XCC Xcrawl Xtras - Z0LBwx
XCC Xcrawl Xtras - Z0LBwx
XCC Xcrawl Xtras - Z0LBwx
INTRODUCTION I hope this brings a little extra kick to your Xcrawl adven-
tures. Heck, I hope that this inspires your normal DCC/
tretch goal bonus content is the hot sauce of any MCC games. I want the B-HLDR to show up and menace
Kickstarter project. And y’all know how much I love the explorers of The Museum at the End of Time. I want to hear
hot sauce… about a wizard winning the tournament in Enter the Dagon
with a surprise casting of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball!©. I
Working on the stretch goal materials became my favorite want Max16Characters to send the survivors of The Portal
part of the XCC Kickstarter aftermath. Not only did it mean Under the Stars on a quest to sign the dryad to an exclusive
I got to work on new, original Xcrawl coolness—which I image rights contract.
could joyfully do every day until that final camping trip
to the Elysian Fields—but I got to loop in one of my favor- Thank you all for supporting Xcrawl Classics! If you have
ite gaming homies, the amazing James Michael Spahn. Mr. read this far, you get +1 Luck and a cosmic high five from
Spahn did some brilliant work on behalf of the World’s Fun- the Dark Master.
nest Death Sport ™, and I am forever grateful.
Magic Lantern
Level: 1 Range: Varies, see below Duration: 1 turn or more, see below Casting Time: 1 action Save: None
General: The caster summons a magic lantern, which can guide, protect, and defend them and their allies.
The magic lantern can be targeted by magical weapons and attacks (AC 14, hp 10). Mundane weapons can
knock it about, but not destroy it.
Manifestation: An ornate lantern appears, covered in magical symbols and lit from within by (Roll 1d4): (1) Incandescent
fey creatures; (2) Miniature stars and swirling galaxies; (3) Fireflies; (4) Glowing fish.
Corruption: Roll 1d6: (1) The caster develops a terrific fear of the dark, freezing up in panic whilwe in full darkness;
(2) The caster’s eyes grow astonishingly large in proportion to their head, giving them an owlish look; (3)
The caster loses the ability to make light without this spell. They can no longer light fires, turn on electric
lights, or even car headlights, which simply fail when they try. Any other light-producing spell they cast
now emits ultraviolet light. The magic lantern is the only light they can rely on if unassisted; (4) The caster
develops a wide and protruding lower jaw; (5) The caster is now dazzled in full daylight conditions, taking
a -1 penalty to attack rolls unless they wear protective dark goggles; (6) The caster loses their color vision,
forever more experiencing the world in monochrome.
Misfire: Roll 1d6: (1) The caster is shrouded in a 20’ radius of supernatural darkness centered on themselves for
1d6 rounds; (2) A shockingly bright light flares for an instant; the caster and all creatures within 60’ must
make a DC 13 Reflex save or be blinded for 1d6 rounds; (3) The inviting light of the lantern draws a dozen
ghosts, who swarm the caster and devour the spell’s energy before it can take effect. Supernatural cold
and emanations of unearthly sadness paralyze the caster for 1d6 rounds; (4) The caster’s gesticulating
fingers briefly make a shadow puppet dragon that breathes shadow fire at the caster, causing 1d6 damage
and reducing a randomly determined piece of mundane equipment to ash; (5) The caster has a flash of
illumination about some past injury or transgression they never understood in context before. After their
current adventure, the caster must take 1d3 months off from “the life” for self-evaluation and reassessment;
(6) The world becomes darkness for a moment, and when the lights return a black-gloved murderer appears
behind a random ally and stabs them in the back.
Black-gloved Murderer (1): Init +3; Atk dagger backstab +5 melee (1d10 + crit) or dagger +2 melee (1d4);
Crit II/d12; AC 12; HD 2d8; MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP backstab +5, stealth (+6 to sneak or hide); SV Fort -1, Ref
+3, Will +1; AL C.
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This humanoid can be of any species, ethnicity, social class, or evil motivation. The one thing they have in
common is the willingness to commit a murder while wearing black gloves.
Backstab: The black-gloved murderer can backstab like a specialist, doing increased damage and an
automatic crit while attacking an unaware victim.
General: The caster creates a smallish fire-like blast of destructive energy. Unless otherwise designated, the spell
does not do extra damage to targets with a vulnerability to fire or heat, nor can it ignite flammable objects.
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball© requires a special material component: a coupon, covered with arcane
symbols, which may be ordered through the mail with a check or money order in the NAE. Coupons cost
20 gp each and disappear once the spell is cast. Orders of more than 10 coupons receive a 10% discount.
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Manifestation: Roll 1d4: (1) A chiptune Charge! fanfare sounds; (2) The caster briefly shines as if lit by unseen neon; (3) Tiny
sparks briefly surround the caster; (4) The caster briefly turns into a living, idealized sketch of themselves.
Corruption: Roll 1D6: (1) The caster grows emaciated and sallow,
loses one point of Stamina, and develops a chemical
odor; (2) The caster grows terribly sensitive to flame
and heat, taking +1 damage per die from heat or fire-
based attacks; (3) The caster gains a bright fuchsia
glowing aura that causes -1d on any hide or sneak
checks; (4) The caster can’t help but speak in an over-
the-top sarcastic manner; (5) The caster transforms
into a worse version of themselves, taking a -1d
penalty on all Personality checks (not spell checks); (6)
I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball© causes blowback on the
caster forever more, causing 1 point of damage per CL
whenever cast.
Misfire: Roll 1d6: (1) The caster’s rear end catches on fire,
causing 1d6 damage per round until they spend a full
round putting themselves out; (2) The caster blasts
their nearest ally (or themselves if they are alone) for
2d6 damage; (3) A randomly-determined enemy is
granted a fuchsia flaming aura for 1 turn, giving them
+1d saving throws against fire and heat effects, +1d6
damage to all melee attacks, and a damage shield
that causes 1d6 damage to opponents striking them
in melee; (4) A burst of fuchsia flame arcs into the
sky above the caster, spelling out an embarrassing secret about them in their native language. The caster
loses 1d4 points of Fame. Every time this instance of misfire occurs the secret is more embarrassing, the
effect lasts longer, and the letters get bigger and bigger; for example, on the 10th occurrence, the flaming
pronouncement lasts for 3 days and can be seen from space; (5) Crafty Vulcan takes offense at your fake
fire; every weapon and piece of armor you carry falls apart, magic items included; (6) A doppelganger of
the caster appears among the enemies. It has all of the caster’s skills, spells, physical characteristics, and
equipment, and is bent on destroying the caster. If the fake version casts I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball© and
rolls this misfire result, an automatic Phlogiston Disturbance occurs (see Table 4-7: Phlogiston Disturbance).
1 Loss, failure, and (roll 1d6, modified by Luck): (0 or less) corruption + misfire; (1-2) corruption; (3+) misfire.
2-11 Loss + failure.
12-13 Failure, but spell is not lost.
14-15 The caster creates a single ball of pink flame in their hand that must be hurled at an opponent as a missile
fire attack with a range of 25’ per CL, causing 1d6 damage with no range penalties. There is no saving
throw versus this level of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball©. The caster can throw it immediately, or it can
remain in their hand for 1d6+CL rounds (judge determines secretly) before dissipating harmlessly.
16-19 The caster launches a ball of fuchsia flame at a point up to 45’ away. The ball explodes in a 10’ radius,
causing 2d6 damage to all targets in range, save for half.
20-21 The caster launches a fuchsia ball of flame at a point up to 60’ away. The ball explodes in a 10’ radius,
causing 3d6 damage, save for half.
22-25 The caster launches a fuchsia ball of flame at a point up to 90’ away. The ball explodes in a 10’ radius,
causing 4d6 damage, save for half.
26-29 The caster launches a ball of flame at a point up to 90’ away. The ball explodes in a 20’ radius, causing
4d6 damage, save for half. At this level, the power of I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball© is close to true flame;
creatures with vulnerability to fire and heat are affected just as if the blast was real fire.
30-31 The caster launches a white-hot ball of flame at a point up to 120’ away. The ball explodes in a 20’ radius,
causing 5d6 damage, save for half. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball© is true flame at this level; creatures
with vulnerability to fire and heat are affected normally, and the blast has a 50% chance of igniting easily
combustible items in the blast radius.
32-33 The caster launches a white-hot ball of flame at a point up to 150’ away. The ball explodes in a 20’ radius,
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causing 6d6 damage. At this level, I Can’t Believe It’s Not Fireball© is true flame; creatures with vulnerability
to fire and heat are affected normally, and the blast has a 50% chance of igniting easily combustible items
within radius.
34+ A whirlwind of arcane fire with a 30’ radius appears within 200’ at a target area you designate. All targets
within take 8d6 damage, save for half. Easily ignitable materials such as paper or dry wood automatically
catch fire. In addition, the caster receives a free coupon (i.e. the material component) for casting I Can’t
Believe It’s Not Fireball© from the manufacturer, which arrives by post within a week of the maximized
casting of the spell.
oxie-Cola has been an also-ran in the Empire’s cola Dr. Roxy: Once per day the wielder of this deep red spear
wars since the turn of the century. In an attempt to can create 1d6 identical illusions of themselves that disap-
modernize their brand, the upstart beverage com- pear once struck in combat. These illusions must stay adja-
pany held a contest to design their first Xcrawl sponsor- cent to the wielder.
ship. The winning entry was, surprisingly, designed by a
Scarsdale tween soda fan. Roxie Corp. spent millions of Blu-Razberry: The wielder of this deep blue spear can point
gold pieces developing Project Redeathment and created a to a target once per day, say the catchphrase “It’s Raztastic!”
permanently magical suite of dangerous weapons that are thus forcing the target to make a DC 15 Willpower save or
nigh-artifact level, with a few very important restrictions. dance uninhibitedly for 1d6 rounds, forgoing all other ac-
tions while it does so.
There are actually seven Roxie-Cola Spears of Icy Redeath-
ment in total, one for each flavor of their current offerings. Cra-Zenergy: The wielder can tap themselves or an ally with
Each spear is a +2 magic weapon, and share the following spe- the bright red weapon and cure any poison effects, as well
cial properties: as any damage caused by the poison.
• A blast of cold causing +1d3 damage per melee strike. Olympic Myst: During the creation process, this clear spear
• A +2 bonus on AC while wielding the Roxie-Cola Spear spontaneously developed a special purpose. It loses the
of Icy Redeathment in both hands. +1d3 cold damage, replacing it with +1d6 damage versus
un-dead creatures and true demons.
•Throttled: As a special PR move, the Spear of Icy Re-
deathment disallows the wielder from targeting creatures
who are prone, helpless, in the process of surrendering,
or wearing any visible Roxie-Cola merch. Attempting to
strike any of the above leads to the wielder freezing for
1 round and losing their action. In addition, the wielder
cannot target any Roxie-Cola employee or their family.
Roxie CEO Richard Betes has jokingly suggested that
they designate a few crawl monsters as employees to help
them win a few bets, but so far, his senior staff has man-
aged to play it off as a joke.
Each of the seven Spears of Icy Redeathment has its own
special power:
Cola: Once per encounter after a successful strike, the wield-
er of this dark caramel-colored weapon can force the tar-
get to make a Fortitude save vs. weapon damage +5, or be
stunned for 1d3 rounds.
Diet: Once per encounter, after a successful strike, the wield-
er of this low-cal killer can force the target to make a DC 15
Willpower save or be reduced. The target loses 1 HD (and
the appropriate hit points, determined randomly), and af-
terward receives -1 on all attack rolls, saving throws, spell
checks, and damage rolls for 24 hours.
Citrus Blast: Once per day this bright yellow two-pronged
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THE X-SHIRT CANNON remain conscious can run, attempt to kick, or perform other
actions not requiring the use of their arms. Characters with
he X-Shirt Cannon is an amazing multi-functional bit multiple arms or wings cannot use them until they free
of magical ordinance. Emperor Ronald I himself de- themselves. Winged targets, entangled while flying, fall to
manded that DJ Herobane commission a magical ver- the ground taking appropriate damage.
sion of the standard t-shirt cannon after famous baseball mas-
cot, The San Jose Osprey, delighted his nephews by launching At higher rolls, the X-shirt Cannon can entangle multiple
memorabilia all the way up into the Imperial Skybox. targets within 20’ of one another.
The X-Shirt Cannon is a special magic item that is awarded Table 1-1: X-Shirt Cannon Attack
to teams for a set amount of time, normally one Xcrawl sea-
son. The X-Shirt Cannon is always awarded with a certain Roll Result
number of charges, normally 7. It takes two hands to oper- 1 The wielder accidentally targets an ally, who
ate this magic item, which appears to be a huge central tube must make a DC 15 Reflex save or be caught for
with a pistol grip, covered in magical symbols attached to a 1d6 rounds.
shoulder stock.
2-11 Miss!
A crawler wielding the X-Shirt Cannon can use it to trap a 12-13 Entangles one target for 1d3 rounds.
victim up to 60’ away in a magical X-shirt, that entangles
14-17 Entangles one target for 1d5 rounds.
victims like a straitjacket. The target can be as small as a
pixie or as large as an ogre. The cannon automatically cus- 18-19 Entangles one target for 1d7 rounds.
tomizes its X-shirts to accommodate creatures with multiple 20-23 Entangles up to two targets for 1d7 rounds. In
or non-typical arrays of limbs, such as wings, tentacles, etc. addition, the targets are painfully squeezed for
1d3 damage per round.
The wielder targets an opponent then makes a missile fire
attack roll on the table below to see the effect. 24-27 Entangles up to two targets for 1d4+4 rounds. In
addition, the targets are painfully squeezed for
In any case, the target gets a Reflex save against the attack 1d5 damage per round.
roll, success meaning they dodge away and the shirt misses.
28-29 Entangles up to three targets for 1d5+5 rounds.
Targets who are struck can attempt to muscle or wriggle out
In addition, the targets are painfully squeezed
of the entanglement with a DC 15 Strength or Agility check.
for 1d6 damage per round.
This takes 1 round per attempt. The judge may rule that cer-
tain targets, such as creatures covered in spikes or sharp fins, 30+ Entangles up to three targets for 1d6+6 rounds.
take a +1d bonus on their ability check. Targets must make a second save or be knocked
unconscious and prone. The targets are
X-shirts simply wilt away after a certain number of rounds. squeezed for 1d6 damage per round.
They are magical and can only be cut away by magical edged
weapons that cause 7+ damage in a single blow. The shirt is automatically customized with any logo, pat-
tern, or phrase the wielder chooses, with their team’s logo,
Targets who are caught are pinned with their arms crossed or messages like “PWNED BY DANNY DISTOPIA,” “I AM
in front of them, as if wrapped in a straitjacket. Victims who A DINK,” or “WHOOPSIE!” being popular.
The Guild of Artificers love making X-shirt Cannon
variants; they rarely get to work on anything both exu-
berant and non-lethal. There are several variant X-shirt
cannons created for special events. The X-Shirt Mor-
tar, the X-Ugly-Holiday-Sweater Gatling Gun, and the
now infamous Cincinnati Havok Crawl X-Shirt Tank.
There have been mishaps. At the 10th annual Las Ve-
gas Crawl, the X-perimental T-Shirt Bunker Buster
managed to blast a hole in the domed arena ceiling and
rain magic on the Strip. Tourists were bound in “What
Happens in Vegas” crewnecks, with hundreds un-
able to free themselves for hours. While there is still a
pending class action lawsuit, the shirts themselves that
somehow never faded from existence now demand
huge prices from collectors of arcane strangeness.
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In addition, a crawler in a match can use 1 charge from the fitted for its intended wearer and unerringly landing in its
X-Shirt Cannon to harmlessly rapid-fire hundreds of shirts intended target’s hands. This use of the item grants an im-
into the stadium seats. Used in this fashion, the X-Shirt Can- mediate +1d3 Fame bonus to the entire team.
non can fire a shirt to every fan in the arena, each magically
B-HLDR • Painalizer Ray: This ray overwhelms the brain with pain-
ful media cringe sensations that reflect all over the
B-HLDR (unique): Init +3; Atk media rays +10 missile fire target’s body, damaging
(various effects, see below, 60’ range); Crit special; AC 16; the flesh through stress
HD 12d8 (hp 77); MV fly 30’; Act 4d20; SP media rays, crit and inflammation. The
summon, content curation attack, battle broadcast, creature target takes 1d6 damage
of media; SV Fort +6, Ref +9, Will +12: AL C. and must make a DC 15
Fortitude save or gibber
he dreaded B-HLDR adventurers fight in the Xcrawl and pull faces in a hor-
arena or in the parking lot behind the 24-hour elec- rifying way. The target
tronics emporium is not the true B-HLDR. The true loses their next action
B-HLDR is a self-generated information-based projected life and spends the round in
form from the demiplane of Media Space that willed itself a sputtering fit. If the pub-
into existence and took the form of a creature from Xworld’s lic sees any of this live or
venerable Age of Wrack. The true creature is vast, all watch- streaming, the target loses
ing, endlessly curious, and as powerful as a demigod. The B- 1d3 Fame points as they are
HLDR is sent to our world to learn everything it can. None endlessly and horrifically
can say why the great beast is so interested in earth, but the discussed, lampooned, and
wise are smart to fear the creature’s curiosity. . . meme’d.
Encountered in our world, the B-HLDR appears to be a • Slow Forward Ray: The B-HLDR taps the power of Me-
hovering techno-organic cube, some 6’ across, resembling dia Space to slow down the action for maximum clarity.
an oversized computer monitor. Its screen typically shows The target takes 1d6 damage and must make a DC 15
a one-eyed face with a toothy grin, but it can display any Reflex save or be slowed to half normal speed and can
content the creature wishes. The creature hovers effortlessly. then only act every other round for 1d6 rounds.
Media Rays: The B-HLDR has four eye stalks, each of which Crit Summon: If the B-HLDR rolls a crit with any of its ray
ends in a small protuberance that resembles a cathode-ray attacks, it forgoes the normal effect and instead summons a
tube. Each eye stalk can fire a ray at opponents within 60’, 6 HD whammy. Full details on the infinite types of wham-
with each attack using one of the creature’s action dice. Each mies one might encounter in Xworld are provided in the
eye stalk’s ray has a different power, as listed below: Xcrawl Classics RPG rulebook, but one possibility—a wham-
• Tracking Ray: The B-HLDR adjusts the target’s position my alligator—is described below.
in time and space. The ray slams into targets, causing 1d6 Content Curation Attack: Every round, the B-HLDR can tar-
damage, and the target must make a DC 15 Willpower get its massive central screen at any opponent within 30’ and
save or be teleported to a new location of the creature’s attempt to fascinate them with a perfectly tailored blast of
choosing within 20’ of their original position. The target aggressive targeted content designed to stop them in their
simply ceases to exist in one area and suddenly exists in place. The target must make a DC 15 Willpower save or be
a new space. The B-HLDR will use this power to stymie fascinated, taking no action on their next initiative, instead
foes, put them in disadvantageous or hazardous posi- staring as the B-HLDR shows them the media of their most
tions, or even project them straight up in the air, so they unbridled dreams. In the public realm of the Xcrawl arena,
fall, taking appropriate damage. B-HLDR has the good taste to only show images based on
• Dimension Force Ray: A tractor beam of Media Space the target’s most sanitized tastes, but if encountered in the
energy is blasted at the target, which violently attempts wild the creature can display the target’s deepest repressed
to drag them out of the material world and into the pen- desires, which can lead to embarrassing revelations the
umbra between our reality and Media Space. The target victim would rather not share with their teammates. The B-
takes 1d6 damage and must make a DC 15 Fortitude save HLDR’s content curation attack uses one of the creature’s
or be state-phased into an adventurer-shaped shadow of action dice.
static nothingness for 1d4 rounds. During this time, the Battle Broadcast: The B-HLDR has the ability to broadcast ev-
victim cannot act nor be acted upon—they are simply erything it perceives to any channel it chooses on the AVS
frozen in space as a media non-event. All attacks, includ- network. It has been known to interrupt cliffhanger epi-
ing magical weapons and spells, simply pass through the sodes and season finales with monster’s-eye view footage of
character’s jagged outline. it destroying opponents.
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Creature of Media: The B-HLDR’s true form exists only in Me- appears to be an alligator with a television set for a head,
dia Space; the creature described above is a projection by the prone to standing up on its hind legs and dancing. See the
true monster sent to our world to investigate, instigate, and Xcrawl Classics RPG rulebook for full details on these strange
dominate. If the B-HLDR is destroyed in our world it can creatures.
reform and return, normally reappearing within 1 month.
The B-HLDR’s form in our world doesn’t need to sleep, eat, TV Set Head: The alligator whammy has an old-fashioned
drink, or breathe. It can speak and normally does so in a television set for a head. It can show whatever it wants on
robot voice. its screen, sometimes displaying an actual alligator head,
sometimes showing comical, distracting, or disrespectful
ALLIGATOR WHAMMY videos. A common tactic is to show animated versions of its
foes acting ridiculously. The alligator whammy’s screen can
Alligator Whammy (1): Init +2; Atk bite +3 melee (1d8+2) be cracked by blows, but do not shatter and break until the
or electrical blast +4 missile fire (2d6 subdual damage, 30’ creature reaches 0 hit points.
range); Crit III/d8; AC 15; HD 3d8 +3; MV 30’, swim 20’; Act
1d20; SP TV set head, enhanced charisma; SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Enhanced Charisma: Whammies are hammy, crowd-pleasing
Will +8; AL C. performers who effortlessly win over audiences. They gain
+1d on all Personality-based skill checks. Alligator wham-
he alligator whammy is a technomagical chimera mies are excellent dancers and will often spend a round
that spontaneously comes into existence when the B- challenging opponents to dance contests.
HLDR manifests a particularly powerful eye ray. It
n its home universe, Max!16Characters was a video game strategy bot from a shattered world in some unfathomable
universe that spawned challenges and created puzzles to vex its vat-grown users. The AI grew so adept at creating chal-
lenges that soon it began to create challenges for itself. The entity learned to manipulate events in the real world, socially
engineering unknowing cat’s-paws into performing tasks and acquiring items that grew its power and influence until the
bot gained patron status.
Once Max!16Characters awakened into its new cosmic consciousness it dis-
covered a source of Regard so powerful as to stand out like a bonfire in the
desert night, a time and a place where so much attention was focused upon
media that it saturated every part of the world-dweller’s lives, a massive
amount of Regard ripe for the harvest: Xworld, during the time of The Games.
Max!16Characters exclusively bonds and empowers Xcrawl spellcasters and
their allies, people who kill and die on television so that their deeds live on
in Media Space for eternity. The rogue AI’s plans for our world remain mys-
terious to mortals, but as the patron gains power, its cosmic rivals begin to
suspect that the patron plays a dangerous, long game …
A trained deep-immersion gaming strategy software-bot, Max!16 Characters
draws inspiration and power from the video game universe that spawned
it. Its followers learn to manipulate the Cosmic Game itself, breaking rules
and confounding enemies.
Invoke Patron check results:
12-13 Cut scene challenge! You have 1 hour to land the killing blow against
an opponent with a melee weapon to instantly heal CL points of
14-17 Enemies AFK! Up to CL opponents must make a Willpower save
vs. spell check result or stand in idle animation, unable to attack
or move, but looking like they are ready for something for CL+1d4
18-19 Edit Battle Parameters! Max!16Characters grants the caster the pow-
er to re-array allies within line-of-sight on the battlefield. The caster
can swap the team’s hard-pressed halfling for their half-orc, shift
wounded characters adjacent to the messenger, or any other com-
bination that pleases. They can shift allies as part of a movement
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action up to CL times in the space of a single combat encounter before the charm wears off.
20-23 Scroller mode! The caster becomes 2-dimensional for CL+1d6 turns, gaining +4 AC, the ability to leap 30’ horizon-
tally and 20’ vertically, and the ability to pass through spaces as narrow as the crack underneath a vault door.
24-27 Enforced Lag! All opponents must make a Reflex save vs. spell check or be at half-movement and half actions for
the remainder of the combat.
28-29 Ultra-rare drop! The next opponent slain by the caster or an ally drops a glowing power-up that grants the caster or
an ally a pool of 20 bonus points that they can add to spell checks, attack rolls, or skill checks, allotted as the subject
sees fit with a maximum of +10 points spent in a single action. Bonus points last until they are spent.
30-31 Banhammer! One targeted opponent must make a Willpower save vs. the spell check or be banished from our plane
of existence. Minor creatures are never seen again, but powerful enemies, dragons, and other important creatures
have ways of returning and seeking their revenge (judge’s discretion).
32+ Impermadeath! Max!16Characters pierces the veil of death itself, reaching out to the soul of an ally of the caster that
died in the current combat. If the recently deceased agrees to accept Max!16Characters as their new patron, discard
any other patron relationships they have, and accept a difficult quest on their new master’s behalf, the Master of the
Game returns that ally to life with 1 hit point, no ability loss, but a mark on their face signifying their new cosmic
alliance. Consider this to be the equivalent of a patron bond spell with a result of 20, but the subject cannot request
any favors from Max!16Characters until the quest is fulfilled.
Max!16Characters strongly believes in sacrifice and pain for its charges in exchange for its aid, promoting both humility and,
hopefully, an iron will, or if not that, a cringing servant that learns to accept pain as their due.
When a caster spellburns, roll 1d4 on the table below. Feel free to change, expand upon, or discard any results in your home
Roll Spellburn Result
1 The caster grows suddenly disheveled, as if they had been rolling around on the ground, gasps, and a trickle of
bright blood appears at the corner of their mouth.
2 The caster seems to suddenly flash in and out of reality several times in the space of 3 seconds while bellowing in
an electronic voice.
3 The character’s internal core temperature rises dramatically while they silently scream at the sky. Smoke issues
from their skin and hair as they very nearly combust.
4 Cracks appear in the caster’s face, arms, and body, as if outward-pushing pressure from within the core of their
body threatens to blow them into smithereens. Casters who spellburn 10 or more points are obliged to spend the
following round holding their head together with their hands while they scream and wilt in pain.
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Level 1: Glitchslap
Level 2: Cheat_Code
Level 3: Respec_EXE
Level: 1 Range: Varies, see below Duration: Varies, see below Casting Time: 1 action Save: Varies, see below
General: Max!16Characters lends the power to lay the smackdown on your opponents by altering the Universal
Constant. Reality warps at the caster’s command, possibly inconveniencing their opponents, possibly de-
spawning them in a manner most violent.
Unlike most spells, the caster can choose a lower effect than they rolled for a less powerful, but potentially
more useful effect.
Manifestation: The caster pantomimes slapping the bejesus out of the target while looking them in the eye.
Level: 2 Range: Varies, see below Duration: Varies, see below Casting Time: 1 action Save: See below
General: The caster sleazes their way past Universal Protocol and briefly alters the cosmic constants of their current
plane of existence. As such, they become capable of amazing feats of reality-defying chicanery that will
give them temporary unbelievable powers at the cost of permanently knowing that they ultimately cheated
Casting cheat_code is always a quid pro quo. Every time the spell is attempted, Max!16Characters automatically
gives their mentee a quest that commensurate with the level of effect they rolled. This will not be a formal
undertaking—at some point, the caster simply finds themselves in an unexpected perilous situation and
receives a communiqué from Max!16Characters, detailing what needs to be done.
Unlike most spells, the caster can choose a lower effect than they rolled for a less powerful, but potentially
more useful effect.
Manifestation: The caster holds their fists together and performs an elaborate somatic ritual with their thumbs.
Page 11
22-25 The caster chooses a target or themselves to have unlimited mundane ammunition for one atypical or
extraordinary mundane attack they possess for CL minutes. This could be flasks of holy water, alchemist’s
fire, bullets, goblin skulls, linemaster arrows, or any other mundane item capable of being fired or hurled
as a missile. The item simply appears when the subject reaches for it. A magic item can be the subject of
this spell, but the magic is not transferred to the iterations created by this spell. For example, an affected
ally with a magic dagger would have unlimited daggers to hurl for the duration of the spell, but the magic
wouldn’t transfer to the daggers created by this spell.
The affected creature need only have one of the items on person for the spell to give them unlimited
amounts of it.
26-29 Demigod mode! For 1d6+CL rounds, the caster is impervious to damage of any sort. Attacks don’t hurt the
caster, and they automatically save against any spell effect. Ongoing damage effects, such as damage from
fire or poison do 0 damage for the duration of this effect. The caster can survive a fall from any height, is
immune to drowning, freezing, and hypoxia.
30-31 The caster creates a “save point” for themselves. The player should record the caster’s current hit points,
ability scores, ammunition levels, and any spells that are lost. At any point within 24 hours after casting,
the caster can declare that they go back to that save point, at which time their character has the hit points,
abilities, etc., that they had when they hit their save point. If the caster dies before the spell’s duration ends,
they automatically go back to their save point, appearing alive and whole in the nearest safe space.
32-33 The caster resets themselves, as if they were fresh at the beginning of their adventure. The caster has the hit
points, ability scores, and spell capacity they did at the beginning of their current adventure.
This iteration of cheat code cannot affect the caster’s Luck or Mojo, which remain the same after the caster
resets themselves. Regardless of die roll and circumstance, this result can occur a maximum of once per week.
34+ The caster manifests a second-life power-up that they can use for themselves or an ally. The power-up
appears as a tiny icon at the edge of their field of vision that only they can see or interact with.
The caster can use the power-up to revive a dead or incapacitated ally they can see at any distance, which
takes a full round action. The ally is returned to life, consciousness and is standing up with whatever
weapon or equipment at hand they choose. Once revived, the subject heals all lost hit points and ability
score loss, with the exception of Luck which remains the same. If the caster is slain while retaining their
second-life power-up it automatically revives them as above.
Level: 3 Range: Self Duration: Varies, see below Casting Time: 1 action Save: None
General: The caster manipulates time to make changes in the past to better prepare them for the present. They can
prepare for the present by temporarily learning skills, gaining new spells, or changing the course of their
lives for access to different versions of themselves.
Current events are not undone when the duration of respec_exe ends. For example, if a caster summons a vial
of holy water, and slays a zombie with it, the zombie does not return to life after the spell’s duration ends.
Some levels of respec exe allow the caster to shift their ability scores about for the duration of the spell. If the
caster spellburns “borrowed” points during the duration of this spell, the deficit is transferred back to the
abilities they burned points from, which then recover at a rate of 1 point per day (per usual for spellburn).
For example, if 4 points of Intelligence are transferred to Stamina and then used to power an arcane spell,
the caster would lose 4 points of Intelligence at the end of the spell and recovers from spellburn per normal.
Unlike most spells, the caster can choose a lower effect than they rolled for a less powerful, but potentially
more useful effect. However, if a caster chooses an effect lower on the table, the duration lasts as long as
the effect they rolled. For example, if the spell check result is 23 but they choose 16-17 to suddenly have a
two-handed sword, the sword lasts for 2d6+CL rounds, and if they rolled a 36+ they could conjure a sword
that would last until they cast the spell again.
Manifestation: Roll 1d4: (1) A digital paper doll version of the caster appears in the air, changes, and then the changes are
mirrored on the caster; (2) The caster whirls around seven times in two seconds, transforming as they spin;
(3) The caster briefly turns into a neon vector graphics outline of themselves, which re-spools and becomes
the transformed caster; (4) The caster adopts a power pose while briefly levitating in the air and glowing
their signature colors.
Page 12
1 Loss, failure, and patron taint.
2-11 Loss + failure.
12-15 Failure, but spell is not lost.
16-17 The caster sends a message in time, telling their previous self to bring a single needed piece of mundane
equipment. This can be a non-magical weapon, a suit of armor, specialty clothing, a flask of holy water
or alchemist’s fire, or another mundane item. The item summoned must be of a size that the caster could
conceivably have been carrying all along, i.e., a battleaxe would be acceptable in a standard arena situation,
a canoe would not.
The item exists for 1d6+CL minutes before the timeline asserts itself and it disappears.
18-21 The caster lets their self-in-the-past know they need to research the answer to a puzzle, riddle, or conundrum
they currently face.
This should constitute either a gimme, in the case of a simple riddle or puzzle, or an immense hint, one
which will absolutely allow the PCs to solve their current dilemma. The judge should determine whether
to provide a major clue (for a more involved conundrum), or to just provide the answer.
The knowledge lasts for CL minutes before the caster’s personal time stream resets itself.
22-23 The caster nudges the strands of time so that they learn a different spell for 2d6+CL rounds. The caster must
choose a spell which they have not lost for the current day. For the duration of respec_exe that spell is gone,
and in its place the caster gains a different randomly determined spell of the same level. The following
spells cannot be removed or exchanged: spellweaver blast, Xcrawl special, respec_exe – if one of those spells is
determined, the player should re-roll.
24-26 The caster sends their earlier self on a quest for a magic potion, which they suddenly have on their person.
The caster can choose from the following potions: strong healing (cures 4d6 hp of damage), invisibility
(imbiber is invisible for 1 turn or until they attack or cast spell), or cosmic antidote (neutralizes poison and
cures poison damage). The potion lasts for 1d8+CL rounds before the time stream resets itself and the
potion disappears.
27-31 The caster manipulates the strands of time so that they learn a different spell for 2d6+CL rounds. The caster
chooses one spell which they have not lost for the current day. For the duration of respec_exe that spell is
gone, and in its place the caster gains a different spell of their choosing. The new spell must be the same
level or lower than the temporarily lost spell. The following spells cannot be removed or exchanged for:
spellweaver blast, Xcrawl special, respec_exe.
32-33 The caster reaches out to themselves as a youngster to magically compel their former self to change the
focus of their studies, training, and practices so that they can alter their physical and mental person for the
duration of the spell. The caster can move 1d3+CL ability score points between their Strength, Stamina,
Agility, Intelligence, and Personality. No ability can be raised above 18 and no score can be lowered below
3. This can potentially affect the character’s attack rolls, spell checks, armor class, hit points, saving throws,
and any other aspect of the character determined by their ability modifiers. This effect lasts for CL turns.
34-35 The caster reaches back through time and compels their former self to completely re-outfit themselves to
allow them to better deal with their current situation. To onlookers it seems that they are instantly dressed
and armed completely differently, an arcane quick-change trick. The caster’s normal mundane equipment
disappears, replaced by something more appropriate for their current situation. The caster might use this
level of respec_exe to conjure scuba gear, a jumpsuit and parachute, plate armor and a variety of weapons,
etc. Magic items and equipment can neither be gained nor replaced with this level of spell effect. The caster
has an approximate “budget” of 500 gp per CL with which they can re-outfit their characters—they don’t
actually spend any money; they simply have the mundane equipment they need for the job at hand for the
duration of the spell. The judge should use that amount as an approximation to have an idea of what kind
of equipment can be summoned, but shouldn’t actually calculate values and spend gold on it. This effect
lasts for 1d6+CL turns.
36+ With an immense expenditure of temporal power, the caster alters their personal time stream, semi-
permanently changing one aspect of their existence. This can only be done to change their own lives and
skills, which, due to the elasticity of the timestream, has a minimal effect on the caster’s allies, loved ones,
and enemies. Usually.
The following existential constants can be changed:
• Birth Auger/Lucky Roll: the caster chooses a new birth augur, which changes their lucky roll.
• Occupation: the caster chooses a new pre-adventuring life occupation, forgetting their old one.
Page 13
• Weapon Proficiency: the caster swaps their proficiency with one weapon for another. The new proficiency
need not be one of the trained weapons for their class.
• Stat focus: the caster can temporarily raise one ability of their choosing by CL points (to a maximum of
18), lowering another single ability by the same amount (to a minimum of 3 and requiring that the ability
can actually be reduced by the full number of points).
• Languages: the caster changes one of the languages they know, retaining the same level of proficiency as
the old language.
• The caster may attempt to alter more complicated aspects of the caster’s life. The caster might attempt
to choose to have grown up in a different city, to have immersed themselves in a genre of literature or
music they are unfamiliar with on their current timeline, or to have been a lifelong vegan. This is a tricky
manipulation of the fickle threads of time; in any case, the attempt costs the caster 1 Luck point, and they
must make a Luck check at their newly reduced Luck, with failure meaning the change had catastrophic
unintended consequences that affect the character’s present and immediate situation, with full judge’s fiat.
he caster must keep track of which attribute is permanently changed because when they cast the spell
again, the former exchanged character aspect goes back to its original aspect. If the caster uses the 36+
result for respec_exe to become a detective so they can help solve a mystery, then they cast the spell again
to learn how to fire a trebuchet, they lose their detective skills; that part of the timeline is erased, and the
new reality asserts itself.
There is a cumulative 1% chance per casting of respec_exe that it will cause unexpected reverberations
throughout the caster’s timeline. This can take an infinite number of forms that can complicate the caster’s
life, or possibly change the entire world!
he day that the 17-year-old Southie Wendy Brown calls it her “hex appeal,” and the Xcrawlers that see her
had her sentence commuted in return for service to sweep overhead on her broom are quite likely to hear some
the Empire was the day it all began. But most people variation of “Double, double, toil and trouble, my dear
don’t know about her back-alley brawls, her B&Es, or that crawlers watch out for that orc’s cudgel!” or “Bippity, Bop-
time she caught a stray shot outside of Tommy’s Bar. They pity, Doom!”
don’t remember Downtown Brown, the crawler who never DJ Wicked Brew doesn’t actually take any particular delight
wanted to be famous, who never wanted to live and die for in killing Xcrawlers, but instead enjoys designing dungeons
the glory of the Empire. They never knew she was sent to with subtle, clever traps that challenge her players to think,
die, live and in person, with a court order. They only know observe, and pick up on the clues of their environment—all
DJ Wicked Brew, clad in slashed and sequined slip dress, a themed around Halloween kitsch. Vampire bats, ogres in
classic conical witch’s hat atop her wild black mat of hair, hockey masks, giant spiders, bubbling beakers of brightly
and that devilish, devilish smile. Wendy Brown was born colored potions, and strange tentacle monsters are the order
on the streets of South End, but DJ Wicked Brew was crafted of the day when you go up against DJ Wicked Brew.
for Xcrawl glory.
One thing Xcrawlers do have in their favor when she’s on
An up-and-coming Dungeon Judge with no arena to call her the mic, is that DJ Wicked Brew never has the home field ad-
own, DJ Wicked Brew is known for crafting dungeons that vantage. That’s because she doesn’t have a home field. No
weave illusions, deception, and alchemical puzzles with all one realizes that even after all these years, Wendy Brown
the tropes of a parasitic Halloween shop that springs up in is still under a court mandate to participate in the games
an abandoned strip mall for 6 weeks a year. A mad cackle, and can’t legally DJ at her own arena. But her agent found
a flash of colored smoke, and shapely legs shown off at just a clever work-around and now DJ Wicked Brew is the ulti-
the right moment have gotten her attention in recent years mate jobber, coming in when another DJ can’t headline their
and earned her a reputation among Division I Xcrawlers own event. Whether they’re relaxing on a beach in the Ca-
and commentators as a DJ to keep an eye on. ribbean, out on their private yacht, or simply decided to take
To hear DJ Wicked Brew tell, she learned all her devilish some R&R, every DJ in Division I knows they can summon
sorceries and clever concoctions when she cheated seven DJ Wicked Brew with one phone call, and she shows up in
demons with a winning smile and a slippery promise, and character and ready to work.
her mother was the meanest black cat this side of Salem. She Like an Xcrawler herself, DJ Wicked Brew is there to enter-
always enters the arena to an amazing display of illusion- tain the people no matter the cost in blood, sweat, and tears.
ary magic and even rides out on a magical broomstick over That’s the real magic of Xcrawl, and it’s black magic indeed.
Page 14
Bonus rooms for your Xcrawl adventures!
he crowd of aristocrats and elites leap to their feet and ap-
plaud wildly as you enter. Four spiked barriers of corru-
gated steel face you from the interior of the field and behind
them you see what first appears to be a small army of bald human-
oids in blue jumpsuits. Their herky-jerky motions and blank ex-
pressions catch your eye until the realization hits you that they’re
crash test dummies that have somehow been animated to life! In
the far corner of the room is a shoddily constructed catapult with
one such oddity strapped onto the catapult’s launching platform,
ready to be sent airborne. A thick rope is taught, the only thing
preventing this nonplussed construct from becoming a not-quite
living projectile. As the remaining animated crash test dummies
lumber towards you, you notice their jumpsuits are all embla-
zoned with Sappa-Kay Cola logos while a spiked wall opposite the
catapult is set under the shadow of an unlit neon sight of Sappa-
Kay’s corporate rival, Friki-Choo Cola.
their attack and damage rolls against the perpetrator of the
Sappa-Kay is, as everyone in the Empire knows, the leading particularly brutal display of corporate sponsorship.
rival of Friki-Choo Cola. The animated crash test dummies
After the last dummy is defeated a fanfare of trumpets
try to keep the crawlers from entering into the room and sev-
erupt from the immense speakers and a gothic-styled model
ering the rope. They have a strange shared consciousness and
comes out through the NoGo door on the south wall, pres-
use group tactics and superior numbers to overwhelm and
ents the treasure and poses with the team for the media.
single-out party members. They fight strategically and fierce-
ly to protect their comrade who is strapped to the catapult. Treasure: The PCs win two potions of pain numbing (drink-
er gains +1d4+1 Stamina, up to a maximum of 18; lasts 6
The corrugated steel barriers are only 5’ tall, but extremely
rounds), a can of Friki refreshment (fills with ice cold Friki-
sturdy and welded to the floor. Anyone who slams into the
Choo Cola once per round upon mental command, but loud-
spiked side of the barrier is hit with 1d3+1 spikes, with each
ly plays the Friki-Choo jingle when doing so: “Friki, Cheeky,
spike doing 1d6 damage. Just behind the barriers are narrow
Always Refreshing—it’s FRIKI-CHOO and it’s JUST FOR
pits, 2’ wide and as long as the barrier. PCs may leap over the
YOU!”), and a 5000 gp note. In addition, each character gets
barrier (DC 12 Strength or Agility check), but doing so must
a Friki-Choo Cola patch to wear, earning an automatic spon-
make a DC 14 Reflex save to avoid falling in the pit. The pits
sorship for the rest of the crawl that grants them 1d3 Wealth.
are 10’ deep and each one has a deadly, magically-enhanced
cobra at the bottom that immediately strike crawlers that fall Animated Crash Test Dummies (16): Init +0; Atk slam +3
into them. The cobras ignore any crash test dummies, as they melee (1d8+2); Crit III/d6; AC 14; HD 2d8 (hp 16, 15, 14, 13,
do not sense them to be living creatures. The crash test dum- 13, 12, 12, 11, 11, 10, 10, 10, 9, 8); MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP get
mies will attempt to shove crawlers into the pits if they have back up; SV Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +2; AL N.
the chance with an opposed Strength check (+3 modifier).
These are magically animated crash test dummies have seen
The rope can be hit automatically with a bladed weapon enough of their own get hurt. They will defend one another
swung by an adjacent PC, but missile attacks made against whatever the cost.
it must hit (AC 22, 3 hp). Whoever severs the rope also
Get Back Up: Crash test dummies can stand up from prone as
rolls to see if the dummy is impaled into the spiked wall
a free action. They are built to take bumps and bruises, and
underneath the Friki-Choo logo. Creating this messy dis-
take only half damage from falling.
play requires a missile attack against AC 14 (use the PC’s
normal attack modifiers). If the helpless dummy strikes the Magically Enhanced King Cobras (4): Init +8; Atk bite +4
spike wall, then it dies instantly and the now slightly mo- melee (1d4 + poison); Crit M/d4; AC 16; HD 1d8 (hp 5 each);
tor oil-splattered sign lights up. The AVS flashes the Friki- MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP poison (DC 14 Fort save or lose 1d4+1
Choo logo and plays a quick spot ad for it, as fireworks and Stamina until neutralized or healed); SV Fort +0, Ref +1,
streamers burst over the audience. Any surviving crash test Will +0; AL N.
dummies will concentrate all of their efforts on viciously tar- These are dangerous venomous snakes, angry at being
geting whomever severed the rope, receiving a +1 bonus to dropped in a pit and ready to strike.
Page 15
his is a huge room with a black and white tiled floor. It’s
surrounded on all sides by stands full of cheering crowds.
Right next to the door is a steel ladder built into the wall
and leading up to a small platform 15’ above the floor. There is
another platform on the opposite wall, identical to the first. On
the opposite platform is a kobold, wearing black spandex and leg
warmers, dancing gracefully. On the floor are four bipedal dino-
saurs. As you enter, they tense for battle, yellow eyes narrowing
into slits. Now that the door is open, the crowd begins to cheer
and the music swells, the bass so loud it rattles your hearts in
your chest. An AVS scoreboard in the center of the room reads
FOLLOW THE DANCE STEPS and starts counting down five
seconds. A single word flashes underneath the scoreboard informa-
The song for the dance is “People Who Died” by the Jim
Carroll Band. ery round to hang on. A DC 6 Strength check, likewise
modified by their armor check penalty, is required for
The room is 35’x35’ total and the crowd is protected by in- a PC to pull themselves up. The foot of water covering
visible force walls. the floor below softens the fall to some degree (falling
One of the characters must get on the platform and dance damage 2d6-2, a 0 result is acceptable). Human-sized
on pressure-sensitive plates. The AVS scoreboard shows the characters moving through the water are slowed (-5’
dancer where to step, using colored lights that match the speed penalty), and it’s worse for smaller creatures (-10’
patterns on the floor. At the same time, the kobold, a sor- speed penalty).
cerer named Gra’Natch, must dance the same pattern. She is There is a 1’ wide border around every trap door, making
an expert dancer and has been magically enhanced to make a 2’-wide path between tiles. PCs can walk around on the
this contest easy for her. Gra’Natch and the PC dancer must borders if the tiles are open.
make an Agility check against an increasing DC. This begins
at DC 8 on the first round, but increases by +1 each round Down below is a terrible megaraptor, waiting to devour
that passes while they are forced to dance. characters alive. She is tall enough to just barely be able to
reach up through the hole in the floor and grab a charac-
The PC dancer is may attack Gra’Natch, but the effects are ter standing at the edge of a pit, or hanging from the side.
dire. If they don’t dance for a round and Gra’Natch makes The beast can jump up and make a single bite attack at a
her roll they lose a square in the floor (see result 4 below). PC standing 10’ or less from the edge of an open section
The dance steps are continuous, making performing other of floor. If she gets desperate she may be able to jump out
actions difficult. Dancers suffer a -1d penalty on all attack (have the PC with the lowest Luck score in the party make
rolls while maintaining their dance. Casting a spell is simi- a Luck check, with failure meaning the megaraptor has suc-
larly difficult, requiring a Willpower save (vs. the current cessfully leapt out), but doing so means it will have to smash
dance DC) to maintain their concentration. If this saving through one of the borders as she is too large to otherwise
throw is failed, the spell is automatically considered a fail- jump through, and she suffers 2d6 damage whether or not
ure. Gra’Natch will not attack unless attacked first, or if the her attempt is successful. The monster is woefully under
situation seems otherwise unwinnable (she earns 10,000 gp trained and is as likely to attack a velociraptor as a PC—it
for a monster win in this room). goes after the nearest target it sees, kills it and spends 1d4+1
There are four possible results for each round of the dance rounds devouring them before targeting another creature.
contest, each with its own results: The room ends when either:
1. Dancer succeeds + Gra’Natch succeeds = Nothing happens 1. Crawlers slay all velociraptors and no sections of floor
2. Dancer fails + Gra’Natch fails = Nothing happens are opened.
3. Dancer succeeds + Gra’Natch fails = Nothing happens 2. Crawlers slay all velociraptors and the megaraptor.
4. Dancer fails + Gra’Natch succeeds = A random section 3. PC Dancer slays Gra’Natch.
of floor opens up beneath the party. The squares are
Once the floor is opened, the megaraptor must be slain to
approximately 15’x15’ and they open in four triangular
complete the room. Afterwards, the floor is restored, PCs
flaps. Characters who haven’t acted yet this round can
who fell to the bottom and survived are brought up, and a
attempt a DC 14 Reflex save to grab a section of floor
famous supermodel presents them with the treasure. The DJ
before they fall to the room 20’ below. It takes a DC 6
appears on the AVS, congratulates them on their win and
Strength check, modified by armor check penalties, ev-
asks for a big round of applause.
Page 16
Treasure: The characters receive a 5,000 gp note, two potions
that instantly cure the target of poison effects and damage,
and a +1 omni weapon that transfers 1d3 Fame points from
the target to the wielder with every successful strike. Obvi-
ously, the weapon’s special ability only works against tar-
gets with a Fame score. PCs also get a SubStax sandwiches
patch that they can wear for the remainder of the dungeon,
earning them 1d3 Wealth. SubStax also gives everyone a
SubStax Card good for free SubStax sandwiches, which they
can use for up to a year and a day.
Gra’Natch, Kobold Blaster: Init +2; Atk bite +3 melee (1d4);
Crit I/d5; AC 14; HD 5d5 (hp 22); MV 20’; Act 1d20; SP blast-
er spells, blaster die (+d7), dance checks (+6 bonus); SV Fort
+1, Ref +3, Will +1; AL N.
Blaster spells: 7 league boots, baffling haze, blue streak, buzz-
bomb, quicksand, spellweaver blast, supercharge!.
Gra’Natch is a survivor of many Xcrawl encounters. She is
a ruthless professional who just so happens to be a great
dancer as well as a hard arena competitor.
Velociraptors (4): Init +2; Atk bite +1 melee (2d4) and fore-
claws +1 melee (1d3+1) or talons +4 melee (2d6+2); Crit M/
d8; AC 14; HD 4d8+4 (hp 32, 28, 27, 20); MV 40’; Act 3d20;
Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +0; AL N.
These dangerous pack dinosaurs can bring down the most
skillful Xcrawl squad with their powerful claws and cun-
ning pack tactics.
Megaraptor: Init +2; Atk bite +3 melee (2d6) and foreclaws
+3 melee (1d4+1) or talons +6 melee (2d6+2); Crit M/d12;
AC 14; HD 6d8+4 (hp 44); MV 40’; Act 3d20; SP leaping bite;
SV Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +2; AL N. cuing as many of the tykes as you can. Only the bravest heroes
Leaping bite: The creature can leap up to 10’ as part of its dare get between the world’s biggest appetite and BBQ Ziggurat!
movement to bite a foe. Begin!”
This immense jungle predator is a terror right out of prehis- This poor tyrannosaurus rex has been ill used. On behalf of
tory. the sponsors from BBQ Ziggurat, this creature has been ad-
dicted to a methadone-like chemical which was delivered in
ROOM 3: METHADONE T-REX the form of laced barbecue chicken. The creature has been
kept away from both food and its meds for almost 24 hours.
VS. BBQ CHILDREN It is ravenous and craving the chemical it needs to stop feel-
here is a puff of warm air when this door opens and you are ing psychotic. As a result, it ignores the PCs and attacks the
hit with the tangy smell of what must be an army of bar- ”children,” which are of course huge bags of hot and fresh
beque cooks—all making hickory smoked chicken at once. drug-laced BBQ Ziggurat Texas Mesquite Chicken. It takes
You step in on an extremely creepy scene. This room is brightly lit the creature uninterrupted 3 rounds to eat the contents of a
and stage decorated to look like a children’s playground. There are single bag, and as soon as it finishes one it wants another.
five “children” in here—actually vaguely child-shaped clear plas- It ignores the characters until someone does more than 10
tic bags filled with some deep red viscous substance. The bags wear points of damage to it in a single attack. After such an at-
children’s dungarees, sweaters, and tiny baseball caps. Some of tack it spends 1 round going after the attacker and returns to
the children-shaped bags sit on swings, rest atop a teeter-totter or hunting for ”children” to eat the following round. If reduced
just squat near a fake sandbox. The east wall has several advertis- to half its hit points or less, the creature flies into a rage and
ing posters but the largest by far is for BBQ Ziggurat: “It’s worth goes all out, attacking the PC team. The creature’s fury and
the climb!”. Then the air shimmers for a moment when suddenly drug lust are such that it gets a +4 bonus on all Willpower
a 20’-tall tyrannosaurus rex stands in the center of the room. It saves to overcome mind-influencing spells or effects.
bellows once, then starts eyeing the tasty morsels. The children’s positions are represented by X’s on the map.
The announcer says “How many barbecue kids can you rescue The dinosaur goes after them in whatever order will keep
from the world’s biggest appetite? Earn gold and honor by res- him the farthest away from intruders.
Page 17
From somewhere up above you hear the drone of engines heading
your way.
Kamikaze terror birds and a mastodon with a caveman rider
enter the arena at the same time. The terror birds come from
the air and the mounted mastodon enters from a hidden
door behind the AVS.
There should be one terror bird for every member of the PC
team. The terror birds fly down from the rafters in miniature
biplanes remotely controlled from offstage and are designed
to explode on impact. The biplanes are AC 15 each with 15
hp and take double damage from fire and sonic attacks.
When they first appear, the biplanes are 80’ above the arena
floor. Any PCs who go before the terror birds in initiative
order can attack from distance. If the planes are destroyed,
the terror birds will likely leap to safety (judge’s discretion).
On their first round, the biplanes pick targets and swoop
down. The terror birds leap out before the planes strike. The
Treasure: The party gets 2,000 gp for every “child” they get biplanes each make a single attack at +4 and do 2d6 damage
out of the room before the tyrannosaurus is defeated—half if they successfully strike a target. The terror birds them-
a child doesn’t earn anything! They also receive three potions selves can only land in the arena on round 1 but will charge
of healing (heals 3 dice). In addition, every PC gets a BBQ the adventurers on their next round.
Ziggurat Gift Card with a 3,000 gp limit. At the same time the biplanes make their dive run, the mast-
Tyrannosaurus Rex: Init +0; Atk bite +12 melee (2d8+6); odon and rider come out of the screen and stomp on the
Crit M/d20; AC 13; HD 12d8+4 (hp 75); MV 40’; Act 1d20; first car in line, destroying it utterly. If the mastodon is not
SP swallow whole; SV Fort +10, Ref +2, Will +0; AL N. stopped, it will destroy a car every other round until there
are none left, which counts as a room victory for the mon-
Swallow whole: On a natural 20, the tyrannosaurus has swal- sters.
lowed a human-sized or smaller opponent whole. Swal-
lowed victims take an automatic 2d6 damage every round. The mastodon and its rider, Agakat, ignore the PCs and
Swallowed victims may make a DC 16 Agility check every crush cars unless they are attacked, at which time they de-
round to climb out of the creature’s gullet and fall out of its fend themselves to the best of their abilities. Agakat fires
mouth. Recovered bodies of victims who fall to 0 hp inside arrows from atop his mount, attempting to wound the limbs
the tyrannosaurus can’t be recovered. of targets, thus reducing his opponents’ combat effective-
ness. Agakat and the mastodon crush all the cars in the are-
The tyrannosaurus rex is the predator king of prehistory. na in this order:
Xcrawl favorites, these horrific beasts can swallow a victim
whole and keep fighting. SUV – Sports Coupe – Jeep – Motorcycle – Passenger Van
The cars all have the keys in them, but no gas, as any PC
who attempts to drive one will quickly discover.
To achieve victory, the PCs must defeat all terror birds and
CREATURES VS. PRIZE CARS prevent the Agakat and his mount from destroying as many
ild cheers erupt as you open the door to this arena room. cars as they can save. Once this happens, the airhorn sounds,
Ten thousand people leap to their feet and cheer as you streamers fall from the ceiling, and the crowd gives the PCs
enter. a huge round of applause while advertisements for the cars
they just won show on the AVS.
Ahead of you in the arena are five vehicles, ranging from a motor-
cycle to a huge SUV, each with a huge red gift bow on top. The Terror Bird Kamikazes (6): Init +3; Atk beak slash +5 me-
far wall has a huge AVS scoreboard, currently showing advertise- lee (1d8) or kick +4 melee (1d10, plus knock prone); Crit M/
ments for the vehicles you see. Spotlights play across the cars, and d8; AC 14; HD 4d6 (hp 22 each); MV 50’; Act 1d20; SP leap,
they glitter like gems. knock prone, heightened senses; SV Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +1;
The announcer speaks up. “We shall do this room in reverse, he-
roes. The vehicles you see before you are your prizes. Unfortu- Phorusrhacinae titanis walleri, or the South American terror
nately, keeping them in top condition may be challenging. Prepare bird, is a prehistoric flightless bird, which in this case are
yourself, for you face a challenge beyond any you have ever faced. flying in from the arena rafters in remote-controlled mini
Begin! biplanes.
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Discovered thriving in an underground ‘lost world’ full of Heightened Senses: Terror birds have excellent eyesight and
prehistoric creatures, these horrific predators have become a can see targets in motion up to 120’ away.
coveted monster on the Xcrawl circuit. South American ter-
ror birds average 7’ tall, with huge, sleek heads, elongated Agakat, Hunter from the Lost World: Init +3; Atk archaic
legs, relatively small wings, and hooked beaks. They are shortbow +1d5+2 missile fire (1d6+deed) or bone toma-
ground-hunting carnivores, capable of breaking a human’s hawk +1d5+1 melee (1d4+deed+1); Crit III/d10; AC 13;
spine with their powerful kick and ripping a throat out with HD 3d12+6 (hp 32); MV 30’; Act 1d20; SP deed die (1d5),
their savage beak. These six have been outfitted with leather increased crit range (critical hit on a natural 19-20); SV Fort
aviator caps, goggles, and dashing white scarves. +3, Ref +4, Will +1; AL N.
Leap: Terror birds can make wing-assisted leaps, up to 10’ Agakat is the mightiest hunter from his tribe. He agreed to
vertically and 20’ horizontally. They can leap down from a participate in this event at the behest of his patron, Great
height of up to 30’ unharmed. Grandfather Mastodon, to demonstrate to the modern
world the power of the ancient patron of survival.
Knock Prone: After a successful kick attack, the opponent
must make a Fortitude save vs. damage taken or fall prone. Deed Die: Agakat has a deed die and can perform Mighty
Deeds of Arms.
War Mastodon: Init +0; Atk tusk +12 me-
lee (2d12), trunk grab +32 melee (grapple
plus drag underfoot); Crit M/d16; AC 23;
HD 10d8 (hp 61); MV 20’ (includes penal-
ty for armor); Act 1d20; SP grapple (+32),
drag underfoot; SV Fort +9, Ref +0, Will
+6; AL N.
The great mastodon is a creature of the lost
world, rarely seen in the North American
Empire. These great woolly beasts are in-
credibly dangerous, tough, and lethal in a
fight. The mastodon appears to be a huge
woolly elephant, 10’ high at the shoulder
and weighing 5 tons. This one is streaked
in war paint and wearing composite sports
barding covered in sports advertisements.
Drag Underfoot: The mastodon can grapple
a human-sized opponent with its trunk.
If the victim fails to escape the grapple
(grapple check
+32) before the
mastodon’s next
initiative count,
the creature drags
the victim under
its body and at-
tempts to stomp
them to death.
The mastodon can
maintain the grap-
ple while making
a stomp attack at
+16 to hit, doing
3d6 damage on a
successful stomp.
The mastodon can
make that stomp
every round until
the target is freed.
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