Soal Us BHS Ing KLS Vi 2021-2022

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SD NEGERI . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Sabtu, 23 April 2022 (09.30 s.d. 11.00)
Muatan Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/ Tanggal : Sabtu, 23 April 2022
Kelas : VI (enam) Waktu : 09.30 – 11.00 WIB

1. Isikan identitas anda ke dalam Lembar Jawaban Ujian Sekolah ( LJUS ).
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal-soal sebelum Anda menjawabnya.
3. Tersedia waktu 90 menit untuk mengerjakan paket soal tersebut.
4. Periksalah pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan ke sekolah.
5. Lembar soal tidak boleh dicorat-coret.

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a,b,c, or d!
Pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menyilang (x) huruf a,b,c atau d!
The following text is for number 1 to 2
Read the text carefully!
Doctor is a popular job. It takes a great responsibility to work as a doctor. There a lot of jobs
that doctors must do. They are expected to evaluate symptoms and run a test to determine what is
wrong with a patient. Minor mistakes made by a doctor can bring the lost of a patient. Writing
prescription is a major part of doctor’s jobs. They must know how much medicine to prescribe based
on the patient’s history. A doctor needs to know not only to treat the current conditions, but also how to
advise the patient on how to prevent another occurrence.
1. The doctor has a great responsibility to care the patients. It is also popular job. From the text above,
the text is mainly discuss about ....
A. the duties of a doctor
B. getting a job as a doctor
C. doctor’s advice
D. the success of being a doctor
2. Writing presscription is a major part of doctor’s jobs. They must know how much medicine to ....
A. explain the doctor’s job
B. practice the doctor’s job
C. prescribe based on the patient’s history
D. educate the doctor in theirs job
3. She is Agnes Monica Muljoto, but she is well known as Agnes Monica or Agnes Mo. She has a
good voices. She is very famous in Indonesia. She is also go International. She is very lovely and
friendly especially to her fans, Agnezious. From the decription of Agnes Mo, we can concluded that
she is a great....
A. secretary
B. nurse
C. teacher
D. singer
4. Slamet : ”What is your father, nem?”
Painem : ”He is a ... ”
Slamet : ”What does he do?”
Painem : ”He plants rice.”
Slamet : ”Where does he do?”
Painem : ”He works in the rice field.”
The conversation above tell us that Slamet’s father is a ....
A. fisherman
B. farmer
C. carpenter
D. bricklayer
5. They are trained to give care to people who are sick or injured. They work with doctors and other
health care workers to make patients well and to keep them fit and healthy. They works in the
hospital. They are ....
A. surgeons
B. midwifes
C. nurses
D. oculists
6. Arkan : “What number is it?”
Fifi : “It is number four hundred and thirty two.”
Arkan : “What is number after four hundred and thirty two?”
Fifi : “The number after four hundred and thirty two is …. ”
A. four hundred and thirty six
B. four hundred and thirty five
C. four hundred and thirty four
D. four hundred and thirty three
7. We celebrate Independence Day on August 17 th. On April 21st we also celebrate Kartini’s Day.
Meanwhile, we celebrate the National Education Day on ….
A. November 10th
B. June 1st
C. May 2nd
D. August 14th
8. I have a new backpack. Its color is light green. I always take it when I go to school. It is made of
strong fabric. My backpack has several parts. The first part is the pocket where I put my money and
library card. The second part is the main part. I always put my books and pencil case in it. The third
part is a small pocket on the left side of the backpack. I keep a bottle of water in this pocket. The
text mainly tells us about ….
A. the backpack's material.
B. the parts of the backpack.
C. the writer's new backpack.
D. the writer's favorite color.
9. This person catches fish. He earns his livelihood by catching and selling fishes. He works hard all
day and night. He is always busy fishing in the river or by the sea. He fights against dangers in the
sea. The person who catches fish is called ….
A. carpenter
B. policeman
C. fisherman
D. pilot
10. We live in Indonesia. It’s an archipelago. We have a lot of islands in Indonesia. The big ones are
Papua, Kalimantan, Sumatera, Sulawesi, and Java. Of the five islands, java is the smallest, but it is
the most populated one. The underlined word means ….
A. lautan
B. samudra
C. pulau
D. kepulauan
11. Last Sunday, Mitha met her old friend. Her name was Karina. They met each other in Pasir Putih
beach. At that time, Mita and Karina wanted to see a sunset. Karina said, ”Good ... ” to Mitha.
They were very happily.
A. night
B. evening
C. afternoon
D. morning
12. Last week, I went to the hospital with my mother. My mother checked her health. See saw dr.
Jimmy. Dr. Jimmy wrote a prescription for my mother. Then, my mother bought the medicines at
the ….
A. drugstore
B. bakery
C. laboratory
D. mall
13. In a week, there are seven days. They are Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday. We don't go to school on ... It is a holiday.
A. Thursday
B. Friday
C. Saturday
D. Sunday
14. It is a game. It needs rope. There are two players pull the rope each other. The children play this
game in the yard.
A. hide and seek
B. tug of war
C. rope skipping
D. snake and leader
15. Rio and his friends are in the classroom. It is English lesson. The students are learning alphabet. He
spells the letter. It is easy to spell the alphabet. Mr. Candra teaches how tow spell “(wai) (ju:) (di:)
(ai). He spells ….
A. Yuda
B. Yudi
C. Yogi
D. Yoga
16. If you feel pain in your teeth, you should immediately consult a doctor so that it can be treated
immediately. Bella has a toothache after eating sweet food so she needs to the ….
A. dentist
B. oculist
C. pediatrician
D. patient
17. 1) Would you take a medicine, please?
2) Close your book!
3) Wash the motorcycle!
4) Would you help me, please?
Order can be said as a command. We want someone do something for us. According to the
statement above, the order sentences is number ….
A. 1) and 2)
B. 2) and 3)
C. 1) and 3)
D. 3) and 4)
18. You have a new mobile phone but you don’t understand the manual book. You ask your brother
about it. You will say ….
A. can you explain to me to turn on the new mobile phone, please?
B. can you buy me the new mobile phone, please?
C. can you throw the new mobile phone, please?
D. can you make the new mobile phone, please?
19. It’s Monday morning. Her mother asks him to wake up but he is still stay in the bed room. The time
is showing 07.05 A.M. She doesn’t go to school. Her mother checks him. He got a high
temperature. He should stay at home. He got a ….
A. fever
B. earache
C. backache
D. stomachache
20. Fika: “Do you have brother, Intan?”
Intan: “Yes, I do.”
Fika: “What is your brother like?”
Intan: “He has pointed nose and straight hair.”
Intan’s brother has … hair.
A. long
B. short
C. curly
D. straight
21. It is air transportation. It is kind of modern vehicle. It needs fuel to move. It has a propeller on the
above part. It can travel many places. It is made of metal and it has big glass window. It is ….
A. sailing boat
B. helicopter
C. hot air balloon
D. plane
22. It is place where different trains arrive and depart and so the passengers and goods. The journey of
a passenger starts from this place to another place. The train will stop in this place. It is ….
A. bus station
B. harbor
C. airport
D. railway station
The following dialogue is for number 23-24
Sifa : “What do you think about Lampung?”
Lisa : “In my opinion, Lampung is the beautiful city. They are so many beautiful beaches there.
Lampung is famous with its tapis or songket. Its traditional cloth in Lampung.”
Sifa : “How about its food? Do you think it is delicious?”
Lisa : “I think, yeah! Do you know seruit? It’s delicious.”
Sifa : “Yes, I know seruit. By the way, which one is more delicious?”
Seruit or satay of mushroom?”
Lisa : “According to me, seruit is more delicious than satay of mushroom.”
23. According dialogue above, the name of the region discussed between Sifa and Lisa is ….
A. Jakarta
B. Surabaya
C. Lampung
D. Semarang
24. Lisa has opinion that Lampung is the beautiful city. There are so many beaches there. Besides,
there are traditional foods like seruit and satay of mushroom. Lampung is famous with songket.
Songket is ….
A. traditional clothes from Lampung
B. traditional dance from Lampung
C. traditional ritual from Lampung
D. traditional market from Lampung
This text is for number 25 - 27
The name alphabet comes from the first two letter of the Greek Alphabet, “alpha” and “beta”.
An alphabet is a writing system, a list of symbols for writing. The basic symbols in an alphabet are
called letters. The English alphabet has 26 letters, starting with a and ending with z. In an alphabet,
each letter is a symbol for related sounds.
25. A writing system, a list of symbols for writing is called ….
A. letter
B. vowel
C. alphabet
D. consonant
26. In an alphabet, each letter is a symbol for a sound or related sounds. Starting with a and ending
with z, the English alphabet has … letters.
A. twenty five
B. twenty six
C. twenty seven
D. twenty eight
27. “In an alphabet, each letter is a symbol for related sounds.” The italic word means ….
A. huruf
B. abjad
C. kata
D. suara
28. Mira likes collecting stamps. She collects stamps from many countries. She gets the stamps from
her pen pals. She puts her stamps on an album. She collected the stamps since she was at the first
grade. Mira’s hobby is called ….
A. traveling
B. philately
C. reading
D. painting
29. 1) An emperor leads an empire.
2) A mayor leads a province.
3) A regent leads a regency.
4) A king leads a republic.
According to the statement above, the correct choice is number ….
A. 1) and 2)
B. 2) and 3)
C. 3) and 4)
D. 1) and 3)
30. Alfa: “Yesterday, Mr. Romi explained me about capital city.”
Sania: “Yeah, it is same with our material in English subject.”
Alfa: “But, I’m still forget, San.” What is the capital city of Vietnam?”
Sania: “Oh, the capital city of Vietnam is ….”
A. Bangkok
B. Manila
C. Hanoi
D. Kuala Lumpur
31. It is Saturday. The students of sixth grades have an extra lesson. Mr. Dono orders them to make
shapes. He explains the shape of dictionary is rectangle. The underlined word means ….
A. bentuk kamus adalah persegi panjang
B. bentuk buku gambar adalah persegi panjang
C. bentuk papan tulis adalah persegi panjang
D. bentuk tempat pensil adalah persegi panjang
32. Look the following traffic sign! Traffic signs can be seen everywhere on the road. Indonesian
people are certainly familiar with the term traffic sign because they are often found on the side of
the road. The arrow requires road users to turn the vehicle to the right is ….
A. C.

B. D.

33. Dito’s holiday was interesting. He and his family visited his grandparents in Malang. The travelled
by car. It was a long trip from Pati to Malang. The had trip for eight hours. They arrived Malang at
a half past four in the morning. The italic word means ….
A. 02.30
B. 03.30
C. 04.30
D. 05.30
34. Ira : “Is she your sister?”
Ima : “Yes, she is.”
Ira : “What is her name?”
Ima : “Her name is Anita.”
Ira : “How do you spell her name?”
Ima : “It is … ”
A. (ei) (en) (ai) (ti:) (ei)

B. (ai) (en) (ei) (ti:) (ei)

C. (ai) (en) (ai) (ei) (ti:)
D. (ei) (en) (ei) (ti:) (ai)
35. Long time ago, there lived a couple in the village near the top of mount Bromo. Joko Seger is his
name. He lived peacefully with his wife Roro Anteng. But they were not happy because after some
time they did not have any children. Then, Joko Seger meditated in mount Bromo asking for God
to give them children. It is the short legend of ….
A. Tangkuban Perahu
B. Bromo Mountain
C. Toba Lake
D. Batok Mountain
36. I have a close friend. His name is Firdaus. He is eleven years old. His tall is about 135 cm and his
weight is about 40 kg. Firdaus has short and black hair. His face is oval and his nose is sharp. He is
a … boy.
A. crazy
B. old
C. beautiful
D. handsome
37. It is kind of profession. They are very important because they help keep us safe. They also work to
protect our cities. He works at the police station. He catches the thieves. He is a ….
A. farmer
B. policeman
C. driver
D. pilot
38. Our planet is the fifth biggest planet of the eight planets in our solar system, which orbiting the
nearest star which is the sun. The sun is centre of the solar system. The … is the planet where
we live.
A. Mercury
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Mars
39. It’s too hot in our country. The weather changes unpredictable now. It’s happened because the
increase in average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans. To solve this problem
could be done by taking good care of our earth. According to the characteristic, our country is too
hot. It is caused by ….
A. flood
B. global warming
C. volcano eruption
D. tsunami
40. On Sunday, Anisa goes to stationery shop in Pati. It is on Diponegoro street. There, she wants to
buy pencil and book. After take pencil and book, she goes to the cashier to pay them. The pencil’s
price is Rp 2.000,00. The book’s price is Rp 6.000,00. The pencil is … than the book.
A. cheaper
B. more expensive
C. most expensive
D. cheapest
II. Answer following the questions below!
Jawablah menurut pertanyaan-pertanyaan di bawah!
41. Write the jumbled sentence below into good paragraphs!
1. It has three sides and three corners.
2. He studies about shapes in the classroom.
3. Andi is the sixth grades student.
4. He can draw a triangle.

42. Complete the conversation below!

Agnes : “Hello, Good afternoon.”
Marcel : “Hello, (a) … ”
Agnes : “What are you doing here?”
Marcel : “I am waiting for my mother picking me up.”
Agnes : “Oh. I see.”
Marcel : “Look! My mother is coming. I have to go home now. Bye, see you.”
Agnes : “Bye. (b) … ”

43. A legend is a very old and popular story that may be true. A legend is a story that people talk about,
concerning people, place, or events that exist or famous at the present time. There are some popular
legends of Indonesia. Mention four legends of the origin of a place in Indonesia!

44. Read the following text carefully!

Indonesia has two seasons. They are rainy season and dry season. The rainy season is from November to
April. It rains almost every day. The weather is cold and wet. You need to bring a raincoat and umbrella.
The dry season is from May to October. The sun shines brightly every day. The weather is hot and dry.
You need to put on cap or hat. How is the weather in rainy and dry season by complete the following
No. The characteristics the weather
Dry Season Rainy season


45. Complete the following conversation!

Jihan : “Is this your … ?”
Kaka : “Yes, this is.”
Jihan : “Where do you buy?”
Kaka : “I buy it in the ….”

Good Luck!!

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