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CHAPTER 1 COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS ......................................................................................................................... 2

Chapter 2 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 3 Notepad ........................................................................................................................................................ 24
Chapter 4 Ms Paint ..................................................................................................................................................... 28
Chapter 5 Basic concept of Windows ............................................................................................................................. 32
Create New File : ................................................................................................................................................... 41
Open a File ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
Save A File: ............................................................................................................................................................. 41
The word “computer” comes from the word “compute”, which means “To calculate”. Hence, people usually
consider a computer to be calculating device that can perform arithmetic operation at high speed. In fact
original objective for inventing a computer was to create a fast calculating machine.

What is computer?

More accurately we can define a computer is an electronic data processing device, which takes input from the
user, processes the data, and generates the output to the user in a required format.

A computer system has three main functional units and one optional unit.

1. Input unit: - Input is the raw information entered into a computer from the input devices. It is the
collection of letters, numbers, images etc.
2. Processing unit: -Process is the operation of data as per given instruction. It is totally internal process of
the computer system.
3. Output unit: - Output is the processed data given by computer after data processing. Output is also
called as result. We can save these results in the storage devices for the future use.
4. Memory unit (optional):- The memory unit is the principal storage of the computer. All the data and
instruction that the computer needs at a moment are stored here.

Benefits of Computer:


A computer is a very fast device. It can carry out instructions at a very high speed. It can perform in a few seconds
the amount of work that a human being can do in an entire year- if he works day and night. The speed of
computer is calculated in MHz one million instructions per second.
Storage: computers are quite spacious when it comes to storing data.with so vast information now available
digitally huge storage space is now a necessity.the files can be stored for years and can be accessed quickly and


Accuracy of a computer is consistently high and the degree of accuracy of a particular computer depends on
the instructions and the type of processor


A computer works diligently at all times without getting bored or tired like human being.

History and Generation of a computer:

Necessity is the mother of invention. The saying hold true for computers too. Computers were invented because
of search for first and accurate calculating devices.

Blaise Pascal invented the first mechanical adding machine in 1642.CHARLES BABBAGE, a nineteenth century
professor at Cambridge University, is considered the Father of modern digital computers. The development
of computers was characterized by phases of growth, which have come to be called as Computer Generations.
Major technological developments in each generation led to smaller, cheaper, more powerful and more
efficient computers.

First Generation (1940-1956) - Vacuum Tubes:

The First Generation Computers used Vacuum Tubes for circuitry and
Magnetic Drums for memory and were big in size covering entire
rooms. They were very expensive to operate and consumed lots of
electricity. The system used to get heated very quickly which was
often the cause of errors. First generation computers performed
operations on machine language which is the lowest-level
programming language understood by computers. They could
perform only one single task at a time. Input was based on punched
cards and paper tape and output was displayed on printouts. The
UNIVAC and ENIAC computers are examples of first-generation
computing devices.

Second Generation (1956-1963) – Transistors:

The Second Generation Computers used Transistors

which replaced Vacuum Tubes. The transistor was far
superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to
become smaller, faster, cheaper, more energy-
efficient and more reliable than their first-generation
predecessors. Transistor also generated a great
amount of heat that exposed the computer to damage
but it was a vast improvement over the vacuum tube.
Second-generation computers still relied on punched
cards for input and printouts for output. Second-
generation computers used symbolic or assembly languages, which allowed programmers to specify
instructions in words. These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory on core
magnetic technology.

Third Generation (1964-1971) - Integrated Circuits:

The Third Generation Computers were based on the Integrated Circuit (IC).
This Integrated Chip became the basis of the third generation. Transistors
were shrunk and placed on silicon chips, called semiconductors, which
drastically increased the speed and efficiency of computers. Users
interacted with these computers through keyboards and monitors. They
were interfaced with an operating system, which allowed the device to run
many different applications at one time. For the first time computers
became accessible to a mass audience as they were smaller and cheaper
than their predecessors.

Fourth Generation (1971-Present) – Microprocessors:

The Fourth Generation Computers used microprocessor where

thousands of integrated circuits were built onto a single silicon
chip with the introduction of VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration).
What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit
in the palm of the hand. The Intel 4004 chip which was
developed in 1971 contained all the components of the
computer from the central processing unit and memory to
input/output controls. In 1981 IBM introduced its first computer
for the home user, and in 1984 Apple introduced the Macintosh.
As these small computers became more powerful, they could be linked together to form networks, which
eventually led to the development of the Internet. Fourth generation computers also saw the development of
GUIs, the mouse and handheld devices.

Fifth Generation (Present and beyond) - Artificial Intelligence:

Fifth Generation Computer devices are based on Artificial

Intelligence (AI) and are still in development. There are
some applications, such as voice recognition systems and
robots that are being used today. The use of parallel
processing and superconductors is helping to make
artificial intelligence a reality. The goal of fifth-generation
computing is to develop devices that respond to natural
language input and are capable of learning and self-
organization. These devices will radically change the face
of computers in years to come.
Types of computers
On the basis of data handeling capabilities, the computers is of three types:

o Analogue computer
o Digital computer
o Hybrid computer
Analogue computer:
Analogue computes are designed to process analogue data.Analogue data is continuous data that
changes continuously and cannot have discrete values.we can say that analogue computers are used
where we don’t need exact values always such as speed, temperature, pressure and
current.speedometer and mercury thermometer are examples of analogue computers.
Digital computer:
Digital computer is designed to perform calculations and logical operations at high accepts the raw data as input in the form of digits orbinary numbers(0 and 1) and
processes it with programs stored in its memory to produce the output.all modern
computers like laptops,desktops including smartphones that we use at home or office are
digital computers.
Hybrid computer:
Hybrid computer has features of both analogue and digital is fast like an
analogue computer and has memory and accuracy like digital computers.we used Hybrid
computer on airplanes,hospitals,and scientific applications.

Digital computer further classified in to four types of computer systems: Microcomputers, Minicomputers,
Mainframe Computers and Supercomputers. Let us look at each one of

Personal Computers or Microcomputers:

The Personal Computer (PC) is the most popular computer system. It is

small in size but capable of handling large tasks. It can perform a
diverse range of functions from keeping track of household accounts
for keeping records of the stores of a large manufacturing company.
There are four types of microcomputers: desktop, notebook, tablet PC
and handheld computers.

Minicomputers are also known as Midrange Computers, are

refrigerator sized machines. A typical mini system is more expensive
than a PC and it has greater speed and storage capacity. This computer
system is usually designed to simultaneously handle the needs of
multiple users. For example, production departments use
minicomputers to monitor certain manufacturing processes and
assembly-line operations.

Mainframe computers:

A mainframe is another form of a computer system that

is generally more powerful than a typical mini system.
Different mainframe computers may vary widely in terms
of cost and capability. They are used in large organizations
for large-scale jobs. For example, insurance companies
use mainframes to process information about millions of

Super computers:

These systems are the largest, fastest and the most expensive
computers in the world. They are used for activities such as weather
forecasting, complex scientific and defence applications, bio-
medical research and large-scale chemical analysis in laboratories.
IBM’s Blue Gene is considered by many to be the fastest computer
in the world.
Anatomy of computers:


Hardware Software

System Application
CPU Peripherals Software Software



The equipment that processes data to create information is called hardware. It may be divided into four basic
categories: Input/Output, Processing, Storage and Communication.

What is input?

Input is any data or instructions that are used by a computer. It can come from a variety of sources. It may be
in the form of text, image, audio etc.

Input device:

Input devices translate data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can
process. The most common input devices are the keyboard and mouse. Let us have a look at some input devices.


The keyboard is the main input device used by all computers. Much like typewriters, the keyboard has all the
letters of the alphabet, numbers 0 - 9 and additional special operational keys. Keyboards convert letters,
numbers and special characters that people understand into electrical signals. These signals are sent to and
processed by the system unit. There are a wide variety of keyboard designs. The most common types are as

 Traditional keyboards
 Flexible keyboards
 Wireless keyboards

Keyboard layout:
The keyboard layout is the physical arrangement of the keys on a computer keyboard. The two most commonly
used keyboard layouts used today are the QWERTY and Dvorak.

Let us take a look at the different keys on your QWERTY keyboard with reference to the Windows 7
operating system.

Esc key: This key has numerous uses, all of which relate to “escaping” from a program or “situation”.
Function Key: On the top of the keyboard F1 to F12 function keys are available. Each key has a different function.
The Function keys are used frequently in conjunction with other keys.
Caps Lock key: When pressed down, makes every letter print as Upper Case.
Space Bar key: The long key in the lower centre of the keyboard is used to put spaces between words and
Tab key: It is used to push the typing along the line in specified distances.
Shift key: Is used to type all of the symbols on the upper part of each key.

Ctrl (Control) key: It is a modifier key which, when pressed in conjunction with another key, performs a special

Windows key: Pressing this key displays the “Start Menu”. In conjunction with other keys can be used to
perform various functions.

Alt key: It is a modifier key, used in a similar fashion to the Shift key.

Enter key: It is one of the most important key on the board. It makes another line when you hit it but it has
other functions.

Back Space key: It deletes characters to the left of the cursor.

Delete key: It deletes any selected text to the right of the cursor.

Home key: It takes you to the beginning of a line, but when used with the “Ctrl” key, moves cursor to the
beginning of a document.

End key: It sends the cursor to the end of a line, or, if used with the “Ctrl” key, moves the cursor to the end of
a document.

Page Up and Page Down keys: Move the screen up or down.

Arrow keys: Move the cursor in the direction of the arrow. When used in conjunction with the “Ctrl” or “Shift”
key they perform different functions again.

Num Lock key: When pressed, turns on the “Numeric Pad” and allows it to perform. The small light that lights
up just to the top of the Numeric Pad indicates whether the pad is on or off.

Insert key: The existing words are pushed along in front of the new text entered. Pressing the key once again
results in the “Replace” mode. Now, new letters are printed over the old letters.

Print Screen key: Used to obtain screen captures.

Toggle Key: Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock.

The “Shift”, “Alt” and “Ctrl” keys in conjunction with other keys are used to execute various operations
like generating shortcut keys.


This is a small device that is connected to the system unit. Movement of the mouse
causes a corresponding movement of a pointer on the screen. It usually has three
buttons with which the user can select options from the screen.


A scanner is an electrical device that reads and converts documents such as photos
and pages of text into a digital signal. This changes the documents in a form that can
be viewed and or modified on a computer system by using software applications.


This is a pointing device with a vertical lever mounted on a base. It is mainly used for
computer games and ultrasound scanners in hospitals.

Magnetic card reader:

“Magnetic card readers” are the most common type. When a card is swiped
through a magnetic card reader, the encoded information stored on a thin
magnetic strip on the back of the card is read.
Radio frequency card readers

It does not require the card to make actual contact. The card has a small
RFID (radio frequency identification) microchip that contains encoded
information which is read when the card is passed within a few inches of
the card reader.

Bar codes reader:

Bar codes are vertical zebra-striped marks printed on product containers.

A “Bar Code Reader” is an input device that reads a bar code and transmits
the information to the computer. Almost all supermarkets use electronic
cash registers and a bar code system called the “Universal Product Code
(UPC)”. The bar code reader scans the UPC code of a product and sends it
to the supermarket’s computer which has the description, price and
inventory level of that product. Accordingly, billing is done and stocks are

Magnetic-ink character recognition (MICR):

This is used by banks to read the numbers at the bottom of cheques and
deposit slips.

Optical character recognition (OCR):-

This uses special pre-printed characters that can be read by a light source
and changed into machine-readable code. OCR devices are used in
department stores to read retail price tags.

Optical-mark recognition (OMR):

This senses the presence or absence of a mark, such as a pencil mark. OMR is
often used to evaluate multiple-choice tests.
Digital camera:

“Digital Cameras” are similar to traditional cameras except that images are recorded
digitally on a disk or in the camera’s memory rather than on film. The digital images
can be downloaded or transferred to your computer. You can take a picture and
view it immediately.

Digital Video Cameras:

“Digital Video Cameras” record motion digitally on a disk or in the camera’s

memory. Most have the capability to take still images as well.

“Webcams” are specialized digital video cameras that capture images and send them to
a computer for broadcast over the Internet.


This device allows a user to record sound or enter data and instructions into the
computer by speaking into it.

Output device:

Output devices translate the processed information generated by the computer into a form that human can
understand. Let us see some output devices.


This is also called a Visual Display Unit (VDU). It is used to display both data that is entered and data after it is
processed to the user. It is similar to a TV screen and can display text and graphic images. Different types of
monitors available in the market are

LCD (Liquid Crystal Display LCD):

This is widely used for older monitors and less expensive. They are usually more
compact, lightweight, portable, more reliable, and easier on the eyes. LCDs are
more energy efficient.

Plasma Monitor:

Plasma displays produce deeper black allowing for superior contrast ratio and
have wider viewing angles those of LCD. They are slim and less bulky and can be
easily mounted on the wall. On the other hand, they generally do not come in
smaller size less than 37 inches and use more electricity than a LCD display.

LED monitors are basically new kind of LCD’s as they still use liquid crystals to
produce desired image onscreen by using light-emitting diodes (LED’s) as
backlight replacing the standard cold cathode fluorescent lamps. It needs less
electricity than LCD and thin than LCD and Plasma monitor. LED monitors are
eco-friendly too. The LED monitor has no motion blur so it do not distract from
watching. On the other hand, LED monitor has weak colour reproduction that
makes screen look dull.


It is a display technology that offers rich colours, high contrast, deep blacks, wide
viewing angle, low power and fast response time for action scenes. OLEDs use "organic"
carbon emitting layers. OLED screens are found in TVs, smartphones, tablets, watches
and VR/AR headsets.

Resolution & Dot pitch:

The quality of a monitor can be judged by its clarity. Clarity is based on several monitor

features which are as follows:

Resolution: Images on a monitor are formed by a number of dots or “pixels”. Resolution is expressed in pixels.
A monitor which has a high resolution has a large number of pixels and better clarity.

Dot (pixel) pitch: This is the distance between each pixel. A lower dot pitch results in
better clarity.

Some other specialized monitors are as follows:

E-books: These are handheld, book-sized devices that display text and graphics.

Data projectors: These are similar to slide projectors which connect to

microcomputers and project computer output.

Hi-definition television (HDTV) Delivers digital output and is useful to graphic artists,
designers and publishers.


Ink-Jet printer:

These printers are relatively inexpensive. They spray ink at high speed onto the
surface of paper.
Laser Printers:

These printers use a technology similar to that used in a photocopying machine.

They use a laser light beam to produce images of excellent quality and are more
expensive than ink-jet printers.

Thermal Printers:

These printers use heat elements to produce images on heat-sensitive paper. They
were originally used in scientific labs to record data but are now also used to produce
very high-quality colour artwork and text.

Dot-matrix printers:

“Dot-matrix printers” form characters and images using a series of small pins on a
print head. They are inexpensive but quite noisy. They are used for tasks where a
high-quality output is not required.


“Plotters” are special-purpose printers which use the output

from graphical input devices and are used to print designs,
sketches and drawings.

Photo printers:

Photo printers are special-purpose printers that print photo-quality

images from digital cameras.

Portable printers:

Portable printers are small, lightweight printers that are designed to work
with a notebook computer.

3D printer:

3D printing or additive manufacturing is the construction of a three-dimensional

object from a CAD model or a digital 3D model. It can be done in a variety of
processes in which material is deposited, joined or solidified under computer
control, with material being added together (such as plastics, liquids or powder
grains being fused), typically layer by layer.
Audio Output Devices:

These devices translate audio information from the computer into sounds that people can understand.
“Speakers” and “Headphones” are widely used audio-output devices.

System Unit:

The “System Unit” is a container that houses most of the electronic components of the computer system. Two
of its important components are the “Microprocessor” and “Memory”. There are four basic types of system

1. Desktop system units contain the system’s electronic components and some secondary storage devices.
Input and output devices such as mouse, keyboard and monitor are located outside the system unit.

2. Notebook system units are also called “Laptops”. They are portable and smaller in size. They contain the
electronic components, some secondary storage devices and input devices such as a keyboard and pointing
device. The monitor is separate and attached by hinges to the system unit.

3. Tablet PC system units are similar to notebook system units. They support the use of pen-like devices such
as a stylus for input. There are two basic types of tablet PCs. One is like a laptop which has a monitor that swivels
and folds onto its keyboard. The other type has a monitor attached to the system unit and does not have a
keyboard integrated into it.

4. Handheld computer system units are the smallest in size and can fit onto the palm of a hand. They contain
an entire computer system including the system board, microprocessor and memory. They may also have a
display screen with touch input and a miniature keyboard. “Smartphones” and “Personal digital assistants
(PDAs)” are the most widely-used handheld computers.


The Motherboard which is also known as system board controls communications for the entire computer
system. It has the standard circuitry that is needed for the computer and has slots that enable you to plug in
other input and output devices. Every component of the system unit connects to the system board. It acts as a
data path allowing the various components to communicate with one another. External devices like the
keyboard, mouse and monitor also communicate with the system unit using the system board.

On a desktop computer, the motherboard is located at the bottom or at one side of the system unit. It is a large
flat circuit board covered with different electronic components including sockets, slots and bus lines.

The Central Processing Unit or the Microprocessor is the brain of the computer and is
placed inside the system unit. It is responsible for processing data, storing data and
retrieving information. Almost all signals, information and functions travel through the
computers microprocessor. CPU has two basic units.

Arithmetic logic unit (ALU):

ALU perform two types of operation, arithmetic and logical. Arithmetic operations are like addition, subtraction,
multiplication and division. Logical operations are like less than (<), greater than (>), equals to (=).

Control unit (CU):

It directs the movement of signal between memories. It also directs the signals between the CPU and input and
output devices.


There are two types of storage devices Primary and Secondary storage devices.

Primary storage device:

It is categories into two types




Before the data can be processed or a program can be run, it must be

in the RAM. For this reason, RAM is referred to as “primary storage”.
It is a volatile storage device meaning that when the computer is
switched off, data stored in the RAM is lost.
Cache memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high speed holding area between the memory
and the CPU. The CPU can quickly access the information from the cache.


Chips have information stored in them by the manufacturer. Rom chips are non-volatile and can’t be changed
by the user. In older computer ROM chips are used to hold the instruction to start a computer i.e. BIOS (basic
input output system) boot program. Recently Flash memory chips have replaced ROM chips for many
applications. The following table explains the main memory storage units:

Unit Description
A binary digit is logical 0 and 1 representing a passive or an active state of a
Bit (Binary Digit)
component in an electric circuit.
Nibble A group of 4 bits is called nibble.

Byte A group of 8 bits is called byte. A byte is the smallest unit.

A computer word, like a byte, is a group of fixed number of bits processed as

Word a unit, which varies from computer to computer but is fixed for each

The following table lists some higher storage units are:

1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 Bytes

1 Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB
1 Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB
1 Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB
1 Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB
1 Exabyte (EB) = 1,024 PB
1 Zettabyte (ZB) = 1,024 EB
1 Yottabyte (YB) = 1,024ZB

Secondary storage device:

Hard disk:

Hard disks are typically used to store programs and very large data files. They are very sensitive instruments.
Their read/write heads ride on a very thin cushion of air. A “head crash” is a specific type of hard disk failure
which occurs when the read/write head touches its surface or particles on its surface. A smoke particle,
fingerprint, dust or human hair could cause a “head crash”. A head crash causes scratching of the disk surface
and some or all of the data is destroyed. The two types of hard disks are as follows:
An “internal hard disk” is located inside the system unit. The operating system and major applications are
stored on the internal hard disk of a microcomputer. They provide very fast access to the data stored.

“External Hard-disk” is used to complement the storage capacity of an internal hard disk. They can be easily
removed and are particularly useful to protect sensitive information.

Optical discs:

“Compact Disc (CD)” is one of the most widely used optical formats. It can store 700MB of storage.

“Digital Versatile Discs (DVDs)” are very similar to CDs except that more data can be packed into the same
amount of space. It can store 4.7GB of storage.

“Blu-Ray discs” is a newest format of optical storage. These discs also known as BDs, which can store 50GB.

Each optical disc has three basic formats: Read only, Write once (Recordable) and Rewritable (RW).

Other types of Secondary Storage devices are:

Solid –State Drives (SSD): These devices have no moving parts. It is more reliable and requires less power. SSDs
are widely used in tablets, smartphones and other mobile devices.

Flash memory cards: These are credit card-sized solid-state storage devices used in notebook computers and a
variety of specialized input devices. Flash memory is used in digital media players like iPod to store and play
music and video files.

USB drives: These are very compact devices that connect directly to a computer’s USB port. They can be used
for transporting data between computers and a variety of specialty devices.

Cloud storage:
Cloud storage is a cloud computing model that enables storing data and files on the internet through a cloud
computing provider that you access either through the public internet or a dedicated private network
Company Location


These devices are specialized high-capacity secondary storage devices designed to meet organizational
demands for data. Most large organizations have established a strategy called an “enterprise storage system”
to promote efficient and safe use of data across the organizational networks. Some mass storage devices that
support this strategy are as follows:

 File Servers
 Network attached storage
 Organizational Internet storage


There are three commonly used types of modems:

DSL (Digital Subscriber) modem: It uses standard phone line to create a high-speed connection directly to your
phone company’s office.

Cable modem: It uses the same coaxial cable as your television.

Wireless modem: It is a small plug-in USB or Express card device that provides high-speed wireless connectivity.


1. The microprocessor sends a command to the computer’s read-only memory (ROM) chips to run the
computer’s basic input/output system (BIOS) boot program.
2. The boot program connects the hard drive, loads the operating system’s core system files through the
microprocessor and loads the device driver software needed to allow communication between the
operating system and the computer’s hardware.
3. The operating system then contacts the hard drive and loads the graphics, files and font files needed to
properly display the system’s desktop.
4. After the desktop environment has been created, Windows 7 opens the Start-up folder. Any programs
that may have been placed in the folder are immediately accessed from the hard drive and loaded
through the microprocessor into the RAM. Windows 7 is then ready for use.

There are two ways to boot a computer.

Warm Boot: A warm boot occurs when the computer is already on and restarts it without turning off the power.

Cold Boot: Starting a computer that has been turned off is called a cold boot.

Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to operate computers and execute specific tasks. The
software and program are interchangeable. Software is categorized into two types, System software and
Application software

System software:
System software is a type of computer program that is designed to run a computer's hardware and application programs.
If we think of the computer system as a layered model, the system software is the interface between the hardware and
user applications. System software consists of four types of programs:

 Operating system
 Utilities
 Device drivers
 Language translator

Operating system:

An operating system is the program that manages all the other programs in a computer after being initially
loaded into the computer by a boot program. It is the most basic program in a computer. The operating system
is often referred to as the “software environment” or “platform”. The functions of an operating system can be
classified into three groups:

1) Managing resources

Operating system’s manages memory, processing storage, controls access to peripheral devices. They also
monitor system performance, schedule task, provide security and start up the computer.

2) Providing user interface

Users interact with application programs and computer hardware through a “user interface”. Many older
operating systems use a character-based interface in which users communicate with the operating system
through written commands. Almost all newer operating systems use a “graphical user interface (GUI)”.

3) Running applications

Operating system load and run applications such as word processor and spreadsheets. Operating system can
handle multiple tasks at a time.

Examples of operating systems for PC are: Windows, Novell Netware, Mac OS, UNIX, Linux etc.

Examples of operating systems for Mobile are: Android, iOS etc.

Chapter 2

Start and Shut Down a Computer System

Start a computer system

Power Button
 Press the computer’s Power button.
 When the computer has finished booting, it will show desktop.



Start Button Status bar

Quick Launch Area Notification
Desktop- It provides access to computer resources.

Icon- The graphic presentation for a program, type of file or function is called Icon

Status bar – The horizontal bar below the desktop is called status bar
Some of the icons provided by the Windows are:

 This pc
 Network
 Recycle bin
 Internet explorer

Shut Down a Computer System


Other options of Start menu are:

Switch User: Allows a user to remain logged on while another user logs on to the computer via a different

Log off: Closes all open programs of a user but does not put the computer off.

Lock: Locks down the system while the computer remains powered on. The user must provide his password in
order to regain entry.

Restart: Powers down the computer and reboots it. It is usually done for updates or if system is experiencing

Sleep: A power-saving state that allows the computer to

quickly resume full-power operation within a few seconds.
It is very useful when you want to get on your computer
right away.

Hibernate: Like sleep, hibernation is a power-saving state.

But while sleep saves your settings in memory and draws a
small amount of power, hibernation saves your open
documents and programs to your hard disk and then turns
off your computer. The hibernation state uses the least amount of power.


Microsoft has introduced style and desktop slide shows in Windows 7 which is called Themes. Themes are a
formal combination of desktop background, aero glass window colour, sound scheme, and screen saver.

Apply theme

Right clicking to desktop  Personalize  Select any theme  Apply theme

Steps to change Desktop Background:

Click Start button →Control Panel→ Appearance and Personalization → Personalize → Change Desktop

Steps to change window color:

Click Start button →Control Panel→ Appearance and Personalization → Personalize → window color.

Steps to change sound:

Click Start button →Control Panel→ Appearance and Personalization → Personalize → sound → Select sound
Steps to apply Screen Saver:

Click Start button →Control Panel→ Appearance and

Personalization → Personalize → sound → Select Screen
Saver → Apply → OK

Steps to change Mouse pointer:

Right click on desktop  Personalize Themes mouse

pointer  Select cursors Open Apply OK

To set default cursor click on Use Default

Chapter 3 Notepad
Notepad is a basic text-editing program and it's most commonly used to view or edit text files. A text file is a
file type typically identified by the “.txt” file name extension.

Steps to open Notepad:

Click On “Start Button”  “All Programs”  “Accessories”  Click “Notepad


Press “Win key + R” (Run command box)  type “notepad”  OK

File Menu:

New (Ctrl+N): This will open a new notepad window.

Open (Ctrl+O): This will open an existing document.
Save (Ctrl+S) : This function is use when you make changes to an existing document and you want to resave
the document with the changes.
SaveAs: This function is use when you make a new document or you want to save the document with a new
Page Setup:

This is where you can select the paper size and source, portrait or landscape, margins and add header and
footer before printing your document.

Exit: It is used for exit or closes the document.

Edit Menu:

Undo (Ctrl+Z): It goes to the one older state of your document.

Cut(Ctrl+X): This option is used to remove the selected text from your file
and paste it in other place.

Copy (Ctrl+C): Copy option is used to duplicate the selected text. It will
leave the selected text where it is, but copy it, so you can paste it on
your document multiple times.

Paste (Ctrl+V):

This option is used to paste both cut and copied text and paragraph
wherever you choose.

Delete: This option is used to delete the selected text.

Find (Ctrl+F):
This option is used to find a specific word quickly in your document. Inside the “Find What” text box type the
word you want to search.
Find Next (F3): This option is used to find directly the specific word or character.
Replace (Ctrl+H): This option allows you for both find word and replace with another word in your document.
GoTo (Ctrl+G): This option is used for go to the specific line in your document.
Select All (Ctrl + A): This option is used to select all section / text of a document.
Time/Date (F5): When you select “Date/Time” it will automatically type the systems current date/time.

Format Menu:

Word Wrap:

To see all of your text without scrolling click on Word. Wrap.


The font option is used to change

Font Face, Font Style, and Font

View Menu:
Status Bar:
It will show the particular line and column of current text.
Help Menu:
View Help:
Click on the “View Help” option to view a mini tutorial about the

About Notepad:
Clicking on “About Notepad” will show you the version of notepad that you use.
Chapter 4 Ms Paint
Paint is an application included with Windows that you can use to draw, color, and edit pictures. You can use
Paint like a digital sketchpad to make simple pictures, creative projects, or to add text and designs to other

To start Paint, click “Start” → select “All Programs →Accessories → Paint.

Or type mspaint in RUN command

Title Bar:

It is positioned top of the window. It shows the name of the application, document or File name.

Quick Access Toolbar:

The Quick Access Toolbar is a collection commands which are used frequently, like
To undo the last action or step.
To redo the previously undone action.

Status Bar

It shows the status of our Mouse Pointer and other options.

Scroll Bar: [Horizontal and Vertical]:

We used this option when the document does not fit in the window or Zoomed.

Minimize Button:
With the help of this option you can reduces the window to an icon and arranges it on the desktop. This
option does not quit the application.

Maximize Button:

With the help of this option you can enlarges the active window so that it files the entire desktop.

Close Button:

This icon is used to close your current application windows.

The new command is used to create a new file document.
The open command is used to opens an existing document.
The save command is used to save the active document or the changes in the existing file.
Save As:
The Save As command is used to save the active document with a New name and new format such as PNG,
JPEG, BMP, GIF pictures.
Print Preview:
The Print Preview command is used to Display the full pages.
Page Setup:
The page setup command is used to change the page layout left, Right, Top and Bottom margins.
The print command is used to print the active document and sets printing options.
Send in e-mail:
The send command is used to send a picture by using mailer box.
Set As wallpaper [Tiled]:
To set the active File on the desktop wallpaper as a tilled.
Set As wallpaper [Centred]:
To set the active File on the desktop wallpaper in the Centre.
It will close the Paint application.

To cut the selection from the active document and places it on the clipboard.
To copy the selection and puts it on the clipboard.
To Paste the cut or copied contents from clipboard.
Clear Selection:
To deletes the selection but it cannot be paste.
Select All:
To select the all text and graphics in the selected object.
To Flip or Rotate the picture or a selection of currently using file.
Paste From:
This option is used to paste another file into the active file.
Free From Select:
It is used to selects a free from part of the picture to move, copy or edit.
It is used to selects a rectangular part of the picture to move, copy or edit.
Eraser/Colour Eraser:
It is used to erase a portion of the picture using the selected eraser shape.
Fill with Colour:
It is used to fills an area with the current drawing colour.
Pick Colour:
It is use to pick up a colour from the picture for drawing.
It is used to the magnified the drawing.
It is used to draw a free hand drawing from line one pixel wide.
It is used to draw drawings using a brush with the selected shape and size. Different types Brushes are
available in MS Paint Application.
It is used to inserts text into the picture. When we insert text a contextual tab gets generated i.e. Text.
We can insert different types of shapes like Curve, Line, Rectangle, Circle etc.
Colour Box:

 It has many Colours. You can use these Colours for your painting.
 The “Colour 1” box in the “Colours” group indicates the foreground colour.
 The “Colour 2” box indicates the background colour.
Normal Size: To Zoom the picture to 100%.

Large Size:To Zoom the picture to 400%.

Custom:To Display the zooms size Like 100% to 800%.

Show Grid:
Shows or hides the grid lines on large size zoom.

Ruler: To display ruler.

Chapter 5 Basic concept of Windows
A folder is an area on the computer containing other folders and files and helps keep the computer organized.
A folder within a folder is called sub folder.

CREATE FOLDER: Right click on desktop  Select New  Folder  Enter name


For Temporary Delete:

Select Folder  Press Delete

To Restore Files and Folders:

Recycle Bin  Select File/Folder  Right Click on

File/Folder  Restore

For Permanent Delete:

Select Folder  Press Shift + Delete


Right click on Folder  Click on Rename Change Name



Right click on Folder  Properties  Customize Change ICON  Select ICON  OKApply  OK


Right click on folder  Properties  Check on Hidden Apply OK


Click on This PC  Then click View  OptionsChoose Folder and Search Option  Click on View tab
Select Show Hidden files, folders and drives/Don’t show hidden files and folder.

Right click on folder  Properties  Deselect on Hidden.

AERO (Authentic Energetic Reflective and Open):

There are some great new features which make working on the desktop a cool experience. Automatic Changing
of Desktop Wallpaper is one of them. The “Aero Peek” feature enables you to peek at the desktop or into the
contents of an open window. The “Aero Snap” feature enables easy handling of windows on the desktop.

Aero Shake allows users to clear up any clutter on their screen by shaking or dragging back and forth a window
of their choice with the mouse.

You can automatically arrange the windows on your desktop. To

choose an arrangement, right-click on an empty area of the taskbar,
then choose one of the options:

 Cascade windows
 Show windows stacked
 Show windows side by side

There are three ways to cycle through all the opened windows.

 By holding down the “Alt” key and repeatedly pressing the “Tab” key. Release the “Alt” key to show the
selected window.
 Press “Windows” + “TAB” key to open Flip 3D.While holding down the Windows logo key, press “TAB
repeatedly or rotate the mouse wheel to cycle through open windows. Release the Windows logo key
to display the front most windows in the stack. Or, click any part of any window in the stack to display
that window.
 Press “Windows” + “Ctrl” + “Tab” keys. You can use the arrow keys to cycle between windows.

How to create virtual Desktop :

 You can use the cursor to click the [task view] icon on the taskbar
 Or press the windows logo key + tab key on the keyboard to run “Task View”.
 Select New desktop to create a new virtual desktop.
Cortana :

Cortana is Microsoft’s personal productivity assistant that helps you save time and focus attention on what
matters get started ,select the cortana icon on the taskbar.


Jump Lists on the taskbar give you quick access to the things that you
use most often.

To view the Jump List  Right-click the programs button on the


To pin an item to a Jump List, open the programs Jump List right click
 then select “Pin to this list” or click the “Pushpin” icon.

To unpin an item from the list, right-click on it  “Unpin from this list”
or click the “Pushpin” icon once again.

Show Desktop:

The “Show Desktop” button at the extreme right of the taskbar lets
you "peek" behind all the open windows on your desktop and easily
view the Windows Gadgets or files on your desktop. Place your
mouse pointer on the “Show Desktop” button to peek at your

Create Shortcut:

A shortcut is a link to an item such as a file, folder, or program on your computer.

Right-click the item,  Create shortcut

This shortcut can then be moved to another location from which you can easily access this file. Shortcuts to
folders can be created in a similar way.

To delete a shortcut

Right-click the shortcut  Click “Delete”

To create a Shortcut in desktop:
Right-click the item,  Send to  Desktop (Create shortcut)

The Control Panel is the central location for all your operating system configuration needs such as adding
hardware, adding and removing software, controlling user accounts, changing accessibility options etc.

To Open Control Panel click on the Start button  Control Panel

To view system configuration  Control Panel  System

Change System Date and Time : Click on the clock from the taskbar → “Change date and time settings” or click
“Start” button → select “Control Panel → Date and Time”.

Change Time zones “Date and Time” tab 

click “Change time zone”. Select your
current time zone from the list and click
To open Taskbar properties, Right click on Taskbar  Properties

Lock and unlock the taskbar: Locking the taskbar will make the
taskbar stay fixed in its place.

Auto-hide the taskbar: This option lets you hide the taskbar.

Use small icons: This option when checked will make the
taskbar icons look smaller which helps you save some space.

Taskbar location on screen - With this option you can move the
taskbar to different positions on your desktop.

Taskbar buttons - You may select one out of the three options: Always combine, Combine when taskbar is full
or never combine.

To open Calculator Click Start button  Search Calculator .

To open Snipping Tool Click Start button  Search Snipping

To open Sticky Note Click Start button Sticky Note

Fragmentation makes your hard disk do extra work that can slow down your computer. Removable storage
devices such as USB flash drives can also become
fragmented. Disk Defragmenter in Windows
rearranges fragmented data so your disks and drives
can work more efficiently. Disk Defragmenter runs
on a schedule, but you can also analyse and
defragment your disks and drives manually. To do
this, follow these steps:

Open Disk Defragmenter click on the Start button-

 the search box, type Disk Defragmenter, -and
then, in the list of results, click Disk Defragmenter.

Disk clean-up:

Disk Cleanup helps free up space on your hard disk, creating improved system performance.

Search box type disk clean-up Select the drive you want to clean up, and then select OK.

Under Files to delete, select the file types to get rid of Select OK.
Chapter 6 Wordpad
Microsoft WordPad is a free rich text editor included with Microsoft Windows. It is capable of doing more than
Notepad. The extension of any Wordpad file is .rtf.


Start  All Programs  Accessories  Word Pad


Start  In the search box, type “Wordpad”.


Press WindowKey+R to Open Run Dialog Box:

Create New File :

To create a new file in WordPad -
Click on the File menu and then click on New.

Open a File
To open a previously saved file in WordPad.
 Click the File menu, and then click

Save A File:
Click the File menu, and then click Save.
Go to the location where you want to save this file.
Type the name of this file and then click on the Save button.

Page Setup
This is where you can choose Page Size, Portrait or Landscape, Margins (Top, Bottom, Side), and Print Page

1) Clipboard Group

There are three options available in this group: Cut, Copy, Paste.

i) Cut:

With this option you can cut and paste selected text from one place to another. (Other options are: CTRL + X
or right mouse click, Cut).

ii) Copy:

To copy the highlighted text and paste it elsewhere. (Other options are: CTRL + C or right mouse click, Copy).

iii) Paste:

You can either cut or copy the selected text and paste it elsewhere. (Other options are CTRL + V or right
mouse click, Paste)

Below the Paste function, there is an arrow below, in which Paste and Paste Special are two options. The
Paste Special option also includes ALT + CTRL + V. Paste Special is used to paste text you copy with text,
picture, etc. with a link to the Internet.

2) Font Group:
From font group you can apply selected font to many font style, such as -
Font style:
The default font is Calibri. Click on the arrow below for other font styles.
Font size:
The default font size is 12. Click on the arrow below for other font sizes.
Capital A and Small A:
Capital A will increase the font size of the selected text, smaller A will reduce the font size of the selected text.
Selected text will be bold. (Another option is CTRL + B)
The selected text will be italic (another option is CTRL + I).
Selected text will be underlined (another option is CTRL + U).
abc (strikethrough):
A line will be drawn from the middle of the text, which will indicate that the text has been deleted.
X2 (Subscript):
The selected text will be given a subscript effect. (Another option is CTRL + =)
X2 (Superscript):
The selected text will be given the Superscript effect. (Another option CTRL + Shift +)
To change the color of the selected text. By clicking on the down arrow, you can select a color for the text.

Pencil (Text Highlighter):

You can use this highlighter to highlight selected text. You can choose from 12 different colors by clicking the
down arrow.

3) Paragraph Group
With this Paragraph group, you can format your Paragraph as follows-
Decrease Indent:
With this option, you can move bulleted or numbered text to the left of the page.
Increase Indent:
With this option, you can move bulleted or numbered text to the right of the page.
Start a List:
You can give the number or bullet for your list from here.
Line Spacing:
Use this option to set line space and indent.
Left Align (CTRL + L):
To start selected text from left
Center Align:
To bring the selected text to the center. (Another option is CTRL + E)
Right Align:
To align selected text to the right (another option is CTRL + R).
The selected text is justified, meaning both left and right are aligned. (Another option is CTRL + J)

4) Insert Group
With the Insert group, you can add the following objects to your WordPad document
 Picture
 Paint Drawing
 Date & Time
 Insert object
 Picture:
 This is an option to insert an image into your WordPad document. After clicking on the Insert Picture
button, select the path of your image and then click on the Open button below.
 Paint Drawing:
 You can insert the paint file you created in Microsoft Paint here. (Other options are CTRL + D) To
change the size of an image, click on it and then click and drag on the square of the corner.
 Date and Time:
 From here you can insert current date / time in your WordPad document where the cursor is.
 Insert object:
 You can insert objects like graphs, text from other Microsoft packages from here.

5) Editing Group
The following options are available in this group -
 Find:
You can use this function to help quickly find a word in a document. (Another option is CTRL + F)
 Replace:
Using this function, you can replace a word with another word in your document. (Another option is
CTRL + H or Special Function Keys F5)
 Select All:
This function selects all the text in the document. (Other options are CTRL + A)


The View tab has three groups: Zoom, Show or Hide, and Settings:

1) Zoom:
Zoom in: You can enlarge your WordPad document by zooming in.
Zoom out: You can view your WordPad document by zooming out and shrinking.
100%: Click the 100% button to view the WordPad document in normal size.

2) Show or Hide:
With this group you can hide or unhide Ruler and Status bar. By default, the check boxes for Ruler and Status
bar are selected, meaning you are visible. On unchecking these check boxes, they will get hidden.

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