East A Review of The Managament Part 2
East A Review of The Managament Part 2
East A Review of The Managament Part 2
502 The Journal of TRAUMA® Injury, Infection, and Critical Care • Volume 71, Number 2, August 2011
The Journal of TRAUMA® Injury, Infection, and Critical Care • Volume 71, Number 2, August 2011 EAST Review Part 2 “Management of the Open
Figure 1. The closure of the open abdomen in trauma, emergency general, and vascular surgery flow diagram.
to allow for an easier abdominal fascial closure is both donors, bovine, and porcine animals. Biological mesh has been
difficult and dangerous. successfully used to bridge the defect as a result of an open
The surgeon is limited in the available surgical options: abdomen. Human acellular dermal matrix (HADM) (AlloDerm,
(1) bridge repair of the fascial defect using a mesh to create LifeCell Corp.) has been shown to be successfully used as a
a bridge closure, (2) performing an acute abdominal wall fascial bridge after open abdomen in multiple studies.19,37–39
reconstruction using most commonly a version of component HADM does not seem to form significant adhesions, seems to
separation, or (3) a planned ventral hernia. tolerate bacterial contamination, and does not require removal in
Fansler et al.34 reported their experience with the fascial the setting of infection.19,37,38,40 – 42
bridge closure of the open abdomen with permanent prosthetic Also, HADM has been successfully used for tissue cov-
mesh. In a series of combined trauma and abdominal sepsis erage and closure of large traumatic wounds in the setting of
patients, polypropylene was used as a fascial bridge for early significant skin and soft tissue loss.32 Once the HADM has
definitive closure. They had significant complications including developed a good granulated tissue base, a skin graft can be
a 50% enterocutaneous fistula rate, which were noted with the placed. The authors noted that when no soft-tissue coverage is
use of polypropylene mesh. Voyles et al.35 reported a similar available, keeping the graft moist is critical to the graft’s sur-
experience with a high rate of complications and fistula forma- vival. Moist saline dressings or KCI V.A.C. therapy are most
tion. The association of synthetic prosthetic mesh with bacterial often used for this purpose. Bacterial colonization with over-
colonization is well known. Once colonized or infected, the growth can occur on the grafts. This has been reported in the
prosthetic mesh acts as a chronic source of contamination.27,33,36 early postoperative phase and before the graft has had time
The use of permanent prosthetic mesh such as polypropylene, to revascularize. The use of silver sulfadiazine or sulfa-
polytetrafluoroethylene, and polyester products has been aban- mylon-soaked dressings on the graft should decrease bacterial
doned in these circumstances because of the high rates of counts until vascular in-growth has occurred and may prevent
complications seen with their use. early graft loss from infection.
Biological mesh material has been commercially available The long-term success of using HADM as a fascial bridge
for almost 10 years. Biological mesh originates from human for hernia repair after an open abdomen technique is unclear.
There are a number of studies suggesting that the long-term The use of HADM as a fascial bridge under the cir-
strength of the HADM decreases overtime. This multifactorial cumstances of the unclosable abdomen after damage control
may be attributable to collagen re-modeling, mesh attenuation, is supported by the available literature. It protects the viscera
or tissue growth resulting in a high rate of hernia formation.43,44 from fistulization and may provide definitive abdominal wall
However, HADM bridge ventral hernia repairs have been strength. Yet, the long-term results in providing definitive
performed after trauma and many patients have had definitive fascial strength are not known.
repairs.16 Singh et al.,38 report on 10 liver transplant patients treated
with an open abdomen and closed with an HADM fascial bridge. In Acute Component Separation
short-term follow-up (10 months), there were no cases of herniation One option for closure of the open abdomen is an acute
noted. Conversely, de Moya et al.,45 demonstrated that patients abdominal wall reconstruction using the component separa-
treated with an HADM bridge repairs and that at 1-year follow-up tion techniques. Ramirez et al.,46 were the first to describe the
had evidence of recurrent hernia or significant abdominal wall component separation technique for reconstruction of large
laxity. abdominal wall fascial defect without the use of prosthetic
mesh. In its basic form, the technique is as follows: (1) the traumatized bowel, and nontraumatized bowel, which has
anterior abdominal wall skin flaps are developed and dis- been exposed for a period of time. This is one of the most
sected out to the anterior superior iliac spine and the chest devastating complications of the open abdomen. The fore-
wall, (2) the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle is most risk factors are the inability to perform primary
divided lateral to the semilunar line on to the chest wall to the abdominal facial closure in a timely manner, and deep
level of the xiphoid, (3) free up the external oblique, which space infections, and intra-abdominal abscess.19
will allow the rectus myofascial component to be mobilized The use of polypropylene mesh for bridge repair of the
medially, and (4) the midline is sutured together. The com- open abdomen has been shown to have unacceptably high
ponent separation has become the most commonly used rates of fistula complications and is no longer recommended
surgical technique for closure of large “planned” ventral for definitive closure in the acute setting of open abdominal
hernias with a skin graft during the elective reconstructive management.34 Fistulae arising during early clinical manage-
phase.11,47,48 Its use for acute definitive closure in the setting ment of open abdomens result in leakage of intraluminal
of an open abdomen has not been well studied. Formal contents over the unprotected surface of bowel. The patient
component separation is generally considered an “elective” with an enteroatmospheric fistula has extremely complicated
reconstructive technique. Its use in the acute setting in the critical care, open abdomen, and nutritional management
face of resolving intra-abdominal sepsis, visceral, and ab- issues. Inadequate fistula management will result in acute
dominal wall edema as a result of systemic inflammatory protein calorie malnutrition, electrolyte disturbances, and
response syndrome and ongoing systemic sepsis is not advis- prolonged hospitalization.53
able. Once a formal component separation has been per- The key components of management of the patient with
formed, it is eliminated as an option for later abdominal wall an enterocutaneous fistula are as follows: (1) sepsis control,
reconstruction. (2) nutritional support, and (3) local wound care (Fig. 2). A
There are at least three versions of the component key to treating entero-atmospheric fistulas is management of
separation technique. The original description by Ramirez et the initial inciting events and treatment of resulting compli-
al. is described above. Another surgical technique is the cations. Source control and eradication of sepsis are essential.
“separation of parts” by the Memphis group. There is also a If possible, promote spontaneous closure and diminish the
“open book” technique, which in addition to the lateral catabolic strain on the tissues.54 In patients with intestinal
release of the external oblique, the rectus fascia (either fistulas with a tract or skin coverage, management of fistula
anterior or posterior) is flipped into the midline using the output has been assisted by hormonal agents; however, ran-
domized control trials do not favor octreotide as the standard
linea alba as the fulcrum to extend the midline. The rectus
of care.55 Medical management has decreased the need for
roll-over technique by itself has been studied in the setting of
operative management of intestinal fistulas. More than 50%
definitive closure after the open abdomen in both trauma and
of patient with intestinal fistulas will require surgery for the
general surgery patients. The anterior rectus fascia is incised
control of sepsis and subsequent surgical repair for failure to
near its lateral border on both sides, medialized, and sewn in
the midline. In a series of 29 patients, the technique was used
successfully to close defects up to 15 cm.30 In follow-up of 65
months, no recurrent abdominal wall hernias were noted,
although mid-abdominal bulging was noted in 50% of
close spontaneously.56,57 Nutrition support either enteral or development of a “neo-peritoneal cavity.”63 An essential
parenteral is considered a critical supportive measure to management priority is to stage the “elective” gastrointestinal
prevent malnutrition in an already debilitated patient.58 Al- reconstruction when the patient’s sepsis has resolved. After
though, a full discussion of the management of intestinal the inflammatory process within the abdominal cavity has
fistula is beyond the scope of this article, Table 4 provides resolved, the intra-abdominal adhesions will progress through
additional literature. the various stages of inflammation to vascularize and loosen
Local wound care can be extremely problematic in the fibrous adhesions resulting in a safer operative procedure.64
patient with an open abdomen and an entero-cutaneus fistula. Even in the most optimized patient, entero-atmospheric fis-
In an attempt to mitigate the inflammatory state preventing tulas remain among the most challenging problems, a surgeon
resolution of the entero-atmospheric fistula, Jamshidi and will face.
Schecter59 treated seven patients with direct application of a
biological dressing (HADM and/or cadaveric split thickness Planned Ventral Hernia
skin graft). Five of this series of seven closed with only two Fabian et al.65 and other authors are credited with the
requiring further operative management. Physiologically sim- initial description of the stages of damage control. The goals
ilar, the application of skin graft to the granulated wound bed of damage control are (1) patient survival, (2) reconstruction
can have good results with as much as 93% graft take at 1 of the patient’s traumatic injuries with the final goal and (3)
week.60 The use of an innovative negative pressure dressings being abdominal fascial closure.47,62,66,67 As noted above,
or the KCI V.A.C. therapy to collect the draining succus there are multiple techniques to achieve early or DAFC.
entericus to keep the open abdomen clean can be a daily When this is not possible, the planned ventral hernia tech-
wound management issue. An innovative option for improv- nique is used.
ing wound care is the creation of the “floating stoma.” Recent Once it has been determined that the abdominal fascia
case studies have described techniques for “floating will not come together because of massive visceral edema,
stoma” with or without KCI V.A.C. therapy of the wound loss of domain, and/or loss of abdominal wall tissue, the only
bed in attempts to simplify treatment before and after option left is a planned ventral hernia or fascial bridge with
definitive repair.61 biological mesh or absorbable mesh.68,69 The initial goal of a
The restoration of gastrointestinal continuity at the time planned ventral hernia is to keep the viscera within the
of the abdominal wall reconstruction is safe and the preferred abdominal cavity. This is accomplished by using absorbable
treatment for entero-atmospheric fistula.62 Success depends mesh (Vicryl [Ethicon] or Dexon [Covidien]) to prevent
on the achievement of the goals set out in the management evisceration. This allows time for the viscera to adhere
phase; the eradication of sepsis, optimizing nutrition status together. This occurs during the course of 2 weeks to 3
(albumin ⬎3.25 g/dL), and delaying operative repair a min- weeks. Once the base of the open wound has granulated, a
imum of 3 months to 12 months to allow for the skin graft can be performed to cover the viscera. If the fascial
defect is not large, another option is to elevate skin flaps and adhered together. The prosthetic mesh is removed and the
perform a skin only closure.70 Caution must be exercised granulation bed is skin grafted. Others have used bilateral
when elevating skin flaps in the setting of continued intra- bipedal flaps to cover the granulation bed with skin. The
abdominal sepsis, lack of source control, and massive visceral goal is to decrease the incidence of intestinal fistula
edema; because this setting has a high risk of skin flap formation.37,72
infarction and flap loss. In this setting, allowing the wound The introduction of biological mesh has been used in an
base to progress to a good granulated base and proceeding to attempt to do single stage repairs of ventral hernias.16,38 The
skin graft tissue coverage may be the safest option. Regard- data to date suggests that the majority of patients repaired
less of the technique used, visceral coverage is essential to with biological mesh may develop laxity of the repair result-
decrease metabolic burden and prevent the formation of ing in a hernia 6 months to 12 months later.45 The role of
entero-atmospheric fistulae as a result of trauma from expo- biological mesh in the healing process has not been com-
sure or dressing changes. pletely elucidated.
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