Unit 13 14 Progress Test 1. C 1 - 2. Key

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A. Use the word given in capitals at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space in
the same line.

Car review: the XR1200

Although still a relative (1) newcomer…………..... to the world of high-performance sports cars,

General Autos has (2)undergone ............. quite a transformation since their first effort, the Xtreme,

attracted such (3)unfavourable ............... comment in the motoring press, which led to
disappointing sales. Their latest effort, the XR1200 (4) convertible ……………, went into

(5) production.................. last month, and I had the chance to test-drive one. To say that the XR1

200 is better than the Xtreme is a huge (6) understatement.................... Not only is it much better,
it represents a (7) revolutionary.................. new approach to this class of car. From the seats to the

angle of the steering wheel, everything on this car is (8) adjustable................, meaning that you
can set the car up to fit you perfectly. The engine, too, is easy to set up for maximum

efficiency, with the help of powerful dual (9) processors..... that monitor performance 1,000

times a second. Even the bodywork incorporates state-of-the-art ideas, with a new durable

material that should mean that your XR1 200 (10) outlasts......... almost anything else on the road.

B. Write one word in each gap.

11. Did you hear that Rita told Charles the wrong time for the meeting .on............. purpose so that
he'd be late?

12. We will be writing to you ...in................ due course with details of the conditions of your

13. She didn't understand what I was driving ........at............. so I had to make it very simple for

14. The company is currently ...in................ discussion with the bank regarding a large loan.

15. I think you need to focus more .....on.............. the central character of the book in your essay.
16. From now ...on.............., all orders must be accompanied by form E4-17.

17. I didn't manage to book anything, so we'll just have to trust .....to.............. luck and hope we
find rooms when we get there.

18. There are a number of changes ....on............... the way, and I'm afraid that some people will
lose their jobs.

C. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between three and eight words,
including the word given.

19. We need to do two hours' work before we can take a break. been

We can't take a break ............. until we have been working for....................... two hours.

20. I was just about to ask Amy to marry me when she told me she wanted to split up! verge

I was just …….… on the verge of asking …………........ Amy to marry me when she told me she
wanted to split up!

21. We were going to be 12 for dinner, but Vicky couldn't come in the end. meant

There........ were meant to be/were meant to have been........... 12 for dinner, but Vicky couldn't
come in the end.

22 Dad decided to pay a mechanic to look at the car when he couldn't find the problem.

Dad decided to .. have the car looked at/get the car looked at... by a mechanic when he couldn't
find the problem.

23 Jan has been having problems with her e-mail so it's quite likely she hasn't got your message.

Jan .. may well not have got/might well not have got............ your message because she's been
having e-mail problems.

24. Letting Brittany walk home on her own was a mistake. have

You .. oughtn't to have let/shouldn't have let.......... Brittany walk home on her own.
25. I strongly suggest that you don't forget your dictionary next lesson. better

You ....... had better not forget........ your dictionary next lesson.

26. I'm sure that the only thing that prevented me from leaving university was my dad's advice.

I'm sure that ..... had it not been for my dad's advice........... I would have left university.

27. You have to put more effort in if you want to succeed. fail

You .......... will fail unless/are going to fail unless.......... you put more effort in.

28. The start of the debate is scheduled for six. due

The debate ……… is due to start …………….. at six.

D. Complete using the words in the box. There is one word you will not need to use.

29 What you've written here is a bit ambiguous …….................. and your position isn't really

30 We've made a/an ........ provisional ................... decision, but you'll know our final decision at
the end of the week.

31 I've just bought myself a/an ........ ingenious .................... device that turns any mobile into a
metal detector.

32 You might hear native speakers saying 'ain't' in ...... colloquial................... speech.

33 My flying lessons came to a/an .. abrupt.……........... halt when the flying school closed down.

34 Only the timely ……............... intervention of the managing director prevented a costly

35 The film was the first to have a/an ...... simultaneous ............... launch in the US, Europe and

E. Write one word in each gap.

Instant decisions
We often assume the best way to come to a ages taking (37) into………. account a lot of
decision is to (36) spend/ take……………. information before we arrive (38) at………..
our conclusion. We weigh the evidence (39) to the museum. Harrison was unable to explain
in….. the belief that instant decisions are why she had formed that impression, but it was
unreliable. However, there are arguments (40) enough to cast doubt (46) on………. the statue.
for………. a reassessment of that view. It may Now most experts have come (47)
be that from (41) time……………. to time our (a)round……………. to her position, but how
subconscious mind a moment than our does a did she tell the (48) different……….between
better job (42) in…………. conscious mind that and the real article so quickly?
does. It's probable that her subconscious mind sorted
When Evelyn Harrison, an expert on sculpture, through information that (49) escaped……….
(43) was…………. shown a statue that the J. the notice of her conscious mind. Although we
Paul Getty Museum had purchased for $ 10 are rarely, (50) if…………. ever, aware of our
million, she blurted (44) out…………. that it subconscious mind, it can be surprisingly
was a fake. It came (45) as…………. a shock effective.
(1 mark per answer)
F. Complete using the words in the box. You will have to use some words more than once.
There is one word you will not need to use.
• down • in • on • • over • through • up

51. Timmy’s only six, but he comes out / up…………………. with the funniest things sometimes.
52. The destruction of this area of habitat will mean that some species of plant will die ……… out
53. You're going to have to knuckle … down …………. if you don't want to fail the exam next
54. Could you pass a message ………… down …………….to your brother?
55. I see that you've managed to take the dishwasher ……apart……., but can you put it back
together again?
56. I decided to have a few lessons to brush ……up…………. my German before I went on
57. I had to give a talk about history, so I spent the weekend reading …………up……………. on
the Second World War.
58. Mull my offer ……over……………. for a few days and then let me know what you think.
59. You'll have to postpone your holiday because I'm afraid something has cropped…up………….
at work.
60. I can't believe you've already got …through……………. the lemonade I bought at the
(l mark per answer)

G. For each question, write one word which can be used in all three sentences.
61. Have you ever seen Ivor doing an ………impression…………….. of Mike? It’s hilarious!
I'm going to wear my new suit to the interview to make a good ……… impression ………..
We were under the …… impression ………….. that the order would be delivered by today.
62. Lets just ……run………………... through what's going to be happening at the wedding
We should have finished building by the end of July, if we don't……run……………….. into
any problems.
I always get a headache when we visit Georgia because she just lets her kids …… run
……………. riot.
63. I don't know what the …… basic……………….. for the council's decision was, but it doesn't
seem like a good idea.
I've been promoted to assistant manager on a temporary…… basic ……………….., but I hope
it'll become permanent.
On the . …… basic ……………….. of your interview, we're very happy to be able to offer you
a position at our company.
64. The new legislation has ………thrown…………….. up a number of unexpected problems.
The board of directors have … … thrown ……………….. the budget out and asked that we
look at the figures again.
Mr. Parris turned round from the blackboard and demanded to know who had ………… thrown
………….. the piece of paper.
65. The detectives checked everyone's story and by a …… process ……………….. of elimination
they were left with one suspect.
It is hoped that the current peace ………… process …………... will bring the civil war to an
I was in the ……… process …………….. of cooking dinner when Madison rang to say that
she'd be late.
66. Our teacher keeps a ………record…………….. of our test scores so that she can see how
much we've progressed.
I wrote my autobiography because I want to set the…… record ……….. straight about a few
things that have appeared in the press.

H. Write one word in each gap.

67. No matter what we said, Dimitris………stuck…………….. to his guns and wouldn’t change
his mind.
68. The fact that Jenny and Ben didn't invite us to the wedding…………speaks/ spoke... volumes.
69. Matt finally decided to………came……………... clean and admitted that he'd broken the TV.
70. Take the second left and then just ………follow……………... your nose and the post office is
on the right.
71. As soon as the kids got to the party, they …………made………….... a beeline for the ice
72. You should sit down and………take……………... stock of your life and decide whether this is
the right thing to do.
73. Jill ………knows…………….... cars inside out, so why don't you get her to have a look at the
74. I ……put……………….... two and two together and realised that Tracy had been lying to me.
(1 mark per answer)

I. Choose the correct answer.

75. I expect you'll feel a lot better when you A. were lost C. had been lost
……………… your exams out of the way. B. having lost D. having been lost
A. will get C. had got 80 It ………… there is easily enough food in the
B. have got D. are getting world to feed everyone.
76. I suppose I found it hard at my new school A. has been calculated C. being calculated
because I just ………… to the situation. B. calculates D. would calculate
A. didn't use C. wasn't used 81. It was the first time I …………in such an
B. used not D wasn't getting used important match.
77. By the end of next month Annabel and I A. was ever playing
………… out with each other for three years. B. have ever played
A. will have been going C. have been going C. have ever been playing
B. will go D. will be going D. had ever played
78 We have to leave now because we are due 82. It turned out that I ………… in such an have
………… in Edinburgh by six. bought Frank a present after all.
A. being C. to be A. mustn't C. needn't
B. to being D. be B. oughtn't D. mightn't
79. Our plane tickets never arrived, ………… in
the post.
(1 mark per answer)

J. Choose the correct answer.

83 Nobody has any firm information, so we can
only ……….……. on what caused the 87. I know it's got his name on the cover, but he
accident. used a……………. .
A. guess C. speculate A. correspondent C. ghostwriter
B. contemplate D. assumes B. model D. fellow
84 Cars have been banned from the city centre, 88. The text doesn't give you the answer
which makes the area much safer for……. explicitly - you have to………... it from the
…….. . evidence.
A. passersby C. pedestrians A. convert C. reckon
B. onlookers D. footmen B. grasp D. infers
85 There has been a real boom in……………. 89. Are you having a …………….. exam
electronics over the last three decades. before you sit the actual exam in June?
A. consumer C. buyer A. fake C. false
B. customer D. client B. mock D. dress
86. When I realised that I'd left my homework 90. I couldn't decide what to write about, when
at home, I quickly ……………. back to get it. I suddenly……………. upon the idea of doing
A. crept C. crawled something on writer's block.
B. dashed D. drifted A. thought C. hit
B. chanced D. arrived

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