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English by Shanu Rawat sir Conjunction practice session

1. No sooner had Kavya started

her online class that the web
connection was lost.
(1) was lost
(2) that the web connection
(3) No sooner had Kavya
(4) started her online class
2. He gave such a long speech but
everybody felt bored.
(1) a long speech (2) but everybody
(3) He gave such (4) felt bored
3. The reason for visiting Meerut
was because my mother needed to
be looked after.
(1) to be looked after
(2) The reason for visiting
(3) my mother needed
(4) was because
4. Because he is physically strong, (a) /
therefore he was selected (b) / for the Army.
(c) / No error (d)
4. Because he is physically strong, (a) /
therefore he was selected (b) / for the Army.
(c) / No error (d)
4. Because he is physically strong, (a) /
therefore he was selected (b) / for the Army.
(c) / No error (d)
5. Unless Amit does not (a) / return all the
library books, (b) / he will not be (c) /
awarded the pass certificate. (d) / No error (e)
6. Chetan asked him (a) / that which was the
way (b) / to the post office. (c) / No error (d)
6. No sooner did the sun rise (a) / when
we took a hasty breakfast (b) / and resumed
the journey. (c) / No error (d)
7. Neither the drought (a) / or the
subsequent fire (b) / was able to destroy the
spirit of the people. (c) / No error (d)
8. The committee is thankful to Shri Desai (a) /
for preparing not only the main report (b) / but
also for preparing the agenda notes and
minutes. (c) / No error (d)
9. Unless we do not (a) / control our
appetite, (b) / we will not be (c) / inn control
of our passions and emotions. (d) / No error
10. Both India and Pakistan (a) / have not
agreed to (b) / sign this nuclear deal (c) / No
error (d).
11. Both the structure (a) / or the chemical
composition of (b) / lamellare are complex (c)
/ No error (d).
12. Both Mukesh as well as Anand (a) / are
intelligent, but (b) / the former is laborious (c)
/ No error (d).
13.The period (a) / between 2010 to 2030 (b)
/was very significant in my life. (c) / No
error (d)
14. He asked me (a) /that why I was not
preparing for the (b) / Airforce X&Y group
examinations.(c) / No error (d)

15. Zoya won the first prize in the
race unless she stumbled and fell.
(1) unless she
(2) prize in the first
(3) Zoya won the first
(4) stumbled and fell
16. You must be careful about what
you say as you meet her.
(1) about what you say
(2) meet her
(3) as you
(4) You must be careful
17. As such you need any money.
just write to me.
(1) need any money
(2) to me
(3) just write
(4) As such you
18. I left my village so then I could
earn more money in the city.
(1) more money in the city
(2) I left my village
(3) I could earn
(4) so then
19. Through the death of his father
he inherited a lot of money and
(1) money and property
(2) he inherited a lot of
(3) Through the death
(4) of his father
20. No sooner/did the chairman
arrived/than the/proceedings
(1) did the chairman arrived
(2) proceedings commenced
(3) No sooner
(4) than the
21. The farmers are using/HYV
seeds/so then they can get/a better
(1) The farmers are using
(2) so then they can get
(3) a better yield
(4) HYV seeds
22. He wanted to know/the
reason/why his low score/in
(1) He wanted to know
(2) the reason
(3) in Mathematics
(4) why his low score
23. As soon he heard/the sound of
thunder./he hid/under the bed.
(1) the sound of thunder
(2) (2) As soon he heard
(3) he hid
(4) under the bed
24. This dog seems / to be very
ferocious/otherwise / it is harmless.
(1) otherwise
(2) to be very ferocious
(3) it is harmless
(4) This dog seems
25. Walking on the road a rickshaw
hit him.
(1) on the road (2) hit him
(3) Walking (4) a rickshaw
26. Scarcely had the train stopped
at the platform than the passengers
started pushing each other to enter
the train.
(1) to enter the train
(2) than the passengers
(3) started pushing each other
(4) stopped at the platform
27. He was/late / for school/ and
(1) for school
(2) late
(3) He was
(4) and punished
28. Alex picked up the boxes quite
easily even they were heavy.
(1) the boxes
(2) quite easily
(3) even they were heavy
(4) Alex picked up
29. I did not / buy neither / of the /
two dresses.
(1) two dresses
(2) of the
(3) I did not
(4) buy neither
30. Scarcely had he took the
medicine when his headache was
(1) when his headache was gone
(2) No error
(3) took the medicine
(4) Scarcely had he
31. You must reach the airport on
time either you will miss your flight.
(1) either you will
(2) miss your flight
(3) the airport on time
(4) You must reach
32. As soon the gun shot was heard,
people ran out in panic.
(1) As soon the
(2) in panic
(3) people ran out
(4) gun shot was heard

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