBS may help to discourage its over-use by farmers in some intensive cropping

The deficiency of secondary and micronutrients can be overcome to a great extent by

fortification of the presently manufactured N/P/NP/NPK fertilizers. Use of micronutrients at
recommended rates and quality of micronutrient fertilizers has to be ensured.

9.7 Organic Farming

9.7.1 Recommendations

Organic farming is a market demand-driven agriculture, aimed to cater to the foreign export
and affluent section of the society in the country. However, in order to make a dent in the
export market, there is need to develop high-tech organic farming technology with strict
quality control, meeting international quality standards. Niche areas and crops for organic
farming need to be identified, although the real niches will be determined by the market
infrastructure and international linkages/demands. The practice of organic farming considered
for lesser endowed regions rather than intensively cropped regions which serve as the
backbone of the country’s food security. Thus, farming along the entire value chain may be
strengthened and promoted in rainfed and hilly tracts, tribal areas, and north-eastern region
with low productivity and low/negligible usage of agro-chemicals, for chosen crops and
commodities where the country has comparative market advantage. There is need to promote
strong research back-up to develop national standards for organic certifications coherent with
international protocols.

Organic farming should not be confined to the age old practice of using cattle dung, and other
inputs of organic/biological origin, but an emphasis needs to be laid on the soil and crop
management practices that enhance the population and efficiency of below-ground soil
biodiversity to improve nutrient availability. Performance of cultural techniques for weed
control and that of biopesticides for pest management need to be evaluated under field
conditions, preferably under cultivators’ management conditions. Besides the identification
of regions suitable for the adoption of organic farming, the crops and their products should
also be identified which are amenable for production through organic ways and have the
potential to fetch a premium price in the international organic market.

Region-specific resource inventory, including animal wealth, farm residues/by-products and

their competitive uses, non-conventional nutrient sources of organic/biological origin etc.,
needs to be prepared for development of rational technology packages of organic farming. A
strong technological back-up by scientific community should be provided in order to verify,
confirm and further refine some selected ITKs (like Agnihotra, Panchgavya etc.) pertaining to
organic farming. Crop-specific and farming situation-specific package of practices for
organic cultivation should be developed and after thorough on-farm validation, recommended
for adoption. Such proven technology packages need to be documented in regional languages.

9.7.2 Implementation Status

At present, the total area under organic farming in India is estimated at 2.6 mha. The
compound growth rate (CGR) of organic farming area remained 11.5 per cent, of which wild
collection was 12.6 per cent and remaining area 7.45 per cent during 2005-2013. The CGR of
export of organic products was 51.5 per cent and export value 11.8 per cent during 2002-03
to 2013-14. The prices of organic products are often greater than the conventional products in
domestic markets. India exports around 135 organic products. The share of oil crops in total

organic export quantity was highest (26.7 per cent) followed by cotton (24.5 per cent), and
basmati rice (11.8 per cent) during 2013-14. India exports organic products to all the
continents, though the largest share goes to EU (44.1 per cent), followed by USA (19.2 per

The Government has been promoting organic farming in a big way through two centrally
sponsored Schemes namely ‘Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojona (PKVY)’ and ‘Mission on
Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region (MOVCDNER)’. Whereas, PKVY
envisages establishment of organic farming clusters of 50 acres each in different states,
MOVCDNER takes care of developing entire value chain of organic production in the NE
region, involving input supply, production, aggregation of produce, packaging, branding and
marketing. Under PKVY, an indigenous organic certification protocol named ‘Participatory
Guarantee Scheme (PGS)’ has been developed and adopted for domestic certification.

The above notwithstanding, the current status of Organic Agriculture in Sikkim, the first state
in India to become totally organic in 2016, while was also declared by UN as the world’s first
100 per cent Organic State is not as rosy. The Sunday Guradian, 24-30, June 2018 article
“Sikkim Organic Farming Delusions” by Ganeshan and Nair give a different story. They have
reported that the staple that in the last 20 years, the staple food productions declined by 60 per
cent while the population increased from 4 lakhs to 6.5 lakhs during this period. This excludes
the tourist flow which has its own food requirement. Data also indicates that Sikkim produced
5,400 tonnes of cardamom in 2004 which reduced to 4,000 tonnes in 2015. In 2016-17 India
imported 3,120 tonnes of this commodity from Nepal. The data presented above should be an
eye opener to all stakeholders who are concerned with India’s food security which was attained
with a sound scientific and technological approach rather than anything else.

9.8 Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF)

Experimented developed and advocated by Mr. Palekar in Karnataka during late 1990s to
2010, ZBNF is described as a farming system based only on Nature with no purchased inputs,
no loans, no credit, and without chemicals. This cow-based natural farming practice has been
institutionalized in Andhra Pradesh – APZBNF, and is based on four pillars Bijamrita (seed
treatment using local cowdung and cow urine), Jiwamrita (applying inoculation made of local
cowdung and cow urine without any fertilizers and pesticides), Mulching (activities to ensure
favorable microclimate in the soil), and Waaphasa (soil aeration, soil enrichment, soil water
retention). This process and social movement is seen as an agro-ecological movement, and
the farmer field school system of extension, training and technology transfer was followed,
and the technology was to be adopted in a progressive manner. AP data showed that ZBNF
had enhanced cotton yield by 11 per cent, paddy yield by 12 per cent, groundnut yield by 23
per cent, and chilli yield by 34 per cent, reduced (more than halved) cost of inputs and greater
efficiency of production had significantly increased farmers’ income, besides the ecological
ecosystem improvement. On the other hand, several reviews conclude that the claims of
ZBNF are questionable and need scientific validation. It is, therefore, premature to

recommend its wide-spread adoption which may lead to massive damage to the hard-earned
knowledge and benefits of agricultural R&D over the last 70 years.

As such, without consultation with ICAR and the Department of Agriculture, NITI Aayog is
promoting ZBNF, and the approach was mentioned even in the 2019 Budget
speech/document stating that “steps such as this can help in doubling farmers’ income” The
move to turn Andhra Pradesh into world’s 1st natural farming state is estimated to cost rupees
17,000 crores (equivalent to 2.3 billion US $) and is to be raised as loan based on state
guarantee. ‘Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiative’ has already extended a rupees 100 crore
grant for this purpose.

NAAS must critically examine the scientific legitimacy and authenticity of the movement and
provide scientifically evidenced guidance and way forward. To begin with, the NAAS
chapter in Hyderabad in close collaboration with Hyderabad – based ICAR institutions –
NAARM, MANAGE, CRIDA, Rice Project, SAUs and others, must undertake transparent
analyses and come up with solidly researched facts and scope of adoption of ZBNF.

While ICAR has already initiated experiments and is further moving towards studying the
impact of ZBNF, there has been no hard evidence from the ground suggesting the efficacy of
the techniques. In fact, the results of the first year experiments undertaken by the Farming
Systems Institute, Modipuram, Meerut were all negative. All case studies are self-reported
and there have been no scientific tests of the products as well. It would be a more effective
move to have ICAR scientifically assess the model before the renewed and announced focus
on the methodology. Regarding wide adoption of ZBNF, Prof. Ramesh Chand, Member NITI
Aayog has said “There is no scientific evidence till now on the results of zero budget
farming. We will first assess the report, which ICAR will be submitting, before reaching to
any conclusion,” But, the NITI Aayog seems to be in a hurry to nationally adopt ZBNF.
Hopefully the Member will prevail over the system to accept only scientifically proven

9.9 NAAS Policy Brief 3 – Soil Health: New Policy Initiatives for
Farmers’ Welfare

This recent, 2018, NAAS Policy Brief lists implementable new policy recommendations,
suggesting possible solutions to several of the above issues, as reproduced below:

1. Implementation of technologies to arrest water and wind erosion developed by the ICAR
Institutes and State Agricultural Universities may be reviewed and strengthened. Focused
attention has to be given to the Himalayan region where loss of soil, water, property,
human and animal wealth is now taking place at an alarming and accelerated rate

2. It is high time that land use policy in the country is framed to save productive lands being
transferred for purposes other than agriculture. The farmers then will have the option to
decide crops and cropping patterns keeping in mind the safe water availability, land
capability, resources available with him, socio-economic conditions and demand driven

market to avoid gluts and sudden fall in prices. This may also eliminate the practice of
fixing minimum support price (MSP) of the commodity by the government

3. Soil Health Mission introduced by Govt. of India to provide soil health card to each and
every farmer is a timely and welcome step. The Govt. of India has invested heavily in its
Soil Health Mission and it is estimated that 120 million Soil Health Cards have been
distributed. The most important aspect is that it would be a continued exercise repeated
every two years. In order to maintain the quality and authenticity of soil test values, there
has to be a strong monitoring mechanism for cross- checking or referencing of soil testing
data so as to make the programme viable. For this some reference laboratories need to be
identified and strengthened. All soil testing laboratories (STL’s) especially district and
regional laboratories in the country should be well equipped for the analysis of available
macro and micronutrients and quality of irrigation water. Soil testing should include plant
tissue testing also to provide advisory service for general as well as for specialized
farming including horticulture, floriculture and plantation crops. Qualified and trained
staff should be appointed in STL’s with some incentives. Training and updating of the
staff of STL’s should be a regular feature. It is vital to ensure that the information
contained in Soil Health Card is not only conveyed to the farmers appropriately but also
put into practice

4. Biofertilizers (BF) along with organics has to be an integral part of nutrient management.
Deployment of new microorganism or consortia of microorganisms and quality control of
biofertilizer packets supplied at farmer’s doorstep should be of paramount importance.
Newer formulations of mixed biofertilizers and devising effective delivery systems are
crucial for making further progress in taking the BF technology to farmers’ fields.
Efficient utilization of organic manures, integration of crop and livestock-production
systems, promotion of biogas plants and improving their efficiency; training and
incentives for better manure management; improved and enriched compost preparation is
desired/to be ensured. Washing of cow dung and urine to nallas, canals and streams from
the dairy farms established in the peri-urban areas should be strictly banned

5. The Nutrient Based Subsidy (NBS) policy encourages use of more urea which has highly
skewed the N: P: K use ratio in some states. Reforms in NBS policy are required to
correct this aberration. The subsidies on fertilizer should be rationalized so that there is
parity in nutrient pricing to promote balanced fertilizer use. A research cess on fertilizers
can be levied which can thus be utilized to funding research for developing efficient use
of nitrogenous fertilizers. Blending or coating of N fertilizers with nitrification inhibitors
to increase N use efficiency is one of many options for developing more efficient N-
fertilizers. Incentives may be provided to the fertilizer manufacturers opting for the
manufacture of value-added fertilizers such as neem-coated urea, sulphur coated urea, etc

6. There is need to develop new products and popularize more efficient methods of nutrient
application. Fertigation is one means which can effectively enhance the nutrient use
efficiency considerably. The Hon’ble Prime Minister has made a call to halve the use of
urea by 2022. Serious R&D efforts are needed to meet the target in time, through
appropriate substitutes as well as novel products

7. The deficiency of secondary and micronutrients can be overcome to a great extent by

fortification of the presently manufactured N/P/NP/NPK fertilisers ensuring supply of
micro-and secondary nutrients. Since deficiencies of micro- and secondary nutrients are

affecting the quality and productivity in all commodities of soil – plant – animal - human
chain, promotion of use of micronutrients at recommended rates and quality maintenance
of micronutrient fertilizers through regulation has to be ensured

8. Safe disposal of municipal wastes and industrial effluents should strictly be followed. A
simple policy change may be urgently introduced in government campaign in areas
having high nitrates in potable waters and phosphates in surface waters. Policies designed
to promote greater N-use efficiency in agriculture should emphasize incentives to farmers
rather than punitive regulations, so as to avoid export of crop and livestock production to
areas with less stringent environmental guidelines

9. The process of approving, pricing and incorporation in Fertilizer Control Order by Govt.
of India for Value Added Fertilizers (VAF) needs to be accelerated. A special committee
consisting of senior representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture & Farmer Welfare,
Ministry of Fertilizers & Chemicals, ICAR and the fertilizer industry be constituted to
examine various issues pertaining to VAF and make appropriate recommendations to the
Government of India

10. Conservation agriculture has emerged as an alternative to residue burning, where residue
is managed in-situ thereby improving soil organic carbon for sustainable soil health.
Availability of appropriate machinery that does no-till, fertilizer placement, seeding,
chopping and spreading of standing crop residues in one-go should be ensured. Heavy
machinery for land shaping, construction of raised and sunken beds, ponds etc. may be
ensured through rural cooperative societies by custom hiring. Technical help should be
provided to achieve such special tasks

11. Use of alternate energy sources such as solar and wind energy in on-farm agricultural
operations should be encouraged

12. Introducing and providing carbon-credit or incentives to the farmers practicing

conservation agriculture for carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas mitigation may be a
good option

13. In view of the 3 related SDGs (2, 13, 15), “4 per 1000” as well as India’s Climate Pledge
stated earlier, extra emphasis has to be laid on carbon sequestration in soils. Since
Organic Carbon Content is an easily measurable parameter, monitoring and incentivizing
the farmers through payment of ecosystem services, would go a long way in achieving
these targets.

9.10 Important Policy Issues-Way Forward

From the above it is obvious that several of the recommendations under each issue have been
implemented. The gaps in efficiency of implementation have also been identified for
necessary action.

There are a number of areas pertaining to scientific management and restoration of soil health
that need policy support and prioritized R&D. Supplementing the NAAS Policy Brief
recommendations, some important areas are listed below:

• A Land Development Department needs to be created under the Ministry of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. This Department will be the apex body for all Land Care
Policies and Programmes and their implementation. All the activities related to land viz.,
digital land records, conservation, reclamation of degraded and waste lands, rejuvenation of
fallow lands and their development should be planned, implemented and monitored by this
Department in collaboration with R&D organizations and the State Governments. The
National and State Land Use Boards may be revived and strengthened with representations
from all the concerned stakeholders including farmers

• A ‘National Mission on Soil Carbon Improvement’ should be launched in order to

improve SOC content and sequestration, and for adaptation/mitigation of climate change.
Emphasis needs to be given on (i) study of mechanisms and assessment of the potential for
carbon storage in soils across regions and systems; (ii) performance evaluation of best
farming practices for enhancement of SOC and their impact on GHG emission; (iii)
monitoring and estimating variations in SOC stock, especially at farmers’ level; and (iv)
innovative models for incentivizing those (farmers/communities/FPOs) adopting low C
footprint farming and allied practices

• Despite large network of STLs and personnel engaged therein, the service could not
gain desired mass acceptability. As a result, the demand for soil testing is low, as even
innovative and resource-rich farmers are seldom enthusiastic to get their soil tested for
fertilizer use decisions. This soil testing service, therefore needs revamping. Instead of
expansion of the service by way of establishing several small STLs every year, it would be
better to establish duly-accredited high output STLs under public sector or in a PPP mode,
initially on a pilot scale (may be one STL in each state). Depending on their success,
establishment of such STLs at divisional level in each state could be thought of. Proliferation
of small STLs in the name of strengthening soil testing service is not a professional approach,
and should no longer be continued. As mentioned earlier (in chapter 3, section 3.4), had the
very first recommendation of Policy Paper 35, 2006 entitled “ Low and Declining Response
to Fertilizers” been judiciously implemented, this unsatisfactory situation would have not

• In order to hire trained human resource and ensure their retention in the soil testing
service, creation of a state level dedicated service cadre named ‘Soil Health Monitoring
Service’ appears an innovative option. These officers should be exposed to advanced level
professional trainings and orientation courses at a regular interval. At present, the officers are
frequently transferred from/to STLs, and they hardly own the service. Even a training
imparted to such officers ultimately proves wasteful. Creation of a separate cadre would also
enhance self-esteem of the officers, who will work had to complete and rise within the cadre

• To enhance the large scale adoption and acceptability of SHCs, geo-referenced soil
samples be collected from individual farm holdings instead of grid–based sampling, and apart
from the existing 12 soil parameters, soil depth, texture and irrigation water quality may also
be included. This improved SHC be better designated as “Soil Health Management Pass

Book” which should be updated every three years. This pass book may also contain the
information on best management practices (BMPs) for the crops of a given area. The SHC
data may also be used for preparation of digitized soil fertility maps for promoting balanced
fertilization. Periodic submission of soil health status report to the Parliament/State
Assemblies be made mandatory

• Peri-urban Agriculture is evolving as a new sector. Scientific policies and practices

for promoting peri-urban agriculture are crucial for environmental safety. Recycling and
reuse of treated sewage and effluent water for irrigation and mechanized composting of urban
solid wastes as source of plant nutrients may be promoted as integral components of peri-
urban agriculture. In this regard, compliance of pollution and health standard protocols must
be ensured for their utilization. This will help in reducing use of fertilizers and promote IPNS
for improved soil health

• A series of ecosystem services are provisioned by soil which impact food and
nutritional security (Lal, 2013). These include crop yield and quality, animal production,
climate change mitigation, water quality improvement, and biodiversity enhancement. And,
these services are strongly interconnected, promoting the “One Health” concept –
indivisibility of soil – plant – animal – human health. This integrated outlook should guide
our policy options and actions to attain the SDGs, especially the SDG1 (poverty alleviation),
and SDG2 (Zero Hunger)

• Region-specific Integrated Farming System (IFS) models developed by NARS and

NGOs be promoted, particularly in case of small and marginal farmers for harnessing
supplementary and complementary relationships among different farm enterprises to achieve
greater productivity, sustainability and climate resilience leading to better income generation
and livelihood opportunities

• As the fragile coastal eco-system is affected by cyclonic storms and sea erosion,
policy interventions are required in the form of restricting indiscriminate expansion of coastal
aquaculture, with due recognition of user rights of the traditional fishermen. Similarly, inland
water bodies need to be protected and optimally utilized for aquaculture offering first rights
to traditional fishers. The coastal lands must be protected against sea water ingression by
cyclonic storms and sea erosion by regulated groundwater usage, embankments and bio-
shields. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively enforce the provisions of Coastal Regulation
Zone Act

• So far, innovation in fertilizer products has not been a priority area of research in
India. As a result, 3 or 4 conventional fertilizers rule the market, despite their low use
efficiencies. However, development of sustained release fertilizers using nano-formulations
and other novel approaches would be important to enhance nutrient use efficiency and
minimize losses to the environment. Adequate public investment is needed to encourage
research in this important area. Also, the fertilizer industry must come forward to support
such research

• Organic Farming may be strengthened and promoted in poorly-endowed regions like
rainfed and hilly tracts, tribal and north-eastern regions with low productivity and
low/negligible usage of agro-chemicals, for chosen crops and commodities where the country
has comparative market advantage. Strengthening of complete value chain from organic input
availability to product branding and marketing would help raising farmers’ income in these
niche areas. There is need to promote strong research backup to develop national standards
for organic certification coherent with the international protocols. The high productivity
zones of irrigated ecosystems practicing intensive cropping should be kept out of the ambit of
organic farming or other such alternate farming options, for these zones are critically
important to sustain national food security

• The ZBNF process should be transparently and scientifically analyzed involving the
main stakeholders, and the outcomes should be scientifically communicated for further
action. The issue needs urgent attention to ensure timely science-evidenced action, before
Andhra Pradesh and other pro – ZBNF states meet the same fate as Sikkim, thus jeopardizing
the hard earned national food security

• A result framework and implementation pathway must be prepared to ensure the

desired outcomes and impact under the guidance and governance of the proposed land
development department.

Selected References
NAAS (2010) Agricultural Waste Management. Policy Paper 49, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2006) Belowground Biodiversity in Relation to Cropping Systems. Policy Paper 36,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2014) Carbon Economy in Indian Agriculture. Policy Paper 69, National Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2014) Efficient Utilization of Phosphorus. Policy Paper 68, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2010) Exploring Untapped Potential of Acid Soils of India. Policy Paper 48, National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (1997) Fertilizer Policy Issues (2000-2025). Policy Paper 2, National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2017) Innovative Viable Solution to Rice Residue Burning in Rice-wheat Cropping
System through Concurrent Use of Super Straw Management System-fitted Combines
and Turbo Happy Seeder, Policy Brief 2, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
New Delhi

NAAS (2016) Issues and Challenges in Shifting Cultivation and its Relevance in the Present
Context. Policy Paper 83, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2006) Low and Declining Crop Response to Fertilizers, Policy Paper 35, National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2012) Management of Crop Residues in the Context of Conservation Agriculture,
Policy Paper 58, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2017) Mitigating Land Degradation due to Water Erosion. Policy Paper 88, National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2019) National Soil and Land Use Policy for Serving Farmers and Safeguarding
Agriculture. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2005) Organic Farming: Approaches and Possibilities in the Context of Indian
Agriculture. Policy paper 30, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2005) Policy Options for Efficient Nitrogen Use. Policy Paper 33, National Academy
of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
Soil Health and Nutrient Management. In: Report of the Committee onDoubling Farmers’
Income – Input Management for Resource Use Efficiency & Total Factor Productivity,
Volume VII, Chapter 1, DAC&FW, New Delhi
NAAS (2018) Soil Health: New Policy Initiatives for Farmers’ Welfare. Policy Brief 3,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2017) Strategy on Utilization of Glauconite Mineral as Source of Potassium. Strategy
Paper 6, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2012) Sustaining Agricultural Productivity through Integrated Soil Management.
Policy Paper 56, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2012) Value-added Fertilizers and Site-specific Nutrient Management, Policy Paper
57, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

Chapter 10

Crop Health Chemicals Management for Agricultural


10.1 Introduction

The Green Revolution, as other agricultural revolutions, was technology-driven, of course, in

synergy with appropriate policies, services, farmer enthusiasm and strong political will.
Semi-dwarf, input- responsive, widely adapted, high yielding crop varieties, duly supported
with increased application of irrigation, fertilizer and other agro-chemicals, were the main
drivers. In close collaboration with state and local research and technology development
institutions, packages of practices were designed, demonstrated and recommended for
different agro-ecological zones throughout the country. The technology packages were to be
faithfully adopted by farmers and other stakeholders to achieve desired productivity,
profitability and sustainability.

10.2 Protecting the Harvest

Protecting agriculture from onslaught of pests and diseases is an age old practice. Certain
major crop disease epidemics have sensitized all stakeholders to scientifically handle the
challenges for the humanity as a whole. As we know, Late Potato Blight caused by
Phytophthora infestans devastated the entire Irish potato crop, the main source of food and
cash, in 1845, causing the infamous Irish Potato Famine: The Great Hunger, which killed
over one million people and caused mass exodus. Hundred years later, in 1943, in India, the
devastating Great Bengal Famine caused by Helminthosporium oryzae epidemic wiped off
the main food crop rice, causing millions of human deaths. Red rot attack on sugarcane
during 1937-42 and 1946-47, brown plant-hopper attack in 1973-74, and army warm
epidemic on several crops in 1979 have caused severe losses. In India, estimated annual
losses due to pests and diseases are as high as US$ 45 million.

One of the main strategies to sustain the Green Revolution and further accelerate the gains
has been to minimize these crop losses. In the spirit of saving a grain means producing a
grain, pesticides are used to reduce the colossal losses and to enhance availability of quality
products. Further, the epidemics underpin the urgency of establishing science-led reliable
plant health management systems to eliminate such devastations. The establishment of the
Entomology and Mycology Units, along with Agronomy, Botany and Chemistry Units at the
Imperial Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) at Pusa, Bihar, in 1905, now Indian
Agricultural Research Institute (IARI), New Delhi, laid the foundation of scientific research
and technology development in crop protection. And, the move has been duly
institutionalized throughout the country. The Corporate Sector had also responded
vigorously. Today, India produces nearly 60,000 tonnes of pesticides (technical grade) and is

a major exporter, rendering the plant health agro-chemicals a vital and vibrant component of
the livelihood system and the Indian economy.

At times, for varying reasons, including lack of education and awareness, the farmers are not
able to adopt recommended practices, and non-judicious unscientific use of the agro-
chemicals have resulted in high poisoning cases, unintended adverse environmental and
economic disadvantages. Further, spurious and counterfeit pesticides, illegal imports, high
level pesticides residues and unsafe food are not uncommon. Over 30 pesticides and
formulations are banned in the country. The Insecticides Act (1968), Insecticides Rules
(1971) and additional notifications issued from time to time to address newer issues regulate
import, registration, production, distribution, and use of pesticides with a view to prevent risk
to human beings, animals, and environment. But, implementation of the rules is poor. On the
other hand, the present policy shift denounces the use of agrochemicals, especially pesticides
for promoting the organic way alone, without fully understanding the impact of such a shift
on overall food security of this soon becoming the most populous nation of the world. This
chapter examines the various issues and suggests the future pathway, including the pending
New Pesticide Bill, based on scientific evidence and in line with the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs) 2030 and the latest Food and Agricultural Organizations
(FAO)/World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for safety and registration. Above all,
judicious implementation of the Acts and the Bill and monitoring should be high priority of
the Government and the People.

10.3 Role of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS)

Three profound statements, namely ‘A grain saved is a grain produced’, “Unsafe food is no
food”, and “Save and Grow”, and the associated publications have been the main mantras for
NAAS’s working on crop protection and crop health management chemicals.

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, through its Brainstorming Session on

“Agrochemicals Management Issues and Strategies, 2010”, while appreciating the
indispensability of these chemicals to meet the food, health and other needs, involving
representation of all stakeholders, deliberated the issues and prospects and made
recommendations related to the following major aspects of Agrochemicals (NAAS Policy
Paper 45, 2010).

A. Pesticides (Inherent toxicity, Improved utility of limited molecules, Production of

useful forms of life, Biopesticides, Pesticide formulations, Handling, storage,
transportation, General regulatory issues, Quality issues, Environmental interactions
and consumer awareness, disposal / decontamination)

B. Agricultural Chemicals Other than Pesticides (Nitrification inhibitors, Seed coats,

Hydrogels, Plant growth regulators, Chemicals hybridizing agents and Value adders)

C. Technology, Trade, IPR etc. (Technology development and promotion, Intellectual

Property Right, Trade and commerce, Documentation and database)

D. Human Resource Development and utilization and creation of infrastructure (Human
resource development and utilization, Creation of infrastructure and others); and

E. Recommendations: Based on the scenario under the above four areas, the following
recommendations were made related to policy issues and research and education, as
listed below:

10.3.1 Policy Issues:

1. A national centre on agrochemicals, including organisms and bioproducts, to cater to

all aspects of education, training, research, development, scale up, commercialization,
etc. needs to be established

2. A single nodal agency, like the United States- Environment Protection Agency, to
address the multifarious aspects related to agrochemical use in totality needs to be

3. A network of centrally controlled and duly accredited laboratories to regularly

monitor and update the xenobiotics load of the environment and other natural
resources, agricultural and industrial produce, and other commodities needs to be

4. Investment in agrochemicals research, education, and technology generation needs to

be increased with due accountability

5. Only agricultural graduates should be licensed as responsible distributors/applicators/

consultants of (on) agrochemicals and other agro inputs

6. Safe food should be integrated with the recognized safety standards, minimum or no
risk products and judicious agrochemical management.

10.3.2 Research & Education:

1. Agrochemicals discipline needs to be created in all the national and state agricultural
universities and research institutes

2. Biodiversity management in the context of agrochemical use should be included in the

curricula of schools and colleges

3. Krishi Vigyan Kendras need to be strengthened as the knowledge based self

sustaining agri-clinics for the diagnosis and solution of the constraints related to
agricultural production and the human safety

4. Multi-disciplinary groups at the inter-ministerial level comprising scientists, science

managers, and other specialists to overview periodically the agrochemicals scenario
need to be established

5. Information on all aspects of agrochemicals needs to be documented and a database
needs to be created. This information should be accessible to one and all. A
mechanism should be devised for taking the researchable issues to the national
agricultural research system, and the feedback to all stakeholders.

The Academy recognizes that pesticides are supposed to be inherently toxic, thus it needs to
be ensured that they are safely used. Further, we should be able to promote the proven good
effects of agro-chemicals and prevent their known and possible bad (ill) effects. This calls for
reliable and methodological data collection and Big Data analysis to understand the direct
and interaction effects of several economic, social and environmental factors, and risk-benefit
balance. Towards granting positivity to such agro-chemicals, these could be named as Crop
Health Chemicals in the plant-animal-human health continuum. This puts the onus on all
stakeholders, from farmers to policy makers, to ensure comprehensive bio-safety as the
country further accelerates its agricultural productivity growth towards doubling the farmers’
income and meeting the SDGs, especially food and nutritional security and poverty
alleviation goals.

10.4 Crop Health Chemicals a Must for Saving the Harvest

Crop protection chemicals or pesticides comprise of a large group of chemicals that are used
in agriculture for preventing the destruction of crops from pests like insects, pathogens,
weeds, etc, thereby keeping crops healthy and contribute in increasing the agricultural
production. Pesticides, being the last input in agricultural operation, next only to high quality
hybrid seeds, chemical fertilizers and irrigation have all contributed and helped India in
growing from a food deficient until the early 1960s into a food surplus one that we are today.
The chemical pesticides have transformed the agricultural landscape of India. Besides
ensuring the food security for over 1.3 billion Indians, it has benefited the farming
community through higher yield, better crop protection measures (both in the pre and post
harvest stages) and has raised the income level of farmers.

The importance of crop health chemicals has been increasing over the last few decades driven
by the need to improve overall agricultural productivity, in order to safeguard adequate food
availability and sufficiency for the growing global population. Every year in India pests and
diseases eat away on an average 15- 25 per cent of food produce. Past three fiscal years
(FY14-16) have been a challenging year for crop protection chemicals market in India as well
as throughout the world. As the arable land is limited, increasing productivity is the only
option available. This can only be achieved through usage of high yielding seeds, fertilizers
and pesticides. As the crop yield increases, the incidence of pest attack rises which leads to
increased demand for pesticides. As average yields of our major commodities are
significantly lower than those in China, U.S.A and several developed countries, integrated
and balanced and judicious use of inputs, including pesticides ought to increase to realize
higher yields.

It is a well established fact that on an average the country looses 25-32 per cent of
agricultural produce due to the pests and diseases on farm and off farm. It amounts to more

than INR 1,50,000 crores by conservative estimates. Therefore, there is wide scope of
enhancing productivity by saving the losses. The analysis of yields of cotton over the years
revealed that the major jump in cotton productivity in seventies was due to effective
management of pests through chemical use. But when the pyrethroids developed resistance
there was either decline or stagnation of yield till 2003. This is further substantiated by the
introduction of Bt cotton which doubled the productivity in just six years because of
effective control of bollworms. The golden revolution of fruits and vegetables is also due to
effective use of chemical pesticides; whether it is grapes, apples, pomegranate or tomato,
chilli, potato, onion etc.

Nobody denies the role of pesticides in increasing the crop production in spite of the fact that
it is difficult to quantify the contribution of pesticides in enhancing the productivity of crops
because it is an indirect act of saving the losses from pests, diseases and weeds. Agricultural
scientists world over are of the opinion that agriculture with the goal of addressing the
future global food and nutritional securities is unconceivable without the use of pesticides in
managing the losses due to insect pests, diseases and weeds. Unfortunately, there is a
massive campaign to malign the use of pesticides from various angles. The campaign runs
around the theme of excessive use, residues causing health hazards, resurgence of new pests
and diseases due to its use, pests and pathogens becoming resistant from their (continuous)
use etc. The most common fact has been excessive use leading to health hazards, and
environmental pollution. Pesticides are an essential tool in farming for protecting the crop
health but the most important part of the use is precise and proper dispensation to the target
organism. This requires special efforts to educate the users and hence it becomes the prime
responsibility of the producers, consumers, extension agencies and all the stakeholders to see
how best the crop health is achieved by using the chemicals without disturbing the
environment and human /animal health.

Crop protection products are designed to protect crops from insects, diseases and weeds.
They do so by controlling pests that infect, consume or damage crops. Uncontrolled pests
significantly reduce the quantity and quality of food production. It is estimated that annual
crop losses could double without the use of crop protection products. Food crops must
compete with 30,000 species of weeds, 3,000 species of nematodes and 10,000 species of
plant-eating insects. We know that despite the use of modern crop protection products 25-32
per cent of potential food production is still lost every year to pests. These losses can occur
while the crop is growing in the field, when it is in storage, and in the home. In short, an
adequate and reliable food supply cannot be guaranteed without the use of crop protection

Continued use of the same chemicals, however, results in their own loss through the
development of resistance, resurgence of minor pests and pathogens. Thus new products with
more favorable environmental and toxicological profiles are needed for shifting pest spectra,
and changing agricultural needs and practices. Modern chemical crop protection products are
needed which have unique modes of action, based on the latest advances in science, and are

designed to target noxious pests and weeds with minimal or no adverse effects to human
health or non-target species.

As pesticides are toxic and hazardous to mankind and the environment, the Government of
India regulates the manufacture, sale, transport, export/import etc. of pesticides under the
guidelines of the Insecticides Act, 1968. As per this Act, no pesticide is allowed for
production/import without registration. Currently, India is the fourth largest global producer
of pesticides with an estimated market size of around US$ 4.9 billion in Financial Year 2017
(FY17) after United States, Japan and China. India’s share in global pesticide market was
around 10 per cent in FY17.

In India, paddy accounts for the maximum share of pesticide consumption, around (26 to 28
per cent ) followed by cotton (18 to 20 per cent), vegetables (12 to 14 per cent), Fruits (4 to 6
per cent), wheat (4 to 6 per cent), pulses (3 to 5 per cent), oilseeds (3 to 5 per cent) and
others (14 to 16 per cent). (DAC&FW 2017)

Indian Agriculture is predominantly insecticide dominated. In 2000, insecticides accounted

for 76 per cent while usage of fungicides and herbicides were merely 10 and 12 per cent,
respectively. However, situation has been changing over the recent years. Share of
insecticides has come down to 51 per cent in 2012 and may well have gone under 50 per cent
now. This has been due to drastic reduction in insecticide use in cotton following introduction
of Bt cotton and also due to introduction of novel low dose potent insecticides like
neonicotinoids, fipronil, buprofezine etc. On the contrary, use of fungicides and herbicides
has gone up. Due to intensified control of diseases in fruits and vegetables, whose shares are
growing rapidly, consumption of fungicides has doubled from 10 to 20 per cent. Similarly,
increased wages, untimely availability of agricultural labour and introduction of new
selective herbicides in several crops have pushed the sale of herbicides to 22 per cent from 16
per cent.

10.5 The Pesticide Scenario of India

10.5.1 Pesticides Use and Consumption

Chemical control of pests is a common practice in agriculture. There are more than a
thousand pesticides of both chemical and biological nature used around the world to
minimize crop losses. Agriculture in developing countries suffers most because of high
incidence of various pests. In India, crops are affected by over 200 major insect pests, 100
plant diseases, hundreds of weeds and other pests like nematodes, rodents and the like. Latest
estimates suggest the pre- and post-harvest annual losses due to pests as high as Rs.
1,50,000 crore. Although chemical pesticides are well known for their effectiveness, their
impact on soil and environment, and presence of residue in food products are matters of
concern. Other issues relate to structure of pesticide industry and the regulations for
registration and quality assessment. These issues in the context of Indian pesticide industry
must be freed from the maladies.

Indian Agriculture is a vital sector of the national economy with over 50 per cent of the
population engaged in agriculture. India has 1.3 billion people or approximately 17.9 per cent
of the global population which live on 2.4 per cent land and 4 per cent water resources of the
world. As mentioned earlier, the Green Yellow, White, and Blue Revolutions have bought
unprecedented gains in food and agriculture production, and rendered India as the second
largest agricultural economy in the world. India’s inherent strength in agriculture are: largest
area in cultivated crops, abundant sunlight throughout the year, a wide range of agro-eco
conditions for diversified agricultural practices, huge manpower engaged in this profession,
largest irrigated area in the world (96 m ha gross irrigated area and 68 m ha net area under
perennial irrigation), rich agro-biodiversity, no country grows as many crops as India
cultivates, and family managed small farms and their integrated mixed farming systems.
Indian agriculture transforming fast and shall be further so in years ahead to meet the new
challenges. Almost half of the population is led by nearly 120 million farming families
involved in agricultural production systems throughout the year, grow practically all crops
with high cropping intensity and thus offer tremendous opportunity to become a global hub
for food, feed, and fibre production.

Unfortunately the current farmers’ woes and their unmet expectations of higher income from
farming are being blamed to these revolutions of agriculture. Some of the policy shifts viz.
organic farming and Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) system have been denouncing the
new technologies and the very foundations of agrarian revolution; seeds, fertilizers and
pesticides. Instead the advocates and promoters of organic and ZBNA should be informed
that these ways alone would not meet the ever-enhancing demand for food and in long run the
country may even slip back to “ship-to-mouth” situation. Indian farmer’s distress that is
observed currently comes not from their inability to produce enough, but from their inability
to earn enough profit from the produce. Unless production brings earnings alongwith food
security, the progress is meaningless to farmers.

It is a myth that India consumes excessive pesticides. As per facts, India has the largest area
of 141 m ha under cultivation of crops but accounts for only 1.7 per cent of the global use of
pesticides and still is the second largest producer of agriculture in the world (US$ 367
billion). Japan has 5 m ha area under crops but consumes 53000 tonnes of pesticide, very
close to India’s consumption of 60230 tonnes. European countries put together use 17 time
higher plant protection chemicals per ha than India and account for 11 per cent of the global
consumption. Despite the manifold higher intensity use in Europe and Japan, the
recorded/reported adverse effects of pesticides in these countries are far lower than those in
India. This paradox is primarily attributed to two main reasons: Firstly, the lack of judicious
use of agro-chemicals which can only be corrected by education, and secondly, to the ill
control on quality of pesticides due to spurious pesticide market, which must be corrected by
stringent regulatory measures (governance).

The consumption of chemical pesticides in the country has increased over the past few years,
from nearly 43 thousand tonnes in 2009-10, to about 60 thousand tonnes in 2016-17

(Figure 1), the corresponding per ha use being 0.22 kg and now, 0.3 kg, pushed up primarily
due to higher use of herbicides (Subash et al. 2017).

Figure 1. Trend in consumption of pesticide (technical grade) in India

Source: Based on data from Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

The Indian Agrochemical industry was valued at US$ 2.1 billion in FY16, having grown at a
compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 3.5 per cent from FY13 to FY16. It is
further estimated to grow at a CAGR of 7.3 per cent to reach US$ 3.9 billion by FY25.
Export market is expected to grow at 8.6 per cent, reaching US$ 4.2 billion in 2025 from US$
2 billion in 2016 (Figure 2). India is the fourth largest producer of agrochemicals worldwide,
after United States, Japan and China, and has emerged as the 13th largest exporter of
pesticides globally.

Figure 2. Growth rate pattern of Indian Crop Protection Market

Source: TATA Strategic Research

There is wide interstate variation in pesticide consumption, being highest in Maharashtra,

followed by Uttar Pradesh, Punjab and Haryana (Table 1). During the last decade, the total
consumption increased in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh, while it slightly declined in Punjab and
Haryana. States like West Bengal, Gujarat and Karnataka have seen a steep decline in the total

consumption. On the other hand, Chhattisgarh and Kerala showed a steep increase in total
pesticide consumption. Per hectare consumption of pesticides was the highest in Punjab (0.74
kg), followed by Haryana (0.62 kg) and Maharashtra (0.57 kg) during the year 2016-17, while the
consumption levels were lower in Bihar, Rajasthan, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh (Table 1).

Table 1. State-wise consumption of pesticide (technical grade)

Total Consumption (tonnes) Per ha (kg)
2003-04 2008-09 2015-16 2016-17*
Punjab 6780 5760 5743 0.74
Haryana 4730 4288 NR 0.62
Maharashtra 3385 2400 11665 0.57
Kerala 326 273 1123 0.41
Uttar Pradesh 6710 8967 10457 0.39
Tamil Nadu 1434 2317 2096 0.33
West Bengal 3900 4100 3712 0.27
Chhattisgarh 332 270 1625 0.26
Andhra Pradesh 2034 1381 2713 0.24
Odisha 682 1156 723 0.15
Gujarat 4000 2650 1980 0.13
Bihar 860 915 831 0.11
Karnataka 1692 1675 1434 0.10
Rajasthan 2303 3333 2475 0.05
Madhya Pradesh 62 663 732 0.03
All India 41020 43860 54121 0.29
Note: NR refers to not reported; *GCA based on 2014-15
Source: Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, Govt. of India.

Often we come across mystified, unfounded, and unscientific arguments on the use of agro-
chemicals in Indian agriculture. Indian farmers are falsely accused of using excessive
pesticides, as we know that per hectare pesticide consumption in India is only about 0.3 kg
against 13 kg in China, 12 kg in Japan, 7 kg in USA, 5 kg in Europe, and 4.6 kg in Brazil.
Ambiguous hazards that are projected in the global scenario on Indian agriculture, have been
hurting India’s global trade. Punjab is often picked up for frivolous charges of excessive use
of pesticides causing cancer. This calls for open debate and science-informed discussions on
the potential risks, hazard mitigation processes, and informed communication to people.

The unfounded mystification is confounded with mismanagement of pesticides in India. Issues

with regard to the use of pesticides include use of low-quality pesticides, and a lack of
awareness about pesticide use. The Economic Survey 2015-16 noted that the use of pesticides
without proper guidelines has led to an increase in pesticide residue being found in food
products in India. Over the years Indian Crop Protection Industry has witnessed the
proliferation of non-genuine/spurious pesticides. Illegal imports of technical grade chemicals
having no Central Insecticide Board (C.I.B.) and Registration Committee (R.C.) registration
has led to the formulation of non-genuine / illegal pesticides locally. Apart from the counterfeit
products of leading companies, a new practice has emerged by which counterfeiters are selling
insecticides in the name of ‘bioproducts’ to avoid rigorous registration procedure. Market is

filled with products having a low Percentage of Active ingredients as compared to what they
are registered for, hence are substandard and ineffective. This indeed calls for a serious
intervention from government and regulatory authorities to arrest the proliferation of both
non-genuine products and companies.

10.5.2 Pesticide Production

Pesticide production in India is dominated by insecticides and fungicides followed by

herbicides and rodenticides (Figure 3). However, the share of insecticides has come down
from more than 70 per cent in 2003-04 to 39 per cent in 2016-17. The shares of fungicides,
herbicides and rodenticides are growing over the period. The growth in the use of fungicides
is high mainly because of their application in fruit and vegetable crops. Major pesticides
produced in India are Mancozeb, 2-4-D, Acephate and Profenofos.

The domestic market split by type of pesticides in 2016 is given in Figure 4. Insecticides
accounted for 53 per cent of the pesticides used in India, followed by herbicides (24 per cent)
and fungicide (19 per cent).

Figure.3 Share of pesticide groups in total pesticide production (technical grade)

Source: Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers

Figure. 4 Domestic Market split by type of pesticide, FY16

Source: TATA Strategic Estimates

The share of extremely and highly hazardous pesticides (WHO classification) in the total
production has been decreasing over the last decade. In 2016-17, the share of extremely
hazardous pesticides (WHO Ia) was 6.62 per cent, highly hazardous (WHO Ib) 4.81 per cent,
and moderately hazardous (WHO Class II) 38.26 per cent. The share of slightly hazardous
(WHO Class III) and unlikely to present acute hazard (WHO Class U) was 6.79 per cent and
39.36 per cent, respectively (FAOSTAT 2017).

10.5.3 Trade in Agro-chemicals

Total export of agro-chemicals in 2016-17 stood at 377.76 thousand tonnes, with the share of
fungicides being the largest in terms of export quantity (45.94 per cent) (Fig. 5) and
herbicides accounted for the largest share in terms of value of exports (28.19 per cent). As per
data provided by Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) for the year 2016- 17, top
five pesticides exported from India were mancozeb, cypermethrin, sulphur, acephate and
chlorpyriphos, while the major products imported were glyphosate and atrazine. The trade
data need careful interpretation as both formulations and technical grade pesticides are traded
by different firms. However, Indian firms mostly import technical grades, or formulations
which are protected through patents, and the exports are mostly of formulations.

Figure 5. Export and Import of major agro-chemicals by India, 2016-17

Source: DGCI&S, Ministry of Commerce and Industry

10.6 Challenges Faced by Indian Crop Protection Chemicals

10.6.1 Non-genuine Products

There is a significant share of non-genuine pesticides which include counterfeit, spurious,

adulterated or sub-standard products. According to industry estimates the non-genuine
pesticides could account for more than 40 per cent of the pesticides sold in India in 2014-15.
These products are inferior formulations which are unable to kill the pests or kill them
efficiently. They also leave by-products which may significantly harm the soil and

environment. Apart from crop loss and damage to soil fertility, use of non-genuine products
leads to loss of revenue to farmers, agrochemical companies and government. Some of the
key reasons for use of non-genuine products are lack of awareness amongst the farmers,
difficulty in differentiating between genuine and non-genuine products, supply chain
inefficiencies, law enforcement challenges and influencing power of distributors/retailers.
This huge use of spurious products is a heinous act, and the Government and other
stakeholders along the value chain should be held responsible for this inhuman situation.

10.6.2 Low Focus on Research & Development (R&D) by Domestic

Manufacturers Due to High Costs

The industry is facing a serious challenge owing to the rising R&D costs. R&D associated
with new product development amounts to around US$ 250 million in costs and takes around
5-10 years. This prevents the companies from investing in R&D activities and they tend to
focus more on the generic products which require low investments in research and
development. In order to sustain in the long run, the industry needs to be committed to
making long term investments and withstand longer gestation periods in order to bring to the
market more innovative products. In India average expenditure on R&D for pesticides is
abysmally low at about 1-2 per cent of sales, compared to global companies where average
expenditure is about 6-7 per cent of sales. The low expenditure of the Indian players towards
R&D is due to concentrating on marketing generic and off-patent products by focusing on
applied research. This research intensity on agro-chemicals, especially pesticides is weak in
public sector as well, which should be corrected without further delay as we are already far
behind in frontier research in this area.

10.6.3 Lack of Education and Awareness among Farmers

It is important to educate the farmers about the appropriate kind of pesticide, its dosage and
quantity and application frequency. Only 25-30 per cent of farmers are aware of
agrochemicals products and the usage, therefore large numbers of farmers are unaware of the
cost benefit that could be gained by using agrochemicals. However it is not easy to reach the
farmers owing to infrastructure issues, regional languages and dialects and a general inertia
towards adoption of newer products on account of possible risks of crop failure. The main
point of contact between the farmers and the manufacturers are the retailers who don't have
adequate technical expertise and are thus unable to impart proper product understanding to
the farmers. It is also very difficult for the farmers to convey their needs effectively to the
manufacturers. Trainings of retailers should assume high priority and become a regular
feature. It will be highly pragmatic to give retailorship to agriculture graduates.

10.6.4 Need for Efficient Distribution Systems

The large number of end users and the predominantly generic nature of the market makes a
strong and efficient distribution network essential for the crop protection market. However,
the industry has been plagued by problems arising out of supply chain inefficiencies and
inadequate infrastructure which result in post-harvest losses estimated at INR 45,000 crore

every year. The lack of an efficient distribution system also makes it difficult for the
agrochemical companies to reach the farmers to promote their products and educate them
about their usage and benefits.

10.6.5 Long Gestation Period for new Products

It takes almost 10 years to bring a new molecule into the market. Even for the generic
products, it can take up to 5 years to get the product registered. The regulatory bodies do not
have adequate resources and infrastructure to execute timely registration of products.
Sometimes the rules are not clearly defined creating interpretation challenges for the
regulatory bodies, leading to confusion thereby adding to the complexities for the crop
protection chemical companies.

10.6.6 Seasonal Demand

The demand for pesticides emanates majorly from agricultural production. Therefore, the
demand for pesticides in India is seasonal as crops are mainly sown in two cropping seasons,
namely kharif (July - November) and rabi (October - February). The demand is skewed in
favour of kharif crops with about 70 per cent of annual pesticide consumption.

10.6.7 Brand Awareness and Need of Efficient Distribution System

There is a significant share of local pesticides products available in the market. According to
industry estimates these products are ineffective and are unable to kill the pests. Such
pesticides could account for more than about 35-40 per cent of the pesticides sold in India.
Furthermore, they result in byproducts which harm the soil and environment which will result
in crop loss and decline in soil fertility. This is primarily on account of lack of efficient
distribution system. On account of this the pesticide companies are unable to reach the
farmers and educate them about the products.

10.6.8 Protecting the Most Vital Stakeholder- the Farmer

The Second Green Revolution in addition to adopting modern agricultural practices should
also focus on the creation of a robust ecosystem that protects the farmer from the risks of the
profession. It should ease the transition of the Indian farmer from the traditional ways of
farming to adopting newer, modern methods. This would involve providing easy access to
finance for procuring seeds, crop protection chemicals, machinery and equipment as also crop
insurance in the event of crop failure. Extensive farmer education on all aspects of modern
farming would ensure that these practices are rapidly assimilated.

10.6.9 Recent Pesticide Poisoning Cases/Negligence in Pesticide Management

Over 60 farmers have reportedly died and hundreds have become ill due to pesticide
poisoning in several districts of Vidharba region, major cotton growing belt in Maharashtra,
since July 2017, where farm workers died due to inhalation of toxic pesticides while spraying
it on the fields. Pesticides such as monocrotophos, oxydemeton-methyl, acephate and

profenophos are believed to be responsible for the deaths and illness (Deshpande 2017).
Pesticides like monocrotophos and oxydemeton-methyl are considered class I pesticides by
the WHO, and are categorized, based on acute toxicity, as extremely hazardous pesticide
active ingredients, and must be used carefully. The administration has now begun educating
the farmer for safe use of pesticides and developed an elaborate plan this season to create
awareness about safe usage of pesticides knowing fully that the cotton farmers may not all
convert to organic way. The agriculture department has employed MASTER TRAINERS in
cotton area to further coach the farmers, farm workers and other stake holders. Instead any
panic reaction a very cool and scientific approach would certainly be useful in such cases.

As per the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management, jointly released by FAO
and WHO, “pesticides whose handling and application require the use of personal protective
equipment that is uncomfortable, expensive or not readily available should be avoided,
especially in the case of small-scale users and farm workers in hot climates”, Center for
Science and Environment (CSE) said in a statement. All class I pesticides require the use of
personal protective equipment that is impossible to use by small-scale farmers and farm
workers in India.

The tragedy primarily occurred because the Bt cotton crop had failed to resist the dreaded
cotton bollworm, a pest that attacks approximately 183 host plants including beans, maize
and sorghum. It causes a lot of damage in the field and has developed resistance to several
insecticides. To curb the menace, many farmers resorted to sprays of deadly cocktails.

Following the spate of deaths, the Central Institute of Cotton Research (CICR), Mumbai
conducted a detailed study and submitted a report to the state government. According to the
report, herbicide tolerant genes, which are not permissible under the provisions of
Environment Protection Act 1986, were found in the Bt cotton seeds of five branded

Cases against Krishi Seva Kendras or agro–input centers were filed under the Insecticide
Control Act 1968 for selling non-certified pesticides and selling pesticides without the
mandatory license. One of the recommended solutions is to render sale of pesticides illegal
unless supported by prescriptions from agriculture officers.

10.6.10 Approval and Enforcement Issues

CSE, over the last several years, has highlighted gaps in pesticide management in the country.
There is a major problem with the way pesticides are approved for use in the country. There is
even a bigger problem of enforcement. Unapproved off-label use of pesticides continues to be a
big problem in India along with unsafe application of pesticide by farmers.

A 2013 CSE review of 11 important crops in India – wheat, paddy, apple, mango, potato,
cauliflower, black pepper, cardamom, tea, sugarcane and cotton – showed that the pesticide
recommendations made by state agriculture universities, agriculture departments and other
boards for a crop do not adhere to the pesticides that the CIB&RC has registered for those

crops. The agriculture universities, departments and boards have recommended many
pesticides that have not been registered for some crops. For example, in case of wheat the
states of Punjab, Haryana and Madhya Pradesh recommended 11, 5 and 9 pesticides which
were not registered by the CIB&RC.

Till we reform our pesticides regulations and regulatory institutions, pesticide poisoning and
accidental deaths would continue. A Pesticide Management Bill was introduced in the
Parliament in 2008 but it was allowed to be lapsed. We need a new Pesticide Management
Bill to address the issues related to unsafe use of pesticides.

10.6.11 Fake and Unregistered Pesticides Account for 25 per cent of the Value of
Pesticides Sold in India

This data is from a report prepared by the FICCI-Tata Strategic Management Group in 2015.
One of the reasons why the Indian market is flooded with fake pesticides is the sheer number
of pesticide products that have been approved by the Centre. India has 260 registered
pesticide molecules but 2.5 lakh registered products (formulations). Out of 260 molecules,
how many are from India? We are good in formulation but not in discovering new molecules.
Also, what is happening to nano pesticides?

10.6.12 Biopesticides Laced with Chemical Pesticides

Many unscrupulous parties are selling bio-pesticides mixed with chemical pesticides
overlooking the Insecticide Act and the Insecticide Rules. Some biopesticides are often not
sufficiently effective as standalone products but are integral part of IPM system. Mixing
chemical pesticides enhances the efficacy of bio-pesticides and farmers are satisfied with
their performance. However, needless to say that bio-pesticides laced with chemical
pesticides are not only illegal but also will create danger to human beings, animals and
environment. Many of these products are used in organic farming as a result of which the so
called organic, which should be totally free of pesticides, have more pesticides than crops
grown under modern agriculture with application of pesticides. Analysis of 166 samples by
Government Laboratories of All India Network Project on Pesticide Residues (AINPPR,
ICAR) showed that 4.8 per cent of organic vegetables samples had pesticide residues above
Maximum Residue Limits (MRL). In contrast to this, in a long term project, where 1,13,000
samples of non- organic fruits and vegetables were analysed only 2.06 per cent samples of
fruits and vegetables and other crops had pesticide residues above MRL.

10.6.13 Instead of Taking Responsibility for its Regulatory Failures, the

Government Blames Farmers

Even assuming that all pesticide products in the market are safe for use, the Centre and states
blame the deaths on the farmers. According to them, farmers do not follow safety
instructions. But as found in Tamil Nadu, some of the farmers who had died after spraying
pesticides had worn safety gears, indicating either that the product they used was not safe, or
that they were not told how to use it correctly.

In fact, as farmers pointed out, the government has made no effort to instruct them on the safe
use of pesticides. In the past, government extension workers went to villages to conduct
training and demonstration sessions for farmers. But in recent years, subject to funding cuts,
the farm extension system has collapsed. Farmers are now forced to rely on private dealers
who have an incentive to maximize sales.

10.7 National Legislation on Pesticides

While the production of pesticides is monitored by the Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers,
their usage is administered by the Ministry of Agriculture. There is a need to review the
Insecticide Act, 1968, to provide for a regulatory framework for the pesticides sector. The
Standing Committee on Agriculture has also recommended that a Pesticides Development
and Regulation Authority be created to regulate the manufacturing, import and sale of
pesticides in the country. Other recommendations include developing an integrated pest-
management system, which includes a mix of the mechanical & biological methods of pest
control, encourages the use of bio-pesticides and safe chemical pesticides which will not
leave residues in food commodities.

10.7.1 Insecticide Act, 1968

In India, use of pesticides is regulated by Insecticide Act, 1968, which comprises a Central
Insecticide Board (CIB) providing technical support and a Registration Committee (RC) to
assist in registration of pesticides. Till few years ago, the Ministry of Health and Welfare
jointly with Registration Committee, Ministry of Agriculture, and Government of India
established MRLs of herbicides in food commodities after evaluating data submitted by the
registrants i.e. the companies. The Ministry of Health and Welfare is responsible for
enforcement of MRLs of herbicides in food products through the Prevention of Food
Adulteration (PFA) Act, 1955 as amended in 2004.

10.7.2 Registration and Quality Control

The Insecticide Act (1968) and Insecticides Rules (1971) regulate import, registration,
production, sale, transport, distribution and use of pesticides with a view to prevent risk to
human beings or animals. All pesticides have to necessarily undergo the registration process
with the Central Insecticides Board and the Registration Committee (CIB&RC) before
production or sale. The Registration situation is given in Table 2. For manufacturing or
import, applicant submits data on various aspects, including chemical composition, toxicity,
bioefficacy, etc. to CIB&RC. On some aspects (particularly bioefficacy of pesticides)
published, authentic report of R&D organizations is also considered as a valid data source.
The Committee after ensuring the validity of application provides a registration number and

Table 2. Pesticides registered under U/S 9(3) of insecticides Act 1968 for use in the country

Total No. registered 261

Pesticides which are banned 32
Pesticides refused registration 18
Restricted for use in the country 13

Source: Chemicals included in the schedule of Insecticide Act 1968 (As on 30.11.2014)

There are regulations and procedures for testing pesticides at different stages. The Central
Insecticide Laboratory (CIL) is mandated to test the referral samples submitted by any officer
or agency of the Central or State Government, while State Pesticide Testing Laboratories
(SPTL) mainly test the samples taken at the manufacturing and point-of-sale for quality
control. Results of STPLs indicate that around 2.5 to 3 per cent of samples tested were
misbranded (not as per the label) during 2008-09 to 2012-13. In total, 28 pesticides and four
formulations are banned for manufacturing, import and use, eight pesticides are withdrawn
and 13 pesticides are restricted for use in the country. The situation in 2014 is given above in
Table 2. Recently, on the advice of an expert committee, 12 pesticides are completely banned
from January 2018 and another six will be banned from December 2020 (DAC&FW, 2016).

10.7.3 Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA), 2006

However, with the implementation of Food Safety and Standards Act (FSSA), 2006, the PFA
Prevention of Food Adulteration rules are being phased into the Food Safety and Standards
Regulations, 2010. The new Act authorizes the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
(FSSAI) to specify the limits (MRLs) for the pesticide residues, residues of veterinary drugs,
mycotoxins, and antibiotics substances in food. The existing MRLs on pesticides and
agrochemicals specified in the PFA are incorporated in the Food Safety and Standards
Regulations, 2010. It needs hardly be over emphasized that “unsafe food is no food”.

10.7.4 Environmental Issues

Major challenges faced by the industry are stringent environmental regulations across the
world, low focus on R&D by domestic manufacturers due to high costs, need for innovation
and product diversification, lack of awareness about safe use of pesticides among farmers,
long gestation period for new products and product quality assurance (FICCI, 2015). While
the farmers need to be protected for sub-standard products, programs for safe use of
pesticides and reduction of potential health and environmental impacts should be undertaken.
Possibility of sub-standard products cannot be ruled out and therefore, enforcement of point-
of-sale quality inspection and protection of farmers with consumer forums deserve emphasis.

Bio-pesticides have the potential to control crop losses and reduce negative environmental
externalities. Bio-pesticides constitute around 3 per cent of pesticide market in the country.
So far 14 bio-pesticides have been registered under the Insecticide Act 1968 in India.
Consumption of biopesticides has increased from 219 tonnes in 1996-97 to 683 tonnes in

2000-01, and further to around 3000 tonnes in 2015-16 (Sinha and Biswas, 2008; DAC&FW,
2017). Studies indicate that use of bio-pesticides in integrated pest management can reduce
pesticide use by 66 per cent in cotton and by 45 per cent in cabbage (Birthal, 2003). Thus,
biopesticides can play an important role in shifting the focus from chemical pesticides to
reliable, sustainable and environment friendly options. But the pace of development of
market for bio-pesticides is not so impressive. Biopesticides have short shelf life. Their
storage requires special facilities and skills, which should be developed at all levels in the
supply chain. Also, if necessary, fiscal incentives may be provided for production and use of
bio-control agents.

10.7.5 Some Recent Developments Pesticide standards in drinking water

There were reports in the media in February, 2003 with respect to residues of extremely
harmful pesticides found in popular brands of bottled water marketed in and around Delhi
and Mumbai. Vide a notification issued on July 18, 2003, effective from January, 2004, the
pesticide residues in carbonated water, fruits and vegetable juices, fruit syrup, fruits squash,
fruit beverage or fruit drink, soft drink concentrates (after dilution as per direction), and ready
to serve beverages of any kind were set as 0.0001 mg L-1 (0.1 ppb) for individual pesticide
residues and 0.0005 mg L-1 (0.5 ppb) for total pesticide residues with the condition that the
analysis should be conducted by using internationally established test methods meeting the
residues limits specified herein. MRLs are a pre-requisite for pesticide registration

Henceforth, the Pesticide Registration Committee will consider only those pesticides for
registration for which MRL has been fixed on the specified crops. No registration will be
granted to any pesticide for which tolerance limits are not prescribed under the PFA Act. Deletion of crops from label and leaflet of pesticides for which MRL is not fixed

Manufacturers of various pesticides are advised from time to time to generate and submit the
data for MRL fixation in respect of those pesticides which are sold in market for use on crops
without fixation of MRLs. The Central Government, in consultation with the Registration
Committee has decided for deletion of the names of the crops from labels and leaflets of such
pesticides. In 2014, as per notification of Ministry of Agriculture dated 24 September, 2014,
the label claims of some of the pesticides on certain crops have been deleted from approved
use (FSSAI, 2011).

10.8 New Pesticides Management Bill

According to the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, the Department of

Agriculture and Cooperation is in the process of amending the Insecticides Act, 1968, to be
replaced by Pesticides Management Act (PM Act). “Pesticides Management Bill (PMB)” has
been introduced by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation. It is under consideration

of the Rajya Sabha since October, 2008. Some major concerns, for redressal are revision of
definition of pesticides to cover all substances intended to be used as pesticides; Provision for
suspension and/or cancellation of registration to empower the Registration Committee (RC)
to suspend and/or cancel registration; Provision for data protection to encourage faster
introduction of new pesticide molecules for the benefit of the farming community; Provision
for registration of pesticides only after fixation of tolerance limits (Maximum Residue
Limits) under Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006 for monitoring pesticide residues on the
crops on the pests of which it is intended to be used; Provision for restricted movement of
pesticides, registered only for the purpose of export; Provision for improvement in the
licensing procedure; No ‘Stop Sale’ of pesticides by Pesticide Inspectors without permission
of a Magistrate; Powers of Pesticide Inspectors to Customs Officers for checking illegal
imports of pesticides; Clarity in the procedure for sampling and testing of samples for
monitoring quality of pesticides; Mandatory accreditation of laboratories testing pesticides
for monitoring their quality; Classification of offences and provision of penalties
commensurate with the gravity of offence; Provision for ‘Compensation’ in case a pesticide
fails to perform. Provision for time-bound disposal of obsolete pesticides Pesticide
Management Bill 2008)

10.8.1 Anomalies in Pesticides Management Bill 2008 Pending Clearance

The draft Pesticides Management Bill greatly expands on the Insecticides Act of 1968 in
defining usage and registration norms and other regulations. It addresses the manufacturing,
field usage and disposal of pesticides. It also codifies harsher punishments for manufacturers
of spurious pesticides. Yet, there remain certain anomalies which must be addressed as
suggested below. Power of pesticide sales in states

The draft Bill retains for the Central Government the powers it already has in the Insecticides
Act. This may disappoint states such as Maharashtra and Punjab, which have been asking for
greater control over the pesticides sold in their territories. Under the spirit of Cooperative
Federalism” and allowing the states to be responsible and accountable for development
activities, the states may be given the necessary power. Punishment for spurious manufacturers

The PMB is proposing to enhance punishment for spurious manufacturers which is a good
idea. However, unless the government laboratories are made foolproof so that no false
analysis and report can be generated there are chances that some genuine manufacturers will
end up in jails and the business of spurious manufacturers will flourish. Samples of many big
companies fail due to corruption in the system. Therefore all central and state government
laboratories must be accredited with GLP. Just increasing the punishment will not help.

298 MRL of pesticides

Regulation on fixing MRL prior to registration already exists. There is already a Supreme
Court decision that no product can be registered without the establishment of MRL.
However, what the PMB does not address is the number of pesticide which gains entry into
the country via imports of various fruits, vegetables, oil and other agricultural and animal
products. Where is the law to address these issues? Other countries treat this as non-tariff
barrier to stop the exports of many commodities such as tea, grapes, basmati rice, etc. if we
are really concern about the health and safety of the environment, there must be provisions to
address such issues along with PMB. Sadly we find that PMB is completely silent on this
issue. Cost–effective pesticides

Cost of pesticides can only be brought down by increasing competition. Section 9(4) had
provided right to compete. In the past cost of many products such as Cypermethrin, Sulfo-
sulfuron, Clodinafop, Imidacloprid, Thiamethoxam, Byspyribac-methyl sodium, etc. have
been brought down less than half. Policy makers have kept a loophole to provide monopoly
to the Multi National companies (MNCs) for about hundred products over last ten years by
‘import of formulations without registering technical’. The PMB is not addressing this
serious issue. However, CIB & RC, Faridabad flouted this rule and did not issue
simultaneous registration of the technical grade pesticides to Indian agro-chemical industries.
As a result of which the Indian agro-chemical industries could not get a ‘Me-too’ registration.
The importers got absolute monopoly on about hundred products which are now being sold at
exorbitant prices. Farmers are being looted and the Indian agro-chemical industries are
suffering. It is doing no good to the country but is benefitting the MNCs. The PMB does not
address this issue explicitly. It is a sad story. Imported products are manufactured with
expired technical material for which we have no check and PMB talks about ensuring
‘quality’. Regulation on pesticide export

The PMB wishes to regulate exports primarily for internal safety. If this is assured by the
exporting companies, the exporters need not be penalized and put behind bars if the product
meant for export fail to meet the Indian standards. It should be assured that the product is
exclusively for export. Should that be the case, national provisions should ensure zero use of
such chemicals within the country. However it is easier said than done. Therefore the
proposal may not appear too harsh on the exporters. Price control on pesticides

The price control in the modern economy can be put to use only under exceptional situations,
either when the products are in short supply or the goods are not readily available to
consumers at a fair and reasonable price. The situation is so bad that Indian companies are
denied registration on patent expired products ‘of MNCs’ and Indian companies with valid

patent are ignored and registration is granted to others. As a result imported formulations
have monopoly and Indian companies cannot recover the cost of investment. Clause on compensation to farmers

There is absolutely no way to monitor the way the farmer uses the product with regard to
doses, timing of application, etc. All these have bearing on the performance of the product.
Manufacturers can be held responsible for the declared content which conforms to its
specifications and the conditions of registration. This provision will only lead to litigations.
The extension machineries to raise the awareness and close monitoring of correct use of
chemicals should be strengthened and must be proactive in ensuing safe use of pesticides.
(Crop Care, 2018)

10.9 Development of New Agrochemical Molecules

The need for the discovery and development of new agrochemicals continues unabated. On
the agrochemical production front, pesticides are first manufactured as technical grade
product (85 per cent or more of the active chemical ingredients), which has a higher
commercial purity. The active ingredients are then mixed with inert ingredients (solvents,
adjuvant and fillers) to achieve the desired formulation. The active ingredient kills the pest
whereas the inert ingredient facilitates ease of handling, spraying and coating on plants.

10.9.1 Trends in Synthetic Pesticides

During 1960s to 1990s synthetic pesticides viz organochlorine , organophosphate, carbames

and synthetic pyrethroids insecticides; phenoxy alkanoic acids, triazines, substituted
phenylureas, dinitroanilines etc. herbicides; thio and dithicarbamates, metalaxyl, carbendazim
etc. fungicides were all effective when applied at high rates of 1-2 kg/ha. Their regular use
led to problems of environmental persistence developing pest resistance.

Research for need to reduce load of pesticides in the environment led to the development of
newer molecules during 1990 to 2005 based on stereochemistry; and new generation of low
dose potent pesticides viz. neonicotinoids, sulphonylureas, imidazolinone, triazoles etc. were
introduced in 1990’s. These were effective at as low dose as 5-50 g/ha. Many of these
compounds were hydrophilic in nature with possibility of leaching down on application and
contaminating ground water. Also their analysis for residues at parts per billion (ppb) level by
technique involving High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) was quite

10.9.2 Development of Molecules with New Mode of Action

During 2005 to 2017, new mode of action, newer insecticides like spinosad, indoxacarb,
fipronil, etofenprox, buprofenzin; fungicides such as hexaconazole,,tebuconazole,
pyraclostrobin; and herbicids like sodium bispyribac-methyl were introduced early in the
period and were found effective. As a constant research effort for developing new molecules

certain MNCs have preferred to the development of herbicide with new action mechanism,
including the 4-Hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD) inhibitors (e.g. bicyclopyrone,
topramezone, tembotrione ) launched in 2016, attributable to its multiple advantages such as
the distinctive action mechanism and the feature of non-cross resistance with existing

Succinate dehydrogenase inhibitor (SDHI) fungicide Solatenol™ (benzovindiflupyr)

launched to market in 2013, to be applied mainly to cereals, soybean, corn and cotton crops,
is reported to be the most effective product in history for control of ‘Asia soybean rust’. Also
launched was fluopyram which is nematicide cum fungicide

10.9.3 Pre-Mix Pesticides

MNCs have launched in 2015 and 2016 several mixtures of pesticides each with different
mode of action such as ‘Acuron’, ‘Acuron Flexi’ as mixture of two and three herbicides,
respectively. ‘Orondis Ridomil’ Gold is mixture of fungicides.

10.9.4 New Pesticides Launched in India

A new herbicide ‘Agil’ has been launched in Hyderabad recently that can be used on cotton,
chillies, black gram and other broad-leaved crops.

Crystal Crop Protection launched five new products for farmers namely ‘Apex 50’- an
Insecticide, ‘Abacin’ is world renowned miticide, ‘Azotrix’ - an excellent product for the
control of blast in paddy crop and under patent consideration is Crystal’s own R&D., Bio
stimulant – ‘Toggle Plus’. The bio–stimulant is based on Ascophyllum nodosum, a natural
extract scientifically proven to increase crop yields.

Agrochemicals firm Insecticides India Ltd (IIL) has tied up with Japan's Nihon Nohyaku Co
Ltd for launching of new generation insecticide for different crops under the brand name
‘SUZUKA’. Suzuka, the new generation insecticide flubendiamide (20 per cent SG), of
Nihon Nohyaku, Japan, which is an effective solution for control of lepidopteron pests in
different crops like pulses, vegetables and paddy. Suzuka is an important product for farmers
of Madhya Pradesh (MP) especially for rabi crops like gram and other vegetables.

10.9.5 New Chemicals for Extended Health of Fruits and Vegetables

In India Bayer has launched ‘Luna Experience’ a fungicide for table grapes to ‘Extended
Grape Health’ benefit. Extended Grape Health refers to the superior protection provided by
Luna® against crop quality related diseases like Powdery Mildew as well as latent diseases.
Latent infections remain in a dormant stage in the berry and start showing disease symptoms
only after harvest, thus affecting the shelf-life.

‘Slowed’, a Dutch company product is an adsorbent granules that will keep fruit and
vegetables fresh for longer. Fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs produce ethane, a natural gas,
that helps them ripen. Bananas and avocados, in particular, release a lot of this gas. This can

speed up the ripening process of other fruit and vegetable varieties. These granules are
adsorbents and comes in the small sachets which neutralize and adsorb the ethane. This
means fruit and vegetables can stay fresher for 2 – 2.5 times longer.

10.10 Key Imperatives for Government, Agrochemical Companies and

Regulatory Bodies

All, from chemical producers, quality/safety/assurers, registration authorities, distributors,

retailers, and finally farmers along the value chain are responsive for safe and need based use
of pesticides. It is often seen that whenever these men-created disasters occurred, the
stakeholders, from the Government to farmers get busy in blaming games. This is most
unfortunate and must stop. Each stakeholder must carry on his/her responsibility with utmost
honesty and commitment. A fool-proof strict monitoring and evaluation system should be in
place before the pesticide put to use. The extension system must ensure effective training to
and awareness rising of farmers, and timely availability of quality/safe/registered pesticides
to the end user. The Public and Private sector, Farmer Organizations and Non-Government
Organizations (NGOs) collaboration is a must for the purpose. The Corporate/Public Social
Responsibility must be integrated with Public/Corporate Science Responsibility. A most
judicious implementation pathway for the pesticide sub-sector is a high priority. Otherwise,
the prevalent accusation games will hurt the cause of safe and accelerated agricultural

Product innovation needs to capture emerging market trends and match international
standards. It is imperative for the Public and Private Companies in agrochemical space to
focus on emerging trends and developments. For next revolution relying on generic
agrochemicals won't suffice for the ever increasing demand of the country. Hence, it would
become crucial for the companies to adopt innovation and developments such as Genetically
Modified (GM) crops, hybrid seeds, seed coating etc. All this would result in better output
and yield, disease resistance, enhanced nutritional value, and would reduce pesticides
spraying, cost and labour intensity for farmers.

Companies need to undertake product developments which can improve the effectiveness of
pesticide usage as well as reduce negative impact on the environment. With the advent of GM
crops and increasing popularity of bio-pesticides, environment friendliness of the
agrochemicals could be a differentiating factor. Indian companies would need to increase
focus on developing new active ingredients rather than just focusing on generics. Research
intensity on developing new molecules is extremely low in India, and must be improved
considerably to be contemporarily relevant. Indian companies usually spend 1-2 per cent of
their turnover on R&D as compared to global companies which spend 10-12 per cent of their
turnover on R&D.

Another development in this area is the use of targeted pest protection products that are
effective against a particular pest rather than a broad spectrum pesticide which is supposed to
target a variety of pests. The thrust is welcome as focused/targeted pesticides are more

effective rather than broad spectrum ones. Most crops have a particular strain of pest which is
a major nuisance and thus targeted solutions are better than broad spectrum ones. More
developments on these lines should follow with such product innovations being linked to the
needs of the farmer and the pest related nuisances faced by them.

Companies should look for opportunities to provide a comprehensive agro offering to the
farmer. A one stop solution for the farmer ranging from agriculture and farm inputs to
procurement, storage and distribution services on the output side would help companies
develop sustainable business models. End to end solution not only creates a better reach with
the farmers but also turns threats like genetically modified seeds, organic farming etc. into
opportunities. Many companies are already following the integrated model. While it has
helped the farmers improve their yield, get technical assistance and better value for their
produce, it has also helped companies strengthen their presence amongst the farmers.

As mentioned earlier, non-genuine pesticides are a critical challenge which not only impact
the industry image but also hamper the crop productivity and soil fertility. Strict actions,
regular crackdowns and punishments are, therefore, required to stop the menace and damage
caused by non-genuine products. Agrochemical companies as also the regulatory bodies need
to work in tandem in order to curtail this menace.

DuPont has introduced several unique solutions which can help identify genuine DuPont
products from illegal/counterfeit pesticides. DuPont has introduced DuPont™ Izon®, which
is a secure authentication technology - a visible 3D security system with a unique code that
helps farmers identify DuPont crop protection brands. A web based verification system or an
SMS based verification system allows the farmer to send an SMS to a phone number to
validate the authenticity of the product. Another unique solution is DuPont™ Traceology®
which is a cloud based product verification system that keeps track of products and provides
critical product information such as batch, lot, and part number to verify products. The use of
this technology helps prevent the use of counterfeit product and safeguards farmers' interest.

10.10.1 Product Innovation

Towards strengthening domestic pesticide industry and safe use of pesticides, the issues
needing immediate attention are to: (i) regulate and encourage the use of cost-effective and
environmentally safe pesticides, (ii) harmonise testing procedures, (iii) undertake
deregistration of outdated, hazardous pesticides, and (iv) assure point-of-sale quality and
farmers protection mechanisms in case of spurious products. In this context it is interesting to
note that the central sector scheme on “Monitoring of Pesticides Residues at National Level”
comparing the level of pesticides recorded on food commodities in developed countries
versus India, had proven that the edible commodities in India are safe. Further, the 2013
report of Sandhya Kulshrestha (Ex-Secretary, CIB&RC) had revealed that no banned
pesticide residues were found in any samples tested out of 2170 in 14 different laboratories,
and residues of currently used pesticides were detected in 12 samples which is 0.5 per cent of
total sample tested. Notwithstanding, the favourable report on MRL, the not so uncommon
use of spurious and banned pesticides, defective method and dose of application of pesticides,

and use of pesticide cocktails and their adverse multiple effects cannot be ignored. Awareness
on part of farmers and dealers and other stakeholders, the status of chemical testing
laboratories, intensity of data collection and the methodologies used need serious

10.10.2 Joint Research and Development Initiatives for Food Safety from Use of

In international trade of agricultural commodities under World Trade Organization (WTO), in

mid-90s, ‘pesticide residues’ was introduced as one of the trade barriers. This required
residues of a pesticide in export food to be compatible with MRL of the importing country
and also required absence of any banned or unauthorized pesticide in export food (NAAS
2006). Many food consignments of India were rejected initially due to presence of insecticide
residues in wheat, grapes and spices in respective years. Various Liquid Chromatography-
Mass Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS_MS) analytical technique involved multi-
residue methods were developed for target, non-target pesticides and unknown toxic
contaminants in food for use in import/export food. This has resulted in decreased rejections
of export food commodities for presence of residues, thus enhancing Indian export. However,
some of the importing countries, such as European Union and USA, keep tightening their
MRL particularly on imported items. For example, as per a recent report appearing in Tribune
(19 November, 2018) titled “Pest Protocol”, Basmati rice, one of the country’s key exports, is
under cloud, and the export to European Union (EU) had reduced by 58 per cent in January
to July 2018. The Government, private sector, especially the rice exporting companies, and
the growers, must ensure recommended spray and management schedules o meet the MRL
requirements. The entire value chain should be sensitized and strengthened, including
suitably trained personal and farmers to judiciously implement the schedule, as being
followed in the grapes industry.

Considering several reports of presence of pesticide residues in farmgate and market samples
of food commodities, a national project on monitoring of pesticide residues in food
commodities financed by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare with headquarter
at IARI was started in 2005. It has 25 Indian Council of Agricultural Research
(ICAR)/Government laboratories spread all over the country to assist in the work. The
objective of the project was to ascertain prevalence of pesticide residues in farmgate and
market yard food commodities in the county. To generate reliable and comparable pesticide
residues data, all the laboratories have been accredited under National Accreditation Board
for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL) as per International Standards Organization
(ISO)-17025 for quality assurance. As per recent report more than one lakh food samples
have been evaluated during the period 2008-2015. Out of nearly 60,432 vegetable and fruit
samples analysed during this period, only (2.4 per cent ) samples were found having residues
above MRL which is comparable with pesticide residue data of fruits and vegetables of some
of the advanced countries.

10.11 Government of India Initiatives:

Some of the initiatives of the Government of India and especially that of ICAR-IARI
Division of Agrochemicals are briefly elucidated below:

10.11.1 Soil Health Card Scheme

The GOI had initiated ‘Soil Health Card Scheme’ in February 2015 which is aimed at
improving soil health and reducing input costs for farmer. It will contain crucial information
on macro nutrients in the soil, secondary nutrients, micro nutrients, and physical parameters.
The Card will be accompanied by an advisory on the corrective measures that a farmer
should take to improve soil health and obtain a better yield. The soil health card should also
contain information on pesticides residue and microbial health.

10.11.2 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana

This programme has been launched by GOI to support and promote organic farming and
thereby improve soil health. Lately, Zero Budget Natural Farming (ZBNF) with several
synonyms has been endorsed by National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog
and the Government and several states are promoting it without any scientific validation. It is
hoped that these will encourage farmers to adopt eco-friendly concept of cultivation and
reduce their dependence on fertilizers and agricultural chemicals to improve yields. But, the
approaches should be critically scientifically verified and analyzed in view of the priority of
sustainable food and nutritional security, farmers’ income, and poverty alleviation.

10.11.3 New Synthetic and Bio-pesticides

Most of the insect pests, diseases and weeds develop resistance to a pesticide when used
continuously year after year. Research for innovative chemistries with different
chromophoric group seeking lead from natural resources and alternate mode of action is
constantly carried out in search of new active molecules. Hence, establishing R&Ds in
Institution and manufacturing units with proper funding is essential. Division of Ag
Chemicals has developed large number of products and technologies that have been licensed
to industries (nearly 30 licenses). Besides around 700 new organic products were synthesized
and evaluated for diverse pesticidal activity (Parmar and Walia 2016). The Agrochemicals
Division of IARI, in collaboration with the Divisions of Agricultural Economics and
Environmental Sciences, should undertake an impact study of its various products

10.11.4 Natural Products

Besides lipids and medicines in neem as effective pesticides and nitrification retardants,
several natural products of plant, animal or microbial origin have been explored and bioactive
constituents identified.

The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)- Indian Institute of Chemical
Technology (IICT) is starting a Mission Mode Project on Innovative Processes and
Technology for saving crop losses due to pests, will also contribute to food security. The
Project aims to develop processes for several Agrochemicals, but none of the active
ingredients in these chemicals were invented in India or by any Indian company. It is high
time that India must prepare herself to be an inventor of new molecules. Further, being a
CSIR Project, all the seven participating laboratories belong to CSIR. ICAR should make an
attempt to join this Mission. Further, we should have national capacity to create new

10.11.5 Agrochemical Formulations

Several products based on dillapiole, dihydrodillapiole were commercialized as pyrethrum

synergists. Controlled release formulations involving several effective pesticides employing
novel carriers, encapsulation materials and nano ranged emphiphilic polymers were
developed and evaluated extensively in laboratory and field for their release kinetics and
performance. Nano pesticides involving sulphur, hexaconazole. pyridalyl and acetamiprid
were prepared to augment the pesticidal efficacy and evaluated for their biosafety. The
bioactivity of nano pesticides was many fold higher compared to conventional pesticides.

10.11.6 Safety Evaluations and Related Studies

More than 1000 pesticide schedules were examined and recommended for pest control in
agricultural crops such as vegetables, cereals, pulses, oilseeds, cash and other crops for
dissipation and/or persistence for the active ingredient or their toxic metabolites in edible
produce. The safe schedules have been recommended for adoption by farmers. These studies
have enabled establishing of maximum residue limits (MRL), waiting periods etc. in cases
where such limits were nonexistent. Effect of non biotic factors such as sunlight, play a role
in the degradation of pesticide in the environment.

Pesticide residue research was carried out for safety to human beings by determining terminal
residues in harvest produce and waiting period from supervised field trials. Studies relevant
to environmental safety such as persistence in soil was carried out at Agrochemicals Division
of IARI from dissipation half-lives as influenced by soil edaphic and climatic factors;
adsorption, leaching and abiotic and biotic transformations involving microbial, chemical and
photo degradations; and plant metabolism. Studies were also conducted on long term field
studies especially with herbicides for accumulation and carry-over effects, persistence in soil
and toxic metabolites. Adsorption-desorption of more than 45 pesticides, chemical and light
induced transformations, microbial degradation have been carried out.

Contribution of agricultural application of pesticides on quality of river water reservoirs was

investigated along a part of Ganga river basin at Farukhabad in Uttar Pradesh (UP) most of
the sample of soil collected were found contaminated with oganophosphorus (Ops) and
organochlorine (OCs) pesticides. Vegetable samples collected from this region were also
contaminated (Agnihotri et al. 1995).

The IARI-Agrochemicals Division has played a major role in development and sharpening of
analytical techniques for pesticide residue analysis. Several spectrophotometric,
chromatographic [gas chromatographic (GC), HPLC] methods have been standardized.
Protocols are available for simultaneous analysis of >78 pesticides as mixture in rice and tea
in a single run. And >200 pesticides as mix in single run by LC-MS-MS from vegetables and
fruits. Mass spectrometry technique with advanced quadrupole detector made detection and
identification of pesticides in fruits and vegetables simple and easy (OECD, 2007).

Detailed studies were conducted to decontaminate pesticide residue from food commodities,
water and environment. Bioremediation of contaminated soils with acclimatized
microorganisms etc under taken for DDT, chlorpyrifos, atrazine, alachlor, mtolachlor,
bifenthrin, fipronil etc. (Kulshrestha, 2009). Further, research has been carried on
neutrceuticals and high value phytochemicals, nitrification inhibitors and hydrogels.
Education and human resource development by providing theoretical and practical training to
post-graduate students should be strengthened. The Division at IARI should be particularly
strengthened, in chemistry research to be able to come up with new molecules which may
favourably compete with such products being developed by private sector and several
public/private sector universities in developed countries like USA, Japan, Germany, and also
in China. Let industries get together and support creation of a national centre at IARI for
innovating new, safe, efficacious molecule/s.

10.11.7 Pesticide Referral Laboratory

Pesticide Referral Laboratory (ISO/IEC:17025:2005; NABL accredited) established under

ICAR-National Agricultural Technology Project - Team of excellence (NATP-TOE)
generates globally acceptable data for export certification and international trade. The
competence of the laboratory has been demonstrated by participation in international and
National proficiency testing programmes. It has state of art facilities in the country and is
manned by qualified, experienced and competent team of scientists and technicians. It is the
first such laboratory in India established in the public sector. The laboratory undertakes need
based analysis of the referred samples. It also serves as a national facility for capacity of
trained and super speciality human resource in pesticide residue analysis, and develops and
validates analytical methods for the analysis. Preparation of reference materials of pesticides
is also undertaken. Thus, safety evaluation studies on new synthetic agrochemicals prior
recommending to farmers takes full care for safety to consumers (Kulshrestha et al. 2005).

10.12 Integrated Pest Management (IPM)

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which promotes biological, cultural and mechanical
methods of pest and advocates need based, judicious use of pesticides must be the most
preferred environment friendly approach for managing pest problems. It is an ecological
approach and strives for eliminating or significantly reducing the use of pesticides and at the
same time containing pest growth at acceptable levels.

IPM is thus a big part of the solution. Increasingly it is being adopted in both developed and
developing countries for long-term, sustainable agriculture that achieves adequate, safe and
quality food production, improves farmer livelihoods and conserves non-renewable energy.
Its specific benefits are:

• Improved crop profitability owing to better pest control measures & appropriate use
of crop protection solutions
• Stable, reliable and good quality crop yields
• Fall in intensity of pest infestations
• Reduced potential for problems of pest resistance or resurgence

The IPM strategy seeks judicious integration of three components: (i) prevention through
crop and varietal choice and adoptions of cultural and soil water management practices. (ii)
Monitoring for accurate assessment of the pest/disease build up, even using Geographic
Information System (GIS) and remote sensing, before adopting interventions and (iii)
Intervention undertaken to reduce incidence of pests and disease to economically acceptable
level, which include cultural, physical, biological, and chemical measures. Although the
efficacy of the approach is well demonstrated and IPM is a priority program of the
Government, the ground level adoption by the farmers is suboptimal.

Apart from IPM, newer molecules with better efficacy are being developed. These molecules
such as neo-nicotinoids, sulfonylureas, imidazolinones triazoles etc. require lesser volume of
chemicals per net treated area. Newer products such as biological pesticides, seed treatment
chemicals, and semiochemicals are being introduced. Seed treatment chemicals require a very
small volume of the chemical as compared to normal crop protection chemicals (Kulshrestha
et al. 2003).

10.13 The Way Forward

Towards attaining evergreen economy through green agriculture and green chemistry, the
following actions (steps) are necessary:

In coming years, new agrochemicals should focus on developing new processes and products
with sustainability as the core principle. This requires developing a collaborative platform in
which the scientists, government and regulatory bodies, farmers associations, manufacturers
and farmers come together to promote safe and judicious usage of pesticides. Future lies with
higher production of generic products, newer safe chemistry and products, efficient
formulations and growth in herbicides and fungicides.

In coming years, the need for safe and effective use of crop protection chemicals will further
increase to brace with larger climatic variations and emergence of new invasive insects,
weeds and diseases. Hence, it is important for companies to invest today in science and
practices which promote safe and judicious use of crop health chemicals. Judicious use of
pesticides implies using the right product, with correct dosage and with correct application

methodology. When used judiciously, the products deliver maximum impact on the target
species. Therefore, it is critical for both the government and for crop protection chemicals
manufacturers to work closely with the farmers and farmers associations to educate them on
safe and judicious use of existing pesticides as well as advancements happening in products
on a regular basis.

Crop protection products can also be considered for environmental impact audit of their
existing products and adopt green chemistry practices. To move to “green practices”, in the
short term, companies can implement zero discharge solutions, adopt Chemical Oxygen
Demand (COD) reduction techniques and develop collaborative platforms. In the medium
term, companies can implement solvent recovery practices, explore alternate green solvents,
evaluate biocatalysts and microwave chemistry technology. Embracing farmers to promote
judicious usage of crop protection products will be an appropriate way to develop a long term
sustainable business model in Crop Protection Chemicals.

The green chemistry practices cannot be done in isolation. It is imperative to build a

collaborative ecosystem in which the academia, industry, government and regulatory bodies
come together and create opportunities for the industry, academia and the entrepreneurs to test,
scale-up and commercialize their ideas in the domain of green chemistry practices. Future
agrochemicals will serve as a facilitator of the Indian agriculture as also of national economy.

National capacity in plant health agro-chemical research, technology and innovation, should
be strengthened. The CSIR, ICAR and other concerned research and technology development
centres, including corporate centre, should create world class centre of excellence which must
be able to dynamically discover and produce new more selective, effective and safe

The Government must pass the latest/updated 2017, Pesticide Management Bill and strictly
enforce regulations to ensure effective implementation of all the rules, and laws, especially
the elimination of the unethically high incidences of spurious, counterfeit, banned,
misbranded and substandard agro-chemicals. The point-of-safe quality assistance and farmers
protection mechanism in case of spurious products must be strengthened. Transparent system
of licensing should be established and popularized.

As the bill seeks to improve the regulations in the manufacture, inspection testing, and
distribution of pesticides, a Central Pesticides Board to advise the Government should be
constituted, which among other things, should also oversee fixation of tolerance limits by
FSSAI for pesticide residues on crops and commodities. The state governments are
envisioned to implement the provisions. While FSSAI is mandated to fix the MRL, the
relevant provisions of the Food Safety and Standard Acts should be enforced simultaneously.
The bill must also specify penalties for pesticide inspectors and enforce their implementation.
The large number of deaths due to pesticide spraying reported in recent years, should bring
the focus on the pending Pesticide Management bill.

Agro-ecologically differentiated proven IPM technology packages should be adopted
throughout, the country. Farmer’s awareness, training and strong extension support, including
e-National Agriculture Market (NAM) linkage, is essential.

The human resources and awareness along the entire agri-chemicals management chain, from
farmers to industry leaders, need urgent strengthening; university curricula should be updated
to internalize the latest technological safety, and agri-business developments, with emphasis
on practical training. Barring IARI and a couple of other public sector centres, agro-
chemcials education in the National Agricultural Research, Education System is rather weak.
The situation should be critically assessed and necessary solutions provided in time. The
Policy Makers should also have a clear science-informed vision to formulate effective
policies on Crop Health Management and pesticide use.

Data on various aspects of chemical and other pesticides from different sources seldom
reconcile. All stakeholders and concerned ministries should jointly address this major
shortcoming to enable effective planning, policy formulation, programming and

The Department of Agriculture, Cooperation and Farmers Welfare of the Ministry, hopefully
in close consultation with other directly concerned Ministry of Food and Civil Supplies,
Ministry of Commerce and Trade, and Ministry of Health is in process of bringing out an
updated pesticide Management Bill. The Draft Bill 2017 has been widely circulated and
hoisted on the official website of the DAC & FW for comments of concerned stakeholders
within stipulated time frame. The NAAS had interacted with the DAC & FW and shared its
policy papers on the subject. I am pleased that several of the recommendations of the NAAS
Policy Paper 45 on Agrochemicals Management have been internalized in the Draft Bill.
However, a few aspects which seek deeper scientific evidences need to be further updated,
Towards this, the NAAS should organize a Brainstorming Policy Dialogue session to
internalize some of the relevant goals of the Sustainable Development Goals, 2030, FAO /
WHO new initiatives, and Paris Declaration.

Selected References

Agnihotri NP, Kulshrestha G, Gajbhiye VT and Singh SB (1995) Final Report of Ministry of
Environment, Government of India funded project on Non-point source pollution
from use of pesticide in Agriculture (1992-1995). Division of Agricultural
Chemicals, IARI, ICAR, New Delhi
Birthal PS (2003) Economic Potential of Biological Substitutes for Agrochemicals. Policy
Paper 18, ICAR-National Institute of Agricultural Economics and Policy Research,
New Delhi
CSE (2017) Negligence in pesticide management increasing farmers deaths in Maharashtra.
Centre for Science & Environment, http://www.CSE
Crop Care (2018) Anomalies in Pesticide Management Bill (PMB) 2008.43 (4) : 27-29

DAC & FW (2016) Banning of pesticides order 2016. Department of Agricultural Cooperation
and Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, New Delhi
DAC & FW (2017) Pesticide wise consumption of indigenous pesticides during 2010-11 to
2016-17. Directorate of plant protection, quarantine &Storage, Department of
agricultural Cooperation, New Delhi
FAOSTAT (2017) Pesticides. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome
FICCI (2015) Ushering in the 2nd Green Revolution: Role of Crop Protection Chemicals.
Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, New Delhi.
FSSAI (2011) Food safety and standards authority of India, Ministry of health and family
welfare, New Delhi, Notification, food safety and standards (contaminants, toxins
and residues) regulations, pp. 1-18.
Kulshrestha G, Gopal M, Malhotra PK, Sharma P, Mukherjee I, Singh SB, Singh R and
Chander S (2003) Final report on NATP-PSR project on Development of Pesticide
residue free IPM package on vegetables (2000-2003), Division of Agricultural
Chemicals, IARI, ICAR, New Delhi
Kulshrestha G, Dikshit AK, Gajbhiye VT, Mukherjee I and Gupta S (2005) Final Report on
NATP–TOE project on Establishment of `Pesticide Referral Laboratory (Feb. 2002-
Dec. 2005), Division of Agricultural Chemicals, IARI, ICAR, New Delhi
Kulshrestha G (2009) Final Report on “Rapid bioremediation of environmental
contamination caused by chlorinated pesticides”, an ICAR sponsored Emeritus
scientist scheme (F. No.1(11) 2007 –EPD dated 08.08.2007), Division of Agricultural
Chemicals, IARI, New Delhi (Aug 8, 2007- July 15, 2009)
NAAS (2006) WTO and Indian Agriculture: Implementation for policy and R&D. Policy
Paper 38, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
NAAS (2010) Agrochemicals Management : Issues and Strategies. NAAS Policy Paper 45,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi
OECD (2007) Series on Testing and Assessment Number 72; Series on Pesticides Number 39
–Guidance Document on Pesticide Residue Analytical Methods, V/JM/MONO (2007)
17, 13th August 2007 Link
Parmar B and Walia S (2016) IARI-Division of Agricultural chemicals: A performance par
excellence. Pesticide Res. J. 28 (1) : 1-14
Pesticide Management Bill 2008
Sinha B, and Biswas L (2008) Potential of Biopesticides in Indian Agriculture vis-à-vis Rural
Development. Indian Science and Technology. NISTADS, New Delhi
Subash SP, Prem CP, Balaji SJ and Pal S (2017) Pesticide use in Indian Agriculture : Trends,
market structure and policy issues. Policy paper 43. ICAR-National Institute of
Agricultural Economics and Policy Research, New Delhi

Chapter 11

Innovations for Transforming Agriculture

11.1 Why Innovations in Indian Agriculture

“Innovation is the process by which inventions are produced – it may involve new ideas, new
technologies, or novel applications of existing technologies, new processes or institutions, or
more generally, new ways of doing things in a place or by people where they have not been
used before” (Juma et al. 2013). Agricultural innovations are needed to enhance productivity
growth through increasing efficiency in the production process and along the entire value
chain, formulating and implementing evidence-based policies, smart institutions, skilled
human resources, smart technologies, functional infrastructures, access to quality
information, insurance services, and employment security towards meeting the SDGs
(Ganguly, Gulati and Van Braun, 2017). IFPRI study has shown that greater the emphasis on
agricultural research for innovation, higher has been the growth of agriculture GDP.

Agriculture employs more than 50 per cent of the people (nearly 700 m), accounts for 15 per
cent of GDP, and is almost three times more effective than other sectors in alleviating hunger,
poverty, and undernutrition, the sector (agriculture) matters the most in India. Thus, besides
enhanced production, Agriculture and Food System (AFS) should emphasize ecological
efficiency, More from Less for More (MLM), Save and Grow, environmental health,
nutritional adequacy, inclusiveness, sustainability, and remunerative income (Doubling
farmers’ income by 2022). Inter-disciplinary, innovative and integrative approaches, adequate
investment, vibrant STI, trained human resources, and responsive and effective
implementation are a must to reach the unreached to help build a Zero Hunger New India.

Agriculture is not only the main source of employment and livelihood security for nearly 50
per cent of India’s population, bulging to be the largest in the world by 2027, but also as a
business opportunity, service provider, industry, and ecosystem protector. Reflecting on the
journey from the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution, the need for innovations to drive
congruent acceleration of productivity, profitability, sustainability, equity and inclusivity can
hardly be overemphasized. Besides leaps in genetic enhancement, innovations are
increasingly needed in precision agriculture, natural resource management, climate smart
agriculture, mechanization, micro-irrigation (per drop more crop), ICT, digital technology,
farmer-market linkage, value chain and post-harvest management, renewable energy, price
realization, and, of course, doubling of farmers’ net income.

With a population of over 1.3 billion and expected to be the most populous country in the
world by 2027 and likely to reach nearly 1.7 billion by 2050, India will exceed China by
about 400 million people, and its demand for food, feed and fiber will keep increasing
substantially. Expecting the GDP growth rate of 7-8 per cent over the next decade or more,
fast expanding urbanization, the number of people in middle classes annually growing by 10-

12 per cent, and high expenditure on food (40-45 per cent), India will require to step up its
food supply significantly to meet the expanding demand. However, with shrinking land
holdings - average operational holding size at around 1 hectare and about 85 per cent farmers
being marginal and small, operating on less than 2 hectares of land, increasing productivity of
smallholder farmers will be critical.

Moreover, per capita water availability at about 1400 m3 is already between stress and
scarcity zones. India is projected to suffer the most by climate change in terms of rising
temperatures and erratic monsoons resulting in recurring droughts and projected to lose 25
per cent of its agricultural production, thus further jeopardizing food and nutrition security
and farmers’ incomes. India faces a huge challenge to grow more and grow sustainably with
limited resources. Moreover, agricultural resources including land, water and labour face
competition from non-agricultural sectors. Hence innovations all along agricultural value
chains will be needed for India to sustain its food and nutrition security as well to provide
income and livelihood security to farmers. Realizing that India is home to one-fifth of the
world’s poor people and nearly 35 per cent of stunted children, and agriculture is the best bet
to fight the maladies, innovation imperatives in agriculture for attaining nutrition security can
hardly be overemphasized.

Accounting for almost one-fourth of the world’s smallholder farmers, innovation pathways in
India are a must for effectively accelerating gains in productivity, climate resilience and risk
mitigation, social protection, price realization by farmers through market linkages, credit,
insurance, and increased income, by ensuring congruence of high productivity, profitability
and sustainability. Further, Ganguly, Gulati and Von Braun (2017) have elucidated the need
for access to quality information and services, boosting employment opportunities for the
youth, improving accessibility and affordability of healthy and safe food, prevention of losses
and wastes, value addition along the chain, optimizing utilization of natural resources (micro
irrigation), per drop more crop, and energy efficient power sources (like solar).

11.2 Biological Innovations

11.2.1 Green Revolution

An innovation of its own kind, Green Revolution was instrumental in transforming India
from a ship-to-mouth condition to the Right to Food Bill status, and rendering the country a
major foodgrain and other agricultural products exporter. The Revolution was triggered by
the adoption, adaptation and development of semi-dwarf, input responsive, photoperiod
nonsensitive and widely adapted high yielding varieties of rice and wheat, and hybrids in
maize, pearl millet, sorghum, and other crops. Innovations in varietal development and seed
technology to enhance productivity and production, resilience to abiotic and biotic stresses,
efficient use of soil, water, nutrient, and energy have greatly benefitted farmers through
increased yield, savings in production costs, increased production, and higher incomes.
Within ten years of the release of the rice and wheat HYVs between 1965 and 1975, their
adoption had increased almost from zero per cent to 40 and 70 per cent, respectively. During
the same period, rice paddy yield had increased from 1.3 to 1.9 t/ha and production from

45.88 to 73.35 mt, whereas the wheat yield had gone up from 0.9 to1.3 t/ha and production
from 12.3 to 24.1 mt (Table 1).

Table 1. Area, production and yield of wheat and rice paddy during 1965 to 1975
Year Area (m ha) Production (m t) Productivity (t/ha)
1965 13.4 12.3 0.9
1970 16.6 20.1 1.2
1975 18.0 24.1 1.3
Rice Paddy
1965 35.5 45.88 1.3
1970 37.6 63.33 1.7
1975 39.5 73.35 1.9

Source: Agricultural Statistics (MoA&FW) GoI, various years

The above unprecedented success was due to synergistic congruence of new effective
technologies, availability of critical inputs, farmers-market linkage and remunerative prices,
farmers’ enthusiasm, and political will.

11.2.2 Gene Revolution

Innovations in the field of biotechnology, molecular biology, genomics, and synthetic biology
have rendered crop, livestock, fish and microbe improvements highly precise, targeted, and
accelerated – known as gene revolution. Starting from hardly 2 million ha under GM crops in
1996, today nearly 200 million ha in over 30 countries, of which over 20 are developing
countries, including China and India which together account for nearly 40 per cent of the
world population, grow GM crops. During the past 20 years or so, farmers gained from
increased productivity and production and reduced cost of production to the tune of nearly
US$ 160 billion at the farm level, let alone the huge environmental gains due to reduced
pesticide use. On an average, GM technology adoption has reduced chemical pesticide use by
37 per cent, increased crop yield by 22 per cent, and increased farmers’ profit by 68 per cent
(Kuimpy and Qaim, 2014). Bt Cotton

Genetically modified (GM) transgenic crops carry “transgene(s)” conferring either a new trait
to the plant, which was not earlier present in the native form (e.g. insect resistance, as in Bt
cotton) or enhance the already existing trait (e.g. nutritional quality as in Golden Rice). Bt
cotton is the only transgenic crop commercially cultivated in India, over an area of about 11
million hectares, 92 per cent of the cotton acreage. First released in the year 2002, with the
approval of the Genetic Engineering Approval Committee (GFAC) of three Bt hybrids-
MECH 12, MECH-162 and MECH-184, it has created a “Gene Revolution” in the country
(Figure 1). Using five events, namely, Bollgard I, Bollgard II, GFM-Cry1A, Event 1, and
MLS9124, five groups of Bt cotton varieties were commercialized in India. Using these

events, 40+ companies, adopting regulatory procedures of the Government have gotten 800+
hybrids developed and registered carrying the Bt technology.

Figure 1. Revolution in cotton production and productivity in India after the introduction of
Bt Hybrid in 2002 (Area in 100,000 ha and production in 100,000 bales)

Source: James (2014)

The revolutionary impact of the Bt Hybrid Cottons in India was manifested as below:

• Over 11 million ha of total cotton area of 12 million ha, 92 per cent is under Bt
• More than 7 million of 8 million farmers have opted for Bt cotton, most of them are
• Average cotton yield had increased by 70 to 100 per cent
• A seven fold reduction in pesticide use in cotton has been recorded
• Net income of Bt cotton farmers is 53 to 71 per cent higher than that of non Bt cotton
farmers; averaging additional income of US $ 250/ha
• Today, India, with 39 million bales production of cotton lint, ranks first in cotton
production in the world
• The Country has transformed from being an importer until 2004 to an exporter now of
nearly 9-10 million bales each year, accounting for nearly US$ 3 billion
• The higher yield and increased production has created millions of additional jobs.

However, in recent years, some instability, even decline in some years has been witnessed in
cotton production (Table 2).

Table 2. Cotton production (mt) in the world as well as in the top three cotton producing
countries during 2013/14-2017/18
Geographic 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
World 26.23 26.24 21.48 23.08 26.63
India 6.77 6.56 5.75 5.89 6.15
China 7.00 6.60 5.20 4.90 5.89
USA 2.81 3.55 2.81 3.74 4.55
Source: FAO Stat Book, 2014 to 2018

The decline or stagnation in production is attributed mainly to the increasing incidence of

pink bollworm. The decline in Bollgard I began in 2009 and in Bollgard 2 in 2014. USA has
already come up with Bollgard 3 to manage the pest. Indian biotechnologists have not risen to
the challenge in creating the desired events. Moreover, the farmers have not followed the
recommended practices of growing 150-160 days varieties/hybrids, timely planting, rows of
refuge variety, and adoption of IPM. A holistic approach is needed to keep the pest
population below the threshold level. The recent decision of the Supreme Court against
protecting Monsanto’s proprietary rights on Bt cotton will discourage the multinationals in
sharing their new biotech products. But, this should induce the local private sector to join
hands with public sector research system to develop new events and products. Other routes of
molecular breeding, especially translational genomics approach for transformational changes
in cotton productivity and quality should be institutionalised through a consortium approach. Other GM Crops

Seeds/materials of transgenic events have been imported for research purposes on a regular
basis through the ICAR-National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR), New Delhi,
which is the designated nodal agency to issue import permits and undertakes the quarantine
processing of transgenics as per the Government of India Notification and Plant Quarantine
Order. Besides quarantine processing, molecular testing for checking the specific transgenic
elements of imported transgenic seed/planting material is undertaken prior to release to the

The imported or indigenously developed transgenic crops/ events undergo field trials at
Biosafety Research Levels, BRL I and BRL II. The Review Committee on Genetic
Manipulation (RCGM), functioning in the Department of Biotechnology, is the Regulatory
Authority for BRL-1 trials. The Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee (GEAC),
functioning in the Ministry of Environment & Forests and Climate Change, is the Regulatory
Authority for BRLII trials. Besides cotton, transgenics are ready for field trials in several
crops (Table 3). In 2014, GEAC approved field trials of transgenic mustard, Bt chickpea,
transgenic rice for nutritional enhancement, and Bt brinjal (James, 2014).

Table 3. Genetically modified crops ready for field trials in India, 2014
Crop Organization Transgenic(s) Trait Pending
Cabbage Nunhems, Gurgaon Sungro cry1Ba and IR
Seeds, New Delhi cry1Ca cry1Ac
Castor Directorate of Oilseeds cry1Ec and IR Event
Research, Hyderabad cry1Aa selection
Cauliflower Sungro Seeds, New Delhi cry1Ac IR
Nunhems, Gurgaon cry1Ac and IR
Mahyco, Jalna cry1Ac and IR Final stage
Mahyco, Mumbai Ala-At (MAH- NE Event
11501 – MAH- selection
Dow Agro Sciences, cry1Ac and IR Final stage
Mumbai cry1F
JK Agri-Genetics, cry1Ac and IR BRL-2 trials
Hyderabad cry1Ec
Metahelix, Bengaluru cry1C IR
CICR, Nagpur and UAS, cry1Ac IR BRL-1 trials
Cotton CICR, Nagpur cry1Ac IR Event
cry1F IR Event
UAS, Dharwad cry1Ac (Event IR Event
D1 Ac to D7 Ac) selection
cry1Ac (Event IR Event
SB1 Ac to SB7 selection
cry1Ac (Event J1 IR Event
Ac to J24 Ac IR) selection
Cry1Ac x cry1F IR Event
(Event BNAcF) selection
Bayer BioScience Pvt. Ltd, Bar, cry2Ae, IR, HT BRL-1 trials
cry1Ab, HT BRL-1 trials
9GHB119 x
vip3A (Cot 102) IR BRL-1 trials
Monsanto Holdings Pvt. cry1Ac, cryAb, IR BRL-1 trials

Ltd., Mumbai vip3A (MON
15985 x COT
102) (Bollgard
cry1Ac, cryAb, HT, IR BRL-1 trials
(MON 15985 x
COT 102 x
MON 88913)
Groundnut ICRISAT, Hyderabad Rice chit and FR, DST -
Maize Monsanto, Mumbai cry2Ab2 & IR, HT Final stage
cryA. 105 &
Pioneer/Dupont, Hyderabad cry1F and IR, HT BRL-2 trials
Dow Agro Sciences, cry1F IR BRL-1 trials
Pioneer Overseas ms45, zm- Male BRL-1 trials
Corporation Hyderabad aa1(DP-32138-1) sterility
Sygenta BioScience Pvt. cry1Ab and m-
Ltd. Pune epsps
Okra Mahyco, Mumbai cry1Ac IR, HT BRL-1 trials
Sungro Seeds, Delhi cry1Ac IR
Bejo Sheetal, Delhi cry1Ac IR
Arya Seeds, Gurgaon CP-AV1 IR
Potato CPRI, Shimla RB DR
GA20 Oxidase 1 AP
NIPGR, Delhi Ama1 NE
cry1Aabc IR
Rice IARI, New Delhi DREB DST
TNAU, Coimbatore Chi11 FR
DRR, Hyderabad cry1Ac IR
cry1Ac, cry2Ab IR
Event HT BRL-1 trials
Mahyco, Mumbai OsNHX1 Salinity Event
tolerance selection
Bayer Crop Science, cry1Ab and IR Event

Hyderabad cry1Ca selection
Crop Organization Transgenic(s) Trait Pending
JK Agri Genetic Ltd. JKOsE081 x IR BRL-1 trials
Hyderabad E016/IR
Devgeri Seeds and Crop OSLR-01 IR BRL-1 trials
Technology Pvt. Ltd., OSLR-04
OSHT-01 IR BRL-1 trials
BioSeed Research India Pvt. glyl and glyll DST BRL-1 trials
Ltd. Hyderabad
T1-3, T1-5 and DST BRL-1 trials
Pioneer Overseas cry 1Ab+cry1Ad IR Event
Corporation, Hyderabad selection
Metahelix Life Science Ltd. cry1Ab IR Event
Bengaluru selection
Sorghum NRCS, Hyderabad cry1B IR
Sugarcane Research cryAc IR
Institute, UP
Sugarcane IARI, New Delhi Antisense IR,
replicase, ACC DR,FR,
Synthase gene, NE, DST
osmotin, DREB
Tomato Mahyco, Mumbai cry1Ac IR
Avesthagen NAD9 NE
Source: Reports of Concerned Organizations.

Abbreviations: TNAU- Tamil Nadu Agricultural University; IIVR- Indian Institute of

Vegetable Research; UAS-University of Agricultural Sciences; CICR-Central Institute of
Cotton Research; ICRISAT-International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics;
CPRI- Central Potato Research Institute; NIPGR- National Institute of Plant Genome
Research; IARI- Indian Agricultural Research Institute ; MSSRF- MS Swaminathan Research
Foundation; DRR- Directorate of Rice Research; NRCS- National Research Centre on
Sorghum; AP-Agronomic Performance; BR-Bacterial Resistance; DR- Disease Resistance;
DST- Drought and Salinity Tolerance; FR- Fungal Resistance; IR- Insect Resistance; HT-
Herbicide Tolerance; NE-Nutritional Enhancement. Genomics and Gene Editing

Innovations to promote genomics and gene editing must be priority novel approaches to
ensure comprehensive food, nutritional, economic, social and environmental security. In the
new era of genomics, phenomics, proteomics and other omics, the availability of high quality

reference genomes of crop plants has accelerated the discovery of genes, QTLs and DNA
markers linked to the traits of agronomic importance, which are now being routinely applied
in molecular aided selection (MAS) of crop varieties for increased selection efficiency with
utmost precision, heralding a new thrust area called Molecular Breeding, which is being
routinely used in several crops like wheat, rice, maize, mustard, pigeonpea, chickpea and
soybean under Indian context with excellent success. ‘Super domestication’ of crops and the
genetic dissection and breeding for complex traits is now routinely used. Progress in the use
of GM crop technology on the other hand has suffered due to the lack of clear policy, and so
far Bt-cotton remains the only commercialized GM crop in India.

NAAS has issued several guidelines and policy options for developing and commercializing
transgenics and other biotech products. These include the NAAS Policy paper 52 “Biosafety
Assurance for GM food Crops in India”, 2011; Policy Brief “to Accelerate Utilization of GE
Technology for Food and Nutrition Security and Improving Farmers’ Income”, 2016; and the
Declaration on Transgenic Mustard (see the Box 1). These recommendations have been
widely circulated in the country and outside and specifically brought to the attention of
concerned Minister and Department Heads for necessary action. But, baseless fear, emotion
and non-scientific considerations continue to deny the farmers and other stakeholders the
disruptive technologies and innovations which will sustainably transform their socio-
economic status.
Box 1. NAAS Resolution on Commercialization of GM Mustard, 2017
Whereas, The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS), presently comprising nearly 625
Fellows, is the national think-tank for analyzing technological, socio-economic, and eco-
environmental aspects of agricultural and food systems transformation and for suggesting holistic
solutions for sustained, inclusive and accelerated agriculture-led development;
Whereas, The best bet for alleviating the stubbornly high incidences of hunger, undernutrition, and
poverty in an agriculturally important country like India, and that efficacy of such an agriculture will
be underpinned by the development of ever-improving technologies and technological innovations as
well as their effective adoption to produce More from Less for More (MLM);
Whereas, Despite ushering in the Green Revolution during the past 50 years and achieving food self-
sufficiency and Right to Food based on home-grown food and becoming a formidable exporter of
rice, cotton and other commodities, the situation of edible oilseeds remains gloomy;

Whereas, India meets 60 per cent of its demand for edible oils through imports, costing nearly Rs.
80,000 crore annually, let alone the opportunity lost for the farmers to enhance their agricultural
productivity and income, and national average yield of oilseed crops is low and sluggish;
Whereas, Brassica/rapeseed mustard is an important oilseed crop of India, occupying 6.6 million
hectares of the 33 m ha global area, of which 8.5 m ha in Australia, Canada, and USA is under GE
Mustard, and farmers in these countries have been reaping socio-economic and environmental
benefits from GM canola since 1996, rendering Canada as the foremost exporter to India;
Whereas, In order to enable India also to benefit from GM mustard, our scientists have toiled hard
during the past 20 years to develop promising biotech mustard varieties, such as mustard hybrid
DMH-11, using barnase-barstar system to produce stable male sterile and fertility restorer lines for
hybrid seed production;

Whereas, In field trials, DMH-11 has out-yielded the national and zonal checks by 20 to 30 per cent,
and future breeding using these two transgenic events will provide mustard hybrids with canola
quality and better yield through mustering extensive diversity available in mustard in the country for
creating progressively higher yielding superior multi-trait hybrids;
Whereas, appreciating that regulatory approval is an essential requirement for commercialization of
GE crops, India has developed a multi-tier regulatory system, which is one of the most robust
regulatory systems in the world to address the biosafety and environmental concerns;
Whereas, The DMH-11 hybrid and its parental lines were rigorously tested for biosafety as per the
guidelines and procedures, and all the biosafety studies conducted were submitted to GEAC in
September 2015, and clearance from GEAC has been accorded on May 11, 2017, after thorough
analyses by the expert committees;

Whereas we have apprised ourselves of all the conducted studies and unequivocally state that this
technology is as safe as the non-GE mustard and will help the farmers and the country in improving
its edible oils economy;
Whereas, The scientific and regulatory authorities around the world have consistently and repeatedly
refuted the unfounded concerns of the activists, the Academy is deeply concerned about unscientific
and ill-motivated attacks on the use of the GM mustard hybrid for improving the edible oil economy
in India;
Therefore, towards greening the edible oil economy and connecting the people to nature on this World
Environment Day, June 05, 2017, now, we the Fellowship (nearly 200 at this AGM) of the National
Academy of Agricultural Science (NAAS), New Delhi, resolve that:
• The Central and State Governments should immediately endorse the recommendations of the
GEAC so that the coming growing season can be fully utilised for the multiplication of parental lines
and production of hybrid seed, which will hasten the environmental release of the two mustard
parental transgenic events and hybrid DMH-11, thus allowing this technology to be available to
farmers soon at a low-cost, and to breeders, to develop better and better hybrids in future
• Having fully met the regulatory, biosafety, and performance requirements, a biotech product
must not be denied to the farmers, who should have options to make informed choices, and
empowered to become globally competitive in the fast changing world
• All stakeholders must have full faith in the power of science & technology and the national
regulatory & scientific agencies to improve our agricultural and food system productivity,
profitability, and sustainability in perpetuity so that we not only help the farmers in improving their
income and help the country in reducing the burgeoning edible oil deficit, but also ensure that science
is not denied the opportunity to serve the society, and
• Finally, the government should proactively support the agricultural scientists to pursue
frontier sciences and to take new developments in science and technology to the farmers, as delays in
decision making will only dishearten and de-motivate the scientific community, particularly young

The Center of Excellence in Genomics and System Biology (GEGSB) at International Crops
Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) thorough its collaborative efforts
has developed a large number of genomic resources, including genome assemblies for 9 crops
and several improved lines through molecular breeding. Its translational genomics approach

has transformed the so-called ‘orphan crops’ to ‘genomic resource-rich crops’ and
contributed to develop several improved lines in some dryland crops. (Varshney, 2019).
Through deploying next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies, it has developed high
quality reference genomes for chickpea, pigeonpea, groundnut, sorghum, and pearl millet –
the so-called orphan crops in dryland regions (Table 4). Keeping in view the fast changing
climate, the diminishing natural resources, the higher incidence of poverty, hunger and
undernutrition, increasing population pressure and food demands, greater attention is needed
for sustainably enhancing the productivity, production and agro-ecological security of the
vast rainfed areas. In this context a national program on genomics, alongwith a centre of
excellence, for rainfed agriculture may be created to complement the ICRISAT centre.

Table 4. Advances in the genomics, trait mapping and molecular breeding in the ICRISAT
mandate crops during last 11 years.

Feature Chickpea Pigeonpea Groundnut Sorghum Pearl Millet

2007 2019 2007 2019 2007 2019 2007 2019 2007 2019

Genomic resources

Genome No *** No *** No ** No *** No ***


Transciptome No *** No *** No *** No ** No **


Genetic maps * *** No *** * *** ** *** * ***

Market genotyping platforms

SSR markers ** *** * *** * *** *** **** * ***

SNP markers No *** No *** No ** ** **** No ****

DArT markers No *** No *** No *** No *** No *

KASP assays No *** No *** No ** No No No No

Golden Gate No ** No ** No ** No No No No

SNP arrays No *** No *** No *** No No No No

Trait mapping

Biotic Stress * *** No *** * ** ** *** * **

Abiotic Stress * *** No ** No * * *** * **

Other traits * *** No ** * *** * ** * ***

Diagnostic No *** No *** No *** No ** No **


Molecular breeding products

Superior lines No *** No No No *** * ** * **

*limited; **optimum; ***abundant; ****highly abundant; No- non availability


For harnessing genetic diversity from germplasm collection in these important crops, various
re-sequencing efforts were carried out, such as ‘The 3,000 Chickpea Genome Sequencing
Initiative’- an international effort to sequence and phenotype the chickpea global composite
collection. Similar efforts were carried out in pigeonpea, groundnut, sorghum, and pearl
millet. Genome-wide association studies using resequencing and genotyping data together
with multi-location phenotyping data have provided marker-trait association in several cases.
Further, through a collaborative interdisciplinary approach, 20 to 50 traits have been mapped
in the ICRISAT mandate crops. The efforts have resulted in several superior lines for a
number of traits in different crops, and the genomic selection in crop improvement programs
is in full swing to develop improved varieties, especially climate resilient varieties in dryland
region (Varshney R.K. et al., 2017).

The recent disruptive innovation of asexual propagation through seeds of hybrid rice by
Sundaresan et. al, 2018 is indeed a dream come true. Heterosis exploitation is now possible in
any crop without going through the usual female x male crossed F1 seed production, which
has to be made every year and sold on premium. Seeds without sex produced by hybrids will
breed true in subsequent generations, thus can be saved by farmers as F1 seeds for further
seeding. The management of Baby Boom (BB) genes, alongside substituting mitosis for
meiosis (MiMe), could revolutionize this unique farmers-friendly asexual propagation
through synthetic apomictic seeds. The technique also enables creation of mapping
populations for economic traits and accelerated genetic improvement.

Genome editing technology is currently among the most promising in terms of applied
biological research with huge economic potential. Genome editing refers to the strategies and
techniques developed for the targeted, specific modification of the genetic information of
genome of living organism or cells through the use of nucleases like (i) Meganucleases (ii)
Zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs), (iii) Transcription Activator-Like Effector-based Nucleases
(TALEN) and (iv) CRISPR/Cas system. These nucleases/nickases create site-specific double-
strand breaks (DSBs) at desired locations in the genome. The induced double-strand breaks
are repaired through non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) or homologous recombination
(HR), resulting in targeted mutations (‘edits’).

The genome editing technologies are much more precise and have revolutionized the product
development cycle and its delivery to the market. Compared to currently used conventional
genetic engineering technologies, it is reliable, reproducible and easy to achieve desired
modification, in certain cases leaving no footprint of genetic manipulation as opposed to
earlier technologies. Genome edited products in crops and animals are being already
commercialized. The technique is being directed to cure or treat serious human diseases viz.
cancer and other genetic disorders. Coupled with speed breeding, the technique is the fastest
route to develop new crop varieties and other market products.

Selected centres of excellence should be created in the country and brought together in a
consortium mode to undertake multidisciplinary projects activities with defined outcomes
with defined and differentiated responsibilities and accountability of the various partners in
the consortium. Climate Resilient Varieties:

India is projected to suffer the most from climate change, especially temperature increase,
drought intensity and frequency, floods, and decreasing per capita water availability.
Innovations in developing and popularizing climate resilient varieties are the most effective
way to save the losses. For instance, in USA, the development of Biotech Drought Gard
maize hybrid released in 2013, increased more than 15 fold from 50,000 ha in 2013 to
8,10,000 ha in 2015. The Drought tolerant varieties are a part of systems approach that
combines best agronomic recommendations and other recommended management practices
especially making available quality hybrid seed to nearly 43 million farm families in Africa
through collaborative arrangements among USA, CIMMYT and IITA (in Nigeria) and the
drought affected maize countries in Africa.

As mentioned earlier, CRISPR enables a more precise way to discover and develop valuable
traits within the crop’s own genome, and create the specified variations. Dupont pioneer has
been applying CRISPR to develop new varieties, combining productivity, resilience, and
sustainability (Greene, 2019). It is hoped that this approach will be more acceptable also from
the biosecurity and regulatory points of view. In India, the National Agri-Food Biotechnology
Institute (Tiwari, 2019) has used targeted editing (CRISPR/Cas9) of phytoenedesaturase
(PDS) for mutation of LCY-€ gene in the banana genome. The LCY-€ mutated lines showed
the increase in β-carotene while significant lower-down of α-carotene and lutein contents was
observed. The best DXS2 overexpressing line showed nearly 20-fold higher content of β-
carotene compared to control in banana fruits. These results establish that the genome editing
and over expression of DXS2 can be effective modes for pro-vitamin A biofortification of

In India, a good number of QTLs for abiotic stress tolerance (flood, drought, salinity, unusual
temperature) have been identified in several crops. For instance, Sub1, an exceptionally
strong QTL, conferring submergence tolerance in diverse genetic backgrounds of rice under
different environments, is being widely utilised in floodprone rice growing areas (Figure 2).
A marker-assisted backcrossing (MAB) approach was developed at the International Rice

Research Institute (IRRI) and in several national programmes, including India, to introgress
Sub1 in mega varieties which are already popular with famers and consumers, such as
Swarna, TDK1, and Samba Mahsuri in India.

Figure 2. New Sub1 lines after 17 days submergence in the field at the IRRI

Source: IRRI, 2011

Swarna-Sub1 has already been released for commercial production and is significantly
contributing to enhanced and sustained production under flooded conditions with 2-4 weeks
of submergence, out-yielding the original intolerant Swarna by about 30-35 per cent. The
submergence tolerance QTL has now been transferred to several popular lowland varieties
like Samba Mahsuri, Savithri, IR64 etc. Other submergence tolerance genes distinct from
Sub1 have also been identified and their use will help in diversifying the genetic base and
tolerance to varying submergence conditions. Moreover, genes conferring drought as well as
salinity tolerance have been pyramided with the submergence tolerance genes, rendering
Swarna tolerant to multiple stresses (IRRI-STRASA project; U.S. Singh, IRRI, personal

Through an IRRI-ICAR collaborative program, drought tolerance has been combined with
higher temperature tolerance in a recently released rice variety DRR52. Emphasizing the
significance of 3K RG resequencing information for harnessing genetic diversity in rice, led
by Arvind Kumar, IRRI (Abbai, 2019) has developed superior combinations of
haplotypes influencing the target traits for developing “tailored rice” by assembly of superior
haplotypes into any genetic background. A “Haplo –GS” (superior haplotype-based genomic
selection) is an effective breeding approach for designing tailored crops. This approach could
be adopted for improvement of other crops as well. Rice drought breeding program at IRRI
has identified 14 major effect grain yield QTLs under reproductive stage drought (qDTYs).
Through marker-assisted introgression, several of these QTLs have been pyramided in
several popular varieties and their drought tolerant versions have been released and
commercialized in India and neighboring countries, providing yield advantage of 1.0 to 1.5
t/ha under moderate – to severe drought (Sandhu 2019).

Recent releases of varieties like Pusa Basmati 1509 are a milestone development towards
“more from less” and “save and grow”. Being a 115 to 120 day high yielding quality rice, it’s
per day, per liter water, and per kg fertilizer productivity is the highest in the contemporary
world of Basmati or scented rices. This is easily a brilliant example of genetic alchemy for
convergent economic, environmental and social transformation. This genetic improvement
will further consolidate India’s position as the world’s leading rice exporter, particularly of
high quality aromatic rice, currently valued at US$ 5.0 billion per year. These developments
must also induce creation, implementation and institutionalization of niche and differentiated

Pusa Basmati 1509 saves at least five precious irrigations and this saved water could be
deployed for producing an excellent wheat crop in the subsequent season for free (in context
of water) – “save and grow” in true sense. An equally brilliant complementary development
in form of wheat variety HD 2967, is an exceptionally high yielding and widely adapted
variety possessing multiple resistances to rust, especially yellow rust, and, most importantly,
is resistant to extreme weather fluctuations, especially heat and cold.

Stress-tolerant varieties will thus be the main plank of climate resilient agriculture. Plant
adaptation to stress involves key changes in the ‘central dogma’, the ‘omic’ architecture,
adaptive changes in genes, proteins and metabolites after individual and multiple
environmental stresses. Basic understanding of physiological and molecular bases of stress
management will help adopt effective crop-stress protection strategy and develop more robust
varieties for high risk environments. Systems-biology and systems level modelling and
development of computational models will strengthen efforts to enhance plant fitness to
changing climates and varying stresses.

Notwithstanding the ongoing plant breeding efforts to develop climate resilient crop varieties,
it is being increasingly felt that the climate change is putting new and enhanced demand for
plant genetic resources. Making use of the climate analogues, more and more breeders should
be targeting new varieties with adaptation to future climate stresses. The pressure for
collecting, conserving and sharing of genetic resources by the centres of origin or of crop
diversity will increase significantly. The UN and other concerned international systems viz.
CGIAR, Global Crop Diversity Trust should work closely with national programmes in this
drive. The development partners should view conservation as a part of development and
allocate resources accordingly. As we march towards an Ever Green Economy, crop diversity
and overall biodiversity conservation and sharing of the genetic treasure should be
mainstreamed into the national and international policies in mutual harmony with Climate
Smart Agriculture and Farmers’ Rights. Innovative Biofortification

India is home to the largest number of undernourished children and women. Fortified foods
must be a major strategy to overcome this entrenched deprivation in our country. Foods like
iron-rich pearl millet and beans; Vitamin A rich cassava, orange sweet potato; and zinc rich
rice, wheat, and maize are already approved for commercial production and use. Many

National and International programs viz HarvestPlus are focusing on micronutrient
deficiency, especially iron (Fe), Zinc (Zn), Vitamin. In India, two iron-rich pearl millet
varieties Dhanashakti and Shakti1201 are already in use by more than 1,00,000 farmers. A
wheat variety BHU-35, rich in zinc is being popularized in UP and neighboring north-eastern
states. Vitamin A supplementation in rice has served millions of under 5 children.

Having recognized micronutrient deficiencies as a major public health challenge, HarvestPlus

was established to add food nutritional quality to agricultural production research paradigms
and reduce micronutrient malnutrition. Collaborating with multiple partners to tackle hidden
hunger globally by breeding vitamins and minerals into everyday foodcrops, and attempt to
bridge the gap between agriculture and nutrition. It has developed and promoted
dissemination of iron, zinc, and pro-vitamin A enriched staple foods. HarvestPlus has
spanned three project phases: (i) discovery, (ii) development and (iii) delivery. More than 200
biofortified varieties have been released in more than 30 countries, and biofortified crops in
the testing phase in more than 60 countries. Currently, the program is emphasizing
communication and marketing. HarvestPlus estimates that nearly 20 million people in four
million farming households in the Harvestless target countries are conserving biofortified
foods (Bouis and Saltzman, 2017). With emphasis on the delivery system, more than 10
million farming household had been reached with biofortified crops, providing access to
biofortified foods to more than 50 million farming household members.

HarvestPlus has adopted the following strategic priorities for demonstrating globally the
efficacy of fighting undernutrition as elaborated by Wolfgang Pfeiffer (2019).

(i) Strengthening the pipeline of biofortified varieties

(ii) Scaling up delivery in target countries, expanding delivery to new countries in target
geographies through partnership, and

(iii) Laying the foundation for global scale through: consolidating evidence of the
efficacy, effectiveness and impact of biofortification; engaging key stakeholders to
embed biofortification into policy framework, standards, investments and practices;
establishing a broadly-endorsed roadmap for coordinating biofortification activities

An action oriented agenda for scaling biofortification through the development of inclusive
and sustainable markets for biofortified crops should be institutionalized to improve nutrition

Longvah (2019) at the recently held NAAS Agricultural Science Congress had emphasized
that both the content and bioavailability of micronutrients in the diet are important for
achieving optimal micronutrient status. Several chemical (anti-nutrient and promoter
substances) and nonchemical factors affect the nutrient bioavailability, but our understanding
of the process that control it is somewhat limited. Thus, it remains a priority area of research.
Outcomes of these researches and innovations will facilitate science-based dietary

diversification, supplementation of specific micronutrients and food fortification. Agriculture
and food systems should be aligned to the specific goals of improving human nutrition and
health, and provide functional foods containing desired quality and quantity of

Biofortification innovations have been extremely successful in maize, especially in

provitamin enrichment. Using MAS, vitamin A rich maize was developed by selecting
favourable alleles of the two key genes, viz. lycopene ε-cyclase (lcyE) and β-carotene
hydroxylase (crtRB1), causing β- carotene enhancement in the carotenoid biosynthesis
pathway (Harjes et al., 2008; Yan et al., 2010). In Zambia, first generation CIMMYT
developed provitamin A enriched hybrids were released in 2012 that have 5-9 µg/g of
provitamin A.

Scientists from IARI using MAS, introgressed the favourable crtRB1 allele to enhance β-
carotene concentration in seven elite parental inbreds, viz. VQL1, VQL2, V335, V345, HKI
1105, HKI 323 and HKI 161 (Muthusamy et al. 2014). These inbreds are parents of four high
yielding commercial maize hybrids in India, viz. Vivek QPM 9, Vivek Hybrid 27, HM 4 and
HM 8 (Figure 3). The improved inbreds had kernel β-carotene concentration from 8.6 to 17.5
µg/g; much closer to 15 µg/g, the target level set by Harvest Plus for alleviating vitamin A
deficiency. The reconstituted hybrids developed from improved parental inbreds also showed
enhanced kernel β-carotene as high as 21.7 µg/g, compared to 2.6 µg/g in the original hybrid
(Muthusamy et al., 2014). Improved version of Vivek QPM 9 possesses high β-carotene
coupled with higher lysine and tryptophan, thereby providing multinutrients in the maize-
based diet. Further, MAS to pyramid favourable alleles both lcyE and crtRB1 are also in
progress at the IARI to further enhance kernel β-carotene in the maize hybrids (Gupta, 2014).
Diverse inbreds with favourable alleles of lcyE and crtRB1 have also been characterized both
at morphological and molecular level for their effective utilization in the breeding program
(Choudhary et al., 2015a; Choudhary et al., 2015b).

Figure 3. β-carotene enrichment in hybrids

Enhancement of the factors increasing bioavailability of minerals in the human body can also
be exploited to develop micronutrient-rich staple foods (Gupta et al., 2015). Among various

anti-nutritional components, phytic acid/phytate in maize plays the major role in reducing
bioavailability of minerals mainly Fe and Zn. Maize has more than 80 per cent of the total
phosphorus as phytic acids (Frossard et al., 2000; Raboy, 1997). Although the primary
function of the phytate in seeds is to store phosphorus as energy source and antioxidants
essentially required for the germinating seeds, the negative charge of phytic acids
significantly chelate positively charged minerals and forms insoluble complexes in the gut
(Raboy, 2001). Hence breeding for low phytic acid assumes significance. Research efforts at
TNAU, Coimbatore successfully introgressed low phytate mutants (lpa2-2) into elite normal
maize inbreds (UMI 395 and UMI 285) (Suresh kumar et al., 2014; Tamil kumar et al.,
2014). Marker-assisted introgression of lpa1 and lpa2 mutants in early maturing inbreds, viz.
CM 145 and V 334, respectively, has been recently carried out at VPKAS, Almora. These
newly derived low phytate maize genotypes hold promise as they increase bioavailability of
Fe and Zn in maize, and enhance phosphorous availability for growth in monogastric
animals such as poultry that digest phytate poorly. Further, phosphorus level in the
environment and water is increased due to higher concentration of undigested phytate
eliminated by the monogastric animals. Thus newly developed low phytic acid genotypes of
maize can effectively reduce environmental and water-pollution.

Agriculture scientists are attempting to improve the nutrient content of foodgrains and
vegetables through conventional breeding, marker-driven molecular breeding, and genetic
engineering. While ample care is needed for ensuring safety to health and environment
(biodiversity) misguided opposition to GM products needs to be countered. The Consultative
Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) has initiated the bio-fortification of
seven food crops, including wheat, rice, pearl millet and maize through its Harvest-Plus
initiative involving conventional breeding (Chakraborty et al. 2010). India is an active partner
in this initiative. India commercialized the cultivation of iron- rich pearl millet in 2012, and
this variety is being grown in a few hundred acres. It is being marketed by Nirmal seeds. This
firm is also trying to develop high-zinc wheat. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute has
developed zinc-rich rice. Sweet potato varieties enriched with β carotene have also been
developed. These varieties can meet the preschool child’s requirement of vitamin A.
Bioavailability of β carotene from orange-flesh sweet potato has been found to be good.
Agriculture scientists need to work closely with nutrition scientists to promote such varieties.
Biofortified varieties do not pose the problem of vitamin A toxicity that chemical
supplements do, since there is regulation in absorption.

Improved rice for nutritional security has the most profound impact at the global level. Rice
is the staple food and main source of nutrition for about 50% world and 70% of Indian
population. But it is deficient in protein and micronutrients, malnutrition of which are
predominant in Asia and India. Although rice is deficient in protein (7-8%), due to higher
digestibility and better nutritive value of glutelins, major fraction of seed protein of rice is
nutritionally superior to other cereals. Therefore, the impact of increasing the protein content
in rice would be enormous, particularly in the scenario where more than one third of world’s
children are affected by protein-energy malnutrition (PEM). In addition, if rice varieties are

fortified with zinc along with high protein, it helps to combat the Zn-malnutrition of people
dependent on rice-based diet.

Considering the severity of malnutrition, India initiated genetic biofortification program of

staple food crops, especially rice focusing on most limiting nutrients viz., protein, zinc, and
vitamin A. A few biofortified rice varieties, bred through conventional breeding, have been
released in India with high contents of protein (10.1-10.3%) and Zn (Table 5). These
enrichments in protein by 45% and Zn by 40% have been achieved without any yield penalty
i.e., the yields of common and bio-fortified varieties are similar.

Table 5. Bio-fortified rice varieties released in India.

Grain protein content (%) Zn content (ppm)

Common Biofortified rice Common Bio-fortified rice
rice rice
Samba CR Dhan CR Dhan 311 Samba Zinco DRR Dhan CR Dhan
Mahsuri 310 (Mukul) Mahsuri Rice 45 311
7.0 10.3 10.1 15 22 22 20
Source: ICAR-National Rice Research Institute, Cuttack

Golden Rice, a genetically engineered, yellow-orange rice grain that contains beta-carotene is
another development to meet the challenges of malnutrition. The human body converts beta-
carotene into vitamin A. The polished grains from the Golden Rice varieties produce up to 37
micrograms per gram of betacarotene and other provitamin A carotenoids. This could supply
50% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of vitamin A from a cup of rice, if
consumed daily. Effort is under way for introgression of golden rice into the popular indica
varieties with confined field trials in some countries. Golden rice in BR Dhan29 background
is ready for release in Bangladesh.

Golden rice, enriched with β carotene has been developed by genetic engineering involving
introduction of three genes. Its safety, bioavailability and acceptability have been tested and
now registered as safe in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and U.S.A. On October 10, 2019,
Golden Rice was named Among Project Management Institute’s most influential projects of
the last 50 years. Realizing that vitamin A deficiency is a major public health issue and the
most significant cause of child mortality and blindness globally, its inventors, Ingo Potrykus
and Peter Beyer donated the technology to the world in 2000. But, Golden Rice is still not in
the hands of those who need it the most, while nearly 5,000 children are dying every day due
to vitamin A deficiency. The Project Management Institute must lead the campaign to enable
the technology reach the needy and save millions of sights and lives. Bio-availability of
micronutrients from bio-fortified crops should be the constant agenda for research since
excess of one micronutrient, particularly trace elements and minerals is known to inhibit the
absorption of other micronutrients competitively.

Wheat is the foremost cereal of the world. In India, it is the second largest cereal produced
and consumed after rice. Recent release of the 11 biofortified wheat varieties will greatly
enhance nutritional security of our people (Table 6).

Table 6. Biofortified Wheat Varieties in India

Sl Year Of Contact Person &

Variety Trait
No. Release Institute

Fe: 40.0 ppm

1 WB 02 2017 PI-CI/ Dr. Amit Sharma,
Zn: 42.0 ppm
2 DBW 187 (Karan 2019 Fe: 43.1 ppm Haryana-132001
Vandana) Email:
Protein: [email protected]
3 DBW 173 2018 12.5% Mobile: 9678622622
Fe: 40.7 ppm
Fe: 40.0 ppm Dr. VS. Sohu,
4 HPBW 01 2017
Zn: 40.6 ppm PAU, Ludhiana
Protein: Email:
5 PBW 752 2019
12.4% [email protected]
6 PBW 757 2019 Zn:42.3 ppm Mobile: 9876134373
Protein: Dr. SV Sai Prasad,
HI 8759 12.0%
7 2017 ICAR-IARI (Regional
(Pusa Tejas) durum Fe: 41.1ppm Station), Indore
Zn: 42.8ppm Email:
8 HI 1605 (Pusa Ujala) 2017 13.0% [email protected]
Fe: 43.0ppm Mobile: 9425957920
Dr. Rajbir Yadav,
9 HD 3171 2017 Zn: 47.1ppm ICAR-IARI, New Delhi-
Protein: Email:
Dr. Yeshavantha Kumar,
10 MACS 4028 durum 2018 14.7% ARI, Pune
Fe: 46.1 % Email:
Dr. Suma Biradar, UAS
Protein: Dharwad
11 UAS 375 2018
13.8% Email:
[email protected]
Source: ICAR- Indian Institute of Wheat and Barley Research Speed Breeding

Accelerated development and dissemination of improved plant varieties with associated

improved production technologies provides opportunities for enhanced productivity. Speed
breading protocols shorten plant generation times. With the increasing calls for broadening
the crop choices by including proven nutrient-rich and climate smart, orphan crops. Speed
breeding is a tool that, when used with other inter-disciplinary R&D approaches, can

contribute to the rapid creation of new crop varieties, agricultural practices and products,
promoting commercial agriculture. Speed breeding protocols can improve genetic gain in
crop improvement program by increasing the number of plant generations cycled in one year,
reducing the breeding cycle (Watson et al., 2018).

Manipulating photoperiod exposure and temperature regime, for long-day, short-day, and
neutral plant species, such as legumes and oilseeds, including peanut, amaranth and cereals
such as wheat and barley, flowering periods were synchronized, enabling 3 to 6 generations
per year.

Using speed breeding in peanut, varietal development period was reduced to 6-7 years from
10-15 years. This approach should be integrated with other breeding techniques as well as
cost efficient high-through-put genotyping and phenotyping to speed up the generation,
testing and commercial release of orphan crop varieties, a value-chain approach involving the
breeder, extension expert, and the farmer.

11.3 Innovative Food Fortification:

Food fortification is a promising method for reaching micronutrients to the vulnerable

groups. The success seen with iodised salt is a case in point. However, as elaborated by
Mahtab Bamji (personal communication) the food vehicle selected for fortification should be
one which is consumed by a majority of the vulnerable people. In the Indian context, salt is
one such vehicle. The micronutrient added should be stable and absorbed. Iodised salt was
initially tested by Late Prof. Ramalingaswamy and colleagues at the AIIMS in the Kangra
valley. Based on their findings, National Goitre Control programme was introduced. The
Government of India in 1984 launched the programme of universal iodisation of salt. Recent
ICMR survey shows very favourable impact. Stability of iodine in salt has to be ensured. NIN
has developed a simple kit for estimating iodine content of salt which can be used for

Since in the areas which are endemic for iodine deficiency, anaemia is highly prevalent, the
NIN has developed iron fortified iodised salt (double fortified salt-DFS), to address the dual
problem of iodine and iron deficiency. The technological problem of stability of the two
nutrients and availability has been overcome. A technical committee constituted by the
Government of India has recommended use of NIN-DFS salt in nutritional programmes for
vulnerable groups. Commercial production of DFS has also started in different parts of India.
One laudable development is the involvement of state governments like Tamil Nadu in
production and distribution of iron and iodine fortified salt. The quantum of fortification of
iodine and iron was determined on the basis of consumption of 10g salt per day. However,
cardiologists now recommend much lower (5g) consumption of salt to prevent hypertension.
This is a new dimension which needs to be addressed. However, even with lower intake of
salt, it may be possible to supply 5 mg of iron. With more vehicles for fortification on the
agenda, fortification can be a useful approach to reach iron through food.

Attempts are being made to fortify wheat flour with iron. Bio-availability of iron from
fortified wheat flour is a problem because of phytate content. Though foods such as sugar and
soy sauce have been used in some countries for fortifying with vitamin A, they are not
suitable for India. Oil fortification with fat- soluble vitamins is being tried in Gujarat.

11.4 Innovative Viable Solutions to Rice Residue Burning in Rice-Wheat

Cropping System

In recent years, rice crop residue burning has become a serious national concern due to
deteriorating air quality, particularly in the rice-wheat cropping system in North-West India.
This problem was also highlighted by the Hon’ble Prime Minister in the meeting of the
Secretaries of Science Departments chaired by him on July 18, 2017, and he desired the
urgent need “…to address this problem in next one year”.

Yet, the situation as of November 04, 2019 was as below:

• Satellites detected 6459 residue burning events in the three study states on November
04, 2019.
• The burning events detected on November 04, 2019 are 6001, 383 and 75 in Punjab,
Haryana, and UP, respectively
• The number of events has increased from 2770 on November 03, 2019 to 6459 on
November 04, 2019 in the three states.
• Total 37861 burning events were detected in the three States between October 01,
2019 and November 04, 2019, which are distributed as 31367, 4797 and 1697 in
Punjab, Haryana and U.P. respectively.
• Overall, the total burning events recorded in the three states are 2.7% more than in
2018 till date. UP recorded 48.8% reduction, Haryana recorded 5.5% reduction, and
Punjab recorded 10.2% increase, respectively, in the current season than in
2018(Figure 4).

Figure 4. Comparison of residue burning events in Punjab in current year (2019) with
previous years (2018, 2017, & 2016) (01 October to 04 November)

The NAAS developed a policy brief to address the problem of air pollution due to crop
residue burning, detaching an innovative viable solution to check burning of rice residues,
which is a major contributor to air pollution in the early winter months in North-West plains
of India. The Academy hopes that the Central and State Governments of the affected States
will approve promotion of the simple solution suggested in the brief as complementary
approach to the ongoing efforts, to provide a sustainable solution to the problem of crop
residue burning. Main advantage of the approach proposed in the brief is that it will improve
economic returns to the farmers and will improve soil health, while eliminating
environmental pollution from the area covered by the proposed technology, without any extra
cost to the exchequer.

As a policy measure, promoting the Turbo Happy Seeder technology package though
payment for environmental services could be considered as a pilot for a mechanism to
encourage increased adoption of technology that helps in eliminating residue burning on the
one side and making more efficient use of financial resources on the other side. In addition,
on a pilot scale carbon credit of Rs. 250/t may be considered as sufficient to encourage the
adoption of Turbo Happy Seeder technology package. Farmers may actually receive
additional income by adopting the new technology. Also, in a broader policy perspective,
promoting Turbo Happy Seeder technology will complement the Government schemes on
soil health, water saving, climate risk reduction, food security, doubling farmer income, etc.
and the ‘One Health’ program (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Multiple benefits of the rice residue management through concurrent use of SMS-
fitted combines and turbo happy seeder

Source: NAAS, Policy Brief No. 2

Rapid adoption of Happy Seeder technology needs a major government push to publicize and
popularize the technology. State governments of Punjab and Haryana have made some
interventions such as financial support in the form of subsidy for purchase of Happy Seeder
and legislation for completely banning residue burning. The scaling of this innovative
technology is deemed vital for safeguarding objectives of National Mission on Sustainable

Agriculture (NMSA). It is estimated that to cover 50 per cent (5 million ha) of the total
acreage under RWCS in India, about 60000 Turbo Happy Seeders and 30000 super SMS
fitted combines will be required; at present, there are only about 3000 Turbo Happy Seeders
and 1000 super SMS fitted combines are available. We need to act soon to save the
environment from further deterioration (NAAS, 2017).

Fortunately the existing manufacturers have the capacity to increase their output to supply the
required quantities of the two implements. This, however requires putting in place enabling
policy environment and mechanism for quality control assurance.

To achieve the objectives, the following approaches were suggested:

• Attachment of super SMS (straw management systems) needs to be made mandatory

for registration of all new combine harvesters in all the states affected by crop residue
burning; this approach has already been initiated by the State of Punjab. Also, there is
a need to encourage all the combine harvester operators to attach super SMS on the
old combine harvesters through an appropriate mechanism and policy environment

• Promotion of manufacturing of good quality happy seeders is essential to cover all the
combine harvested rice acreage where residues are being burnt. It is estimated that a
total of about 60000 Turbo Happy Seeders will be required. Fortunately, the
manufacturing industry has the capacity to produce the required number of Turbo
Happy Seeders and super SMS with in a year’s time

• Development of suitable mechanism to ensure availability of good quality happy

seeders and SMS fitted combines to the farmers should be encouraged through
promotion of Agriculture Service Centers Since most farmers are small and marginal,
purchase and owning Turbo Happy Seeder and super SMS by individual farmers is
neither feasible nor desirable. Hence there is a need to promote ‘Turbo Happy Seeder
Technology Package’ led self-sustaining business models through cooperatives
(agriculture service centres), private service providers, farmer groups, young
entrepreneurs etc. Suitable policy environments need to be devised to facilitate the
agriculture service centers

• Training and capacity development is one of the core areas for out-scaling of ‘Happy
Seeder Technology Package’. Therefore, there is a need for strengthening of capacity
development of whole range of value chain actors involved in the process of Turbo
Happy Seeder Technology Package (manufactures, operators, farmers, extension
agents, civil society, policy planners, etc.). The SAUs and ICAR institutes can play an
important role in training capacity building

• Large scale awareness campaigns should be undertaken at different stages of cropping

season through range of activities including farmers’ fair, field days, exhibitions,
traveling seminars, choupals, use of digital technologies (ICTs), social media,

electronic and print media etc need to be launched and monitored for their efficacy in
terms of implementation and adoption

• Convergence of relevant Government schemes and pooling resources will greatly

enhance efficiency and wholesome outcomes. There are several Government schemes
related to soil health, water saving, adapting to climate risks, reducing environmental
footprints, doubling farmers’ income, food security, etc., wherein promotion of Turbo
Happy Seeder technology package can contribute substantially. A mechanism
therefore should be devised for incentivizing adoption of efficient management of
crop residues and elimination of crop burning. Turbo Happy Seeder technology
package therefore can also get a special place in such policy and incentive

• Inclusion of technology of concurrent use of SMS-fitted combines and Turbo Happy

Seeder for Certified Emission Reduction (CER) certification will enhance access to
environmental funds. A reduction in emissions entitles the entity to a credit in the
form of a Certified Emission Reduction (CER) certificate. The CER is tradable and its
holder can transfer it to an entity which needs Carbon Credits. This provision will not
only accelerate adoption of this technology, but will also play an important role in
increasing farmer’s income, to complement the Government’s policies in this

The NAAS should play an important role in implementing the suggested recommendations,
by (a) organizing interactive meeting of the Agriculture Officers of the affected States,
representatives of industry, service providers and other stake holders, (b) developing
extension materials – posters, leaflets, short videos, TV programmes, etc., (c) arranging
training programmes, (d) providing technical back up to the industry and farmers, and (e)
monitoring and impact assessment.

In addition, the following possible remedies may be adopted:

• Breeding rice varieties not exceeding 130 days seed to seed maturity.

• Ex-situ (feed block, use as fuel in power generation, manuring) and In-situ straw
management system (baler, chopper, spreader, mulcher) to made available to farmers
on custom hiring.

• Use of Pusa Decomposer, a fungal consortia for fast degradation of ex-situ and in-situ

• Farmers to be incentivized with Rs. 3000 per acre for straw removal (it is just labour
cost, which amounts to increasing paddy price by Rs. 150 per q). Govt. to open
collection centers where farmers can deposit and get payment instantly.

11.5 Way Forward for Strengthening Innovative Drive

11.5.1 Leveraging Agritech Startups in Indian Innovation Ecosystem

Dr. Raghunath Mashelkar in his A.B. Joshi Memorial Lecture on this subject delivered on the
XIVth Agricultural Science Congress of the NAAS on 20 February 2019 had analyzed the
current status, challenges and way forward to promote disruptive innovations.

Referring to the daunting challenges in our agriculture system, namely, productivity

enhancement, rainfed farming, small fragmented land holdings, climate change, poverty,
malnutrition, he emphasized that India needs to take recourse to innovations, especially
disruptive game changing innovation. This calls for development and use of “collective
intelligence’ that involves several stakeholders especially the innovative youth being at the
core. The ongoing efforts of ICAR related to “Motivating and Attracting Youth in
Agriculture” (MAYA) and “Attracting and Retaining Youth in Agriculture” (ARYA), should
enthuse the youth to fuel the movement on agri-tech startups and create a future ready
agriculture innovation ecosystems. Challenges of change – viz. rural to urban agriculture,
traditional farming to vertical farming, food as a product to food as a service and life style
based diets to DNA based diets. Changes such as precision agriculture, gene editing for
multiple trait improvements, biological based crop protection, micronutrients and soil
management and microbiome technologies to enhance crop resilience etc.

He pointed out that the innovations involve: (i) indoor farming; (ii) pursuits of increased
efficiency through use of robots, (iii) Use of CRISPR to create drought tolerance, disease
tolerant/resilient and high yield crops, and (iv) lab grown meat alternatives. Precision
agriculture along the value chain ensures “more from less”. Digital farm advisory, insurance,
big data, mobile banking, etc, all lead to “more from less”.

India is expected to become second largest startup nation by 2025, having 100,000 startups
with 3.25 million employees, mostly by youth – the Government is supporting the innovation
systems in many ways, viz. by startup programs such as the Agri-Uddan Accelerator and the
Agri Ground Challenge, the Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises
(CGTMSE), Innovation Parks and Incubators etc, which would lead to ASSURED

A (Affordable)
S (Scalable)
S (Sustainable)
U (Universal)
R (Rapid)
E (Excellent)
D (Distinctive).

Two of the Govt of India’s innovations, namely, JAM-J (Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana),
A (Aadhar identification and Authentication) and M (Mobile telecommunications) have

created the fastest and largest financial inclusion in the world, the 360 million plus bank
accounts opening up in record time; and the Reliance Jio, making India first rank in mobile
data transmission, adopting ‘free voice call’ innovation.

Mashelkar emphasized two issues, namely, public procurement policy and the IPR challenge-
conducive policy on patents for success of the innovation movement. He had suggested
specific five actions for judicious implementation of the two policies, as elaborated below:

1. Set up a fully integrated, National Innovation Policy to also include non-technological

innovations such as social, business model, system delivery, processes and policy

2. Innovation oriented public procurement policy, which should be both ‘for’ innovation
as well as ‘of’ innovation, thus catalyzing both demand and supply side of the
innovation, thus catalyzing both demand and supply side of the innovation equation

3. The above two policies should be based on four pillars of talent, technology,
transparency, and trust. To achieve this, a legal framework, will have to be designed
based on the ASSURED principles which will facilitate smooth implementation

4. Public sector procurement should have minimum targets for innovation procurement.
The private sector should join hands with public sector for financing as well as
implementing plan

5. An “Innovation Procurement Platform” involving various stakeholders should be

created to ensure speedy implementation. The centre should have central databases
and documents on all aspects of public procurement policy of and for innovation.

Patents are helpful to startups in many ways – establishing R&D partnerships and forming
joint ventures, protecting from theft of its innovations, rapidly increasing its market share,
and enhancing chances of a startup getting acquired. The various regulatory mechanisms and
provisions viz. Breeders’ Rights, Farmers’ Rights, International Treaty on Plant Genetic
Resources, and Equitable Benefit sharing of the gains arising from the use of genetic
resources and biotech programs. Our Agriculture Innovations Ecosystems should place the
Agritech Startups at the core and enable the youth to contribute to the greatest public good-
agriculture, and accelerate the disruptive innovation led agriculture based inclusive growth.

Investing in Innovations

The past success in the Rainbow Revolution and its impact on food income and overall
livelihood security was closely listed with enhanced investment, particularly the public
sector, in research, technology, inputs and price supports. Today, in this fast changing and
ever-competitive world, faced with complexities of shrinking land, water and biodiversity
resources, and market and climate change volatilities, investment in technologies and
innovations must be enhance substantially to ensure more from less for more. The private
sector must complement the public sector and invest adequately to harness the fast expanding

cutting-edge technologies and innovations. Both, corporate social responsibility and science
social responsibility should synergistically transform the agriculture and food system to
create right innovation ecosystems to benefit the farmers, including the young
entrepreneurship Public spending should be strengthened for not only building climate
resilience, but also for risk mitigation through establishing suitable social protection floors
and ensuring credit, insurance, and direct cash transfer support.

11.5.3 Atal Innovation Mission: A Platform for Coordination

The Government of India (NITI Aayog) has created the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM),
which alongwith the Self-Employment and Talent Utilization (SETU), endeavor to promote
innovation ideas.

The objectives of the AIM are as below:

• To create an umbrella structure to oversee innovation eco-system of the country

• To provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders
• To study and suggest best and novel practices to be adopted by different stakeholders
in the innovation chain
• To provide policy inputs to NITI Aayog and various Government Departments and
• To create awareness and provide knowledge inputs in creating innovation challenges
and funding mechanism to government, and
• To develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors
of economy.

The Mission has two core functions:

1. Entrepreneurship promotion through SETU, leading to a force of successful


2. Innovation Promotion: to provide the following a platform, from where innovation

ideas are generated:

a) Atal Tinkering Labs: There are being established in schools across India to foster
curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds, and inculcate skills such as design
mindset, computation thinking, adaptive learning, physical computing etc. Here the young
minds can give shape & their ideas through hands on do it yourself mode, which will help
them understand the concepts of STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Agriculture
and Mathematics)

b) Atal Incubation Centres: These will nurture innovation start-up businesses in their
pursuits to become scalable and sustainable enterprise. These centre across the country will
have the necessary infrastructure, operating funds, expert mentors, business planning support,

seed capital, industry partners etc. The AICs will be established in subject specific areas such
as manufacturing, transport, energy, health, education, agriculture, water, sanitation etc. AIM
provide grant-in-aid of upto 10 crore for a maximum period of five years to cover the capital
and operational expenditure to establish the Atal Incubation Centre

c) Scale-up Support to Establish Incubation Centres: The Mission supports creation of

world class incubation centres across the country and provides financial scale-up support to
incubation centre

11.5.4 Building and Strengthening Global Partnership:

With the increasing interdependence of local and global, especially in managing market and
climate change vulnerability and volatilities, and with greater acceptance of world grant
concept for managing global problems, new international collaborations should be
established and the ongoing World Bank Project on Education could facilitate international
collaborations. Several ongoing India’s DARE-ICAR, bilateral, trilateral and multilateral
collaboration could be used for sharing the technologies. India with its vast and varied agro-
ecologically-differentiated experience would be helpful in establishing tripartite collaboration
involving India, a developed country, and another developing country. A global network of
talented young entrepreneurs should be established to harness international experiences and
remunerative models. Innovative institutional arrangements should be made to sustain such
collaboration. The ongoing bilateral collaboration of India with several African countries on
one hand and with developed countries viz. USA, Germany, Scandinavian Countries and
Australia could be converted into trilateral collaborations.

11.5.5 Impact Pathways Research to Guide Effective Implementation

Impact pathways analysis should be undertaken to identify promising innovations,

particularly their profitability, social, and agro-ecological compatibility and scalability so that
the successful experiences could be scaled up and scaled out, especially under the socio-
economic settings of the majority smallholder farmers. Innovations need to be backed by
research and continuous monitoring and evaluation of technology and innovation in a given

11.6 Overall Recommendations for Promoting Innovations

• In order to tackle the negative impact of climate change and other stresses, to meet
nutritional and food security needs and the SDGs targets, there has to be a substantial
increase in the investment in agriculture as it is also proven that every Rupee invested
in agriculture returns the maximum benefits among all the sectors in the country in
poverty and hunger alleviation

• Adopt and promote inter-disciplinary, interactive research based on agro-ecologically

and socio-economically differentiated, disaggregated approaches to enable
sustainable, equitable, nutrition sensitive and climate smart agriculture

• Strive to enhance farmer’s income through effective farmer-market linkage along the
value chain, thereby ensuring quality and minimizing wastage, and realization of
remunerative price

• Enable science to serve the society, appropriate regulatory policies should be in place
so as to, (a) ensure development and transfer of need based technologies and to
promote public-private co-operation and (b) bring congruence between Science Social
Responsibility and Corporate Social Responsibility ( NAAS, 2015, 2016)

• Transform agricultural education system for developing necessary human capital with
entrepreneurship, employability and leadership qualities in meeting the SDGs-2030
and to contextualize and provide academic legitimacy to various national initiatives to
build a zero hunger and prosperous India

• Create and follow effective implementation pathways to measure and manage the
expected outcomes and impact with due accountability and responsibility of the stake

Selected References

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Genomic Selection for Crop Improvement : New Molecular Breeding Strategies for Crop
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Science, Agriculture, Springer

Government of India (2014) Submission on Agricultural Mechanization. Operational

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James C (2014) Global Status of Commercialized Biotech GM Crops. ISAAA Brief No. 49,
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Longvah T (2019) Factor influencing micronutrient bioavailability. Paper presented of NAAS

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Mashelkar RA (2019) Leveraging Agritech Startups in Indian Agriculture Innovation System.

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Mathew, Joe C (2017) A Uber for Agriculture: EM3 provides modern, affordable farm
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NAAS (2015) Role of Social Scientists in National Agricultural Research System (NARS).
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NAAS (2016) Accelerate Utilization of GE Technology for Food & Nutrition Security and
Improving Farmers' Income. Policy Brief 1, National Academy of Agricultural
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NAAS (2017) Innovative Viable Solution to Rice Residue Burning in Rice-Wheat Cropping
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Science Congress, New Delhi

Watson (2018) Speed breeding is a powerful food tool to accelerate crop research and
breeding. Nature Plants, Jan;4(1):23-29

Chapter 12

Precision Agriculture: Need of the Day

12.1 Why Precision Agriculture

Agricultural production system is an outcome of a complex interaction of seed, soil, water,

and agro-chemicals (including fertilizers). Therefore, judicious management of all the inputs
is essential for sustainability of such a complex system. The Green Revolution process, based
essentially on increased use of high yielding variety seeds, fertilizer and irrigation,
transformed the country from a food deficit to a food self-sufficient and foodgrain exporting
country. Due attention was, however, not paid to the inputs use efficiency (precision) and the
ecological and environmental health, resulting in diminishing sustainability, profitability, and
productivity growth.

In order to transform Green Revolution into an Evergreen Revolution and to enhance

productivity in a sustainable manner from the limited natural resources at the disposal,
optimizing the resource input use efficiency assumes high priority, especially in face of the
decline in the total factor productivity, diminishing and degrading natural resources,
stagnating farm incomes, lack of eco-regional approach, declining and fragmented land
holdings, trade liberalization, limited employment opportunities in non-farm sector, and
global climate change. Against these odds, to feed a population of 1.7 billion by 2050, land
productivity would need to be improved by four times, water productivity by three times, and
labour productivity by six times. And, these targets can be achieved only by generating and
widely adopting innovative science-based policies and efficiency-enhancing precision

12.2 What is Precision Agriculture

Precision agriculture, which exploits all the modern tools, technologies and innovations,
including genetically enriched seeds, Artificial Intelligence (AI), drones, sensor, robots etc,
leading to economically improved and environmentally sustainable agriculture, is the way
forward to achieve Evergreen Revolution. It is an integrated farm management system that
attempts to match the kind and amount of inputs with the actual products needs for small
areas within a farm field to be realized in a practical production setting. Referred to as
precision farming, the approach recognizes site-specific differences within fields and adjusts
management actions accordingly, adopting the concept of “doing the right thing in the right
place at the right time.” Thus, precision agriculture provides a new solution using a systems
approach for today’s agricultural issues such as the need to balance productivity with
environmental concerns. Using advanced information technology, it includes describing and
modelling variation in soils and plant species, and integrating agricultural practices to meet
site-specific requirements. It aims at increased economic returns, enhanced sustainability,
protection of the land, water, and genetic resources at reduced energy input, and least
environmental footprint.

12.3 Goals and Applications of Precision Agriculture

The goal is not to obtain the same yield everywhere, but rather to manage and distribute
inputs on a site specific basis, a variable-rate farming, to maximize long term cost/benefit
through congruently enhanced efficiency, effectiveness, productivity, and profitability. India,
housing the largest numbers of marginal farmers in the world, its precision agriculture and
related technologies must be geared to match the needs, aspirations, and opportunities of the
smallholders (Gatzweiler and Von Braun, 2016), especially: (i) increased land and labour
productivity by means of technology, (ii) intensification, diversification and off-farm
employment, (iii) institutional arrangement to grant property rights, entitlements, and land
rights, and (iv) balanced agro-ecological settings compatible with minimum risk.

12.3.1 Precision Technologies for High Value Commodities:

Precision technologies equip farmers to take smart decisions to optimize resource utilization
and maximize output per unit of resources), adopt safe farming and post-harvest management
practices to ensure quality production, and remunerative marketing. Complementary
infrastructure, institutional support, services, and policies are needed for effective adoption of
the technologies. Prevention of post-harvest losses and value chain management of high
value agriculture viz. Horticulture and Livestock will greatly enhance farmers income as well
as consumers satisfaction.

India has a long unique experience of linking smallholder dairy farmers (milkmen) with the
modernized world farmers Dairy Cooperative, Amul. Under the setup, every morning nearly
4 million women across over 16,000 villages bring milk worth Rs. 500 million to the
cooperative centre, celebrating their economic development and independence. The Amul
movement involves 15 million farmers, mostly smallholders, 1,45,000 village level dairy
cooperatives, rendering India highest (176 million tonnes in 2017-18) milk producer in the
world and per capita milk consumption (nearly 300 gm) surpassing the world average. Other
such linkages of high value agriculture with corporate sector are delivering higher incomes to
farmers as observed from innovative business models of Nestle, Heritage Foods, others. In
the vegetable value chains, companies like PepsiCo, Mahindra and Mahindra, Desai Fruits
and Vegetables, Mahagrapes, etc. have adopted innovative models. These ventures have been
successful in scaling up their engagement with the farmers, establishing backward integration
and facilitating access to key agricultural inputs and services. Such innovations should have
been widely adopted throughout the country. Special effort is needed to scale-up and scale
out the success stories across the country to maximize the benefits accruing to the farmers in
a sustainable manner, contributing significantly to the Prime Minister’s call for doubling
farmers’ income.

Energy efficient cold chain networks powered by IoT and cloud technologies are set to
revolutionize postharvest management and agricultural logistics. The products and solutions
offered are aimed at rural users; smallholders and help users optimize their capital
expenditures (capex) and operational expenses (opex). In order to mitigate the onion crises
onion storage is critical for containing the extreme price fluctuations and also delivers higher

prices to onion growers preventing them to undertake distress sale. Conventional ventilation
storage of onions results in high wastage up to 35 per cent depending on the weather
conditions, which can be reduced to less than 5 per cent with cold storages.

Considering the importance of promoting sustainable agricultural practices, innovations in

agricultural inputs that help prevent further deterioration of soil and water health are gaining
momentum. For instance, Mycorrhiza, a fungal micro-organism feeding host plants with nutrients
from the air and soil have the potential to reduce chemical fertilizer use up to 50 per cent in
certain cases and improve yields by (5-25) per cent. Market for algae based bio stimulants,
pheromones, among others are fast expanding wherein use of chemical pesticides and fertilizers
are being rationalized and gradually substituted by more natural and organic products.

Technology that enables preserve the quality of high value commodities and improve their
shelf life will help address the issues related to food losses as well as provide an option to
consumers to avail cheaper processed products. Dehydration of fruits and vegetables, often
using solar energy, which removes the moisture and extends the shelf life without addition of
any chemicals has a large potential market.

12.3.2 Precision Agriculture for Enhanced Input Use Efficiency and Productivity

“Per drop more crop” seeks high precision in water use. Water, the most vital input in the
agricultural production system, is becoming scarcer each passing day. The country became
“water stressed” in 2007 and if the ‘business as usual scenario’ continues the entire country
may become “water scarce” by 2050. It is estimated that only a handful of basins will have
per capita water availability above the critical level by 2025. The irrigation projects
developed at a very huge cost to the exchequer, function at an efficiency level of 38-40 per
cent. Moreover, mismanagement of water has been causing degradation of natural resources.

In spite of a plethora of technologies available like drip and sprinkler having water
application efficiency between 60-90 per cent, water use efficiency continues to be low. The
latest estimates put the area under drip and sprinkler irrigation systems around 7.8 million ha
out of a potential of 69.5 m ha. It has been established that increase in water use efficiency
automatically results in increase in nutrient use efficiency. Under fertigation, nitrogen,
phosphorus, and potash use efficiencies are enhanced to 95, 45, and 80 per cent, respectively,
and drip fertigation leads to a quantum saving of at least 40 per cent fertilizers applied.
Moreover, solar-driven micro-irrigation systems help reduce energy costs, and help regulate
availability of power, allow farmers to earn extra income by selling surplus power and allow
savings for the government in terms of subsidy to power allocated to agriculture.

Further, a map of topsoil depth can be used to guide the variable-rate application of nitrogen.
Moreover, the use of advanced GIS soil sampling and soil nutrient management would help
increase yields, reduce fertilizer costs and improve management of the environmental impact
of intensive agriculture practices. Not only soil water content patterns and relation have
profound implications for precision agriculture in general, but also on water management in
particular. Spatiotemporal variability in soil water have shown that knowledge of the

underlying stable soil water distribution could provide a useful basis for precision water
management and lead to savings in energy, water, equipment cost, and labour, and to
improved production efficiency.

Use efficiency of fertilizer nitrogen, which constitutes more than 60 per cent of total plant
nutrients consumed in India, is abysmally low; 30-40 per cent in rice and 40-60 per cent in
other crops. Excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers is leading to ground water pollution as well
as increased N2O emission. Nitrogen use efficiency can be increased by treating urea with
nitrification inhibitors or coating with some hydrophobic substances to retard the release of
urea in soil solution or its microbial oxidation to nitrates, which leach down or are lost to the
atmosphere as N2 or NOx gases. The global warming potential (GWP) of NO2 is about 310
times that of CO2. Phosphorus use efficiency is even lower at 15-20 per cent while that of
micro nutrients is a bismally low varying between 2-5 per cent. Such low use efficiencies lead
to considerable financial losses to the exchequer and cause serious environmental hazards. Urea
Super Granules (USG), Leaf Colour Chart (LCC), and Green Seeker using sensor are some of
the developments which can enhance nutrient use efficiency. Hundred per cent neem coating of
urea, as made compulsory through a recent policy decision and championed by the Hon’ble
Prime Minister himself has significantly increased nitrogen use efficiency, enhanced yield at
least by 10 per cent, and resulted in lowering expenditure on fertilizer.

Based on the concept of zero waste, save and grow, per drop more crop, unsafe food is no
food, etc., several technologies have varyingly been adopted to promote precision agriculture.
For instance Global Positioning System (GPS) receivers ensure precise location information
at any time allowing soil and crop measurements to be mapped. GPS receivers, either carried
to the field or mounted on implements, allow users to return to specific locations to sample or
treat those areas. In highly mechanized systems, grain yield monitors continuously measure
and record the flow of grain in the clean-grain elevator of a combine. When linked with a
GPS receiver, yield monitors can provide data necessary for yield maps. Yield measurements
are essential for making sound management decisions. Used properly, alongwith related
parameters, yield information provides important feedback in determining the effects of
managed inputs such as fertilizer amendments, seed, pesticides and cultural practices
including tillage and irrigation.

Grid soil sampling and variable-rate fertilizer (VRF) application should be widely adopted.
The goal of grid soil sampling generates a map of nutrient requirement, called an application
map. Grid soil samples are analyzed in the laboratory, and an interpretation of crop nutrient
needs is made for each soil sample. Then the fertilizer application map is plotted using the
entire set of soil samples. The application map is loaded into a computer mounted on a
variable-rate fertilizer spreader. The computer uses the application map and a GPS receiver to
direct a product-delivery controller that changes the amount and/or kind of fertilizer product,
according to the application map. The Soil Health Card initiative of the Government should
be linked with VRF program.

Development of crop-region specific customized fertilizers is needed to maximize fertilizer

use efficiency. It is important to note that inclusion of nutrients like boron, copper,

manganese and molybdenum has to be done cautiously because of a narrow margin between
the deficiency and toxicity thresholds of these nutrients. Nano-fertilizers, nano-pesticides are
being formulated and evaluated by many researchers and will definitely reduce the quantum
of chemicals used and enhance their use efficiency. However, bio-safety and environmental
issues have to be addressed before their large-scale applications. We have to do away with
the conventional form of agriculture that focuses on Recommended Dosage of Fertilizes with
emphasis on NPK only. Soil Health Card Scheme, if executed effectively, provides ample
opportunity to switch over to site specific nutrient management immediately.

In today’s Internet of Things, the precision agriculture (PA), digital green, smart farms and
the like are fitting examples of how diverse universes such as a farmland and software can be
brought together through ICT. With enhanced decision making capacity, farm productivity
can be enhanced substantially. Tech Mahindra have innovated a home grown solution - Farm
Sensor which measures critical farm attributes at 3 different levels of a farm, namely, the soil,
the crop level and above the soil level.

At the soil level is measured the impedance rate of the soil, moisture, water retention, NPK
values, and nutrient migration. At the crop level is measured chlorophyll, susceptibility, plant
level temperature, and humidity. And at above soil level is measured the weather conditions
such as ambient temperature, humidity, dew point, rainfall, etc. These data, with the help of
Big Data and Analytics predict, prescribe and warn the farmer of the inputs, diseases and
weather conditions that help him take accurate mitigation or remediation.

A study was undertaken in Tamil Nadu (India) to understand the impact of precision farming
on resource-poor regions and underprivileged farmers. It looked into productivity, income,
employment, and adoption behavior of technology in agriculture. The study had revealed that
adoption of precision farming has led to 80 per cent increase in yield in tomato and 34 per
cent in eggplant production. The contribution of technology for higher yield in precision
farming has been 33.71 per cent and 20.48 per cent, respectively in tomato and eggplant
production (Figure 1). Yet, the adoption was sub-optimal. Lack of finance and credit facilities
have been identified as the major constrains in non-adoption of precision farming. The study
has suggested that providing of subsidies for water-soluble fertilizers and pumpsets will
increase adoption of precision farming.

Figure 1. Productivity Difference in Precision and Non-Precision Farming

Source: Tech Mahindra, White Paper: Research Insights

Quoting from a Tata’s case study, some of the key challenges that need to be considered
while taking PA to the Indian market are briefly shared below:

• Conceptualizing ICT platforms have to be done after consulting the users. Agricultural
practices are crop specific and region specific. ICT platforms have to be specifically
customized for user needs
• Conceptualizing ICT platforms have to be done after consulting the users. Agricultural
practices are crop specific and region specific. ICT platforms have to be specifically
customized for user needs
• Conceptualizing ICT platforms have to be done after consulting the users. Agricultural
practices are crop specific and region specific. ICT platforms have to be specifically
customized for user needs
• Designing ICT platforms for agricultural systems have to be done very systematically.
Relationships have to be developed with the users and platform holders
• Business Intelligence and Strategy (BIS) Research estimates the global market size for
precision agriculture to grow over $6.34 billion by 2022 at an estimated CAGR of
13.09% from 2015 to 2022. The trends suggest that with U.S. at the forefront, North
America will continue with its dominance during the forecast years. Also, with the
world’s most populous countries China and India, Asia Pacific (APAC) will emerge as
the fastest growing region in the market at a CAGR of 18.29% from 2015 to 2022
• In conclusion, Indian market is quite ready for introducing PA and the time is ripe with
the government releasing a farmer-friendly budget for the purpose. The only caution
would be to select progressive states in which adoption of PA is easy to start with
• The way forward is to develop cost-effective solutions keeping in mind the challenges an
Indian farmer faces in the real world. Soil management, productivity challenges and
optimizing inputs are just a few challenges that can make a difference to the science of
food production in one of the oldest democracies of the world.

12.3.3 Remote Sensing, GIS and ICT to Build Knowledge Platforms

Remote sensing now a common device, yields data which provide a tool for evaluating crop
health. Plant stress related to moisture, nutrients, compaction, crop diseases and other plant
health concerns are often easily detected in overhead images. Electronic cameras can also
record near infrared images that are highly correlated with healthy plant tissue. New image
sensors with high spectral resolution are increasing the information collected from satellites.
Remote sensing can reveal in-season variability that affects crop yield, and can be timely
enough to make management decisions that improve profitability for the current crop.
Remotely-sensed images can help determine the location and extent of crop stress. Analysis
of such images used in tandem with scouting can help determine the cause of certain
components of crop stress. The images can then be used to develop and implement a spot
treatment plan that optimizes the use of agricultural chemicals. Wireless sensors are now
becoming affordable and available for a wide range of parameters. Their inputs can help in

quantifying variability of the field in a finer resolution.

Agricultural GIS maps contain layers of information, such as yields, soil survey maps,
remotely sensed data, crop scouting reports, and soil nutrient levels. Geographically
referenced data can be displayed in the GIS, adding a visual perspective for interpretation. In
addition to data storage and display, the GIS can be used to evaluate present and alternative
management by combining and manipulating data layers to produce an analysis of
management scenarios.

Likewise, information management, and ICT technology has grown, promoted the adoption
of precision agriculture through linking management skills and pertinent information
databases. Effectively using information requires a farmer to have a clear idea of the business
objectives and crucial information necessary to make decisions. Effective information
management requires more than record-keeping analysis tools or a GIS. It requires an
entrepreneurial attitude toward education and experimentation. ICT platforms, e-NAM, and
access to critical information related to production resources, market prices etc, enable the
farmer to plan his activities and enable him/her to manage financial transaction and to be
digitally linked with the credit delivery system.

12.3.4 Nanotechnology to Boost Precision Agriculture

Nanotechnology applications are already impacting agricultural production by allowing better

scientific management and conservation efforts to plant production. Nanotechnology provides
a much better effective way of environment detection, sensing, and bioremediation. It can
enhance agricultural productivity by using: (i) nanoporouszeolotes for controlled release and
efficient amount of water, fertilizer etc; (ii) nanocapsules for delivering of herbicide, vector
and managing of pests; (iii) nanosensors for detecting aquatic toxins and pests; (iv) nanoscale
biopolymers (proteins and carbohydrates) based nanoparticles with few properties such as
low impact on human health and the environment may be used in disinfection and recycling
of heavy metals; (v) nanostructured metals can be explored in decomposition of harmful
organics at room temperature; (vi) smart particles can be useful in effective environmental
monitoring and purification processes; (vii) nanoparticles as a novel photocatalyst; and (viii)
for waste water treatment (NAAS, 2014).

12.3.5 Robotics to Transform Agriculture

As traditional farmers in most developing countries deploying traditional methods struggle to

keep up with the efficiencies required by the market, farmers in developed countries suffering
from a lack of workforce, have increasingly taken to automated farming to solve the
problems by using robotics and advanced sensing. Robots also have an advantage as they are
able to access areas where other machines cannot. For example, Maize growers face a
problem that the plants grow too quickly to reliably fertilize them. “Rowbot” aims to solve
this problem as it easily drives between the rows of corn and targets nitrogen fertilizer
directly at the base of each plant. Some Drone companies offer farmers combined packages
which include robotic hardware and analysis software. The farmer can then move the drone

to the field, initiate the software via a tablet or smartphone, and view the collected crop data
in real time. Ground based robots, can provide even more detailed monitoring as they are able
to get closer to the crops. Some can also be used for other tasks like weeding and fertilizing.
Some weeding robots don't even need to use chemicals. “RoboCrop”, for example, uses
computer vision to detect plants as it is pushed by a tractor. It then automatically hoes the
spaces between plants to uproot the weeds. Other weeding robots use lasers to kill the weeds.

12.4 Cloud Computing for Building Decision Support System

Cloud-based information systems are being developed to provide real-time decision support.
They are being built on a cloud computing platform to provide scalability needed for
processing a large volume of field data. New data integration techniques are being worked
out to process data in various formats and form different devices including data visualization
techniques in context of precision agriculture. Compared with existing DSSs that are modeled
after a human-in-the-loop decision process, the next generation Decision Support and
Automation Systems (DSAS) will feature a fully automated decision process, from data
acquisition to data analysis and decision synthesis, to control field devices based on the
recommended decision. Adoption of modern technologies and the information system will
create an ecosystem for developers – designers and entrepreneurs in agriculture.

Precision agriculture is designed to apply exactly needed location-specific inputs for attaining
targeted output, maximizing the cost effectiveness and net income with least side effects. As
India increasingly pursues the Doubling Farmers Income campaign and adopts Conservation
Agriculture, the Climate Smart Agriculture and Precision Agriculture drives will congruently
be strengthened. Conservation Agriculture, if practiced strictly, is also an effective way to
address climate related changes. Although all Resource Conservation Technologies are not
generally included as a component of Precision Agriculture, their focus on improving input
use efficiency helps in enhancing climate resilience and inputs saving (Table 1).

Table 1. Potential benefits of resource conservation technologies (RCTs) in terms of climate

change adaptation and input use efficiency

Resource conservation Potential benefits relative to conventional practices

Zero tillage Reduced water use, C sequestration, similar or higher yield
and increased income, reduced fuel consumption, reduced
GHG emission, more tolerance to heat stress
Laser-aided land leveling Reduced water use, reduced fuel consumption, reduced GHG
emissions, increased area for cultivation, increased
Direct drill seeding of rice Less requirement of water, time saving, better postharvest
field condition, deeper root growth, more tolerance to water
and heat stress, reduced methane emission
Raised-bed planting Less water use, improved drainage, better residue

management, less lodging of crop, more tolerance to water
Leaf color chart (LCC) for Reduces fertilizer N requirement, reduced N loss and
N management, environmental pollution, reduced nitrous oxide emission
nitrification inhibitors
Crop residue management Moderates soil temperature, improves soil quality, reduces
soil erosion, reduces evaporation losses and conserves soil
moisture, increases C sequestration, avoids burning and
reduces environment pollution, increases tolerance to heat
stress, reduces weed infestation
Sprinkler/drip irrigation Increases water and nutrient-use efficiency, reduces GHG
emissions, increases productivity and product quality
Source: Wassmann et al. (2009); Jat et al. (2016)

12.5 Practical and Affordable Approaches for Precision in Farm

Equipment and Machinery – NAAS Deliberation

Precision and timeliness are most critical for increased efficiency of inputs use for increased
and sustained productivity, precision indices were analyzed for commonly used machines and
operations viz. land leveling, seedbed preparation, paddling, irrigation, seeding and planting,
intercultural operations, plant protection, harvesting, threshing, and cleaning. The built in
precision in the commonly used farm equipments and machines, can further be enhanced in
consort with GPS technology (VRT), and remote monitoring of fields (NAAS 2016).

Despite the veritable proven benefits of precision in farm equipment and machinery, the
adoption in India is low, which is attributed to the following constraints:
• Small size farms, heterogeneity of cropping systems, and land tenure/ownership
• restrictions, high cost of obtaining site-specific data
• Lack of adequate technical expertise, complexity of tools and techniques requiring new
• Lack of extension services and availability of high performance equipment
• Lack of awareness and resistance of farmers for adoption of new techniques and equipment
• Lack of infrastructure and institutional support for development of precision farm equipment
• High initial investment for purchase of precision equipment and technologies
• Uncertainty in returns from high initial investment in precision equipment and
information management systems
• Knowledge and technological gaps including:
– Inadequate understanding of agronomic factors and their interaction
– Lack of understanding of the geo-statistics necessary for displaying spatial variability
of crops and soils using current mapping software.

To address the above constraints, NAAS had made the following recommendations:

Research and development: Concerted efforts need to be made in Research and

Development to enhance precision in farm equipment. Some of the efforts required are
outlined in the sequel.

• Conduct research to validate and further modify the proposed concept of precision
index for farm equipment and machinery
• Develop (equipment) to cope up with the requirements of high precision, low
application doses, safety, etc
• Intensify R&D on developing sensors, monitors for Indian farm equipment by suitable
modification wherever required
• Develop gender neutral, efficient, robust and easy to operate precision farm
equipment and machinery.

Testing: The following recommendations are made for testing the precision farm equipment
/ machinery:

• Develop/revise national and International standards for critical components and input
application equipment wherever required
• Test critical components and equipment for quality and performance to ensure that the
observed data falls within the specified range of accuracy
• Test precision farm equipment and machinery as per the standard test code by a
recognized testing agency
• Calibrate the sprayers as well as seed and fertilizer application equipment before use.

Manufacturing and standardization of equipment: The following recommendations

are made for quality manufacturing of farm equipment:

• Use jigs and fixtures for manufacturing of inter-changeable components

• Ensure specified tolerances, fits and limits during manufacturing of standard
• Need to use precision machines for manufacturing of critical components to ensure
desired degree of precision
• Provide interchangeable components of standard design on all farm equipment and
• Ensure proper heat treatment, hardness and finish for various components of precision
farm equipment and machinery
• Adoption of nanotechnology/nano-coating to enhance wear and corrosion resistance
for fast wearing components of farm equipment.

Awareness, extension and training: For sensitization and training of the stakeholders
and the farmers for manufacturing and adopting precision farm equipment and machinery, the
following recommendations have been made:

• Create awareness and initiate sensitization programs to educate all stakeholders

regarding application of precision equipment and machinery
• Enhance input use efficiency by farm machinery management
• Promote precision farm equipment and machinery by joint efforts among farmers,
community groups, NGOs, machinery manufacturers, research and extension agencies
and other public and private agencies
• Enact a policy for the manufacturers to install and calibrate the equipment and train
the operator
• Manufacturer must provide parts catalogue and operator’s manual with every
equipment to ensure proper adjustment, calibration and maintenance.

Financial assistance and incentives: The following recommendations would help

enhance the usage of such equipments and machinery by the farmers:

• The service providers may be encouraged to provide farm equipment and machinery
services on rental basis to marginal, small and medium farmers to reduce cost of
• The farmers may be provided additional incentives/subsidy for use of precision farm
equipment and machinery to enhance input use efficiency
• Banks may provide financing/subsidy to the farmers for purchase of an equipment or
machine that fulfills the specified requirement of precision, performance, human
safety and environmental standards.

12.6 Ways Forward with Special Reference to Precision Agriculture

12.6.1 Political will to adopt/adapt Precision Agriculture

Precision Agriculture is tailored to provide the exactly needed amount of a specific input at a
given location. Site specific input management in terms of water and agro chemicals is the
precursor to Precision Agriculture. Further, the high production levels have to be not only
sustained but also achieved with emphasis on energy savings and low emission technologies
considering climate change impacts. Technology-driven farming is the only option for
increasing farmers’ income and reducing cultivation costs with the ultimate aim of shifting to
Precision Agriculture. As precision agriculture must excite the youth and ignite the young
mind, a sustainable roadmap is needed to attract and retain youth in agriculture. Flagship
programs like Make-in-India, Digital India, Start-up India, e-NAM etc should greatly
strengthen entrepreneurship and employment security.

Small sized farms coupled with scattered holdings will be a major hindrance in switching
over to Precision Agriculture as it involves a seamless merging of remote sensing, GIS, GPS,

sophisticated machinery and sensors for application of various inputs in measured quantities
varying over space and time. The Government’s decision to use drone technology for
estimating crop yields and damage is an indication of its intention to use modern technologies
in agriculture. Precision Agriculture is already fairly common in developed nations like USA,
Australia and several European Countries where the focus is on cost cutting, minimal
environmental damage and high quality produce, the road to New India. Ongoing
international programs viz Feed the Future, the World bank supported NAHEP etc. should
provide opportunities to the agricultural graduates entering farming to share the successful
global experiences of precision agriculture.

12.6.2 Towards Personalized Farming

Moving upstream, it is now possible to differentiate between stresses caused by different

nutrients through hyper spectral signatures. Smart phone controlled drip system is no longer a
distant goal. Flying drones have already entered the domain. Can self-driving tractors, robotic
harvesters, integration of data technology into day to day operations in the digital era, field
level data collection by sensors attached to tractors or installed in the field, be far behind. The
sooner we shift to personalized farming, the faster will be reduction in environmental
footprints, productivity enhancement in a sustainable manner and moderation of climate
change impacts. While moving forward, no doubt, all mutually inclusive socio-economic and
agro-ecological and sustainability factors must be scientifically weighed in choosing the
complementation pathways.

12.6.3 Uberization of Precision Agriculture Innovations:

Precision agricultural service providers and properly trained extension workers should be
promoted to offer a variety of precision agriculture services to farmers. By distributing capital
costs for specialized equipment over more land and by using the skills of precision
agriculture specialists, custom services can decrease the cost and increase the efficiency of
precision agriculture activities, especially in intensive soil sampling, mapping and variable
rate applications of fertilizer and lime. Equipment required for these operations include a
vehicle equipped with a GPS receiver and a field computer for soil sampling, a computer with
mapping software and a variable rate applicator for fertilizers and lime. Purchasing this
equipment and learning the necessary skills is a significant up-front cost that can be
prohibitive even for many large farmers. Agricultural service providers must identify a group
of committed customers (Self Help Groups or Co-operatives) to justify purchasing the
equipment and allocating human resources to offer these services. Once a service provider is
established, precision agriculture activities in that region tend to center around the service
providers. For this reason, adopters of Precision Agriculture practices often are found in
clusters surrounding the service provider. “Uberization” through effectively connecting
innumerable small cities and towns, especially those in the agricultural heartland will greatly
accelerate precision agriculture throughout the food and agricultural system value-chains.

12.6.4 Strengthen Transfer of Cost-effective Precision Technology and

Thus, precision agriculture gives farmers the ability to use crop inputs more effectively
including fertilizers, pesticides, tillage, and irrigation water. More effective use of inputs
means greater crop yield and/or quality, without polluting the environment. However, it has
proven difficult to determine the cost benefits of precision agriculture management. At
present, many of the technologies used are in their infancy, and pricing of equipment and
services is hard to pin down. This can make our current economic statements about a
particular technology out-dated. Precision agriculture addresses both economic and
environmental issues that surround agricultural production today. Questions remain about
cost-effectiveness and the most effective ways to use the technological tools we now have,
but the concept of “doing the right thing in the right place at the right time” is an urgent need.
Ultimately, the success of precision agriculture depends largely on how well and how quickly
the knowledge needed to guide the new technologies can be generated and implemented on
farmers’ fields.
Selected References

Choudhary KM, Jat HS, Nandal DP, Bishnoi DK, Sutaliya JM, Choudhary Meena, Singh Y,
Sharma PC, Jat ML (2018) Evaluating alternatives to rice-wheat system in western
Indo-Gangetic Plain Crop Yields, Water productivity and economic profitability,
Field Crops Research 218 : 1-10

Gatzweiler F, Von Braun J (2016) Technological and Institutional Innovations for

Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development. Springer

Jat ML, Dagar JC, Sapkota TB, Singh Y, Govaerts B, Ridaura SL, Saharawat YS, Sharma
RK, Tetarwal JP, Jat RK, Hobbs H, Stirling C (2016) Climate Change and
Agriculture: Adoption strategies and mitigation opportunities for food security in
South Asia and Latin America. Adv. Agron. 137:127-236

NAAS (2014) Nanotechnology in Agriculture: Scope and Current Relevance. Policy Paper
63, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

NAAS (2016) Practical and Affordable Approaches for Precision in Farm Equipment and
Machinery. Policy Paper 84, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi

Parihar CM, Yadav MR, Jat SL, Singh AK, Kumar B, Pooniya V, Pradhan S, Verma RK, Jat,
ML et. al. (2018) Long-Term Conservation Agriculture and Intensified Cropping
Systems: Effects on Growth, Yield, Water, and Energy-use Efficiency of Maize in
Northwestern India, Soil Science Society of China: 28:952-963

Tech Mahindra. Precision Agriculture and Potential Market in India. White Paper: Research

Wassmann R, Hosen Y, Sumfleth K (2009) Reducing methane emission from irrigated rice.
Focus 16, brief 3, a agenda for negotiation in Copenhagen 2020 vision for food,
agriculture and the environment. International Food Policy Research Institute,
Washington, D.C

Chapter 13

Renewable Energy Based Agriculture in India*

13.1 Introduction

Energy is the basic necessity for human being to survive. Demand for daily energy
requirements creates pressure on finite source of fossil fuel based energy, which is rapidly
declining in different parts of the world. Therefore, there is need to reduce our dependency on
fossil fuel based energy, which can be achieved by increasing the share of renewable sources.
Solar radiation is the ultimate source of energy which can be harnessed by photosynthesis (3-
4 per cent efficiency), photovoltaic (15-30 per cent efficiency) and futuristic biophoto
voltaic-chemical pathway of Moorella thermoacetica bacteria. Agriculture is one sector,
which consumes about 7-8 per cent of total energy consumption of India. Pumping of
irrigation water, use of heavy machineries for different farm operations, processing and value
addition of farm produces etc. are major activities by which energy is consumed in
agriculture sector. With the advancement of food production system from agrarian to a
futuristic technology-driven system, there has been rapid increase in energy use in
agriculture. It has been expected that energy use in agriculture needs to be increased from its
present value 1.6 kW ha-1 to 2.5 kW ha-1 to meet the production target of next 20 years. The
rise in energy use has adverse effects on climate due to burning of fast depleting fossil fuels
and thus emitting greenhouse gasses. In this context, we need to harness and use more
renewable forms of energy, especially solar energy that is plentiful in most part of the
country. Also, at several locations in India harnessing wind power and utilizing biomass
could be effective alternatives. At present, about 16 per cent of the country’s installed
electricity generation capacity is contributed by renewable sources e.g. wind, solar, biomass
etc. The national solar mission has been in progress to increase the renewable energy use
share at different sectors including agriculture.

13.2 Future of renewable energy based agriculture in India

In spite of significant progress made in renewable energy generation and utilization in

agriculture during last few years, there are several opportunities to contribute largely to 175
GW renewable energy target by 2022. Although, there are several advantages of renewable
energy technologies whether it is utilization or generation in agricultural field, adoption of
these technologies in farmers’ field and rural hinterland is far from satisfactory. Therefore,
suitable policy interventions need to be formulated in addition to addressing some
researchable issues so that future Indian agriculture becomes renewable energy driven. Some
of the issues for wider utilization and generation of renewable energy in agriculture are
discussed below.

Solar PV pumping systems are being installed across the country with 70-80 per cent support
from Government because of high cost of installation. For example, 3 HP and 5 HP solar PV

Adopted/Reproduced from NAAS Strategy Paper 10, 2018

pumping systems costs about Rs 3 lakhs and Rs 5 lakhs, respectively, for installation in
farmers’ field. Beneficiary farmers are satisfactorily using these pumps for irrigation to
mostly horticultural crops. Although there is high demand from farmers to install the system
in their field, but the number of allotted beneficiaries under Government subsidy scheme is
much lesser than expected. For example, only 38,687 solar PV pumps have been installed in
the country till 2017, whereas there is scope of replacing about 17 million irrigation pumps
across the country, which are presently being operated either through diesel or grid connected
electricity. To get maximum benefits from solar PV pumping system, bidirectional energy
metre or net metre may be attached to solar PV pumping system. Although solar PV pumps
provide assured power supply to farmers for providing irrigation at critical crop growth
stages, provision should be made so that farmers can apply irrigation even during cloudy days
and night also. Lastly, the size of solar PV modules in a solar PV pumping unit increases as
the depth of ground water becomes high. Since, the major cost of a solar PV pumping system
is contributed by PV modules, overall cost of pumping groundwater becomes high when the
groundwater is deep. On contrary, if the initial cost is met, a solar PV pump indiscriminately
withdraws deep groundwater, which is again a concern for groundwater management.
Therefore, present subsidy schemes of Government allows for installation of solar PV pumps
only up to 5 HP capacity, which can withdraws groundwater from a depth of about 200-250 ft
with satisfactory discharge. Whereas, most of the present grid tied electric pumps in the
country are in operation with wells or bore wells, deeper than 200-250 ft. Therefore, there is
need for promotion of solar PV pump based irrigation from farm ponds specifically in
dryland areas where ground water depth is high.

Agri-voltaic system provides opportunity to generate electricity from farmers’ field and thus
can increase farmers’ income. However, the cost of its installation is quite high. For example,
Rs 50-60 lakhs investment is required for establishing agri-voltaic system on 1 acre land. To
overcome this problem, Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model may be developed. In the
PPP model private party will take lead role in PV installation and generation whereas the land
owner or farmers will take lead role in farming. The accrued benefits from the system may be
shared between private party and farmer. Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has
recently launched the scheme KUSUM (Kisan Urja Suraksha Evam Utthaan Mahaabhiyan),
in which it is planned to install 10,000 MW capacity solar farming system across the country.
It is to be ensured that agri voltaic system is a part of the KUSUM scheme. Moreover,
performance of suitable crops for agri voltaic system needs to be tested in different agro-
ecological regions of the country. Even, the installation of rainwater harvesting system
facility to all land-based solar PV installations across the country may be made mandatory.

A major limitation of any PV system is its inability to produce electricity during night. PV
system generally produces electricity effectively for 4-5 hours a day. On the other hand, wind
turbines can generate electricity 24 hours a day depending on the diurnal variation of wind
speed. Thus, solar-wind hybrid may be a good option to generate energy during 24x7 hours in
a week. However, research efforts are required to resolve few technical issues of solar-wind
hybrid system including designing of solar-wind hybrid system so that effect of wind turbine
shade on PV generation can be minimized, and developing smart inverters to combine PV

and wind turbine generated energy together of supplying it to grid. Even, further ahead of it,
‘four-in-one’ land use system may be thought of where wind energy generation at higher
atmosphere, solar energy generation near to ground surface, rainwater harvesting from top of
PV surface and crop cultivation on ground surface can be done together.

Soil erosion by wind action and deposition of eroded dust on PV module is a major problem
for maintaining higher performance ratio (PR) factor of solar PV plants specifically in arid
region. Even, the loss of finer particles from top surface of agricultural field makes the soil
poor that affects adversely plant growth. Under such situation, dual purpose wind barrier can
be used surrounding field boundaries to generate renewable energy from wind resources
which can be further used on farm for different purposes. Design of such barrier has been
developed. However it needs further field evaluation at different locations of arid region in
the country.

Solar PV driven tools and implements can share a large portion of renewable energy
utilization in agriculture. Therefore, research efforts are required to develop PV driven
tractors, tools and implements etc. Solar fencing can be a viable option to protect crop
damage by wild animals and can be promoted for installations in farmers’ field. Policy
guidelines may be formulated to make it mandatory to cover a portion of polyhouse
cultivation system with PV modules.

Solar thermal devices e.g. solar drier, solar cooker, solar water heater etc. are most proven
technology since long time but adoption of these in farmers field is comparatively less.
Although, there is demand of the devices in the rural areas, however, availability of the
devices in market is less. Major limitations of its adoption are: (i) lack of entrepreneurs for
fabrication of the devices, (ii) lack of awareness to farmers about the operations of solar
thermal devices, (iii) lack of business model for marketing process based products. To
address the issue, it is required to promote entrepreneurship for fabrication of the devices and
to develop business models to attract investors.

Use of agro-waste or biomass residue for thermal power generation is often debated because
of its unviable high tariff rates leading to heavy subsidies; it also liberates gases into the air
and does not provide compost to maintain soil health, fertility, productivity and profitability
of the farmers. Recently, second generation (2G) bio-fuel technologies have been announced
during 2018-19 annual budget, in which biogas and bio-CNG will be produced from wastes
through anaerobic digestion. Unlike solar and wind power, liquid and gaseous bio fuels can
be stored economically Bio-refineries being set up in India for liquid and gaseous bio fuels
production provide compost and minimize greenhouse gas liberation. The anaerobic digestion
also provides compost, liquid manure and other bye products. Entrepreneurship development
for densification (bailing, briquetting and pelleting) of agro-residues may be promoted for
utilization of surplus crop residues for meeting domestic and industrial needs and also to be
used as fuel for electricity generation. Production of biochar is upcoming technology for
efficient management of crop residues which needs support for field level demonstration and
utilization of value added solid and liquid products. There is need for a National level e-
database of biomass availability, utilization pattern and surplus quantities. Database also

needs to be generated considering economic environment impact of in-situ and ex-situ
management of straw being burned in the field. biomass as soil amendment, liquid fuel (by-
product) as furnace oil and feed stalk for value added solid and liquid products. There is need
for a National level e-database of biomass availability, utilization pattern and surplus
quantities. Database also needs to be generated considering economic environment impact of
in-situ and ex-situ management of straw being burned in the field.


• Bidirectional energy meter or net meter may be attached to solar PV pumping system
so that farmers can sell additional PV generated electricity to local grid when pump is
not used for irrigation purpose and thus will provide extra income to farmers. Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), local DISCOMs and Solar Energy
Corporation of India (SECI) under MNRE may come together to implement the
system in different states of the country

• Additional battery backup facility may be included in solar PV pumping system

scheme so that farmers can apply irrigation water in their field even during cloudy
days and night also. ICAR, MNRE and state agricultural department may come
together to provide the facility to farmers of the country

• There is need for promotion of developing surface water storage of rain water and
runoff either through farm ponds or water storage tanks and irrigating with the stored
water through solar PV pumping system. The system can be developed through
linking of Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchay Yojana (PMKSY), National Solar Mission

• Renewable Energy Service Company (RESCO) model can be formulated for

installation of agri-voltaic system in farmers’ field for food production and PV based
electricity generation from a single land unit. SECI may formulate and implement the
model in collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare similar to
the RESCO model for roof top solar system

• Agri-voltaic system needs to be tested in different agro-ecological regions of the

country with different crops, for which research efforts need to be strengthened. ICAR
may take a lead role to develop the network on agri-voltaic system in India

• Rainwater harvesting system facility along with cultivation of high-value medicinal

crops at interspace area may be made mandatory for land-based solar PV installations
across the country so that stored rainwater may be recycled for cleaning of PV
modules and for providing supplemental irrigation to crops. National Institute of Solar
Energy (NISE), SECI and other concerned organizations in India working on
medicinal plants may formulate the necessary guidelines for this purpose

• Solar-wind hybrid may be a good option to generate energy throughout the day and
night and therefore needs to be promoted on agricultural land so that overall land
productivity may be improved. National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), National
Institute of Wind Energy (NIWE) and ICAR may work together to develop such
model and implement at suitable locations in the country

• Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbine (VAWT) based hybrid barrier may be used on
farm boundaries to reduce wind erosion as well as to generate electric energy, which
may be further used for pumping irrigation water. Design of such barrier has been
developed, though it needs further field evaluation at different suitable locations of
the country and ICAR may take lead role on this aspect

• Suitable solar PV/thermal tools, implements and devices may be included in package
of practices for agriculture in different states of the country. State agricultural
departments and Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) in collaboration with ICAR
institutes may take initiatives for promotion of these solar PV/thermal devices

• Solar PV covered polyhouses need to be promoted for protected cultivation of

horticultural crops so that energy requirement for operationalization of polyhouses
can be met from renewable energy sources. National Horticulture Mission (NHM),
SECI and ICAR Institutes working on protected cultivations may come together to
develop and implement such system in farmers’ field

• Entrepreneurship for fabrication of solar devices may be promoted so that small scale
industries on solar based food processing units may be developed. MNRE and ICAR
Institutes working on agricultural engineering may take lead role on this aspect

• There is need for formulation of policy guidelines on proper management of residues

for renewable energy generation, compost preparation and providing it as feed to
livestock. ICAR institutes working on Agricultural Engineering and National Institute
of Bio-Energy (NIBE) may take the lead to develop suitable model for this purpose in
consultation with other departments and stakeholders.

NAAS’s Brainstorming-cum-Workshop on Energy in Agriculture 2015, based on its

discussion on Energy Foot Prints of Indian Agriculture involving Hon’ble Suresh Prabhu
(Former Union Minister), R.B. Singh, Anwar Alam, Pitam Chandra, and Dipankar De, had
suggested the following steps for efficient management of energy in agriculture:

1. Periodic energy audit of production, processing, and rural living to identify inefficient
and avoidable uses of energy for energy conservation and interjection of energy-
efficient equipment and practices at the same time create balance in demand and
supply of energy supply

2. Intensification of R&D on harnessing of renewable energy sources supplementing and
substituting commercial energies. Popularize use of efficient cookstoves using
briquetted fuel

3. Specific fuel consumption of diesel engine use is too high, especially power tillers
(PT) and pump sets which need to be brought down. Diesel pumps be phased out in
favour of electric/photo-voltaic pumping sets

4. R&D evolving energy-efficient crops and crop rotations, energy-efficient equipment

and management practices

5. Solar, wind, hydel and biomass energy need to be harnessed for agriculture, agro-
processing and rural living.

6. To get over paucity of petroleum products at affordable costs, liquid fuel options from
biomass of crops, cultivated crops rich in oils preferably non-edible oils should be

7. Promotion of biogas plants both domestic size as well as community size for cooking,
illumination and power through dual fuel engine and spent slurry as VA manure.
Large size (>500 m3) biogas plants be integrated with large diary operations

8. Awareness, training and operationalization of energy-efficient equipment and

practices and alternate sources of energy available. Massive effort in skill
development, in farm mechanization and sustainable energy for agriculture, agro-
processing and rural living

9. Reclamation of plant nutrient from urban refuse, farm, community and market refuse
through biological pathway obtaining compost, vermi-compost, biogas spent slurry
reducing dependence on chemical fertilizers,. Incineration of biomass should be

10. Animate energy use should be rationalized through scientifically established work-
rest cycle for different applications

11. For extending mechanization to small and marginal farms, custom-hiring is a good

12. As a matter of policy, agriculture and rural sector in general should be assured due
share of diesel and 20 per cent electricity available)

13. For double cropping on average the farm-power requirement is estimated at 2.5 kw/ha

14. Biofertilizer and biopesticides production and use be popularized to reduce

requirement of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which have negative impact on

Selected References

NAAS (2018) Renewable Energy : A New Paradigm for Growth in Agriculture. Strategy
Paper 10. National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi. 20 pp
Alam A and Chandra P (2015) State of Indian Agriculture – Energy. National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 249 pp

Chapter 14

Towards Oilseeds Sufficiency in India*

14.1 Indian Oil Economy Unacceptably High Gap in Demand and

Domestic Production of Oilseeds

In 2017 the NAAS had brainstormed the issues and prospects of vegetable oil economy and
made some tangible recommendations in Strategy Paper 7, as largely reproduced in this
chapter with necessary amendments. Under each recommendation, a detailed strategic action
plan should be prepared and implemented at the ground level in each district, as done in case
of pulses. Question arises as to why the success story of pulses could not be repeated in
vegetable oils economy?

The demand-supply gap of edible oil in India is widening every year, thus resulting in huge
import. For meeting the current requirement of 21-22 mt of vegetable oil, the country imports
14.8 mt of edible oil, accounting for nearly 70 per cent of our total requirement, costing the
exchequer around Rs. 75,000 crore. The consumption demand growing annually by 5 per
cent, the vegetable oil requirement is estimated that to rise to more than 39 mt by 2050,
including the annual estimated requirement of 10.65 mt for industrial use (Table 1).

The mismatch between demand and supply has grown much faster over the last 20 years. The
domestic availability of oilseeds, encompassing nine crops, including soybean, mustard and
groundnut comprising 70 per cent of the domestic production, was around 8 to 10 million
tonnes of edible oil during 2005-06 to 2015-16. During the same period per capita
consumption of vegetable oil had increased from 10 kg/annum to 18 kg/annum. Driven by the
population and income growth the domestic demand of vegetable oil increased to about 22
mt, necessitating annual import of 11 to 15 mt during the past five years.

Table 1. Projected Vegetable Oil Requirements in Next Few Decades

2020 2030 2040 2050
Projected population (Billion) 1.32 1.43 1.55 1.68
Per capita consumption (Kg/year) 15.33 15.88 16.43 16.97
Vegetable oil requirement for direct 20.24 22.71 25.47 28.51
consumption (mt)
Vegetable oil for industrial use (mt) 3.57 6.34 8.88 10.65
Total Vegetable oil requirement (mt) 23.81 29.05 34.35 39.16
Sources: Adapted from ICAR-IIOR Vision 2050

Productivity of our major edible oil crops including mustard and soybean in India has
remained one third of the global average. Other edible oil crops fetch much lower produce

Adopted/reproduced from NAAS Strategy Paper 7 - Vegetable Oil Economy and Production
Problems in India, 2017; Present Status of Oilseeds Crops and Vegetable Oils in India, Ministry of
Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, 2018

per hectare than other parts of the world (Table 2). India also remained isolated from the
technological revolution in edible oil crops except cotton where approval of insect resistant
Bt cotton hybrids played a considerable role in increasing supply of cotton oil from 0.5 mt in
2002 to 1.5 mt in 2015. Unfortunately, India bypassed technological revolution led by genetic
modification that was adopted widely by edible oil producing countries including Argentina,
Australia, Brazil, Canada and USA. Ironically, India is still debating the cultivation of GM
crops like soybean and mustard that have been in global market for more than two decades
now. The GM mustard developed by Delhi University scientists is held up for socio-political
consensus while the country is importing GM soya oil to the tune of 4.5 mt, 0.3-0.5 mt of GM
canola and consuming domestically produced GM cotton seed oil to the tune of 1.5 mt
constituting a total GM oil component of nearly 5-6 mt out of 21 mt annual edible oils
consumption. In fact, there are some countries, who are planning their oilseed crop
cultivation only to meet India’s requirement. The import composition is dominated by palm
oil followed by soya oil, canola and sunflower oil. Palm oil import reached almost 80 per cent
of the total oil import but now is reduced to 60 per cent in recent years. It is also interesting
that India imposes the differential import duty structure on the crude and refined palm oil. In
2016, out of 8.3 mt of palm oil import the share of crude palm oil was 5.7 mt while the
refined palm oil was 2.6 mt. The import of other edible oils varies, depending upon the
prevailing prices internationally. Although the overall import of vegetable oils during the oil
year 2016-17 was lesser to some extent owing to good monsoon for Kharif oilseeds crop, the
issues of climate change looming large on the agricultural production will certainly upset the
production potential at any time in future and self sufficiency in vegetable oil appears to be a
dream unless some effective steps are taken on production and policy fronts.

Table 2. Comparison of average yield of different edible oils in India with other edible oil
producing countries (tonnes/ha)

Average Yield (Tonnes/ha)

Crop India World Highest Country
Soybean 1.10 2.5 2.9 Brazil
Groundnut 1.24 2.2 4.5 USA
Mustard 1.25 2.0 3.9 Germany
Sesame 0.55 1.5 2.2 China
Safflower 0.58 1.6 2.1
Sunflower 0.70 2.5 3.5
Source: Agricultural Statistics at Glance 2015-16

The performance of oilseeds sector has never been as good as cereal crops in India like wheat
and rice. Somehow there was never a breakthrough in the productivity of oilseeds crop
neither through the genetic enhancement nor from other production technologies. There is no
significant increase in area, production and productivity of oilseed crops during 2001-02 to
2015-16 (Table 3). A large number of oilseeds crop that are grown in India, some are
conventional but a few have been non conventional. Majorities are the annual crops but some
oil sources are also from perennial crops. However, major contribution to annual oilseeds

production comes from three annual crops; soybean, groundnut and rapeseed-mustard. Global
average productivity of soybean, groundnut and mustard are 2.5, 2.2 and 2.0 tonnes/ha
against India’s yield of 1.1, 1.24 and 1.25 t/ha respectively. Indian studies have shown that
average yields average yields of soybean, mustard groundnut, rapseed, sesame, and sunflower
can be enhanced to 1600, 2000, 1820, 750 and 950 Kg/ha, respectively with appropriate
technology transfer, policy and price support, as judged from the transferable yield gaps.

Table 3. Area, Production and Yield of Oilseed Crops for the period 2001-2016

Years Area (mha) Production (mt) Productivity (kg/ha)

2001-02 22.64 20.66 913
2002-03 21.49 14.84 691
2003-04 23.66 25.19 1064
2004-05 27.52 24.35 885
2005-06 27.86 27.98 1004
2006-07 26.51 24.29 916
2007-08 26.69 29.76 1115
2008-09 27.56 27.72 1006
2009-10 26.96 24.88 958
2010-11 27.22 32.48 1193
2011-12 26.31 29.80 1133
2012-13 26.48 30.94 1168
2013-14 28.05 32.75 1168
2014-15 25.59 27.51 1075
2015-16 26.13 25.30 968
Sources: Agricultural Statistics at Glance 2015-16

14.3 Strategies of Improving Productivity and Profitability

14.3.1 Technology application and adoption

Development of new hybrids and varieties using double haploid approach, marker-assisted
breeding/selection and other biotechnological approaches to solve viability (sunflower and
soybean) and seed production issues should receive top priority amongst the researchers.
Encourage network research involving private and public institutes nationally and globally
towards development of products with identified market partners and also consolidate
research funding from various sources (ICAR, DBT, DST and from international sources).
Focusing on product development for water and nutrient use efficiency, mitigating monsoon
withdrawal and terminal drought and other related climate variability issues, eco-friendly
biotic stress management, value chain improvement and developing health tagged varieties,
developing specific nutrition and micro-irrigation schedules based on soil health, fertility and
physical properties (soil test based, site specific nutrient management and length of growing
period) and developing new cropping systems for profit (apiculture in mustard, sunflower and
niger, thalamus from sunflower, petals from safflower and eri silk from castor) based on

market access. Focus on soybean and mustard for research and development is likely to pay
more dividends for edible oil than groundnut. Undisputedly, sesame is the next crop on which
we need to invest time and money for rich dividends. There are several approaches of
transgenic and molecular breeding being adopted internationally. Noticeably, GM soybean
and GM canola account for nearly 104 mt or 94 per cent of 110 mt of global trade in soybean
and canola, 15 mt or 22 per cent of 70 mt of global edible oil trade and 64 mt or 80 per cent
of 80 mt of global animal feed trade. Transgenic technologies have been a major success in
oilseed crops. The successful example of Bt cotton is before us as it has indirectly contributed
to 10 per cent growth in oil availability in India. The timely approval of GM mustard hybrid
and deregulation of barnase–barstar technology will be a milestone decision to strengthen
Indian brassica research and accelerate the process of deploying genetic gains. The impact of
commercial release will have resounding effect on the entire GM research in country as due
to its delay, scientists are demoralized and discouraged to research on new technologies,
which are developed by many public sector research labs in India. From drought tolerance to
biotic stress and fatty acid composition, research on transgenic oilseed crops is in advance
stages. The scientists are awaiting green signal from the planners for commercializing the

In fact there are several proven production technologies, which have potential for upscaling.
For example soil and water conservation practices and rain water harvesting, vertical
mulching in vertisols, zero tillage practices for mustard, sunflower and linseed in paddy
fallows, use of broad bed furrows (BBF), quality seed production and expansion of drip
irrigation are a few but very successful technologies that can enhance the yield of oil crops
from 10 to 40 per cent. It has been shown that micro-irrigation in oilseed crops alone
enhanced the productivity in all the oilseed crops from 16 to 45 per cent. In case of nutrition,
it has been observed that only 35 per cent of the nutrients needs are met in current practices.
Continuous mining of nutrients from soils also makes the crops vulnerable to micronutrient
deficiencies. Nearly 75 per cent soils are deficient in Sulphur, which can be met by replacing
DAP with SSP. Yet another issue that is not fully resolved in cultivation of these crops is
SRR because the seed chain is often missing in crops like groundnut, safflower, linseed,
sesame and soybean.

14.3.2 Cultivable area expansion

Oilseed crops are stagnant over the years in respect of area in spite of several opportunities to
expand cultivable area. These crops can be grown as intercrops in some states (Table 4_A), in
nontraditional areas (Table 4_B), and also in rice fallows (Table 4_C). Nearly 12 mha area is
available under rice fallows, leaving some for pulses; some area would certainly be available
for oil bearing crops.

The green revolution effect has resulted in intensive cultivation of rice-wheat (R-W) rotation
in the entire North Indian irrigated belt particularly Punjab, Haryana and Utter Pradesh. This
system being an assured in respect of output and income, many other states like MP,
Chhattisgarh, and even canal irrigated areas of Rajasthan are following rice–wheat rotation.
However, it has come to notice that the R-W system is deteriorating the soil, environment and

water availability. Oilseeds and pulses are considered as excellent sources of crop
diversification. In Kharif, rice can be replaced with soybean in most of the areas. Similarly in
Rabi, cultivation of largely mustard and to some extent linseed can be cultivated as substitute
to wheat. Such diversification has distinct advantages for halting the ill effects of R-W
system and also meets the demand of vegetable oil of the country. Experimentally it has been
proved that there is a possibility of Rabi castor cultivation in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka as it
requires very limited water.

There are 33 cotton growing districts where the productivity is just half of the national
average i.e less than 300 Kg lint per ha. These districts are basically rainfed and cover nearly
45 per cent of the total cotton area. Some of these districts can be identified for cultivation of
sesame, soybean and sunflower.

Table 4. Proposed Areas for Oilseeds Expansion

A. Intercropping system

Crop Specific area Potential area (mha)

Soybean Maharashtra, Telangana & Karnataka 0.70
Groundnut AP, TN, Karnataka, UP (Bundel.), 2.80
Gujarat, Maharashtra, MP, Rajasthan,
Bihar, Punjab, NEH, Kerala
Rapeseed-Mustard UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, MP 0.95
Castor Telangana, TN 0.50
Sesame AP, TN, Karnataka 0.80
Sunflower Karnataka & Maharashtra 0.50
Safflower AP, Maharashtra, Karnataka, MP, CG 0.50
Linseed UP, MP, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra 0.80
Total 7.5

B. Non-traditional areas
Crop Non Traditional Areas Potential area (mha)
Soybean Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Telangana, 2.00
Jharkhand, Gujarat, NEH
Groundnut UP (C&W), Gujarat, WB, Assam 0.51
Rapeseed-Mustard Karnataka, Rajasthan (S), Ratlam (MP) & 0.30
Vidarbha (Maharashtra)
Sunflower West Bengal, Bihar and Odisha 0.30
Sesame NEH 0.50
Safflower Gujarat, MP and CG 0.10
Castor TN, Haryana, Karnataka & Odisha 0.50
Linseed NEH 0.03
Niger AP, Karnataka & TN 0.05
Total 4.39

C. Rice Fallows

Crop Area of rice Fallows Potential area (mha)

Soybean Punjab 2.00
Groundnut TN, AP, Odisha, WB, Goa 0.50
Rapeseed-Mustard UP, AP, Odisha, WB, Goa 1.50
Sunflower AP, Karnataka, Odisha and WB 0.50
Sesame WB, Odisha, Gujarat, TN, AP 1.00
Linseed for Utera CG, WB, Odisha, Bihar, Assam 1.00
Total 1.00

14.3.3 Effective technology transfer

In spite of several efforts to bring harmony and coordination among the public institutes such
as central research institutes, state agricultural universities (SAUs) and state departments,
ground realities are not matching with expectations. Major funds released to the state
departments for development activities do not have appropriate linkage for technology
transfer with the universities and local research institutes. Among the improved
variety/hybrid options to farmers from private and public bred products based on local tests
are not largely available from the universities or central research institutes.

Access to newly released public bred products is major issue, though licensing process
initiated recently did not make much headway in oilseeds group. Community managed seed
systems needs a fresh look. Productivity improvement in oilseed crops can be achieved by
some known technologies such as improving seed replacement ratio, large scale adoption of
new varieties, dead furrow contour cultivation, paired row planting and reduced or zero
tillage, herbicide based integrated weed management (IWM) for effective weed management
in all soil types, adoption of integrated pest management (IPM) modules with bio-intensive
approaches, providing micro-irrigation infrastructure at critical stages can be useful in
increasing the productivity of all the oilseed crops (Table 5). A long term study reported a
existing yield gaps, ranging from 24 to 41 per cent between farmers practices and improved
technology, and 6 to 70 per cent between improved technology over the average yields of
these crops. Several small interventions such as seed pelleting for lowering seed rate, cluster
based oil extraction and marketing in nontraditional areas, enabling small farm mechanization
and custom hire services, leveraging ICTs for dissemination of knowledge/technology
transfer largely through mobile and short video films in public access, development of model
farms and contract farming, educating farmers with proper input and technology supply, yield
can be doubled in about a million hectare under cultivation. Sesame and safflower are
potential profitable crops with technology readily available and has potential to replace
several unprofitable Rabi crops facing moisture stress.

Table 5. Outreach of Technologies- Realizable Productivity and yield gaps (2010-15)

Crop Improved National Average Increase in yield
technology yield due to
yield (Kg/ha) (IT) (Kg/ha) (NAY) IT over NAY ( per
Groundnut 2264 1439 57
Soybean 1603 1182 36
Rapeseed 1692 1181 43
Sunflower 1742 700 149
Sesame 536 447 20
Safflower 1061 567 87.1
Niger 406 313 29.7
Castor 2032 1647 23.4
Linseed 1090 484 125.2
Average 1541 1019 51.3
Source: Reddy, A.V., 2017. Production Problems and Way Forward for Enhancing
Productivity: Sunflower, Sesame, Niger, Safflower and Linseed, Presentation at Strategy
workshop, NAAS

14.4 Protocol for Quick Dissemination

Following interventions and cropping systems protocols can contribute to increasing oilseeds
production in all major edible oil crops in India;

• Use of ridges-furrows or BBF in all rainfed cultivated area with sowing on the onset
of monsoon

• Use of bio-fertilizers such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, PSB, SSB &

Mycorrhiza etc., which at lower cost supplement Nitrogen up to 40 Kg N per ha and
up to 25 kg P per ha

• To achieve the optimum plant population per ha, it is essential to use seed priming,
hardening techniques and also as per the requirement either thinning or gap filling has
to be done

• Use Neem, Sulphur or Coal tar coated urea for enhancing the nitrogen (N) use

• Under extremes of natural resources & investment limitations, it is natural to follow

integrated farming system model on small holdings to have assured income from
oilseed crop based cropping

• Weed management is a critical issue especially in the initial growth stages and need to
be adopted either mechanically or using the herbicides

• Weather forecasting and forewarning system to be used for determining the
operations and also the pest and diseases early detection is must to reduce the heavy

• Boron application has been recommended for sunflower which has shown to increase
the yield by 15-25 per cent across several locations and hence it should be a
compulsory package of practice in the schedule of cultivation of sunflower.

14.5 Ongoing Initiatives of Government of India

The strategies for enhancing the productivity (and profitability) of oilseed based production
system are prepared for the annual oilseeds and for oil palm in the country. The interventions/
strategies proposed in oilseeds are time tested with scale neutrality that can be grounded for
enhancing the productivity of the oilseed based production systems with necessary
institutional support/ handholding. The proposed strategies are categorized under four
situations as follows.

1. Increasing seed production and distribution of newly released varieties

2. Low cost technologies with high impact on productivity resulting in higher income
3. Technologies with high impact that involve reasonable investment with high return on
investment (ROI), with emphasis on eco-friendliness, high input use efficiency, and
4. Strategies with emphasis on quality improvement and value addition leveraging
technologies with a bearing on the employment through skill/ entrepreneurship

The newer opportunities to explore non-traditional seasons and regions for crops are also
projected that have proven success for area expansion and integration into major cropping

The Government is aware that there exists a tremendous potential for enhancing the yield of
nine oilseed crops by adopting the technologies already available. This contention is based on
the results of 23,118 frontline demonstrations (FLDs) (2010-2015) conducted on nine
oilseeds crops under real farm situations in different agro-ecological conditions of India over
a period of five years. The productivity (yield) gap between improved technology and
farmers’ practices ranged from 21 per cent in sesame to 149 per cent in sunflower (Table 5).

Bridging yield gap across oilseeds can increase oilseeds production significantly that would
concomitantly reduce the dependence on imports of vegetable oil besides realising higher
profitability to oilseed farmers.

To boost production of oilseeds, the GoI started a National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil palm
(NMOOP) for Oilseeds & Oil palm development programmes in the country in 2014-15 and
continued up to 2017-18.As per the decision of Cabinet Secretary regarding merger/
conversions or linkage of Schemes/ sub Schemes/ programmes, etc. having similar

components such as incentive for seed, demonstration, and farm implements including
efficient water application tools covered under NFSM and Oil seeds was merged under
revamped National Food Security Mission (NFSM) from the year 2018-19. The Objectives of
NFSM-Oilseeds & Oil Palm are as below:

• Increase in production and productivity of vegetable oils sourced from oilseeds and
Oil palm. It aims to augment the availability of vegetable oils and to reduce the import
of edible oils by increasing the production and productivity of oilseeds from an
average production of 29.79 million tonnes and productivity of 1122 kg/ha during
12th plan period to 36.10 million tonnes and 1290 kg/ha, respectively by end of 2019-
20 (MM- I)

• Effort will be made to achieve additional area of 1.05 lakh hectare under oil palm
cultivation during 2017-18 to 2019-20. With additional area of 1.05 lakh ha under Oil
Palm during next three years i.e. up to March, 2020, total area of about 4.20 lakh ha,
will be achieved (MM-II)

• An area of 7480 ha will be covered under plantation of 09 Trees Bearing Oils (TBOs),
namely, Olive, Mahua, Kokum, Wild Apricot, Neem, Jojoba, Karanja, Simaroba and
Tung during next 03 years i.e. upto March, 2020 (MM-III).

The three mini Missions are progressing well and should be able to meet their targets.

14.5 Policy Instruments for Improving Edible Oil Economy

Efforts are needed to implement the Minimum Support Price (MSP) along with bonus for
enhancing the net income of the oilseed farmers. In spite of a regular enhancement in MSP of
oilseed crops, lack of a defined procurement policy does not encourage the farmers to take up
the cultivation of these crops. Like rice and wheat procurement system operated in North
Indian States, an assured purchase of the produce would stimulate oilseeds producers to
expand area and adopt improved technologies for better yields. Attempts for price realization
based on the oil content can enhance the net income of the oilseed farmers. However, the
efforts of linking price with oil content have largely proved disadvantageous to farmers
(particularly in mustard) for various reasons of setting unrealistic standards and
implementation of oil content estimation in the markets. Edible oils, except coconut and palm
oil, were kept under Open General License (OGL) and import duty was substantially reduced.
The heavy imports of edible oils had a cascading effect on edible oil economy. Import duty
was 12.5 per cent on crude oils, 20 per cent on refined oils and 30 per cent on raw material
(sunflower and rapeseed) for crushing. The industry association (SEA) demand is to raise the
import duty on refined oils to safeguard the interest of farmers and higher capacity utilization
of refiners, which currently operate at 40 to 50 per cent of the capacity only. In order to
overcome the shortage of raw material for crushing and feed, the industry had suggested to
encourage import of oilseeds by lowering duty to 5 per cent from 30 per cent at present and
reduce the duty on oilcake, rice bran and oil bearing materials from 15 per cent to nil to make
their import commercially viable to encourage value addition and employment within the

country. However these policies in long run have discouraged to grow these crops as they did
not find their cultivation remunerative. The fluctuating and counter directional policies with
respect to imports and domestic prices have left the stakeholders unsure of any long term
planning by both the producers and processors. The Government of India has recently made
some welcome corrections in the import policies of vegetable oils such as enhancing the
import duty on crude as well as refined edible oils by 40-100 per cent. This will be
encouraging to growers to take up cultivation of edible oil crops as they would be much
competitive to cereals in dryland areas. Every option of risk mitigation like easy availability
of inputs and credit, MSP and assured procurement, crop insurance, policies linking farmers
to markets, buffer stock options and their commodity price stabilization schemes and free
technical guidance need to be put in place for oilseeds sector on priority if the country has to
reduce its foreign reserves on the import of edible oils.

Accelerated progress and focus on enhancing the profitability, stability, and sustainability of
the major oilseed crops based farming systems rather than productivity focus alone of each
crop is likely to yield long term benefits. Policies always favored the oil consumer by
checking price rise but they have not been kind to the oilseed producer, the farmer.

14.6 Recommendations

Recognizing that oil economy of the country is dependent on import of vegetable oil, it is
essential to make special efforts to boost productivity and production of domestic oilseed
crops for enhancing local availability of the edible oil. The participants of the strategic
workshop on “Vegetable Oil Economy and Production Problems in India” deliberated on
several issues pertaining to, the means of enhancing production, availability though research,
extension and key policy instruments for MSP, import structure and developing effecting
value chain linkages. Major recommendations are summarized below:

Regulate the import of edible oil through appropriate inventions in policy as has been done
for the current oil year. The vegetable oil should be viewed beyond the export & import
balance with the goal of achieving self-sufficiency to a greater extent. The domestic
availability should be viewed in the context of improved livelihood, farmers’ profitability and
for processing industry of the country.

The mechanism of minimum support price (MSP) though available is not in operation
inmajor oilseed producing states. Therefore ensuring the market intervention for
effectiveimplementation of MSP through procurement of oilseeds in case of fall in open
market prices is needed.

The potential of public-private partnership (PPP) through linkages in all aspects of

production, processing, marketing needs to be harnessed. PPP model can be useful in several
aspects of oil economy such as seed production, forward-backward linkages for processing,
value addition, contract research in niche areas, contract farming and joint ventures for higher
order derivatives and specialty products and so on. Therefore it is essential to create an
enabling environment for private participation in such areas.

The export of oil meals for animal feed and castor oil has to some extent plugged the import
bill of vegetable oil. However the policy of exporting oil meal may not be desirable in long
run as the domestic animal industry is deprived of high value feed to increase the milk and
meat production. There are also arguments that instead of importing crude or refined oil, why
not import oilseeds so that the local crushing industry also prospers and at the same time oil
cake as animal feed is also made available. However policies that balance all these factors
could be formulated through PPP mode.

Greater emphasis on innovations and application of new techniques of genetics and

biotechnology need to be harnessed to achieve quantum jump in productivity. Use of
transgenic in soybean, cotton rapeseed-mustard and maize has been globally accepted and
currently 83 per cent soybean, 75 per cent cotton, 29 per cent maize and 24 per cent canola
grown in the world are transgenics. India need to take a bold and defined stand based on
science to allow the technology use in edible oil crops. Indian scientists have already
succeeded in developing GM mustard, which has been thoroughly assessed and approved by
the regulatory committee and waiting for the political green signal. Similarly, GM groundnut
resistant to biotic and abiotic stresses, sunflower resistant to viruses, safflower and castor
transgenics are being developed in the Indian public sector institutions. They need to see the
light of the day and waiting for the first GM oilseed crop, mustard to get clearance so that
others can follow.

Research priorities should focus also on developing short duration genotypes for better
adoption to climate change and in rainfed situations through integration of modern tools of
biotechnology such as marker assisted selection and transgenic breeding supplementary to
conventional breeding.

Institutional convergence would be a key to effective transfer of technology in oilseed sector.

For this strengthening the linkages between the research and extension is required where the
linkage of NARS-KVK needs to created for validation, upscaling and transfer of research
outputs with accountability.

Model Oilseeds Technology Farms developed through mission funding at State levels and
managed by ICAR and KVK’s would be torch bearer for technology, showcasing as has been
successfully done during green revolution period for transfer of technologies of rice and

Develop contingency seed banks at selected districts either through seed village concept or in
PPP mode. Seed production in private sector is already being done in soybean, hybrids of
sunflower, mustard and castor. There is need to encourage private participation in groundnut
and other minor oilseed crops.

Promote oilseed cultivation in nontraditional areas, rice fallows and in off seasons. They
could be best substitutes for diversification in rice-wheat belt. Eastern regions offer good
scope for expansion of area. The entire dryland cultivation offers an opportunity for
intercropping with cereals, cotton and pulses.

Large scale production of small machinery though Government support is necessary to
improve adoption of farm machinery in oilseeds cultivation. There are now excellent
examples of group farming in many States where the system of common machinery hiring is
adopted because of shortage of labour. These are giving good results. Government should
catalyze such processes to promote farming especially with small farm holders.

Oilseed crops also offer opportunities for additional income through various products like
table purpose groundnuts, sunflowers & safflower petals, linseed fibre and omega-3
substitutes which can be exploited so that back ward linkage in production can occur.

Oil palm cultivation should be extended in some areas where it can give higher yield.
Simultaneously processing facilities should be promoted so that this could be a good source
of oil for the total vegetable oil pool.

Promote scientific processing of cotton seed for higher recovery and to get high protein
retention (42 per cent) compared to traditional processing (22 per cent). Cotton seed contains
nearly 21-24 per cent edible oil but the current cultivars have only 17-18 per cent. There are
genotypes where oil is the primary product and fibre is secondary with no gossypol. To meet
the oil demand such cotton cultivars offer a good source. Also it is recommended that
processors should improve the efficiency of extraction of oil through solvent extraction for
hard seeds and expeller extraction for soft seeds.

Currently, there is no linkage between the oil expeller industry and producers. A model of
sugarcane available can be followed for oilseeds too. The oil industry should go in to contract
with farmers for assured supply of raw material at predetermined prices which will encourage
farmers to take up cultivation on modern footing. The industry should also be involved in
supporting the technology generation and dissemination.

14.7 Follow the Success Story of Pulses

Pulses are a major source of dietary protein in India, especially for the majority low-income
households, besides being rich in essential minerals, vitamins and fibres. Producing 14 to 18
million tonnes during 2000 to 2014, India has been the largest producer of pulses in the
world. But, the demand has increasingly outstripped the supply until 2017, necessitating
imports of about 3-5 million tonnes, the largest in the world, costing nearly 2.5 billion US
dollar annually, let alone the erratic price rises. Keeping in view the growing costly imports,
thin global market, and volatile prices, India had to become self-sufficient in pulses, and
NAAS felt that the needed projected production of 24 million tonnes could be achieved
within 2 to 3 years.

Accordingly, NAAS organized a Strategy Workshop entitled Towards Self-sufficiency of

Pulses in India on 7-8 April, 2016 to deliberate the challenges, opportunities and prospects
(Strategy Paper 2). Critically analyzing the current and projected situations of production,
consumption, and trade, in light of the technological, socio-economic, market, and agro-
ecological domains, the Workshop, prepared a detailed strategic framework and

comprehensive district-wise action plan for 19 of the pulses-producing provinces, including
Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Rajasthan,
which jointly accounted for 77 per cent of the national pulses production. All stakeholders at
the national, provincial, district and village cluster levels judiciously implemented the Action
Plan and rendered India pulses self-sufficient in the next two years, currently producing 24-
25 million tonnes and maintaining a comfortable buffer stock. The success should
dynamically be fortified.


Edible oil Industry is one of the most important industries of agriculture sector in India. The
country plays an important role in the global edible oil market, accounting for 10-12 per cent
share of consumption, 6-8 per cent share of edible oil production and 12-14 per cent share of
world’s edible oil imports for the oil year 2015. India is fourth largest oil seed producing
country in the world after USA, China and Brazil. Of the nine, soybean, groundnut and
mustard are the main oilseed crops grown in the country. The growth of edible oil
consumption and increasing population coupled with limited availability of oilseeds and
fluctuating yields resulted in continuous demand-supply gap, which is being met by imports.
Further, the imports of vegetable oils are subject to change in custom duty rates between
crude oil and refined oil which do affect the domestic producers and refiners. Apart from the
custom duty structure the edible oil industry is also susceptible to the policies of exporting

The oilseed production is constrained by several factors like grown on depleting soils,
deprived of nutrition, water and other inputs. Nearly 64 per cent of these crops are grown as
rainfed and hence occasionally suffer from drought under erratic rainfall. The cultivation also
suffers due to low adoption of improved cultivars and modern technologies. Unorganized
marketing, price fluctuations and inoperative minimum support price (MSP) mechanism
make the oilseed cultivation an unattractive proposition. Also Government policies should be
so designed that they are more in favour of producers and domestic refiners than the
consumers alone. Though the duty differential between crude and refined palm oil increased
in recent years, edible oil sellers are finding it more convenient to import refined palm oil and
sell it in the domestic market thus placing the edible oil units to operate at hair line margins
or in worst case scenario wherein the units are small the operations have become unviable.
The performance of the companies in edible oil sector for medium term period will depend
upon the demand of crude palm oil in India post recent increase in import duties on refined
oils, movements of domestic edible oil prices, and profitability margins from the specialty-fat
business with comprehensive product range, including bakery shortening’s, chocolate and
confectionary fats, ice cream fats and a range of cooking oils.

For pulses we must rigorously follow the strategy which has already paid rich dividends, and
repeat this success story in vegetable oil. For oilseeds while the trade and tariff policies are
important, science, technology and innovation must play the driving role in more than
doubling oilseeds productivity during the next 5-10 years, by genetically enriching the seeds
for productivity as well as stress tolerance. Simultaneously, there is scope for enhancing

oilseeds area by increasing cropping intensity. To meet the total vegetable oil requirement of
about 39 million tonnes in 2050, the total vegetable oilseeds availability should be about 120
million tonnes. Should India pledge to cut down the import to only 30 per cent of the total
domestic need, we will need to locally produce 27 million tonnes of vegetable oils by
producing about 81 million tonnes of oilseeds from the present level of about 30 million
tonnes. The feasible pathway to achieve this goal is complementary doubling of average yield
to about 2 tonnes/ha and increasing the area from current level of about 27 million ha to
about 40 million ha by 2050. The target set is attainable only by synergistic collaboration of
all stakeholders. We should also have a view whether the present level of per capita
consumption of 18 kg/year is medically advisable.

Selected References

Government of India (2018) Present Status of Oilseeds Crops and Vegetable Oils in India.
Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. PP72
NAAS (2017) Vegetable Oil Economy and Production Problems in India, Strategy Paper 7,
National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi 20 pp

Chapter 15

Regulatory Aspects of Utilization of GM Crops and GE Technology

for Food & Nutrition Security, Climate Resilience, and Improving
Farmers' Income
15.1 Introduction

This chapter is essentially a reproduction of the NAAS recommendations contained in its

policy brief papers entitled “Biosafety Assurance for GM Food Crops in India” and “To
Accelerate Utilization of GE Technology for Food and Nutrition Security and Improving
Farmers’ Income”, with minor modification and a few additional facts, for consideration of
all stakeholders, especially the regulatory authorities to liberate science to serve society.

The chapter underpins the baseless, ill-informed, unscientific and illogical opposition of
genetical engineering, GM organisms and other proven safe products arising from new
sciences and innovations, and the recalcitrance of the policy makers and the governments in
delivering the proven safe products/technologies to the farmers and end users along the value
chain are denying India not only from achieving comprehensive food and nutritional security,
climate resilience and accelerated sustainable agricultural development, but are also
thwarting development of cutting-edge technologies, and innovations and the development of
human resources and institutions, thus denying India to emerge as a New India.

15.2 Bio-safety Assurance for GM Food Crops in India (NAAS Policy

Paper 52)

Genetically modified (GM) crops are the product of introduction of one or more well
characterized genes in a crop plant using recombinant DNA technology. The genes
introduced may belong to either a distant species or a closely related species or the same
species. Based on their proven merit, the global acreage under GM crops swelled from 1.6
million hectare in 1996 to 148 million hectare in 2010. In India, Bt cotton today occupies
nearly 9.5 million hectare, 86 per cent of the country’s total cotton area.

Yet, there is a strong opposition to the commercialization of GM crops in India and several
other countries on the perceived grounds of their health and environmental unsafety.
Whereas, from the deliberations of innumerable national and international symposia it has
emerged that, while it is almost impossible to prove that the GM crops are completely safe,
all experimental evidences and commercialization experiences during the last 15 years have
revealed no risks.

In order to critically examine the current biosafety issues and the prospects of benefiting from
the GM technology, the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences organized a
Brainstorming Session on Biosafety Assurance for GM Food Crops in India on June 22,
2011. The main stakeholders – noted scientists and representative of public and private
sectors and NGOs had participated. Based on detailed analyses of the available evidences, the

Session concluded that GM technology is a powerful tool and the transgenic varieties of
various crops so far commercialized are safe.

Since the GM approach is a dynamic process, it should be continuously enriched

scientifically and evolved in a transparent and socially inclusive manner. This invaluable
document addresses all issues of concern and contains science-based recommendations and
concrete actions for safe, inclusive and judicious harnessing of the GM technologies for
accelerated and sustained crop production. The Session made the following observations and

The GM technology is a powerful tool for developing future crop varieties with in-built
genetic resistance to various biotic and abiotic stresses for reducing crop losses and enhanced
input use efficiency, yield potential and quality traits. Their use will be crucial for the food
and nutritional security of the country and therefore research on them must be continued with
the aim of developing safer, more productive and nutritious food crops. However, this should
be done in a more transparent and socially inclusive manner for wider public acceptance.
Also, concerns of the opponents of GM technology should be addressed to allay the public
concerns on food, environmental and economic security.

There is also scope for developing a range of GM food crops by transferring genes from one
food crop to another or back into the same crop after suitable modification for enhanced or
reduced expression levels. This concept is being promoted in Europe as ‘Cisgenic’
technology, which is a variant of the transgenic GM technology but has negligible food safety
risk, and therefore may face less opposition/criticism.

The issue of bio-safety should not be a matter of individual opinion and undue fear or
overconfidence. Therefore, the food and environmental safety of the specific GM crop events
must be actually evaluated by the experts before their commercial release to the farmers. A
very good system is already in place in India for this purpose. It was shown that the present
bio-safety evaluation system in India follows all the international bio-safety norms and
standards and is one of the most stringent [1]. However, national capacity needs to be
enhanced to handle a large number of samples expected with increasing number of new
transgenic events.

All GM crop events will not require the same level of biosafety evaluation. The level of
biosafety concern increases when genes are transferred from distant species to which humans
and farm animals do not have prior exposure as food or feed. Therefore, the bio-safety is to
be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and it will not be scientific to make generalized
statements about the biosafety of all GM plants.

Regarding the concern for loss of crop biodiversity due to introduction of GM food crops, the
danger is no more than many traditional varieties of wheat and rice going out of cultivation
due to introduction of high yielding semi-dwarf varieties during nineteen hundred sixties and
seventies, the so called era of Green Revolution. But this is a real concern and a way has to
be found to compensate the farmers, who choose to participate in the process of in situ

conservation of biodiversity of crop varieties. As far as possible, such diversity must be
collected and deposited in the national gene bank at the earliest for the purpose of gene
discovery and allele mining activities.

Another biosafety concern that has been widely discussed is the transfer of introduced gene to
wild species through pollen. In this connection, a number of studies have been conducted and
it was found that pollen flow does take place. However, this would not have much
consequence unless a selection pressure is applied to the wild species leading to increase in
the gene frequency [5, 25]. The consequences of gene transfer via pollen should be evaluated
on a caseto-ase basis and due precaution must be ensured.

The development of resistance in the insects against insecticides and that in the weeds against
herbicides has also been widely discussed. It has been recognized that the development of
such resistance is a normal phenomenon even during conventional plant breeding, and should
be treated in the same manner

A major point of concern among the farmers is also the monopolistic control of seed business
by MNCs (multi-national companies), leading to sometimes exorbitantly higher cost of seeds
[31, 35]. The solution to this problem is to encourage competition among the GM seed
companies and even more importantly to have mission-mode programs for the development
of GM seeds in the public sector, which has yet to deliver a popular GM crop product. This
may be partly due to insufficient support and lack of mission-mode approach for the
development of GM technology in the public sector.

Access to seed of approved GM crops is another concern. Therefore, the government should
make a policy for procuring the seeds of useful GM food crops and make them available to
the needy farmers at an affordable cost in the same way as it does for fertilizer and diesel
subsidy. In fact, future GM food crops with enhanced nutrient use efficiency will require less
fertilizer, thus reducing the input cost of cultivation for the farmers. Similarly, GM
technology is also seen as a solution to the energy crisis by producing more efficient GM
crops for biofuel

Currently our preparedness for risk assessment research is inadequate to provide scientific
support to the regulatory process. Therefore, a “National Institute of Bio-safety and Bio-
Security” should be created with state of the art infrastructure, human resource and research
programs for conducting frontier research, capacity building in this field and providing policy
support and technical advice to the government on this issue. Presently, although we have a
good bio-safety evaluation system using standard protocols, there is very little basic research
being conducted on the various aspects of the GM food crops in India. The risk assessment
should also include the so called issue contamination needing of separation of GM food from
non-GM foods and horizontal gene transfer etc. as advocated in the Occasional Paper of the
Rajya Sabha Secretariat.

Education is a key to allay undue fear of GM food crops in the minds of public due to
successful misinformation campaign by certain organizations. The public needs to be

educated properly about the facts regarding both food safety and economic benefits of the
GM food technology [14]. However, this will be more effective if the government promoted
the GM crops developed by the public sector or that purchased from the private sector in the
public interest, and is not perceived as a proxy to the multinational seed companies.

A major deficiency in India is also the lack of PPP (public-private partnership) for joint
development and ownership of the GM food crop products. The products are coming almost
entirely from the MNCs due to small size of the Indian seed companies vis-s-vis their R&D
expenditure. This sometimes leads to lower public confidence particularly in the large section
of poor farmers with limited resources for procuring agricultural inputs.

15.3 Action Plan for the Development and Utilization of GM Food Crops

In view of the long gestation period for the development of useful GM crop events, and the
high cost of research and development, there seems to be a need to have a sound biosafety
evaluation and regulatory infrastructure. Following plan of action is suggested for this

15.3.1 Bio-safety Evaluation and Regulatory Mechanism

• The government should enact the proposed Biosafety Regulatory Authority of India
(BRAI) legislation at the earliest for a single window regulation of GM crops. It
should have a transparent time-bound decision making, similar to a citizen’s charter,
for rejection or acceptance of the GM crop events taking care of all the public

• ICAR should take a proactive role in the conduct and monitoring of biosafetycum-
evaluation trials as stipulated in the revised RCGM guidelines, so that no time is lost
in bringing the elite GM crop material to the farmers

• We need to strengthen the public sector laboratories conducting bio-safety evaluation

and also promote establishment of accredited private sector bio-safety labs for crops
and food products because we expect deluge of GM crop events in the coming future
and our physical and administrative infrastructure should be commensurate with the

• We need to strictly enforce the regulation on the ground because a good “Regulatory
Act”, if poorly implemented will bring disrepute to this wonderful technology. For
example, experimental GM crop events should not land at farmer’s hand for
widespread cultivation before they are approved by the regulatory authority

• GM crop events need to be classified, based on the perceived bio-safety risks and the
level of regulation should be calibrated accordingly. For example, a gene coming
from a food crop or another edible life form being transferred to another food crop
need not go for an elaborate toxicity and allergenicity testing. Similarly, a protein

coming from a distant source like soil bacterium but already tested extensively for
toxicity and allergenicity, need not be tested again and again for this because it will
unnecessarily delay the deployment of a benign gene for the benefit of society

• We need to develop a mechanism for fast track clearance of GM crops with no

perceived bio-safety risks, on the basis of the above categorization and biosafety

• It may not be necessary to subject a GM crop to fresh bio-safety testing and

evaluation process, or undergo bridge biosafety study, if it has resulted either from
pyramiding of more than one approved GM events into a single variety or due to
transfer of an approved event from one genetic background to another elite genetic
background through molecular marker technology

• We need to initiate research on integrated pest resistance management through gene

technologies and crop management

• We need to start studies on the potential of herbicide tolerant crop adoption on tillage

• It is necessary to implement on priority and preferably in a network mode research

studies on reproductive biology and potential impact of gene flow in native crops

• Program should be initiated to inform and educate the policy makers, farmers and
public about merits of GM crops for food security and potential benefits and risks of
GM crops on biodiversity

• Steps should be taken to harmonize the policies at the level of State and Central
Governments so as to minimize the hindrance in conveying the benefits of proven
pro-poor technologies to the farmers

15.3.2 Pre- and Post-release Monitoring and Evaluation of GM Crops

• Set up mechanisms for pre- and post release monitoring of cultivation of GM crops as
a part of the BRAI to see that recommended practices are followed. This should be
accompanied with the feed-back with respect to the accountability of the GM crop

• Have provision for adequate punishment for violation of specific guidelines built into
the BRAI Act

• We also need to initiate research on analysis of the impact of GM cotton adoption in

India on (i) cotton genetic diversity, (ii) economic gain to the cotton farmers and (iii)
development of insect resistance to the Bt gene.

15.3.3 Accessibility of Approved GM Seeds to the Farmers

• Strengthen the publicly owned national and State seed corporations for making the
approved GM seeds available to the farmers at an affordable price

• Fix MRP for the approved GM seeds so that no one is allowed to charge exorbitant
price. The Government may consider to include all seeds including GM seeds under
the category of the essential commodities in order to regulate the price of seeds

• If required the seed prices may be subsidized to ensure affordability to the farmers in
a way similar to the fertilizer and diesel subsidies. This will be required only if the
cost of seed development and production is actually very high

• Enact the long awaited ‘Seed Bill’ legislation for effective regulation of seed business
in India while retaining the right of farmers to save seed.

15.3.4. Research and Development including PPP

• Although considerable work has been done in the public sector with respect to the
development of GM crop events, these have not reached to the farmers. Hence, DBT
and ICAR should consider establishment of separate Task Forces focusing on GM
crops in a coordinated approach

• We also need to constitute a Task Force of experts for in-depth analysis and
prioritization of the crops, traits and genes for developing GM crops

• Start mission mode projects for the development of elite GM crop events in the
selected crops for selected traits in the public sector institutions with adequate
financial support and monitoring of progress. There is need to strengthen selected
institutions with proper tissue culture and transgenic greenhouse facilities with
assured power supply

• Sufficient grants should be provided for out-sourcing of bio-safety evaluation and

regulatory approval of the elite events developed by the public sector institutions to
competent professional services

• Encourage private companies to take up joint R&D projects with the public sector
with the aim of developing GM products with joint IPR protection. The products can
then be commercialized by the seed companies (both private and public) on the basis
of reasonable sharing of benefits

• Added emphasis needs to be given on non-controversial and attractive GM crop

events. For instance, the new (stronger) Golden Rice events need to be transferred to
elite commercial cultivars with added features of better iron and zinc uptake, critical
for the biosynthesis of β-carotene to vitamin-A. These could be used very effectively
to garner public support for the GM food crops technology

• Initiate GM crop projects for traits that will have positive impact on crop diversity.
For instance, improvement in yield, adaptation, nutrition and consumer acceptability
of “orphan crops” would provide attractive options to the farmers for crop

15.3.5 Education and Public Awareness

• Devise curricula for schools and universities incorporating modern concepts ofgenetic
modification of crops and societal needs

• Encourage interface of students, scientists and teachers; develop suitable models and
modernize lab

• oratory infrastructure for demonstration and skill development in the area of GM


• Sensitize extension personnel on the usefulness of GM crop technology. Krishi

Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) should be equipped to undertake this exercise

• Train and educate the farmers at village/district level by inviting them to special
training programs and demonstrate GM technology on the fields by frontline
demonstrations (FLD)

• Connect to e-chaupals, radio and TV shows for education on benefits of the GM crop

• Strengthen genome/DNA clubs under the Agriculture Technology Management

Agency (ATMA)

• Prepare spokespersons and media outlets to interface with public and policy makers
and also arrange “Road Shows” and “Workshops”

• Prepare fliers of frequently asked questions (FAQs) and their answers in Indian
languages and distribute them widely. Knowledge-based articles/reviews also need to
be published from time-to-time, particularly in popular science journalsand
newspapers. (Bring out DVDs on GM Crops both in English and other Indian

15.4 Utilization of GE Technology for Food & Nutrition Security and

Improving Farmers’ Income

Towards building New India, India’s agriculture must be transformed to be more productive,
profitable, health-friendly, climate smart and environmentally sustainable. To meet these
challenges, the country has no option but to use all the available and emerging tools and
technologies. Genetic engineering (GE), also known as GMO technology, is one such

technology, which has shown great promise in improving crop productivity, best exemplified
by the outstanding success of Bt-cotton in India.

As India is one of the wordst affected countries by the climate change, genomics should be
used to deliver climate-change ready crops. Whiel working on germplasm collections
including CWR, the genetics community can map Climate change relevant traits should be
mapped with the help of high-throughput genotyping and phenotyping platforms in a faster
and more cost-effective manner. Next generation breeding approaches including (GS) and
Genomic Editing (GE) can use the new germplasm and technological advances to develop
climate change lines. Such breeding materials should be widely shared so that the advances
can be translated into delivery higher genetic gains in farmers’ fields through location-
specific selection of climate change ready crops in a cost-effective and rapid manner.

The Green Revolution notwithstanding, in the last two decades (1996-2015), the global area
under GE crops has increased over 100 folds, from 1.7 to 179.7 million hectares, benefitting
nearly 18 million farmers. Of these 18 million farmers, 90 per cent were small, resource-poor
farmers in developing countries. In 2015, of the 28 countries2 planting GE crops, 20, were
developing countries, covering more than 50 per cent global area under the GE crops. These
crops have provided enormous environmental and economic benefits. A global meta-analysis
has shown that “on average, GE technology adoption has reduced chemical pesticide use by
37 per cent, increased crop yields by 22 per cent, and increased farmer profits by 68 per
cent” 3. Between 1996 to 2014, GE crops have helped in increasing crop production valued
at US$150 billion and improving environment, “by saving 584 million kg a.i. of pesticides; in
2014 alone, reducing CO2 emissions by 27 billion kg, equivalent to taking 12 million cars off
the road for one year; conserving biodiversity by saving 152 million hectares of land; and
helped alleviate poverty for ~16.5 million small farmers and their families totaling ~65
million people, who are some of the poorest people in the world”

Regulatory approval is an essential requirement for commercialization of GE crops, to ensure

the biosafety of the GE crops, their products, and the associated technologies. India’s multi-
tier regulatory system is one of the most robust regulatory systems in the World, to address
the biosafety and environmental issues, which are considered to be the main impediments in
public acceptance of GE crops. Under the 'Rules for Manufacture, Use, Import, Export and
Storage of Hazardous Microorganisms/ Genetically Engineered Organisms or Cells 1989', of
the Environment Protection Act, 1986, six competent authorities, i.e. the Recombinant DNA
Advisory Committee (RDAC), Institutional Biosafety Committees (IBSC), Review
Committee of Genetic Manipulation (RCGM), Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
(GEAC)6, State Biotechnology Coordination Committee (SBCC) and District Level
Committee (DLC) have been established. While the RDAC has advisory role, the IBSC,
RCGM and GEAC have functions to regulate GE products, including the GE crops, the
SBCC and DLC are involved in monitoring. The GEAC is the apex body constituted by the
Ministry of Environment and Forests and Climate Change.

15.4.1 Major Regulatory Hurdles

Following the moratorium on Bt brinjal on 9th Feb. 2010, there was a setback to GE research
and the country continues to debate on the relevance of GE crops in India, in spite of the
success of Bt-cotton clearly showing environmental and socioeconomic advantage of growing
GE crops. Recently, the environment for GE research has improved as the Government of
India has taken positive steps and allowed field trials of several GE events. Of these, GE
varieties of three crops carrying important traits – mustard for hybrid seed production, cotton
with stacked resistance to insect and tolerance to herbicide, and brinjal for insect resistance -
are ready for commercial release14. However, introduction of the requirement of ‘no-
objection-certificate (NOC)’ from the State Governments, for conducting confined field
trials, has emerged as a major hurdle in moving forward.

It is high time to release and commercialize the GE varieties, which have been tested to be
biosafe, to extend the benefit of growing these varieties to the farmers, consumers and the
environment without further delay. This will also help in giving fresh push to the utilization
of the available technology for improving our crops by introducing desirable traits for
protecting environment and health of the consumers and extending economic gains to the

Since the introduction of Bt-cotton in 2002, the regulatory system in India has undergone
changes necessitated by the experience of cultivation of Bt-cotton. Notably, the regulatory
system has evolved in line with the improvements in biosafety and environmental safety as
recommended in the guidelines of the WHO, FAO and OECD. However, there is a strong
need to provide enabling regulatory and policy framework to make the regulatory system
efficient and effective to accelerate utilization of the GE technology for the benefit and
economic empowerment of resource-poor farmers. This can be achieved by –

a) Renaming the GEAC again as a Genetic Engineering Approval Committee and

authorizing it to approve multi-location testing of the biosafe GE varieties

b) The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) should take the responsibility of
multilocation testing of the GE varieties, approval for environmental release by the GEAC,
on the pattern followed for multi-location trials of the non-GE varieties

c) There is an urgent need to establish the Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India

(BRAI) to promote the safe use of modern biotechnology by enhancing the effectiveness and
efficiency of regulatory procedures. Until the time Parliament approves creation of
autonomous BRAI, the RCGM and GEAC should have full time chairpersons as
recommended by SAC to PM, and the GEAC should function like a statutory body and make
final decision on approval of the GE event for environmental release

d) A policy decision may be taken by the MoEF&CC, through Gazette Notification, that
the ‘NOC’ by the State Governments for ‘confined field trials’ is not required, particularly as
there is no such provision in the biosafety guidelines

e) Apart from restructuring of the regulatory system, there is also a strong need to re-
examine and harmonize biosafety requirements on case to case basis, to reduce the cost of

15.4.2 Emerging New Options

Application of emerging -omics technologies will further strengthen regulation in the

country’s multi-tier regulation system, of novelty, potential hazard, and environmental
exposure to provide greater assurance that no unintended differences have been introduced by
any breeding process used in the development of GE crop varieties. Moreover, innovations in
the future would be more effective, efficient and devoid of biosafety issues of any kind.

15.4.3 GE Crops are as safe as their non-GE counterparts

During the two decades of the use of GE crops for food and other purposes, no risks, related
to human health and environment as well as the related issues have been encountered15 16.
This view has also been supported by the 107 Nobel Laureates in their letter to the
Governments around the world, saying that the GE crops are “… as safe as, if not safer than
those derived from any other method of production”17 A recent extensive study by the three
science academies in the US examined the positive and negative claims on the effect of GE
crops to environment and human health. The study found “little evidence to connect GE
crops and their associated technologies with adverse agronomic or environmental problems.”
For example, there is a general perception that the use of GE crops leads to loss of
biodiversity. The US study found no ‘substantial’ reduction in on-farm biodiversity, and to
the contrary, ‘sometimes their (GE crops) use resulted in increased biodiversity’. The study
also found clear association of the use of Bt crops with a decrease in the use of insecticides by
the farmers. In an extensive study in India, an average of 82.8 per cent decrease in insecticide
sprays on Bt cotton was found in the three major cotton growing states – Andhra Pradesh,
Maharashtra and Punjab19. Development of resistance in pests resulting from use of sub-
lethal doses of pesticides or over use of single pesticide is a natural phenomenon. Similarly
the evolution of resistance to Bt toxin has been found to be associated with the use of GE
crop varieties expressing low doses of Bt toxin or non-planting of refuges. Evolution of
resistance to herbicide in weeds was also found to be associated with the overuse of a single
herbicide (US Study, 2016). Such resistances can be easily checked by appropriate
regulations and monitoring of the GE crops, and encouraging farmers to use integrated and
sustainable pest management approaches.

A decade of EU-funded GE research did not find any adverse effect of the GE crops on
health and environment as compared to traditionally bred varieties 20. Similarly, the US
study (2016) found no evidence that would suggest a higher risk to human health from
consuming GE foods compared to consuming the non-GE counterparts. On the contrary, the
US study found some evidence that GE insect-resistant crops have had beneficial effects on
human health by reducing insecticide poisonings and decreasing exposure to mycotoxins.

Overall, the US study found no evidence of cause-and-effect relationships between GE crops
and environmental problems. However, the complexities involved in the assessment of long-
term environmental changes often made it difficult to reach definitive conclusions. That is
illustrated by the case of the decline in monarch butterfly populations. Detailed studies of the
population dynamics of monarch butterfly carried out as of 2015 did not demonstrate an
adverse effect related to the increased use of glyphosate, although there was still no
consensus among researchers that the use of glyphosate on milkweed did not cause a
reduction in monarch populations. The studies in India have shown that the activity of honey
bees is not hindered by Bt-cotton.

15.4.4 GE Crops for the small-scale farmers

The GE crops have been found equally useful for both the large- and small-scale farmers but
the small-scale farmers are more likely to be successful with GE crops when they have
‘access to credit, extension services, and markets and to government assistance in ensuring an
accessible seed price’22. The success of Bt-cotton in India can also be attributed to the
extension services, availability of inputs at reasonable cost, credit and markets.

Initial push for the development of GE crops was driven by large investments in research and
technology development by the private sector institutions, but in the future, public-sector
institutions have to play a much greater role, particularly for developing GE crops of interest
to small-scale farmers. This change is expected, as the returns from investments in research
will not be sufficiently attractive for private-sector investment.

15.4.5 Need to promote GE technologies for improving farm incomes

The 2010 moratorium on the release of Bt brinjal and subsequent hurdles for field testing of
GE crops adversely affected the morale of scientific community in the country and
decelerated research on GE crops, and students intake in biotechnology. The trend must
change, by creating an environment and improved funding, to support GE technologies for
the development of crop varieties in sync with traditionally bread varieties for resistance to
biotic and abiotic stresses and to improve their nutritional content and productivity. Such
varieties will help in hunger alleviation and improving farm incomes.

15.4.6 Need to Create Public Awareness

One of the non-scientific barriers in the way of promoting GE technology is the erroneous
public perception that - the GE technologies are the monopoly of multinational companies. A
survey conducted under the auspices of the Phase II Capacity Building of Project on
Biosafety of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change23, has shown that the
public sector institutions – research institutes, general universities and agricultural
universities - in the country are playing important role in the technology and product
development of over 100 economically important plants.

The main target crops of these institutions are rice, cotton, tomato, brinjal, maize, tobacco,
banana, chickpea, pigeon pea and wheat. The first five of these crops are also the target crops
of the Indian private sector, mostly in collaboration with the public sector institutions. A
number of GE events for insect resistance and drought tolerance have reached the stage of
field testing. These R&D efforts are being directed not only to develop GE plant varieties of
current relevance to Indian agriculture but also to address the emerging challenges,
particularly the adverse impact of climate change, to ensure sustainable agricultural growth.
Productivity constraints in crops, that are of particular relevance to small farm holders, such
as pulses and millets are also receiving significant attention, to help in achieving food and
nutrition security.

The points repeatedly raised by the opponents of GE technology include, (i) food safety of

of super weeds, and (v) farmers’ suicides. The studies reported above clearly show that the
GE foods are safe, that there is no adverse effect of GE crops on biodiversity, that
development of resistance in pests is no different from the normal natural phenomenon, and
there is no evidence of development of super weeds. The problem of farmer’s suicide is
complex and there is no direct evidence that GE crops lead to farmer’s suicides.

The other issue that has been debated and discussed greatly in India is the use of herbicide
tolerance (HT) trait in GE crops. This issue has also been a matter of concern in countries
where HT has been commercialized for over two decades, such as the USA. Analysis made
by the US Study25 noted the change in the classification of glyphosate from Group 2B
(possibly carcinogenic to humans) to Group 2A (probably carcinogenic to humans) by the
IARC of WHO, but concluded on the basis of the European Food Safety Authority’s
evaluation that “glyphosate is unlikely to pose a carcinogenic risk to humans”. Similar
conclusion was arrived at by the Canadian Health Agency and the Environmental Protection
Agency, that glyphosate does not interact with human systems related to estrogen, androgen,
or thyroid. While acknowledging the existence of “disagreement among expert committees
on the potential health harm that could be caused by the use of glyphosate on GE crops and in
other applications”, the US Study concluded, based on the available evidences, that “no
differences have been found that implicate a higher risk to human health safety from these
GE foods than from their non-GE counterparts”

Weeds are a major ‘pest’ of crops in India ( Since HT technology is shown
to be safe to human beings as well as environment, use of this technology is an unavoidable
agronomic requirement in rain fed crops like maize, soybean, chickpea, mustard, cotton,
wheat, etc., to help in improving productivity of such crops. Herbicide tolerant rice is a boon
for direct seeded/aerobic rice production which, of necessity, is expanding fast.

Recent initiative of the Government of India to develop “Guidelines” to make GE products

available to the farmers expeditiously and at a reasonable price is an important step, but it
needs careful planning to ensure that in the long term the licensing system would not be
detrimental to GE research and development. Development of GE crops requires much
greater investments compared to the investments for developing new varieties of plants

through conventional breeding. No organization would be able to invest such resources under
conditions restricting appropriate returns due to the proposed compulsory licensing system.
Moreover, it is difficult to assess accurately and fairly the “trait value” before the GE variety
is grown on a large scale on farmers’ fields. Unless individuals and organizations which
invest in achieving this goal are fairly rewarded our efforts to improve agricultural
productivity may get seriously jeopardised in the long run.

15.5 Recommendations:

We, the Fellows of the NAAS, representing the scientists of the national agricultural research
system of India seek Government of India’s urgent intervention to promote research and
development of GE crops, so that this useful technology is successfully harnessed for
addressing the current and emerging challenges of Indian agriculture. To achieve this
objective we recommend the following policy interventions by the Government of India:

1. We must double the productivity of our farms to meet the zero hunger challenge of
the United Nations by 2025. Such an increase will be possible only through the judicious use
of all the available farm technologies, including the GE technologies. It is high time to
approve environmental release of the GE varieties, which have been tested to be bio-safe, to
extend the benefit of growing these varieties to the farmers and consumers without further

2. Recent approvals by the GEAC (MoEF&CC) allowing confined field trials (CFTs) of
some GE crop varieties is a positive step showing intent of the Government to promote GE
technologies. However, the hindrance continues due to the introduction of an extra step of
obtaining NOC from the States for conducting CFTs of GE crop varieties. This provision is
counterproductive for GE research, and it must be dropped as the GEAC examines the
biosafety issues from a national perspective, and there is no provision of such a step in the
regulation of CFTs of GE plants in India

3. There is a strong need to strengthen the regulatory system for improving efficiency to
accelerate utilization of the GE technology. (a)The GEAC should be renamed back as
‘Genetic Engineering Approval Committee’. (b) The GEAC should function like a statutory
body vested with the authority to take final decision on approval of the GE event for
environmental release. (c) The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) should take
the responsibility of multilocation testing of the GE varieties, approval for environmental
release by the GEAC, on the pattern followed for multi-location trials of the non-GE
varieties. An efficient regulatory system, is essential so that the fruits of creative work of our
young scientists reach the end users – the farmers, at a fast pace, and the objective of the
Government’s ‘lab-to-land’ is attained for the biotechnology sector

4. There is an urgent need for greater investment to develop well trained quality human
resource for basic and applied research and infrastructure development to give push to GE
technology in active partnership with the public and private sector institutions, to ensure
inclusive access to improved technologies among all the farmers - small or large. Increased

investment and a forward-looking and efficient regulatory system will also ensure harnessing
the full potential of the emerging GE technologies, which show the promise to substantially
change the future crop production because of the precision in genetic transformation. For
example, application of the gene-editing technology, named CRISPR, is expected to be a
powerful tool for developing precision crops at a fast rate

5. We must develop a strong public awareness programme on the issues related to GE

technology, to put restrain on creation of erroneous public perception, based on
unsubstantiated information. For example, the recent epidemic of white fly in North India has
no connection with the commercialization of Bt-cotton. Only and only rigorously science-
based information should be considered in formulating biosecurity measures so that baseless
unfounded fears or apprehensions do not stall proven path breaking technologies from
reaching the farmers and other stakeholders who need them the most (Pental, 2019)

6. Recent initiative of the Government of India to develop “Guidelines” to make GE

products available to the farmers expeditiously and at a reasonable price is an important step,
but it needs careful planning to ensure that in the long term the licensing system would not be
detrimental to GE research and development, and promotion of public-private partnership

7. Seventeen noted biotechnologists, S. Datta, G. Padmanaban, R.S. Paroda, A.K. Tyagi,

N.K. Singh in their most recent joint paper entitled “India needs genetic modification
technology in agriculture, Current Science, August 2019, have appealed as below:

“The genetic modification technology is definitely one of the options to ensure food and
nutrition security in the country, including biotic and abiotic stresses. The obsession with
endless debates on Bt-cotton is scuttling initiatives to explore modern technologies in other
areas such as saving fertilizer use and utilizing photosynthetic efficiency for greater
productivity. It would not be appropriate to discard the technology based on propaganda
without a scientific basis. This is discouraging even for research students to get into the area
on gene modification in agriculture. It is not a good augury for a developing country like
India, with aspirations to ensure food and nutrition security to over 1.3 billion people and
more than 500 million livestock (excluding poultry).

One needs to assess rationally on a case-to-case basis and adopt the most appropriate
technology. We are also clear that each case has to be assessed based on the source of
transgene, trait to be introduced, path of gene expression, phenotypic expression, effect on
the environment, safety trials required and economic viability in relation to other
technologies available. The public-sector institutions have a major role to play in the
development of GM crops, so that the interests of farmers and public are top priority.

Challenges would always arise in sustaining productivity, and scientists should have the
space and access to address the concerns and come up with newer solutions. No one is
championing to dispense with regulatory issues of safety to health and environment. Our
regulatory bodies follow one of the strictest protocols for evaluation. There is always scope
for improvement and more innovative ways of informing and involving the farmers and

public in the development and use of modern technologies. While scientists can develop the
technologies and experts can work out an appropriate regulatory regimen, the political
decision to accept GM crops/plants, whether it is a case of bringing a gene from outside or
precisely changing an existing gene, on a case-to-case basis, is essential. To start with, on a
rational scientific basis, it is time to deregulate Bt genes in use, based on a huge amount of
data attesting to their safety, and lift the moratorium on Bt-brinjal cultivation. This is also in
tune with the recommendation of the National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (India),
which states ‘It is high time to approve environmental release of the GE varieties, which have
been tested to be bio-safe, to extend the benefit of growing these varieties to the farmers and
consumers without further delay.

It is time for India to employ and adopt genetic modification technologies for improved
agricultural productivity and profitability, and contributing to sustainable food and nutrition
security. Ambivalence and indecision will hurt us deeply, and ultimately the country would
be the loser.”

Selected References

Datta S, Dhillon BS, Gautam PL, Karihaloo JL, Mahadevappa M, Mayee CD, Padmanaban
G, Parida A, Paroda RS, Sharma M, Sharma TR, Singh NK, Singh RB, Sonti RV,
Tyagi AK, Varma A and Veluthambi K (2019) India needs genetic modification
technology in agriculture. Current Science, pp 390-394
NAAS (2011) Biosafety Assurance for GM food Crops in India. Policy Paper 52. National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi. 22 pp
NAAS (2016) Policy Brief to Accelerate Utilization of GE Technology for Food & Nutrition
Security and Improving Farmers’ Income, Policy Brief 1. National Academy of
Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi 15 pp

Pental D (2019) When scientists turn against science: exceptionally flawed analysis of plant
breeding technologies. Current Science 117 (6): 932-939

Varshney RK, Singh VK, Kumar Arvind, Powell W and Sorrells ME (2018) can genomics
deliver climate-change ready crops? in Current Option in Plant Biology 45: 205-211

Chapter 16

Transforming Agricultural Education

16.1 Agricultural Universities Harbinger of Green Revolution

Human resource capital is the greatest treasure of a nation, and ever-enrichment of this
treasure must be the foremost resolve of all nations. Globally, education, research, and
extension systems, particularly in agriculture and food systems, have been instrumental in
bringing transformational changes in a dynamic mode to ensure livelihood security for all for
all times. During the past 50 years or so, driven by technology changes, in synergy with
policy and institutional changes, particularly through the Green Revolution processes, the
number of poor, hungry and undernourished had decreased significantly in most developing

Yet, globally nearly 800 million people are hungry and over 2 billion are malnourished.
Generally the total factor productivity (TFP) growth has slackened and farmer-non-farmer
income inequity has widened. On the other hand, the food demand by 2050 is projected to
almost double, and is to be realized in an environment-friendly sustainable manner from the
shrinking land, water, and biodiversity resources. The challenge is further exacerbated due to
proverbial uncertainties of the fast changing climate and markets. The global agricultural
research, education, and extension system would thus need to transform dynamically to
undertake quality research for development.

In India, the thrust on creating trained quality human resources in the Agriculture Sector
through the countrywide establishment of State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) in the 1960s
onwards, along with the deemed universities, had ushered in the Green Revolution, followed
by White, Yellow, and Blue Revolutions. The National Agricultural Research, Education and
Extension (NAREE) system, one of the largest in the world, had congruently generated the
needed scientists, teachers, researchers, technologists, technologies and technology transfer
systems to transform India from Ship-to-Mouth situation to the Right-to-Food status. Similar
developments have taken place in China, Brazil and other developing countries.

16.2 Transforming Agricultural Education to Reshape India

The Rainbow Revolution notwithstanding, India’s agrarian progress during the past few years
has slackened and serious asymmetries exist in science – led growth of agriculture, farmers’
income, and food and nutrition securities. These asymmetries are aggravated due to the
volatilities in climate change and markets, and the declining natural resources. This not so
satisfactory state of India’s food and agriculture system and agrarian economy could partly be
attributed to the decline in quality of agricultural education, viz erosion of basic sciences from
agricultural curricula, extensive inbreeding, serious skill gaps, and poor employability of
agriculture graduates. Thus, bridging these gaps in the availability of quality human resources
must be a high national priority.

16.2.1 Gaps in India’s Agricultural Education System

The NAAS XIth Agricultural Science Congress on “Transforming Agricultural Education for
Reshaping India’s Future” organized at Orissa University of Agriculture and Technology
(OUAT), Bhubaneswar, 2013, had identified the following gaps and constraints in India’s
agricultural education system:

• Low priority to agricultural education as a career option, consequently the gross

enrolment was only 0.03 per cent

• Declining quality of students, poor quality of education due to obsolete and

inadequate equipment, laboratory, farm and library facilities, leading to knowledge
deficit all along the value-chain, particularly in new and emerging areas, such as
biotechnologies, nanotechnology, informatics and communication, and more so in the
private colleges

• Depleting number and quality of faculty members, lack of faculty competence in

frontier and emerging areas, limited emphasis on refresher training, faculty
improvement and incentives; dwindling faculty in SAUs with majority chunk of the
posts remaining vacant

• Disconnect among agricultural education, employment, and industries’ requirements;

lack of adequate skill, entrepreneurship and experiential learning; overall poor
employability of the graduates

• Outdated curriculum delivery mechanisms; increasing irrelevance of Home Science

colleges and curricula

• Poor inclusion of basic sciences in agricultural curricula; low appreciation of

transforming STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) into
STEAM, where A stands for Agriculture

• Extensive inbreeding and associated depressions; low access of agricultural education

to rural students, especially to the tribals and socially-deprived communities

• Inadequate academic rigour in existing curricula, which are short in informing and
sensitizing the students and faculty about the seriousness of the stubbornly high
incidences of hunger, under-nutrition, poverty, inequality, fast degrading natural
resources - land, water and biodiversity, and high vulnerability to climate change and
market instabilities

• Inadequate and declining investment and financial resources in agricultural

universities/colleges; opening of new universities without matching resources;
unmindful splitting of agricultural universities, and poor resources planning

• Poor governance, system’s inability to take full advantage of modern tools of
management for efficient governance (e-governance); widening disconnect amongst
education, research and extension; isolation from international exposure and poor
internalization of relevant international trends and developments, and

• Lack of evaluation, monitoring, impact assessment, accountability and incentive


16.2.2 Addressing the Asymmetries in Agricultural Education and Development

Towards resolving the above asymmetries and transforming India’s agricultural education
system, and sharing the global experiences, the Congress had made the following
recommendations comprising new approaches and actions:

• Embrace agricultural education for development (AE4D) as an integral component of

the national agricultural policy to ensure adequate, consistent and predictable
investments in agriculture, especially education, research and extension in creating a
world-class agricultural university system attuned to face local, national and
international challenges and opportunities over short, medium and long terms

• Ensure and institutionalize transparent governance, autonomy, meritocracy, dynamic

assessment of human resource requirement, judicious allocation of resources,
transparent and effective flow of funds, transparent examination and student
enrolment system, effective implementation, monitoring, evaluation, accountability
and responsibility based system (measure to manage)

• Minimize inbreeding and splitting of universities, promote national integration and

institutional linkages, pay focused attention to standards, norms, and accreditation,
strengthen basic sciences and emerging sciences components in agricultural education
and research; create centers of excellence and institutes for agricultural education,
science, knowledge, research, technology and innovation in an interdisciplinary and
multi-faculty mode

• Strengthen and streamline Centre-State partnership, identify national and state level
public and private sector leaders with differentiated but reiterative responsibilities to
work on the design and implementation of reforms and to develop a strong inter-
ministerial and inter-departmental cooperation mechanism

• Revamp teaching/learning processes and methodologies to attract best of talents and

blooming young minds for nurturing them leading to a nation-wide programme on
“Youth for Leadership in Farming”, and ensure faculty competence and strength

• Strengthen/initiate/institutionalize skill development, entrepreneurship and

experiential learning programmes, and duly promote non-formal education and
vocational training to enhance employability of the graduates, and

• Support development of an active and continuous long-term relationship-based
international cooperation, rejuvenate and dynamically strengthen initial very
successful collaborations, such as between Indian SAUs and US Land Grant
Universities, and launch need-based South-South and South-North collaborations.

16.3 The Bhubaneswar Declaration on Indian Agricultural Education

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences (NAAS) - the national think tank for
agricultural research and education for development, in close collaboration with the Indian
Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) – the nation’s apex body for higher agricultural
education, organized its XI Agricultural Science Congress on “Agricultural Education:
Shaping India’s Future”, Bhubaneswar, 2013. It was attended by more than 500 delegates,
including several world leaders in agricultural education from India and abroad. The
Congress had identified the following gaps and constraints in the Indian agricultural
education system.

• Low priority to agricultural education as a career option, consequently the gross

enrolment was only 0.03%; rising unemployment and poor employability of the
graduates - 43% of graduates and 25% of post-graduates being unemployed

• Declining quality of students, poor quality of education due to obsolete and

inadequate equipment, laboratory, farm and library facilities, leading to knowledge
deficit all along the value-chain, particularly in new and emerging areas, such as
biotechnologies, nanotechnology, informatics and communication, and more so in the
private colleges

• Depleting number and quality of faculty members, lack of faculty competence in

frontier and emerging areas, limited emphasis on refresher training, faculty
improvement and incentives; dwindling faculty in SAUs with majority chunk of the
posts remaining vacant

• Disconnect among agricultural education, employment, and industries’ requirements;

lack of adequate skill, entrepreneurship and experiential learning

• Outdated curriculum and curriculum delivery mechanisms; poor inclusion of basic

sciences in agricultural curricula; low appreciation of transforming STEM (Science,
Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) into STEAM, where A stands for

• Extensive inbreeding and associated depressions; low access of agricultural education

to rural students, especially to the tribals and socially-deprived communities

• Inadequate academic rigour in existing curricula, which are short in informing and
sensitizing the students and faculty about the seriousness of the stubbornly high
incidences of hunger, under-nutrition, poverty, inequality, fast degrading natural

resources - land, water and biodiversity, and high vulnerability to climate change and
market instabilities

• Inadequate and declining investment and financial resources in agricultural

universities/colleges; opening of new universities without matching resources;
unmindful splitting of agricultural universities, and poor resources planning

• Indifference to the needs of women, especially women students, scientists and

farmers, and increasing irrelevance of Home Science colleges and curricula

• Poor governance, system’s inability to take full advantage of modern tools of

management for efficient governance (e-governance); widening disconnect amongst
education, research and extension; isolation from international exposure and poor
internalization of relevant international trends and developments

• Lack of evaluation, monitoring, impact assessment, accountability and incentive


16.4 Ongoing Reforms and Innovations in the Agricultural Education


Quality assurance in higher agricultural education in the country has been pursued by
ICAR/DARE/SAUs through policy support, accreditation, framing of minimum standards for
higher agricultural education, academic regulations, personnel policies, review of course
curricula and delivery systems, development support for creating/strengthening infrastructure
and facilities, improvement of faculty competence and admission of students through All
India competitions. Following the Bhubaneswar Declaration/Recommendations, ICAR’s
Fifth Deans’ Committee restructured the course curricula to underpin relevant practical skills,
entrepreneurial aptitude, self-employment, leadership qualities and confidence among
graduates, attracting and retaining youth in agriculture, which among other things, will be
helpful in implementing the new initiatives of the government, viz., Make–in–India, Start-up-
India, Skill India, Digital India, etc.

Our New India must be innovation-driven during this “Decade of Innovation in India”, as we
foster innovation, importance of cost effective, location specific, and affordable innovation
along the value chain and of new extension system have been highlighted in the revised
curricula. Further, the Deans’ Committee has also considered the international dimension of
agricultural education in context of technological, socio-economic, environmental, and
livelihood security, and sought to achieve global level academic excellence and relevance.
The updated curricula thus provide academic legitimacy to the new and emerging issues of
food and agricultural system, and contextualize the new pursuits.

In order to harness regional specialties and to meet region specific needs, certain optional
courses such as Coastal Agriculture, Hill Agriculture, Tribal Agriculture etc have been
formulated. Many new courses have been recommended to be introduced and instituted in

emerging fields like GIS, Precision Farming, Conservation Agriculture, Secondary
Agriculture, Hi-tech Cultivation, Specialty Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Artificial
Intelligence, Mechatronics, Plastics in Agriculture, Dryland Horticulture, Introductory
Nanotechnology, Agro-meteorology and Climate Change, Waste Disposal & Pollution
Abatement, Food Plant Regulations and Licensing, Food Quality, Safety Standards and
Certification, Food Storage Engineering, Food Plant Sanitation and Environmental Control,
Emerging Food Processing Technologies etc. Courses on Personality and Leadership
Development, Yoga Practices and Human Values & Ethics are new additions in the list of
non-credit courses.

The Bhubneshwar recommendations have invigorated ICAR to strengthen faculty & student
amenities, curriculum delivery, development of facilities for UG practical’s, computer labs,
updation of professional/technical competence of para-professional staff/administrative staff,
students study & educational tours, support to deans, library strengthening, and skill
development. The ‘Student Exchange Programme’ between colleges located in different
agro-climatic zones is being promoted towards skill development in the graduating students
for specialized jobs in view of market needs and demands. Appreciating that education goes
beyond classrooms and age groups, it is hoped that besides additional units of Earn While
Learn Program for students, Demonstration cum Production Centres will emerge for training
students, field workers of Government Departments, NGOs, and community leaders in
income generation skills.

16.4.1 World Bank Project on Agricultural Higher Education – A Great Support

to Capacity Building and Enriching Knowledge Platforms

The Bhubaneswar Declaration had triggered the ongoing World Bank supported National
Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP), which is strengthening capacities of faculty
and other staff at all levels. Various trainings, such as induction training for scientists at entry
level, overseas training for global exposure in key emerging areas, and structured trainings
for heads of departments, comptrollers, faculty, technical and financial staff, pertaining to
their specific needs, are being strengthened.

The NAHEP will further strengthen linkage of the national system with global knowledge
economy, and also help undertake International Experiential Learning. Suitable twinning
arrangements with foreign universities could be explored for sharing innovative pilots for
agricultural education, research, and technology dissemination. These initiatives will help
further strengthen institutional reforms to emphasise learning-centred education, faculty and
teaching facilities upgradation, and partnership with private industries.

16.4.2 Fifth Deans Committee Boosted Academic Legitimacy of Curricula

Transformation to Enhance Employability of Agricultural Graduates,
Attain World Class Quality, and to Build Leadership to Meet the SDGs

Seeking judicious adoption of the provisions of ICAR Model Act by all the SAUs, the Deans’
Committee has designed a framework for preparing Detailed Project Reports (DPRs) for

establishment of new colleges. This move should greatly enhance the standards and
harmonize the curricula quality across the country. Several new initiatives for aligning Indian
agriculture curricula with the current national needs and initiatives and with international
trends are also under implementation.

In compliance with the Student READY programme launched by the Hon’ble Prime Minister
on 25th July, 2015, the Committee has designed one year program in all the UG disciplines
comprising (i) Experiential Learning, including International Experiential Learning wherever
feasible; (ii) Rural Agriculture Work Experience; (iii) In Plant Training/ Industrial
Attachment; (iv) Hands-on Training (HOT) / Skill Development Training; and (v) Students

In its various congresses, brainstorming sessions and policy advocacy meetings, the Academy
has elaborated the academic legitimacy and contextuality of contemporary developments and
helped internalize them into our university curricula. New developments such as
Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Precision Agriculture, Renewable Energy, Big Data and
Analytics, alongwith the Rural Entrepreneurship and Awareness Development Yojana
(READY), Experiential Learning Programme (ELP), Rural Agricultural Work Experience
(RAWE), and the Agricultural Science Pursuit for Inspired Research Excellence (ASPIRE)
programme have been duly emphasized.

Further, in view of the increasing importance of climate change, market competitiveness,

information technology, entrepreneurship, and graduates employability, students of all the
disciplines will now need to be taught courses on Environmental Studies and Disaster
Management, Communication Skills and Personality Development, Information and
Communication Technology, Entrepreneurship Development and Business Management,
Agricultural Informatics, and Economics and Marketing. Keeping in mind the latest scientific
developments impacting food and agriculture systems, considering new societal demands,
and in line with current national policy thrust, new courses and degrees in B. Tech.
(Biotechnology), B.Sc. (Hons) Sericulture, B.Sc. (Hons) Community Science (Home Science
rechristened) and, B.Sc. (Hons) Food Nutrition and Dietetics have been launched.

Following the recommendation of the Deans’ Vth Committee, all degrees in the disciplines of
Agricultural Sciences have been declared as professional course degrees, which include
undergraduates in: Agriculture, Agriculture Engineering, Biotechnology, Dairy Technology,
Fisheries, Food Technology, Forestry, Community Science (Home Science), Food Nutrition
and Dietetics, Horticulture, and Sericulture.

16.5 Paradigm shifts in Agricultural Education Programs

16.5.1 From Land Grant to World Grant

Accounting for 17 per cent of world’s population, over 30 per cent of smallholder farmers,
hardly 2.5 per cent of the land and 4 per cent of world’s water resources, India greatly
impacts and gets impacted by the state of global food, agriculture and natural resources

system. Thus, the Committee had underpinned that major global initiatives and foresights
must be kept in mind while developing leaderships in agricultural sciences. Accordingly, it
had suggested that the system should move from the Land-Grant to a “World Grant” pattern.
The new curricula, courses and contents have accordingly been designed to duly inform the
students of the new global initiatives, such as Global Green Economy; Knowledge Economy;
Global Zero Hunger Challenge; UN International Year themes viz. International Years for
Pulses, Family Farms and Smallholder Farmers, Soil and Water; Sustainable Development
Goals, 2030; and International Agriculture and Development Challenge, 2050.

16.5.2 Contextuality of More from Less From More Coupled with Sustained

The mantra of More from Less for More (MLM) had steered the Committee to drive the
national educational systems to undertake business unusual to achieve (i) sustainable
intensification and diversification of production and zero waste to meet demand for nutrition
and food quantity and quality, (ii) 100 per cent increase in smallholder productivity and
income, ensuring desired profitability, social justice, and attractiveness to agriculture as a
profession, and (iii) ecosystem services that improve water quality and quantity, soil health,
carbon capture, and biodiversity.

The NAAS’s Roadmap on Agricultural Education and related Brainstorming Session had
underpinned that the graduates are required to possess professional capabilities to deal with
the concerns of sustainable development (productive, profitable and stable) of agriculture in
all its aspects, as stipulated under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Further, there
is need for agricultural graduates to possess knowledge, skills, including “soft skills” e.g.
written and verbal communication ability, and also entrepreneurship to provide a class of
village-based services such as advisories on new innovations, markets and avenues of
development assistance for corporate and contract farming. Industry and universities
partnership is essential if industry is to obtain well-trained agricultural professionals in
cutting edge technologies for international competitiveness.

16.5.3 From STEM to STEAM

Higher education is emerging as an international service, and there is a growing concern the
world over about quality, standards, and recognition. Prioritizing the quality of higher
education services by implementing or strengthening quality assurance measures is a strategy
for increasing global stature. Although, the Indian Government has decided to recast the
country as “knowledge economy”, purportedly by making higher education a top national
agenda item and creating world-class universities, most of our universities are performing sub
optimally and the quality of human resource and research outcomes have been compromised.
Strategic funding and quality improvement programs are urgently needed to reverse the
deterioration process. Towards universalizing agricultural education the Vth Deans’
Committee had recommend that Agricultural (A) should further be enriched by putting it in

the middle of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), thus
transforming STEM into STEAM, as suggested by a Land Grant University in USA.

16.5.4 Towards Quality and World Ranking of Agricultural Universities

As we know, the highly ranked leading universities are reshaping the nations and the world,
and have shown that the level of knowledge domains, meritocracy, governance, transparency,
and international partnership underpin the quality of science, innovations, technologies,
human resources, and competitiveness. Since quality education is the lifeline of progress,
national developments can be viewed through the lens of education, research, technology and
innovation. Unfortunately, none of the Indian universities are in the top 100 ranked
universities of the world. The NAAS took initiative to prepare a ranking framework for
agriculture universities and has designed a set of indicators/parameters for ranking of Indian
Agricultural Universities, keeping in mind Indian context, particularly the educational
aspirations, needs, employability, and livelihood security. As the ICAR institutionalizes the
outcome/impact assessment and accountability pathway process, ranking of universities
should be its foremost activity to be pilot-tested and hopefully all the agricultural universities
and colleges will ultimately be part of the ranking process.

In the academic ranking of world universities in 2017, two China universities appeared in the
top 100. Comparing Indian situation with China, we find that during the past 20 years China
had initiated several administrative system reforms and launched dedicated projects,
including the Project Double First-Class Agricultural Union. In 2016 there were 82
independent agricultural and forestry colleges and universities, and the total number of
students in agricultural sciences was 529,836, which was about 1.54 times that of the students
in 2005. In 2018 four agricultural universities ranked within the top 800 in Times’ World
University Rankings, and six agricultural universities were in the 1000 top of the U.S. News
Global University Rankings, and four agricultural universities including China Agricultural
University, Nanjing Agricultural University, Huazhong Agricultural University and
Northwest A&F University had more than one field of study in the Essential Science
Indicators (ESI) % citation ranking. China’s higher agricultural education has thus made
great achievements in reform and development, and played a pivotal role in promoting
China’s agrarian economy.

Through brainstorming sessions and other consultative processes, NAAS has promoted other
new approaches towards building qualified human resources, for instance, the Massive Open
Online Courses (MOOC) in NARES. Individual universities should develop custom-designed
MOOCs to meet the skill requirements of their students, as desired under the Skill India

Further, the NAAS has prepared a roadmap for mentoring, emphasizing the need for
matching the experience and wisdom of mentor with the learning needs of mentee. If
properly administered, the process would benefit our institutions to build bridges across the
hierarchy levels, empower change management, enhance work ownership and sharing of
responsibility, and expansion of learning ecosystem and good practices etc. This would result

in enhanced transfer of skills, knowledge, products, technologies, and services. The potential
mentors could be given orientation training to enable them to undertake mentoring in a
systematic way so that the mentoring so achieved could be properly evaluated.

Mentoring all stakeholders, from the ground to the top level, by experienced and successful
mentors should become a part of the teaching-learning process in the NARES. The
Department of Science and Technology (DST) is already mentoring students through its
Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE) program and the Ministry of
Human Resources Development (MHRD) is funding such incentives under the program
called Global Initiatives of Academic Network (GIAN). The Handbook of Mentoring and
Performance Audit prepared by the DST and MHRD could be used as a starting template for
the agricultural system. The Department of Agricultural Research and Education (DARE),
ICAR and NAAS may institutionalize implementation of the agricultural education roadmap
prepared by the Academy. Willing NAAS Fellows may participate in the initiative to
encourage younger colleagues for excellence in agricultural sciences.

16.5.5 Promoting SAUs Congruence with Corporate Social Responsibility

Towards promoting appreciation of social engineering to build a New India, the Academy
took note of on-going relevant projects, such as the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
(BMGF) initiatives on promoting science with a human face and had recommended
establishment of Model Innovation Centres at selected SAU campuses. These should link
farmers, agriculture, and food systems, agribusiness and digital communication in a real-
world situation to trigger new exciting opportunities, particularly for the young innovators in
harnessing best of the science and technology in serving farmers to save and transform

The Academy has strongly recommended that incubation centres should be created in
research university campuses, which will incubate new ideas and stimulate and trigger young
minds to innovate. Several of such innovations will find practical applications and synergise
the university-industry linkage including joint appointments, and enrich the research and
academic stream. With such a setup, a good number of students shall be working as interns
with the companies, thus gaining invaluable hands-on experience that will jump start their
careers. The incubators for start-up companies will help convert innovations into commercial
businesses thus boosting the Startup India initiative.

Education for Agriculture in the 21st Century and the Third Generation Universities should
have the goal that every agricultural graduate becomes an entrepreneur. Business
Management has thus been mainstreamed in major applied courses, e.g. Seed Technology,
Dairy Technology, Fish Technology, Food Processing etc., besides establishing new Faculties
or Departments of Agricultural Business Management. NAAS has recommended that Private
companies and cooperatives which are manufacturing and distributing agricultural inputs and
related products should, other things being equal, give preference to such agricultural
graduates for employment and granting licenses and dealerships.

16.5.6 Monitoring, Evaluation and Judicious Implementation

As the planners and managers strive to meet the challenges and uncommon opportunities, we
may use the following check-list to assess outcomes and impacts of various educational

• Whether our agricultural education system is prepared to produce such leaders who
would navigate us through the changing water and render our universities world-

• Do the staff and students have real-world experience as part of learning and could our
graduates essentially become job creators rather than job seekers, and realize
demographic dividend?

• Are we ready to change the Land Grant System to the “World Grant System”? How
relevant are the existing teaching and skill development programmes and institutions?

• Is our agriculture backed by basic sciences and best of practices to convert STEM into

• Are we prepared to adopt “business unusual” and “disruptive innovations” to effect

the much needed changes in our agricultural education system, including centre-state
congruence - the hub-spoke model?

• Do we have the necessary quality financial and other resources, commitment and
political will to lead India to be a major knowledge hub in the world geared towards
an all-time Zero Hunger World?

Affirming the above, ensuring effective implementation of the suggested policy and quality
measures should render agriculture as an intellectually more stimulating discipline and an
economically rewarding profession to attract talent and investment. The academic and
economic legitimacy thus provided to contemporary challenges and opportunities should
inspire the youth to find agriculture, agribusiness, agriculture related service sector, and the
pursuit of agricultural science and technology generation as an attractive vocation, career and
profession. The agriculture thus transformed would transform the agrarian economy,
especially the farmers’ socio-economic condition, leading to a Farmer Happy New India. The
transformed universities will become a preferred destination for foreign students and will
render the Governments “Study in India” initiative a great success.

Selected References

ICAR (2016) Fifth Deans’ Committee Report (Chaired by R.B. Singh). Agricultural
Education Division, Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Ministry of Agricultural
and Farmers Welfare, New Delhi, 807 pp

IAUA (2018) Proceedings on Agricultural Education-Sharing Global Experiences. Indian
Agricultural Universities Association, Golden Jubilee, November 2018, New Delhi,
80 pp

NAAS (2014) Bhubaneswar Declaration. In: Singh RB (ed), Transforming Agricultural

Education for Reshaping India’s Future, National Academy of Agricultural Sciences,
New Delhi, pp 1-3

NAAS (2014) Proceedings of the 11th Agricultural Science Congress, Transforming

Agricultural Education for Reshaping India’s Future, Singh RB (ed), National
Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi, 724 pp

Singh RB (2014) Transforming Agricultural Education for Reshaping India’s Future.

Presidential Address , 11th Agricultural Science Congress 2013, Bhubaneswar

Chapter 17

Monitoring, Evaluation and Impact Pathways Analysis

17.1 Importance of M&E System

India has developed one of the world’s largest agricultural research, education, and extension
systems for development. The efforts have been instrumental in ushering in the Green and
ultimately the Rainbow Revolution transforming the country from a ship-to-mouth situation
to a sizeable food exporter. These changes had increased agri-food production 5 to 10 times
between 1965 and 2015 and greatly reduced poverty, hunger and undernutrition.

Despite the unprecedented developments and experiencing high (7 to 8%) GDP growth rate
for the past decade or so, enigmatically, the country is still home to about one-fourth of the
world’s hungry and more than one-third of the world’s undernourished, stunted and wasted
children. The problem is exacerbated due to volatilities of climate change and market
uncertainties. Moreover, the developments were associated with agro-ecological degradation,
unsustainability, inefficient use of resources resulting in lower and sluggish TFP. This was
primarily due to poor implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects.

Often the technologies and approaches developed by the science, technology and innovation
system were not judiciously adopted by the farmers, resulting in adverse side effects, namely,
inefficient use of inputs and natural resources, deteriorating soil health, water quality, and
underground water reserves. Obviously, the business as usual will not enable the country to
meet the Sustainable Development Goals. New strategies, result frameworks, implementation
pathways, and mid-course corrections, if needed, will have to be adopted to meet the goals.

In today’s world of scarce public funding and greater accountability, governments, donors
and research managers are increasingly demanding assessment of the socioeconomic returns
to their investments in Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Systems (AREES).
This information is needed not only to show that Universities and research organizations have
the capacity to help increase agricultural production and alleviate poverty, but also is
essential to justify allocation of limited resources to AREES. Research organizations,
worldwide, are under increasing pressure to undertake impact assessment of their research
activities and to better integrate the social, economic and environmental considerations in
research planning and implementation to help attain the SDGs.

17.2 Criteria for Evaluating Development Investment and Assistance

The following criteria should be used for evaluating different activities and investments for
achieving desired development goals:

Relevance: The extent to which objectives are relevant and consistent with the requirements
of beneficiaries/stakeholders, emphasis on demand-driven.

Effectiveness: The extent to which an intervention attains its objectives.

Efficiency: Efficiency measures the outputs—qualitative and quantitative – in relation to the

inputs. It tells if the most efficient process has been adopted.

Impact: Positive and negative changes produced by the intervention, directly or indirectly
and intended or unintended, the output-outcome-impact congruence and synergy.

Sustainability: The benefits of the activity should continue even after donor funding is
withdrawn, the program should be able to build resilience to risk as well as imbibe
environmental and financial sustainability.

17.3 Ten Steps to Building a Results-Based M&E System

Linda and Rist (2009) outlined ten steps in building and sustaining effective monitoring and
evaluation for development evaluation training which is equally applicable for AREE
programmes. These steps are reproduced here under:

17.3.1 Conducting a Readiness Assessment

It is a way of determining the capacity and willingness of universities and research institutes
to construct a result- based M&E system.

17.3.2 Agreeing on Performance Outcomes to Monitor and Evaluate

It is important to generate an interest in assessing the outcomes and impacts the organization
or government is trying to achieve, rather than simply focusing on implementation issues
(inputs, activities, and outputs).

17.3.3 Developing Key Indicators to Monitor Inputs, Outputs, Outcomes and


Indicator development is a core activity in building an M&E system and drives all subsequent
data collection, analysis and reporting. The methodological issues in creating credible and
appropriate indicators are not to be under estimated.

17.3.4 Gathering Baseline Data on Indicators

The measurement of progress (or a lack of it) towards outcomes begins with the description
and measurement of initial conditions being addressed by the outcomes. Collecting baseline
data essentially means taking the first measurements of the indicators to find out “where are
we today?” A performance baseline is information (qualitative or quantitative) about
performance on the chosen indicators at the beginning of (or immediately prior to) the

17.3.5 Planning for Improvements Setting Realistic Targets

It is the final step in building the performance framework and establish targets. Most
outcomes and nearly all impacts in international development are long term, complex, and
not quickly achieved. Thus, there is a need to establish interim targets that specify how much
progress towards an outcome is to be achieved, in what time frame, and with what level of
resource allocation. Measuring performance against these targets can involve both direct and
proxy indicators as well as the use of both quantitative and qualitative data.

17.3.6 Monitoring for Results

As mentioned, a results based monitoring system tracks both implementation (inputs,

activities, and outputs) and results (outcomes and impacts). Each outcome will have a number
of indicators, each of which will have a target. In order to achieve those targets, there are a
series of activities and strategies that need to be coordinated and managed. To be successful,
every monitoring system needs to have ownership, management, maintenance and credibility.

17.3.7 Role of Evaluations

Although monitoring systems are important, it is to be emphasized that the role evaluation
plays is vital in supplementing information on progress toward outcomes and impacts.
Whereas, a monitoring will tell us what we are doing relative to indicators, targets, and
outcomes; evaluation will tell us whether: Are we doing the right things (strategy)? Are we
doing things right (operations)? Are there better ways of doing it (learning)? Evaluation can
address many important issues that go beyond a simple monitoring system.

17.3.8 Reporting Findings

Analysis and reporting of M&E findings is a crucial step in this process, as it determines
what findings are reported to whom, in what format, and at what intervals. Thinking carefully
about the demand for information at each level of the organization, as well as the form in
which that information will be most useful, and at what stage(s) of the project/program, the
findings need to be reported is crucial.

17.3.9 Using Findings

The crux of an M&E system is not in simply generating results based information, but in
getting that information to the appropriate users in the system in a timely fashion so that they
can take it into account (as they choose) in the management of the projects, programs, or
policies. Development partners and civil society have important roles in using the
information to strengthen accountability, transparency, and resource allocation procedures.

17.3.10 Sustaining the M&E System within Organization

There are six critical components crucial to the construction of a sustainable M&E System:
(1) Demand for M&E information (2) Clear roles and responsibilities for collecting,

analyzing and reporting performance information (3) Trustworthy and credible information
(4) Accountability (5) Capacity of the organization in terms of technical and managerial skill
to perform M&E and (6) Incentives to encourage the use of performance information. Each
of these components needs continued attention over time to ensure the viability and
sustainability of the system.

17.4 Analysis of Impact Pathways of Research on Agriculture –

IMPRESA approach:

An IMPRESA (The Impact of Research on EU Agriculture) study has made the

recommendations as reproduced below:

Ex-ante research impact assessment

• Plan early for impact, at the outset of the research design: Importance of additional
social competences; anticipation of uses.
• Involve key stakeholders (including private sector) at an early stage in the research:
Stakeholder mapping is a useful tool.

Maintaining impact focus within project implementation

• Consider impacts in mid-term project reviews: External reviews; opportunity to revise

options for outcomes and impacts.
• Provide project resources for ‘soft factors’: Trust, network and capacity building;
help of professional communication agencies and lead farmers.

Ex-post impact evaluation

• Enrol researchers into a new ‘culture of impact’: Motivation!

• Where appropriate, conduct an ex-post Participatory Impact Pathway Analysis: Long
enough after the end of the project.

Managing research calls and funding frameworks

• Build flexibility into calls for projects to allow for new stakeholder perspectives:
Changing circumstances, e.g. concerning markets and policies.
• Design funding frameworks to gain early involvement of the private sector: Prior to
design of the projects; tensions and possible trade-offs between long-term public and
short-term private interests.
• Monitor research output with data collection tools and protocols at early stage:
Effective information management systems needed.

17.5 CCAFS Effort to Establish Impact Pathways

Climate Change and Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) programme of the CGIAR, in
South Asia, headquartered in New Delhi, has recently been institutionalising the Impact
Pathway approach in the national and regional programmes. The approach allows
establishment of explicit pathways to outcomes and impact, and a sense of shared purpose
among implementers. The approach helps identify and consolidate synergies among
programmes and better understand the needs of end users and next users.

The impact pathway approach, as depicted below, is likely to provide a vision of the
following questions:

• What was the situation like before the programme started? What were the unmet
needs and requirements of next users and end users?
• What are the next users now doing differently?
• How are programme outputs disseminating (scaling out)?
• What political support is nurturing this spread (scaling up)?
• What are the end users doing differently?
• What are the benefits they are enjoying as a result of the programme?
• Are some end users groups benefiting more or less than others?
Figure 1. Impact Pathway Framework

Source: Adapted from CCAFS

India and CCAFS in partnership can derive significant mutual benefits. For instance, there
are the areas in which CCAFS has been working in some parts of India and there is a good
scope to out-scale and upscale CCAFS Climate Smart Village (CSV) initiative in several
parts of the country through the National Initiative on Climate Resilient Agriculture (NICRA)
programme. Likewise, CCAFS has been implementing index based insurance in Vaishali
district, Bihar of India and there is ample scope for collaboration in this sector with

Agricultural Insurance Corporation (AIC). CCAFS has been partnering with IFFCO Kishan
Sanchar Limited (IKSL) in providing agro-advisories in climate smart villages in Bihar and
IKSL will further expand areas for this work. On request, the IKSL will assist in piloting
similar activity in other countries in South Asia.

The PM urged the CMs and other stakeholders to focus on development and announced panel
of CMs to drive reforms for the farm sector ultimately making India a US$ 5 trillion economy
by 2024. He urged the states for a collective fight against poverty, unemployment, drought,
flood, pollution, corruption and violence. The committee on farm sector will take a holistic
approach on agri-food system reforms.

He referred to the governance system characterized by performance, transparency, and

delivery – an aspect strongly advocated by NAAS. Empowerment and ease of living have to
be provided to each and every Indian and the goals which have been set for the 150th
anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi should be accomplished by October 2, and the goals set for
2022 at 75th anniversary of Independence.

“Onground implementation of schemes is vital” emphasized the Prime Minister and urged
members to help create a government set-up which works and has the people’s trust. States
should recognize their core competence and work towards raising GDP targets.

NICRA can emerge as an international model and can establish partnership with other
international programmes, such as CCAFS for undertaking training on downscaling climate
scenarios and climate analogues; applying Decision Support System for defining R&D
priorities, capacity building and data sharing; evolving protocols and toolkits for climate
smart villages; and conducting case studies on mainstreaming climate resilient agricultural
activities into regional development plans.

17.6 Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) of the CGIAR

Reviewing the impact of CGIAR research and technologies on global food security and
contribution to the SDG, outlined by the United Nations, in particular to reduce poverty, to
improve food and nutrition security for health, and to improve natural resources and
ecosystems services, the Consultative Group feels that they cannot simply tread the usual
familiar paths in tackling these problems. Aligning its vision of a world free of poverty,
hunger and environmental degradation, CGIAR’s 2016-2030 Strategy and Results
Framework (SRF) defines as to how CGIAR will build on its past successes and investments
and find new and creative solutions to barriers to success by harnessing new opportunities.
The SRF targets globally 150 million fewer hungry people, 100 million fewer poor people,
and 190 million ha less degraded land by 2030. The system will focus on four most critical
consecutive themes:

• Mitigating and adapting to climate change risks and shocks

• Ensuring gender and youth equity and inclusion
• Strengthening the policy and institution enabling environment

• Developing the capacity of national partners and beneficiaries.

The New SRF will focus on three System Level Outcomes (SLOs) and their Intermediate
Development Outcomes, comprising: UN Zero Hunger Challenge, Nutrition for Growth
Compact, Global Alliance for Climate Smart Agriculture (GACSA)’s commitment, IUCN’s
Bonn challenge on Landscape Restoration and the Convention on Biodiversity’s Aichii

The specific System Level Outcomes (SLOs) and the corresponding Intermediate
Development Outcomes (IDOs) are listed below:

SLO 1 – Reduced Poverty

IDOs i) Increased resilience of the poor to climate change and other shocks
ii) Enhanced smallholder market access
iii) Increased incomes and employment
iv) Increased productivity.

SLO 2 – Improved Food and Nutrition Security for Health

IDOs v) Improved diets for poor and vulnerable people

vi) improved food security
vii) Improved human and animal health through better agricultural practices.

SLO3 – Improved Natural Reserves and Ecosystem Services

IDOs viii) Natural capital enhanced and protected, especially from climate change
ix) Enhanced benefits from ecosystem goods and services
x) More sustainability managed agro-ecosystems.

To reach the above targets the CGIAR will focus on the following eight research practices:
• Genetic improvement of crops, livestock, fish ad trees
• Agricultural systems approach to optimize economic, social, and environmental co-
• Gender and inclusive growth, creating opportunities for women, youth and
marginalized people
• Enabling policies and institutions to improve performance of markets, services, and
resistance of poor people
• Natural resources and ecosystem services, reverse environmental degradation and
enhance productivity
• Nutrition and health, dietary diversity, nutritional content and biosafety, and enriching
value chains
• Climate smart agriculture-adaptation, mitigation, and productivity

• Nutrition diversity, genetic resource conservation, evaluation for nutrition traits and
their use.

17.7 NAAS Recommendations

The National Academy of Agricultural Sciences organized a Brainstorming Session on

Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension for
Development (AREE4D) in 2015 and reviewed the global effort in this area, especially the
CGIAR and European Systems. The session reiterated that M&E of AREE is becoming a
significant challenge as donors and funding agencies are keen on outcomes and impacts of
the funding. Further, it emphasized that towards achieving Agenda 2030 and the defined
targets, it is a must to have a science-based highly efficient M&E system to track the
progress, and to take corrective actions if needed, to achieve the targets and the goals. These
developments have resulted in increased demand for expertise in M&E. The participants of
the brainstorming session representing various organizations deliberated and are in favor of
constituting M&E in NARES to promote accountability, improvement in the quality and
rating of the institutions. The BSS made the recommendations:
• All the stakeholders need to be sensitized on the benefit of M&E relating to strategic
planning, implementation and assessment of technical/ scientific contribution mainly
from the point of improvement of mandated activities
• All the activities such as prioritizing, planning, monitoring and evaluation of
programmes and projects should be addressed cumulatively at University/Institute
level as well as at the individual project level, through the M&E cell. It is ideal that
M&E Cell is chaired by Vice-Chancellor/Director and apart from others should
include representatives from faculty, students and Alumni
• M&E unit should be a multidisciplinary team inclusive of social scientists. At present,
most personnel of M&E cell are not exposed to the theory and principles of M&E.
Their capacity building is necessary
• M&E should use both qualitative and quantitative indicators to measure the outputs,
outcomes and impacts. Hence, for an effective monitoring and evaluation a
Management Information System (MIS) is needed. Accordingly, depth and quality of
data need to be improved
• Impact assessments should not be directly limited to measurable impacts; but should
also seek to capture the complexity and non-linear nature of agricultural AREE. It
should be integrated into complex social, economic and political dimensions
• In M&E, we need to clearly understand the weak links in the research-to-impact
pathways; between priority setting, targeting, outputs, outcomes, and impact. AREE
outputs are cumulative and evolutionary- new finding is partially a product of all
previous findings. Also, AREE outputs have lag periods that will take several years –
capturing the temporal attribution of AREE is a challenge
• The model adopted for CGIAR research programmes is apt for NARES as well

• M&E cell should undertake periodic surveys to assess and document status of
technological advances, its adoption and mapping of emerging trends in technology
• It is necessary that environmental impacts form a part of the assessment. The
outcomes in the case of environmental projects can be classified into immediate
outcomes, intermediate outcomes and ultimate outcomes
• Valuation of natural resources and environmental impacts of agricultural technologies
has been a challenge since often market failure and imperfect markets, which lead to
distorted prices / returns, fail to capture the true total economic value. In such a
context, non-market valuation techniques need to be popularized in M&E framework
• Indicators for ecosystem valuation should be designed and widely used for
Monitoring agro-ecological sustainability.
• Impacts of environmental projects are lagged (temporal and/or spatial), that can lead
to either positive or negative externalities. There is a need to identify over time and
space, the tangible and intangible costs and benefits of the environmental project/s.
Within each of the environmental research areas there are output, outcome and impact
indicators, including cross-cutting ones such as employment and technological
• The social impacts including ethical and cultural aspects need to be captured and
accounted in the evaluation.
• M&E should capture improvement in the quality of teaching, increase in the
employability of the graduates and the rating of the institutions on well defined and
accepted norms
• Steps need to be initiated for development and institutionalization of indicators to
measure quality of education and extension
• A combination of indicators such as evaluation by superiors, peer evaluation, student
evaluation and self-evaluation should be well developed and included in the M&E
• For the Frontline Extension System (mainly KVK system), Annual Review Workshop
conducted by the Zonal Project Directorate, and Scientific Advisory Committees of
the KVKs are much useful to review the work performance and to plan the next year
technical programme.

Selected References

CCAFS (2014) Big facts: Focus on South Asia, Climate Change, Agriculture and Food

CGIAR (2015) CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework 2016-2030

Linda GMI and Rist RC (2009) Designing and Conducting Effective Development
Evaluations, The World Bank, Washington D.C.

NAAS (2015) Monitoring and Evaluation of Agricultural Research, Education and Extension
for Development (AREE4D). National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi


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